HomeMy WebLinkAbout10253-11/28/49 - 10898-12/18/50l~ ~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGlq~IA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10253. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Article I, Section l, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in relation to Zoning. ~EREAS, notice of public hearing on the ouestion of rezoning from Business District to Light Industrial District property located be~een Salem Avenue and Norfolk Avenue, S. W., from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, described as Block 3, Official Survey S~ 7, as required by Article XI, Section 43, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, has been published in "The World-News", a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, for the time re- quired by said section, and WHEREAS, the hearing as provided for in said notice published in said news- paper was given on the 21st day of November, 1949, at 2:00 o'clOck, p. m., before the Council of the City of Roanoke in the Council Room in the ~unicipal Building, at which hearing no objections were presented by property owners and other in- terested parties in the affected area. THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAIT~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Article I, Section 1, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, be amended and reenacted in the following particular and no other, viz: Property located between Salon Avenue and Norfolk Avenue, S. ?[., from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, described as Block 3, Official Survey ~'.? 7, designated on Sheet 111 of the Zoning ~!ap as Official Mos. 1111301, 1111302, 1111303, 111130~, 1111305, 1111306, 1111307, 1111308, 1111309, 1111310, ~1111311, 1111312, 1111313, 111131~ snd 1111315, be, and is hereby changed from Business District to Light Industrial District, and the Sheet herein referred to shall be changed in this respect. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk pr esi~ IN T~ COU~[CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGII'~IA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10263. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for the construction of sanitary sewers, ?.~,ith appurtenant work thereto, to serve properties in the northern portion of the Fairmount Addition, and adjoining subdivision, to ~. S Hudgins, at a total '~Cost of ~1~,980.95. .~RsAS, a committee composed of ~r. Yohn L. V~entworth, City Engineer,~ ~.~r. H. C. Broyles, Assistant City Engineer, and I~r. Harry R. Yates, City A~dibo~, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated and considere~ bids herotofore received for the construction of sanitary sewers, with appurtenant work thereto, to serve properties in the northern portion of the Fairmom~t Addition, and adjoining subdivision, and has duly me__de its recommendation to this Com~cil, and it appearing from said recommendation and report that the bid of ~. S. Hudgins, is the best bid for this project, in the total s~m of $1~,950.95, and ~fHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke, after considering said report and recommendation and bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of ~. S. Hudgins, for said project, is the best bid therefor. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of ~,~. S. Hugins, for the construction of sanitary sewers, with appurtenant work thereto, to serve properties in the northern portion of the Fairmount Addition, and adjoining subdivision, in the total sum of $14,980.95!! be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor, and that a contract for the said construction be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur C. Owens, City LIanager, be, and he is hereby authoriz- ed and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke,~ to execute the contract herein provided for. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President l~T THE COL.~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~0I~E, VIRCINIA, The 28th day of November, 19~9. No. 1026~. AN ORDINANCE appropriating $2,996.20 from the 19~9 Annex Fund to Sewer Construction, and providing for an emergency. V.~EREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that $2,996.20 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 19~9 Annex F~nd t° Se,~er Construction. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED Pr esi dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10265. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ;.j~71, "Sewer Construction", of an )rdinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, virginia, on the 31st day of December, 1948, ifc. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 19&9, and ending December 31, 19~9, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #71, "Sewer Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 19&8, No. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal ~ear beginning January 1, 1949, and ending December 31, 1949, and declaring the ~xistence of ar~ emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: SEW~.~ER CONSTRUCTION #71 Contractors ~ 52,~8~ 75 · · · e · e eee eee .lee ee ell eeee e. ', . BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that'an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr es iden t IN Th.., COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOt~E, VIRCIhIA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10266. A RESOLUTION respectfully requesting the Virginia Department of Highways to inform the City of Roanoke as to the status of the survey and study of the needs for grade crossings in the City of Roanoke. V,~tEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke under date of September 19, 19~9, by Resolution No. 10171, requested the Virginia Department of Highways to undertake a survey and study of the needs for grade crossings in the City of Roanoke to be assisted by the Norfolk and Western Railway Company and the Bureau of Public Roads Administration, and ~,,.~tEREAS, the City of Roanoke was advised by the State Highway Department that the request has been turned over to its Traffic and Planning Division to see what could be done to work up a project to carry out the proposal for a study of conditions in Roanoke, in connection with the grade crossings, and WHEREAS, is extremely desirous of learning the present status of the abovementi~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Oity of Roanoke that the Virginia Department of Highways be, and it is hereby respectfully requested to inform the City of Roanoke as to the status of the survey and study of the needs for grade crossings in the City of Roanoke. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10267. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for ar~on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Frantz & Addkinson, Architects, dated the 30th day of September, 19~9, '~covering professional services in connection with the erection of a new Public iLibrary Building, one hundred feet from the property line on Jefferson Street in the northwest corner of Elmwood Park, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager i!be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of iRoanoke, to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Frantz i& Addkison, Architects, dated the 30th day of September, 19&9, covering professional iservices in connection with the erection of a new Public L~brary Building, one ~ihundred feet from the property line on Jefferson Street in the northwest corner of Elmwood Park, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED ATTEST: President IN ThE COUI~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~01{E, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of November, 19~9. No. 10268. A RESOLUTION establishing policy with reference to air shows at the Roanoke ~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field). BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there be allowed not more than two air shows at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) in any calendar year; 2. That the two shows (if both be given) be a minimum of thirty days apart; 3. That the conditions under which the shows may be given be carefully drawn and the use of the field for the purpose advertised and let to the hig.hes responsible bidder. That the successful bidder guarantee to promote at least one show during the calendar year, under heavy penalty for his failure so to do .... APPROVED ~ IN T~iE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~;0~E, VIRGI~:'IA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10269. A RESOLUTION extending to December 31st, of each year, the season for use of the Carvins Cove area, which season has been previously established under rules and regulations governing the recreational use of the area by Resolution No. 9462, adopted on the 12th day of April, 1948. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the season for use of the Carvins Cove area, which season has been previously established under rules and regulations governing the recreational use of the area by Resolution ~,~o. 9462, adopted on the 12th day of April, 19~8, be, and is hereby extended to December 31st, of each year. ATTEST: C1 erk APPROVED Pres ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROA~0F~E, VIRGII~IA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10270. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #62, "City Jail", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December 19~8, No. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making app~opriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 19~9, and ending December 31, 1949, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT 0RDA~VNED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section i~62, ~'City Jail", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia on the 31st day of December, 1955, ~7o. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making ap- 0ropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year 0e~inning January l, 1949, and ending December 31, 19~9, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the sam~ is hereby amended and reordained to read as ~ollows: CITJ JAIL ~62 Food Supplies .................. ~!~ 17,500.00 BE IT i~RT~-~R ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this )rdinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ~TTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~JIA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No. 10271. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~51, "Tuberculosis Sanatorium", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 1948, No. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making a?propria- tions from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1959, and ending December 31, 19~9, and declaring the existence of an emergenoy". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #51, "Tuberculosis Sanatorium", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 19~8, No. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fond of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 19~9, and ending December 31, 1949, and de- claring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIU~,~ #51 Fuel .............................. ~ 2 000.00 BE IT F~RTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Pr es~dent IN THE COUT{CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of November, 1949. No~ 10272. A RESOLUTION approving the modifications of the ~aster Plan for the develop- ment of the Roanoke }~unicipal Airport (Woodrmm Field) as prepared by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Airport Division - Region I - October 25, 19~9, and referring the drawings thereof to the Engineering Department for study and safe keeping; autho.riuing and directing the City ~{anager to negotiate for the ac~uisitior. of recuisite real estate to extend the East end of the East-West Runway, as shown on said plan; author i~ing and directing the City ~m~.~anager to apply to the State Corporation Conm~ission of Virginia, Department of Aeronautics, for a grant to aid in the development of said Airport; and also to apply to the Federal Government, p~rsuant to the provisions of the National Airport Act, to match any fonds the Commonwealth of Virginia may grant for said purpose and in accordance with the approved matching formula. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the modifications of the NaSt~r Plan for the development of the Roanoke ~.~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field) as prepared by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Airport D~vision - Region i - October 25, 1949, be, and they are hereby, approved and the drawings thereof referred to the Engineering Department for study and safe keeping. BE IT ~JRT~R RE$©LVED that the City l~anager be, and he is hereby, authoriz~ and directed to negotiate for the acquisition of requisite reel estate to extend thl East end of the East-V~Test Runway, as sho~n on said plan. BE IT ~TRTHER RESOLVED that the City l~anager be, and he is hereby, authoriz. ed ~nd directed to apply to the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, Departmen~ of ~erona~tics, for a grant to aid in the development of said Airport; and also to a~ply to the Federal Government, pursuant to the provisions of the National Airport Act, to match any funds the Commonwealth of Virginia may grant for said p~rpose and in accordance with the approved matching formula. APPROVED Clerk Pr es ident IN ~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF R0~0~, VIRGI~I~, The 2$th day of November, 1949. No. 10273. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing that all ~..lunicipal Departments in th City of Roanoke be closed on Saturday, December 24, 19&9, subject to requirements for the preservation of public health and safety. ¥.~tEREAS, Saturday is observed as a half-holiday by city employees, under the provisions of Chapter 7, Section 11, of the Roanoke City Code, and ~:H~EAS, December 24th, Christmas Eve, is usually observed as a half-holida~ by city employees, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of Council that the daily operation of the City Government will not be greatly inconvenienced by closing of l~unicipal Departments the full day of Saturday, December 24, 1949, subject to requirements for the preser- vation of public health and safety. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that all ~unicipal Departments in the City of Roanoke be closed on Saturday, December 24, 1949, it being understood that the provisions of this Resolution do not apply to employees required to be on duty for the preservation of public health and safety. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any employee required to be on duty on the 24th day of December, 1949, for the preservation of public health and safety, shall be allowed compensatory time off equal to the time worked on the 24th day of December, 1949, at such time as is agreeable to the head of his Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall apply to employees of the City of Roanoke paid on an hourly basis ~nder the provisions of Resolution No. 9778, adopted on the 17th day of January, 1949. APPROVED ATTEST: d IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 19~9. No. 1027~. A RESOLUTION granting permission to the Roanoke Junior Cb_ember of Commerce to place posters on poles, buildings and at other public places, upon approval of the owner thereof, in connection with civic campaigns to be sponsored by the organization within the next thirty days, provided that the Junior 0hauber of 0om- merce will be responsible for both placing the posters and removing same ~mmediately after the end of the campaign. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that permission be, and is hereby g~anted to the Roanoke ~unior 0hauber of 0_~w,merce to plae® pesters on poles, buildings and at other public places, upon approval of the owner .thereof, in connection with civic campaigns to be sponsored by the organization within the next thirty days, provided that the funiar Chamber of Conmeroe will be responsible for both placing the posters and removing same Immediately after the end of the campaign. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 5th day of December, 19&9. No. 10275. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Building Inspector, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10161, adopted on the 26th day of 19~9, regulating the erection and main.tenanee, of awnings, marquees, signs, etc., to grant a permit to the New Hotel Corporation to alter the existing, marque®. the Bullitt Avenue entrance to the Patrick Henry Hotel, 611-621 South ~efferson Street, the said marquee, which now extends two feet over the.present o.mxb line, to be altered by cutting tkree feet therefrom, so that it will be one foot less than the c~rb line, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, far the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Building Inspector be, and he is authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 19~9, regulating the ~rection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, signs, etc., to grant a permit to the iow Hotel Corporation to alter the existing marquee over the Bullitt Avenue entrant, to the Patrick Henry Hotel, 611-621 South ~efferson Sl~reet, the said marquee, which now extends two feet over the present curb line, to be altered by cutting ~heee feet therefrom, so that it will be one foot less than the curb line. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that am emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force frem its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk / President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAk~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 19~9. No. 10278. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Revenue to issue a license in the smo~nt of $25.00 to any coal dealer making application for such license under the Provisions of Sub-sections (c) and (d), Section 5~, of the License Code, during the month of December, 19~9, and providing for an emergency. WHERE$~, for the preservation of public health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Commissioner of Revenue be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license in the amount of $25.00 to any coal dealer making application for such ~icense under the provisions of Sub-sections (c) and (d), Section 5~, of the License ~ode, during the month of December, 19~9. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this .~esolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~esiden t IN ~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 19~9. No. 10279. A RESOLUTION of the Roanoke City Council requesting the Virginia Department ~f Highways and the Public Roads Administration for modification of the terms of a certain contract dated ~ame 5, 19~7, entered into between the Council of the City of Roanoke and the State Highway Department. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Highways on the 5th day of ~une, 1947, entered into a contract for the improvement of 1.512 miles on Route 23 from the intersection of Route 11 and, ~60 to llth Street ~orth West in the City of Roanoke, known as Lynchburg Avenue, and from Pslmette ~treet to the west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke, known as Melrose Avenue, and designated as state project iL0-AC, federal project U-631 (2), whereby the girginia Department of Highways would recommend to the Public Roads A~mtnistration 10 that certain famds be,apportioaed to the, state ~der the.-~eAerat Hi.~kwey Act .as ~ded ~d ~p~ented, subj.,t, howev~, ~ the em'dition t~t the City of Roano~ ~a~ provide for its proper ~intena~e after c~pletion of the ~prov~ent; ~d ~~, ~der said ~n~act, it was ~reed that ~e City of R~m~,e ~oald ~ not permit pa~kimg on ~ither side of ~id hi~h~ ~e~ llth St~t ~ ,~e ia- ~rsection of Route 11 and Wtlli~s~ ~oad, and t~t ~e City wo~d ~ect ~d ~in- ~in a sufficient n~ber of "no parki~" si~s to o~ry oat the int~t of the no , park~g p~ovisions~ ~' ~~, the said contract f~ther provided that in order to ~rry o~t the ~ intent of the no ~rking provisions on the sabJ~t project, whi~ was intemded to ~provide ~'~r l~es of movi~ traffic, that it wo~d be n~essary f~ the. City-of ~noke to prohibit parking ~ that section of L~chburg Argue and ~ge Av~e ~d the extension of the subject project~ between llth Street ~d the begi~ing of the divided highway on Me~ose Avenue ~d 26th Street, and t~t suitable "no parking- si~s shall be erected ~d maintained on this section; ~d ~EAS, it now appeari~ to the Co~cil of the City of Ro~ok.e ~at, due. to the width of Orange A~nae between llth S~eet ~d the paint at ~ich it inter- sects with Lynchb~g Avenue at approx~ately 20th Street; that said street is ~ly ~0 feet wide from 'c~b to c~b, ~d that said sectioa ~e~ 11~ S~eet and intersection of Orange Av~ue and Ly~hb~g A~nue at aPprox~ately 20th Street is a dense~pop~ated section consisting of homes, a brauch post office, and several business'es. T~t Lynchb~g Aven~e ~om its int~section with Or.ge Av~ at approx~ly 21st Street and its int~seetion with Melrose Ave~ae at .ap~ox~ately 2~d S~eet is a~o a residential area. That Melrose Avenue fram the of Lynchbarg Aven~e at appro~a~ly 22nd Street to 23r~ Street is ~so a ~id~tie ~ea. Theft Melr~e Av~ae ~om 23rd Street to the divided' hi.way at Melrose ,Avenue and 26~ Street isa ba~iness dis~ict. ~at fr~ the iat~section of Me~ose Avenue at 23rd Street to the divided hi.way on Melrose Avenue at 26th Street is a business district with ~ocery stores, restaur~ts, city libr~y, beauty parlors, ~d other like b~sinesses. ~at Lynchb~g Avenue baleen its int~section with 0r~ge and Melrose Avenue is approx~tely ~0 feet wide ~ e~b to c~b. Melrose Avenue from its ~t~section with Lynchb~g Avenue at approxi~tely 22nd Street to 2~th Street is appr~ately 60 feet fr~ c~b to c~b. That Melrose Avenue from 2~th Street to the divided hi.way at ~th Street is ~prox~ately 50 feet wide fr~ c~b to c~b; ~d ~E~, the "no p~k~g" provisions as contused in the afor~ea$ioned contract ~ted J~,e 5, 19~7, wo~d work an ~due ~dship on the citizens of the City of R~noke livi~ on O~e Avenue, betweem llth Street and the ~terseotion of said street with Lynchburg Avenue at apprexi~tely 20th S~.~t, amd ca ~e residents of Lymchb~g Av~ae betwe~ its ~t~s~tioa with Or.ge ~d Melrose Avenue at appr~ately 2~d Street, a~ ~ Melrose Argue from i~ ~ters~tion with Ly~hb~g Avenue at approx~ately 2~d Street to the divided hi.way at 26th Street ~d Melrose Argue, wo~d be ruinous to the businesses located on Melrose Aven~e ~twe~ 23rd Street and the divided hi.way on Melrose Aven~e and 26th Stree' which section is desi~ated as business dis~ict, if the "no parking" provisions in said contract are enforced. NOW, THEREFORE, be it maanimously RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is the desire of said Council, and it is hereby respectfully request ed, im order to prevent the fmposition of an undue hardship om the citizens of the City of Roanoke as to their homes and businesses on Orange Avenue between tlth Street and its point of intersection at Lynchburg Avenue, and the residents of Lynchburg Avenue between Orange and Melrose Avenues and on Melrose Aven. ue to 23rd Street, and businesses on Melrose Avenue in the business district beginning at 23rd Street on MeLrose Avenue and continuing to the divided highway at Melrose Avenue amd 26th Street, that the "no parking" provision of the aforementioned contract of June 5, 1957, entered into between the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Highways be eliminat'ed an~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be fo2thwith attested by the Clerk of the City of Roanoke anti'presented to General James A. Anderson, Chairman of the Virginia State Highway Oommission, respectfully requesting his as- sitance and cooperation in this connection. APPROVED ATTEST: t Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 19~9. No. 10280. AN ORDINANCE authorizing amd directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Elmer E. and Mary J. Bueaing the northern fifteen feet of Lot 12, Block 5, Price Map (William Fleming Court), at a total cash consideration of $2,250.00, for street purposes; appropriatiag the amount of $2,250.00 from the 1949 Annex Fund for this purpose, and providing far an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorize~ and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Elmer E. and Mary J. Buening the northern fifteen feet of Lot 12, Block 5, Price Map (William Fleming Court), at a total cash consi- deration of $2,250.00, for street purposes. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the amount of $2,250.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 19~9 Annex Fund for the purchase of the above land for street purposes. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emer~gency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force from its ~ssage~ ATTEST: Olerk APPROVED Pr es ident IN THE COUNCT~. FOR THE CITY OF ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day ef December, 19~9. No. 10281. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing that employees of the Roanoke Veterans Emergency Housing Project b.e given full credit for their past service with the Project reward vaoatien and sick leave benefits allowed city employees under the provisions of Section 13, Chapter 7, of the City Code. WHEREAS, the Ho~sing and Home Finance Agency of the Federal Public Housing Authority relinquished and transferred the Roanoke Veterans Emergency Housing Project to the City of Roanoke, effective November 3~ 19~9, and all employees of the Project were placed under city supervision as of December 1, 19~9, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this body that the employees of the Roanoke Veterans ~,ergenoy Housing Project should be given f~ll credit for their past ~. service with the Project toward vacation and sick leave benefits allowed city : employees under the provisions of Section 13, Chapter 7, of the City Code. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is hereby authorized and directed that employees of the Roamoke Veterams Emergency .Ho~sing Project be given f~ll credit for their past service with the Project toward vacation and sick leave benefits allowed city employees under the provisions of Section 13, Chapter 7, of the City Code. APPROVED ATTEST IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 19~9. No. 10282. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact an Ordinance adopted by the Council of ithe City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 1958, No. 9751, and iientitled, "An Ordinance making approp~iations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beg~o,ing ~anuary l, 19~9, and ending December 31, 19~9, and declaring the existence of an emergency-, by adding thereto Section #126, ?Veterans Housing Project". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December £9~8, No. 9751, and entitled, "Am Ordinance making appropriations fr~om the General ?~nd of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning ~anua~y 1, 19~9, and ~nding December 31, 1949, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the 3nme is hereby amended an~d reordained by adding thereto Section ~126, "Veterans ~ousing Project", to read as follows: VETERANS HOUSING PROFEUT ~126 Wages ..... :::::::::::::::::::::::: Telephone ... . 1A~.el . Electricity ................ .. ..... Water ........... . ..... . .... ..... .. 320.00 180.00 750.00 35.00 8.75 10.00 200.00 2OO.OO 30.00 350.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist end this )rdinance shall be ia force from December 1, 1949. APPROVED Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~HE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 1949. No. 10283. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Non-Operating Expenses- and "Appropriatioz ~om Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Coancil of the City of ~oanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 1948, No. 9752, and entitled, "Aa )rdinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the Cit~ )f Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning Fanuary 1, 19~+9, and ending December 31, L949, and declaring the existence of am emergency,'. BE IT ORDAINED by the Coancil of the City of Roanoke that "Non-Operating ~penses" and "ApPropriations from Replacement Reserve-of an Ordinance adopted by ;he Council of the City of Roanoke, VLrginia, on the 31st day of December, 1948, No. ~752, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's ~eneral Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning ~anuary 1, 1949, :n~ ending December 31, 1949, and declaring the existence of aa emergency-, be, and .he same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Capital outlay from Revenue ... .... · $211,652.17 APPROPR IATIONS FROM REPLACEMENT RESERVE.. 138,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this ~rdinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ~TTEST: Clerk Pr es ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 1949. No. 10284. AN ORDINANCE to amend amd reenact certain sections of an Ordinance adopted the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 19~8, of the 0it7 of' Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 19~9, and ending December 31, 19~9, amd' declaring~ the existence of an.emergency-. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following .sections of an Ordinance. adopted by the Co-,oil of the 0ity of Reanoks,~ Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 19~8, No. 9751, and enti~'led, "Am 0rdinaaoe making. appropria$ions f~em' the General Fund of the Oity of Roanoke. for the fisoat~yee~ ibeginnimg ~aaaa~y 1, 19~9, and ending December 31, 19~9, and declaring the ~existemeei !of am em~genc¥"., be, and the same ~are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY TR SORER #8 Stationery and Office Supplies (2) One-third reimtraree<l by State. $ 12,~90.00 0ITY ATTORNEY ~11 iTelephone and Telegraph . ....... .... ........... .... ... .... 260.00 CITY HALL ~12 i Wages . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3,30'0.00 987.00 CIRCUIT COURT #20 Salary, Fudge . .................. ... ........ ....;..... .... CLERK OF COURTS #22 Telephone and Telegraph ... .... .............. .... ......... 2,3~3.00 265.00 105.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT #~0 Gasoline and 0il ..... . ..... . ............................. Telephone and Telegraph ... ................... . ........... FIRE DEPARTMENT#~i Telephone and Telegraph .............. . ................... WEIGHTS AND MEASURES #~5 Gasoline and 0il ... .... .............................. .... 12,300.00 1,865.00 1,709.00 575.oo #50 Telephone and Telegraph . ................................ . ~15.00 TUBERCULOSIS SAMATORIUM #51 i Wages ...... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1,500.00 1,175.00 VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL #52 Telephone .................. . ....... . ..................... Supplies .... . .... .. .......... . ............... . ...... . .... 185.00 850.00 CITY PHYSICIAN ~58 Gasoline and 0il .. ....................................... Medical Supplies . ............... ........ ...... . ..... . .... : T.MSHOUSE #60 Telephone . ......... ..... ....... ... .......... . .... . .... ... 235.00 8,750.~00 227.00 ENGINEERING AND SUPERINTENDENCE #70 Telephone and Telegraph ..... .... .... . ...... .............. 175.00 SEWER CONSTRUCTION #71 Gasoline and 0il ..~. ..................... .... ............. ~15.0o STREET CLEANING ~73 Wages ....... . ................. . ..... ....... .... . .... . .... REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL #74 Wages .................... . .............. .... ............. STREET C0NS~RUGTION #75 Contractors ............. . ............ .. .... .. ...... . ..... STREET REPAIRS #76 Wages .... ...... ...................... .................. .. BRIDGE REPAIRS ~78 Gasoline and Oil . ........ . ...... . ........ . ......... ...... 57,000.00 319,000.00 66,900.00 1~0,500.00 850.00 REOREATION DEPARTMENT #100 Stationery and Office Supplies ............. ...... . ....... oo PUELI0 PARKS #102 Wages . . . Water · 37,000.00 1,700.00 2,100.00 2,581.74 MUNICIPAL STADIUM AND ATHLETIC FIELD #103 Wages .. ...... ..... .... ............... ...... .. ........... . ........ 5,800.00 PUBLIC LIBRARY #104 Telephone and Telegraph . ....... . ........... ..... ........... . ..... 425.00 PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES TO FORMER EMPLOYEES #110 Police and Fire Pensions ...................... . .... , ............ · 45,467.11 EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM #111 City Contr ib ut ion ...... . .................. . ........... . .......... 128,000.00 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION #114 Hospitalization .................................................. 3,500.00 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT #120 Wages ....... Electricity ...................................................... 5,600.00 525.00 840.00 NELSON STREET MARKET #121 Water ................... . ............ ... ............... . ......... 3,700.00 MUNICIPAL CEMETERY #123 Wages ...................... . ..... .. ........ ....... ............... 1,900.00 CITY FARM #124 Gasoline and 0il ............................ . ..... ............... 1,060.00 MUNICIPAL GARAGE ~130 Wages .................. . ....... .. ..... ............. .... .... ...... 41,200.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the appropriatiomherein provided for a~e being me_de only as a possible maximum and shall be expended only for the minimum require- merits of the daily operation of the City Government. BE IT FURTHER 0RDAlq~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 1949. No. 10285. proper City officials, before executing future the. City of Roanoke, to ascertain that stipula- A RESOLUTION directing the contracts between contractors and tions are contained therein to the effect that, when available, preference for competent unskilled labor, to be e~loyed on the projects, shall first be given to residents of the City of Roanoke and, second to residents of the area within a the City of the effect that, employed on the and, second to fifty mile radius thereof. BE IT RESOLVED by the Count officials, be, and they are hereby, between contractors and contained therein to skilled labor, to be the City of Roanoke, radius thereof. il of the City of Roenoke that the proper City directed, before executing future contracts Roanoke, to ascertain that stipulations are when available, preference for competent projects, shall first be given to residents of residents, of the area within a fifty mile APPROVED AMEND£b )ate IN THE OOUNOIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of December, 19~9. No. 10286. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to continue the employment of Malcolm Pirnie Eugineers for an additional period of six months at a lump sum consideration of $500.00, for the purpose of reviewing the operation of the aerator at the Carvins Cove Filtration Plant. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to continue the employment of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers for an additional period of six months at a lump sum consideration of $500.00, for the purpose of reviewing the operation of the aerator at the Carvins Cove Filtration Plant. APPROVED, Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10276. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute lease beseech the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Lester T. Hutson, for the rental of space presently occupied by Mr. Hutson in i!the building now designated as 323 Second Street, S. W., and the storage room ,' presently used by ~r. Hutson in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. W., at a total consideration of $100.00 per month, for period beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, under terms and cbnditions 'contained .thor e in. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Lester T. Hutson, for the rental of space presently ocoapied by Mr. Hutson in the building mow designated as 323 Second Street, S. W., and the storage room presently used by Mr. Hutson in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. W., at a total consideration of $100.00 per month, for period beginning ~anuary l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr es i den t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10277. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry C. Giles, for the rental of space presently occupied by Mr. Giles in the building now designated as 321 Second Street, S. W., at a total consideration of $37.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry C. Giles, for the rental of space presently occupied by Mr. Giles in the building now designated as 321 Second Street, S. W., at a total consideration of $37.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1950, and e~ding December 31, 1950, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED Cler'~~ Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10287. A RESOLUTION establishing the route of the Huntington Oourt bus, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of public convenience, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the route of the Huntington Court bus be, and is hereby established as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Campbell Avenue, S. E., and South Jefferson Street, north on Jefferson Street to Patton Avenue, N. E., east on Patton Avenue to Commonwealth Avenue, thence in a northeasterly direction on Commonwealth Avenue to Fourth Street, north on Fourth Street to Williamson Road, continuing north on Williamson Road to Liberty Road, east on Liberty Road to Whiteside Street (Gillespie Road), north on Whiteside Street to Fugate Road, west on Fugate Road to Mansfield Street (Tillett Road), north on Mansfield Street to Ellsworth (Grove) Street, continuing north on Ellsworth Street to Wildhurst (Lin~oln) Avenue, east on Wildhurst Avenue to Collingwood Street (Carter Boulevard), north on Collingwood Street to Huntington Boulevard, east on Huntington Boulevard to Oliver Road, north on Oliver Road to Troy Avenue, west on Troy Avenue, to Oakland Boule'v~d (piOneer Road Ex- tension), south on Oakland Boulevard to Wentworth Avenue (Ro~ins~-~ Road), east on ~Ventworth Avenue to Co6k Avenue, south on Cook Avenue to Princeton .Circle, east and ~outh on Princeton C-~le to H~n'~in t~ ~oulevard, west ~n Huntington Boulevard to William~6~ ~oad, south on W'il!iamso~ ~oad to Fourth Street, continuing south on Fourth Street to Oommonwealth Avenue, thence in a southwesterly direction on COmmonweal'th -~Menue to Second Street, south on Second Street to Campbell ~venue, S. E., west on Ca~2bell Avenue to Jefferson Street, the place of beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED IN TEE COUNCIL FOR THE CI~F OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of ~I~, 19h.9. No. 10288. A RESOLUTION granting permission to Safety Motor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway and Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate busses within the City of Roanoke, pursuant to the provisions of the existing franchise agreements between said corporations and the City, for a period of thirty days~after January l, 1950. ~tEREAS, all franchises heretofore granted by the City of Roanoke to Safety Motor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, expire on the 31st day of December, 19~9; and WHEREAS, this Council has not completely decided upon all the terms and conditions it desires incorporated in any new franchise, or franchises, it may grant for the operation of passenger busses within the City of Roanoke. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that permission be, and the same is hereby, granted Safety Motor T~ansit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate busses within the City of Roanoke, pursuant to the provisions of the existing franchise agreements between said corporations and the City, for a period of thirty days after ~anuary l, 1950. APPROVED A~EST: ~ ~/ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 1028~. A RESOLUTION transferring the smount of $27,775.89 from the Impr¢.vement F~nd to the School Fund for capital improvements. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the amount of $27,775.89 be, and is hereby transferred from the Improvement Fund to the School Fun~ for capital improvements. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 1949. No. 10290. AN ORDINANCE appropriating $7~,804.15 from the Improvement F~nd for the Virginia Heights School Addition, and providing for an mnergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public welfare, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Ciby of Roanoke,that $7~,80~'15 be, and is hereby appropriated from the Improvement Fund for the Virgini~ Heights School Addition. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10291. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. W., owned by Thomas D. Christian, T~ustee, to be used for street widening purposes, and providing for an emergenc y. WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a portio, of U. S. Highway No. ~60, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same, and WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ~ne£fectual, effort :ErEALED ~0 purchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street, which includes six (6) strips or parcels of land: Parcel I containing 1,327.5 square feet, more or less; Parcel II containing 1,051.0 square feet, more or less; Parcel III containing 1,518.0 square feet, more or less; Parcel I~ containing 555.5 square feet, more or less; Parcel V containing 938.0 square feet, more or less, and ~Parcel VI containing 2,000.0 square feet, more or less; all of said parcels owned by Thomas D. 0hristian, Trustee for Thomas D. Christian, Henry A. Ohristian, Mary Christian Moorman, Edwazd D. Christian and Camillus Christian, and WHEREAS, the City's acquisition of the land' hereinafter described is neces- sary and essential for the use and purpose of the said City, and V~HEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State of ~irginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of Melross iAvenue, N. W., U. S. Highway Route No. 460, the City of Roanoke, by and through its @roper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to con- demn, in fee simple, the following parcels of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to-wi t: BEginNING at the present northeast corner of Melrose Avenue (formerly Pennsylvania Avenue), U. S. Highway No, $60, and Monroe Street, N. W.; thence with the east line of Monroe Street N. 235 30' E. 27.32 feet to a point on the newly established north line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same S. 71° 34' E. 50.19 feet to a point on the line of Lot 13; thence with same S. 23° 30' W. 25.47 feet to a point on the present north line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same N. 73° 19' W. 50.35 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 1,327.5 square feet, more or less, and being the southern portion of Lot 12, Block 21, Washington Heights Subdivision Map, which is recorded in Plat Book 1, Page $3 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia. It is the intent of this description to cover all of that portion of Lot 12, Block 21, now owned by Thomas D. Christian, Trustee, lying between the present north line of Melrose Avenue and the newly established north line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginie: Ail bearings refer to the Meridian of the Washington Heights subdivision Map. BEGINNING at a point on the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., (formerly pennsylvania Avenue), U. S. Highway X~o. $60, $00.58 feet from the present west line of Van Buren Street (formerly Madison Street); thence with the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. 73° 24' W. 50.37 feet to a point; thence leaving the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. 23° 30' E. 22.$$ feet to a point on the newly established north line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same S. 70° 06' E. 50.09 feet to a point on the line of Lot 15; thence with same S. 23° 30' W. 19.62 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 1,051.0 square feet, more or less, and being a southern portion of Lot Block 21, Washington Heights Subdivision Map, which is recorded in Plat Book 1, Page $3 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia. It is the intent of this description to cover all of that portion of Lot 1~, Block 21 now owned by Thomas D. Christian, Trustee, lying between the present north line of Melrose Avenue and the newly establish- ed north line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. Ail bearings refer to the Meridian of Washington Heights Subdivision Map. PARCEL III BEGINNING at a point on the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., (formerly Pennsylvania Avenue), U. S. Highway No. 460, 250.08 feet from the present west line of Van Buren Street (formerly Madison Street); thence with the present north line of Melrose Avenue N. 690 57' W. 50.10 feet to a point~ thence still with the present north line of Melrose Avenue N. 71u 06' W. 50.16 feet to a point on the line of Lot 15; thence leaving Melrose Avenue, N. 23° 30' E. 17.20 feet to a point on the newly established north line of Melrose Ave- hue; thence with same S. 68° 37' E. 50.03 feet to a point; thence still with the newly established north line of Melrose Avenue S. 67° 53' E. 50.01 feet to a point on the line of Lot 18; thence with the same S. 23° 30' W. 13.35 feet to the place of ~EGINNING, con- taining 1,518.0 square feet, more or less, and being a southern portion of Lots lb and 17, Block 21, Washington Heights Subdivision Map, recorded in Plat Book l, Page 43 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia. It is the intent of this description to cover all of that portion of Lots 16 and 17, Block 21, now owned by Thomas D. Christian, Trustee, lying between the present north line of Melrose Avenue and the newly established north line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. All bearings refer to the Meridian of the Washington Heights Subdivision Map. P~CEL IV BEGINNING at a point on the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. W. (formerly Pennsylvania Avenue), U. S. Highway No. 460, 150.0 feet from the present west line of Van Buren Street (formerly Madison Street); thence with the present north line of Melrose Avenue N. 67© 39' W. 50.02 feet to a point, corner to Lot 18; thence with line of same N. 23° 30' E. 11.32 feet to a point on the newly established north line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same S. 66° 38' E. 18.10 feet to a point; thence still with the newly established north line of ~elrose Avenue S. 66° 30' E. 31.90 feet to a point; thence S. 23° 30' W. 10.5 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 545.5 square feet, more or less, and being a southern portion of Lot 19, Block 21, Washington Heights Subdivision Map, which is recorded in Plat Book l, Page 43 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia. It is the intent of this description to cover all of that portion of Lot 19, Block 21, now owned by Thomas D. Christian, Trustee, lying between the present north line of Melrose Avenue and the newly established north line of same, as shown aa Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. All bearings refer to the Meridian of the Washington Heights Subdivis ion Map. PARCEL V Beginning at a point on the present south line of Melrose Avenue, N. W. (formerly Pennsylvania Avenue), U. S. Highway No. 460, 100.0 feet from the present southwest corner of Van Buren Street (formerly ~$adison Street); thence leaving Melrose Avenue S. 23° 30' W. 10.0 feet to a point on the newly e~stablished south line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same N. 66u 30' W. 81.90 feet; thence with the newly established south line of ~elrose Avenue N. 66° 38' W. 18.10 feet to a point; thence N. 23© 30' E. 8.52 feet to a point on. the present south line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same S. 67° 39' E. 50.02 feet to a point; thence S. 67° 05' E. 50.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 938.0 square feet, more or less, and being the north portion of Lots 8 and 9, Block 25 of the Washington Heights Subdivision Map, recorded in Plat Book l, Page 43 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia. It is the intent of this description to cover all that portion of Lots 8 and 9, Block 25, now owned by Thc~as D. Christian, Trustee, lying between the present south line of Melrose Avenue and the newly established south line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the O~fice of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. All bearings refer to the Meridian of the Washington Heights Subdivisiom Map. PARCEL VI The northern l0 feet of Lots l, 2, 3 and 4, Block 26, of the Washingto Heights Subdivision Map, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book l, Page 43, containing 2,000.0 square feet, more or less; said strip or parcel of land being that part of Lots l, 2, 3 and 4, Block 26, of the Washington Heights Subdivision Map owned by Thomas D. Christian, Trustee, lying between the present south line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. 460, and the newly established south line of same as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. 2. Condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made a~ provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ~~ A P P R 0 V E D ~~2~ ~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of D~cember, 19~9. No. 10292.' AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, VLrginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. W., owned by Albert S. Garren and'E. LaVerne Garren, to be used for street widening purposes, and providing for an emergency. : WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a por- tion of U. S. Highway No. 460, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same, and WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort i to p~rchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street'i which includes a strip or parcel of land l0 feet wide, containing 1,500 square feet, more or less, belonging to Albert S. Garren and E. LaVerne Garren, and WHEREAS, the said 0ity's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the use and p~rposes of the said City, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the Oity an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. ~60, the City of Roanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein p~ovided, proceed to condemn, in fee simple, that certain parcel of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginiai, to-wit: The southerly l0 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 22, of the Washington Heights Subdivision Map recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia in Plat Book l, page ~3, containing 1,500 square feet, more or less; said strip or parcel of land being that part of Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 22, of the Washington Heights Subdivision Map owned by Albert S. Garren and E. LaVerne Garrem, lying between the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. ~60 and the newly-established north line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. 2. Oondemation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 1949. No. 10293. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. ~., owned by the Washington Clut Land Company, to be used for street widening purposes, and providing for an emergen¢ V,~KEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a portion of U. S. Highway No. 460, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same, and WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort to purchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street which includes a certain strip or parcel of land containing 920.5 square feet, more or less, belonging to the Washington Club Land Company, and WHEREAS, the City's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is neces- sary and essential for the use and purpose of the said City, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State'of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. &60, the City of Roanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to condemn, in fee simple, that certain parcel .of land in the City of Roanoke, Virgini~ to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the present north line of Melrose Avenue, N. W. (formerly Pennsylvania Avenue), U. S. Highway No. 460, 350.34 feet from the present west line of Van Buren Street (formerly Madison Street); thence with the present o , 0 e north line of ~elrose Avenue N. 72 16 W. 5 .24 f et to a point, corner to Lot 14; thence N. 23° 30' E. 19.62 feet to a point on the newly established north line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same S. 69° 21' E. 50.06 feet to a point on the line of Lot 16; thence S. 23° 30' W. 17.20 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 920.5 square feet, more or less, and being a southern portion of Lot 15, Block 21, Washington Heights Sub- division Map, which is recorded in Plat Book l, Page 43 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia. It is the intent of this description to cover all of that portion of Lot 15, now owned by the Washington Club Land Company, lying between the present north line of Melrose Avenue and the newly established north line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. All bearings refer to the Meridian of the Washington Heights Subdivision Map. 2. Condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr esident 24 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 1029~. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate~on Melrose Avenue, N. W., owned by W. E. Caldwell and Jetta Caldwell,to be ~sed for street widening purposes, and providing for an emergency. WHER~S, ~he City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. ~f., now a portion of U. S. Highway No. ~60, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same, and ~EREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort ~to p~rchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street, iwhich includes a strip or' parcel of land l0 feet wide, containing 806.0 square ifeet, more or less, belonging to W. E. Oaldwell and Jetta Caldwell, and WHEREAS, the City's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the use and p~rpose of the said City, and WHEREAS, for the fmmediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City an emergency exists. THEREFORE, ~E IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: 1. For the pumpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of ~elrose Avenue, N. ~J., U. S. Highway No. ~60, the Oity of Roanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to condemn, in fee simple, that certain parcel of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia !to-wit: The northerly 10. feet of Lot & of the C. W. Driver Map con- taining 806.0 square feet, more or less; said strip or parcel of land being that part of Lot & of the C. W. Driver Map owned by W. E. Caldwell and Jetta Caldwell, lying between the present south line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. $60, and the newly-established south line of same as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. 2. Condem,ation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as )rescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and ,rovided. ~3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its ,assage. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 1949. No. 10295. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. W., owned by ~etta Caldwell, to be used for street widening purposes, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a portion of U. S. Highway No. 460, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same, and WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort to p~rchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street which includes a strip or parcel of.land l0 feet wide, containing 457.0 square feet more or less, belonging to~etta Caldwell, and ~HEREAS, the said City's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the use and purpose of the said City, and ~I~EREAS, for the in~ediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City an emergency exists.~ THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows 1. For the purpose of providing for the city of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of Melros Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. 460, the City of Roanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to condemn, in fee simple,' that certain parcel of land in the City of Roanoke, ¥irginia, to-wit: The northerly l0 feet of the eastern portion of Lot 5, of the C. W. Driver Map containing ~57.0 square feet, more or less; said strip or parcel of land being that part of the eastern portion of Lot 5, of the C. W. Driver Map owned by ~etta Caldwell, lying between the present south line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. &60, and the newly established south line of same as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. 2. Condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and ~r ovided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ~TTEST: Pr e/s i den t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 1949. No. 10296. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. W., owned by Benalder Bayse and Estelle Bussey Bayse, to be used for street widening purposes, and providing for an ~mergeney~ WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a portion of U. S. Highway No. ~60, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same, and i WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort . to purchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street, which includes a strip or parcel 10-feet wide, containing 968.0 square feet, more or less, belonging to Benalder Bayse and Estelle Bussey Bayse, and WHEREAS, the said City's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the use and purposes of the said City, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety amd for the daily operation of the Engineering Depar~ent of the City an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of iMelrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. ~60, the City of Roanoke, by and through the prope~ officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to icondema, in fee simple, that certain parcel of land in the City of Roanoke, yLrginial, itc-wit: The northerly l0 feet of Lot l, Block 1,of the Howell Addition Map, recorded in Plat Book l, page 133, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, containing 968.0 square feet, more of less; said strip or parcel of land being that part of Lot l, Block l, of the Howell Addition Map owned by Benalder Bayse and Estelle Bussey Nayse, lying between the present south line of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. ~60, and the newly-established south line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. 2. Condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: r / Clerk Pr es i dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10297. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. W., owned by Estella Bussey Bayse, t;o be used for street widening purposes, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States ef America have decided to improve a portion, of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a portion ~f U. S. Highway No. ~60, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the s~me, WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort ~,o purchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street, ~hich includes a strip or parcel of land 10 feet wide, containing 889.0 square feet, Lore or less, belonging to Estella Bussey Bayse, and ~tEREAS, the said City's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the use and purposes of the said City, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of Melro: Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. ~60, the City of Roanoke, by and through its prope~ officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to condemn, in fee simple, that certain parcel of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to-wit: The northerly 10 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, of the Howell Addition Map, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 133, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, containing 889.0 square feet, more or less; said strip or parcel of land being that part of Lot 2, Block 1, of the Howell Addition Map, owned by Estelle Bussey Bayse, lying between the present south line of M~lrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. $60 and the newly-established south line of same as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. 2, 0ondemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. A/~T~ EST: Clerk APPROVED Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10298. A RESOLUTION making Joint recommendation to the Compensation Board for fixation of salaries and expenses in the office of the City Treasurer for calendar rear 1950. WHEREAS, the COuncil of the City of Roanoke and C. R. Kennett, Treasurer of ;he City of Roanoke, Virginia, after a conference held in open meeting, relative to ~he fixing of a basic rate of compensation and expenses for said City Treasurer and For such assistance, as may be needed, to properly conduct the office of the Treasur. ~r of the City of Roanoke in public interest, for the calendar year 1950, have ~greed upon the following salary schedule and expenses, to-wit: Salary, City Treasurer ............................ $ 8,000.00 Salary, Deputy Treasurer .......................... 3,858.00 Salary, Collector - Salary, Statistica~'Si~' i~ ~ i i i i ~ i i i i i~ i ~ j j i i i i i i Salary, Clerk ..................................... Salary, Clerk ..................................... Salary, Clerk ..................................... Salary, Clerk ..................................... Salary, Clerk ..................................... Salary, Clerk . Salary, Stenographer 3,180.00 2,913 · 72 2,6~0.00 2,6~0.00 2,160.00 2,160.00 2,10~. O0 2,].00.00 1,800.00 2,160.00 1,000.00 $36,711.72 Stationery and Office Supplies . .................... Postage .................... · · .. .................... Telephone and Telegraph ............................ Bond Premium and Insurance ......................... Adv er t i sing · Maintenance ~'~~ ~i~iii~i~i~i~i~i~ Automobile Allowance 6,290.00 3,000.00 25O.OO 775.00 3oo.oo 7o0. o0 100.00 5,315 ..00 16,730.00 $53,~1.72 (3) 1 Distributing Machine 1 Adding Machine $5,000.00 315.oo and WHEREAS, it is further agreed that if the necessity arises and the occasion demands either party hereto, the Treasurer of the City of Roanoke or the City of Roanoke, after due notice, may by agreement review and revise the foregoing schedule either as to salary, the number of employees,, or expenses, including equipment, of the Department, such revised agreement, if, and when made, to be submitted to and approved by the then lawful authority, charged with such duty. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the salary schedule and expenses as hereinabove set out be, and the same is hereby adopted and approved, subject to the approval of the Compensation Board, and to continue in force unless and until changed by agreement as hereinabove set out or unless revised by lawful authority. BE IT MIRTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the ratification and approval of C. R. Kennett, Treasurer of the City of Roanoke, endorsed thereon, be promptly forwarded to the compensation Board of the State of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above is a Joint statement by the Council of the City of Roanoke and the City T~easurer, and supersedes any ex parte request previously made by the City Treasurer to the Compensation Board. I concur in the above: APPROVED (Si~ned) C. R. Kennett, Treasurer A~]~EST: ~ / Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19&9. No. 10299. A RESOLUTION making joint recommendation to the Compensation Board for fixation of salaries and expenses in the office of the City Sergeant for calendar' yeex 195 0. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke and Edgar L. Winstead, City Sergeant of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, after a conference held~in open meetimg, relative to the fixing of a basic rate of compensation and expenses fo= said City Sergeant and. for Such assistance, as may be needed, to properly conduct the office of the City Sergeant of the City of Roanoke in public interest, for the calendar year 1950, have agreed upon the following salary schedule and expenses, to-wit: Salary, Salary, Salary, Sal ar y, Salar y, Salar y, Salary, Salary, Salary, Salar y, Salar y, Salary, Salary, Sala r y, Salary, Salar y, Salar y, City Sergeant . Deputy Sergeang' i i ~. Deputy Sergeant .............. . Deputy Sergeant ............... Deputy Sergeant ............... Deputy Sergeant ............... Deputy Sergeant ............... Secretary Stenograph"er ........... ' ....... Deputy Sergea~['~&' Deputy Sergeant and Jailor .... Deputy Sergeant and Jailor .... Deputy Sergeant and Jailor .... Jail ~Iatr on ................... Cook Extra Help .................... 3,540.00 ............. 3,180.00 ............. 3,120.00 ............. 3,120. O0 ....... · ..... 2,880.00 ............. 2,640 · O0 ............. 2,760.00 2,280.00 1111:1:1:1111 ,ooo.oo ............. 2,920.00 ............. 2,860. O0 · · · · · ........ 2,6t~O. O0 ............. 2,1/~0.00 11::1:11::::1 oo 300.00 ............. 225.00 Stationery and Office Supplies .................... Postage ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Bond Premium ...................................... Travel Expense ........ . ........................... Automobile Expense ....... Furniture and Equipment $ ~6,985.00 650.00 150.00 525.00 300.00 100.00 3,000.00 150.00 ¢,875.-o0 ~ 51,860.00 (3) (5) Exhaust Fan $150.00 and ~EREAS, it is further agreed that if the necessity arises and the occasion demands either party hereto, the City Sergeant of the City of Roanoke or the City of Roanoke, after due notice, may by agreement review and revise the foregoing schedule either as to salary, the number of employees, or expenses, including equip- ment, of the Department, such revised agreement, if, and when made, to be submitted to and approved by the then lawful authority charged with such duty. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the salary schedule and expenses as hereinabove set out be, and the same is hereby adopted and approved, subject to the approval of the Oom~ensation Board, and to continue in force unless and until changed by agreement as hereinabove set out or unless revised by lawful authority. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the ratification and approval of Edgar L. Winstead, 0ity Sergeant of the City of Roanoke, endorsed thereon, be promptly forwarded to the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above is a joint statement by the Council of the City of Roanoke and the City Sergeant, and supersedes any exparte request previously made by the City Sergeant to the Compensation Board. I concur in the above: (Signed) Edgar L. Winstead City Sergeant APPROVED AT TEST: Clerk resident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10300. A RESOLUTION making Joint recoww, endation to the Compensation Board for fixation of salaries and expenses in the office of the Commissioner of Revenue for calendar year 1950. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke and John M. Hart, Commissioner icl Revenue of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, after a conference held in open meeting, :relative to the fixing of a basic rate of compensation and expenses for said Core- ,missioner of Revenue and for such assistance, as may be needed, to properly conduct ithe office of the Commissioner of Revenue of the City of Roanoke in public interest, for the calendar year 1950, have agreed upon the following salary schedule and expenses, to-wit: and Salary, Commissioner of Revenue . ............. ... ...... $ 8,000.00 Salary, Deputy 3,920.00 Salary, Deputy ......................................... 3,1~0.00 Salary, Deputy. ..................... . .................. 2,859.00 Salary, Deputy ......................................... 2,790.00 Salary, Deputy ......................................... 2,3~0.00 Salary, Deputy ......................................... 2,220.00 Salary, Deputy ......................................... 2,220.00 Salary, Deputy ........... . .............. . .............. 2,160.00 Salary, Deputy ......................................... 1,800.00 Salary, Clerk ......................................... 2,319.00 Salary, Clerk ......................................... 1,800.00 Salary, Clerk ......................................... 1,800.00 Salary, Clerk Salary Extra E~~''~]~[~i~ii~ii~i~i~i~i 1,800.00 , · , 1~000.00 S4~, 262.52 Postage .. . Bond Pr emium .................. . ........................ Advertising ................................ . ........... 250.00 250.00 t0.00 250.00 760.00 $~5,022.52 WHEREAS, it is further agreed that if the necessity arises and the occasion demands either party hereto, the Commissioner of Revenue of the City of Roanoke or the City of Roanoke, after due notice, may by agreement review and revise the fore- going schedule either as to salary, the number of employees, or expenses, including equipment, of the Department, such revised agreement, if, and when made, to be submitted to and approved by the then lawful authority charged with such duty. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the salary schedule and expenses as hereinabove set out be, and the same is he~e~y adopted and approved, subject to the approval of the Compensation Board, and to continue in force ~nless and -ntil changed by agreement as hereinabove set out or unless revised by lawful authority. BE IT I~JRTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the ratification and approval of John M. Hart, Commissioner of Revenue of the City of Roanoke, endorsed thereon, be promptly forwarded to the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above is a Joint statement by the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Commissioner of Revenue, and supersedes any ex parte request previomsly made by the Commissioner of Revenue to the Compensation Board. I concur in the above: A P P R 0 V E D IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 19~9. No. 10301. A RESOLUTION making joint recommendation to the Compensation Board for fixation of salaries and expenses in the office of the Attorney for the Commonwealth for calendar year 1950. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke and C. E. Ouddy, Attorney for the Commonwealth of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, after a conference held in open meeting, relative to the fixing of a basic rate of compensation and expenses for said Attorney for the Commonwealth and for such assistance, as may be needed, to properly conduct the office of the Attorney for the Commonwealth of the City of Roanoke in public interest, for the calendar year 1950, have agreed upon the follow- lng salary schedule and expenses, to-wit: and Salary, Commonwealth's Attorney ........................ $ 8,000.00 Salary, Assistant Commaonwealth's Attorney .............. 5,000.00 Salary, Secretary ........ . ............................. 2~6~0.00 $15,6 0.0 c Stationery and Office Supplies ......................... Postage .. Telephone ~'~~'~i~iiil~ii~i~ii~i~~ii~ Bond Premium 325.00 60.00 175.00 5.00 125.00 690.00 $16,330.00 ~EREAS, it is further agreed that if the necessity arises and the occasion demands either party hereto, the Attorney for the Commonwealth of the Oity of Roanoke or the City of Roanoke, after due notice, may by agreement review and re- vise the foregoing schedule either as to salary, the nmnber of employees, or expense including equipment, of the Department, of the Department, such revised agreement, if, and when made, to be submitted to and approved by the then lawful authority char with ~uch duty. THEREFOEE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the salary schedule and expenses as hereinabove set out be, and the same is hereby adopted and approved, subject to the approval of the Compensation Board, and to continue in force unless and until changed by agreement as hereinabove set out or unless revised by lawful authority. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the ratification and approval of C. E. Cuddy, Attorney for the Commonwealth of the City of Roanoke, endorsed thereon, be promptly forwarded to the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above is a joint statement by the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Attorney for the Commonwealth, and supersedes any ex parte request previously made by the Attorney for the Commonwealth to the Compensation Boar d. I concur in the above: (Signed) C. E. C. uddy Attorney for the Commonwealth ATTEST: ~/ Clerk APPROVED President zed ~ IN THE COUNCIL ?OR THE ~ITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of December, 1949. No. 10302. A RESOLUTION making Joint recommendation to the Compensation Board for fixation of salaries and expenses in the office of the Clerk of the Courts for calendar year 1950. WHEREAS, the Co-ncil of the City of Roanoke and R. J. Watson, Clerk of the Co,tS of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, after a conference held in open meet- lng, relative to the fixing of a basic rate of compensation and expenses for said Clerk of the Courts and for such assistance, as may be needed, to properly conduct the office of the Clerk of the Courts of the City of Roanoke in public interest, foe the calendar year 1950, have agreed upon the following salary schedule and expenses, t o-wit: Salary, Clerk of Courts ............................ $ Salary, Deputy Clerk ............................... Salary, Deputy Clerk ............................... Salary, Deputy Clerk ............................... Salary, Deputy Clerk ................. . .... . ........ Salary, Deputy Clerk ............................... Salary, Deputy Clerk ............................... Salary, Deputy Clerk ............................... Salary, Deputy Clerk . Salary, Deputy Clerk ~' Salary, Stenographer Salary, Typist and Assistant Photographer .......... Salary, Typist and Assistant Photographer ........ .. Salary, Typist Clerk ............................... Salary, Typist Clerk ............................. Stationery and Office Supplies ..................... Postage . . Bond Pr emiom ....................................... Incidentals .................... Repairs to Machines and Records ~l~lJ~l~l~ll~l~l Furniture and Equipment (2) ......................... (2) Steel Filimg Equipment ~1,500.00 5 Stenographer Chairs 180.00 8,000.00 4,380.00 3,720.00 3,420.00 2,9~0.00 2,880.00 2,640.00 2,6~0.00 2,640.00 2,640.00 2,100.00 2,340.00 2,220.00 2,220.00 2,220.00 1~800.00 $ 48,800.00 4,860.00 275.00 340.00 100.00 225.00 1,577.00 1,680. O0 9, o 5 7 · 0o $ '57,857.00 and WHEREAS, it is further agreed that if the necessity arises and the occasion demands either party hereto, the Clerk of the Courts of the City of Roanoke or the City of Roanoke, after due notice, may by agreement review and revise the foregoing schedule either as to salary, the number of employees, or expenses, including equip- ment, of the Department, such revised agreement, if, and when made, to be submitted . to and approved by the then lawful authority charged with such duty. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Co~cil of the City of Roanoke that the salary schedule and expenses as hereinabove set out be, and the same is hereby adopted and approved, subject to the approval of the Compensation Board, and to continue in force ~nless and until changed by agreement as hereinabove set out or unless revised by lawful authority. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the ratification and approval of R. J. Watson, Clerk of the Co~rts of the City of Roanoke, endorsed thereon, be promptly forwarded to the Compensation Board of the State of VLrginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above is a joint statement by the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Clerk of the Courts and supersedes any ex parte I concu~ in the above: (Signed) R,., J. Watson Clerk of the Courts ATTEST: ~ ~ · Clerk APPROVED Pr6sident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA]~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of December, 1949. No. 10304. A RESOLUTION referring entries as to why the name of Williamson Road should or should not be changed to a committee composed of M.r.W.D. Payne, Principal, Jefferson Senior High School, Iv~r. W. A. Coulter, Principal, William Fleming High School, and Mrs. Virginia Mason, head of the English Department, William Fleming High School, for a decision as to the best entry, and authorizing and directing the City Auditor to draw warrant in the amount of $25.00 in the name of the person cert by t~e committee as submitting the best entry. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke under date of November 14, 1949, by Resolution No. 10247, offered a prize in the amount of ~25.00 in cash to the publ school student in the City of Roanoke submitting in 250 written words, or less, the best reason, or reasons, as to why the name of Williamson Road should or should not ~han?ed, and if changed, a suggested new name therefor, and WHEREAS, fifty-eight entries have been received, and it is the opinion of th ~ody that the entries should be referred to a committee composed of the principal of Jefferson Senior High School, the principal of William Fleming High School and the h of the English Department of William Fleming High School for a decision as to the be antry, it bein~ understood that the articles "a", "an" and "the" will not be include¢ n the 250-word limit. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ent~ s to why the name of Williamson Road should or should not be changed be referred to ommittee composed of Mr. W. D. Payne, Principal, Jefferson Senior High School, R'[r. V. A. Coulter, Principal, William Fleming High School, and ~irs. Virginia Riason, head ~f the English Department, William Fleming High School, for a decision as to the besl .~nt ry. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized md directed to draw warrant in the amount of $25.00 in the name of the person certi ?led by the said committee as submitting the best entry. APPROVED ~TTEST: P~esident i: led e ad ies IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of December, 1949. No. 10305. A RESOLUTION authorizing Roanoke Baseball, Incorporated, to remove such stadium chairs as it may purchase and affix to the grandstand in the baseball park ~in ~laher Field unless provision to the contrary is included in the contemplated longI term lease between said corporation and the City for the rental of said baseball park. WHEREAS, the present lease between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke Baseball, Incorporated, on the ball park in ~aher Field expires on the 31st day of October, 1950; and WHEREAS, at the request of Roanoke Baseball, Incorporated, Council has appointed a committee to negotiate with said corporation for a long term lease on said ball park; and WHEREAS, said corporation is presently considering purchasing two thousand (2000) stadium chairs and affix the same to the floor of the grandstand in.said ball ~ark but before doing so desires Council's permission to remove the san~ upon the ~ermination of the aforesaid existing lease. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that in eveMt oanoke Baseball, Incorporated, purchases stadium chairs and affixes the same to the ~loor of the grandstand in the ball park at Rlaher Field permission be, and the same %s hereby, given said corporation to remove the same upon the termination of its )resent lease with the City of Roanoke unless a provision to the contrary is agreed upon and included in the proposed long term lease for said ball park between said Corporation and the City of Roanoke APPROVED ~TTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of December, 1949. No. 10306. A RESOLUTION discontinuing Va. Route 24 as the same is now routed in the City f Roanoke between ~elrose Avenue and the West Corporate Limits of the City of Roanok Peters Creek), and Tazewell Avenue, S. E., and re-routing the same through the City. WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has consented to the passage of his resolution. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the following portion of Va. Route 24 as it presently exists in the ity of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby, abandoned: BEGINNING at the intersection of ~ielrose Avenue, N. W. and the West Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke (Peters Creek); thence, with Melrose Avenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with llth Street; thence with llth Street in a southerly direction to its inter- section with Gilmer Avenue; thence with Gilmer Avenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with Commonwealth Avenue, N. E.; thence with Commonwealth Avenue in a southerly direction to its intersection with Shenandoah Avenue; thence with Shenandoah Avenue in a westerly direction to its intersection with Jefferson Street; thence with Jefferson Street in a southerly direction to its intersection' with Tazewell Avenue. 2. That said Va. Route 24 as it passes through the City of Roanoke shall be routed over and along the following streets and thoroughfares: BEGINHING at the intersection of Dale Avenue, S. E., with the East Corporate Limits of the City of Tinker Creek; thence with Dale Avenue in a westerly direction to its intersection with 13th Street, S. E.; thence with 13th Street in a northerly direction to its intersection with Tazewell Avenue; thence with Tazewell Avenue in a westerly direc- tion to its intersection with Jefferson Street, the termination point of said Route. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of December, 1949. No. 10307. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of Messrs. J. A. Turner, G. E. Trout, C. H. Webster, J. H. Windel and T. H. Boyer as viewers ~br the purpose of appraising approximately 27.044 acres of land, standing in the name of ~iary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administration Building and the extension of the east-west runway at the Roanoke ~['unicipal Airport (V, oodrum Field), with a vie~ of estsblishin? a fair and reasonable price for the land in question. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Riessrs. J. A. Turn. ~. E. Trout, C. H. Webster, J. H. Windel and T. H. Boyer be, and they are hereby appointed as viewers for the purpose of appraising approximately 27.044 acres of lan standing in the name of Mary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administr tion Building and the extension of the east-west runway at th~ Roanoke kunicipal Air (Woodrum Field), with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable ~rice for the lan, in question. ATTEST: APPROVED president IN T~iE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROanOKE, VIRGi£~IA, The 19th day of December, 1949. No. 10311. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact certain sections of an Ordinance adopted b ~he Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 1948, No. ~751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the EPEALED r, orr 36 31, 1949, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following isections of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, oni ~the 31st day of December, 19~8, No. 9751, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropr ions from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1949, and ending December 31, 1949, and declaring the existence of an emergency" be and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS #28 Travel Expense .......................... . ......... $ 43.91 CITY ATTORNEY #ll Printing Briefs ................................... 280.00 ELECTORAL BOARD #25 Salary, ~embers ................................... 176.00 FIRE DEPART~!ENT #41 Hydrant Services .................................. 21,035.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ,,AT~ Cl~k ~ APPROVED ia- IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 10~03. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf iof the City of Roanoke,to execute a lea~ between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, iand Henry L. Riley, for the'rental of space presently occupied by Mr. Riley in the .ibuilding now designated as 207 Church Avenue, S. W., and the starage room presently i!used by ~,ir. Riley in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. W., at a total consideration of $82.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of iRoanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry L. iRiley, for the rental of space presently occupied by Mr. Riley in the building now designated as 207 Church Avenue, S. W., and the storage room presently used by l~r. Riley in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. W., at a total consideration of $82.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED Clerk Pr esident IN THE C~OUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10308. AN ORDINANCE granting permission to the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease for the rental of the dwelling house and yard appurtenant thereto situated on property, formerly known as the Schilling property, in the Garden City Area of the City of Roanoke, on a monthly basis until terminated by either party on a thirty days' aotice, in writing, as required by statute, at a rental of $25.00 per month, payable in advance, and subject to such other terms and conditions contained in said contract of lease to be approved by the City Attorney. BE IT 0RDAI~JED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, be, and he is hereby, granted permission to execute a contract of lease for the rental of the dwelling house and yard ap- purtenant thereto situated on property, formerly known as the Schilling property, in the Garden City Area of the City of Roanoke, on a monthly basis until terminated by either party on a thirty days' notice, in writing, as required by statute, at a rental of $25.00 per month, payable in advance, and subject to such other terms and conditions contained in said contract of lease to be approved by the City Attorney. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pr es iden t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10309. AN ORDINANCE granting permission to the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease for the rental of the dwelling house and yard appurtenant thereto situated on property, formerly known as the Liptrap property, in the Garden City Area of the City of Roanoke, on a monthly basis until terminated by either party on a thirty days' notice, in writing, as required by statute, at a rental of $15.00 per month, payable in advance, and subject to such other terms and conditions contained in said contract of lease to be approved by the City Attorney. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, be, and he is hereby granted permission to execute a contract of lease for the rental of the dwelling house and yard ap- purtenant thereto situated on property, formerly known as the Liptrap property, in the Garden City Area of the City of Roanoke, on a monthly basis until terminated by either party on a thirty days' notice, in writing, as required by statute, at a rental of $15.00 per month, payable in advance, and subject to such other terms and conditions contained in said contract of lease to be approved by the City Attorney. APPROVED !ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~qE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10~10. I~EPEALED AN ORDINANCE authorizing the exchange of certain real estate in the Garden City Area of the City of Roanoke between the City of Roanoke and Garden City Baptist Church; authorizing the proper City officers to execute and deliver to Garden City Baptist Church, for and on behalf of the City, a proper deed to portions of Lots 8, 9, l0 and ll, Block 1, J. W. Liptrap Map, im consideration of a general warranty deed, executed by the Trustees of Garden City Baptist Church, conveying to the City of Roanoke Lot 1, Block 1, and a 10 foot widelstrip along the East side of Garden City Boulevard in Block 1, of the J. W. Llptrap Map; and authorizing the establish- merit of an alley 15 feet in width through the City's property parallel to the East line of the property of the Garden City Baptist Church. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that upon .execution and delivery by the Trustees of Garden City Baptist Church of a general warranty deed, in form to be approved by the City A, ttorney, conveying unto the City of Roanoke the following property: BEGINNING at the present northeast corner of Garden City Boulevard and Moffatt Avenue; thence with the present east line of Garden City Boulevard the following two courses and distances: N. 26° 50' E. 84.2 feet to an angle point and N. 14v 57' E' 2~3.7 feet to a point; thence leaving Garden City Boulevard and with the north line of Lot l, Block l, of the J. VJ.~Liptrap Map, S. 75° 03' E. 130.0 feet to a point; thence S. 14~ 31' W. 50.0 feet to a point; thence with the common dividing line between Lots i amd 2, N. 75° 03' W. 120.0 feet to a point; thence with a line 10.0 feet east of and parallel to the east line of Garden ~City Boulevard the following two courses and distances S. 14~ 57' W. 294.7~ feet to an angle point and S. 26 50' E. 85.24 feet to a point on the north line of Moffett Avenue; thence with ssme N. 63° 10' W. 10.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 9,289.2 square feet, more or less, and being all of Lot i and the north 10.0 feet of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block l, J. W. Liptrap Map, that the proper City officers be, and they are hereby, authorized, directed and ~mpowered, for and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a deed, upon the Form to be prepared by the City Attorney,' to said Trustees of Garden City Baptist ~h, urch the following described property: BEGINNING at a point which is a commen corner to the rear of Lots 1 and 2, Nlock 1 of the J. W Ltptrap Map, said beginning point located the followin~ three courses and distances from the northe~ast corner of Garden City Boulevard and Moffatt Avenue: N.o26~,50' E. 84.2 feet, N. 14° 57' E. 193.70 feet, a~d S. 75 03 E. 130.0 feet to the point of actual beginning; thence S. 75° 03' E. 44.21 feet to a2P~o~int;b~ thence S. 1~° 57' W. 100.0 feet to a point; thence S. 50' W. 110.99 feet to4 a6P°int on line of Lot 5; thence with same N. 63° 10' W. 20. feet to a point; thence N. 14° 57' E. 20&.4 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 7,903.0 square feet, more or less, and being the west portions of Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 1, of the J. V~. Liptrap Map. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that there is hereby established as a public alley the following described 15 foot wide strip of land, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the present North side of Moffatt Avenue, which point is S. 63° 10' W. 150 feet from the present northeast corner of Moffatt Avenue and Garden City Boulevard; thence, from said beginning point N. 26° 50' E. 210.99 feet to a point; thence N. l~v 31' E. 100 feet to a point; thence S. 75° 03' E. 15 feet to a point; thence S. l~° 31' W. 101.56 feet to a point; thence S. 26° 50' W. 212.55 feet to a point on the North side of Moffatt Avenue; thence with the North line of Moffett Avenue N. 63° 10' W. 15 feet to the place of BEGINNING. APPROVED ~r esi/dent IN THE C;OUNGIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 10313. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the proper City officials not to deduct the amounts of estimated sewer assessments from the money paid property owners on U. S. Route ~60 for property purchased by the City for the purpose of widening said highway. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed~not to deduct the amounts of estimated sewer assessments from the money paid property owners on U. S. Route ~60 for property purchased by the City for the purpose of widening said high- way. APPROVED AT TEST: Clerk Pr es ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 1031~ A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of Messrs. T. H. Boyer, C. H. Webster, John L. Thompson, Murray G. Via and John W. Boswell as viewers for the purpose of appraising approximately 27~0~ acres of land, standing in the name of Wary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administration Building and the extension of the east-west runway at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field), with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price for the land in question, and repealing Resolution No. 10307, adopted on the 19th day of Decembar, 1959. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Messrs. T. H. Boyer, C. H. Webster, John L. Thompson, Murray G. Via and John W. Boswell be, and they are hereby appointed as viewers for the purpose of appraising approximately 27.0~ acres of land, standing in the name of ~ary Elva Coulter, required in ~n- nection with the Administration Building and the extension of the east-west runway EPEALEO ,y at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field), with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price for the land in question. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 10307, adopted on the 19th day of December, 1949, be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED Pr es iden t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10316. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Manager of the Water Department to cancel said Department's bill against Burrell Memorial Hospital in the amount of $465.06 for installing a sprinkler system at said hospital. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Manager of the Water Department be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cancel said Department's bill against Burrell Memorial Hospital in the amount of $465.06 for installing a sprinkler system at said hospital. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk ' ~P~eside~t IN TEE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10317. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to dispose of trailers at the Veterans' Housing Project if and when they become Uninhabitable. SE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to dispose of trailers at the Veterans' Housing Project if and when they become uninhabitable. APPROVED Clerk Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10318. AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $105.11 from the Improvement Fund in payment of professional services rendered by Dr. Joseph L. Wheeler as consultant in connection with the preparation of the exterior design and internal plans for the proposed new public library in Elmwood Park. V~qEREAS, for the daily operation of the ~unicipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that $105.11 be, and is hereby appropriated from the Improvement Fund in payment of professional services rendered by Dr. Joseph L. Wheeler as consultant in connection with the preparation of the exterior design and internal plans for the proposed new public library in Elmwood Park. BE IT ~JRTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force frGn its passage. APPROVED PreSident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE GITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2Sth day of Dec~nber, 19~9. No. 10319. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute agreemedhbetween the Norfolk and Western Railway Company and the City of Roanoke, Virginia, granting the City the privilege to lay, maintain, operate and use one 12-inch and four S-inch cast iron sewer pipe lines for the handling of sewage under the lands and tracks of the Railway Cc~pany at locations shown as ~Iile Post H-236+2687 Shenandoah Division; and H-2375391, H-237589 H-23751060 and H-237~2700 Roanoke Terminal Division, on Plans N-22976, N-22977, N-22978 and N-22979, dated November ll, 1959, under terms and conditions contained therein, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City o~ Roanoke, to execute agreement between the Norfolk and Western Railway Company and the City of Roanoke, Virginia, granting the City the privilege to lay, maintain, operate and use one 12-inch and four S-inch cast iron sewer pipe lines for the handling of sewage under the lands and tracks of the Railway Company at locations shown as Mile Post H-236~2687 Shenandoah Division; and H-237~391, H-2~7~93, H-23751060 and H-23752700 Roanoke Terminal Division, on Plans N-22976, N-22977, N-22978 and N-22979, dated November ll, 1949, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED IN THE ~0UNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2$th day of December, 1949. No. 10320. AN ORDINANCE repealing Section 5 of Chapter 19 of the Code of the City of Roanoke providing that all purchases or sales of articles, supplies and materials by the Water Department shall not be subject to the provisions of Section l, Chapter 19, but such purchases and sales by the Water Department shall be made ~ the Mana- ger of said department, with the approval of the City Manager, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Munic~ipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 5 of Chapter 19 of the Code of the Oity of Roanoke "Water Department Exempt" be, and the same is hereby, REPEALED. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from ~anuary l, 1950. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 10321. A RESOLUTION discontinuing U. S. Route ~60 as the same is now routed in the City of Roanoke between Melrose Avenue and Salem Turnpike, N. W., and Orange Avenue and Williamson Road, N. E., and re-routing the same through the City. VGtEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has consented to the passage of this resolution. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the following portion of U. S. Route ~60 as it presently exists in the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby, abandoned: BEGINNING at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Salem Turnpike, N. W.; thence along Melrose Avenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with llth Street; thence with llth Street in a southerly direction to its intersection with Gilmer Avenue; thence with Gilmer Avenue in aa easterly direction to Commonwealth Avenue; thence with Commonwealth Avenue, Sth Street and Williamson Road in a northerly direction to the latter's in- tersection with Orange Avenue. 2. That said U. S. Route ~60 as it passes through the City of Roanoke shall be routed over and along the following streets and thoroughfares: BEGINNING at the intersection of Melrose Avenue with the West Corporate Limits (Peters Creek); thence along MeLrose AVenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with Salem Turnpike; thence with Salem Turnpike in an easterly direction to its inter- section with Orange Avenue; thence along Orange Avenue to the East corporate limits of the City. AN EMERGENCY existing, this resolution shall be in full force and effect from its pas~sage. A~~ APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE GITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19&9. No. 10322. A RESOLUTION discontinuing Va. Route ll6 as the same is now routed in the City of Roanoke between MeLrose Avenue and Salem Turnpike, N. W., and Commonwealth Avenue, N. E., and re-routing the same through the City. WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has consented to the passage of this resolution. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the following portion of 'Va. Route 116 as it presently exists in the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby, abandoned: BEGINNING at the intersection of Melrose Avenue and Salem Turnpike, N. W.; thence with Melrose Avenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with llth Street; thence with llth Street in a southerly direction to its intersection with Gilmer Avenue; thence with Gilmer Avenue in an easterly direction to the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue, N. E. 2. That said Va. Route ll6 as it passes through the City of Roanoke shall be routed over and along the following streets and thoroughfares: BEGINNING at the intersection of Cove Road and Hershberger Road, said point located in the northerly corporate limits of the City; thence along Cove Road in a southerly direction to its intersection with Lafayette Boulevard; thence with Lafayette Boulevard in a southerly direction to its intersection with Melzose Avenue; thence with Melrose Avenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with Salem Turnpike; thence with Salem Turnpike in an easterly direction to Orange Avenue; thence with Orange Avenue in an easterly direction to its intersection with Williamson Road; thence with Williamson Road in a southerly direc- tion to its intersection with ~th Street; thence with ~th Street in a southerly direction to its intersection with Commonwealth Avenue; thence with Commonwealth Avenue in a southerly direction to ~ts intersection with Shenandoah Avenue; thence with Shenandoah Avenue in a westerly direction to its intersection with Jefferson Street; thence with Jefferson Street in a southerly direction to its intersection with Walnut Avenue; thence with Walnut Avenue in a southerly direction to its inter- section with Piedmont Avenue, S. E.; thence with Piedmont Avenue in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Riverland Road; thence with Riverland Road in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with Mount Pleasant Boulevard; thence with Mount Pleasant Boulevard in a southerly direction to its intersection with the South Corporate Limits. AN EMERGENCY existing, this resolution shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTE~S~: ~ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 1032~. AN ORDINANCE provising for the condemnation of a perpetual easement for a right-of-way for a sewer line over property owned by G. W. Nichols and Ruth D. Nichols on the south side of Levelton Avenue, N. W., in the City of Roanoke; re- pealing Ordinance No. 10117 adopted on the 8th day of August, 19~9, providing for the condemnation of another perpetual easement for a right-of-way for sewers in the City of Roanoke; and providing for an ~nergency. WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke is constructing sewers in the area known as Grandview Addition, in the City of Roanoke, and, for that purpose, has found it necessary to acquire certain easements for a right-of-waY for said sewer line; and WHEREAS, it has been deemed necessary that the r ight-of-way hereinafter idescribed is necessary and essential for the purposes aforesaid and Council has heretofore authorized and directed its agents and officials to attempt to acquire by purchase the property rights hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, agents and officials of the said City have negotiated with G. W. Nichols and Ruth D. Nichols, the owners of the land hereinafter described, for the purchase of the property rights hereinafter mentioned and have made to the said G. W. Nichols and Ruth D. Nichols bona fide offers for the purchase of said rights, which, in the opinion of the City's' agents and officials, and of Council, are fair and reasonable, but which offers the said property owners have, nevertheless, re- fused to accept, and have made no counter-offer acceptable to the said City, all of which constitutes a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort on the part of Said City to acquire by purchase the rights hereinafter mentioned; and V~EREAS, the rights hereinafter described are urgently needed by said City !and, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering I~part~ment of the said City, an emergency is id eclared to exist; and WHEREAS, the easement for a right-of-way provided by Ordinance No. ~0117, passed on the 8th day of August, 19~9, entitled, "An Ordinance providing for a right% of-way for sewers in the City of Roanoke", etc., is no longer deemed to be necessary and, therefore, said Ordinance No. 10117 should be repealed; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke requisite perpetual easements for a right-of-way for sewers and the full right and privilege, for the purpose of constructing the same, together with the right of ingress, egress, and regress to the City of Roanoke, its agents and servants, to inspect, repair and maintain the same, if and when the same may be necessary in the Judgment of the City Engineer or other designated official of the City of Roanoke, the City of oanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein ~rovided, proceed to condemn an easement for the purposes of such right-of-way i~hrough, over and across that certain parcel of land owned by G. VI. Nichols and Ruth D. Nichols in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to-wit: A perpetual easement for a ten-foot wide right-of-way for a sanitary sewer line and the right to construct, operate, maintain and a perpetual right to inspect and repair, when necessary, said sewer line through, over, under and across the following described land situate in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, which said ten-foot wide right-of-way is described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the south side of Levelton Avenue, N. W., said beginning point being S. 65° 28' E. 9~6.2 feet from the south- east corner of Levelton Avenue, N. W., and 10th Street; thence with the south side of Levelton Avenue, S. 65° 28' E. 10.0 feet to a point, corner to Lots 15-B and 16-A, Block 3, of the Revised Map of Grandview Addition; thence leaving Levelton Avenue and with the dividing line between Lots 15-B and 16-A, S. 2~o32' W. 153.6 feet to a point, comon corner to Lots 10,11-A, 15-B and 16-A; thence with the dividing line between Lots l0 and 15N, N. 65° 28' W. 10.0 feet to a point; thence leaving said dividing line ~N. 2~° 32' E. 153.6 feet to the south side of Levelton Avenue, the place of BEGINNING, and being a 10-foot wide strip between parallel lines ac~'oss the easterly side of Lot 15-B, Block 3, Revised Map of Grandview Addition, as shown on Plan No. 37~8-B on file in the office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia, and containing 2. That condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducte~ as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and provided. 3. That Ordinance No. 10117, passed on the Sth day of August, 1949, entitled "AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of a perpetual easement for a right- of-way for sewers in the City of Roanok~_~, Virginia, and providing for an emergency" be, and the same is hereby REPEALED. 4. That, an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. Clerk APPROVED Pr e s i den t IN THE CODTJCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2Sth day of December, 19~9. No. 10325. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of a perpetual easement for a right-of-way for a sewer line over property owned by Lindsey L. Hambrick and Ethel R. Hambrick on the north side of Hunt Avenue, N. W., in the City of Roanoke; repealf Ordinance No. 10118, adopted on the 8th day of August, 1949, providing for the con- demnation of another perpetual easement for a right-of-way for sewers in the City of Roanoke; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke is constructing sewers in the area known as Grandview Additioa, in the City of Roanoke, and, for that purpose, has found it necessary to acquire certain easements for a right-of'-way for said sewer line; and WHEREAS, it has been deemed necessary that the right-of-way hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the purposes aforesaid and Council has heretofore authorized and directed its agents and officials to attempt to acquire by purchase the property rights hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, agents and officials of the said City have negotiated with Lindsey L. Hambrick and Ethel R. Hsmbrick, the owners of the land hereinafter described, for the purchase of the property rights hereinafter mentioned and have made to the said Lindsey L. Hambrick and Ethel R. Hambrick bona fide offers for the purchase of said rights, which, in the opinion of the City's agents and officials, and of Council, are fair and reasonable, but which offers the said property owners have, nevertheless, refused to accept, and have made no counter-offer acceptable to the said City, all of which constitutes a bona fide, but ineffectual, effort on the par of said City to acquire by purchase the rights hereinafter mentioned; and ~KEREAS, the rights hereinafter described are urgently needed by said City and, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of the said City, an emergency is declared bo exist; and WHEREAS, the easement for a right-of-way provided by Ordinance No. lOlls, ~g 46 passed on the 8th day of August, 1949, entitled, "A~ Ordinance providing for a right-of-way for sewers in the City of Roanoke", etc., is no longer deemed to be necessary and, therefore, said Ordinance No. 10118 should be repealed; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke requisite perpetual easements for a right-of-way for sewers and the full right and privilege, for the purpose of constructing the ss~e, together with the right of ingress, egress and regress to the City of Roanoke, its agents and servants, to inspect, repair and maintain the same, if and when the same may be necessary in the judgment of the City Engineer or other designated official of the City of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to condemn an easement for the purposes of such right-of-way through, over and across that certain parcel of land owned by Lindsey L. Hambrick i and Ethel R. Hanbrick in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to-wit: A perpetual easement for a ten-foot wide right-of-way for a sanitary sewer line and the right to construct, operate, maintain and a perpetual right to inspect and repair, when necessary, said sewer line through, over, under and across the following described land situate in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, which said ten-foot wide r ight-of-way is described as~ follows: BEGINNING at a point on the north line of Hunt Avenue, N. W., said beginning point being 987.84 feet from the northeast corner of Hunt Avenue, N. W., and 10th Street; thence leaving H~nt Avenue, N. 75° 55' E. 84.0 feet to a point; thence N. 32° 10' E. 136.23 feet to a point on the dividing line between Lots l0 and 15-B, Block 3 of the Revised Map of Grand?iew Addition; thence with said dividing line S. 65u28' E. 10.09 feet to a point, co~mon corner of Lots 10, ll-A, 15-B and 16-A; thence with the dividing line of Lots 10 and Ii-A, S. 32° 10' W. 1~1.58 feet to a point; thence S. 75o55' W. 77.21 feet to a point on the north line of Hunt Avenue; thence with the north line of Hunt Avenue N. 61° 16' W. 14.72 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being a 10-foot wide strip of land through Lot 10, Block 3, of the Revised Map Of Grandview Addition, as shown on Plan No. 3758-B ii as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia, con- taining 2,195.0 square feet. !ii That condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducte~ and provided. 3. That Ordinance No. 10118, passed on the 8th day of August, 1949, en- titled, "AN 0RDINANGE providing for the condemnation of a perpetual easement for , a right-of-way for sewers in the City of Roaboke, Virginia, and providing for an emergency", be, and the same is hereby REPEALED. ~. That, am emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force i!i and effect from its passage. ~ APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10326. AN 0RDINANOE to emend Chapter 17 of the Code of the City of Roanoke by the addition of a new section, to be known and designated as Section l-A, imposing a tax on all machinery and tools, including machinery and tools used in manufactu~in and mining businesses; fixing the rate thereof; and providing for an emergency. ~REREAS, Section 73 of Chapter 7 and Section 284 of Chapter 21 of The Tax Code of Virginia provide for the tewstion of all machinery and tools, including machinery and tools used in manufacturing and mining businesses, by the localities only; and WHEREAS, it has heretofore been the imtention of Council that all machinery and tools, including machinery and tools used in manufacturing and mining businesses be taxed and that the rate of the tax thereon should be the same as that imposed on all other tangible personal property, but that Ordinance No. 10185, passed on the 3rd day of October, 1949, amending and reordained Section i of Chapter 17 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, in relation to the tax rate on real and personal property, may not be clear and certain insol'ar as the said ordinance was intended to impose a tax on all machinery and tools, including machinery and tools used in manufacturing and mining businesses; -and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the usual daily operation of the municipal government that immediate provision be made for imposing the following tax in order that the same may be effective on January l, 1950, and an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Chapter 17 of the Code of the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby, amended by the addition of a new section, to be known and designated as Section 1-A of said Chapter, and to provide as follows: Section 1-A. Rate of Tax on All Machinery and Tools, including Machinery and Tools of Manufacturing and Mining Businesses. Agreeable to Section 73 of Chapter 7 and Section 284 of Chapter 21 of The Tax Code of Virginia, there shall be, and there is hereby, levied annually, commenc- ing with the 1950 tax year, a tax upon all m~chinery and tools, including machinery and tools used in manufacturing and mining businesses, in the City, not exempt from taxation by law or otherwise taxed by said City as tangible personal property, the rate whereof shall be $2.66 on every $100.00, or fractional part, of assessed valuation thereof, for the support and operation of the City government and other municipal expenses. AN ~ERGENCY existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after January l, 1950. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED / President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10327. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 151 of The License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Beginners' Licenses, and providing for an emergency WHEREAS, it is necessary for the usual daily operation of the municipal AF IENDED r ate. Code of the City of Roanoke, as hereinafter provided, in ~rder that the same may be effective on and after January l, 1950, and an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 151 of the License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Bsginners' Licenses, be, and it is hereby, smended and reordained to provide as follows: 151. Beginner's License. For the purpose of ascertaining the license tax to be paid by one beginning b~usiness, if the license tax is based in whole or in part on sales, purchases, commissions, contracts, orders, receipts, or fair value of articles or canmedities manufactured, processed, or produced, he shall estimate what they will be between the date of the issuance of his license and December 31st following. Every under-estimate made under this and the following paragraph shall be subject to correction by the Commissioner of the Revenue, whose duty it shall be to assess such person with such additional taxes as may be found to be due after the close of the license yea~ on the basis of the true sales, purchases, commissionsl, contracts, orders or receipts, as the case may be. When a license tax herein imposed is based in whole or in pa~t on sales, purchases, commissions, contracts, orders, receipts, or fair value of articles or commodities manufactured, processed or produced, and the licensee was licensed at a definite place of business for only a part of the next preceding license year, the license tax shall be computed for the then current license year on the basis of an estimate of sales, purchases, commissions, contracts, orders, receipts, or fair value of articles or commodities manufactured, processed or produced which the said licensee will make throughout the then current' license year, including, in the case of one securing a merchant's license, an estimate of the sales of goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by him to be offered for sale at the place at which he conducts his business as a merchant, provided such place is not the place of manufacture. If any person, firm or corporation shall in violation of law, commence to prosecute any business, employment or profession without a license, such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and unless otherwise specifi- cally provided by law, shall on conviction thereof, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 for each separate offense. Such conviction shall not relieve any such person, firm or corporation from the payment of the license tax prescribed by law. 'If such violation of the law be continued for one month, such person, firm or corporation shall moreover be subject to a penalty of ten per cent~n of the amount of the license tax which was due and payable at the beginning of such month, in addition to the license tax imposed by law, and such penalty shall be assessed and paid along with the license tax and shall becane a part of the license tax; but such penalty shall'be enforced in the manner provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of other taxes. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Revenue to report every person, firm or corporation, who shall commence to prosecute any licensable business, employment or profession without a license, or who shall unlawfully fail for a longer period than one month to obtain a new license, to the city manager, who shall cause warrants to be issued for such persons, firms or corporations and shall pro- secute them. AN EMERGENCY existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after January 1, 1950. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10328. .AN ORDINANCE to amend The License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke by the addition of a new section relating to certain contractors and builders performing work in the City; imposing a license tax thereon; fixing the rate of said tax; and ,roviding for an emergency. ~.~tEREAS, it is necessary for the usual daily operation of the municipal government that immediate provision be made for imposing the following tax in order that the same may be effective on January l, 1950, and an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that The License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby, amended by the addition of a new section to be known as Section 56-A, relating to certain contrac- tors and builders performing work in the City of Roanoke, to provide as follows: 56-A. Contractors and Builders performing work in the City. Any person, firm or corporation being a contractor, as defined in Section 56 of the current LiceJ Tax Code of the City of Roanoke, and who desires to engage in the contracting business within said City but who may hot be required to be licensed under said Section 56 of the current License Tax Code of the City shall, prior to commencing such work, pay a license tax of ........... ....... ........ . ....... . ........ $ 50.00, plus 15 cents en each $100.00 of the gross amount of all charges made by such contractor for the doing of such work; provided, however, that the base tax of $50.00 shall not be imposed upon any licensee hereunder more than one time in each calendar year, and any licensee hereunder having, during the then current tax yea~, theretofore obtained a license enabling him to perform a definite amount of work may, du~ing the remainder of that tax year, but not thereafter, secure additional licenses entitling him to perform additional work upon the payment of 15 cents on each $100.00 of such additional work to be performed. AN EMERGENCY existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after January l, 1950. ATI~EST: Clerk APPROVED President Lse IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE~ VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 1949. No. 10329. AN ORDINANCE making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency. WHEREAS, in arder to provide for the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist, and this ordinance shall be in force from January 1, 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the C~uncil of the City of Roanoke that all money that shall be paid into the City Treasury for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, shall constitute a general fund and as much of the same as may be necessary, except the salaries herein set forth which are hereby fixed effective January l, 1950, be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the following uses and purposes, to-wit: CITY COUNCIL - 1 Salary, President Salary, Members, 4 ~ $1,000.00 Printing and Advertising Ordinances Incidentals Travel Expense Special Investigations Charter Commission Total City Council $ 1,200.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 8OO.OO 100.00 1~000.00 $10,200.00 CITY CLERK - 2 Salary,. City Clerk Salar y, Stenographer Salary, Stenographer Salar y, Stenographer Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Pr emium Inci dent als Trav el Expens e Fumniture and Equipment (1) Total~ City Clerk 5,220.00 2,820.00 2,520.00 2,160.00 6o0.0o 100.o0 180.00 10.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 13,935.00 (1) Steel Filing Equipment CITY MANAGER Salar y, Oity Manager Salary, Secretary Salary, Stenographer Salary, Extra Employees Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Premium Incidentals Travel Expense Adv er ti sing Automobile Allowance Total City Manager ll, 000.00 2,940.00 2,180.00 100.00 1,800.00 100.00 375.00 10.00 34o.oo 6oo.oo 200.00 3co. co 19,945.00 CITY AUDITOR Salary, City Auditor Salary, Assistant CitY Auditor Salary, Accountant Salary, Bookkeeper Salary, Bookkeeper Salary, Clerk Salary, Extra Employees Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Premium Inc i dental s Travel Expense Maintenance of Machines Total City Auditor 7,000.00 4,500.00 3,600.00 2,940.00 2,880.00 2,640.00 3oo.oo 2,500.00 375.00 35o.0o 10.00 125.00 25O.OO 6OO.OO 30,950.0( SPECIAL AUDITS Special Audits Total Special Audits C0~fISSIONER OF REVENUE - 6 Salary, Commissioner of Revenue (1) Salary, First Assistant (1) Salary, Second Assistant (1) Salary, Actuareal Clerk (1) Salar y, Clerk (1) Salary; Stenographer (1) Salary, Clerk (t) Salary, Clerks, 2 @ $1~&80.00 (1) Salary, Clerks, ~ ~$1,200.00 (1) Salary, Clerk 1 Salary, Li0ense Inspector (1) Salary, ~tra Employees (1) Stationery and 0ffioe Supplies Postage (2) Telephone and Telegraph (2) Bond Premium (2) In¢i dentals Advertising (2) License Tags Automobile Allowance - License Inspector Total Commissioner of Revenue (1) This representa two-thirds of Actual Salaries. (2) One-third reimbursed by State. ASSESSMENT OF REAL ESTATE - 7 Assessment of Real Estate Total Assessment of Real Estate CITY TREASURER - 8 Salary; City Treasurer (1) Salary, Deputy Treasurer (1) Salary; Collector (1) Salary; Statistical Clerk (1) Salary, Olerks, 2 C $1,760.00 (1) Salary, Olerks, 2 ~$1,&O0.O0 (1) Salary; Clerk Salary, Stenographer Salary, Clerk Salary, Clerk (1) Salary, Extra ~nployees (1) Stationery and Office Supplies (2) Postage (2) Telephone. and Telegraph (2) Bond Premium and Insurance (2) Cigarette St.amps (2) Advertising (2) Maintenance and Equipment (2) Automobile Allowance (2) Furniture and Equipment (2) (3) Total City Treasurer (1) This represents two-thirds of Actual Salary. (2) One-third reimbursed by State. (3) One Distributing Machine $5,000.00 One Adding Machine 315.00 DELINO~UENT T.~X COLLECTOR Salary, Delinquent Tax Collector Salary, Clerk ~ Salary, Clerk Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Premium Inci dentals Adv er t i s lng Total Delinquent Tax Collector ~ 1~000...00 $ 1,000.00 5,333.33 2,729.68 2,093.3& 1,860.00 1,906.00 1,5~6.00 1,560.00 2,960.00 ~,800.00 1,~d+0.00 2,613.33 666.67 1,710.O0 250.00 250.00 10.00 ~15.00 250.00 1,800.00 3oo.oo 34,~93.35 20~000.00 20,000.00 5,333.33 2;572.00 2,120.00 1,9&2.&8 3,520.00 2,800.00 1,~0.00 1,~0.00 1,~0.00 1,200.00 666.67 6,290.00 3,000.00 250.00 775.00 3,000.00 3oo.ob TOO.CO lOO.OO 5~315.oo 44,20~.48 3,720.00 2,640.00 2,100.00 200.00 200.0O 110.00 ~o.oo 125.00 50o.o0 9,635.00 PURCHASING AGENT - 10 Salary, Purchasing Agent Salary, Stenographer Salary, Clerk Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Pr emi um Incidentals Maintenance of Postage Meter Advertising Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Purchasing Agent (1) Steel Filing EqUipment CITY ATTORNEY - ll Salary, City Attorney Salary, Assistant City Attorney Salary, Secretary Stationery ~nd Office Supplies Pr inting Briefs Postage Telephone and Telegraph Inci dentals Travel Expense Total City Attorney CITY HALL - 12 Salary, Superintendent Salary, Telephone Operator Salary, Janitor Salary, Janitors, 5 @ $2,208.00 Salary, Janitress Salary, Elevator Operator Wages Insurance Supplies Fuel Electricity Water Repair s Total City Hall CIVIL AND POLICE COURT - 13 Sal~r y, Judge Salary, Assistant Judge and Clerk Salary, Clerk Salary, Clerk Salary, Stenographer-Clerk Witness Fees Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone 'and Telegraph Bond Premium Incidentals Travel Expense Total Civil and Police Court BAIL COM~.ISSIONER - 14 Commissions, Bail Commissioners Stationery and Office Supplies Bond Premium Total Bail Commissioner ~lY~EN~E AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT - 15 Salary, Judge Salary, Chief Probation Officer Salary, Chief Clerk Salary, Probation Officer Salary, Probation 0ffice~s, 2 ~- $2,880.00 Salary, Probation Officer - Part Salary, Probation Officer Salary, Probation Officer Salary, Stenographar Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Extra Judge Psychiatric Examinations Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Premium Inc i den t als Travel Expense Automobile Allowance - 6 @ ~25.00 per month Furniture and Equipmentl(~)~12'50 Total Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 4,080.00 2,280.00 1,860.00 700.00 250.00 35o.o0 5.co 5o.oo 75.00 5o.oo 252.50 8,180.00 5,400.o0 2,280.00 400.O0 100.00 35.00 25O.OO 255.00 250.00 2,760.00 2,100.00 2,27~.00 11,0~0.00 1,620.00 1,812.00 2,500.00 4,500.00 3,400.00 4,500.00 2,500.00 1,800.00 16,000.00 6,180.00 5,400.00 3,360.00 2~580.00 1,860.00 5o.oo 65o.oo 20.00 15o.oo 25.00 5o.oo 50. oo 2,600.00 75.oo 15.00 5,400.00 ~,020.00 3,360.00 3,180.00 5,760.00 1,570.80 2,700.00 2,820.00 2,100.00 2,400.00 3oo.oo 360.00 400.00 120.00 5OO.OO 3O.OO 100.00 150.O0 1,950.00 745.00 9,95~ 2.50 17,150.00 56,806.00 20,375.00 2,690.00 37,965.80 CITY CORONER - 16 Coroner's ?ecs Witness Fees Total City Coroner LUNACY COM~.~ISSIONS - 17 Justice Fees Physicians' Fees Witness Fees Total Lunacy Commissions HUSTINGS COURT - 18 Sa lar y, Judge Salary, Secretary Extra Judge Witness Fees Counsel Fees Jury Fees Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Incidentals Law Books Total Hustings Court COURT OF LAW AND CHANCERY - 19 Salary, Judge Extra Judge Jury Fees Postage Telephone Incidentals Total Court of Law and Chancery CIRCUIT COURT - 20 Salary, Judge Salary, Extra Judge Jury Fees Total Circuit Court VIRGINIA COURT OF APPEALS - 21 Virginia Court of Appeals Total Virginia Court of Appeals CLERK OF COURTS - 22 Salary, Clerk of Courts (1) Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary,, Deputy Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salary, Deputy Clerk Salar y, Stenographer Salary, Chief Photographer Salary, Assistant Photographer, 2 @ $2,220.00 Salar y, Typist-Clerk Salary, Typist-Clerk Salary, Stenographer Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Premium Incidentals Repairs to Machines and Records Furniture and Equipment (2) Total Clerk of Courts (1) Salary fixed at $8,000.00 by State Law. (2) Steel Filing Equipment ..... $1,500.00 5 Stenographer Chairs ...... 180.00 C01~0mVEALTH' S, A..,TTORNEY - 23 Salary Commonwealth,s Attorney (1) Salary Assistant Commonwealth,s Attorney (1) Salary, Secretary (1) Stationery and Office Supplies (2) Postage (2) Telephone and Telegraph (2) Bond Pr~nium (2) Code of Virginia (2) Total Commonwealth's Attorney (1) This represents one-half of Actual Salary. 2,500.00 15.0o 2,515.00 75.00 2,400.00 150.00 2,640.00 5,740.00 2,640.00 100.00 25.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 5o. oo 3o. oo 125.00 75.00 100.00 11,785.00 5,740.00 100.00 2,800.00 5.00 100.00 175.00 8,920.00 2,337.98 100.00 100.00 2,537.98 117.oo 117.oo 8,000.00 4,380.00 3,720.00 3,420.00 2,940.00 2,880.00 2,640.00 2,640.00 2,640.00 2,640.00 2,340.00 4,440.00 2,220.00 1,800.00 2,100.00 4,860.00 275.00 340.00 100.00 225.00 1,577.00 1~680.00 57,857.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 1,320.00 325.00 6o.oo 175.00 5.00 12 .oo 8,510.00 Salary, City Sergeant (1) Salary, Deputy Sergeant (1) Salary, Deputy Sergeant(l) Salary, Deputy Sergeant, 2 © #1,O~0.O0 (1) Salary, Deputy Sergeant (1) Salary, Deputy Sergeant (1) Salary, Secretary (1) Salary, StenOgrapher (1) Salary, Extrh k~mployees (1) Stationery and Office Supplies (2) Postage (2) Telephone and Telegraph (2) Bond Pr emium ( 2 ) Travel Expense (2) Automob il e Expens e ( 2 ) Total City Sergeant (1) This represents one-third of actual salary. (2) Two-thirds reimbursed by State. ELECTOR~L BOARD -2~ Salary, Secretary Salary, Members (1) Stationery ahd Office Supplies Postage Total Electoral Board (1) To be paid at rate of $6.~00 per day - maximum 'for each member $150.00 CENTRAL REGISTRAR - 26 Salary, Regfstrar Salary, Extr~a ~mployees Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone Incidentals Total Central Registrar COST OF ELECTIONS - 27 Judges and Clarks Wage s Pr inting Tickets Printing Voting Lists MiScellaneous Expense Rent of Voting Places Expenses of Absentee Voting Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Cost of Elections (1) Tables and Chairs BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS AND PLANNING BOARD - 28 Salary, Secretary Salary, Vacation Substitute Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone Bond Premium Incident als Publishing Notices Total Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Board PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - 29 Salary, Director Salary, Stenbgrapher Stationery and Office Supplies POStage Telephone and Telegraph Incidentals Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Personnel Department (1) i Steel Filing Equipment 2,166.67 l, 180.00 1,060.00 2,080. O0 960.00 880. O0 920.OO 760.00 75. oo 50o.o0 15o.oo ~oo. oo 225.0O 100.00 3~000.00 1~, ~56.67 500.00 3OO.OO 100.00 ~o.oo 9~0.00 2,780. O0 250.00 15 O. oo 5o.oo 100. O0 25.00 3,355.00 &,500.O0 3oo. oo 500.oo 6,15o.o0 3oo.oo 975. oo ' 6oo. oo 700. oo l~, 025.00 2,736.00 100.00 3oo.oo 75.00 120.00 5.00 100.00 125.00 3,561. O0 ~,180.00 1,980.00 200.00 25.00 14o.oo 75.00 80.00 6,680.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT Salary, Superintendent Salary, Captain Detectives Salary, Captain Executice Officer Salary, Lie,tenant of Dectives Salary, Stenographer Salary, Clerks, 2 ~ $2,220.00 Salary, Lieutenants, 4 * $3,130.00 Salary, Sergeant of Detectives, 5~ $3,000.00 Salary, Sergeants, 5 *~ $3,000.00 Salary, Desk Sergeants, 3 ~ $3,000.00 Salary, Corporals, 4 G $2,940.00 Salary, Desk Corporals, 3 dC $2,940.00 Salary, Chief Communication Officer Salary, Communication Officers, 4 ~ $2,880.00 Salary, Detectives, 4 ~ $2,880.00 Salary, 3rd Year Patrolmen, 61 ~ $2,880.00 Salary, 2nd Year Patrolmen, 21 @ $2,820.00 Salary, 1st Year Patrolmen, 4 ~ $2,580.00 Salary, Sign Painter Salary, Sign Painter Helper Salary, Special Police Salary, Police Women, 2 @ $2,580.00 Wages Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Premium and Insirance Travel Expense Gasoline and 0il Repairs to Machines and Equipment Ma. intenance of Alaem System Maintenence of Traffic System ~aintenance of Radio System ~aintenance of Parking Meters Supplies Inv es t iga t ions Uniform Allowance Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Police Department (1) 2 Metal Lockers i Sound Recorder i Camera Unit i Storage Cal~inet Extension of Underground Duc t Sys tern Traffic Signal Control Sys t em ~oderni zing Existing Traffic Signals - resi- dential Section 2 Rotary Generator Con- verters 2 Automobiles i Motorcycle i Spot Map ~ounted 91.80 250.00 418.00 6o.oo 4,230.00 9,224.00 5,000.00 300.00 3,272.00 990.30 5o.oo FIRE DEPARTMENT Salar y, Chief Salary, First Assistant Salary, Second Assistant Salary, Mechanics, 3 @ $3,000.00 Salary; Captains, 24 ~. $3,000.00 Salary, Senior Engineers, 30 © $2~940.00 Salary, Telephone Operators, 3 ~ $2,940.00 Salary; 3rd Year PriVates, 45 ~, $2,820.00 Salary, 2nd Year Privates, 19 ~$2,700.00 Salary, 1st Year Privates, ~ @ $2,520.00 Salary, Superintendent of Alarms Salary, Chief Clerk Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and TelegraPh Ins nranc e Travel Expense Gasoline and 0il Maintenance of Alarm and Radio Systems Maintenance of Apparatus Supplies Fire Hose Fuel Electricity ~a t er Repairs to Buildings Hydrant Service Uniform Allowance Garden City Fire Station Equipment (1) Total Fire Department 4,740.00 3,540.00 3,540.00 3,360.00 2,160.00 4,440.00 12,480.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 9,000.00 11,760.00 8,820.00 3,120.00 11,520.00 11,520.00 175,680.00 59,220.00 10,320.00 2,370.00 2,220.00 6OO.OO 5,160.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 125.00 1,500.00 75.00 150.00 12~000.00 1,000.00 1,856.00 2,41~ · 50 1,600.00 1,388 · 00 6,000.00 200.00 5,900.00 .23~886.10 436,664.60 4,620.00 3,624.00 3,460.00 9,000.00 72,000.00 88,200.00 .8,820.00 126,900.00 51,300.00 2,520.00 3,300.00 2,940.00 400.00 15o.o0 1,5oo.oo 1,620.o0 250.00 1,700.00 1,600.00 3,500.00 4,600.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 SOO.CO 1,000.00 1,050.00 21,950.00 6,500.00 1,150.00 2~025.00 431,679.00 (1) 2 F. M. Receiver Sets 3 Fog Nozzles 2 Electric Fans 1 Office Chair 1 Basement P~mp 1 Lawn Mower 3 Paint Cloths 2 Standard Stretcher Outfits $ 1,260.00 225.00 5o.oo 75.00 3oo.oo 25.00 3o.oo 6o.oo LIFE SAVINC AND FIRST AID - 42 Salary, Janitor Salary, Extra Help iSupplies Total Life Saving and First Aid BUILDING AND PLUMBING INSPECTION Salary, Building and Plumbing Inspector Salary, Assistant Building Inspector, 2 ~ $3,~000.00 Salary, Assistant Plumbing Inspector Salary, Stenographers Salary, Clerk -Typist Stationery and Office Supplies Postage telephone 3Grid Pr emium ~nc identals ~r avel Expense automobile Expense [~ ~ ~:8~ p,er mo~th )asoline and 0il Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Building and Plumbing Inspection 1) Steel 'Filing Equipment $ 175.00 1 Desk 122.50 i Chair 36.00 I Copy Holder 34.00 Visible Steel Files 275.00 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ~alary, Electrical Inspector 3alary, Stenographer 3tationery and Office Supplies Postage elephone Grid Pr emi~m £nc identals ~r avel Expense ~utomobile Allowance Total Electrical Inspection WEIGHTS ~AND MEASURES INSPECTION - 45 3alary, Sealer of Weights and ~.~eas~res rages 3tationery and Office Supplies Postage ~asoline and 0il Pravel Expense ~upplies Total Weights and Measures Inspection MILITIA ~lectricity ~rmor y Rent Total Militia DOG TAX AI~INISTRATION - 47 ~alary, Game Warden Inc i dent als Dog Tax Receipts ~abies Treatment ]amages by Dogs L5% of Collections to Commonwealth Total Dog Tax Administration ~alar y, Commissioner Salar y, C1 erk Ealar y, Stenographer ~al~ry, N~rseS, 5 @ $2,700.00 Salary, Nurses, 2 ~ $2,460.00 Salary, N~rse Salary, Supervisor Numse Salary, Clerk (1) Salary, ~tra ~mployees 4~o.0o 250.00 3~58.0.o0 ;22o.0o 000.o0 3,240.00 2,340.00 1,92o. oo 1,039.oo SO.CO 251.00 10.00 150.00 .1~0.00 1,380.00 200.00 642.50 3,420.00 2,340.00' 200.00 40.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 54o.oo 2,640.00 100.00 75.oo 5.co 4oo.oo 5o.oo 75.oo 24o.oo 2~400.00 2,~60.00 5o.oo 175.oo 50.00 100.00 1,350.00 6,920.00 2,940.00 2,400.00 13,500.00 4,920.00 2,580.00 2,860.00 2,280.00 200.00 4,250.00 21,542.50 6,705.00 3,345 · 00 2,640.00 4,185.00 HEALTH DEPAR~.~ENT - 50 - Continued Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telehone and Telegraph Travel Expense Supplies Toxin and Antitoxin Automobile Allowance, 8 @ $35.00 per month Nurse Training Total Health Department (1) $1,140.00 of this salary Reimbursed by State TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM - 51 Salary, Superintendent and ~edical Director Salary, Special ?hysician Salary, Acting Superintendent Salary, Numse Salary, Nut se, X-Ray and Laboratory Salary, M~rses, 6 C~ $1,530.00 Salary, Practical I~urse Salary, Practical Nurse Salary, Cook Salary, Cook's Helper Salary, Custodian Salary, Orderlies, 4 (i? $1,350.00 Salary, Extra ~ployees Wages Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Pr emi um Insurance Incidentals Gasoline and 0il Supp i i es Dr~gs and Disinfectants Food Supplies Fuel Electricity Repairs Repairs to Equipment Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Tuberculosis Sanatorium (1) Water Softener ~¥ater Pump $1,000.00 350.00 VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL - 52 Salary, Field Investigator (1) Salary, Nurses, 2 ~ $2,580.00 (2) Salary, Clerk Salary, Helper Telephone Gasoline and 0il Supplies A~tomobile Allowance Total Venereal Disease Control (1) All Reimbursed by State (2) $2,580.00 Reimbursed by State AIR POLLUTION CONTROL - 53 Salary, Director Salary, Inspector Salary, Stenographer Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Bond Pr e~ium Supplies Travel Expense Automobile Allowance Furniture and Equipment Total Air Pollution Control (1) 1 Steel File LABORATORY Salary, Bacteriologist Salary, Assistant Bacteriologist Salary, Clerk-Technician Salary, Laboratory Assistant Salary, Clerk-X-Ray Technician (1) Telephone Supplies Total Laboratory (1) All reimbursed by State 800.00 ~oo.oo 35o.oo 15o.oo 1,200.00 1,500.00 3,360.00 25O.OO 6,180.00 200.O0 2,310.00 1,950.00 1,830.00 9,180.00 1,~10.00 1,350.00 1,470.00 1,350.00 1,890.00 5,400.00 445.00 1,500.00 100.00 ~o.oo 250.00 15.o0 725.00 4o.oo 25o.oo 5,600.00 2,000.00 19,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1,794.00~ 250.00 2~350.00 2,820.00 5,160.00 2~100.00 1,308.00 185.00 150.00 850.00 42o.oo 5,520.00 3,180.00 2,160.00 45o.oo 100.00 150.00 10.00 250.00 5o.0o 840.00 50.O0 4,020.00 2,860.00 2,580.00 2,220.00 2,340.00 125.00 1~500.00 46,610.00 72,079.00 12,993.00 12,760.00 15,695 · 00 HEA~TH INSPECTIONS 'Salary, Dairy Inspector ~Salary, Assistent Dairy Inspector Salary, Inspectors, 4 C $2,640.00 Salary, Sanitation Officer Inc i dent als Travel Expense Gasoline and 0il Automobile Allowance Total Health RAT CONTROL - 56 Inspections Salary, Inspector Supplies Automobile Allowance Total Rat Control SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM -56A Salary, Dentist Health' Office Salary, Nurses, 2 ~ $2,760.00 Salary, Nurse Salary, Nurse Salary, Clinician 9 Honths ~ $30.00 Nedical Supplies Gasoline and 0il Automobile Allowance, 3 @ $35.00 per month Dental Clinics Furniture and Equipment (1) Total School Health (1) Dental Equipment DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE - 57 Salary, Director Salary, Superintendent Salary, Supervisor, 2 ~ Salary, Case Workers, 7 Salary, Children's Case Salary, Children,ts Case Salary, Stenographer Salary, Stenographer Salary, Senior Clerk Salary, Junior Clerk Salary, Secretary to Director Salary, Educational Study Wages 3~060.00 C $2,580.00 Workers, 3 C Workers, 2 Stationery and Office. Supplies Postage Telephone and' Tel'egraph Bond Pr emium Incidentals Travel Expense Gasoline and 0il Automobile Allowance Foster Home Care General Relief 01d Age Assistance Aid to Dependent Children Aid to Dependent Children (State Aid to Blind Emergency Relief Day Nut sery Furniture and Equipment and 2,640.00 2,790.00 Local) (1) Total Department Welfare Pr ogr am (1) 3 Filing ~abinets CITY ,HYSICIAN - 5,,~ of Public 3,340.00 2,880.00 10,560.00 2,640.00 75.00 100.00 350.00 1,080.00 2,820.00 150.00 420.00 ~,500.00 5,520.00 2,580.00 2,340.00 270.00 5o0.oo 75.00 1,260.00 1,O00.00 300.00 5,400.00 3,660.00 6,120.00 18,060.00 7,920.00 5,580.oo 2,280.00 2,220.00 2,460.00 2,220.00 2,280.00 1,000.00 2OO.OO 700.0o 650.00 6OO.OO 10.o0 1SO.CO 45o.oo TOO.CO &20.O0 51,710.00 75,370.00 193,115.00 150,000.00 41,140.00 26,680.00 8,000.00 5,~00.00 172.50 Salary, City ,hysician 6,680.00 Salary, Clerk 2,280.00 Salary, Nurses, ~ ~ $2,460.00 7,380.00 Salary, Nurses (3 months) @ $205.00 615.00 Salary, Special Physicians 300.00 Salary, Special Nurses 300.00 Salary, Pharmacist (Part-Time) 1,410.00 Stationery and Office Supplies 100.00 Postage 30.00 Telephone 12~.00 Incidentals 100.00 Gasoline and 0il 250.00 Medical Supplies 8,750.00 Fuel 20.00 Automobile Allowance 660.00 Total City Physician 21,025-00 3,390.00, !8,3~5.00 614,667.0( 29,000. O0 CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS' PENSIONS - 59 Pensions to confederate Widows Total Confederate Soldiers' Pensions AI~iSHOUSE - 6O Salary, Superintendent Salary, Matron Salar y, Nor se Salary, Nurse Salary, Cook Salary, Helper Salary, Farm Hand Wages Telephone Insurance Gasoline and Oil Supplies Food Supplies Clothing Fuel Electricity Water Repairs Burial of Paupers Total Almshouse HOSPITALIZATION - 61 Hospitalization (l! Totel Hospitalization (1) This is not a lu~p sum appropriation and is to be disbursed only on actual services rendered CITY JAIL - 62 Salary, ~ail Physician (3) Salary, ~ailor (1) Salary, Jailor (1) Salary, Jailor (1) Salary, Jailor (1) Salary, Natron (1) Salary, Cook (1) Salary, Relief Jailor (1) Wages (2) Stationery and Office Supplies (3) Telephone and Telegraph (3) Bond l~remium (3) Supplies (4) Food Supplies (4) Clothing for Prisoners (4) Clothing for Work Gang (2) Fuel for Cooking (4) Repairs to ~ail (2) Repairs to Cook Stove (4) Medical Expense (2) Equipment (3) (5) Total City ~ail (1) This represents one-third of actual salary (2) All expenses borne by City (3) Two-thirds reimbursed by State (4) Prorated by prison days (5) Exhaust Fan ............ $ 150.00 ~UVENILE DETENTION HOD~ - 63 Salary, Syperintendent (1) Salary, Supervisor (1) Salary, Maid (1) Salary, Cook (1) Extra Help (1) Wages Telephone Insurance Supplies (2) Food Supplies~ (2) Clothing (2) Fuel (2) Electricity (2) Water (2) Repairs Total Juvenile Detention Home (1) Two-thirds reimbursed by State (2) Prorated by Prison Days 672.OO 672.00 1,932.00 1,470.00 1,410.00 1,350.00 1,350.00 1,290.00 1,839.00 750.00 222.00 370.00 300.00 1,500.00 8,500.00 200.00 1,500.00 175.oo 450.00 1,500.00 l~00O.00 27,108.00 .... 50~O00.O0 50,000'00 1,440.00 1,000.00 973-33 953.33 880.00 713.33 960.00 100.00 2,000.00 150.00 125.00 75.00 2,500.00 17,500.00 850.00 850.00 500.00 1,200.00 2O0.00 500.00 15o.oo 33,619.99 1,830 O0 1,620~00 1,320.00 1,320.00 35o. oo 800.00 125.00 390.00 1,200.00 3,?00.00 100.00 600.00 150.oo 250.00 400.00 14,155.00 ENGINEERING AND SUPERINTENDENCE - 70 Salary, Director of Public Works Salary, Chief Engineer Salary, Plan~ing Engineer Salary, Instrmment Man Salary, Ins tr ~ment Man Salary, Draftsman Salary, Draftsman Salary, Dr af.tsman Salary, Rodman Salary, Rodman, 2~ $2,580.00 Salary, Rodman Salary, Chainman , 2 ~ $2,460.00 Salary, Inspector Salary, Stenographer Salary, Clerk-Stenographer Salary, Extra Employees Stationery and Office Supplies Pos tage Telephone and Telegraph Travel Expense Automobile Allowance Gasoline and Oil Hepairs to Machinery and Equipment Engineer ing Supplies Furniture and Equipment (1) Total Engineering Department (1) i Wye Level i Photostat i Calculator i Desk i Typewriter i Chair i Automobile $35o.oo 5oo.oo 7oo.oo 15o.o0 15o.oo 55.oo 2,000.00 SEWER CONSTRUCTION - 71 Wages Gasoline and 0il Supplies Repairs to Machinery Contr actor s Equipment Rental Mater ials Rights of Way Equipment (1) Total Sewer Construction (1) Paving Breaker Tools .~ 3oo. oo 80.00 MAINTENENCE OF SEWERS AND DRAINS - 72 Salary, Foreman ( 3 months) Wages Gasoline and 0il Supplies Wa t er Mat er ials Rights of Way Total Maintenance of Sewers and Drains SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT - 72-A Salary, Operator Salary, Assistant Operator Salary, Clerk-Typist Wages Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Te le p hone Bond Pr emi~m Insurance Supplies Fuel Elec tr ic ity Wat er Repairs Gasoline and 0il Total Sewage Disposal Plant STREET CLEANING - 73 Salary, Superintendent ( 6 months) Salary, Foreman Wage s Gasoline and 0il l~aintenance of Sweepers Supplies Equipment (1) Total Street Cleaning I1 ) 12 Steel Waste Baskets 6,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 3,620.00 3,440.00 3,720.00 3,180.00 3,000.00 2,700.00 5,160.00 2,400.00 4,920.00 2,880.00 2,200.00 1,920.00 5oo.oo ?oo.oo 50.00 15o. oo 250.00 3oo.oo 750.o0 15o.o0 1,5o0.o0 3,905.00 10,000.00 4oo. oo 15o.oo 150.oo 40,000.00 100.00 10,000.00 500.00 38O.OO 900.00 29,000.00 6oo.oo 7oo.oo 3o.oo 5,000.00 50.00 2,835.00 2,160.00 1,800.00 100.00 425.OO 250.00 133.00 15.00 65.00 1,000.00 75.oo 250.00 470.00 200.00 175.00 1,590.00 2,820.00 51,000.O0 3,800.00 4,200.00 6OO.OO 62,895.00 61,680.00 36,280.00 9,953.00 64,334.00 REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Salary, Superintendent (6 months) Salary, Foreman, 3 ~ $2,820.00 Salary, Incinerator Engineer Salary, Checker Wages Telephone Bond Premium Ins ur ance Gasoline and 0il Suppli es Fuel ~ Electricity Water Repairs to Incinerator Total Refuse Collection and Disposal .FLY AND MOSQU. ITO CONTROL - 74A Wag es Supplies Total Fly and Mosquito Control STREET CONSTRUCTION - 75 Wages Bond Premium Gasoline and 0il Supplies Contractors (1) Equipment Rental ~aterials Rights of Way Total Street Construction (1) $20~000.00 Gurb, Gt~.tter and Sidewalk $ 10,000.O0 Street Paving STREET REPAIRS - 76 Salary, General Foreman ( 9 months) Salary, Foreman Salary, Power Shovel Operator Wag es Te le phone Bond Premium In sur anc e Gasoline and 0il Repairs to Machinery Supplies Electricity Water Contr ac tor s Equipment Rental Materials Equipment (1) Total Street Repairs (1) i Asphalt Kettle $750.00 1 2-Ton Truck ...111113,000.00 STREET SIGNS AND HOUSE NUMBERING - 27 Salary, General Foreman ( 2 months) VJage s Gasoline and 0il ~at er ials Total Street Signs BRIDGE REPAIRS - 78 Salary, General Foreman (10 months) Wages Telephone Bond Premium Gasoline and 0il Supplies Contractors Materials Total Bridge Repairs STREET LIGHTING - 79 Street Lights (1) Total Street Lighting (1) Includes 2,000 2,500 Lmnen Incandescent Lights 82 6,000 " ,, ,, 81 21,000 ,, ,, ,, 22 10,000 " " ,, 1,590.00 8,~60.00 2,580.00 2,580.00 300,000.00 125.00 5.00 ~50.00 17~100.00 1,300.00 1,600.00 85o.00 2,000.00 3~000.00 341,640.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 5.00 1,300.00 3oo. oo 30,000.00 5o.o0 10,000. o0 5~ooo.o0 56,655.0o 2,700.00 3,240.00 3,220.00 130,000.00 105.00 10.00 55.oo 10,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 15.o0 100.00 25,0U~3.~ 100.00 75,000.00 3,750.00 256,295.00 600,00 1,500.00 125.00 5oo. oo 2,725.00 3,000.00 10,775.00 25.00 5.00 800.00 525.00 5,000.00 9~275.~ 29,405.00 49~000.00 ~9,000.00 AND ICE REMOVAL - 80 Wages Gasoline and 0il Sup pl i es Rental of Equipment Total Snow and Ice Removal 13,000.00 1,200.00 250.00 3~000.00 17.,450.00 PUBLIC SCHOOLS - 9© Administration Salary, Super intendent Salary, Clerk of School Board Salary, Deputy Clerk of School Board Salary. Secretaries and Clerks Office Equipment Stationery, Printing, etc. Postage, Telephone and Telegraph Total Administration 6,000.00 5,500.00 4,800.00 26,500.00 700.00 800.00 1~000.00 45,300~0( Instruction Principals, Teachers and Directors Total Principals, Teachers snd Directors 1,689~420.00 1,689,420.0( Other Instructional Personnel Salary, Director of Retarded Children Salary, Clerks in Senior High Schools Salary, Clerks in Junior High Schools .Salary, Clerks in Elementary Schools Salary, Library Clerks Total Other Instructional Personnel 3,780.00 8,410.00 9,775.00 27,930.00 2.0~395.00 70,290.0 Supplementary Service Personnel Salary, Attendance Teacher - White Salary, Cafeteria ~anager Salary, Supplement - Cafeteria Personnel Total- Supplementary Service Personnel Textbooks and Supplies 2,690.00 2,880.00 39,000.00 4~,570.o~ Free Textbooks Total Textbooks and Supplies Instructional Equipment and Supplies Equipment ( Academic and Commercial ) G~neral School Room and Audio-Visual Science Department Music Department Pianos Commercial Department ~.Jiaintenance and Equipment Playgrounds 25,600..00 6,000.00 2,000.00 10,570.00 1,990.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 6,700.00 25,600.01 Supplies (Academic and Commercial) General Showroom Science Department t~usic Department Stationery lO,O00.O0 800.00 2,800.00 3,000.00 Equipment (Vocational) Home Economics Industrial Arts Other Vocational 1,450.00 2,080.00 11,245.00 Supplies (Vocational) Home Economics Industrial Arts Other Vocational First Aid Medical Supplies Sommer Workshop Auto Driver Training Total Instructional Equipment and Supplies Operation of School Plant Salary, Custodian Jefferson High Salary, JanitOrs - White Salary, Janitors - Negro Salary, Female Helpers Salary, Janitors (Vacation Period) Salary, Driver Delivery Truck Salary, Driver Station Wagon (Crippled Children) Upkeep and Operation of Delivery Truck Upkeep and Operation of Station Wagon School Telephones 3,350.00 4,000.00 ~,000.00 250.00 1,300.00 100.00 2,880.00 63,080.00~ 15,280.00 31,880.00 5,090.00 2,100.00 1,000.00 550.00 3oo.oo 5,000.00 80,035.00 Operation of School Plant - Continued Fuel: Coal Gas Water Electric C~rr ent Janitorial Equipment Building Supplies Total Operation of School Plant Naintenance of School Plant Salary, Salary, Salary, Labor Supervisor of Buildings and Orounds Assistant Supervisor Pa inting Supervisor Repair and Upkeep: Administration Building Jefferson High Lee J~nior High Stonewall Jackson Junior High ~onroe Junior High Woodrow Wilson Junior High Belmont Crystal Spring Forest Park Highland Park Jamison Loudon i, ie lr os e ~or ning s i de Norwich Virginia Heights Wa sen a West End Addison High Gainsboro Gilmer Hart ison Wi]_liam Fleming High Oakland Washington Heights Tinker River dale Gar den City ~iscellaneous Repairs tO Buildings Improvements to Grounds Repairs to Furniture and Equipment Replacement of Window Shades Upkeep and 0peratio~ of Trucks Operation and Maintenance of Equipment Heating Plants Cafeteria l~aintenanc e Fire Extinguishers Reolacement of Lockers Garbage Equipment Total Maintenance of Fixed Charges School Plant Fire Insurance Workmen's Compensation Insurance Group Disability Ihsurance Boiler Insurance Surety Bond Auditing Costs Employees' Retirement System Contribution Total Fixed Charges -Capital Outlay Furniture and Equipment Total Furniture and Equipment Miscellaneous Pupil Transportation Automobile Expense, Attendance Teacher Library and Athletic Contests Commencements Authorized Traveling Expense Unclassified Items ~Travel Expense, State Aid Employees Rental Maher Field 36,000.00 6oo.oo il,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 ~000.00 196,760.00 5,200.00 ~,080.00 3,300.00 ~1,~00.00 1,050.00 1,825.00 1,175.00 2,150.00 1,~00.00 2,625.00 1,550.00 2,950.00 2,000.00 2,900.00 2,400.00 2,660.00 575.00 ~60.00 1,600.00 2,250.00 2,700.00 1,~10.00 2,350.00 25o.oo 3,250.00 2,250.00 2,550.00 2,850.00 2,825.00 25o.oo 250.00 250.00 6,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 1,200.00 7,090.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3~200.00 138,~25.00 9,500.00 5,000.00 32,000.00 2,000.00 l~O. o o 800.00 23~000.00 72,440.00 ~0~000.00 40,000.00 26,000.00 275.00 1,050.00 ~oo. oo 500.00 1,535.oo 1,700.00 500.00 Less State Appropriation, General State Appropriation, Special Tuition R en tals Refunds State Appropriation Annex $ 516,000.00 84,500.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 20,400.00 TOTAL PUBLIC EDUCATION 627,400.00 1,820,000.00 RECREATION DEPARTed%IT - 100 Salary, Director Salary, Assistant Director Salary, Athletic Director Salary, Supervisors, 2 ¢ $2,640.00 Salary, Stenographer Salary, Stenographer Salary, C~unity Center Director Salary, Colored Supervisor Salary, Play Leaders Salary, Umpires, etc. ~Tages Stationery and Office Supplies .Postage Telephone Bond Premium Travel Expense Gasoline and 0il Supplies Repairs Automobile Allowance Rehtal 1 ~ $40.00 p!r month 2 ~ ~22~ 00 " ~ ~ ~00 "- 6 months Furniture anti.Equipment (1) Total Recreation Department (1) Tennis Nets $350.00 Table Tennis Tables 270,00 Sliding Boards 1,900.00 Portable P. A. System 350.00 CELEBRATIONS AND PUBLIC ENTERTAINI~T - 101 Wages Halloween Celebration Municipal Christmas Lighting Misc ellane0us Community Dances Total Celebrations and Public Entertainment PUBLIC PARKS - 102 Sala y, Superintendent Salary, Keeper Elmwood Salary, Keeper Jackson Salary, Keeper Washington Salaryi Keeprt Fishburn and Shrine Hill Salaryi Keeper l{elrose Salary, Keeper South Roano~;:e and Lakewood Salary, Keeper Mill Mountain Salary, Tree Surgeon Wage s Telephone Bond Pr emi um Insurance Gasolin'e and Oil Supplies Tree s and Flower s Fuel Electricity Wa t er Repair s Equipment and Tmprovements (1) Total Public Pa~ks (1) 5 Rotary Power Mowers 6 Hand Mower s 1 Set Carpente~ Tools I Sod Cutter Playground Equipment 750.00 180.00 85.00 150.o0 1,200.00 4,980.00 3,160.00 2,820.00 5,280.00 2,160.00 1,740.00 2,280.00 2,660.00 16,720.00 5,600.00 8OO.OO 325.00 225.00 350.00 5.00 50.00 50.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 1,230.00 1,000.00 ~,870.00 25o.oo 45o.oo 3oo.oo 50o. o0 3oo.oo 2,655.00 2,200.00. 2,175.00 2,055.00 2,235.00 2,220.00 2,175.00 2,175.00 2,595.00 36,000.00 ~05.o0 5.00 5~0.00 1,500.00 3,~60.00 1,000.00 800.00 750.00 1,800.00 7,56~.00 2~365.00 59'805'.00 1,800.00 76,674.o0 MIE~IC!PAL STADIUM AND ATHLETIC FIELD - 103 Salary, Custodian Salary, -Atendants, etc. Wages Telephone Insurance Supplies Advertising Fuel Electricity Water R epa ir s Equipment and Improvemen' (1) Fence $ 2,0 Tools PUBLIC LIBRARY- Salary, Librarian Salar y, Cataloguer 2,235.00 3oo.oo 3,200 · 00 125.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 3o0.oo 200. co 1,5o0.0o 2,000.00 2, ooo. 00 ~s (1) 2,075.00 ~otal Municipal Stadium and Athletic Field )0.00 75.00 Salary, Children's Libra:~ian Salary, Reference Librar Lan Salary, Librarian, Raleigh Court Branch Salary, Librarian, Melrose Branch Salary, Librarian, Gainsboro Branch Salary, Circulation Librarian Salary, Junior Assistants, 2 @ $1,812.00 Salary, J~nior Assistant Salary, Junior Assistant - Gainsboro Salary, Junior Assistant - Buena Vista Salary, Junior Assistant - Williamson Road Salary, Vacation Substitutes Salary, Janitress, Main Library Salary, Janitors, Gainsboro and ~elrose, 2 C $420.00 Salary, Janitor, Haleigh Court Salary, Fomnaceman, Raleigh Court Wages Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone and Telegraph Total Public Library Bond Pr eni~m Insurance Books Periodicals Supplies Fuel Electricity Wa t er R~pairs B in ding Equipment (1) 4,020.00 3,280.00 3,156.00 3,036.00 2,280.00 2,568.00 2,280.00 2,400.00 3,624.00 1,746 · 00 1,620.00 720.00 ?2o.oo 30o. co 81o. co 840. o0 120.00 9o.oo 35o.oo 355.oo 125.00 40 2.00 5.00 9OO.OO 8,750.00 650.00 TOO.CO 1,000.00 41o.oo 6o.oo 75o.oo 1,O00.O0 47.oo (1) 1 Section Shelving $47.00 PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES TO FOR~R EMPLOYEES - 110 Police and Fire Pensions Gratuities to Former Employees (1) Total Pensions and Gratuities to - Former Employees 60,000.00 5~866.00 (1) Douglas P. Magann $90.00 per month Smith B. Thornton 19.50 " " John E. Hancock 16.90 " " Will Langdon 16.85 " " Lelia O. Neff 24.00 ,' " James H. Beheler 15.76 " " James W. I~axey 25 · 13 " " ~ames R. Board 17.76 " " David H. Board 25.99 " " Lewis Walker 20.80 " " Clarence E. Laprad 36.00 " " Joel H.l.~eadors 36.00 " " Walt 36.00 " " ~lor 36.00 " " Sail 72.00 " " Salary, B Salary, S Salary, E Stationer Postage Bond ~r em~ er R. Amos ~nce L. Deyerle e H. Jefferies ~PLOYEE'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM - 111 ookkeeper tenographer-Clerk ztra Employees and Physicians y and Office ~dp~lies Lull 2,820.00 2,220.00 100.00 250.00 25.00 50.CO 16,635.00 49,114.0o 65,866.00 DA~L&GES AND COSTS - 112 Incidentals Court Costs Personal Injuries Damages to PrOperty Total Da~m~ges and Costs REFUNDS AND REBATES - 113 E~roneous Assessment of Taxes Local Assessments Accounts Licenses Fines Total Refunds and Rebates WORKMEN' S COMPENSATION - 114 i Nurses and Physicians iMedicel Supplies Hospitalization Funerals C crop ensati on State Tax Total Workmen's Compensation DUES, ~NJNICIPAL LEAGUE - 115 U. S. Conference of Mayors Leagae of Virginia Municipalities Total Dues, Municipal League MAINTENANCE OF CITY PROPEBTY - 116 Wages Insurance Materials Purchase of Property Total Maintenance of City Property MUNICIPAL AIRPORT - 120 Salary, Manager Salary, Assistant Manager Salary, Stenographer Salary, Chief Serviceman Salary, Watchman Salary, Field'Attendant Salary, Maintenance Technician Salary, Servicemen, 2 ~ $2,040.00 Salary, Janitor Wages Stationery and Office Supplies Postage Telephone Intercommunication System Bond Premium In sur ance Gasoline and 0il Gasoline and 0il for Resale Supplies Fuel Electricity Wa t er Repairs Automobile Expense Ma tar ials Equipment and Improvements (1) Total Municipal Airport (1) 1 Aircraft Towing Jig 30.00 Lobby Furniture 250.00 Electric Test Equipment 125.00 Mec hsnic Tools 100.00 25.00 300.0O 1,500.00 100.00 500.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 100.00 3,000.00 2O0.00 2,500.00 SOO.CO 250.00 1,476.00 200.00 50.00 250.00 10~000.00 4,260.00 3,000.00 2,040.00 2,520.00 2,340.00 2,180.00 2,760.00 4,080.00 1,680.00 4,500.00 250.00 75.00 25o.oo 45o.oo 10.00 9OO.OO 50.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 75o.00 35o.0o 1,500.00 300.oo 2,000.00 5o~.,o~ 1,925.00 8,000.00 1!,300.00 1,726.00 10,500.00 70,450.00 ~EINICIPAL MAR~T - 121 Salar y, Clerk Salary, Assistant Clerk Salary, Mechanic Salary, Mechanic Salary, Janitors, 2 @ ~2,010.00 Salary, Matron, Rest Room Salary, Janitr ess Extra Help Wages 3,780.00 3,000.00 2,820.00 2,460.00 4,020.00 2,076.00 1,500.00 100.00 3,000.00 ~ER~ICIPAL MARKET - 121 (Continued) ~tationery and Office Supplies ~ostage ~elephone Bond Premium Insur ance ~aintenance of ~efrigerating Plant Supplies Fuel Electricity ~Jater Repairs Automobile Allowance Furniture and Equipment (1) Total ~.~unicipal Market ( 1 ) Typ ewr it e r D~JNICIPAL SCALES - 122 Wages Commissions Stationery and Supplies Rent Total Municipal Scales I~rUNiCIPAL CE~IETERY- 123 Wages Supplies Wat er Mater ials Total ~unicipal Cemetery CITY FARM - 12~ Salary, Farm Hand Salary, Farm Hand Salary, Farm Hand Wages Telephone Insurance Gasoline and 0il Repairs to Farm Machinery Supplies Veterinarian and ~edical Supplies Dairy and Poultry Feed Fuel Electric ity Repairs i~ent Total City Farm ACADEMY OF ~EJSIC - 125 Insurance Electricity Water Total Academy of Music VETERANS HOUSING PROJECT - 126 Salary, Clerk Wages Sattionery Postage Telephone Bond Premium Insurance Gasoline and 0il Supplies Fuel Electricity Water Repairs Total Veterans Housing Project ~J~JNICIPAL GARAGE - 130 Salary, Super intendent Salary, Shop Foreman Salary, Clerk Salary, Clerk V~ages Stationery and Supplies Tel ep hone Bond Premium Ins ~Lrance Gasoline and Oil Parts for Motor Equipment 100.00 10.00 125.00 10o00 1,050.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 2,800.00 3,500.00 ~+, 500.00 180.00 15o.oo 7+0,981.00 30.00 ~oo.oo 75.oo 5.00 510.00 1,500.00 25.00 ~o.oo 6o.oo ......... 1,625.00 633.00 613.00 637.33 670.00 17.00 10.00 35o.oo ~7o.oo 1,000.00 85.00 500.00 65.00 35.00 1,000.00 1~000.00 6,785.33 160.00 150.00 3o.o0 340.00 2,160.00 8,000.00 150.00 15.oo lOS.OO 5.00 lOO.OO lOO.OO 250.00 1,800.00 3oo.oo 3,900.00 12~000.00 28,885.00 3,420.00 2,9~0.00 2,580.00 2,340.00 ~0,000.00 3oe. oo 5.co 8,500.00 35o.oo 15.000.00 (,;2 · ~JNICI.PAL GARAGE - 1.3.0. (Continued) ~Supplies Fuel iElectricity IiWater iRepairs . ~Auto.mobmle Allowance Repazrs by Others Equipment and Improvements (l) Total M~nicipal Garage Water Cooler Gasoline Pmnp Jacks Milling Machine Acetylene Generator Stock Bins Mechanic Tools $ 275.00 35o.oo 38o.oo ~5o.oo 225.00 35o.oo 110.00 ASPHALT PLANT - 132 i Wages Insuranc e Electricity Wa t er Total Asphalt Plant INTEREST ON INDEBTEDNESS -l~0 iInterest on BOnded Debt liInterest on Fishburn Bonds iInterest 6n Shrine Hill Park i Interest School Library Bond IInterest due County (19~9 Annex) Total Interest on Indebtedness DEBT RETIREMENT - 141 I Serial Bonds Due January 1 ISerial Bonds Due October 1 Serial Bonds Due December 1 i Fishb~rn Bonds Due April 20 IShrine Hill Park Note Due July 15 School Literary Bond Due June 1 Roanoke County (1949 Annex) Total Debt Retirement SINEINC FUND CONTRIBUTION - 142 1 1/2% Outstanding Term Bonds Total Sinking Fund Contribution GRA~D TOTAL CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS 6,500.00 50o.oo 600.00 400.00 2,000.00 300.00 2,000.00 2,140.00 98,525.00 ~00.00 15.00 15.00 50.00 480.00 276,418.75 125.00 1,800.00 10,000.00 8,354.19 296,697.94 85,000.00 89,000.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 14,250.00 16,049.10 55~125.00 254,299.10 ¢6, &63,407, APPROPRIATIONS FROM ACCU~CULATED SURPLUS Airport Improvements Total GRAND TOTAL ALL APPROPRIATIONS 1~5,000.00 175,000.00 $6,638,407.7L BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the rates of pay for all employees of the City of Roanoke whose compensation is paid on an hourl~ basis, exclusive of personnel of the Water Department and the Public Schools be, and the same are hereby fixed as follows, effective as of January l, 1950, and to continue in force during the calendar year 1950, ~nless sooner changed by Co~ci] Position Per Ho~r For eman Fo r eman Foreman Assistant Foreman Assistant Foreman Blacksmi th Guard Drill Runner Asphalt Po~r er Stone Spreader Rollerman Mixerman Asphalt Rollers Sewerman 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 1st Class 2nd Class 1.23 1.20 1.17 1.14 1.12 1.07 1.02 1.o7 1.07 1. o? 1.12 1.02 1.12 1.0~ Position Truck Dr iver Truck Dr iver Carpenter Carpenter Painter Painter Road ~,~achine Operator Tractor ~achine Operator ~,.~ower Tractor Operator Automobile Mechanic Automobile Mechanic Automobile Mechanic Street Sweeper Operator Watchman Labor er Lab or er Stone ~ason Stone ~viason Brick Mason Tree Trimmer Tr e e Trimmer Per Hour 1st Class $ 1.03 2nd Class 1.00 1st Class 1.17 2nd Class 1.07 1st Class 1.07 2nd Class 1.02 1.08 1.12 1.07 1st Class 1.22 2nd Class 1.17 3rd Class 1.15 1.12 1st Class .95 2nd Class .92 1st Class 1.32 2nd Class 1.17 1.32 1st Class 1.12 2nd Class 1.02 BE IT FURTH~ ORDAINED that an emergency is set forth and declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force on and after January l, 1950. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN TITE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 10330. AN ORDINANCE establishing policy with reference to expenditures by the City for equipment and supplies in the total amount of $1,000.00, or more, and awarding o contracts therefor. ¥~HEREAS, in order to provide for the daily operation of the ~unicipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from January l, 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that all expenditures for equipment and supplies in the total amount of $1,000.00, or more, with the exception of items specifically exempt by law from Council control shall be made only after competitive bids have been received by the properly desig- nated City officials or employees, and contracts to furnish equipment and/or suppl~.e~ shall be awarded to the low bidder, except that Council may authorize the awarding of a contract to a bidder other than the low bidder when evidence is produced show- ing that the best interest of the City will be served by such authorization. BE IT MJRTHER ORDAINED that in an emergency, the City Manager may authorize purchases from other than the low bidder and report the same at the next succeeding meeting of Council, setting forth justification of the emergency action. BE IT FURTHh~R ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force from January l, 1950. APPROVED ATTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of December, 19~9. No. 10331. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City Manager to approve necessary expemditures and obligations for operation of the Water Department for period beginning January l, 1950, as shown in its 1950 budget, pending the adoption of the Water Department Budget for 1950, and authorizing the City Auditor to draw warrants in payment of said expenditumes and obligations. ~tEREAS, in order that the usual daily operation of the Water Department may go forward, an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from January l, 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to approve necessary expenditures and obligations for operation of the V~ater Department for period beginning January l, 1950, as shown in its 1950 budget, pending the adoption of the Water Department Budget for BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authoriz- ed to draw warrants in payment of the said necessary expenditures and obligations as approved by the City Nanager. BE IT KORTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from January l, 1950. APPROVED ~~ C~lerk~~ President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRCINIA, The 28th day of Dec ember, 1949. No. 10332. AN ORDINANCE making appropriations from the 1949 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency. ~HEREAS, in order to provide for the daily operation of the ~,~unicipal Government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in force from January l, 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following amounts are hereby appropriated for the following purposes for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950: Fire Etations Engine er ing Sewer Construction Street Construction Highway 460 Street Signs Traffic Signals Refunds and Rebates $ 108,596.92 48,373.16 730,950.56 68,000.94 89,170.00 8,082.86 282.67 100.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is set forth and declared to exist end this Ordinance shall be in force on and after ~an~ary l, 1950. A?PROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr'e2i~ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OFRO,'~I\OI...E"' ' , VIRGli~IA, The 3rd day of January, 19%0. ~o. 10333. A RESOLUTI)~ authorizing the employment of a stenographer on a per diem basi for a eeriod not to exceed four months, in connection with the acquisition of rights. of-way in the widenin? and improvin? of l',(elrose 4venue, i~. W. (U. S. Highway Route No. 460), from Old Country Club Road. to Peters Creek, the salary of the stenographer to be char~ed to the cost of the highway project, and providinM for an emergency. ~,'~rHEREAS, for the nreservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RE3CLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that autaori' be, and is hereby granted for the employment of a stenographer on a per diem basis f~ a period not to exceed four months, in connection with .the acquisition of rights-of- way in the widening and improving of ]V~elrose Avenue, N. J. (U. S. ~ighway Route No. 460), from Old Country Club Road to Peters Creek, the salary of the stenographer to be char~ed to the cost of the highway [~roject. BE IT FURTHER RE~qD~.LVED t[mt an emergency is declared to exist and this Resol~ tion shall be in force from its passaze. ATTEST: APPROVED ~H~.~ COU~,~C!L FOR THE CiTY OF RO~q~OKE~. , ViRGil'{iA, The 3rd day of January, 1950. No. 10334. ~ RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Auditor and the City Treasur. to endorse a check tendered Roy E. Callis in full settlement of his alleged claim aeainst James I'.]e!vin Tabor for injuries occasioned by a collision of an automobile driven by the said Tabor with an automobile, owned by the City and, driven by said Officer Callis on or about the 23rd day of January, 19~9, upon Officer Callis re- fundin~ the City a sum equivalent to all medical, hospital and doctors' bills paid by tb~e City on behalf of said Officer Cal]is necessitated by the aforesaid collision and ~20.00 for each and every week the City has paid said Officer his salary during his disability to January 3, 1950. Y r WHEREAS, Police Officer Roy E. Callis, while on duty, was disabled as a result of an automobile collision between a City patrol car he was driving and an automobile operated by James Melvin Tabor on or about the 23rd day of January, 19!~9; and WHEREAS, the City has paid, on behalf of said Officer Callis, pursuant to the provisions of the Workmens' Compensation Act, certain medical and hospital expenses to cure him of said injuries, and also has paid him his full salary as a police officer from the time of said accident to date; and WHEREAS, Officer Cal.lis instituted an action against the said Tabor, in the Court of Law and Chancery of the City of Roanoke (Law Case No. $205), seeking to recover damages for his aforesaid injuries; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Act, the City i'iled its petition in the aforesaid action prayin~ that it be refunded all proper sums pai5 by the City to or on behalf '~of said Officer Cal]is out of any judgment the said Officer might recover against the said Tabor; and :~'~HEREAS, prior to a trial of the aforesaid action said Officer Callis agreedi! to settle his claim for ~7,500.00 and has been tendered a check in that amount payable !to Roy Callis and Arthur E. Smith, his attorney, and the Oity of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the City Auditor has calculated that the City has paid medical, hospital and doctors' bills on behalf of Officer Callis necessitated by the afore- said injuries in the amount of ~1,3~9.55, and further that ,$20.00 weekly compensatio~ from the time of said. injuries to January 3, 1950 amounts to J~985.71, a total of .$2,335.26; and WHEREAS, on December 2, 19~9 Council appointed a Committee, composed of the City Attorney and Councilmen Dil].ard and Edwards, to report a fair settlement of the City's claim against Officer Callis in the premises, which Committee's report was unanimously approved by Council and is in accord with this resolution. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, and in accordance with said Committee's reFort: 1. That the City Auditor and the City Treasurer be, and they hereby are, authorized and directed to endorse the aforementioned check upon the Treasurer receiving from Officer Call. is the aforementioned sum of' ~2,~5.26; said check being briefly described as follows: No. 176119 of Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile insurance Company, dated December 1, 19~9, for ,$7,500.O0 and payaOle to Roy Callis and Arthur E. Smith, his Attorney, and the City of Roanoke, Virginia, through the main office o. the Ohio ?~ational Bank, Columbus, Ohio; and 2. That said Officer Callis's salary not be paid him by the City beyond Apri 1, 1950 unless he returns to work on or before said last mentioned date. ATTEST:~ Clerk APPROVED President IN THE CCUI'~CIL FOt( THE CITY OF ROAi~OKE, VittGIi~IA, The 3rd day of January, 1950. I~o. 10335. A RESOLUTION authorizin.~ the City Attorney to attend a meetirlg of the Legis lstive Committee of the League of Vir6inia I,,unicipalities to be held on Friday, January 6, 1950~ at ~ichmond, Virginia. ~E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney be, ~d he is hereby authorized to attend, at the ~xpense~ of the City, a meet'~s~ of the Legislative Committee of the Leasue of Vir6inia i~unicipalities~ to be held in th~ City of Richmond on Friday~ January 6, 1950. APPROVED ATTEST: ( / - , [~eS~ent IN THE C01~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of January, 1950. No. 10336. A RESOLUTION approving the design and preliminary plans for the proposed aew public library in Elmwood Park, dated December 22, 19~9, as prepared by Frantz and Addkison, Architects, in collaboration with Dr. J. L. Wheeler, Consulting Librarian, and ~Ir. A. ~;. Githens, Consulting Architect, providing for the erection of the building in the northwest corner of Elmwood Park seventy-five feet from the property line on Jefferson Street; directing that a copy of this Resolution be filed with the Building Inspector for his guidance in issuing the building permit; and repealing all resolution, or parts of resolutions, in conflict herewith. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the design and preliminary plans for the proposed new public library in Elmwood Park, dated cember 22, 19~9, as prepared by Frantz and Addkison, Architects, in collaboration with Dr. J. L. V,~eeler, Consulting Librarian, and Mr. A. ~. Githens, consulting Architect, providing for the erection of the building in the northwest corner of Elmwood Park seventy-five feet from the property line on Jefferson Street, be, and the same are hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Building Inspector for his guidance in issuing the building permit for the proposed new public library. , BE IT FURTheR RESOLVED that all resolutions, or parts of resolutions, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby repealed. APPROVED Clerk President IN TH~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5.th day of January, 1950. ' ' No. 10337.. A RESOLUTION authorizing the firm of~Frantz and Addkison, resident architect for the proposed new public library in Elmwood Park, who were awarded contract under authority of Resolution No. 10267, adopted on the 28th day of November, 19~9, to employ a firm of engineers in connection wi~n the designing and preparation of plans and supervision of the work of installing the heating, ventilating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems for the library, at a fee of 6½ per cent of the total cost for the construction of the systems, said fee to be paid to Frantz and Addkison, in addition to the 6 per cent fee included in their original contract, on the basis of the provisions contained in said contract with reference to payments thereunder. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke under date of November 28, 19~9 by Resolution No. 10267, authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement betweez the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Frantz and Addkison, Architects, dated the 30th day of September, 19~9, covering professional services in connection with the erection of a new Public Library Building in the northwest corner of Elmwood Park, under terms and conditions contained therein, and V~tEREAS, it appears that said contract providea that the architects shall be reimbursed the costs of certain engineering services required in connection with the project, and WHEREAS, the architects have requested authority to employ a firm of engineers in connection with the designing and preparation of plans and supervision of the work of installing the heating, ventila~ting, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems for the library, at a fee of 6½ per cent of the total cost for the construction of the systems, in which request Council concurs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted to the firm of Frantz and Addkison, resident architects for the proposed new public library in Elmwood Park, who were awarded contract under authority of Resolution No. 10267, adopted on the 2Sth day of Novembe 19~9, to employ a firm of engineers in connection with the designing and preparation of plans and supervision of the work of installing the heating, ventilating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing systems for the library, at a fee of 621 per cent of the total cost for the construction of the systems, said fee to be paid to Frantz and Addkison, in addition to the 6 per cent fee included in their original contract, on the basis of the provisions contained in said contract with reference to payments thereunder. APPROVED Clerk President !~ TF2~ C OUI'~CIL FOR THE C ITlT OF ROAN0Y~, VIRGIMIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 10312. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Article I, Section 1, of Chapter 51 of the Code of the City of Roanoke,IVirgi~ia, in relation to Zoning. ~g~EREAS, notice of public hearing on the question of rezoning to Light Industrical District that portion of property located on both sides of Williamson Road, N. E., between Wayne Street (Oakland Boulevard) and Thurston (Locust) Avenue, now zoned as Business Distr,'ct, as required by Article X'I, Section ~3, of Chapter 51 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Zoning, was published in "The World-News", a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, for the time required by said section, and WHEREAS, the hearing as provided for in said notice published in said newspaper was given on the 28.~h day of December, 1949, at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., before the Council of the City of Roanoke in the Council Room in the ~.~unicipal Building, at which hearing evidence both for and against the rezoning was submitted and WHEREAS, it is deemed from the evidence submitted that it would be for the best interest of the City to rezone from Business District to Light Industrial District property located on the east side of Williamson Road, N. E., between Wayne Street (Oakland Boulevard) and Thurston (Locust) Avenue, described as part of Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Oakland ~.~ap. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Articl I, Section l, of Chapter 51 of the Code o~f the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, be amended and reenacted in the following particular and no other, viz: Property located on the east side of Williamson Road, N. E., between Wayne Street (Oakland Boulevard) and Thurston (Locust) Avenue, described as part of Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Oakland Map, designated on Sheet ~ll of the Zoning Map as Official Nos. 3110107 and 3ll010$, be, and is hereby changed from Business District to Light Industrial District, and the Map herein referred to shall be changed in this respect. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk pr es~ident - IN THE COL~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 10315. AN ORDINANCE granting permission to the Appalachian Electric Power Company to construct a transmission line over the real estate belonging to the City of Roanoke, known as the Tuberoulosis Sanatorium at Coyner's Springs. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that permission be, and the same is hereby, granted the Appalachian Electric Power Company to construct a transmission line over the real estate belonging to the City of Roanoke, known as the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Coyner's Springs, the location thereof to be approved by the City Manager. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 10323. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the exchange of real estate for rights-of-way along the old and new locations of Virginia State Route No. ll6 (Riverland Road) between the City of Roanoke and the Appalachian Electric Power Company. WHEREAS, prior to the effective date of the annexation decree entered by the Circuit Court for Roanoke County on July 30, 1948 in the annexation proceeding of the City of Roanoke v. the County of Roanoke, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Appalachian Electric Power Company had covenanted and agreed to exchange the herein- after described properties in order that changes and improvements in the location of Virginia State Route No. 116 (Riverland Road) could be made; and V~HEREAS, prior to the exchange of requisite deeds and completion of said improvements there hereinafter described properties, through the aforesaid annexa- tion proceeding, became a part of the City of Roanoke and, accordingly, the interest of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the aforesaid rights-of-way devolved upon the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the contemplated improvements have actually been effected. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that upon delivery to the City by the Appalachian Electric Power Company of a good and suffi- cient quit-claim deed, approved by the City Attorney, to the following real estate, viz: PARCEL NO. 1 BEGINNING at a point in the property line of Appalachian Electric Power Company, which point is located S. 31° il' E. 29.12 feet along said property line from a concrete monument marking a corner common to the lands of said Appalachian Electric Power Company and the lands of Gay W. Campbell, which concrete monument is located S. 33° 09' W. 51.20 feet along the boundary line between said lands of Appalachian Electric Power Company and Gay W. Campbell, from an iron pin; said BEGINNING also being located approximately 35.9 feet left of the center- line of proposed Route ll6 at or near Station 34 plus 38.6; ~hence, from said BEGINNING. with said property line of Appalachian Electric Power Company, S. 316 44' E. 176.58 feet to a concrete monument about seven (71 feet right of said centerline at or near Station 36 plus 13.1; thence with said property line S. 75° 24' E. 66.0 feet to a property corner called "A" and referred to in the description of Parcel No. 2, hereinafter contained; thence, with said property line S. 67° 39' E. 53.09 feet to a point in said property line and thirty (30) feet left of said centerline at or near Station 37 plus 26.7; thence, with new lines thro,~gh said lands of Appalachian Electric Power Company, the following five coarses and distances: (1) N. 55° 30' W. ~8.13 feet to a point thirty (30) feet left of said centerline at or near Station 36 plus 77; (2) thence, N. 63° 02' E. 13.65 feet to a point forty-two (42) feet left of said centerline at or near Station 36 plus 84; (3) thence, N. 53° 48' V~. 80.95 feet to a point 40.1 feet left of said centerline at or near Station 36 plus 00; (4) thence, N. 52° 17' W. 49.02 feet to a point 36.8 feet left of said centerline at or near Station 35 plus 49; and (5) N. 44° 25' ~,~. 106.10 feet to the BEGI~NING, and containing 0.143 of an acre, more or less, including the existing road right-of-way. PARCEL NO. 2 BEGINNING at an existing corner in Appalachian Electric Power Company's property line, which corner is located S. 58° 01' E. 86.82 feet from the corner referred to as "A" in the description of Parcel No. i hereinabove set forth; said BEGINNING also being located ap- proximately twenty-two (22) feet left of the centerline of said Route ll6 at or near Station 37 plus 62; thence, leaving said BEGINNING, with the boundary line between the lands of Aopalachian E~eQtric Power Company and the lands of Clara Spradlin ~,~ite, S. 17 '~5' W. 70.35 feet a point located N. 17° 35' E. 347.47 feet along said boundary line from a property corner marked by a concrete monument, said point also being located forty-five (45) feet right of said centerline at or near Station 37 plus 80; thence, with new lines through said lands of A0palachian Electric Power Company, the following four {4) courses and distances: (1) S. 56° 33' E. 74.30 feet to a point; (2) thence, S. 61° 29' E. 52.46 feet to a point; (3) thence, S. 69° 56' E. 52..36 feet to a point; and (4) thence, S. 76o 34' E. 71.20 feet to a point in the boundary line between said lands of Appalachian Electric Power Company and the lands of L. A. Garnand, which point is located N. 7° 24' E. 38.09 feet along said boundary line fro~ an angle iron therein, and which point is also located approximately forty-one (41) feet right of said centerline at or near Station 40 plus 19; thence, with the bo~u~dary line of said lands of Appalachian Electric Power Company, N. 7 2~' E. 74.15 feet to a property corner, located thirty (30) feet left of said centerline at or near Station 40 plus 05; thence, continuing with the bo~ndary line of said lands of Appalachian Electric Power Company, N. 66° 20' ~7. 234.51 feet to the BEGIT~,~ING, and containing 0.452 of an acre, zaore or less. Parcels Nos. 1 and 2, above described, contain a total of 0.595 of an acre, more or less, including the existing road right-of-way, the proper officers of the City of Roanoke be, and they are hereby, authorized to execute and deliver to the Appalachian Electric Power Company a proper quit-claim deed, to be approved by the City Attorney, conveying to the aforesaid Appalachian Electric Power Company all its right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate: BEGII~ING at a property corner in the boundary line between the lands of Appalachian Electric Power Company and the lands of Pitman Dudley, et ux., which property corner is marked by an iron pin and is located S. 5° 06' W. along said boundary line a distance of 55.29 feet from an angl~ iron in said boundary line, and which property corner is located thirty-five (35) feet left or north of the centerline of propo'sed Route ll6 at or near Station 41 plus 33; thence, from said BEGINNING, with the northerly right-of-way line of said proposed Route ll6, the following nine (9) courses and distances: (1) N. 72° 31' W. 81.25 feet to a point, approximately thirty-nine (39) feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 40 plus 51.5; (2) N. 76° 10' W. 50.10 feet to a point, approximately thirty-five (~5) feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 40 plus 00; (3) N. 66° 37' W . 48.08 feet to a point, approximately 36.8 feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 39 plus 50; (4) N. 64° 38' W. 48.30 feet to a point, approximately 38.6 feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 39 plus 00; (5) N. 62° 03' W. 48.31 feet to a point, approximately 40.4 feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 38 plus 50; (6) S. 27°19' W. 10.35 feet to a point, approximately 30 feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 38 plus 50; (7) N. 61° 31' ~J. 48.63 feet to a point, approximately 30 feet left or north of said c'enterline at or near Station 38 plus 00; (8) N. 59° 07' W. 48.70 feet to a point, approximately 30 feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 37 plus 50; (9) N. 57° 02' W. 22.31 feet to a point in the boundary line of Appalachian Electric Power Company, which point is the extreme easterly corner of "Parcel No. 1~ being conveyed by said Appalachian Electric Power Corapany to the City of Roanoke, and which point is located ap- proximately thirty (30) feet left or north of said centerline at or near Station 37 plus 26.7; thence with said boundary line of Appalachian Electric Power Company S. 67° 39' E. 394.06 feet to the BEGINNING, and containing 0.082 of an ~cre, more or less. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 10338. AN ORDINANCE to authorize the compromise of certain taxes, penalties and interest delinquent for more than seven (7) years on Lot 6, Section ll, Fairview, assessed in the name of C. J. Tate; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS., the Honorable James A. Bear, Attorney for W. A. Tate, the owner of Lot 6, Section ll, Fairview, has offered to pay the sum of Forty-Eight Dollars~ and Seventy-three Cents, ($48.73), Forty-Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($~2.25) thereof being in payment of taxes for the years 19~0 through 1949, inclusive, with interest and penalties, and Six Dollars and Forty-eight ($6.48) Cents being on ac- count of taxes, penalties and interest for the year 1939 on Lot 6, Section ll, Fairview, provided that the remainder of the 1939 taxes and taxes, penalties and interest on said lot for the years 1928 through 1938, inclusive, will be compromised, waived and marked off; and WHEREAS, it appears that all of the aforesaid taxes have been assessed on said lot in the name of C. J. Tate, whareas said lot has been owhed during all of the time involved by W. A. Tate and, therefore, the assessment of the aforesaid taxes may have been erroneous; and VfHEREAS, the said J~_mes A. Bear has stated that he is willing, in addi- tion, to pay delinquent taxes, penalties and interest in full for the years 1928 through 19~9 on part of Lot ~ and paz'tof Lot 5, Section ll, Fairview, also owned by ~iW. A. Tate, if a compromise settlement can be reached as to the delinquent taxes due on the aforesaid Lot No. 6; and WHEREAS, there is presently pending a Chancery suit, or suits, for the en- forcement of the payment of all of the delinquent taxes aforesaid, and, if said payments be made and if the aforesaid compromise be reached, there will be no necessity for proceeding further in said pending suit; and ~?HEREAS, in the opinion of Council it is to the best interest of the City to accept the proposal of the attorney for ~'~. A. Tate and, upon payment of the total sum of $48.73 on account of delinquent taxes on the aforesaid Lot No. 6, to ~waive, compromise and authorize to be marked off the remainder of taxes most delinquent on said lot. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that upon the payment by the said V~~. A. Tate, or some one for him, of all taxes, penalties and interest through the year 1949 on parts of Lots ~ and 5, Section ll, Fairview, assessed in the name of W. A. Tate, and upon payment to the proper officials of the City of all of the taxes, penalties and interest for the years 1940 through 19~9, inclusive, and of $6.48 on account of taxes for the year 1939 on Lot 6, Section ll, Fairview, assessed in the name of C. J. Tate, the remaining delinquent taxes on Lot 6, Section 11, Fe. irview, aforesaid, for the years 1928 through 1938 and for the unpaid portion of the taxes for the year 1939, be, and they are, hereby waived and compromised, and the City Treasurer, the City Auditor and the City Delineuent Tax Collector are hereby directed to mark off the delinquent taxes compromised and waived as aforesaid. BE IT FURTh~ER ORDAINED that upon the presentation to the City Attorney of proper receipts showing the pa~uent of all of the taxes due on parts of Lots ~ and 5 and all that portion of delinquent taxes on Lot 6, not hereinabove waived, the said ~ity Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to cause a proper order to be enter- ed dismissing the pending Chancery suits for the enforcement of the collection of delinquent taxes, penalties and interest against each of the lots hereinabove men- t ioned. APPROVED ATTES~T: ~ Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 10339. AN ORDINANCE appropriating the total sum of $1,150,000.00 from the School Improvement Fund for capital improvements to the school system, and providing for an emergency. V,~IEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the public school system, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the total stun of $1,150,000.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the School Improvemen' Fund for capital improvements to the school system, to-wit: ~isc~,ellaneous work already done d~ring the summer and fall not paid for Huff-Lane School Equipment Virginia Heights School Crystal Spring Addition Wasena School Addition Forest Park land Washington Heights land Northside land (East of Williamson Road) Orandin Court School Garden City School ~,'~iscellaneous working capital 28,000.00 285,000.00 15,000.00 63,000.00 il2,000.00 18,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 293,000.00 295,000.00 il,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that any unexpended balance from the above projects shall, upon completion of said projects, revert to the unexpende~d balance in the School Improvement Fund. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 10340. A RESOLUTION requesting the local representatives to the General Assembly to introduce and support legislation amending Section 3487 of the current Code of Virginia so as to provide that the fee for the service of civil processes mentioned in said section be Seventy-five Cents (75¢) in the City of Roanoke, and directing that a copy of this resolution be delivered to each of the said local representative VfHEREAS, by the classification of the several cities of the Commonwealth as provided in Section 3487 of the current Code of Virginia, (Sec's 14-il6(1) and 14-116(2) of the Virginia Code of 1950), the fee for the service of the civil pro- cesses therein mentioned, served in the City of Roanoke, is fixed at the sram of fifty cents; and WHEREAS, by the provisions of said section, the fee for the service of the same processes in the various counties and in the smaller~cities of the Commonwealth is fixed at the sum of seventy-five cents; and ~YHEREAS, it is the considered opinion of Council that the General Assembly of Virginia should be requested to amend the present law of the State so as to pro- vide that the fee for such services made within the City of Roanoke be fixed at the sram of seventy-five cents. N0?:, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that th local representatives to the 1950 General Assembly of Virginia be, and they are hereby, requested to introduce and support in the current session of the Assembly legislation amending Section 3487 of the current Code of Virginia (Sec's. 14-il6(1) and 1~-116(2) of the Virginia Code of 19501, so as to provide that the fee shall be seventy-five cents for the service of the civil processes mentioned in said sections in the City of Roanoke.. BE IT FURTHMER RESOLVED that the Clerk do transmit a certified copy of this resolution to each of the local representatives to the current session of the ~.General Assembly of Virginia. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~TOKE The 9th day of January, 1950. , VIRGINIA, No. 103~1. A RESOLUTION directing the City Dlanager to have installed as soon as possibl in 1950 five of the street lights authorized by Resolution No. 10086, adopted on the llth day of July, 1949. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke under date of July 11, 1949 by Resolution No. 10086 authorized the Appalachian Electric Power Company to install street lights at certain locations in the City of Roanoke, and WHEREAS, five of the lights have not as yet been installed, pending negotia- tions with property owners for the permission for the installation of facilities necessary to provide said street lights at the following locations: One 250 C. P. street light at the intersection of Persinger Ro~d and ~ount Vernon Road, approximately 350 feet east of Hunters Road. One 250 C. P. street light at the intersection of }~{ount Vernon Road and Center Hill Drive. One 250 C. P. street light on Center Hill Drive approximately 300 feet west of }~%ount Vernon Road. One 250 C. P. street light on West Drive approximately 350 feet west of Lakewood Drive. One 250 C. P. street light at the intersection of Private Road and Per singer Road. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Nanager be, and he is hereby directed to install as soon as possible in 1950 the five street lights listed above authorized by Resolution No. 10086, adopted on the llth day of July, 1949. APPROVED ATTEST: President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAIIOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 103~+2. A RESOLUTION directing the City Auditor to pay $25.00 each to Nyna Slayton and Jeanne Nann Dickinson as duplicate prizes for the best entries as to why the name of Williamson Road should or should not be changed, said amount to be charged to the Incidentals appropriation in the City Council Budget. ~VHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke under date of November 14, 19~+9 by Resolution No. 102~7, offered a prize in the smount of $25.00 in cash to the public school student in the City of Roanoke submitting in 250 written words, or less, the best reason, or reasons, as to w~{y the name of Williamson Road should or should not be changed, and if changed, a suggested new name therefor, and WHEREAS, a committee appointed to determine the best entry in the contest has recommended that Nyna Slayton and Jeanne Mann Dickinson be-declared co-winners. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that~ the City Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to pay $25.00 each to Nyna Slayton and Jeanne l~ann Dickinson as 'duplicate prizes for the best entries as to why the name of Williamson Road should or should not be changed, said anount to be charged to the Incidentals appropriation in the City Council Budget. APPROVED ATTEST: _ REPEALED By No, Date_ ,3 - IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOI~E~, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 103~3. A RESOLUTION abolishing the deposits for rental security at the Veterans Housing Project. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the policy of taking deposits to secure rent at the Veterans Housing Project be, and the same is hereby abolished, and that all deposits now in the hands of the City be credited against rent due the City from the respective lessees. APPROVED ATTES~ ~/~ ~ ' Clerk ~ Pr es~i dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 103~. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of ~essrs. T. H. Boyer, C. H. Webster, John L. Thompson, Murray G. Via and W. t~. Ballou as viewers for the purpose~ of appraising approximately 27.04~ acres of land, standing in the name of Mary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administration Building and th~ extension of the east-west runway at the Roanoke ~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price for the land in question, and re- pealing Resolution No. 1031~, adopted on the 28th day of December, 1949. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ~essrs. T. H. Boyer, C. H. Webster, John L. Thompson, ~urray G. Via and V~~. E. Ballou be, and they are hereby appointed as viewers for the p~rpose of appraising approximately 27.044 acres of land, standing in the name of I~1ary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administration Building and the extension of the east-west runway at the Roanoke 2~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), with a view of establishing a faLr and reasonable price for the land in question. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 1031~, adopted on the 28th day of December, 1949, be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN T~ COUI~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN01~E, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of ganuary, 1950. No. 10345. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City ~anager to accept from the Norfolk and Western Railway Company an easement for public street purposes over a certain strip of land in the City of Roanoke in the vicinity of Albemarle Avenue and Third Street, S. E.; and providing for an emergency. V~HEREAS, the Norfolk and Western Railway Company has offered to convey to th City of Roanoke an easement for public street purposes, and for no other use or purpose, over a twenty foot wide strip of land in the City of Roanoke, which land i~ adjacent to the eastern line of the right-of-way of the Roanoke Terminal Division of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company parallel with and 130 feet easterly from the east line of Third Street, S. E., extending 450 feet and containing 0.21 of an acre, more or less; and ~HEREAS, said company has tendered to the City its deed dated November 22, 1949 conveying the aforesaid easement, subject to certain express conditions con- tained in said deed; and ~q~EREAS, it is the opinion of Council that the conveyance of the aforesaid easement should be accepted by the City of Roanoke, subject to the conditions con- tained in the deed, and that the deed hereinabove mentioned should be accepted and admitted to record in the Clerk's Office; and ~EREAS, for the usual daily operation of the m~nicipal government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Nanager be, and he is hereby, authorized to accept from the Norfolk and ~estern Railway Company its deed dated the 22nd day of ~ovember, 19~9, conveying to the City of Roanoke an easement for public street purposes, and for no other use or purpose, over a twenty foot wide strip of land in the City of Roanoke, adjacent to the eastern line of the right-of-way of the Roanoke Terminal Division of the ~orfol~ and V~estern Railway Compan~ parallel with and 130 feet easterly from the east line o~ Street, S. E., extending 450 feet and containing 0.21 of an acre, more or less, and more particularly shown on Plan N-Sll7-A, attached to said deed, subject to the express conditions contained in said deed, after the form and execution of said deed of easement has been approved by the City Attorney and, upon acceptance of the aforesaid deed, that the said City ~.~anager shall have the same admitted to the public records. AN ~ERGENCY EXISTING, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President 3r d~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 103~6. A RESOLUTION establishing the rate of pay and mileage for the members Board of Assessors, and providing for payment thereof. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the rate of of th? pay ~I for the members of the Board of Assessors be, and the same is hereby established at $25.00 per diem on the basis of a five and one-half day week, and that the rate for mileage be, and is hereby estbalished at 6 cents per mile for each automobile used in connection with the assessment of real estate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor make payment for the services and automobile allowances on the basis of vouchers certified by the Board of Assessors. APPROVED ATTEST:/ ~ Clerk Pr e s i dent IN TitE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of January, 1950. No. 103~7. A RESOLUTION directing that the two large evergreens in the vicinity of the northwest corner of Elmwood Park not be moved unless absolutely necessary due t¢ interference with the erection of the new public library building, and if moved, that the new location be first approved by City Council, prior to such removal. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is hereby directed that the two large evergreens in the vicinity of the northwest corner of Elmwood Park not be moved unless absolutely necessary due to interference with the erection of the new public library building, and if moved, that the new location be first approved by City Council, prior to such removal. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0w ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of January, 1950. No. 103~8. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for furnishing the City of Roanoke two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks, which shall meet all Commonwealth of Virginia Highway ~.~otor Vehicle Laws, to the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incor- porated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing ~.J~axim Motor Company, Middleboro, Massachuse~ Lt a total s~m of $52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~esSrs. Randolph G. Whittle, City Attorney, J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, Acting for Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, and W. DI. ~ullins, Fire Chief, at the request of Council, tabulated all bids receiv- ed for furnishing the City of Roanoke with two 65-foot Aerial Ladder Trucks, and ?~EREAS, it appears that the bid of the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, ~ncorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing ~,~axim Motor Company, Middleboro, !;~assachusette, in the total sum of $52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, is the lowes~ bid, and ~HEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the contract for the Aerial ~.adder Trucks should be awarded to the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, iRoanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim Motor Company, Middleboro, Massachusetts, at the bid s~bmitted, and for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim ~otor Company, Middleboro, ~.~assachusetts, for furnishing the City of Roanoke with two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks in th~ total sum of $52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the purchase of the said Aerial Ladder Trucks shall be forthwith executed in conformity with the proposal of said company insofar as said proposal complies with the Commonwealth of Virginia Highway ~otor Vehicle Laws. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke. Section 3. An emergency existing, this ResOlution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ~ AT TEST: Clerk Pr es ident ts, IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of January, 1950. No. 103~9. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for furnishing the City of Roanoke with four 1,000-gallon 2~0 H. P. P~mping Engines, to the 0ten Roanoke Corporation, ROanoke, Virginia, at a total s,,m of $58,284.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of Messrs. Randolph G. Whittle, City Attorney, J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, acting for ~r. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, and W. M. Mullins, Fire Chief, at the request of Council, tabulated all bids received for furnishing the City of Roanoke with four 1,000-gallon P~mptng Engines, and WHEREAS, it appears that the bid of the 0ten Roanoke Corporation, Roanoke, Virginia, in the total s~m of $58,28~.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, is the lowest bid, and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the contract for the Pumping Engines should be awarded to the 0ren Roanoke Corporation, Roanoke, Virginia, at the bid submitted, and for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CounCil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of the 0ten Roanoke Corporation, Roanoke, Virginia, for furnishing the City of Roanoke with four 1,000-gallon 2~0 H. P. P~mping Engines in the total sum of $58,284.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the purchase of the said P~mping Engines shall be forthwith executed in conformity with the proposal of said Company. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke. Section 3. An emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: c / Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of January, 1950. No. 10350. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for re-roofing the Municipal Building to R. H. Lowe, Incorporated, in the sum of $8,319.00, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee .composed of the City Engineer, the City Auditor and the City Manager, upom the request of Council, has tabulated and considered bids heretofore received for re-roofing the ~unicipal Building, or repairing the present roof on the Municipal Building, and has duly made its recommendation to this Council and it appearing from said recommendation that the bid of R. H. Lowe, Inc,orporated, for re-roofing the Diunicipal Building, is the lowest and best bid therefor in the sum of $8,319.00, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke, after considering said recom- mendation and bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of R. H. Lowe, Incorporated, for re-roofing the Municipal Building, is the best bid therefor, and WHEREAS, for the preservatioa of public property, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of R. H. Lowe, Incorporated, for re-roofing the Municipal Building, in the sum of $8,319.00, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor, and that a contract for the project be for thwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authoriz. ed and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. Section 3. An emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. ATTEST: C1 erk j APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRCINIA, The 16th day of January, 1950. No. 10351. A RESOLUTION directing the Building Inspector to approve and accept the form of application for permission to erect a projecting sign at the Armory for the Organized Reserve Corps of the U. S. Army, 807 Norfolk Avenue, S. W., without the requirement as to furnishing a Certificate of Liability Insurance, upon the proper signing of the application by a duly authorized representative of the United States Government, and to issue the sign permit accordingly. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Building Inspector be, and he is hereby directed to approve and accept the form 'of ap- plication for permission to erect a projecting sign at the Armory for the Organized Reserve Corps of the U. S. Armory, 807 Norfolk Avenue, S. W., without the require- ment as to furnishing a Certificate of Liability Insurance, upon the proper signing of the application by a duly author ized representative of the United States Govern- ment, and to issue the sign permit accordingly. APPROVED C1 er k IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE C:ITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of ~anuary, 1950. No. 10352. A RESOLUTION establishing a petty cash fund of $50.00 for the Veterans Housing Project. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a petty cash fund ~of $50.00 be, and is hereby established for the Veterans Housing Project, and that iithe City Auditor be directed to draw warrant for said amount, and to make proper ii'audit of said petty cash fund from time to time. APPROVED ]!ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE C~)UNCIL FOR TP[E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of January, 1950. No. 10353. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to proceed with ;he construction of a 36-inch concrete storm drain across parts of Lots 6-7-8, Block .~7, Wasena Corporation, located between Howbert Avenue and Kerns Avenue, S. W., from '~ighth Street to the Norfolk and Western Railway Belt Line, at an estimated cost of $2,000.00, to serve the property of the Porterfield Distributing Company. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the construction of a 36-inch concrete storm drain across parts of Lots 6-7-8, Block 27, Wasena Corpora- tion, located between Howbert Avenue and Kerns Avenue, S. W., from Eighth Street to the Norfolk and Western Railway Belt Line, at an estimated cost of $2,000.00, to serve the property of the Porterfield Distributing COmpany. APPROVED IN TitE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of January, 1950. No. 1035~. AN ORDINANCE to create a department of the City government to be known and designated as the Department of Public Works, providing for the selection of a director thereof, his compensation, the duties of said department, prohibiting the displacement of the pavement or surface of streets, sidewalks and alleys, or com- mencing construction of structures on land owned by the City without permission of said director, and declaring an emergency, V~EREAS, for the ~mm~ediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. A Department of the City government to be known and designated as the Department of Public Works is hereby created, to be composed as hereinafter set out and vested with the powers and duties hereinafter enumerated. 2. The City Manager shall appoint a Director of Public Works who shall remaiJ in office until removed by the City ;~lanager, and in case of his removal, the City Manager shall report the same to Council. 3. The Director of Public Works shall receive such compensation for the ~erformance of his duties as the Council shall, from time to time, fix and determine ~. The Director of Public Works shall be the head of the Department of Publi, ~orks which shall be composed of the Director of Public Works and such assistants and employees as the Council may authorize. 5.It shall be the duty of the Department of Public Works to direct and ~oordinate all engineering, construction, maintenance, and refuse collection and disposal, activities of the City, and such related activities as the City ~anager may determine. 6. No person, firm or corporation shall displace, or cause to be displaced, any portion of the pavement or surface of any street, sidewalk or alley; nor com- mence the construction of any structure in any City park, o~. on any land owned by th~ City, without first obtaining authority from the Director of Public Works. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of January, 1950. No. 10355. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the acceptance of a certain deed from Elmore D. Heins, et ux., dated January 6, 1950, conveying to the City a perpetual easement for a ten foot wide right-of-way for a sewer line through certain property in the North- ~est Section of the City of Roanoke, upon certain terms and conditions as therein contained; and providing for an e~ergency. WHEREAS, Elmore D. Heins is the owner of a certain 9.708 acre tract of land in the Northwest Section of the City of Roanoke and has offered to convey, by deed dated January 6, 1950, to the Gity of Roanoke a perpetual easement for a ten foot wide right-of-way for a sanitary sewer extending from West to East across the aforesaid 9.708 acre tract of land, upon the condition that the City will agree to incorporate the existing sewer line into the City's system of public sewers and will thereafter maintain and operate the same as a public sanitary sewer and upon the further condition that the City will agree to enlarge the westerly 176 feet of the existing sewer line from the present six inch diameter pipe line to an eight inch diameter pipe line in order that the entire of said sewer line, as it crosses the Heins property, will be eight inches in diameter; and WHEREAS, in the opinion of Council, the offer of Mr. Heins should be accept~ ed and the City, by its acceptance of the deed, which has been tendered by I'~ir. Heinsi, should agree to the conditions therein stated and hereinabove mentioned; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of public health and safety and for the usual daily operation of the municipal government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to accept and have recorded a certain deed dated the sixth day of January, 1950, from Elmore D. Heins and Reba F. I~eins, his wife, which said deed conveys to the City of Roanoke a perpetual easement for a ten foot wide right-of-way for a sanitary sewer line over and across a certain 9.708 acre tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke and owned by the said Elmore!i D. Heins, together with the existing ~ewer line now located on said right-of-way, which said deed contains the condition that the City of Roanoke will, by the ac- ceptance of the deed, agree that the said sanitary sewer line therein conveyed will be incorporated into the City's general system of public sanitary sewers and there- after maintained and operated by the City so long as a public need for the same shall exist and upon the further condition that the City will agree to increase, within a reasonable time, the existing six inch portion of the said sewer line to an eight inch sewer line in order that the entire of said sewer line will be e~ght inches in diameter. AN EMERGENCY existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk Pr esiden t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CIT~ OF ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of January, 1950. No. 10357. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Attorney and/or his Assistant to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against certain properties standing in the name of the respective record owners thereof, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney and/or his Assistant be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against those certain parcels of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in the name of the present record owners, description of which are given with the name of each record owner, as follows: Record Owner or Owners V.J.R. Coleman ~. R. Coleman E. B. Crookstone E. B. Crookstone Eureka Land Company F. C. Osborne R. J. Wright Descr ipti on Lot i Section 20 E S L Lot 2 Section 20 E S L Lot 2 Block 39 R V Lot 3 Block 39 R V Lot 5 Section 12 Rugby Lot 18 Block 20 Runnymede N. Pt. Lot 7 and 8 Block 30 R V the said suits to be instituted and conducted in conformity with Section ~03 of the Tax Code of Virginia, ~r Section 2503, et seq, of the Code of Virginia, as the said City Attorney or his assistant deems advisable, unless said liens be discharged by the record owners of said properties, or s~neone acting for them, within ten days after the adoption of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist, and this Resolution shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITy OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, the 23rd day of January, 1950. No. 10358. A RESOLUTION requesting the General Assembly of Virginia to appropriate sufficient money to meet the welfare requirements of the City of Roanoke and other Virginia political subdivisions, and indicating this Council's willingness to match such funds as the General Assembly may make available in order to fully carry into effect both federal and state welfare programs; and providing for an emergency. ~tEREAS, for the ~mmediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the General Assembly of Virginia be, and it is hereby, requested to appropriate sufficie money to meet the welfare requirements of the City of Roanoke and other Virginia political subdivisions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Council hereby indicates its willingness to match such funds as the General Assembly may make available in order to fully car. into effect both federal and state welfare programs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of January, 1950. No. 10359. A RESOLUTION permitting the Norfolk and Western ~ailway Company to discontin~, ,~l?and retire the gates at the grade crossings of South Jefferson Street, Third Street, iiS°utheast' Campbell Avenue, Southeast, and Einth Street, Southeast, and in the place 'land stead of said gates to install, maintain and operate, at the expense of the said !i!Railway Company, electrically operated short-arm gates of semi-automatic design. WHEREAS, certain grade crossings of the tracks of the Norfolk an~ Western Railway Company in the City of Roanoke, virginia, are protected as follows: (a) at South Jefferson Street by electricity operated crossing gates, manually controlled; (b) at Holliday Street, or Third Street, Southeast, by hand-pump pneumatically operated gates, manually controlled; (c) at East Campbell Avenue by electrically operated gates, manually controlled, consisting of two double gates across East Campbell Avenue and two single gates across Holliday Street, or Third Street, Southeast; (d) at Nicholas Street, or Ninth Street, Southeast, by hand-pump pneumatically operated gates, manually controlled; and WHEREAS, said Railway Company proposes~ to install at each of said crossings a modern type of gates, being short-arm electrically operated gates of semi-automatic iesign, which proposal is satisfactory to the Council. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED hy the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, ~hat the Norfolk and Western Railway Company be, and hereby is, permitted to dis- .~ontinue and retire the gates hereinbefore described at the grade crossings of South refferson Street, Holliday Street, or Third Street, Southeast, East Campbell Avenue, ~nd Nicholas Street, or Ninth Street, Southeast, in the City of Roanoke, and in the )lace and stead of said gates to install, maintain and operate, at the expense of ~aid Railway Company, electrically operated short-arm gates of semi-automatic design, lhich said short-arm gates shall be equipped with flashing light signals and bells to be shown and sounded when an approaching engine or train is about to pass over the said crossings, and with neon flashing lights to be operated when the gate arms are being operated, or in the lowered position, which gates shall be .operated as follows (a) at South Jefferson Street, the said gates shall be operated automatically at all times when an approaching engine or train is about to pass over the said crossing; ~y (d) or train is about to pass over the said crossing; at East Campbell Avenue, the single gates, that is the gate on East Campbell Avenue east of the crossing and on East Campbell west of the crossing, and the single gates on Holliday Street, or Third Street, Southeast, that is the single gate south of East Campbell Avenue and the single gate north of East Campbell Avenue, shall be operated automati- cally at all times when a~ approae~ing engine Or train is about to cross ~ over East Campbell Avenue, except .that thee said Railway Company may estab~iish manual operation of said gates between such hours as the said Railway Company shall in its discretion deem necessary for greater safety at said crossing- at Nicholas Street, or Ninth Street, Southeast, the gate shall be operated automatically at all times when an approaching engine or train is about t~ pass over the said crossing, except that the said Railway Company may establish manual operation of~ said gate between such hours as said Railway Company shall in its discretion deem necessary for greater safety'at said crossing. APPROVED ATTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITT OF ROAN0t~E, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of January, 1950. No. 10360. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Auditor to deduct from City payrolls hospitalization premiums for employees in any municipal department where fifty per cent or more of the employees are participants in the same hospitali zation plan, such deductions to be arranged not later than April l, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to deduct from City payrolls hospitali- zation premiums for enployees in any municipal department where fifty per cent or more of the employees are participants in the same hospitalization plan, such deduc- tions to be arranged not later than April l, 1950. APPROVED A_7~EST: Clerk President IN THE COUI~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAi. JOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10356. AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the d~nping of garbage and/or refuse other than ashes, crockery, earth, metals and other non-combustible refuse within the limits of the City of Roanoke, except in incinerators especially designed for the disposal of garbage and refuse. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the dumping of garbage and/or refuse other than ashes, crockery, earth, metals and other non- combustible refuse within the limits of the City of Roanoke be prohibited, except 9.4 in incinerators especially designed for the disposal of garbage and refuse. Violation of this Ordinance shall be considered a misdemeanor. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from April l, 1950. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr e si dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10361. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke, and directing the City Manager to have said street lights installed immediately. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the installation of the following street lights be, and the same is hereby authorized: One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the 900 block of ~,~organ Avenue, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light in the 2700 block of Cove Road, N. W., on the pole in front of House No. 2720. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City ~Ianager be, and he is hereby directed to have the above street lights installed immediately. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CIT~ OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10363. A RESOLUTION approving the cooperative agreement between the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the City of Roanoke, and carrying into effect the intent of the Council to enter into such an agreement in provision for low-rent public housing which may be required by the Public Housing Administra- tion, said intent of Council for the City of Roanoke being indicated in the Resol~- tion passed by said Co~ncil at its regular meeting on October 7, 1949, n,,mber 10194 and providing for an emergency. ¥~EREAS, the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority is ap- plying to the Public Housing Administration, in accordance with provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended to date, for a hoasing program for th City of Roanoke, and the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority propose to enter into one of more contracts with the Public Housing Administration for loans and annual contributions in connection with the development and administration of such low-rent housing and pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amen ed, and ~.~THEREAS, the Council for the City of Roanoke is desirous of assisting and cooperating with the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority by enter- ing into a cooperative agreement, cemplying with the provisions of the said United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, and ~.~JH~EAS, for the i~mediate preservation of health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke: That the Council of the City of Roanoke does hereby approve the draft of cooperative agreement between the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authorit and the City of Roanoke in the following words and form; that is to say: COOPERATION AGRE~viENT BETWEEN CITY OF ROANOKE REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING AUTHORITY AND CI~~ OF R0~OKE THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of by and between CIT~r OF ROANOKE REDEVELOP~ENT AND HOUSING AUTHORITY (hereinafter called the "Local Authority") and the CITY OF ROANOKE, a Virginia ~unicipality, (hereinafter called the "City"): WI TNE S SETH: ~EREAS, the Local Authority has received from the Public Housing Administr tion (hereinafter called the "PEA") a Program Reservation for 900 units of low-rent housing to be developed and located within the corporate limits of the City and may hereafter apply f~,r additional Program Reservations; and V~REAS, the Local Authority proposes to enter into one or more contracts with the PHA for loans and annual contributions in connection with the development and administration of such low-rent housing, all pursuant to the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, (Hereinafter called the "Act); and ~IEREAS, the City is desirous of assisting and cooperating with the Local Authority in such undertakings and of complying with the provisions of Sections 10(a), 10(h), and 15 (7) (b) of the Act, as well as all other applicable provisions thereof: NOV~, THEREF~0RE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the Local Authority and the City do agree: 1. Whenever used in this Agreement: (a) The term "Project" shall mean any low-rent housing hereafter developed as one operation by the Local Authority with financial assistance of the PHA and included within any Program Reservations issued to the Local Authority by the PHA which, in the aggregate, may not exceed 900 units of low-r~nt~housing. A project will generally be located on a single site but may be on scattered sites. (b) The term "Taxing Body" shall mean the State or any political sub- division or taxing unit thereof (including the City) in which a Project is situated and which would have authority to assess or levy real or personal taxes or to certify such taxes to a taxing body or public officer to be levied for its use and benefit with respect to a Project if it were not exempt from taxation. (c) The term "Shelter Rent" shall mean the total of all charges to all tenants of a Project for dwelling rents and non-dwelling rents (excluding all other income of such Project), less the cost to the Local Authority of all dwelling and non-dwelling utilities. (d) The term "Slum" means any area where dwellings predeminate which, by reason of dilapidation, overcrowding, faulty arrangement or design, lack of ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to safety, health or morals. 2. The Local Authority shall endeavor to secure a contract or contracts with the PHA for loans and annual contributions and undertake to develop and adminis ter one or more Projects. 3. Under the construction and statutes of the State of Virginia, all Project~ are exempt from all real and personal property taxes and special assessments levied or imposed by any Taxing Body; and, with respect to any Project, so long as either (a) such Project is used for low-rent housi~ purposes, or (b) any contract between the Local Authority and the PHA for loans or annual contributions, or both, in con- nection with such Project shall remain in force and effect, or (c) any bonds issued in connection with such Project shall remain outstanding, whichever period is the longest, the City agrees that it will not levy or impose any real or personal property taxes or special assessments upon such Project or upon the Local Authority with respect thereto. During such period, the Local Authority shall make annual payments (herein called "Payments in Lieu of Taxes") in lieu of such taxes and special assessments and in payment for public services and facilities furnished for or with respect to such Project. Each such annual ?ayment in Lieu of Taxes shall be made after the end of the fiscal year established for such Project, and shall be in an amount equal to either (a) ten per cent (10%) of the aggregate Shelter Rent charged by the Local Authority in respect to such Project during such fiscal year or (b) the ~moant permitted to be paid by applicable state law in effect on the date of this Cooperation Agreement, whichever amount is the lower; provided, however, that upon failure of the Local Authority to make any such Payment in Lieu of Taxes, no lien against any Project or assets of the Local Authority shall attach. Provided, further, that no payment for any year shall be made to the City in excess of the amount of the real property taxes which would have been paid to the City for such year if the Project were not exempt from taxation. 4. The City agrees that, subsequent to the date of initiation (as defined ~n the Act) of each Project and within five years after the completion thereof, or such further period as may be approved by the PHA, there has been or will be elimi- nation (as approved by the PEA) by demolition, condemnation, effective closing, or compulsory or induced repair or improvement of unsafe or insanitary dwelling units situated in the locality or metropolitan area of the City substantially equal in n~nuber to the number of newly constructed dwelling units provided by such Project; provided, that, where more than one family is living in an unsafe or insanitary dwelling unit, the elimination of such unit shall count as the elimination of units equal to the number of families accommodated therein; and provided, further, that this paragraph 4 shall not apply to the case of any Project developed on the site of a Slum cleared subsequent to July 15, 19~9, and that the d~elling units eliminate by the clearance of the site of such Project shall not be counted as elimination for any other Project or any other low-rent housing project. 5. D~ring the period commencing with the date of the date of the acquisition of any part of the site or sites of any Project and continuing so long as either (a) such Project is used for low-rent housing purposes, or (b) any contract between the Local Authority and the PHA for loan or annual contributions, or both, with respect to such Project shall remain in force and effect, or (c) any bonds issued in connection with such Project shall remain outstanding, whiChever period is the long est, the City, without cost or charge to the Local Authority or the tenants of such Project (other than the Payment in Lieu of Taxes and charges for water, sewage treatment and disposal services, and taxes on utilities services furnished tenants), shall: (a) Furnish or cause to be f~rnished to the Local Authority and the tenants of each Project the same public services and facilities which are furnished without cost or charge to other dwellings and inhabitants in the City, including but not limited to: o~ducational, fire, police, and health protection and services; maintenance and repair of public streets, roads, alleys, sidewalks, sewer and water systems; snow removal, garbage, trash and ash collection and disposal; street lighting on public streets and roads within such Project and on the boundaries thereof; and adequate sewer services for such Project; (b) Vacate such streets, roads, and alleys within the area of such Project as the city and the Local Authority may determine to be necessary or desirable in the development thereof, and convey without charge to the Local Authority such interest as the City may have in such vacated areas and, insofar, as it is lawfully able to do so without cost or expense to the Local Authority and/or to the City, cause to be removed from such vacated areas, insofar as it may be necessary, all public or pti- vate Utility lines and equipment; (c) Insofar as the City may lawfully do so, grant such waivers of the building code of the City as are reasonable and necessary to promote economy and efficiency in the development and administration of such Project; and make such changes in any zoning of the site and surrounding territory of such Project as are reasonable and necessary for the develc merit and protection thereof; (d) Accept grants of easements necessary for the development of such Project; and (e) Cooperate with the Local Authority by such other lawful action or ways as the City and the Local Authority may find necessary in con- nection with the development and administration of such Project. 6. In respect to any Project the City further agrees that within a reasona- ble time after receipt of a written request therefor from the Local Authority: (a) It will accept the dedication of all interior streets, roads, alleys and adjacent sidewalks within the area of such Project determined to be necessary or desirable by the City and the Local Authority after the local Authority, at its own expense, has completed the grading, improve- ment, and paving thereof in accordance with specifications acceptable to the City; and (b) It will accept dedications of land for, and will grade, improve, pave, and provide sidewalks for, all streets bounding such Project or providing adequate acc~ess thereto, in consideration whereof the Local Authority shall pay to the City such amount as would be assessed agains~ the Project site for such work if it were privately owned, and which are determined to be necessary or desirable by the City and the Local Authority; and (c) It will provide, or cause t'o be provided, water mains, and storm and sanitary sewer mains, leading to such ?roject and serving the bounding streets thereof, in consideration whereof the Local Authority shall pay to the City such amount as would be assessed against the Project site if it were privately owned. 7. If the City shall at any time hereafter make a charge upon the Local Authority or the tenants of any Project for any of the public services and facili- ties which are, at the date hereof, being furnished without cost or charge to other dwellings and inhabitants of the City or, if the City shall, within a reasonable time after written notice from the Local Authority, fail or refuse to furnish or cause to be furnished any of the services or facilities which it has agreed here- under to furnish or cause to be furnished to the Local Authority or to any Project, then the Local Authority may at its discretion (a) pay such charge, or (b) proceed to obtain such services or facilities elsewhere, and in either event the Local Authority will deduct the cost thereof from any Payments in Lieu of Taxes due or to becone due to the City in respect to any Project or any other low-rent housing projects assisted or owned by the PHA. 8. So long as any contract between the Local Authority and the PHA for loans (including preliminary loans) or annual contributions, or both, with respect to any Pro/ject shall remain in force and effect, or so long as any bonds issued in connection with such Project shall remain outstanding, this Agreement shall not be abrogated, changed, or modified without the consent of the PHA. The privileges and obligations of the City hereunder shall remain in full force and effect with respect to e~ch Project so long as the beneficial title to such Project is held by the Local Authority or some other public body or governmental agency, including the PHA, authorized by law to engage in the development or administration of low-rent housing projects. If at any time the beneficial title to, or possession of, any Project is held by such other public body or governmental agency, including the PHA, the provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by, such other public body or governmental agency, including the PHA. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Local Authority have respectfully caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written (SEAL) ATTEST: CITY OF ROANOK~E By ~ ~C_ l~lay or City Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE REDEVELOPME~ AND HOUS~G AUTHORITY By Chairman ( SE~ ) ATTEST: Secretary And that the City of Roanoke do enter into such cooperative agreement with the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and does authorize the ~,,Iayor of the ~ity of Roanoke to execute the same on behalf of the City of Roanoke, and does authorize the City Clerk to affix the seal of the City of Roanoke upon said contract to duly attest the same; and that an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in ~ull force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ~TTEST' . ? C1 erk ~ Pr esi dent IN THE COLR~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 1036~. A RESOLUTION designating Tuesday, February 14, 1950, as Jaycee Student ~overnment Day, and granting permission to the Roanoke J~nior Chamber of Cmmmerce to ~ork with the City Manager in the culmination of plans for .this event. V~EREAS, the Roanoke Junior Chamber of Commerce believes that an educational program in the public schools is vital to later participation by those students in their City Government, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Junior Chamber of Commerce proposes to conduct, with the approval and help of the Council of the City of Roanoke, a Student GOvernment 0ay, on which students will actually work side-by-side with members of Council and ther City Officials. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that T~esday 'ebruary 14, 1950, be, and the same is hereby designated as Jaycee Student Governmenl Day. 100 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that permission be, and the same is hereby granted to the Roanoke ~unior Chamber of Commerce to work with the City I,~anager in the culmination of plans for this event. AP?ROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN Thee COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10365. A RESOLUTION suggesting to the City Manager that, if available, the fifteen city employees who have been dropped from the city labor forces since January l, 1950, be restored to, their former jobs immediately, and that the City Manager submit to Council at its meeting on February 6, 1950, recommendation as to the transfer of $10,000.00 from the Materials Account under Section 76, "Street Repairs", of the 1950 Budget, to other accounts, to provide for the restoration of the employees. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is hereby Suggested to the City 1,,~anager that, if available, the fifteen city employees who have been dropped from the city labor forces since January l, 1950, be restored to their fo~mer jobs immediately, and that the City ~anager submit to Council at its meeting on February 6, 1950, recommendation as to the transfer of $10,000.00 from the Materials Account under Section 76, "Street Repairs", of the 1950 Budget, to other accounts, to provide for the restoration of the employees. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Cie rk · Pr Jident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10366. AN ORDINANCE directing that parking meters be removed from the west side of Second Street, S. YJ., between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue; the south side of Campbell Avenue, S. W., between Second Street and Third Street; and the west side of Third Street, S. VJ., between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue; that parking be prohibited on the west side of Second Street, S. ~J., between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue; and that a 20-minute parking limit be established on the south side of Campbell Avenue, S. W., between Second Street and Third Street; and the west side of Third Street, S.W., between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is hereby directed that parking meters be removed from the west side of Second Street, S. ~7., between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue; the south side of Campbell Avenue, S. ~'~. between Second Street and Third Street; and the west side of Third Street, S. ~'? between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue; that parking be prohibited on the west side of Second Street, S. ~,~., between Campbell Avenue and Church Avenue; and that a 20-minute parking limit be established on the south side of Campbell Avenue, S. ',7. between Second Street and Third Street; and the Vm:eSt side of Third Street, S. ~7., between Campbell Avenue and Charch Aven~e. BE iT ~RT~E~ 01~DAII~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN T~E COL~CIL FOR THE CI~£ OF ROA~0KE, VIRGI~.~IA, The 30th day of January, 1950. ~o. 10367. Y2~ ORDINANCE directing that legitimate news photographers and radio men engaged in picking up re~ote broadcasts be extended parking privileges in restricted areas only for such time as it takes to complete those duties. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is hereby directed that legitimate news photographers and radio men engaged in picking up remote broadcasts be extended parking privileges in restricted areas only for such time as it takes to complote those duties. This Ordinance is in no way to be construed as to permit parking in front of bus stops, fire hydrants, or at any other place which wo~ld ecd~nger public safety. BE IT FURT~KER ORDAINED that the City Eanager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue proper identification to men engaged in the above pursuits. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in fmll force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ..... Clerk President 102 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10368. A RESOLUTION accepting a 750-gallon Pumping Engine from the Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation, and directing payment of $11,$15.69 therefor. V,~tEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 10056, adopted on the 27th day of June, 19k9, authori?.ing the purchase of one 750-gallon Pumping Engine from the Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation, Elmira, New York, at a sum of $11,815.69 FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, said Pumping Engine was delivered to the City on January 23, 1950, and WHEREAS, it appears that said Pumping Engine fully complies with all r eq uir ement s. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the 750-gallon Pumping Engine be, and is hereby accepted from the Ward LaFrance Truck Corporation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that payment for said Pumping Engine in the amount of $11,815.69 be, and is hereby directed. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Clerk Pr e en t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGl~IA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10369. A RESOLUTION rejecting the bids of Roanoke Baseball, Inc., for the privilege of operating certain concessions at Roanoke Municipal (Victory) Stadium and AthletiC. Grounds in ~aher Field from January l, 1950 to December 31, 1950, and authorizing and directing the City ~Ianager to make a counter proposal to said Roanoke Baseball, Inc., for certain concessions at said Maher Field for the calendar year 1950. WHEREAS, the City has heretofore advertised for bids for the privilege of operating concessions at Roanoke Municipal (Victory) Stadium and Athletic Grounds at Maher Field for the calendar year 1950; and ¥~tEREAS, Roanoke Baseball, Inc., was the and only bidder for said privilege; V~TEREAS, none of the four bids made by said Roanoke Baseball, Inc., is acceptable to this Council. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that each and every bis made by Roanoke Baseball, Inc., for the privilege of operating con- cessions at Roanoke ~Tunicipal (Victory) Stadium and Athletic Grounds at ~aher Field for the calendsr year 1950 be, and they are hereby, rejected. BE IT FUR~ER RESOLVED that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby, authoriz ed and directed to offer Roanoke Baseball, Inc., concession privileges at Roanoke ~unicipal (Victory) Stadium and Athletic Grounds at ~aher Field for the calendar year 1950 for all occasions except for circuses, fairs, carnivals and game and activity programs sponsored by the Roanoke Recreation Department, on the basi~ of 3 3/8 cents to be paid by the City of Roanoke for each person attending all activi- ties at which an admission charge is m~de and concessions are sold, and 30% of gross receipts of concessions sold for all activities where an admission charge is not made. BE IT ~JRTHER RESOLVED that in event this counter proposal is acceptable to Roanoke Baseball, Inc., the City ~anager be, ~nd he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to execute a contract ~nbodyin~ the afore- said provisions and subject to additional terms and conditions to be approved by said City ~anager; said contract to be executed on behalf of Roanoke Baseball, Inc., by the proper officials of said corporation. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk ~ Pr esi/ den t IN ~ COU~C!L FOR T~E CITT OF ROAM0k~E, VIRGl~IA, The 30th day of ~anuary, 1950. No. 10370. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for concession privileges at Washington Park for period from January l, 1950, to December 31, 1950, on all occasions except for circuses, fairs, c~rnivals, game and activity programs, to Willie G. Smith at a l~mp s~m of ~00.00 for all activities at which an admission charge is made and concessions ere sold, and ~0% of gross receipts of concessions sold for all activi- ties where an admission charge is not made. V~EREAS, the City ~anager has tabulated and considered bids heretofore re- ceived for concession privileges at Washington Park for period from ~anuary l, 1950, to December 31, 1950, for all occasions except for circuses, fairs, carnivals, game and activity programs, and has duly made his recommendation to this Council; and it appearing from said recommendation and report that the bid of Willie G. Smith is the best bid for concession privileges at said ~ashington Park at a l~mp sum of ~00.00 for all activities at which an admission charge is made and concessions are sold, and 30% of gross receipts of concessions sold for all activities where an admission charge is not mede; and that the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, after considering said report and recommendation and bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of Willie G. Smith for concession privileges is the best bid therefor. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Willie G. Smith for concession privileges at i~ashington Park for period fro~ January l, 1950, to December 31, 1950, at a l~mp ~m of $400.00 for all activities at which an admission charge is made and co~- ~essions are sold, and 30% of gross receipts of concessions sold for all activities 1_04 8EPEALED By Oats_? where an admission charge is not made, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that contract for the said concession privileges shall be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City 1.~ianager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to execute the contract herein provided for, subject to terms and conditions to be approved by the said City Manag er. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk ~ ~ President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10371. A RESOLUTION agreeing to install a booster pump on property to be donated to the City in fee simple by C. ¥.'. Francis and wife on the South side of Peakwood Drive near its intersection with Exeter Street, provided the said C. VL Francis pays the costs of the installation of a two-inch main from the end of the present water main in Peakwood Drive, over and along Peakwood Drive, at such locations therein as may be determined by the idanager of the VJater Department, to the southernmost part of Lot 12, Block "K" Prospect Hills Hap 9 · BE IT RESOLVED by the Council 'of the City of Roanoke that the 5~anager of thC Water Department be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to install a booster pump on property to be donated to the City in fee simple by C. ¥~. Francis and wife, on the South side of Peakwood Drive near its intersection with Exeter Street, provided the said C. V¢. Francis pays the costs of the installation of a two-inch main from the end of the present water main in Peakvgood Drive, over and along Peak- wood Drive, at such locations therein as .may be determined by the ~lanager of the said Water Department, to the southernmost part of Lot 12, B'lock "K", Prospect Hill: Map; the deed to the site of the proposed booster pump to contain covenants of general warranty and modern english and conveying the same to the City in fee simple APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGITJIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10372. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City ~'Ianager to proceed with the construction of retaining walls in front of the properties of Messrs. A. B. Dillon, C. P. Doss and C. B. Wood on Riverdale Road, S. E., at a total cost not to exceed $2,088.00, app~opr&ating the sum of $2,088.00 from the 19~9 Annex Fund for the construction of the retaining walls, and providing for an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the construction of the retaining walls in front of the properties of Messrs. A. B. Dillon, C. P. Doss and C. B. Wood on Riverdale Road, S. E., at a total cost not to exceed $2,088.00. BE IT FURTHER OP, DAISJED that ~2,058.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 19~9 Annex Fund for the construction of the retaining walls. BE IT FURTtTER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: / , Pr esiden t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOIO~, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10373. A RESOLUTION designating the sixty-two lots recently purchased by the City of Roanoke in Blocks 6 and 7, 1,~ap of ~Arilliams Fleming Court Subdivision, located on the east side of Wi].liamson Road, N. W., between Fleming Avenue and Trinkle Avenue, as "Fleming Park". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the sixty-two lots recently purchased by the City of Roanoke in Blocks 6 and 7, Map of William Fleming Court Subdivision, located on the east side of Williamson Road, N. !?. , between Fleming Avenue and Trinkle Avenue, be, and the same are hereby designated as "Fleming Park". APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COIR~CIL FOR THE CITY_ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10374. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to proceed with the construction of an additional room at the City Incinerator, for storage p~rposes, a~ an estimated cost of ~4,087.52. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the construction of an additional room at the City Incinerator, for storage purposes, at an estimated cost ot ~g,oS?.52. APPROVED 106 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10375. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Clerk to publish in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper of gener~l circulation in the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, notice of this Council's intention to adopt a Land Subdivisio Ordinance, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 211-A of the current Code of Virginia (Article 2 of Chapter 23 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia, 1950), known as "The-Virginia Land Subdivision Law',. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to insert the following notice in The Roanoke World-Newsy, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, in the issues of said paper to be published on the 1st day of ~'ebruary, 1950 and the 8th day of February, 1950, viz: TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the intention of the Council of the City of Roanoke to adopt regulations to assure the orderly subdivision of land and its development and the harmonious and economic development of the City and the area situated beyond and within three miles of its corporate limits (except as to any lands within the overlapping boundaries under the jurisdiction of any incorporated town as defined in Article 2 of Chapter 23 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia, 1950), for the coordination of streets within subdivisions of land with other existing or planned streets, for adequate open spaces for traffic, recreation, light and air and for the distribution of population and traffic which will tend to create conditions favorable to health, safety, convenience 8nd prosperity, pursuant to the enabling provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 23 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, known as "The Virginia Land Subdivision Law". Copies of the proposed ordinanc embodying such regulations are on file at the Office of the Planning Board, Room 2 ~Junicipal Building, where they may be studied by interested persons. Further, all interested persons or persons who may be affected by such regulations may appear before the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 20th day of F,~bruary, 1950, at 3:00 o'clock, p. m., in the Circuit Court Room (Council Chamber) in the I~.lunicipal Building in the City of Roanoke to present their views with respect thereto. This publication is made pursuant to Resolution No. 10375, passed by the Council of Roanoke on the 30th day of January, 1950. APPROVED ATTEST: / Pr es ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10376. A RESOLUTION requesting the Roanoke Delegation in the General Assembly of Virginia to foster legislation which will enable employees in the offices of the Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, Commonwealth's Attorney, Clerk of Courts and Sergeant, all of the City of Roanoke, to obtain membership in the virginia Retirement System or, in the disjunctive, in the Employees' Retirement System of th~ City of Roanoke; assuring the General Assembly if, pursuant to such requested legis. lation, said ~nployees are permitted to obtain membership in the Virginia Retiremen? System, that the City of Roanoke will make contributions to the State Annuity Ac- cumulation Fund computed on the amount of such members' salaries paid by the City of Roanoke; or if, pursuant to such requested legislation, said employees are per- mitted to obtain membership in the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Roanoke that the State make contributions to said City system computed on the amount of such members' salaries paid by the State. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, 'the Honorable E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., and the Honorable Julian H. Rutherfoord, Jr., be, and they are hereby requested to foster and support legislation at the 1950 Session of the General Assembly of Virginia which will enable employees in the offices of the Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, Commonwealth's Attorney, Clerk of Courts and Sergeant, all of the City of Roanoke, to obtain membership in the Virginia Retirement System .or, in the disjunctive, in the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if pursuant to such requested legislation such employees are permitted to obtain membership in the Virginia Retirement System, it. is the present intention, and will be the purpose, of this Council to pass requisite ordinances whereby the City of Roanoke will make contributions to the State Annuity Accmmulation Fund computed on the amount of such members' salaries as are paid by the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if pursuant to such requested legislation such employees are permitted to obtain membership in the Employees Retirement System of the City of Roanoke, then it is the request of this Council that such legislation provide that the State make contributions to said City's retirement system computed on the amount of such members' salaries as are paid by the State. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGl~IA, The 30th day of ~anuary, 1950. No. 10377. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Auditor to into Court, pay or directly to certain property owners, as directed by the City Attorney, certain I~.sums of money awarded as compensation and damages to said property owners for the City's acquisition of said property owners' lands for the Sewage Treatment Plant site, said sums to be paid out of the Improvement Fund. WHEREAS, by Ordinance Nos. 10130, 10131, 10132 and 10133, passed on the 22nd day of August, 1949, condemnation proceedings were authorized and directed to be instituted by the City of Roanoke in order to acquire to the hereafter described lands; and WHEREAS, said condemnation proceedings have been instituted and conducted and the Commissioners appointed by the Court have mede their awards to the respectiv ~roperty owners for the value of said lands and for the damages to the residue of thl same as hereinafter stated, which said report of Commissioners has been confirmed by the Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, by warrants drawn on the Improvement Fund and in the wanner hereinafter set out, as directed by the.City Attorney, the following: 1. To H. W. London and W. A. Ingrain, for 3.48 acres of land, described as Parcel 1, "Tract A" in the condemnation proceedings entitled City of Roanoke v. H. W. London, the sum of ~ 1,600.00 2. Louie D. Vinyard for 16.85 acres of land described as Parcel 2, "Tract B", in the condemnation proceedings, the sum of 9,267.50 3. To Fannie Fry Persinger for 16.85 acres of land and for 16.0 acres of land, described as Parcel 3, "Tract C" and Parcel 4, "Tract D" in said condemnation proceedings, the total sum of 18,625.00 which said sum includes the sum of $3,000.00 awarded to Fannie Fry Persinger as damages to the residue of her lands 4. To W. R. Rouse and Alice Lydia Rouse for 6.08 acres of land, described as Parcel 5, "Tract E" in said condemnation proceedings, the total sum of 3,128.00 which said sum includes .the sum of ~l,000.00 awarded b~ the Commissioners to the~ owners' as damages to. said Owners residue lands. PROVIDED, H0¥~EVER, that at the direction of the City Attorney, the saidCity Auditor shall, instead of making the aforesaid payments directly to the respective owners, pay the total of said amounts, namely, $32,620.50, to R. J. ~¥atson, Clerk of Courts, said total amount to be disbursed by order of Court to the parties entitled thereto; and PROVIDED, FURTHER, that if, at the discretion of the City Attorney~ said ~mounts be paid directly to the respective owners as first hereinabove stated, said payments shall be made to said respective orders jointly with their respective ~ttorneys of record in said condemnation proceedings, and shall be made only upon the tender by each owner of receipt therefor in such form as may be approved by the City Attorney. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / · Clerk Pr es ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CIT~' OF ROANOFSE, %~IRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10379. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City ~4anager to request permissio] from the Virginia State Highway Commission to re-route U. S. Highway Route No. ll from its intersection with U. S. Highway Route No. 460 at Williamson Road and Orange Avenue, Northeast, to run West on 0range Avenue to Salem Turnpike, Northwest; thence on Salem Turnpike to ~,ielrose Avenue, Nonthwest; thence on L~elrose Avenue, Northwest, to the west corporate limits. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that the City ~v{anager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to request permission from the Virginia State Highway Com~.~i ss ion to re-route U. S. Highway Route No. ll from its intersection with U. S. Highway Route Mo. ~,60 at Williamson Road and Orange Avenue, Northeast, tc run West on Orange Avenue to Salem Turn, pike, Northwest; thence on Salem Turnpike to l,{elrose Avenue, Northwest; thence on ~elrose Avenue, Northwesi ~o the west corporate limits. APPROVED ~STEST: Clerk President l~; THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~0KE, VIRGII~A, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10380. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Norfolk and Western Railway Company to maintain md operate standard flashing light signals controlled from the w~tchman,s box at ~azewell Avenue, Southeast, at the grade crossings at the first alley south of Bulli~ ~venue, Southeast, the first alley north of Bullitt Avenue, Southeast, and the first ~lley south of Tazewell Avenue, Southeast, under certain terms and conditions. %'fHEREAS, by Resolution No. 9836 adopted by Council the 28th day of February, 19&9, the Norfolk and Western Railway Company was authorized upon certain conditions ~o place, maintain and Operate "an automatic flash light crossing signal within the )ounds of the first alley south of Bullitt Avenue, Southeast, Roaneke, Virginia, on ~he north side of said alley and east of the Railway's tracks',; and WH~REAS, by Resolution I'~o. 9972 adopted by Council the 2nd day of ~.lay, 19&9, ~he Norfolk and Western Railway Company was authorized upon certain conditions to ~lace, maintain and operate "an automatic flash light crossing signal within the ~ounds of the first alley north of Bullitt Avenue, Southeast, Roanoke, Virginia, ,n the south side of said alley and east of the Railway's tracks,,; and WHEREAS, in carrying out the provisions of said Resolutions the said ~ailway Company has installed standard flashing light signals at each of said cross- .ngs to be controlled from the watchman's box at Tazewell Avenue, Southeast; and 109 110 WHEREAS, the said Railway Company has installed standard flash light signal: at the first alley south of Tazewell Avenue, Southeast. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Norfolk and Western Railway Company be, and hereby is authorized to maintain and operate standard flashing light signals controlled from the watcb~an's box at Tazewell Avenue, Southeast, at each of the two above-mentioned grade crossings, viz: the first alley south of Bullitt Avenue, Southeast, and the first alley north of Bullitt Avenue, Southeast, Roanoke, Virginil provided ~hat the conditions set forth in each of the said Resolutions No. 9836 and No. 9972 shall apply to the respective crossing signals herein permitted to the same extent and as fully as if set forth at length herein; and the said Railway Company is authorized to maintain and operate standard flashing light signals controlled from the watchman's box at Tazewell Avenue, Southeast, at the first alle south of Tazewell Aven~e, Southeast. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pre dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRG1/~IA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10381. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for furnishing the City of Roanoke with two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks, which shall meet the ~{otor ~ehicle Laws of Virginia restricting width of vehicles, to the L~berty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim Motor Company, ~.,liddleboro, ~Iassachusetts, at a total sum of $52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia; repealing Resolution No. 103&8, adopted on the 12th day of January, 1950, and providing for an emergency. WEEREAS, a. committee composed of Messrs. Randolph G. Whittle, City Attorney, J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, acting for I...~. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, and W. ~I. ~iullins, Fire Chief, at the request of Council, tabulated all bid received for furnishing the City of Roanoke with two 65-foot Aerial Ladder Trucks, and WHEREAS, it appears that the bid of the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim Motor Company, Middleboro, Massachusetts, in the total sum of $52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, is the lowest bid, and V~iEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the contract for the Aerial Ladder Trucks should be awarded to the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim Motor Company, Ididdleboro, ~Iassachusetts, at the bid submitted, and for the preservation of public safety, and emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, ~E IT RES©I~VED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated Roanoke, Virginia, representing l~axim I~.~otor Company, ~4iddleboro, t.~assachusetts, for furnishing~ the City of Roanoke with two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks in the total sum of ~].[~52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby accepted, determ ed and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the purchase of the said Aerial Ladder Trucks shall be forthwith executed in conformity with the proposal of said company except that the contract shall comply with the Iv~otor Vehic] Laws of Virginia restricting width of vehicles. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke. Section 3. That Resolution No. 10~8, adopted on the 12th day of January, 1950, is hereby repealed. Section 4. An emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: I,~/ Clerk Pr es i den t iN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10382. A RESOLUTION granting permission to Safety ~,.~otor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate busses within the City of Roanoke for a period of thirty days after ganuary 31, 1950, mude~ the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolution Mo. 10285 passed by this Council on Dec ember 12, 19~9. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that per.mission be, and the same is hereby, granted Safety ~.~otor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railwa & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate busses within the City of Roanoke for a period of thirty days after January 31, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolution I~o. 10288 passed by this Council on Decembe: 12, 1949. APPR 0VED AT TEST: Clerk Pr esident 11! IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of January, 1950. No. 10383. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #110, "Pensions and Gratuities to Former Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declar- ing the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #110, "Pensions and Gratuities to Former Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Counci of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950 and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is amended and re- ordained to read as follows: PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES TO FOR~ER EMPLOYEES #ll0 Gratuities to Former ~nployees (1) ................ ~ 6,116.00 (1) Sallie H. Jeffries .......... $ 250.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the $250.00 herein appropriated is to be paid to Sallie H. Jeffries in one lump sum immediately. BE IT FURTHER 0RDAISJED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~/ Olerk PreSident IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~tE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10362. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the northeast corner of Valley Avenue and Eleventh Street, S. W., described as Lot 8, Section 24, Wasena Corporation, by the City of Roanoke to !~r. J. Raymond Pace, at a considera- tion of $480.00 net cash to the city, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. BE IT 0RDAII~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to Mr. J. Raymond Pace of property located on the northeast corner of Valley Avenue and Eleventh Street, S. ~?., described as Lot 8, Section 24, V~asena Corporation, at a consideration of $480.00 net cash to the city. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereb authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the city, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with General Vfarranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomso- ever he may direct in writing, delivery thereof, however, not to be made until said net cash consideration has been paid in full. APPROVED ATTEST: IN ~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10378. AN ORDINANCE repealing Ordinance No. 10310 and authorizing the exchange of certain real estate in the Garden City Area of the City of Roanoke between the City Roanoke and Garden City Baptist Church; authorizing the proper City officers to exec an~_ deliver to Garden City Baptist Church, for and on behalf of the City, a proper deed to portions of Lots 8, 9, l0 and ll, Block l, J. W. Liptrap Map, in considera- tion of a general ~arranty deed, executed by the Trustees of Garden City Baptist Church, conveying to the City of Roanoke Lot l, Block l, and a 15 foot wide strip along the East side of Garden City Boulevard in Block l, of the and authorizing the establishment of an alley 15 feet in width through the City's property parallel to the East line of the property of the Garden City Baptist Church V~TEREAS, after the adoption on Dec~mber 28, 1949, of Ordinance No. 10310 the Trustees of the Garden City Baptist Church have expressed a willingness to convey unto the City a strip of land 15 feet in width along the East side of Garden City Boulevard, in Block i of the ~. W. Liptrap ~.Iap, instead of a strip of land l0 feet wide as provided for in said 0rdinance No. 10310; and WHEREAS, said Trustees now desire the public alley established by the afore- said ordinance relocated as herein provided for; and V;HEREAS, the Engineering Department has reported that it would be to the advantage of the City to relocate said alley, as herein provided, in consideration of a conveyance of the aforesaid additional 5 feet along the East side of Garden City Boulevard in ~lock 1 of the ~. ~7. Liptrap Map. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Ordinance No. 10310, adopted on December 28, 1949, be, and the same is hereby, REPEALED. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that upon execution and delivery by the Trustees of Garden City Baptist Church of a general warranty deed, in form to be approved by the City Attorney, conveying unto the City of Roanoke the following property: BEGINNING at the present northeast corner of Garden City Boulevard and ~,Ioffett Avenue, S. E; thence with the present east line of Garde$% City Boulevard the following two courses and_distances: N. 26~ 50' E. 84.2 feet to an angle point and N. 14° 57' E. 243.7 feet to a point; thence leaving Garden City Boulevard and with the north line of Lot l, Block i of the J. W. Liptrap Map S. 75° 03' ~. 130.0 feet to a point; thence S. 14° 57' W. 50.0 feet to a point; thence with the common dividing line between Lots i and 2, )f ~te N. 75° 03' W. 115 feet to a point; thence with a line 15.0 feet east of and parallel to the present east line of Garden City Boulevard the following two courses and distances: S. 14° 57' W. 195.2~ feet to an angle point and S. 26° 50' W. 85.76 feet to a point on the north line of ~offett Avenue; thence with same N. 63° 10' W. 15.0 feet to the place of BEGINNINCT, containing .249 acres, more or less, and being all of Lot i and the western 15.0 feet of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block l, of the J. W. LiPtrap Map, that the proper City officers be, and they are hereby, authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a deed, upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, to said Trustees of Garden City Baptist Church the following described property: BEGINNING at a point which is a common corner to the rear of Lots i and 2, Block l, of the J. ~J. Liptrap Map, said beginning point located the three following courses and distances from the north- east corner of Garden City Boulevard and Moffett Avenue,S. E.; N. 26° 50' E. 84.2 feet, N. 14° 57' E. 193.7 feet, and S. 75° 03' E. l~0.0 feet to the point of actual beginning; thence S. 75° 03' E. 53.51 feet to a point; thence S. 14° 57'W. 50.0 feet to a point; thence S. 26° 50' W. 162.6 feet to a point on line of Lot 5; thence with same N. 63° 10' W. 20.46 feet to a point; thence with the rear line of Lots 4, 3 and 2, N. 14© 57' E. 204.9 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing .195 acres, more or less, and being the west portions of Lots 8, 9, l0 and ll, Block i of the J. W. Liptrap Map. BE IT ~URTHET ORDAINED that there is hereby established as a public alley the following described 15 foot wide strip of land, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the present North side of Moffett Avenue, which point is S. 63° 10' W. 150 feet from the present northeast corner of Moffett Avenue and Garden City Boulevard, S. E.; thence, from said beginning point N. 26° 50' E. 262.60 feet to a point; thence N. 14 57' E. 50 feet to a point: thence S. 75° 03' E. 15 feet to a point; thence S. 14° 57' W. ~1.56 feet to a point; thence S. 26° 50' W. 264.16 feet to a point on the North side of lsToffett Avenue, thence with the North line of ~offett Avenue N. 63° 10' W. 15 feet to the place of BEG1-N-NING. APPROVED C.1 er k President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10384. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of ~essrs. T. H. Boyer, C. H. Webster, John L. Thompson, T. Edwin Burke and W. K. Ballou as viewers for the purpos~ of appraising approximately 27.044 acres of land, standing in the name of l~ary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administration Building and the estension of the east-west runway at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodr~m Field), with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price for the land in question, and re- pealing Resolution No. 10344, adopted on the 9th day of January, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that l~essrs. T. H. Boyer, C. H. Webster, John L. Thompson, T. Edwin Burke and Vf. E. Ballou be, and they are hereby appointed as viewers for the purpose of appraising approximately 27.044 acres of land, standing in the name of Mary Elva Coulter, required in connection with the Administration Building and the extension of the east-west runway at the Roanoke 1,~unicipal Airport (WoodLrum Field), with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price for the land in question. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 10344, adopted on the 9th day of January, 1950, be, and the same is hereby repealed. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED · President l~ ~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10385. A RESOLUTION aathorizing the City L~anager to make a study with regard to a needed addition at the Roanoke Tuberculosis Sanatorimm and to negotiate with the State Health Department and the U. S. Public Health Service toward the development of such plans. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to make a study with regard to a needed addition at the Roanoke Tuberculosis Sanatorium and to negotiate with the State Health Department and the U. S. Public Health Service toward the development of such plans ATTEST: APPROVED Pr esi den t II~ T~ COUNCIL FOR THE CI~ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10386. AN 0RDi~ANCE to amend and reenact Section /174, "Refuse Collection and Disposal", Section 376, "Street Repairs", and Section ~78, "Bridge Repairs", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General F~nd of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #74, "Refuse Collection and Disposal", Section #76, "Street Repairs", and Section #78, "Bridge Repairs", of an Ordinance adopted by the Coancil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning ganuary l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Wages .......................................... ~ 302~052.00 STREET REPAIRS #76 Wages 136,156.00 Contra~:~'~[~ ~[ ~ [[ [ ~[ ~[~ [[~[ ~ [~ ~ [~ ~[~[~ 14,588.80 115 BRIDGE REPAIRS #78 Wages ......................................... 12,987.20 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATT/EST: / Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10387. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~.Ianager to have razed the barn located directly behind the parkkeeper's house at Washington Park. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City 1,Jlanager be, and he is hereby authorized to have razed the barn located directly behind the parkkeeper's house at Washington Park. APPROVED President IN Tt~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF R0f~NOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10388. A RESOLUTION to accept from The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke floodlights now used to illuminate the exterior of its building on the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and Jefferson Street, and expressing the thanks and ap- preciation of Council for the donation. WHEREAS, it appears that the floodlights used to illuminate the exterior of~ the building of The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke on the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and Jefferson Street will not be needed when the modern lighting system on Campbell Avenue and Jefferson Street is put into effect by the City, and WHEREAS, The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke has offered to donate said lights to the City, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this body that the donation should be accept- ed with thanks and appreciation. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it hereby accepts from The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke floodlights now use~ to illuminate the exterior of the building on the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and Jefferson Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the thanks and appreciation of this body be extended to The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke for the above donation. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk ! President IN ~fE COUNCIL FOR THE CIT£ OF ROANOK~E, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10389. AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $226.34 from the Improvement Fund in payment of professional services rendered by Dr. Joseph L. V~heeler as consultant in connection with the preparation of the exterior design and internal plans for the proposed new public library in Elmwood Park. WHEREAS, for the daily operation of the ~unicipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that $226.3~ be, and is hereby appropriated from the Improvement Fund in payment of professional services rendered by Dr. Joseph L. ~heeler as consultant in connection with the preparation of the exterior design and internal plans for the proposed new public library in Elm~Jood Park. BE IT ~-TYRTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: \ Clerk President IN ~HE COUNCIL FOR T?~g CITY OF ROAL~0~(E, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10390. A RESOLUTION agreeing to accept, from ~.ir. Junius B. Fishburn, a proposed donation of a tract of land containing approximately thirty-five acres, adjoining "~lill ~..~ountain Park", to be used for park and recreational purposes, upon certain terms and conditions; and expressin~ appreciation to L.~r. Fishburn for the tendered donation. i'.UqER~AS, ~r. Yuni~s B. Fishburn has advised this Council that he has obtained an option to purchase approximately thirty-five acres of land, adjoining "~ill ~ountain Park", and will actually purchase said acreage and immediately donat it to the City for park and recreational p~rposes, provided the City is willing to accept the donation sabject to the same terms and conditions embodied in the deeds whereby the saia Junius B. Fishburn donated other acreages on ~ill i~ountain to the !City for such purposes; said deeds being dated February 19, 1941 and ~arch 19, 1942, iand of record in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, respectively, in Deed Book 663, page 191 and Deed Book 674, page 158; and ¥~HEREAS, the City of Roanoke is willing to accept said tract of land for park and recreational purposes upon said terms and conditions provided, however, tha it be understood and agreed that there may be constructed therein such roads and drives as the City may subsequently determine. ~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City hereby agrees to accept from Mr. ~unius B. Fishburn the donation of approximate~ ly thirty-five acres of land, adjoining "~ill ~ountain Park", for park and recrea- tional purposes, upon the same temps and conditions embodied in two previous deeds ~hereby the said ~unius B. Fishburn donated other acreages on },~ill Mountain to the 3ity for such purposes; said deeds being dated February 19, 1941 and March 19, 1942, ~nd of record in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, respectively, in Deed Book 663, page 191, and Deed Book 674, page 158, ,rovided, however, that it be understood and agreed that there may be constructed ;herein such roads and drives as the City may sabsequently determine. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that there be, and there is hereby, extended to },,~r. ~unius B. Fishburn the sincere appreciation of this body, on behalf of itself and also on behalf of the citizens of the City of ~oanoke, for his generous offer to purchase and donate to the City the aforesaid ~creage to be used in connection with, and likewise known as a part of, "Mill .~ountain Park". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the l~ayor and the City Clerk execute, for and on ~ehalf of the City, a deed when tendered in conformity with this resolution, thereby ~ignifying the City's consent to the aforesaid terms and conditions as embodied APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10391. AN ORDINANCE making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning ganuary l, 1950, and ending ~ecember 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency. WHEREAS, in order to provide for the daily operation of the ~4anicipal ~overnment an emergency is set forth and declared to exist, and this ordinance shall ~e in force from Yanuary l, 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that all aoney collected by or on behalf of the ¥~'ater Department for the fiscal year beginnin{ ranuary l, 1950, and ending December 3l, 1950, shall be deposited to the credit of tke ~herein. WATER DEPAR~,.~IENT GENERAL FUND, and as much of said funds as may be necessary, except the salaries and wages which are hereinafter set forth and fixed effective January l, 1950, be and the same is hereby appropriated to the following purposes, to-wit: CRYSTAL SPRINGS PIRv[PING STATION - 260C Salaries end Wages Fuel Fuel Handling Electric Power Lubr i cants All Other Expense [\~aintenance of Structures I~,~aintenance of Dams, ?.;ells and Intakes Maintenance of ~3oilers !,~aintenance of ~Equipment ~aintenance of G~o~nds All Other I. faintenance Total Crystal Springs Y'umping Station 17,900.00 18,350.00 800.00 1,~00.00 3oo.oo 550.00 60o.00 300.00 5oo.oo 500.00 4,ooo.oo lOO.OO 45,300.00 MUSE AND S~,~iITH RIVER SPRINGS PIEr!PING STATIONS-2601~IR All Other I]aintenance Total }Juse and Smith River Springs Pumping Stations 300.00 300.00 BOOSTER PDI~ING STATIONS - 260P Salaries and ¥~ages Electric Power All Other Expense All Other ~.iaintenance Total Booster P~mping Stations 3,000.00 3,500.00 605.00 1~000.00 8,105.00 PURIFICATIOE-280 Salaries and V~ages Supplies and Expense Laboratory Labor Laboratory Supplies Maintenance of Structures I~aintenance of Equipment L~aintenance of Grounds All Other i.{aintenance Patrol Expense Total Purification 27,600.00 10,570.00 7,180.00 1,500.00 8OO.OO 6OO.OO 2,100.00 250.00 1,200,00 51,800.00 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM -290 Salaries and Wages l~eter Exchange Work on Consumers' Premises Supplies and Expense Shop Expense 1.~aintenance of Reservoirs and Standpipes ~,~aintenance of Distribution I~iains Naintenance of Services Maintensnce of Pleters k~aintenance of Hydrants I~gaintenance of Shop Equipment All Other Expense Total Distribution System 3,960.00 2,750.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 750.00 1,2oo. oo 6,500.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 1,2oo.oo lOO. OO lOO.OO 49,060.00 COI~ERC IAL Salar i e s ~eter Readin~g Supplies and Expense Total Commercial 28,600.00 9,000.00 ~,000.00 ~1,600.00 TRANS~fl SSI ON - 315 Salaries and V~ages ~fa in tenanc e Reservoirs and Dams Rental All Other Expenses Total Transmission 100.00 100.00 100.00 ~oo.oo 100.00 800.00 GENERAL EXPOSE- 320 Salaries Supplies and Expense ~fiscellaneous Expense Legal Expense Accounting Expense Management 'Expense Treasury Expense Injuries and Damages Insurance and Bond Premiums Store Room ',EXpense Maintenance of Structures Pens~on~ 26,000.00 9OO. 00 9OO.OO 3,0~0. O0 5,180.00 3,5~.oo 2,700.00 5oo.oo 3,500.00 2,500.00 6,500.00 NON-OPERATING ~P ~$ISES Miscellaneous Replacement Interest on Debt Retirement of Debt Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) Total Appropriations APPROPRIATIONS FROM REPLAC~2dENT RESERVE Replacements (1) 2,700.00 80,755.48 126,518.65 184,4~9.28 200~000.00 594,453.41 (1) CAPITAL OUTLAYS INCLUDED ~,~ ABOVE Project Covered by.A.p~opriations from.: Replacement Reserve Revenue Normal Extensions Services Meters Greenland Hills Fire l~ains & Hydrants Completion of Villa Heights Project Fire Hydrants 1;elrose Avenue * Normal Replacement - Distribution and Transmission System Total 15,000.00 $ 60,000.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 45,o00.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 20~000.00 $ 115,000.00 This project is estimated to cost $80,000.00, but is expected to continue in 1951. 200,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the salaries and wages of persons employed in the Water Department be, and the same are hereby fixed as follows, effective as of January 1, 1950, and to continue in force d~ring the calendar year 1950 unless sooner changed by Council. POSITION t~JMBER OF ]E~{PLOYEES ANNUAL SALARIES Management Manager 1 Assistant Manager 1 Office Manager I $ 7,500.00 4,980.00 3,300.00 Office .and Clerical Draftsman Assistant Draftsman Record Clerk Bookkeeper Stenographer, Senior Utility Clerk Collector Billing Clerk Commercial Clerk Stenographer, Junior General For eman 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3,132.00 2,580.00 2,640.00 2,460.00 2,460.00 2,400.00 2,340.00 2,340.00 2,340.00 2,220.00 3,720.00 Pumping Booster Pump Operator Station Engineer, 1st Station Engineer, 2nd Station Engineer, 3rd Fireman 2 1 1 1 2,940.00 2,655.00 2,700.00 2,295.00 2,370.00 Purification Chemist Bacteriologist Filter Operator Filter Operator Filter Operator Assistant Filter Operator 1 1 2 1 3 4,000.00 3,180.00 2,820.00 2,280.00 2,235.00 2,520.00 Meter Readin~ Service Senior t~Jleter Reader Service Inspector Junior Meter Reader Service Repairman General Repairman 1 2 2 1 2,580.00 2,580.00 2,520.00 2,460.00 2,880.00 Meter Repair Shop For eman Repairmen 1 2,700.00 2,580.00 POSITION Distribution Syst em~ ] et For eman 2nd Foreman 3rd Foreman Shovel 0perator Old Pensioners Squire Keeling S. F. Testerman Automobile Allowance _Hourly Employees Tractor Operator Truck Driver, tst Class Truck Driver, 2nd Class Pipefitter, Class A Pipefitter, Class B Labor Skilled Labor, 1st Class Labor, 2nd Class ~E~BER OF E~gPL0t~EES 2 2 2 1 ANNUAL SALARIES 3,2~o.oo 2,880.00 2,700.00 3,220.00 360.00 504.00 420.00 Per Hour 1.12 1.03 1.O0 1.07 1.02 .97 .95 .92 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is set forth a'nd declared to exist ~nd this Ordinance shall be in force on and after January l, 1950. APPROVED ATI~EST: / Clerk IN Ti~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOt~E, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10393. A RESOLUTION author lzing and directing the City ~.~anager to make a survey with regard to the construction of a fire station in the vicinity of Brandon Avenue and Grandin Road, S. W., with a view of utilizing part of Shrine Hill Park property for this purpose, and with a view of using the same design and plans for the propos- ed building as the design and plans for the fire station in the V~illiamson Road section, the City ~.~anager to submit his report to Council as soon as possible and to notify the public of the date on which said report will be so submitted in order that a public hearing might be held on the matter. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to make a survey with regard to the construction of a fire station in the vicinity of Brandon Avenue and Grandin Road, S. W., with a view of utilizing part of Shrine Hill Park property for this purpose, and with a view of using the same design and plans for ~the proposed building as the design and plans for the fire station in the Williamson Road section, the City ~anager to sdbmit his report to Council as soon as possible and to notify the public of the date on which said report will be so submitted in order that a public hearing might be heldon the matter. APPROVED Clerk Pr esi dent 121. ~!t PEALED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 1039~. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of Councilman Daniel J. Cronin, Councilman W. P. Hunter, ~r. Coy Watson of the State Employment Service, ~r. J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, and ~,~r. J. 0. Wilkerson, Personnel Director, as a committee, for the purpose of working out a satisfactory plan with regard to unemployment compensation or terminal pay for City employees who resign or are dis- missed, and to submit report to Council within sixty days. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that there be, and is hereby appointed a committee composed of Councilman Daniel J. Cronin, Councilman W. P. Hunter, ~r. Coy Watson of the State Employment Service, ~!r. J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, and ~Ir. J. 0. Wilkerson, Personnel Director, for the purpose of working out a satisfactory plan with regard to unemployment compensation or terminal pay for City employees who resign or are dismissed, and to submit report to Council within sixty days. APPROVED ~5'r~EST: ~/ Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10395. A RESOLUTION requesting the City 5~Ianager to inform any and all persons of his intentions to record their conversation, either by telephone or in person, and to not record same when such persons object. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~.~anager be, and he is hereby requested to inform any and all persons of his intentions to record their conversation, either by telephone or in person, and to not record same when such persons object. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, .VIRGINIA, The 6th day of February, 1950. No. 10396. A RESOLUTION setting forth the policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke with regard to wages and salaries of City employees. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it be the expres- sion of this Council that the wages and salaries of City employees be maintained on a "take home" basis not less than as of December 31, 1949. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of February, 1950. No. 10397. A RESOLUTION instructing the City Manager to extend a one-inch water main from the end of the present water main in Vinton Mill Road, N. E., approximately 300 feet west of Normandy (Palm) Street, for a distance of approximately 75 feet, a s a temporary expedience to supply water to the property of Frank T. Craig as soon as ~ossible, and to report back to Council. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City R]anager De, and he is hereby instructed to extend a one-inch water main from the end of the present water main in Vinton Mill Road, N. E., approximately 300 feet west of Nor- mandy (Palm) Street, for a distance of approximately 75 feet, as a temporary expe- dience to supply water to the property of Frank T. Craig as soon as possible, and to report back to Council. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10392. AN ORDINANCE repealing Part B, establishing a schedule of rates for all water delivered by direct pumping or repumping to all levels above the reservoirs of Carvins Cove, Crystal Spring, City Farm and Carroll Avenue, of an Ordinance adopt- ed by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 18th day of August, 1947 No. 9178, and entitled, "An Ordinance establishing a new schedule of rates for wates furnished to consumers by the Water Department of the City of Roanoke, to be applied to all billings on and after September 1, 1947, rescinding the schedule of rates heretofore established by Resolution No. 5627, adopted on July 11, 1938, and declar-i lng the existence of an emergency,,. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Part B, establish- ing a schedule of rates for all water delivered by direct~pumping or repumping to all levels above the reservoirs of Carvins Cove, Crystal Spring, City Farm and Carroll Avenue, of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, ~Virginia, on the 18th day of August, 19~7, No. 9178, and entitled, "Am Ordinance i establishing a new schedule of rates for water furnished to consumers by the Water !Department of the City of Roanoke, to be applied to all billings on and after iSeptember 1, 19~?, rescinding the schedule of rates heretofore established by iResolution No. 5627, adopted on July 11, 1938, and declaring the existence of an iemargency", be, and is hereby repealed. APPROVED ATTEST Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10399. A RESOLUTION endorsing Senate Resolution 202 of the Senate of the United States, and expressing the willingness of this Council to have officials of the City cooperate in the proposed study and investigation of interstate gambling amd racke- teering activities and of the manner in which the facilities of interestate commerce are made a vehicle of organized crime. W~EREAS, the Honorable Estes Kefauver, United States Senator from Tem-essee did on the 5th day of January, 1950, submit a resolution, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, resolving that said Committee, or any duly authorized sub-committee thereof, be authorized and directed to make a full and complete st~d~ and investigation of interstate gambling and racketeering activities and of the manner in which the facilities of interstate commerce are made a vehicle of orgami2 ed crime amd report its findings, togethe~ with its recommendations for such legis- lation as it may deem advisable, to the Senate at the earliest practicable date, WHEREAS, this Council is in accord with the purposes of the resolution. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bY the Council of the City of Roanoke that this Council endorses Senate Resolution 202 of the Senate of the United States and that officials of the City cooperate in any reasonable manner with the Committee on the Judiciary, or any duly authorized sub-committee thereof, that may be authorized and directed to make a full and complete study and investigation of interstate gamb- ling and racketeering activities and the manner in which the facilities of inter- state commerce are made a vehicle of organized crime. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Council be, and he is hereby, directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Honorable Estes Kefauver, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. APPROVED ATTEST: y ~ / Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10400. A RESOLUTION creating a board before whom abutting landowners om certain parts of certain streets in portions of Sections i and 2 of the 0akdale Subdivision and, also, a portion of Airlee Court may appear and be heard in favor of or against the proposed construction of sanitary sewers in and along said portions of said streets, the cost of which, when the same shall have been ascertained, is to be assessed or apportioned between the City and the abutting landowners as provided by law; and providing for notice to such abutting landowners of the hearing before such board. WHEREAS, it is imperative that sanitary sewers be constructed in and along certain portions of streets hereinafter set forth for the protection of the public health, and in order to provide for the usual daily operation of the municipal government, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cooncil of the City of Roanoke, as follows (1) The City Council shall constitute a board to whom the matter of the proposed construction of sanitary sewers in and along the following streets, to-wit North side of Hershberger Road, west of Hubert Road; West side of Hubert Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Road; East side of Hubert Road between Hershberger Road and Co, tis Avenue; North side of Hershberger Road between Hubert Road and Hildebrand Road; West side of Hildebrand Road, between Hershberger Road and Comtis Avenue; East side of Hildebrand Road, between Hershberger Road and Cortis Avenue; North side of ~ershberger Road, between Hildebrand Road and Fralin Road; West side of Fralin Road, between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue; East side of Fralin Road, between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue; North side of Hershberger Road, between Fralin Road and Hazelridge Road; South side of nershberger Road, west of F~alin Road; West side of Fralin Road, between Hershberger Road and Birchlawn Avenue; East side of Fralin Road, between Hershberger Road and Birchlawn Avenue; South side of Hershbergl Road, between Fralin Road and Hazelridge Road; West side of Heartstone Road, north of Maitland Avenue; East side of Hearthstone Road, north of Maitland Avenue; West side of Heartstone Road, between Maitland Avenue and U. S. Route ll; East side of Hearthstone Road, between Maitland Avenue and U. S. Route ll, North side of U. S. Route ll, between Curtis Avenue and Hearth- stone Road. the cost of which when the same shall have been ascertained is to be assessed or apportioned between the City and the abutting landowners, as provided by law, is hereby referred to hear the abutting landowners on certain portions of said streets in favor of or against such proposed improvements. (2) Said board shall notify said abutting landowners when and where they may appear before said board to be heard in favor of or against said proposed improvements. The notice required hereby may be given by one or more of the methods provided by Section 3069 of the Code of Virginia, as the board may decide and direct (3) Upon the completion of such hearing, said board shall make a report of its findings and recommendations to City Commcil. (4) An emergency existing this resolution shall be im effect from the date of its adoption. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President 1_26 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10/+01. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of not more than two hundred street lights of not less than 250 candle-power during the year 1950, the Oity Manager to make recommendation to Council as to the location of said street lights. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the installation of not more than two hundred street lights of not less than 250 candlepower during the year 1950, the City Manager to make recommendation to Council as to the location of said street lights. APPROVED ATTE ST: Clerk President IN THE COU~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10/+02. AN ORDINANOE appropriating $1,700.00 from the 19/+9 A~nex Frond for a Fire Alarm System and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that $1~,700.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 19~9 Annex Fund for a Fire Alarm System. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an .emergency is declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in fall force from its passage, APPROVED Clerk Presidemt IN THE COD~/OIL FOR THE 0ITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10/+03. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #57, "Department of Public Welfure", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, ' Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19/~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Co,,,cil of the City of Roanoke that Section #57, "Department of Public Welfare", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General F~d of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ~57 ~mergency Relief ..... .......... ... $ 8,600.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this 0rdinamce shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr esi dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10404. A RESOLUTION requesting the local members of the General Assembly of Virginia to introduce and support a bill to amend an act approved March 22, 1924, as amended, entitled "An Act to provide a new charter for the city of Roanoke and to repeal the existing charter of said city and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act so far as they re- late to the City of Roanoke", by adding thereto section 73. BE IT RESOLVED by the Co,nell for the City of Roanoke that Senator Earl A. Fitzpatrick and Delegates E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., and J-lien H. Rutherfoord, Jr., be, and they are hereby, requested to introduce and support a bill amending an act approved March 22, 1924, as amended, entitled "Am Act to provide a new charter for the city of Roanoke and to repeal the existing charter of said city and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke", by adding thereto section 73, relating to acquisition of property for public p~rposes, substantially in the manner and form accompanying this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to Senator Earl A. Fitzpatrick, and Delegates E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., and Jalian H. Rutherfoord, Jr., local members of the Genera Assembly of Virginia. APPROVED ATTEST: Glerk President ffEPEALED Date ~' ~ ¢ -~o IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of February, 1950. No. 10505. A RESOLUTION requesting the City's delegation in the General Assembly of Virginia to oppose the passage cf a so-called -de-ammexation- bill introduced in the!! House of Delegates by Delegate E~nest Robertson of Roanoke Coanty on February 13, i 195o. WHEREAS, it ~has ccme to the attention of this Council that Delegate Ernest Robertson of Roanoke County, on the 13th day of February, 1950, introduced in the House of Delegates his so-called "de-annexation" bill, the purpose of which is to permit the residents of the Keawood-Idlewild section of Roamoke, which became a part of the City pursuant to the annexation decree effective as of mid-night, December 31, 1958, an opport,,nity to withdraw said section from the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke; and V~P~REAS, it is the opinion of each member of this Council that said bill should be defeated. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, the Honorable E. Gri~£1th Dodson, Jr., and the Honorable ~ulian H. Rutherfoord, ~r., be, and they are each hereby, requested to oppose the passage of the so-called "de-annexation" bill introduced in the House of Delegates by Delegate E~.~es$ Robertson of Roanoke County, on the 13th day of February, 1950, the purpose of which is to Permit the residents of the Eenwood- Idlewild section of the City of Roanoke, which became a part of the 0ity pursuant to the annexation decree effective as of midnight, December 31, 1958, an opportmnit to withdraw said section from the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, directed to apprise the City's' delegation in the General Assembly, in the letter transmit- ting this resolution, of the improvements that have been made in the a~ea by the City, what improvements are in process of being made therein, and what improvements are in the planning stage therefor, for their information and use in opposing said bill. ATTEST: APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2Oth day of February, 1950. No. 10398. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the proper City officials to execute and deliver to Roanoke Hospital Association, a corporation, for and on behalf of the City, a proper quit-claim deed to a certain strip of land of approximately 0.052 of an acre in the City of Roanoke for a nominal consideration; dedicating a strip of land of approxi- mately 0.28 of an acre for the purpose of widening Lake Street, S. E.; and directing the payment of $1.O0 from the General Fund to the lVater Fund. WHEREAS, this Council has been advised by H. L. Lawson, Jr., President of Roanoke Hospital Association, through a letter of January 27, 1950, to Rlr. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, that the Association: 1. Will require 0.052 of an acre, more or less, of the easterly portion of Lake Street, as it now exists, in order to make planned additions to its present hospital facilities, and 2. Has requested that the City dedicate sufficient of its adjacent real estate, held as an asset of its Water Department, to permit the widening of Lake Street to fifty feet from the proposed new East line thereof and pave the same when requisite fills, with 3 to 1 slopes, to be made by the Roanoke Hospital Association, have been completed; and WHEREAS, this Council is agreeable to the aforesaid requests upon the condi- tions named. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to release ar~ quit-claim unto Roanoke Hospital Association, a corporation, the City's right, titl~ and interest in and to the following real estate, viz: BEGINNING at a City hub, at the intersection of the present southeast corner of Belleview Avenue and Lake Street; thence with the present east line of Lake Street S. 1o 01' W. 385.1 feet to a point in the north line of right- of-way of old Incline Railway; thence with the newly established east line of said Lake Street as follows: N. lO 2?' ~. 270.6 feet to a point, which point is 11.67 feet westwardly from and at right angles to the present east line of Lake Street; thence still with the newly established east line of Lake Street N. 6° 48' E. 115.34 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and contain- ing 0.052 of an acre, more or less. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that sufficient of the real estate belonging to the City of Roanoke, held as an asset of its Water Department, and contiguous to the west line of Lake Street, as presently constituted, between Belleview Avenue and the old Incline right-of-way up ~'~ill ~iountain, to permit the widening of Lake Street to fifty feet between the aforesaid points be, and the same is hereby, set aside and dedicated for the aforesaid purposes; it being understood that the aforesaid Roanoke Nospital Association, during the construction of its planned additions to its preserZ hospital buildings, shall make requisite fills to effect the aforesaid widening of Lake Street and in making said fills, on a slope of 3 to 1, the aforesaid Hospital Association may make slight encroachments upon the level portion of the City's remaining real estate to the West. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Director of Public Works be, and he is here- by, authorized and directed to pave the portion of Lake Street as hereinabove ordere~ widened after said Hospital Association has completed the requisite fills, at its expense as hereinabove contemplated. 8EPEALED By No, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, since the real estate hereinabove dedicated for the widening of Lake Street, S. E., is owned by the City and held as an asset of its Water Department, that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directe to pay $1.00 from the General Fund to the Water Fund, for bookkeeping purposes and as compensation for the use of the real estate hereinabove dedicated for the widen- lng of Lake Street, S. E. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20thday of February, 1950. No. 10~06. AN ORDINANCE declaring a public emergency in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, due to a lack of coal fuel and declaring that the health and welfare of the people of Roanoke are in need of being protected through a distribution of coal fuel that will prevent hoarding and result in the distribution of coal fuel on a basis that will best serve the health and general welfare of the people of Roanoke. WHEREAS, the shortage of coal fuel in the City of Roanoke presents an emergency that threatens the health and welfare of the people of the City of Roanok~ and WHEREAS, section two, paragraph thirty-one of the Charter of the City of Roanoke, confers upon Council the powers of doing "whatsoever is necessary or expedient for promoting or maintainin? the general welfare, comfort, and health of its inhabitants" and WHEREAS, for the preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be named as emergency fuel administrator in cooperation with the Emergency Fuel Conservation Committee and that he proceed without delay to place an embargo on all coal fuel and coke in the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke an( allot the distribution and sale of all coal fuel and coke to individuals, business firms and institutions on a basis of absolute need. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that during the time this Ordinance is in effect no coal fuel or coke dealer, supplier or distributor shall sell, deliver or cause to be sold or delivered coal fuel or coke in quantities of more than one-half (½) ton to any person, business firm or institution without a permit from the City Rianager. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof the guilty party shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or con- fined in jail for not more than six months, or both. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency exists and this Ordinance shall be in force from midnight February 20, 1950. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th d ay of February, 1950. No. 10407. A RESOLUTION repealing a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 7thday of March, 1949, No. 9842, and entitled, "A Resolution author~ in~ and directing the Water Department of the City of Roanoke to construct an 8-inch water main in Colonial Avenue, S. W., from Bent R~ountain Road south for a distance o approximately 1,135 feet to Persinger Road, and thence west on Persinger Road for a distance of approximately 500 feet, and waiving the provisions of Sub-section (f} of Rule 21-A of the Rules and Regulations of the Water Department, in order to allow Mr. J. E. Fogle to bear the cost of extending the water main in Persinger Road fora distance of approximately 500 feet, for the purpose of serving his property, on the basis of a 2-inch water main, the Water Department, however, reserving the right to construct a larger main in accordance with the provisions of Rule 21-A, the addition cost to be borne by the Water Department". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 7th day of March, 1949, No. 984 and entitled, "A Resolution authorizing and directing the Jater Department of the City of Roanoke to construct an 8-inch water main in Colonial Avenue, S. W., from Bent ~iountain Road south for a distance of approximately 1,135 feet to Persinger Road, and thence west on Persinger Road for a distance of approximately 500 feet, and waiving the provisions of Sub-section (f) of Rule 21-A of the Rules and Regula- tions of the Water Department, in order to allow ~]r. J. E. Fogle to bear the cost of extendin~ the water main in Persinger Road for a distance of approximately 500 feet, for the purpose of serving his property, on the basis of a 2-inch water main, the Water Department, however, reserving the right to construct a larger main in accord- ance with the provisions of Rule 21-A, the additional cost to be borne by the Water Department", be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED ATTEST: ? Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20thday of February, 1950. No. 10408. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Water Department of the City of Roanoke to construct an 8-inch water main in Persinger Road, S. W., from the present main in Brambleton Avenue to the present main in Colonial Avenue, the entire cost of the project to be borne by the City and the construction thereof to be started not later than April 5, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ',Vater Depart- ment of the City of Roanoke be, and is hereby authorized and directed to construct an 8-inch water main in Parsinger Road, S. W., from the present main in Brambleton 131 Avenue to the present, main in .Colonial~Avenue~, the entire cost oft~he project to be borne by the City and the constructioa thereof to be started not later than April 5, 1950. Clerk APPROVED Pre s ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of February, 1950. No. 10409. A RESOLUTION authorizing Edgar L. Winstead, City Sergeant, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute contract between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the United States of America, by direction of the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, for a period of three years beginning ~arch 18, 1950, covering the safe- keeping, Care and subsistence of prisoners and of persons detained as aliens under authority of any United States statute in the Roanoke City Jail, Roanoke, Virginia, under terms and conditions contained in said contract. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Edgar L. Winstead City Sergeant, be, and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute contract between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the United States of America, by direction of the Director of the Bureau of Prisons, for a period of three years beginning March lB, 1950, covering the safekeeping, care and subsistence of prisoners and of persons detained as aliens under authority of any United States statute in the Roanoke City Jail, Roanoke, Virginia, under terms and conditions contained in said contract. ~EST: q~ ~ Clerk · APPROVED Pre sident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of February, 1950, No. 10410. A RESOLUTION expressing the appreciation of this Council to the local members of the General Assembly of Virginia for their splendid cooperation in fostel ing proposed legislation advantageous to the interests of the .City of Roanoke and in opposing legislation detrimental to the City's interests at the present session of the General Assembly. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that its appreciation be, and it is hereby, expressed to the local members of the General Assembly of Virginia for their splendid cooperation in fostering proposed legislation advantageo to the interests of the City of Roanoke and in opposing legislation detrimental to the City's interests at the present session of the General Assembly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to forward an attested copy of this resolution to Senator Earl A. Fitzpatrick, and Delegates E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., and Julian H. Rutherfoord, Jr., local members of the General Assembly of Virginia. APPROVED ATTE~.T: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAb!OKE, VIRGI['~IA, The 20th day of February, 1950. Pre s id e nt No. 10411. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of the Presidents of the Student Councils of Jefferson, Lucy Addison and William Fleming High Schools as ex officio members of The Committee of 100 for Progress. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Presidents of the Student Councils of Jefferson, Lucy Addison and William Fleming High Schools be and they are hereby appointed as ex officio members of The Committee of 100 for Progress. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2Oth day of February, 1950. No. 10412. A RESOLUTION a~thorizing and directing the City Attorney and/or his Assistan to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against certain properties standing in the name of the respective record owners thereof. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney and/or his Assistant be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against those certain parcels of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in the name of the present record owners, description of which are given with the name of each record owner, as follows: RECORD OWNER OR OWNERS Wilton Farms, Incorporated Ruby E. Crawford Patrick Byrne Amanda R. Mastin Amanda R. Mastin Julia H. and William P. Bryant Julia H. and William P. Bryant DESCRIPTION Block 17 Lynwood Map Lot 15 Block ~ Grandin Court Part Lot 23 Sec. 8 Rorer Lot 6 Sec. 21 W. E. L. Lot 1 Block 22 W. E. L. Lot 19 Block 40. R. Lot 20 Sec. 40. R. the said suits to be instituted and conducted, in conformity with Section 403 of the Tax Code of Virginia, or Section 2503, et seq, of the Code of Virginia, as the said City Attorney or his assistant deems advisable, unless said liens be discharged by the record owners of said properties, or someone acting for them, within ten days after the adoption of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist, and this Resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: L Clerk APPROVED Pre s ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th d ay of February, 1950. No. 10413. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain street~ in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP II One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Noble Avenue and Wilkins Street N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Wayne Street and Noble Avenue, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Wayne Street and Holly Road, N. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Colgate Street, N. E., between Noble Avenue and Forest Hill Avenue. One 250 C. P. street li~_ht at the corner of Midland Street and Courtney Avenue, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Mansfield Street and Courtney Avenue, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Patrick Henry Avenue and Courtney Avenue, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Kennedy Street and Fugate Road, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block in front of the Baptist Church on Riley Road, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Hollins Road, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of King Street and Cline Street, N. E. GROUP III One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Taylor Street, S. between Virginian Railway Underpass and Roanoke River Bridge. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Eleventh Street and Tazewell Avenue, S.E. , One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Elm Avenue, S. E., between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Ninth Street, S. E. between Murray Avenue and Montrose Avenue. One 250 C. P. street liffht at the corner of Thomason Road and Garden City Boulevard, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Sample Avenue and Garden City Boulevard, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Victory Road and Garden City Boulevard, S. E. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between t he Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAi~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 2Otb day of February, 1950. No. 10414. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of a water boiler at an approximate cost of $~00.00 and a water pump at an approximate cost of ~390.00 from the appro- priation for Furniture and Equipment under Section ~51, "Tuberculosis Sanatorium", of the 1950 Budget. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the purchase of a water boiler at an approximate cost of $400. )0 and a water pump at an approximate cost of $390.00 from the appropriation for Furni- ture and Equipment under Section #51, "Tuberculosis Sanatorium", of the 1950 Budget. APPROVED ATTEST: Cle r k President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROJ~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of February, 1950. No. 10415. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~57, "Department of Public Welfare of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". WHEREAS, the local Director of the Department of Public Welfare has been apprise4 by the State Department of Public Welfare that certain funds are now available for re-allocation, and that if this Council appropriates at this time · ~58,000.00 for the following relief categories, the City's ultimate share thereof will be ~12,562.OO, as shown by the following tabulation, viz: 135 Foster Home Care $10,500.OO Local share $5,250.00 General Relief 7,500.00 Local share 2,812.00 Old Age Assistance 15,000.OO Local share 1,500.00 ~ Aid to Dependent Children 25,000.00 Local share 3,000.00 i THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #57, "Department of Public Welfare", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitle1, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declar-~ lng the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordaineii so as to include the respective increases hereinabove enumerated, aggregating $58,OO0.OO, and to read as follows: DEP~RTMENT OF PUBLIC -WELFARE #57 Foster Home Care ..................................... $ 62,210.00 General Relief. ..... ... .... . ......................... 82,8?0'00 Old ACe_ ~ssistance....... ............................. 208,115.00 Aid to Dependent Children........ ............... . .... 175,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in the event the State, for any cause, declines to allocate the respective aforesaid first mentioned sums, the Auditor of the City of Roanoke shall issue vouchers only in amounts proportionate to the respective sums so allocated by the State. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST:~ ' Cle rk P re s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of February, 1950. No. 10416. A RESOLUTION authorizing Mr. R. W. Mitchell, License Inspector, to visit Danville and Richmond for the purpose of studying their License Bureau, and direct- ing the City Auditor to advance to Rlr. ~iitchell a sum not to exceed $200.00, to defray the anticipated expense of the trip. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke t hat Iv~r. R.W. R2itchell, License Inspector, be, and he is hereby authorized to visit Danville and Richmond for the purpose of studying their License Bureau. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to advance to Mr. ~'iitchell a sum not to exceed $200.00 to defray the anticipated expense of the trip. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO/~OK~, ViRGi[~IA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. 10417. AN ORDiI~AN'CE desi~nating the Schilling-Liptrap properties for use by the Roanoke City School Board for the site of the new Garden City School; directing the proper City officials to assist in acquiring, or to acquire, ri~hts-of-way for stree purposes to said properties and to vacate a portion of David Street, all upon certai conditions; directing the City ~!anager to cause the two residences situated on the properties to be vacated and subsequently to sell the same; directing that the pre- sent Garden City School and real estate now used in connection therewith be subse- quently designated for uses other than school purposes; and providing for an emer- gency. WHE~{EAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAil~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Schilling-Liptrap properties be, and the same are, hereby designated for use by the Roanoke City School Board for the site of the proposed new Garden City School and no buildin~ shall be erected thereon to be used other than for school purposes.. BE IT F1~RTHER ORDAI~,i~ED that, upon bein? advise~ by the School Board of its final plans for the development of the aforesaid area for school purposes, and appro thereof by the Planning Board, the property City officials be, and they are, hereby authorized and directed to do the necessary to assist the School Board in acquiring~ or to acquire, fifty foot rights-if-way to the aforesaid property from Ventnor Street and from Imlay Road and to .Krade and pave the same when acquired; and also t then do the necessary to permanently vacate, discontinue and close so much of David Streets s is contiguous to both the Schillins and the Liptrap tracts and which said final plans, as so approved by the Planning Board, indicate should be so permanently vacated, discontinued and closed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAI~ED that the City I~.'ianager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to notify the present occupants of the two residents situated on the aforesaid tracts to vacate the same not later than April 1, 1950, and upon said residences being vacated to sell the same to the best advantage of the City, with the understanding that they be promptly removed from the aforesaid tracts. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, upon completion of the aforesaid proposed new school, the present Garden City School and all real estate now used in connection therewith be designated for such uses, other than school purposes, as the then Council may determine. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. A RESOLUTION authorizin~ the immediate predecessors in title of the several tracts of land recently acquired by the City, through eminent domain, for the site of its proposed sewage disposal plant, to harvest crops already planted thereon, provided the same mature before the City has actual need of said real e state. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the immediate predecessors in title of the several tracts of land recently acquired by the City, through eminent domain, for the site of its proposed sewage disposal plant be, and they are hereby, authorized to harvest crops already planted thereon, provided the same mature before the City has actual need of said real estate. ATTEST: APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. ].O419. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing a refund of $20.80 to Joseph P. Hale representing cost of water connection made by Mr. Hale to serve property on R"~oir Street, N. E., in the Kenwood Addition. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrant in the name of Joseph P. Hale, in the amount of $20.80, covering a refund of the cost of water connection made by ~lr. Hale to serve property on ~v'~oir Street, N. E., in the Kenwood Addition. /T~_ST: ~ ' Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. 10~20. A RESOLUTION renewing the previous request of this body that the Roanoke City School Board consider as soon as possible in its school building program plans for an elementary school in East Gate-Idlewild Park-Kenwood Addition, and to make known its intent to this Council at the earliest possible moment. WHEREAS, it appears that funds will be allocated to the City of Roanoke by the State for buildin~ schools under the Governor's building program. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that this body renew its previous request to the Roanoke City School Board to consider as soon as possible in its school building program plans for an elementary school in East Gate-Idlewild Park-Kenwood Additian, and to make known its intent to t his Council at the earliest possible moment. ATTEST: APPROVED President IN'HE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. 10421. A RESOLUTION amending Sub-section (c) of Section 10, relating to Boating, of rules and rezulations ~overning the recreational use of the Carvins Cove Area, as attached to and made a part of a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 12th day of April, 1948, No. 9462. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Sub-section (c) of Section 10, relating to Boating, of rules and regulations governing the recreational use of the Carvins Cove Area, as attached to and made a part of a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 12th day of April, 1948, No. 9462, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (c) }~'!etal boats without adequate air c.hambers and boats propelled by motors exceeding seven and one-half (?½) horsepower will be prohibited. ATTEST: / Clerk APPROVED President IN THE CO.TN,~iL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2?th day of February, 1950. No. 10422. A RESOLUTION authorizin~ the City Manager to secure and install 12-minute ~arking meters in certain areas of the downtown section on an experimental basis. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager )e, and he is hereby authorized to secure and install 12-minute parking meters in certain areas of the downtown section on an experimental basis. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED P~esid~nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. 10423. A RESOLUTION approving a heat pump system f or the proposed Health Center. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the use of a heat 140 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. 10~24. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP IV One 250 C. P. street light near the entrance of St. John's Episcopal Church on Elm Avenue, S. W. One 250 C. P. street liFht at the corner of Beechwood Street and Franklin Road, S. W. One 2 50 C. P. street light at t he cerner of Cassell Lane and Carolina Avenuell, One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of 26th Street and Winthrop Avenue,i So Wo ~ One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Welton avenue and Grace Street, S. W. One 250 C. P. street lizht in the middle of the block on Summitt Avenue, S. between 12th Street and 13th Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Valley Avenue and 10th Street, S° W. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Howbert Avenue, S. W., between llth Street and 12th Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block near No. 1831 ~ount Vernon Road, S. W., between Terrace Road and Sherwood Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Shirley Avenue, S. W., at the alley between Greenwood Road and Grandin Road. One 250 C. P. street light at the angle in Woodlawn Avenue, S. W., between Brambleton Avenue and Woodlawn Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block near No. 2432 Lofton Road, S. W., between Guilford Avenue and Barham Road. One 250 C. P. street light 200 feet north of ~:lud Lick Creek Bridge on Grandin Road, S. ~. One 250 C. P. street light at the c0orner of Idavere Road and Fairway Drive, $o W. On~ 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Eure Street (Carlton Road) and Fairway Drive, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Brandon Avenue, S. W., between York Road and Lincoln Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Brandon Avenue, S. ~[., between Grandin Road and Belleville Road. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Grandin Road, $. W. between Sherwood Avenue and Shirley Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light int he middle of the block at the angle in Sher- wood Avenue, S. W., between Stratford Place and Arden Road. One 2 50 C. P. street light at the corner of Derwent Drive and Windsor Avenue S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Derwent Drive and Fareham Road, S. Wo One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Windsor A~enue and Edgewood Street, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light ~t the corner of Berkeley Avenue, S. ~., going west at Fauquier Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Berkeley Avenue and Burks Street One 250 C. P. street light in the middle o~ the block on Berkeley Avenue, S. W., between Ed~ewood Street and Burks Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Berkeley Avenue, S. ~J., between Fauquier Street and Ed~ewood Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Buford Avenue and Brido~e Street S. W. One 250 C. P. street lizht in the middle of the block near No. 1925 Cam- bridge Avenue, S. W., between ~(emorial Avenue and James Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Roanoke Avenue, S W between Memorial Avenue and Harvard Street One 250 C. P. street light ~t the corner of Franklin Road and 28th Street, S. W., if extended. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner on the west side of Brambleton Avenue and Rosewood Avenue, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Chapman Avenue and 20th Street, S. W. GROUP V One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Jefferson Street and Harrison Avenue, N, W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Rutherford Avenue and Gainsboro Road, ~. W. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Grayson Avenue, N. W., between ~th Street and lOth Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of 19th Street and Shenandoah Avenue, N. 'W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of 2Oth Street and Shenandoah Avenue, ~. W. One 250 C. P. street light in front of the entrance to Monroe J. unior High School on 19th Street, N. ~., north of Carroll Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block ne~r No. 822 29th Street, N. W., between Salem Turnpike and ~¥~elrose Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of ~'~elrose Avenue and 3Oth Street, N. '~V. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Salem Turnpike and 36th Street, One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Willow Road, £~. ~. between Palmetto Street and Victoria Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Linwood Road, N. W between Victoria Street and Old Country Club Road. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Old Country Club Road and Linwo~ Road, N. W. ()ne 250 C. P. street light within the boundary of Country Club Drive, ~N. ~V. on the pole near the drive approximately 500 feet north of Melrose ~venue.. One 250 C. P. street lisht on Clifton Street, N. W., at first angle off Hoover Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Grand Avenue and Forest Park Boulevard, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Forest Park Boulevard and Abbott Street~ £~. W. One 250 C. P. street lirht at the north side of bridge over Lick Run on 10th Street, N. '~*[. One 250 C. P. street li~rht at the corner of Courtland Avenue and Cumberland St re et, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Hillcrest Avenue and Cumberland Street, N. W. One 2 50 C. P. street light at the corner of Forest Hill Avenue and Oakland Boulevard, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Williamson Road and Pioneer Road, N. ~. One 250 C. Y. street lirht in front, of the church near the corner of Fleming Avenue and ~:_cAfee Street, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Grandview Avenue and Cedarhurst Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light 50 feet south of the corner of Hershberger Road and Delray Street, N. W., on Delray. GROUP VI One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Albemarle Avenue, S. W., between First Street and Second Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Colonial Avenue and Brandon Avenue, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Colonial Avenue, S. ~;f., between 24th Street and 25th Street. One 250 C. P. street liFht at the corner of Colonial Avenue and 26th Street,i S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Colonial Avenue and Bent Mountain Road, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Colonial Avenue and Persinger Road, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at t he corner of Colonial Avenue and Overland Road, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block near 926 Welton Avenue, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Wright Road, S. ~. between Bent Mountain Road and Creston Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of King George Avenue and Fourth Street, S. W., at the Bus Stop_. GROUP VII One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Oaklawn Avenue and ~insloe Drive, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light ~t the corner of Whittaker Avenue and Coiling- wood Street, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light, at the corner of Courtney Avenue and Williamson Road, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Monticello Avenue and 10th Street, N. E. One 250 C. P. street in the middle of the block on Missouri Avenue, N. E., at the top of the hill. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Purcell Avenue, N. E., between 13th Street and Light Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Tuck Street and Purcell Avenue, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Edmund Avenue and Tuck Street, No Eo One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Edmund Avenue and Wayland Street, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Baldwin Avenue and Tuck Street, No Eo One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Clyde Street and Dunkirk Avenue No Eo One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Cline Street and Dunkirk Avenue N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Vinton Road and Dunkirk Avenue, No Eo One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Dell Avenue and ±dlewild Boulevard, ~. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Edmund Avenue.and Light Street, No Eo GROUP VIII One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of 19th Street and Centre Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of 20th Street and Centre Avenue, I~. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Calvary Road and Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike, N. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of ~est Side Boulevard and Lynchburg Salem Turnpike, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Lyndhurst Street @nd Round Hill Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Fairview [~oad and Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike, N. W. GROUP IX One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Kenwood Boulevard. and South Street, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the angle on Eastland Avenue, east of Kenwood Boulevard, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Padbury Avenue and 19th Street, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Riverland Road and Deaton Street, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Imlay Avenue and Ventnor Street, $. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of lvy Street and Arbor Avenue, S. E One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Walnut avenue, S. E between Ivy Street and Sylvan Road. One 250 C. P. street li.~ht at t he corner of ~.~oodbine Street and Pink Street, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Edgerton Avenue and karvin Streei S. E., near Riverdale Baptist Church. One 250 C. P. street li?ht in the middle of the block on l(organ Avenue, S. E. between 9th Strect and Wilson Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Peachin Avenue, S. E between Cedar Street and &oodrow Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light in t he middle of the block on Montrose Avenue, S. E., between 9th Street and llth Street, near No. 1002. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Highl3nd Avenue, S. E., between 6th Street and 7th Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Campbell Avenue, S. E., between 7th Street and ~th Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Campbell Avenue, S. E., between the Norfolk and Western Y Crossing' and 7th Street. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on ~orfolk Avenue, S. E., O etween 3rd Street and Randolph Street Bridge. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalach Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. APPROVED Clerk President .an IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of February, 1950. No. 10426. A RESOLUTION restricting the use of the parking spaces in the rear of the Munic ipa 1 Buildin~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the use of the parking spaces in the near of the ~<unicipal Building between the hours of 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. be restricted to vehicles bearin~ public use license tags and vehicles which the City Manager certifies as being used in the day to day conduct of city or state official business. AT,TEST: .... APPROVED P~e s id e nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2?th day of February, 1950. No. 10427. A RESOLUTION repealin? a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roonoke, Virginia, on the 13th day of February, 1950, No. 10404, and entitled, "A Resolution requestin~ the local members of the General Assembly of Virginia to introi- duce and support a bill to amend an act approved ~larch 22, 1924, as amended, entitled, 'An Act to provide a new charter for the city of Roanoke and to repeal the existing charter of said city and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this &ct solar as they relate to the City of Roanokg! by adding thereto section 73", relatinff_ to acquisition of property for public purpoit~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Resolution No. 10~O4, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on tae 13th day of February, 1950, and entitled, "A Resolution requestin? the local members of the General Assembly of Virginia to introduce and support a bill to amend an act approved March 22, 1924., as amended, entitled 'An Act to provide a new charter for the city of Roanoke and to repeal the existin~ charter of said city and the several acts i! amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke' by addin~ thereto section 73" relatinr to acquisition of property for public purposes, be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED ATTEST: lerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~2~OKE, VIRGI~IA, The 27th day of February, 1950. A RESOLUTION grantin~ permission to Safety l~iotor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate busses within the City of Roanoke for a period of ninety days after ~arch 2, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolution [~o. 102q8 passed by this Council on December ].2, 1949. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City oi' Roanoke that permission be, and the same is hereby, granted Safety ~dotor Transit Corporation and ~oanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate busses within t~e Cmty of Roanoke for a period of ninety days after March 2, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolution [~o. 10288 passed Dy this Council on December 12, 1949. ATTEST: . / Cle ~k APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of Narch, 1950. ~o. 10~25. AN 0RDIN~NCE providing that all employees of the City who have been con- stantly in its full time employ since the first day of January, 19~9, who were full time employees of the County of Roanoke ~mmediately prior to the annexation which became effective as of midnight December 31, 19~8, and who immediately following such annexation continued to perform their respective former County duties as emplo~ of the City be authorized to have added to their length of service with the City the time they were continuously employed by the ~ounty of Roanoke immediately prior to the effective date of the aforesaid annexation, in order that such combined ser- vice with the County and the City shall be considered as service employment with the City with respect to vacation, sick leave, retirement and death benefits as are now, or hereafter may be, provided for general City employees; and providing for payment by such employees of accrued contributions to the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Roanoke. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that all employees of the City who have been constantly in its full time employ since the first day of January, 19~9, who were employees of the County of Roanoke immediately prior to the annexation which became effective as of midnight December 31, 19~8, and who immediately following such annexation continued to perform their respective former County duties as employees of the City be, and they are hereby, authorized to have ~dded to their length of service with the City the time they were continuously employed by the County of Roanoke, immediately prior to the effective date of the ,145 eos aforesaid annexation, in order that such combined service with the County and the City shall be considered as service employment with the City with respect to vaca- ition, sick leave, retirement and death benefits as are now, or hereafter may be, provided for general Gity employees. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all such employees be, and they are hereby, 'allowed such period of time as they may elect, not exceeding five years, from the First day of January, 19~9, in which to make such contributions to the Employees' !Retirement System of the City of Roanoke as they would have lawfully been required to make thereto had they been constant members thereof since the first day of July, 19~6. APPROVED ATTES~: ~ Clerk Pr es ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10&29. A RESOLUTION approving form of agreement for certain concessions at Carvins Cove and authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for said concessions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the form of ~agr cement for certain concessions at Carvins Cove be, and the same is hereby approv- BE IT ~JRTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authoriz- ed to advertise for bids for said concessions on the basis of provisions contained in the form of agreement. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr e s i dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, V~RGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10~30. A RESOLUTION to ~mend and reenact Section No. 21, designated as Rule 21, and Section No. 2lA, designated as Rule 2lA, as amended by Resolution No. 9~+9, adopted March 22, 19~8, of a Resolution adopted by the Co,,neil of the City of Roanok~ Virginia, on the llth day of ~ly, 1938, No. 5627, entitled, "A Resolution adopting Rules and Regulations for the operation of the Water Department of the City of Roanoke, and adopting a rate schedule for the furnishing of water to consumers". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section No. 21, designated as Rule 21, and Section No. 2lA, designated as Rule 2lA, as amended by Resolution No. 9~9, adopted March 22, 1945, of a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the llth day of July, 1938, No. 5627, entitled, "A Resolution adopting Rules and Regulations for the operation of the Water Depart- ment of the City of Roanoke, and adopting a rate schedule for the furnishing of watE to consumers", be, and the same are hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows EXTENSION OF MAINS RULE 21. This rule shall govern the extension of the Water Department's mains in occupied and developed areas where there are no water mains in the street: and/or roadways. The Water Department will extend its water mains along the roads or streets in occupied and developed areas within the City of Roanoke to serve new customers taking service under established Meter Rates on the following terms and conditions: (a) The Water Department shall make an estimate of the cost of the pro- posed extension, which shall include all labor and material required, including valves, meters, booster stations, stand pipes and/or recon- struction of existing water mains to which the proposed extention will be connected, and shall further include the Water Department's usual charge for supervision, engineering, insurance, tool and accounting expense. If the estimated cost of the extension is not greater than $~ (Seventy-five Dollars)the Water Department will finance and make t eh-~tehsion . - (b) If the estimated cost of the extension is greater than $75.00 (Seventy-five Dollars) the Water Department shall make an estimate of the annual reve'nue to be derived from the sale of water to the appli- cants for service along the proposed extension. Such estimates shall be based on the experience of the Water Department from consumption of other customers similarly situated. If the estimated cost of the proposed extension exceeds four (4) times the estimated annual revenue from the sale of water, the applicant or applicants for service shall pay to the Water Department through an authorized agent an amount equal to the difference between the estimated cost of the extension and four (&) times the estimated annual revenue. (c) The customer or customers shall sign a satisfactory contract guarante ing to the Water Department that they will take water service at their premises within thirty (30) days after the water is turned into the main. RULE 21-A. This rule shall govern the extension of the Water Department's mains in t ~ito~Y vJhich is Unoccupied and/or not developed, where there are no watel mains in the streets and/or roadways. The Water Department will extend its mains on the following terms and c onditi OhS: (a)The applicant for extension of mains shall pay to the Water Depart- ment a sum of money which is equal to the estimated cost of all the labor and materials required for the proposed extension, including the Water Department's usual charge for supervision, engineering, insurance, tool and accounting expenses. The sum so advanced by the applicant shall be adjusted to the actual cost of the work as soon as the work and accounting are completed. (b) The Water Depar~nent will refund to the applicant during the first ten (10) years after the water main is installed as follows: For each new consumer taking service from said extension under established ~eter Rates and regular yearly contract, the sum of $75.00 (S.e.ve~ty-five Dollars ). For each apartment building at least 50% occupied and for each l~rge permanent consumer, an initial refund of Seventy-five Dollars ($75~00) will be made at the time when such consumer is connected. ~pon the completion of the first yearly billing period for such consumers an additional refund will be made equal in amount to 2½ times the revenue received for the year for service from each apartment building or large business consumer, less the initial refund of Seventy-five Dollarjs (c) The sum of the refunds made by the Water Department shall in no event exceed the original amount paid to the Water Department. (d) Extensions made under this rule shall be and r~nain the property of the Water Department. (e) The Water Department reserves the right to further extend all mains laid under this rule, and consumers connected to such further exten- sions shall not entitle the ~pplicant paying for original extension to rI I48 a refund for the attaching of such consumers. (f) Extensions made under this rule shall be of cast iron pipe not less than S" in diameter for main arteries. If the Water Depar~nent desires to make the extension in pipe larger than ~" in di~_meter, or larger than the size of pipe reasonably required in the judgment of the Water Department for water service to the community to be served, the additional cost due to the larger size. of pipe shall be borne by the Water Department. (g) No interest will be paid by the Water Department on the applicant!s payment under this rule. (h) The Water Department will not be liable for any further refunds after ten (10) years frGn date of application and agreement made under this rule. (i) Formal application and acceptance for extension of mains under Rules 21 and 21-A shall be entered into before any work can be started. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COL~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10431. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP X One 250 C. P. street light on Melrose Avenue, N. W., between 12th Street and 13th Street. GROUP XI One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Downing Street and Whitten Avenue, N.W., in Lincoln Court. Said lights to be maintained Under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGll~IA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10432. A RESOLUTION directing that a storm dmain be constructed on Hershberger Road, N. W., for a distance of approximately 1,000 feet east from Hildebrand Road, to serve the "Valleyview Estates" Subdivisions, located on the south side of Hershberger Road, and adjacent areas, at a total estimated cost of $3,000.00, and authorizing the acceptance of $1,000.00 from the subdivider of the "Valleyview Estates" Subdivision toward the cost of the storm drain under certain terms and conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to construct a storm drain on Hershberger Road, N. W., for a distance of approximately 1,O00 feet east from Hildebrand Road, to serve the "Valley~iew Estates" Subdivision, located on the south side of ttershberger Road, and adjacent areas, at a cost of approximately $3,000.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the offer of Suburban Homes, Incorporated, to pay $1,000.00 toward the cost of the storm drain be, and the same is hereby accepted under the terms and conditions offered by them, as recommended by the Planning Boar with the approval of the City Manager, and that the City Manager be, and he is here- by authorized and directed to enter into the following 'Escrow Agreement between the City of Roanoke and Suburban Homes, Incorporated. "THIS ESCROW AGRE~ENT, made and entered into this the 6th day of March, 1950, by and between SUBURBAN HOMES, INCORPORATED, a Virginia corporation, party of the first part, and THE CITY OF ROANOKE, a Municipal corporation, party of the second part. WI TNE SS E TH : THAT, WHEREAS, the party of the first part is the owner of an area of approximately ten (lC) acres in the City of Roanoke, adjoining on the South side of Hershberger Road, East of Williamson Road, which the party of the first part propose. to subdivide into an addition to be known as Valley View Estates; and, WHEREAS, in order to complete said subdivision and utilize said property, it will be necessary to change the drainage of said area; and, WHEREAS, in order to drain said subdivision and the adjoining properties in a proper manner, it will be necessary for The City of Roanoke, party of the second part, to install a storm sewer drain from the Northeasterly portion of said Valley View Estates Addition in an Easterly direction a distance of approximately one thousand (1,000) feet; and, WHEREAS, the party of the first part has agreed in consideration of the party of the second part constructing said storm drain and the party of the second ~art and its various agencies approving a plat of said subdivision of said addition ;he party of the first part will contribute towards the cost of construction of said drain the sum of One Thousand Dollals ($1,000.00), should the same be constructed within a year from date. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGRE~ENT WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part doth hereby deliver to the Colonial American National Bank of Roanoke, Virginia, as escrow agent, a Cashier's check for One ThOusand Dollars ($1,000.00) payable to said Bank as escrow agent, to be held, endorsed and delivered by said Bank as escrow agent upon the following terms and conditions: 1. Should the party of the second part complete and have in proper operation and furnish certificate to such effect from its Director of Department of Public Works, and letter to such effect from the President of the party of the first part, unto such escrow agent within one year from date, said escrow agent shall endorse and deliver said check unto the party of the second part, free from any claims of the party of the first part, or said escrow agent. 2. Should the party of the second part fail to complete and have in proper operating condition said storm drain, and fail to present said certificate to such effect from its Director of Department of Public Works, by one year from date hereof, said escrow agent shall endorse and deliver said check unto the party of the first part, free and clear of any clatms of the party of the second part, or said escrow agent." ATTEST: '~ Clerk APPROVED Pr e si dent' -IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10~33. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to-alter cab and turnable specifications in the contract for the purchase of two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks from the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim Motor Company, Middleboro, Massachusetts, to the best interest of the City. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to alter cab and turntable specifications in the contract for the purchase of two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks from the Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, representing Maxim Motor Company, Middleboro, Massachusetts, to the best interest of the City. APPROVED ATTEST Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No, 10~3~. A RESOLUTION requesting the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, State Senator from the City of Roanoke, to oppose House Bill 376 recently reported out of the House Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns, with an amendment, end more re- cently passed by the House of Delegates. WHEREAS, it has today come to the official attention of this Council that House Bill 376, introduced and supported by Delegate F~nest Robertso~, of Roanoke County, has been reported out of the House Committee on Oounties, Cities and Towns, with an amendment, and further that the aforesaid bill, as amended, was recently passed by the House of Oelegates; and ~I~EREAS, it is the considered judgment of each member of this Council that if said bill, as amended, also passes the Senate of Virginia and becomes an Act, it will be irreparable injury to this City in a great number of ways but most es- pecially in the adverse effect it is bound to have upon the advantageous sale of bonds of the City heretofore authorized by the qualified voters thereof, but not yet sold, as well as future issues said City may lawfully authorize. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coumcil of the City of Roanoke that the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, State Senator from the City of Roanoke, be, and he is hereby, requested to oppose the passage of the aforesaid bill as vigorously as possible before the Senate's Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns, and further, in event said bill should be reported out of said committee, that he further oppose same as vigorously as possible on the floor of the Senate. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to mail an attested copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick ~mmediately. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE GITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10~35. A RESOLUTION requesting the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, State Senator from the City of Roanoke, to oppose passage of House Bili 377, providing that all annexation proceedings now in progress be stayed and that no new suit for annexa- tion be instituted until July l, 1952. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, State Senator fr~n the city of Roanoke, be, and he is hereby, requested to oppose passage of House Bill 377, providing that all annexation proceed. ings now in progress be stayed and that no new suit for annexation be instituted until July l, 1952. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to mail an attested copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick immediately. APPROVED ATTES T: Clerk Pr esident '152 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10436. A RESOLUTION requesting the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, State Senator from the City of Roanoke, to seek deletion in House Bill 520, insofar as the City of Roanoke is concerned, of the provision providing that Judges of the courts of record of each City shall appoint the Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations ICo~rt and seek to have substituted therefor a lawful provision that the Judge of ithe Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, insofar as the City of Roanoke is con- icerned, shall be elected by the Coancil of said City; and otherwise expressing this ICouncil's general approval of said bill. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick, State Senator from the City of Roanoke, be, and he is hereby, requested to seek deletion in House Bill 520, insofar as the City of Roanoke is con- Cerned, of the provision providing that Judges of the courts of record of each City shall appoint the Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Cou~t and seek to mare substituted therefor a lawful provision that the Judge of the Juvenile and ~omestic Relations Court, insofar as the City of Roanoke is concerned, shall be ~lected by the Council of said City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Honorable Earl A. Fitzpatrick be, and h~ £s hereby, advised of this Council's otherwise general approval of said bill. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized ~nd directed to mail an attested copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Earl A. ?itzpatrick immediately. t_/ Clerk APPROVED Pr esi dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR TItE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10438. AN ORDINANCE repealing an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of toanoke, Virginia, on the 20th day of February, 1950, No. 10~06, and entitled, 'An Ordinance declaring a public emergency in the .City of Roanoke, Virginia, due ;o a lack of coal fuel and declaring that the health and welfare of the people of toanoke are in need of being protected through a distribution ~f coal fuel that will ~revent hoarding and result in the distribution of coal fuel on a basis that will bes ~erve the health and general welfare of the people of Roanoke". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance ~dopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 20th day of February, .950, No. 10~+06, and entitled, "An Ordinance declaring a public emergency in the :ity of Roanoke, Virginia, due to a lack of coal 2uel and declaring that the health Lnd welfare of the people of Roanoke are in need of being protected through a distribution of coal fuel that will prevent hoarding and result in the distribution of coal fuel on a basis that will best serve the health and general welfare of the people of Roanoke", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in effect as of midnight, March 6, 1950. APPROVED ATTEST: ~. ? ~ Clerk Pr es i dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of March, 1950. No. 10439. A RESOLUTION approving draft of Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a firm of consulting engineers to be selected for an advance engineering study of the proposed grade crossing elimination project, N&W Railway at Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that draft of the lv~emorandum of Agreement between the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia and a firm of consulting engineers to be selected for an advance engineer- ing study of the proposed grade crossing elimination project, N&W Railway at Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia, be, and is hereby approved. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN ~'{E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGL~IA, The 13th day of ~[arch, 1950. No. 10437. AN ORDINANCE to amend and re-ordain Section l, relating to Definitions, as amended by Ordinance No. 9190, adopted September ~, 1947; Section 3, relating to R:~embership; and Section 4, relating to Service Creditable, of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day of ~my, 1946, ~o. ~559, and entitled, "An Ordinance to establish a retirement system axed to provide certain retirement allowances and death benefits for officers and employees of the City of Roanoke, with certain exceptions, and to supersede any existing ordinance providing for retirement or death benefits on account of policemen and firemen em- ployed after December 31, 1945". BE IT 0RDAi£1ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section l, relatin to Definitions, as amended by Ordinance No. 9190, adopted September 8, 19~7; Section 3, relatings, to Membership; and Section 4, relating to Service Creditable, of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day AM F...N D~U AMENDED No,. employees of the City of Roanoke, with certain exceptions, and to supersede any existing ordinance providing for retirement or death benefits on account of police- men and firemen employed after December 31, 1945", be amended and re-ordained as follows: Section l, DEFINITIO[~S. The following words and phrases as used herein, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings. (1) "System" shall mean the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Roanoke, as defined in Section 2 of this ordinance. (2) "City" shall mean the City of Roanoke, Virginia. (3) "City Council" shall mean the Council of the City of Roanoke. (~) "Board" shall mean the Board of Trustees of the System provided in Section 5 of this ordinance to administer the System. (5) "Medical Board" shall mean the board of physicians provided in Section 5, Subsection 02), of this ordinance. (6) "Employee" shall mean any regular, continuous and permanent officer or employee of the City, whether he devote his whole or only a part of his time to such regular and continuous employment, and shall include, but shall not be limited to police and firemen employed on or after the first day of January, 1946; officials selected by City Council or appointed by the City Manager; members of any permanent Board of Real Estate Assessors and every person regularly and continuously employed in connection with the assessment of real estate; every civil and police justice and judge of the juvenile and domestic relations court; every clerk of said courts and every person regularly and continuously employed in the service thereof; every offic and other person regularly and continuously employed by the School Board of the Cit who is not eligible for membership in the State Employees' Retirement System of Virginia; and every other person regularly and continuously employed in the service of the City; except officers elected by the people of the City, the coroners of the City, judges of the courts of record of the City and every other State officer; pro- vided, however, that assistants, deputies, and employees in the offices of officers elected by the people of the City, of the judges of the courts of record, and of such state officers may, at their election, be classified as an "employee" and con- tribute to and share in the benefits of the system but only to the extent that their salary is paid by the City. In ali. cases of doubt the Board shall determine who is an "~mployee" within the meaning of this ordinance, subject, however, to review by Counc il. (7) "Member" shall mean any person included in the membership of the System ias provided in Section 3 of this ordinance. (8) "Service" shall mean service as an employee paid for by the City. (9) "Membership service" shall mean service as a member for which credit is "allowable as provided in Section 4, Subsection (1), of this ordinance. (lO) "Prior Service" shall mean service rendered prior to becoming a member for which credit is allowable as provided in Section ~, Subsection (2), (2a) and (4) of this ordinance. (ll) "Creditable service" shall mean membership service plus prior service. (12) "Annuity" shall mean annual payments for life derived from the accumu- lated contributions of a member. (13) "Annuity reserve" shall mean the present value of all payments to be made on account of an annuity, or benefit in lieu of an annuity, computed at regular interest on the basis of the tables last adopted by the Board. (14) "Pension" shall mean annual payments for life derived from money pro- vided by the City. (15) "Pension reserve" shall mean the present value of all payments to be made on account of a pension, or benefit in lieu of a pension, computed at regular interest on the basis of the tables last adopted by the Board. (16) "Retirement allowance" shall mean the sum of the annuity and the pensio All retirement allowances shall be payable in monthly installments continuing to the last payment prior to death. (IT) "Beneficiary" shall mean any person in receipt of a pension, an annuity a retirement allowance or other benefit as provided by the System. {1~) "Accumulated contributions" shall mean the sum of all the amounts de- ducted from the compensation of a member and credited to his individual account in the Annuity Savings Account, together with regular interest thereon, as provided in Section 7, Subsection {1), of this ordinance. {19) "Earnable compensation" shall mean all usual compensation, pay or salar not exceeding six thousand dollars per annum, in whatever manner paid. in cases where compensation is not all paid in money, the Board shall fix the value of that part of the compensation not paid in money. {20) "Average final compensation" shall mean the average annual earnable compensation of a member during his last five years of creditable service, or if he has had less than five years of creditable service, then his average annual earnable compensation during his total years of creditable service. (21) "Regular interest" shall mean interest at the rates established from time to time by the Board as provided in Section 7, Subsection (2), Subdivision (i), of this ordinance. (22) "Actuarial equivalent" shall mean a benefit of equal value when com- puted at regular interest on the basis of the tables last adopted by the Board. (23) The masculine pronoun shall include the feminine pronoun. Section 3. MEiv~ERSHIP. (1) Any person who becomes an employee on or after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty-six, shall become a member of the System as a condition of his employment. (2) Any person who is an employee on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty-six, shall become a member of the System as of said date unless prior thereto he shall file with the Board on a form prescribed by the Board a notice of his election not to be covered in the membership of the System and a duly executed waiver of all present and prospective benefits which would otherwise inure to him as a member. (3) Any employee whose membership in the System is contingent on his own election and who elects not to become a member may thereafter apply for and be ad- mitted to membership, but no such employee shall receive prior service credit unless he becomes a member on or before the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty- seven. AMENDED (4) It shall be the duty of the City Rmnager to submit to the Board a state- ment showing the name, title, compensation, duties, date of birth and length of service of each member, and such information regarding other employees as the Board may require, and on the basis thereof the Board shall classify each member either as a "general employee" or as a "policeman or fireman". (5) Should a member, prior to his death or eligibility to retire under the provisions of this ordinance, voluntarily or honorably cease to be an employee he shall thereupon cease to be a member; provided, however, that if such former member, having left his accumulated contributions in the system, subsequently becomes an employee he shall, immediately upon reemployment, become a member entitled to all prior creditable service; or if such former member, having withdrawn his accumulate~ contributions to the system, subsequently become an employee, he shall, immediately! prior to and as a condition precedent to reemployment, deposit in the system a sum equal to his prior accumulated contributions with interest thereon at four per centum (compounded annually) from the time the sum was withdrawn, whereupon he shall, immediately upon reemployment, become a member entitled to all prior creditable service. No employee shall, except as provided in Section 4, Subsection {4) of this ordinance, be allowed creditable service for service not rendered as an employee of the City. Section 4. SERVICE CREDITABLE. (1) Each employee commencing service, for the first time, after the first day of July, 1946, shall receive membership service credit for all service rendered while a member of the system. {2) Each employee in service on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty-six, who becomes a member within one year thereafter shall file a detailed statement of all service as an employee rendered by him prior to said date for whic~i he claims credit, whether continuous or not, and of such other facts as the Board may require for the proper operation of the System. The Board shall fix and deter- mine by appropriate rules and regulations how much service in any year is equivalentl to a year of service, but in no case shall more than one year of service be credxtabi~ for all service in one calendar year, nor shall the Board allow credit as service for any period of more than one month's duration during which the employee was absent without pay. The Board shall verify, as soon as practicable after the filingl of such statements of service, the service therein claimed, and shall issue prior service certificates certifying to each member the number of years of prior service with which he is credited; provided that in no event shall prior service credit be allowed in excess of the number of years required to provide at the member's minimu~ service retirement age, or on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty-six if the member has then attained his minimum service retirement age, a total retire- ment allowance of one half of his average final compensatimn provided, further, that for the purpose of determining such maximum prior service credit, his retirement allowance on account of membership service shall be computed as exactly one-seventie~ of his average final compensation multiplied by the number of years from the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty-six, to the attainment of his minimum ser- vice retirement age. As long as membership continues, a prior service certificate shall be final and conclusive for retirement purposes as to such prior service credi provided, however, t~t any member may, within one year after the date of issuance or modification of such certificate, request the Board to modify or correct his prior service certificate. (2a) Each employee not contemplated in subsection {2) of this section, be- coming a member after the first day of July, 1946, and prior to the first day of April, 1950, shall receive prior service credit for all services rendered as an employee, whether continuous or not, prior to becoming a member provided he shall, within five years after becoming a member, pay in equal semi-monthly installments, o sooner, a sum equal to what his accumulated contributions with interest thereon at four per centum (compounded annually) would have been at the time he became a member had he become a member of the system on the first day of July, 1946. Such employee entitled to membership and/or increased benefits as is contemplated in this subsecti shall, within one year from its effective date, file a detailed statement of all set vice as an employee rendered by him prior to said date for which he clainm credit, and of such other facts as the Board may require for the proper operation of the System. The Board shall fix and determine by appropriate rules and regulations how much service in any year is equivalent to a year of service, but in no case shall more than one year of service be creditable for all service in one calendar year, no~ shall the Board allow credit as service for any period of more than one month's dura tion during which the employee was absent without pay. The Board shall vertify, as soon as practicable after the filing of such statements of service, the service ther in claimed, and shall issue prior service certificates certifying to each member the number of years of prior service with which he is credited; provided that in no even shall prior 'service credit be allowed in excess of the number of years required to provide at the member's minimum service retirement age or on the date he became a !member, if the member has then attained his minimum service retirement age, a total retirement allowance of one half of his average final compensation; provided, furthe that for the purpose of determining such maximum prior service credit, his retiremen allowance on accout of membershi~ service shall be computed as exactly one-seventietl of his average final comp'ensation multiplied by the number of years from the date he first became a member to the attainment of his minimum service retirement age. As long as membership continues, a prior service certificate shall be final and conclu- sive for retirement purposes as to such prior service credit; provided, however, tha' any member may, within one year after the date of issuance or modification of such certificate, request the Board to modify or correct his prior service certificate. (3) Creditable service at retirement on which the retirement allowance of a member shall be based shall consist of his membership service credit, and also, if he has a prior service certificate which is in full force and effect, the amount of the service certified on his prior service certificate. (~) Any employee who, while he was in the service of the City entered in any way or was called to active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States in times of war between the United States and other nations, and after his discharge or release from active duty in said Armed Forces resumed, or resumes, employement in th service of the City, within six months after such release or discharge, and who be- comes a member of the System prior to July first, nineteen hundred and. forty-seven, shall be entitled to credit for prior service rendered by him as such employee prior to his entering or being called to active duty in said Armed Forces, and the interval of time between his entering or being called to active duty in said Armed Forces and n his release or discharge from active duty therewith shall be deemed and considered additional prior service as an employee of the City, for which credit shall be allowed in like manner. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of March, 1950. No. 104~0. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of sanitary sewers in and along certain parts of certain streets in portions of Sections 1 and 2 of the Oakdale Subdivision, and, also, a portion of Airlee Court, for which iniprovements assessments are to be made against the abutting landowners; providing for the docketing of an abstract of the Resolution in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke; and authorizing and directing the City )tanager to advertise for bids fo~ the construction of said sanitary sewers. WHEREAS, the Board consisting of the members of the City Council, created under the provisions of Resolution No. 10400, adopted by the Council of the City Roanoke on February 13, 1950, after due publication of notice for two consecutive weeks in "The World-News", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Roanoke the first publication being on February 22, 1950, and the other on R~arch 1, 1950, conducted a hearing on March 13, 1950, at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., in the Circuit Court Room in the Municipal Building, on the question of constructing sewers in and along certain parts of certain streets in portions of Sections 1 and 2 of the Oakdale Sub- division, and, also, a portian of Airlee Court, and to make such decisions and do such acts as are provided for and contemplated by Section 3067 (as amended) and 3068 of the Code of Virginia, at which hearing no objections were presented by landowner~ and other interested parties in the affected area, and WHEREAS, the said Board has made estimates of the assessments or apportion- ments on the basis of one-third of the cost of the total cost of the improvements against the abutting landowners, and two-thirds to be paid by the City, as provided by law, and WHEREAS, it is imperative that the said sanitary sewers be constructed alongi~ certain parts of the streets, heretofore and hereafter set forth, for the protection of the public health, and in order to provide for the usual operation of the Munici- pal Government an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: (A) The construction of sanitary sewers in and along certain parts of certai streets in portions of Section,s 1 and 2 of the Oakdale Subdivision, and, also, a portion of Airlee Court, as set forth in said Resolution No. 10400, is hereby author ized. (B) That the ownership and location of the property to be affected by the proposed improvements hereby authorized and the estimated amount as determined by Name of Location Abuttin,g Owner Lot No. Block No. ,M~aP Estimated Front Cost to ~ootage Owner .N. ort~ side of Hershberger Road, west of Hubert Road Roscoe C. & Mary A. Eaton C. R. & Jessie C. Patrick R. E. & Kitty Lee Shelor 1-2 3-4 5-6 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 54.0 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 54.0 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 57.0 91.4~ 91.44 96.52 West side of Hubert Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue Edward G. Craig 7-8 Frank H. & Alice Akers 9-10 Frank H. & Alice Akers 11-12 Howard P. & Ernestine E. Boothe 13-14 1 1 1 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 77.9 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 East side of Hubert Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue 131.91 101.60 101.60 101.60 Leslie ~'i. & Evelyn ~l. Powell J. F. Proffit J. F. Proffit J. F. Proffit 13-14-15 2 16-17 2 15-19 2 20-21-22 2 Oakdale Section No. 1 62.6 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 90.0 106.00 101.60 101.60 152.40 North side of Hersh. berger Road between Hubert Road aad Hildebrand Road J. F. Proffit 1-2 J. F. Proffit 3-4 Albin A. & Annie L. Niemi 5-6 Albin A. & Annie L. Niemi 7-8 Builders Construction, Inc. 9-10 Builders Construction, Inc. 11-12 2 2 2 2 2 2 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 60.0 6O.0 60.05 60.10 60.10 lO1.60 101.60 101.60 101.68 101.77 101.77 .West _side of~Hild_ebrand Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue Claude E.& Elizabeth J.Poole Claude E.& Elizabeth J.Poole H. A. & Bertha C. Fisher Lela G. Jarrett Lela G. Jarrett J. E. & ~'!argaret L. Guill 23-24 2 25-26 2 27-28 2 29-3~ 2 31-32 2 33-34 2 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Se ct ion No. 1 7~. 44 6O.O 6O.O 60.0 60.0 60.0 132.83 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 East side of Hildebrand Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue Oaklane Corporation C. F. Kefauver Lewis R. Russell Builders Construction, Inc. iC. Y~. Simpson et ux F. E. ~'icNeace Sr. W. B. Robert son 13-14 3 15-16 3 17-18 3 19-20 3 21-22 3 23-2~ 3 25,26 3 Oakdale Section No. 1 33.14 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 56.11 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 North side of Hershberger Road between Hildebrand Road and Fralin Road Harry R.Jr.&Elizabeth D.Knight 1-2 Harry R.Jr.&Elizabeth D.Knight 3-4 H. Frank & Alice Akers 5-6 H. Frank & Alice Akers 7-8 H. T. & Georgia Lee Robertson 9-10 H. T. & Georgia Lee Robertsonll-12 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.10 60.10 60.10 60.10 60.10 60.10 101.77 101.77 101.77 101.77 101.77 101.77 West. side qf Fralin Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale Rufus S. & Beulah G. Hale 27-2,$-29 3 3O 3 31-32 3 33-34 3 35-36 3 37-38 3 39-40 3 41-42 3 Oakdale Section No. 1 109.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 30.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. I 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 184.57 50.80 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 East side of Fralin Road between Hershberger Road and Curtis Avenue Henry P. & Mary D. Benson 13-14 Henry P. & ~tary D. Benson 15-16 Elois Graves Construction Co. 17-18 Elois Graves Construction Co. 19-20 E. R. & Sue B. Martin 21-22 Bonnie J. Malcolm 23-24 Builders Construction, Inc. 25-26 Builders Construction, Inc. 27-28 Edward G. Craig 29-30 4 4 Oakdale Section No. 1 '33.68 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 Oakdale Section No. 1 60.0 57.03 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60 101.60i 101.60 lO1.60 101.60 North si_d-e of Hershberger Road between'Fralin Road and Hazelridge Rpad R. A. & Callie N. Wood R. A. & Callie N. Wood Builders Construction, Inc. Builders Construction, Inc. C. Katherine Sisson 1-2-3 4-5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 40akdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 4 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 Oakdale Section No. 1 90.15 91.05 60.O 60.O 60.O 152.65 152.48 101.60 101.60 101.60 Name of AbuttinE Owner Lo ca t ion Lot. No: B.lock No. Est imat ed Front Cost to il Footage Owner !' 130.0 220.13i 597.6 1011.93 84.62 143 ..2c~ 90.0 152.4qi South side. qf Hershberger Road, west of Fralin Road C. R. & Jessie C. Patrick J. Clayton Terry T. S. Ferguson T. S. Ferguson 2170110 Acreage 2170601 Acreage 1-2 6 3-4-5 6 Hershberger Road Moomaw Tract Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 West side of Fralin Road between Hershberger Road and Birchlawn Avenue H. L. Overstreet Randolph E.&Hazel B. Wright Randolph E. &Hazel B. Wright Ben S. & Nellie B. King 6-7 6 8-9 6 10-11 6 14-15-16 6 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Se ct ion No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 East side of Fralin Road between HershberEer Road and Birchlawn Avenue 60.0 101.6~i 60.0 lO1.6Q 60.0 101.60, o.0 J. R. & Ann B. Root E. R. & Melenia K. Gibson Camp W. Feather & Pauline B. Pendrey 13-14-15 7 16-17-15 7 19-20 7 Oakdale Sectian No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 90.9 153.92 90.9 153.92 73.25 124.04 South side of Hersh.b..erger Road between Fralin Road and Hazelridge Road J. R. & Ann B. Root J. R. & Ann B. Root J~. R. & Ann B. Root J. R. & Ann B. Root Oaklane Corporation Oaklane Corporation 1-2 7 3-4 7 5-6 7 7-~ 7 9-10 7 11-12 7 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 Oakdale Section No. 2 West side of Hearthstone Road, north of Mmitland Avenue W. T. & Clicy E. Dudley 9-10 George Arthur Eanes et ux ll James C. Whitenack 12 Posey B. & Sallie M. Oyler 13 Lamacus E. Whitenack et als 14 Ira S. Dudley 15 Jessie S. Boston 16 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court. East side of HeaFthstone Road, north of Maitland Avenue P. M. Cole 1 Airlee Court Corporation 2 Elmer H. Hylton 3 Henry F. & Martha F. Faery 4 Minnie H. Forbes 5 ~innie H. Forbes 6 R. S. Sprinkle Jr. et ux 7 Airlee Court Corporation 8 11 Airlee Court 11 Airlee Court 1] Airlee Court 11 Airlee Court 11 Airlee Court 11 Airlee Court 11 Airlee Court 11 Airlee Court West side pf ,Hearthstone, Road between )~itland Avenue and U. S. Route 11 Thelma Roller Alice P. Tice Alice P. Tice Winifred Edward Beckner Calvin W. Schwabe 6 6 36.0 ft. of 7 6 Pt. 7 & Pt. 8 6 N.. 40.0 ft. of 8 & S. 10.0 ft. of 9 6 N. 50.0 ft. of 9 6 Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court Airlee Court 60.0 101.60 60.0 101.60! 60.02 101.63 60.02 101.63i 60.02 101.63 60.02 101.63~i East side of Hearthstone Road between ~mitland Avenue and U. S. Route 11 103.75 175.68ii 60.0 101.601 60.0 lO1.6Q 60.0 101. 60.0 101.60 60.0 101.601 60.0 101.60! 60.0 101.601 6o.o lOl.60ii 60.0 101.60,t 60.0 101.60I 60.0 101.60i 60.0 101.60! 6o.o -~Ol. 47.8 80.94,i 60.0 lO1.6Oi~ 50.0 84.67 50 .o 84.67 Frank E. Newcomb Frank E. Newcomb 1 7 Airlee Court 2 7 Airlee Court 96.89 164.07 100.00 169.33 North side of U. S. Route 11 between Curtis Avenue and Hearthstone Road Dorothy Lee Waldron Dorothy Lee Waldron Thelma Trammell Roller 3 6 Airlee Court 50.0 8~.67 4 6 Airlee Court 50.0 84.67 5 6 Airlee Court 70.0 118.53 (C) The City Clerk is directed to furnish to the Clerk of the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke an attested copy of this Resolution, who shall record an abstract threrof in the judgment docket in his office and index the same as provided by Chapter 138 of the 1946 Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (section 3071-b of the Code of Virginia). (D) The City Manager is authorized and directed to publish invitation for bids for the construction of the above sanitary sewers. (E) An emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in effect from the date of its adoption. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 13th day of ~larch, 1950. No. 10441. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Roanoke City School Board to purchase, for school purposes, a tract of land containing 3.79 acres in the City of Roanoke; appro priating $6,822.00 from the School Improvement Fund for the purchase of same; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, The Roanoke City School Board deems it necessary and advisable for the purpose of the enlargement of the grounds and athletic field of Monroe Junior High School to purchase an adjoining 3.79 acre tract of land owned by the estate of W. K. Andrews, deceased, at the price of $6,822.00; and WHEREAS, said school board and this Council deem it necessary that said scho board be authorized to purchase the same immediately in order to provide for the usu daily operation of said school board. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke City School Board be, and it is hereby, authorized to purchase in the name of the City of Roanoke a certain 3.79 acre tract of land in the City of Roanoke ad- joining Monroe Junior High School and owned by the estate of W. K. Andrews, deceased at the price of $6,822.00, the said land to be used by said school board for the en- largement of the gounds and athletic field of said school. SE IT FURTHER ORDAiN]~D that $6,822.00 be, and it is hereby, appropriated fro'~ the School Improvement Fund to provide the purchase price of said land, the aforesai~ sum to be paid out of said fund to said school board, and by said school board to be used for such purposes; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of March, 1950. No. 10442. A RESOLUTION authorizing and permitting the Roanoke City School Board to use temporarily and for the purpose of a running track on the athletic field of ~onroe Junior High School the northerly end of 20th Street, N. W., unopened, and the north- easterly corner of a 7.04 acre tract of land owned by the City of Roanoke and known as Lot No. 2340105, and, also, authorizing the said School Board to grade, fill and otherwise improve the aforementioned portion of the unopened street and the north- easterly corner of the 7.04 acre tract of land in such a way as to adapt the same to its use as a running track for said ~lonroe Junior High School. WHEREAS, the Roanoke City School Board is desirous of providing a running track on certain property used by said School Board for public school purposes at ~onroe Junior High School, said runninE track to be 220 vards, or more. in length. 1.(;1 _62 · WHEREAS, in order to secure the desired lenEth, it will be necessary to ex- tend said track over the northerly end of 2Oth Street, N. W., Unopened, and across the northeasterly corner of a 7.04 acre tract of land owned by the City of Roanoke and known as Lot No. 2340105, for a distance of 250 feet and at a width of 100 feet, and WHEREAS, Council is willing and desirous of granting to the said School Board the temporary use of a part of the aforesaid 7.04 acre tract of land, and of the northerly 50 feet of 20th Street, N. W., unopened, as said street is shown on page 234 of the Official Survey, said land to be used as aforesaid. THEREFORE, BE IT RESDLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke City School Board be, and it is hereby authorized and permitted to use tem- porarily and for the purpose of a running track on the athletic field of ~ionroe Junior High School, the northerly 100 feet of 2Oth Street, N. W., unopened, and the following described portion of said City's 7.04 acre tract of land known as Lot No. 2340105, said portion briefly described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwesterly end of 20th Street, N. W., unopened, as said street is shown on page 234 of the Official Survey; thence along the westerly line of said unopened street and in a southerly direction 100 feet to a point; thence in a westerly direction and parallel to the northerly boundary line of the 7.04 acre tract 250 feet to a point; thence in a northerly direction and parallel to the westerly line of said unopened street 100 feet to a point on the southerly line of the W. K. Andrews property; thence along said property line in an easterly direction 250 feet to the place of BEGINNING. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said School Board be, and it is hereby authorize to grade, fill and otherwise improve the aforedescribed portion of the unopened street and the northeasterly portion of the said 7.04 acre tract in such a way as to adapt the same to its use as a running track for said Monroe Junior High School. ATTEST ~ Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of March, 1950. ' No. 10443. A RESOLUTION designating Room No. 201 in the Municipal Building in t he City of Roanoke, Virginia, as an additional court room for the Civil and Police Justice for said City for the trial of civil cases in said Court; providing that such desig- nation shall be subject to the consent of the Judge of the Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, it has become necessary and desirable that additional space be desi nated as a court room for the use of the Civil and Police Justice of the City of Roanoke in the trial of civil cases in said Court; and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the said Civil and Police Justice' Court, it is deemed necessary that immediate provision be made to provide such addi- tional space and, for that reason, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Council for the City of Roanoke that Room 201 i the Municipal Building of said City be, and it is hereby, designated as an additiona court room to be used daily by the Civil and Police Justice of said City in the tria f civil cases provided, however, that the Judge of the Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke shall consent to the use of said space by the said Civil and Police Justi BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in force and effect from its passage, subject only to the consent required of the Judge of the Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke, as aforesaid. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pre s ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~iA, The 13th day of March, 1950. No. 10444. A REED LUTION authorizing the City Nianager to h ave the two large evergreens in the vicinity of the northwest corner of Elmwood Park removed from the park in a manner to the best interest of the City. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager b and he is hereby authorized to have the two large evergreens in t he vicinity of the northwest corner of Elmwood Park removed from the park in a manner to the best in- terest of the City. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of March, 1950. No. 10445. A RESOLUTIO£~ authorizing the ~anager of the Water Department to purchase and install a new booster pump in the present booster station near Peakwood Drive, ~rovided C. W. Francis pays the costs of the installation of a two-inch main from Ithe end of the present water main in Peakwood Drive, over and along Peakwood Drive at such locations therein as may be determined by the Manager of the Water Departmenl to the southernmost part of Lot 12, Block "K", Prospect Hills; and provided, further that the said C. W. Francis and wife convey unto the City of Roanoke, in fee simple by deed containing covenants of general warranty and modern english, a plot of real estate on the south side of Peakwood Drive near its intersection with Exeter Street for the future site of a booster station; and repealing Resolution No. 10371. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ianager of the Water Department be, and he is hereby, authorized ~nd directed to purchase a new booster pump having an operation lift of 2~0 feet, a casing of 150 pounds test, capa. ble of delivering rot less than 50 gallons per minute and to substitute the same for the smaller pump now installed in the present booster station near Peakwood Drive, ~rovided the said C. W. Francis pays the costs of the installation of a new two-inch Drive at such locations therein as may be determined by the ~anager of the Water Department, to the southernmost part of Lot 12, Block "K", ProspectF~11~; provided, furthe~ that the said C. W. Francis and wife convey unto the City of Roanoke, in fee simple by deed containing covenants of general warranty and modern english, a plot of real estate on the south side of Peakwood Drive near its intersection with Exeter Street for the future site of a booster station. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 10371, passed by this Council on the 30th day of January, 1950, be, and the same is hereby, REPEALED. Clerk APB ROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 13th day of March, 1950. No. 10446. AN 0RDI£~ANCE to amend and reenact "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted bythe Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roa- noke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance makin~ appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January ]., 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPROPRIATIONS FROM. REPLACEI~'ENT RESERVE(l) ..................... $75,000.O0 (1) Completian of Villa Heights Project (Delete) .......... Melrose Avenue (From Revenue).. ............. $70,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. / ATTEST: ~_~ / Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of Mmrch, 1950. No. 10448. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #41, "Fire Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December. 19&9. No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roa~oke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 195 and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section' ~41,' "Fzre' Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year be- ginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to real as f ollo FIRE DEPARTIviENT #41 Equipment and Improvements (1I .............................. $9,525.00 (1I Addition to Fire Station No. 7 ................ $ 7,500.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAIi~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ,, APPROVED Pre sid ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA£/OKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of March, 1950. No. 10449. A RESOLUTION inviting representatives of t he governing bodies of the Town of Salem, the Town of Vinton and Roanoke County, as well as the representatives of the !legislature in the affected areas, to attend a meeting to be called by the Mayor of !Roanoke within sixty days for the purpose of discussing the establishing of one gov- ernment embracing t}~e County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the Town of Salem and the Town of Vinton. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of t~e City of Roanoke that an invitation be, and is hereby extended to representatives of the governing bodies of the Town of Salem, the Town of Vinton a~d Roanoke County, as well as the representatives of the legislature in the affected areas, to attend a meeting to be called by the ~layor of Roanoke within sixty days for the purpose of discussing the establishing of one government embracing the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the Town of Salem and the Town of Vinton. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President 16;3 IN THE COUNCIL FOR TTTE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGIMIA, The 20th day of ~.~arch, 1950. No. 10450. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for construction of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, alley crossings, driveways, and appurtenant work thereto, at various locations in the City of Roanoke, to Philip L. Baird, 2920 Wycliffe Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at a total cost of ~19,310.00. WHEREAS, it appears from the bids heretofore received for construction of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, alley crossings, driveways, and appurtenant work thereto, at various locations in the City of Roanoke, that the bid of Philip L. Baird is the best bid therefor in the total sum of $19,310.00. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Philip L. Baird, 2920 Wycliffe Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, for construction of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, alley crossings, driveways, and appurtenant work thereto, in the total sum of $19,310.00, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor, and that a contract for the said construction be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authm'ized and directed, for a~d on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of March, 1950. No. 10451. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to use his dis- cretion in the enforcement of the provisions of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 24th day of ~farch, 19~7, No. 8972, regulat- ing the parking and location of autemobile trailers, during the next thirty days, pending an amendment to said Ordinance to eliminate certain inequalities. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to use his discretion in the enforcemen of the provisions of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of March, 1947, No. 8972, regulating the parking and location of automobile trailers, during the next thirty days, pending an amendment to said Ordinance to eliminate certain inequalities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of March, 1950. No. 10~52. AN 0RDII~A~ICE to amend and reenact Section , /~10Z~ "Public Library", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day "An Ordinance making appropriations from of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, ~ the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Oouncil of the City of Roanoke that Section ~?104, "Public Library", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the lexistence of an ~uergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained in order to provide for the creation of the position of Assistant Librarian and Head of Reference Department at ~273.33 per month, in lieu of the position of Reference Librarian, said section to read as follows: PUBLIC LIBRARY #10~ Salary, Reference Librarian (Delete) Salary, Assistant Librarian and Head of Reference Department ................................. ~3,280.00 BE IT FURTHER 0RDAIIm~D that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect as of and from April l, 1950. APPROVED ATTE ST' ' Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~[E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRG17JIA, The 20th day of March, 1950. No. 10~+53. A RESOLUTION of thanks and appreciation to Mr. G. V. Kromer for his dis- tinctive music composition, entitled, "On With Roanoke", dedicated to the progress of the City of Roanoke. ~EREAS, Mr. G. V. Mromer has written a distinctive music composition, a descriptive march and two step, entitled, "On ~ith Roanoke", and has had copies of the composition, which is dedicated to the progress of the City of Roanoke, printed for distribution to the public, at his own expense. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that in recognition of the thoughtfulness, civic pride and generosity of Mr. G. V. Kromer in presenting the distinctive music composition, entitled, "On ~Vith Roanoke", to the City of Roanoke and its people, this body hereby extends its sincere thanks and appreciation for this dedication to progressive Roanoke, and in extending this vote of thanks, is confident it voices the sentiments of the citizens of this municipalit APPROVED ATTEST: / _68 IN T~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0~CE, VIRGI~'~IA, The 21st day of ~arch, 1950. ~o. 104~7. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City ~,ianager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute Contract Clca-9~6~, between the City of Roanoke, i~irginia, and the United States of America, leasing to the Government two adjoining irooms, one approximately 18 feet by 16 feet, and the other approximately 15 feet by 16½ feet, a total floor space of approximately 585 square feet, situated in the southeast corner of the ground floor of the Cannaday House at Roanoke Nunicipal Airport, Roanoke, Virginia, plus 100 square feet of storage space in said Cannaday House, for use as Interstate Airway Communication Station Quarters, equipment room, office and storage space, for the term beginning ~arch l, 1950, and ending ~une 30, 1950, with the right of renewal annually for period ending Xune 30, 1953, at a con- sideration of ~l.00 per year, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Nanager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute Contract Clca-9~64, between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the United States of America, leasing to the Government two adjoining rooms, one ~pproximately 18 feet by 16 feet, and the other approximately 15 feet by 16½ feet, ~ total floor space of approximately 585 square feet, sit,~ated in the southeast corner of the ground floor of the Cannaday House at Roanoke Nunicipal Airport, Roanoke, Virginia, plus 100 square feet of storage space in said Cannaday House, for use as Interstate Airway Communication Station Q~arters, equipment room, office ~nd storage space, for the term beginning Narch l, 1950, and ending ~une 30, 1950, ~ith the right of renewal annually for period ending ~une 30, 1953, at a considera- I ion of $1.00 per year, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED Clef k ~ Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of ~arch, 1950. No. 10~5~. AN ORDINANCE adopting regulations governing the subdivision of land within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke, and within three miles of the corporate limits thereof (except as to any land within the overlapping boundaries under the ~urisdiction of any incorporated town as defined in Article 2, Chap. 23 of Title 15 c ;he t~ode of'Virginia), into lots, streets, alleys and p~blic a~eas; providings.for th~ approving and recording of plats of such Subdivisions; defining certain terms; ~roviding for Physical Improvements; requiring Plans and Specifications and Bond 'or same; prescribing penalties for violations; providing proceedings to prevent ~iolations; providing for Appeals; and providing for an emergency. making YfHEREAS, p~rsuant to the provisions of Article 2, Cha~ter 23 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia, known as "~T-he virgfn'~'a Land Subdivision Act" the City of Roanoke is authorized to adopt regu%ations to assure the orderly subdivision of land and its development and the harmonious and economic development of the City and the area situated beyond and within three miles of its corporate limits (except as to any lands within the overlapping boundaries under thc jurisdiction of any incOrporated town as defined in Article 2, Chap. 23 of Title 15 V~gin'ia)[, for the coordination of streets within subdivisions of land with other existing or planned streets, for adequate open spaces for traffic, recreation, ligh! and air and for the distribution of population and traffic which will tend to creat~ conditions favorable to health, safety, convenience and prosperity; and ~?~EREAS, notice of intention to adopt such regulations was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely, the 1st day of February, and the 8th day of February, 1950, in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, by which all persons affected by such regulations were notified to appear on February 20th, 1950, at 3:00 o'clock, p. m., in the Circuit Court Room, in the ~tunicipal Building in the City of Roanoke, to present their views with respect thereto; and ¥~q~EREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public property, health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following regulations are hereby adopted for the subdivision of land situate within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke and situated within the area beyond the corporate limits and within a distance of three miles from the nearest point there- from (except as to any lan~swithin the overlapping boundaries under the jurisdictio~ Title 15 of any incorporated town as defined in Article 2, Chapter 23 of /of the Code of Va. from and after the effective date of this ordinance, every owner or p~oprietor of any tract of land to which such regulations apply who subdivides such tract as provided in such regulations shall cause a plat of such subdivision, developed and prepared in accordance with such regulations, with reference to known or permanent monuments, to be made and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of the City or County, as the case may be, wherein deeds conveying such land are required by law to be recorded: Section 1. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in these regulations shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except in those instances where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. A. "Agent". The Planning Board or its representative duly authorized by it to approve the subdivision of land when a proposed subdivision is situated wholl within the City or wholly or partly within the area beyond the corporate limits of the City and within three miles therefrom (except as to any lands within the over- lapping boundaries under the jurisdiction of any incorporated town as defined in Ar 15 of the · 2, Chap. 23 of Title/Code of Virginia)~, mhd the Roanoke County Planning Commission, or the person or agent designated by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to approve the subdivision of land, when a subdivision is situated wholly or partly within the are~ of such county and within three miles of the corporate limits of the City (except as to any lands within the overlapping boundaries under the jurisdic- tion of any incorporated town as defined in ~rticle 2, ~Chapter 23 of Title 15 of th, )f the Code of [cie 170 B. "Subdivision". The division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots or other subdivision of land, for the p~rpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or building development, including all changes in street or lot lines, and including any parcel previously separated by the then owner of such tract for such purpose subsequent to the adoption of these regulations provided, however, the division of land in parcels of one area or more that does not involve any new public street or easment of access or road shall nor be consider ed a subdivision when such division does not offer an opportunity to obstruct natura drainage or a planned major highway or to adversely affect any part of an adopted plan, or in any way violate the intent of the Zoning Ordinances of the City of Roanoke; and provided still f~rther that divisions of lands by Court order or decree shall not be deemed a subdivision as otherwise herein defined. Section II.Procedure for the Preparation andFilin~ of Plats. A. Whenever a subdivision is proposed to be made and before any sale of said subdivision as a whole or any part thereof is made, the owner or proprietor of the proposed subdivision, or his d~ly authorized representative, shall file a plat of the proposed subdivision with the agent for approval. The plat and all procedure relating thereto shall in all respects be in full compliance with the provisions of these regulations and all applicable laws and ordinances affecting or regulating the subdivision of land, the use thereof and the erection of buildings or structures thereon. B. The owner or proprietor of a proposed subdivision shall cause a pre- liminary plat to be prepared, accompanied by street profiles, when required, and shall present not less than three prints or copies of each for tentative approval to the agent. C. The agent and the City Engineer shall tentatively approve or disap- prove the preliminary subdivision plat and street profiles or approve them with modifications, noting thereon any changes that will be required, One copy shall be returned to the owner or proprietor of the subdivision or his representative with the date of said approval or disapproval noted thereon. D. The agent, in studying the preliminary subdivision plat, shall take into consideration the requirements of the community and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to width, arrangement and location of streets, and alleys or utility easements, drainage, lot sizes and ar- rangement, and other facilities such as parks, playgrounds or school sites, public buildings, parking areas, boulevards end main highways. Adequate street connections shall be required by the agent to insure free and safe access to adjoining, exist- ing, proposed and possible subdivision of lands. E. The owner or proprietor of the subdivision, following the tentative approval of the preliminary subdivision plat and street profiles with proposed grades, shall file with the agent within six months subdivision plats es provided in Section V-A hereof. One copy of street profiles with grades and/or topographic map, if required, shall also be filed with the agent. F. The final subdivision plat shall be approved by the agent and the City Engineer, if found to be in conformity with the requirements of law and of these regulations. Such plat shall be filed for recordation in the Clerk's Office of the Court in which deeds conveying the land are recorded within sixty (60) days after final approval thereof, otherwise such approval shall be withdrawn by the agent and the plat marked void and returned to the owner. Section Iii. General Requirements for Subdivision of Land. A. The owner or proprietor of a subdivision shall observe and comply with the following re~.quirementsand principles of land subdivision in preparing the preliminary and final subdivision plats: (1) The plat shall conform to the adopted ~.~aster ?lan or one or more parts, sections or divisions thereof, as a~ended, of the City and/or County, as the case may be. (2) All streets which are designated as part of the major highway system on such Master Plan or part, division or section thereof, as a~~ended, shall be coordinated with adjoining links in said system and at the same or greater widths (3) Major highway widths shall conform to the widths shown on the Major Street Plan of the ~ity or County, as the case may be, where such plan has been approved by the legislative body of the City or County and no street shall have a width of less than fifty (50) feet between property lines. The setback and/or building line shall conform with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the City or County, as the case may be, for the district in which the subdivision is located. Where no such setback and/or building line requirements exist, a minimum setback of 25 feet shall be required in all cases on streets of 60 feet, or more, in width. Where a street is less than 60 feet wide the setback and/or building line shall be 30 feet to permit future widening of such street. (~) Courts or culdesacs where permitted shall not exceed 600 feet in length, and shall not be less than 50 feet wide, except where topography, unusual and peculiar conditions make this impractical, the Planning Board ~.ay permit a greater length. All permanent dead end streets shall terminate in a circular right- of-way with a minimum diameter of 80 feet. (5) As far as practical all proposed streets shall be continuous and made to connect with existing streets without off-set. (6) Blocks, in general, shall not be longer than 1000 feet nor less than 360 feet between street intersections; provided, however, in instances where, because of topography or existing peculiar conditions, a longer or shorter block may be aoproved by the Planning Board. (7) All lots controlled by these regulations shall front on a public ~treet and shall not extend through to another street; provided, however, that where the topography or existing peculiar conditions make this regulation impractical the Planning Board may waive the same. No lot shall embrace any portion of a street or alley. (8) At street intersections, the property line shall be rounded by an arc having a radius of not less than fifteen (15) feet. Property lines at major street intersections or at other locations where traffic hazards and congestion may be anticipated, shall be designed for a radius of not less than twenty (20) feet or greater if deemed necessary. (9) Side lot lines in general shall be at right angles or radial to str'~t lines~ except where the topography or existing peculiar conditions make this regulation impracticel. (10) V~nere possible, reverse frontage of lots, at street intersections, .shall be avoided. (ll) Each separate lot, intended or used for residence purposes, shall have a minimum frontage of 60 feet, a minimum depth of 100 feet, and a minimum area of 7000 square feet; provided, however, that each ir~egular-shapted residential lot shall have a minimum frontage of 50 feet, an average width of 60 feet, a minimum depth of 100 feet and a minimum area of 7000 square feet, and provided, further, that where the lot area regulations of any Zoning Ordinance of the City or County, as the case may be, require a larger lot area, then the requirements of such Zoning Ordinance shall govern. (12) Residence corner lots shall have a minimum width to provide 15 feet of side yard along the side street in case no lots within the block are ar- !iiranged to front thereon, or a side yard having a minimum width of 25 feet if the side street is used for frontage; provided, however, where zoning control is in ef- fect the greatest width provided in the Zoning Ordinance of the City or County, as the case may be, shall govern. No corner lot or lots shall be re-subdivided to face another street unless all established building lines are observed on both streets. (13) Grades: Najor streets shall, insofer as possible, conform to the contours to avoid grades in excess of 7 per cent, unless because of special condi- tions the agent permits otherwise. ~inor streets and alleys shall avoid grades in excess of l0 per cent. No street shall have a minimmm grade of less than 0.5 per cent. (lB) Alleys with a minimum width of 20 feet may be required at the rear of all lots designated for b~siness or industrial use. Alleys, when provided in the rear of residential lots, shall not be less than 20 feet in width. Inter- secting alleys shall be provided with a 15-foot radius at each corner. Easements at least l0 feet wide, 5 feet on each side of the rear or side lot lines, shall be provided for utilities and drainage where necessary. Easements at least l0 feet wide may be required in, along or adjacemt to, natural water co~rses as drains for sanitary sewers and/or water diversion purposes. (15) No lend shall be subdivided for residential use if the ~lanning Board, in the exercise of its considered judgment, and after hearing all proper evidence, deems the same unsuitable for such purpose. (16) ~onuments of an approved type shall be set by the owner or pro- prietor of the subdivision as required by the agent and as shown on the final plat. (1~7) Reserved strips restricting access to streets, alleys, public ways end e~sraents shall not be permitted. (15) All land designated for future street purposes or street v~idening shall be dedicated for public use. (191 ~nere practicable the center lines of ell intersecting streets shall meet in a common point and shall intersect one another as near to a right angle as it is practicable in each case. (20) No existing local street names or subdivision n~mes shall be duplicated. (21) Whenever a proposed subdivision abuts a road vmthich is included in the State System of Primary Highu~ays, an access road extending for the full lengt of the subdivision along such highv~ay and providing limited access thereto may be required at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the land bet~.~,een such access road and highv~'ay. (22) V~here a single lot or parcel of land is to be subdivided into only two parcels, any or all requirements of this Ordinance may, in the discretion of the Agent, be ~aived. B. A variation of any of the requirements of this section r~ay be permitte if, in the opinion of the Planning Board, the topography of the land or other specia or unusual condition or conditions, justify such variation_. Section IV. The Preliminary Plan. A. The subdivider shall present to the agent not less than 3 copies of the Preli~ainary Plan, plainly marked as such, preferably at a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet, showing the following: (1) Subdivision name. {2) Name and address of the recorded owner of the land proposed to be subdivided and the owner or proprietor of the subdivision, and the surveyor. (3) The location, width and names of all existing or platted streets, alleys, easements, or other publi<~ ways or other places for public use or land for future street widening within or adjacent to the subdivision, existing permanent buildings, railroad rights-of-way, natural water courses, and other ira- .ocr taut featur es. (~) Location and names of adjoining subdivisions and/or names of the owners of adjoining lands, together with proper legal references. (5) Profile of each street with proposed grades, when required. {6) Location of all building lines and location and dimensions of all easements. (7) Lot lines with approxinate dimensions. (8) Proposed method of water supply, drainage provisions, sanitary sewer layout or other accepted sanitary plan. (9) Proposed use of the property so to be subdivided. (10) Topographic map on a suitable scale and contour intervals when required by the agent. (11) Date, scale of plat, and North Point of map. True meridian shall be used where practical;otherwise the date of the magnetic meridian must be given. B. The preliminary plat shall be approved or disapproved, or approved with modifications within $5 days after the date it is presented to the agent. Unless a final plan is filed with and approved by the agent within six months after the approval of the preliminary plat, the preliminary plat shall thereupon become void and shall be so marked by the agent, who shall notify the o~,~'ner in writing. ~Section V. The Final Subdivision Plat A. The final subdivision plat shall, by the use of black India ink, be clearly and legibly drawn on standard linen tracing cloth. The size of the sheet shall be 11 inches by 17 inches, including a mar~in of 1 inch outside ruled border 1_74 lines at bottom, top and right sides, and l½ inch for binding on the left 17 inch side of the sheet; provided, however, that if and when the Clerk of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke installs, pursuant to Section 3393a of ~ichie's Virgin: ~ode of 1942, plat books for the recordation of plats and maps the agent, in his discretion, may require that the size of the sheets shall be 20 inches by 30 inches, including a margin of i inch outside ruled border lines at bottom, top and right sides, and 2 inches for binding on the left 20 inch end of the sheet. The drawing ~hall be to a scale of i inch equals 100 feet unless otherwise authorized by the ~gent. The original linen tracing and 4 prints on standard cloth shall be submitte~ o the agent. After approval, both the original linen tracing and one print thereof hall be returned to the owner or proprietor of the subdivision, for recordation in ~he precise form as approved. When note than one sheet is necessary, an index shee' ~f the same size may be required by the agent showing the entire subdivision. A 3ketch of the area in the vicinity of the subdivision on a small scale may also be .~equired by the agent. B. In addition to the requirements for the prelir,.inary plat the final plat ~hall sho~: (1) Sufficient data to readily determine the location,bearing and length )f every street line, lot line, block line and boundary line and to reproduce the ~ame on the ground fron permanent monuments. Linear dimensions shall be in feet and ~ecimals. All dimensions, both linear and angular shall be determined by an accurat~ ontrol survey which must close and balance within a limit of one foot in five thou- and (5,000) feet. A plus or minus figure shall not be permitted on any line. Ac- curate coordinates of selected and monumented points referenced to the City geodetic :yste~ may be required by the agent in locations where the geodetic control has been ~ompleted. Elevation of existing and proposed ground surfaces at ~ll street inter- ~ections and points of major grade change along center lines of st eets together withl ,roposed grade lines connecting therewith shall likewise be shown. True elevations hall be used based an the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum. (Bench .ark elevations and descriptions thereof are available at the 0ff~'¢e of the City '~ngineer. ) (2) All curves shall be circular arcs and described by giving the de- ?lection angle, radius, tangent, length of arc and chord bearing and distance. This ~ay be shown in a scheduled tabulation on the plat. (3) In order to establish uniformity, a section and/or survey shall consist of a number of blocks; a block shall consist of a number of lots; and a lot shall be the smallest individual land use unit. All sections, blocks and lots shall be n~nnbered in consecutive order from left to right, beginning at the top of ~he unit. In case there is a re-subdivision of lots, the original identity shall ~e shown, and other identification, not in conflict with these regulations, may be ~esignated for the new arrangement. (~) Permanent reference monuments prescribed by the agent shall be ~laced as required by the agent. Such permanent monuments shall be stone or con- fete at least 2~ inches long and 6 inches square (or 4 inches in diameter) and shal~ e so set to approved finished grades where practicable. Other points, such as freer intersctions, alley intersections, tangent points and angle points, shall be marked with a solid iron rod or an iron pipe not less than 1/2 inch in diameter, at least 2 feet long, driven flush with the ground. ~on~nents and iron pins shall be indicated on all plats. (5) All bearings are to be referred to the true meridian where geodetic control has been completed. Where the magnetic meridian is used the declination shall be stated. (6) The names of all streets end the name of the subdivision, the north point, scale, date, restrictions and conditions~ if any. (7) In no case shall the agent approve a provision of a previously ~roved plat unless the date of the revision thereof be clearly stated thereon, the fact that it is a revised plat and the reason for the revision. (8) A complete and correct description of the land subdivided. (9) The final subdivision plat shall also contain a statement to the effect that the subdivision, as appears on the plat, is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the owners or proprietors of the land subdivided and the trustees in any deed of trust, or other instr~entality imposing a lien upon such land, if any there be, and said plat shall be signed by such owners, proprietors and trustees, if any, all of whom shall duly acknowledge the same before some officer authorized to take acknowledgement of deeds. Section VI. Street Names and ~'~mbering. A. Any street which is a prolongation, or approximately a prolongation, of an existing street shall be given the same name. ~. Except as provided in Section VI-A~ supra, no street shall be designa- ted by the same name as that heretofore borne by any other street, irrespective of the use of any suffi~x. C. Where practicable, all streets r~nning in a general direction, east and west, shall be designated as avenues and so named. All streets r~nning in a general direction, north and south, shall be designated as streets and so named or nambered. All streets having winding courses shall be known as roads or boulevards. The names of the the streets and avenues as shown upon the plats of the official m~p, and on file in the Office of the City Engineer, shall be the true names and designation of streets, avenues, roads and boulevards. .D. Where practicable, when a building or str~ct~re is erected on any land covered by these regulations the n~mber assigned shall co~form to the existing ho,~se ~mb er ing system. Section VII. P~reparation of Final Subdivision Plat. Every final subdivision plat shall be prepared by a ~ompetent surveyor or civil engineer duly licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, who shall endorse upon each such plat a certificate signed by him setting forth the source of title of the owner of the land subdivided and the place of record of the last instrument, or ~nstr~ments, in the chain of title. When the plat is of land acquired from more thaz ~ne source of title, the outlines of the several tracts shall be indicated upon such ~lat. Section VIII. Recordation of Final Subdivision Plat. A. When a final subdivision pl~t has been approved, executed and acknowle - ~d as provided in these regulations, it shall be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Court in whose office deeds conveying the land contained in the plat are required by law to be recorded, and shall be indexed under the names of the owners iof the land and under the name of the subdivision. The Clerk shall retain the iloriginal linen tracing of said plat and shall permit it to be inspected only upon written order of a_ Judge of a Court of record. B. The recordation of such plats shall operate to transfer, in fee simple, to the City of Roanoke, or to the County of Roanoke, in whichever the land lies, such portion of the premises platted as is on such plat set apart for streets, alleys, easements, or other public use or for ~future street widening and to create a public right of passage over the same; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the persons who set apar~t such land for streets and alleys, or for future street widening, their heirs and assigns, where otherwise under this Ordinance thay have the right so to do, from erecting, putting down and maintaining gas lines~, water pipes, sanitary sewer pipes, drains and drain pipes, or electric lines, or conduits, along or under the portions so set apart, when such gas lines, water pipes, sanitary sewer pipes, drains and drain pipes, or electric lines, or cunduits, are constructed. erected, placed, installed and maintained pursuant to the preceding provisions of this Ordinance. (C) The agent, before finally approving any subdivision plat, shall 0ersonally inspect the proposed subdivision on the ground, together with the City ~.ngineer, who shall also approve the plat. Upon approving such final subdivision pla' the agent and City Engineer shall clearly endorse their approval thereon. (D) The Building Inspector for the City of Roanoke shall not issue any ~ermit for the erection of any building or structure to be located in any subdivi~io ~la~ a plat whereof is required to be recorded pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, until such plat shall have been submitted to record as herein provided fo~ (E) No lot or parcel of land shall be sold or transferred until the ?inal subdivision plat, of which said lot or parcel is a part, shall have been ap- proved and recorded as herein provided for. (F)No final plat of a subdivision shall be recorded unless and until .t shall have been first submitted to and approved by the agent and the City Enginee~ and no Clerk of a Court shall file or record a plat of a subdivision until such plat las been approved by said agent and the City Engineer. (G) Immediately upon the vacating of any recorded plat, or part thereof ~he Clerk in whose office such plat has been recorded (whether the same was recorded under the provisions of this Ordinance or otherwise) shall write in plain legible letters across such plat, or the part thereof so vacated, the word "VACATED", and ~lso make a reference on the same to the volume and page in which the instrument Df vacation is recorded; and, if a duplicate of said plat be on file in the office ~f the ~ity and/or County Engineer for public use the City and/or County Engineer ~hall cause similar notations to be legibly written on said duplicate plat, or the )art thereof, so' vacated. Section IX. Physical Improvements. The following improvements shall be required to be installed by the sub- ~ivider in subdivisions lying in whole, or in part, within the corporate limits of ~he City of Roanoke, when such subdivision shall include or involve any public stree~ any extension of the City sewers or public and private water systems, any right-of- way connecting two public streets, or any easements for any of the foregoing; and the same shall be installed in strict accordance with the specifications provided herein as approved by the agent and the City Engineer: A. (1) Streets must be graded to a minimu width of fifty feet, and surfac- ed to a minimum width of thirty feet, graded to the cross section and profile ap- proved by the agent and the City Engineer. Surfacing shall be composed of at least four inches of compacted, crushed stone, or of other aggregate, approved by the Director of Public Works. (2) The facilities for underground utilities such as sewer and water, including sewer and water laterals to each lot line when laid in streets, shall be in place prior to final surfacing. Ail facilities for utilities shall, where possible, be placed in alleys or in easements provided for that purpose at the rear of the lots in the subdivision, or located as approved by the Director of Public Works. B. The subdivider shall install sewer mains and sewer laterals, ex- tended to the property line of each lot,. in accordance with size, depth and profile asproved by the agent and the City Engineer. Zn cases where it is found impracticable by the City Engineer and the Director of Public ?:orks to install or connect with existing sewer systems, the installation of septic tanks may be permitted. C. The subdivider shall provide an adequate water system, which system shall be approved by the Director of Public Works. D. Where a drainage problem exists or will be created by the subdivision or development of land the subdivider shall be required by the Planning Board to ~rovide necessary facilities to drain the area of the subdivision in ouestion by a ~lan to be approved b.~..~ the City Engineer. This may be accomplished by the proper ~ading of the area or by the installation of a system of drainage pipes, structures ~.ulverts, ditches, etc. In cases where it is impracticable or unreasonable to eliminate the drainage problem as provided above, the Planning Board shall require that certain areas of the subdivision, or other land a~vailable to the subdivff_~ler, be designated for seepage and absorption. E. Street signs of approved standard design shall be installed at all street intersections. Section X. Plans and Specifications for Required Improvements. A. Subdivisions lying in whole or in part within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke shall conform with the following requirenents: (1) All plans and specifications shall be in conformity with require- ments approved by the City for various types of physical improvements. (2) Before the development of any street in any subdivision is begun, the owner or proprietors shall file with the agent for approval three (3) copies of a complete plan and profile of said street, prepared by a surveyor or engineer duly certified to perform such services; said plan to be drawn to a scale of fifty feet to the inch and the profile to be drawn to a horizontal scale of fifty feet to the inch and a vertical scale of five feet to the inch, with all elevations referred to the U. S. C. and G. S. datum. On the plan shall be shown existing and proposed location of the following drains, sanitary sewers, including all sewer laterals extended to the property lines, water mains and laterals, fire hydrants, parking spaces, if any, and all other .contemplated improvements, On the profile shall be shown the proposed center line grade of the street and alley, the size, depth and rate of grade of all required drains, and the size, location and approxi- mate depth of water mains. Two copies of said plan and profile will be retained by the City, one co~py of which will be filed with the City Engineer and one copy to be filed with the agent. The third copy, showing all required changes, shall be returned to the owner or proprietor, ~Jho shall have the required changes made upon the original plan and profile and file again two corrected copies, one with the City Engineer and one with the agent. The agent may further require cross sections of the street or alley, san~e to be taken at each fifty-foot station, at all street intersections and any other points which may be required to properly establish the grade of the street. 3. Upon the cm~pletion of the work on any street and before acceptance of same by the City, the owner or owners shall file with the regent two copies of the plan and profile of the said street upon which shall be shown the actual location, as constructed, of all manholes, house connections, controls or cutoff valves, catch basins, etc., and any and all changes in the approved plans which have been permitted by the City. One copy shall be turned over to the oity Engineer. B. Inspection During Installation of Improvements. Periodic inspection during the installation of the physical improvements shall be made by a duly authorized City official to insure conformity with the approved plans and specifications. The subdivider shall notify the proper adminis- trative officers when each phase of the installation is completed and ready for inspection. C. All physical improvements required by the provisions of this ordinance for the subdivision as platted shall be installed therein and thereon at the ex- pense of the subdivider and pending such actual installation thereof the subdivider shall execute and file with the City Clerk, prior to approval of final plat, an agreement and bond (or agreements and bonds) in amount determined by the agent and the City Engineet equal to the approximate total cost of such improvements with surety approved by the City Auditor and the City Attorney, guaranteeing'that the required improvements will be properly and satisfactorily installed within a desig- nated reasonable length of time, not to exceed two years; provided, however, that in lieu of such bond such subdivider may place with the City in escrow such security as may be approved by the City Auditor and the City Attorney upon the same condition D. Upon satisfactory completion of installation of the required imlorovements the ad~ainistrative officers charged with the responsibility for each of the various types of i~.~prove?~ents shall issue certificates of approval therefor to the subdi- vider, or his agent, and such certificates shall operate as evidence for the release of the above required agreement and bond (or agreen~ents and bonds) or security placed in escrow in lieu thereof, furnished for the guarantee of satisfactory in- stallation of such improvements. Section XI. Separability of P~ovisions. If any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this ordinance shall, for any reason, be adjudged by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of t~s ordinance, but shall be confined to its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph or part there- of directly involved in the controversy in which the judgment shall have been render ed. Section X!I. Penalties for Violations. Any owner or proprietor of any tract of land %','ho subdivides that tract of land and who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars and nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, and each day after the first, during which violation shall continue, shall constitute a separate violation. Section XIII. Proceedings to Prevent Violations. In case of any violation, or attempted violation, of the provisions of this ordinance, the governing body in addition to other remedies may institute any ap- propriate action or proceeding to prevent such violation, or attempted violation, to estrain, correct or abate such violation or attempted violation, or to prevent any act which would constitute such a violation. Section XIV. Appeals. A. Any person, or persons, jointly or severally aggrieved by any final lecision of the Planning Board may present to a court of record within the City, if the land be located wholly o~~, partly within the city, or the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, if the land be located wholly within the County, a petition, duly verifie~, setting forth that such decision is illegal in whole or in part, speci- fying the grounds of illegality. Such petition shall be presented to the court within t~irty days after the date of the final decision of ss. id Board. B. Upon the presentation of such petition, the court may allo~ a writ of certiorari directed to the Planning Board to review such decision of the Board and shall prescribe therein the time within which a return thereto must be made and served upon the land owner or his attorney, which shall not be less than ten days, ~nd may be extended by the Court. C. The Planning Board shall not be required to return the original papers ~cted upon by it, but it shall be sufficient to return certified or sworn copies hereof or of such portions thereof as may be called for by such writ. The return hall concisely set forth such other facts as may be pertinent and material to show ~he grounds of thg decision appealed from and shall be verified. D. If, upon the hearing, it shall appear to the court that testimony be ~ecessary for the proper disposition of the matter, it may take evidence or appoint commissioner to take such evidence as it may direct and report the same to the curt with his findings of fact and conclusions of law, which will constitute a part ~f the decision upon which a determination of the Court may be made. The court may ~ffirm or reverse, wholly or partly, or may modify 'the decision brought uo for 'eview. E. Costs shall not be allowed against the Board, unless it shall appear to the court that it acted with gross negligence or in bad faith or with malice in making the decision appeared from. Section XV. Ail ordinances, or parts of ordinances, of the City of Roanoke in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. 1_80 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, within five days after this ordinance becomes effective, the City Clerk shall have certified copies thereof lawfully served on the Commonwealth Attorney for Roanoke County, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of said County, the Town Attorney for the Town of Salem and the ~ayor of said Town, and upon the Town Attorney for the Tovn~ of Vinton and the ~.~ayor of said Town, which service shall constitute notice of the governing bodies of such County and Towns of the adoption of the regulations contained in this ordinance and a request of such governing bodies to review and approve or disap- prove such regulations pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 23 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia. Further, the City Olerk shall, within five days after this ordinance becomes affective, file a certified copy thereof with the Planning Board, the Director of Public Works, the City Engineer, the Clerk of the ~J_ustings Court for the City of Roanoke, the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the cbunty of Roanoke, the Town Clerk of Salem and the Town Clerk of v,-inton. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: . /,/ President IN THE COUNCIL FOR TItE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of March, 1950. No. 10455. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City },~anager, acting under authority of Sec- tion 79 of Chapter 34, "Traffic" of the Code of the City of Roanoke, for the h~etter regulation of traffic within the City, to designate Nottingham Road, S. E,, and tha~ portion of Yellow ~ountain Road, S. E., between 2~th Street and its ~intersection with Nottinghs~ Road, as one-way traffic streets, and declaring an emergency. V~HEREAS, it is deemed necessary in the interest of public safety that Nottingham Road, S. E., and that portion of Yellow Mountain Road, S. E., between 2~th Street and its intersection with Nottingham Road, be immediately designated as one-way traffic streets, and an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to Section 79, of Chapter 34 "Traffic" of the Code of the City of Roanoke, to designate Nottingham Road, S. E., and that portion of Yellow ~ountain Road, S. E., between 2~th Street and its intersection with Nottingham Road, as one-way traffic streets, and to so regulate and control the vehicular traffic thereon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIlkTIA, The 21st day of 1;arch, 1950. No. 10~56. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City 14anager to take necessary steps, including acquisition of land by purchase or donation, toward widening, relocating and improving Yellow Mountain Road, S. E., from its intersection with Notting~ham Road, to Garden City Boulevard, insofar as present appropriations will permit, and providing for an emergency. VfHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to take necessary steps, including acquisition of land by purchase or donation, toward widening, relocating and improving Yellow Hountain Road, S. E., from its intersection with Nottingham Road, to Garden City Boulevard, insofar as present appropriations will permit. BE IT FUR%WJER 0RDAIMED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~]TiE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of ~arch, 1950. No. 10~57. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Chapter 52, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Pensions. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Chapter 52, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Pensions, be and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Sec. 1. Classes of members of police and fire departments. Any member of the police and fire departments may make application to be retired and pensioned under the provisions of this chapter, provided his case comes under either of the following classifications: Class A: Shall include every member of the police and fire department in the service of the city for five years or more and who by reason of physical and mental infirmity or old age is incapable of rendering efficient service. Class.B: Shall include every member of the police and fire departments in the service of the city for at least twenty-five years. Class C: Shall include every member of the police and fire departments Who has reached the age of sixty-five years. Retirement at the age of sixty-six years shall be compulsory. Glass D. Shall include every member of the police and fire departments who shall be totally incapacitated through injuries received in the actual performance '181 ~EPEALED Oate.. ~"' '~ '-" iof his duty, regardless of the length of his service; provided, however, that in the 'event workmen's compensation is allowed, then such person shall not be eligible ~to pension under this chapter. Any member of the system who is totally and permanen~- 'iy disabled in the actual performance of duty shall receive the maximum retirement i!benefits. In computing the time of service under this chapter any member of the police iiand fire departments, who was absent or on leave in the military service of the United States Government during a period of national emergency, shall be entitled to service credit for all service rendered as an employee of the city, whether continuous or not, including the time of such absence, in computing the length of his term of service. The pension board hereinafter provided for is authorized and it shall be its '~!duty to place any person on the list to be known as the "pension list" and pay him ia pension as hereinafter provided, subject to the exceptions and restrictions provid. ied in this chapter; and a careful record of the persons pensioned shall be kept iby said board. c. i:Se 2. Certification of mental or physical disability. No applicant under Class "A" shall be pensioned until and unless his mental )!or physicial disability is shown by evidence satisfactory to the pension board iand said board may order a special medical examination by the city physician. iSec. 3. Manner of raising funds. In order to provide a fund for the payment of the pensions hereinafter provided for there shall be deducted from the compensation of every member of the Ipolice and fire departments, and be retained by the city for said purposes, two per centum of the amount of such compensation during the first twenty-five years of service, and three per centum thereafter, said amount to be deducted at each pay-day period, whether monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. To the amount of said deduction shall be added such sum or sums as council shall appropriate in any year to meet the requirements of this chapter. Sec. 4. Persons leaving service voluntarily; dismissal. Any member of the police and fire departments voluntarily leaving the service of the city, or who shall be involuntarily relieved of service shall not be entitled to receive the benefit of the provisions herein made, nor shall he be entitled to receive or recover from the city the deductions from his compensation heretofore made by the city pursuant to the provision of section three of this chapter, but all such deductions shall be retained by the city for the benefit of the pension fund provided for in said section. Sec. 5. Amount of pensions. Every person placed on the "pension list" as provided for in section one of this chapter shall be entitled to receive an annual pension equal to two per centum of his average annual compensation computed for five years last past, multi- plied by the number of years such person has been in service, so long as he shall remain on the "Pension list" herein provided for, the amount thereof to be paid him in equal monthly installments; provided, however, that no pension shall be less than fifty dollars per month, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars per month. Sec. 6. Widows. Upon the death of a member of the police or fire departments, either active ~or retired, the widow of such member shall receive an annual pension equal to one- half of the amount of the pension the member received, or would have received, so long as she remains his widow; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to widows of deceased pensioners who were married after having been placed upon the pension list. The provisions of this section shall apply to the widows of deceased mem- bers of the police and fire departments whose death occurred since January 1, 1930. Sec. 7. Continuance of disability pensions. Any person placed on the pension list as herein provided under Class "A" and "D" of section one shall receive a pension only so long as his mental or physica disability continues to exist, and he may have his name removed from said list at hi o~:~Jn request at any time or the pension board may at any time, and shall at intervals not exceeding three years, require a new examination of any person receiving a pen- sion under Class "A" as aforesaid to determine whether the said person is still incapable of rendering efficient service by reason of his mental or physical infirmi' and if said board shall be of the opinion that the said disabilty no longer exists the said board shall remove the name of such person from the pension list, and such ~erson shall be restored to the same rights and privileges as be possessed at the ~ime he made application to be placed on the pension list. Nec. 8. Creation of pension board. A pension board is hereby created, consisting of the president of the counci: the city manager, the city auditor, one member from the police department snd one ~ember from the fire department, to be nominated by the respective departments and ~o be appointed by council, and shall have charge of the safe-keeping, investment ~nd administration of the pension fu~ud hereby created. The said board shall file ~ith the council annually at its first meeting in January of each year a report showing all funds received and disbursed on account of said fund, and such other information with respect to said fund as the Council may require. Eec. 9. Applicability of provisions. The provisions of this chapter shall apply equally to those members of the ~ystem who are on active or inactive status. BE IT FURTHER 0RDA~,~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Drdinance shall be in effect as of and from April 1, 1950. APPROVED Clerk IN THE C01R~ICIL FOR ~{E CITY OF ROAN0k~E, VIRGI~IA, The 21st day of ~'/arch, 1950. No. 10~58. AR° Eo0LUTION authorizing the City ~,,Ianager to proceed with the preparation of plans for altsrations to the present Garden City School, when the same has been vacated, to provide for the use of the building as a fire station, branch library and community center. 184 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~ganager be, and he is hereby authorized to proceed with the preparation of plans for altera- tions to the present Garden City School, when the same has been vacated, to provide for the use of the building as a fire station, branch library and community center. APPROVED ATTEST: / President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, The 21st day of ~.~arch, 1950. VIRGINIA, No. 10&59. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City klanager to negotiate with l~,~r. ?:~oss A. Plunkett, Attorney, his clients, and others, relative to the donation of a strip park along Lick Run in the vicinity of the area between Tenth Street Extension and Hershberger Road, N. W., in return for the construction of a sanitary sewer trunk line and road by the city to serve the area. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City 1,~!anager be, and he is hereby authorized to negotiate with klr. ~oss A. Plunkett, Attorney, his clients, and others, relative to the donation of a strip park along Lick Run in the vicinity of the area between Tenth Street Extension and Hershberger Road, N. %~., in return for ~he construction of a sanitary sewer trunk line and road by the city to serve the area. A?PROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pr esident IN THE COU/~CIL FOR THE- CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 21st day of ~,~arch, 1950. No. 10461. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Non-Operating Expenses" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February~ 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an energency". BE IT 0RDA~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Non-Operating Expenses" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making ap- propriations from the ~;fater Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and de- claring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and ordained to read as follows: NON-OPERATING EXPE~SES Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) ...................... $209,572.00 From Revenue (1) Peakwood Drive Booster Puree ............. ,,j 650.00 Cathodic Protection Carroll Avenue Standpipe and Hollins Tank ......... $,&00.00 Filter Pl~t . . 406.00 BE IT ~%~ER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI,TOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of 1,1arch, 1950. No. 10462. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper officials of the City of Roanoke, for and on behalf of the city, to execute a contract between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the 'Veterans Administration, a department of the Federal ~overnment, providing for use by the Veterans Administration of the services of the city's sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, under terms and conditions contained in said contract, for period from the date of the execution of the contract mntil the last day of the calendar year in which the last of the self-liquidating serial bonds issued by the city for the purpose of financing the construction of its sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers are paid, or would be payable except for anticipation, and providing ~or an emergenc] WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Rosnoke that the proper officials of the City of Roanoke be, and they are hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the city, to execute a contract between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the Veterans Administration, a department of the Federal Government, providing for use by the Veterans Administration of the services of the city's sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, under terms and conditions contained in said contract, for period from the date of the execu- tion of the contract until the last day of the calendar year in which the last of the self-liquidating serial bonds issued by the city for the purpose of financing the construction of its sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers are paid, or wo~ld be payable except for anticipation. BE IT FURTIIER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: · / ~ /.-'~"~ 18f IN THE C.0UNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of March, 1950. No. 10463. A RESOLUTION amending Sub-section (a) of Section 10, relating to Boating, of rules and regulations gOverning the recreational use of the Carvins Cove Area, as attached to and made a part of a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 12th day of April, 1948, No. 9462. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Sub-section (a) ~of Section 10, relating to Boating, of rules and regulations governing the recrea- itional use of the Carvins Cove Area, as attached to and made a part of a Resolution iadopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 12th day of April, 1948, No. .9462, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) The boating season shall be from January 1 through December 31, of each calendar year; provided, however, that boating will not be permitted when there is ice on the lake. LoZer APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of ~arch, 1950. No. 10464. A RESOLUTION of thanks and appreciation to the members of the Emergency Fuel Conservation Committee of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, for the excellent service rendered by the committee in the recent coal emergency. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that this body hereby extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to the members of the Emergency Fuel Conservation Committee for the excellent service rendered by the committee in the recent coal emergency, and in extending this vote of thanks, is confident it voices the sentiments of the citizens of Roanoke. APPROVED Clerk Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAt~OKE, ViRGif~IA, The 27th day of Ya'rch~ No. 10466. A RESOLUTION granting permission to the Roanoke Junior Chamber of Commerce to place posters on utility poles in connection with its "Get-Out-The-Vote" campaiEn provided t~.t the Junior Chamber of Commerce will be responsible for both placing the posters and removin~ same immediately after the termination of the campaign. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that permission be, and is hereby granted to the Roanoke Jtmior Chamber of Commerce to place posters on utility poles in connection with its "Get-Out-The-Vote" campaign, provided that the Junior Chamber of Commerce will be responsi~!e for both placing the posters and removinz same immediately nfter the termination of the campaign. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pre si dent IN THE COU~CIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day o~ ka:_'ch, 1950. No. 10467. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directin~ the Building Inspector, ?ursuant to the ?.rovisions of Ordinance No. 1016]., adopted on the 26th day of September, ~ er t~on and maintenance of awnings, marquee, s, sizns, , regulatinr ~he ~ '~ ' ' ~ _ etc. to grant a permit to ,the Jefferson Street Company, Incorporated, to replace with a new marqu~ the existin~ marquee in front of the Jefferson Theatre, ~13 Sou~h Jefferson Street, and ?rovidin2 for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is dec!~red to exist. THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Coun~i! of the City of Roanoke that the Buildin~ Inspector be, and he is authorized a~d directed, [cursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1016], ado[~ted on the 26th day of September, 194.9, regulating the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, signs, etc., to zrant a permit to the Jefferson Street Company, !ncor?orated, to re~lace wit~ a new ~:arquee the existing marquee fin front of the Jefferson Theatre, ~13 South Jefferson Street. BE IT FURT.~-{ER RESOLVED ~ha,. an emergency is declared to exist and this Reso]~ tion shall be i~ full force from its passage. ATTEST APPROVED Clerk Pre sid ant 18i 188 £P£ALEb IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of March, 1950. No. !0~>6~. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Attorney, or his Assistant, to appear in the interest of the City of Roamoke at the hearin~ to be held by the State Corporation Commission in Richmond at 10:00 o'clock, a. m., April 3, 1950, in connection with the application of the Roanoke Railway & Electric Company for autho~ ity to increase certain fares and charges on a number of its bus routes to and fro~ points outside of the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney or his Assistant, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to appear in the in- terest of the City of Roanoke at the hearinff to be held by the State Corporation Commission in Richmond at 10:00 o'clock, a. m., April 3, 1950, in connection with the application of the Roanoke Railway & Electric Company for authority to increase certain fares and charges on a number of its bus routes to and from points outside of the City of Roanoke. AF PROVED .~~/Z~_'/~-~-~ . . Pre s id. ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of March, 1950. No. 10469. AN ORD!NA~CE authorizin~ and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from James 0. Loving and Cleo P. Loving, his wife, the western 50 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Upson Addition Map, at a consideration of ~1,350.00 for the purpose of extenUinff Birchwood Street, N. E., to Lee Avenue, an providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of public safety, an emergency is declare:~ to e×ist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Cit of Roanoke, to purchase from James O. Loving and Cleo P. Loving, his wife, the western 50 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Upson Addition Map, at a consideration of ~ ~1,350~ for the purpose of extending Birchwood Street, N. E., to Lee Avenue. BE IT FURTHE~ ORDAI~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ~/ Clerk APPROVED Pre si dent IN THE cOUNCiL.. FOR T[!E Ct~v~= OF ROi!{OY~E, VIF. GI,'I1;i, The 2?tlh day of N',arch~ !9~0. No. 10470. A RESOLUTION awardinE contract for certain concessions at Carvins Cove for period~'rom April I, ].950, to December 3~, 195C, to C. B. Clemmer at ~0 per cent of ~ros~ business on entire sale~ of merchandise nt said ]_ocation. WHEREAS' ~ - , the City ~/~ana~er .... ~onsider~d the bid heretofore r~eived ~or certa~ concessions at Carvins Cove for period from April I, 1050, to December' 31, =~,~t~, has 5uly rmde his recommendztion to this Council, cad it appearing from said recom- menUatio~ and reyort that the bid of C. B. Clemmer at 10 per cent of ~rosz business on enti?e sales of ~erchandise ~t said location is acceptable. THERZFORE, B E IT ~E']OLVED by the Council of the City of Roanok'e, Virginia, as follows: Sectizn !. T~at the bid of C. B. Clencher for certain concessicns at Carvins Cove for period from !pril~, ~ ]oca~, to Deck-be~ . -, 31, 1950, at 10 per cent of zross business on entire sales of merchandise at said location, be, and is' hereby acoepted d~t~rm..ned ~nd declared to be the best bid therefor; and t~t a contract for the said concessions shall be forthwith executed. o ~ ~ ~e and he is hereby ~:~'~hori: oec~ion 2. That Arthur o. Owens, City ~{ana~er, ~ , ~ and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to execute the contract hereln provided for, subject to terms and conditions to be ~pproved by t~e said City ~/anager. ATTEST: ~' Clerk AP FR 0 VED Fres id ent IN THE ~OI!N~iL FOR THE ~' TY ' ~I OF RO~d'iOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2~h,,~. .day of March, 1950. No. 10~71. .~. RE~OLU?ION provi]in~ for the appointment of r:essrs. D..~. Etheridge, E. 8. ............... o [urpo~e of ~F:praisin~ eo~:r t '~'~t~' r land ~o be used fo~ k purpose:;, ,, ~ nga fa~ and reasonable i~'~-~ - ~,m.,~ therefor'. ~;~, IT RE'3OL~rED, by the Council of the City of Roanoke tha~ .kessi'u;. D. I'-. Trout and ....." ~eci~ ?~ ' be -' P · : ~.ora ~ ~rl..; the},' ar,, erchy appointad ~s viewers for the FUrpOSs of' s~praising the fo!lowin.F tracts of land '~._? be used for [:ark .nu-'vos'zs, ~ith a vie:.' of establishing a fair and re-~ ~'~n,~ble~ trice therefor: ,~: tract off ~o,~,~o,,,~ cont~z~nin~, approx~r,~,:.~-'"'~"~'- ~u.O' ~ ~ aha' ~ bein~ a northern portton_ of the l~nds haw o,,med by the '..'ia'~s~ Zctate, said F~'n~cl' being adjoined on the west; by the 1;~nds of Peter c' ~ufe the SoO,col Board of ,~oano~e .~ity and the ~cr,neste, , curt oubdivision; on thc no~ .... ,,~ by Flora- l ~nd and ~ ~ Te ~ ~ ~ ~-~.ound ~! !l _ r~ag~ Add~ tions; on the e~s ~ by Oakland Boulevard and i. nlivi~ur~~.~ lots, and on the south by +~,~,~ remaining lands of t~e Watts Sst. ate. 2. A tract of l-,n,-~ ~on'-t~ininZ s-, ',- '~,~u*ely !3,0 acres, ~.i..~o.~ o lyln~l at the north .......... reef, ,'~ashington Heine:ts, ~:nd e:.:... ~ ,.,est Side ~ ,~=~,, , an~,.~,..~er tract ~e~. 13.0 acres o,.~ned b y the Densmore Poultry F~rm,._. I'n~...o~...~r:,.~.ed, the Club View Cot-. ~r=t, ion' r:ro;:eFtv and thc d 190 21~.0 feet in width, A tract of land of ~ b~inninF on the east side of reters Cre~.{ at the Salem Turnpike and extending southward crossing Shenandoah Avenue to the Norfolk &, '~]estern Railway Company property. Crossing the pro?erty of Harry ltosenberg et ~1, E. E. Eng]eman and the F,~irview Cemetery ~ropcrty. Totaling in the three tracts appro×imately ~0.O acres. A tract of land, containin~ appromimately 22.0 acres, lyin~ south of Vinton Road, east of Wayland Street and west of Carvin Street in the Northeast ~ection, owned by t.h~ Tazewell ~(organ HeirS. Clerk APFROVED President IN THE COUN~3_(L FOR THE CITY OF .r~OAi~OKL, ViRGii~iA, The 27th day of F~arch,' 1950. No. 10672. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of Messrs. D. ~.i. Etheridge, E. B. Lemon, C. E. Layman, G. E. Trout ;sad C. Cec~l Flora as viewers for the purpose of appraising the eastern 50.0 feet of property located on the north side of Imlay Avenue, S. E., between GarUen City Boolevard and Ventnor Street, Official Tax I~o. 4400303, owned by Charles E. Staples, Jr., and Audrey C. Stai~les, to be used for street purposes. .leadin~ into the proposed new Garden City School property, with a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price therefor. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Messrs. D. Etherid~e, E. B Lemon, C E Layman, G. Trout anU C Cecil Flora be, and they are hereby appointed as v!e?~ers for the purpose of aDpraisJ, ng the eastern 50.0 feet ~ ~ ~ E. between Garden City of property located on the north s~de of Imlay /-~nue, ~. Boulew~rd and Ventnoror° ree~, Official Tax No. 4400303, owned by Charles E. StaFf!es Jr., and Audrey C. ?.ta[~les, to be used for street purposes leading into the pro['ose, new Garden City School property, ~.~itb a view of esteblishinz a fair and reasonable pri~e~ tberefo~. Pres 1,'~ e nt IN THE C©UNC!L FOR TUE CITY OF ROA[~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of ~isrch, 1950. No 10~ ?3 A RESOLUTION provid~n~_ .~ for the ~pFo~ntment of ~:'iessrs. D. .r~.'~·. £theridze,~ E. B. Lemon, C. E. Layman, O. E. Trout an~ C. Cecil Flora as viewer,s for the purpose of appraising all of Lot 3, Block 6, S. J. Jones Map of Radford Lands, located on the west side of Ventnor Street, $. E., between Imlay Avenue m~d Blanton Avenue, owned by Luther T. and Lena $. Proctor, to b~ used for street purposes leading into the pro?osed new Garden City 3chool property, ~ith a view of establishing a fair and reasonable price therefor· 191 are hereby u,~n(.:: ]"an. c? Radford Landc, lo~-*e,i cn th" '";'st rid~ ,~e Ye.ntt/os Jrt'ecu ~. with a vie',' of = ..... '' f': :oo-~b.LZshin?_ a . ,~ir and r~s:::}n2b]e z-.r '~_ce ther'.~foP. No. lOC7;+. ,, ~x..~.:..n FFovidin~ far' t'~- s ..... ~'~ ~'- .... n~ _, Coci I r~ ..... 5o ~¢ f aFi'Z'a~zlnZ.. ~e~, sc.'c:therr~ ]~.0. fe,.~'~. ~.;o .... T~.,. ~x., Plsck.. 5, lVOuntiin View. nci?,ts, ;md the. ...... :a.. r,,o ~0~ lo .... fed ~n n~.~nern 33 0 feet cf""" · ~o ~ , u,, ~, side "~ Vents ~:'ect, S E ~ beL,,¥een ~?~n-~ ~venue =nd imlay Avenue~ owned by George~:'~ ~n6 F:a.r~ K ,hompson, to be u~ed '~ ..... ~c--~ ,u .... pu' :,.,: .. :~inZ iht~ ~,h~ c, seJ r,e~ .,::eaCh ,.,~ty ~chocl y,r'obeFty, .......... :. " ~:' I o,,m~n g. ~ ...... an ~'c05 ~ P }oru~ L:,e, :~nd they are hereby aFt-:ointed as v:cv, ers ~, ~ urf,o.:~ ~.~ ....... ,, the c:utt~ern q~.O f~et :oe Lot 6, Jloek .,~q l"nuritnzn. Yiew Hei.~hts~ , and th~ nnr'tnern p] .... ~ ,.,~ i::;,: i',c,. e~>"~ w; _~.s,c:_:t~ed on thc .... '- giJ~ f :" [?eta:eon .............. and ?ary' ~urTo3es le':.i~n¢ into t..~ ,.~. . . ~ r"'n~o:~ed new S.'~rieri fifty School ' .... ,~,::rt.~ Et~' a v~s' cf , , , C . E D q,o. ]0 75. non.: reenact °,n 4 n //1~, ._, ty ,, .... , :,: . ]999~" No. ~r~c~=~¢4~,¢ ?nd entitled~ ".-'in Ord!nnr!ee .......... r,.-', !¢ i ri ~. .... eFF:'oi:r~,.oi_,ns ~r~,,,. ..... Curl.st'02 in? "uecemhcr 3 2, .... , criJ Je~l'mfin? ~he c;:5.~'*encc of ?n crne::,gen~-," the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance ruskinS s[pro- priations from the General Fund of' the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning_. January 1, 1950, and endin? December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby a~.~ended and reordained to read as follows: CITY HALL ~12 Repairs ..... · 421. ?0 (]) 1" te Coole }171 70 . ',,~a r r. .... .........,.. · · Furniture ....................... 250.00 BE IT FURTHER OrtDAINED that an emergency is declarei to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEgT: / k. Clerk .~ ~resident IN TI!E COUNCI£ FOR THE CITY OF tiOINOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of }.'larch, 1950. No. 10476. AI~ ORDINANCE to repeal an Ordinance ado tea by the Council of the City of Roenoka~, Virginia, on th~ ]2th day of December, 1949, No. 1C'291, entitIed, "An Ordinance providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on Melrose Avenue, N. ~;., owned by Thomas D. Christian, Trustee, to be used for street widening purposes, and ~rovidinz~ for an emergency", and pro- riding for an emergency. ,HnR~Ao, _~hom~s D. CR~stian, Trustee, and the City of Roanoke have reached an affreement regardin~ the lands authorized to be condemned in the aforesaid ordina~ . (' ' "'" ~ has by deed dated December 15, ]91+9, conveyed and Thomas D ~hr:stian, ~ru~tee, , the said ]ands unto the City of .~oanoke, and "'~.~.~-tEN. EA$, it will be unnecessary to condemn said lands, and for the daily operation of the Fiunicipal Government an emergency is declared to exist· ' ~ BE iT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an THERzFOR~, Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 12th day of December, 19~9, No. 10291, entitled, "An Ordinance providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, 'irginia, situate on ?.:elrose Avenue, N. '~., owned by Thom. as D. Christian, Trustee, to be used for street widening purposes, and providir~.~ for an emergency,' be and the same is hereby repealed E IT FURTHER u.~D.:I~mD that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its Fassage. ~TEST: C1 erk ~'~_ P P R 0 V E D President e IN =ID' CoUNqIL FOR T~F;i "ITY O? ~o~.~ VIRGINIA, ............ :v, ~he ~ ~th ~ay of March~ 1950. No. 1O477. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Man.'~ger to place all necessary funds at the disposal of the ?ol.ice DeFartment of the City of Roanoke in tine ir~vesti~.tion of the murder of Alice lv!arie Tay!or~ in that this Council has full confidence in all investiratinm units qnd seeks only to support their efforts by making avui!nble fund to meet any costs that may develop. BE IT ~ESOLVED by 2he CountS. 1 of the City of i~oanoke that the City hanager be, and he is hereby authorized to place all. necessary funds at the di2sosal of the Police Department of the City of Roanoke in t~o investigation of the murder of Alice Marie Tay!cr, fn +~ .~. ~his Coun,.il has ~ confidence in all investigating units an~ seeks only to sup!-ort t heir efforts by making available funds to meet any costs that may develop. ~m'T'WnT: '1 C, xer~ APPROVED Pres~c'ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF RO~$OKE, VIRG:i~IA, The 3rd day of April, 1950. No. 10460. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the south side of Winchester Avenue, S. W., west of Eleventh Street, described as Lot 6, Section 10, Wasena Corporation, by the City of Roanoke to J. B. Gregory, at a consideration of ..$~50.00 net cash to the city, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the. consideration. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to J. B. Gregory of property located on the south side of ~iinchester Avenue, S. W., west of Eleventh Street, described as Lot 6, Section 10, Wasena Corporation, at a consideration of ~450.OO net cash to the city. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper city o£ficers be, and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the city, to execute and teliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with General Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomsoev~ he may direct in writing, delivery thereof, however, not to be made until said net cash consideration has been paid in full. _ ..3.,C)e'k--lerk - { APPROVED Pr/esident 1_9A _94 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 3rd day of April, 1950. No. 10465. AN ORDINANCE providing for the conveyance of 3.387 acres of land by the City of Roanoke to the Commonwealth of Virginia, at a consideration of $1.00, for use in connection with the extension and development of' the Blue Ridge Parkway. BE IT ORDAI£qED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that conveyance be mad~ by the City to the Commonwealth of Virginia of 3.387 acres of land, at a considera- tion of ,~1.OO, for use in connection with the extension and development of the Blue Ridge Parkway, said tract of land being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Moreland Street (formerly kaple Road) 428.0 feet, more or l~ess, south of Yellow Mountain Road; thence still with Moreland Street S. 19© 51' 15" W. 432.2 feet to a point; thence S. 59° 53' 43" E. 101.3 feet to a point; thence S. 8?o 03' 15" E. 317.0 feet to a point; thence N. 2© 58' 45" E. 377.87 feet; thence N. 70o ~9' 45" W. 292.81 feet to the place of BEGINhING, containing 3.387 acres, and being a southern portion of the property conveyed to the School Board of Roanoke. County by the konte Vista Corporation on November 12, ]-945, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Ros~oke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 329, page 73. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper City officers be, and they are hereb' authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a proper deed, upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying with Special Warranty of Title, said 3.387 acres of land to the Commonwealth of Virginia, for use in connection with the extension and development of the aforesaid project. / ATTEST :~ / Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~.NOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 3rd day of' April, 1950. No. 10478. AN ORDINAi~CE awarding contract for the construction of sewers to serve portions of the Oakdale Subdivision and a portion of the Airlee Court Subdivision, including approximately 7,300 lineal feet of sanitary sewer line and 1,500 lineal ~ m feet of storm drain, to Draper Construction ~o pany, Roanoke, Virginia, at a total cost of ~19,?08.00, appropriating the amount of ~19,708.O0 from the 1949 Annex Fund for sewer construction, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~fr. J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Audit Mr. H. C. Broyles, City Engineer, and I~r. Arthur S. Owens, City kanager, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore receiv for the construction of sewers to serve portions of the Oakdale SuOdivision and a portion of the Airlee Court Subdivision, including approximately 7,300 lineal feet of sanitary sewer line and 1,500 lineal feet of storm drain, and it appearing from said tabulation that the bid of Draper Construction Company, Roanoke, Virginia, is the lowest and best bid for this project in the total sum of ~19,708.OO, and WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government r, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Draper Co~struction Company~ Roanok. e, Virginia, for the construction oi' sewers to serve portions of the Oakdale Subdivision and a portion of the Airlee Court Subdivision, including approxir:ately 7,300 lineal feet of sanitary sewer line and 1,500 lineal feet of storm drain, in the total sum of · ~.19,708.00, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the said construction 'be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Iqanager, be, and he is hereby a uthoriz and directed, i'or and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here in provided for. Section 3. That -~19,70~.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 1949 Anne Fund for sewer construction. Section 4. That an emergency is declared to exist and this OrdJmance shall be in force from its passage.. ATTEST: ,, APPROVED Clerk President ii~ THE COUi~tJiL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAi~OKE, VIRGii~IA, The 3rd day of April, 1950. ~o. 10479. A RESOLUTiO~ authorizing and directing the City Auditor to draw warrant in the name of Shenandoah Valley, Incorporated, in the amount of ~500.O0, representing the advertising membership of the City of Roanoke for the year 1950, in connection with the advertising campaign for the Shenandoah Valley region. BE IT RE3OLVED by the Council of the City of' koanoke that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrant in the name of Shenan- doah Valley, Incorporated, representing the advertisingmembership of the City of Roanoke for the year 1950, in connection with the advertising campaign for the Shenandoah Valley rezion. ATTEST: /' Clerk APPROVED Pres id ent I£~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi,~iA, The 3rd day of April, 1950. No. 1C480. AN ORDii~2~CE to amend and reenact Section ~1, "City Council" of an Ordin- , ance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and endin~ December 31, 1950, and. declaring the existence of ar~ emerge~cy". 196 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section I/l, "City Council", of an Ordinance adoFted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year be- ginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY COUNCIL ~-1 Shenandoah Valley, Incorporated ......................... $500.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / Clerk Ii~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi£~IA, The 3rd day of April, 19 50. No. 10482. AN fRDiNANCE to amend and reenact "Non-Operating Expenses" and. "Appropria- tions from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declarin~ the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Non-Operating Expenses" and "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the ~ater Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January I, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NON-OPERATING EXPEI~ SES Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) ....................... $205,729.95 (1) 1 Desk ...................... $91.50 1 Chair ........... ' .......... 7~.75 1 File Cabinet .............. 72.25 1 Cabinet ................... 31.45 APPROPRIATIO[~S FROg'] REPIACE~ENT RESERVE (1) ................ 79,714.50 (1) Coal scales ................. $59~.50 BE IT FURTHER ORDAII~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAiiOKE, VIROlliiA, The 3rd day of April, 1950. No. 10483. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain street in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of koa~loke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP XI1 One 250 C. P. street light on Franklln Road, S. W., at the entrance to Franklin Hei.~hts Apartments. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Windsor Avenue aha Brandon Avenue, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of DuPont Circle and Windsor Avenue S. W. One 250 C. P. street li_~ht in the middle of the block on Wi~dsor Avenue, S. in the valley between Malcolm Street and kain Street· One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Derwe~t Drive and l',,alvern Road, One 250 C. P. street lirht at the corner of B'lalvern Road and Edgewood Street S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of l~orfolk Avenue and 10th Street, S. W., leading north across the bridge. GROUP XIiI One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block o~ lV'.elrose Avenue, between 12th Street and 13th Street· One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Court Street and Valley View Aver~ue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Cumberland Street and Valley View Avenue, N. b'. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Oakland Boulevard and Valley View Avenue, N. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Yardley Drive and ,~i].liamson Road, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner o~' Liberty Road a~d Courtland .&venue, N. ,'t. One 250 C. P. street lmgho at the corner of Carver Avenue and Burrell Street N. W. One 250 C. P. street li~ht on Burrell Str_et,' ~ N. /~., at the i~,'ashin~ton~. Park gat e. One 250 C. P. street liEht at the corner of Dupree Street and ]Vhitten Avenue N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Dupree Street and Paul Avenue, One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Dow~ing Street. arid Whitten Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street ].ight at the cor~er of Do~ia~ Street and Paul Avenue, N.W. - One 250 C. P. street at the coraer of Dunbar Street and ],~hitl, en Avenue, One 250 C. P. street light at south dead end of Dunbar Street, N. W., near house No. ].615. GROU1~ XIV One 250 C. P. street light at the corner o~' Fieldale Road and Fairfield Drive, ~. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of ~:ississippi Avenue, ~. E., and alley on north side, between Ridgefield Street and iicliins Road. GROUP XV One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on i~orfolk Avenue, S. E., between Jefferson Street and First Street. One 250 C. P. street li~_bt in the middle of the block on First Street, S. ['. between Norfolk Avenue and S~lem Avenue. One 2 50 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on 3½ Street, S. E., between Elm Avenue and Mountain Avenue. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of 8th Street and Mountain Avenue, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the angle on Morningside Street, S. E., near house l~o. 1124. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Laurel Street and Arbor Avenue, One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Ventnor Road, S. E., and entran. to Sult Property. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Victory Road and Snead Road, S. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of ~oran Street and Mabry Avenue, S. E. One 250 C. Y. street light at the corner of l~oran Street and Hillview Avenue $. E. One 2 50 C. P. street light at the corner of l~ew Spring Branch ~.oad and Yellow Mountain Road, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the tot3 of the hill on Ray Road, S. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the top of the hill on Ethel Road, S. E.. One 250 C. P. street light at the top of the hill on Tipton Road, S. E. GROUP XVI One 21000 Lumens Mercury Light on the north side of Elm Avenue between Jefferson Street and south bound First Street. One 21000 Lumens ~]ercury Light on the north side of Elm Avenue between First Street south bound and Firs-t Street north bound. One 21000 Lumens lqercury Lizht on the south side of Bullitt Avenue between Jefferson Street and the present light east of Jefferson Street. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. ATTEST: APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~rd day of April, 1950. £io. 10484. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Clerk to release Sewer ~.ssessment amounting to ,~14.48, with interest from October 1, 1932, assessed against Lot 16, Block 23, Rugby, in the name of the Rugby Land Corporation. WHEREAS, during the year 1931, a sewer was constructed to accommodate pro- perty described as Lot 16, Block 23, Rugby, and an assessment amounting to levied against the said property in the name of the Rugby Land Corporation, and WHEREAS, the property in question did not stand in the name oi' the Rugby Land Corporation at the time the assessment was levied, said property having been conveyed to G. V. I~ianning by deed dated January 1, 1920, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County on September ~, 1921. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cil Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and Jirected to release Sewer Assessment amora "~ with. interest from October 1, 1932, assessed agaiast Lot 16~ ~lock 23 ing to ~.i~1~.~, Rugby, in the name oY the i~ugby Land Corporation. ATTSST: Olerk APYROVED President II~ THE CObNCiL FOR THE CiTY O F ROANOKE, ViRGi2IA, The 6th day of April, 1950. No. AI~ ORDInAi~CE authorizin~ and directin~ the City kana~er to take necessary steps, includin6 acquisition of land by purchase or donation, toward wideniug, re- locatin~ and improving Yellow l~iountain Road, S. E.~ from its intersection with Nottingham Road to Garden City Boulevard., and Garden 3ity Boulevard, S. E., from its intersection with Yellow i~.!ountain Road to the south corporate limits, insofar as present appropriations will permit; repealing Ordinance i~o. 10456, ado~_.ted on the 21st day of ~..'arch, 1950; and providin~ for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THER:£FORE, BE iT ORDAi[qED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to take necessary steps, in- cluding acquisition of land by purchase or donation, toward widening, relocating and improving Yellow Mountain Road, S. E., from its intersection with l~ottingham Road to Garden City Boulevard, and Garden City Boulevard, S. E., ~'rom its intersec- tion wit~ Yellow kountain Road to the south corporate limits, insofar as present appropriations will permit. BE ~T FURT~IER O~D.~ii~ED that Ordinance No. 10~56, adopted on t he 21st day of ~(arch~ 1950, be, and the same is hereby rer..ealed. BE IT FURTWER ORDAI£]ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance sitall be in force from its passage. ^TTEST: C!e rk APPROVED Pre sident IN THE COU?~C1L FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiiqiA, The 10th day of April, 1950. No. 10481. AN ORDli{ANCE authorizing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to enter into a reciprocal contract with Williamson Road Water Co., inc., and, in his discretion, with other independent ~mter companies doing business in the City to sell or purchase water, during emergencies, for a period not to exceed twelv months from the effective date of this ordinance, at ten cents per one thousand gallons. BE IT ORDAINED' by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City kanager be, and he is hereby, authorized, for anm on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to enter into a reciprocal contract with Williamson Road Water Co., Inc., and, in his discre- tion, with other independent water companies doing business in the City to sell or purchase water, durinz emergencies, for a period not to exceed twelve months from the effective date of this ordinance, at ten cents per one thousand gallons. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / Cle rk Pres ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGiNIA, The 10th day of April, 1950. No. 10486. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Manager of the Water Department to extend the 12-inch water main in Brambleton Avenue, S. ,~., from Ross Lane to SewaI Lane, a distance of approximately 800 feet, the construction to proceed as soon as possible and the entire cost of the project to be borne by the City. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Manager of the Water Department be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to extend the 12-inch water main in Brambleton Avenue, S. W., from Ross Lane to Sewall Lane, a distance of approximately ~00 feet, the construction to proceed as soon as possible and the entire cost of the project to be borne by the City. APPROVED ATTEST :.? ~ Clerk Pres ident Ii~ THE COU['{CiL FOR THE CiTY OF }%OSS.i©i'[E, ViRGi~{±A, The lOth day of April, 1950. ilo. 10487. A R~oOLUTIO~ authorizin~ M. S. Hudgins to i~stall, at his expense, a six inch main be~.innins at a point in Robin Hood Road, near Lot 9, Section "D" Sherwood Forest, thence under and alon~ a new street (dedicated by the said ~. S. Hudgins as shown on a plat ?repared by C. B. }~(alcolm ~ Son, dated }larch 10, 1950, ap[~roved by the City Engineer and the Chairman of the Roanoke City Plannin~ Board. on t'~iarch 22, 1950) in a northeasterly direction to Mack-Chick Road, thence alo~ kack-Chick Road in an easterly and northerly direction a distance of approximately 720 feet, at which point said main shall oe reduced to four inches and continue in a northerly direction alo~z l, ack-Chick Road a distance of approximately 360 feet, in all a distance of approximately 1080 feet; provided that all materials used and the manner of installation Ne in accordance with the specifications of the ,later Department and that title to said line shall immediately vest in the City of Ro~moke, and provided further that immediately upon completion thereof a statement of costs be filed with the Water Department and, upon approval thereof, that the seine be retained as a basi for proper refunds pursuant to the rules and regulations of the said Water Departmen and providinff for an emergency. ,IHmRE~o, for the immediate preservation of the puOlic health, an emergency exists. THE'~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that M. S. Hud~_ins be, .and he is hereby, authorized to install, et his expense, a six inch main be?innin? at a point in Robin Hood Road, near Lot 9, Section "D" Sherwood Forest, thence under and a!on~ a new street (dedicated by the said 1,!. S. Hudgins as shown on a plat prepared, by C. B. }:lalcolm & Son, dated karch 10, ].950, approved by the City Engineer and the Chariman of the Roanoke City Plsnnin? Board on fdarch 22, 1950) in a northeasterly direction to lv.ack-Chmck Road, thence along kack-Cnick koad in an easterly arid nortber!y direction a distance of approximately 720 feet, at whic] }oint said main shall be reduced to four inches and continue in a northerly directio~ ~lon~ t',ack-Chick Road a distance of approximately 360 feet, in all a distance of approximately 1080 feet; provided t~t all materials used and the manner of installa. tion be in accordance with the specifications of the /later Department and that title to said line shall immediately vest in the City of Roanoke, and provided further ths~ immediately upon completion thereof a statement of costs be filed with the ~,?ater Department and, upon approval thereof, that the same be retained as a 'Oasis for prop~ refun.ds pursuant to the rules and regulations of tae said '~Iater De.rartment. BE IT FLE.'~TitER R2SOLVED that, by proceeding [:ursuant to the authorization of this r~solution, the said }.(. o Hudgins a~rees to all o~ the provisions hereof BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emersency existing, this resolution shall be in force from its passage APPROVED ~TTEST: Clerk Pre 202 I£~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE C1TY OF RO.a~'~OK~., V~R,.~I~IA, The 10th day of April, 1950. No. 10488. AN ORDINANCE to sm~end and reenact Section ~740, "Police Department" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of }oanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and endinE December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" BE IT ORDAI~qED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section "Police Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2gth day of December, 1949, ~'~o. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and endin% December 31, 1950, and declarin~ the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: POLICE DEPARTLENT ~0 Furniture and Equipment (1) .......................... ~24,086.10 (1) 1 Sound Recorder ............... $325.00 Traffic Sisnal at Addison High School .................... 125.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAI~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / Cle rk President I£q THE COUi{CiL FOR T~E CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGi~{IA, The 10th'day of April, 1950. IWo. 10~+89. AN ORDI?~Ai~:CE to .amend and reordain section 25, relating to pedestrians, of Chapter 3~. "Traffic" of the Code of the City of Roa~loke; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, an emergency. exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sectio~ 25, relatin~ to pedestrians, of Chapter 37+ "Traffic" of the Code of the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby, amended and reordained to read as follows: SECTiOi~ 25. PEDESTRIAi~S. (a) When crossinz highways or streets, pedestrians shall not carelessly or maliciously interfere with the orderly passage of v ehicles ai~d shall cross wherever possible, only at intersections or crosswalks Pedestrians in crossing any street . at intersection with another street s ball at all times have the right of way over vehicles makin~ right torns in~o streets being crossed by such pedestrians. (b) At such intersection where no traffic officer is on duty, pedestrians (c) This shall not entitle the pedestrian to enter or cross the intersection ~ ~ but shall be ~nterpreted to require vehicles to refferd!ess of approach_n_ traffic, change their course, slow dowm, or come to a complete stop if necessary to permit pedestrians to safe].y and expeditiously negotiate the crosszug. (d) Pedestrians si~all cross only at ri?ht naples, and shal} not cross high- ways dia_~onally; nor, except to board a bus, or to enter a safety zone at right ansles, shall they step into that ~ortion of the highway open to mov~n~ traffic at any point between intersections where their presence would be Obscured from the vision of appro~chinz drivers by a vehicle or other obstruction at the curb or side. (~)~ ?(hen actually board~n~ ~ or ali~htin~.~ from a~ bus, pedestrians shallb~ve the rizht o'f way over vehicles, but shall not, in order to board or all,at from busses, step ' ~ ~ zn~o the street sooner, nor remain there lonffer, than is absolutely necessary to do so. (f) Pedestriens shall not use the highways, other than the sidewalks thereof for travel, except when ob]ized to do so by the absence of sidewalk, reasonable, suitable and passeble for ti~eir use, in which case they shall kecy. as near as rea- sonably possible to the extreme left side or edge of same. (g) No person shall play on a highway, other than upon the sidewalk, or use in play thereon roller skates, coasters or ~y simllar vehlcle or toy or other artic on wheels or runners, exceptin~ bicycles, tricycles sad motorcycles, except in such are?~s es may be expecially designated for tn,~t purpose by the city manazer. (h) £4o jerk' son shall steal or attempt to steal ~ ride upon any vehicle and no ~erson shall ride upon the rear of eny vehicle without the consent of the person in charge. No person shall hitch on to or climb upon any vehicle which is in motion through or upon any street with or vd_thout the consent of the driver or person in coati'el of such vehicle, and no ~erson when ridinE shall allow any part of the body to protrude beyond the limits of the vehicles. (i) Pedestrians on sidewalks shall keep to the r!~ht, and when stoppin~ ~ or entrance to a buildinz. Ail Fersom' should, not obstruct the sidewalks, cross._,,:o~ ~re forbidden to conqre~ate on the street corners so as to interfere with ?edestrian: (j) Any person convicted of violating any of the provisic;~ts o ,~ h e fined one dollar for each separate o.ffease. ,BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existinz, this ordi~:ance shall be in ful] force and effect from its passage. Cle rk AP P ROVED~ President e 204 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA2OKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of April, 1950. No. 10490. A RESOLUTION concurring in the reconm~endation of the City ~ianager for the purchase of two Special Police Ford automobiles at a price of ~1,730.00 each, FOB Roand: e, Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the recommendation of' the City P~anager for the purchase of two Special Police Ford automobiles at a price of ~1,730.00 each, FOB .Roanoke, Virginia, be, and is hereby concurred in. A. P F' R 0 V E D ATTEST President IN THE COUNCIL FOR . ~. . ~NE ~iTY OF ROANOKE., VIRGi[~IA, The 10th day of April, 1950. No. 10~91. A RE$OLUTIO[~ authorizing the City Manager to expend ~1,500.00 for re-surfac- ing of tennis courts a~d repairing fences at ~ashin2ton Park from the funds original allocated for repair of the Gregory Street School under Section j!lO0, "Recreation De?artment", of the 1950 Bud_~t~ ~ . BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of iioanoke that the City Ysnager be, anO he is hereby authorized to expend ($~,500.O0 for re-surfacing of tennis courts and repairing fences at Washington Park from the funds originally allocated for repair of t~e Gregory Street School under Section ,~100, "Recreation Department", of the 1950 Budget. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIP~IA, The 10th day of April, ]-950. No.10493. A RESOLUTION .authorizing and direct, in~ the City i~:ana~er to make an offer to Riss Louise P. Lee for the use o±' forty-eight square f'eet of floor space in the Administration Buildin~ at the I'.:unicipsl AirFort~ _{'or tine term of one year, to be used for the display, sale and store, se of gif'ts, favors, trinkets and similar mer- chandise, on a rental basis equivalent to ten per centum (10~) of gross sales.. ly ~:u~'~;~,~ Fiss Louise P Lee bec- offered to lease forty-eizht square feet of floor sa?ce in the .~'~dministratio:~ Building at the ~.unicipal ,'tir~ort to be used for t disr~lsy, sale and storace of gifts, favors, trini:ets and similar merchandise, on a rental basis of '~ ,po.O0 per month, yayable in advance, which offer was recomr~ended to be acce[te~ by the Airport 1v'~n~or ,~n5 concurr'ed in by the City Nana~er, and ~.,H~.t~'°~Po, ~ Council is not 'azreeab].e_. ~o~. anFroving, the execution of such a lease . _ '~ ~ "g~ a nd he is hereby, author- THEIEFO[{:, BE iT RE~OLVED that the ~]~ty i.~n ..... r be, forty-eight square feet of floor si:ace in the Administrati~n Building at the Nunic~ pal Airport for tbs ter~ of one year, to be used for the disp].sy, sale and storage of ~ifts~ favors~ trina<ets end similar merchandise, on a rental basis equivalent to ten per ~._n.:m~ ~ (10(). of gross s~les,~ to be paid on o~ before the tenth day of each month for the ~recedin= month Cle rk ~ P P i 0 V E D President le IN THE COIJNCIL FOR T}!S CiTY OF RO>i,!O~iE, The 10th da}r of April, 1250. 10494. AN O.tDIi~Ai'~-CE authorizin6 the expenditure from the General Fund of the City of Ro~moke sums not to exceed a total of ,~lOO,CO0.O0 to apFly on the costs of acquit in~ easements~ riThts-of-way and other necessary expenditures in connection with the proposed seware treatment f:lant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers; ?rovidins that said sums of money' be refunded to said Fund from the proceeds received from the first ss!e of bonds authorized by a majority of the qualified voters st an election held on August 9, -~ ; and declarinz an e~ergency. ~"~[{E~/'~S, nursu.~nt to Ordin'~nce No. 10053, ado]cted by this Council on the 2~h day of June, 3o~9, directin~ and prov:d_..ng for the hold~l~ of an election in the City of I[oanoke to determine whether the iua].ified voters of said City would an~v~~.._. ~ Ordinance No. 100~2,. adoFted June 2' ,~ 19'~9, en~it!ed~ "An Ortinance to pro- vide for the issue of bonds of the City of' :o~ano:e,' Virginia~_ in a sun: no~- Four l','i].liou, Fift: Thousand Dollars p~+,OSO,OO0.O0) to defray the costs of permanerr ::ublic i::,:rovement:~, to-wit: acquisition of sites, e::sements and ri:hts-of-way for, nd the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage aol].ec2in: intercef%or sewers", a r?,~..;ori, ty of the qualified voters votin: at said election voted -[n favor o said Ordinance No lOC:2 and ,~HzR:.,to~" ~,o, it is the ?urpose of this. Council to honor the mandate of said qualified voters by issuing, and offering for sala, self-liquidating Oonds of the City of Roano~ e in an amount not to exceed Four l,.illion, l iffy T:ousand Dollars (~,050,O00.O0) for the purNose of obtainin: funds to pay for said Fermanent public · mFrovement, and 20e WHEREAS, in order to provide for the immediate preservation of the [::ublic health and. for the ~ ~ ._ uo ~=1 doily operation of the En~ineerine Department o~ the City, an emery=ney is declared to e~:ist TH~R'~ ~-~FOR~W, BE._ IT ORDAi~,~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke: 1. That sums not to exceed a total of ~100,000.00 be, and the same are here- by, authorized to be expended from the General Fund of the City to apply on the costs of acquirinE easements, rights-of-way and other necessary expenditures in connection wit~ the proposed sewage treatment }~lant and sewage collectin~ intercep- tor sewers, and. 2. That said sums of money, not to exceed a total of ~100,000.00, be refund~ to the General Fund immediately upon receipt of the proceeds from the first sale of bonds authorized by a ma.iority of the 3ualified voters votin~ at .an election held on August 9, 19~9 to defray the costs of said. sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers. BE IT FURTHER ORD.,~Ii~ED that, an emergency existing, t~.is ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTESt: ~ Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF R. OAi~OKE, VIRGI['qlA, The 10th day of April, 1950. No. 10495. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directin_~ the ~rsnting of a certificate of public convenience and necessity to James C. Caldwell, trading as Caldwell's Cab, for the operation of a maximum of two taxicabs, pursuant to the provisions of Chapte 33 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, as amended. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter} 3 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, as amended, James C. Caldwe].l has made ap?].ication for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate taxicabs on tlhe streets of the City of Roanoke, and has supplied the City }lana~er with requisite information pursuant t o the provisions of such chapter and duly notified interested parties that sucn applica tion would be made on the hth day of April, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., before the City Manager in the Co~{ncil Ch~mber of the }.'~.unicip:~l Building, and WHEREAS, agreeable to said apF. lication, the City i'..mnager has submitted writt report to the Council of the City of Roanoke recon~e~ding that James C. Caldwell, tradin~ as Caldwell's Cab, be sra:~ted a certificate of ~ublic convenience and necess for the operation of two taxicabs witt~in the City of ~oanoke; and 'dHEREAS, it is the sense of the Council of the City of Roanoke that a certif cate of ?ublic convenience and necessity should be granted to James C. Caldwetl, tradin~ ~s Cladwell's Cab, for the operation of two ta~.icabs, and to that end an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. n Lty THER2,~FOkE, bl] mT RL~3OLVED by the Council or the C2ty of Koanoke that, a certific~te of' Fublic convenience ant! necessity be granted to James C. Caidwell, trading as Caldwell's Cab~ by the City f~.anu.~er, for the oF, eration of t.'~o taxicabs, provided the said James C. CalOwell comp]ies .~ith all of the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Code of the City of koanoke~ ~s amended, and other applicable laws and ordinances. ~!i iT FUliTHZR RESOLVED that, an emer?ency existinr, this resolution shall be force from its n~ssa?e. ATTE2T: k. CI_, ~, rk A F Y R 0 V President The loth d:~y of April~ 1910. No. 10496. ~l,~ 0 {s._~.~.A~.,iCm to amend aha r~or~.-.,in oection 2 r~!atinff to certJ, iicaoe of lnsurance~ and section 16 relatin~ to fi~ed or stationary awnings~ of 0rdl~lance 10161~ passed on the 26th day of ~e[~tember, 19~9~ re ?~l~t ins the erectlen and main- tenance of 8v,7~inms~ marouees, si~ns~ etc.; ;lNd providin? ['OF ~n emergency. "q for the imr;~ediate ~. ,.o UHER];-~; , ~'.r~ervation of the i ublic health and s~rety, an em.ardency e~:ist s. m~H~[~ol{,~, ~¥~ ~:'~¥~"~;' :3E IT OIDAINED by the Council of the City of. Roanoke tP;at Section 2 r~l~ing to certificate of insuronce, and oection 16 - r~,~.,inT to fixed or station- ary awnings, cf Ordinance No. ].0161, passed on the 20tn ~ay~ of September, 1%'~+.O, regul.?ting the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, siena, stc. be, and the same ', ~ hereb~, ~mended and reord.sd ~r~. . n~._: so ns to read as follows; Section 2. CEETIFICLTE ~ The City ~na~cr i% hereby ?..uthorized a~d directed t o take out e blanket ~ub~i- ...... ]iabi~it~. insuranc~.~ policy, or rolicies, insurino' the O.~.~ .... ~.~,ot'.~'.~.~ lms' bility ~.esu!tin? from the erectio~, construction, e~ist, ence, maintem~nce, ins~?ection ~nd re,oval of any ~i~n mnrouee, awning, street clock., ~ , ~ ~ street ~nermometer, hereafter ........... ~ in this section :~s a simn~ ever iny ?~'-u}}~ic, = ~![2ce or on any Fool or pent-- house, for ,Aa erection el' which a }'}crmit is rec:uired~ Fursuant to the ~revisions of this ordir~ance 3uch policy, or }:'oli~' .shall be of otandard form of li~bility i~surance w:th some company, or co~np{~nies, authorized by the tion Commissio~ of Vir=i~ia to trnnsa.~c~ such business in the State &:n~ si~al_l be linited to ]~25,O00 for one }~erson an~i }50,000 for two or more ?;ersons, tosother with pro~,~rt,~ ~ama coverage of jS~000; such }olicy~ oF ~.olicies, to o{~ payabls to the Cz,,y of No{:noke as its interests may ant. ear, the form thereof to b.e a[proved o0, the City ~0..ttor~ey. sve~ry F:ersor~ ~,[ylyi~r for a permit to erect a si~n over any [ublic stats or on ~ny roof or p~:nthouse sh~!i f'ir~t pay a fee of fifty cents to tn6 5uildin~ inspec for each ?nth ~err:it Frtnted in ord,~r to [artl,~ defrD~, ti~e e~.,~ense of' such ~ub].ic liability ~ nm~r~nce,_ . "h°~.~ ro~TM,~ o~ ~,~. ~ ~rmi~. {~hall reflect ~hat~ said s isn is covered tVIEN UEL! Date or 2O8 by said insurance only insofar As the City is concerned. Said fee shall be in ora ~n~nce Likewis e, addition to the permit fees requl, red by Section 4 of this '' © . when the annual inspection fee is paid for each such si~rt, pursuant to the ~rovisio~: of Section 6 hereof, an additional fee of fifty cents shall be collected by the Building Inspector to partly defray the continuin~ costs of such insur~ce. The copy of each such inspection certificate shall also reflect that said sign is covered by said insurance only insofar as the City is concerned. Certificates of insurarme taken out in accordance with the provisions of this section, prior to this amendment,~y be continued until their respective expiration dates, after which the provisions of this section shall be complied with Section 1~. FLIED ~. ~ ~ No fixed or stationary awninff sn,.ll extend' over .any [:ortion of sidewalk or other public space situated in the first fire zone. Fixed or stationary awnings at a height no greater than the second story of the buitdin~ and constructed of fire proof material may extend over sidewalks and other pu}~.lic space, outside of the first fire zone; provided they otherwise conform to tie provisions of Section 17 of this ordinance. .... ~enov eziatinz, this ordinance shall be BE IF FURTiIE~ O~-[DIiNED that, in full force and effect front its Cle rk A P F R 0 V E D ~resident The ].Oth day of April, 19~0. No. 101~97. AN ORDiN!NCE to an'iend and reordaix: section ]5, relating to parking of commercial trucks, and section 52, re].ating to penalty for violation of sections 36 to ~2, of Chapter 3~ "Traffic" of th~ Code. _ of the City of Roanoke; to further amend said chaFter by eddinF two new sections tt~eret'o, to be ~:nown as section 35A, re!aria? to penalty for violation, of sections ~°9, 30, 32, 3~, and 35, and section 39~, relatin~ to penalty for overtime ~arkin?; s, nd Frovidin? for an emer6ency. WIlE}lEAS, for the imr:~ediate preservation of the ?ublic safety, art eP.:ergency exists. ' ~ z . ,~z on=t sectior TtIERiL'ORE, ~E '~ ORDiiNED by the Council of the City of Roanoke ~ '-' 35, relatin~ to parkins of commercial trucks, ,end section 52, rel. atlnq to [.en~y for violation of section,s 36 to 52, of ,~hopter 36 "Traffic" of the Code of the City of P. oenoke be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read as follows: ~v~"~":N(~,~-~- 35. P,~RYii'S OF COI~i E,tCz;-~L ~l'~ Ii . r ~ ~ ' ~ No commercial t_.uc.~' shall be rarked or left stan~mn~ on any street or e~!ley located in ~ residential district in the city for more than two hours att any time~ e~ceDt when actually en~=ed:, in loadin:..= or unloading, merchandise; ~rovided, however~ that trucks belonrinr to the occuiart~ of a business premise locazed in a reside~tis~ 2O9 ,. ' ~ ~ _u~,iness Fremises actualiy district shal~_ be permitted to st'~:.,nd ir~ .i'r-~r:t o? the b ~ occur:ied by th°_ n'm~~. ~ of said truck', am~ -ro~,J. ded, further that tee owner of any truck while s~t.u~:~l],~ on~a~d in v,~ork on ~ ,,~ [.re~:ises shall '~ .... ~ ~ . o.~ lcermitted to have his truck stan~ in front of so id ~ ~',' s' ~ .rc..~se , and [:rovided further theft o~e provisions of ....... ~'~- ~o~struct. i~,' wo~-k and lhai. nte~- once. ,~q~rnml¢'.i,,,, ~ ~ ,..., ~:=~. PENfkI/?Y r~,r., ~ l(~hzifl,.,z, OF .;~Ti('~,JS ~O TO 52. Any person who shell violate any of the provisions of sections 60 to ~2 of this ch~oteP shall, upon cenviction~ he de<-)med suilty oi a misdemeanor a~10 snail be punished b' a fine of not less th~,n two ~nd one-bali' dollars nor i.~ore than riJ'ty dollars for each effense~ oF a ~ai]. sentence not to ezceed thirty days, or both~ in t he d iscPetion of the court. BE IT FURTi-{SI ORiD.~-iRED that Cnapte:-3~ ""n-'~ic" .... .~_~ of the C~e of the City of ' " ' ~ further ~ '~ No,=no:{e be, and the same i~,~ hereby~ ,~m~nded by, the addition ef two new sections, to b e known 8s section 35A and section 3gA, and to re~'d as follows: SECTi'.)N }SA. PEN?LTY R}N VIOLATI.)N OF SECTIC~S 29, 30, 32, 3a AND 35. Any person~ firm or corporation vlol~,~zn~ the provisions of sec~ion~ 29~ 30~ 32 and 3g of ~4is chapter shall, upon conviction tNereof~ be .[unished by a fzne of not less than two dollars and fifty cen{s~ nor more t~an ten doll0, rs for e~ch of!'en se. Any pe?};on, J'irr~ or coNNotation vio]_atJnT the [-revisions of' sections 31 a~ld 39 of this chapter sha!l~ uFon conviction thereof~ be punished b.~ a iine of not less than one ~'ol.lar nor more tP~::n twenty-five dollars for each offense. BE IT FI'NTH)2% ()ID.'.!i~ED that, an emergency ez,:istJ, ng, tqis ordfit~ance shall be in full force amd effect from its passaze. ~.TTEST: Clerk APPROVED P re s i den t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10492. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the proper City officers to execute a quit-claim deed releasing unto Earl W. Camper and Beulah W. Camper the City's rights to the underground waters of Lot 8, Block 1, Map of Riverside Terrace, and further authoriz. ing the proper City officers to execute a quit-claim deed, or deeds, to the proper party, or parties, releasing its rights to the underground waters of the entire Riverside Terrace Addition. WHEREAS, the City, upon acquisition of the Roanoke Water Works Company, acquired certain rights to the underground waters of what is now known as the River- side Terrace Addition to the City of Roanoke; and and WHEREAS, these rights cast a cloud upon the title to lots in said Addition; WHEREAS, Earl W. Camper and Beulah W. Camper, through their agents, Fowlkes & Kefauver, have requested the City to quit-claim such rights insofar as they affect Lot 8, Block l, Map of Riverside Terrace; and WHEREAS, the Manager of the Water Department has advised Council that, in his judgment, the rights to the underground waters of the entire Riverside Terrace Addition are of no present value to the City for water works purposes. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officers be, and they are hereby, authorized to execute a quit-claim deed, on the form to be approved by the City Attorney, releasing unto Earl W. Camper and Beulah W. Camper, its rights to the underground waters of Lot 8, Block l, Map of Riverside Terrace, and further that said officers be, and they are hereby, authorize to execute a quit-claim deed, or deeds, upon form, or forms, to be approved by the City Attorney, releasing unto the proper party, or parties, the City's rights to th, underground waters of the entire Riverside Terrace Addition. ATTEST APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10&99. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing a refund of $570.78 to the Goodwill Industry and Gospel Mission, representing taxes, plus penalty, against property described as Lots l, 2, 3, and the western part of Lots 8, 9, lO and ll, Block 5, Roanoke Land and Improvement Company, for the period from April 10, 19&9, through December 31, 1949, upon payment of said amount of $570.78. WHEREAS, the Goodwill Industry and Gospel Mission has requested that taxes, plus penalty, against property described as Lots l, 2, 3, and the western part of Lots 8, 9, l0 and ll, Block 5, Roanoke Land and Improvement Company, for the period from April 10, 1949, through December 31, 1949, be refunded upon payment, in that the Goodwill Industry and Gospel Mission began using the property, for charitable ~:'and religious purposes as of April 10, 1949, and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that upon payment of the taxes in the amount of $5~3.60, plus penalty in the amount of $27,18, the total of $570.78 should be refunded. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrant amounting to $570.78 in the name of the Goodwill Industry and Gospel Mission, representing taxes, plus penalty, against property described as Lots l, 2, 3, and the western part of Lots 8, 9, l0 and ll, Block 5, Roanoke Land and improvement Company, for the period from April lO, 1949, through December 31, 19~9, upon payment of said amount of $570.78. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of April, 1950. No. 10500. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #60, "Almshouse" and Section #124, "City Farm", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance makin~ appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnin~ January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #60, "Almshouse", and Section #124, "City Farm", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: ALMSHOUSE #60 Livestock. ' Gasoline a~'6~~~~~~~ $2,000.00 4OO. O0 Suppl ie s ............................................ 2,400. O0 CITY FAR~i #124 Auctioneer's Fee 175 O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAII%ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED Cle r k Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10501. A RESOLUTION granting permission to ~axim Motor Company, ~iiddleboro, Massachusetts, in furnishing fire fighting equipment pursuant to Resolution No. 10381 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 30th day of January, 1950 to construct the same of an over-all width not to exceed 98½ inches. WHEREAS, the proposal made to the City of Roanoke by Maxim R~otor Company, of Middleboro, Massachusetts, through its local representative, Liberty Fire Apparatus Company, Incorporated, for furnishing the City two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks contemplated that the same would be of an over-all width of 98½ inches; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 10381 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 30th day of January, 1950, provided, inter alia, that the fire fighting apparatus therein contemplated "shall comply with the ~iotor Vehicle Laws of Virginia restricting width of vehicles"; and WHEREAS, Section 46-326 of the Code of Virginia (then Section 2154(158) of Michie's Code of 1942) then limited the width of vehicles to 96 inches; and WHEREAS, at the request of the City of Roanoke, the General Assembly of Virginia amended the aforesaid Section 46-326 of the Code of Virginia so t hat the same would not be applicable to "fire fighting equipment of any political subdivisic of the state"; and WHEREAS, ¥~. J. C. Whitcomb, Secretary-Treasurer of Maxim Motor Company, has requested an expression from this Council to the effect that his company may construct said equipment of an over-all width not to exceed 98½ inches as originally contemplated. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that, any- thing in Resolution 10381 passed by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 30th day of January, 1950, to the contrary notwithstanding, Maxim Motor Company of Middleboro, Massachusetts, in furnishing the City of Roanoke with two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks, may construct the same of an over-all width not to excee 98½ inches. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED /- Pr/e sident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10502. A RESOLUTION repealing a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 3rd day of September, 1940, No. 6618, entitled, "A Resolution setting forth the policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke with reference to granting permission to connect properties outside of the corporate limits with the City's sewer system", and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by t he Council of the City of Roanoke on the 3rd day o f September 1940, No. 661~ entitled, "A Resolution setting forth the policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke with reference to granting permission to connect properties outside of the corporate limits with the City's sewer system", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ C~e rk Pre s ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of April, 1950. No. 10504. AN ORDINANCE repealing an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 27th day of March, 1950, No. 10469, entitled, "An Ordinance authoriz- ing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from James O. Loving and Cleo P. Loving, his wife, the western 50 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Upson Addition Map, at a consideration of $1,350.O0 for the purpose of extending Birchwood Street, N. E., to Lee Avenue, and providing for an emergency" and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI£iED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 27th day of March, 1950, No. 10469, entitled, "An Ordinance authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from James O. Loving and Cleo P. Loving, his wife, ~the western 50 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Upson Addition ~iap, at a consideration of $1,350.00 for the purpose of extending Birchwood Street, N. E., to Lee Avenue, and providing for an emergency", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST Clerk APPROVED President Is THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIiWiA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10505 · AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #8, "City Treasurer", Section j22, "City Physician" Section #74, "Refuse Collection "Clerk of Courts", Section ~58, , and Disposal", and Section #120, "Municipal. Airport", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of th City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #8, "City Treasurer", Section #22, "Clerk of Courts", Section #58, "City Physician", Section #74, "Refuse Collection and Disposal" and Section #120, "Municipal Airport" of an ' Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day o~ December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from th Deneral Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, ~nd ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY TREASURER #8 Bond Premium and Insurance .............................. $ CLERK OF COURTS #22 Stationery and Office Supplies ............. . ........ .... CITY PHYSICIAN #58 Vacation Substitute .................... . ................. REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL #74 Wage s ..... (1) Addition to Incinerator MUNICIPAL AIRPORT #120 Land Appraisal (2) ...................................... (2) $25.OO each for appraisers BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Cle rk APPROVED 3,461.25 4,985.00 120.00 303,362.00 2,692.53 125.00 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10506. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the Cit' of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPROPRIATIONS FROR~ REPLACEMENT RESERVE (1). .... ..... ........ $79,949.~50 (1) 1 Lawn Mower ....................... $235.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ~ / /~ Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of April, 1950. No. 10507. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the purchase of certain land known as Lot 60, Block M~ Williamson Groves Subdivision Map, to be used in part for street purposes in connection with the extension of Lukens Street, N. E., at a consideratio of $550.00 cash; appropriating the sum of $550.00 from the 1949 Annex Fund to provid for the purchase price thereof; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 10115 passed by Council for the City of Roanoke on the 8th day of August, 1949, the City Attorney, or the Assistant to the City Attorney, were authorized and directed, inter alia, to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the fee simple title to themrthwestern 31.& feet of Lot 60, Block M, Williamson Groves Subdivision Map, for the purpose of widening, relocating and extending Lukens Street, N. E.; and WHEREAS, the Magic City Homes, Incorporated, present owner of the entire of said lot, has offered to convey the same to the City of Roanoke by a good and sufficient deed, with General Warranty of Title, upon a consideration of $550.00 cas and WHEREAS, the aforesaid offer of said lot owner is deemed reasonable and fair and should be accepted by the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of the said City and for the better protection of life and public property, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~tED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that the proper officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to purchase from Magic City Homes, Incorporated, at a consideration of $550.00, cash, all that certai] lot of land situate in the said City and known and designated as Lot 60, Block M, Williamson Groves Subdivision Map, upon a consideration of $550.00, cash, the said 0urchase price to be paid to the aforesaid land owner upon tender of a good and ~ufficient deed conveying, with General Warranty of Title, unto the said City the 'ee simple title in the said land, said deed to be upon such form as is approved by the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that there be, and there is hereby, appropriated from the 19&9 Annex Fund the sum of $550.00 to provide the purchase price for the aforesaJ land; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVE D ATTEST: ~le rk Pre sident l; IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of April, 1950. No. 10508. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Attorney to institute a proper legal proceeding (preferable under the Declaratory Judgment Act)' to collect the proper amount of money due by the American Viscose Corporation under the Manufacturers' License to the City of Roanoke for the tax year 1949; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a difference of opinion has arisen as to the amount of money the American Viscose Corporation owes the City of Roanoke under the Manufacturers' License for the calendar year 19&9; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke, without prejudice to its rights to collect the full amount so due, has accepted a lesser sum; and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the municipal government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City cf Roanoke, Virginia, that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to institute a proper legal proceeding (preferably under the Declaratory Judgment Act) to collect the proper amount of money due by the American Viscose Corporation under the Manufacturers' License to the City of Roanoke for the tax year 19&9. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in full force from its passage. ATTEST: l" ',, Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of April, 1950. No. 10509. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of Messrs. Roy L. Webber and Walter L. Young, Democratic Party nominees for City Council, as additional members of the Roanoke Charter Commission. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Messrs. Roy L. Webber and Walter L. Young, Democratic Party nominees for City Council, be, and they are hereby appointed as additional members of the Roanoke Charter Commission. APPROVED Clerk President I~'~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 2~th day of April, 1950. No. 10503. AN ORDINAI~CE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to execute an agreement between the City of Roanok and Roanoke Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, for the rental of Dwelling No. 2 at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) on a monthly basis beginning as of Rlay l, 1950, until terminated by either party on a thirty days' notice, in writing, as required by statute, at a rental of $5.00 per month, payable in advance, and subject to such other terms and conditions conta~ed in said contract of lease to be approve~ bY the City Attorney. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, Uirginia, to execute an agreement betwee~ the City of Roanoke and Roanoke Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, for the rental of Dwelling No. 2 at the Roanoke Riunicipa Airport (Woodrum Field) on a monthly basis beginning as of ~.'~ay 1, 1950, until terminated by either party on a thirty days' notice, in writing, as required by statute, at a rental of ~5.O0 per month, payable in advance, and subject to such other terms and conditions contained in said contract of lease to be approved by the City Attorney. ATTEST: Cle rk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10510. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #1OO, "Recreation Department" of , an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAI£IED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #lOO, "Recreation Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Drdinance makin? appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the ~iscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring ~he existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: RECREATIOA~ DEPARTmenT #1OO Sandlot Football Program ........................... $375.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAI~'~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10511. A RESOLUTION directing the City Manager to have projects made for the con- struction of sidewalk, curb and gutter in the 3300, 3400 and 3500 blocks of Greenlan Avenue, N. W., and the 4100 and 4200 blocks of Richland Avenue, N. W., and to notify the property owners in said blocks of their portion of the cost of the construction, it being understood that the property owners of the majority of the front footage in the blocks shalld eposit with the city the amounts apportioned to them before the said construction is started. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to have projects made for the construction of sidewalk curb and gutter in the 3300, 3400 and 3500 blocks of Greenland Avenue, N. W., and the 4100 and 4200 blocks of Richland Avenue, N. W., and to notify the property owner in said blocks of their portion of the cost of the construction, it being understood that the property owners of the majority of the front footage in the blocks shall deposit with the city the amounts apportioned to them before the said construction is started. '~le r k APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10512. A RESOLUTION indicating to the League of Virginia Municipalities the willingness of the City of Roanoke to bear its proportionate part of the cost of carrying the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Rate Case to the Supreme Court of Appeals, in the event the case is appealed. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that this body hereby indicate to the League of Virginia Municipalities the willingness of the City of Roanoke to bear its proportionate part of the c cst of carrying the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Rate Case to the Supreme Court of Appeals, in the event th case is appealed. ATTEST: /~z~/~ Clerk AP PROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10513. A RESOLUTION authorizing the renewal of Schedule Bond No. 1476045, covering certain employees of the City of Roanoke, for period of one year from April 25, 1950 in accordance with the bond submitted to the Council of the City of Roanoke at its meeting on April 24, 1950, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Riunicipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authori be, and is hereby granted for the renewal of Schedule Bond No. 1476045, covering certain employees of the City of Roanoke, for period of one year from April 25, 1950 in accordance with the bond submitted to the Council of the City of Roanoke at its meeting on April 24, 1950. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pres id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10514. A RESOLUTION creating a board before whom abutting landowners on certain parts of certain streets in the Bluefield Heights area and the southeast portion of Forest Hill Subdivision may appear and be heard in favor of or against the proposed construction of sanitary sewers in and alon~ said parts of said streets, the cost of which, when the same shall have been ascertained, is to be assessed or apportione, between the City and the abutting landowners as provided by law; and providing for notice to such abutting landowners of the hearing before such board. WHEREAS, it is imperative that sanitary sewers be constructed in and along certain parts of streets hereinafter set forth for the protection of the public heal and in order to provide for the usual daily operation of the municipal government, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: (1) The City Council shall constitute a board to whom the matter of the proposed construction .of sanitary sewers in and along the following streets, to-wit: North side'of Brambleton Avenue, west of Persinger Road; South side of Martin Lane between Welch Road and Clearfield Road; East side of Welch Road between Martin Lane and Brambleton Avenue; East side of Persinger Road between Brambleton Avenue and Colonial Avenue; West side of Persinger Road between Brambleton Avenue and Bluefield Boulevard; West side of Persinger Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue; East side of Clearfield Road between Martin Lane and Bluefield Boule- vard; East side of Clearfield Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue; West side of Clearfield Road between ~artin Lane and Y h, '2_i f 220 Bluefield Boulevard; West side of Clearfield Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue; East side of Overland Road, north of Bluefield Boulevard; East side of Overland Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue; North side of Colonial Avenue between Overland Road and Clearfield Road; North side of Colonial Avenue between Clearfield Road and Persinger Road; North side of Colonial Avenue, east of Persinger Road; Across private property from Winthrop Avenue to the intersection of Bluefield Boulevard and Persinger Road. the cost of which when the same shall have been ascertained is to be assessed or apportioned between the City and the abutting landowners, as provided by law, is hereby referred to hear the abutting landowners on certain parts of said streets in favor of or against such proposed improvements. {2) Said board shall notify said abutting landowners when and where they may appear before said board to be heard in favor of or against said proposed improvements. The notice required hereby may be given by one or more of the methods provided by Section 3069 of the Code of Virginia, as the board may decide and direct (3) Upon the completion of such hearing, said board shall ~ke a report of its findings and recommendations to City Council. (4) An emergency existing this resolution shall be in effect from t he date of its adoption. A3~EST: ~// APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10515. A RESOLUTION approving for submission to the State Department of Public Welfare twelve months' estimate of expenditures for the Department of Public Welfare for period from July 1, 1950, to June 30, 1951, as presented to the Council of the City of Roanoke at its regular meeting on April 24, 1950, and authorizing the City Manager to certify said approval to the proper authorities. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the twelve months estimate of expenditures for the Department of Public Welfare for period from July 1, 1950, to June 30, 1951, as presented to the Council of the City of Roanoke at it 'regular meeting on April 24, 1950, be, and is hereby approved for submission to the State Department of Public Welfare. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to certify the above approval to the proper authorities. ATTEST :. ,, ,. \ x,~ Cle rk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIl, FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGIi~iA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10516. AN ORDIt~AI~CE to amend and reenact Section #57, "Department of Public ~elfarelI' and Section #80, '~Snow and Ice Removal", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of11 the City of Roanoke, VirKinia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #57, "Department of Public Welfare", and Section #80, "Snow and Ice Removal", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" be , and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: DEPARTmeNT OF PUBLIC WELFARE #57 Salary, Director .... Salary, Superintendg~'~ ~$$~65] Salary, Supervisors, 2 @ ~3.240.00.. Salary, Case Workers, 12 @ ~2,640.00 Salary, Case Workers, 2 @ ~2,790.00. Salary, Stenographers, 3 @ ~2,400.00 Salary, Senior Clerk @ ~2,640.00 .... Salary, Junior Clerks, 2 @ ~2,220.00 Salary, Educational Study ........... Wages ............................... 3,780.00 6,300.00 ,580.00 6,990 · OO · 2,550.00 · O.oOoo Stat ione a.n. 10ffic Supplies Postage..ry. ....... e. ......... [][[[ Telephone and Telegraph ............ Bond Premium ....................... Incidentals ........................ Travel Expense ...................... Gasoline and Oil ................... Automobile Allowance ............... Foster Home Care ................... General Relief ..................... Old Age Assistance ................. Aid to Dependent Children ................. Aid to Dependent Children (State and Local Aid to Blind .............................. Emergency Relief .......................... Day Nursery .... Furniture and ~'~J~ i~i~[~[~][~[[~[ (1) 3 Filing Cabinets ............ $ 172.50 Recording Equipment ........ 3,000.00 SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL #80 eeeeeeeeeeeeee. 1,O00.00 650.00 600.O0 10.00 150.00 450.00 935.00 420.00 89,675.00 124,010.00 23~,277.00 234,509.00 26,680.00 8,600.00 5,400.03 3,172.50 Wages .................................................... $ 3,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be effective on and from July 1, 1950. A PPROV ED ATTEST: Clerk 22 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, ¥IRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10517. A RESOLUTION establishing schedule of minimum charges for medical treatment to be made by the City of Roanoke against patients admitted to its Tuberculosis Sanatorium who are financially able to pay; repealing Resolution No. 7487, adopted on the 4th day of January, 1943, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following minimum charges be, and they are hereby established for medical treatment by the City of Roanoke against patients admitted to its Tuberculosis Sanatorium who are financially able to pay: X-Ray Plate of Chest, each .... Fluoroscopic Examination (Out ~i~J~i][']~][~[][]~[][[~[[]][][ $5.00 . 2.00 Pneumothorax Treatment (Out Patient } ............................ 3.00 Daily Sanatorium Charge, City Resident .......................... 3.00 Daily Sanatorium Charge, Non-Resident ........................... 5.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Resolutiol No. 7487, adopted on the 4th day of January, 1943, be, and the same is hereby repea led. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the above minimum charges as established shall be effective~ and after May l, 1950. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10518. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to have repairs made to the roof on the Municipal Annex at an estimated cost of approximately $1,500.00, the purchase order therefor to be issued to the lowest responsible bidder, and providing for an eme rgen cy. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the ~lunicipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to have repairs made to the roof on the Municipal Annex at an estimated cost of approximately $1,500.00, the purchase order therefor to be issued to the lowest responsible bidder. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its p~ssage. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2~th day of April, 1950. No. 10 519. A RESOLUTION authorizin~ and directing' the City Auditor to draw warrant amountinz to ~85.47 in the name of Charles E. Echols, covering repairs to a 1937 Chevrolet Coupe owned by Mr. Echols, which automobile was damaged as t he result of a break in a water main while parked in a legal parking zone in the 11OO block of Main Street, S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrant amounting to $85.~? in the name of Charles E. Echols, covering repairs to a 1937 Chevrolet Coupe o~ned by Mr. Echols, which automobile was damaged as the result of a break in a water main while parked in a legal parking zone in the 1100 block of Main Street, S ATTEST: Cle rk AP PR OVED Pre s i de~nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 24th day of April, 1950. No. 10520. AN ORDII~ANCE to amend and reenact Section #51, "Tuberculosis Sanatorium", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, ~nd entitled, "An Ordinance making appropri~tions from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency,'. BE IT ORDAiI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #51, "Tuberculosis Sanatorium", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of' Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: TUBERCULOSIS SA£~ATORIUM #51 Repairs ...... Equipment ~ ~~~ i~i][[[[[[[] [[[[[[[[[[] ~2,094.00 · 3,550.O0 (1) New quarters for orderlies ......... $1,2OO.O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAII~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage· ATTEST: C 1 erk APPROVED Pre sid ent I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO/~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 2~th day of April, 1950. 105 21. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of certain land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, situate on ~ielrose Avenue, N. W., owned by Nettie Beamer, to be used for street wideninF purposes, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America have decided to improve a portion of Melrose Avenue, N. W., now a of U. S. Highway No. 460, in the City of Roanoke, by widening the same; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke has made a bona fide, but ineffectual effort to purchase additional land necessary and essential for the widening of said street which includes a parcel of land containing 1,083.5 square feet, more or less, and of which a one-half (1/2) undivided interest is owned by Nettie Beamer; and WHEREAS, the City's acquisition of the land hereinafter described is necessary and essential for the use and purpose of the said City and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety and for the daily operation of the Engineerin~ Department of the City an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIIWED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke, the State of Virginia and the United States of America additional land for the widening of Melrose Avenue, N. W., U. S. Highway No. 460, the City of Roanoke, by and through its proper officers, agents and attorneys, shall, as herein provided, proceed to condemn, in fee simple the following parcel of land in the City of Roanoke, Virgini~ to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the present south line of Melrose Avenue, N. ~V. (formerly Pennsylvania'Avenue), U. S. Highway No. 460, 101.5 feet east of the present southeast corner of Rielrose Avenue and 37th Street; thence with the present south line of ~!elrose Avenue, S. 64° 44' E. 33.38 feet to a point; thence still with the present south line of Melrose Avenue, S. 63° 05' E. 75.14 feet to a point; thence S. 23° 45' W. 10.01 feet to a point on the newly established south line of Melrose Avenue; thence with same a 2o 4' curve to the left (radius of said curve being 2,814.93 feet with a consuming angle of 2© 9') a chord bearing and distance of N. 63° 59' W. 75.37 feet to a point; thence still with the newly established south line of l~ielrose Avenue, N. 64° 44' W. 33.17 feet to a point; thence N. 23© 45' E. lO.O feet to the place of BEGINNiRG, containing 1,085.3 square feet, more or less, and being the northern 10.O feet of a .39 acre tract of land situate on the south side of Melrose Avenue, N. W., east of 37th Street. It is the intent of.this description to cover all of the .39 acre tract of land now owned by Nettle Beamer lying between the present south line of Melrose Avenue and the newly established south line of same, as shown on Plan No. 3781 on file in the Office of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Virginia. All bearings in this description refer to the F_eridian of the grantor's deed description. 2. Condemnation proceedings hereunder shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases, made and provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ,,....~/ Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGiNIA, The 1st day of May, 1950. No. 10 523 · A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Clerk to release interest from ~arch 1, 1923, on sewer assessment against property described as Lot B, Reuben Miller Map, assessed as the north side of Gregory Avenue, 37.5 feet west of Second Street, in the name of Samuel L. ~'iiller, and accept payment of the principal of the assessment in the amount of ~12.54 in full settlement. WHEREAS, during the year 1914 a sewer was constructed to accommodate propertl described as the north side of GreEory Avenue, 37.5 feet west of Second Street, and an assessment levied against the said property in the amount of $12.54, in the name of Samuel L. Miller, and WHEREAS, due to the fact that there is some question as to whether or not the assessment is collectible, it is the opinion of this Council that the City Clerk should be authorized to release the interest and accept payment of the principal of the s~id assessment in full settlement thereof. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Rosmoke that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to release interest from ~arch 1, 1923, on sewer assessment against property described as Lot B, Reuben ]~;ille~ Map, assessed as the north side of Gregory Avenue, 37.5 feet west of Second Street, in the name of Samuel L. Miller, and accept payment of the principal of the assessme~ in the amount of ~12.54 in full settlement. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGIi~IA, The ist day of ~iay, 1950. No. 105 26. A RESOLUTIO~ authorizing the employment of an attorney to work in the office ~f the City Attorney at a salary of ~300.00 per month, e£fective May 1, 1950, for th~ purpose of handling the legal work with regard to securing necessary rights-of-way for the sanitary sewer interceptors along Roanoke River and Tinker Creek in connec- tion with the over-all sewage disposal project, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the Council of the City o f Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of an attorney to work in the office of the City Attorney at a salary of ~300.00 per month, effective ~lay 1, 1950~ for the purpose of handling the legal work with regard to securing necessary rights-of-way ~or the sanitary sewer interceptors along Roanoke River and Tinker Creek in connecti~ ~ith the over-all sewage disposal project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAEOKE, VIRGIi~iA, The 1st day of May, 1950. No. 10527. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of FF. D. ~.~. Etheridge, Sr., as viewer to make appraisals and to handle option agreements wi~h regard to necessary rights-of-way for the sanitary sewer interceptors along Roanoke River and Tinker Creek in connection with the over-all sewage disposal project, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Mr. D. M. Etheridge, Sr., be and he is hereby appointed as viewer to make appraisals ard to handle option agreements with regard to necessary rights-of-way for the sanitary sewer interceptors along Roanoke River and Tinker Creek in connection with the over. all sewage disposal project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall,be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED Pre sident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1st day of May, 1950. No. 10528. AN ORDINanCE authorizing and directing the City R~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an agreement between the City of Rqanoke, Virgini and the Virginia Department of Highways, with regard to the construction of a projec· on kelrose Avenue, N. W. (U. S. Highway Route No. 460), from 0.007 mile west of the west corporate limits of Roanoke to Old Country Club Road, 1.136 miles in length, designated as State Project No. 1980-O1-O2, Federal Project No. U-631(3); concurring in the awarding of the contract for the project by the Highway Department to the Ralph E. Mills Company, Incorporated, based on their bid received on April 18, 1950, in the amount of $33~,~53.~7, plus $33,~5.3~ for engineering and contingencies and $5,226.OO for work to be performed by force account, making a total of $377,965.25; agreeing to participate in the cost of the project in the total estimated amount of ~131,O70.61, representin~ the estimated cost of the city's portion; amending and reenacting an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10332, entitled, "An Ordinance making appropria- tions from the 19~9 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", by transferring ~2~,570.61 from Street Construction to Highway ~60, in connection with the payment of the city's proportionate ~mart of the cost of the said project; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of p~blic safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAi~ED by the Council of the Cityo f Roanoke that the Cit' ~Yanager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an agreement between the City o f Roanoke, Virginia, and the Virginia Department of Highways, with regard to the construction of a project on Melrose Avenue, N. W. (U. S. Highway Route No. 460), from 0.00? mile ~est of the west corporate limits of Roanoke to Old Country Club Road, 1.136 miles in length, designated as State Project No. 1980-O1-02, Federal Project No. U-631(3). BE IT FURTHER ORDAiI'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the said City of Roanoke concurs in the awarding of the contract for the project by the Highway Department to the Ralph E. ~'iills Company, incorporated, based on their bid received on April 1~, 1950, in the amount of ~338,853.87, plus ~33,885.38 for engineering @nd contingencies ~nd ~5,226.O0 for work to be performed by force account, making a total of ~37Z,965.25. BE IT FUR~ER ORDAINED by the Council of the Cityo f Roanoke that the said Cityo f Roanoke agrees to participate in the cost of the project in the total estimated amount of ~131,O70.61, representing the estimated cost of the city's portion. BE IT FURTHER ORDAiY~ED that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th Uay of December, 1949, No. 10332, entitled, ~ "An Ordinance maki~ appropriations from the 19~9 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 3 1, 1950, and declar- in~ the existence of an emergency", be, and is hereby amended and reenacted by transferring ~2~,570.61 from Street Construction to Highway 460, in connection with the payment of the city's proportionate part of the cost of the said project, to read as follows: Street Construction ' ~ 39,~+30 ~3 Highway 400 ................................................. 117,740.61 BE IT FURTHER ORDAi~ED that an emergency is declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA£~OKE, VIRGINIA, The Ist day of May, 1950, No. 10529. 'A RESOLUTION authorizing the City R~'.anager to negotiate with The Virginian Railway Company Company with ~egard to the leasing of property in the vicinity of Naval Reserve Avenue and Franklin Road, S. W., to be used for parking purposes. BE IT RESOLVED by the Councilor the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to negotiate with The Virginian Railway Company with re~ard to the leasing of property in the vicinity of Naval Reserve Avenue and Franklin Road, S. W., to be used for parking purposes. ATTEST APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGIi~IA, The 1st day of May, 1950. No. 10530. A RESOLUTION continuing the services of the stenographer employed under the provisions of Resolution No. 10333, adopted on the 3rd day of January, 1950, for the purpose of performing such duties as may be required of said stenographer by the City Attorney or his Assistant, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the office of the City Attorney, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authori be, and is hereby granted to continue the services of the stenographer employed unde the provisions of Resolution No. 10333, adopted on the 3rd day of January, 1950, for the purpose of performing such duties as may be required of said stenographer by the City Attorney or his Assistant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Cle rk APPR OVED Pre sident .y IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGii~iA, The 1st day of May, 1950. No. 10531. A RESOLUTION approving final plans and specifications for the Health Center Building, Roanoke, Virginia, as prepared by Stone and Thompson, Architects, authoriz. lng and directing the City Manager to advertise for separate bids on t he general contract, electrical contract and ~lumbing '~nd heating contract, respectively, for the said project, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the~reservation of public health,an emergency is declared to exis t. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the final plans and specification for the Health Center Building, Roanoke, Virginia, as prepared by Stone and Thompson, Architects, be, and the same are hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for separate bids on the general contract, electrical contract and plumbing and heating contract, respectively, for the said project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10522. AN ORDINANCE authorizing a change in the location of Windsor Avenue, S. W., and the quitclaiming to H. & W. Realty Corporation of a strip of land on the east side of Windsor Avenue upon the conveyance by the said H. & W. Realty Corporation to the City of Roanoke of a strip of land on the west side of Windsor Avenue and the grading of said strip of land to the present street level, all as shown on Plan No. 3828, on file in the office of the City Engineer of Roanoke City. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that when the H. & W. Realty Corporation has conveyed by good and sufficient deed, with general warranty of title, unto the City of Roanoke that strip or parcel of land lying and being on the west side of ;~indsor Avenue and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point of curve on the west side of ~indsor Avenue (formerly Avon Avenue - 50 feet wide) 62.0 feet northerly from the point of intersection of the westerly side of Windsor Avenue produced and the northerly side of Brandon Driveway produced; thence with the original westerly side of Windsor Avenue and with a curved line to the left whose radius is 260.0 feet, an arc distance of 196.O3 feet to a point on the northeast side of Lot 12, Block 4, Stratford Court map of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, Page 114, said point being the following chord: S. 34° 55' E. 40.0 feet from the northeast corner of Lot 11, Block 4, Stratford Court; thence with a new curved line to the right in Lot 12 whose radius is 135.8 feet, an arc distance of 52.5& feet to a new point of tanEent; thence with a new REPEALED ,By/ Date .s-- / line in Lot Numbers 12 and 13, Block 4, Stratford Court, S. 8o 20' E. passing the dividing line of Lot Numbers 12 and 13 at 54.58 feet, in all a total distance of 96.44 feet to a point of curve; thence with a new curved line to the right whose radius is 121.96 feet, an arc distance of 44.77 feet to the place of BEGINI~iNG, and being an easterly portion of Lot Numbers 12 and 13, Block 4, Stratford Court, conveyed to H. & W. Realty Corporation by ~lyrtle H. Francis et vir by deed recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke in Deed Book 798, Page 107, said parcel to be conveyed to the City of Roanoke, Virginia, for the relocation of the westerly side of Windsor Avenue, S. W.; and further after the said H. & W. Realty Corporation has graded the above described strip of land to street level, the proper city officials shall and they are hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a deed of quitclaim and release unto the H. & W. Realty Corporation for the following strip of land lying and being on the east side of Windsor Avenue and more particular described as follows: BEGINNING at an old point of curve on the southerly side of DuPont Circle, S. W., (40 feet wide) 26.08 feet easterly from the point of intersection of the south side of DuPont Circle produced and the east side of Windsor Avenue produced; thence with a curved line to the left whose radius is 20 feet, an arc distance of 35.86 feet to a point of compound curve on the original easterly side of Windsor Avenue, S. W. (formerly Avon Avenue - 50 feet wide); thence with a curved line to the right whose radius is 310 feet, the following chord: S. 8° 47' E. 9~.8 feet to the original southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Stratford Court map of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, Page 114, thence with the northerly line of a 30 foot width alley extended into Windsor Avenue, N. 77° 18' W. 6.33 feet to a point which is N. 8° 20' W. 32.1& feet from the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 6, Stratford Court; thence with the new lines in Windsor Avenue, N. 8° 20' W. with the new easterly side of Windsor Avenue, S. W., 50 feet easterly from 8nd parallel with the new westerly side of said avenue '96.33 to a new point of curve; thence with a curved line to the right whose radius is 20.0 feet~ an arc distance of 32.65 feet to a new point of tangency8 ~n the new south side of DuPont Circle; thence with the same, N. 5 12' E. 4.81 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being a strip or parcel of land adjoining the westerly side of Lot 1, Block 5, Stratford Court, and is to be added to said Lot, and being a portion of the land shown as Avon Avenue on map of Stratford Court of record as aforesaid. Cle rk > APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE GITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of Ymy, 1950. No. 10524. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Louise P. Lee, for the use of forty-eight square feet of floor space in the Administration Building at the Eunicipal Airport, for the term of one year, or until the Administration Building is razed, whichever occurs sooner, to be used for the display, sale and storage of gifts, favors, trinkets and similar merchandise, on a rental basis of $6.00 per month, under terms and conditions contained in said agreement. BE IT ORDAINED bY the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Pmnager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Louise P. Lee, for the use of forty-eight square feet of floor space in the Administration Bui [y .ding at the Municipal Airport, for the term of one year, or until the Administration Building is razed, whichever occurs sooner, to be used for the display, sale and storage of gifts, favors, trinkets and similar merchandise, on a rental basis of $6.00 per month, under terms and conditions contained in said agreement. APPROVED ATTEST: Cle rk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10525. AN ORDINANCE directing the change of name of 13th Street, S. W., between Wasena Avenue and Sherwood Avenue, to Brighton Road, S. W.; directing the designa- tion of the true name on present and future tax plats in the office of the City Engineer; and directing that street signs now and hereafter erected shall coliform accordingly. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that 13th Street, S. W. between Wasena Avenue and Sherwood Avenue, as now designated on plats in the office of the City Engineer and by street signs, shall hereafter be designated by the new name as shown opposite the old name as follows: Present Name 13th Street, S. W., Wasena Avenue to Sherwood Avenue Land Map Wasena Corporation Barbour Heights New Name Brighton Road, S. W. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to designate the true name of the said street herein provided for on present and future tax plats filed in his office, and that street signs now and hereafter erected shall conform accordingly. ATTEST: Cle rk President APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNLA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10532. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 5 Amount of Pensions, of Chapter ~2 of the Code of the City of Roanoke relating to Pensions. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 5 Amount )f Pensions, of Chapter 52 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Pensions, be, and the same is hereby, amended and reordained to read as follows: Sec. 5. Amount of pensions. Every person placed on the "pension list" as provided for in section one of this chapter shall be entitled to receive an annual pension equal to two per 232 centum of his average annual compensation computed for five years last past, multiplied by the number of years such person has been in the service of the city (including all service rendered the city other than as a member of the police or fire department) so long as he shall remain on the "pension list" herein provided for, the amount thereof to be paid him in equal monthly installments; provided, however, that no pension shall be less than fifty dollars per month, nor more than one hundred and fifty dollars per month. / ATTEST: ~ / Cle rk APPROVED es id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10533. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of whom might act, as viewers in connection with petition of Lester L. Furr, Lou L. Furr and O. D. Moomaw, to vacate, discontinue and close alley, lying on the south side of Lot 18, Section 10, of the Revised Map of Lee Hy COurt, extending in length a distance of 130.6 feet from York Road to another alley, which runs along the rear lines of Lots 12 through 18 of Section l0 of the Revised Map of Lee Hy Court; said alley also adjacent to the north side of Lot l, Block 2, Section l, of the Map of Rosalind Hills; sa'id alley being shown on the Revised Map of Lee Hy Court the property of Lee Hy Court Corporation, dated June 6, 1925, made by C. B. Malcolm State Certified Engineer, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book l, Page 346. WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, upon the petition of Lester L. Furr, Lou L. Furr and O. D. ~ioomaw that the said petition- ers did duly and legally publish, as required by Section 5220 and Section 2039 (9), as amended, of the 1942 Code of Virginia, a notice of application to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to close the hereinafter referred to portions of alle the publication of which was had by posting a copy of said notice at the front doo~ of the Court House of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, (Campbel: Avenue Entrance), at the Market Square, (Salem Avenue entrance of the market house), and at the entrance of the alley proposed to be closed, as provided by the aforesaid sections of the Virginia Code, all of which is verified by an affidavit appended to the petition addressed to the Council requesting that the hereinafter described portions of alley be formally vacated, discontinued and closed, and WHEREAS, it further appearing to the Council that more than five days have elapsed since the publication of the hereinabove described notices, and that Council has considered the petition of the applicants to vacate, discontinue and close alley said alley lying on the south side of Lot 18, Section 10, of the Revised Map of Lee Hy Court, extending in length a distance of 130.6 feet from York Road to another alley, which runs along the rear lines of Lots 12 through 18 of Section lO of the Revised Map of Lee Hy Court; said alley also adjacent t° the north side of Lot l, Block 2, Section 1, of the Map of Rosalind Hills; said alley being shown on the Revised Map of Lee Hy Court, the property of Lee Hy Court Corporation, dated June 6, 1925, made by C. B. Malcolm, State Certified Engineer, recorded in the Clerk's Off lc, of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 1, Page 346, and WHEREAS, the petitioners have requested that not less than three viewers be appointed to view the above described portions of said alley to be vacated, and discontinued and closed, and report in writing as required by Sections 2039 (9) and 5220 of the 1942 Code of Virginia, as amended. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that James A. Turner, D. M. Etheridge, Sr., C. Cecil ~lora, W. P. Bowling and T. H. Boyer, be~ and they are hereby appointed, any three of whom may act, as viewers to view the aforesaid alley and report in writing pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2039 {9 and 5220 of the 1942 Code of Virginia, as amended, whether or not, in their opinion, any, and, if any, what inconvenience would result from formally vacating, discontinu. ing and closing the aforesaid alley. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pre s ~de nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE C±TY OF ROAROKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10534. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~15, "Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section "Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT #15 Travel Expense...... ............................... $300.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED President 234 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 1o535. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~11, "City Attorney", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #ll, "City Attorney", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follo CITY ATTORNEY #ll Salary, Stenographer @ $2,100.00 ..................... $1,1+00.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect as of and from ~my l, 1950. APPROVED Pre s ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10536. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for installing underground electrical duct and concrete bases for traffic signals in the City of Roanoke, at various locations, and replacing street surface with appurtenant work thereto, to Harrison-Wright Company, Incorporated, Charlotte, N. C., at a total cost of $4,105.00, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended that the bid received from Harrison-Wright Company, Incorporated, Charlotte, N. C., for installing underground electrical duct and concrete bases for traffic signals in the City of Roanoke, at various locations, and replacing street surface with appurtenant work thereto, at a total cost of $4,105.00, be accepted, and that the contract for the project be awarded to Harrison-Wright Company, Incorporated, Charlotte, N. C., on the basis of the bid as submitted, in which recommendation Council concurs, and WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Harrison-Wright Company, Incorporated, Charlotte, N. C., for installing underground electrical duct and concrete bases for traffic signals in the City of Roanoke, at various locations, and replacing street surface with appurtenant work thereto, in the total sum of $~,105.00, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a co~tract for the said project be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~]anager, be, and he is hereby authoriz and directed, for and ontmhalf of the City of Roa~oke, to execute the contract herei provided for. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount of $4,105.00 be expended from the appropriation for Traffic Signals under Section ~40, "Police Department", of the 1950 Budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED · ~re s ident IN,HE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The Sth day of ~ay, 1950. Ro. 10537. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of someone other than a resident of the City of Roanoke to fill the position of Athletic Director, as listed under Section #100, "Recreation Department", of the 1950 Budget, at an annual salary of $2,820. O0. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of someone other than a resident of the City of Roanoke to fill the position of Athletic Director, as listed under Section ~100, "Recreation Department", of the 1950 Budget, at an annual salary of $2,820.00. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10538. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 51, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPROPRIATIONS FRO~i REPLACE~'~ENT RESERVE (1). ............... $81,247.00 (1) 6 Adding Machines... .................. $1,297.50 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED A~~~ ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of R~y, 1950. No. 10539. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949~ No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January~l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION #75 Contractors (1) ............... ...................... $40,000.00 (1) Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk. ........ $50,000.00 Street Paving. .................... lO, O00.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAII~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Cle rk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGiNIA, The 8th day of ~ay, 1950. No. 10540. AN ORDINANCE amending and reenacting an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10332, entitle. "An Ordinance making appropriations from the 1949 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10528, adopted May l, 1950, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Department of Public Works, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10332, entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the 1949 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10528, adopted ~ay l, 1950, be, and is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Street Construction ............................ ~ ..... $59,430.33 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COURCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of May, 1950. No. 10541. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #53, "Air Polution Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #53, "Air Pollution Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal ,ear beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL #53 Travel Expense ........................................... $200.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: < / Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 105~2. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Rhoda Beahm, property located on Delray Street, N. W., between Hershberger Road and Fioraland Drive, described as Lot 18, Beahm Map, at a consideration of $850.00, for use by the Water Department, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Water Department, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Rhoda Beahm, property located on Delray Street, N. W., between Hershberger Road and Floraland Drive, described as Lot 18, Beahm ~mp, at a consideration of $850.00, for use by the Water Department. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ~lerk ~ APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE C1TY OF ROANOKE, ViRGINiA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 105~3. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Non-Operating Expenses" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Non-Operating Expsense" of ~n Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declari the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) ..................... $206,614.95 (1) Purchase of Land ............. $885.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAii~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IPresident iN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAI~iOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of May, ].950. No. 10545. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of 3,000 bleachers at a cost not to exceed $13,000.00 from a firm to be determined by a committee composed of Council- man Daniel J. Cronin, Mr. Arthur S. Owens, City Rianager, and ~'ir. Robert P. Hunter, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the purchase of 3,000 bleachers at a cost not to exceed $13,000.00 from a firm to be determined by a committee composed of Councilman Daniel J. Cronin, ~r. Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, and ~r. Robert P. Hunter, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of May, 1950. No. 10546. AN ORDI~WAiWCE to amend and reenact Section #103, "R~unicipal Stadium and Athletic Field", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, i~o. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, r~d ending December 31, 1950, and declari~g the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAIi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~103, "~unicipal Stadium and Athletic Field", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on %he 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and lg 240 entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of I' Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950,! and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: MUNICIPAL STADIUR1 AND ATHLETIC FIELD #103 Equipment and Improvements (1) ...................... $15,075.O0 (1) Bleachers.... ............... $13,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: / Cle rk APPROVED ~t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of May, 1950. No. 10547. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #12, "City Hall", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28thday of December 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #12, "City Hall", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follo~ CITY HALL #12 Wages... 2,850.00 Furniture and Equipment (1). ..................... ... 596.70 (1) 1 Water Cooler. ........... $175.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDA]2~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED rs: IN THE COUNCIL FOR TIlE CiTY OF R0~OKE, ViRG~il±A, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 10544. AN ORDii~AI~CE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a~ree~ent between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and A. R. Wood, for the use of a space six feet by twelve feet in front of the Weather Bureau at the Roanoke ~,'~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), for the term of one year, at a consideration of $1.O0 per annum, for the purpose of selling ice cream and frozen ices, under terms and conditions acceptable to the City Rtana~er. BE IT ORDAIi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Rlanager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and A. R. Wood, for the use of a space six feet by twelve feet in front of the ~eather Bureau at the Roanoke Riunicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), for the term of one year, at a considera- tion of $1.OO per annum, for the purpose of selling ice cream and frozen ices, under terms and conditions acceptable to the City kanager. ATTEST: Clerk AF PROVE D IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF RO.~iOKE, ViRGIf~IA, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 10548. A RESOLUTIO£~ repealing a Resolution adopted on the 6th day of March, 1950, No. 10431, entitled, "A Resolution authorizin~ the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke". WHEREAS, Resolution No. 10431, adopted on the 6th day of ~arch, 1950, authorized the installation of the following street lights: One 250 C. P. street light on ~,~elrose ;venue, N. W., between 12th Street and 13th Street. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Downing Street and Whitten Avenue, N. W., in Lincoln Court. and WHEREAS, it appears that the two street lights authorized under Resolution No. 10431, are duplicated under Resolution No. 10483, adopted on the 3rd day of April, 1950. THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted on the 6th day of March, 1950, No. 10431, entitled, "A Resolution authorizinM the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke", be, and the same is hereby repe~led. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President 242 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 105&9. A RESOLUTION concurring in the awarding of the contract for preliminary study, report, and preliminary design of the necessary facility to enable the separation of the existing grade crossing of U. S. Route ll {Jefferson Street) and the Norfolk and Western Railway in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, State Project 1680-O3, Federal Project AE-SN-FAP-i&O(2), by the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia to Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, New York, N. Y., in the amount of ~15,OO0.00, and signifying the willingness of the City of Roanoke to bear its proportionate part of the cost. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the said City of Roanoke concurs in the awarding of the contract for preliminary study, report, and preliminary design of the necessary facility to enable the separation of the existin grade crossing of U. S. Route ll {Jefferson Street) and the Norfolk and Western Railway in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, State Project 1680-03, Federal Project AE-SN-FAP-140{2), by the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia to Howsrd, Needles, Tammen ~. Bergendoff, New York, N. Y~ in the amount of ~15,O00.OO. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the said City of Roanoke hereby signifies its willingness to bear its proportionate part of the above cost. ATTEST APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGINiA, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 10550. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~ianager to confer with the Public Roads Administration and t~e Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia with reference to planninz a north-south urban highway through the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City R~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to confer with the Public Roads Administration and the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia with reference to plannin a north-south urban highway through the City of Roanoke. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~I~OKE, ViRGi~iA, The 15th day of ~'iay, 1950. 2o. 10551. AN ORDIf~Ai~CE authoriz~'.l== a~d directing the City Massager, for and o~ behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an agreeme~-~t between the City of Ros~oke, Virgin~ and the Estate of T. J. Burke and the Estate of I. J. ~leals, for the leasing by the City of the third floor of buildi~g located at /+12-414 South Jefferson Street, 'for period from R:ay 15, 1950, through May 14, 1951, at a rental of $125.00 per month, for use by National Guard units, under terms and conditions contained in said agreement, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, witn the proviso that in the event ti~e National Guard is called into Federal service, the lease shall be terminated thirty days from that date, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an aEreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the Estate of T. J. Burke and t~]e Estate of I. J. ~'~eals, for the leasi~%? by t~e City of the third floor of buildin? located at 412-414 South Jefferson Street, for period from ~[ay 15, 1950, through ~iay 1~, 1951, at a reatal of .~125.00 per month, for use by Nation,al Guard units, under terms and conditions coatai~led in said agreement, subject to the approval biTM the City Attorney, with the proviso that in the event the National Guard is called into Federal service, the lease shall be terminated thirty days from that date. BE iT FURTHER ORDAI~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVE D ~dent IN THE COU~';~IL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAi~OKE, VIRG~;'~iA, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 10552. A RE[{OLUTiO~ extendi~g thanks and appreciation to the Off-Street Parking Committee and its Chairman ~'or the outstanding work which they have given to the ~roblem of off-street parking. WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Roanoke on )ctober 11, 1948, a committee was appointed to study the possibility of creating off-street parking facilities for the City of Roanoke and to submit its report to Council, and WHEREAS, the committee has this day submitted its report, and this body desires to recognize the members of the com~'~ittee for their hard work .~mnd careful study of local parkin~ needs and for t heir excellent survey and report reconm~endi:~g ,~ solution to the same. 244 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the thanks and appreciation of this Council be extended to R'~essrs. Ernest L. Light, Chairman, Benton O. Dillard, Richard T. Edwards, N. W. Schlossberg and James A. Turner for their hard work and careful study of local parking needs and for their excellent survey and report recommending a solution to the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to forward a duly attested copy of this Resolution to each member of the above committ~ APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of R'~ay, 1950. No. 105 53. A RESOLUTIOI~ authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids on furnishing the City of Roanoke with 3,000 bleachers, in accordance with specifications of the City, said bids to be opened by City Council, and repealing [{esolution No. 10545, adopted on the ~th day of i~lay, 1950. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke, by Resolution ~o. 10545, adopted on the 8th day of May, 1950, authorized the purchase of 3,000 bleachers at a cost ~ot to exceed ~13,OO0.00 from a firm to be determined by a committee compose¢ of Councilman Daniel J. Cronin, l~m. Arthur S. Owens, City kanager, and Mr. Robert P. Hunter, Director o£ the Department of Parks and Recreation, and by Ordinance No. 10546, adopted on the same day, appropriated funds for the purchase of the bleachers and WHEREAS, it appears that the committee has been unable to reach an a~reement as to the firm from whom the bleachers shoul~ be purchased and has asked that it be discharged and that the Council of the City of Roanoke as a whole assume the responsibility for the purchase of the bleachers, in which request Council concurs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anarer be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids on furnishin~ the City of Roanoke with 3,OO0 bleachers, in accordance with specifica- tions of the City, said b ids to be opened by City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution £~o. 10545, adopted on the 8th day of May, 1950, be, and is hereby repealed. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVE D Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE C]~TY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of ~iay, 1950. No. 10554. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of three trucks for use by the Water Department, as provided for in Ordinance No. 10461, adopted on the 21st day of karc~ 1950, from a firm other than the low bidder, with the proviso that the units so purchased shalI be small panel trucks. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby ~ranted for the purchase of three trucks for use by the Water Department, as provided for in Ordinance f~o. 10461, adopted on the 21st day of karch, 1950, from a firm other than the low bidder, with the proviso that the units so l~urchased shall be small panel trucks. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~_NOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 10555. A RESOLUTION repealing a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of · "A Resolution Roanoke, Virginia, on the 25th day of March, 1946, No. ~74~ entitled, setting forth the policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke with reference to furnishin~ water service outside of the cor~orate limits". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 25th day of ~arch, "A Resolution settinr forth the policy of the Council of 19~6, ~o. ~7~, entit].e~, ,_ the City of Roanoke with reference to furnishing water service outside of the corporate limits", be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~..~OKE, ViRCi~IA, The 15th dsy of ~ay, 1950. £~o. 10556. A RESOLUTIO~ repealing a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virzinia, on the 12th day of July, 19~3, ~o. 7614, entitled, "A Resolution suthorizin~ and directinz the City Clerk to accept .$150.O0 in full compromise and settlement of charges for sewer connections already made in the Chestnut Hill Development, under terms and conditions outlined in communication from the Crystal Spring Land Company, addressed to W. P. Hunter, City ~anager, dated ~'~ay 14, 1943". REPEALII REPEALED By No .... Date ................. ~E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 12th day of July, 1943, No. 7614, entitled, "A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Clerk to accept $15(%00 in full compromise and settlement of charges for sewer connections already made in the Chestnut Hill Development, under terms and conditions outlined in communication from the Crystal Spring Land Company, addressed to W. P. Hunter, City Manager, dated May 14, 1943" Cle rk ~ , be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ISth day of May, 1950. No. 10557. A RESOLUTION approving final plans and specifications for the Health Center Building, Roanoke, Virginia, as prepared by Stone and Thompson, Architects, authoriz in~ and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids on the project, with the proviso that the bidders shall set forth the name of each sub-contractor who will work on the project, repealing Resolution No. 10531, adopted on the 1st day of ~ay, 1950, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the final plans and specifications for the Health Center Building, Roanoke, Virginia, as prepared by Stone and Thompson, Architects, be, and are hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids on the Health Center Building, with the proviso that the bidders shall set forth the name of each sub-contractor who will work on the project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 10531, adopted on the 1st day of Fray, 1950, entitled, "A Resolution approving final plans and specifications for the Health Center Building, Roanoke, Virginia, as prepared by Stone and Thompson, Architects, authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for separate bid: on the general contract, electrical contract and plumbing and heating contract, respectively, for the said project, and providing for an emergency", be, and is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ( / Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA2~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of ~[ay, 1950. ~o. 10558. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City i~anager to again enter into negotiations for the purchase of sufficient land to widen the southwest corner of Fifth Street and Campbell Avenue, S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to again enter into negotiations for the purchase of sufficient land to widen the southwest corner of Fifth Street and Campbell Avenue $o Wo APPROVED ATTESTx ~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGI~IA, The 15th day of May, 1950. No. 105 59. A RESOLUTIO£~ commending the Roanoke Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Incorporated, for receiving first place award as having the most well equipped rescue truck in the parade held in connection with the 2Oth anniversary of the Alexandria Rescue Squad in Alexandria, Virginia, ~ay 12-13, 1950, as well as other honors. WHEREAS, it appears that out of sixty-one squads present at the 2Oth anniversary of the Alexandria Rescue Squad in Alexandria, Virginia, May 12-13, 1950, the Roanoke Life Saving and First Aid Crew, incorporated, was awarded first place as having the most well equipped rescue truck in the parade held in connection with the celebration, as well as other honors, and WHEREAS, this Council wishes to recognize the excellent work of the Roanoke Life S.~vin~ and First Aid Crew, Incorporated, in developing the most outstanding organization of its kind in the state. THEREFORE, BE IT REZOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the congratulations of this Council be extended to the Roanoke Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Incorporated, for receivin? the first place award as having the most well equipped rescue truck in the parade held in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Alexandria Rescue Squad in Alexandria, Virginia, ~'lay 12-13, 1950, as well as other honors. ATTEST: Cle rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI~IA, The 15th day of ~ay, 1950. No. 10560. A RESOLUTION commending the Monroe Junior High School band for wining firs~ place honors for the second consecutive year in the junior division of bands compet- ing in the Fourteenth National Parade of School Safety Patrols in Washington, D. C. on May 13, 1950, as well as other honors. WHEREAS, it appears that the Monroe Junior High School band, in competition with bands from all over the country, has won first place honors for the second consecutive year in the junior division of bands competing in the Fourteenth Nation~ Parade of School Safety Patrols in Washington, D. C., on May 13, 1950, as well as other honors, and WHEREAS, this Council desires to recognize the Monroe Junior High School band for its outstanding performance. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the congratulations of this Council be extended to the Monroe Junior High School band for winning first place honors for the second consecutive year in the junior divisio of bands competing in the Fourteenth National Parade of School Safety Patrols in Washington, D. C., on May 13, 1950, as well as other honors. APPROVED ATTEST: ..... -~-'~_ C~_ ~._ ~ Clerk ~ President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10561. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for construction of concrete sidewalk, and concrete curb and gutter at various locations in the City of Roanoke 1949 annexed area, to H. W. London, Roanoke, Virginia, at a total cost of $18,650.00. WHEREAS, it appears from the bids heretofore received for construction of concrete sidewalk, and concrete curb and gutter at various locations in the City of Roanoke 1949 annexed area, that the bid of H. W. London, Roanoke, Virginia, is the best bid therefor in the total sum of $18,650.00. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of H. W. London, Roanoke, Virginia, for construction of concrete sidewalk, and concrete curb and gutter at various locations in the City of Roanoke 1949 annexed area, in the total sum of $18,650.00, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the said construction be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is ~ereby authoriz and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. ATTEST: APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10562. A RESOLUTION of appreciation and confidence to the Commissioners of the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority. WHEREAS, Messrs. John H. Windel, Thomas R. Wirsing, Or., C. Fred Rmngus, Harold W. Hill and Jacob L. Reid, Commissioners of the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority have, since their appointment, given generously of their time and abilities in a most creditable performance of their exacting duties; and WHEREAS, there has been much discussion over the radio, in the local press, and in public and private gatherings both for and against the establishment of iow- ~nt public housing projects in the City of Roanoke, some of which unfortunately and unnecessarily has been of an acrimonious nature. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a vote of confidence and appreciation of this Council be, and the same is hereby, extended Commissioners John H. Windel, Thomas R. Wirsing, Or., C. Fred R1angus, Harold W. iHill and Jacob L. Reid, for the splendid manner in which they have performed their exacting duties in conducting the affairs and business of the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and for the dignified way in which they have demeaned themsel' as a Board and as individuals throughout the period of unfortunate and unnecessary ~ controversial acrimony. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to mail an attested copy of this Resolution to each of the Commissioners of the Roanoke Redevelopment snd Housing Authority. ATTEST: Clerk APPROV ED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGI~IA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10563. A RESOLUTION requesting the Board of Supervisors of Botetourt County to exempt the Carvins Cove area from that portion of the fishing laws of Botetourt County which prohibits fishing on Sunday. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Board of Super. visors of Botetourt County be, and is hereby respectfully requested to exempt the Carvins Cove area from that portion of the fishing laws of Botetourt County which prohibits fishing on Sunday. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk President ~es 250 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 1056~. AN ORDINANCE appropriating the sum of $120,000.00 from the School Improve- ment Fund for installation of a new heating and ventilating system in the Jefferson High School, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the public school system an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the sum of $120,000.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the School Improvement Fund for installation of a new heating and ventilating system in the Jefferson High Scho( BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that any unexpended balance from the above project shall, upon completion of said project, revert to the unexpended balance in the School Improvement ~'Fund. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordirmnce shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10565. A RESOLUTION requesting the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia to have a traffic survey made as early as possible in 1951 with reference to a north-south highway through the City of Roanoke and committing the City of Roanoke to an expenditure of approximately $5,000.00 after January 1, 1951, as its proportionate part of the cost of the survey. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia be, and is hereby requested to have a traff survey made as early as possible in 1951 with reference to a north-south highway through the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the said City of Roanoke hereby agrees to expend approximately $5,000.00 after January l, 195 as its proportionate part of the cost of the survey. Clerk APPROVED L IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10566. A RESOLUTION approving wage rate determination HSC-1178, dated ~iay 1, 1950, for incorporation in the specifications for the construction of the Public Health Center, Roanoke, Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the wage rate determination HSC-!!?8, dated Kay 1, 1950, be, and is hereby approved for incorpora- tion in the specifications for the construction of the Public Health Center, Roanoke Virgin ia. APPROVED ATTEST: C lo rk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10567. A RESOLUTIO~ authorizing the City ~anager to appoint three viewers at a cost not to exceed ~10.00 each for the purpose of appraising a strip of land, betwee~ Kellogg Avenue and the property of Vance E. Bailey located east of Tenth Street, N. ., at the end of Kellogg Avenue, Official Tax No. 2050704, with a view of extending water service to the property of ~. Bailey. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City R[anager be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint three viewers at a cost not to exceed ~10.00 each for the purpose of appraising a strip of land, between Kellogg Avenue an the property of Vance E. Bailey located east of Tenth Street, N. W., at the end of Kellogg Avenue, Official Tax No. 2050704, with a view of extending water service to the property of Rjr. Bailey. APP ROVE D ATTEST ! Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, ViRGINiA, The 22nd day of ~!ay, 1950. No. 10568. A RESOLUTIO£~ providing for the cancellation of five street lights authorized by Resolution No. 10086, adopted on the llth day of July, 19~9, and Resolution No. 10341, adopted on the 9th d~y of January, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the cancellation of the following street lights authorized by Resolution No. 10086, adopted~ the llth day of July, 1949, and Resolution No. 10341 251. 252 One 250 C. P. street light at the intersection of Persinger Road and Mount Vernon Road, approximately 350 feet east of Hunters Road. One 250 C. P. street light at the intersection of ~ount Vernon Road and Center Hill Drive. One 250 C. P. street light on Center Hill Drive approximately 300 feet west of t~ount Vernon Road. One 250 C. P. street li?ht on West Drive approximately 350 feet west of Lakewood Drive. One 250 C. P. street light at the intersection of Private Road and Pers inger Road. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10569. A RESOLUTION authorizing the removal of street lights, poles, extensions, transformers, etc., from the Veterans Trailer Project. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the removal of street lights, poles, extensions, transformers, etc., from the Veterans Trailer Project. ATT~: ~ Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of ~iay, 1950. No. 10570. AN (RDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~41, "Fire Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 195' and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10~48, adopted on the 13th day of March, 1950. BE IT ORDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #41, "Fire Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10448, adopted on the 13th day of March, 1950, be, and the same is hereby amended aud reordained to read as follows: FIRE DEPART~iENT #41 Equipment and Improvements (1) .............. . .... . ..... $18,025.00 (1) Additicn to Fire Station No. 7 ........ $16,000.O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ ~ / Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of ~[ay, 1950. No. 10571. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #120, "Municipal Airport", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Oeneral Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January, l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10505, adopted on the 17th day of April, 1950. BE IT ORDAiI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ,~120, "~unicipal Airport", of an Ordin~ce adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of ~ emergency", as amended by Ordnance No. 10505, adopted on the 17th day of April, 1950, be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: ~NICIPAL AIRP~ T ~120 Land Appraisal (2) .................................... $250.00 (2) $50.00 each for appraisers BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN~ that ~ emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its ~ssage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Cle ~ President IN THE C OUNCiLRDR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10573. AN (RDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #110, "Pensions and Gratuities to Former Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 103~3, adopted on the 30th day of January, 1950. BE IT ORDAIRED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #llO, "Pensions and Gratuities to Former Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Counci of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance adopted on the 3Oth day of January, 1950, be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES TO FORMER E~'PLOYEES #llO Gratuities to Former Employees (1) ......... ............ $6,366.00 (1) Sallie H. Jeffries ......... . .... $250.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the $250.00 herein appropriated is to be paid to Sallie H. Jeffries in one lump sum immediately. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APP ROVED ATTEST: ~-~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~iIA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10574. AN ORDINANCE amending and reenacting an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28thday of December, 19~9, No. 10332, entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the 1949 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency"; amending and reenacting Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency"; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Department of Public Works, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~NED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10332, entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations ~from the 1949 Annex Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be and is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Street Construction ......... . ................... .. .... .... $58,080.33 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Councilof the City of Roanoke that Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnin~ January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and r eordained to resd as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION #75 Contractors (1) ..................................... $~1,350.O0 (1) Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk ........ $31,350.O0 Street Paving ................. ... 10,OOO.OO BE 1T FURTHER ORDAINED that the $1,350.OO herein transferred from the Street Construction account of the 1949 Annex Fund to the Street Construction account of th~ General Fund shall be used toward the construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter on Aspen Street, N. W., and that Mr. Philip L. Baird shall be continued as contractor in carrying out the construction provided for in the Street Construction account of the General Fund until the present funds in said account are exhausted. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST;~ ,, ~, k.~ . Clerk ) IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 22nd day of May, 1950. No. 10 575 · A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of three trucks for use by the Water Depertment, as provided for in Ordinance No. 10461, ado~ted on the 21st day of March 1950, from a firm other than the low bidder, with the proviso that the units so purchased shall be sedan deliveries, and repealing Reosolution ~o. 10554, adopted on the 15thc~y of May, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the purchase of three trucks for use by the Water Department, as provided for in Ordinance No. 10461, adopted on the 21st day of ~larch, 1950, from a firm other than the low bidder, with the proviso that the units so purchased shall be sedan deliveries. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 15th day of May, 1950, No. 10554, entitled, "A Resolution authoriz inz the purchase of three trucks for use by the Water Department, as provided for ir Ordinance No. 10461, adoyted on the 21st day of ~'~arch, 1950, from a firm other than the low bidder, with the proviso that the units so purchased shall be small panel t be, and the same is hereby repealed. ATTEST: APPROVED ~ks" 2-6 IN THE COUNCI~ FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of May, 1950. No. 10572. AN 0RDINANGE to amend and re-ordain section forty-three of Chapter fifty- one of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to zoning amendments, as amended by Ordinance No. 8671, adopted on the 5th day of August, 1946, and providing for an emergenc y. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Governmen' an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sec- tion forty-three of Chapter fifty-one of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to Zoning amendments, as amended by Ordinance No.' 8671, adopted on the 5th day of August, 1946, be, and the same is hereby amended and re-ordained to read as follows: Sec. 43. Procedure. The regulations, restrictions and boundaries in this chapter comtaine. from time to time be amended, supplemented, changed, modified or repealed by the Council, after a public hearing at which all parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard in relation thereto. At least fifteen days notice of the time and place of hearing shall be published in a paper of general publica- tion in the city; provided, however, where each proposed change in, or amendment or supplement to, any such regulation, restriction or boundary shall be first referred by the Council to the board of zoning appeals for report and recommendation, and where said board makes such report and recommendation to the Council, after a public hearing in relation thereto, held by said board pursuant to prior notice published five days in a paper of general publication in the city, the public hearing by the Council in relation to such change, amendment or supplement may be held after at least ten days notice of the time and place of such hearing published in a paper of general publication in the city. The costs of the publication of all notices re- quired by this section shall be paid by the party, or parties, seeking the change, modification or repeal. In case, however, of a protest against such change, signed by the owners of twenty per centum, or more, either of the area of the lots included in each pro- ~osed change, or of those immediately adjacent in the rear thereof, or of those directly opposite thereto, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of. four-fifths of all the members of the Council. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL-FOR qV!E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of May, 1950. No. 10576. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of sanitary sewers in and along certain parts of certain streets in the Bluefield Heights area and the southeast portion of Forest Hill Subdivision for which improvements assessments are to be made against the abutting landowners; providing for the docketing of an abstract of the Resolution in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke; authorizing and directing the City ~v~anager to advertise for bids for the construc- tion of said sanitary sewers; and providing for an emergency. ¥~HEREAS, the Board consisting of the members of the City Council, created ~nder the provisions of Resolution No. 1051~, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on April 2~, 1950, after due publication of notice for two consecutive weeks in "The World-News", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Roanoke the first publication being on }:~ay 10, 1950, and the other on ~ay 17, 1950, conduct- ed a hearing on !~ay 29, 1950, at 2:00 o'clock, p.m., in the Circuit Court Room in the ~,[unicipal Building, on the question of constructing sewers in and along certain parts of certain streets in the Bluefield Heights area and the southeast portion of Forest Hill Subdivision and to make such decisions and do such acts as are provided for and contemplated by Section 3067 (as amended) and 3068 of the Code of Virginia, at which hearing landowners and other interested parties in the affected area were given an opportunity to be heard, and ~HEREAS, the said Board has made estimates of the assessments or appor- tionments on the basis of one-third of the cost of the total cost of the improvement against the abutting landowners, and two-thirds to be paid by the City, as provided by law, and WHEREAS, it is imperative that the said sanitary sewers be constructed along certain parts of the streets, heretofore and hereafter set forth, for the protection of the public health, and in order to provide for the usual operation of the ~..~unicipal Government an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: (A) The construction of sanitary sewers in and along Brambleton Avenue from a point east of Sewell Lane to a point east of Persinger Road; ~.~artin Lane from Clearfield Road to V~elch Road; ~elch Road from Hartin Lane to Brambleton Aven~e; Clearfield Road from l,~artin Lane to Colonial Avenue; Overland Road from Bluefield Boulevard to Colonial Avenue; Persinger Road from Brambleton Avenue to Colonial Avenue; Bluefield Boulevard from Overland Road to Persinger Road; Colonial Avenue from Overland Road to a point east of Persinger Road; and across private property from Bluefield Boulevard and Persinger Road to 26th Street, S. W., is hereby authorized. (B).~-That the ownership and location of the property to be affected by the proposed improvements hereby authorized and the estimated amount as determined by said Board that will be assessed against or apportioned to each landowner, or fixed by agreement with him, are as follows: 25? 258 Loc ati on Owner Lot No. Bloc~ No. Map Footage Est tma t ed Cost to Owner North side of Brambleton Avenue west of Persin~er Road Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ernest B. Fishburn Ocie A. Reynolds l0 i Forest Hill 9 i Forest Hill 8 i Forest Hill  i Forest Hill i Forest Hill 5 i Forest Hill 4 i Forest Hill 3 i Forest'Hill 2 i Forest Hill South side of ~,~artin Lane between Welch Road and Clearfield Road 200.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 118.33 119.6 125.89 lOO. o5 193.33 96.67 96.67 96.67 96.67 114.39 115.61 121.69 96.72 Thomas W. & Louise G. UrquhArt 18-19 1 Archer H., Jr., & Eleanor F. Gravley i i Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts. 157.5 157.5 152.25 152.25 East side of Persin~er Road between Brambleton Avenue and Colonial Avenue Alfred R. & Ruth B. Ash H. D. Howbert ~v~. B. & E. C. Pace ~iriam T. Starnes 8 Fogle 100.0 1260216 Acreage Persinger Rd. 522.7 1260214 Acreage Persinger Rd. 537.7 1260215 Acreage Persinger Rd. 362.0 96.67 5O5.27 519.77 349.93 West side of Persinger Road between Brambleton Avenue and Bluefield Boulevard Gertrude V. ~artin 1360202 Mrs. Kate Parrish Howell 2 Mrs. Ann Ridinger Davis 1 F. St. John & Ollie V. Cop enhaver Ac rea g e Persinger Rd. Per singer Rd. Per singer Rd. 420 · 0 82.55 82.55 1360204 Acreage Per singer Rd. 360.0 406.00 79.8o 79.8o 348.oo West side of Persinger Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue Walter W. & Duvahl B. Ridgeway & Louise R. Freese 1280111 Tom W. & Katheryn A. Fore 1280112 Tom W. & Katheryn A. Fore 1280113 Acreage Per singsr Rd. 356.3 Acreage Per singer Rd. 106.0 Acreage Per singer Rd. 200.0 102.47 193.33 East side of Clearfield Road between Martin Lane and Bluefield Boulevard Thomas W. & Louise G. Urquhart 16 1 Charles W. & Maude L. Dowdy 14 - 15 1 Claire E. Engleby 12 - 13 1 Victor M. & Nellie W. Brugh 1360408 1 Victor M. & Nellie W. Brugh 1360410 i Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts, Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts. 76.7 153.4 153.4 150.0 99.81 East side of Clearfield Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue 74.14 148.29 lg8.29 1~5.00 96.48 Charles G. Jr., & Lee P. Hammond Charles G., Jr., & Lee P. H~r~mond Charles G. ~r., & Lee P. Hammond Charles G. ~r., & Lee ?. Hammond O. A. & Edith A. Cozzani H. P. & Ola ~J~. Thrasher Hugh P. & 0la ~,~. Thrasher Tom W. & Katheryn A. Fore 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 13 2 6 2 7 2 8- 9 2 Bluefield Hts. 99.49 Bluefield Hts. 75.0 Bluefield Hts. 75.0 Blue field Hts. 80.0 Bluefield Hts. 80.0 Bluefield Hts. 80.0 Bluefield Hts. 75.0 Blue field Hts. 59.24 West side of Clearfield Road between Martin Lane and Bluefield Boulevard 96.17 72.50 72.50 77.33 77.33 77.33 72.50 57.27 Mae S. Glesner John T. & Beulah Morrison Ernest C., Jr., & ~,~ary W. ~,~or i ar ty R. Dewey Eades R. D. Eades Robert W. & Jessie K. Woods Nancy E. Rankin Edwin C. & Dorothy T. Woods Pt. i 3 Bluefield Hts. 95.0 1360508 3 Bluefield Hts. 94.37 1360502 3 Bluefield Hts. 118.5 1360503 3 ', Bluefield Hts. 118.5 136050~ 3 Bluefield Hts. 118.5 1360507 3 Bluefield Hts. 155.0 1360506 3 Bluefield Hts. 100.0 1360510 3 Bluefield Hts. 100.9 West side of Clearfield Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue 91.83 91.22 114.55 114.55 114.55 149.83 96.67 96.67 Robert B. & Ethel H. White 1 4 Kezton D. & Kate H. Secrist 2 - 3 4 Benjamin G. Thomas 4 4 Lucy E. Harveycutter 1360605 4 Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts. Bluefield Hts. 80.0 200.O 100.0 60.0 77.33 193.33 96.67 58.oo L oeat ion Owner Lot No. Block No. East side of Overland Road north of Bluefield Boulevard Estimated Cost to Frontage Owner C. G. tiammond 1360505 3 Bluefield Hts. East side of Overland Road between Bluefield Boulevard and Colonial Avenue 90.32 87.31 Carl VJ. Stover 1360604 4 Bluefield Hts. 381.53 368.81 North side of Colonial Avenue between Overland Road and clearfield Road Lucy E. HarveyGutter 1360605 4 Bluefield Hts. 425.0 410.83 North side of Colonial Avenue between Clearfield Road and Persinger Road Walter W. & Duvahl S. Ridgeway 1280114 Acreage Persinger Road 300.0 290.00 North side of Colonial Avenue east of Persin~er Road John W., Jr., & Jean F. Thomas 1 John ~,t~., Jr., & Jean F. Thomas 2 Alfred R. Ash, et als 3 Alfred R. Ash, et als ~ Alfred R. Ash, et als 5 Alfred R. Ash, et als 6 Jerry Craighead 1260313 2 Fogle 85.37 82.52 Fogl e 70.0 67 · 67 Fogle 70.0 67.67 Fogle 70.0 67.67 Fogle 70.0 67.67 Fogle 70.06 67.72 Winona 552.5 534.08 Across private property from Winthrop Avenue to the intersection of Bluefield Bouelvard and Persinger Road M. Lowman Heir s William H. Woolwine 1260306 Acreage Lowman Heirs 18 3 Winona 5oo.o 483.33 5o.o 48.33 West side of Welch Road.~o~th of Bluefield Boulevard Victor M. & Nellie W. Brugh 136O41O 1 Bluefield Hts. 75.0 72.50 East side of Welch Road north of Bluefield Boulevard F. St. John & Ollie V. Cop enhav er 13 60204 Act eage Per singer Road 75.0 72.50 (C) The City Clerk is directed to furnish to the Clerk of the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke an attested copy of this Resolution, who shall record an abstract thereof in the judgment docket in his office and index the same as pro- vided by Chapter 138 of the 1946 Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (section 3071-b of the Code of virginia). (D) The City ~anager is authorized and directed to publish invitation for bids for the construction of the above sanitary sewers. (E) An emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in effect from the date of its adoption. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOt~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of May, 1950. No. 10577. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of a Clerk for the period from June l, 1950, through December 31, 1950, to work in the Health Department of the City of Roanoke, in connection with re-X-rays to be made as a result of the Roanoke Chest X-ray Survey, at a salary to be reconzmended by the City D~anager. BE IT RESOLV~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby gr~n~ed for the employment of a Clerk for the period from June l, 1950, through December 31, 1950, to work in the Health Department of the City of Roanoke, in connection with re-X-rays to be made as a result of the Roanoke Chest X-ray Survey, at a salary to be recommended by the City Manager. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA,. The 29th day of May, 1950. No. 10578. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #6, "Commissioner of Revenue," of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropria- tions from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" · BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #6, "Commissioner of Revenue", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: C0~;ISSIONER OF REVENUE #6 Furniture and Equipment (3) .................... $ 250.00 (3) Filing equipment .......... $250.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ ~ Clerk President IN THE C0~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~ay, 1950. No. 10579. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to continue the employment of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers for an additional period of six months from June l, 1950, at a lump sum consideration of $500.00, for the purpose of reviewing the operation of the aerator at the Carvins Cove Filtration Plant. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to continue the employment of L~alcolm Pirnie Engineers for an additional period of six months from Jane l, 1950, at a lump sum consideration of 3500.00, for the purpose of reviewing the operation of the aerator at the Carvins Cove Filtration Plant. APPROVED ATTEST: ~/~ Clerk Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANO~[E, VIRGIMIA, The 29th day of Nay, 1950. No. 10580. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City ~.~anager, for and on be- half of the City of Roancke, to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the Estate of T. ~. Burke and the Estate of I. ~. ~eals, for the leas- ing by the City of the third floor of building located at ~12-11~ South Yefferson Street, on a month-to-month basis beginning as of ~.,~ay 15, 1950, at a rental of ~125. per month, for use by National Guard units, under terms and conditions contained in said agreement, subject to the approval of the City Attorney; repealing Ordinance No. 10551, adopted on the 15th day of ~.~ay, 1950; and providing for an emergency. V..~HEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity ~.Ianager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the ~ity of Roanoke, to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the estate of T. Y. Burke and the Estate of I. J. ~..~eals, for the leasing by the City of the third floor of building located at 412-t1~ South gefferson Street, on a month. to-month basis beginning as of I~.~ay 15, 1950, at a rental of ~i~125.00 per month, for ~se by National Guard units, under terms and conditions contained in said agreement, ~ubject to the approval of the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHEt~ ORDAINED that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the ity of Roanoke on the 15th day of I~.~ay, 1950, No. 10551, entitled, "An Ordinance authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke. to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, ¥irginia, and the estate of r. J. Burke and the Estate of I. J. ~eals, for the leasing by the City of the third floor of building located at ~12-~14 South Jefferson Street, for period from ~.~ay 15, ~950, through ~ay 14, 1951, at a rental of ~125.00 per month, for use by National ~uard units, under terms and conditions contained in said agreement, subject to the ~pproval of the City Attorney, with the proviso that in the event the National Guard is called into Federal service, the lease shall be terminated thirty days from that late, and providing for an emergency", be, and the same is hereby repealed. .0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITT OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of Nay, 1950. No. 10581. A RESOLUTION signifying the willingness of the City of Roanoke to partici- pate in the total cost of State Project 1680-03, Federal Project AE-SN-FAP-140(2), with regard to a study of the separation of the existing grade crossing of U. S. Route 11 (Jefferson Street) and the Norfolk and Western Railway in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of $4,166.75, representing the city's proportionat. part of the cost. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City of Roanoke hereby signifies its willingness to participate in the total cost of State Project 1680-03, Federal Project AE-SN-FAP-I~0(2), with regard to a study of the separation of the existing grade crossing of U. S. Route ll (Jefferson Street) and the Norfolk and Western Railway in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of $~,166.~75, representing the city's proportionate part of the cost. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~ay, 1950. No. 10583. AN 0RDIN~CE to amend and.reenact Section #1, "City Council", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #1, "City Council", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, ,,An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year. beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY C0~,TC~L #1 Special Investigations ..................... $ 722.80 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST; ~ ×-~ Clerk President IN THE COIE~CIL FOR ~iE CITY OF ROANOK~E, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of May, 1950. No. 1,058~. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #113, "Refunds and Rebates"~, of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General F~nd of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnin~q January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency',. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section.#ll3, "Refunds and Rebates", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanok, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to iread as follows: REFb~DS AND REBATES #ll3 Highway No. &60 ........................ $ 90,312.87 BE IT FURT~{ER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTES T: '~ \ Clerk President IN ~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA£~0~fE, VIRGIMIA, The 29th day of ~Iay, 1950. No. 10585. A RESOLUTION extending a vote of thanks to I~Ir. Charles S. Frost, Director of the Department of Air Pollution Control, Roanoke, Virginia, for his successful efforts in securing for Roanoke the 1951 Annual Conventio~ of the Air Pollution and Smoke Prevention Association of America. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a vote of thanks be, and is hereby extended to ~'~r. Charles S. Frost, Director of the Department of Air Pollution Control, Roanoke, Virginia, for his successful efforts in securing for Roanoke the 1951 Annual Convention of the Air Pollution and Smoke ?revention Association of America. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of.~'~ay, 1950. No. 10586. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of someone other than a resident of the City of Roanoke to fill the position of Instrument Man, as listed under Section #70, "Engineering and Superintendence", of the 1950 Budget, at an annual salary of $3,~0.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Co~ucil of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of someone other than a resident of the City of Roanoke to fill the position of Instrument Man, as listed under Section #70, Engineering and Superintendence", of the 1950 Budget, at an annual salary of APPROVED ATT, E~S~ST:_ ~ ~ Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~,iay, 1950. No. 10587. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Charles E. Staples, ~r., and Au'drey C. Staples one lot 50 feet by lll.6 feet, facing Imlay Avenue,' S. E., and being the easterly 50 feet of Official Tax No. ~00~03, at a total cash consideration of ~400.00; appropriating the sum of $~00.00 from the School Improvement Fund for this purpose; relieving the owners of paying the sewer assessment of $50.17 against said 50 foot lot; directing the City Clerk to mark said sewer assessment released of record; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City lvlanager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Charles E. Staples, Sr., and Audrey C. Staples one lot 50 feet by lll.6 feet, facing Imlay Avenue, S. E., and being the easterly 50 feet of Official Tax No. 4~00303, at a total cash consideration of $400.00 BE IT ~JRTHER ORDAINED that the amount of .$400.00 be, and the same is hereby appropriated from the School Improvement Fund for the purchase of the above lot. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that as a part of the consideration for the afore- said purchase, the owners Charles E. Staples, Sr., and Audrey C. Staples be. and they are hereby, relieved of payin~ the sewer assessment in the amount of $50.17 against the lot hereby authorized to be purchased and that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon delivery to h~m of a properly executed deed conveying said real estate to the City in fee simple, to mark said sewer assess ment released of record. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTESt: ~ Clerk President IN ~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29 th day of I~ay, 1950. No. 10588. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Luther T. and Lena S. Proctor Lot 3, Nlock 6, S. J. Sones Subdivision, of Official Tax No. 4390812, at a total cash considera- tion of ~450.00; appropriating the s~m of ~450.00 from the School Improvement Fund for this purpose; relieving the owners of paying the sewer assessment of ~50.17 against said lot; directing the City Clerk to mark said sewer assessment released of record; and providing for an emergency. ~HEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City D~anager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from Luther T. and Lena S. Proctor Lot 3, Block 6, S. J. ~ones Subdivision, of Official Tax No. 4390812, at a total cash consideration of $45o. 0o. BE IT FURT~ER ORDAINED that the amount of $450.00 be, and the same is hereby, appropriated from the School Improvement Fund for the purchase of the above lot. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that as a part of the consideration for the afore- said purchase, the owners ]L~ther T. and ~ena S. Proctor be, and they are hereby, relieved of paying the sewer assessment in the amount of $50.17 against the lot hereby authorized to be purchased and that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon delivery to him of a properly executed deed conveying said real estate to the City in fee simple, to mark said sewer assessment released of record. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR TTIE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~ay, 1950. No. 10559. AN ORDINANCE a~thori~ing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from George E. and ~.?ary K. Thompson one lot 50 feet by 140 feet, facing Ventnor Street, S. E., and being the south 17 feet of Lot 6, Block 5, Mountain View Heights and the northern 33.0 feet of Official Tax No. 4390807, at a total cash consideration of $700.00; appropriating the sum of $700.00 from the 1949 Annex Fund, Street Construction, for this purpose; relieving the owners of paying the sewer assessment of $50.17 against said lot; directing the City Clerk to mark said sewer assessment released of record; and providing for an emergency. VffIEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is. hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from George E. and ~..~ary K. Thompson one lot 50 feet by 140 feet, facing Ventnor Street, S. E., and being the south 17 feet of Lot 6, Block 5, ~.~ountain View Heights and the northern 33.0 feet of Official Tax No. 4390807, at a total cash consideration of $700.00. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the amount of $700.00 be, and tile same is hereby appropriated from the 19~9 Annex Fund, Street Construction, for the purchase of the above lot. BE IT FURTHER 0RDAII~ED that as a part of the consideration for the aforesaid ~urchase, the owners George E. and ~ary K. Thompson be, and they are hereby, reliev- ed of paying the sewer asSessment in the amount of $50.17 against the lot hereby authorized to be purchased and that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, upon delivery to him of a properly executed deed conveying said real estate to the City in fee simple, to mark said sewer assessment released of record. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED AT~JPEST: IN T~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN01CE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of May, 1950. No. 10590. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the borrowing of the sum of ~ll0,000.00 from the Colonial-American National Bank of Roanoke, Virginia, on cer- tain terms and conditions, for the purpose of purchasing certain fire protection equipment; authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute and deliv~ for and on behalf of the City, promissory notes evidencing said loan; and providing for an emergency. VfHEREAS, the City has entered into a contract, dated February 7, 1950, with 0ten Roanoke Corporation for the purchase of fou~ (4) 1,000-gallon pumping units to be used for fire protection purposes in said City, at an aggregate price of $58,284.00 cash upon the delivery of said equipment to said City; and WHEREAS, said City has further entered into a contract, dated February 3, 1950, with ~axim Notor Company for the purchase of two (2) 65-foot aerial ladder trucks at an aggregate'price of ~52,736.00 cash, said aerial ladder trucks to be used as fire protection equipment by said City; and ¥~EREAS, each of said contracts provide that the respective manufacturers shall be paid the purchase price of each unit of fire protection equipment as the same is delivered to said City; and ¥~HEREAS, the Colonial-American National Bank of Roanoke, virginia, has offered to lend to the City the aggregate sum of ~ll0,000.00 at interest at the rat~ of 1.5% per annum, said loan or loans to be evidenced by promissory notes of the said City for terms of not more than five (5) years from the date thereof, and said notes to reserve to said City the right of anticipation of payment, in whole or in part, at any date; and WHEREAS, for the ~m~ediate preservation of the public peace, property, health and safety of the said City, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE I~ ORDAINED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the said City, to borrow the aggregate sum of ~ll0,000.00 from the Colonial-American National Bank of Roanoke, Virginia, at an interest rate of 1.5% per annum for the purpose of purchasing certain fire protection equipment from 0ten Roanoke Corporation and from ~axim ~otor Company; that the oity Auditor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue to the Colonial-American National Bank of Roanoke, Virginia, promissory notes of the said City, which said notes shall be signed for and on behalf of the City by its City ~,~ayor and shall be attested by the City Clerk and each of which said promissory notes shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per annum from its date and shall provide that the said City shall have the right to anticipate the payment thereof, in whole or in part at any date, and shall be for a term of not less than one ~l) nor more than five (5) years from the res- pective dates thereof, the aggregate amount of all promissory notes authorized to be issued under this ordinance not to exceed the total principal sum of ~ll0,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ~ORDAII~ED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect frcm its passage. 268 IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~{E~ CITY OF ROAI~Ot{E, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~',.{ay, 1950. No. 10591. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #41, "Fire Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnin~ January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #41, "Fire Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and oendin~ December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: FIRE DEPART~.~IENT Equipment and Improvements (1) ........... ~129,045.00 (1) 6 Fire Trucks ............. Si11,020.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COD~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~.~ay, 1950. No. 10592. A RESOLUTION granting permission to Safety ~otor Transit Corporation and ~o~noke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses 2ithin the City of Roanoke until July l, ~950, under the same terms.~ and conditions as set out in Resolution No. 10288, passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that permission be, and the same is hereby granted Safety ~,~otor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway ~ Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of .~oanoke until J~ly l, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in .~esolution No. 10258 passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. APPROVED Clerk Pr e s i dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~'~OKE, VIRGii',iA, The 31st day of May, 1950. 10593. A RESOLUTIO~ accepting the report of the Off-Street Parking Committee, with the prerogative of molifying the plan wherever deemed advisable, and endorsing the proposed Salem Avenue parking project; authorizi~g the City R~nager to have a survey made of said proposal by the Engineering Department; requesting the City Attorney to make a study of the legal aspects of said project and to advise Council and recommen, a legal program in connection with said proposal; and req~est.~ang the City Auditor to study a self-liquidating financial program for Council's consideration. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that this body accepts the report of the Off-Street Parking Committee, with the prerogative of modifying the plan wherever deemed advisable, a~d hereby endorses the proposed Salem Avenue parking project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Mana_ger be, anf he is hereby authorized to have a survey made of said proposal by the Engineering Department. BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby ~quested to make a study of the legal aspects of sa~d project and to adv]s¢ Council and recommend a legal program in connection with said proposal. BE IT FURTHER RESOI~ED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby requested to st~:dy a self-liquidating financial ~ro~ram for Council's consideration. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVE D President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA£~OKE, VIRGiNiA, The 5th day of June, 1950. 10582. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sa]s of a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, R. J. Wright Map, Official No. 1211013, located on the east side of Fifteenth Street S. W., between Salem Avenue and Jackson Avenue, by the City of Roanoke to Gus W. Williams, at a consideration of ~375.00; providing the manner of its payment and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor. BE IT ORDAINED by the Councilof the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the City of Roanoke to Gus W. Williams of a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, R. J. Wright Map, Official No. 1211013, located on the east side of Fifteenth Street, S. W between Salem Avenue and Jackson Avenue, at a consideration of .~375.00, payable ~125 in cash, and the balance of ~250.00 in sixteen monthly installments of ~15.00 and one monthly installment of ~10.00, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, with the right of anticipation~ 27O BE IT FURTHER ORDA!~ED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behslf of the city, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with General Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomsoeve he may direct, in writing, delivery' thereof, however, not to be made until said cash consideration has been received by the city and the city secured ss to the residue by proper purchase money deed of trust, or Vendor's lien. APPROVED C~ rk ~ President · H~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 5th day of June, ]950. No. 10595. A RESOLUTION suthorizing and directing the Building Inspector, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 1949, regulating the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, signs, etc., to grant a permit to N. W. Schlossberg to alter the marquee in front of the building at 129 Campbell Avenue, S. E., to be occupied by the Star City Furniture Comps. ny, in accordance with revised plans presented to the Council of the City of Roanoke on June 5, 1950, to be filed with the Build Jng Inspector, and providing for an emergenc WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is dec]m~ed to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Building Inspector be, and he ~is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 1949, regulating the er~ction and maintenance of awnings, marquees, signs, etc., to grant a permit to N. W. Schlossberg to alter the merquee in front of the building at 129 Campbell A~cnue, S. E., to be occupied by the Star City Furniture Company, in accordsnce with revised plans presented to the Council. of the City of Rosnoke on June 5, 1950, to be filed with the Building Inspector. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is dec]s red to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVE D Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 5th day of June~ 1950. No. 10596. A RESOLUTICN to require the owners of property formerly o~med by t he Valley View In,:~stment Corporation and the Hal ! iahur st Park Company~ and any other properti being served through t+~e original mains laid by the Valley View Investment Corpora- tion or any extensions thereto which now receive water through a common meter locate on Water Road and under contract to Ers. R. H. Newman, to install individual meters to serve said properties· BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the owners of property formerly owned by the V4'lley View Investment Corporation and the Halliahurs' Park Company, and any other properties being served t, hroogb the original mains laid by the V~]]ey View Investment Corporation or any extensions thereto which now receive water throu~ha common meter located on Water Road and under contract to Mrs R. H. Ne~,.an, be, and they are hereby required to install individual meters tc aery said properties. APPROVED Pre s id e nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10597. A RESOLUTION approving the contents of a letter written under date of June 2, 1950 by the City Attorney to Dr. C. W. Grady, ~'iana~er, Veterans Administration Hospital, Roanoke County, Virginia, with reference to the charge to be made byt he City to the Facility for sewage transportation and treatment during the initial year of operation of the City's propose5 sewage treatment plant, .for budgetary purposas; and directing the City Attorney to sign and transmit said letter to Dr. C. W. Grady, together with anattested copy of this resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the contents of a letter written under d ate of June 2~ 1950, by the City Attorney to Dr. C. W. Grady, Manager, Veterans Administration Hospital, Roanoke County, Virginia, with reference to the charge to be m~de by the City to the Facility for sewage transportation and treatment during the initial year of operation of the City's proposed sewage treat- ment plant, for budgetary purposes, be, and the same are hereby, ratified and spprov~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authoriz~ and directed to sign said letter and transmit the same to Dr. C..~. Grady, together wJtb an attested copy of this resolotion. APPROVED ~TTEST~-~ .,, . Cle rk President REPEALED !V IN THE COUNCIL FO~. THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii'.~iA, The 5th d~-~y of June, 1950. No. 10598. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #50, "Health Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled., "An Ordinance making appro- priations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #50, "Health Department", of an Ordinance adopted by t he Council of the City of Roanoke, Vir_s~inia, on the 28th .Jay of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance makinE appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January !, ]950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". , be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained read as follows- HEALTH DEPARTLENT ~50 Salary Clerk ? ~onths ~!,O50 O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAI.NED that an emergency is declared 'to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force as of and from June 1, 1950. C 1 erk / A p p R 0 V ~' D,.. President IN THE COUNCIL FOR TI~ CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10599. A RESOLUTION authorizin~ the City Manager to offer the General Outdoor Bdvertising Company, Incorporated, use of space for advertising purposes on the basi~ of ~25.00 per annum per sign. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City~f' Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to offer the General Outdoor Advertising Company, Incorporated, use of space for advertising purposes on the basis of ~25.00 per annum ~er sign. [TTF~Tz ~ / Cie rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR TttE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10600. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Appropriations from Accumulated Surplus" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2gt day of December, 1949: No. 10329, and entitled, "~n Ordinance making appropriatioms from the General Fund of t.~ie City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" BE IT ORDAI~:ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Appropriations from Accumulated Surplus" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of Decemuer, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making approprisl~ions from the General F~nf of the City of Roanoke for th fiscal year beKinning January 1, 1950, and ending December ~1, 1950, and declaring the existence of sn emergency", be: ~nd the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPROPRIATIONS FRO> ACCUI' ULATED SURPLIIS Airport Improvements ............................ ~205,0C0.00 BE IT ~IRTHER ORDAINED that sn emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. A PP ROVED Amm~om . ~ ~ Clerk ~ President ~ , ~v~ VIRGI£i~ IN THE COUNCII, FOR THE CITY OF RO~NC..=, , .h~ 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10601. AN ORDINA£~CE authorizing and directin~ the proper City officials to acquire by purchase from the owner or owners thereof a 2-foot wide strio of' land, 50 feet in length, alon~ the easterly end of Shadeland ~,ve~ue, N. W.~ in the City of Roanok~ at ~ price ofw~*~.OO cash; avpropriatin~~ the sum of .~5.00 from the 1949 Annex Fund for the ~urchase thereof; a~d providin~ WHEREAS, for the purpose of extending public utilities and public, streets and sidewalks ar~ other Fob!~e services, it is necessary that that, Certain 2-foot wide strip of land, 50 feet in len%th, at the present easterly end of Shadeland Avenue, N. W., be acquired by the City, and WHEREAS, a board of' viewers has heretofore report, ed in writing to the City Manager that the value of said strip of ]and is ~5.00, and ~"~,~....~.~, for the usual daily, operation of the Engineering Department of sai~ City and for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergen< is deemed to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City, to acquire from the o~er or owners 2 74 thereof that certain 2-foot wJce strip of land, 50 feet i~ length, at the present easterly end of She. de!and Avenue, N. W., at a price of ~5.O0 cash, taking from said owner or o%mers a.deed of conveyance to said City, said deed to be upon such form as ~s approved by the City Attorney. BE iT FI~THER ORDAI~ED that the sum of ~5.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the ]949 Annex Fund for the purchase thereof. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency exists and that this Ordinance sha] be in .full force _~nd effect from its passage. APPROVED Pre side nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10602. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City Officials to acquire by purchase from the o~,mer or owners thereof a certain 2-foot wide strip of land, 50 feet in length, at the present easterly end of Kellog~ Avenue, N. W in the City of Rcanoke, at a price of ~5.00 cash~ appropriating the sum of ~5.00 from the 1949 Annex Fund for the purchase thereof; and providin~ for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the purpose of extending public utilities and public streets an sidewalks and other public services~ it is necessary that a cer~ in 2-foot wide stri of ].and, 50 feet in length, at the present easterly end of KelJogg Avenue, ~. W., be acquired by the City, and WHEREAS, a board of viewers has heretofore reported in writing to t he City Manager that the value of said strip of land is ~5.00, and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of said City and for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, ~n .~rcrgenc is deemed to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City, to acquire from the owner or or,nets thereo a certain 2-foot wide strip of land, 50 feet in length, at the present easterly end of Kellogg Avenue, N. W., ~ t a price of ~5.O0 cash, taking from said owner or owners a deed of conveyance to said City, said deed to be upon such formas it approved by the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED thet the sum of ~5.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 1949 Annex Fund for the purchase !~hereof. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency exists and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. j~.ES T: Clerk APPROVED President iN THE COUNCIl. FOR THE CITY OF ROA?iOKE, VZRGti~iA. The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10603. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City Officials to acquire by purchase from the o~er or owners thereof a certain 2-foot wide strip of land, 169.6 feet in length, more or less, at the easterly end of Rockland Avenue, N. in the City of Roanoke, at a price of w~lO.O0 cash; appropriating the sum of ~10.00 from the 1949 Annex Fund for the purchase thereof; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the purpose of extending public uti].ities and public streets and sidewalks and other public services, it J s necessary that a certain 2-foot wide strip of land, ]_69.6 feet in ]en~t~ more or less, at the easterly end of Rockland Awmue, N. W., be acqu;red by the Citv,~ and WHEREAS, a board of viewers has heretofore reported in writing to the City '~ and Manaf'er that the value of said strip of land is ~lO.O0, WHERE~S, for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of said City and for the immediate preservatio~ of the public health and safety an emergency is dee~ed to exist. - ~ ° . ~nd he i~ hereby THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIi~iED that the City R~an~ger be, authorized, for and on bebs!f of the City: to acquire from the ot~er or owners there~ a certain 2-foot wide strip of !~nd, 169.6 feet in length, more or less, at the east~ end of Rockland Avenue, N. W., at a price of $10,OO cash, taking from said owner or owners a deed of conveyance to said City, said deed to be upon such formes is approved by the City Attorney. BE iT FURT~iER ORDAI~ED that the sum of .~].0,00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the 1949 Annex Fund for the purchase thereof. BE IT FURTHER ORDAI2ED that an emergency e ~ists and this Ordinance s~]: be in ful.1 force and effect from its passage. C]_erk APPROVED Pre s id e nt IN Tt~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of J~ne, 1950. No. 10604. AN ORDII~ANCE to amend snd reefs ct ~,~ + o~coion ~120, "Nunicioal_ Airport", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day "An Ordinance ~kin~ appropriations from of Dece~h~r~ 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, ~ the General Fund of Vhe City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beo in~ir~.~ January 1~ 195( and ending December 31, 1950~ and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDB]i~ED by the Council of tbs City of Roanoke that Section ~[1~0, "Municipal Airport", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, !949~ No. 10329~ and entitled, ~- "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Genere! Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal ,f rly 07- 27b ~NICIPAL AIRPORT #120 Travel Expense .................................. ~12.90 BE IT FURT~IER ORDAINED that an emergency is declred to exist and this Ordinance shall, be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ~ Clerk AP PRO VED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii,~IA, The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10605. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal Rear beginnin~ January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, !950~ and declarin~ the~ist~n~ of an emergency". BE IT ORDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Appropriations from Rep~cement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making approoriations f~.m the Water Department's General Fund for Zh~ City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning Janua~ 1, 1950~ and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the said ~s hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPROPRIATIONS FRO!~ REPLACE. ENT RESERVE 1 .......... ,710. (1) Two 2-inch Pumps ~ ~ .................. w40~. 63 BE IT FI.~THER ORDAINED that an emergency is dech red to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its nassage. APPROVED C !e rk Pres ide nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June~ 1950. No. 10606. A RESOLUTION euthorizing the City Manager, acting under authority of Section 79 of Chapter 3~, "Traffic", of the Cnde~ of the City of Roanoke, for the better regulation of traffic within the City, to restore two-.way traffic on that portion of First Street, S. W., between Church Avenue and FrankT~r Road, and declaring an emerge ncy o I.fHEREAS, it is deemed necessary in the interest of Fub]_ic safety that two- way traffic be restored on that l~ortior,, of First Street, S. W., between Church Avenu ~ ~ and an emergency is declared to e~ist. and Franklin Ro~o, . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the C~unci! of ~hz City of Roanoke that the Cit Manager be, ~nd ha is hereby authorized and dirccted~ pursuant to Section 79 of Chamter 3~, "Traffic" of the Code oF t~e City of Roanoke, ~ , to restore two-way trifle. ~.rot Street~ S ~., between Church Iv,hue and Frank]in Road, and on that portion of F' o ." to so regu]ste and control the vehicular traffic thereon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall bt in _force as of midnight, June 10, 1950, ATTEST: (~ Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE The 5th day of June, 1.950. No. 10607. AN OP. DTNANCE to amend and reenact Section ~?], "Sewer Construction" of an , Ordinance ~do[ted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day ~:,~ Decemb~_~ 19~9, No. ~po~..., an~ entitled, "ir Ordinance making ap~ropriati, ns. fro~ the Genera] Fun4 of +he City of Ro:noke for the Fiscal year beginning January ], and ending December 31, ]950, and dec]ar~'lg the existence of an emergency"· SE IT ORDJ2NED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~71, "Sewer Construction", of ~ Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roenoke, .. "An Ordinance Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, ms. king appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, ~d ending DecemOer ~1, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same i~ hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: SEWER CONSTRUCTIO~ #71 Contractors ~42 377 GO BE iT FURTHER ORDAI~ED that the City Auditor, be', arid he is hereby aut~orize~ and directed to draw warrant ~n the name of the Crystal Spring Land Company, i~ the amount of f$2,377.00, representing the city's portionfor the construction of sewers in the Chestnut Hill Subdivision. BE iT FURTHER ORDf~I~,iED that an emergency is declared to exist and thi~ Ordinance sha].! be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVE D President 278 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June~ 1950. No. 10609. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #1, "City Council", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations fro~ the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and dec]arin~ the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAIi'~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #1, "City Council", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January t, ].950, and ending December 31, ]950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and. the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follo CITY COUNCIL #1 Incidentals .......................................... $320.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAISED that an emergency is declared to exist a nd this Ordinance shall be i n force from its passage. Clerk AP PRO VED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of June, 1950. No. 10610. A RESOLUTION amending and reenacting a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, or the 5th dsy of Decembe~ 1949, No. 10285, on~.~t]ed, "A Resolution directing the proper City officials, before executing future contracts between contractors and the City of Roanoke, to ascertain that stiPulations are contained therein to the effect that, when avai!sble~ preference for competent unskilled labor, to be employed on the projects, shall first be given t o residents of the City of Roanoke and~ second to residents of the area ~thin a fifty mile radius thereof". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 5th day of December, 1949, No. 10285, entitled, "A Resolution directing the proper City officials, before executing future contracts between contractors and the City of Roanoke, to ascert@in that stipulations are ccntained therein to the effect that, when available, preferen for competent unskilled labor, to be employed on the projects, shall first be given to residents of the City of Roanoke and, second to residents of the area within a fifty mile radius thereof", be, and the same is here~y amended and reenacted to read as follows: ~e That the proper City officials be, and they are hereby directed, before executing future ~o~tracts between contractors and the City of Roanoke, to ascertai: th. at ?t_~uistior, s are contained therein to the affect that, when available, preferen for competent labor', other than supervisory personnel, to be employed on the project shsll first be given to residents of the City of Roanoke, and seco~',d, to residents of the area within a fifty mile radius thereof. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI~iA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10594. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Article I, Section 1, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in relstion to Zoning. WHEREAS, notice of public hearing on the question of rezoning from General Residence District to Business District 3.101 acres, Roanoke Gas and Water Company Map, lying between Lake Street, Belleview Avenue, Ash Street and Park Road, S. E.; and 3.34 acres, Roanoke Gas and Water Company Map, lying north of Ash Street, S. E., between Belle view Avenue and Ivy Street (forv~erly Sylvan Road), as required by Article XI, Section ~3, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke~ Virginia, relating to Zoning, has been published in "The World-~ews", a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, for the time required by said section, and WHEREAS, the hearing as provided for in said notice published in said newspaper was given on the 5th day of June, 1950, at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., before the Council of the City of Roanoke in the Council Room in the ~lunicipal Building, at which hearing no objections were presented by property owners and other interested oarties in the affected area. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Article I, Section l, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, be amended and reenacted in the following particular and no other, viz: 3.101 acres, Roanoke Gas and Water Company Map, lying between Lake Street, Belleview Avenue, Ash Street and Park Road, S. E.; and 3.34 acres, Roanoke Gas and Water Company Map, lying north of Ash Street, S. E., between Belleview Avenue and Ivy Street (formerly Sylvan Road), designated on Sheets 406 and ~05 of the Zoning Map as Official ~os. 4060301 and 4050103, respectively, be, and are hereby changed from General Residence District to Business District, and the Sheets herein referred to shall be changed in this respect. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk 28O IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10608. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, a contract dated as of the 12thday of July, 1950, between the City of Roanoke and American Viscose Corporation for the leasing of the flow of water from the ~Iuse and House Springs for a contingent peris of twenty years at a rental of $1,500.00 per year. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to execute, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, a contract dated as of the 12th day of July, 1950, between the City of Roanoke and American Viscose Corporation for the leasing of the flow of water from the Muse and House Springs, said contract being in the following words and figures, viz: THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this twelfth day of July, Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, by and between CITY OF ROANOKE, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter sometimes called the City, party of the first part, and AN~RICAN VISCOSE CORPORATION, hereinafter sometim called the Company, party of the second part, W-I-T-N-E-S-S-E-T-H T-H-A-T WHEREAS, the City is the fee simple owner of a tract of land upon which is located the Muse and House Springs and is also t he owner of othe~ lands and water rights in the vicinity, all of which were acquired for the purpose of protecting the flow of said springs which now constitute a part of the City's untreated surplus water supply; and WHEREAS, the City has installed a collecting basin at or near t he Muse Spring into which the flow of both springs have been diverted and pipes by gravity the combined flow to a pumping station located near the intersection of Bennington Street, and Rutrough Road, S. E.; and WHEREAS, said waters were formerly connected with the City's water distribut syste~ at said pumping station, and for a number of years constituted an integral part of its consumer supply; and WHEREAS, upon completion and connection of the City's Carvins Cove water supply it became unnecessary and impractical for the City to continue to use the water from said springs and since the discontinuance of the use thereof the same has flowed unused and wasted from the outlet pipe at said pumping station through a natural drain into the Roanoke River; and WHEREAS, Council has been advised that t he chances of it again becoming practical for the City to use the waters from said springs, in its distribution systeN.:, are remote; and WHEREAS, the Company has expressed a desire to lease the flow of said spring~, from the City. .on NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the nutual covenants and obligations herein contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree, one with the other, as follows: I. The City covenants and agrees: A. To, and doth hereby, lease the combined flow of said springs to the Company in its present natural and untreated state, without warranty as to ar:~ount of flow, purity, or otherwise, solely for mechanical use and industrial processing purposes for the contingent period of twenty (20) years from the date hereof. B. To, and doth hereby, lease unto the Company, for the duration of this contract, an easement ten feet in width, over, in and through its lands from the present terminus of its pipe at the aforesaid pumping station to the northerly boundary line of its aforesaid land at or near the south bank of Roanoke River, the precise bearings thereof to be approved by the City ~anager; and also an easement ten feet in width from the terminus of the aforesaid I~il~'.e ~n a southerly direction to said springs, the centerline of which being the aforesaid existing pipelines from said pumping station to said springs. C. To permit no drilling or excavation o n its adjacent land in the vicinity of said springs, which, in the opinion of the head of its Water Department, might jeopardize the natural flow from said springs. II. The Company covenants and agrees: A. To pay unto the City THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($30,000.00) for the use of the aforesaid waters and easements for the term hereof, in equal annual in- stallments of $1500.00, the first said annual installment being due and payable as o~ the date hereof and a similar annual payment on the same day of each and every year during said term. B. That the City shall be under no obligation whatsoever with mgard to the piping or transmission of said waters from said springs to the Company's place of business and that said Company will, at its entire expense, maintain and, if need be, renew the catch basin and all pipes from the natural head of each of the afore- said springs to the City's abovementioned abandoned pumping station. C. That upon the termination of this contract all pipes, basins and/or connections which the Company shall install in, on or through the City's property (none of which may be installed without prior approval of the City t~anager) shall automatically become and be the property of the City; and the Company shall hold the City harmless of and from any and all liability that may result from the installatioz laying or maintenance thereof. D. That, in event the City should, at any time during the term of this contract, need the waters from these springs, or either of them, to supplement its water supply due to emergency, the City shall have the immediate right to use the entire flow thereof for said purposes during rue period of any and all such emergenc and that the Council of the City of Roanoke shall be the sole judge as to when such an emergency, or emergencies, commence and when such emergency, or emergencies ter- minate. WITNESS the name of the party of the first part by its ~yor, and its seal, duly affixed and attested, by its City Clerk, and the name of the party of the secon~ party by its .... , and its seal, duly affixed and attested, by its as of the day and year first above written: es; CITY OF ROANOKE ' M~yor Attest: City Clerk ~ Att e st :' AMERICAN VISC(B E CORPORATION By , It s Its STATE OF VIRGINIA, ) ) To-wit: CITY 0 F ROANOKE, ) I, , a Notary Public of and for the City aforesaid, in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify that A. R. MINTON and M. K. ~iOOR~N, Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Roanoke, whose names as such are signed to the foregoing contract, bearing date on the 12th day of July, 1950, have each personally appeared before me in my City aforesaid and acknowledged the same. GIVEN under my hand this day of July, 1950. My commission expires on the day of .... , 19 STATE OF DELAWARE, ) ) To-wit: of ) I, .. a Notary Public of and for the State of Delaware, do hereby certify that Notary Pubiic and aforesaid, in th, and .............. , the , respectively, of AMERICAN VISCOSE CORP(R ATION, whose names as such are signed to t he foregoing contract, bearing date on the 12th day of July, 1950, have each personally appeared before me in my aforesaid and acknowledged the same. GIVEN under my hand and Notarial Seal this My commission expires on the Clerk day of APP ROVE D day of July, 1950. Notary public , 19~. President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day cf June, 1950. No. 10611. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute and submit formal Project Application for $205,000 federal aid for the construction of the Administration Building and related work at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field); authorizing and directing the City Attorney to approve said Project Offer that may be made pursuant to the aforesaid Project Application upon approval thereof by the City Attorney; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, Council for the City of Roanoke has heretofore appropriated $175,000 to partially defray the costs of the construction of an Administration Building and necessary appurtenances at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia has heretofore allocated and paid to t City of Roanoke $30,000.00 to be used in defraying the costs of the aforesaid projec and WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the City Manager to promptly execute and submit to the Civil Aeronautics Administration, Department of Commerce, of the United States of America, requisite Project Application for $205,000, matching funds and also to execute and accept any Grant Offer the Federal Government may make pursu. to such Project Application, both upon forms to be approved by the City Attorney; an~ WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public property and safety, a emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute and submit to the Civil Aeronautics Administration, D~partment of Commerce, of the United States of America, requisite Project Application for $205,000, matching funds to be used to partially defray the costs of constructing the Administration Building and related work at the R~mnoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field}, and also to execute and accep any Grant Offer the Federal Government may make pursuant to such Project Application both upon forms to be approved by the City Attorney who is hereby authorized and directed to approve the same, when prepared according to law and authorized rules and regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed forthwith to attest as many copies of this resolutionas may be necessary and delive the same to parties requiring them. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that~ an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk AP PR OVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 19~O. No. 10612. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of ~hom may act, as viewers in connection with the petition of Ideal Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Inc., to permanently vacate, discontinue and close t~t certain portion of 7th Street, S. E., lying between Lot 23, Section 2, and Lot 37, Section 1, Woodland Park, and being approximately 100 feet in length, bounded on the south by Woodland Church) Avenue and on the north by a 30-foot way on which is now located a spur · ailroad track. .e nt WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, upon the petition of Ideal Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Inc., that said petitioner did duly and legally publish as required by Sections 15-766 and 13-157 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, a notice of its application to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to close the hereinafter described portion of 7th Street, S. E., the publication of which was had..by posting a copy of said notice~ the front door of the Courthouse of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia (Campbell Avenue entrance), the ~arket Square (Salem Avenue entrance of the ~arket House), No. 311 Second Street, S. E., and at two other places in said city in the neighborhood of the property described in said petition, as provided by the aforesaid sections cf the Virginia Code, as amended, all of which is verified by an affidavit appended to the petition addressed to the Council reGuesting that the hereinafter described portion of 7th Street be permanently vacated, discontinued and closed, and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council that more than five days have elapsed since the publication of such proper legal notices, a nd the Council having considere said petition of the applicant to permanently vacate, discontinue and close that certain portion of 7th Street, S. E., lying between Lot 23, Section 2, and Lot 37, Section l, Woodland Park, and being approximately 100 feet in length, bounded on the south by Woodland (Church) Avenue and on the north by a 30-foot w~ya~ which is now located a spur railroad track, and WHEREAS, the petitioner has requested that five viewers, any three of whom mayact, be appointed to view the above described portion of 7th Street, S. E., here sought to be permanently vacated, discontinued and closed and report in writing, a s required by Sections 15-766 and 13-157 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t he Council of the City of Roanoke that ~Iessrs. R. L. Rush, C. W. Francis, Jr., D. ~. Etheridge, James A. Turner and Hunter Roberts, any three of whom may act, be, and they are hereby appointed as viewers to view the aforesaid portion of 7th Street, S. E., and report in writing, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 15-766 and 13-157 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, whethe: or not in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from formal vacating, discontinuing and closing said portion of 7th Street, S. E. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Y President IR THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10613. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~ianager, acting under authority of Section 79 of Chapter 34, "Traffic", of the Code of the City of Roanoke, for the better regulation of traffic within the City, to restore two-way traffic on that portion of Campbell Avenue, S. W., between Second Street and Fifth Street, and declaring an eme rgen cy. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary in the interest of public safety that two- way traffic be restored on that portion of Campbell Avenue, S. W., between Second Street and Fifth Street, and an emergency is declared to~ist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit' Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to Section 79 of Chapter34, "Traffic',, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, to restore two-way traffic on that portion of Campbell Avenue, S. W., between Second Street and Fifth Street, and to so regulate and control the vehicular traffic thereon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist a nd this Resolution shall be in force as of midnight, June 17, 1950. ATTEST: (j Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 1061~+. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Ymnager to advertise for bid,. on the basis of one contract for the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, said bids to be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p. m., July 17, 1950, and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. BE IT RESOLVED b y the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids on the basis of one contract for the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, said bids to be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p. m., July 17, 1950, and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. APPROVED AT,ST: , Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10615. AN ORDINANCE appropriating $839,000.00 from the School Improvement Fund for ~he General School Constructi~n Program, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Public Scaool System, mn emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that $839,000.00 be, and is hereby appropriated from the School Improvement Fund for the General School Construction Program. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10616. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Attorney and/or his Assistan to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lienf~rdelinquent taxes and other assessments against certain properties standing in the name of the respective record owners thereof, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney and/or his Assistant be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against those certain parcels of land in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in the name of the present record owners, description of which are Riven with the name of each record owner, as follows: RECORD OWNER OR OWNERS Walter J. Brown & als Lucy Clayton R. M. Garst Ellen C. Holland F. M. Hughson & M. W. Turner Houston Jones Nick Kappas Mmry E. Kelley George & Pearl Levicy H. H. Markley H. H. Markley H. H. Markley and als H. ~. Swartz DESCRIPTION Lot 265 Wd. 4 R L & I E. Pt. Lot 6 Section 9 N S Add. N. Pt. Lot 7 Waldron Map Lot 3 Section 9 F. V. On Tinker Creek S. N & W. Ry. S. Pt. Lot 4 Section 21 Webb Lot 9 Section 26 Wasena Lot 15 Section 20 E S L LOt 2 Barksdale Lot 14 Section 47 R F & H Lot 16 Section 47 R. F & H. Lot 37 Block 7 Section 3 R D Co. Lot 5 Section 5 Morningside the said suits to be instituted and conducted in conformity with Section 403 of the Tax Code of Virginia, or Section 2503, et seq, of the Code of Virginia, as the said City Attorney or his assistant deems advisable, unless said liens be discharged by the record owners of said properties, or someone acting for them, within ten days after the adoption of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist, a nd this Resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10617. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Mmnager to advertise for bids for the construction of a secondary settling basin at Carvins Cove. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City l~anager be and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of a secondar' settling basin at Carvins Cove. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk ) Pres id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10618. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the installation of an 8-inch water main beginning at the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and Welch Road, S. W., and running easterly to Martin Lane, thence in Martin Lane to Clearfield Road, thence Clearfield Road to Colonial Avenue, thence northeast in Colonial Avenue to Persinger Road, a total distance of 2,7~O feet, and authorizing the installation of three fire hydrants in the above area. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the installation of an ~-inch water main beginning at the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and Welch Road, S. W., and running easterly to Martin Lane, thence in ~artin Lane to Clearfiel¢ Road, thence in Clear£ield Road to Colonial Avenue, thence northeast in Colonial Aver to Persinger Road, a total distance of 2,7~0 feet, be, and is hereby authorized and directed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authority be, and is hereby granted for the installation of three fire hydrants in the above area. ATTEST: Clerk J APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10619. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Non-Operating Expenses" of an Ordinance ~dopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, [950, No 10391, and entitled, · "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Ae Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by t he Council of the City of Roanoke that "Non-Ope~ting Expsense" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, o the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appro- priations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) ....................... $217,8~8.95 (1) Clearfield Road Area. ........ $11,234.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10620. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to proceed with the construction of curb and gutter, with appurtenant work thereto, on Aspen Street, N. W., between Cove Road and Forest Park Boulevard, and the paving of said street, at a total estimated cost of $31,350.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ManaFer ~ be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the construction of cur and gutter, with appurtenant work thereto, on Aspen Street, N. W., between Cove Road and Forest Park Boulevards and the paving of said street, at a total estimated cost of .$31,350.00. ATTEST: ~/' Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10621. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by t he Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #75, "Stre Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th d['.y o f December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to rea, as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION #75 Contractors (1)........ ........ . ............ . ........ $72,700.00 (1) Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk ......... $44,700.00 Street Paving ...................... 28,000.00 BE IT FURTP~R ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APP ROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. ~o. 10622. AN ORDINANCE to amend and re-ordain Section 13, Chapter 7 of the City Code, ~s amended, relating to vacations, sick leave and military leave for officers and ~mployees of the City of Hoanoke, Virginia, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the several departments ~f the municipal government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAT~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section [3, Chapter 7 of the City Code, as amended, be, and the same is hereby, amended and :e-ordained to read as follows: Section 13, Vacations, sick leave and military leave. (a) Vacations. All regular officers and employees (except personnel of the School Board Lnd except Constitutional officers and employees in their offices, unless conditions ~ereinafter set forth are met) who receive from the City 50% or more of their salarie ~r wages, shall, during each calendar year, com~:_encing January l, 1950, be entitled ~o vacation leave with pay equal to one and one-quarter working days for each full ~'alendar month of service rendered, provided that: 1. Such officers and employees must work for the City six months before being ligible to ta~any vacation. 2. Vacation time may be ac cummulat ed to a maximum of thirty days and no time ccummulated in excess of thirty days shall be credited to an officer or employee. ~t 3. Vacations may be taken only at such times as the City Manager may approve ~,. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be counted as time on vacatien onl~ to the extent that any such officer or employee normally works on such days. 5. Employees of the fire department working on the two platoon system shall be entitled to one and one-quarter calendar days vacation for each full calendar month of service rendered. 6. An officer or employee who is separated from the service of the City for any cause, not involving moral turpitude, shall be paid for unused earned vacation leave accummulated under this section. 7. During the calendar years 1950 and 1951 only, the City Manager, in his discretion, may grant an officer or employee, who has been in the service of the Cil at least six months, a continuous vacation not to exceed fifteen calendar days duri~ a s~.ngle calendar year, thereby to such extent permitting such officer or employee to anticipate earned vacation leave. Should any such officer or employee become separated from the service of the City, for any cause, before actually earning such anticipated vacation leave, his pay for the unearned anticipated vacation leave shal be deducted from his last pay check. (b) Sick Leave. All officers and employees (except personnel of the School System, and except Consititutional officers and employees in their offices, unless conditions hereinafter set forth are met) who receive from the City 50% or more of their salaries, or wages, after being in the continuous service of the City for six months shall during each calendar year be entitled to sick leave, with pay, according to the following schedule: 1. Seven calendar days sick ]save, with pay, after continuous service of si~ months, and not more than one year. 2. Fifteen calendar days sick leave, with pay, after continuous service of one year, and not more than two years. 3. Thirty calendar days sick leave, with pay, after continuous service of two years, and not more than five years. &. Sixty calendar days sick ]save, with pay, after continuous service of five years, and not more than ten years. 5. Seventy-five calendar days sick ]save, with pay~ after continuous service of ten years, and not more than fifteen years. 6. Ninety calendar days sick leave, with pay after continuous service of fifteen years, or more. ~¥. The above s~hedule of sic~ leave is non-cumulative and represents the maximum annual leave, with pay, exclusive of vacation privileges, as provided for in Section 13 (a). No sick leave shall be allowed to any such officer or employee for an injury for which compensation is awarded under the Workmen's Compensation Law. Sick leave shall cover all absences from duty on account of the bona fide illness of officers and employees, and when absences extend beyond three consecutive days, the City ~4anager, or Department Head as may be designated by him, shall requir~ a certificate from a reputable physician as evidence of illness, and at the discreti, of the City Manager, he may also require examination by the City Physician whose decision as to illness of the officer or employee in question may be taken as final by the City ~nager. Effective with the adoption of this Section, all persons hereafter appoi~ted or employed by the City under the jurisdiction of the City ~mnager for a period of sixty days, or more, shall first submit to the City Manager a certificate from the City Physician~ or some other physician designated by the City Manager as to his or her physical condition at the time of making application for employment, the cost of the said examination to be borne by the City. (c) Military Leave. Any permanent employee of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, who may be called into the Armed Forces of the United States or the State of Virginia during periods of War or emergency or who may be ordered to active duty for periods of training not to exceed 15 days per annum, shall be given "~.'~ilitary Leave" in additioi to other leaves. R~ilitary Leave for service in the Armed Forces of the United State~ in periods of War or emergency shall be without pay. For ~'~ilitary Leave for service in the Armed Forces of the State of Virginia during periods of emergency or for services in the Armed Forces of the United States for authorized periods of annual training, such employee shall be paid an amount which, with his base pay and longevi' pay from such Armed Forces will equal the amount of the regular salary received from ~he City for a like period. ~ilitary Leave shall be credited as regular service wit~ the City for all purposes, except pay when not allowed. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to any Constitutional officer and the employees in his office unless he consents thereto in writing and files such written consent in the office of the City Clerk. Thereupon the provisions of this Section, or any amendment thereof, shall apply with like force and effect tosuch ~onstitutional officer filing such consent and the employees of his office as it doe.~ ~o other officers and employees of the City until such consent is revoked in writing ~nd filed in the office of the City Clerk. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk o notify Council and the City Auditor of the receipt by him of such written consent ~r revocation. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be Force from its passage. ~TTEST: C1 erk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 10623. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing that all R~unicipal Departments in the ity of Roanoke be closed on Monday, July 3, 1950, subject to requirements for the reservation of public health and safety. Y o9! WIiEREAS, the 4th of July is observed as a legal holiday by city employees, under the provisions of Chapter 7, Section ll, of the Roanoke City Code, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of Council that the daily operation of the City Government will not be greatly inconvenienced by closing of Municipal Departments th full day of ~ionday, July 3, 1950, subject to requirements for the preservation of public health and safety. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that all Municipal Departments in the City of Roanoke be closed Monday, July 3, 1950, it being understood that the provisions of this Resolution do not apply to employees reGuired to becn duty for the preservation of public health and safety. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any employee reGuired to be on duty on the 3rd day of July, 1950, for the preservation of public health and safety, shall be allowe compensatory time off equal to the time worked on the 3rd d ay of July, 1950, at such time as is agreeable to the head of his Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall apply to employees of the City of Roanoke paid on an hourly basis under the provisions of Resolution No. 9778, adopted on the 17th day of January, 1949. C 1 erk ~ APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of June, 1950. No. 1062~+. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of ~essrs. J. Robert Thomas, Chairman, S. L. Lovelace, H. C. Wyatt, C. B. Nerrenand Dr. Hugh H. Trout, Jr., as a Civil Defense Planning Committee to make plans for the establishment and operation of a Civil Defense Program for the City o f Roanoke and to submit report and recom- mendations to Council. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ~essrs. J. Robert Thomas, Chairman, S. L. Lovelace, H. C. Wyatt, C. B. Nerren and Dr. Hugh H. Trout, Ji be, and they are hereby appointed as a Civil Defense Planning Committee to make plan: for the establishment and operation of a Civil Defense Program for the City of Roano] and to submit report and recommendations to Council. Clerk APPROVED President e~ IN THE COIR~CIL FOR THE CI~ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of ~une, 1950. No. 10625. A RESOLUTION accepting the bid of Graves-Humphreys Hardware Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, for furnishing the City of Roanoke with three thousand portable bleacher seats in the amount of $12,995.00, and authorizing the )urchase of said bleacher seats. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the bid of Graves- tumphreys Hardware Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, for furnishing the City of Roanoke with three thousand portable bleacher seats in the amount of $12,995.00, and is hereby accepted, and authority is hereby granted for the purchase of said bleacher seats, provided said Graves-Humphreys Hardware Company, Incorporated, shall furnish the City proper guarantee and assurance of live load capacity as set out in the city's specifications. APPROVED ATTEST: President IN THE C0~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10628. A RESOLUTION establishing a policy that neither race, creed nor color be considered as a prerequisite in ability of an individual to be employed by the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that, with no intention of infringing upon Section 7 of the Charter of the City of Roanoke, it is hereby declared to be the policy of this Council that neither race, creed nor color shall be considered as a prerequisite in ability of an individual to be employed by the City of Roanoke. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk :2.93 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10629. A RESOLUTION making a supplemental request to the Virginia Department of Highways and the Public Roads Administration for modification of the terms of a certain contract dated June 5, 19~7, entered into between the City of Roanoke and the State Highway Department. V~HEREAS, the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Highways on the 5th day of June, 1947, entered into a contract for highway improvements designated as State Project i~0-AC and Federal Project U-631(2), and WHEREAS, under said contract, it was agreed that the City of Roanoke should not permit parking on either side of Orange Avenue, from Williamson Road, N. E., to Salem Turnpike, N. W.; Salem Turnpike, from Orange Avenue to ~ielrose Avenue; and ~elrose Avenue, from Salem Turnpike to Lafayette Boulevard (26th Street), and V~qEREAS, the Virginia Department of highways subsequently agreed to the )ernLitting of parking on the south side of Orange Avenue, I~. ~7., from Eleventh ~treet to Salem Turnpike, and on ~..~elrose Avenue, N. W., from Salem Turnpike to Lafayette Boulevard, and ~VHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Council that the present no parking stric- ~ions on Orange Avenue, from Williamson Road, 'N. E., to Eleventh Street, N. W., are ~orking an undue hardship on the residents and property owners of that area. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Gity of Roanoke that it is ~he desire of this Council and it hereby is respectfully requested, in order to orevent the imposition of an undue hardship on the residents and property owners of )range Avenue, from Williamson Road, N. E., to Eleventh Street, N. W., that the "no-parking" provision of the aforementioned contract of June 5, 19~7, entered into Oetween the City of Roanoke and the Virginia Department of Highways, be eliminated ~ith regard to the north side of Orange Avenue, from Williamson Road, N. E., to ~.leven~h Street, N.W. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUI~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10630. AN 0RDII~ANCE to amend and reenact Section #15, "Juvenile and Domestic Rela- ions Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virgini~ .n the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making ~ppropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year ~eginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence )f an emergency". BE IT 0RDAI~,~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #15, "Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2$th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an e~nergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: JUVENILE AND D0~ESTIC RELATIONS COURT ~15 Stationery and Office Supplies ........... 8500.00 Furniture and Equipment (1) .............. 9&5.00 (1) i Water Cooler ........ $ 200.00 BE IT FURTHER 0RDAi$tED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force fr°m its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN T!irE COUNCIL FOR ~{E CITY OF ROANOkT~, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10631. A RESOLUTION authori~.ing Bill France Enterprises, Inc., to conduct stock car races at Victory Stadium on the nights of July 12, 1950 and July 19, 1950, upon the terms and conditions set out in this resolution. BE IT ~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Bill France Enterprises, Inc., be, and it is hereby, authorized to conduct stock car races at Victory Stadium on the nights of July 12, 1950 and July 19, 1950, upon the following terms and conditions: LESSEE: Bill France Enterprises, Inc. PLACE: Victory Stadium, ~aher Field, Roanoke, Virginia. Asphalt track to be used. DATE: Wednesday, July 12 and Wednesday, July 19 from approximately 7:00 to 12:00 P. I.~i. PURPOSE: For Stock Car Races. RENTAL CHARGE: BOND: Fee of $250.00 for us~ o f ground~ or 12½% of the gross less taxes, whichever is greater, plus fee of ~50.00 for use of lights. It is hereby agreed that the Lessee will furnish a bond in the amount of .~3,000.00 in cash for protection of the grounds and facilities, and to assu~epayment of all charges, i. e., rent, damage, license, taxes, etc. The bond will be refunded after all claims have been paid. The bond will be deposited twenty-four hours in advance of said performance, and will be released to the Lessee only upon authorization of the Director of Parks and Recreation. RENTAL On Thursday, July 13 and Thursday, July 20. ~.~ake check to City PAYABLE: of Roanoke, payment to be made at the office of the Clerk of ~arket, J. Fred Douglas, Clerk, or his assistant, R. E. Almond, and must be accompanied by a signed statement as to attendano~ and gross receipts. (Address Nelsln Street and Campbell Ave., S.E. ) OTHER CONDITIONS: 1. This contract includes program concession, but does not include the concessions for the sale of beverages, food, etc., the latter having been granted to another. 2. If special police officers of watchmen are employed for duty at the show, the expenses therefor shall be borne by the Lessees. 3. The Lessee agrees to operate only on the race track and to keep all cars, etc., off the playing surface of the football field by placing a barrier of railroad ties around edge of track. Lessee will furnish a certificate of insurance which will be satisfactory with the City of Roanoke, such insurance to be in the amount of ~100,000 for injury to one person, and $300,000 for one accident. 5. Racing pits will be located on the north end of the field, outside the wooden fence. 6. Guard rail installation and repair will be done by tile Lessee at their expense. Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~0IfE, ¥IRGII~IA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10632. A RESOLUTION'authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights at locations to be approved by the City Manager: GROUP XVII One 250 C. P. street light in Fishbnrn Park. One 250 C. P. street light in Lakewood Park. One 250 C. P. street light on Church Avenue, S. V.~., between Third Street and Fourth Street. Two 250 C. P. street lights on Wells Avenue, N. E., between Jefferson Street and Comnonwealth Avenue on the south side. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the .City of Roanoke. APPROVED ATTEST: 6'/ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CI?Y OF ROAN0!{E, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10633. A RESOLUTION repealing a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 5th day of June, 1950, Mo. 10596, entitled, "A Resolution to require the owners of property formerly owned by the Valley View Investment Corpora- tion and the Halliahurst Park Company, and any other properties being served through the original mains laid by the Valley View Investment Corporation or any extensions thereto which now receive water through a co~on meter located on V~Tater Road and under contract to iJrs. R. H. Nev~nan, to install individual meters to serve said )roper ties". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution ~dopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 5th day of June, 1950, No. 10596, entitled, "A Resolution to require the owners of property formerly owned by the Valley View Invest~nent Corporation and the Halliahurst Park Company, and any other properties being served through the original mains laid by the Valley View Investauent Corporation or any extensions thereto which now receive water through a common meter located on VZater Road and under contract to ~Lrs. R. H. Nevmuan to install individual meters to serve said propertles", be, and the same is hereby epealed. APPROVED .T~ST: Clerk IN ~TE~ COUNCIL FOR THE CiITY OF ROAN01~, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 1063~+. AN 0RDIN~,oE to amend and reenact Section #~0, "Police Department,, of an , Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year begi~ming January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an ~mergency',. BE IT ORDAINED by the Commil of the City of Roanoke that Section "Police Department,,, of an Ordinance adopted by the C~uncil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2$th day of December, 1959, No. 10~29, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal ~ear beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the ~xistence of an emergency,,, be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: POLICE DEPAR~{~JT ~$0 Maintenance of Traffic System ....... $ 2,796.27 29 i 298 BE IT FURTIiER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force fro~ its passage. kTTEST: · / APPROVED 1/~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10635. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of a mowing ~_~_chine from the Lobby Furniture Item in the amount of $250.00, as listed under Equipment and Improve- aents, Section #120, "t~.~unicipal Airport", of the 1950 Budget. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that authority be, md is hereby granted for the purchase of a mowing machine from the Lobby Furniture Item in the amount of $250.00, as listed under Equipment and Improvements, Section ~120, "Municipal Airport", of the 1950 Budget. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10636. AN ORDINANCE repealing an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of toanoke, Virginia, on the 25th day of April, 19&9, No. 99&0, entitled, "An Ordinance 'egulating the maintenance of wells, cisterns, cesspools, excavations, mine openings, uarries, pits and standing bodies of water more than one (1) foot in depth, in the ity of Roanoke; providing for the erection of guard devices over or around the same; )roviding for the issuance of permits to maintain existing wells and other excava- tions and openings in the earth, and to construct new ones; prescribing penalties ~or the violation of the provisions of this ordinance; defining certain public ~uisances and providing for their abatement", and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the ~,~unicipal Government an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, ~E IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 25th day of April, 19&9, No. 99~0, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the maintenance of well: cisterns, cesspools, excavations, mine openings, quarries, pits and standing bodies of water more than one (1) foot in depth, in the City of Roanoke; providing for the erection of guard devices over or around the same; providing for the issuance of oermits to maintain existing wells and other excavations and openings in the earth, and to construct new ones; prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this ordinance; defining certain public nuisances and providing for their abate- ment", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER 0RDAi~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ~PPR0¥ED ATTEST~ ( Clerk Pr e s ident IN ~ COUT~CIL FOR THE CI~ OF ROANOKE, VIRGII~IA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10637. AN 0RDi~CE to amend and reenact Section #46, "Militia", of an Ordinance ~dopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, ¥irginie, on the 28th day of December ~949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the CiSy of Roanoke for th~ fiscal year beginning Janaary l, 1950, and end- ing December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency,'. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #~6, ~$~ilitia", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making ~ppropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year ~eginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence ~f an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as ~ollows: ~ILITIA #&6 Armory Rent . .................... ~5,100.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Drdinance shall be in force from its passage. APPR 0VED ~TTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUiYCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10638. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an agreement with American Legion Post ~o. 3, Incorporated, for leasing a portion of the basement of the American Legion Auditori~ for period from January 1, 1950, thromgh December 31, 1950~ at a rental of $100.00 ,er month, for use by National Guard Units, under tetras and conditions contained 2OO REPEAL£O in said agreement, subject to approval of the City Attorney, and providing for an emergency. WtCEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute an agreement with American Legion Post No. 3, Incorporat~ for leasing a portion of the basement of the American Legion Auditorium for period from January l, 1950, through December 31, 1950, at a rental of $100.00 per month, for use by National Guard Units, under terms and conditions contsined in said agree- ~ent, subject to approval of the City Attorney. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED A~TEST: ( / C1 erk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 106&0. A RESOLUTION declaring it to be the sense of the Council of the City of Roanoke that, until further notice, no existing or occuring vacancies in city )ersonnel be filled unless brought to the attention of Council. 2E IT RESOLVED by the C .ouncil of the City of Ro?noke that it is the sense )f this body that, until farther notice, no existing or occurring vacancies in city personnel be filled unless brought to the attention of Council. C1 erk APPROVED IN l~rtE COUN]IL FOR T~I.E CITY OF=,~a~"'~a~~,,~,~, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of June, 1950. No. 10641. A RgSOLUTION requesting the City Manager to expedite the enforcement of traffic regulations agai:~st horn-blowing and speeding, as well as any other traffic dereliction directly affecting the safety of life and property. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ro~.noke th?t the City Manager be, and he is hereby requested to expedite the enforcement of traffic regulations against horn-blov~ing and speeding, as well as any other traffic dereliction directly affecting the safety of life and property. A?PR OVED d, IN ~IE COUNCIL FOR ~E CI~ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 26th day of J~ne, 1950. No. 10626. AN ORDINANCE establishing a setback line on both sides of Eighth Street, S. W., from Campbell Avenue to !~arshall Avenue, extending thirty feet on each side of the present established center line of Eighth Street, to provide for a 60-foot right-of-way. ~EREAS, notice has been duly published as required by law, and the property owners in the affected area notified thai Comncil would hold a hearing on the 19th day of June, 1950, on the question of establishing a setback line on both sides of Eighth Street, S. ~?~., from C~mpbell~ Avenue to L~rshall Avenue, extending thirty feet on each side of the present established center line of Eighth Street, to provide for a 60-foot right-of-way, and WH~S, the hearing as provided for in said notice published in said news. paper was given on the 19th day of Jmne, 1950, at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., before the Council of the City of Roanoke in the Council Room in the ~unicipal B~ilding, at which hearing no objections were presented by property owners and other interested ~arties in the affected area. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a ~etback line be, and the same is hereby established on both sides of Eighth Street, S. TMon., from Camobell~ Avenue to ~..~arshall Avenue, extending thirty feet on each side of the present established center line of Eighth Street, to provide for a 60-foot right- of-way. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that no building hereafter erected on any of said lots abutting on said street shall extend over the setback line as established by the provisions of this Ordinance. APPROVED &TTE ST: Clerk PreSident IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~E CITY OF ROANOICE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10627. AN ORDi~ANCE to amend and reenact Article I, Section l, of Chapter 51, of ~he Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in relation to Zoning. ~?PL~REAS, notice of public hearing on the question of rezoning from General ~esidence Distri~t to Business District property located on the north side of ~oorman Avenue, N. W., west of Eleventh Street, described as Lo~sll and 12, Block 6, ~elrose Land Company ~,~ap, as required by Article XI, section ~3, of Chapter 51, of 3O2 the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, has been published in "The World-News", a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, for the time required by said section, and WHERrieS, the hearing as provided for' in said notice published in said newspaper was given on the 19th day of June, 1950, at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., before the Council of the City of Roanoke in the Council Room in the ~,~unicipal Building, at which hearing no objections were presented by property owners and other interested oarties in the affected area. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ~rti¢le I, Section l, of Chapter 51, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, be amended and reenacted in the following particular and no other, viz: Property located on the north side of ~.loorman Avenue, N. W., west of Eleventh Street, described as Lots ll and 12, Block 6, Melrose Land Company Map, designated on Sheet 222 of the Zoning Map as Official ~o. 2222910, be, and is hereby changed from General Residence District to Business District, and the Sheet herein referred to shall be changed in this respect. APPROVED &TTESTi~ ,~//j~ Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0tCE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 106~2. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for the construction of sanitary sewers to serve Bluefield Heights and the east portion of the Forest Hill Subdivision to ~. S. Hudgins at a total cost of $25,773.70. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~,:~. Joh~u L. Wentworth, Director of Public ¥orks; Mr. H. C. Broyles, City Engineer; and I~. J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City %uditor, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated )ids heretofore received for the construction of sanitary sewers to serve Bluefield {eights and the east portion of the Forest Hill Subdivision, and ¥~HEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of M. S. Hudgins, in the total amount of $25,773.70, is the lowest bid for said project. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, ~s follows: Section 1. That the bid of ~. S. Hudgins fo~ the construction of sanitary ~ewers to serve Bluefield Heights and the east portion of the Forest Hill Subdivision ~n the total amount of $~5,773.70, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declar- .~d to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the said construction be ?or thwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~.~anager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the ~ity of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~{E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGII'~IA, The 2 6th day of June, 1950. No. 10643. AN ORDINANCE to ~mend and reenact Section j/71, "Sewer Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #71, "Sewer Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending Decer:~ber 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: S~i~ER CONSTRUCTION #71 Contractors .................. ~ 68,150.70 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be. in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 106&&. A RESOLUTION adopting and approving the execution of a Grant Agreament to be submitted to the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, U. S. Department of Commerce, to obtain Federal aid in the development of Roanoke ~Iunicipal Airport (Woodr um Field). 304 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the City of Roanoke shall enter into a Grant Agreement for the purpose of obtaining Federal aid in the development of Roanoke ~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field) by executing an Acceptance of a Grant Offer and that such Grant Offer and Acceptance which comprise the Grant Agreement shall be as set forth her e inb elow. Section 2. That the City ~anager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Grant Agreement in sextuplicate on behalf of the City of Roanoke, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to impress the official seal of this city an~t~ to attest said execution and, after due and lawful execution thereof, the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed~ to complete the Certificate of Sponsor's Attorney appended to the Grant Agreement. Section 3. That the Grant Agreement and Certificate referred to herein- above shall be as follows: GRANT AGREemENT Part I - Offer Date of Offer June 22, 1950 Roanoke Municipal (Wood, urn Field) Airport Project No. 9-45-012-902 TO: City of Roanoke, Virginia (herein referred to as the "Sponsor") FROM: The United States of America (acting through the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, herein referred to as the "Administrator") WHEREAS, the SpOnsor has submitted to the Administrator a Project Application dated June 12, 1950, for a grant of Federal funds for a project for development of the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Herein called the "Airport"), together with plans and specifications for such project, which Project Application, as approved by the Administrator, is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Administrator has approved a project for development of the Airport (herein called the "Project") consisting of the following described airport development: Construct A~_mfnistration Building; pave plane loading apron and access roads; gravel auto parking area; install fence and water main; relocate existing tower and beacon; turfing; remove utilities and structures (the airport development to be accomplished, herein described, is in addition to that contemplated under the Grant Agreement between the Sponsor and the United States for ?roject No. 9-$4-012-801 ). all as more particularly described in the property map and plans and specifications incorporated in the said Project Application. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to and for the purposes of carrying out the provisions ~f the Federal Airport Act (60 Stat. 170; Pub. Law 377, 79th Congress), and in onsideration of (a) the Sponsor's adoption and ratification of the respresentations .nd assurance contained in said Project Application, and its acceptance of this 0ffe~ as hereinafter provided, and (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the ?ublic from the accomplishment of the ~'roject and the operation and. maintenance of th kirport, as herein provided, THE AD~INISTRATOR, FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES, HEREBY OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as the United States' share of costs incurred in accomp~lishing th~ project, 50 per centum of all allowable project costs, subject to the following terms, and conditions: 1. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this Offer shall be $205,000.00. 2. The Sponsor shall (a) begin accomplishment of the Project within a reasonable time after acceptance of this Offer, and (b) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the terms of this Offer, and the Federal Airport Act and the Regulations promulgated thereunder by the Administrator in effect on the date of this Offer, which Act and Regulations are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and (c) carry out and complete the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications and property map incorporated herein as they may be revised or modified with the approval of the Administrator or his duly authorized representatives, The Sponsor shsll operate and maintain the Airport as provided in the Project Application incorporated herein. 4. The maximum amounts of building space which the Sponsor shall be obliged to furnish civil agencies of the United States' for the purposes and on the terms and conditions stated in paragraph 9 of Part III of the Project Applicatio~ shall be as set forth in the attached schedule of maximum space requirements which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 5. Any misrepresentation or omission of a material fact by the Sponsor concern- ing the Project or the Spondor's authority or ability to carry out the obligations ~ssumed by the Sponsor in accepting this Offer shall terminate the obligation of the United States, and it is understood and agreed by the Sponsor in accepting this 0ffe~ that if a material fact has been misrepresented or omitted by the Sponsor, the Administrator on behalf of the United States may recover all grant payments made. 6. The Administrator reserves the right to amend or withdraw this Offer at any time prior to its acceptance by the Sponsor. 7. This Offer shall expire and the United States shall not be obligated to pay any of the allowable costs of the Project unless this Offer has been accepted by the Sponsor wi~bhin 60 days from the above date of Offer or such longer time as may b 0rescribed by the Administrator in ~v~iting. 8. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that paragrapl of Part II of the Project Application attached to and forming part of this Grant greement is a~aended by adding the following after the words EXhibit "A": "Parcel l, in fee simple free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except a highway easement, twenty feet in width, affecting the southerly extremity of the airport site at the southerly end of Runway 15-3~, which said easement will not interfere with the development and operation of the airport." 9. It is also understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the ?roject Application for this project~ which is attached hereto and incorporated ~erein, is amended by deleting therefrom the last sentence of paragraph 7 of Part III and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "The airport approach standards to be followed in performing the covenants contained in this paragraph shall be those established by the Administrator in Office of Airports Drawing No. 814, dated April 26, 1950, unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator.'~ 10. It is further understood and agreed by and between the psrties hereto ;hat the Sponsor's Assurance Agreement incorporated in and made part of the )rant Agreement between the United States amd the Sponsor relating to Project ~umber 9-~4-012-801, accepted by the Sponsor on June 21. 1948, be an¢~ the same ~ereby is amended by deleting tkerefrom subparagraphs(~) through (o) of Section ~ and inserting in lieu thereof paragraph 2 through 12 and paragraph l~ of Part III of the Project Application, as amended, incorporated in and made part of this ~rant Agr e e~ent. ll. It is hereby understood and agreed that the Sponsor will not advertise ~or bids, award any contract, or commence any construction work in connection with my item of development under this project, and that the United States will not ~ake nor be obligated to make payment for such development under this Grant Agreement mtil final plans and specifications therefor have been submitted to and approved ~y the Administrator. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of ~he Project Application incorporated herein shall be evidenced by execution of ~his instrument by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided, and said Offer and accep- tance shall comprise a Grant Agreement, as provided by the Federal Airport Act, ~onstituting the obligations and rights of the United States and the Sponsor with 'espect to the ~ee~plishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of ',he Airport. Su~ch Grant Agreenent shall become effective upon the Sponsor's ac- ceptance of this Offer and shall remain in full force and effect throughout the ~seful life of the facilities developed under the Project but in any event not to ~xceed twenty years from the date of said acceptance. IR~ITED STATES 0F AL~RICA ~E AD~,{INISTRATOR OF CIVIL AERONAUTICS By Regional Administrator, Region One Part II - Acceptance The City of Roanoke, Virginia does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, epresentations, warranties, covenants, and a~reen~ents contained in the Project .pplication and incorporated materials referred to in the foregoing Offer and Ices hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms md conditions the~eof. Executed this 26th day of June, 1950. City of Roanoke, Virginia (Name of Sponsor ) ( ) Attest: By Title City }~anager Title: City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR ' S ATTOR~EY I, Ran G. Whittle, acting as Attorney for City of Roanoke, Virginia (herein referred to as "Sponsor"), do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by said Spronsor relating thereto, and find that the Acceptance thereof by said Sponsor has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the · laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and further that, in my opinion, said Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at Roanoke, Virginia this 26th day of June, 1950. APPROVED Ti ti e City. Attorney Clerk Pr esi dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10645. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #61, "Hospitalization,,, of an 3rdinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #61, "Hospitalization'', of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, ~irginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance naking appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal 'ear beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the ,xistence of an emergency", be, and the sa~e is hereby amended and reordained to ead as follows: HOSPITALIT. ATI 0N #61 Professional Services . .......... $ 6,000.00 BE IT KORTHER 0RDAITJED that an emergency is declared to exist and this ~rdinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ~TTEST: ~ Pr esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~.ZE CITY OF R0~0I(E, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10646. A RESOLUTION accepting one 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Truck from the Maxim l~otor Company, DIiddleboro, Massachusetts, and directing payment of ~26,368.00 there for. VfHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 10381, adopted on the 30th day of January, 1950, authorizing the purchase of two 65-foot 208 H. P. Aerial Ladder Trucks from l_~axim l~otor Company, !~iddleboro, l~assachnsetts, at a total sum of ~52,736.00 net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, one of the Aerial Ladder Trucks has been delivered to the City, and WHEREAS, it appears that said Aerial Ladder Truck fully complies with all r equir ement s. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that one 65-foot 208 H. ?. Aerial Ladder Truck be, and is hereby accepted from ~,,~axim i~otor Company, l:,~iddleboro, !,~assachusetts. BE IT FIfRTItER RESOLVED that payment for said Aerial~Ladder Truck in the amount of ~26,368.00 be, and is hereby directed. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COL~CIL FOR ~tE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 1067+8. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~,~anager to advertise for bids from oroducers and sponsors for the producing of an air show at the Roanoke Municipal ~irport (Woodr~m~ Field) on July 16, 1950, or as soon thereafter as practical, subject to approval by the City Attorney of the specifications and requirements to be incorporated in the contract. BE IT RES( be, and he is beret the producing of a.~ J~ly 16, 1950, or Attorney of the sp ATTEST: Clerk )LVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager ,y authorized to advertise for bids from producers and sponsors fo~ air show at the Roanoke I~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field) on s soon thereafter as practical, subject to approval by the City ,cifications and requirements to be incorporated in the contract. APPR 0VE D · p~r e~sident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10649. A RESOLUTION declaring it to be the sense of the Council of the City of Roanoke that, until further notice, the employment rolls of the City of Roanoke be frozen, except to replace personnel leaving the service of the city, and repealing Resolution No. 106~0, adopted on the 19th day of June, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that it is the sense of this body that, until further notice, the employment rolls of the City of Roanoke Oe frozen, except to replace personnel leaving the service of the city. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 19th day of June, 1950, No. 10640, entitled, "A Resolution declaric t to be the sense of the Council of the City of Roanoke that, until further notice, lo existing or occuring vacancies in city personnel be filled unless brought to the attention of Council", be, and the same is hereby repealed. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CI~£ OF ROANOKE,VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. ~o. 10650. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~754, "Laboratory", of an )rdinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day )f December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations ?rom the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January , 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #54, "Laboratory", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virgini~ on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the sane is hereby amended and reordained to read as feller LABORATOR¥ #54 Supplies . . Furniture ~'~~ i~i~ $ 1,440.00 6o.oo (1) i Shaker ............. :..~60.00 BE IT ~wUR~tER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ~iPPR 0VED ITTEST: - Clerk President S.' IN TfIE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF R0~0tCE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10651. A RESOLUTION authorizing the emplo~uent of an additional clerk for a period of time not to exceed sixty days at a salary of ~175.00 per ~nonth in connec- tion with the real estate assessment being made by the Board of Assessors. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of an additional clerk for a period of time not to exceed sixty days at a salary of ~)175.00 per month in connection with th real estate assessment being made by the Board of Assessors. APPROVED Clerk President IN 2~{E COUNCIL FOR Tt~r CIT-f OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~2IA, The 26th day of gune, 1950. No. 10652. AN 0RDIN~NCE to amend and reenact Section /~1, "City Council" of an Ordinance , adopted by the Coancil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fraud of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning Yanuary l, 1950, and end- ing December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of ~he City of Roanoke that Section ~jl, "City ~ouncil", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of ~ecember, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY COU~iCIL #l Incidentals ................ ~ 820.00 BE IT FUR~R 0RDAiI{ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk ! President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGII,~IA, 'The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10653. A RESOLUTION establishing a maximum fee of i~lO.00 for viewers, unless otherwise fixed by Council. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a maximum fee of ~10.00 for viewers be, and is hereby established, unless otherwise fixed by Council. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ j Clerk President IN ~tE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10654. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of ~essrs. Wood, l~ing & Dawson, Attorneys and Counsellors at law, 48 YJall Street, New York 5, N. Y., to render necessary services in the examination, approval and certification of requisite legal papers in connection with the proposed ~4,000,000 issue of bonds to provide funds to defray the cost of additions and betterments to the City's water works plant or system, including acquisition, in whole or in part, of other existing water works s ys t ems. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to employ ~essrs. Wood, King & Dawson, Attorneys and Counsellors at law, 48 Wall Street, New York 5, N. Y., to render necessary services in the examination, approval and certification of requisite legal papers in connection with the proposed $4,000,000 issue of bonds to provide funds to defray the cost of additions and better~e~ts to the City's water works Dlant or system, including acquisition, in ~..~hole or in part, of other existing water works s ys terns. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Clerk IN THE COLq~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAM0k~E, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10655. A RESOLUTION granting permission to Safety ~..Iotor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke for a period of thirty days from July l, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolution No. 10288, passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the oity of Roanoke that permission be, and the same is hereby granted Safety 1.~otor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke for a period of thirty days fro~ July l, 1950, ~nder the same terms and oonditions as set out in Resolution No. 10285 passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. APPROVED AT TEST: Clerk IN TH The 2 A RESOLUTION of endered to the citi:zens .f I,~edicine, the }.~agic C: ~nd th~ Roanoke City Hea] President E COUIICIL FOR ~-IE CITer OF ROAMOKE, VIRGINIA, 6th day of June, 1950. No. 10656. thanks and appreciation for the splendid public service of the City of Roanoke, and vicinity, by the Roanoke Academy [ty }..~edical Society, the Roanoke T. uberculosis Association _th Department, in the excellent preparation and handling of ;he Roanoke Chest X-Ray Survey conducted in the City of Roanoke from April 18, 1950, ;brough June 2, 1950. ~'~HEREAS, through the cooperative efforts of the Roanoke Academy of ~,~edicine, the ~.agic City ~,~edical Society, the Roanoke Tuberculosis Association and the Roanoke ~ity Health Department, chest x-rays were made available to the citizens of Roanoke, and vicinity, without charge to the individual, and without receiving financial assistance from the City, and ~gn~EREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke desires to express thanks and appreciation to these organizations for the excellent public service they have .~endered to the citizens of Roanoke, and vicinity, in making available free chest ~-rays. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Rosnoke that the thanks and appreciation of this body be, and is hereby extended to the Roanoke Academy of ~edicine, the ~agic City ~edical Society, the Roanoke Tuberculosis As- sociation and the Roanoke City Health Department for the splendid public service rendered to the citizens of the City of Roanoke, and vicinity, in the excellent preparation and handling of the Roanoke Chest X-Ray Survey conducted in the City of Roanoke from April 1S, 1950, through June 2, 1950. BE IT FJRTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Roanoke Academy of Medicine, the Magic City Medical Society, the Roanoke Tuberculosi Association and to the Roanoke City Health Department. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10657. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to grant permission to C. 0. McCray to leave the gasoline pump in front of property at 1627-1629 Melrose Avenue, N. V~T., at its present location for a period of one year. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to grant permission to C. 0. McCray to leave the gasoline pump in front of property at 1627-1629 Melrose Avenue, N. W., at its present location for a period of one year. APPROVED ATT~ST: ~ / Clerk ~ ' ;r-es/ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOICE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of June, 1950. No. 10658. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of Councilman Daniel J. Cronin, Councilman-elect Walter L. Young, ],~r. 7J. ;T. Mullins, Chief of the Fire Department, ~Ir. Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, and Mr. W. J. Lawrence as a committee to study all of the fire equipment of the City of Roanoke, with a view of ascertaining which equipment is useless and antiquated, and to submit report and recommendation to Council. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a committee composed of CounciLman Daniel J. Cronin, Councilman-elect Walter L. Young, Mr. W. M. .~ullins, Chief of the Fire Department, Mr. Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, and ~r. N. J. Lawrence be, and is hereby appointed ~o study all of the fire equipment of the City of Roanoke, with a view of ascertaining which equipment is useless and anti- quated, and to sub~t report and recommendation to Council. APPROVED t[ATTEST: Q / IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of July, 1950. No. 10647. AN ORDINANCE accepting the offer of General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., to lease from the City certain spaces for the purpose of maintaining advertising boards thereon, for the term of one year commencing the 1st day of June, 1950, at the rate of $10.00 per annum per space, upon the terms and conditions herein imposed BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the offer of General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., to lease from the City, spaces at the follow- ing locations, viz: 2 twenty-fiVe foot advertising board spaces on Shenandoah Avenue on the West side of the First Street, S. W. bridge; 1 twenty-five foot advertising board space on the West side of Fifth Street N. W. at the intersection of Loudon Avenue; 3 twenty-five foot advertising board spaces on the Northwest corner Wise Avenue and 12th Street, S. E., for the term of one year, commencing on the 1st dayof June, 1950, and continuing from year to year at the pleasure of the City and of said advertising corporation, at the annual rental of $10.00 per space, payable in advance, be, and the same is hereby, accepted but subject, however, to the explicit understanding that the City may repeal this ordinance at any time by giving said corporation thirty days' notice in order that it may remove its structures and equipment placed on said locations or spaces, and refunding to it pro rata rentals paid in advance. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to mail a copy of this ordinance to General Outdoor Advertising Co., Inc., 720 Third Street, S. E., Roanoke, Virginia. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of July, 1950. No. 10659. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #1, "City Council", of an Ordinanc~ adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAI£~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #1, "City Council", of an Ordinance adopted by the Councilor the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", b e, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as fo 1 lo ws: CITY COUNCIL #1 Incidentals. ........................... . .... ... $884.&1 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ~ '' Blerk ~ APP ROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The lOth day of July, 1950. No. 10660. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~46, "~lilitia", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of. the City of Roanoke that Section #~6, "Militia", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: Electricity ......................................... $390.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th dayof July, 1950. No. 10661. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "Non-Operating Expenses" and "Appropria- tions from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the Cit~ of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 19 and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Non-Operating Expenses" and "Appropriations from Replacement Reserve" of an Ordinance adoFted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th dayof February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declar±~g the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NON-OPERATING EXPENSES Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) .......................... APPROPRIATiO£~S FROlq REPIA CE~.(F~,~T ~ESERVE (1) .................... Replacement Reserve Revenue (1) Services ................... $ 15,O00.O0 2,000.00 1,500.00 150,000.00 650.00 $30,000.00 30,000.00 iO,OOC.O0 Meters .................. ... Fire Hydrants ............... Normal Replacement - Distribution and Transmission System ....... Peakwood Drive Booster Pump BE IT FURTHER ORDAIi~ED that an ~emer~ency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTE'3T: ~ Cl%rk ~ ~ - ~ .$222,198.95 210,860.63 APPROVED ~eside-nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGiNiA, The 10th day of July, 1950. No. 10662. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain street in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to installt he following street lights: GROUP XVIII One 250 C. P. street light on Franklin Road, S. W., on pole in front of Canada Dry Bottling Company at No. 2332. One 250 C. P. street light on Franklin Road, S. W., halfway between Broadway and next light south of BroadwaY. One 250 C. P. street light on Langdon Road, S. W., on pole near house No. 1826. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Bent l~untain Road and Sanford Avenue, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Sanford Avenue and Twenty-fifth Street, S. W. One 250 C. P. street light on Oak Crest Avenue, S. ~., at west end near hous No. 2962 but not beyond the gate. GROUP XIX One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Hillcrest Avenue and Forest Hill Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Tenth Street, and Alview Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Forest Hill Avenue and Cumberland Street, N. U. One 2 50 C. P. street light at the corner of Aspen Street and Tremont Drive, One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Ravenwood Avenue and Grandview Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Round Hill Avenue and Chatham Street, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Glendale Avenue and Forest Park Boulevard, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Victoria Street and Linwood Road, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Hoover Street and Clifton Street N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Cornell Drive and Grandview Avenue, N. W. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Cornell Drive and Huff Lane, £4. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Cornell Drive, N. W., between Grandview Avenue and Huff Lane. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Woodbury Street and Hershberger Road, N. W. GROUP XX One 2 50 C. P. street light at the corner of Courtland Avenue and Clover Avenue, N. E. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Wayne Street and Thurston Aven~ N. E. One 250 C. P. street light in the middle of the block on Gilmer Avenue, N. E., between Jefferson Street and Commonwealth Avenue~ Said lights to be maintained, under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRCINIA, The 10th day of July, 1950. No. 10663 . AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~53, "Air Pollution Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th dayof December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropria- tions from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAi£~ED by the Councilor the City of Roanoke that Section #53, "Air Pollution Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council~ the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency , be ~ and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL #53 Stationery and Office Supplies .......................... $422.54 Travel Expense .......................................... 22?.46 BE IT FUI[THER ORDAINED t~at an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: · ~ Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The lOth day of July, 1950. No. 10664. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~45, "Weights and Measures Inspection", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #~45, "Weig] and ~ieasures Inspection", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No 10329, and entitled, · "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: WEIGHTS A~D I~'EASURES INSPECTION #45 Gasoline and Oil ........................................ $386.09 Travel Expense .......................................... 63.91 BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN]~D that an emergency is declared to exist and this )rdinance shall be in force from its passage. %TTEST: APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of July, 1950. No. 10665. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #12, "City Hall", of an Ordinance ~dopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December [949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General ~und of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and endin )ecember 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". ts BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Cityof Roanoke that Section #12, "City Hall", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as folio CITY HALL #12 Wage s :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2,6 o.oo 200.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ClErk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th d~y of July, 1950. No. 10639. AN ORDINJJ~CE to provide for the issue of bonds of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of Four ~illion Dollars {$4,000,000) to provide funds to defray the cost of additions and betterments to the City's water works plant or system, including acquisition, in whole or in part, of other existing water works systems. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the City of Roanoke to raise the sum of Four ~iillion Dollars ($4,000,000) to defray the cost of additions and betterments to the City's water works plant or system, including acquisition, in whole or in part, of other existing water works systems. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing funds with which to defray the cost of necessary and essential additions and betterments to the City's water works plant or system, including acquisition, in whole or in part, of other existing water works systems, the proper officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute, for and on Dehalf of and in the name of the City of Roanoke, bonds in the amount of Four R~illion Dollars ($4,000,000). Said bonds shall be in the denominatio] of $1,000 each, dated as of the day and year of issuance, payable serially in numerical order bonds aggregating (as near as divisible) one-thirtmeth of each issue annually over a period of thirty years. Each issue of said bonds shall be numbered numerically and consecutively and shall bear interest at a rate to be determined by the City Council, payable each year in equal semi-annual payments, shall be signed by the R~ayor and the City Treasurer and shall have the corporate seal of the City of Roanoke affixed thereto, duly attested by the City Clerk, and the coupons attached t said bonds shall bear the engraved or lithographed facsimile signature of the City Treasurer, which shall Oe recognized by the City of Roanoke as having the same legal effect as if such signature had been written upon each coupon by the City Treasurer. rs: 2. Said bonds and t.he coupons attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form, to-wit: United States of America Number Number $1000 State of Virginia $1000 CITY OF ROANOKE ~'~'ater System Bonds Series ~- 3 KNOW ALL M~N BY THESE PRESENTS, that the CITY OF ROANOKE, a municipal corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Virginia, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereo~ the sum of ~ " ONE THOUSA~'iD DOLLARS (~l,O00.O0), payable in lawful money of the United States of America, on the day of ____, 19 , at the office of the City Treasurer of said City, with intere at the rate of per centum ( .~) per annum, payable semi-annually on the day of and the .. day of of each year upon the surrender of the proper coupon attached hereto. This bond is issued for the purpose of pro~.~iding funds with which to defray the cost of necessary and essential additions and betterments to said City's water works plant or system, including acquisition, in whole or in part, or ,other existing water works systems, in pursuance of an ordinance of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, adopted on the 17th day of July, 1950, and ratified b~ a majority pf the qualified voters of the said City voting at an election duly and legally call~ held and conducted on the 7th day of November, 1950, and under and in pursuance of t DonsMtution and statutes of the State of Virginia, including, among others, an Act ~f the General Assembly of Virginia, approved on the 22nd day of R'iarch, 1924, entitl "An Act to provide a new charter for t~e City of Roanoke and to repeal the existing barter of s.~id City, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts ~r parts of acts inconsistent wit~ this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke", as amended; and this bond shall be exempt from all municipal taxation of Sa id City. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that the issue of this bond is nade in .striCt conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Virginia ~nd the charter and ordinances of the City of Roanoke authorizing the same, and that ~11 acts, conditions and thin%s required to exist, happen and be performed precedent o and in the issue of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in regular ue time, form and manner, as required by law, and that this bond is issued for an ~ndertakin? from which the City may derive a revenue in contemplation of clause (b) ~f section 127 of the Constitution of Virginia. IN TESTIMOi~Y WHEREOF, the said CITY OF ROanOKE has caused this bond to be ~igned by its Mayor and by its City Treasurer and the official corporate seal im- >res~ed hereon, attested by its Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed ~it:~ the engraved or lithographed signature of its said City Treasurer, and this ~ond to be d~ted the day of , 19 . t Attest Rke. City City Clerk Seal City Treasurer (FOR2( OF COUPON ) On the ~ day of , 19__ The CITY OF ROANOKE, Virginia, will pay to the bearer $. at the office of the City Treasurer, DOLLARS ($ ) bei~g the semi-annual interest then due on its Water System Bond, dated the .... day o f ., 19__. SERIES City Treasurer WW-3 No. 3. Said bonds shall be executed by the proper officers of the City of Roanoke, and sold by the Council in their entirety, or in separate lots from time to time, as the judgment of said Council may dictate; and the proceeds from such sale, or sales, used for the purposefor which said bonds are issued in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. 4. Said bonds shall not be issued unless and until this ordinance has been approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified voters of the City voting at an election to be called in the manner provided by law. 5. City Council may, in its discretion, by resolution, provide a place of Payment, in addition to the office of the City Treasurer, and also definitely fix the rate or rates of interest. 6. Said bonds shall be issued under clause (b) section 127 of the Constitu- tion of Virginia and shall not be included in computing the limitation of indebtednel of this City for a period of three years from the date of the election authorizing the issuance of said bonds and for as long thereafter as the said waterworks system oroduces sufficient revenue to pay the cost of operation and administration (includh .nterest on bonds issued therefor) and the cost of insurance against loss by injury to persons or property and the annual amount to be covered into a sinking fund sufficient to pay, at or before maturity, all~ bonds issued onaccount of said under- taking, and if said system fails to produce sufficient revenue to pay the principal )f and interest on said bonds, taxes will be levied upon all property in said city subject to taxation by said City sufficient to pay said principal and interest. ~.TTE~T: (~ APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of July, 1950. No. 10666. AN ORDINAR~CE directing and providing for the holding of an election in the ]ity of Roanoke, Virginia, to determine whether the qualified voters of the City of g Roanoke, Virginia, to determine whether the qualified voters of the City of Roanoke will approve Ordinance No. 10639, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 17th day of July, 1950. BE IT ORDAii'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke~ Virginia, as follows: 1. An election shall be held in the City of Roanoke on ti~e 7th day of November, 19~0, to determine whether the qualified voters will ap?rove Ordinance ~o 10639, to provide ~br the issue of bonds of the City of Roanoke~ Virginia, in the amount of Four ~'!illion Dollars (~/+,000,O00) to provide funds to defray the cost of additions and betterments to the City's water works plant or system, including acquisition, in whole or in part, of other existing water works systems. 2. The Sergeant of the City of Roanoke and the judges of election hereinafte designated are hereby directed to open polls at the several voting places in the Cit' of Roanoke on the 7th day of £~ovember, 1950, for the purpose of submitting said ordinance to the qualified voters of the City of Roanoke for approval. 3. The Sergeant of the City of Roanoke is ~ereby directed to gi:.e public information of said election, setting forth the time and place thereof by publishing a notice of the same in a newspaper of general circulation in said City and publishe~ in said City, for t~e space of ten days, and by posting a copy thereof at each voting place in said Cityat least ten days before the date of said election. ~. The judges and clerks for the several voting precincts in the City of Roanoke are hereby appointed to conduct said election, and in case of failure of any o~e or more of them to act, then the ylace or places of such shall be filled in the manner provided for in case of regular elections. 5. The electoral board of the City of Roanoke shall, at least ten days prior to the date of the election herein provided for, have printed proper ballots to be votea at said election, and such bal].ots shall De in the following form: CiTY OF ROA~OKE BOND ELECTIO~ OF ~OVEi~'~3ER 7~ 1950 QUESTION: Shall Ordinance No. 10639 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on July 17, 1950, entitled, "An Ordinance to provide for the issue of bonds ~f the City-of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of Four Million Dollars to provide funds to defray the cost of additio.~s and betterments to the City's water works plant or system, includin~ acquisition, in whole or in part, of other existing water works systems"~ be approved: ,, I FOR II / AGAI[,~ST 6. The ballot shall be prepared in conformity wit~: the provisions of Section ~-1~1 of the Code of Virginia, and eaci~ voter shall mark his ballot in the manner ~rescribed by said Section. Such ballots shall be delivered to the judges of electio For use in the said election, mn the same manner as ballots are delivered to the judges of electio~ in regular elections. 7. Said electioa shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for the conduct of regular elections. 8. The judges of election shall ir~..:ediately after the closing of the polls count the ballots deposited and shall within two days thereafter make written return of the result of said election to the City Clerk, specifying the number of votes cast for and the number of votes cast against the question voted upon. Said return shall be presented to the City Council at its next regular meeting and shall be spread upon the journal, and the said judges shall further seal up the ballots and within two days after closing the polls transmit the same to the City Clerk to be kept among the archives of the Council, and said ballots shall remain sealed during the space of twelve months thereafter without the order of Council. ATTEST: ' -Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi~IA, The l?th day of July, 1950. No. 10667. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of Harry B. Graham Company, Charlottes- ville, Virginia, for the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, the City selecting Alternate "E" of said proposal which omits landscape work; awarding contract for the project to said company in the sum of · ~429,563.00; authorizing and directing the City ~.anager to execute the requisite contract; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of R'ir. Randolph Frantz, Architect, ]~.r.F. I~i. Rivinus, President of t!~e Roanoke Public Library Board, and R.~r. John L. ;~entworth, Director of Public Works, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virffinia, and WHEREAS, 'it appears from said tabulation that the base bid of Harry G. Graham Company, Charlottesville, Virginia, in the sum of $437,720.00, is the lowest bid received for the construction of said project, and WHEREAS, this Council i s of the opinior, that the proposal of Harry B. Graham. Company, Charlottesville, Virginia, for the construction of the Roanoke Public Libra in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, on the basis of the City selecting Alternate "E" of said proposal which omits landscape work in the sum of $8,157.00, should be accepted and that a contract for the project should be so awarded to said company in the sum of $~29,563.O0, and WHEREAS, for the preservation of public welfare, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Harry B. Graham Company, Charlottesville, Virgini~ for the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia Y is hereby determil~ed and declared to be the best bid therefor, the City selecting Alternate "E" of the proposal of said company which omits landscape work, and that said bid be, arid the same is hereby, accepted; and that a contract for the said construction be forthwith executed in the sum of ~429, 563 .00. Sectiori 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~'ianager, be, and he is hereby authorize, and directe~., for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here: provided for. Section 3. That an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Cler~ ~ Presiden~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY O F RO2~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of July, 1950. 10668. A RESOLUTIOi~; authorizing arid directing the City ~anager to advertise for bids for landscape work in connection with the proposed Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, said bids to be received by the City Clerk and to to opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED byt he Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be and he is hereby suthorized and directed to advertise for bids for landscape work in connection with the proposed Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, said bids to be received by the City Clerk and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke. APPROVED ATTEST :.. ' ~'ier~ Presfdent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF RO/~NOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The l?th day of July, ].950. No. 10669. A RESOLUTION authorizing Bill France Enterprises, IncorporateO, to conduct stock car races at the Roanoke ~']unicipal (Victory) Stamium on the nights of July 26, 1950, and Aufust 2~ 1950, or, in the event of rain, on the nights of August 9, 1950, and/or August ].6, 1950, upon the terms and conditions set out in this Resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o f the City of Roanoke that Bill France Enterprises, Incorporate~, be, and it is hereby authorized to conduct stock car race~. at the Roanoke Y. unicipal (Victory) Stadium on the nights of July 26, 1950, and Augus~ 2, 1950, or, in the event of rain, on the nights of August 9, 1950, and/or August 1°, 1950, upon the followin~ terms and conditions: n LES SEE: PLACE: DATE: PURP 0 SE: RENTAL CHARGE: BO ND: RENTAL PAYABLE: OTHER CONDITIONS: Bill France Enterprises, Incorporated. Roanoke ~..'iunicipal (Victory) Stadium, kaher Field, Roanoke, Virginia. Asphalt track to be used. Wednesday, July 26, 1950, and Wednesday, August 2, 1950, or, in the event of rain, on the nights of August 9, 1950, and/or August 16, 1950, from approximately 7:O0 to 12:00 o'clock, p. m. For Stock Car Races. Fee of ~250.00 for use of grounds or 12½~ of the gross less taxes, whichever is greater, plus fee of ~50.00 for use of lights. It is hereby agreed that the Lessee will furnish a bond in the amount of ~3,000.00 in cash for protection of the grounds and facilities, and to assure payment of all charges, i. e., rent, damage, license, taxes, etc. The bond will be refunded after all claims have been paid. The bond will be deposited twenty-four hours in advance of said performance, and will be released to the Lessee only upon authorization of the Director of Parks and Re crc at ion. On the Thursday immediately following each stock car racing event herein referred to. ~iake check payable to City of Roanoke, payment to be made at the office of the Clerk of Market, J. Fred Douglas, Clerk, or his assistant R. E. Almond, and must be accompanied by a signed state~,e as to attendance and ~ross receipts. (Address: First Street and Campbell Avenue, S. E.) 1. This contract includes program concession, but does not include the concessions for the sale of beverages, food , etc., the latter having been granted to another. 2. If special police officers or watchment are employed for duty at the show, the expenses therefor shall be borne by the Lessees. 3. The Lessee agrees to operate only on the race track and to keep all cars, etc., off the ~laying surface of the football field by placing a barrier of railroad ties around edge of track. 4. Lessee will furnish a certificate of insurance which will be satisfactory with the City. of Roanoke, such insurance to be in the amount of ~100,000.00 for injury to one person, and ~300,000.00 for one accident. 5. Racing pits will be located on the north end of the field, outside the wooden fence. 6. Guard rail installation and repair will be done by the Lessee at their expense. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE C !TY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi~IA, The l?th day of July, 1950. No. 10671. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the construction of an Administration Building at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) and to advertise for bids for related work to the Administra tion Building Project, said bids to be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock p. m., August 1~, 1950, and to be opened before the Council of the City o f Roanoke at a regular meet%ng to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. ~t BE iT RE3OLVED by the Council of the Czty of Roanoke ti~at t~e City Manager be, and he is herebya uthorized and directe] to advertise for bids for the con- struction of an Administration Building at the Roanoke I~',unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field) and to advertise for bids for related work to the Administration Building Project, said bids to be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p. m., August 14, 1950, and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meetin~ to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. ATTEST: - clerM APPROVED IN THE COU£~CIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAEOKE, V1RGli~IA, The l?thday of' July, 1950. ~o. 10672. AN ORDIi'.~CE authorizing and directing the Building Inspector to grant a sermit to the Hodges Lumber Corporation for the construction of a wood frame additio ;o its office at 52~ Shenandoah Avenue, N. W., with the proviso that said addition shall be removed within two years, and [.roviding for an emergency. WHEREAS, the Hodges Lumber Core,oration has asked the Council of the City of Roanoke for permission to construct a wood frame addition to its office at Shenandoah Avenue, N. W., for temporary use, and WHEREAS, it appearin~ that the erection and maiatenance of t~is building ~ill not increase the fire hazard to other property in this vicinity, the Council ~f the City of Roanoke is of the opinion that the ~ermit should be granted as request :rovided the building is removed within two years, and to this end an emergency is et forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City o f Roanoke that the ~uilding Inspector be, and he is hereby authorize5 and directed to grant a permit ;o the Hodges Lumber Corporatior. for the construction of a wood frame addition to [ts office at 52~ Shenandoah Avenue, N. ~'~., witt the proviso that said addition shall ~e removed within two years, the building to be constructed in accordance with plans o be filed in the office of the Building Inspector, and according to his good liking nd satisfaction. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Hodges Lumber Corporation, by acting under ~his Ordinance, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all laims for damages to persons or property by reason of the erection and maintenance f the buildin~ above provided for. BE IT FURTHER ORDAI£~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and t~is )rdinance shall be in force from its passage. ~TTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of July, 1950. No. 10675. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~2, "City Clerk", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending Decemb er 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAIi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #2, "City Clerk", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as folio' Furniture and Equipment ............................ ~575.OO BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APP ROVED ATT E2~T: .( / IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 17th day of July, 1950. No. 10676. AN ORDI~:ANCE to amend and reordain Section 6 of Chapter 33, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, as amended, relating to the issusnce and refusal of certificate of convenience and necessity for taxicabs and for hire automobiles; and providing fo an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 6 of Chapter 33, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, as amended, relating to the issuance and refusal of certificates of convenience and necessity for taxicabs and for hire automobiles, be amended and reordained, as follows: Section 6. At or beofre the next succeeding regular meeting of the City Council after the meeting at which the report of the City R~anager required by Sectio~ five of this Chapter is presented to the City Council, any applicant for a certifi- cale of convenience and necessity, or other interested par~y may file written exceptions thereto wit[~ the City Clerk; and such applicant, or interested party shall have an opportunity to be heard on the exceptions to the report at such time a~, may be fixed by the City Council for the purpose. The decision of the City Council with regard to such exceptions and the report shall be final, and the City kanager shall issue no certificate of convenience and necessity unless it be in accordance therewith. Within thirtydays after such decision, any applicant favored by it shal. furnish the City ~lanager with information as to the particular vehicle or vehicles for which the certificate is to be issued, such information to include as to each vehicle the make, state license number, the length of time it has been in service anl the motor power, the name and address of the person from whom the vehicle was purchased, and any other information required by the City Manager. If the City Manager fin~s t?~at such applicant is the owner of such vehicle, or vehicles, that the same are fit and safe for the transportation of passengers and conform to the requirements of this Chapter and such other requirements as the City R'~anager may make under the authority conferred on him by this chapter, he shall issue to the successful applicant a certificate of convenience and necessity; no such certificate shall be transferrable, except .by_ordinance of the City Council passed after receiv- iu~ and considering a written report of an investigation to be made by the City Manager regard~ing t he character and qualifications of the applicant transferee. ,The holder of any such certificate may~ however, by appropriate endorsement made thereon by the City ~ianager substitute another ve~icle, or vehicles, in place of that for which the certificate is granted. AN E~ERGENCY EXISTING, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED IN THE COUNC1L FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of July, 1950. No. 10677. AN ORDiNA~iCE to amend and reenact Section #27, "Cost of Elections", of an Irdinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from ~he General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnmng January 1, [950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emerge~cy". BE iT ORDAI~iED byt he Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~27, "Cost ~f Elections'~, of ~n Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of ~{oanoke, Virgini on the 28th dayof December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the s~me is herebv~ amended and reordained to read as follow COST OF ELECTIONS ~27 Judges and Clerks .................................. $4,835.00 BE]~ FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized ~nd directed to pay out of the $325.00 herein appropriated a supplementary compen- stion of ~2.50 to each of the Judges and Clerks serving at an election to be held n November 7, 1950. 327 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATT~T~ ~ ~ Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA[~OKE, VIRGiNiA, The 20th dayo f July, 1950. No. 10679. A RESOLUTION granting permission to Safety ~'iotor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke through July 31, 1950, under the same terms and condition as set out in Resolution No. 102~8, passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. BE IT .RESOLVED by the Councilof the City of Roanoke that permission be, and the same is hereby granted Safety ~!otor Transit Corporstion and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke through July 31, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolution No. 10288 passed AT~F_~ST: (x / 'Clerk by this Council on December 12, 1949. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL ~DR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 20th d~y of July, 1950. No. 10680. A RESOLUTION offering the facilities of the Roanoke kunicipal Airpo~rt (Woodrum Field) to the Armed Services of the United States, or any of them, for use as a training center for airmen durinF the present emergency, upon the usual terms and conditions in such cases, made and provided; and directing that a copy hereof be forthwith transmitted to the Honorable Louis A. Johnson, United States Secretary of Defense. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the facilities of the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) for use as a training centerfor airmen during the present emergency be, and the same are hereby, offered to the Armed Services of the United States, or any of them, upon theusual terms and condi- tions in such cases, made and provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to forthwith trsnsmLt a copy of this resolution to the Honorable Louis A. Johnson, United States Secretary of Defense, Washington, D. C. APPROVE D IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~.,~IA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10670. AN ORDiI~Ai~CE providJ~lg for the sale of property located on the north side of Grayson Avenue, N. W., between Twelfth Street and T~irteenth ~treet, described as Lot 21, Section 17, Rugby Land Corporation, by the City of Roanoke to R. J. Barger, at a consideration of ~400.OO net cash to the City, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. BE IT ORDAI[,~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the City to R. J. Barger of property located on the north side of Grayson Avenue, N. W., Oetween Twelfth Street and Thirteenth Street, described as Lot 21, Section 17 Rugby Land Corporation, at a consideration of .~7+OO.00 net cash to the City. BE IT FURTHER ORDAI£'4ED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the City, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be yrepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with General Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomsoeve he may direct i~ writing, delivery thereof, however, not to be made until said net cash consideration has been paid in full. ~lerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGI£~iA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10673. AN ORDi~A~CE awarding contract for the construction of a secondary settling basin at the Carvins Cove Filter Plant to Ralph E. kills Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, in the sum of ~3,935.00, and amendi~g and reenacti~g "Non-Operati Expenses" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council oi' the City o~' Roanoke, Virgi~iia, o~ the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordi~ance maki~g appropr.~ tions from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roai~oke for the fisca] ~ear beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". WHEREAS, bids for the construction of a secondary settling basin at the Sarvins Cove Filter Plant have heretofore been received by the Water Department of t? City of Roanoke, and WHEREAS, the City Ma~mger has recommended that the contract for the project be awarded to Ralph E. Mills Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia, iow bidder, in the amount of ~3,935.00, in which recommendation Council concurs. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAIi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Ralph E. Mills Company, Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginma, for the construction of a secondary settling basin at the Carvins Cove Filter Plant in the sum of $3,935.OO be, and is hereby accepted, determined and e declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the said construction be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. BE IT FURTHER ORDAII~ED that "Non-Operating Expenses" of an Ordi~ance ado[,ted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Depart- ment's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnin~ January 1, 1950, and endir~_ December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emerge~cy", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NON-OPERA TI~G EXPEi~S ES Capital Outlay from Revenue (1) ......................... $227,19~.95 (1) Secondary Settlin~ Basin - Carvins Cove Filter Plant ...... $5,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAI~'~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordi~mnce shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10674. AN ORDiI~ANCE awarding contract for painting at tne Carvins Cove Filter Plant to RoanokePainters and Decorators, Roanoke, Virginia, i~ the sum of $1,248.O0, and amending and reenacting Section //280, "Purification", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department' General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and endinE December ~1, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". WHEREAS, bids for painting at the Carvins Cove Filter Plant have heretofore been received by the Water Department of the City of Roanoke, and WHEREAS, the City Rlanager has recommendedthat the contract for the work be awarded to Roanoke Painters and Decorators, Roanoke, VirEinia, low bidder, in the amount of ~$1,24~.O0, in which recommendation Council concurs. THERe,]FORE, BE iT ORDAI~'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Roanoke Painters and Decorators,Roanoke, Virgi~i: for painting at the Carvins Cove Filter Plant in the sum of ~1,248.00 be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the said work be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby authori2 and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract her~ provided for. ~d Ln BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Section ~¢280, "Purification", of an Ordinance adoFted by the Co~nci! of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February ].950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, ].950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: PURiFiCATIO~ #280 Maintenance of Structures ....................... ~2,O~8.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDA]'NED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pr~ sic ent IR THE COU~CiL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA~OKE, ViRG1Y~IA, The 3]st day of July, 1950. ~o. 10682. A RESOLUTI~I~ authorizing and directing the City Clerk to release interest from March 1, 1923, on Sewer Assessment agai~st property descriOed as the eastern part of Lots 13 and It, Block 8, R. F. & H., standing iu the name of Blanche Lewis assessed as part of Lot 5, Section 8, R. F. & H., in the name of S. T. Tucker, and to accept payment of the ~rincipal amount o~' ~14.15 in full settlement, provided said Trincipal amount is paid by September 1, 1950. WHEREAS, during the year 1910, a sewer was constructed to accommodate property described as ~art of Lot 5, Section 8, R. F. & H., and an assessment levied against the said property in the amount of ~14.15, in the name of S. T. Tucker, the owner of the property at tf~t time, and WHEREAS, the description of the said property has since been changed and is now described as the eastern part of Lots 13 and 14, Block 8, R. F. & H., and now stands in the name of Blanche Lewis, and WHEREAS, the present owner has agreed to pay the principal of the Sewer Assessment in the amount of ~14.15, provided the interest from ~iarch l, 1923, is released. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to release the interest from Riarch 1, 1923, on Sewer Assessment against property described as the eastern part of Lots 13 and 14, Block 8, R. F. & H., standing in the name of Bla~Cne Lewis, assessed as part of Lot 5, Section 8, R. F. & H., in the name of S. T. Tucker, and to accept payment of the principal amount of $14.15 in full settlement, provided said principal amount is paid by September l, 1950. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10683. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Auditor to draw warrant in the amount of $17.11, representing refund of interest from ~iarch 1, 1923, on Side- walk Assessment in the amount of $10.42, against property described as part of Lot 12, Block 19, Hyde Park, assessed in the name of J. H. Rubush, and standing in the name of Augusta'L. Wade. WHEREAS, on the 31st day of July, 1950, Sidewalk Assessment in the amount of $10.42, plus interest from ~arch 1, 1923, in the amount of $17.11, against property described as part of Lot 12, Block 19, Hyde Park, assessed in the name of J. H. Rubush, and standing in the name of Augusta L. Wade, was paid at the office of the City Clerk, and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the interest on said assess- ment should be refunded. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke th~t the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to ¢~raw warrant in the amount .of $17.11, representing refund of interest from Riarch 1,~ 1923, on Sidewalk Assessment in the amount of $10.42, against property described as part of Lot 12, Block 19, Hyde Park, assessed in the name of J. H. Rubush, and standing in the name of Augusta L. Wade. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10684. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #l, "City Co~cil", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the Cityc~ Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950 and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #1, "City Council" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia~ on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance msking appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" be and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follo CITY COUNCIL #1 Roanoke River Basin Association ................. . ..... ~100.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. AP P ROVED ,s: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGIi~iA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10685. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Attorney and/or his Assistan to institute and conduct suits i~i equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lie for delinquent taxes and other assessments against certain properties standing in the name of the respective record owners thereof. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the 5'lunicipal Government an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney and/or his Assistant be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to institute and conduct suits in equity for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against those certain parcels of land in the City o f Roanoke, Virginia, in the name of the present record owners, descriptio~ of which are given with the name of each record owner, as follows: RECORD ~NER OR OWNERS lgi~n, Msrtha A. & B. A. Elgin, Exec. eamor, J. J. ~'~organ, Rosa A. Webber, Nannie Webber, Nannie DESCRIPTION Lot 9 Hershberger Add. Lot 6 Block 2 Va. Mt. Lot 25 Hillhurst Lot 25 Blk. 2 Sec. O. S. NS Cherry 487' E 5th St. 50' Lot 26 Blk. 2 Sec. O. S. NS Cherry 537' E 5th St. 40' the said suits to be instituted anc conducted in conformity with Section ~0~ of the Tax Code of Virginia, or Section 2503, et seq, of the Code of Virginia,as the said City Attorney of his Assistant deems advisable, unless said liens be discharged by the record owners of said properties, or someone acting for them, within ten days after the adoption of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be ~ effect from its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk Pres id ent I~ THE COU'£~CiL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAI~OKE, ViRGii~IA, The 31st dayof July, 1950. No. 10686. A RESOLUTION creating a board before whom abutting landowners on certain portion, s of certain streets ~n Airlee Court and Airlee Court An~ex; and abutting landowners on Edison Street, between Fugate Road a:~d Liberty Road; and abutting landow~ers o~ certa~ portions of Sweetbrier Avenue, Hollowell Avenue, Strother Road and Creston Avenue, may appear and be he~r in favor of or against the proposed construction of sanitary sewers in and along said portions of said streets, the cost of which, when the same shall have been ascertained, is to be assessed or apportioned between the City and the abutting landowners as provided by law; and providing for notice to such abuttin~ landowners of the ~aring before such board. '~HEREAS, it is imperative that sanitary sewers be constructed in and along certain portions of streets hereinafter set forth for the protection of the public !health, and in order to provide for the usual daily operation of the municipal igovernment, sn emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council oi' the City of Roanoke, as follows: (1) The City Council shall constitute a board to whom the matter of the pro- iposed construction of sanitary sewers in and along the following streets, to-wit: A. West side of Woodbury Street north of ~laitland Avenue, East side of Woodbury Street north of Maitland Avenue, West side of Hawthorne Road, north of U. S. Route #11, East side of Hawthorne Road north of U. S. Route #11, West side of U. S. Route #11 between Hearthstone Road and Woodbury Street, North side of' Whitney Avenue east of Woodbury Street, South side of Whitney Avenue east of Woodbury Street, North side of Curtis Avenue east of Woodbury Street, South side of Curtis Avenue east of Woodbury Street, North side of Hershberger Road east of Woodbury Street, West side of U. S. Route. #11 between Woodbury Street and Rawthorneii Road, East side of U. S. Route #11 west of Woodbury Street . B. West side of Edison Street between Fugate Road and Liberty Road, East side of Edison Street between Fugate Road and Liberty Road. C. North side of Sweetbrier Avenue between Ashby Street and Spring Road, South side of Sweetbrier Avenue between Buckner Road and Strother Road, South side of Swe~brier Avenue between Strother Road and Spring Road, North side of Hollowell Avenue west of Buckner Road, North side of Hollowell Avenue between Buckner Road and Strother Road, Norths ide of Hollowell Avenue between Strother Road and Spring Road, South side of Hollowell Avenue west of Strother Road, South side of Hollowell avenue between Strother Road and Spring Road, West side of Strother Road between Creston Avenue and Hollowell Avenue, North side of Creston Avenue east of Strother Road. the cost of which when the same shall have been ascert~ined is to be assessed or ~pportioned between the City and the abutting landowners, as provided by law, is ~ereby referred to hear the abutting landow~ners on said certain portions of said ~treets in favor of or against such proposed improvements. (2) Said board shall notify said abutting landowners when and where they may ~ppear before said board to be heard in favor of or against said proposed improve- ~ents. The notice required hereby may be given by one or more of the methods orovided by Section 2069 of the Code of Virginia, -as the board may decide and direct. (3) Upon the completion of such hearing, said board shall make a report of .ts findings and recommendations to City Council. (4) An emergency existing this Resolution shall be in effect from the date its adoption. BE IT FURTHER R~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City 4anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to publish invitation l'or bids Yor the construction of the above sanitary sewers, said bids to be received by the ]ity Clerk and to be opened before the Council of the City of' Roanoke. APPROVED %TTEST: ~, Clerk ' ~resident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10687. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP XXI One 21000Lumen Mercury street light on the west side of First Street, second pole north of bridge. One 21000Lumen Mercury street light on the east side of First Street, ~. W., at Jordan alleyway between Center and Wells Avenues. One 210COLumen Mercury street light on the northwest corner of First Street, ~. W., and Wells Avenue. One 21000Lumen ~'.ercury street liffht on the west side of First Street, N. W.~ between Wells and Gilmer Avenues. One 210~Lumen Mercury street light ,at the alleyway on Commonwealth Avenue, ~. E., between Wells and Gilmer Avenues. One 2500 L~men Incandescent street light on the west side of Commonwealth Avenue, ~. E., between East and Patton Avenues. One 2500 Lumen incandescent street light on the west side of Commonwealth Avenue, N. E., between Patton and Harrison Avenues. One 2500 Lumen Incandescent street light at tile intersection of Commonwealth and Rutherford Avenues, N. E. One 2500 Lumen Incandescent street light on the east side of Fourth Street, N. E., between Madison and Raleigh Avenues. One 2500 Lumen Inca~descent street light on the east side of Williamson Road, south of Orange Avenue, i~. E. One 2 500 Lumen incandescent street light on Ce~ter Avenue, ~N. W., first pole east of First Street, N. W. Said li=~hts to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk Pie aid ent IN THE COUnCIl FO.R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10688. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for furnishing and laying two thousand tons of Black ToD Asphalt at various locations in the City of Roanoke, according to the Virginia Department ot' Highways specifications, to Adams and Tare Construction Company, Roanoke, Virginia, in the total sum of ~10,~O5.00. WHEREAS, bids for furnishing and laying two thousand tons of Black Top Asphalt at ~various locations in the City of Roanoke, according to the Virginia, Department of Highways specifications, have heretofore been received by the Purchasi~ Agent, and WHEREAS, the City ~.anager has recompensed that the contract for furnishing and layin~ the asphalt be awarded to Adams and Tare Construction Company, Roanoke, Vir~_inka, low bidder, in the total sum of ~10.605.00, in which recommendation Council concurs. THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Adams and Tate Construction Company, Roanoke, Virginia, for the furnishing and laying of two thousand tons of Black Top Asphalt at various locations in the City of Roanoke, according to the Virginia Department of Highways specifications, in the total sum of ~$10;605.OO, 'be, and is hereby accepted, determined, and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for furnishing and laying the asphalt be forthwith executed. Section 2. That the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. ATTEST: / Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10689. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact certain sections of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, ].949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that certain sections of an Ordinance adoF~ted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: ASSESS~'iENT OF REAL ESTATE #7 .................................... ~ 25,000.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT #40 Furniture and Equipment (1) ................................ ~ 2~,586.10 (1) Radio ~onitor ............ ~500.OO SEWER CONSTRUCTION #71 Wages ................ $ 14,OO0.00 Contrag~o~s. ] 1] [ ] ]] ] ]... ].]] ] [ ]..]. ] ]]['. ] ]]] ]]]. ]]] ] ][.]].. 104,450.?0 REFUSE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Wa~es ...................................................... $342,O52.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION #?5 Highway Survey ............................................. ~ 2,?00.00 STREET REPAIRS #?6 Wages ...................................................... ~1~4,000.00 PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES TO FORMER Ei¥,PLOYEES ~-110 Police and Fire Pensions ................................... ~ 68,000.00 EMPLOYEES' RETIREmeNT SYSTEM. #111 City Contribution .......................................... $1&l,O00.O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAi'~OKE, VIRGii~iA, The 31st day of July, 19.$0. No. 10690. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Rianager to give emergency assistance, in his discretion, i~ protection of health and li£e in cases o£ emergencies, within a reasonable distance from the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cityc~' Roanoke that the City ~'~'a~mger be, and he is hereby authorized to give emergency assistance, in his discretion, in protection of health and life incases of emergencies, w~thin a reasonaOle distance from the City of Roanoke. ATTEi);T: Clerk APPROVE D Pr&ide~t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAf~CKE, V1RGI~iA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10691. A RESOLUTIO£~ accepting one 65-foot 208 H.P. Aerial Ladder Truck from the ~iaxim ~iotor Company, kiddleboro, ~,"~assachusetts, and directing payment of ~26,368,00 therefor. WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution ~o. 10381, adopted on the 30th day of January, 1950, authorizing the purchase of two 65-foot 208 H.P. Aerial Ladder Trucks from Maxim kotor Company, Middleboro, ~.:,assachusetts, at a total sun,. of ~52,736.0C net, FOB, Roanoke, Virginia, the second Aerial Ladder Truck has been delivered to the City, and WHEREAS, it ap!~ars that said Aerial Ladder Truck fully complies with all requirements. THEREFORE, B]i IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that one 65-foot 208 H.P. Aerial Ladder Truck be, and is hereby accepted £rom ~iaxim ~otor Company, ~2iddleboro, Massachusetts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that payment for said Aerial Ladder Truck in the amount of ~26,368.00 be, and is hereby directed. APPROVE D ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii~iA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10692. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ,~41, "Fire Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day AMENDED 8), No., i of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordi~a~tce maki~g appropriations i'ro~ the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1.950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAI£~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~gl¢ "Fire Det~rtment", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia~ on the 28th day of December, 1949, ~o. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations f~m the Gene~l Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning Janua~ 1~ 1950, and ending December 31~ 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency"~ be~ and the same is hereb~ amended and reordained to read as follows: FIRE D EPARTY~4T ~ ~1 Equipment and improvements (1) ................ , .......... $134,0~5.00 (1) Niodernization of Water Tank Truck, includir~ chassis, equipment and supplies ............... $5,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAI~ED that an emergency is declared to ~ist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. AP PR 0 VED A T~S T: ~ ~ .~~ ~ P[esident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAROF'E, VIRGii~iA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10693. A RESOLUTION granting permission to Safety Motor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke through August ~1, i950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in Resolutio~,~ No. 10288, passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. BE IT RESOLVED by the. Council of the City of Roanoke that permissi,,n be, and the same is hereby granted Saiety ~]otor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke through August 31, 1950, under the same terms and condition, s as set out in Resolution No. 10288 passed by this Council on December 12, 1949. APPROVED Clerk / Pre sid ent I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI~iA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10694~ AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Sectio~ 1 relating to DEFINiTIOi~S; Section 2 relating to CERTIFICATE OF '~f~SU[{A~CE; Section 7 relating to SIGi~S l~OT REQUiRi£~C FEPJ,~iT and Section 9 relatin~ to MARQUEES AND ~'.'ARQUEE SiGhS, of Ordinance ~o. 10161, passed on the 26th day of September, 1949, regulating the erection and maintenance of awni~gs, marquees~ signs~ etc.~ as amended; and N~roviding for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the puSlic health sad safety~ an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 1 relating to DEFiNITIOn'{S; Section 2 relating to CERTIFICATE OF i~SURA~CE; Section 7 relating to SIGNS 8OT ~QUIRiNG FER]'.IT and Section 9 relating to ~'~ARQUEES A~D ~iARQUE SiG~.~S, of Ordinance No. 10161, passed on the 26thday~ September~ 19~9~ regulati~g the eraction and maintenance of a~ings~ marquees~ signs, etc., be~ and the same ar~ hereby amended and reordained to read as i'ollows: Section 1. DEFi~iTiO~'~S: The following words and phrases, ~hen used in this ordi~ance~ shall~ for the purposes of this ordinance, have the following respective meanings~ except where the coate~t clearly i~dicates a different meaning: ~ ADVERTISI~G STRUCT~.E: Any struct~e erected wholly or in ~rt for advertising purposes, upon which any poster, bill~ printing, painting, device or other advertisement of any kind whatsoe~er may b~ ~laced, ~oste6, L~inted, tsc]<er~ nailed of ctkerv..~ise fastened or affixed. B. AWI~in'GS: 1. FIXED OR STATIOP~ARY AWNi~G: Any awning, shutter or lot~ver of met81~ wood or other rigid materi~l fabric~ted in sbeets~ strips or slats rigidly attached to the face of a buildiny wall and protruding over a sidewalk orother public space. 2. MOVABLE AWNI~ (frequently referred to herein as awning): A roof- like shelter or covering car~ied by ~ St~F~orting i'r me or arms attached to the face of a Ouildi~g wall whic}~ when ].ov:arad, f:rotrudes over a sidewalk or other public space and is so constructed that the frame or arms may be folded or rolled up to the face of building wall. C. FACE OF BUILDii'.JG WALL: The ger~eral outer surfaces, not inc!uding core,ices or other ornamental trim, of any exterior wall or walls of a buildin6. D. FLAG AREA: That portion of the City o~' Roanoke, bounded and describeda s fol].ows: BEGIi~i~iNG at the poirit of intersection of the west line of Third Stre,zt, S. 'ef., and the south lithe of the east-bound main line track of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company; thence with the said south line of the Nor~blk and Westen~ Railway Company, in an easterly direc- tion, to the junctio~ point s~.o. east-bound main li~e track and the Wi~ston-Sa!em branch line track of the i~orfolk and Western Railway Company' thence with the west l:ne of said Wi~lston-Sa!em branch of the ~orfolk and Western Railway Company~ in a southerly direction~ to the point of intersection of the said west line o2' the Winston-Salem branch of the,l~orfolk and Western Railway Company and the south line of Bul]it Avenue~ S. E.; thence with the sai~ south line of Bu21itt Avenue~ in a westerly di~ction~ to the point o2' intersection of the said south l~ue of Bul]itt Avenue~ S. W.~ and the west lioe of First Street~ ~. ~ ~.; thence with the west line of First Street~ S. W.~ in a northerly direction to the point of intersection of said west line of First Street, S ~.-.T ~ ~ .... , ~n~ the ~:~o~..~h line of FrankJin Road, S. W.; thence with the said south line of Franklin Road, in a westerly direction, to the 1 point of iutersection of said south line of Fra~t~lin Road aud the west line of Third Street, S. ~4.; thence with the said west line of Third Street, S. W., in a northerly direction, to the place of BEGii~ii'~ E. kARQUEE: A canopy or covered structure projecting from and supported by a buildiny, when such canopy or covered structure extends beyond the building line o property line. F. PERSON: Individuals, firms, partnerships, associations, corporation, and combinations of individuals of whatever form and character. G. PUBLIC SPACE: Any sidewalk, street, avenue, alley or other public property. H. SIGN: An outdoor display board, screen device, insignia, object or ~.art thereof, used to announce, declsre, ,Jemonstrate, display or otherwise to advertise and attract the attention of the public. 1. GROUND SIGN: Any detached advertising structure or structures erected upon the ~round and supported by means of posts and a f rame-wor~ of wood or metal or both. This type of si~n shall include advertising structures commonly known as billboards and all other such signs not included and otherwise classified in this ordinance. 2. HORIZONTAL SIGN: Any sign erected flat against or extended from the ~xterior wall of a building and being parallel with same. It may be composed of individual letters with or without base of mounted on, or in front of, a canopy. 3. ~'ARQUEE SIGN: A sign attached to, or hung from, a marquee. ~. POST S1GI~: Ax~y sig~ erected oa a pole or poles, and which is wholly or partially independent of any building for support. 5. PkOJECTIi~G SIGi~: Any si6~ suspended from or supported by a building and projecting therefrom, with the exposed face of the sign at an angle of not less than sixty degrees (60©) with the face of the building wall from which it is supported, Inlieu of a building, such sign may be supported by metal, or other approved, base or prop. 6. ROOF SIGN: Any device or structure erected for advertising or identification purposes upon or above the roof of any building or structure or part thereof. 7. SNIPE SIGN: Any sign of any material, including paper~ cardboard, wo~d, metal, or cloth, when such si~n is tacked, nailed, pasted or painted or attached in any way to trees, buildings, fences, walls, rocks, poles, or other objects, and where such sign does not apply to the premises whereon or whereat it is located. 8. WALL SIGI~: Any si~om, including billboards and poster panels, attached to or painted ont he exterior face of any building, with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of the wall to which it is attached or painted on. I. STREET CLOCK: Any timepiece erected on the exterior of any building or structure. J. STREET THER~]OMETER: Any temperature recordLn~ device erected on the exterior of any building or structure. Section 2. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to take out a blanket public liability insurance policy, or policies, insuring the City against liability resulting from the erection, construction, existence, maintenance, inspection and removal of any sign, marquee, awning, street clock, street thremometer, hereafter referred to in this section as a sign, over any public space or on any roof or penthouse, for the erection of which a permit is required, pursuant to the provisio~ of this ordinance. Such policy, or policies, shall be of standard form of public liability insurance with some company, or companies, authorized by the State Corpora tion Commission of Virginia to trsnsact such business in the State and shall be limited to ~25,000 for one person and ~50,000 for two or more persons, together with property damage coverage of ~5,000; such policy, or policies, to be payable to the City of Roanoke as its interests may appear, the form thereof to be approved by the City Attorney. Every persan applyin~ for a permit to erect a sign over any public space or on any roof or penthouse shall first pay a fee of fifty cents (50¢) to the Building inspector for each such permit grax~ted i~ order to partly de~'ray tae e×pense of such public liability insura~ce. The copy of t~e permit shall re~'lect that said sign is covered by said i~suraace only insofar as the City is concerned. Said fee s~al] be i~ additio~ to the permit fees required by Section ~ o~' this ordi~a~ce. Likewise, when the a~mual inspection fee is paid ~'or eac~ such sign, pursua~t to the provisions of Sectio~ 6 hereof, an additional fee of I~ifty cents (50¢) shall be collected by the Building Inspector to partly defray the continuing costs of such insurance. The copy of each such inspection certificate shall also reflect that said sign is covered by said insurance only insofar as the City is concerned; provided, i~ the alternative, that any person who, at hms election; affords the City at least the protection provided for in the first paragraph of this section by causing it to be covered under a liability i~su~'ance policy issued by a properly organized insurance company shall not be required to contribute to the costs of the aforesaid blanket policy the City F!anager is herein directed to take out; and provided, further, that a certificate of such insurance be approved by a~d filed with the Building Inspector and the Policy co:~tains a provision bindix~g the issuing company to ~ive said Building Inspector at least ten days' notice, in writing, of it intenti~,~ to termi_~mte such policy, ia which event such person shall forthwith contribute, as herein provided, to the costs of the aforesaid blanket policy coverin the City. Section 7. SIGi~S i~OT REQUIRii~G ~o permit shall be required for a temporary groYnd sign advertising either the sale, rental, or future occupa~cy of t~e premises upon which it is maintained when such sign does not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet of display surface; n~r shalla permit be required for movable "A" or pedestal signs placed on the ground~ such as are commonly used by persons doin~ business wholly or partially in the open, provided the display space on each side of such signs does not exceed twenty (20) square feet a~d that such signs are not maintained on any public space, l~o permit under the terms of this ordinance shall be required for flags and decorations place'd o:~ or over streets by special permission of City Council. This exception, however, shall apply only to the requirement of a permit and shall not be construed as relievin~ the o~mer of the sign from responsibility for its erection and maintenance ~n a ~ood and safe condition. Section 9. MARQUEES AI~D !~"ARQUEE SIG~S: Any person applyin?: for a permit for the erectio~ of a marquee or marquee sign shall cause an accurate and detailed drawing t.aereoI' to be prepared, triplicate, showing especially t he relation thereof to the i'ull fro..~t and side elevati:~n of the building involved and other requisite information and d~ta necessar' to fully illustrate the proposed installatio~, and submit the same to the Planr~i:~g Board. The Planning Board shall study said drawling and promptly report to t he Counci 342 for the City of Roanoke, in writing, whether in its judgment a permit should, or should not, be granted giving briefly its reasons for its recommendation. The Council for the City of Roanoke, after considering said written report of the Planning Board and, at its pleasure, affording the applicant a hearing may, or may not, in its discretion, direct the Building Inspector to issue, or to decline to issue, a permit for the ~ection of such marquee or marquee sign. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be ~n full force and effect from its passage. ATTE~ST: ~ Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of July, 1950. No. 10695. A RESOLUTION directing the City Clerk to supplement this Council's Resolution 1o. 10222, passed on the 24th day oI' October~ 1949, and apprise the State Water ~ontrol Board of this Council's acticms si~lce the passage of the aforesaid resolutioa ~owards the establishment of a complete and adequate sewage disposal system br the ity of Roanoke. WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke, in furtherance of Regulation No. 1. published y the State Water Control Board on the 8thday of March, 1949, has done those ~hings recited in its Resolution No. 10222, passed on the 24th day of October, 19~9; md WHEREAS, since the passage of the aforesaid resolution, this Council is ~pprised t~a t: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed interceptor system have been ~ompleted. 2. The plans for the sewage treatment plant are now seventy-five per cent 'omplet ed. 3. It is anticipated that the plans and specifications of the sewage treatment ~lant will be completed and submitted to the State Department of Health for approval ,n or about October 1, 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that, in ~rder that the State Water Control Board~y be correctly and fully advised as to the ~resent status of this project, the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed forth- ~ith to mail the Secretary of said Board an attested copy of this resolution. .TTEST: . ~ APPROVED Clerk President I£~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA[~OKE, ViRGii~IA, The ?th day of August, 1950. No. 10681. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 95 'of the License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to wholesale merchants; and providing for the effecti~ date thereof. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that~ e£fective as of the first moment of the 1st day of January, 1951, Section 95 of the License Tax Cod~ of the City of Roanoke, relating to wholesale merchants, be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: 95. Merchants, Wholesale. Ail merchants who sell to other persons, firms o] corporations, for resale, or who sell to industrial buyers shall be deemed to be wholesale merchants. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the busine~s of a wholesale merchant, shall pay license tax to be measured in part by the a~%ount of the purchase made by him or it in such business, whether paid for or not dur~mg the year precedin the first day of January, of ............................................. ~50.00, plus 30 cents on each ~100.00 of such purchases, provided that 'restricted' licens may be issued to a wholesale merchant if (1) at least 95~ in va ue of his purc~ases are the products of one producer, processor or manufacturer and (2) at least 85% of his sales are to customers and for use outside the city of Roan~ke. in such event the license tax shall be ~50.O0 plus 30 cents on each ~100.00 o purchases up to and including ~100,O00.O0, 15 cents per ~100.OO on the next .$200,00 .00 and 10 cents per .$1OO.00 on the excess of ~3OO,OOO.OO of purchases as herein defined. Where the business for which a license tax is imposed by this section is commenced oa or after January 1, the license tax shall be the same a s above set fort except so much thereof as is measured by the purchases in said business shall be based upon the probable purchases in said business from the date of commencement thereof to December 31. '~here a merchant conducts a wholesale and a retail business a separate licen tax shall be paid on the wholesale and retail parts of said business. The license tax imposed by this section shall be in lieu of all city taxes upon the capital actually employed by said merchant in said business. In determining the license tax to be paid under this section freight not paid as freight on merchandise purchased F. O. B. shipping poi~t shall be included as a part of the purchase price of the merchandise and ~o deduction shall be made by reason thereof; and freight paid as freight on merchandise purchased F. O. B. Roanoke shall not be .included as part of the purchase price and is therefore deducti but only when the full amount of i,voices F. O. B. Romoke price, including the freight, is included in the purchases. .... As to all questions in regard to the keeping and preservation of invoices an a record of purchases, and from whom made, and as to all questions regarding the keepinff and preservation of an accurate record of all purchases made by each whole- sale merchant, for the purpose of enI'orcia~ the lice~se tax herein imposed and for the conducting and guidance of officers of the city and other persons affected by this section the provisions ol' Sections 58-304 to 58-317, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia, are herebysdopted except where the same might be held to be inconsistent with this ordinance, in which case or cases the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail unless the same be expressly prohibited to localities by the state law. Every wholesale merchant who fails to keep the records herein provided for shall be assessed with a penalty of $50.00, in addition to such taxes' as may be ascertained as herein provided. Whenever it comes to t he knowledge of the Commissioner of the Revenue in any way that a wholesale merchant has not kept, or is not keeping arid preserving the records herein provided for he Shall estimate the probable purchases of such wholesale merchant to the best of his ability and assess such wholesale merchants with the city license tax provided by this oPdinance upon the purchases so estimated, in addition to the penalty of $50.00 hereinbefore provid for. Such penalty shall in every case be added to the license tax an'd shall b acome a part thereof' and shall be collected in the same manner taxes are collected, and any wholesale merchant who shall continue to violate the law requiring such records to be kept, after a written notice from the Commissioner of the Revenue, shall ]De subject to a further penalty of $50.00 for each month violation of the law shall continue after the giving of such notice, which penalty shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as taxes are assessed ~nd collected. Any person, firm or corporation who, or which, is a wholesale merchant and a retail merchant, is hereby required to obtain both classes of licenses; provided, however, that any retail merchant who desires to do a wholesale business may elect to do such wholesale business under his retailer's ~ice~e by paying license t~x as a retailer, or both as retail business and as wholesale business. If a manufacturer desires to sell, at a definite place or store, other than the place of manufacture, to other persons for resale, or to industrial buyers, the ~oods, wares and merchandise manufactured by him, then such manufacturer must take out a wholesale merchant's license, general or 'restricted' as the case may be, though this definite pla ce or store, and also the place of manufacture, be both located in said city. The amount of city license tax is to be measured not only by the amount of purchases made by such manufacturer from others but also by the goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by him and sent f rom the ~lace of manufacture, to his store for sale; and the cost of manui'!~cture shall De taken as the purchase price of goods, wares and merchandise. Persons storing goods or wares in public warehouses, in the City of Roanoke, for ultimate distribution to wholesalers only shall be classified as wholesale merchants and subject to a license tax as such. APPROVED ATTE~ST.: . ~// ~ Cle rk IN THE. COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The ?th day of August, 1950. No. 10696. AN ORDi~AmCE to amend and reordain Section 1, relating to Definitio~,s, as amended by Ordin~lce ~o. 10437, adopted March 13, 1950, and entitled, "An Ordina~ce to establish a retirement system and to provide certain retireme~t allowances and death benefits for officers and employees of the City of Roa~oke, with certain exceptions, and to supersede any existing ordi~ance providlno~ for retirement or deat 0enefits on account of policemen and firemen employed after December 3t, 1945." BE IT ORDA~EU by the Council of the City of Roanoke taat Section I, re!ati~ to Definition,s, a s amended by Ordinance ~No. 10437, adopted ~larch 13, 1950, rand entitled, "An Ordii~au~ce to establish a retirement system and to provide certain retirement allowances and death benefits for officers and employees of the City of Roanoke, with cer~in exceptions, and to supersede any existing ordina~ce providing for retirement or ~eath benefits onaccount of policemen and firemen employed after December 31, 1945'~ be amended and reordained as follows: Section 1. DEFINiTIOn, S. The followin~ words and phrases as used herein, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the follo~.~in~ meanings. (1) "System" shall mean the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Roanoke, as defined in Section 2 of this ordinance. (2) "City" shall mean the City of Roanoke, Virginia. (3) "City Council" shall mean the Council of the City of Roanoke. (4) "Board" shall mean the Board of Trustees of the System provided in Section 5 of this ordi~mnce to administer the Sysvem. (5) "Medical Board" shall mean the board of physicians provided in Section 5, Subsection (12), of this ordi~a~ce. (6) "Employee" shall mean any regular, continuous and permanent officer or employee of the City, whether he devote his ~hole or only a part of his time to such regular and continuous employment, and shall include, Out shall not be limited to police and firemen employed on or after the first day of January, 1946; officials selected oy City Council or appointed by the City ~lanager; members of any permanent Board of Real Estate Assessors and every person regularly and continuously employed in con~ectit~n with tae assessment of real~->~tate; every civil and police justice and judge of the juvenile and ~omestic relations court; every clerk of said courts and every person regularly and continuously employed in the service thereof; every officer and other person regularly and conti~uously employed by the School Board of the City ~ho i s not eligible for membership in tae State Employees' Retirement System of Virginia (provided, however, th~at secretaries ~ the Superintendent of Schools, in service prior to the effective date of Chapter 325 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of 1942, may become members of this system if, prior to September 15, %950, they elect to later retire under this system and not that of the State, and otherwise comply with the provisions of this ordinance); and every other per~on regularly and continuously employed in the service of t~ne City; except AMENDED 9at _ officers elected by the [mople of the City, the coroners of the City, judges of the courts of record of the City and every other State officer; provided, however, that assistants, deputies, and employees in the offices of officers elected by the people of the City, of the judges of the courts of record, and of such state officers may, at their election, be classified as an "employee" and contribute to and share in the benefits of the system but only to the extent that their salary is paid by the City. In all cases of doubt the Board shalld etermine who is an "employee" within the meaning of this ordinance, subject, ho~-ever~ to review by Counc il. {?) "Member" shall mean any person included in the membership of the System as provided in Section 3 of this ordinance. {$) "Service" shall mean service as an employee paid for by the City. {9) "~embership service" shall mesz~ service as a member f~r which credit is allowable as provided in Section ~, Subsection (1), of this ordinance. (10) "Prior Service" shall mean service rendered prior to becoming a member for which credit is allowable as provided in Section 4, Subsection 12), {2a) and (~) of this ordinance. {11) "Creditable service" shall mean membershl? service plus prior service. (12) "Annuity shall mean annual payments for life derived from the accumulated contributions of a member. {13) "Annuity reserve" shall mean the present value of all payments to be made on account of an annuity, or benefit in lieu of an annuity, computed at regular interest on the basis of the tables last adopted by the Board. (12) "Pension" shall mean annual payments for life derived from money provided by the City. {15) "Pension reserve" shall mean the present value of all payments to be made on account of a pension, or benefit in lieu of a pension, computed at regular interest on the basis of the tables last adopted by the Board. (16) "Retirement allowance" shall mean the sum of the annuity and the pensio Ail retirement allowances shall be payable in monthly installments continuing to the last payment prior to death. (17) "Beneficiary" shallmean any person in receipt of a pension, an annuity~ a retirement allowance or other benefit as provided by the System. (1~) "Accumulated contributions" shall mean the sum of all the amounts deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to his individual account in the Annuity Saving Account~ together with regular interest thereon, as provided in Section 7, Subsection (1), of this ordi~ance. (19) 'Earnable compensation" shall mean all usual compensation, pay or salar not exceedin~ six thousand dollars per annum, i~ whatever manner paid. In cases where compensation is~mt all paid, in money, the Board shall fix the value of that part of the compensation not paid i n money. (20) "Average final compensation" shall mean the average annual earnable compensation of a member during his last five years of creditable service, or if he has had less than five years of creditable service, then his average annual earnable compensation during his total years of creditable service. (21) "Regular interest" shall mean interest at the rates established f'~m time to time by the Board as provided in Section 7, Subsection (2)~ Subdivision (i) of this ordi:~ance. (22) "Actuarial equivalent" shall mean a benefit of equal value when computed at regular interest on the basis of the tables last adopted by the Board. (23) The masculine pronoun shall include the feminine pronoun. APPROVED ATTEST: ~~ Cie rk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAi~OKE, ViRGti~iA, The 7th day of August, 1950. No. 10697. Ai~ ORDINAI~CE to amend and reenact Section ~102, "PuOlic Parks", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28thday of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAi£~iED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~i02, "Public Parks", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, ].949, ~o. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fun~ oi' the City of Roanoke Ibr the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and endi~g December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency"~ be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: PUBLIC PARKS #102 Wage s . · 3,760.0~ BE IT FURT~R ORDAII~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTFST 4 ~. ~ Clerk President I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 7th day of August, 1950. ~o. 10698. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of a draftsman in the Engi~eering Department at a salary of ~200.OO per month from August ].6, 1950, through December 31, ].950, said salary to be paid from the u~expe~ded 0alance oI' the salary of the Instrument Marl carried under Section #70, "Engineering and Superintendence", of the 1950 Budget, at $3,440.00 per annum, which position is presently vacant. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke .that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of a draftsman in the Engineering Department at a salary of $200.00 per month from August 16, 1950, through December 31, 1950, said salary to be paid from the unexpended balance of the salary of the Instrument l~'~an carried under Section #70, , ~.. "Engineering and Superintendence" of the 1950 Budget, at $3,440.00 per annum , which position is presently vacant. Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 7th d ay of August, ]950. No. 10699. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #103, "Municipal Stadium and Athletic Field", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginaing January 1, ].950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declari~g the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~103, "Municipal Stadium and Athletic Field", of an Ordi~ce adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virgi~ia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning ~January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, ~950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: NiUNiCiP~J~ STADIUR~ ~D ATHLETIC FIELD #103 Salary, Custodian ..................................... $1,210.00 Wages ................................................. 4,225.00 BE iT FURTHER ORD~i~iED thst an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGli~iA, The 7th day of August, 1950. No. 10700. AN ORDIN~$iCE to amend and reenact Section #41, "Fire Department" of an , Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 195 and endi:~ December 31, 1950, and declaring the e×istence of an emerEency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of tl~e City of Roanoke that Section "Fire DeFartment", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declari~g the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: FIRE DEPART~ENT #~1 Travel Expense ....... . ............................. . ....... $~O0.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAI]~ED that an emergency is U ecIareU to e×ist and this Ordirmr~ce shall be in force from its passage. A ?PR OVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi'~iA, The 7th d ay of August, 1950. No. 10701. A RESOLUTION approving the request of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority for the reservation or earmarking of certain Federal iunds for certain slum clearance snd redevelopment work in the City of Roanoke. WHEREAS,under Title I of' the Housing Act of 1949 the Housing and Home F~.nance Administrator is authorized to assist local communities in eliminating their slums and blighted areas and inproviding maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment oi such areas by pri- vate enterprise, and to that end is authorized to make local public agencies advance for surveys and plans in-preparation of projects, capital grants, and temporary and definitive loans, and WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator will consider requests for the reservation or earmarking of the first $200,CO0,000.00 that will be made available under Title I for capital grants, and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority has request. the Administrator to re~serve or earmark out of said $200,000,000.OO the amount of ~75,5~O.OO for certain slum clearance and redevelopment work in the City of Roanoke. d THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virgi~ia, as follows: Section 1. That upon the basis of preliminary studies it is considered to be in the public interest and it is the desire and purpose of the City of Roanoke that there be undertaken and carried out, with the aid of capital grants out of said $200,000,000.00 certain slum clearance and redevelopment in said City, and that such work can be started prior to July 1, 1951. Section 2. That the aforesaid request of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority for the reservation or earmarking of the amount of for such work, as contained and expressed in a certain Resolution of said Authority adopted at a special meeting duly called and held in Roanoke on the 12th day of April, 1950, be, and it is hereby inall respects, endorsed and approved. Section 3. That it is hereby recognized that under Title I of the Housing Act of 19~9 certain requirements are imposed in order ~o obtain Federal Aid there- under for slum clearance and redevelopment projects, including requirements for ~the provision of' local grants-in-aid, the approval of redevelopment plans by the governing body of the locality, the making of cert~in findings by such governing body, and other requirements, and it is further recognized that the cooperation of the city of Roanoke is necessary to carry out the slum clearance and redevelopment program which is proposed to be undertaken and for which the reservation of funds is hereby requested. Section 4. That the Council of the City of Roanoke does not seek any funds at the expense of the national emergency, now or in the future, and i~ the event Congress or the President of the United States postpones or curtails this program or the appropriation under this chapter, the Council will wholeheartedly approve the diversion for the emergency. Section 5. That M. K. ~ioorman, the dulyauthorized ~.City Clerk of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and hereby is, directed to forward to the City of Rosnoke Redevelo~ment and Housing Authority fbur certified copies of this Resolution, and that this Resolution shall co~stitute the formal approval o~' the City of Roanoke to the request of the City of Roanoke Redevel~'~pment and Housing Authority to t he Administrator for the reservation of capital grant monies. ATTEST: k // Cle rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ?th day of August, 1950. No. 10704. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of a water main from the inter- section of Brandon Road and Winston Avenue, S. W., to the property of the Valley Lumber Corporation in accordance with the provisions hereof. WHEREAS, the Valley Lumber Corporation desires to promptly install a fire sprinkler system inand for the protection of' its plant inthe City of Roanoke and the Water Department's present distribution main serving said property is ~ot sufficiently large to adequately supply water for such purpose; and WHEREAS, the Valley Lumber Corporation has agreed to pay all the costs of laying a distribution main of sufficient size to meet,.such requirements, and other installations, .provided it be reimbursed, within three years, t~e actual costs of. installil~ such distribution mai~; and WHEREAS, t~e installation of such a distribution main is contemplated in and forms a part of the necessary and essential additions a~d betterments to t ae City's water works plant or system to be made and paid for from bo~:d mo~ley in event the proposed .~4,O00,O00 bo~d issue is favorably voted on by the qualified voters and suchbonds are actually sol~. THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED bythe Council of the City of Roanoke that the City kana~er be, and he is hereby, authorized, upon receipt from the Valley Lumber Corporation of sufficient funds to pay all costs in connection therewith, to have instal]ed an eigBt inch water main connecting with t he Water De[~rtment's present distribution main at the intersection of Brandon Road and Winston Avenue, S. and run~g in Winston Avenue, in a southwesterly directio~, a distance of appro×i- mately 520 feet to a point i~ I'ro~t oi the property of the Valley Lumber Corporation and at which point said corporation shall install a six inch service f'rom the curb line to the desired points on its property~ all i~ strict accordance with t he standard practices of the Water Department of the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Valley Lumber Corporation shall be refunded the costs of installing such eight inch main, without ~terest, at the end of a perio. of three years from the installation thereof; or sooner if the duly qualified voters of the City authorize the issuance of bonds as contemplated in Ordina~ce I~o. 10639 t~ defray the costs of additions and betterments, etc., to the City's water works plant or system, and bo~ds are actually sold pursuant to such authorization, in which event such refund shall be made from money received from the sale of such bond: ATTEST: , Clerk APPROVED Pres ident I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~'OKE, ViRGII~iA, The 7th day of Au~ust, 1950. ~o. 10705. A RE$OLUTIOi~ authorizing and directi~g the City ~ianager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a supplemental agreement with the United States of America, modii'ying certain provisions ot' a lease dated ~ay 24, ].9~, by and between the City of Roanoke and the U~ited States of American, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution ~o. 7576 adopted by the Council for the City of Roanoke on the loth day of ~iay, 1943, the City of Roanoke has heretofore leased to the United States of America a certain 0.08 acre plot of ground at the Roanoke Municipal Airport, in Roanoke County, Virginia, for a term of years therein specified, which lease is of record i~,~ the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 306, page 24.; and WHEREAS, due to certain improvements and alterations being made at said airport it is necessary to relocate the control tower structure erected on the aforesaid 0.08 acre plot of ground leased to the Federal Government and to substitute for said 0.08 acre ~lot of ground described in said lease the 0.02 acre tract hereinafter described, all of the other terms, conditions and provisions of the aforesaid lease, however, to remain in f'ull force; and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City of Roanoke, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the Councillor the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the said City, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute a supplemental agreement between the City of Roanoke and the United States of America, Department of Commerce, Civil Aeronautics Administration, modifying that certain provision of a certain lease heretofore made by and between the said City and the United States of America, dated May 24, 1943, so that the description of the land set forth under Article 2 of said lease be amended to read as follows: Beginning at a_point located the following two courses and distances from StationlS~?8.38 on the centerline of the north-south runway: N.-66o-14'-OO"-E. 76?.74 feet and N.-31°-21'-OO"-E. 67.6 feet to the actual point of begin~ing; thence S.-86°-52'-00"-E. 21.O feet to a point ~ feet from the porch on the west side of the Old Cannaday House; thence with s line parallel to and 4 feet from the said porch S.-3°-08'-00"-W. ~2.0 feet to a point on line with the front of the Cannaday House; thence N.-86°-52'-OO"-W. 21.0 feet to a point located 36.0 feet from an iron pin, the center, radius point for the proposed new .Administration Building; thence N.-3°-OS'-OO"-E. 42.0 feet to the place of beginning, containing .02 acres, more or less, and being a rectangular block located at the Roanoke ~iunicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), Big Lick ~agisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia. All bearings refer to the ~'~eridian of the Official Survey (True ~orth). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City ~:iaimger be, and he is hereby, authorize to make the said supplemental agreement effective on and as of such date as he, the said City Manager, deems advisable. BE IT F[5{THER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in force and effect fromits passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA~'~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th dayo f August, 1950. No. 10702. AN ORDINanCE to amend and reenact Section #57, "Department of Public Welfare of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section //57, "Department of PuOlic Welfare", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council oi~ the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28thday of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: DEPAR~,~NT OF Y'UBLI(~ WELFARE #57 Emergency Relief ..................................... $12,600.00 APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGINiA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10703. AN ORDI~gANCE approving the action of the Roanoke City School Board in elect- ing to exercise options held by it to purchase certain lots adjacent to the grounds of the Gilmer Public School for the purpose of enlarging the g rounds and improving the premises thereof, and approving the purchase by said School Board of said lots. WHEREAS, the Roanoke City School Board has reported to this Council that said Board~ has elected to exercise options held by it to purchase certain lots adjacent t° the grounds~ of the Gilmer Public School for the purpose of enlarging the grounds and improving the premises thereof and to pay therefor from funds which this Council has heretofore made available to said School Board, all of which is agreeable to this Cotu~cil. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the action of the Roanoke City School Board in electing to exercise options heretofore obtained by it to purchase, at the prices herein stated, the following lots adjacent to the grounds of the Gilmer Public School, viz: No. 3012309, Frank and Sarah kcMillan and Hazel Sullard No. 3012310, George J. Penn No. 3012311, E. R. Cunningham North rear portion of Lot No. 3012312, Joseph A. Williams North rear portion of Lot No. 3012309, $4,255.00 3,000.00 2,950.00 (30' x 33.33'), 150.O0 (50' x 100'}, S. W. Faison ?00.00 $11,055.00, for the purpose of enlarging the grounds and improving the premises thereof is hereby approved and, further, that said School Board be, and it is hereby, authorize~d to purchase said lots, paying therefor from funds heretofore made available to it by this Council. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGI~IIA, The l~th day of August, 1950. No. 10706. A RESOLUTIOn rejecting all bids submitted for performing the related work in connection with the administration buildh~g at the Roanoke Rlunicipal Airport {Woodrum Field} as heretofore planned; directing the Engineering Department, in collaboration with officials and personnel of the Civil Aeronautics Administration~ to proceed immediately to revise the plans and specifications for such related work on a greatly reduced basis; directing the City ~anager to advertise for bids for performing such related ~ork, as modified; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, there is presently available $410,000 for the construction of the administration building and also for performing the related work at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field~; and WHEREAS, at the direction of this Council, bids were lawfully advertised for the construction of the aforesaid administration building and also for performing the related work as heretofore planned; and ~HEREAS, the lowest and best bid received for the construction of the afores. administration building was $317,432 and the lowest bid received for performing the related work, as heretofore planned, was ~163,082.37, which two sums, together with accrued and accruable arch~tects'~ engineering and supervisory fees, far exceed in amount the $410,000 presently available for the entire project; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke thst all bid~ submitted for performing the related ~rk in connection with the administration building at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) as heretofore planned be, and the same are hereby, rejected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Engineering Department be, and it is hereby directed to proceed immediately to revise the plans and specifications for such related work on a greatly reduced basis and in collaboration with available official., ~nd personnel of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be, and he is hereby, suthorize~ ~nd directed to advertise for bids for performing such related work as soon as the nodified plans and specifications therefor are completed. id BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: . ~., Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA£~OKE, VIRGi~IA, The l~th day of August, 1950. No. 10707. A RESOLUTION conditionally accepting the bid submitted by B. F. Parrott & Company, Inc., General Contractor, of Roanoke, Virgirlia, for the construction oI~ th~ Administration Building at the Roanoke kunicipal Airport (Woodrum Field); authoriz- ing the City Manager to execute the requisite contract if and when all conditions herein provided for are met; and providing ~'or an emergency. WHEREAS, there is presently available ~410,000 for the construction o~' the administration building and also for performing the related work at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field); and WHEREAS, at the direction of this Council, bids were lawfully advertised for the construction of the aforesaid administration building and also ~br perform- ing the related work as originally pIanned; and WHEREAS, the bid of B. F. Parrott & Company, Inc., in the amount of $317,432, which represents that corporation's base bid~ less Alternates "A", "B" "C", is the lowest and best bid received for the construction of the aforesaid administration building; and WHEREAS, the lowest and best bid for performing the related work as originally planned was submitted by Adams & Tare Construction Company, et al, in the amount of $163,0~2.37; and ~EREAS, the two aforementioned low bids, together with accrued and accruable architect, engi~eering and supervisory fees, far exceed in amount the ~410,000 presently available for the entire project; and WHEREAS, this Council i~ nevertheless, desirous of proceeding with the aforementioned project upon a revised basis if this F~y be accomplished with i'unds presently svailable; and WHEREAS, this Council by Resolution No. 10706 has rejected all bids sub- mitted for performing the related work as originally planned; has directed the Engineerir~ Department to redeSign the plans and specifications therefor on a greatl reduced basis; and has directed the City Rmnager, immediately upon completion of such modified plans and specifications, to advertise for bids for performing such related work as modified; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public b~alth and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council off the City of Roanoke that: 1. The low bid submitted by the firm of B. F. Parrott & Company, Inc., in the amount of $317,~32, which represents that corporation's base bid for the con- struction of the administration building at the Roanoke )iunicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), less Alternates "A", "B" and "C", be accepted provided, however, that an acceptable low bid for performi~4~ the reduced schedule of related work within the money now available for the entire project is received ~d that fact is ascertained prior to the actual acceptance of the primary bid for the administ~"ation building, and further that this action receive the complete approval of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~lanager, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke , to execute the requisite contract if and when all conditions herein provided for are met. 3. That an emergency existing, this Resoluti~ shall be i~ force from its passage. ATTEST: ~ / Clerk AP PROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l&th day o f August, 1950. No. 10708. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Building Inspector, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance Ro. lO161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 1949, regulating the erection and maintenance of awnings,~rquees, signs, etc., as amended by Ord~mnce No. 10694, adopted on the 31st day of July, 1950, to grant a permit to Peoples Drug Stores, Incorporated, to erect and maintain a marquee over the front entrance of Peoples Service Drug Store #55, 3~ Campbell Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia, under certain terms and conditions, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the Planning Board has recommended to the Council of the City of Roanoke that the request of Peoples Drug Stores, Incorporated, for permission to erect and maintain a marquee over the front entrance of Peoples Service Drug Store #5 33 Campbell Avenue, S. W., ~Roanoke, Virginia, be granted, under certain terms and conditions, in which recommendation Council concurs, and WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Building Inspector be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance ~o. lO161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 1949, regul,~ting the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, sigr~s, etc., as amended by Ordinance No. 10694, adopted on the 31st day of July, 1950, to grant a permit to Peoples Drug Stores, Incorporated, to erect and mainta in a marquee over the front entrance of Peoples Service Drug Store #55, 33 Campbell Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia, under the followi~ terms and conditions; 1. The marquee shall be constructed of galvar~ized sheet steel (roof and ceiling), V-shaped, extending 22 feet across the front of the building, the widest portion of the marquee to be forty-eight inches from the front wall of building, with a clearance from the ground of thirteen feet and 2 inches. 2. The face of the marquee (sign panels) shall be porcelain enamel, painted green, neon-lighted in white and red. The working, "Peoples Service Drug Stores", shall appear on each side of the V-shaped marquee, the work "Peoples" to be on the top line in letters 18 inches i~ height except the "P", which shall be 30 inches tall, extending to the bottom line, the work "Service to be on the second line, and the words "Drug Stores" to be on the third or bottom line, the height of the lettering in the second and third lines to be 12 inches. The cost shall be approximately $2,500.00; the weight approximately 900 pounds. 5. The marquee shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Building Inspector and the National Board of Fire Underwriters. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA£~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10709. A RESOLUTION authorizing Bill France Enterprises, Incorporated, to conduct stock car races at the Roanoke Municipal (Victory) Stadium on the nights of August · 16, 1950, and August 23, 1950, upon the terms and conditions set out ~ this Resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Bill France Enterprises, Incorporated, be, and it is hereby authorized to conduct stock car races at the Roanoke ~'~unicipal (Victory) Stadium on the nights of August 16, 1950, and August 23, 1950, upon the following terms and conditions: LESSEE: Bill France Enterprises, Incorporated. PLACE: Roanoke ~iunicipal (Victory) Stadium, ~';aher Field, Roanoke, Virginia. Asphalt track to be used. DATE: Wednesday, August 16 and Wednesday, August 23, 1950, from approximately 7:00 to 12:00 P. PURPOSE: For Stock Car Races. RENTAL CHARGE: Fee of $250.00 for use of grounds or 12% of the gross less taxes, whichever is greater, plus fee of $50.00 for use of lights. BOND: It is hereby agreed that the Lessee will furnish a bond in the amount of $3,000.00 in cash for protection of the grounds and facilities, and to assure payment of all charges, i. e., rent, damage, license, taxes, etc. The bond will be refunded after all claims have been paid. The bond will be deposited twenty-four hours in advance of said performance, and will be released to the Lessee only upon authorization of the Director of Parks and Recreation RENTAL PAYABLE: On Thursday, August 17, and Thursday, August 24. R~ake check payable to City of Roanoke, payment to be made at the office of the Clerk of ~iarket, J. Fred Douglas, Clerk, or his assistant, R. E. Almond, and must be accompanied by a signed statement as to attendance and gross receipts. (Address: First Street and Campbell Avenue, S. E. ) OTHER CORDiTIONS: 1. This contract includes program concession, but does not include the concessions for the sale of beverages, food, etc., the latter havi~ been granted to another. 2. If special police officers or watchmen are employed for duty at the show, the expenses therefor shall be borne by the Lessees. 3. The Lessee agrees to operate only on the race track and to keep all cars, etc. off the playing surface of the ~ football field by placing a barrier of railroad ties arou~ edge of track. 4. Lessee will furnish a certificate of insurance which wi be satisfactory with the City of Roanoke, such insurance t be in the amount of $100,000 for injury to one person, and $300,000 for one accident. 5. EacJng pits will be located on the north end of the field, outside the wooden fence. 6. Guard rail installation and repair will be done by the Lessee at their expense. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the permission herein granted is subject to termination, in the sole discretionof this body, upon seven days' written notice to the Lessee. APPROVE D ATTEST: k / Clerk IN THE CO%~NCiL FOR THE CiTY O~1 ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 1;+th day of August, 1950. No. 10710. AN ORDI£~ANCE to amend and reenact Section ~75, "Street Construction" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th ~ay of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~75, "Street Construction" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION #75 Contractors (1). ...................................... $77,945.00 (1) Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk ........ $49,945.00 Street Paving .................... ' 28,000.00 BE iT FURTHER ORDAi£~ED that the above appropriation of $5,245.00 is for the construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter in front oi' those properties abutting on both sides of Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., between Cove Road and Lafayette Boulevard which do not have sidewalk, curb and gutter, and that said appropriation is continge] upon the owners of said properties first depositing with the city their proportionat~ part of the cost of the project. ll t BE IT FURTHER ORDAII~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ 'k~: Cle rk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10711. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #42, "Life Saving and First Aid" , of an Ordinance adopted by the Council oi' the City oi' Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance makir4~ appropriations from the General Fund of' the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31~ 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #42, "Life Saving and First Aid", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the Uity of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: LIFE SAVING AND FIRST AiD #~2 Supplies ............................. . .............. $4,080.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAi~ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii~iA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10712. A RESOLUTIO~'~ authorizing the employment oi' an inspector ia connection with the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, at a salary on the basis of $6,000.00 per annum, saidsalary to be paid from the Library Bond Account. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of an inspector in connection with the construc. tion of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, at a salary the basis of $6,0OO.OO per annum, said salary to be paid from the Library Bond Accou~ APPROVED ATTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF RO~O~E, ViRGI£~IA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10713. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the furnishing and installation of steel bookstacks for the new Roanoke Public Libraryin Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, said bids to be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p. m., Monday, August 28, 1950, and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City o f Roanoke that the City M,~nager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the furnishing and installation of steel bookstacks for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, said bids to be received bl,- the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p. m., ~ilonday, August 28, 19fO, and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. ATTEST APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RD~NOKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10715. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain street~ in the City of Roanoke and providing for the cancellation of three 21000 Lumen Mercury street lights, the installation of which was authorized under the provisions of Resolution No. 10483, adopted on the 3rd day of April, 1950. BE iT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP XXII One 6000 Lumen Incandescent street light on Buliitt Avenue, S. E., between Jefferson Street and First Street, S. E. One 6000 Lumen Incandescent street light on Elm Avenue, S. E., between Jefferson Street and First Street, S. E. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the cancellation of the followi~g street lights, the installation of which was authorized under the provisions of Resolution No. 10~83, adopted on the 3rd day of April, ]950: One 21000 Lumen Mercury Light on the north side ~f Elm Avenue betwe~ Jeffer- son Street and south bound First Street. One 21000 Lumen ~iercury Light on the north side of' Elm Avenue between First Street south bound and First Street north bound. One 21000 Lumen 5~ercury Light on the south side of' Bullitt Avenue between Jefferson Street and the present light east of Jefferson Street. APPROV ED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY Of' ROANOKE, ViRGiNiA, The 14th day of August, ].950. No. 10716. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Purchasing Agent to place an order for steel filing equipment, to be used in the Office of the Clerk of Courts, at an estimated cost of $2,500.00, for delivery in 1951. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to place an order for steel filing equipment, to be used in the Office of the Clerk of Courts, at ane stimated cost of $2,500.00, for delivery in 1951. APPROVED Cie rk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAhOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10717. A RESOLUTION authorizing the designation of a date when the City of Roanoke, Virginia, can be honored at a performance of the new Paul Green symphonic drama "Faith of Our Fathers", which is being, sponsored by the Nationsl Capital Sesquicen- tennial Commission in Washington D.C., from August 5, 1950, through September 31, 195( BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the designation of a date when the City of Roanoke, Virginia, can be honored at a performance of' the new Paul Green symphonic drama "Faith of Our Fathers", which is being sponsored by the National Capital Sesquicentennial Commissi~ in ~ashington, D. C., from August 5, 1950, through September 30, 1950. ATTEST: ~ Cle rk APPROVE D President IN THE COUNC1L FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10718. AN ORDIi~ANCE authorizing and directing the City kanager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke to purchase from B. B. Murphy property described as Lot 16, Block J, Map of Williamson Groves Subdivision, at a cash consideration of $400.00, to be used for street purposes in connection with the widening, relocating and extension of Lukens Street, N. E., and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke under date of ~my 2, 1949, by Ordi:mnce No. 9951, authorized thepurchase of property described as Lot 16, Block J, Map of Williamson G~ves Subdivision, from ~. B. ~iurphy, at a cash consideration of $300.00, representing the appraised value of the said lot, to be used for street purposes in connection with the widening~ relo~t~g and extension of Lukens Street, N. E., which offer was not accepted by said B. B. ~urphy, and ~EREAS, the Council of the City of Ro~oke under date of Aug~% 8, 1949, by Ordinance No. lOlls, authorized the institution of condemnation proceedings to acquire the fee simple title %o the said lot, ~d WHEREAS, said B. B. ~lurphy has, in ~he meantime, agreed to sell %he above lot to the city at a price of $~00.00, and W~R~S, the City M~ager, the City Attorney ~d the City Engineer have reco~ended that the offer be accepted by the city and that title ~o ~he lot be acquired by purchase rather than through the condemnation proceedi~ now pending in Court, in which recommendation Council concurs, and ~EREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of the city, and for the better protection of life and ~blic pro~rty, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THERE~RE, BE IT ORDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Ro~oke that the Cit Man~er be, and he is hereby authorized ~d directed, for ~d on behalf of the City of Ro~oke, to p~chase from B. B. Murphy property described as Lot 16, Block J, Map of William~n Groves Subdivision, at a cash consideration of $400.O0, ~ be used for street purposes in connection with the wideni~, relocating and extension of Lukens Street, N. E. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is decla~d ~o exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVE D Cle ~ ~ Pr e s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10719. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of a storm drain to serve the property recently acquired by the Division of 5iotor Vehicles on the East side of ~.~+h ~+~+ .q~,,~.hw~t_ o~rsu~nt to the orovisions of the offer of the aforesaid WHEREAS, the Division of Motor Vehicles has requested that a requisite storm drain to serve the property it recently acquired on the East side of Eighth Street, Southwest, be installed by the City; and WHEREAS, Engineering Department has estimated that it will cost 43375.00 to properly install such a drein; and WHEREAS, the Division of ~Iotor Vehicles has proposed that if the City of Roanoke will instal] such drain the Divisio~.~ will contribute $1250.O0 to partially defray the cost thereof and will also cause to be deeded unto the City of Roanoke, for street widening purposes, a ten f~oot strip of land across the front of said property, the same being briefly described as Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Block 1, Fishbur Place, and parallel with and adjacent to the Easterly line of Eighth Street, Southwest. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Director of Public Works be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to construct a storm drain to serve the recently acquired property of the Division of ~'~.otor Vehicles located on the East Side of Eighth Street, Southwest, in the City of Roanok. provided, however, that the aforesaid Division of Motor Vehicles shall contribute $1250.O0 to the cost thereof and also that said Division of Riotor Vehicles cause to be conveyed unto the City of Roanoke, by deed to be approved by the City Attorney, for street widening purposes, a ten foot strip of land across the front of said real estate, the same being briefly described as Lots 8, 9, 10 and 1~, Block 1, Fishburn Place, and parallel with and adjacent to the Easterly line of Eighth Street, Southwe BE I T FURTHER RES.OLVED that the City Rianager be, and he is hereby, authorize, and directed to include in the sewer construction account in his proposed budget for the year 1951 a sum sufficient to pay the cost to the City of the aforesaid drain. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI~i~, The 14th day of August, 1950. No. 10720. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City R~nager, for and on behalf of' the City of Roanoke, to enter into a contract with the Colonial American National Bank, Executor of the Estate of ~'!. L. Arthur, for the purchase of Lots 3 through 13, Block 20, Waverly Place ~lap, aggregating 11.69 acres, at a total cash consideration of $2000.00, O.83-~ acres of said real estate to be used for right-of-way for sewage collecting interceptor sewers and the residue to be used for street and/or other municipal purposes; directing that the $2000.00 cash consideration be placed in escrow with the Colonial American National Bank pending delivery of an acceptable de. therefor; appropriating the amount of $2000.00 from the sewage disPOsal account and the street construction account; and providing Ibr an emergency. WHEREAS, the Colonial American National Bank, Executor of the Estate of M. L. Arthur, deceased, has offered to sell unto the City of Roanoke Lots 3 through 13, Block 20, Waverly Place Map, aggregating 11.69 acres, at a total cash considera- tion of $2000.00, 0.83*_ acres of which land the City needs for a right-of-way for i sewage collecting ~nterceptor sewers and the residue thereof for street and/or other municipal purposes, but may not, with all possible safety, accept a deed therefor i until after the lapse of one year from the death of ~. L. Arthur, which occurred on the 14th day of February, 1950; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health an emergency is delcared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit~ Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to enter into a contract for the purchase of Lots 3 through 13, Block 20~ Waverly Place Map, aggregating 11.69 acres, with the Colonial American ~ational Bank, Executor of the Estate of ~. L. Arthur, and/or other necessary parties, at a ~total cash consideration of $2000.00 for right-of-way for sewage collecting inter- ceptor sewers and for street and/or other municipal purposes, and to place the requisite funds in escrow with the Colonial American National Bank of Roanoke,. Virginia, to be held by it pending delivery, after the lapse of one full year from the death of the aforesaid Ri. L. Arthur, of a deed therefor acceptable to said City Manager. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the amount of $142.00, representing the cost of 0.83_~ acres be, and it is hereby, appropriated from the sewage disposal account and, further, that the sum of $1858.00, representing the cost of the residue be, and it is hereby, appropriated from the street construction account; said money to be used as aforesaid and for said purposes. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existh~g, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED Pr~ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~'~IA, The 16th day of August, 1950. No. 10721. A RESOLUTION approving a letter dated August 16, 1950, addressed to Mr. Marlboro K. Dowries, Distrist Airport Engineer, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Richmond, Virginia, signed by Arthur S. Owens, City ~mnager, and today read in extensio to this body; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a lettez dated August 16, 1950, addressed to Mr. Marlboro K. Downes, District Airport Engineer Civil, Aeronautics Administration, Richmond, Virginia, signed by Arthur S. Owens, City Man@ger, and today read in extensio to this body be, and the same is hereby, approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Rianager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to mail or deliver the original and requisite signed duplicates of the aforesaid letter to Rir. Downes and other parties requiring the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, mi emergency existing, this resolution shall be in force from itspassage. ATTEST : Clerk APPROVED President I~i THE COURCiL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA~OKE, ViRGI~iA, The 16th day of August, 1950. No. 10722. A RESOLUTIO~ authorizing and' directing the City Manager to execute, on behalf of the City, a revised grant agreement with reference to the construction o£ the administration building and related work at the koanoke R~unicipal Airport {Woodrum Field), provided such revised grant agreement conforms to the provisions of a letter from the City R~anager to ~'~r. R~arlboro K. Downes, District Airport Engineer, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Richmond, virginia, which said letter was this day, by resolution, approved by this Council; and providi~ for an emergency. ~rHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED byt he Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City, a revised grant agreement with reference to the construction of the administra. tion building and related work at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field), provided such revised grant agreement conforms to the provisions of a letter from the City Man,get to R~r. Marlboro K. Downes, District Airport Engineer, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Richmond, Virginia, which was this day, by resolution~ approved by this Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in force fro~ its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk President 366 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGINiA, The 21st day of August, ].950. 10723. A R~ESOLUTION rejecting the bid submitted for an air show to be given~ Woodrum Field, Roanoke Municipal Airport. WHEREAS, at the direction of this Codicil, an invitation for bids for an air show to be given at Woodrum Field, RoanoKe Municipal Airport, has been lawfully advert is ed, a nd WHEREAS, pursuant to the invitation l'or bids, one bid has been received for the air show from Haskell A. Deaton, owner of the All Star Air Shows, and WHEREAS, it appears that said bid has not been made out in the proper form, nor is the bid~companied by $500.00 in cash, or a certified check, as stipulated in the advertisement for bids. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the bid submitted for an air show to be given at Woodrum Field, Roanoke l~iunicipal Airpor be, and the same is hereDy rejected. APPROVED ~ Clerk ~ Prl. sid ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~OKE, VIRGINIA, ~Ahe 21st day of August, 1950. Cle rk ~/ A'PPROVED ' / President :' No. 10724. A RESOLUTION dispensing with air shows at ~oodrum Field, Roanoke ~unicipal Airport, for the year 1950. WHEREAS, Resolution ~o. 1026~, adopted on the 28th day of November, 1949, establishes the policy that there be allowed ~ot more than two air shows at Woodrum Field, Roanoke Municipal Airport, in any calendar year, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Council that air shows at Woodrum Field, Roanoke Municipal Airport, should be dispensed with for the year 1950. THEREFORE, BE IT RE~OLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that air shows at Woodrum Field, Rosnoke ~'~unicipal Airport, be, and the same are hereby dispensed with for the year 1950. I£~ T~E COU£~CiL FOft THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, ViRGiNiA, The 21st day of August, 1950. No. 10725. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City ~iaaager to proceed with improvements in the 2600 block of La0urnum Avenue, S. cY., that portion oI' the cost which is properly chargeable to ~lr. Howard E. Sigmon to be so charged. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with improvements in the 2600 block of Laburn~um Avenue, S. W.~ that 7ortion of the cost which is properly chargeable to Mr. Howard E. Sigmon to be so charged. APPROVED ATTE ~T: ( // Clerk ii~ TdE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROM~OKE, VIRGI~'~iA, The 21st day of August, 1950. No. 10726. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Clerk to mark released esti~ted sewer assessments in the amounts of ~4.67, respectively, agai~st Lots 3 a~d ~, Section 6~ Airlee Court Map, in the name of Dorothy Lee Waldron, as recorded in Judgment Lien Docket 19, Page 201, in the Clerk's Office of the Hust~,~gs Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia. WHEREAS, the City Clerk has heretofore caused to be docketed in Judgment Lien Docket 19, Page 201, in the Clerk's Office of the Husi~gs Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, an estimated sewer assessment i~ the amount of ~4.67 against Lot 3, Section 6, Airlee Court ~(ap, and an e sti;rated sewer assessment in tlne amount of ~84.67 against Lot 4, Section 6~ Airlee Court I~'!ap; aad WHEREAS, in the construction o.i' the se..~er li ~e it was found that said line would not be of' any service to the aforesaid lots, in that said lots were already being served by sewer connection; and WHEREAS, the said lots have been sold and the owner now reques, ts that the estimated sewer assessments be released by said city in order that the transaction can be fully consummated. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk 0e, and he is hereby authorized and directed to release on the Judgment Lien Docket where they are recorded the estimated sewer assessment of ~84.~7 against Lot 3, Section 6, ~irlee Court Map, and the estimated sewer assessment of ~8~.67 against Lot 4, Section 6, Airlee Court ~lap, in the name of Dorothy Lee Waldron; and the said City Cler!~ shall note on said releases a reference to this resolution as his authority to make the same. ATTEST: '~x/ Clerk APPROVED President REPEALED By IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of August, 1950. No. 10727. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian ~. Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights~ provided said street lights can be installed without disturbing the present underground system by the installation of overhead wires. GROUP XXIIi Two 6000 Lumen Incandescent street lights on the east side of First Street, S. E., between Campbell Avenue a~i Kirk Avenue. Two 6000 Lumen Incandescent street lights on the west side of First Street~ S. E., between Campbell Avenue and Kirk Avenue. Said lights to be nmintained under the contract exist i~g between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. Cle rk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR T}-iE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, T~e 21st day of August, 1950. No. 10729. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~52, "Venereal Disease Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning Januaryl, 1950, and ending December ~1, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Ros~oke that Section ~52, "Venereal Disease Control" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council oI~ the City of Roanoke, Vir=~inia, on the 2~thday of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: VENEREAL DISEASE CONTROL //52 Salary, Field Investigator, @ $2,940.00 per annum (1) ...... $2,870.00 (1) Ail Reimbursed by State BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be i,~ effect as of and from August 1, 1950. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF RO~I'~OKE, ViRGIi~iA, The 21st day of August, 1950. No. 10730. AN ORDIf~A[~CE repealing= an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 21st day of Notember, Ordi~mnce directing the change of name of that of Brandon Avenue, S. W., to Eure Street the true name on present and future tax directing that stre~t signs now and here 1949, No. 10246, entitled, "An portion of Carlton Road lying south S. W., and directing the designation of ,lats in the office of' the City Engineer an~ fter erected shall co~form accordingly." BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 21st day of November, 19;+9, No. 102~6, entitled, "An Ordinance directing the change of name of that portion of Carlton Road lyiny south of Brandon Avenue, S. W., to Eure Street, S. W., and directing the designation of the true name on present a~d future tax plats ~n the office of the City Engineer and directing that street signs now and hereafter erec~ shall conform accordingly", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTiiER 0RDAi~ED that sn emer%e~cy is declared to exist and this Ordi~.ance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~_NOKE, VIRGIi~iA, The 21st day of August, 1950. No. 10731. AN ORDI~Ai~CE authorizing and directing ti~e proper City of~.'icials to execute, for and on behalf of the City, an agreement between the City of Roanoke, of the first part, and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, and Safety kotor Transit Corporation, of the sec~d part, dated July 12, 19~8, and expiring October 31, 1950, relating to the terms and conditions u~der which the parties of t~qe second part may operate busses within the City of Roanoke during the period of time embrace~ in said contract, upon the same being properly executed for and on behalf of said corporations by the requisite officials the re of ; ~d providing for an emergency. WrEREAS, a~reeable to the direction of Council, an agreement was prepared between the City of Roanoke, of the first part, and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporati,~n, and Safety Niotor Transit Corporation, of the second part, dated July 12, 194~,embodying the terms and conditions under which the parties of the second part might operate busses within the City of Roano~'e from the date thereo] until the 31st day of December, 1949, which said contract was properly-executed i',romptly by the requisite officials of the aforesaid corporations but for sundry' reasons Council has not heretofore directed the proper officials of the City to execute the '~ame for and on behalf of the City but has, from time to time, since the ~d aforesaid date , negotiated with representatives of said corporations to determine the advisability of having embodied additional provisions therein; and WHEREAS, although the aforesaid contract has not been executed for and on behalf of the City, the aforesaid corporations have, neverthe!ess, been operating their busses within the City pursuant to the terms thereof since its date; and WHEREAS, this Council, although not entirely satisfied with the terms and conditians embodied in the aforesaid contract, nevertheless, desire~ t~at the Council assuming office on the 1st day of September, 1950, may have reasonable time within which to consider the terms and condit.i~ns it may desire to have embodied in future contracts or fra~chises regarding the operation of passenger busses in the City; and ~EREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, ~n emergency exist s. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of koanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to execute , for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, a contract in all regards similar to the contract dated July 12, 194~, between the City oI' Roanoke, of the first part, and Roanoke Railway & Electric Company, a corporation, and Safety ~otor ~ransit Corporation, of the second part (and actually executed by the proper officials of the aforesaid corporatio~ except, however, that the expiration date thereof shall be extended through the 31st day of October, 1950, and provided such extended contract be properly executed for and on behalf of the aforesai~ corporations by their respective requisite officials. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ,~× Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of August, 1950. No. 10728. AN ORDINANCE authoriziug and directing the proper City Officials, for and on behalf of tae City of Roanoke, to execute a release deed unto Leo F. Henebry, or his successors in title, if any, releasing and qU~tcla~ming all right, title and interest of the City of Roanoke in and to a certain strip or parcel of land situate in the City oi' Roanoke on the west side of Jefferson Street 102.0 feet north of I~iountain Avenue, S. W. WHEREAS, The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke, by deed dated February 22, 1939, conveyed unto the City of Roanoke a certain strip of land 50.0 feet by 6.0 feet situate in the City of Roanoke on the west s~de of Jefferson Street 102.0 feet north of Mountain Avenue, S. W., for street widening purposes; and WHEREAS, The First ~ational Exchange Bank of Roanoke, by deed dated October 18, 1939, conveyed unto the City of Roanoke an easement over a strip of land 50.0 feet by 5.0 feet, parallel with and adjace~t to the 6.0 foot strip of land conveyed by the above mentioned deed of February 22, 1939, which~asement was for the purpose of accomplishing the widening of Jefferson Street by providing access to the above mentioned 6.0 foot strip as well as to build a retaining wall thereon, if necessary and WHEREAS, Leo F. Henebry, the present o~ner of the lot of which the above mentioned 5.0 foot easement is a part, has requested the City of Roanoke to re]ease and quitclaim all right, title and interest it may have acquired in the above menti~ 5.0 foot strip by virtue of the above mentioaed deed of October 18, 1939, if the Cit of Roanoke has no further need for same; and WHEREAS, the widening of Jefferson Street has been accomplished, and the City of Roanoke has no further need for the easement over the above mentioned 5.0 foot strip. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed~ for and on behalf oiI the City of Roanoke, to execute a proper deed, approved by the City Attorney, releasing a~i quitciaiming unto Leo F. Henebry, or his successors in title, if any, all right~ title and interest the City of Roanoke acquired by deed of October 1~, 1939, from The First ~Wational Exchange Bank of Roanoke to the City of Roanoke in a~'~d to that certain strip or parcel o£ land, 50.0 feet by 5.0 feet, situate in the City of Eoanoke on the west side of Jefferson Street, 102.0 feet north of Eountain Avenue, S. W., and the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to attest said deed and affix the official seal of the City of Roanoke thereto. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk Pre s ident I~ THE COURCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAI'~CKE, ViRGI~iA, The 28th day of August, 1950. ~o. 10732. A RESOLUTIOI~ awarding contract for the furnishing and installation of steel bookstacks for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, to the Virginia R~etal Products Corporation, Orange~ Virginia, in the amount of $22,1~35.00. ~VHEREAS, a committee composed of ~'~r. Randolph Frantz, Architect; ~r. F. ~. Rivinus, President, of the Roanoke Public Library Board; and R~r. J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, upon the request of the Council oi the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for the furnishing and installation of steel bookstacks for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virgin~n, and ~ed WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of the Virginia ketai Products Corporation, Orange, Virginia, in the amount of $22,~35.00, is the lowest bid for the bookstacks. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, i as follows:,I Section 1. That the bid of the Virginia ~etal Products Corporation, Orange, : Virginia, for the furnishing and installation of steel bookstacks for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of $22,435.00, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for furnishing and installing the bookstacks be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City RYanager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of' Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 28th day of August, ].950. No. 10733. A RESOLUTIOI~ authoriz~-~g the Roanoke Public Library Board to proceed with the furnishing and equipping of the new Roanoke Public Library now under construc- tion in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, at the proper time, in accordance with the best judgment of the Library Board, insofar as present funds will permit, and to make such minor changes in the existing building contract as in the opinion of the Library Board will be to the best interest of the city~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Public Library Board be, and is hereby authorized to proceed with the furnishing and equipping of the new Roanoke Public Library now under construction in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, at the proper time, in accordance with the best judgment of the Library Board, insofar as present funds will permit, and to make such minor changes in the existing building contract as in the opinion of the Library Board will be to the best interest of the city. AT.TEST: f/ APPROVED President I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGINiA, The 28th day of August, 1950. No. 10735 · A RESOLUTIO~ designating the 5.50 acres of land located north of Salem ~venue, S. W., between Fifteenth Street and Seventeenth Street, Official Tax No. 1210 ~s "Welford Hurt Park", and directing the erection of an appropriate na~ plate. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City oi Roanoke that the 5.50 acre ~ract of land located north of Salem Avenue, S. W., between Fifteenth Street and ~eventeenth Street, Official Tax i~o. 1210320, be, and is hereby designated as "Welfor, Iurt Park", and that an appropriate name plate shall be erected. Cle rk APPROVED I~ THE COONCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANO~E, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of August, 1950. No. 10737. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of' sanitary sewers in and along ertain portions of certain streets in Airlee Court and Airlee Court Annex; Edison '.treet, between Fugate Road and Liberty Road; and certain portions of Sweetbrier ~venue, Hollowell Avenue, Strother Road and Creston Avenue, for which improvements ~ssessments are to be made against the abutting landowners; providing for the docketi~ of an abstractof the Resolution in the Clerk's Office of the Mustings Court of the City of Roanoke; authorizing and directing the City kanager toa dvertise for bids for the construction of said sanitary sewers; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the Board consisting of the members of the City Council, created under the provisions of Resolution No. 10686, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on July 31, 1950, after due publication of notice for two consecutive weeks in "The Roanoke Worlo-Rews", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Roanoke, the first publication being on August 7, 1950, and the other on August 1950, conducted a hearing on August 28, 1950, at 3:00 o'clock, p. m., in the Circuit Court Room in the ~iunicipal ~uilding, on the question of constructing sewers in and along certain portions of certain streets in Airlee Court and Airlee Court Annex; Edison Street, between Fugate Road and Liberty Road; and on certain portions of Sweetbrier Avenue, Hollowell Avenue, Strother Road and Creston Avenue, and to make such decisions and do suchacts as are provided for and contemplated by Section 3067 (as amended) and 3068 of the Code of Virginia, at which hearing landowners and other interested parties in the affected area were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the said Board has made esti~ates of the assessments or apportion- ments on the basis of one-third of the cost of the total cost of the improvements against the abutting landowners, and two-thirds to be paid by the City, as provided by law, and 120, WHEREAS, it is imperative that the said sanitary sewers be constructed along certain parts of the streets, heretofore and hereafter set forth, for the protection of the public health, and in order to provide for the usual operation of the Municipal Government an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, a s follows: (A) The construction of sanitary sewers in and along the following streets is hereby authorized: (1) ~oo~bwry S.t, ree~t ~fro.m W~_i~ney Avenue to Nelms Lane; Hawthorne ~oaa zrom u. ~. ~ou~e ~ll to ~elms Lane; U. S. Route #11 from Hearthstone Road to Hawthorne Road; Whitney Avenue east of Woodbury Street; Curtis Avenue east of Woodbury Street~. A.cross private property from Hershberger Road to U. S. Route ~ll, Across private property from Whitney Avenue to U. S. Route #ll. (21 Edison Street between Liberty Road and Fugate Road. (3) Sweetbrier Avenue from Buckner koad to Spring Road; Hollowell Avenue from Spring Road to a poiz~t west of Buckner Road; Spring Road from Sweetbrier Avenue to Hollowell Avenue; Strother Road from Sweetbrier Avenue to Creston Avenue; Buckner Road from Hollowell Avenue to a point north; Across private property from Buckner Road to Strother Road between Sweetbrier Avenue and Hollowell Avenue; Across private property from Strother Road east approximately ~50.0 feet between Hollowell Avenue and Creston Avenue. (B) That the ownership and location of the property to be affected by the proposed improvements hereby authorized and the estimated amount as determined by said Board that will be assessed against or apportioned to each landowner, or fixed by agreement wit~ hi~., are as follows: Name of Locat ion Front Estimated Abutting owner Lot ~o. Block No. Map F0otaEe Amount West side of Woodbury Street north of Maitland Avenue Raymond E. Ferguson, et ux 20 Hubert G. Summers 19 ~. D. Stewart, et ux Ollie T. Overstreet, et ux 17 John E., Jr., and Ruby H. Barrett 16 Andrew Steele Davis 9 & l0 Sallie Divers ll C. R. Clark 12 J. ~. Dickenson, et ux Thomas Hill Patterson, et ux T~omas Hill Patterson, et ux 15 Randolph Z. and Gladys R. Howell 16 Robert E. Cutts 17 .... Airlee Ct. Annex 70.0 77.89 .... " 70.0 77.89 .... " 70 · 0 77.89 .... " 70.0 77 · 89 .... " 70.0 77.~9 ll Airlee Ct. 78.1 86.90 ll " 60.0 66.76 ll " 60.0 66.76 ll " 60.0 66.76 ll " 60.0 66.76 ll " 60 .O 66.76 11 " 60.0 66.76 11 " 60.0 66.76 East side of Woodbury Street north of Eaitland Avenue Mamye J. and H. Lewis Britts 15 H. Lewis and Mamye J. Britts 1~ Lottie V. Aliff l~ Samuel G. Thacker, et ux 12 James A. Francisco ll Henry S. and Jessie K. St. Clairl2 R. B. ~ichols, et als l~ Vera D. Parsell 14 Vera D. Parsell 15 Lorraine L. Dickerson 16 .... Air lee Ct. Annex 70.0 77.89 .... " 70.0 77.89 .... " 70.0 77.89 .... " 70.0 77.89 .... " 95.14 105.86 l0 Airlee Ct. 60.0 66.76 10 " 60. O 66.76 l0 " 60.0 66.76 l0 " 60.0 66.76 l0 " 60.0 66.76 West side of Hawthorne Road north of U. S. Route #ll Karl E. Brown, et ux Daniel E. and Harriet V. Cunningham Daniel E. and Harriet V. Cunn ingham O. H. Booth, et ux O. H. Booth, et ux E. V. Parsell C. A. Deyerle Annie H. Parrish E. V. Parsell 10 & Pt. 9 .... Airlee Ct. Annex 70.0 77.89 S. Pt. 9 ..... " 65.&3 72.80 8 .... " 70.0 7 .... " 70 · 0 6 .... " 68.0 10 10 Airlee Ct. 52.4~ 9 10 " 60.0 8 10 " 60.0 7 10 " 60.0 77.89 77.89 75.06 58.35 66.76 66.76 66.76 Name of AbuttinE Owner Location Lot No. Block No. ~ Front Footage Estimated Amount East side of Hawthorne Road north of U. S. Route #11 Claire Virginia Gray Claire Virginia Gray William G. Goyer, et ux James E. Mayhew, et ux E. V. and Vera D. Parsell Ernest V. Parsell, et ux Ernest V. Parsell, et ux Ernest V. Parsell, et ux Ernest V. Parsell, et ux 5 .... Airlee Ct. Annex 66.48 73.97 4 .... " 68.0 75.66 3 .... " 68.0 75.66 2 .... " 68.0 75.66 1 .... " 70.0 77.89 4 9 Airlee Ct. 60.0 66.76 3 9 " 60.0 66.76 2 9 " 60.0 66.76 i 9 " 80.0 89 · O1 West side of U. S. Route #11 betweeg_~9_r~_s~pne Road and Woo~burX Street Frank E. Newcomb Charles B. Wade, et ux Charles B. Wade, et ux Charles B. Wade, et ux 3 7 Airlee Ct. 50.0 55.63 4 7 " 50.0 55.63 5 7 " 50.0 55.63 6 7 " 60 .O 66.76 North side of Whitney. Avenue east of Woodbu_ry~ Street Boyce H. Goggin, et ux 17 Airlee Court Corporation 16 Airlee Court Corporation 15 Airlee Court Corporation 14 Claude R. Gimbert 13 M. C. English, et al 12 Dr. F. G. Anderson 22OO201 8 Air lee Ct. 60.O 66.76 8 " 60.0 66.76 8 " 60. O 66.76 8 " 60.0 66.76 8 " 60.0 66.76 8 " 70 · 0 77 · 89 Acreage Hershberger Rd. 60.0 66.76 South side of Whitney Avenue east of ~Wogdbury Street Homer S. Peck, Jr., et ux 2 Homer E. and Grace O. Austin 3 C. H. and Myrtle Clark 4 Nellie I. Adams 5 Chalres A. and ~iargaret C. ~awyer 6 E. L. Leonard, et al 7 Howard G. and Marie A. ~iitchell 8 Howard P. Boothe, et ux 220020~+ Airlee Ct. Hershberger Rd. 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 ?o.o 6o.o 66.76 66.76 66.76 66.76 66.76 66.76 77.89 66.76 North side of Curtis Avenue east of Woodbury Street Vernon W. Shives, et ux l~and E. { 15 4 13 4 Lee Roy Secrest Lewis A. II and Virginia W. Patterson Lonnie J. Slayton, et ux Lonnie J. Slayton, et ux Russell J. Wood Dr. F. G. Anderson Airlee Ct. 12 4 " 11 4 " 10 4 " 9 4 " 2200201 Acreage Hershberger Rd. 90.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 ?o.o 6o.o 100.14 66.76 66.76 66.76 66.76 77.89 66.76 South side of Curtis Avenue east of Woodb.ur~ Street James B. Walls, et ux 2 3 James B. Walls, et ux 3 3 A. F. and Thelma C. Suiter 4 3 Airlee Court Corporation 5 3 Coy D. Kingery, et ux 6 3 Airlee Court Corporation 7 3 Airlee Court Corporation 8 3 Dr. F. G. Anderson 2200201 Acreage Airlee Ct. 60.0 66.76 " 60.0 66.76 " 60. O 66.76 " 60.0 66.76 " 60.0 66.76 " 60.0 ~.76 " 70 · 0 77 · 89 Hershberger Rd. 60.0 66.?6 North side of Hershber~r Road east of Woodbu_~ Street Bertha Fisher, et vir 10 3 Airlee Ct. 60.0 66.76 West side of U. S. Route ~ll between Woodbury Street and Hawthorne Road Loraine L. Dickerson Loraine L. Dickerson John and Ruth C. Owen John and Ruth C. Owen John and Ruth C. Owen John and Ruth C. Owen 1 10 Airlee Ct. 80.0 89.01 2 10 " 50.0 55 · 63 3 l0 " 50.0 55.63 4 10 " 50.0 55.63 5 10 " 50.0 55 · 63 6 10 " 80.0 89.01 East side Of U. S. Route #11 west of Woodbury Street Bonnie C. Goggin Boyce H. Goggin, et ux Airlee Court Corporation Airlee Court Corporation Airlee Court Corporation Airlee Court Corporation Airlee Court Corporation Elsie B. Moomaw Elsie B. ~loomaw 2 8 Airle e Ct. 100.0 111.27 3 8 " 60.0 66.76 4 8 " 50.0 55.63 5 8 " 50.0 55.63 6 8 " 50.0 55.63 7 8 " 50.0 55.63 8 8 " 50.0 55 · 63 9 8 " 50.0 55.63 10 8 " 50.0 55.63 Name of Location Abutting Owner Lot No. Block No. West side of Edison Street between Fu~a~.._~9~a~...._and~L~iberty Road Front Footage Est ima ted Amount City of Roanoke Fire Dept. Pt. 2 Sallie E. Chitwood, et als Pt. 3 Harry T. and Georgia M. Robertson 3-A Freeman C. and Helen S. Weddle 4-A W. F. Huggins Pt. 4 R. G. Chitwood, e t ux Pt. 4 Robert G. Chitwood, et ux Pt. ~ C. F. Kefauver 5-E C. F. Kefauver 5-F C. F. Kefauver 5-G Evelyn Grace DuL~ny Pt. 6 i Liberty Land Co. 200.0 1 " 130.0 1 " 60.0 I " 60 .O I " 50.0 1 " 50.0 1 " 50.0 1 Magann 6~. 66 1 " 66.66 1 " 66.66 1 Liberty Land Co. 150.0 204.73 133.08 61.42 61.~2 51.18 51.18 51.18 68.2~ 68.24 68.24 153.55 East side of Edison Street between Fugate Road an~d~ _Libe~t_y~. Road Benjamin H. Kemp, et ux T. J., Sr., and Eva D. Hudson Frank L. and Ruby V. Doss Frank L. and Ruby V. Doss R. G. Chitwood H. R. and Gertrude D. Brugh H. R. and Gertrude D. Brugh H. R. and Gertrude D. Brugh H. R. and Gertrude D. Brugh H. R. and Gertrude D. Brugh Elizabeth P. Pinkard Marvin E., Jr., and Nellie I. Sink Marvin E., Jr., and Nellie I. Sink F. E. Flint 12 --- Howell Map 13 --- " Pt. 10 1 Liberty Land Co. Pt. 10 1 " Pt. 10 1 " ll-R --- HollanC Ct. ll-S --- " ll-T --- " ll-U --- " ll-V --- " 12-E & 12-F --- Franklin Map 12-D --- " 12-C --- " 12-B --- " 50 .O 61~55 58.80 58.80 135.53 55.85 55.85 55.85 55.85 55.85 lOZ,.o 50.0 50.0 50.O 51.18 63.01 60.19 60.19 138.74 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 57.17 106.&6 51.18 51.18 51.18 North side of Sweetbrier Avenue between Ashby Street and Spring Road James G., Jr., and Georgia M. Chaney E. Pt. 7 ~ Corbieshaw ~p 50.0 74.20 South side of Sweetbrier Avenue between Buckner Road and Strother Road Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 1 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 2 Ibra W. Bent, et ux 3 Ibra W. Bent, et ux 4 Ibra W. Bent, et ux 5 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 6 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 7 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 8 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 9 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 10 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 11 Harold E. and Frances B. LeGrande 12 Arnold D. Auger, et ux 13 8 Corbieshaw Riap 73.9 8 " 50.O 8 " 50.0 8 " 50.0 8 " 50.O 8 " 50.0 8 " 50.0 8 " 50.O 8 " 53.72 8 " · 50.0 8 " 50.O 8 " 50 .O 8 " 75.0 109.67 74.20 74.20 74.20 74.20 74.20 74.20 74.20 79.72 74.20 74.20 74.20 ll 1.30 South side of Sweetbrier Avenue between Strother Road and Spring Road Robert S. & Alline D. ~cClure George M. Foley Lexter B. Holyfield 4 7 Corbieshaw R~ap 100.O W. Pt. 5 7 " 50.0 E. ½ 5 7 " 50.0 148.40 74.20 74.20 North side of Hollowell Avenue west of Buckner Road W. L. & R. Corporation W. L. & R. Corporation ll -- -- Corbies~aw-Wood 12 .... " 73 · 53 42.18 109.12 62.60 North side of Hollowell Avenue between Buckner Road and Strother Road Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Ibra W. Bent, et ux Ibra W. Bent, et ux Ibra W. Bent, et ux Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 14 8 Corbieshaw Map 15 8 " 16 8 " 17 8 " 18 8 " 19 8 " 20 8 " 21 8 " 22 8 " 23 8 " 24 8 " 25 8 " 68.O 5O .O 50.0 50.O 5O.O 50.0 50.0 50.O 5O.O 50.0 50.0 4~. 70 100.91 74.20 74.20 74.20 74.20 7~. 20 74.20 74.20 76.20 7~+.20 7~. 2O 66.33 North sideof Hollowell Avenue between Strother Road and Spring Road Elmo A. & Niargaret L. Griggs Lexter ~. Holyfield Lexter B. Holyfield 3 7 Corbieshaw ~iap 2 7 " I 7 " 1OO.O 1OO.O lO0.O 148.40 148.$0 148.40 South side of Hollowell Avenue west of Strother Road W. L. & R. Corp. W. L. & R. Corp. W. L. & R. Corp. 16 17 18 .... Corbieshaw-Wood 55 .O 48.15 55.O 81.62 71.45 81.62 Name of Location ,Abutting Owner Lot No. Block £1o. ~iap (continued)South side of Hollowell Avenue west of Strother Road Front Estimated Footage Amount W. L. & R. Corp. W. L. & R. Corp. W. L. & R. Corp. Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 4 Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 5 Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 6 Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 7 Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 8 Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande 9 Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande l0 19 2O 21 1 2 .... Corbieshaw-Wood 60.0 89.04 .... " 55.0 81.62 .... " 50. O 74.20 9 Corbieshaw ~lap 50.0 74.20 9 " 50 · 0 74 · 20 9 " 50 · 0 74 · 20 9 " 50.0 74 · 20 9 " 50.0 74.20 9 " 50. O 74 · 20 9 " 50 .O 74.20 9 " 50. O 74 · 20 9 " 50.0 74 · 20 9 " 50.0 74 · 20 South side of Hollowell Avenue between Strother Road and Spr~i~j.g..,R.o.a~ .................. J. Carlisle & Thelma K. Crouch Earl T. & Elizabeth F. Perdue B. L. Hurst, Tr. 4 6 Corbieshaw Map 122.79 182.22 5 6 " 104.24 154.69 6 6 " 100.52 149.17 West side of Strother Road between Creston Avenue and Hollowell Avenue Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande Harold E. & Frances B. LeGrande i1 9 Corbieshaw Riap 61.8 91.71 12 9 " 60.0 89.04 13 9 " 60.0 89,04 14 9 " 79.45 117.90 North side of Creston Avenue east of Strother Road Walter S. & Anne A. Butler Walter S. & Anne A. Butler Henry B. Boynton, et ux Henry B. Boynton, et ux 3 O Corbieshaw ~iap 100.00 13+8.40 2 6 " 1OO.00 148.40 1 6 " 100.0 148.40 9 22 Grandin Ct. Annex 60.0 89.04 (C) The City Clerk is directed to furnish to the Clerk o[ the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke an attested copy of this Resolution, who shall record an abstract thereof in the judgment docket in his office and index the same as provided by Chapter 138 of the 1946 Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia {section 3071-b of the Code of Virginia}. (D) The City Manager is authorized and directed to publish invitation for bids for the construction of the above sanitary sewers. {E) An emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in effect from the date of its adoption. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COURCIL FOR THE CiTY 0t;' ROAhOKE, 'VIROii~iA, The 28th day of August, 1950. ~o. 10738. A RESOLUTIO£~ repealing a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 21st day of August, 1950, No. 10725, entitled, "A Resoluti~ authorizing and directing the City R:~anager to proceed with improvements in the 2600 block of Laburnum Avenue, S. W., that portion of the cost which is properly chargeable to l~'lr. Howard E. Sigmon to be so charged". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council or the City oi' Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 21st day of August~ 1950, Iwo. 10725, entitled, "A Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to proceed with improvements in the. 2600 block of Laburnum Avenue, S. W., that portion of the cost which is properly chargeable to Ivir. Howard E. Sigmon to be so charged", be, and the same is hereby repealed. ATTEST: APPROVED Pre si dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ¥1RGINIA, The 28th day of August, 1950. No. 10739. AN ORDIi~AI~CE to amend and reenact Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAII~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adovted by the Council of the City of Roanoke Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City o f Roanoke for the fiscal year begin~ing January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existenceof an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reorda~ned to Teac as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION ~75 Contractors (1). .................................. $83 ~387.00 (1) Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk ..... $55,387.00 Street Paving. ............... . 28,000.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the above appropriati,.~ of $5,~42.00 is for the construction of sidewalk, c~b and gutter in the 2600 block of Laburnum Avenue, S. W., and that said appropriation is contingent upon the property owners first depositing with the city their proportionate part of the cost of the project. BE IT FU~.THER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to ~ist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED .~EST: ~ / Cle rk .) IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CI~T OF ROANOKE, VIRGiI~IA, The 28th d ay of August, 1950. No. 10740. A RESOLUTION approving plans for a sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system as prepared by Alvord, Burdick and Howson, Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, and ~mttern and ~atten% Engineers, Roanoke, Virginia, and authorizing and directing the City ~lanager to advertise for bids for the project during the month of September, 1950, said bids to be received by the City Clerk for a period of six weeks from the date of said advertising and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at the expiration of the six weeks' period. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that plans for a sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system a s prepared by Alvord, Burdick and Howson, Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, and Mattern and ~attern, Engineers, Roanoke, Virginia, be, and the same are hereby approved, and that the City Mansger be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the project dur~%g the month of September, 1950, said bids to be received by the City Clerk for a period of six weeks from the date of said advertising and to be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at the expiration of the six weeks' period. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVE D President IN THE COURCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAROKE, ViRGI~'~IA, The 28th day of August, 1950. No. 107&l. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of a street light at the corner of Greenland Avenue and Cumberland Street, N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street light: GROUP XXIV One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Greenland Avenue and Cumberland Street, N. W. Said light to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28ta day of August, 1950. No. 10742. A RESOLUTION authorizLng and directing the paym~ent of coupon #28 due May l, 192&, in the amount of $22.50, representing semi-annual interest on the City of R~anoke, Virginia~ Street Improvement Bond No. 206, dated May l, 19lO, Series "A". BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the payment of coupon #28 due May 1, 192~, in the amount of $22.50, representing semi-annual interest on the City of Roanoke, Virginia, Street Improvement Bond No. 206, dated ~iay 1, 1910ii, Series "A", be, and the same is hereby authorized and directed. APPRO VED Clerk President lm THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAmOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 28th day of August, 1950. 10743. A~ ORDImA~CE to amend and reenact Section #110, "Pensions and Gratuities to Former Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of DecemAber, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance mo. 10383, adopted on the 30th day of January, 1950. BE IT ORDAImED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #llO, "Pensions and Gratuities to Fomer Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Counci[ of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2Sth day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance makinE appropriations from the General ~Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10383, adopted on the 3Otb day of January, 1950, be, a~ the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: PENSIOmS AmD GRATUITIES 70 FO~,~.H E~LOYEES ~110 Gratuities to Former Employees (1). ................ $6,616.00 {1) Sallie H. Jeffries ............. $250.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDA]~ED that the $250.00 hereXn appropriated is to be paid to Sallie H. Jeffries in one lump sum inm~ediately. BE iT FURTHER ORDAlmED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its psssage. I ATTEST: [ / APPROVED President I~ 'THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii~iA, The 5th day of September, 1950. No. 10734. Al~ ORDI~ANCE to amend and reenact Article I, Section 1, of Chapter 51 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, ].n relation to Zoning. WHEREAS, the Planning Board has recommended that acreage located along Roano[~e River north of Underhill Avenue, S. E., designated as Official No~ 4330101, 4330201, 4330301, ;+330401 and 4330501, be rezoned from General Residence District to Heavy Industrial District, and WHEREAS, notice required by Article Xi, Section /+3, of Chapter 51 of the Co~e of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, nas been published in "The Roanoke World News", a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, for the time required by said section, and WHEREAS, the hearing as provided for in said ~otice published in the said newspaper was given on the 2$th day of August, 1950, at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., before the Council of the City of Roanoke in the Council Room in the blunicipal Building~ at which hearing no objections were presented by property owners and other intereste parties in the affected area. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Article I, Section 1, of Chapter 51 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, relating to Zoning, be amended and reenacted in the following particular and no other, viz: Acreage located along Roanoke River north of Underhill Avenue, S. E~, designated on Sheet 433 of the Zoning Map as Official Nos. ~33010!, 4330201, 4330301 4330401 and &330501, be, and is hereby chaunted from General Residence District to Heavy Industrial District, and the map herein referred to shall De changed in'this respect. ATTEST Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of September, 1950. No. 10736. AN ORD±~A~CE granting to the Appalachian Electric Power Company a right- of- way and easement for an electric power line approximately two thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven {2,897) feet in length over the northern part of the water shed of Carvins Cove water reservoir. BE IT ORDAiI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that there be, and is hereby granted to the Appalachian Electric Power Company a right-of-way and easement approximately two thousand eight hundred and ninety-se~en (2,897) feet in length along the centerline as hereinafter described and one hundred {100) feet in width and which is included between parallel lines respectively fifty {50) feet from and '382 on each side of the centerline and parallel thereto, and extending to the intersectipn of said parallel lines with boundary lines of the City of Roanoke, the said centerli being described as follows, to-wit: BEGII~I~G at a point in the boundary line between the lands of J. T. Woody and the lands of the City of Roanoke which point is designated "POI~T OF BE~INNIIIG" and is located along said boundary l~e S. 3 deg. 47 min. E., lO0 feet, more or less, from a corner therein; thence, leaving said BEGI~IWI[tG and running through said lands of the City of Roanoke, N. 38 deg. 40 min, W., for a distance of 2,897 feet, more or less, to a point in the boundary line between said lands of the City of Roanoke and the lands of Nathan Layman Heirs, which point is designated "POI~T OF F~Di~G" and is located N. 15 deg. 39 min~ E., 662 feet, more or less, along the last mentioned boundary line from an Iron Pipe; all as more fully shown on Appalachian Electric Power Company's Drawing No. B-3479, dated August 14, 1950, and this day duly filed in the Office of the City Clerk, and that the proper officers of the City of Roanoke are hereby authorized to execute- on behalf of the City, a written easement carrying out the intent of this Ordinance, subject to the Appalachian Electric Power Company, first paying to the City of Roanoke for said easement at the rate of ~35.00 per acre for the land used for the purpose thereof and conditioned upon it, agreeing to hold harmless the City from any liability based upon the negligence of the Appalachian Electric Power Company with respect to said easement and the written easement shall also be subject to approval as to other terms by the City Engineer and City Attorney. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 5th day of September, 1950. No. 10744. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for landscaping for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, to Blue Ridge Gardens, Roanoke, Virginia in the amount of $2,806.50. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~r. H. C. Broyles, City Engineer, )~r. Randolph Frantz, Architect, and ~. J. Robert Thomas, Assistant City Auditor, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for landscaping for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Blue Ridge Gardens, Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of $2,806.50, is the lowest bid for the landscaping THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Blue Ridge Gardens, Roanoke, Virginia, for landscaping for the new Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of $2,806.50, be, and is hereby accepted, determin~ed and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for the landscaping be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authoriz and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. APPROVED ~d IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii~iA, The 5th day of September, 1950. No. 10747. A RESOLUTiOr~ extendin~ to the Leagueof Virginia Municipalities an invitation to hold its Annual Convention in the City of Roanoke during the year 1951. WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke is centrally located in the State of Virginia and is easily accessible to all of the members of the Leagus of Virginia Municipalit either by rail, motor or air transportation, and ~{EI{E~S, the said City has excellent hotels ~it~ adequate assembly and auditori~ facilities to accommodate conventions, and i~HEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke desires that the Annual Conven- tion of the League of Virginia Municipalities be held in the City of Roanoke during the year 1951. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that there be, and is hereby extended the League of Virginia Municipalities a most cordial invitation to hold its Annual Convention in the City of Roanoke during the year 1951 ATTEST: . ~ /~ Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 5tn day of September, 1950. No. 10748. A RESOLUTION granting the Ninth Street Baptist Church permission to use the City's real e state located on the southeast corner of Thirteenth Street anx~ Kirk Avenue~ Southeast, for the purpose of conducting religious services thereon, for a period of thirty days; provided, however, that the City may, in its sole discretion. withdraw such permission upon three days' notice. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Ninth Street Baptist Church be, and it is hereby, granted permission to use the City's real estate located on the southeast corner of Thirteenth Street and Kirk Avenue, Southeast, for the purpose of conducting religious services thereon, for a period of thirty ..l~ys; proviied~ however~ t~t the City may, in its sole discretion~ with- draw such permission upon timree days' notice. AP PR OVE D ATTEST: \ Cle rk President .es, IN THE COUI~CIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROAI~OKE, V1RGImIA, The 5th day of September, 1950. No. 10749. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact certain section s of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Vir=~inia, on the 28th ~day of December, 19/+9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance ~m~king appropriations from tn~ General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that certain sections of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning Januar~y 1, 1950, and' ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY MANAGER # 3 Salary, Extra Employees ·, Advertising ............ ~[~[~i~..~[~[[[[[[[~ $ 175.00300.00 BUILDING AND PLUMBh~G IN SPECTIOI~ ~43 Insurance ........ ....... . .. o 80. OO Furniture and Equipment i~i[[~[[[~[.ii[~[~~,~ 777~50 (1) 1 Desk ......................... $135.00 HEALTH DEPARTI~I~T #50 Automobile Allowance 8 @ $35.00 per month ......... .. 2~770.00 TUBERCULOSIS SANATORIUM #51 Drugs and Disinfectants ............................. 3,250.00 CITY JAIL #62 Medical Expense (2)... .............................. 1,OO0.OO {2) Allexpenses borne by City REFUSE COLLECTION ~D DISPOSAL #74 Travel 100. OO PUBLIC LIBRARY ~104 ~inding ............................................. 1,500.00 MUNICIPAL AIRPORT #120 Insurance............. .......................... .... 1,O00.O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGli~IA, The 8th day of September, 1950. ~o. 10750. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of a truck from the Appalachian Electric Power Company at a cost Of $200.00 from the unexPenged balance in the appropriation for Furniture and Equipment under Section ~40, "Police Department", of the 1950 Budget. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council.of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the purchase of a truck from the Appalachian Electric Power Company at a cost of $200.00 from the unexpended balance in the appropria- tion for Furniture and Equipment under Section ~40, "Police Department", of the 1950 Budget. APPROVED ATTEST :/j -~/~ Clerk ~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of September, 1950. President No. 10751. A RESOLUTION accepting the bid submitted by T. F. Franklin, general contract of Salem, Virginia, for the work of grading and other related work in connection with the Administration Building Project at Roanoke Municipal Airport {Woodrum Field subject to the approval of said acceptance of bid by the Civil Aeronautics Administr. tion; and authorizing the City Manager to execute the requisite contract between the City of Roanoke and T. F. Franklin, general contractor, if and when the same has been approved by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. WHEREAS, at the direction of this Council, bids were heretofore lawfully advertised for the work of grading and other related work in connection withthe Administration Building Project at Roanoke Municipal Airport {Woodrum Field}, a nd WHEREAS, the bid of T. F. Franklin, general contractor, of Salem, Virginia, in the amount of $37,695.30 is the lowest and best bid received for the performance of said work, and WHEREAS, a committee heretofore appointed by t his Council to tabulate all bids received for said work has tabulated the same and has recommended the acceptanc of the aforesaid bid of T. F. Franklin, it being the lowest and best bid received, and WHEREAS, there will b e sufficient funds available for the payment of the cos' of the aforesaid contract provided certain Federal funds are made available tot he City of Roanoke and such funds will be made available if the aforesaid bid of T. F. Franklin is approved by the Civil Aeronautics Administration. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City~f Roanoke that: 1. The low bid submitted by T. F. Franklin, general contractor, of Salem, Virginia, under date of September 8, 1950, in the amount of $37,695.30, for the work of grading and other related work in connection with the Administration Building Project at Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field), be, and it is hereby accepted, provided, however, that this action receive the complete approval of the Civil Aeronaut ics Administrat ion. 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City o f Roanoke, to execute the requisite contract with the said T. F. Franklin, general contractor, if and when the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Administration of this action of Council be obtained or given. AP PRO VE D ATTESTs: .~ Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10745. President February, 1949. APPROVED "~' ~J Pre sid ent AN ORDINANCE authorizing a certificate of public convenience and necessity heretofore granted Floyd G. Smith, trading as Smith Cab Service, for {he operation of a maximum of ten taxicabs in the City of Roanoke, to be transferred to Checker Cab Company of Virginia, Incorporated. WHEREAS, this Council, by Resolution No. 9797, adopted on the 7th day of February, 1949, directed the City Manager to grant a certificate of public conven- ience and necessity to Floyd G. Smith, trading as Smith Cab Service, for the operaio of a maximum of ten taxicabs in the City of Roanoke, and WHEREAS, the Checker Cab Company of Virginia, Incorporated, has entered into a contract with Floyd G. Smith for the purchase of the taxicab business he so operat in the City of Roanoke under the aforesaid certificate of public convenience and necessity; and, agreeable to the provisions of Section 6, as amended, of Chapter 33 of the Code of the City of Roanoke~ said contracting parties have requested this Council, by ordinance, to authorize a transfer of said certificate of public convenience and necessity from Floyd G. Smith, trading as Smith Cab Service to Checker Cab Company of Virginia, Incorporated, and WHEREAS, this Council has received and considered a written report of an investigation made by the City Manager regarding the character and qualifications of the applicant transferee and found its character and qualifications to b e acceptable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT O~DAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that requisite authorization be, and the same is hereby, granted unto Floyd G. Smith, trading as Smith Cab Service, to transfer unto Checker Cab Company of Virginia, Incorporated, the certificate of public convenience and necessity for the operation of a maximum of ten taxicabs in the City of Roanoke that he holds pursuant to Resolution No. 9797, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 7th day of IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10746. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to enter into contract with the American Legion Post No. 3, owner of the Roanoke Fair, Incorporated, for use of Maher Field and that portion of the space under the stands of the stadium not designated by the City ~nager for municipal purposes for period from August 27 to September 1, 195~, inclusive, at a rental of $1,500.O0; also, use of stadium for the same period at a rental of 8% oi' the gross receipts derived~om the use of same, with a guaranteed minimum of $50.00 per day. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager, for and on behalf of the Citycf Roanoke, be, and he is hereby authorized to enter into contract with the American Legion Post No. 3, owner of the Roanoke Fair, Incorporated, for use of Maher Field and that portion of the space under the stands of the stadium not designated by the City ~anager for municipal purposes for period from August 27 to September l, 1951, inclusive, at a rental of $1,500.00; also, use of stadium for the same period at a rental of 8% of the gross receipts derived from the use of same, with a guaranteed minimum of $50.00 per day. Cle rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th d ay of September, 1950. No. 10753. AN ORDINANCE to amend 8~ld reemct Section #15, "Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28thday of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #15, "Juver~ and Domestic Relations Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City o f Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance makJ~g appropriations from the General Fund of the City o f Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and e~ing December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: JUVENILE AND DO~fESTIC RELATiOi~S COURT #15 Salary, Extra Employees ........... - .............. $150.00 Psychiatric E. xaminations [ ~ . ~ [ [ ~: ] . ]: ...................... 210.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be ir, force from its passage. A PPR OVE D le IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10758. AN ORDINANCE providing for the condemnation of a perpetual easement for a 10-foot wide right-of-way for a public sanitary sewer line across a certain 11.7 acre tract of land situate in the City (f Roanoke, Virginia, known as Tax Appraisal Lot No. 1260306, o~ned by the heirs and devisees of ~iollie B. Lowman, deceased; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke is in the process of constructing a public sanitary s ewer line to serve a certain a rea of the said City known as Bluefietd Heights; and WHEREAS, a perpetual easement for a 10-foot wide right-of-way for said sanitary sewer line is wanted and needed by the said Cityacross a certain 11.7 acre tract of land situate in said City, known as Tax Appraisal kap No. 1260306, which said land is owned by the heirs and devisees of R~ollie B. Low]man, deceased, several of which said owners are non-residents of the State of Virginia, one of same being a resident of Mexico City, ~exico; and WHEREAS, the City, through its agents and officials, has made bona ~ide, but ineffecutal, efforts to acquire the necessary easement fro~ said owners by purchase but, because of an inability to ~gree upon a purchase price or terms of sale and because of the non-residency within the State of certain of the owners, the said Cit~ has been unable to acquire the same by purchase; and WHEREAS, the construction of said public sanitary sewer l~e has already been commenced and the lack of an adequate right-of-way for said sewer line across the said hereinabove described land may result in great loss to the public if said right-of-way be not immediate ly obtained; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety and for the usual dsily operation of the Engineering Department of the City, an emergency is herebydeclared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. For the purpose of providing for the City of Roanoke a requisite perpetua easement for a 10-foot wide right-of-way for a public sanitary sewer line, and the full right and privilege for the purpose of constructing the same, and the right of ingress, egress and regress to the City of Roanoke, its agents and servants, to inspect, repair and maintain the same if and when the same may be necessary in the judgment of the City Engi~ser or other designated officials of the City of Rosnoke, the City of Roanoke through its proper officials, agents and attorneys shall, as herein provided, proceed to acquire by condeman~on proceedings a perpetual easement for a lO-foot wide right-of-way for a public sanitary sewer through, over and across that certain ll.7 acre tract of land situate in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, kno~ as Tax Appraisal Lot No. 1260306, said right-of-way to extend from a poin~ at or near the southwesterly end of the division line between Lots 17 and 18, Section 3, Winona Addition, in a w~st southwesterly direction, 506.O feet, more or less, to a fence on the southwesterly boundary of said ll.7 acre tract of land. 2. Condemnation proceedings hereunder, shall be instituted and conducted as prescribed by the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia in such cases made and provided. 3. An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ATTEST: , .,'} ./ Clerk APP ROV ED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO~NOYE, ViRGiNiA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10760. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Sectian #22, "Clerk of Courts", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~thday !of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~22~ "Clerk of Courts", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "an Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the exisl of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follo~ CLERF~ OF COURTS #22 Stationery and Offic Supplies $5 585 O0 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist snd this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: // Clerk / APPROVED Pres id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI[~iA, The 18th day of Septem~er, 1950. No. 10761. A RESOLUTION authorizi~.,g the Honorable Roy L. Weboer, Mayor of the City of Roanoke, Virginia; ~!r. Arthur S. Owens, Director of Civil Defense; and kr. J. Robert Thomas, Coordinator of Civil Defense for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to attend, at the expense of the city, a special emergency meeting of Mayors in Washington, D. C., on Thursday and Friday, October 5-6, 1950, as called Oy The United States Sonference of Mayors, for the purpose of ootaining firsthand ~riefing oi' civil fi,lense organization and requirements in view of the present international situation. eric e s: BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Honorable Roy L. Webber, ~!ayor of the City of Roanoke, Virginia; Mr. Arthur S. Owens, Director of Civil Defense; and ivir. J. Robert Thor/~as, Coordinator of Civil Defense for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and they are hereby authorized to attend, at the expense of the city, a special emergency meeting of Mayors in Washington, D. C., on Thursday and Friday, October 5-6, 1950, as calied by The United States Conference of Mayors, for the purpose oi' obtaining firsthand briefing oi' civil defense organiza- tion and requiremenbs in view of the present international situation. A~TEST: ~ ~ [ Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~tOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10762. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute an agreement dated July l, 1950, with the United States of America (Civil Engineer Corps, U. S. Navy) for the rendition of certain services at Roanoke ~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field) in consideration of $91.50 per month. WHEREAS, the United States of America (Civil Engineer Corps, U. S. Navy) has tendered unto the Manager of the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) a contract dated July 1, 1950, for rendition by the City of certain services to government airplanes; and WHEREAS, the Government proposes to Day unto the City $91.50 per month for the rendition of such services; and WHEREAS, the ~!anager of the Airport and the City ~anager have both recommend. that the City execute such an aEreement. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t he Council of the City of Roanoke that Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, ana greement dated July 1, 1950, with the United States of America (Civil Engineer Corps, U. S. Navy) for the rendition of certain services to government airplanes in consideration of $91.50 per month. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10763. A RESOLUTION conditionally accepting the bid submitted by J. F. Barbour & Sons, General Contractor of Roanoke, Virginia, for the construction of a Health ,d Center Building, in the City of Roanoke, in the sum of ~312,].95.O0; authorizing the City Manager to execute the requisite contracttherefor ii' and when the Project Construction Application has been approved by the proper federal arid state officials and providing for an emergency. %%~EREAS, at the direction of this Council, bids were lawfully advertised for the construction of a Health Center Building in the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the base bid of J. F. Barbour ~ Sons, General Contractor of Roanoke, Virginia, ~n the amount of $327,247.O0 was the lowest and best bid received for the construction of the aforesaid Health Center Building;and WHEREAS, there was not available sufficient funds to enable the City to acce said bid, as submitted; nevertheless, at conferences held, at the direction of this Council, between the aforesaid General Contractor, the City's architects, *',r. Ronald B. Almack, Director of Hospital Survey and Construction oI' the State Department of Health, and certain City officials, the original plans and specificat~ons for the aforeseid building were so modified that the aforesaid General Contractor reduced its base bid to the available figure of ~312,195.00; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that: 1. The low bid submitted by J. F. Barbour & Sons, General Contractor of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount cf ~312,].95.00, which represents that contractor's base bid for the construction of a Health Center Building in the City of Roanoke, less Alternates A and B and other omissions and curtailments agreed upon, be, and the same is hereby accepted provided, however, that the proper federal, and state officials approve the Project Construction A~plication, as amended to bring the project within available fu~ds. 2. Arthur S. Owens, City M. anager, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, the requisite contrsc for the construction of the aforesaid Health Center Building, if and when the said Project Construction Application, as amended, has been approved by the proper federa and state officials, and said contract has been executed by J. F. Barbour & Sons, General Contractor. 3. An emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passag ATTEST: Cle rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of September, 1950. .No. 10764. A RESOLUTION conditionally accepting the bid submitted by J. F. Barbour & Sons, General Contractor of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of $5,859.00 for work in connection with a Health Center Building in the City of Roanoke in that area of the property reserved Oy the City, including gradi:~, installation of walks, sewer, ~t 39'! water and drain lines, etc.; conditionally authorizing and directi~g the City ~ianager to execute the requisite contract in connection therewith; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 10763, passed this day, this Council conditionally accepted the bid of J. F. Barbour & Sons, General Contractor of Roanoke, Virginia, for the construction of a Health Center Building in the City o£ Roanoke, and conditionally authorized and directed the City Manager to execute a contract therefor; and WHEREAS, in the opinion of this Council, the best bid' for performing the related work was also submitted by J. F. Barbour & Sons; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that; 1. The bid of J. F. Barbour & Sons, General Contractor of Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of .~5,859.OO for work in connection with a Health Center Building in the City of Roanoke in that area of the property reserved by the City, including grading, installation of walks, sewer, water and drain li~es, etc., be, ~d the same is hereby, conditionally accepted. 2. Arthur S. Owens, City ~ianager, be, and he is hereby autaorized and directed to execute, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, the requisite contrac for related work if, a nd when, he has executed the co~tract for the construction of the Health Center Building pursuant to Resolution No. 10763 this day passed by this Council. 3. An emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passag, ATTJ~$T: ~ / APP ROVE D President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of September, 1950. No. 10765. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact "ApprOpriations from Accumulated Surplus" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28tk day of December, 19J~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance makJ~g appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Appropriatimns from Accumulated Surplus" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~+9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: APPROPRIATIONS FROFi ACCU~!ULATED SURPLUS Health Center (1) ................................... ~38,202.35 Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: ik j Cle rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCil. FOR THE CITY OF ROA£~OKE, VIRGi?~±A, The 18th day of September, 1950. 10766. A RESOLUTION authorizing the appointment of' a committee to be composed of three members of the Council of the City of Roanoke, who shall be assisted by the City Manager, the City Auditor and the City Attorney, and instructing the committee to attempt to work out a contract with the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company and the Safety Motor Transit Corporation, covering the operation of buses in the city, which the committee can recommend to Council for approval. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby ~ranted for the appointment of a committee to be composed of three memOers of the Council of the City of Roanoke, who shall be assisted by t~e City i¥~anager, the City Auditor and the City Attorney, and that the committee so appoi~ted is hereby instructed to attempt to work out a contract with the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company and the Safety kotor Transit Corporation, covering the operation of buses in the city, which the committee can recommend to Council for approval. ATTEST: Cle rk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of September, 1950. No. 10767. A RESOLUTION adopting and approving the execution of an amendment to Grant Agreement relating to Project No. 9-4~-012-902, Roanoke Municipal (Woodrnm Field) Airport, Roanoke, Virginia, between United States of America - Administrator of Civil Aeronautics and the City of Roanoke, Virginia, accepted by the City of Roanoke ~irginia, on the 26th day of June, 1950, and providing for an emergency. V~tEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That the City of Roanoke shall enter into an amendment to Grant Agreement relating to Project No. 9-44-012-902, Roanoke Municipal (Woodrum Field) Airport, Roanoke, Virginia, between United States of America - Administrator of Civil Aeronautics and the City of Roanoke, Virginia, accepted by the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 26th day of June, 1950, which amendment to said Grant I Agreement shall be as set forth herein below. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to i execute the amendment to Grant Agreement in sextuplicate, on behalf of the City of Roanoke, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to impress the officia! seal of this city and to attest said execution and, after due and lawful execution thereof, the City Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to complete the Certifi* cate of Sponsor's Attorney appended to the amendment to said Grant Agreement. Section 3. That the amendment to said Grant Agreement and Certificate re- ,iferred to hereinabove shall be as follows: AMENI~NT TO GRANT AGREE~ENT Date of Amendment: Sep 18 1950 Project No. 9-~$-012-902 Roanoke I~,~unicipal (Woodr~m Field) Air p or t Roanoke, Virginia 'i . WHEREAS, the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics (hereinafter called the "Administrat~ has determined that, in the interest of the United States, the Grant Agreement re- lating to the above-numbered Project, between the Administrator, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and the City of Roanoke, Virginia (hereinafter called the "Sponsor") accepted by the Sponsor on the 26th day of June, 1950, should be amended as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto, the Adminis- trator, acting for and on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the Sponsor, on the other part, do hereby mutually agree that the said Grant Agreement be and hereby is amended by deleting the project description appearing on page I of the Grant Agreement and substituting the following in its place and stead: construct administration building and access road; install water main; relocate existing control tower; remove utilities and structures; grade building area (the airport development to be accomplished, herein described, is in addition to that contemplated under the Grant ~reement between the Sponsor and the United States for Project No. 9-~-012-$01) IN WITNESS V~HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to said Grant Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. UNITED STATES OF A~ERICA AI~MINISTRATOR OF CIVIL AERONAUTICS By- Or a W. Ye un~. Regional Administrator, Region I CITY_ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA By ( SEAL ) Title Attest Title CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY: , acting as Attorney for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, I, (hereinafter called the "'Sponsor") do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing Amendment to Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken bY the Sponsor relating thereto and find that the execution there- of by the Sponsor is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and further that, in my opinion, said Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in ac- cordance with the terms thereof. Dated at this day of , 1950. Title Section 4. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect From its ~s~. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of September, 1950. No. 10768. A RESOLUTION accepting the bid submitted by T. F. Franklin, general con- .factor, of Salem, Virginia, for the work of grading and other related work in con- ~ection with the Administration Building Project at Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field), subject to the approval of said acceptance of bid by the Civil Aeronautics Administration; authorir~ing the City Nanager to execute the requisite contract between the City of Roanoke and T. F. Franklin, general contractor, if and when the same has been approved by the Civil Aeronautics Administration; and provid- ing for an emergency. ~%{EREAS, at the direction of this Council, bids were heretofore lawfully advertised for the work of grading and other related work in connection with the Administration Building z~roject at Roanoke ~?~nicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), and WHEREAS, the bid of T. ~. Franklin, general contractor, of Salem, Virginia, in the amount of ~7,695.~0 is the lowest and best bid received for the performence of said work, and WH~EAS, a committee heretofore appointed by this Council to tabulate all bids received for said work h~s tabulated the sa~e ~nd has recommended the acceptanc~ of the aforesaid bid of T. F. ~ranklin, it being the lowest and best bid received, and ~IEREAS, there will be s~fficient funds available for the payment of the cost of the aforesaid contract provided certain Federal funds are made available to the City of Roanoke and s~ch funds will be made available if the aforesaid bid of T. F. Franklin is approved by the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oo~ncil of the City of Roanoke that: 1. The low bid submitted by T. F. Franklin, general contractor, of Salem, Virginia, under d~te of September 8, 1950, in the amount of $37,695.30, for the wor~ of grading and other related work in connection with the Administration Building Project at Roanoke ~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field) be, and it is hereby, accepted provided, however, that this action receive the complete approval of the Civil Aeronautics Administration. 2. Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the requisite con- tract with the said T. F. ~ranklin, general contractor, if and when the approval of the Civil Aeronautics Administration of this action of Council be obtained or given. 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: '~ C 1 er"k President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRG1-NIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 1075&. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the north side of Grayson Avenue, N. W., west of Twelfth Street, described as Lot 20, Section 17, Rugby Map, Official No. 2230920, by the City of Roanoke to Brandon Homes Corporation iat a consideration of $326.00 net cash to the city, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to Brandon Homes Corporation of preperty located on the north side of Grayson Avenue, N. W., west of Twelfth Street, described as Lot 20, Section 17, Rugby Map, Official No. 2230920, at a consideration of $326.00 net cash to the city. BE IT FURTHER 0RDAI~ED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the city, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, v~'ith General Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomsoever it may direct in writing, delivery, thereof, however, not to be made until said net cash consideration has been paid in full. APPROVED Clerk Pr e si dent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10755. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on be- half of the City of Roanoke, to execute lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and }~rs. Lester T. Hutson, trading as Hutson Cigar Company, for the rental of space presently occupied by the lessee in the building now designated as 323 Second Street S. W., and the storage room presently used by the lessee in the building now desig- nated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. V~., at a total consideration of $100.00 per month for period beginning January l, 1951, and ending December 31, 1951, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Firs. Lester T. Hutson, trading as Hutson Cigar Company, for the rental of space presently oc- cupied by tho lessee in the building now designated as 323 Second Street, S.W., and the storage room presently used by the lessee in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. W., at a total consideration of $100.00 per month, for period beginning January l~ 1951, and ending December 31, 1951, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED ~,~..~,: / -, I IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10756. AN 0RDII~ANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry C. Giles, for the rental of space presently occupied by the lessee in the building now designated as 321 Second Street, S. W., at a total consideration of $37.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1951, and ending Decmaber 31, 1951 under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the ~ity of Roanoke,to execute a leasebetween the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry C. Giles, for the rental of space presently occupied by the lessee in the building now designa ted as 321 Second Street, S. V~., at a total consideration of $37.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1951, and ending December 31, 1951, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED AT TEST: t~~~/~. ~ C'i ark~ ) President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10757. AN ORDII~ANCE authorizing and directing the City ~.~anager,. for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease between the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry L. Riley, for the rental of space presently occupied by the lessee in the building now designated as 207 Church Avenue, S. V.,r., and the storage room presently used by the lessee in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. V~., at a total consideration of $82.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1951, and ending December 31, 1951, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on b~half of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease bet~J~een the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and Henry L. Riley, for ~the rental of space presently occupied by ~he lessee in the building now designated as 207 Church Avenue, S. VJ., and the storage room presently used by the lessee in the building now designated as 203-205 Church Avenue, S. ~., at a total consideration of $82.50 per month, for period beginning January l, 1951, and ending December 31, 1951, under terms and conditions contained therein. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ C~lerk Pr e si den t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10759. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a release deed unto Charlie V. Carter and Kyma A. Carter, or their successors in title, if any, releasing and quit-claiming all right, title and interest of the City of Roanoke in and to a part of Lot 18, Block 21, of the Washington Club Land Company. WH~REAS, Roanoke County acquired, for road widening purposes, the southerly 30 feet of Lot 18, Block 21, Washington Club Land Company, inter alia, by condemna- tion proceedings instituted in 1925 by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County under the style of R. D. HURT v. THE PUBLIC; and VGIEREAS, a part of Pennsylvania Avenue, now L~lelrose Avenue, was constructed over a part of the abovementioned 30 foot strip of land; and WILEREAS, Lot 18, Block 21, Washington Club Land Company, was a part of the land annexed to the City of Roanoke on January l, 1949; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke, in the construction of U. S. Route ~o. 460, has used the southerly 13 feet of the abovementioned 30 foot strip and finds that the remainder of said strip is no longer necessary for the purposes of the City of Roanoke; and ~EREAS, Charlie V. ~arter and Kyma A. Carter, the present owners of Lot 18, Block 21, V. Jashington Club Land Company, have requested the City of Roanoke to release and quit-claim all right, title and interest it may have in the above- mentioned 30 foot strip of land; excepting, however, that part being used for the widening and improving of U. S. Route No. 460. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute and deliver a proper deed, approved by the City Attorney, releasing and quit-claiming unto Charlie V. Carter and Kyma A. Carter, or their successors in title, if any, all right, title and interest the City of Roanoke may have in the southerly 30 feet of Lot 18, Block 21, Washington Club Land Company, by virtue of the condemnation proceedings instituted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in 1925 under the style of R. D. HURT v. THE PUBLIC, and which strip was annexed to the City of Roanoke on January l, 1949, excepting from said release that part of said 30 foot strip now being used by the City of Roanoke for road widening purposes. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGIi'~IA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10769. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of whom might a ct, as viewers in connection with petition of Virginia Rolley Pollard to vacate, discontinue and close a portion of Oak Street and a portion of Alberta Avenue, as shown on the Map of Washington and Lee, dated December 10, 1946, made by C. B. Malcolm, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Husings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 592 at page 39g, and the Map of Homewood Addition, recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 7~2 at page 7. WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, upon the petition of Virginia Rolley Pollard, that the said petitioner did duly and legally publish , as required by Section 15-760 and 33-156-157 of the Code of Virgin 1950, a notice of application to t he Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to close the hereinafter referred to portions of Oak Street and Alberta. Avenue, the publication of which was had by posting a copy of said notice at the front door of t Court House of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke (Campbell Avenue entrance) at the ~'!arket Square (Salem Avenue entrance of the Market House) at Coperhaver's Wagon Lot, 311 Second Street, S. E., on the east side of Spring Road where lots 51 and 52 of W~shington and Lee kap intersect said Spring Road, and at the east end of said Lots 51 and 52 of the above named Washington and Lee MaP at the point where sai street adjoins the west end of the l~'~cGehee ~iap (not recorded) as shown on the Washington and Lee Map, and at the intersection of Oak Street and Oregon Avenue, as shown on the Washington and Lee Map aforesaid, as provided by the aforesaid sections of the Virginia Code, all of which is verified by an affidavit appended to the petition addressed to the Council requesting that the hereinafter described portions of Oak Street and Alberta Avenue be formally vacated, discontinued and closed, and WHEREAS, it further appearing to the Council that more than five days have elapsed since the publication of the he re inabove described notices, and the Council considered the petition of the applicant to vacate, discontinue and close the iollow ing streets: PARCEL NO. 1: That portion of Oak Street as shown on the Map of Grandin Court Annex, which is of record in Deed Book 471, page 442, in the Clerk's Off'ice of the Hustings Court for the City cf Roanoke, Virginia, said forty (40) foot wide street extendin? N. ?3 deg. 43' W. about 400 feet between the intersection of the present Oak Street and Oregon Avenue to Spring Road at the south boundary line of the Weaver Heights Addition Map. This street crosses Lots 38 to 52, Block 2, Washington and Lee Map, of record in Deed Book 592, page 328, Roanoke City. PARCEL ~O. 2: That portion of Alberta Avenue, S. W., as shown on the McGehee Heights Riap, (not recorded, but by which more than one lot has been sold), said forty (40) foot wide street extending from the present termina- Cion of Alberta Avenue as shown on the Homewood Addition Map, recorded in Deed Book ?42 at page ?, S. 61 deg. 43' W. 2?5 feet, more or less, to Spring Road. This street crosses in part, lots 51 and 52, Block 2, Washington and Lee Map, referred to above~ and WHEREAS, the petitioner ~as requested that not less than three viewers be appointed to view the above described portions of said Oak Street and Alberta Avenue to be vacated, and discontinued and closed, and report in writing as required by Sections 15-766 and 33-156-157 of the Code of Virginia 1950. .a le as 400 THEREFORE, BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the Cityof Roanoke that C. E. Layman, S. R. Mason, W. P. Bowling, E. B. Lemon and Frank R!itchell, be, and they are hereby appointed, any three of whom may act, as viewers to view the aforesaid street and report in writing pursuant to the provisions of Sections 15-766 and 33-156-157 o the Code of Virginia 1950, whether or not, in their opinion, any, and, if any, what inconvenience would result from formally vacating, discontinuing and closing the aforesaid streets. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF RO&NOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10770. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ManaEer to purchase standard school sentinels at an estimated cost of $700.00, one-half of the cost to be borne by the Roanoke City School Board. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase standard school sentinels at an estimate~ cost of $700.00, one-half of the cost to b e borne by the Roanoke City School Board. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10771. A RESOLUTION ratifying the employment of a non-resident as inspector in connection with the construction of the Roanoke Public Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, at a salary on the basis of $6,500.00 per annum, said salary to be paid from the Library Bond Account. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the employment of a non-resident as inspector in connection with the construction of the Roanoke Publi Library in Elmwood Park, Roanoke, Virginia, at a salary on the basis of $6,500.00 per annum, be, and is hereby ratified, the said salary to be paid from the Library Bond Account. Clerk APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10772. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~113, "Refunds and Rebates" of , an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City cf Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 195~ and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAIRED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #113, "Refunds~ and Rebates", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke Virginia, on the 2,~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to rea. as follows: REFUNDS AND REBATES #113 Highway No. 460 ........................................... $93,571.47 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk AP PROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25thday of September, 1950. No. 10773. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact certain sections of an Ordi~mnce adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329,and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declarin~ the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that certain sections of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28t~ day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordi~mnce making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginnin~.-% January 1 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and decla~n~__ ~ the existence of an emersency", be and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY COUNCIL #1 Civil Defense Committee ............................ $ 300.00 FIRE DEPAR~'~NT Repairs to Buildings. .............................. 1,~50.00 Equipment and Improvements (1) ..................... 133,645.00 (1) Addition to Fire Station No. ?... ~15,600.O0 40 , BRIDGE REPAIRS #?8 Wages ......................................... $ 12,753.20 DUES, MUNICIPAL LEAGUE #115 Convention Expense ............................. $ 400.00 CITY FAP , #12 Rent ........................................... $ 525.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APP ROV ED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of ~eptember, 1950. No. 10775. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to list certain lots, purchased by the City at judicial sales held because taxes were delinquent thereon, with local licensed real estate agents to secure offers from the general public to purchase the same. WHEREAS, the City has acquired title to certain lots situated in various sections of the City, by purchase at judicial sales held because taxes were delinquent there on; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of this Council, most of such lots should be sold in order that they might be placed on the tax records. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to list all such lots, which are of no especial use to the City, with local licensed real estate ~ents in order that such agents may endeavor to secure binding offers from the general public to purchase the same at prices such agents consider fair to the City of Roanoke and present all such offers of purchase received to the City Manager who shall promptly report the same to Council, together with his recommendatisn as to whether such offers should be accepted or rejected. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of September, 1950. No. 10776. A RESOLUTION appointing a committee to negotiate with the proper officials of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, the Public Housing Administration, or other proper parties, in an effort to determine if acceptable terms may be agreed upon whereby the existing Cooperation Agreement bet~,Jeen the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the City of Roanoke and resolutio~ passed and commitments made, by the former Council, pursuant thereto may be cancelle ~.'IHEREAS, on the 25th day of July, 1949, the for~er Council of the City of Roanoke passed its Resolution No. 1009~, the legal effect of which was to set up, within the City of Roanoke, an independent political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia known as City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and WHEREAS, a majority of the present Council are unsympathetic with the overal aims and purposes of the Redevelopment and Housin~ Authority Pro~ram, and believe that a m~jority of" our citizens are likewise unsympathetic with such a pro~ram, and ":IHER..-'.A~ '.~, the majority o:[' the .!~resent "~uncil., believe that~.~"- would be to the best interest and welfare of the City of Roanoke and its citizens tha~ an effort be made to arrive at mutually acceptable means whereby the existing cooperation agreement and other commitments made pursuant thereto may be cancelled. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a committee composed of Honorable-ilalter L. Young, Chairman, Honorable A. R. Minton, Honorable Roy L. Webber, Honorable Randolph G. Whittle and Honorable Harry R. Yates, be~ and it is hereby appointed and authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the Council of the City of Roanoke, to negotiate with the proper officials of the City o Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, the Public Housing Administration~ or such other proper parties as they may deem necessary in an effort to determine accep means whereby the existing cooperation agreement between the City of ~oanoke Redevel ment and Housing Authority and the City of Roanoke, and ail resolutions and co.~mit- ments made pursuant thereto by the former Council of the City of'Ro,:noks, may be cancelled, and to further seek the assist:~nce and cooper,~tion of the said .~oanoke Redevelopment and Housin~ Authority in connection the.._'e~ith. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the afores'~id committee shall keep this Council fully informed of the progress and results of its aforesaid negotiations. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / / Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 2nd day of October, 1950. No. 10774. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a lease with Roanoke Baseball, Inc., for the baseball facilities and parking area presently leased said corporation in ~aher Field, upon the terms herein stated. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to execute, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, a lease agreement leasing unto Roanoke Baseball, Inc. ~S able ~p-- 40: 404 baseball facilities presently leased unto said corporation in Maher Field for a term of five years, commencing on the 1st day of November, 1950, and expirJ~g on the 31st day of October, 1955, to be used solely for baseball and other outdoor attractions, including the operation of any and all concessions usually connection therewith, together with the privilege of using for parking automobiles of its patrons, from the 1st day of April to the 1st day of October of each year during the term of said lease, the area presently so used, at an annual rental of eight per centum (8%} of the gross income of the lessee received during the term of the lease from its operations on the leased premises, less federal, state and municipal admissions and sales taxes, and excepting only income received by the lessee from the leased premis for billboard advertising and baseball player transactions; provided, however that three-eighths (3/8} of such annual rental shall be paid directly unto the City and the remaining five-eighths (5/8} thereof shall be expended annually by the lessee in making repairs and improvements to the stands and facilities, to be approved by the City Manager, and provided, further, that if the lessee should expend more than five per centum (5%} of its gross income in making such repairs and improvement in a given calendar year, credit shall be given therefor during the following years and reserving unto the City, should it conclude to build a new grandstand on the leased premises, the positive right to terminate the lease at the end of any playinl season upon thirty (30) days' notice. A PP ROVED ATTEST: Clerk re sid-eX IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of October, 1950. No. 10777. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for the construction of sanitary sewers to serve portions of Airlee Court, Airlee Court Annex, Liberty Land Company, ~iagann Addition, Howell Addition, Holland Addition, Franklin Addition, Corbieshaw Addition and the Corbieshaw-Wood Addition, to D. E. Worley, Rocky ~'Iount, Virginia, in the amount of $29,118.1~, and providing for an emerg.~ncy. WHEREAS, a committee composed of /~r. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, ~r. H. C. Broyles, City Engineer, and ~lr. J. Robert Tho,,ms, Assistant City Auditor, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated and considered bids heretofore received for the construction of sanitary sewers to serve portions of Airlee Court, Airlee Court Annex, Liberty Land Company, Magann Addition, Howell Addition, Holland Addition, Franklin Addition, Corbieshaw Addition and the Corbieshaw-Wood Addition,and has duly smbmitted its recommendation to this Council, and it appearing from said recommendation that the bid of D. E. Worley, Rocky Mount, Virginia, is the best bid for this project in the amount of $29,118.18, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke, after considering said recom- mendation and bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of D. E. Worley for said project is the best bid therefor, and exist. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health an emergency is declared to THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of D. E. Worley, Rocky Mount, Virginia, for the construction of sanitary sewers to serve portions of Airlee Court, Airlee Court Annex, Liberty Land Company, Magann Addition, Howell Addition, Holland Addition, Franklin Addition, Corbieshaw Addition and the Corbieshaw-Wood Addition, in the amount of ~29,118.18, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor, and that acontract for the said construction be forthwith execut Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. Section 3. That an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in full fore and effect from its passage. ATTEST APP ROV ED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd d ay of October, 1950. No. 10778. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #?1, "Sewer Construction" of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #?1, "Sewer Construction", of an Ordin~]ce adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending Dece~ber 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: SEWER CONSTRUCTION #71 Contractors ............................. ~ .... ~ ~ ~ $133,56~.~ BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force fro~.~ its passage. ATTEST Clerk APFRO VED '406, IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of October, 1950. No. 10779. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manager to issue an addendu~ to the advertisement for bids on the sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system whereby said bids will be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p.m. Monday, October 23, 1950, and will be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting to be held at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date, and providin~ for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~ianager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue an addendum to the advertisement for bids on the sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system whereby said bids will be received by the City Clerk until 2:00 o'clock, p. m Monday, October 23, 1950, and will be opened before the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting to beheld at 2:00 o'clock, p. m., on the said date. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared t o exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVE D Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIiiIA, The 2nd day of October, 1950. No. 10782. A RESOLUTION authorizing use of the City Market Auditorium by the National Business College basketball teams for practicing purposes, with the privilege of arranging for a few scrimmage practice games with other teams, for period beginning October 2, 1950, and ending December 1, 1950, at a consideration of $125.00. WHEREAS, the National Business College has requested permission for use of the City Market Auditorium by its basketball teams for practicing purposes, with the privilege of arranging for a few scrimmage practice games with other teams, and the City Manager has recommended that the permission be granted for practice periods of two hours each, with the privilege of arranging for a few scrimmage practice games with other teams, for period beginning October 2, 1950, and ending December 1, 1950, at a consideration of $125.OO, provided the said use does not interfere with regular rental of the said Auditorium. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to grant to the National Business College basketball teams the use of the City Market Auditorium for practice periods of two hours each, with the privilege of arranging for a few scrimmage practice games with other teams, for period beginning October 2, 1950, and ending December 1, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the City of Roanoke has an opportunity of renting the City ~arket Auditorium on a regular revenue basis, the National Business College basketball teams will defer their practice periods and scrimmage practice games as the City Rtanager may direct. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event the gymnasium at the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Trsining Center is placed under the supervision of the City of Roanoke the practice periods and scrimmage practice games herein provided for may be trans- ferred to the Marine Gymnasium as the City ~ianager may direct. APPROVED ATTES~~ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of October, 1950. No. 10784. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain street in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP XXV One 2500 lumen incandescent overhead street light at the corner of Fairfax Avenue and ~th Street, N. W. One 2500 lumen incandescent overhead street light in front of the Roanoke Dairy plant (Pole No. 254-2131). Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing betweent he Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. ATTE~ Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10781. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the north side of Salem Avenue, S. W., between Seventeenth Street and Eighteenth Street, described as Lot 17, Section 12, West View, Official No. 1210623, by the City of Roanoke to Lois C. Fielder, at a consideration of 5450.00 net cash to the city, and authorizin the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to Lois C. Fielder of property located on the north side of Salem Avenue, S. W., between Seventeenth Street and Eighteenth Street, described as Lot 17, Secti 408 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereb' authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the city, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with General Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomsoevE she may direct in writing, delivery, thereof, however, not to be made until said ne1 cash consideration has been paid in full. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROanOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10783. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to execute anagreement between the City of Roanoke and Ernest Ramey, dated the 1st day of September, 1950, for the rental of the premises presently leased by the lessee, located on the Roanoke Municipal Airpor {Woodrum Field) grounds, adjacent to and east of the property of Ernest Ramey, know~ as "Ramey Trailer Park", for a period of four years from September 1, 1950, through August 31, 1954, unless sooner terminated, at a rental of $50.00 per month, under terms and conditions contained therein. BE IT RESOLVED byt he Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke and Ernest Ramey, dated the 1st day of September, 1950, for the rental of the premises presentl leased by the lessee, located on the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) grounds, adjacent to and east of the property of Ernest Ramey, known as "Ramey Trailer Park", for a period of four years from September 1, 1950, through August 31, 195~, unless sooner terminated, at a rental of .~50.00 per month, under terms and conditions contained therein. Cle rk J APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10785. A RESOLUTION awarding contract for the construction of curb and gutter, with appurtenant work thereto, on Aspen Street, N. W., between Cove Road and Forest Park Boulevard, and the paving of said street, to M. S. Hudgins, Roanoke, Virginia, in the amount of ~2,0~1.91, and providing for an emergency. r WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~.r.H.C. Broyles, City Engineer, ~r. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, and Mr. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated and considered bids heretofore received for the construction of curb and gutter, with appurtenant work thereto, on Aspen Street, N. W., between Cove Road and Forest Park Boulevard, and the paving of said street, and has duly submitted its recommendation to this Council, and it appearing from said recommendation that the bid of ~I. S. Hudgins, Roanoke, Virginia, is the best bid for this project in the amount of ~2,0~1.91, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke, after considering said recommendation and bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of Ni. S. Hudgins for said project is the best bid therefor, and WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of M. S. Hudgins, Roanoke, Virginia, for the construction of curb and gutter, with appurtenant work thereto, on Aspen Street, N. W., betweem Cove Road and Forest Park Boulevard, and the paving of said street, in the amount of ~&2.0~1.91, be, and is hereby accepted, determined and declared to be the best bid therefor, and that a contract for the said construction be forthwith executed. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby authoriz and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here provided for. Section 3. That an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in full forc and effect from its passage. ,~TTEST~~_~ APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROanOKE, VIRGii'~IA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 107~6. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~75, "Street Construction", and Section #?6, "Street Repairs", of an Ordinance adopted bythe Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #?5, "Street Construction", and Section #76, "Street Repairs", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund ~f the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending 409 December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION #75 Contractors (1) ................................... $94,087.00 (1) Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk.... $66,087.00 Street Paving. ............... 28,000.00 STREET REPAIRS #76 Materials ..... . ................................... $64,300.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: -- / Cle rk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~iIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10787. A RESOLUTION in appreciation of the invaluable services rendered by the Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum and extending sympathy to his family. WHEREAS, at an early hour on Friday, October 6, 1950, the Ration was shocke¢ to learn of the sudden and untimely death of the Honora01e Clifton A. Woodrum; and WHEREAS, in his departure the Nation, the Commonwealth and the City of Roanoke, have lost a splendid and public spirited citizen who, as lawyer, Common- wealth's Attorney and Judge of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, contribut immeasurably to the progress and welfare of his City and who, as the representative of the Sixth Congressional District of Virginia in the Congress of the United State~ rendered long, faithful and outstanding service to his District, State and Nation;· WHEREAS, this Council desires to make record of the loss and pay tribute to a useful, honorable and loyal life characterized by courtesy, fearlessness and an ever willingness to serve the true interests of his City, State and Nation. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that, recognizing the long, loyal, unselfish and outstanding services of the Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum to the Nation and Commonwealth, and especially to his native Cit, of Roanoke, this body is deeply conecious of the irreparable loss sustained because of his death and desires that the sense of Council be permanently recorded and the sympathy of this body be extended to his devoted family. APPROVED President ed IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGinIA, The 9thday of October, 1950. ~o. 10788. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~iayor to appoint a committee of three for the purpose of submitting a suitable design of a plaque to be erected in the proposed Administration Building at the Roanoke Municipal Airport {Woodrum Field) in memory of the late Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint a committee of three for the purpose of submittin a suitable design of a plaque to be erected in the proposed Administration Buildi;~g at the Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) in memory of the late Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum. ATTEST~ A P PRO VE D President Itu THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10789. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of whom might act, as viewers in connection with petition of Edgar i~ewman Weaver, helen R. Weaver, Almon O. English and Dorothy I. English to vacate, discontinue and close the alley in Block 33, Crystal Spring Land Company Map, extending from 28th Street, S. W., to 29th Street, S. W., said alley being shownan the~ap of property of Crystal Spring Land Company, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book 1, pages 102-103. WHEREAS, it appearin?t o the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, upon the petition of Edgar Newman Weaver, Selen R. Weaver, Almon O. English and Dorothy I, English that the ssid petitioners did duly and legally publish, as required by Code of Virginia, 1950, a notice of application tothe Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to close the hereinafter referred to portions of alley, the publication of which was had by posting a copy of said notice at the front door of the Court House of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke {Campbell Avenue Entrance}, at the Market Square {Salem Avenue entrance of the market house}, at 311 Second Street, S. E., Roanoke, Virginia, and at two places in the neighborhood of said alley, as provided by the aforesaid Virginia Code, 1950, all of which is verified by an affidavit appended to the petition addressed to the Council requesting that the hereinafter described portions of alley be formally vacated, discontinued and closed, and WHEREAS, it further appearing to the Council that more than five days have elapsed since the publication of the hereinabove described notices, and the Council has considered the petition of the applicants to vaca%e, discontinue and close the alley in Block 33, Crystal Spring Land Company ~iap, extending from 28th Street, S. W to 29th Street, S. W., said alley being shown on the map of property of Crystal Spring Land Company, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book l, pages 102-103, and WHEREAS, the petitioners have requested that not less that three viewers be appointed to view the above described portions of said alley to be vacated, discontinued and closed, and report in writing as required by Sections 15-766 and 33-156-157 of the 1950 Code of Virginia. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that David M. Etheridge, C. W. Francis, Jr., W. Page Bowling, Richard V. Fowlkes and C. Cecil Flora, be, and they are hereby appointed, any three of whom may act, as viewers to view the aforesaid alley and report in writing pursuant tot he provisions of Sectior 15-766 and 33-156-157 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, whether or not, in their opinior any, and, if any, what inconvenience would result from formally vacating, discontint ing and closing the aforesaid alley. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10790. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the Building Inspector to grant a permit to the Norfolk ~ld Western Railway Company for the erection of a 30-foot by 50-foot building immediately adjacent to the northerly side of the existing Carpenter Shop and Storage Building located on the east side of Fifth Street, S. W., north of Norfolk Avenue, said building to be constructed of fit material, cinder floor, frame structure, fit corrugated iron siding and Flexstone roofing, and to be used as a Carpenter shop, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the Norfolk and Western Railway Company has asked the Council of th City of Roanoke for permission to erect a 30-foot by 50-foot building inm~ediately adjacent to the northerly side of the existing Carpenter Shop and Storage Building located on the east side of Fifth Street, S. W., north of Norfolk Avenue, said building to be constructed of fit material, cinder floor, frame structure, fit corrugated iron siding and Flexstone roofing, and to be used as a carpenter shop, an W]~EREAS, it appearing that the erection and maintenance of this building will not increase the fire hazard to other property in this vicinity, the Council of the City of Roanoke is of the opinion that the permit should be granted as reques and to this end an emerMency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDINANED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Building inspector be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to grant a permit to the Norfolk and Western Railway Company for the ~ection of a 30-foot by 50-foot building immediately adjacent to the northerly side of the existing Carpenter Shop and Storage Building located on the east side of Fifth Street, ~. W., north of Norfolk Avenue, said building to be constructed of fit material, cinder floor, frame ed, office of the Building Inspector and according to his good liking and satisfaction. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, by acting under this Ordinance, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the erection and maintenance of the buildin~ above provided for. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its pass~.~e. APPROVED ATTEoT. _ Clerk , President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10791. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #lO&, "Public Library", of an Ordinance ado~ted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #104, "Publ:.c Library", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke , Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "an Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read a s follows: PUBLIC LIBRARY #10~ In sura nc e 110.60 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. A PPR 0 VED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10792. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials toa cquire by purchase for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke a certain lot or parcel of land in said City for public purposes; appropriating the sum of $400.00 from the general fund for the purchase of the same; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary for the public purposes of the City of Roanoke that said City acquire the fee simple title to all of Lot 17, Section 2, ~ccording to the Map of Villa Heights, situate in said City, and WHEREAS, this body is advised that the heirs-at-law of J. R. Hamilton, ~eceased, are the present owners of said land and have verbally offered to convey ~he same to said City for a consideration of $400.O0, cash, out of which said su~ ali axes, penalties and interest and delinquent sewer assessment and interest will be paid, as will likewise be paid the costs of a certain pending chancery suit brought 0y the City to enforce the payment of said taxes and assessment, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety and For the daily operation of the Engineering Depart~.ent of said City, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAi/~ED by Council for the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and irected to acquire by purchase, for and on behalf of said City, the fee' simple titl~ o Lot 17, Section 2, according to the Map of Villa Heights, situate in said City, For a consideration of $~OO.OO, cash, to be paid to or on behalf of the owners of laid land upon the execution and delivery to the said City of a good and sufficient ~eed of bargain and sale containing General Warranty of title and modern english ~onvenants upon such form as may be approved by the City Attorney, and 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of said City ~he sum of $~00.00 as the purchase price of the aforesaid land, and 3. That the purchase price of the said land shall first be applied to the ?ayment of all taxes, penalties and interest assessed on said land through the year ~950; to the payment of a certain delinquent sewer assessment due on said lot, ~ogetherwith the interest thereon; and, thirdly, tot he payment of the costs of ~uit incurred by said City in a certain pending chancery suit brought to enforce the oayment of the aforesaid taxes and sewer assessment, and the balance of said purchas~ orice shall be paid to the owners of the land entitled thereto, and 4. That, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and ~ffect from its passage. Cle rk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10793. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials to acquire )y purchase, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, a certain lot or parcel of [and in said City for public purposes; appropriating the sum of $175.OO from the eneral fund for the purchase of the same; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary for the public purt~oses of the City of ~anoke that said City acquire the fee simple title to all of Lot 19, Section 6, ~ccording to the R. J. Wright ~ap, situate in said City, and WHEREAS, this body is advised that the heirs-at-law of E. V. Atwood, deceas are the present owners of said land and have verbally offered to convey the same to said City for a consideration of $175.OO cash, out of which said sum all taxes~ penalties and interest assessed against said lot will be paid, and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, and for the daily operation of the Engineering Department of said City, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA]2~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows 1. That the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to acquire by purchase, for and on behalf of said City, the fee simple tit to Lot 19, Section 6, according to the R. J. Wright ~[ap, situate in said City, for a consideration of $175.00 cash to be paid to, or on behalf of, the owners of said ].and upon the execution and delivery to the said City of a good and sufficient deed of bragsin and sale containing General Warranty of Ti[lc and l~odern English covenant upon such form as may be approved by the City Attorney; and 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of the general fund of said City the sum of $175.00 as the purchase price of the aforesaid land, and 3. That the purchase price of the said land shall first be applied to t he payment of all taxes, penalties and interest assessed on said land through the year 1950, and the balance of said purchase price shall be paid to the owners of the land entitled thereto, and 4. that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10795. A RESOLUTION setting forth the opinion of the majority of the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proposed Housing Hygiene Ordinance will actually .clear the city's slums, which the Public Housing Low Rent Project can only promise to do, and expressing the present intention of Council to pass such Housing Hygiene Ordinance; expressing the opinion of Council that there is little or no necessity at this time for the continuation of the Housing Project; that the city is in no financial positi ~t this time to provide necessary facilities for such project; that it is Council's present intention to refuse to rezone the properties now selected as sites for the Project; expressing Council's formal disapproval of the project; and directing the City Clerk to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: Section 1. That it is the opinion of the majority of Council that the Housing Hygiene Ordinance now under consideration by them will actually clear our e , ~n slums and accomplish in fact what the Public Housing Low Rent Project can only promise to do, and it is the intention of this body to pass this Housing Hygiene Ordinance, after proper hearings and revisions, at an early date. There is, theref¢ little or no necessity at this time for the continuation of the Housing Project. Section 2. That the City is in no financial position to aid in this project in any way and would have to resort to deficit spending, which Council does not propose to do, to provide necessary facilities for the project. Section 3. That the Council's present intention is to refuse to rezone the properties now selected as sites for the project. Section 4. That the Council~reby again goes on record as formally disappro~ ing this project. Section 5. That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded by the Clerk of Council to the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority for their information, Cle rk 5 APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIiqIA, The 9th day of October, 1950. No. 10796. A RESOLUTIO~q providing that the committee appointed under the provisions of Resolution No. 10776, adopted by a majority of the Council of the City of Roanok{ on the 25th day of September, 1950, for the purpose of negotiating with the proper officials of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, the Public Housing Administration, or other proper parties, in an effort todetermine if acceptable terms may be agreed upon whereby the existing Cooperation Agreement between the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the City of Roanoke and resolutions passed and con~nitments made, by the former Coungil, pursuant thereto may be cancelled, shall continue to function, pending receipt of an opinion from the City Attorney as to the validity of said Resolution No. 10776. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the committee appointed under the provisions of Resolution No. 10776, adopted by a majority of the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 25th day of September, 1950, for the purpose of negotiating with the proper officials of the City of Roanoke Redevelopmen~ and Housing Authority, the Public Housing Administration, or other proper parties, in an effort to determine if acceptable terms may be agreed upon whereby the existin Cooperation Agreenmnt between the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authori and the City of Roanoke and resolutions passed and commitments made, byt he former Council, pursuant thereto may be cancelled, shall o~ntinue to function, pending recez'· I of an opinion from the City Attorney as to the validity of said Resolution No. 10776 APPROVED ~k~ ) President re, Y t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 107~0. AN ORDINANCE directing the change of name of East Drive, S. W., between Brambleton Avenue and Lakewood Drive, to Lakewood Drive, S. W.; directing the change of name of the southern portion of Lakewood Drive, S. W., between East Drive and West Drive, to East Drive, S. W.; directing the designation of the true names on present and future tax plats in the office of the City Engineer; and directing that street signs now and hereafter erected shall conforma ccordingly. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following stre in the City of Roanoke now designated on plats in the office of the City Engineer an~ by street signs be, and they shall hereafter be designated by the new names, as shown opposite the old names, respectively, as follows: Present Name East Drive, S. W. Southern portion of Lakewood Drive, S. W. Land Map Lakewood Colony Lakewood Colony New Name Lakewood Drive, S. W. East Drive, S. W. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by t he Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to designate the true names of the said streets herein provided for on present a~d future tax plats filed in his office, and that street signs now and hereafter erected shall conform accordingly. APPROVED President ATTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGiNIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10794. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~100, "Recreation Department",of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, ~950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #100, "Recreation Department", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an energency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: RECREATION DEPARTFENT #1OO Furniture and Equipment (1) ............................. $2,370.00 Supplies (2) ............................................ 4,500.00 {1)Sliding Boards ........... .. $1,4OO.OO (2) $500.00 to be paid to the Roanoke ,~ts IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10797. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the Building Inspector to grant a permit to Reuben E. Lawson for the erection of a frame residence on property located on the north side of Loudon Avenue, N. W., west of First Street, described as the southern part of Lots 7-8-9, Mrs. Neal )~ap, Official No. 2012934, at 129 Loudon Avenue, N. W., and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, Reuben E. Lawson has asked the Council of the City of Roanoke for permission to erect a frame residence on property located on the north side of Loudon Avenue, N. W., west of First Street, described as the southern part of Lots 7-8-9, ~Lrs. Neal Map, Official No. 2012934, at 129 Loudon Avenue, N. W., .and WHEREAS, it appearing that the erection and maintenance of the dwelling will not increase the fire hazard to other property in this vicinity, the Council of the City of Roanoke is of the opinion that the permit should be granted as requested, an to this end an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED bythe Council of the City of Roanoke that the Building Inspector be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to grant a permit to Reuben E. Lawson for the erection of a frame residence on property located on the north side of Loudon Avenue, N. W., west of First Street, described as the southern part of Lots 7-8-9, Ers. Neal ~.ap, Official No. 2012934, at 129 Loudon Avenue, N. W. said dwelling to be constructed in accordancewith plans to be field in the office o the Building Inspector and according to his good liking and satisfaction. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that ~euben E. Lawson, by acting under this Ordinance, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the erection and maintenance of the building above provided for. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED President IN THE~O~UNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10799. A RESOLUTION approving an application of the Roanoke City School Eoard to th State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of 4~486,349.00 for an Addition to %Voodrow Wilson Junior High School in the City of Roanoke; advising the State Board of Education of Virginia that this Council has provided sufficient funds through cash appropriations to complete said project; granting permission to the Roanoke City School Board to use the same to complete the project for the pur~.ose designated in the application; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to interested parties; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of tke p~ub]ic health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THE}~EFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the application of ~he Roanoke City School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of $486 , 3&9 . 00 for an Addition to '~oodrow Wilson Junion High School in the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Board of Education of Virginia be, and the same is hereby, advised that this Council has provided sufficient funds, through cash appropriations, to complete said project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that permission be, a nd the same is hereby, granted to the Roanoke City School Board to use said funds to complete the project for the purpose designated in the application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to interested parties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTES~ APPROVE D President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10800. A RESOLUTION approving an application of the Roanoke City School Board to the State Board of Education af Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Con- struction Funds in the amount of $73,021.00 for adding to or improving the present Crystal Spring School in the City of Roanoke; advising the State Board of Education of Virginia that this Council has provided sufficient funds through cash appropriati< to complete said project; granting permission to the Roanoke City School Board to us~ the same to complete the project for the purpose designated in t he application; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to forthwith transmit certified copies of t~ resolution to interested parties; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the application of the Roanoke City School Board to t he State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of $73,021.00 for adding to or improving the present Crystal Spring School in the ~ity of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby, approved. is BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Board of Education of Virginia be, and the same is hereby, advised that this Council has provided sufficient funds, through cash appropriations, to complete said project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that permission be, and the same is hereby, granted to the Roanoke City School Board to use said funds to complete the project for the purpose designated in the application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to interested pa rt ie s. BE IT F~IRTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. Clerk ~ APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. lO801. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing a refund of $7.00 to Douglas S. St Clair, representing penalty and interest on taxes remaining against property described as the eastern part ~f Lot 4A, and the northeastern part of Lot 7, Block 4, Corbieshaw Map, Official No. 1650~07, for the year 194~, which property is carried on the 1948 Land Book in the names of R. L. Ward and J. S. Lavinder, upon payment of said taxes, penalty and interest, in the total amount of $60.75. WHEREAS, it appears that property described as the eastern part of Lot 4A, and the northeastern part of Lot 7, Block 4, Corbieshaw Map, Official No. 1650~07, was erroneously assessed for taxes for the year 1948, on the basis of a vacant lot instead of as having a building thereon, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Council that upon payment of taxes remainin~ against the above property for the year 1948 in the amount of $53.75, plus oenalty in the amount of $2.69 and interest in the amount of $4.31, the penalty and interest should be refunded. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrant in the name of Douglas S. St Clair, in the amount of $7.00, representing penalty and intere on taxes remaining against property described as the eastern part of Lot 4A, and the northeastern part of Lot 7, Block 4, Corbieshaw Map, Official No. 1650807, for the year 1948, which property is carried on the 1948 Land Book in the names of R. L. Ward and J. S. Lavinder, upon payment of said taxes, penalty and interest, in the total amount of $60.75. C~erk .... / APPROVED President t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10802. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #6, "Commissioner of Revenue", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #6, "Com- missioner of Revenue", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to rea as follows: CO~,~ISSIONER OF REVENUE ~6 Postage (2). ...... ..... ............................... $~O0.00 (2) One-third reimbursed by State. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. TTEST~ Clerk ___~ APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10803. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of recording equipment at a cost not to exceed $9,000.00, for use in the Department of Public Welfare, from a firm to be determined by the City Manager, the City Auditor and the Director of the Department of Public Welfare. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be and is hereby granted for the purchase of recording equipment at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00, for use in the Department of Public '~elfare, from a firm to be determined by the City Manager, the City Auditor and the Director of the Department of Public Welfare. ST: APPROVED President 421 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 1080~. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #130, "Municipal Garage", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th d ay o December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance~making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the~istence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #130, "Municipal Garage", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An 'Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: MUNICIPAL GARAGE #130 Tires Repairs]]]]]]~]]~]]]]]]]] ..... i~~~~]]~ $10,O00.00500.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk ? -'- Pre sid-~nt IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10805. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the purchase of a sewer right-of-way easement thirty feet in width, within a thirty foot private road belonging to J. R. Root, North of the Rainbo ~read Company's property between Whiteside Street and the Norfol and Western Railway Company's right-of-way, a distance of 510-* feet, for the sum of $225.00, to be paid for from the General Fund; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and theyare hereby, authorized and directed to purchase a sewer right of-way easement thirty feet in width, within a thirty foot private road belonging to J. R. Root, North of the Rainbo Bread Company's property between Whiteside Street and the Norfolk and Western Railway Company's right-of-way, a distance of 510-~ feet, for the sum of $225.00, to be paid for from the General Fund. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED IN .THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10806. A RESOLUTION authorizing a Petty Cash Fund of $500.00 for purchase and sale of internal Revenue Stamps for the Clerk of the Courts, and revoking Resolution No. 8116, adopted on the 23rd day of April, 1945. WHEREAS, it appears for the best interest of the City of Roanoke and for the convenience and accommodation of the public generally that Internal Revenue Stamps be available in the office of the Clerk of the Courts. THER~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that $500.00 be, and the same is hereby earmarked as a Petty Cash Fund for the purchase and sale Internal Revenue Stamps to be handled by the Clerk of the Courts, it being under- stood that no detailed record of sales made will be required of the Clerk of the Cour BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the account as created will be subject to audit by the City Auditor at all times, and that if and when the Petty Cash Fund as createc under this Resolution becomes unnecessary~ the $500.00 herein earmarked shall be returned to the General Fund of the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RE,SOLVED that Resolution No. 8116, adopted on the 23rdday of April, 1945, providing for a Petty Cash Fund of $250.00 be, and the same is hereby revoked. ATTEST~~~__~~ Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. 10807. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the acquisition by the City of Roanok. for public purposes, of a certain triangular parcel of land at the southeast corner of the intersection of Cambridge Avenue and Amherst Street, S. W.; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of the public health and safety and for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Depart~ent of the City, an emergency is declared to exist. BE IT ORDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proper officia] of said City be, and they are hereby, authorized to acquire for and on behalf of the City, by deed of conveyance upon such form as is approved by the City Attorney, from the present owner thereof, a certain triangular parcel of land containing 250.0 squsre feet, more or less, situate at the present southeast corner of the intersecti¢ of Cambridge Avenue and Amherest Street, S. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the consideration for the acquisition of said lar shall be the construction by the City, without cost to the owner of the residue of said land, of a curb, gutter and sidewalk along the curbed portion of the triangular ~f S n d 424 strip of land above described, which curb line will hereafter constitute the new street line at the southeasterly intersection of the aforesaid streets and which said curb, gutter and sidewalk shall be constructed by the City at such time as the owner of the residue of said land provides one-half (1/2) of the cost of construct- ing a curb, gutter and sidewalk along the residue of said lot fronting on Amherst Street, S. W., and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. A?PRO VED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10808. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the acquisition by the City of Roanoke, for public purposes, of a 10-foot strip of land on the north side of Westover Avenue, S. W., upon consideration that the City will construct certain improvements thereon; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of the public health and safety and for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City of Roanoke, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council oft he City of Roanoke that the proper officials of the City be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to acquire from the owner there of, by good and sufficient deed of conveyance upon such form as is approved by the City Attorney, a certain strip of land 52.82 feet in length and lO.O feet wide, with additional width at its westerly end to provide for rounding the corner of the street intersection, which strip of land is on the northerly side of Westover Avenue, S. W., and constitutes the southerly portion of Lot 5, Section 2, according to the Virginia kount kap. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the consideration for the foregoing conveyance shall be the construction by the City, without cost to the owner, of a curb and gutter along the property line of the strip of land hereinabove described. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APP ROVED iT.S_T: Q ~ Pre sident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of October, 1950. No. 10809. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials to acquire by condemnation, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, the fee simple title to certain real estate located at the northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. W., in said City, for the purpose of the widening of Aspen Street, N. W. and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 10174, adopted on the 19th day of September, 1949, the City Rianager was authorized and directed to acquire the property hereinafter described for the purpose of the widering of Aspen Street, N. W., at a price and upon certain terms and conditions as set forth in said ordinance; and WHEREAS, the proper City officials have made bona fide, but ineffectual, efforts to acquire the said land for said City by purchase of the same from the owners the re of; and WHEREAS, the land hereinafter described is wanted and needed by the said City for public purposes, to-v;it, the widening of Aspen Street, N. W., one of the public streets of said City; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety and for the usual daily operation of the City Engineering Department, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~'~ED by Council for the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the City Attorney and/or the Assistant to the City Attorney be, and he is, hereby authorized and directed to institute condemnation proceedings to acquSre for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, for public purposes, the fee simple title to that certain parcel of land situate in said City and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the present northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. W.; thence with the present easterly line of Aspen Streel N. 41o 33' E. 125.0 feet to a point on the division line between the Swanson and Howell properties; thence with said division line S. 41o 22' E. 10.O8 feet to a point on the newly established easterly line of Aspen Street; thence with same S. ~l° 33' 4. 125.03 feet to a ~oint on the presenl northerly line of Florida Avenue; thence with same N. 41° 12' W. 10.10 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 1,250.0 feet, more or less, and being shown as a westerly portion of Lot 17, on the Villa Heights Extension Map, which map is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, page 31. from the record owners thereof, to-%vit: William W. Swanson and Irabe!le ~. Swanson, husband and wife, or from such other persons or parties who may own or have an interest or estate therein. 2. That, an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ATTEST: _ ~ / Clerk APPROVED Pre sident REPEALED 42t IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of October, 1950. No. 10798. AN ORDINANCE vacating, discontinuing and closing an alley in Block 33, Crystal Spring Land Company Map, extendiag from 28th Street to 29th Street, said alley being shown on the map of Crystal Spring Land Company of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 1, pages 102-1 WHEREAS, Edgar Newman Weaver, Helen R. Weaver, Almon O. English and Dorothy I, English have heretofore filed their petition before the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance with the law, in which said petition they requested said Council of the City of Roanoke to vacate, discontinue and close said alley, as hereinabove set out, of the filing of which said petition due notice was given to th public, as required by law, and WHEREAS, in accordance with the prayer of said petition,, viewers were appointed by the Council of the City of Roanoke to view the property and report in writing whether in their opinion any inconvenience would result from vacating, dis- continuing and closing said alley, as hereinabove set out, and WHEREAS, it appears from the report in writing filed by s aid viewers in thi~ proceeding, which was filed with the City Clerk, together with the affidavit of said viewers, on the 16th day of October, that no inconvenience would result, either to any individual or to the public, from vacating, discontinuing and closing said alley as hereinabove set out, and WHEREAS, it further appears to Council that the petitioners aforesaid have agreed to bear and defray the costs and expenses incident to this proceeding. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that the alley, as hereinabove set out, be, and the same is hereby vacated, discontinued and closed; and that all right, title and interest of the City of Roanoke and the public in and to said alley, as hereinabove set out, are hereby released insofar as the Council is empowered so to do; except that a public easement is hereby reserved for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the storm drains, sewers and water lines, if any, now located in said alley, and all other municipal installations now located in said alley. BE IT FURTHER ORDAII~ED that the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to mark "Vacated, Discontinued and Cbsed" said alley, as hereinabove set out, on all maps and plats on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Roanoke on which said maps and plats said alley are shown, referring to the book and page of Resolutions and ordinances of the Council of the Cityo f Roanoke wherein this Ordinance shall be spread. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of Council deliver to the Clerk of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, a copy of this Ordinance in order that said Clerk of Court may make proper notation on all maps or plats recorded in his said office, upon which are shown said alley, as hereinabove set out, as provide by law. APPROVE D Ii~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGII~IA. The 23rdday of October, 1950. No. 10810. A RESOLUTION referrin~ bids on the sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system to a committee composed of R'lr. L. R. Howson, Consulting Engineer, ~r. G. L. Mattern, Consulting Engineer, Rjr. Arthur S. Owens, City Rianager, i~r. John L. Wentworth, Director of~ Public Works, and Mr. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, for tabulation and report as to the lowest bid on each phase of the project at the next regular meetin~ of Council on Monday, October 30, 1950, and providing for an emergen WHEREAS, pursuant to advertisement, bids on the sewage treatment plant and seweraze interceptor system have been duly received, opened and publicly read, and WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the bids on the sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system, be, and they are hereby referred to a com~nittee composed of Mr. L. R. Howson, Consulting Engineer~ Mr. G. L. Riattern, Consulting Engineer, Rir. Arthur S. Owens, City Rianager, ~r. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, and ~r. ~iarry R. Yates, City Auditor, for tabulation and report as to t~e lowest bid on each phase of the project at the next regular meeting of Council on ~!onday, October 30, 1950. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ATTE!_~T. ~ , Clerk A P PRO V ED IN THE COU~'~CiL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI~IA, The 23rd day of October, 1950. No. 10811. A RESOLUTION appointing a committee to be composed of R"ir. W. L. Young, Councilman, Rir. ,"7. P. Hunter, Councilman, ~'~r. L. lt. Howson, Consulting Engineer, Mr. A~rthur S. Owens, City ~.~anager, and I~k~. ~ohn L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, for the purpose of' reviewing the plans and specifications for the sewage treatment plant and sewera.~e interceptor system with a view of ascertaining whether or not any savings can be ~mde in connection with the project, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a committee to be composed of Mr. W. L. Young, Councilman, l~'~r. W. P. Hunter, Councilma Mr. L. R. ~owson, Consulting Engineer, lqr. Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, and l~r. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, be, and is hereby appointed for the purpose of reviewing the plans and spectifications for the sewage treatment plant and sewerage interceptor system with a view of ascertaining whether or not any savings can be made in connection withthe project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist, and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. Clerk APP ROVE D Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rdday of October, 1950. No. 10812. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of a non-resident of Roanoke as an Airport Helper, Class C, at the rate of sixty cents per hour, and providing for an emerge nc y. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Roanoke F~unicipal Airport, an emergency is declared toexist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City o f Roanoke that authori be, and is hereby granted for the employment of a non-resident of Roanoke as an Airport Helper, Class C, at the r ate of sixty cents per hour. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk ~ President ? IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of October, 1950. No. 10813. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #13, "Civil and Police Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1 1950, and endin? December 31, 1950, and declaring the ~xistence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section ~13, "Civi and Police Court", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CIVIL AND POLICE COURT #13 Stationery and Office Supplies ........................... $950.00 ;y BE IT FURTHER ORDAii~ED that an e,,uergency is declared to exist arid this Ordinance shall be ~.n force from its passage. Cle rk ~ / A P PRO VE D Pres id ant IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi['~IA, The 23rd day of October, 1950. No. 10814. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #77, "Street Signs and House Numberin~"~. , of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~_th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January ]., 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declarinF' the existence of an e~..ergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City o f Roanoke that Section /~77, "Street Signs and House Numbering", of an Ordinancea dopted bythe Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitle "An Ord_~nance makin? appropristions from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending Dece~.~ber 31, 1950, and declaring t he existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: STREET SIGi'~S AND HOUSE NU2.~ERING #77 Mater ials .......................................... ~8~6. ~ BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force fron-~ its passage. A ~P ROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~;OEE, ViRGii'ilA, The 23rd day of October, 1950. No. 10815. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directin~ the City I<anager to represent the City of Roanoke at a public hearing on annexation to be held in tile Senate Chamber, State Capitol Building, Richmond, Virginia, ,{ednesday, l~ovember 15, 1950, at 10:OO o'clock, a. m., by the State Commission studying the impact of urban development on rural areas. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City I~'ianager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to represent the City of Roanoke at a ~.ublic hearing on annexation to be held in the Senate Chamber, State Capitol Buildin Richmond, Virginia, Wednesday, Nove~ber 15, 1950, at i0:00 o'clock, ac m., by the State Commission studying the impact of urban develo~ment on rural areas. APPROVED President I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF RO?~NOYE, ViRGI~IA, The 23rdday of October, 1950. No. 10816. A RESOLUTION extending the time limit provided for in Section 21 of Ordinanc No. 10161, adorted on the 26th dsy of September, 1949, regulating the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, signs, etc., for an additional period of thirty days, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, Section 21 of Ordinance No. 10161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 1949, regulating the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees, signs etc., provides, in part, that any existing sign, awning, marquee, marquee sign or advertising structure legally erected and maintained~ which is non-conforming to the provisions of the Ordinance, may continue in its non-conforming status for a ~eriod not to exceed one year from the effective date of said Ordinance~ and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Council that the time limit pro¥ided £or in Section 21 should be extended for an additional period of thirty~ays, and to that end an emergency is declared to~ist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the time limit provided for in Section 21 of Ordinance No. 10161, adopted on the 26th day of September, 19~9, regulating the erection and maintenance of awnings, marquees signs, etc., be, and is hereby extended for an additional period of thirty days. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE C~TY OF ROA£~OKE, ViRGi2, iA, The 3Oth day of October, 1950. No. 10~17. A RESOLUTION appointing a committee composed of the City Auditor, Chairman, the City ~'_anager, the City Attorney, the Director of Public Works and the Chairman oft he School Board for the purpose of determining the advisability of contracting the City's lines whereby that portion of the City known as the idlewiid and Kenwood Additions, which became a part of the City by reason of the annexation decree effecl as of midni?ht, December 31, ].948, would be returned to Roanoke County, and ~-:rovidin for an emerzency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of yublic peace, health and safety, an emergen is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Committee composed of ]vir. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, who shall a ct as Chairman, Mr. Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, Er. Randolph G. Whittle, City Attorney, ~r. John L. Jentworth, Director of Public Works, and ~'~r. LeRoy H. Smith, C[mirman of the Roanoke City School Board, be, and is hereby appointed for the purpose of determini~ the aRvisability of contracting the City's lines whereby that portion of the City known as the Idlewild and Kenwood Additions, which became a part of the City by reason of the annexation decree effective as of midnight, December 31, 1948, would b returned to Roanoke County, the said Co~,ittee to take into consideration whether or not such contraction would leave the bonded indebtedness of the City in excess of 18 per cent of the assessed valuation of the real estate that will be left in the City and to determine whether or not such contraction would be to the best interest of th~ City and to the people affected thereby, taking into consideration the costs of improvements which~ wi].lb e required in said Idlewild and Kenwood Additions, such as water, sewerage, schools, fire and police protection, and such other facts as may be pertinent to such contraction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Committee shall proceed with said study immediately and as promptly as possible make such reco~m~endations as it deems advisable to the Council, and if in its findings the Commit~e deems that it would be to the best interest of the City to contract the said City's lines, then the said Committee shall, with its report, submit such ordinance or ordinances as may be necessary to effect such a contraction under Section 15-153 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, for the consideration of Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. A PYRO V~ TT ST: Clerk ~/ D President ~y 4 31 432 IN THE COUNCI£L FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10820. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~24, "City Sergeant", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of ~oanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January ]., 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declarin~ the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section "City Sergeant", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 2~th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and endin? December 3~, 1950, and declaring the existence of sn emer?ency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CITY SERGEANT #2~ Automobile Expense (2) ................................ ~3,?00.OO (2) Two-thirds reimbursed by State. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED t~t an e~ergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage, subject tot he approval of the Compensation Board. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~iA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10821. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of a non-resident of Roanoke as a case worker in the Department of Public Welfare of the City of Roanoke, effective November 1, 1950, and providin~ for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the daily operation oft he Department of Public Welfare of the City of Roanoke, an emergency is declared to exist. THER.EFO~E, Br~ IT ~...,~,.~?~D 0y the~ounc~.l of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of a non-resident of Roanoke as a case worker in the Department of Public Welfare of the City of Roanoke, effective November 1, 1950. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force and effect fro~., its passage. - ~ Clerk AP?ROVED President I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOY~E, VIRGI~IA, The 30th day of October, 1950. ~o. 10822. A RESOLUTiO~ authorizin? and directin~ the City Auditor to draw warrants ~overin~ necessary and proper ?urchases and expenses in excess of appropriations for the year 1950, for operation of' the 9~unicipal Government~ as approved by the City ~ana~er, and providinE £or an emergency. WHE~'EAS, for the usual daily operation of the ~iunicipal Governmen%~an ~mer~ency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ity Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants covering ecessary and proper !-urchases and ex~.enses in excess of appropriations for the year [950, for operation of' the ~unicipal Government, as approved by the City ~.ianager. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this tesolution shall be in full force and effect from its passage. ~TTEST~ ~ C 1 erk APPROVED Pre sid ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY@~ ROAi~OKE, VIRGIi~iIA, The 3Otb day of October, 1950. ~o. 10823. A RESOLUTIOi'~ acceptin~ tne proposal of E. and E. J. Pfotzer, General Contract~ 5910 ~acArthur Boulevard, Washington 16, D. C., for the construction of the sewage treatment plant for the City of Roanoke, under Alternate "A", for ~1,558,260, subjecl to the City's option to subsequently accept or reject any or all of the nine alternates contained in the letter of October 25, 1950, from the contractors to the City ~ana~er; authorizin~ and directing the City ~(anager to execute the requisite contract; and providin~ for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~lessrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, 'John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Mattern, upon the request oi' the Council of the City o£ Roanoke, has tabolated bi~s heretofore received for the construction of the sewage treatment plant for the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of E. and E. J. Pfotze: General Contractors, 5910 MacArthur Boulevard, Washington 16, D. C., in t he sum of $1,558,260 is the lowest bid received for t~e construction of said project; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of E. an~ E. J. Pfotzer, 5910 MacArthur Boulevard, Washinfton 16, D. C., on the basis of the City's selecting Alternate "A", subject tothe City's option to su~:,sequently accept or rejeci any or ali. of the nine alternates contained in the letter of October 25, 1950, from the contractors to the City ~fanager, should be accepted and that a contract for the project should be so awarded to said company; and rs, WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of E. and E. J. Pfotzer, Ge~leral Contractos, 5910 MacArthur Boulevard, Washington 16, D. C., for the construction of the sewage treatment plant for the City of Roanoke, on the basis of the City's selecting Alternate "A", subject to ~he City's option to subsequently accept or reject any or all of t~e nine alternates contained in the letter of October 25, 1950, from said contractors to the City kanager, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid the~efor; and that a contract for said construction be forthwith executed in the sum of ~1,55~,260. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~'anager, be, and he is hereby, author~' and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for, reservin~ therein, however, the option unto t he City to subsequently accept or reject any or all of t~e nine alternates contained in the letter of October 2 5., 19~0, from said contractors tothe City Manager. Section 5. That, an emergency existing, t~is Resolution shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED ~ ~ ~ ~ - --P~resident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAi~OKE, VIRGI~'~IA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10824. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of ~. S. Hudgins, Joe Hudgins and Claude Pace, Contractors of Roanoke, Virginia, for the construction of interceptor lines, first section, Roanoke River and Tinker Creek line, for ~1370,500, subject to the City's option to subsequently accept or reject any or ali. of three modifications, herein mentioned; authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute the requisit contract; and providing for an emer.g, ency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of Messrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. ~(attern, upon the request of t~e Counci of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for the construction of interceptor lines, first section, Roanoke River and Tinker Creek line; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of M. S. Hudgins, Joe Hudgins and Claude Pace, Contractors of Roanoke, Virginia, in the sum of $370,500 is the lowest bid received for the construction oI' said interceptor lines; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of ~"~. S. Hudgins, Joe Hudgins and ClauUe Pace, Contractors of Roanoke, Virginia, subject to the City's option to subsequently accept or reject any or all of the fo!lowinf three modifica- tions, viz: For raising the sewer grade North of Norfolk Avenue two feet, using concrete instead of vitrified pipe, and relocating the line, at a saving of ~14,OO0; ,~ed '~'~ 400; For alternate manhole construction, at a saving of ~ , For s~vin~ in rock due to less cut, at a saving of ~9,000, should be accepted and that a contract £or the project should be so awarded to said cont~cboFs; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THE2EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of k. S. Hudgins, Joe Hudgins and Claude Pace, Contractors of Roanoke, Virginia, for the construction of interceptor lines, first section, Roanoke River and Tinker Creek li~.e, subject to the City's option to sub- sequently accept or' reject any or all of the following t?~ree modificati ns, viz: For raising the sewer zrade ~orth of i~orfolk Avenue two feet, using concrete instead of vitrified pipe, and relocating the line, at a savinz of ~t14,000; For alternate manhole construction, at a savin~ of ~8~4OO; For saving in roc~ due to less cut, at a saving of ~9,000, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid t~erefor; and that a contract for said construction be forthwith executed in the su~ of ~370,500. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens~ City ~ansger, be, and he is hereby, authorized an~ directed, for and on behalf of the City o£ Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. Section 3. That, an emeryency existing, this resoluti~n shall be in ef£ect from its ~9ssage. ATTEST~~ Clerk APPROVED Pre sim ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGi~qiA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10825. A RESOLUTIOn accepting' the prol:osal of Chicago Pump Company, 2'300 Wolfram St., Chicago 18, Ill., for supplyinK pumpin~ equipment (Items B and C) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virsinia, for ~18,970; authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute the required contract; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~essrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Ow~ns, Johr. L. ~entworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Yattern~ upon the resuest of the Council. of the City of Roanoke has tabulated bids heretofore received for supplying pumping equipment (Items B and C) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Chicago Pump Company, 2300 Wolfram St., Chicago 18., Ill.~ in the sum of' ~18,970 is the lop, est bid received for supplying said equipment; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of Chicago Pump Company, 2300 Wolfram St., Chicago 18~ Ill., should be accepted and that a contract therefor sho~ld b'e so awarded to said company; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Chicago Punip Company, 2300 ~olfram St., Chicago 18, Ill., for supplying pumping equipment (Items B and C) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for said equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of $18,970. Section2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby, authoriz and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. Clerk > AP PRO VED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~OKE, VIRGIi\'IA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10826. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of The Dorr Company, Inc., Barry Place, Stamford, Conn., for supplying grit basin, settling basin and digestion tank equip- ment, Items 2, 4 and 5, (Alternate A) for the sewa~'e treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, for $108,607; authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute the required contract; and providing for an emergency. ~HEREAS, a committee composed of t~lessrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Mattern, upon the request oi~ the Counci of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretoIbre received for supplying grit basin, settling basin and digestion tank equipment, Items 2, 4 and 5, (Alternate A) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that t~e bid of The Dorr Company, Inc., Barry Place, Stamford, Conn., in the sum of $108,607 is the lowest bid received for supplying said equipment; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of the Dorr Company, inc., Barry Place, Stamford, Conn., sho~..ld be accepted and that a contract therefor should be so awarded to said company; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency i declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of The Dorr Company, Inc., Barry Place, Stamford, Conn., for supplying grit basin, settling basin and digestion tank equipment, Items 2, 4, and 5, (Alternate A) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for said equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of $108,607. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby, ~d in Section 3. That, an emergency existinff, this resolution shall be in effect from its pa ssage. ATTEST: ~ ~ / Cle rk ' - ' k~ APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30thd ay of October, 1950. No. 10227. A RESOLUTIO~ accepting the proposal of The Jeffrey F'.anufacturing Co., Columbus 16, Ohio, for supplying primary tank equipment (Contract B) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, for .$13,900; authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute the required contract; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of Messrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry It. Yates, and G. L. ~4atter~ upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for supplying primary tank equipment (Contract B) for the sewage treatment plant at ~oanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of The Jeffrey Manufacturing Co., Columbus 16, Ohio, in the sum of ~13,900 is the lowest bid receiv for supplyin~ said equipment; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of The Jeffrey Manufacturin~ Co., Columbus 16, Ohio, should be accepted and that a contract therefo should be so awarded to said company; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as Ibllows: Section 1. That the bid of The Jeffrey Fianufacturing Co., Columbus 16, Ohio for supplyin.~ primary tank equipment (Contract B) for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; an that a contract for said equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of ~13,900. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby, authori and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be ine ffect from its passage. ATTE8 T: ./ Clerk A P PRO VED President d Ln IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI[~IA, The 30thday of October, 1950. No. 10828. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of ~orthington Pump and Machinery Corp., 1140 Woodward Building, ,Vashington, D. C., for supplying two (2) units of gas engine driven and one (1) unit of electric driven raw sewage pumping equipment, 12.O ~[.G.D. capa~ty each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, for ~39,313; authorizing and directing the City ~(anager to execute the required contract; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of' Messrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Mattern, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for supplying two(2) units of gas engine driven andyne (1) unit of electric driven raw sewage pumping equipment, 12.0 M.G.D. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp., 1140 Woodward Building, Washington, D. C., inthe sum of ~39,313 is the lowest bid received for supplying said equipment; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp., 1140 Woodward Building, Washington, D. C., should be accepted and that a contract therefor should be so awarded to said Company; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Worthington Pump and Machinery Corp., 1140 Woodward Building, Washington, D. C., for supplying two (2) units of gas engine driven and one (1) unit of electric driven raw sewage pumping equipment, 12.O M.G.D. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for said equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNC±L FOR THE CiTY OF ROAi~OEE, VIRGI~'~IA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10829. A RESOLUT~O _±.,N accepting the proposal of Climax Engine & Pump Mfg. Co., 208 South LaSalle St., Chicago 4, Ill., for supplying three (3) units of gas engine driven and one (1) unit electric driven air blowing equipment, 5~000 C.F..~,~. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, for ~88,653; authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute the required contract; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of Messrs. ,.. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. WentwOrth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Mattern, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for supplying three (3) units of gas engine driven and one (1) unit electric driven air blowing equipment, 5,000 C.F.M. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that t~e bid of Climax Engine & Pump Mfg. Co., 208 South LaSalle St., Chicago ~.~ Ill., in the sum of' ~o,653 is the lowest bid received for supplying said equipn~nt; and %~HEREAo, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of Climax Engine & Pump Mfg. Co., 20~ South LaSalle St., Chicago ~, ilL, should be accepted and that a contract therefor should be so awarded to said company; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Sectim 1. That the bid of Climax Enzine & Pump ~ifg. Co., 208 South LaSalle Street, Chica~o 4, Ill., for supplying three (3) units of gas engine driven and one (1) unit electric driven air blowin~ equipment, 5,000 C.F.M. capacity each, for th( sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; an~ that a contract for said equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of ~,653. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby, authori and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST Clerk APPROVED Pre side nt ed IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10830. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of Marlow Pumps, Ridgewood, N. J., for supplying three (3) units of electric driven raw sludge pumping equipment, 75 G.P.M. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, for $2,27?; authorizins and directing the City Manager to execute the required contract; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, a committee composed of ~[essrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Mattern, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for supplying three (3) units of electric driven raw sludge pumping equipment, 75 G.P.M. capacity each~ for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Marlow Pumps, Ridgewood, N. J., in the sum of ~2,277 is the lowest bid received forsupplying said equipment; a nd WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of Marlow Pumps~ Ridgewood, N. J., should be accepted and that a contract therefor should be so awarded to said company; and WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, as follows: Section 1. That the bid of' Marlow Pumps, Ridgewood,N. J., for supplying thre (3) units of electric driven raw sludge pumping equipment, 75 G.P.M. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby determined and declar to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for ssid equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of $2,277. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City Manager,be, and he is hereby, authoriz and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract here in provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATT~E~UT: ~ APPROVED Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 10831. A RESOLUTION acceptin? the proposal of Economy Pumps, Inc. (Division of Hamilton Thomas Corporation, Hamilton, Ohio), 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, Ill., for supplying three (3) units of electric driven return sludge pumping equipment, d ~d 4.0 M.G.D., 3.0 M.G.D. and 2.0 ~ .C.D. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia, for ~4,162; authorizin~ and directin~ the City .~'~anager to execute the required contract; and ?roviding for an emergency. ~TT T "~ r') r~ 0 ,~n=~r~o, a committee composed of Messrs. L. R. Howson, Arth~ S. Owens, John L. %~tentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. L. Mattern, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke, has tabulated bids heretofore received for supplying three (3) units of electric driven return sludge pumping equipment, &.O B[.G.D., 3.0 M.G.D. and 2.0 M.G.D. capacity each, for the sewaze treatment plant at Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Economy Pumps, Inc. (Division of Hamilton Thomas Corporation, Hamilton, Ohio), 105 W. Monroe St., Chicag 3, Ill~ in the sum of ~&,162 is the lowest bid received for supplyinff said equipment and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of Economy Pumps, Inc., (Division of Hamilton Thorn. s Corporation, Hamilton, Ohio), 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, Ill., should be accepted and that a contract therefor shouldbe so awarded to said company; and ~,'~EREAS, for the immediate preservatiort of the pu01ic health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Economy Pumps, Inc. (Division of Hamilton Thomas Corporation, Hamilton, Ohio), 105 W. ~ionroe St., Chicago 3, Ill., for supplying thre~ (3) units of electric driven return sludge pumping equipment, ~.0 ~i.G.D., 3.0 M.G.D and 2.0 M.G.D. capacity each, for the sewage treatment plant et Roanoke, Virginia, i: hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for said equipment be forthwith executed in the sum of ~ ~&,162. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contr.~ct herein provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing~ this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: Cle rk ~ APPROVE D Pre s id ent r~ V IRG II',.i IA IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY_. OF ROAN~.KE, , The 3Oth day of October, 1950. No. 10832. A RESOLUTIO~'~ authorizing and directing the City ~ianager to readvertise for Dids for the construction of Sections 2 and 3, Co~ltract D, of t~e seweraEe intercept ~ystem along Roanoke River after the enzineers employed by the City to design said project have made adjustments in the design thereof as will reduce the cost but not ldversely affect the project, the fi~st F, ublication thereof to be made on Friday, ~ovember 3, 1950, or as soon thereafter as is possible, and the bids therefor to be 3r 441 received in the office of the City Clerk, Room 114 of the kunicipal Building, Roanoke, Virginia, until two o'clock; P. k., R~onday, November 20, 1950, at which time tb.e same will be publicly opened and read before the Council for the City of Roanoke in the Council Chamber in said ~...unicipal Building; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public h~lth, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the City ~ana~er be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to readvertise for bids for the construction of Sections 2 and 3, Contract D, of the sewerage interceptor system alonff Roanoke River after the engineers employed by the City to design said project have made adjustments in the design thereof as will reduce the cost but will not adversely affect the project, the first publication thereof to be made on Friday, November 3, 1950, or as soon thereafter as is possible and the bids therefor to be received in the office of the City Clerk, Room 11~ of the Eunicipal Building, Roanoke, Virginia, until two o'clock, P. M., i~londay, Novembe 20, 1950, at which time the same will be publicly opened and read before the Council for the City of Roanoke in the Council Chamber in said M~unicipal Building. 2. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR Ti~E CITY OF ROAk~k~, ViRGIY'~IA, The 3Otb day of October, 1950. No. 10~33. A RESOLUTION ~rantinff pe~:ission to Safety Rotor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Railway and Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City of Roanoke throu~:h Dece~£oer 31, 1950, under the same terms and conditions as set out in an agreen.ent between the City of Roanoke of the first part, and Roanoke Railway and Electric Company, a corporation, and Safety ~.'otor Transit Corporation, of the second part, dated July 12, 1948, the execution of which was authorized by Ordi~mnce No. 10731, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on August 21, 1950, and providing for an emergency. .WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, an emergency eX~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that permiss be, and the same is hereb~, granted Safety ~'iotor Transit Corporation and Roanoke Rai and Electric Company, a corporation, to continue to operate buses within the City o~ under the same terms and conditions as set out i~ Roanoke through December 31, 1950, 1 an agreement between the City of Roanoke, of the first part, and Roanoke i~ailway an~l Electric Company, a corporation, and Safety Rotor Transit Corporation, of the second part, dated July 12, 19&8, the execution of which was authorized by Ordinance No. 10731, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on August 21, 1950. sts. ion ray BE IT FI~TTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force and effect as of midnight, October 31, 1950. A P PRO VED ATTEST: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROfd, JOKE, VIRGINIA. President The 30th day of October, 1950. No. 1083~. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 103, relatinz to Retail Peddlers and Venders, of Ordinance No. 9740, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on December 2~, 19~8, and entitled, "The License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke" and , ' providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 103, relatin? to Retail ~eddlers and Venders, of Ordinance ~o. 97~0, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on December 2~, 1948, and entitled "The License Tax Code of the City of Roanoke" be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: 103. PEDDLERS, VENDERS. (Retail) (a) For the ~:rivilege of peddling or bartering in the City of Roanoke there shall be paid ..................... ~250.00 for each person or persons so engaged or employed in the city, when he travels on foot. (b) For the privilege of peddling otherwise than on foot~ the tax shall be.~ except that every ~rson~ firm or corporation en~aged in the business of a retai! mobile merchant who shall display~ advertise and sell his merchandise from a motor vehicle on the streets and h.i~hw~ys of the City .of Roanoke~ shall pay a license fee oo for each vehicle, p~ys ~0 cents per ~100.OO of gross sales from each vehicle ~sed in that business an~ in addition shall mainta~.n a principal office and warehouse in the city, and provided, further, that the tax on peddlers of ice, milk, butter, eg~s poultry, cured ~eats, veFetables~ fruits, or other family supy. lies of a perishable nature not ~ro~ or produced by the~, shall be ............................ ~0.00, for each vehicle used in such peddlin~ in the city. c The tax on peddlers of ~i~htnin~ rods shall be .......... .~200.00 in the city. (d) Peddlers of coal or wood. (See Section i~o. 5~.) (e) On each ~rson, firm or corporation engaged in the business of peddling ice cream fro~ vehicles on the s treets~ the tax shall be ................... ~1~.00. for the first vehicle, and ................................................. ~10.O0 for each additional ve~icle; provided, however, that no person licensed under this section shall sell or offer for sale ice cream unless the same be packed as individ~ portions, inclosed in boxes or wrappers of tinfoil or other impervious paper so as t be completely protected from contamination. This license shall not confer the iO0.00, .1 privilege of selling on the market square. Any person violating the provision of this section shall be fined not less than $5.00 for each offense. Any person who shall carry from plsce to place, any goods, wares or merchand and offer to sell or barter the same, or actually sell or barter the same, shall be deemed to be a peddler and any person licensed as a peddler may sell any personal property a merchant may sell, or he may exchange the same for other articles. A peddler's license shall not be transferable, and any person so licensed shall have conspicuously displayed on any vehicle used in such business a metal tag furnished by the Commissioner of Revenue. Any peddler who shall peddle for sale or sell or barter without a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $50.00, nor more than 9500.00 for each offense; a nd any person selling or offering to sell as a peddler shall ~.xhibit his license on demand of any citizen of the city, and upon his failure or refusal to do so he shall be subject to the penalities for peddling without license. Ail persons who do not keep a regular place of business (whether it be a house or a vacant lot, or elsewhere), open at all times in regular business hours and at the same place, who shall offer for sale goods, wares and merchandise shall be deemed peddlers under this ordinance. Ail persons ~ho keep a regular place of business, open all times in regular business hours and at the same place, who shall elsewhere than at such regular place of business, personally or through their agents offer for sale or sell, and at the time of such offering for sale, deliver goods, ws and merchandise, shall also be deened peddlers as above,but this section shall not apply to those who sell or offer for sale in person or by their employees, ice, meat milk, butter, eggs, poultry, fish, oysters, game, ye getables, fruits, or other fami supplies of a perishable nature grown or produced by them and not purchased by them for sale. But a dairyman who uses upon the streets of the city one or more vehicle: may sell and deliver'from his vehicles, milk, butter, cream, and eggs in said city without procuring a peddler's license. Every vehicle used in peddlinff as aforesaid shall have conspicuously displayed thereon the name of the peddler using the same, together with the street and number of his residence. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require of any farmer a peddler's license for the privilege of selling or peddling farm products, wood or charcoal grown or produced by him, nor shall the section apply to peddlers of farm products who do not offer their ~.roduce for sale or sell on the markets of the city or the streets designated for market purposes, and who pay the license tax prescribe under (b) of this section. Peddlers of produce, goods, wares and merchandise who use motor vehicles upon the streets of the city for the purpose of peddling such produce, Moods, wares and merchandise, shall pay for each such motor vehicle a.license tax as required by the ordinance imposing license taxes on motor vehicles, whichw ill be in addition to the peddler's license tax required by this section. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ise, 'es ~y I[~ THE COUI~CiL FOH THE CITY OF ROAi~CKL, T ) ~ VIRGI[~IA, The 3Otb day of October, 1950. No. 10~35. A RESOLUTIOi~ authorizing and directing the City ~iana.~er, acting under authority of Section 79 of Chapter 34, "Traffic", of the Code of the City of Roanoke to establish a three hour parking limit on both sides of Gainsboro Road, N. W., between Gilmer Avenue and Patton Avenue, from 9:00 o'clock, a. m.,to 6:00 o'clock, p. m., except on Sundays, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke has been requested to have established a three hour parking limit on both sides of Gainsboro Road~ ~. W., between Gilmer Avenue and Patton Avenue~ between the hours of 9:00 o'clock, a. m., and 5:00 o'clock, p. m., except on Sundays, and ~'~HEREAo~ o, the Superintendent of Police has recommended that the three hour parking limit be established between the hours of 9:00 o'clock, a. m., and 6:00 o'clock, p. m., in which recommendation Council concurs, and exist. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City R'~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, acting under authority of Secti,~.n 79 of Chapter 34, "Traffic", of the Code of the City of Roanoke, to establish a three hour parking limit on both sides of Gainsboro Road, l~. ,~., between Oilmer Avenue and Patton Avenue,. between the hoursof BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this resolution shall be in force from its pa ssa6e. President ATTEST: .j/,. C].erk APPROVED IN THE COUI~CiL FOR THE CITY OF The ~©th day of October, 1950. No. 10836. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Clerk to lend the Departmenl of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia all original deeds on file in his office conveying unto the City real estate acquired and used in connection with the widenin and relocation of U. S. Route 460 within the City along Orange Avenue, between its intersection with Williamson Road and its intersection with Eleventh Street, Northwe 'WHEREAS, the Department of Highways of the Commonwealt~ oI Virginia has requested that the City of Roanoke lend it all oriMinal deeds on file in the City Clerk's office by which the City acquired real estate used in connection with the wideninz and relocation of U S Route 460 within the .... · ~y along Orange Avenue, betw~ its intersection with ~illiamson Road and its intersection with Eleventh Street, Northwest, to assist said Department in making accurate maps there of in order that it may receive its proper share of the costs of said project from the Federal 3overnment; and ~n 446 WHEREAS, said Departn~nt has assured the safe return of all such deeds, after they have served its purposes; and ~{EREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit~ Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to lend the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia all original deeds on file in his office conveyinz~ unto the City real estate acquired and used in connection with the widenin and relocation of U. S. Route 460 within the City along Orange Avenue, between its intersectim with Williamson Road and its intersection with Eleventh Street, Northw~ to assist said Department in making accurate maps thereof in order that it may recei its proper share of the costs of said Project from the Federal Government APPR0 VED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 10818. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the north side of Chapman Avenue, S. TM~,. ,~ between Nineteenth Street and Twentieth Street, described as Lot 13, Block 35, ~.~est End and River View, Official No 1313512, by the City of Roanoke to Business Realty Corporation, at a consideration of $$10.00 net cash to the city, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. ~E IT 0RDAIh~D by the Comucil of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to Business Realty Corporation of property located on the north side of Chapman Avenue, S. W., between Nineteenth Street and Twentieth Street, described as Lot 13, Block 35, West End and River View, Official No. 1313512, at a consideration of $~10.00 net cash to the city. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereb~ 2horized, directed and empowered' for and on behalf of the city, to execute and de- liver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with Special Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomso- eve~ it may direct in writing, delivery, thereof, however, not to be made until sai~ net cash consideration has been paid in full. APPROVED President t, aU- IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIROINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 10519. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the north side of Hanover Avenue, N. ~!., between Fourteenth Street and Fifteenth Street, described as the eastern one-half of Lot ~, Section 3, E~reka Land Company, Official No. 2220~19, by the City of Roanoke to ffohn D. West, gr., and Thelma E. West, at a consideration of ~200.00 net cash to the city, and authorizing the execution and delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. BE IT 0RDAi~TED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to John D. West, Jr., and Thelma E. V~est of property located on the north side of ~qanover Avenue, N. ~f., between Fourteenth Street and Fifteenth Street, de- scrived as the eastern one-half of Lot ~, Section 3, Eureka Land Company, Official No. 2220~19, at a consideration of ~j200.00 net cash to the city. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper city officer be, and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the city, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with Special Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchasers, or to whomso- ever they may direct in writing, delivery thereof, hov~er, not to be made ~ntil said net cash consideration has been paid in fmll. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 10837. AN ORDINANCE to repeal as of midnight, December 31, 1950, an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of Oecember 19~8, No. 9745, entitled, "An Ordinance to ratify, continue and impose certain charges heretofore imposed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on all owners of real property which may at any time after the passage of this ordinance be brought within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke, as a esult of annexation or otherwise, and which real property may have been connected 'ith any Sanitary District sewer system in said County since February l, 1938, and imposing like charges on all owners of real property which may hereafter be con- ~ected with any sewer system within said former Sanitary Districts; providing when ]nd where said charges are to be paid, premiums and penalties with regard to the ~ayment thereof; and providing for an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 19~8, No. 97~5, entitled, "An Ordinance to ratify, continue and impose certain charges heretofore imposed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on all owners of real property which may at any time after the passage of this ordinance be brought within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke, as a result of annexation or otherwise, and which real property may have been connected with any Sanitary District sewer system in said County since February l, 1938, and imposing like charges on all owners of real property which may here- after be connected with any sewer system within said former Sanitary Districts; prov ing when and where said charges are to be paid, premiums and penalties with regard to the payment thereof; and providing for an emergency", be, repealed as of midnight, December 31, 1950. APPROVED Clerk and the same is hereby President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 19~0. No. 10838. A RESOLUTION to repeal a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10396, entitled, "A Resolution setting forth the policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke with regard to wages and salaries of City employees", and providing for an emergency. ~qiEREAS, for the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10396, entitled, "A Resolution setting forth the policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke with regard to wages and salaries of City employees", be, and the same is hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. Clerk APPROVED President IN ~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 10839. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing that V. E. Sower, Patrolman in the Police Department, who is unable to perform his regular duties account of personal injury received in line of duty, be paid his regular salary for an additional period not to exceed thirty days from November 12, 1950. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 4748, adopted on the 28th day of February, 1936, provides that employees of the Police and Fire Departments, absent from duty account of personal injuries received in line of duty, be paid their regular salaries for period not exceeding sixty days, the said paymentsto be in lieu of any other compens~ tion paid by the City, provided; however, the Council of the City of Roanoke may consider paying employees injured in line of duty for additional time absent from their regular duty, but in no event will payment be made until authorized by Council THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that V. E. Sower, Patrolman in the Police Department, who is unable to perform his regular duties account of personal injury received in line of duty, be paid his regular salary for an additional period not to exceed thirty days from November 12, 1950. APPROVED Clerk ~'Pr esident IN THE COUTJCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 10840. A RESOLUTION to amend a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 3rd day of April, 1950, No. 10483, entitled, "A Resolution authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke", by deleting therefrom the provision for eight street lights in the Lincoln Court section. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution ~dopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 3rd day of April, 19~ .~o. 10483, entitled, "A Resolution authorizing the installation of street lights on ertain streets in the City of Roanoke", be, and the same is hereby amended by .eleting therefrom the provision for the following street lights in the Lincoln ~ourt section: One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Carver Avenue and Burrell Street, N. One 250 C. P. street light on Burreil Street, N. W., at the Washington Park gate. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Dupree Street and Whitten Avenue, N. 450 One ~50 C. P. street light at the corner of Dupree Street and Paul Avenue, N. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Downing Street and Whitten Avenue, N. Vm.~. One 250 C. P. street light at the corner of Downing Street and Paul Avenue. One 250 C. P. Street light at the corner of Dunbar Street and Whitten Avenue, N.W. One 250 C. P. street light at south dead end of Dunbar Street, N. W., near house No. 1615. APPROVED Pr es ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 108~+1. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to have removed the stone post encroaching on Floraland Drive, N. W., at Williamson Road, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to have removed the stone post encroaching on Floraland Drive, N. W., at Williamson Road. BE IT ~iJRTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. 108&2. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to appoint viewers at a fee not to exceed $50.00 each for the purpose of appraising property located at the northeast corner of Aspen Street and l~lor&da Avenue, N. W., described as the westerly portion of Lot 17, Villa Heights Extension Map, standing in the names of William W. Swanson and Isabelle W. Swanson, the said land to be used for the purpose of widening Aspen Street, N. W., and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint viewers at a fee not to exceed $50.00 each for the purpose of appraising property located at the northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. ~., described as the westerly portion of Lot 17, Villa Heights Extension ~,~ap, standing in the names of William W. Swanson and Irabelle W. Swanson, the said land to be used for the purpose of widening Aspen Street, N. V~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in full force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. A RESOLUTION offering for sale on the 29th day of November, 1950, bonds amomuting to $~,050,000.00 to provide funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and th~ construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, authorized at an election held on the 9th day of August, 1949; and providing for an emergency. VfHER~, the qualified voters of the City of Roanoke, on the 9th day of August, 1949, approved an ordinance (No. 10052) for the issuance of $4,050,000.00 of bonds of the City of Roanoke for the purpose of providing funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers; and V,~tEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that the bonds amounting to $4,050,000.00 for the purpose of providing funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the constraction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, a~thorized at an election held on the 9th day of August, 1949 be, and the same are to be, offered for sale on the 29th day of November, 1950, at twelve o'clock, Noon, 45! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to advertise said sale of bonds in such publications as to him shall seem best and for such length of time as he shall deem necessary, reserving the right to the City to reject any and all bids. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED Pr e s ident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of November, 1950. No. A RESOLUTION to authorize the execution and delivery of a contract, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to the purchaser or purchasers of city bonds aggregating $4,050,000.00 issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, whereby the City agrees to segregate and keep segrega ed all revenue derived from the City's operation and ownership of the sewage treat- ment system and to fix and maintain rates to be charged for sewage treatment at a level that will produce sufficient revenue to prevent the bonds from being included in determining the limitation of the power of the Gity to incur indebtedness; and providing for an emergency. V~!~qEAS, the certain prospective purchasers of the bonds of the City of Roanoke aggregating ~4,050,000.00, and authorized to be issued and sold for the purpose of providing funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, tO-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, will require in the event of such purchase by any or all of them a contract such as is authoriz- ed by Section 15-600 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Council deems it to be to the best interest of the City to enter into such contract with the purchaser or purchasers of said bonds; and V~IEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a con- tract be entered into between the City and the purchaser or purchasers of said bonds, which said contract shall be substantially as follows: THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this __day of , 1950, by and between the CITY OF ROANOKE, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Virginia, party of the first part (hereinafter Called "City"), and , party of the second part (hereinafter called "Purchase~").. W-I-T-N-E-S-S-E-T-H and issued for the purpose of providing funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, offered as an inducement to prospective purchasers of said bonds to con- tract with and guarantee to the purchaser thereof that all revenue derived from the City's operation and ownership of said property would be segregated and kept segrega ted from other City funds, and that the rates to be charged for sewage treatment would be fixed and maintained at a level that will produce sufficient revenue under the requirements of Clause (bt of Section 127 of the Constitution of Virginia to prevent said bonds from being included in determining the limitation of the power of the City to incur indebtedness; and ~-~ERF~S, said ?urchaser submitted a bid for said bonds relying upon the offer of said City to enter into said contract, which was one of the inducing causes for making said bid; and ~EREAS, Section 15-600 of the Code of Virginia empowers the City to so contract, and the Council of said City, by a resolution adopted on the 6th day of November, 1950, duly authorized the execution and delivery of this contract upon the consummation of the sale of said bonds. NOW, ~iEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable considerations, the said City doth covenant, agree and guarantee, with and to said ~rchaser, its s,~ccessors or assigns, that while any or all of the indebtedness evidenced by the City's said bonds dated December 15, 1950, aggregating $~,050,000.¢ designated Series "ST", authorized by Ordinance No. 10052, passed by the oouncil of said City on the 27th day of gune, 19~9, remains unpaid, said City will segregate and keep segregated from other City funds all revenue derived from the City's opera- tion and ownership of the sewage treatment system, and that the rates to be charged for sewage treat~ent by said City will be fixed and ~aintained at a level that will produce sufficient revenue under the requirements of Clause (b) of Section 127 of the Constitution of Virginia to prevent s~id bonds from being included in determin- ing the li~uitation of the Dower of the ~ity to incur indebtedness, and s~id revenue will be applied to the extent necessary to meet the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become d~e. Said Purchaser hereby accepts this contract as an additional guarantee of said City's obligation to said purchaser as the holder of said bonds, but with the unqualified understanding and agreement that said Purchaser shall have and retain any and all other rights, privileges and remedies afforded by law to a purchaser of said bonds in the absence of a contract identical herewith. WITNESS the name of the party of the first p~rt by Roy L. Webber, its ~ayor, and its corporate seal duly affixed and attested by M. ~. Moorman, its Clerk. and the name of the said party of the second part by duly authorized agent. Attest: ~ OF ROAN0~ By Agent , its BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to execute, in duplicate, said contract and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers of said bonds, immediately upon the payment of the purchase price therefor, one copy of said contract, the other copy with the pur- chaser's acceptance duly evidenced to be retained by the City for its files. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of November, 1950. No. 108~+5. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of whom may act, as viewers in connection with the petition of H. C. Neren, C. S. Reid, M. A. Smythe, Trustees of Christ Episcopal Church of Roanoke, Virginia, to vacate, discontinue and close for a distance of 65 feet from Washington Avenue, S. W an alley running south from VJashington Avenue, S. W., and beginning on the south side of said Washington Avenue 233 feet from the southwest corner of Franklin Road and Washington Avenue and lying between the property of the Christ Episcopal Church of Roanoke, Virginia, designated as the north 65 feet of Lot 15, Section 22, ~ap of Lewis Addition and Lot 7, Section 22, Nap of the Lewis Addition. WHEREAS, it appearing to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, upon the petition of H. C. Neren, C. S. Reid and ~. A. Smythe, Trustees of the Christ Episcopal Church of Roanoke, Virginia, that said petitioners did duly and legally publish as required by Section 15-776 and Sections 33-156 to 33-158 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, a notice of their application to the Council of the City of Roanoke, virginia, to close that portion of the hereinabove described alley, the publication of which was had by posting a copy of said notice at the fron door of the Court House of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, (Campbell Avenue entrance), the market square (Salem Avenue entrance of the market house) and ~311 Randolph Street, or Second Street, S. E., and at two other places in said City in the neighborhood of the property described in said petition as provided by the aforesaid sections of the Code of Virginia,~ as amended, all of which is verified by an affidavit appended to the petition addressed to the Council re- questing that the portion of the alley hereinabove described be permanently vacated, discontinued and closed; and V~!EREAS, it appearing to the Council that more than five days have elapsed since the publication of said proper legal notices and the Council having considered said petition of the said applicants to permanently vacate, discontinue and close that portion of said alley hereinabove described in consideration of the applicants agreeing to convey to the City of Roanoke for alley purposes a strip of land 15 feet in width along the west side of I.ot 7, Section 22, Lewis Addition, a strip of land 5 feet in width along the south line of said Lot 7, Section 22, Lewis Addition and abhtting the alley running east and west through Section 22, Lewis Addition and a 15 foot radius at the widened intersection of the last mentioned alley with the alley hereinabove proposed to be granted and also a 15 foot radius with the widened intersection of said east and west alley with the north and south side as now laid out in Section 22 ca the ~,~ap of the Lewis Addition; and WHEREAS, the petitioners have requested that five viewers, any three of whom may act, be appointed to view the hereinabove described alley herein sought to be permanently vacated, discontinued and closed and report in writing as re- quired by Sections 33-156 to 33-158 and 15-766 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Comncil of the City of Roanoke: That ~,~essrs. R. I.. Rush, C. ~7. Francis, ~r., J. A. Turner, R. V. Fowlkes and D. M. Etheridge, Sr., any three of whom may act, be, and they are hereby ap- pointed as viewers to view the aforesaid alley and report in writing pursuant to the provisions of Sections 33-156 to 33-158 and 15-766 of the Code of ¥irginia of 1950, as amended, whether or not in their opinion any and if any, what inconvenience woul~ result from formally vacating, discontinuing and closing that portion of the afore- said alley. APPROVED ATTEST:. Clerk President IN ~E COIR~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of November, 1950. I,~o. 108~6. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City ~anager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute a Supplement Agreement with the United States of ~merica, dated November 1, 1950, modifying certain provisions of a lease dated ~ay 2~, 19~3, by and between the City of Roanoke and the United States of America, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 7576, adopted~by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 10th day of .~ay, 19~3, the City of Roanoke has heretofore leased to the United States of America a certain 0.08 acre plot of groand at the Roanoke ~unicipal Airport, in Roanoke County, Virginia, for a term of years therein specified, which lease is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, ~irginia, in Deed Book 306, page 2~, and ~V{EREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 10705, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 7th day of August, 1950, by [. Supplemental Agreement dated August 22, 1950, to the above lease bearing Government Contract Symbol No. Cica-2315, the legal description muder Article 2 of said lease was amended to provide an area consisting of an 0.02 acre plot of gromud to which the Government -owned control tower structure erected on the aforesaid 0.08 area plot of ground' would be relocated by the lessor without cost to the Government, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary that the relocation be made to a location other than that specified in the Supplemental Agreement dated August 22, 1950, and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Engineering Department of the City of Roanoke, an emergency is hereby declared to exist. THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager, for and on behalf of the City, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to execute a Supplemental Agreement between the City of Roanoke and the United States of America, dated November l, 1950, modifying that certain provision of a certain lease heretofore made by and between the said City and the United States of America, dated ~ay 24, 19~3, so that the description of the'land set forth under Article 2 of said lease be amended to read as follows: BEGIT~ING at a point the followSng two courses and distances from the center line station 18~75.38 of the north-south runway, N.-66° l~' - E 765.16 feet to an iron pipe, said iron pipe being the radius point of the new administration building; thence N-12° 36.16 feet to the actual beginning point; thence leaving the said beginning point, N-82° 59' - E 42.0 feet to a point, said point being N-82° 59' -E ll.8 feet from the side porch of the present old Can~naday h.o. use thence S-7° 01'-E 21.0 feet to a point, said point being N-82o 59'-E 8..0' from the said side porch of the said old Cannaday house; thence S-82o 59'-W 42.0 feet to a point; thence N-7o 01' W. 21.0 feet to the place of Beginning and containing 882.0 sq. ft. All bearings refer to the true north meridian. The foregoing premises are located at the Roanoke ~,~unicipal Airport (Woodrum Field), Big Lick ~{agisterial District, Roanoke County, ¥'irginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in force and effect from its passage. APPROVED Clerk / President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of November, 1950. No. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of street lights on certain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following street lights: GROUP XXV1 One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Melrose Avenue and Forest Park Boulevard, N. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Melrose Avenue and Palm Street, N. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at ~elrose Avenue and 29th Street, N. W. One 6000 lumen incansescent overhead street light at Nelrose Avenue and 30th Street, N. W. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at ~elrose Avenue and 01d Country Club Road, N.Y.~. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at ~elrose Avenue and 37th Street, M. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Melrose Avenue and 38th Street, N. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at ~elrose Avenue and Fentress Street, N.V!. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Nelrose Avenue and Adams Street, N. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Melrose Avenue and West Side Boulevard, N.W. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Melrose Avenue and Van Buren Street, N. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at ~elrose Avenue and Nonroe Street, N. One 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street light at ~ielrose Avenue and Comer Street, N. Two 6000 lumen incandescent overhead street lights at Melrose Avenue and Peters Creek, N. W. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. ATTEST:~~~Cy~~~ Clerk APPROVED 1~ TT_4E C0~JNC~.. FOR THE CITY_ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of November, 1950. No. 108~9. AN 0RDI~ANCE to amend and reenact Section ~53, "Air Pollution Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19i9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Co~ncil of the City of Roanoke that Section #53, "Air Pollution Control", of an Ordinance adopted by the Co~ucil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10~29, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and tho same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: AIR POLLUTIOM CONTROL #53 Stationery and Office Supplies .................. $397.5~ Supplies ............ ............ ..302./+6 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist snd this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~/ / l%T THE CouNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, President The 13th day of November, 1950. No. 1O85O. A RESOLUTION providing for a banking institution in the City of New York as a place of payment for bonds and coupons mentioned and provided for in an Ordinance, No. 10052, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE to provide for the issue of bonds of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in a sum not to exceed Four ~.~Iillion, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($&,050,000.00) to defray the costs of permanent public improve- ments, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a se¥~age treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers', passed by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day of June, 19&9, and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters of said City voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the 9th day of August, 19&9, and for a proposal by the City of Roanoke to prospective purchasers of said bonds that the bonds and coupons will be paid at such banking institution in the City of New York, the proposal to be and constitute a part of the purchase agreemen ; and providing for an emergency. VfHEREAS, an ordinance, No. 10052, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE to provide for the issue of bonds of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in a sum not to exceed Four ~illion, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($4,050,000.00) to defray the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting in- terceptor sewers", passed by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day of June, 19~9, and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters of said City voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the 9th day of August, 19&9, provides, in part, that the City Council may, in its discre- tion, by resolution, provide a place, in addition to the office of the City Treasurer, for payment of said bonds and coupons; and VfHEREAS, in order to attract more favorable bids from prospective purchaser~ of the bonds, mentioned and described in the ordinance, than would be possible un- less the bonds and coupons be made payable in the City of New York, it is deemed expedient to assure bidders therefor that the bonds and interest coupons attached thereto will be payable not only at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Roanoke, but also at a banking institution in the City of New York; and VfHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. _~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows; Section 1. That all bonds and interest coupons mentioned and provided for in an Ordinance, No. 10052, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE to provide for the issue of bonds of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in a sum not to exceed Four 5~illion, Fifty Thousand Dollars ($&,050,000.00) to defray the costs of permanent public improvemen~ to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers", passed by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day of June, 19&9, and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters of said Oity voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the 9th day of August, 19&9, be made payable at the office of the City Treasurer of said City, or, at the holder's optio~ at the Y..anufacturers Trust Company, 55 Broad Street, New York City, New York. Section 2. That in the offer or offers for sale of the bonds by the City of Roanoke, such offer or offers shall include a proposal to prospective purchasers that the bonds and coupons attached will be made payable as provided in Section 1 hereof, which proposal shall be, and constitute, a part of the parchase agreement between the City of Roanoke and the purchaser or purchasers of the bonds when sold. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: APPROVED ? President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi'~IA, The 13th day of November, 1950. No. 10851. AN ORDI£~k~CE to amend and reordain Section 182 of the 'Building Code adopted August 26, 1922, and subsequently amended by Ordina~ce 3956 adopted February 19, 193 and providin~ for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency exists. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that Sectio 182 of the Buildiag Code adopted August 26, 1922, and subsequently amended by Ordina 3956 adopted February 19, 19~2, is hereby amended and reordained toread as follows: Section 1~2 GARAGES No building shall be constructed, or altered or remodeled for use as a garage nor shall any garage be attached to or form a part of a building of other occupancy except as provided in this Section. Except for garages being lawfully use or constructed at the time this amendment is passed, no building or part of a buildi shall be used as a garage unless it conforms to t he requirements oi' this Section. 1. Private Garages not exceeding 600 square feet in area. (a.) A garage not exceeding 600 square feet in area may be attached to or form a part of a residence building or a business building if separated from other occupancies by walls, partitions and ceilings ce g 460 (b.) Materials and construction provided for this purr~ose shall be at least equivalent in fire resistance and gas tightness to one-inch tongue and groove wooden boards, on garage side of supporting stu¢ free of knot holes, with gypsum wall boards not less than 3/8-inc~ in thickness nailed through the wooden boards into the studs and rafters, using2-inch nails, and with 4-inch strips of gypsum wall board similarly nailed over all butting joints of the gypsum wall board and with gypsum plaster filling at intersection of walls ant of walls with ceilings and floors. I¥~etal lath and gypsum plaster or gypsum lath and plaster will be acceptable. (c.) Openings from the building into garage shall be restricted to a single doorway; such opening shall be provided with a metal, metal covered or solid wooden door of not less than 1-3/4 inches nominal thickness equipped with an approved self-closing device. (d.) Floors shall be without pits or depressions. 2. Garages not exceeding 3,000 square feet in area. A garage not exceeding 3,000 square feet in area may be attached to or form a part of any building provided separation from other occupancies shall be by walls and floor and ceiling constructions of at least one hour fire resistance, and with all connecting openings provided with self-closing fire doors. Floors shall be without pits or depressions. 3. Garages exceeding 3,000 square feet in area. (a.) A garage exceeding 3,000 square feet in area ~ay be located within or attached to a building occupied for any other purpose provided it is separated from such other occupancy by masonry walls having a fire resistance rating of not less than 3 hours and by floors and ceilings of fireproof construction or semifireproo f construction. {b.) Walls, floors and ceilings which effect such separation shall be continuous and unpierced by openings of any kind; provided that door openings equipped with self-closing fire doors leading to salesrooms or offices that are operated in connection with such garages shall not be prohibited; and provided also that the use of elevators and stairways to other stories accessible only by vestiaul or balconies, constructed and arranged as required for fire towers, shall be permitt 4. Truck loading or unloading area. A truck loading or unloading area within a building occupied as a store sha1 be separated from other parts of the building by construction having a fire resistan rating of not less than one hour, and any load bearing part of the building within theloading area shall also have a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. 5. Ramps. Ramps connecting floors of garages, which a renot considered as required exit ways, need not be enclosed in sprinklered garages, nor in open air parking garages conforming to subsection 6 of this section. 6.Open air parking garages. Open air parking garages shall be of fireproof construction or of semifire- proof construction and shall have not less than 50 per cent of two sides of the garage open to the air at each story above the lowest story. ;e 7. Coastruction. (a.) Public Garages shall have walls of approved masonry or non-combust construction and the area of any garage building shall not exceed the area permitted by Section 1~.~ as amended by Ordinance 6772. (b.) Garage floors shall be of concrete or other approved non-absorbent eon-combustible material, except that earth may serve as the floor of a garage not ~sed for the repair of motor vehicles. Garage floors of other than earth constructio ~hich drain to sewers or storm drains shall be provided with an oil separator or trap Where floor areas are extensive~ a series of such drains shall be provided. The ontents of oil separators or traps shall be collected at frequent i~tervals and ~emo~ed from the premises. (c.) The first floor construction of public garages with basements shall e constructed of not less than two (2) hour fire resistance and shall be water and apor proof. The access to such base~ents shall be from the outside only. ~. Veatilation. Ail public garages shsll be provided with mechanical or natural ventilation ~dequate to prevent the accumulation of explosive vapors as follows:~ (a.) Every room or space above ~rade saall be provided with openings to ,he outer air, ha¥in~ an area of opening not less than two (2) per cent of the floor ~rea; or shall, be equipped with the equivalent mechanical ventilation. (b.) Basement and sub-basement ~arages shall be continuously ventilated ~y a mech~nicsl ventilatin~ system with positive means for both the inlet and exhaus~ ~f at least 1 cubic foot of air per minute per square foot of floor area. Control of ,~ither the exhaust or inlet faa shall be close to the entrance door. The ventilating quipment may be combined with the heating system. (c.) ~o pits shall be installed in floors below tee first; and pits n first and upper stories shall be ventilated to insure four (~) air £hanges per hou he re in. 9. Heating. (a.) In garages exceedin~ 60Osquare feet in area, direct fired heating ~ppliances , other than unit heaters located at least ~ feet above the floor, shall b~ .ocated in a room used for no other purpose and cut off from the garage by non- '~ombustible construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than three ~ours. Openings in the above mentioned cut-offs shall be restricted to those ~ecessary for heating pipes and ducts. (b.) Where gasoline dispensing equipment is located within a travel istance of 25 feet from the entrance to the heater room, the floor of the heater roo hall not be below the grade level. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in ull force and effect from its passage. TTEST: Clerk APPROVED President ble IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGii~iA, The 13th d ay of l~ovember, 1950. No. 10852. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of a committee to make a study of the tax structure of the City of Roanoke, Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to aypoint a committee to be composed of one representative each from the following categoricalgroups; Chamber of Com:~erce, Roanoke Merchants Association, Roanoke Real Estate Board, Associated General Contractors, Organized Labor, ~'ianufactures, Home Owners, Professionals (Law and ~aedicine), Wholesalers, Insurance (Life, Casualty and Fire), Banks, Automobile Dealers and Public Utilities, upon recomx, endation by each categor~ group as to its representative, the said committee to be appointed for t~e purpose of making a study of the tax structure of the City of' Roanoke, Virginia. 2. That if in the opinion of the committee expert assistance is required in said study~ such recommendation will be made to this Council. 3. That such public hearings will be held by the committee in its study as the committee deems necessary. APPROVED Pres ident IN ~HE COL~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of November, 1950. No. 108&7. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Nanager, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to execute a contract dated September l, 1950, between the City of Roanoke and Associated Aviation Underwriters granting unto Associated Aviation Underwriters the exclusive right, privilege and concession for installing, operating and maintaining Airline Trip Insurance dispensing machines in such numbers and at such locations on the Roanoke Nunicipal Airport premises as may be mutually agreeable, under terms and conditions contained in said contract. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Nanager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of 'the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to execute a contract dated Septenber l, 1950, between the City of Roanoke and Associated Aviation Underwriters granting unto Associated Aviation Underwriters the exclusive right, privilege and concession for installing, operatin and maintaining Airline Trip Insnrance dispensing machines in such numbers and at such locations on the Roanoke ~unicipal Airport premises as may be mutually ag~eea- ble, under terms and conditions contained in said contract. cal IN Tt~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOk~, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of November, 1950. No. 10853. A RESOLUTION referring bids for the construction of Sections 2 and 3, Contract D, of the sewage interceptor system along Roanoke River to a committee com- posed of l~r. L. R. Howson, Consulting Engineer, ~r. G. L. l~attern, Consulting Enginet l~r. Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, Mr. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, :and Mr. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, for tabulation and report as to the lowest bid. or bids, at a special meeting of Council on Wednesday, Nove~ber 29, 1950, and prOvid ing for an emergency. V~HEREAS, pursuant to advertisement for bids for the construction of Sections 2 and 3, Contract D, of the sewage interceptor system along Roanoke River, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications prepared by Alvord, Burdick and Howson, Engineers, Chicago, Illinois, and ~.,~attern and ~.,%attern, Engineers, Roanoke, Virginia, and revised as of Mcr'ember l, 1950, bids on either or both sections have been filed by the following bidders: Ralph E. ~gills Company, Inc. ) Blythe Brothers Company, Inc. ) A. H. Ouion & Company The Leo Butler Company Central Contracting Company M. S. Hudgins, Joe Hudgins and Claude Pace, Jr. Wiley N. Jackson Company, Inc.) Neale Construction Compa~y, Inc.) Boyle Construction Company Salem, Virginia Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. College Park, Md. Louisville, Ky. Roanoke, Virginia R. F. D. 4, Roanoke, Virginia Sumter, S. C. and said bids have been duly received, opened and publicly read, and ~iEREAS, for the preservation of public health, an emergency is declared to exist. ~tEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV~ED by tho Council of the City of Roanoke that the bids for the construction of Sections 2 and ~, Contract D, of the sewage interceptor system along Roanoke River, be, and they are hereby referred to a committee composed of ?.r.L.R. Howson, Consulting Engineer, ~,~r. G. L. ~attern, Consulting Engineer, }~r. Arthur S. Owens, City I~anager, ~.~. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public ~.~orks, and I,~. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, for tabulation and report as to the lowest bid, or bids, at a special meeting of Council on Wednesday, November 29, 1950. BE IT FURT~R RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist, and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED President IN ~ COLR~CIL FOR TttE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, Th~$ 20th day of November, 1950. No. 10855. A RESOLUTION approviding an application of the Roanoke City School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of ~77,977.84 for an Addition to the present Virginia Heights Public School in the City of t~oanoke, advising the State Board of Education of Virginia that this Council has provided sufficient funds through cash appropriations to corGplete said project; granting permission to the Roanoke City School Board to use the same to complete the project for the purpose designated in the application; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to intei~ested parties; and providing for an emergenc y. WHERF~S, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an energency is declared to exist. TH~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the application of the Roanoke City School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of $77,977.84 for an Addition to the present Vi~'ginia Heights Public School in the City' of Roanoke be, and the sam~ is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Board of Education of Virginia be, and the same is hereby advised that this Council has provided sufficient funds, through cash appropriations, to complete said project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that permission be, and the same is hereby, granted to the Roanoke City School Board to use said funds~to complete the project for the purpose designated in the application. BE IT I~JRTHER R~0LVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to interested parties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATEEST: q~/ APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of November, 1950. No. 10856. A RESOLUTION approving an a~oplication of the Roanoke City School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of $245,498.49 for the construction of the new Huff Lane Public School in the City of Roanoke, advising the State Board of Educa- tion of Virginia that this Council has provided sufficient funds through cash ap- propriations to complete said project; granting permission to the Roanoke City School Board to use the same to complete the project for the purpose designated in the application; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to interested parties; and providing for an emergency. ~HEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the application of the Roanoke Citer School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the p~rpose of securing State School Construction Funds in the amount of $245,498.49 for the construction of the new Huff Lane Public School in the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Board of Education of Virginia be, and the same is hereby-, advised that this Council has provided sufficient funds, through cash appropriations, to complete said project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that permission be, and the same is hereby granted to the Roanoke City School Board to use said funds to complete the project for the purpose designated in the application. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to forthwith transmit certified copies of this resolution to interested parties. BE IT FUR_~IqER RESOLVED that, an emergency' e~isting, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ / _ ~ Pr esident -mN T~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of November, 1950. No. 10858. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City of Roanoke to become a part of a Civil Defense Regional 'Council, consisting of Roanoke County, Botetourt County, the Town of Salem, the Town of Vinton end the City of Roanoke, and authorizing the Civil Defense organization of Roanoke, and its officials, to cooperate with the aforemen~ tioned in all manner for the public safety, health and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the City of Roanoke to become a part of a Civil Defense Region Council, consisting of Roanoke County, Botetourt County, the Town of Salem, the Towr. of Vinton and the City of Roanoke, and the Civil Defense organization of Roanol~e, .1 its officials, are hereby authorized to coopez, ate with the aforementioned in all manner for the public safety, health and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of November, 1950. No. 10859. A RESOLUTION aathorizing the installation of street lights on ce~'tain streets in the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Appalachian Electric Power Company be, and it is hereby aathorized to install the following street lights: GROUP XXVII One 2500 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Carlton Road and Lansing Drive, S. V,~. One 2500 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Langdon Road and Lansing Drive, S. One 2500 lumen incandescent overhead street light at the west end of Lansing Drive, S. ¥~. (This light to be installed only if nee One 2500 lumen incandescent overhead street light at Mansfield Street and Fieldale Road, N. E. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Appalachian Electric Power Company and the City of Roanoke. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of November, 1950. No. 10860. A RESOL~JTION authorizing the City ~anager, the Police Department and other lecessary public officials to cooperate fully ~'~ith the Commissioner of the Division of ~.~otor Vehicles of the State of Virginia in its campaign to secure a more under- standing and careful attitude of both drivers and pedestrians of the hazards of the state highways and streets, and concurring in the verbal report of the City }~{anager of his intention to begin a campaign to rigidly enforce all laws pertaining to the ~afety of pedestrians an~ obedience to laws governing speed and safety on the city ~treets. Led) BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager, tbs Police Department and other necessary public officials, be, and they are hereby authorized t.o cooperate fully with the Commissioner of the Division of ~,~otor Vehicle~ of the State of Virginia in its campaign to secure a more understanding and careful attitude of both drivers and pedestrians of the hazards of the state highways and streets. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body hereby concurs in the verbal report of the City ~lanager-of his intention to begin a compaign to rigidly enforce all laws pertaining to the safety of pedestrians and obedience to laws governing speed and safety on the city streets. ATTEST: ( / Clerk APPROVED President I~ THE COUNCIL FOR THE CI~£ OF The 20th day of ~ovember, 1950. , VIROIM!A, No. 10862. A RESOLUTION directing the City Attorney to prepare and present to Council at its next regular meeting on November 27, 1950, a proper and sufficient ordinance or resolution, as the case may require, for the calling of a special election of the voters of Roanoke on January 2, 1951, to vote upon the acceptance or rejection of the City's participation of a Housing Authority Development for the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to prepare and present to Council at its next regular meeting on November 27, 1950, a proper and sufficient ordinance or resolution, as the case may require, for the calling of a special election of the voters of Roanok. on January 2, 1951, to vote upon the acceptance or rejection of the City's partici- pation of a Housing Authority Development. for the City of Roanoke. BE IT FURT~r~R RESOLVED that the expenditure of municipal funds for such purposes represents capital funds and therefore requires approval of the voters of Roanoke by an election called for such purpose. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council is of the opinion that before any substantial amoaut of municipal funds are used for such purposes the people of Roanoke, in the democratic way, should be given an opportunity to express their opinion at the polls and the p~rpose of this resolution is to institute necessary steps for calling a special election to decide the question. APPROVED ATTEST: ~ Clerk ~ ;resident IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of November, 1950. No. 10854. AN ORDINANCE vacating, discontinuing and closing a portion of Oak Street as shown on the Map of Washington and Lee, dated December 10, 1946, made by C. B. Malcolm, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 592 at page 398. WHEREAS, Virginia Rolley Pollard has filed her petition before the CounCil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance witht he law, in which said petition she has requested said Council of the City of Roanoke to vacate, discontinue and close portions of Oak Street and Alberta Avenue, a s set out in Resolution No. 10769 adopted on the 25th day of September, 1950, of the filing of which said petition du, notice was given to the public, as required by law, and WHEREAS, in accordance with t he prayer of said petition, viewers were appointed by the Council of the City of Roanoke to view the property and report in writing whether in their opinion any inconvenience would result from vacating, discontinuing and closing said portions of Oak Street and Alberta Avenue, and WHEREAS, it appears from the report in writing filed by said viewers in this proceeding, which was filed with the City Clerk, together with the affidavit of said viewers, on the 14th day of October, 1950, that the viewers are unanimously of the opinion that no inconvenience ~ould result, either to any individual or to the publi from vacating, discontinuing and closing said portions oi~ Oak Street a nd Alberta Avenue, and WHEREAS, Council in considering the petition of Virginia Rolley Pollard and the relief prayed for, and after hearing a delegation of protestants, on motion, duly seconded and unanimously adopted, has rei'erred to t he City Manager the question of closing a portion of Alberta Avenue, for further study and review, and to report to Council his recommeda tion in the premises, and it is the opinion of this body that until said report is submitted, the question as to closing a portion of Alberta Avenue should be held in abeyance, and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the said portion of Oak Street should be vacated, discontinued and closed, as requested, and WHEREAS, it further appears to Council that the petitioner aforesaid has agreed to bear and defray the costs and expenses incident to this proceeding. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City o f Roanoke, Virginia, that the following portion of Oak Street be, and the same is hereby vacated, discontinued and closed: THAT PORTIO~ of Oak Street as shown on the Map of Grandin Court Am'~ex, which is of record in Deed Book 471, page 442, in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia,said forty (40) foot wide street extending N. 73 deg. 43' W. about 400 feet between the intersection of the present Oak Street and Oregon Avenue to Spring Road at the south boundary line of the Weaver Heights Addition Map. This street crosses Lots 38 to 52, Block 2, Washington and Lee Map, of record in Deed Book 592 at page 398, Roanoke City, and that all right, title and interest of the City of Roanoke and the public in and to said portion of Oak Street, as hereinabove set out, are hereby released insofar :as the Council is empowered so to do; except that a public easen-ent is hereby reserved for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the storm drains, sewers and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Engineer be, and he is' hereby directed bo mark "Vacated, Discontinued and Closed", said portion of Oak Street, as herein- above set out, on all maps and plats on file in the office of the City Engineer of t City of Roanoke, on which said m ps and plats said portion of Oak Street is shown, referring to the book and page of Resolutions and Ordinances of the Council of the City of Roanoke wherein this Ordinance shall be spread. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of Council deliver to the Clerk of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, a copy of this Ordinance in order that said Clerk of Court may made proper notation on all .maps or plats record~ in his said office, upon which are shown said portion of Oak Street, as hereinabove set out, as provided by law. BE iT FURTHER ORDAINED that the question of closing a portion of Alberta Avenue which has been referred to t he City Manager for further study a nd review, and to report to Council his recommendation in the premises, is held in abeyance until said report is submitted. ATTEST:z, ( / Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~iA, The 27th day of November, 1950. No. 10857. AN ORDII~A~CE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing for a distance of sixty-five (65) feet from Washington Avenue, S. W., an alley running south from Washington Avenue, S. W., and beginning on the south side of said ~;ashington Avenue, 233 feet from the southwest corner of Franklin Road and Washington Avenue and lying between the property of the Christ Episcopal Church of Roanoke, Virginia, designated as the north 65 feet of Lot 15, Section 22, kap of the Lewis Addition, and Lot 7, Section 22, ~(ap of the Lewis Addition. WHEREAS, the Trustees of Christ Episcopal Church of Roanoke, Virginia, have heretofore filed their petition before Council in which petition they requested Coun to permanently vacate, discontinue and close that portion of the hereinafter describ. alley, of the filing of which said petition due notice was properly posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, the Council for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 13th day of November, 1950, adopted Resolution No. 10845, appointing viewers in accordance~ith the prayer of said petition to view the alley which was requested to be vacated, discontinued and closed and to report whether or not in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the permanently vacating, disco~'~tinuing and closing of said alley; and WHEREAS, it appearing from a report in writi~'~g filed by the said viewers in this proceeding that no inconvenience would result either to the public or to any individual from the permanent vacating, disco~ti~'~uing .and closing of the said alley, and il ;d 4?O WHEREAS, it further appearing to the Council that the said petitioners have agreed to bear and~repay the costs and expenses incident to this proceeding. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that a portion of the alley lying and being in the southwest section of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and more particularly described as folloWs, to-wit: For a distance of 65 feet from Washington Avenue, S. W., an alley running south from Washington Avenue, S. W., a nd beginning on the south side of said Washington Avenue 233 feet from the southwest corner of Franklin Road and Washington Avenue and lying between the property of the Christ Episcopal Church of Roanoke, Virginia,designated as the north 65 feet of Lot 15, Section 22, )~ap of the Lewis Addition 8nd Lot 7, Section 22, Map of the Lewis Addition. be, and the same is hereby, for and in consideration of the conveyance by the said petitioners to the City o1' Roanoke of a strip of land i5 feet in width along the west side of Lot 7, Section 22, Lewis Addition, for a distance of 130 feet to the alley running east and west through said section a strip of land 5 feet in width along the south sideof said Lot 7 and abutting and adjoining the alley running east and west through said section and a 15 foot radius at the widened intersection of the last mentioned alley~Ath the alley hereinabove agreed to be granted aud also a 15 foot radius at the widened intersection of said east and west alley with the present west line of the north and south alley,s now laid out in Section 22 on the Nmp of the Lewis Addition, permanently vacated, discontinued a nd closed and that all right, title and interest of the City of Roanoke and the public ina nd to the Said alley be, and they are hereby released insofar as the Council is empowered so to do, except that a public easemmub is hereby reserved for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the storm drains, sewers and water lines a~J all other municipal installations, if any~ now located in the said portion of said alley. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to mark "Permanently vacated, discontinued and closed" that portion of said alley on all maps and plats on file in the Office of the City Engineer of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on which said maps and plats said alley is shown, referring to the book and page of Resolutions and Ordinan6es of the Council of the City of Roanoke wherein this Ordinance shall be spread. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of the Council shalldeliver to the Clerk of the Hustings Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, a copy of this ordinance, in order that said Clerk of Court may make proper notation on all maps and plats recorded in his office upon which are shown the said alley which is hereby permanently vacated, discontinued and closed. ATT : ~ Clerk APPROVE D President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of November, 1950. No. 10861. AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale of property located on the north side ^~ ~'~-,~-~-. w~_ .~_ W.. w~.~t ~f' Guilford Avenue. described as Lot 21, Section 1, Grandin Court, Official No. 1550230, by the City of Roanoke to Ivi. R. i~lorrissett, at a consideration of $515.00 net cash to the city, and authorizing the execution ar~ delivery of a deed therefor upon payment of the consideration. BE IT ORD^iNED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that sale be made by the city to ~i. R. ~lorrissett of property located on the north side of Tillett Road, S. W., west of Guilford Avenue, described as Lot 21, Section 1, Grandin Court, Official No. 1550230, at a consideration of $515.00 net cash to the city. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized, directed and empowered, for and on behalf of the city, to execute and deliver a proper deed upon the form to be prepared by the City Attorney, conveying, with Special Warranty of Title, the said property to said purchaser, or to whomsoew he may direct in writing, delivery, thereof, however, not to be made until said net cash consideration has been paid in full. ATTEST:///~ / ~ Cle rk A PP ROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGiNiA, The 27th dayof November, 1950. No. 10863. AN ORDINANCE to ane nd and reenact "Purification" under Salaries of Water Department Employees of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that "Purification" under Salaries of Water Department Employees of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 6th day of February, 1950, No. 10391, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the Water Department's General Fund for the City of Roanoke for the fiscal yesr beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: PURIFICATION Filter Operator ....................... 3 ............. $2,2~$0.OO BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk President REPEALED By No.. IN THE COUNC1L FOR THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGi~IA, The 27th day of November, 1950. No. 10864. A RESOLUTION discontinuing as of midnight, December 31, 1950, the agreement of February 23, 1945, pursuant to which Council has appropriated $5000 and $1000 annually to the respective Public Service Medical Staffs of biemorial and Crippled Childrens' Hospital (Roanoke Hospital) and of Burrell Memorial Hospital for professional services rendered in caring for the City's indigent patients; directin~ the City Clerk to notify the Public Service Riedical Staffs of said hospitals of such action by delivering anattested copy hereof tot he )tanagers of each of said hospitals; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, pursuant to an agreement bearing date Februar~ 23, 1945, this Council has appropriated $5000 and $1OOO annually to the respective Public Service Medical Staffs of Memorial and Crippled Childrens' Hospital (Roanoke Hospital) and of Burrell Memorial Hospital for professional services rendered Ln caring for the City's indigent patients ; and WHEREAS, i~-~ said agreement, this Council reserved the right to discontinue the agreement by giving thirty days' notice of its intention so to do before the expiration of any calendar year; and WHEREAS, this Council is unanimously of the opinion that said arrange~ent and agreement should be terminated as of midnight, December 31, 1950; and WHEREAS, in order to provide for the usual daily operation of the municipal government, an emergency is declaredtoexist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council] of the City of Roanoke that the agreement of February 23, 1945, pursuant to which Council has appropriated $5000 and $1000 annually to t he respective Public Service ~edical Staffs of N~emorial and Crippled Childrens' Hospital (Roanoke Hospital) and of Burrell Memorial Hospital for professional services rendered in caring for the City's indigent patients be, an the same is hereby, discontinued as of midnight, December 31, 1950. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to notify each of the aforesaid Public Service ~iedical Staffs of Council's action in the premises by having an attested copy of this resolution forthwith delivered to the Manager of each of the aforesaid hospitals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect from its passage. Cl~erk ~ APPROVE D Pre s id ent IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, ViRGI~IA, The 27th day of November, 1950. No. 10866. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 1 of Chapter 17, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, as amended on the 3rd day of October, 1949, (Ordinance No. 101~ establishing and levying the annual tax rate on real and personal property within the City, and providing for an e~ergency. WHEREAS, a sixteen cent increase in the tax rate authorized by Section 2, subsection (1) of the City Charter, as amended, on real and personal property in the City of Roanoke is necessary in order to yield a sufficient sum to amortize cert bonds of the City whicha re described in detail in Ordinance No. 10185, passed on the 3rd day of October, 19~9, and to pay the interest on said bonds according to their tenor; and WHER~AS, the City of Roanoke has heretofore, as of October 31, 1950, expende for capital public improvements in the areas annexed to the City as of midnight, December 31, 1948, the sum~ of ~1,80~,364. 56, which is a sum greater than required hy law to be spent in said annexed areas before raising the tax rates on the real estate situate therein, all of which sa~d public improvements have heretofore been substantially completed; and WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the municipal government, an emergency is declared to exist in order that the provisions of this Ordinance ~ay become effective~ on the 1st day of January, 1951. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that Section 1, of Chapter 17, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, as amended on the 3rd day of October, 1948, (Ordinance No. 10185), be amended ~d reordained to provid as follows: Pursuant to Section 2, sub-section 1, and Section 47, of the Charter of the City of Roanoke, both as amended, commencing with the 1951 tax year there shall be levied annually upon all real estate and improvements thereon and upon all tangible personal property and machinery in the City not exempt from taxation by law a tax of $2.66 one, cry $1OO.O0 of assessed value thereof, for the support of the City governme the payment of principal and J3~terest upon the City debt, support of a public librar the payment of pensions to Confederate soldiers, sailors, marines and tneir widows, for school purposes and other municipal expenses. BE iT FURTHER ORDAi~ED that, an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the 1st day of January, 1951. APPROVED President , r, IN THE COUNCIL FOR TH~ CiTY OF ROm~OKE, VIRGIi~iA, The 2?th day of November, 1950. No. 10867. AN ORDINANCE to repeal Ordinance No. 9165 adopted on the 18th day of August, 1947, entitled: "AN ORDr~ANCE to create a Personnel Department for the City of Roanoke, exclusive of teaching personnel appointed by the School Board and elect officers whose salaries are governed by State Law, and to define the scope of its duties, to provide for the appointment of a director, prescribe his duties and responsibilities, a nd to provide for the necessary personnel in said department"; and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in order to provide for the daily operation of the Municipal Government, an emergency is set forth and declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that Ordinance No. 9165 adopted on the 18th day oi' August, 1947, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE to create a Personnel Department for the City of Roanoke, exclusive of teaching personnel appointed by the School Board and elected officers whose salaries are governed by State Law, a~d to define the scope oi' its duties, to provide for the appointment oi' a director, prescribe his duties and responsibilities, and to provide for the necessary personnel in said department" be, and the same is hereby, REPEALED. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in effect as of midnight, December 31, 1950. APPROVE D ATT ST: ~ ~~ ~Cle rk Pres ident / IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of November, 1950. No. 10868. A RESOLUTION to sell to The First Boston Corporation, and Associates, $~, 050 , 000. 00 Sewage Treatment System Bonds, Series "ST", of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, at the bid submitted, and providing for an emergency. V~HEREAS, by Resolution No. 10843, adopted on the 6th day of November, 1950, the City Clerk was directed to advertise for bids for the sale of $4,050,000.00 bond authorized at an election held on the 9th day of August, 19&9, to provide funds to pay for the costs of permanent public improvements, to-wit: acquisition of sites, easements and rights-of-way for, and the construction of, a sewage treatment plant and sewage collecting interceptor sewers, and WHEREAS, the said Resolution provided for the opening of said bids at 12:00 o'clock, Noon, Wednesday, November 29, 1950, and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of the advertisement that propo- sals would be received for the purchase of the whole, but not any part of the $4,050,000.00 Sewage T~eatment System 5onds, Series "ST", bids were received as follows: .$idder A~gre~ate B. id The First Boston Corpora-) $4,051,000.00 t ion ) Blyth and Company, Inc. ) R. S. Dickson and Co.,Iht) Laird & Company ) McDonald-Noore and Co. ) Niller and Patterson ) Halsey, Stuart & Co. ,Inc. Kidder, Peabody & Companyl Lehman Brothers Blair, Rollins & Co.,Inc. Alex Brown and Sons First of Eichigan Corp. W. H. Norton & Co., Inc. Bacon, Stevenson & Co. NcDougal and Company Dempsey-Tegler and Co. Bramhall, Barbour & Co., Inc. 4,051,000.00 The Chase National Bank ) Bankers Trust Company ) C. Y. Devine & Company ) Salomon Bros. & Hutzler ) Trust Company of Georgia ) Reynolds and Company ) Ander son & Strudwick ) T. H. Jones and Company ) W. C. Langley and Company) 4,050,011.00 Smith, Barney & Company ) Northern Trust Company ) Mercantile-Commerce Bank ) & Trust Company ) Courts and Company ) Laurence ~..Marks & Co. ) R. L. Day and Company ) Aubrey G. Lanston & Co., ) Inc. ) G. C. Haas and Company ) Strader, Taylor & Co.,Inc) Investment Corporation of) Nor folk ) 4,050,704.70 Phelps, Fenn and Company ) Nason-Hagan, Incorporated) B. F. Cassell and Company) The Bank of Virginia and ) Associates ) 4,050.000.00 Glore, For gan & Company Harriman Ripley & Co. Inc) Goldman, Sachs & Company White ~eld & Company R.W.Pressprich & Company Scott, Hornet & Mason, Inc. Eldredge & Company, Inc~. Baker Watts and Company Central National Bank of Richmond, Va. ~,050,000.00 ~hemical Bank & Trust Co. Euhn, Loeb and Company ~. E. Hutton and Company First Securities Company of Chicago Wood, Gundy & Company Shelby Cullom Davis & Co. Maynard H. Nurch & Co., Cleveland Paul Frederick and Compa~ 4,051,000.00 The National City Bank of) New York ) Estabrook and Company ) Equ.~table Securities Cor~) Braun,Bosworth & Co. ,Inc. ) F. W. Craigie and Company) Stroud & Company, Inc. ) Needen & Company, Inc. ) Eirsctn and Company ) 4,050,364.50 Harris Trust & Savings Bank J. P. Norgan & Co.,Inc. L. F. Rothschild & Co. Laidlaw & Company ~ing, Quirk & Co., Inc. Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville ~Iannahs. B~ 1] ~ ~ ~. T,~_ 4,051,000.00 Coupon Rate or' Rates 1.75% 5.5o¢ 1.75~ 1. 875~ 1. 625~$ 1.875~ 1.75% 1.875% 1.875% 1.625% 1.875% 2.00¢~ Matur i ti es 1954-65 1966-80 1954-55 1956-80 1954 1955-80 195~-55 1956-67 1968-8o 1954-55 1956-80 195~-55 1956-80 1954-71 1972-8o 1954-56 1957-64 1965-80 195~-74 1975-80 Pr emi ~m Effective ~ Interest Rate 1,000.00 1.71750181 1,000.00 1.77795933 11.00 1.78266376 704.70 1.79881307 1.80882352 1.80882352 1,000.00 1.81227~05 364.50 1.82871895 1,000.00 1.83841684 Bidder Union Securities Corp. Hemphill, Noyes, Graham, Parsons & Company Lee Higginson Corporation Kean, Taylor and Company F. S. Noseley and Company Andrews & Wells, Inc. F. S. Smithers and Companyl Field, Richards & Company Shannon & Company Robert Hawkins & Co., Inc. an d &ggre~ate Bid 4,o 1,ooo.00 ) Coupon Rate or Rates 1.75% 2.oo% l~¢atur ities 1954-69 1970-80 'EffeC rive Interest Pr emi ma Rate 1,000.00 1.89832970 ~HEREAS, the bid of The First Boston Corporation, and Associates, of $~,051,000.00, to bear coupons at the rate of 1.625% per anno_m for $1,800,000.00 of the bonds maturing in the years 1954 to 1965, inclusive, and 1.75% per anno_m for $2,250,000.00 of the bonds maturing in the years 1966 to 1980, inclusive, plus ac- crued interest to the City of Roanoke to date of delivery, is the best bid in the interest of the City of Roanoke, and in conformity with the printed notice of sale and official proposal form issued prior to such sale, and V~tEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the bid of The First Boston Corporation, and Associates, of $~,051,000.00, to bear coupc at the rate of 1.625% per annum for $1,800,000.00 of the bonds maturing in the years 1954 to 1965, inclusive, and 1.75% per annum for $2,250,000.00 of the bonds maturing in the years 1966 to 1980, inclusive, plus accrued interest to the City of Roanoke to date of delivery, be, and the same is hereby accepted, and upon payment of the sum of money bid by The First Boston Corporation, and Associates, for said bonds, more accurately identified as $4,050,000.00 Sewage Treatment System Bonds, Series "S%~', the said bonds shall be delivered to the said Company. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all bids except the bid of The First Boston Corporation, and Associates, be, and they are hereby rejected. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the $81,000.00 certified check accompanying the successful bid, 'in conformity with the printed notice and proposal for bonds, be deposited by the City Treasurer, and credit therefor be allowed on the purchase price of the said bonds, and that the certified checks of all other bidders be forthwith returned. BE IT FUR~{ER RESOLVED that, an emergency existing, this resolution shall President be in effect from its passage. Clerk APPROVED ~S IN q~!E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The ~th day of December, 1950. No. 1~0865. AN ORDINANCE directing and providing for the holding of an election in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to take the sense of the qualified voters of the City of Roanoke on the following question: ShalS~ the Council of the City of Roanoke coopers with the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority in connection with the housing projects now proposed by the Authority? BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. An election shall be held in the City of Roanoke on the 9th day of January, 1951, to take the sense of ~he qualified voters of the City of Roanoke on the following question: Shall the Council of the City of Roanoke cooperate with the City of Roanoke Redevelop~lent and Housing Authority in connection with the housing projects no~? proposed by the Authority? 2. The Sergeant of the City of Roanoke and the judges of election herein- after designated are hereby directed to open polls at the several voting places in the City of Roanoke on the 9th day of January, 1951, for the purpose of submitting said question to the qualified voters of the City of Roanoke for approval. 3. The Sergeant of the City of Roanoke is hereby directed to give public information of said election, setting.forth the time and place thereof by publishing a notice of the same in a newspaper of general circulation in said City and publish- ed in said City, for the space of ten days, and by posting a copy thereof at each voting place in said City at least ten days before the date of said election. ~. The judges and clerks' for the several voting precincts in the City of Roanoke are hereby appointed to conduct said election, and in case of failure of any one or more of them to act, then the place or places of such shall be filled in the manner provided for in case of regular elections. 5. The electoral board of the City of Roanoke shall, at least ten days prior ~to the date of the election herein provided for, have printed proper ballots to be voted at said election, and such ballots shall be in the following form: CITY OF ROANOKE SPECIAL ELECTION OF JANUARY 9, 1951 QUESTION: Shall the Council of the City of Roanoke cooperate with the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority in connection with the housing projects now proposed by the Authority? 6. The ballot shall be prepared in conformity with the provisions of Section 24-1~1 of the Code of Virginia, and each voter shall mark his ballot in the manner prescribed by said Section. Such ballots shall be delivered to the judges of electi~ te n~ for use in said election, in the same manner as ballots are delivered to the judges of election in regular elections. 7. Said election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for the conduct of regular elections. 8. The judges of election shall immediately after the closing of the polls count the ballots deposited and shall within two days thereafter make written return of the result of said election to the City Clerk, specifying the number of votes cast for and the number of vOtes cast against the question voted upon. Said return shall be presented to the City Council at its next regular meeting and shall be spread upon the journal, and the said judges shall further seal up the ballots and within two days after closing the polls transmit the same to the City Clerk to be kept among the archives of the Council, and said ballots shall remain sealed during the space of twelve months thereafter without the order of Council. APPROVED -President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of December, 1950. No. 10869. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 10, relating to radio and sound- making devices in trucks, and Section ll, relating to radio and sound-making devices in buildings, of Chapter 69, relating to offenses against the peace, of the Code of the oity of Roanoke, Virginia, and providing for an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 10, relating to radio and sound-making devices in trucks, and Section ll, relating to radio and sound-making devices in buildings, of Chapter 69, relating to offenses against~ the peace, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and they are hereby amended to z. ead as follows: Sec. 10, Radio and sound-making devices in trucks. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use or operate, or cause to be used or operated, On any truck or other vehicle, anywhere on the public streets of the city, any radio device or apparatus, or any' device or appara- tus for the amplification of any so,nd or sounds from any radio, phonograph, or othe sound-making or sound-producing device, or any device or apparatus for the reproduc- tion or amplification of the human voice, where such devices are operated and main- tained for advertising purposes, except that the City. Manager may from time to time issue .permits for the use of sound equipment to local charitable and non-profit organizations. Any person violating any provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon being found guilty of such violation, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars in amount. ~ec. 11. Radio and sound-making devices in buildings. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to maintain and operate in an building or on any premise~~ in the city any radio device or mechanical musical in- strument or device of any kind ~herebyA~ the sound therefrom is cast directly upon the public streets and public places, and where such device is maintained and operated f~ advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting the attention of the passing public, or which is so placed and operated that the sounds coming therefrom can be heard to the annoyance or inconvenience of travelers upon any street or public place or persons in neighboring premises, except that. the City.~anaser may from time to time issue permits for the use of sound equipment to local charitable and non-profit organizations. Any person, firm or corporation who violates this section or any provisions thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than fifteen dollars for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAk~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of December, 1950. No. 10870. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Purchasing Agent to secure prices and delivery dates on the pipe, fittings, valves, and other necessary ap- purtenances, to be used in connection with additions and betterments to the city's water works system ~nder the ~4,000,000.00 bond issue approved by qualified voters at an election on November 7, 1950, in accordance with preliminary bill of material dated December 4, 1950, said pipe, fittings, valves, and other necessary appurtenanc to be delivered quarterly in quantities as recommended by the ~anager of the ~ater Department, and providing for an emergency. VJHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the V.~ater Department of the City of Roanoke, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the P~rchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to secure prices and delivery dates on the pipe, fittings, valves, and other necessary appurtenances, to be used in connection with additions and betterments to the city's water works system nnder the $4,000,000.00 bond issue approved by qualified voters at an election on November 7, 1950, in accordance with preliminary bill of material dated December 4, 1950, said pipe, fittings, valves, and other necessary appurtenances, t~ be delivered quarterly in quantities as reccmmnended by the ~{anager of the ~ater Department. BE IT FURiTIER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exiSt and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF R0~_NOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of December, 1950. No. 10871. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #lO1, "Celebrations and Public Entertainment", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of Dec~nber, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency". BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #lO1, "Celebrations and Public Entertainment", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19&9, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: CELEBRATIONS AND PUBLIC ENTERTAIN~,~ETVf #101 Municipal Christmas Lighting ................ $ 637.50 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED President IN TIlE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of December, 1950. No. 10873. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of Central Contracting Oompany, 1220 Algoma Boulevard, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for construction of interceptor line, second section, Roanoke River line, for $756,230.00; authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute the requisite contract; and providing for an emergency. V~'HEREAS, a committee composed of ~.~essrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates, and G. I.. ~attern, upon the request of the Counci of the City of Roanoke has tabulated bids heretofore received for the construction of interceptor line, second section, Roanoke River line; and WHEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Central Contracting Company, 1220 Algoma Boulevard, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in the sum of $756,230.00 is the lowest bid received for the construction of said interceptor line; and ~R~AS, this Comucil is of the opinion that the proposal of Central Con- tracting Company, 1220 Algoma Boulevard, 0shko~h, Wisconsin, should be accepted and that a contract for the project should be so awarded to said company; and ~THEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of Central Contracting Company, 1220 Algoma Boulevar Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for the construction of interceptor line, second section, Roanok River line, is hereby determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that ~' 2~0.00. a contract for said construction be forthwith executed in the sum of ~756, Section 2.. That A~thur S. Owens, City ~an'~ ager, be, and he is hereby authoriz ed and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract h, provided for. Section 3. That, an emergency existing, this Resolution shall be in effect from its passage. ATTEST: ~ Clerk APPROVED President IN ~ COUNCIL FOR ~tE CI?£ OF R0.a2~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of December, 1950. No. 1087~+. A RESOLUTION accepting the proposal of Wiley N. Jackson Co., Inc., and Neale Construction Co., Inc., R. F. D. ~, Roanoke County, Virginia, for construction of interceptor line, third section, Roanoke River Line, for $848 , 896. 00 ; authorizing and directing the City ~anager to execute the requisite contract; and providing for an emergency. ~fHEREAS, a committee composed of ~essrs. L. R. Howson, Arthur S. Owens, John L. Wentworth, Harry R. Yates and G. L. Mattern, upon the request of the Council of the City of Roanoke has tabulated bids heretofore received for the construction o interceptor line, third section, Roanoke River Line; and WKEREAS, it appears from said tabulation that the bid of Wiley N. Jackson Co., Inc., and Neale Construction Co., Inc., R. F. D. 4, Roanoke County, Virginia, in the sram of $848,896.00 is the best bid received for the construction of said interceptor line; and WHEREAS, this Council is of the opinion that the proposal of Wiley N. Jackson Co., Inc., and Neale Construction Co., Inc., R. F. D. ~, Roanoke County, [, ,rein 48! Virginia, should be accepted and that a contract for the project should be so awarded to said companies; and ~tEREAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. That the bid of VJiley N. Jackson Co., Inc., and Neale Constructio~ Co., Inc., R. F. D. 4, Roanoke County, Virginia, for the construction of interceptor line, third section, Roanoke River Line, is hereby' determined and declared to be the best bid therefor; and that a contract for said construction be forthwith execut- ed in the s~m of $848,896.00. Section 2. That Arthur S. Owens, City ~anager, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to execute the contract herein provided for. Section 3. from its passage. That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall be in effect APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRG-INIA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10872. AN ORDINANCE to amend and re-enact Section 15 of Chapter 40 of the Code of the City of Roanoke relating to the use and operation of vehicles, bicycles and tricycles in the public parks or squares, and providing penalties for a violation of the provision of the ordinance. BE IT 0RDAIT~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 18 of Chapter 40 of the Code of the City of Roanoke, relating to the use of vehicles, bicycles and tricycles in the public parks and squares be, and it is hereby, amende~ and re-enacted so as to provide as follows: Sec. 18. Vehicles, bicycles and tricycles. No vehicle, bicycle or t~icycle shall be operated in any public park or square except over the roadways and other areas regularly designated for the use of vehicles in such places. No such vehicle shall be left un- occupied unless the same shall have been safely parked in areas expressly designated by signs for the purpose, and no such vehicle shall be left parked and unoccupied in any public park unless the operator thereof re- mains within the confines of such park. The provision of this section shall not apply, however, to the operation or parking of municipally owned vehicles within public parks or on public squares when the same are being operated or used for municipal purposes. Any person violatinfj any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than Two nor more than Five Dollars. APPROVED ATTEST~/~~~ Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAI~OIfE, VIRGI~iA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10875. A RESOLUTION referring bids for concession privileges at ~¥ashington Park and in the Carvins Cove area to a committee composed of Mr. Rex T. ~.litchell, Acting Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, }~r. Arthur S. Owens, City }~anage and I~r. Harry R. Yates, City Auditor, for report and recommendation to Council as to the best bid respectively. %~tEREAS, pursuant to advertise.~ent, one bid for concession privileges at Washington Park has been received from Willie G. Smith and bids for concession privileges in the Carvins Cove area have been received from Frederick A. Tanner and Clemmer. _~TEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the for concession privileges at Vfashington Park and in the Carvins Cove area be .fred to a cmamittee composed of ~r. Rex T. }~itchell, Acting Director of the tment of Parks and Recreation, ~Ir. Arthur S. 0v~ens, City }~'Ianager, and .~ir. ttarry , City Auditor, for report and recommendation to Council as to the best bid APPROVED CI, ~ President IN ~!E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGl~IA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10876. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of a 12-inch water main from end of the present 12-inch water main at Bennington Road and Underhill Avenue, , crossing the river and passing unde~ the Virginian Rail~¥ay underpass into Avenue, and along Fourteenth Street to join the existing 12-inch water main teenth Street near Anderson Avenue, a total distance of approximately 2,500 , at an estimated cost of $27 , 600. 00 , and, further, authorizing the installatioz of a 12-inch water main in Riverland Road, S. E., from a point in the vicinity of the present Viscose Bridge, ~ast along the new Riverland Road to the end of the present 12-inch water main at the Appalachian Electric Power Company substation, a distance of approximately 1,100 feet, at an estimated cost of 89,400.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the installation of a 12-inch water main from the end of the present 12-inch water main at Bennington Road and Underhill Avenue, S. E., crossing the river and passing under the Virginian Railway underpass into Tayloe Avenue, and along Fourteenth Street to join the existing 12-inch water main in Fourteenth Street near Anderson Avenue, a total distance of approximately 2,500 feet at an estimated cost of $27,600.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOT.VED that authority be, and is hereby granted for the in- stallation of a 12-inch water main in Riverland Road, S. E., from a point in the vicinity of the present Viscose Bridge, east along the new Riverland Road to the end of the present 12-inch water main at the Appalachian Electric Power Company substation, a distance of approximately 1,100 feet, at an estimated cost of 89,~00.00. ATTEST: APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~ CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10877. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #61, "Hospitalization", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #61, "Hospitalization", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the 6ity of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: HOSPITALIZATION #61 Hospitalization (1) .......................... 8 55,000.00 (1) This is not a lump smu appropriation and is to be disbursed only on actual services rendered. BE IT FUR~ER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTE.~T: IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROA~0KE, VIRGINIA, The lith day of December, 1950. No. 10878. A RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of a non-resident of Roanoke as a serviceman at the Roanoke ~/~unicipal Airport, and providing for an emergency. I~IEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Roanoke ~unicipal Airport, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the employment of a non-resident of Roanoke as a serviceman at the Roanoke ~fuaicipal Airport. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED President IN T~E COIR~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of December, 1950. Mo. 10879. A RESOLUTION directing the City Attorney and/or his Assistant to delay unti~ March 1, 1951, any further action with regard to the suit in equity heretofore autho~.ized and directed to be instituted and conducted under the provisions of Resolution No. 10~12, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 20th day of February, 1950, for the purpose of enforcing the ~ity's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against properties described as Lot 6, Section 21, W. E. L., and Lot 1, Block 22, W. E. L., standing in the name of Amanda R. mastin. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Attorney and/or his Assistant be, and he is hereby directed to delay until D~arch 1, 1951, any further action with regard to the sait in equity heretofore aathorized and directed to be instituted and conducted under the provisions of Resolution No. 10~12 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 20th day of FebrmarN 1950, for the purpose of enforcing the City's lien for delinquent taxes and other assessments against properties described as Lot 6, Section 21, W. E. L., and Lot 1, Block 22, W. E. L., stsnding in the name of Amanda R. ~astin. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10880. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Sinking Fund Cor~ission of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as it deems advisable, to invest in United States Securities $3,600,000.00 of the ~4 , 051, 000. 00 derived from the sale of bonds of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, designated $4,050,000.00 Sewage Treatment System Bonds, Series "ST", and providing for an emergency. Vv2iEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the ~unicipal Govern- ment, an emergency is declared to exist. TITEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Sinking Fund Commission of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and it is hereby authorized, as it deems advisable, to invest in United States Securities $3,600,000. of the $4,051,000.00 derived from the sale of bonds of the City of Roanoke, Virginia designated $4,050,000.00 Sewage Treatment System Bonds, Series "ST". BE IT FURTttER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. AP?ROVED ATTEST: ~ / Clerk ~ Pr esident IN Tt{E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of December, 1950' No. 10881. AN ORDINANCE to declare the existence of an emergency; ' to provide for the co-ordination of civilian defense activities; to authorize the use and employment of the resources of Public manpower and public property and facilities by the local Director of Civilian Defense; and calling upon the citizens of the community for their full co-operation with the local civilian defense organization in making ef- fective the ~ivilian defense effort. YfHEREAS, pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved February 11, 1942, as House Bill 209, an emergency was declared to exist and provi- sion was made for the establishment of a civilian defense organization within the Commonwealth and a local council of defense and a director of civilian defense within each city, county and town of the Co~onwealth, and 1'2qEREAS, this body, realizing the urgency of the situation, desires to give full co-operation to the civilian defense organization to the extent of author ing the use of the services of all public officials and employees and of all public property and facilities by the local Director of Civilian Defense at such time or times as the same may be required, and ¥~IEREAS~ this body further considers it its duty to call upon the indivi- dual citizens of this community to co-operate fully with the civilian defense )0 organizatiom by giving of their time and efforts to the extent that adequate civilian defense be maintained. T~EREFORE, BE IT 0RDA~,~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That there is hereby offered and made available to the local Director of Civilian Defense, to be used and employed by said local Director in civilian defense at such time or times as he, in his discretion, deems necessary, the services of any or all of the public officials and employees of said City and the use of any and all public property and public facilities. 2. That each of the agencies, branches and departments of the said City and the respective officials and employees of the ss~me be, and they are hereby, authoriz and directed to co-operate to the extent of their ability with the local civilian organization at such time or times and to such extent as they may be requested, ordered or directed by the local Director of Civilian Defense. 3. That the individual citizens of this comm~unity are hereby called upon and urged to co-operate with the civilian defense organization by giving of their time, efforts and resources to the extent that adequate civilian defense be maintain ed within this community. BE IT FUR_~-~ 0RDAIde?ED, ho~ever, that no public funds of the City shall be spent and no obligations of the City shall be incurred by either the local Director of Civilian Defense or by any officer, agent or employee of the City acting at the request or direction of said local Director, u~til and unless the same shall have been previously approved by this Council. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. APPROVED ATTEST: ~// Clerk President 1/~ TP~E COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10882. ;2~ ORDINANCE providing for the creation, organization, powers and duties of ~ City Planning Com~ission; defining the word "subdivision" as used herein; designa- ting the manner in which the ordinance shall be cited; and providing for an emergenc~ ~;;HEREAS, in order to provide for the usual daily operation of the Engineerin Department, sn emergency is declared to exist. T!.!EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, ~s follows: Section 1. CREATION OF ~IE CIT~ PLA~tI~tINC. C0I.,~ISSION. There is hereby created and established in and for the City of Roanoke, pursuant to the D~rovisions of the Charter of the City of Roanoke and of Article 2, Chapter 25, Title 15, of the Code of Virginia, a City Planning Co~mission, hereinaft referred to as the Commission. ~d Section 2. APPOINT~EMT AND TER~S OF C0~R~.~SSIONERS: The number of members of the Commission shall be seven, and one of the members may be a member of the City Council. Two of the members, hereinafter re- ferred to as ex officio members, shall be officials of the City appointed by the City ~.~anager, including the councilmanic member, if there be one. The remaining five members, hereinafter referred to as appointed members, shall be qualified voters of the City and shall also be appointed by the City ~anager. All members of the Commission shall serve as such without compensation, and the appointed members shall hold no other City office except that one of such appointed members may be a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The terms of ex officio members shall cortes pond to their respective official tenures. The City ~anager shall, prior ~to January l, 1951, appoint the two ex officio members; two. of the appointed members for terms of six years and three appointed members for terms of four years, who r~ay be reappointed at the expiration of their terms. All fmture terms of appointed members shall be for four years. Section 3. OATH OF OFFICE. H0¥~ VACANCIES FILLED f~ND ~E~BERS RE~.~0VED. The members shall take the oath of office prescribed by the City Charter for officers of the City within ten days after notice of their respective appoint- ments. Vacancies shall be filled by the City ~¥Ianager for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes vacant. Nembers of the Commission shall be removable by City Council, for inefficiency, neglect of duty or malfeasance, after a public hear- ing upon written charges, by a vote of a majority of the members thereof. Section 4. 0RGA~IZATION, ~EETINGS, RULES ~MD RECORDS. The Commission shall elect its Chairman from amongst the appointed member and may create and fill such other of its offices as it may determine. The terms of Chairman shall be one year with eligibility for reelection. The Commission shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and such special meetings and public hearings as deemed necessary or may be called by the Chairman. Four of the seven members shall constitute a quorum. It shall, from time to time, adopt rules and regulations for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of its resolu- tions, transactions, findings and determinations, which shall be a public record. Section 5. STAFF AND FINANCES. The Commission ~y appoint such employees as it may deem necessary for its work. The Commission may also contract with City planners, engineers, architect~, and other consultants for such services as it may require. The expenditures of the Commission, exclusive of gifts to the Commission, shall be within the amo~uats duly appropriated by City Council for its p~rposeS. Section 6. ~IASTER PLf~. The Com~ission shall make and adopt a master plan for the physical de- velopments of the City of Roanoke. Such plan, with the accompanying maps, plats, charts and descriptive matter shall show the Commission's recommendation for the development of the territory covered by the plan, incSuding, among ~other things, the general location, character, and extent of streets, viaducts, subways, bridges, waterways, waterfronts, beaches, boulevards, parkways, playgrounds, squares, psrks, aviation fields, and other public ~ays, grounds and open spaces and the general location of public buildings and other public property. It shall also show the Commission's recommendation for the removal, relocation, widening, narrowing, vacaIn abandonment, change of use or extension of existing ways, grounds, open spaces, buildings, property, utilities or terminals, as well as a zoning plan for the contrc of the height, area, bulk, location and use of buildings and premises. In preparing a zoning plan, the Co~::ission shall perform all the functions of a zoning commission as now provided by law and the zoning plan and ordinance shal be adopted and be operative in the manner as now provided by law. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as modifying or repea~ling any zcning ordinance of the City of Roanoke but shall be construed as a directive to study such ordinance and reconm~end modifications or changes, if any be deemed necessary, for Councilmanic action. As the work of making the v~'hole master plan progresses, the Co~mission nay from time to time adopt and publish a part or parts thereof, any such part to cover one or more major sections or geographic or topographic divisions of the City or one or more of the aforesaid, or other, functional matters to be included in the plan_. The Co~3~ission may from time to time amend, extend or add to the plan. Section 7. GENERAL PURPOSES OF PLAN. In the preparation of such plan, the Con~ission shall make careful and comprehensive surveys and studies of existing conditions and future growth. The plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinat. ed, adjusted and harmonious development of the City and its environs which will, in accordance with existing and future needs, best promote public health, safety, moral~ order, convenience and general welfare, as well as efficiency and economy in the ~rocess of development. Section 8. ADOPTION OF ~,,~ASTER PLkM. The Commission may adopt the plan as a whole by a single resolution or ~ay, by successive resolutions, adopt successive parts of the plan, such parts corresponding with major geographical sections or geographical or topographical divi. sions of the City or with functional subdivisions of the subject matter of the plan, and may adopt any amendment or extension thereof or addition ~hereto. Before the adoption of the plan or any such part, amendment, extension or addition, the Com- mission shall hold at least one p~blic hearing thereon, at least fifteen days notice of the time and place of which shall be given by one publication in a nev~spaper of general circulation in the City of Roanoke. The adoption of the plan o','~ of any such part, amendment, extension or addition shall be by resolution of the Commission, carried by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the full membership of the Coim~ission. The resolution shall refer expressly to the maps and descriptive ~nd other matter intended by the Commission to form the whole or part of the plan, ~nd the action taken shall be recorded on the maps and plan and descriptive matter ~y the identifying signature of the Chairman of the Co.~uission. An attested copy of the plan or any adopted part thereof shall then be certified to the City ~:~anager and City Council. Section 9. LEGAL o_,ATUS OF PLAN. Whenever the Com~uission shall have adopted a master plan for the City or one or r,~ore parts, sections or divisions thereof, and the master plan or part thereof shall have been approved by City Council, and it has been filed with the Clerk of the Hustings Court for the City of Roemoke for recordation, then and !:Oate ~ _":3- 490 thereafter no street, square, park or other public way, ground or open space, public building or structure shall be constructed or authorized in the City or in the plan- ned section or district thereof (or in the planned section or district of the City's environs as contemplated by Section forty-five of the Charter of the City) until and unless the general location, character and extent thereof has been submitted to and approved by the Commission; and no public utility, whether publicly or privately owned, which is not subject to zoning control as now provided by law, shal be constructed or authorized in the City or in the planned section or district thereof (or in the planned section or district of the ~ity's environs as contemplat- ed by the aforementioned Charter section), until and unless the reasonable and general location, but not its character and extent, has been submitted to and ap- proved by the Commission; provided that in case of disap~proval the Commission shall communicate its reasons to the Council which shall have the power to overrule such action by a recorded vote of a majority of its entire membership. The failure of the Commission to act within sixty days from and after the date of the final sub- mission to it shall be deemed approval. The widening, extension, narrowing, enlargement, vacation or change in the use of streets and other public ways, grounds and places within the City (or in the environs thereof as contemplated in the aforementioned Charter section) as well as the acquisition by the City or the pablic of any land within the City for public use or purposes or the sale of any land then held by the City shall be subject to simila approval and in case the same is not approved it may be similarly overruled. The foregoing provisions of this paragraph shall not be deemed to apply to the paving, repaying, reconstruction, improvement, drainage or other work of, or in, or upon, any street or other public way or any public building or utility unless the same involves a change in the then location or extent thereof. Section 10. MISCELLANEOUS POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CO~R~ISSION. A. The Commission shall make a study of the subdivision ordinance adopted by Council on the 3rd day of ~.~arch, 1950, to assure the orderly subdivision of lands and their development, both within the City and its environs as tharein contemplated the Charter of the City of Roanoke (especially Section 45 thereof) and other City ordinances and State statutes of similar purport and design; and from time to time offer such suggestions and recommendations to the Council as the study by the Com- mission may reveal to be essential to the attainment of fair, equitable and har~onio~ ordinances and laws in the premises and to the promotion, preparation, development and preservation of the master plan and revisions thereof. B. The Commission may promote public interest in and an understanding of the olan and to that end may publish and distribute copies of the plan or of any report md may employ such other means of publicity and education as it may determine. C. Nembers of the Commission, when duly authorized by the Commission, may attend planning conferences or meetings of planning institutes or hearings upon pend. ing planning legislation or visit other communities and the Commission may, by reso- lution spread upon its minmtes, authorize the payment of reasonable expenses inciden to such attendance or visit. D. The Commission shall, from time to time, recommend to the appropriate ~ublic officials programs for public stractures and improvements and for the financiz ;hereof and shall consult and advise with public officials and agencies, public utility companies, civil, educational, professional and other organizations and with citizens with relation to the protecting or carrying out of the plan. E. The Commission is hereby granted power to control, preserve and care for all historical lan~zmrks no~? ovmed or hereafter acquired by the City; to control the design and !oca. tion of statuary and other works of art, which are or may become the orooerty of the City, and to provide for the removal, relocation and alteration of a~ uch wor~_s belonging to the City; and to ' ma.~.~- suggestions concerning the design of bridges, viaducts, street fixtures a_ud other public structures and appurtenances. F. The Conzmission shall consider all requests for. revokable licenses to srect marquees over public ways as provided by ordinance and to promptly make such econm~endations to Council. in relation thereto as it deems advisable and in keeping ~ith the master plan. O. Ail City officials shall, upon request, furnish to the Commission, ~'~zt~zn a reasonable time, such available information as it may require for its work; ~rovided the furnishing thereof will not unduly interfere with such officials' ~sual duties. H. The Commission, its members, officers and employees, in the performance f t~eir fmuct~ions hereunder, may enter upon any land in the City and make examinati .nd surveys and place and maintain necessary monum~ents and markers thereon. I. In general, the Co~mission shall have such powers as may be necessary to ~nable it to fulfill its functions, promote planning and carry out the purposes of ~his ordinance. J. Th,:~ Co~_~:lission shall make an annual report to Council concerning its ~ctivities d~ring each year. Section 1!. SUBDIVISIONS DEFINED. For the purpose of this ordinance "Subdivision" shall mean the division ~f a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or more lots, plats, sites or other divi- sion of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or of building [evelopment. It shall include resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, elate to the process of subdividing or to the land or territory subdivided. Section 12. I~3VA~IDITY. If any clause, sentence, paragra~f~h or part of this ordinance shall, for ny reason, be adjudged invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the parts which are ~ot adjudged invalid. Section 13. CITATI01',?. This ordinance shall be known, designated and cited as the "Planning ;omuission Ordinance". This ordinance, being an emergency ordinance, shall be in effect fr~:l its ~assage. A?PROVE D [TTEST: ] Clerk President Y ~S 49! 492 IN THE COLrNCIL FOR T}!E CI?Z OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of December, 1950. No. 10883. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section ~110, "Pensions and Gratuities to Former Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10743, adopted on the 29th day of August, 1950. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #110, "Pensions and Gratutities to Forrcer Employees", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1949, 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency", as amended by Ordinance No. 10743, adopted on the 28th day of August, 1950, be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: PEMSIONS ~TD GRATUITIES TO FORI,~ER E~,~LOYEES #110 Empl ( ) ~ 6 866 Gratuities to Former oyees 1 ............... ~.~ , .00 (1) Sallie H. Jeffries .............. ~250.00 BE IT FURTP~R 0RDA1TIED that the ~250.00 herein appropriated is to be paid to Sallie H. Jeffries in one lump sum immediately. BE IT FURTL~R 0RDAIde[ED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED IN TP~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The i8th day of December, 1950. No. 10885 · A RESOLUTION to repeal a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day of November, 1950, No. 10864, entitled, ,,A Resolution discontinuing as of midnight, December 31, 1950, the agreement of February 23, 19~5, pursuant to which Council has appropriated $5,000.00 and $1,000.¢ annually to the respective Public Service Medical Staffs of Memorial and Crippled Childrens' Hospital (Roanoke Hospital) and of Burrell Memorial Hospital for pro- fessional services rendered in caring for the City's indigent patients; directing the City Clerk to notify the Public Service Medical Staffs of said hospitals of suc~ action by delivering an attested copy hereof to the Managers of each of said.hospita s; and providing for an emergency", upon cOnfirmation by the respective staffs of said hospitals of their willingness to continue the agreement of February 23, 1945, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, for the preservation of public health, and emergency is declared to exist. THE~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 27th day of November, 1950, No. 1056~, entitled, "A Resolution discontinuing as of midnight, December 31, 1950, the agreement of February 23, 1945, pursuant to which Council has appropria~ced ~5,000.00 and i~l,000.00 annually to the respective Public Service Medical Staffs of Nemorial and Crippled Childrens' Hospital (Roanoke Hospital) and of Burrell ~emorial Hospital for professional services rendered in caring for the City's indigent patients; di~ecting the City Clerk to notify the Public Service Medical Staffs of said hospitals of such action by delivering an attested copy hereof to the Managers of each of said hospitals; and providing for an emergency", be, and the same is hereby repealed upon confirmation by the respective staffs of said hospitals of their willingness to continue the agreement of February 23, 1945. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. APPROVED ATTE ST: Clerk President IN THE COUNCIL FCR THE CI~J OF ROA~0tCE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10886. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Manage~' to include in the 1951 work progr~ the acquiring of necessary rights-of-way for. extending _Elberta Avenue, S. W., from its present termination to Spring ROad, and the construction of a 5-foot brick sidewalk on the contour of the ground, at a total estimated cost of $3,751.00, said project to be completed as early as possible in 1951. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to include in the 1951 work program the acquiring of necessary rights-of-way for extending Alberta Avenue, S. W., from its present termination to Spring Road, and the construction of a 5-foot brick sidewalk on the contour of the ground, at a total estimated cost of $3,751.00, said project to be completed as earl~, as possible in 1951. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk President IN THE COD~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA,~ The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10887. A RESOLUTION approving plans for the development of Morningside Park as submitted by the City Manager under date~f December 18, 1950. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the plans for the development of Morningside Park as submitted by the City Manager under date of December 18, 1950, be, and they are hereby approEed. APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. 1O888. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the employment of the firm of T. Coleman Andrews and Company, at a cost of approximately $300.00, to make an analysis of the operations of the Safety Motor Transit Corporation and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company, with a view of determining the justification for a proposed increase in fare rates, and to report back to Council at the earliest possible moment. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that authOrity be, and is hereby granted for the employment of the firm of T. Coleman Andrews and Company, at a cost of approximately $300.00, to make an analysis' of the operations of the Safety Motor Transit Corporation and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company mith a view ~f determining the justification for a proposed increase in fare rates, ~nd to report back to Council at the ~arliest possible moment. BE IT FUR~THER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in force from its passage. ~TTEST: Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COU~CIL FOR THE CI~ OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10889. A RESOLUTION appointing Councilman V~. P. Hunter, Chairman, Mr. Arthur S. )wens, City Manager, and Mr. Joh~ L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, as a ~ommittee to study and report to'Council on the engineering work already done and remaining to be done in connection with the improvements to the city water system authorized ~uder the recent bond issue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Councilman W. P. H~nter, Chairman, ~r. Arthur S. Owens, City I~anager, and ~¥~r. John L. Wentworth, Director of Public Works, be, and they are hereby appointed as a committee to study and report to Council on the engineering work already done and remaining to be done in connection with the improvements to the city water system authorized under the recent bond issue. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee be, and is hersby instructed to study the existing contracts with Alvord, Burdick and Howson, Engineers, and with l~attern and ~attern, Engineers, to determine what services have already been con- tracted for, ~hat services remain to be arranged for in order to complete drawings to the point that contracts can be awarded for the work, and to Eake definite recom- mendations to council as to whether the engineering work remaining to be done should~ be done by bhe employment of an oGtside engineering firm, ~or by engineering employees that might be added to the City ~uginee£ing Department or to the City of Roanoke ¥,~at er Department. APPR 0VE D IN THE COUNCIL FOR T!tE CITY OF ROA~'.!0KE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of Z~ecember, 1950. No. '10890. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the propez City Officials, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase 1,250.0 square feet of land, more or less, being the western portion of Lot 17, Villa Heights _~l~tension, located at the northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. V.~., at a consideration of ~1,800.00, for the widening of Aspen Street; repealing Ordinance No. 1017~ and Ordinance ~o. 10809, and providing for an emergency. ?~EREAS, by 0rdinanDe No. 1017~, adopted on the 19tn day of September, 19~9, the City ~anager was authorized and directed to acquire the property hereinafter described for the purpose of widening Aspen Street, N. VJ., at a price and on ce£tain terms and conditions as set forth ia said ordinance; and ~YHER~DiS, subsequently, by Ordinance No. 10809, adopted on the 16th day of October, 1950, 'bhe proper City officials were authorized and directed to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire, for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke, the property hereinafter described; and V~qqEREAS, William W. Swanson and Ira0elle W. Swanson have made an offer in writing to sell the h~reinafter described property to the City of Roanoke for th, sbEn of , ~1,800.00 which sum includes dsm~ages to the residue of their property by reason of bhe construction of the City's works, and provides, further, that the Cit shall perform cerbain work on their property as more particularly set forth in their , 96 offer of November 17, 1950; and V'GtFr~EAS, for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety and for the usual daily operation of 'the City Engineering Department, an emergenc'y is hereby declared to exist. ~EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that the proper City officials be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed, for and On behalf of the City of Roanoke, to purchase from William VT. Swanson and Irabelle W. Swanson, 1,250.0 square feet, more or less, of land, being the western portion of Lot 17, Villa Heights Extension, located on the northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. V.~., at a consideration of I~l,$00.00, which shall include damages to the residue of their property by reason of the widening and improving of Aspen Street, N. W., and to do certain other work as outlined in the above mentioned offer, the deed-therefor to be with General Warranty of title and to be approved by the City Attorney, which parcel of land is mo~e particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the present northeast corner of Aspen St. reet.and~ Florida Avenue, N. W.; thenc~ with the presen~ eas~er-y line of Aspen Street, N. 41o 33' E. 125.0 feet to a point on the division line between the Swanson and Howell properties; thence with said division line S. 41° 22' E. 10.08 feet to a point on the newly establish- ed easterly line of Aspen Street; thence with same S. /~l° 33' W. 125.03 feet to a point on the ~resen't northerly line of Florida Avenue; thence with same N. ~l~ 12' W. 10.10 feet to the place of BEGIh~NING, containing 1,250.0 square feet, mo~'e or less, and Being shown as a westerly portion of Lot 17, on the Villa Heights Extension Map, which map is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, page ~l. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that Ordinance No. 10174, providing for the purchase of 1,250.0 square feet of land, more or less, located at the northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. W., and Ordinance No. 10809, providing for the condemnetion of certain real estate located at the northeast corner of Aspen Street and Florida Avenue, N. V¢., be, and they are hereby, repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this ordinanc~ s~h~ll be in full force Clerk from its passage. APPROVED President IN THE COL~,~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950.. No. 10891. AN ORDINANCE to amend and reenact Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 1959, No. 10329, and entitled, "An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of Roanoke for the fiscal year beginning January l, 1950, and ending December 31, 1950, and declaring the existence of an emergency" BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section #75, "Street Construction", of an Ordinance adopted by the Councdl of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of December, 19~9, No. 10329, and entitled, ',An Ordinance making appropriations from the General Fund of the City of R0an6ke for the fiscal year beginnin~ January l, 1950, Rnd ending December 31, 1950, and de- claring the existence of an emergency", be, and the same is hereby amended and reordained to read as follows: STREET CONSTRUCTION #75 Rights of Way ................... $ 6,800.00 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in forc~ from its passage. APPROVED President IN THE C0~CIL FOR TITE CITY~ OF ROA~i0K~E~, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10892. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City ~,~anager to continue the employment of Malcolm Pirnie Engineers for an additional period of six months from December l, 1950, for the purpose of re~'iewing the operation of the aerator at the Carvins Cove Filtration Plant, at a lump sum .consideration of $500.00, plus the additional cost of traveling and expenses incurred by the representative of the fir~ while visiting the plant in Roanoke. BE IT ]~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to continue the employment of Nalcolm Pirnie Engineers for an additional period of six months from December l, 1950, for the purpose of reviewing the operation of the aerator at the Carvins Cove Filtratio~ Plant, at a-lump sum consideration of $500.00, plus the additionsl cost of travel- · ng and expenses incurred by the representative of the firm while visiting the plan~ in Roanoke. APPROVED C1 erk President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CI?Z OF ROANOF2E, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950, No. 10893. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction and operation of two chlorination stations, one in the Hollins Road area and one in the V~ashington Heights area, for the chlorination of sewage from Hollins Road and Washington Heights, the total estimated cost thereof for a period of twelve months being $3,000.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City ~f Roanoke that authority be, and is hereby granted for the construction and operation of two chlorination statio~ 498 one in the Hollins Road area and one in the Washington Heights area, for the chlorination of sewage-from Hollins Road and Washington Heights, the total estimated cost thereof for a period of twelve months being $3,000.00. APPROVED Pr esident 1TI THE COUNGIL FOR ~ CITY OF ROAN0~E,, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10895. A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing that all Municipal Departments in the City of Roanoke be closed on Saturday, December 23, 1950, subject to reGuiremen' for the preservation of public health and safety. WHEREAS, Saturday is observed as a half-holiday by city employees, under the provisions of Chapter 7, Section ll, of the Roanoke City Code, and WHERFJYS, it is the opinion of Cou~cil that the daily operation of the City Government will not be greatly inconvenienced by closing of Municipal Departments the full day of Saturday, December 23, 1950, subject to requirements for the pre- servation of public healti~ and safety. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that all Municipal Departments in the Oity of Roanoke be closed on Saturday, December 23, 1950, it being understood that the provisions of this Resolution do not apply to employees required to be on duty for the preservation of public health and safety. BE IT )~JRTHER RESOLVED that any employee required to be on duty on the 23rd day of December, 1950, for the preservation of public health and safety, shall be allowed compensatory time off equal to the time worked on the 23rd day of December, 1950, at such time as is agreeable to the head of his Department. Clerk APPROVED President IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10896. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to appoint Rex T. Mitchell and Paul L. Routt as Co-directors of the Department of Parks' and Recreation during the ibsence of Mr. Robert P. Hunter on military leave, and to supplememt their salaries in the amount of $60.00 per month each, to be paid from the salary of the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation as carried in the budget, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the interest of the daily operation of the Department of Parks and Recreation, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint Rex T. Mitchell and Paul L. Routt as Co-directors of the Department of Parks and Recreation d~ring the absen( of Mr. Robert P. Hunter on military leave, and to supplement their salaries in the amount of $60.00 per month each, to be paid from the salary of the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation as carried in the budget. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,that, an emergency existing, this Resol6tion shall b, in effect as of December l, 1950, and shall remain in effect until the return of Mr Robert P. Hunter from military duty, or until otherwise changed by Comucil. APPROVED Clerk Pr esident IN l~iE COUNCIL FCR THE CI~K OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10897. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to employ Marshall L. Harris as Clerk of the Works on the Federal Airport project at a salary of ~125.00 per month, in addition to his regular salary as Manager of the M~nicipal Airport, said $125.00 per month salary to be paid out of the Federal Airport project fumds, and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, in the inter'est of the daily operation of the Municipal Airport, an emergency is declared to exist. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to employ Marshall L. Harris as Clerk of the Works on the Federal Airport project at a salary of $125.00 per month, in addition to his regular salary as Manager of the Municipal Airport, said $125.00 per month salary to be paid out of the Federal Airport project funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an emergency is declared to exist and this Resolution shall be in fUll force and effect as of and from January l, 1951. APPROVED ATTEST: f/ Cle~.'k President IN THE COUY[CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of December, 1950. No. 10898. A RESOLUTION making joint recommendation to the Compensation Board for fixation of salaries and expenses in the office of the Clerk of the Courts for calendar year 1951. 500 W~LMREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke and R. J. Watson, Clerk of the Courts of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, after a conference held in open meeting, relative to the fixing of a basic rate of compensation and expenses for said Clerk of the Courts and for such assistance, as may be needed, to properly conduct the office of the Clerk of the Courts of the City of Roanoke in public interest, for the calendar year 1951, have agreed upon the following salary schedule and expenses, to-wit: Salary, Clerk of Courts .............................. $ 8,000.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 4,620.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 4,120.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 3,720.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 3,180.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 3,120.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 2,880.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 2,880.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk ................................. 2,880.00 Salary, Deputy Clerk,. ...... ii!iii'00 ''''' '''' ' ' 4,920.00 2,2,880.580.0000 Salary, Ass't. Photographers 2 ~. Salary, Typist Clerk .... 2,460.00 Salary, Typist Clerk ~'~ $~~'~l.lJll~ll~l~.J 4,080.00 Salary, Stenographer ................................. 2~ 340.00 $54,660.00 Stationery and Office Supplies ....................... Postage ........... Telephone ~'~~'.~i..~i..i~.i~..i.i~i~i~i Bond Premium .......................................... Incidentals ...... Furniture and Equipment (2) ........................... (2) i Steel Safe $950.00 12 Files 1,550.00 i Typewriter 200.00 2 Mats 125.00 2 Fans 100.00 6,360.00 300. OO 360.00 365.00 lO0.OO 587.00 2~925.00 S10,997.00 $65,657.00 and V?rtEREAS, it is further agreed that if the necessity arises and the occasion ~emands either party hereto, the Clerk of the Courts of the City of Roanoke or 'the City of Roanoke, after due notice, may by agreement review and revise the foregoing schedule either as to salary, the number of employees, or expenses, including equip- merit, of the Department, such revised agreement, if, and when ~aade, to be submitted to and approved by the then lawful authority charged with such duty. T~IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the salary schedule and expenses as hereinabove set out be, and the same is hereby adopted and approved, subject to the approval of the Compensation Board, and to continue in force unless and antil changed by agreement as hereinabove set out or unless revised by lawful authority. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution, together with the ratification and approvalof R. J. Watson, Clerk of the Courts of the City of Roanoke, endorsed thereon, be promptly forwarded to the Compensation Board of the State of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above is a joint statement by the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Clerk of the Courts and supersedes any ex parte re- quest previously made by the Clerk of the COurts to the Compensation Board. I Concur in the above: (Sisned) R. J. Watson Clerk of the Courts A P P R 0 V E D