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IZ TI~ COUITCIL J~Oil 'di£ CIi'¥ O~~ L©Ai~O!~ VI.-:GI~I~, The 8th day of April, 1922. Ilo. 840. AiT 0EDIiIiUCE imposing taxes on persons, real estate and personal pro~:erty for the current year, for the support of the City Ooverrmment, the pa~ent of the interest upon the Cit,>;~ debt, other I,iunicipal expenses c.n~ ~, '~' school pur?oses. BE IT 0.~,D~I.~ED by the Counoil of the City oi' i{o~.no!:e, that taxes shall be, and are hereby levied for t~.e support of the City Government the payment of the interest u?on the City debt, for other municipal expenses, and for school purposes, for the year endir~I February 1st, 1923, and for each year thereafter until altered, amended, or repealed, as follows, to-wit: 1. Upon every resident of the City of Roanoke male and female who has attained the age of twenty-one y®ars, not exempt from taxation by law, there shall be a tax of fifty cents for each year. 2. Upon all real estate in this city ~md improvements thereon, not exemFt from taxation by law, there sb=a!l be and he.~'eby is levied a tax of ~2.15 on every one hundred dollars assessed value thereof for city and school purposes. 3. Upon all tangible personal property, not exempt from taxation by law (except rollir~c~ stock of railroads operated by steam), there shall be and ?mreby is levied a tax of ~2.15 on every one hundred dolors assessed value thereof for city and school purposes. 4. Upon all bonds (except bonds of the United States) no~zes az~L other evidences of debt including bonds of other states than Virginia, bonds of counties cities and towns located outside oi' li~.e State of Virginia, bonds of railroad and. canal companies and other corporations, bonds of individuals and all demands and claims however evidenced, whether secured by morto~.oe deed of trust judgment, or otherwise, or not so secured, there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of twenty cents on every hundred dollars of assessed value ~ereof. 5. Upon all capital of 10ersons, firms ~--~d cor?orations employed in a trad~ or busir~ss not otherwise taxed there shall be and hereby is levied a tap~ oi' thirty cents on every hundred dollars oi' assessed value thereof. 6. U~on the principal oi' personal estate and credits other 't~an tangible personal ]?ro]yerty, money and the proyerty embracer in Section 4 o~f tl':is ordinance under the control of a court receiver or commissioner, in pursuance o±' an order, ~ad~ment or decree oi' any court, or in the hands, or under the control of an executor, administrator, guardian, trustee, agent or other fiduciary, and the principal estate and credits other than tangible personal ?roperty money and proT'erty embraced in Section four (4) of this ordii~a~ace deposited to the credit of any suit and not in the t~nds of a receiver or other fiduciary, ~o~.~e~e,..~n~lt~' "'~ be and hereby is levied a tax of thirty cents on every hundred dollars of'~ssesse, d value the reof. · 7. Upon all shares oi' stock of corporations or joint stocl~: companiea;,.. except such corporations ant joint stock corn[lan±es all of whose capital by this state or '~vhich fay a franchise in this State, and banlzs, banl~ing associa-' tions, trust ~md security comlanies arid insurance companies, vzhich are other'~ise taxed in this otate there shall be and hereby is levied a tax oi' thirty cents on case off his intestacy, to any person otb. er than his lineal descendants, or his father, mother, husband, wife, brother, or sister; the tax thereon shall be one per cent upon the value of the amount thereo£. 9. No tax shall be assessed upon the capital of any bank or banking association organized under the authority of this State of off the United States, nor upon the capital o£ any trust or security compacT, chartered by this State, but the stockholders in such banks, banking associations, trust and security companies shall be assessed with and taxed on their sb~res of stock therein; and upon the assessed value o£ such stock when ascertained as is hereinafter provided, there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of eighty-five C85~) cents on every one hundred dollars assessed value ~ereof, for city and school purposes. Each bank, banking association, trust and security comr~any aforesaid, on the first day o±' )~ebruary in each year, shall ma~:e up and return to the Commis- sioner o£ the i~evenue off the city, a report in which slmll be given the names and residences of all its stockholders; the number and actual value c~ the shares of stock held by each stockholder. ~rom the total value o£ the shares of stock o£ any such bank, bankiRT association, trust or security company, which shall be ascertained by adding together its capital, surplus and undivided profits, there shall be deducted the value of its real estate otherwise taxed in this city, or if the title to the buil~F in ?~.ich any such bank, banking association, trust or security company does its business, and the land on which it stands, is held in the name of a seyarate corporation, in which such banking association, trust or security com]~any owns all or a majority off the stock, and such real estate be otherwise taxed in this city, then there shall be deducted from the value o£ the shares off stock off such bank such proportion off ~he assessed value off said real estate as the stock it o~'ms in such holdin~ corporation, bears to the whole issue of stock in such corporation, and there may be deducted the value at par of all securities of the City off Roanoke which are non-taxable on their face, and the actual value el' each share shall be its proportion off the remainder. 10. It sb~ll be the duty of said c. ommissioner o±' the revenue, as soon as h~ receives such report, to assess each stockholder upon such actual value of the shares o~' stock owned by biz:, less the- amount o£ bonds, demands, and cL~.ims, owing by him a tax of eighty-five cents on ever~j hundred dollars value thereof, and he shall ma~:e out three ~ssessment lists, give one to the bank, banking association, trust or security company, send one to the city clerk, and retain one. The assessment list delivered to said bank, bamJ:ing association, trust or security corn?any shall be notice to the bank, banking association, trust or security corn?any, of a tax assessed against its stoctdaolders, and each off them, and have the legal efffect and force o£ a sun~aons upon suggestion £ormally issued and regularly served. The tax assessed upon each stockholder in said ~ank, banking association, tr~zst or security company shall be the first lien upon the stock standing in his n~ne and upon the dividends due and to be come due thereon, no matter in ~aose possession £ound, and bm~ve priority over any and all liens, by deeds of t~-ust, mort~_~oe~, bills el' ss~e, or other assignment r~ade by the o~a~er or holder, smd take priority over all liens by execution, garnis~nent, or attach- merit process sued 'out by creditors o±' the stockholder. The bank, ba~fl:ing associa- tion, trust or security eom?any o~hall hold the dividend or o~er fund which City oi' i~oa~o]:e, and apply tho s~.~e to the -~ayment of the tax assessed and '~','hen thus applied shall be acquitted ~nd di~_~cn~.~ed from .all liability to the stock- holder for tb~ money thus disbursed. tl ~ac~: ban~:, banking association, trust and security co~?an~, on or before the first day of June in each year, shall ~'ay to the treasurer and collector of city taxes the taxes assessed against its stock, holders. 12. Should any bank, banking association, trust or security company fail to [~,ay to the treasurer and coll~;ctor o~' c~y taxes the tax ~s~essed against its stockholders on or ]~efore the first day of J~zne in each year, then as soon there- after as practicable, a~i it shall be said treasurer ~uad collector o-~' city taxes' duty to collect the taxes the rein a~sessed and to this end levy upon the stook of the tax ??yer or so much thcreoi' as is necessary to pay said tax, and sell the same ::~t public auction for cash, as other chattels and ?ersonal pro?erty are sold under execution. He s]~ll give to the purc~ser a bill of sale made under his hand and seal. 1~. The bank, banking· a°sociation,~ trust or security com~anF,'~ - on presen- tatio:a by a purchaser of his bill of sale cause the st ocl: therein described to be tranafez~'r~d to said purchaser, and he shall take a clear and unencumbered title to the stock purc?~sed. Should ~e taxes assessed against said stochholders be not ]aid or collected as hereinbefore provided, the lists aforesaid sl~il stand and be treated and have the !e~al effect of tax tickets regularly made out against eacl of said stockholders na:r. ed in said lists and the treas~?~rer and collector oi' city taxes shall proceed to collect the same by levy or distress and possess, all and singular, the authority and power co~ferred upon him by law to collect other cit~- taxes, and be governed by the law a~plicable to thc collection of taxes. 14. The bank, banking association, t~zst or security company, which shall fail or neglect to comply with each and every provisiozl of this act, for each separate offence, shall b~:: fined not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, ?nich fine shall be recovered upon motion, after i'ive days' notice in the Circuit or Cor]~oration Court oi' the City. Said motio~ shall be in the name of the City of Roanoke and presented by the City Solicitor. The real estate of all banks, banking association, trust '-and security companies shall bo assessed on the land books of the Commissio?s r of li~_e Revenue, ~'rith the s~me taxes with which other real estate is assessed. 15. No sei~arate levy si~tl be made for public free school purposes, but Council shall appropriate ±'or tb~ maintenance of the public schools of the City such sums as in its judgment may be necessa~~ for such maintenance, ar~t the same shall be set aside by the City to the credit of said f~uad, and ?ai~ over to the school boaz'd from time to ti,~:~e as the Council sl~ll direct. Taxes on persons, real and ~ersonal property shall be due and ..... ~ pa~ole on the first day of November of the cz~rent year, and if not ~aid as ai'oresaid to thc treasurer and collector of city taxes on or before the first day of December, shall thereafter be collected by him according to law, and be subject to the same penalties as are ?rescribed ~ Ordinances and State Law. by the Cit,~.. Iii TEE COUi[CIL ~'OR THE CITY OF !©ANOI~, VIRGINIA, the 15th day of A!~ril 192£. No. 849. A RESOLUTION providing for the width of streets in Raleigh Court Annex Territory. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of' the City of Ro,moke, that the streets in the Raleigh Court Annex Territory be as £ollows: On 60 foot streets the roadway shall be 30 feet between curbs, sidewalks to be 5 £eet ffrom the curb line to be 5 £eet wide and a space of 5 feet between sidewalk and t~roperty line on each side of street. On 80 foot streets the roadway shall bc ~0 feet between the curb lines, the sidewalk to be 5 feet from the curb line, 5 feet wide and a space of 15 feet between the sidewalk and pro!~erty line on each side of the said street. IN TBUE COUNCIL ~*OR THE CI'~%( 0F ROSG'~OFJ~, VIRGILrL&, The 15th day of April, 1922. No. 850. A RESOLlf±'I0~i grsnting a permit to the 8l;-*rk Service Company to install a gasoline pump on the curb line at ll? Luck Avenue, S. W. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Clark Service Company to install a pump on the curb line at ll~ Luck Avenue, S. ~,¥. Such pump to be installed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the City ~anager, s%d may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Council or its duly authorized officer. II~ '2!TE COUi~iL ~01~ %~,iE CITY 0F !{0AiI0i~, VIRGI!~IS~, The 15th day of April, 1922. No. 852. Ali 0i-~IN~CE creating the office of Electrical Inspector and providing for tt',~ installation and ins[!-,ection of electrical wiring and o~_er electrical appliances in any building in the ¢i%' of Roanoke. BE IT 0?DAIi~D by the Council of the City of Rognoke as follows: 1. Tb~t there be and is hereby created the office of Electrical Inspec- tor for the City of Roanoke. 2. The appointmaat of said Llectrical Inspector shall be made by the City LIanager, upon recommendation oi' the Unde~;;riters Association having Juris- diction in the City of Roanoke, and shall be for an indefinite term. Z. All electrical vzork, and all material and appliances used in connec- tion therewith in any building in the City o£ 7lo.eke shall conform to the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code as it is now established or shall hereafter be amended and s:_%id rules :~md regul'~tions are hereby adopted and approved as a Dart of this ordinance, and by reference are made a part hereof. 4. I~o alteration shall be made in the wiring of any building for light, Upon the completion of the wiri~ of any buildinf~ for light, heat or power it shall be the duty of the comT~any, fizm-~ or individual ~oing the same to notify the electrical inspector, v~ao shall at once inspect such vriring -mad appiian- ces a~d if a'aproved by him, he shall issue a certificate o±' satioi~ctor~ inspec- tion, but no such certificate s~all be issued unless such wiring: and at~.pliances be in conformity to the rules and regulation~ prescribed or required by this ordinance, nor sba 11 connection for current be made to such installation until said certificate be issued. 6. t~'recedent to the issuance of the certificate reeuired under Section 5 this ordilm~mce, the Eerson, firm or co~p. oration applying therefor shall pay to the electrical inspector and inspection fee in conformity to the follo,~ing table: IiiS1:2 CTt (~i~ FEES COiICEAL~]D ~/0Ril TO 0UT~TS: 1 to 3 outlets 4 to 10 outlets 11 to 15 outlets 16 to 24 outlets 25 to 45 outlets 46 to 100 outlets 101 outlets and over .5O 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 10.00 FIXTURES 1 to 5 lif~ts 4 to 10 lights il to 20 lights 21 to 40 lights 41 to 75 lights 76 to 150 lights 151 to 500 lights 501 lights and over .25 .50 1.00 1.50 2,50 5.50 5.00 10.00 Incandescent li~2~ts an! fans - i'i:ttures included: 1 to 3 lights 4 to 10 lights 11 to 20 ligj~ts 21 to 50 lights 51 to 100 lights 10t to 500 lights 501 light s and over .5O 1.00 1.50 2.25 3.50 5.00 10.00 1/4 ?l. P.a~.a' ' un.!e.~ Over 1/4 to and includir~ 1 E.P. Over t, to and includir~ 5 H. P. Over 3, to ~nd including 10 H. P. Over 10 il. ~. Electric ramges, heater, radio ratus and other appliances requiring sre~ cial v~ir~n~'- .25 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 ISOLATED PLAINTS CtzE~.r~e according to this sc~,_edule ~.~ .... ~ .... add ~.51.00 for dynamo. will i[0TE: Fixtures h~ving lam~js over 60 watt ca?acity/bo based on 60 '..vatt equivalent. Electric signs to be classed ,~'~s ~'ixture~. :±~he Electrical Inspector shall report monthly to the Cmt~. i,lanad~er ~ne amount of i~ees collected by him each month. 7. ~ny person, firm or cor?oration violating any of the [r~rovisionc of this ordJn~mce, for v~ic~ no s~:ecific ?'eznlty h~ been provided, sha].l, u?on con- victiol~, be i'i~d not less than five dollars nor more than fifty d. ollrrs for each offense. 8. Ail ordinances or ]tarts el' ordil~nccs in co:aftict ',vith the -rrovisions of this cha?te? are hereby reI:eated. ordinance shall be effective from .?md afte~- ~:o~ 1, 19°° ILr Tt~ COUNCIL ~3i( Ti.;E CITY 0P :~OAN01I, VIi~GI_UIA, The 15th day of A?ril, 192S. No. BbS. P~SOLVE that the ~,'[ayor be, and is hereby reouested to extend, on behalf of our citizens, a cordial invitation to Lady Astor to visit Roanoke City on the occasion of her presence in this her native State. PJ~SOLVE PUi:~t~Ei~, that upon advice of her favorable consideration of the invitation so extended that the Mayor shall appoint a large committee of ladies and gentlemen, whose duty it will be to provide a ±'itting.~ reception in honor of the occasion. Iii TH£ COUNCIL F0~[ Tt~ CITY 01; [~0AI[0~,Z, VIi~GIDIA, The 22nd day of A~ril, 1922. No. 551. A RESOLUTI0i~ to supplement certain appropriations. DE IT P~SOLVED by the Council of the City of ~:o~aot:e that the a..r?propri- ations to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the follmving amounts: Stationery and iTint ir~ Special Services 1702.29 1855.04 IN TI~ COUi~CtL P0i~[ TIE CI'kY 0~' lt0AI~01[E, VIi:~GI!{IA, The 22nd day of April, 192~. '!?o. 854. A P. ESOLU£I01? directing the sale of ~1, 260, 000 .00 of Ro'-,~noke, Virginia, 4-1/2 per cent bonds, dated April 1, 1922, and !:aya'ble 30 years after their date. 7'~E?~LiS by resolution heretofore ado]ted ~ne City Clerk and Auditor was directed to advertise the sage of the folla'~i:ag ilo'-dnol:e, Virginia, 4-1/2 per cent bonds, dated Aori! 1, 1922, payable Z0 years a£ter their date: Street Improvement Bonds School Bonds Fire Improvement bonds and to obtain bids on School Bonds 2o0,000.o0 500,000.00 60,000.00 500,000.00 and in accordance with said advertisement bids were srJomitted by the following firms in the foll~ving amounts: R. L[. Grant & Co., ,i~500 000 00 School ii496 S00,00- ,?,200 000.00 Streets 198,600 00; ~,~60,000.00 Fire 959,580.00; .~o00,000.00 School ;j496,500]00. E. H. Rollins & Sons, ;~500,000.00 School ,,~493,~50.0.a0; 'i}200,000.00 Streets ii)197,260.00; ~60,000.00 ~ire ~59,178.00; ~00,000.00 5chool ~49Z, 150.00. Estabrook & Co. ) Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co.) Hannahs, Scl!in & Lee. ) Curtis & ganger ) Strother, Brogden & Co. ) and accrued interest to date. Seasongood & If. ayer, 9000,850.00; ~200,000.00 Streets ~500,000.00 School '~'~ ~200,540.00; ~60,000.00 2ire ~60,102.00; ()500,000.00 School G5oo,85o.oo. Eastman, Dillon & Co.) National City Co. ) ',]600 , 000 .00 Schtol ,?=g3,195.00; i~200,000.g~_Street ~197,278.00; ~60,000.00 Fire ;ii59,185.40; q~oO0,0O0.O0 School ~49o,195.00. Roa:~o~.e Clearing House Association :~500 000.00 School ~;i487 600.00' ~200,000.00 Streets ~)195,040.00; ~60,000.00 Fire ..jo5,512.00; Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. ) "J. A. Harriman & Co., Inc. ) Northern Trust Co. o£ Chica~o.) ,:!, ~,onn 000.00 Pirst National Co. :'f Detroit.) ~500,00~.00 Schoo~ 9~90,~90.00', ,,,:~ Street ~196,276.00; ~;60, 000 .00 Fire ~500,000.00 School ..)400, 690.00. ?,ichards, Parish & Lawson. ) --.~ty Third National ~anl: Cincinnati.) ?rovident Savings Bk. & Tr. Co. ) Xeane, Highbie & Co. ) iih00,000.00 School ~495,400.00; <~200,000.00 Street ~]198,160.00; ~,60,000.00 ~ire e09,448.00; ~500,000.00 School ~495,400.00. ~-,-- ~500,000.00 School ~495,900 00' ~200,000.00 Streets Johnson, a, soo.co; i}oo, ooo.oo Pit e sOS.OO; , 500,0o0. co School 9oo.oo. Clark, Williams & Co., ~500,000 00 School ,}492,026.00; ;;3200,000.00 Street <i o,ooo.oo Fire 8o.oo; , ,5oo, ooo.oo School {i492,026.00. Redmond & Co. ) Eaine, Jebbar& Co. } 'J. R. Presspich & Co.) ~500,000.00 School ,~500,950.00; ~200,000.00 Street .~200,58~.00-, <}60 , 000 .00 Fire ,~:~ 60 ,114 . 00 -, i~500,000.00 School .~500,950.00. Xissell, !iinnicutt ~: Co.} Stacy & Braun ) E!dredge & Co. } ;~;500,000.00 School i~502,100.00; -~00,000.00 otreet ~.~00,540.00; ;ii60,000.00 Pire ~.~o0,252.00' {o00,000 00 School ~502,100.00. and, 7P_~REAS the bid of ~[issell, iiinnicutt & Co., Ztacy & Braun ,and Eldredge Co., ,jointly, is the best bid. il0//, TPZEi<EP0ilE ="' ' , s~ iT R2EOLV£D sy the Council of the City o£ Ro~oke that the bid of l:issell, Xinnicutt & Co., Stacy & Braun, and Eidredge & Co., jointly, for bonds as follows: : oo,ooo.oo 200,000.00 60,000.00 500,000.00 School Bonds at Street Bonds at Pire Bonds at School Bonds at ; 8o2,ioo.oo 200,840.00 60,252.00 502,100.00 be, and the s?sno is hereby accel?ted. tint u-~:on the ..r~a2,m~ent of the amounts herein specified, the said bonis shall be delivered to the said N~c?~sers. IIi i~i[E COUNCIL 3Blt TH£ CI?Y 07 NOAN01~, VIP. 0Ii[IA, The 2Snd day of April, 1922. No. 855. A RESOLUTION granti~ a permit to Mrs. Namie E. Gish to remodel dwelling at 365 Day Avenue, S. W. BE IT ~=~o0E~=D by the Council el' the City of Ro~Y~oke tnao a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Ers. !~annie L. Gish to remodel her &veliirT at ;ro6~ Day Avenue, S. 'J., in accordince v;itk ~ne sketch attached to and made a ]:{%rt of this resolution. T'he said_ !!rs. _~narmie~ E. Oish b2; acting under this resolution a,t~-ee~ to inder.~ify ~d save l-;~rmless ti~e C'~-'l~,. of i-,o~no~:e from all cl~,' .... for dan:aGes to person or pro?ertN i;F romodcli~T of said house. 8 Date IN T~iE COUi~CIL ~Ol~ ri~IE CITY 0F i':0~0!£E, VIL~GIiJIA, ~he 22nd day o£ April, 19£~. No. AN 0RDIN~JCE to amend clause "d" of Section ~0 o£ the License ~r dinanc e. BE IT Oi~DAIUED by the Council o£ the Cit~y o£ Ro~noke that clause "d" Section ~0 o~ the License Tax Ordinance be amended so as to read as £ollows: "On each motorcycle, ~." IN TY~% COUZ~CIL b~07~ THE CI'i~f 0~~ [~0~T0~, VIZ-~GIZ~I$, The 22nd day o£ April, 19~. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railv~ay and Electric Company to install a light on 6th Street, S. E., approximately £00 £eet South o£ Albemarle Av enl~e o BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ ~he City o£ Roanoke that t~ Ro~noke Railvay ,~nd Electric Company be, ~-~ad it is hereby authorized to install a ~0 C. ~. light on 6th Street, S. E., approximately ~00 £eet South of Albemarle Avenue. The said light shall be maintained in accordance with the contract existing between the City o£ Roano)~e and the Roano]~e Rai!v~y ~ad Electric Com_~ny. Ii:[ THE COUNCIL 701~ Tt{,E CIi~Y 0J~ XOAi[01[E, VZCGINIA, The 8gnd :lay o£ April, 198g. No. 858. AN 0RDIiJAIICE providi~ the ~nner in which passe.er automobiles ket~t or used for hire ab_all bo granted licenses and providing for ~nalties for viola tions. .... ~o~mo~.e as £ollows: BE IT 0?~AIIIED by the Court, il of the Ci 1. The Commissioner of Revenue shall not issue a license to ovaaers off passerk~,er automobiles, kept or used ±'or hire, except upon written authority of the City ~ 2. Any person, firm or corpors£ion desiring to o!~erate passenger automobiles for hire over the streets o£ the City off Roanolm slmll mai~ applica- tion to the ~ity I2anager setting £orth, (a) the name smd resident o£ applicant, (b) the number, type, State license, and nunfoer oi' the automobile. 5. The applicant shall execute a bond payable to the City of Roanohe with some guaranty or surety comEany authorized to do business in the State oi' Virginia, or two or more good and solvent ?ersons as sz=ety in the zenalty off ~1500.00. The said bond shall be conditioned tlz~t the applicant or any l:erson operating such automobile as his agent or servant will not violate any o£ tlm provisions o£ the Tra££ic Ordin-~ace o£ the City o£ Roanoho and will pay all Traffic Ordin~ance. The said bond shall be a?u'~roved by the City Lk~na~ter, and tke sureties thereon ~a!l make oath before sodom officer authorized to administer oaths t]~t they are vzorth the full am~ount of such bond over and above all exemptions and indebtedness. ~. '.~b_ere the applicant secures a v~e~.it for moro than one automobile, the bond shall be ~00 for each additional automobile. O, ~£his ordi~nce shall be in force on and after Liay 1, IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROAN0k~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of April, 1922. No. 859. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $~08.00 to the Roanoke Pree DIedical Dispensary and Visiting Nurses Association. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $~08.00 payable to the Roanoke ~ree ~{edical Dispensary and Visiting Nurses Association. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the appropriation of Organized Charities ara against the particular appropriation for the above mentioned organization. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of April, 1922. No. 860. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of $100 to the Roanoke Branch of the Virginia Historical Society. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity 01erk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warr,ant for the sum of $100 payable to such person as may be designated by the Roanoke Branch of the Virginia Historical Society. The same to be used for the purpose of entering a float in the parade in the City of Richmond on Roanoke Day of the Pageant present- ed by the Virginia Historical Society. The said amount when paid shall be charged to Special Allowances and Gifts. IN TP~E COIE;CIL POR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of April, 192~. No. 861. A P£SOLUTION to permit the Jitneys whose licenses expire April S0. 1922, to operate under their permits until Monday, May 8, 1922. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke tPmt the jitneys 10 prior to the ]st day of May, 1922, be and the same are hereby extended to May 8, 1922. ~he same subject to all conditicns and restrictions imposed under the ordinances of the City of Roanoke. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOi2~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of April, 1922. No. 862. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of $?0 for photographs of the City of Roanoke to be taken from the air. BE IT. RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the mum of $?0 l~yable to R. A. Hughes or his order for photographs of the $ity of Roanoke to be taken from the air. The said amount ~hen paid shall be charged to the account of §pecial Services. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of April, 1922. No. 865. AN ORDINANCE to regulate and control the erection of signs, figures and ornaments in the City of Roanoke an~ providing penalties for a violation thereof. BE IT 0RDAII~D By the Court, il of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. Signs of wood, or other combustible material shall not be erected on any building or placed above the front wall or cornice or roof of any building? within the fire limits in the City of Roanoke. 2. No signs shall be erected so as to project over the sidewalk, except as hereinafter provided. Signs may be placed upon the front of buildings but shall be flat against the wall of such building, and erected so as not to extend over the sidewalk. Such signs shall be securely fastened to said buildingt~ 3. No sign shall be placed on the roof of an~ s~ructure, except it be constructed of metal and such construction shall be of' open mesh work, an~ such sign arzl all supports, fastenings and bracings shall be approved by the Building Inspector of the City of Roanoke. 4. No signs or bill-boards, erected on up-rights or any other supports extending to the ground shall be at any point more than 20 feet above the surface of the grourzl and shall be properly supported and braced. All signs or bill-boards which are dangerous in any manner, whatsoever, shall be repaired and made safe or taken down by the owner upon being notified so to do by the Building Inspector of the $ity of Roanoke. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the owner or operators of any open air place of amusement or ball park wholly surrounded by streets, vacant grounds, or railroads right-of-way, from erecting or maintaining suitable screens about the s~me, in accordance with plansll advertising m~tters on such sections. 5, Electric signs may be erected upon permits granted, provided the applicant present drawings and s~pecifications indicating the locations, quality of material and workmanship, full dimensions in figures, manner of fastening the signs to the structure, approximate weight, including fixtures, and the number and candle power of the lights and their loc~tion on the sign. These repreSenta- tions shall be made by written applications on blanks furnished by the Building Inspector of the City of Roanoke. All signs shall be properly stayed, bolted and anchored with proper supports of metal. Metal work shall not be secured by driving the same into Joints of m~sonry, or into wedging or wooden blocks. In the csse of masonry, connections shal'l be made by expansion bolts inserted not less than four inches, or by bolting through the wall. Expansion bolts shall be thoroughly and properly cemented or leaded into the drillin~ part of the masonry, No sign shall project beyond the curb, nor shall it be more than three feet high, and shall not be less than ten (10), feet above the established grade of the sidewalk. No si~n except a vertical sign weighing more than five hundred pounds shall be erected. Vertical signs weighing more than five hundred pounds may be permitted. All vertical signs shall be so constructed that no part thereof shall extend more than four feet beyond the building or property line. All vertical signs weighing more than five hundred pounds shall have one through bolt to each ten feet of length, which bolt shall be one inch in diameter, (meanirAg~ bolt' through the wall). Both sides of all signs shall be illuminated with lights sufficient to supply twenty candle pc~ver for each square foot of surface, and said signs shall be lighted until ten o'clock P. ~i. for not less than six nights each week. Signs shall not obstruct, or be attached to any p~rt of a fire ?. A fee of two dollars ($2.00) mhall be charged for each electric sign permit issued, and a fee of two dollars ($2.00) for each bill board permit issue d. 8. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not tess than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and each d~y said violation is allowed to continue shall constitute a separate offense. 9. This ordinance shall not apply to signs that are being maintained at the time this ordinance takes effect, provided, such sign is approved by the Building Inspector after examination. 10. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. ll. This ordinance shall be in force on and after May l, 1922. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0F ROANOLG~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of April, 1922. No. 864. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to ~harles E. Steckm~n to maintain a peanut and popcorn wagon corr~r Salem Avenue and First Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Charles E. Steckman to maintain his peanut and popcorn wagon upon the conditions contained in the permit heretofore granted him for period beginning the 1st day of May and ending the 1st day of November. The said Charles E. Steckman shall pay for said privilege the sum of $50,00, and the Commissioner of Revenue is authorized to issue a license upon the payment of said amount. a S igI1. IN THE COUNCIL FQR THE CITY 0F ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of _~_sy, 1922. No. 865. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Lodge I 0 0 F to erect BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, ~ and the sane is hereby granted the Roanoke Lodge I 0 0 F to erect a sign at its hall on Jefferson Street over the American Theater. The said sign shall be erected according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector. The said Roanoke Lodge I 0 0 F by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless' the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or .~ property by reason of the erection and ~aintenance of s~id sign. IN THE COUNCIL FOR TP2E CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of May, 1922. No. 866. A RES0LUTION granting a permit to }irs. W. B. Lackes to repair the awnings on her residence 518 - ~rd Street, S. W. BE IT PJ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted ~Irs. W. B. Lackes to repair the awning on her residence 518 - ~rd (Roanoke) Street, S. W., by erecting wooden covers thereon. The said repairs to be according to tke good liking and satisfaction of the- Building Inspector. The said ~Irs. W. B. Lackes by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said repairs. IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of May, 192£. No. 86?. A RESOLUTION to name the plot of ground at the intersection of 4th Street ar~l King George Avenue and the circle surrounding the same from Woods Avenue to ~luff Avenue "Argonne Hill." BE IT .RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that 'the plot of land at the intersection cf 4th Street a~d King George Avenue, and that_, portion of th~ circle surrounding the said plot between Woods and Bluff Avenues be named "Argorme Hill," and dedicated to the menory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the World War. IN THE COUNCIL F(R TI~ CITY CP ROANOF~E~, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of May, 1928. No. 868. AN 0RDIN.~{CE to prohibit vehicle s turning to the left at certain street intersections. BE IT 0RDAI~[ED hy the Council of the City of Roanoke that no vehicle, (except street cars) shall turn to the left at the intersection of the following streets: ls:t (Henry) Street and C~npbell Avenue, S. W. Jefferson Street and Campbell Avenue. 1st (Henry) Street ~nd Church Avenue, S. W. Jefferson Street and Church Avenue. Any person who shall violate this ordinance shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars for each offense. This ordinance shall be in force on and after ~iay 15, 1922. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F .,0ANOI~, VIRGI~TIA, The 6th day of MsS', 1922. No. 869. R P EALE!) Ail 0RDINAHCE to amend and re-enact Sections numbered 19, 20, 26, 28, 29 and 54 of an ordinance adopted by ~he Council of the 0ity of Roanoke, Virginia, entit led, "An 0rdina~ce to regulate traffic on and the use of the public streets and highways of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, by horses, vehicles and pedestrians, providing for the penalty for a violation tt~reof and repealirg all ordinances heretofore passed that are inconsistent herewith. BE IT 0FDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Sections numbered 19, 20, 26, 28, 29 and 54 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate traffic on and the use of the public streets and high~ays of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, by horses, vehicles and pedestrians, providing for the penalty for a violation thereof and repealing 14 Section 19. No vehicle shall park or stand on the North side of ~ranklin Road between the West side of Jefferson Street and the East side of 2nd (0ommerce) Street, S. W. No vehicle between the Hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m., except on Sundays, shall be permitted to stand or park within the foll~ving boundaries of the con- gested, district for a longer period tl~n fifteen minutes at any one time: On Salem Avenue between the West side of Randolph (Pnd) Street, S. E., and the east side of Roanoke (Zrd) Street, S. W. On Campbell Avenue between the West side of Randolph (2nd) Street, S. E., and the east side of Commerce (2nd) Street, S. W. On Kirk Avenue between the west side of Randolph (2nd) Street, S. ~., and on the east side of Commerce (2nd) Street, S. W. On Church Avenue between the we~t side of Randolph C2nd) Street and the east side of Commerce 12nd) Street, S. W. On Henry (lst) Street, S. W., between the North si de of Luck Avenue and the south side of Salem Avenue. On Jefferson Street between the north side of Norfolk Avenue and t2ae north ~ide of Tazewell Avenue. On Nelson (lst) Street, S. E., between the North side of Church Avenue and th~ South side of Salem Avenue. Luck Avenue between the west side of Nelson (lst) Street S. E. and the east side of Conmmrce (2ndi Street, S. ~J~. On any portion ef the I~arket Square. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the vehicles of regularly licensed practicing physicians and delivery vehicles for the purpose of actually loading and unload- lng freight or merchandise, and to vehicles on the ~Iarket Square from which produce is being sold and for which the reguZ~r curbage fee is charged, and to delivery vehicles of regularly licensed merchants while standing in front~of their respective places of busirsss. Section 20. No vehicle shall stand or park on any street in the City of Roanoke (except at such places designated by the Police Dep~rtment as public parking stands) unless both front and rear wheels on the curb side to the right are nearly parallel and are both within 18 inches of the curb, and the vehicle no~, nearer then ~ feet to either end of any other standing or psrkir~ vehicle. All motor vehicles standing or parked unattended in said public parking place or other space designated by the Police Department shall have the emergency brakes applied and motor stopped. SECtion 26. No vehicle shall be t~n'ned unless the proper signal shall have been previously given. Section 28. The standard signal for slov~ing down, stopping or turning shallbe given by extending the arm straight ou~t at right angle to the direction in which the vehicle may be moving, or in lieu of giving the signal with the hand a sigr~l device may be used, provided, such device has been appr eyed by the Superintendent of Police. Section 29. Every driver of a vehicle shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner mhd no person shall run, drive or operate or permit or other public way at a rate of speed faster th~n at the rate of twelve miles per hour within the territory embraced within the congested district and outside of said congested district at a rate of speed faster than at the rate of twenty miles per hour. When crossing any bridge or viaduct, except over bridges where signs indicate' the speed limit, or turning any street c~rner, or sharp curve, or passing any street car when the s~ is standing still, the driver or operator of any vehicle shall not drive, conduct or operate the sa~e at a rate of speed faster than at the rate of six miles per hour. This section shall not apply to police and fire department vehicles and ambui~nces, when respondirg to emergency calls, nor to commercial vehicles provided for in section thirty. Section S4. In order ~hat an automobile or olher vehicle s may be de- si.~nated as a "physician's" vehicle, such vehicle shall be labeled or marke~ in a conspicuous place with a green cross sign, in the .manner and of the character desigrated b,7 the police Department, whose duty it s~ll be to designate such sign. WEen on ~u emergency call, a physicians vehicle, beari~Gg proper insignia, shall be permitted to pass by traffic officers as soon as possible and without unnecessary delay, provided, however, that such sign shall be displayed only on the car used by such physician while in the discharge of his professional duties, and only one such insignia shall be allowed each physician. It shall be unlawful for any per,on, not a licensed practicing physician, to display a green cross on an automobile or other vehicle and any person not a licensed practicing physician using or displaying such a sign on their vehicle, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance. IN THE COUNCIL F~R THE CITY OF RO.~NO~, VIRGII'JIA, The 6th ~y of !~y, 1922. No. 870. AN ORDINf~ to amend and re-enact an ordi~ce adopted by ~e Co~cil of the City of R~noke, Vir~nia, on the 30th day of April, 1921, entitled, "An Ordinate to ~e Kirk Avenue between Jefferson and Coerce (2nd) Streets a one- way traffic street. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Oity of R~noke t~t an ordi~nce adopted by t~ Co~cil of ~e City of Roanoke, Vir~nia, on the 30th day of April, 1921, entitled, "An Ordin~ce to m~e Kirk Avenue between Jefferson and Co~uerce (2nd) Streets, S. %M., a one-way traffic street" be amended a~ re-enacted so as to read as fo!lows: ~ IT ~DAII~D by the Council of t~ City of Ro~oke that Xirk Av~ue between Jefferson Street and Commerce (2nd) Street, S. W., be and ~e same is hereby made a one way traffic street, and limited to East bou~ traffic only. No vehic~ shall use s~d street by goi~ West thereon. A~ ~rson vio~ting the ~ov~ion of this or~n~ce shall be fined not 16 : EALk O IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE GITy 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of ~,.i~F, 1922. No. 871. AN ORDINANCE to prohibit the prorating of licenses to operate jitney BE IT 0~AINED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that the Commis- sioner of Revenue shall not prorate a license to operate a Jitney bus in the City of Roanoke. The licenso granted for the operation of a jitney bus shall be at the full tax of $50. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, The 6th day cf I,lay, 1922. No. 872. AN ORDINANCE to amend and re-enact Section 238 of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke relating to the constr~ction of awnings. BE IT 0.ZLDAI~TED by the Council of the Cit~y of Roanoke that Section 238 of the General Ordinances be ar. ended and re-enacted so as to re:~d as follmvs: 1. Ail awnings shall be supported on an iron frame work attached securely to the building. 2. Ail awnings hereafter erected shall be elevated above the grade of the sidewalk so t~t the l~est part of 1he frame shall be at least seven feet and six inches above the sidewalk and bhe lowest part of the valance shall be at least mix feet and eight inches above the sidewalk when in use, and said awning shall not extend out from the building or property line more than six feet. $. No stationary or temporary awnings on posts shall be permitted. 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provision of this section shall be fined not less than five nor more l~an ten dollars for each offense. IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~U~ CI~Y 01~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIa, The 6th day of May, 1922. No. 873. AN 0R~1I}L~CE to create a Board of Public Safety. BE IT 0RDAI~[ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that there be and is hereby created a Board of Public Safety to be composed of the City Manage~, ~hief of the Fire Department, Sul~rintendent of Police and the Health Officer. Such officers are to act without additior~l compensation. 17 Iil THE COUNCIL FOR TYl~ CITY CF RCAN0ifE, VIRGIl!IA, Tile 13th day of ~{ay, 1992. No. 8?4. A RESOLt~I01~ grantir~ a Fermit to D. W. t!arth to build a front porch at lie. S0 and S2 Wells Avenue, N. ~/~., and to build a bath room !Io.SO ?fells Avenne. BE IT Pi~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a I~rmit be, and the m~e is' hereby granted D. W. Harth to build front porches at Ilo. 50 and g~ ?/ells Avenue, II. E., and to build a bath room No.50 Wells Ave~u~. The construction shall be in ac¢ords~nce with the good. liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector of the City of Romneke, and in accordance with plans to be approved by him. The said D. W. Harth by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity o£ Roanoke from ar~= claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction of said porches and bath room. III TEiE CCUNCIL PON Till CITY OF RCAII0i~, VIRCi!TL%, The lZth day of !Iay, 1922. No. 875. A EESOLUTI01~ granting a ~it to G. G. Kirkwood to construct a frame g=~e at No.~O? E!~: Avenue, S. W BE IT RESOL~YED by the Council of the City o~ Ro~oke t~$t a permit be, and the same is hereby ~ ~' . ~ ~ gr~,n,ed G G, Kirkwood to c~nstruct a ffreme ~ara~e at No.40V Elm Aver~ue, S. ~;~. The const~.ction, to be in accordance with the good liling and s~sfaction of the Buil~ Inspecto~ of the City of Roan ~ ~d the plans o~ said g~r~e sb.~!] be a~roved by him The s~d G. G. XirP~ood by acting under tn~s resolution a~rees to'indemnify and m~ve b~rmless the City of Roanoke from all cla~ for dateables to ~erson or proyerty by reason of ~e oonstr~ction and mai~- tenmnce o~ ~id ~arage. II! TYE COUNCIL ~ _, ~'~?. .... CITY 0P ROAN0t'iE, VIRCI!IIA, The l~th d~ of l~ay, 1922. No. S"~.,o AIl 0RDI~'T~'~C~'~, providir~ flor a franchise to const~ct, gas worl~ iN tv~ ..... Cit~~ of R~no]:e, Vir~nia, ~d the sale off ~t~ ~ '' fr~mchise in accordance ;?ith law. ~'~? IT 02~AINED by the Council off ~e City of Section_.~. ~h~, C~'~-'-=~ l.[~~..32..- sh.~.!' forthwith' ~.~' ....... ::~ ~o be published in the Roanok,~ Times, o~.lce a ~'eek for fol~, ~ successive wee~:s' , an advertisement in words ami figl~res ~ ~ Section ~. Bids in writinS for the franchise herei~after set out will be rece~w,d, if dc~ive;?~<t to the ],~aUor of this Cit;~ at c:O0 p. m. on oaturda~;, the N st ~,~b!icat~ on hereof) at the Council Room in the Hl~icie{~l Bn~l.,~'q? o~ said pursuant to Section 3020, Code of Virginia, 1919, and sa~y acts a~iendatory thereof. Section C. The purchaser, if not already incorpor~ted, with cor?o~'ate power to hold and execute the said franchise, shall, wf~thin fifteen el5) days after the acceptance of bid, org'~nize a corporation under tb.~: laws of the State of Virgini.a, with such corporate powers, and shall assign to said corporation his purchase, which s~aall thereupon be invested with all ~nd several the rights mad privileges of said purchaser. Section D. The p~u~chaser, if already incor~rorated with the powers afore- said, ard actually erg-~ged in doing business in said city, under any ordinance or franchise granted by the said City, s~all, within fifteen [15) days after the acceptance of its bid, surrender to said City ali of its rights and privileges un, er any such franchise or ordin~uce, and shall thereafter operate under the franchise herein~fter set out. Section E. That before ~,~ch franchise sh~ll be effective, and not less than fifteen days from the acceptance of any such bid, t)~ purchaser or his assignee shall execute a bond with good and sufficient security, approved by the City ~,~ana~er, payable to the City of Roano~:e, Virginia, in the penal sum of ~wenty ~ive Thousand Dollars [~25,000.00) conditioned upon constructing and maintaining the plant required by the ter~.'~s of said franchise. Section F. Said franchise, wt~n so sold and confir~msd by proper ordinance of this Council, shall be in words and figures follmving: BE IT 0RDAI~E~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia. Section l, That a franchise is hereby created, to become effective forthwith, to construct, ~.alntain, oper;~te, and keep in repair gas works in the City of Roanoke, and for this purpose to lay, extead, and mintain gas pipes under, along, and across any streets, alleys and public ways of said City, upon the conditions and under the restrictions hereinafter mentioned, for a term of thirty [~0) years from the date of taking effect of this ordinance. Section 2. The grantee of this franchise shall have the right to constrict, maintain, operate, and keep in repair gas works iu the City of Roanoke and for this purpose to lay, extend, and maintain gas pipes under, along, and across any streets, alleys, and public ways of said city, upon the conditions and under the restrictions hereinafter m~tioned, for the perio~ of thirty yes, rs from and after the date tb~t this franchise beco,~mes effective. Section 3. In consideration of such rights, privileges, and franchises, the grantee, its successors and assigns, shall be entitled to charge just and reasonable rates for gas furnished by it, under and subject to the approval of the Corporation Commission of the State of Virginia, or any successor body created by the State of Virginia with power to reg~alate rates of gas companies, and such commission or successor having the right to prescribe the standards of service of said gas company. Section 4. It ahall be the duty of the grantee, its successors, or assigns, to make all reasonable and necessary extensions of its gas pipes and ~ains: so as to supply all persons, firms, or corporations within said city with g~as. Section 5. Nothing herein contained shall operate to impair or deprive the authorities of said city of any ?ower or authority heretofore or hereaffter !.9 observed by the grantee or assignee hereof in connection with any service to be pe frowned hereu~der. unjustly discriminate in the m~tter of Section 6. The grantee sb~ll not ' ~ ' rates, charges, or character of service and shall not, either directly or in- directly, give or grant any free service to any person, firm, or ¢orl, oration whomsoever. Section V. The grantee shall, within fifteen [15) months after the date of this ordinance, b~ve completed and in operation a plant for the manufacture of gas, reasonably adequate to supply all the needs of the ~nnabzt~n,,s of aaid city w'.th gas, and shall also within said time h~ve installed not less than fifty [50) miles of ~as mains; in default of w~nich this framchise ~mll automatically terminate. Section 8. Upon the termiration of this franchise, unless renewed or extended, the plant amd property, if any, of the grantee, in the streets, avenues and other public places, shall, upon the payn~nt of a fair valuation, become the property of said city. Such valuation shall be ascertained by a board of three ~3) appraisers, who shall, after careful and thorough investigation and survey of all the property and plant, arrive at a full fair value. SUch appraisers shall be selected by agreement of the parties, or in default thereof, sl'ml! be selected by the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, and the findings of such apprai- sers shall, together with the evidence heard and considered, be submitted to the Mayor of s~d City, in said City, mud sb~ll be subject to review by said Commission. Such review shall be upon application either of tb~ said City or the said grantee made within thirty [30) days after the submission of sach findings. The hearing upon such review shall be upon the report of such appraisers ~ad records and evidence filed ~erewith, and s~ch other evidence as either party may submit under rules, practice or direction of said Con~ission, subject to such further review as is ~provided for by Section 3V~4, Code of Virginia, 1919, or amendments the re t o. COUNCIL ~-I)R TI~~ CITY OF R0~{0~, VIRGIJ~., The 13th day of May, 19£2. No. 877. A R~0LL~ION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of April, 1922, ard directing the payment of the same. BE IT :~oOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against thc Cit.y for the month of April, 1922, be, and the same is hereby approved and ordered paid as follc~vs: City Mana o=e r Engineering Dept. City C lc rk Treasure r Le ~al Depa rtmen t Judges Salaries Co~t Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Ele c ti on Stationery & ~rinting 809.62 705.05 654.50 411.18 220. O0 266 .~6 1681.56 1666.21 418.70 785 .~8 36"/.60 113.60 REP LAL. ED Almshouse Outside Poor Hospital s Insane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Police Department Fi re Department ~ire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector t~ilitary & Armories Physi cia n Quarantine & Detention Health Department Street Cleaning- Garbage Removal Sewer I~ai nt enanc e Street Repairs Bridge Repair Cru s~e r City Stables Tools & Equipment Refund & Rebate Special Services Workmen's Compensat ion Gar,age Schools Parks Lib ra ry Ma rke t Int e re st Annex 1919 Bills Payable Ed~T~0R DINARY Sewer Construction Drain Construction Street Grading Macadami zing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewa 1~ Construction ~arke t Improvement ~ 481.55 153.40 250.00 24. O0 1431.V5 717.12 8079.89 80?9.40 1376.25 2013.22 217.76 90.50 100.00 354.04 2126.95 1121.24 258~.41 376.11 4531.30 731.4V 1325.77 2543.87 447.~7 623.44 952.50 90.00 1036.25 46,882.60 664.03 1096.78 1080.91 7512.50 1727.05 508.50 $ 109,879.61 6853.20 3870.94 483.50 1817.77 4040.40 342.96 868.86 £109.91 ~ 20,38~.54 IN i3iE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY OF ROAI~01~, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of May, 19 22. No. 879. AIJ 0RD!fIANCE directing tt~ drivers of motor vehicles to display their number plates on their vehicles and ]~rovi~ a peaalty for a violation. BE IT 0~AINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke t~t a number plate for each automobile, truck or motorcycle s~ll be f~ni~ed by the Co~issioner of Revenue at the time the license is taken out and ~all he conspicuously displayed by the ov~er or operator of said automobile, t~ck or motorcycle on said ~chine. Por t~ failure to display such tag such o~mer or o~r~tor shall be fined nm~ exceedi~ $2.50. I~o .575. ~xe Cou~til of thc n ...... o~ ~ ' t~'a" ' Lo l:hq fc],iov;~ng a,;{:ouz:ts i'.e, ~d the same are he re!j supple::pz:ted i.r~ t]:e follov~ing Ii3.60 952.50 2et,~l a 100d 10 as ',,.viii ,,'~-;-~ i.:~n e=~ '.-ct tlm ,:-ovisio~-a of ti:is iIo. 880. ....... ~Lal~ to ~,,~ra tke =ontract, for five hu!~drci c~,=z~'s: ........ for 17arket Auiitoriunt to John H. ?ence and =.;.z,,z:~ ....... tke .2:'ice +:-.,,?,~ ....... cfcr. B~'.~ z~ ............. :,ooc~L~u,D b~: 'tLc Cohncl q_ ,-,e_~ the Cit$, of ~o~o>e_, . tkat ~,, .... a,'-,r, tract to ...... 'o:- ~.e Ci~' ' fu~;~ five hundred dca:h's for ~ ....... ' ...... ' .... c~. i,i~'~..~t. ~;;~ LC)rl~d:l ~e, '~r~i the LY~T,';F i~, ~,.--,., -- ,',w~rdo Jolu: . v~.nce . !:ric ~ to exceed ... ~. _~. ..~-;eb~ ..... & to ~ __ a,t a e ::ou ~'~ 9~ p,~,' okai-r, ........ tm ~.-L[&I~sor is ~E~-ol-ize~ to ~'~ter iNt> :t cc '~ ~" sP.l.d Joh.n n. zence ;said chairs, inn sum expended for ~' ' .... ' ~ne full: c.{e ns:fled i~ +~ ~g r{~soiu?/o~: ch~r~e,i to. "'~c~ eztrr~,::~r6lz;ary ac~.o ..... ..... ~ of li?q:ot. lit i!il COU}[CTL POR 'TEL CIT£ OF 10~101~, ViRGITTLi, The 2Oil d%r of L~y, 1922. Ifc. 8 81. .l RZZC'L%I, 1011 to award a c.::>r:tr~ct for three model 760 triple combiz~aticm cars to Seagrnve Com!an~: of Coltm~us, Ohio. lsE If 2SSOLVED by the' Cou~mil of the Ci%~' of Roanoke that the for three model 760 triple, comZins, tior~ hose p,amls and chemical ears be, and ti~ sarape is herebj~ awarded to the Se ........ ' ,o,~.00. Tke sa~ ~' :-- ..... · cars to be in strict~"n~s~,''~., ~,,~ e '-'~;~,,,~,.,_. ~:e ~ l'ror, esa!, specificaticus ~resented witk their l~Jds, sr~d tke City !.[anager is s.:tkc~zed to ....... . .... o~gr~;~t; Coml:anj for sa~ car~, enoe: inte a contract '..',,xt:, the sai. d" ~ ....... - ~ e:-~ same to he ieiiveA f. o. b. cars Room':kc, Virginia, ?Jtk_i'n abc>ut sevent$'-five ~,c,."','~'~ days ~rom tl~is d. ate. Ill T'Ni~ COUUCIL FOR TPY: CITY OF~0.~0.~, ~ ~'~ ":?', VIRGIifLQ, The 20th day of L[~, 1922. No. 882. A R?:SOLUTION to gra~ a ~rr~t to W. W. Huff to const~ct a sheet metal garage near t~ corner of Holiday ~3rd) Street ~d Elm Avenue, S. E. BE IT ~SOL'~ED by the Cou~il of ~e City of Ro~oke theft a permit be, add the s~e is hereby granted W. W. Huff to construct a sheet metal garage approxi~tely 40 by 50 feet near the corer of Holiday (Zrd) Street ~d Elm Avenue, S.E. The said garage gaall be constructed in accorda~e ~W~th the good liking ~d satisfaction of ~e Building Inspector of the Cit~ of Roanoke, and may be ~.tained ~til ~e s~e is ordered removed by Council. ~e said W. W. Huff by aoti~ ~der this resolution agrees to indemnify a~ save harmless the City ~ Roanoke from all claims for damages to ~rson or p~pert~' by reason of t]~ const~ction and m~nten~ce of ~id garase. Iii ~TiE COUUCIL ?0R THE CITY OF R(i~NOLUE, VIRGINIA, The ~0th day of May, 19£2. No. 883. A Pj~SOLUTION t o grant a permit t o the L~atchless Coal Yard Cor?oration to construct a stand~rd gauge side track across St~untor~ Ave., N. E. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City o f Roano?.e that a tmrmit be, and the san~ is hercby granted the L'~atchless Coal Yard Corporation to construct a sidetrack across Staunton Avenue, N. E. in to the plant of the said Corporatio~ The said Corporation by actirg under this resolution agrees to keep the street where the same is crossed by its trock iz-~ ~s good repair as the other portion of the street snd shall z~ke ~he grade conform to th~ grade of said street, and further agrees that whenever said street is improved it will improve that portion of said Street occupied by its track with the same material as is used on the other portion of the said street. The said ~.~atchless Coal Yard Co~.~rati¢ by acting under this resolution agrees to indemuify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from any c~aims for da~:~ges to person or property by reason of the construction of said side track c~ the operatime of cars and engines thereon. IU T}~ COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 07 i©AN0]~E, VIRGI !~i~A., The 20th day of May, 1922. No. 884. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to ],~. P. L[alouf to install a gasoline pump on the curb and a gasoline tank on his premises at No.2Z28 l:~elrose Avenue, N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and. the zsme is hereby grated ~i. P. ~'~.~alouf to install a gasoline pump on the curb and a gasoline tank on his premises at No.2528 LIelrose Avenue, N. W. The the Cl~J~.'*' I,l~ager a.~,'.~,~' the !ocatior t o %e ,iesigrr~ted by him. The - .... ' '~<' be installed on the iremises ~d shall be p~tced not less than five feet below ~e surface o~ the ground, set on a fi~ founda~on, surrounded ~o soft e~r~ or sand well ta~mied into p~ee, no ~ace bcir~ left immediately outslde of said tank. ~ d - ~ ' The s,~.d t~]: ~m Tr.m~ ~y ~e r.a, int~ned until the ssr~e is crdere~, removed by ~ouncil. The~-~id~ ".~,.. ~. ...~m~?~.... asrecs ~ irdemmify and save k~r...~ess~ ~,' the City of Roanoke ~om all C~ims for ~ ...... ocs to ~rsof~ or provert~~ %y tease .... ~c cot? strnc, *~,kof' and may' r~t enan c e of sa i d t auk ~n d p~,. CO The 20th :l~:v of "c~- 19~ 70 885 A ~-'c~,LU.~IOZ to refund to certain -i~rties one-half the cost for con- structing certai:~ sidewa!ks. n~:=~ IT ~°~'~:~:.ou~.~ by th_ Council of the City of Roanoke tl~t, the Cit7 8ierk a~,~ ,.,uditor Ze, and he is he.by directed to dra. warr~t:~ in ;.~o; o~. i~e 'person.~: hereirmft, er n.s:m~] for the amount set opposite their names, the same be:inS to refund s~dd pc.rties one-half the cost of cc,~stn~cting s~me;~].: .... : Oeor5~e W. z'ayne ~ ~ Goria Prank Hanna L~¢;r e:q c e Wooa C. A. IEov,~ard R. O. Rogers, ~.~rs.~.v H. Xelly C. D. Punk '~.~ss Grace W. %aitefie!d ~. ;,:. Coulter 22.23 30 .O~ 120.72 12 o 56 123.73 26.50 25 .!0 31.25 21 .V0 25.10 · 'i~ .20 66.37 r~ 56 "~ 724 ' ~ " eO;2 o=~...~ ~m~on.~ wken paid at,all bec.,"~.a rgod to the accou~t of sidewalk oor~ tlu~c tior;. I!? THE '"' __ C0~,:~CTI._ .,.'*~'~,., :.. iTiE CZriw ,.,*'~., RCJZ:0-.TP~, 'r .~ -, , 19oo The 27th day o~ ~,~, ,~-. ilo ·086. ,~' ~"~"~":,~,;~..~,~,__~u, to a'.vard tho contract for ~:e co ...... ,.action of ~,, fire sta',;; o'n on Vi¢'g~nia Avenue, V~rgznia V,.el.~;,+~ ~ s ', to ~.,~r . n Drcthers. r-.~, i'2 :m,;0%~ '**c.~ the Council of tY~ City o~ Ro~oke tkat tke contract for the co,zstr~c*ior~ of a fh'e ~,~tion in accordarc¢ '.,¢.th ~.la:~ and specifications o~one, ~.~ , , a_~.~ ~e same is kereby ~ .... t..d prepared by Pryc and ~+ :lrchi'a-ts be "' ~'"'"'~. ' ' ' ...... ~'~ of :,:a~.'ti~ ~,~,:,t~zer~ at ~'~ ~rzce of .~17,450. Tke ccn~tr.¢~.o,, said fire ....... ~' S o_~IOr~ tO be i,: strict acoord~.,~,:, with the t',la~s, slmcifications aft.~ .: ,~.~::.~.'. '-~.~u~v~.~ ~. before 24 Tke 2?th day of Nay, 1922. No .857. :~oOLU~.IOJ 'to dormte the sum of :~125 for the purpose of payir~ railroad fare of the Confederate Veterans to the Reunion at Richmond, Virgi~ia. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke t~2t the City Clerk and Auditor be, aud he is hereby directed to draw a warrant.for the s~m of '~125, payable to D. L;. Armstrong, Chair.Tar., the said sum to be for the pu~ose of paying railroad fare to the Conf'ederate Veterans Reunion at Richmond, Virgir, ia. The said amount when. FaL.! s~ll be clmrged to the account of Special Allowances and Gift s. Il? ~ ...... ~I~ CIT~' ~ RO~NCLE, VIRGil[iA, ~:= COUNCIL The 27th day of May, 1922. No. 888. .~OLo~ION directi~ the ~'nt the School ~nd. EL ~IT i~SOLVED by the Cou~il of ~e City of Roanoke that the Ci~ Clerk ~d~ Auditor be, ~J he is hereb2 directed to draw a warrant !ayable to Lawrence S. Davis, Treasurer of the School ~nd, for ~2,~66.89 for school main- tenance for ~e month of M~~, 19S2. ~ne said amount when ?aid s~ll be charged to the account of schools. lit T~{E ~n~r"~ THE -~ ..... ~ ~vlL ~R CITY 0!~ 5~OANO.'.~m, ViRG!LYA, The 27th ~ay of Liay, 1922. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Clerk m~d Audit or to supplement the emergency fund for the Police Departme~..L. ....... ._..~ t:,y the Council of the City of Ro~.oke tt~t tke City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to deposit with the Chief cf Police the sum of ;;~00 as ar. addition to tlm 'emergency fund now in said departmenl "o'. d?C 25 2¸6 ~o9 ,,~ !79, .... co Tke ' ~'*' " ....... ~ 1922' _; ..... ~_; i,.:: ~ ~,. · I&L/:'d i70:2 ~.'r.,,.~ .... ~?,,~.._~. Sole of :'~o.~-,~,~,: for o~°~:""'~:..~ .. = p:~,~ ,:',sos. rc, ooivei - "" ~' &; 1: <:. i. cs::; 'tc:; ir: Lc t Iil THi! COUNCIL P0R T~ CITY 0P'EOAN01i~, VIRGINIA, The let day of July, 1988. I~o .900. AN ORDINANCE accel3ti~ thc bid of the Roanoke Gas Li~t Comply for a P~%N~iISE to construct, ~intain and operate Gas Works in the City of Ro~oke, Virginia, and vestin~ said franchise in said NOAN0i~ GAS LI~{? COI,,ii~ANY. BE IT 0RDAI!~D by the Con. il of the City of Ro~oke, Va.: A. V~REAS, by ordin~ce duly adopted on the 15th day of I~ay, 19~2 by this body, provision was made for the advertisement and sale of a franchise to const~ct and oper~%te gas works in the City of Ro~oke, Virginia, which said franchise was at length set out in said ordi~nce; and ,~:~,~, said or~n~ce has been published in the Roanoke 29 a week fi'or four succe, sire wee}~, to-wit, on I~ay 19th, Nay 26th, June 2nd, and June 9th, 1922; and C. :,'~HENEAS, but one bid ~s been received ibr li~c said franchise, which bid is from t~.~ Roanoke Gas Li~.t Company, the same bein~ in :~ords and figures ffollowing:- Gentlemen: - On Nay 13th,~,]q'~° your Honorable Body adopted an O2~OINAI[CE providing ~' ~-~' ~intain ~' ~ flor a ~ranchise to co.~u,~ct, ~ ~na omerate a~s works in the City off Roanoke, Virginia, and the s~e off said ffraxchise in accordance v~th , ~e~ich ordin~mee was set out certain provisions and directions to the advertisement and sale off said i'r~achise, and also inc!udi~ the ed:act terms off the frsmchise so to be sold an{! confirmed. By. tke ordi~ance afforesaid it was directed that bids in writing for tko franchise therein set out should be delivered to the Hayer of thins cmt~ at ~ p.m., ~turday, July 1st, !9~°~, pursuit to which the undersig:ned,~ the Roanel:e Gas Company, a corporation c~rtered under the i~.vs of' Virginia, ¥;ith cot?orate power to hold and execute said franci-_ise, ~' ,~ and actually in doin{· business in the city. under a franckise heretofore granted, :~nd havins a! .... ~ ~ ~e ...... ~ installed in the streets an~ alleys o~ said cit~/ more than fl~. {50} miles of ~:as ~.~eins, and ~:einG our;aged under the sa~.a ...... c~.~e in tho business of ma~nui'acturi~c and distributing .-yes in said city, dcth hereby submit to your Konoratble Body the fo!iovzing oi'i'er :flor tho said franchi s e: PI_V-iS;2: This corpor..tior'_ ,::ill within i'ii~toen dans £rom the acce!,ta-ace of thi'~,._, bid e:.:cc'ate % ~ond vrith good and su£i'icient s~'.ret,:,,'- a!ttroved :'.,?.... tis City l[anager, payable to the City o£ Roanolm, Virginia, in the penal sum of .~25,000.00, conditioned as required b~,:' said ordina_~ce. SEC0i~: Whis corporation, if tho bid be accel:ted, '.,'~11 -~jroceed ,~ith due di!i?ence to make all ro~onable and necessa',~ye.-:~ensions or its pipes and .~t~ins in accordance v.~itit tke terms of said franckise. THIRD: This corporation will, '~:' · _, said bid ]:e accepte~: a~, u,~thin £ii'tee~ days after the accel:tense of its bid surrender and doth kereby u!:'on the condition off the acceptance of its bid and the dt~e vestiture in this coryoration of the franchise so provided for, skrrender to the said city all its rights and ?rivileges un~r existinu i'ranckise, such surrender to take e~fect cotemporaneously with ~ ' ~ ~ne vestitkrc in this cory:oration of' the franchise so provided for. :Oo::'~i:: ~::zs corl:oz~tmon ',dil, upon the acceytance oi'this bid, to the 2reasurer of the Ci~ of' No~oke all of ~e costs and incurzed ~ the Circ, inci!ent to the advertisz~y and s'ranti~' o= is franchise, ~tnd in adiition thereto the sum of One Thousand. Dollars {-~1,000.00) by certified check drav~n to the crier of the ~'reasurer, ~.:~tna;-;er, of said city, as Council m~;~ direct This co-?oration imps practically !:effected its !:ians and ed:pests to proceed with the utmost promptness to e:ctend its mains- into South Roanoke, and to the No,th;vest portion of this city, and to !:rovide st its i~.iant suit able ~,-~ ?~-~ ..... ~!.I ....ue~cos to :uaintai~ in all off its mains ,~:as ~C~er suffficient pressure to meet all of the reasonable reau. ire:.:ents of the people of this city. /Si£RBPON2, the undersigned, Ti~ ROAi.k:i2 A.S LIGi[2 res]::ectf~ll~' pra$~s t}~t by ordinance el' .h~e form ~ms bid be ani this i'ranchise be declared to be the property of tho undersigned upon the e::ecution of the bond as in ti~ ordinance o~' ila.i: 1Sth, 1922, pr ovi de d. . . ~ 0 ~'' ~ ~.l~r.,t By ,~ J ~,m~or~_~nd~le, · ~._~r~_uz-.~, be it ordained b~:.' the Council o~ the City of Roanoke that the bid. off the said Ro~oke Gas Li{fht Com!~y be, ane the sane is, cce~_~uea ~e t~.a~ u~:.on the execution by the said Ro~oke :las Lid:t Corn, ~-within ffifteen days from the date hereof off s~ bond ,.vi~u good and suffficient apzroved by tke City Nana~er, payable to the Git~, off No~oke, '~"2'~mr~-mn~,' in the penal szm of.,.'}~,000.00, conditioned upon constructing and m~ntainina~ the .~l~nt recruited by the terms cZ' sai:~ franchise, amd u.l~on the ?ayment by the said Ro~oke Gas Li~t Company ~by certified check payable to the City of' Roanoke, Vir~nia, for the sum of One Thousand Dollars ~jl,O00.O0). axd such ~.~tmonal'~ -' the said franchise, there ab_all be and remain vested in the said Roauoke Gas Light Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise in the words and figures fo 11 owi.ng: - """ '~ 0:~ THE "BE IT 0?D~=Ii~ED ]3Y'~ ~-~ COUNC IL CITY 0_~ i{0AN012~, VA. SECTIO!t 1. That a franchise is hereby created, to become effective forthwith, to construct, nmintain, operate, and keep in repair gas works in the City si' Roanoke, and for this purpose to lay, extend, and maintain gas pipes under, alerts, and across any streets, alleys and public ways of said city, upon the conditions and under the restrictions hereinafter mentioned, i'or a term of thirty (~0) years from the date of taking effect of this ordina~me. SECTIOI~ 2. The grantee of 'this franchise shall have the right to con- st~u~ct, maintain, operate, and keep in repai;' gas works in the Ci~~ of Roanoke and for this purpose to lay, extend, and maintain gas pipes under, along, aud across any streets, alleys, and public ways of said city, upon the conditions and under the restrictions hereinafter mentioned, for the period of thirty (ZO) years from and after the date ttmt this franchise becomes effective. SECTIOI~ Z. In consideration of such rights, privileges, and franchises, the grantee, its successors and assigns, shall be entitled to charge just and reasonable rates for gas furnished by it, under and subject to the approval of the Corporation Cormmission of the State of Virginia, or any successor body created by the State of Vi',~ginia ',~'ith pov~er to regulate rates of gas c~m~anies, -and such co~?.mission or succe~sor having the right to prescribe t]~.e standards of sea,-ice of said gas company. SECTION ~. It shall be the duty of the grantee, its successors, or assi~s,. to make all reasonable and necessary extensions of its gas pipes and mains so as to su?ply all persons, firms, or corporations vAthin said city with gas. SECTI01I 5. Nothin~ herein ~ontained shall operate to impair or deprive the authorities of said city of any power or authority heretofore or hereafter conferred by law, to prescribe rules, re~u~tmons, or rates of charges, to be observed by the grantee or assignee hereof in connection with any service to bo ~erformed here~under. SECTION 6. The ~rantee slgll not unjustly discriminate in the matter o£ J~ates, charges, or character of service and shall not, either directly or indirectly, give or grant any free service to any person, fi~, or corporation whomsoever. SECTION V. The grantee shall, within fifteen ~15) months after the date of this ordinance, have completed and in operation a plant for the ma~u- fature of 5'as, reasonably adequate to supply all the needs of ~ne in- habitants of said city with gaS, and slm!l also ',vitamin said time have installed not less than fi£ty ~50) miles of gas mai~s; in default of which this franchise ab. all automatically terminate. SECTIOI~ 8. Upon the te~,~ination of this franchise, unless renewed or e:.:tende~ the plant smd ?rope-,'ty, ii' any, of the grantee, in the streets, avenues and other public places, shall, upon the ?as~ent of a fair valuation, become the ?ro~:erty of said city. Suck val%m:tion s!mll be ascertained by a boar~ of three (3) appraisers, who shall, after careful and thorough invest~o~tion and ~rvey of all the pro?erty and plant arrive at a full fair value. Suck appraisers ~atl be selected by agreement of the_'oar%ies, or in default thereof, shall be selected ~'o~ the State Co~or~tion Com~ission of Virgini~.~, ~d the findin~s of suck al?raisers s~lt, together ~itk the evidence heard and considered, be submitted to the La, or of said City, in said City ~d ~all be ~bject to review o~ sa~d C ' ' Suc v~ o...m~sszon. ~. review si~ll ;:e u?on a]i:lication either of one said City or the said 7rantee made within thirty [~0)~_a~'~ ~s after the submissmon of such findino~s. The he~-inff u?on such review shall ~.e u?on the reI~ort of such a?Draisers and records and evidence filed therev~ith, and such other evidence ~.:s either.,~r~-~t~ mai? submit under rules, practice, or direction of said Commission, subject to suck further rcvie~.'~ ac is p~vided for by Section ~7~4, Code o~:' ~romnma, 1919, or amendments ~nereto" E. But the fore.ffoir~ franchise is grmutcd and accepted u'ith the distinct understand:~n~ that there is nothins itherein binding the Citi," of i{oanoke -~' ~, ~'; said fr:-ia~ahi se o ~' to put- at the te .... ~..tion thc-reo~,-~ either toex~ena~ or rene , _ chase any of the ?roperty of ~e grantee ~ereof. Ill i'!i... C0bI[CIZ P0N THE CI The ist t~.. of July, 108~ I[o. 901. ' i~iSOBUTI0ll [tray. ting a,-~-ezr:~it to the i{oc~olze O~ Zi~ht Corel'anN to install ~2 four inch gas r.~ill in Ave~ol Avenue, Raleigh Court, ~6 feet. 3E IT i2iSOLVED by the Council of $.e City of Roanoke that a -,ermit be, and the same is hereby granted the Ro~oke Gas Light Com!3any to install " ' ~'~'e~i' for a distance of 75 feet. The said No~oke Gas Ligi~t Company by aoti~ ~der this resolu~on a~lroes to replace the ~ ~, ,~ be torn ua, in accordance ,,7ith the ordi~nces of the Street, where tn~ ~me ma~ IN ~,zz~,', ...... CON'rCIL L'0R ''~;'~= .... CITY 07 i:[0l~[01~, ?Zl.Ielz, Iz~-- ..... z ' , The 1st day of July, 1922. No. 902. A i~SOLU~ION ~ ~ ~"~' ~ ' ' ~u~o.m~knS the payment of a bill of ;,~69.50 for lmgnts f~.r~ishe~ the l,~m ' ~'~- ' ' "irately. Companies and to p~; for !i:~i~ts ~sed ~Y sakd companies for the period of i'our months. l.%E IT i~CSOLViD by the Co~cil of the CdtN oi' 2o~oke that the City leu. and Auditor be, and he is hereby: au~normzed to ,lraw a warrant in raver of tile Rocstoko r~.- ......... ~.,~ -~ _.~l~a~, and Electric Co.u~n~, for the e~m of ~%~69.60 for li(lhts used at the City Auditorium by t;,e ~,~mimta~, ~companies, a:,~ ~"' Il' 2U!iTiiR ~c.'-,T-.~,-:~ and _,~ ~,,C,~D that the Cit~; Clerk and Au~tor be, he is hereby directed to_~aY for the lishts_ at tz.e City Auditorium u:~ed "'~-~, the said Corn}andes for July, August, ~3eete:uber and 5cto~er. Such amuun~s ;;~:en !z:aid ~nall be charged to the account of ~,liiitary a}~ Azv:~ories. The 1st day of J~ly, 10SS. No. 90S. VfHEREAS the Hon. N. H. A~eil,a member of the 6ouncil of the City of Roanoke, has !-resenteC to the !~zesiCent off ~e Conncil his resis~tion as a member thereof, ,~i.I!:SAS the Hon. R. H. A~ell has bee~ a valuable ani ,.vise meFfoer oi' the saiC 0o'mcil anC his serviees ~ve been of an inestimable value to the City i~o~ o ~, ,&~:.~..o it veuld be a serious i~n~icap to the Council ~ an irreparable loss to the City of Roanoke to be deprived of the wise Counsel and advice of the Hon. R. Hi A~ell in tl~ transaction of the City's business should he carry out his deter;ui~tio~z to resign, in the highest esteem both as a citizen and a r;~ember of this Council, and consider his '~'zise counsel and advice o£ the highest importance to the City of Roanoke. I,~0~J, Tt~!~EP0?JS, BE IT i~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the said Hon. R. H..Z~ngell be, and he is hereby reeuested to ~;~zith- draw said resignation a~t to continue a ~ember of the Council of the City o~ Roanoke. IN THE 00LE;CIL ~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOME, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of July, 1922. No. 904. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Norfolk and Western Railway Company to extend sidetrack under Virginia Avenue Bridge, South a distance of 130 feet. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Norfolk and Western Railway Company to extend its sidetrack under the mVirgira~a Avenue Bridge South a distance of 130 feet as shown on the blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof. T, he said Norfolk and Western Railway Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the ConstruCtion and maintenance of said track, and further agrees to remove said track when it is ordered to do so by the Council. IN THE COUNCIL E0R THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of July,. 1922. No. 905. A RESOLUTION author~izing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to place a light in Melrose Park. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to place one ~50 C.P. light in ['Telrose Park, at a point to be desigmted by the City Manager. The said light to be maintained in accordance with the contract ~etween the Gity of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. The maintenance of said light shall be charged to the account of Parka. I~ THE C01R[CIL ~0R THE ~ITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. The 15th day of July, 1922. No. 906. AN ORDINANCE to establish School Districts for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and providing for the election of School Trustees for said districts. ,A~.~.~ tbs. ~Rn'hnnl Board of th~ 0itw' of Roanoke has recommended that divided into two School Districts, one of which district shall be composed of that portion of the City of Roanoke lying West of a line running along the center of 5th ~Park) Street from the Northern to the Southern boundary line of the City of Roanoke, the other district to be composed of all that portion of the City of Roanoke lying East of the Center line of said 5th {Park) Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 0RDAI~£D by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That there be and hereby is established two School Districts in the City of Ro~no~'~. £. That all that portion of the City of Roanoke lying West of a line running along the center of ~th ~Park) Street from the Northern to the Southern boundary line of the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby constituted district Number One fl); and that all that Section of the City of Roanoke lying East of a line running along the center of ~th ~Parki Street from the Northern to the Southern boundary line of the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby constituted district Number two {~). ~. That three ~) trustees be elected from each district. The said trustees shall be elected to serve One {1), two ~2~) and three ~Z) years respective~ ly from the 1st day of August, 19SS, and thereafter one trustee shall be elected annually for a term of three years from each of said districts. 4. That the terms of the School Trustees in office at the time this ordinance takes effect shall cease and determine on the ~lst day of July 19~2. ~. All ordinances and parts ef ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. 8. This ordinance shall be in force from its passage. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of July, 1922. No. 907. A RESOLUTION granting a perm. tt to Elmore D. H~ins to connect certain sewers constructed in Roanoke County to the Gity Sewers. '4~tEREAS, Elmore D. Heins is developing an addition situated in Roauoke County adjoining the City of Roanoke and known as "Grove Park", and WHEREAS, in said development said Heins is constructing sanitary sewers, and in order to obtain an outlet for such sewers it is necessary that the same be connected with the sewer~ system maintained by the City of Roanoke. THERE~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Elmore D. Heins to connect the sewers now being constructed in his addition known as "Grove Park" to the sewers maintained bY the City of Roanoke. 2. That for each and every lot abutting on and which may be connected with the sewer now beir~ constructed in the "Grove Park Addition," or which may hereafter be constructed, and the outlet for which is connected with the sewers City of Roanoke. 3. That if such addition shall hereafter be annexed to the $ity of Ros~oke, the sewers that have been constructed, shall become the property of the City of Roanoke without the payment of any compensation therefor to said Elmore D. Heins, or any one claiming under him. 4. This resolution shall become effective when accepted in writing by said Elmore D. Heins. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE 0ITY 0P RGANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of July, 1922. No. 908. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Rivermont Development Corpora- tion to construct sewers in certain streets and to connect such sewers to the outlet sewer of the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the $ity of Roanoke as follows: 1. That a permit be, and the same is hereby granted to the Rivermont Development Corporation to construct and maintain sanitary sewers in the following streets: Eighth (8th) Street S. E. between Morrell Avenue and Buena Vista Boulevard; Buena Vista Boulevard between Eighth (Sth) Street and Nineth (9th) Street, and to connect said sewers with the outlet sewer constructed by the City of Roanoke. 2. ~he cost of such sewer shall be paid by the said Rivermont Development Corporation and no part of such cost to be charged against the aity of Roanoke. S. That whenever it becomes necessary for the City of Roanoke to connect other sewers to the sewers constructed by the Rivermont Development Corporation, such connection shall be made without cost to the 0ity of Roanoke, and without a permit from said Rivermont Development Corporation. A. This resolution shall become effective when accepted in writing by said Rivermont Development 0orporation. IN TMM COUNCIL POR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGI~IA, The l§th day of July, 19£2. No. 909. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of June, 1922, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the ~ity for the month of June, 192~ be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager ~ngineering Dept. ~i t~ Clerk $ 870.?A 680.15 895.60 Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Elections Stationery & ~rinting C ounc i 1 Coroners Almshouse Outside Poor Ho sp i tal Organized Charities In sane Jail Juvenile ¢ou rt Police Dept. ]~ire Dept. ~ire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physi ci an ~Qu~rantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Sewer Maintenance Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Refunds & Rebates Special Services Special Allowances & Gifts Damages & ~ost Workmen' s Compensation Garage Parks Library Market Interest Annex 1919 Accounts Payable EXTRAORDI NARY Sinking Pand ~ire Dept. Sewer Construction Drain Oonstructi on Street Improvement Street Grading Mac ~da mi z ing Paving Curb & (~utter Sidewalk ~onstructi on Schools Market Building $ 262,; .';3 4170.29 400.00 942.64 183,; .10 ,;9.92 433.32 20.00 485.03 199.42 260.00 198.32 60.e0 1,;40.40 626.51 8191.,;2 9102.92 1412.93 2014.10 24'; .';5 131.50 100.00 162.00 1154. ';5 1000.62 3089 .§9 391.,;4 2482.80 1480.56 1008.98 828.00 83'; .16 60.28 602.50 ;375.00 20.00 239.89 514.24 1119.61 1220.39 1424.30 1,;3§ .00 1918.21 484.13 16,955.00 2';9.76 14,;1.93 2368.35 23,;.30 219.50 3335 17,796.';1 2935.00 220.88 110,186.50 22t395.69 $ 60,599.62 1,;8,402.49 239,002.11 IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY 02' ROANOKE, V~RGINIA, The 29th day of July,1922. No. 910. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that appropriations to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the following amounts, viz: City Treasurer Stationery & Printing Tools & Equipment Special Services Allowances & Gifts Market 220.12 79.92 215.24 602.50 120.06 11157.46 $ 12395.30 follows: IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of July, 1922. No. 911. BE IT ORDAINED by the City C0u~cil of the City of Roanoke, as Section 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of Plumbing Inspector for the City of Roanoke, to inspect all plumbing and heating systems within the aity Limits. The appointment of said Plumbing Inspector shall be made by the City Manager. Section 2. That no person, firm or corporation shall engage in or work at the business of plumbing and heating, whether he is a ~,Iaster Plumber, Journeyman or Steam-Fitter in the City of Roanoke, unless he has first received a license or certificate in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Each Master Plumber or Heating h~ngineer now engaged in the business of plumbing and heating, or anyone who may apply for license to engage in said business in the future, shall pay to the ~ity of Roanoke a Plumbing and Heating License. Before receiving said license the applicant shall ge before a Board of Examiners composed of the Plumbing Inspector, a Master Plumber to be selected by the Plumbing Inspec- tor, and a third man to be selected by the Plumbing Inspector aud the Master Plumbeir, which Board shall dete~.~ine whether or not the applicant may receive a license for plumbing or heating or both. Upon receipt of such license, the person, firm or corporation shall issue to each Journeyman-Plumber and Plumber Apprentice in his employ .a working card bearing the name and address of both the Journe2~nan and his employer, which card the employee shall carry at all times for his identification, should the Inspector ask to see it. Section 3. In no case will any Journey-man-Plumber be allowed to do any work other than the work for the Master Plumber by whom he is employed without a written consent from the Plumbing Inspector. Section 4. That on and after the date of adoption of this ordinance no-plumbing or drainage work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the Plumbing Inspector. A permit shall also be obtained in all cases in which repairs involve the removal of fixtures, or change in the location and arrangement of fixtures, provided that such repairs or chmnges exceed the cost of $10.00. When completed, no part of said ~rk shall be covered or concealed in any way be- fore it has been examined by the Plumbing Inspector. Any plumbing as aforesaid or any house sewer or drain put in and covered or concealed without due notice to t~e Plmmbing Inspector shall be uncovered for inspection by the Contractor doing said ~ work. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to sign and issue all notices permits and certificates required for keeping the daily record of such work, and receive and file all notices, applications and reports and violations of this ordinance and of all other m~tter which may pertain thereto and make a record of same. He shall inspect all work within one working day after receiving notice that same has been completed. If necessary he shall make three inspections, one when building has been roughed in, one when sewer is ready for inspection and one certificate of approval. Section 5. That the Plumbing Inspector, after proper notice to the owner or occupant may enter in the day time any building or premises in the City of Roanoke for the purpose of inspecting any system of plumbing or drainage which has been brought to his attention as being in an unsanitary condition, and in any case the owner or occupant refuses to permit the Plumbing Inspector to enter the premises, the Plumbing Inspector has the right to issue a warrant authorizing said inspection, and in company with a police officer enter by force if necessary. After ma¥ing such inspection it is the duty of the Inspector to order the owner or agent to make such changes as is necessary to put the plumbing or drainage in a sanitary condition. Section 8. That all material used in the work of plumbing, drainage and ventilation must be of good quality and free from defects. The work must be done in a thorough workmanlike n~nner. Each building having sewer and water con- nection shall have an independent connection with the city sewer, and a house sewer trap with fresh air inlet. This trap ~ay be omitted by consent of the Plumbing Inspector, ~ on vent lines two stories or over. All drains into sewer must be made with Y or Y branches and 1/8 bends, leaving cleanouts at the end of each turn in sewer, and the ditahes for sewer must be graded with uniform grade of not less than .~" to the foot, and that every plumbing system must be tested with water test, and after job is filled with water and made tight the Inspector shall be notified that said job is ready for inspection. Defective materials discovered must be re.~oved and replaced by sound material. Section 9. That plumbers must make full returns of plumbing work done by them within 50 hours after completion. Section 8. That no person, firm or corporation, other than a licensed Plumber shall be permitted to do plumbing work of any kind or description in the City of Roanoke. Any Plumber, firm or corporation that shall connect any house sewer to a storm water drain shall disconnect the same and reconnect it to the sanitary sewer at his own expense. The violation of this section will cause the revocation of the Plumbers license. Section 9. That the following definition of terms is adopted. In this code the term "~ain Soil Pipe" is applied to any pipe receiving discharge of one or more water closets with or without fixtures and extending through roof. The term "Waste Pipe" is applied to any pipe receiving the discharge from any fimture or fixtures other than water closets or the discharge from any water or fluid that has been used. The term "House Drain" is applied to the pipe within any building which receives the total discharge of any fixture or set of fixtures and shall not be less than 4" internal diameter and to extend Z feet outside of building wall. term "House Sewer" is applied to the tile sewer which shall not be less than 6" internal diameter, and which begins $ feet outside the wall of the building and connects the house drain to the public sewer in the street. The term "~Iain Vent" is applied to the vertical air pipe provided to run through two or more floors and to which the vent or re-vent pipes from the various fixtures are connected. The term "Vent Pipe" is applied to any pipe provided to'ventilate the system of piping ~he 38 through the roof. Section 10. That where the outside ground consists of filled in made earth or quick sand, or where drains are within two feet of the wall of basemmmt, the house sewer shall be laid with cast iron pipe not less than A" internal diameter, and shall be laid with the joints properly caulked with lead to a point. Where the earth consists of clay, sand, or rock, the house sewer shall be of good vetrified, salt glazed pipe, well glazed and smooth throughout and perfectly straight and uniform in thickness, laid on.a smooth bottom free from all projections of rock within three feet of the building. Each section must be wet before applying the cement, and the space between each hub shall be properly fille~ with pure cement, mixed with an equal volumn of sand. Great care must be taken to prevent any of the cement from being forced into the sewer. Where there are changes ar additions made to plumbing, same shall be done in accordance with this ordinance. All sanitary sewers in private property shall be laid under the super- vision of a plumber. Section ll. That all horizontal drains within the wall of the building shall not be less than A" in diameter, and shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection. They shall be suspended from the ceiling by hangers made of not less than ~" iron rod or its equal strength and duribility, or laid in a trench, the bottom of which shall be smooth, thoroughly compact and solid. ~or said drains extra heavy cast iron pipe must be used with Joints leaded and caulked. The house drain, soil or waste pipes shall have a fall of at least ~" to the foot in length and provided with Y branch with iron and brass cleanout' plugs every 25 feet. The base of each stack shall be made with Y branch and 1/8 bend, brass cleanout plugs to be at the base of each stack. If drain is carried in sight it must be supported by brick piers, wall hangers, or a solid foundation. All changes in direction shall be made with ¥ branches with end of each branch closed with cleanout plug. If pipes run beneath concrete floor, then cleanout sha~l be brought up to the finish floor. 12 Section./ That all cast iron pipes and fittings must be extra heavy and free from holes and cracks. All pipe and fittings must be coated in and out with hot coal tar and pitch. Uncoated pipe permitted above ground. Section 1~. ~hat water closets shall not be placed in an unrented room, compartment or a sleeping room. In either case the room or compartment must open to the out air or to be ventilated by means of an air duct or shaft. Shafts not less than three feet in area are required in tenement houses to ventilate in- terior water closets and to be constructed in a manner approved by the Plumbing Inspector. Section lA. Drainage systems shall have at least one 4" extension through roof, all other extensions may be of suitable size not less than 2". All joints in soil pipe shall be filled with oakum and leaded, caulked water and gas tight. Section 15. That the minimum diameter of soil pipe permitted is A" A vertical waste pipe line into which sinks discharge must be at least Z" in diameter with not less than 2" branches, waste lines to sinks and other small ~t~r~ ~nt~de of livin~ ~art of buildin~ from main vent shall be a continuous receive the waste from more than 2 sird~s and if a waste line is run horizontally, the length must not be more than 20 ft. without increasing size. All wrought iron pipe shall be galvanized in and out and all ends well reamed. ~ittings sliall be of the drainage pattern and recessed cleanouts to be left at every turn. Ys and 45 degrees to be used where possible. Section 16. That the terminal of all vent pipes shall be at least five feet from any chimney, air shaft or window. Said terminal shall be at least 2 feet above any window of the house or building in which they are placed. Where one building joins another of greater height, having windows or openings over- looking the lower building, the terminals or vent pipe in soil line of lower building shall be at l~ast 20 feet from said window or opening of the higher building or they shall be carried up above the eaves or fire walls of the higher building underminished in size. Section 1V. That no waste pipe from refrigerator or receptical in which food is stored ahall be directly connected with any drain, soil or waste pipe. Such pipe should be arranged so as to admit frequent flushings and shall be as short as possible. All refrigerators or recepticals shall be traped and to waste into an open space of at least 6" between the sewer or storm water trap and the refrigerator trap. Section 18. Theft all lead pipes, bends, ferrells, traps and other lead material shall be of extra he~,ovy ~vmight known as D lead and .of the following: Diameter Pounds per lin. Pt. ii,, 2 " 4# 3 " 6# 4" Section 19. That all connections of lead with iron pipes shall be made with extra heavy brass ferrells or solder nipples of the same internal diameter as that of the lead pipes used, and caulked with lead or screw joints. The lead pipe shall be attached to the ferrell or soldered nipple by a wiped joint and in no case will bit joints be allowed on waste or supply pipes. Section 20. That the vertical vent pipes venting water closet traps in building more than four stories in height must be at least ~" in diameter and with 2" branches for each closet, bend or trap. These pipes shall be connected with the base of soil pipe line with suitable branches from each floor and extend through the roof or connected to the revent pipe. Section 21. That every closet, urinal, sir~, basin, wash tray, and every tub or set of tubs ~nd other fixtures shall be separately and effectively vented. In no case shall the waste from the bath tub or other fixtures be connected with the water closet trap. All bath traps shall be of drum. pattern ~de of drawn lead, brass, or cast iron. Floor drains and like openi~gs more than l~ feet from main vent shall be vented. Any fixtures in living part of building shall have a continuous vent through roof or connected back to revent pipe. This does not include closets which shall not be more than Z feet. Section 22. That all traps shall be adequately protected from loss of seal through evaporation, siphonage, or air pressure. The fixtures shall be protected from siphonage by a vent as provided herein. In no case will rubber 4O fixture, and when possible connected into revent pipe. Section E~. That all closets shall be vented by S" pipes taken off the side of bend. Where there is only one water closet on the line of soil pipe no back vent is required except main soil line running through the roof, but when more than one water closet is located on the line of soil pil~e, all other except the top closet shall be vented, and in all cases where closets are located more than 4 feet from main vent, it shall be vented except where there is a battery of closets then same can be run with a continuing or circuit vent. Cast iron &. bend will be permissible but they shall have hub of not less than E~" in depth to receive an extra he~.vy ferrell. All branch openings must be cf tappings except in vertical lines of soil pipe where sanitary Ts and Crosses will be per- missible. Section 24. Nc closets shall be placed in the house except earthen ware or iron enamel, with roll rims, syphon jet or syphon action closets. All closets in yards shall be flushiOg roll rim enameled inside and provided with proper sized flush tank, and in no case will any direct water supply to the closets be permissible. All water closets in y~rd shall be of the frost proof flush type. The yard closet building must have a window at least 2 feet square, same being covered with wire fly screens with tight fitting doers, and when same is located 20 feet from any building or window it will not be required to be back vented. That in no case will any steam trap discharge or steam exhaust be connected or remain connected directly to any soil or waste pipe. No rain water spouts of any kind can be connected with the m~anitary sewer. Section 2§. When in the opinion of the Inspector special conditions arise that render it impractical to comply with all the provisions herein specified or with the plan submitted, modifications My be allowed by the Inspector, providir~g the premises are put in a safe, sanitary condition. Section 28. All urinals and parts thereof shall be made of non- absorbent mterial. Each urinal must be separately trapped and shall have a waste pipe of at least 2". The use of cast iron and galvanized iron and sheet metal or steal flushing urinals are prohibited. Urinals shall be well ventilated. Section ~. When the plumbing in a building is complete the plumber or his representative shall secur~ for the owner from the Inspector a certificate ~ that tl~ plumbing has been installed as required by the provisions of this ordinanc,~. Section 28. That all new buildings which shall hereafter be erected within the city limits shall be connected with the sewer, if such sewer has been constructed along the public street or alley adjoining such property, or shall be so connected as soon as such sewer is constructed. On and after the adoption of this ordinance no owner or agent of any owner shall build, repair, maintain o~ have surface closets in the City, unless such surface closet shall be build, repaired and maintained according to Section 2~ of this Code. Section 29. That size of soil and waste pipe must not be less than these set forth in the ~.ollowing tables: Horizontal Run Nc.of Water Closets. 4" i to 8 §" 8 to 20 6" 20 to 60 be as follows: One basin 1:9" lead or l~" iron. Row of 6 or less 2" lead or 2" iron. One or two bath tubs l~" inlets to trap, l~" outlet. Row of not more than six bath tubs or less 2". One sink 2", four or less 2". Laundry tubs and urinals 2" pipe, l~" tr~ps, 4 to 6 set in battery to have 3" pipe. Maximum length: 1~" 25 ' 2 " 50' 3 " 100 ' 4 " 150 ' Where there is not more than one fixture on waste thst is to be vented, the vent may be the same size. No double hub fittings of any kind will be allowed in waste. No vents or waste allowed to be taken off the heel cf any bend, and no jacket fittings allowed. Section 30. That all water pipes shall be placed so as to be protected from cold, and graded back to stop and waste cock for drainage the system. Ends of all water pipe must be reamed. Section 31. That each Riser line for a set of fixtures or groupe cf fixtures shall have a separate stop and waste cock, and each supply pil~e to each fixture shall have a separate stop cock. Section 32. No floor drain from the automobile, buggy or wagon washing~#~:.~ places or any other wash place or sink pit discharging any matter other than sewerage or clear water shall be allowed to enter any waste pipe connection to or to be connected with the sanitary sewer of the City of Roanoke. All such drainage shall be connected to the storm water drain system. If there be no such drain near the property desiring such a corn~ection, then the applicant must apply to the ~ity Council for a special connection on such terms as Council may require. Section 33. Any owner, agent, or lessee of any building or property occupied by roomers or tenants, or place for l~reparing meals or any other purpose req'uiring the disposal of waste or matter of whatsoever kind which should be dis- charged into the Sanitary Sewer System, shall have a sink and toilet installed for the accommodation of such roomers or tenants. No waste water of any king shall be deposited in any yard, street, or alley where there is any possibility of a sewer connection. Section 34. In case the mechanical arrangeraents or installation of a job is objected to by the Inspector, and the Master Plumber and the Inspector are unable to agree on the matter as to the correct or incorrect manner of installation, then a Board of Arbitrators composed of three men shall be called; one to be called by the Inspector, one by the Contractor or Easter Pl~aber, and the third ?'~an to be chosen by the first two. Section 35. That no person other than a licensed i~lu~ber shall be allowed to make a connection with any sewer, drain, soil or water pipe, or any other pipe cora~ected therewith, nor shall he make any addition or alteration (except in amounts le~s than ten dollars, but not includir~ repairs or renewals of traps) in the sanitary arrange~:ent of any house without first having received a ''. ~ .--.~.~-~'~ written perm. it from the Inspector to do so. A fee of one and one-half dollars ($1.50) shall be paid by the Plumber to the Inspector for each permit issued for connecting with the City Sewer, and an ins~ection fee sha~l be paid for a~ -ol~rnbi~q~' wnv'l~ n~, ~ivf.,,~ I · Ul~llImIIiiiiim~Ill Cost of $ 10.00 and not exceeding $ 60.00 --Fee $ 1.§0 " " 51.00 " " " 100.00 " 2.00 " " 101. O0 " " " 150 · O0 " 2.25 " " 151.00 " " " 200.00 " 2.50 " " 201.00 " " " 250.00 " 2.75 " " 251.00 " " " 300. O0 " ~ .00 " " 301. O0 " " " 350 · O0 " 3.25 " " 351.00 " " " 400.00 " 3.50 " " 401.00 " " " 450.00 " 3.'/5 " " 451. O0 " " " 500. O0 " 4. O0 " " 501.00 " " " 600 " 4.25 " " 601 · O0 " " " ?00 " 4.50 " " '/01.00 " " " 850 " 4.75 " " 851.00 " " " 1000 " 5.00 " " 1001.00 " " " 1250 " 5.50 " " 1251.00 " " " 1500 " 6.00 " " 1501.00 " " " 1'~50 " 6.50 " " 1751.00 " " " 2000 " 7.00 ?or all permits and inspections over $2000.00 the sum of ten cents per hundred or fractional part thereof. The plumbing Inspector shall make weekly. settlements with the 0ity 0~erk & Auditor for all fees collected. No plumbing per, it issued to a licensed plumber to do plumbing work in the ~ity of Roanoke shall be sold or transferred to any person or corporation unless said person or corporation is a registered and licensed plumber. Section Z6. That it shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to cooperate with the Health Officer in the maintenance of all plumbing fixtures, waste pipes, drains, and all other sanitary equipment for the proper maintenance of sanitation. The Plumbing Inspector and the Health Officer or his agent, separately or jointly, shall have power to condemn any plumbing fixture, drair~s, catch basins, sinks, etc., that in his judgment is not a sanitary fixture or is not maintained in a sanitary condition. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector, or the Health 0Yficer to notify the owner, agent, lessee or any party or parties responsible for the maintainance of any unsanitary conditions, resulting from faulty plumbing. Any person, or persons, firm or corporation, including owner, agents, or workmen, violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance for which violation no penalty is otherwise fixed in this Ordinance, or failing to obey any order of the Plumbing Inspector issued in pursuance of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars; and where such violation is of a continuing nature, each day such person, firm, or corporation violates any such provision, or fails to conform to any such provision of this Ordinance, or any order of the Plumbing Inspector shall be deemed a separate offense. ........................... --~, Section S?. That all ordinances or clause of ordinances in conflict with foregoing rules and regulations are hereby repealed. safety shall go into effect immediately. Section 59. That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Code shall be fined not less than five ~$5.00) dollars or more than fifty ~50.00) dollars for each offense. IN THE COUNCIL FOR Tt~ CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 19E~. No. 91S. A RESOLUTION to release a sewer assessment against lots E1 and 2E Section I East Side Addition. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the sewer assessment against lots 21 and 22 Section I East Side Addition amounting to $18.4~ be, and the same is hereby released. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The l~th day cf July, 19EP. No. 91~. A P~SOLUTION authorizing the City ~anager to purchase certain law books for the use of the Judges of the Courts. BE IT RESOLVED'by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized te purchase certain law books for the use of the Courts of the City of Roanoke at a price not to exceed $800.00 ~hich · shall be charged to the account of Court Officers and Expense. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOF~, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of July, 1922. No. 914. A i~ESOLUTION directing the payment of extra compensation to members of the Police ~orce for extra duty. WHE1LEAS , the members of the Police ~orce are required to work eight hours per day, and WHERE~iS, during the emergency created by the strike of the railway employees it is necessary that the members of the Police ~orce work 12 hours per day in order that proper police protection be aforded. THERE~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the members of the Police Eorce be paid for such extr~ work at the same rate per hour as is paid for regular time. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, ~he 29th day of July, 1922. No. 915. A RESOLUTION to extend an invitation to the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans to hold their 1923 meeting in the 0ity of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an invita- tion be extended to the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans to hold their 1923 meeting in the ~ity of Roanoke. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Grand Camp of ~onfederate Veterans at its meeting Winchester, Virginia, August 28, 1922. IN THE COUHOIL FOR THE CITY O~ ROANOI6M, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of July, 1922. No. 916. A RESOLUTION to refund Ellis Moses $25.00 on account of forfeited payment of Lawrence Moses. WHEREAS on the 24th day of March, 1922, Lawrence Moses was arrested for disorderly conduct and deposited l~he sum of $25.00 as bail bond, and WHEREAS the case against said Lawrence Moses was dropped and through error the bail bond of $25.00 deposited for said Lawrence Moses was forfeited. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of Ellis I~ioses for the sum of $25.00 to refund the bail bond forfeited through error. ~he said amount when paid shall be char~ed to the account of Refunds and Rebates. IN TEE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY OF ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of July, 1922. No. 917. A .RESOLUTION directing the Treasurer of the City of Roanoke to proceed therewith collection of taxes due by the Roanoke Water Works Company. WHEREAS there is a large amount of taxes due the Oity of Roanoke by the Roanoke Water Works Company which it is necessary to oolle ct in order that the City may have the benefit of the money. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity Treasurer be, and he is hereby directed to take such action as he deems necessary to collect the taxes d~e the City of Roanoke by the Roanoke Water Works OomparAy. Such action shall be taken immediately. 4,5 IN THE C0~TCIL FOR THE CITY 0~ ROANOF3d, VIRGINIA, The l£th ~ay of August, 19~°. No. 918. A RESOLUTION directing the ~ity ~lerk and Auditor to pay the bills cf the Fuel Administrator for his expenses in cormection with his duties as such not exceeding the sum of $500. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for such expenses of the Fuel Administrator in connection with his services, provided, such amount i shall not exceed the s~un of ~1~00. Any sums expended under the provisions oft his i resolution shall be charged to the account of allo'~nces sad gifts. II~ THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROAN0~, VIRGII?IA, The 12th day of August, 19EE. No. 919. A i~ESOLUTIO_~I granting a per~it to the Roanoke Gas Light Compar~- to install certain mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be,! and the s~me is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Lig~.t Cor~ny to i:sstall mains as follo~s: 1. On Berkley Avenue from dead end to Chesterfield Str~et a distance of 750 feet. 2. On ]~,~aiden Lane from 8S~ to 828 a distance of 150 feet. S. On L;aiden Lane from the dead end to Chesterfield Street. ~. On Staunton Avenue ~. W. between llth and 14th Streets. 5. On Perdinand Avenue fro~'n Day to Elm Avenues. The installation shall be in accord~nce with the good liking3 and satisfaction of the City I,~ianager. The said Roanoke Gas Light Co~npany by acting under this resolution agrees to restore the streets, where the same may be torn up,! in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Roanoke. IN TP~E CODXJCIL FOR TPLE CITY 02 R0.~J0~, VIRGINIA, The 1Sth day of August, 1922. No. 980. A ?~SOLUTION granting a permit to J. R. Anderson to construct an addition to his residence at 117 Day Avenue S. W. BE I? RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a per:nit be, and the same is hereby granted J. R. Anderson to constE~ct an addition to his residence at ll7 Day Avenue S. W. Such addition to be approximately 18 feet 17 inches in length, 15 feet in width and 9tfeet in height, to be of frar.~e construction to correspond with the remainder of his house. The said construction to be under the supervision of the Building Inspector and in accordar~e with his good liking and satisfaction. The said J. R. Anderson by actin~ ~l~nder this resolut~n~ a~-r~s person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of such addition. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of August, 1922. No. 921. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to E. B. Pishburne to remodel his building at the Northeast corner of Jefferson Street and Tazewell Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted E. B. Pishburne to remodel his building situated at the Northeast corner of Jefferson Street and Tazewell Avenue in accord- ance with the plans submitted to Council and attached to and m~de a part of this resolution. Such remodeling shall be in accordance ~,dth the good liking and satis- faction of the Building Inspector. The said E. B. ~ishburne by acting under this resolution agrees t,o indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the remodeling of said building .' IN THE CO~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANO~E, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of August, 1922. No. 922. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to R. J. Wright to change certain streets. ~fJ~EREAS, R. ~. Wright presented to the Council a petition asking that, so far as the City is concerned, Ernest Avenue, as shown on what is known as the Webb Map, dated April 1, 1883, be closed West of Twelfth ~12th) Street and that certain changes be made. in certain alleys on the Webb Map West of Twelfth (12th) Street, all of which is shown by the Map filed with said petition known as the R. J. Wright Map, which map is to be duly recorded, and ~'GIERF~S, W. P. ~unter, City Manager, has made personal examination of the matter and the changes sought to be made and recommends, so far as the City is eoncerned, that the prayer of said petition be granted. THERE~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that so far as the City is concerned, that Ernest Avenue West of Twelfth (12tbs Street, as shwwn on the said Webb Map, be and the same is hereby elosed, and that any changes made by the Wright map in the alleys ~wwn on the Webb map West of · Twelfth (12th) Street be, and are hereby approved, the City relinquishing any title it may have, if any, to Ernest Avenue West of Twelfth (12th) Street and the alleys 'shown on the Webb map, which are closed, to the said R. J. Wright. The City of Roanoke does not at this time assume to accept, take over or in any way keep in order the streets ~aid down in the Wright Map. 47 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of August, 1922. No. 923. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of July, 1922, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ro~zoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of July, 1922, be and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering Dept. ~i ty ~lerk- Treasure r Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Elec ti on Stationery & Printing Council Coroners Almshouse Outside Poor Hospitals Organized Charities In sane Jai 1 Juvenile Court ~olice Dept. Pire ~ept. Pire ydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physic lan Health Dept. Quarantine & Detention Street 01aaning Garbage Sewer Ilaint enance Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stable s Tools & Equipment Refunds & Rebates Special Services Damages & Cost Workmen' s Compensation Garage Parks Library Market Interest Annex Territory 1919 Account s Payable Police Dept. Tax Levy 1920 ?76,94 677.80 6S b. 98 1468.96 220.00 291.66 15 64.45 1011.46 4,59.33 1449.57 88V.02 12.96 549.99 20.00 8O4.15 151.00 ~50.00 198.70 72.50 1773.11 651 12,926.40 9,709.35 1439.85 2014.41 248.00 144.45 100.00 1346.21 158.00 1060.32 2785.85 605.07 4526.49 490.57 1085.78 14 84.60 195.98 25.00 172.50 2.50 117.00 1183.53 5294.70 1437.71 1064.97 39,237.50 726.40 840.00 200.00 1134.68 105,484.64 EXT~%0RDI NARY Sewer Construction Drain Construction Street Grading Mac adami zing Pav lng Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction Pire Department ~,Iarket 2268.25 4239.32 509.75 2588.17 20,013.44 4286.52 534.13 6553.72 2179.94 148,437.88 II~ THE COIE;CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of August, 1922. No. 92,5. AN ORDINANCE to regular the building of dry closets and privies, the disposal of excreta from human bodies, the removal of the contents of privies, charges therefor, and providing penalties for a violation thereof. BE IT 0RDANIED by the Council of the aity of Roanoke as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any property holder or his authorized agent to permit a privy or dry closet of any kind for the reception of human excreta, to exist or remain upon any of his property within the City of Roanoke, which can be served by a public sewer. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw out, deposit or bury within the aity of Roanoke, any excreta from human bodies, solid or liquid, or to dispose of any such substance in any other manner than into a properly sewered water closet or a properly constructed sanitary privy. Section 3. All buildings or other places in the City of Roanoke where human beiugs live, ar~ employed, or congregate shall be provided with a sewered water Closet or a sanitary privy for h~an excreta. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any property holder or his authorized agent to construct, maintain or permit to exist on any property under his control, any privy which is not sanitary or which is not constructed as provided herein below. Section 5. A sanitary privy is one which is so built, rebuilt or constructed that (a) the excreta deposited therein will not fall upon the ground, but into a proper water-tight receptacle, preferably a metal bucket, and (b) the contents of the receptacle shall n~ot be accessible to flies, fowl, or animals at any time. (c) The receptacle for excreta shall be closed in a tight box of metal or of sound lumber with all joints tight. This box shall be provided with a closely fitting lid, and the seat must be covered with a self-closing hinged lid ac as to make the top of the box fly proof. (d) This box sh~ll be properly ventilated by proper openings .or flues all of which shall be screened with 14 mesh wire gauze. Privies shall be so located Gs to be easily accessible to the soayen~jer. Section 6. Tke He~lth 0£f~oer ~all prescribe by regulations proper size and methods of constr~ction of such privies and such other details as shall m~ke this ordinance effective and its application uniform. All privies must conform to such reg~l~tions. Section ?, The contents of all privies shall be removed by the City scave~ger under the supervision of the Health Officer, and for such service the followi~ charges shall be made: For cleaning each privy with one receptacle at private residences, for each family using the privy sixty cents per month in advance, or $1.~0 per quarter in advance, or $2.50 for six months in advance. ~or privies contzi~ir~g more than or~e receptacle, twent~~ five cents per month o2 fifty cents per quarter in adva~ce for each extra receptacle. The fees above mentioned shall be pa~d by ti:e owner or occupant to Section 8. All privies in the City of Roanoke shall be kept in a cleanly ~ondition at all times, and no wash water, garbage, or other except human e~.creta shall be deposited therein. Section 9. No pr:ivy receptacle shall be filled to overflowing. The Health Officer may require that additional privies or receptacles be installed whenever, ir_ his judgment, they are needed. Section 10. Any privy which is so constructed or rmintained that human excreta in or frcm it may get upon the ground or may be accessible to flies, fowl, or animal, s, is hereby declar~d tc be a nuisance dangerous to the public he alt h. Section ll. All receptacles for sanitary' privies perr..~_er:tly located in the City of Roanoke shall be furnished by the City of Roanoke, but they shall remain the property of the City. It shall be unlawlh~l for any pets. on to take, destroy, misplace or misuse any such receptacle. Section 12. The Health Officer shall make or cuuse to be ~ade such inspections of privies as may be necessary to as~ure their proper maintenance, and he and his authorized agents are hereby empowered to enter all premises in the discharge of this duty. Section 13, It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this ordi~mnce. Section 14. Any person who violates any provision of this ordir~ance or of the regulations prescribed by the Health Officer under its authorization, or any person who obstructs the Health Officer or his authorized agents, or the City scavenger in the proper discharge of the duties prescribed in this ordinance, shall upon conviction be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Section 15. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the pr~.visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, in so far as they are in conflict herewith. IN THE COUI~CIL POE THE CITY 0P R0~/~0ICE, VIRGII~IA, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 924. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that appropria- tions to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the following amount s: City Treasurer Stationery & Printing !~Iilitary & Armories Tools & Equipment Special Services Market 1468.95 12.96 55.95 195.98 172 .~0 2179,94 4086.28 and the 0ity Clerk and AUditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. 6O IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 926. A RESOLUTION to repeal a resolution adopted on the 10th day of June, 1922, entitled, "A resolution providing for the expenditure of the money received from the sale of bonds for school purposes." BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Oity of Roanoke that the r eso- lution adopted by Council on the 10th day of June, 1922, entitled, "A resolution providing for the expenditure of the money received from the sale of bonds for school purposes," be, and the same is hereby repealed. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R-THE CITY OF RDANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 927. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to A. T. Kinsey to make certain changes in his house number 359 and 361 Elm Ave. S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted A. T. Kinsey to make certain changes in his house No. 359 and 361 Elm Avenue S. W. Such changes to be in accordance with the sketch hereto attached and made a part hereof. The changes are to be made in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under his direction. The said A. T. Kinsey hy acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the 0ity of Roanoke from any claims for damages to person or property by reason of maki~ such changes herein specified. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 928. A RESOLUTION granting a permit for oertaiu cross-overs. BE IT RESOLVED by the Court, il of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the smme is hereby granted the £ ollowing persons for cross-overs at their houses: H. L. Laughon~ , Broadway, South Roanoke~ . S. L. ~acher, 801 N~ folk Avenue, S. E. G. R. Ragan, 604 Mountain Ave., S. W. W. L. Ranson, 204 Westover Ave., *hent. Such cross-overs to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the City Manager and in accordance with specifications furnished by him. IN Tk~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of August, 1922. 51 additions to his residence ~05 Henry Street, S. W. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Court, il of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Dr. W. S. Gregory to make certain changes at his residence ?05 - 1st ~Henry) Street, S. W, Such changes shall be made in accord- ance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and shall be approved by him. T~m said Dr. W. S. Gregory by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Cindy cf Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction of such additions. aut omob ile. 1N THE COUNCIL ~OR TP~ CITY OF ~0AN0~E, VIRGINIA , The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 930. A KESOLUTION to reinstate the permit of Chas. VanBibber to drive au BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke that the permit of Chas, VanBibber to drive an automobile, whi~h was revoked by the Police Justice of the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby reinstated. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR ~HE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINL~, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 931. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke G~s Light ~ompany to install certain gas mains, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ro~oke that a ~m'rmit be, and the same is hereby granted the Rosnoke Gas Light Company to install the gas mains shown in red on the map hereto attached and made a part hereof. The said Ro~noke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, in accordance with the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke. IN THE COIRJCIL ~0R THE CITY OF i~0ANO~, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 958. A RESOLUTION ~irecting the payment o£ ~8,~.08 to the Treasurer of the School ~und. BE IT PJ~SOLVED by the 8ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereb~? directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $48,74~.08 for the Treasurer of the School Fund on account of new buildings. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary account of schools. E?EAL .D By No, Department of build- ings. Employee s. Quali fica- tions of Building Inspec$or Duties of Building Inspector. Fees for Permits. 1!7 TPiE COUIICIL POi{ T}YE CITY OF ROAI{OIZE, VIi~GINIA, The g6th day of August, 19g~. No. 955. AN ORDINANCE to re~te buildi~s in the City of Ro~oke. BE IT 0RDAIi~D By the Council of the City of Ro~oke: Section l: That there be and is hereby created a department of the m~icipality of t~ City of-Roanoke, Vir~nia, which shall be known as the Depart- merit of Buildi~s. Section 2: Tlmt the appoint~nt of ~.e Buil~ng Inspector, the head of this department and such other officers as are necessary for its ~oper admin- istration s~ll be made by the City Ilanager, the salaries of such officers to be fixed by the City Council. Section 5: That the Buildi~ Inspector shall be the head of the Department of Buildings and shall have the ma~gement of all matters and affairs pertaini~ thereto. He shall be an architect, civil e~ineer, or a general build- ing contractor of not less tham five years' experience in his profession or occupation and shall qualify by examination before a board of three examiners con- sisti~ of an architect, civil e~ineer and roster builder, to be appointed by the City l~a~ger. Section 4: That it shall be the duty of the Buil~ Inspector to cause to be kept a record of all applications for permits, which shall be re~larly[ numbered in the order of their issue, si~ed by the Building Inspector, and g recor~ showi~ the number, description and size of all buildings erected in the City; of what ~terial constructed and the aggregate of the number, kind, cost of all buildings; the greed area, the ins?ection, removal ~d conde~ation of buildi~s and all other ~tters proper to be recorded, and shall cause each inspector to ~ke a daily written report of each inspection made. Section 5: Tt~t said Buil~n~ Inspector shall have full power to interpret any question arising ~der the provisions of this ordinance relative to the ~nner of construction or material to be used in the erection, alteration or repair of any building. Section 6: That any duty or act required of or authorized to be do~ by the Building Ins~ctor may be performed by his assistants, subject to revision by the Buil~ng Inspector. Section ~ T~t the Buil~ng Inspector ~all ~ke weekly sett~ments with the City Auditor ~d payments to the City Treasurer, as required by Ordinate, for all fees collected by his department and t~e receipt therefor, Section 8: That ~e Building Inspector sb~ll be bonded in behalf of the City of R~nole in the ~nalty of $5,000 by good lawful security to insure the faithful performance of his duties. Section 9: T~t fees for pe~its for buil~ngs, alterations, addition and repairs as herein provided for shall bo as follows: Value of ~ f, ?T tt ~ ~5.00 to and including ~ 100.00 ~ .50 101.00 " " " 500.00 1.00 501.00 " " " 1000.00 ~.O0 1001.00 " " " 2500.00 Z.OO ~501.00 " " " 5000.00 5.00 Value of $ VSO1.00 " " 10001.00 " " " 12501.00 " " " 15001.O0 " " " 17501.00 " to and including 10000.00 la500.00 15000.00 17500.00 gO000.O0 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 15.00 For all over the $20000.00 in value the additional sum of twenty-five cents per one thousand or fractional part thereof. Section lC: That in all cases where deemed necessary by the Building Special Inspector, the owner or his agent shall be required to provide at his own expense Inspection efficient and satisfactory inspection on any and all building constructions for which a permit is required, for the purpose of strictly enforcing all requirements of this Code. Section ll: No person sh~ll be employed, by any owner or agent, or retained as au inspector on any building operations under ~his provision to whom written objection is made by the Building Inspector. The Inspector or Inspectors employed by owners or agents shall report directly to the City Building Inspector at all times during the progress of con- struction, as may be required. Section 12; Should the owner ocr his agent neglect or refuse to provide efficient and satisfactory inspection, so called for above, the Building Inspector may employ, or detail from his office an inspector or inspectors for this duty, and the expense thereby incurred shall be borne by the o~ner or his agent. If the ~wner or his agent shall refuse to pay such costs when due, it shall be t~he duty of the Building Inspector to order all work stopped on the building in question until all requirements of the Code are obeyed. Section 13: That should any question arise between the Building Appeal to Inspector and the owner or architect of any building or proposed building, or City ~ganager should the owner or architect object to any order or decision of said Building Inspector, the hatter shall be referred to the City ~anager, and his decision shall be final and conclusive. ~uildings Section l&: That the Building Inspector shall examine all buildings, to be Examined or cause the same to be examined, upon or in which work is being ~tone under the provisions of this ordinance as often as practicable. onsafe If the Building Inspector shall find in the Oity any building or Buildings structure, or part thereof, in such an unsafe condition as to endanger life, but so that by the immediate application of precautionary measures such danger may be averted, he shall have authority, and it shall be his duty, to forthwith notify Notice to the owner, agent or person in possession, charge or control of such building or OV~fle r or Agent structure, or part thereof, to adopt and put into effect such precautionary measures as may be necessary or advisable in order to place such building or structure, or part thereof, in a safe condition. Such notice shall state briefly the nature of the work required to be done, and the time in which it shall be c omplet e d. If the owner, agent or person in possession, charge or control of such Inspector : buildi~ or structure, or part thereof, when so notified, shall fail, neglect, or to Act on Failure of! refuse to place such building or structure, or part thereof, in safe condition Po sting Notices Lien up on pro- perty Authori ty to Demolisi ~uild- ing 9wne r liable to fine. Buildings in immedi. ate dange~ of falling Buildings to be made ~m~orari- Y~afe. Inspector within the time specified in such notice, in such case, at the expira- tion of such time, it shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to proceed forthwith to do, or cause to be done, any and all work necessary to place such building or structure or part thereof, in a safe contition. If said Inspector shall be unable to find the owner, agent or person in possession of such building, structure, or part thereof, upon whom notice may be served, he shall place or cause to be placed the notice herein provided for upon such building at or near ~ts principal entrance, or at some other conspicuous place on or hear said building, and if at the expiration of the time specified in such notice for the completion of the work required to be done, the terms of suc~ notice shall not have been complied with, it shall be the duty of the inspector to thereupon proceed and do such work in the same manner as hereinbefore provided in cases of resusal, neglect or failure on the part of the owner, agent or person in possession, charge or control of any such building, structure, or part thereof, w when so notified. If in accordance with the provisions of this se~tion, the work of placing any building, structure, or part thereof, in a safe condition shall e devolve upon the said Inspector, and it shall appear that such building, structure, or part thereof, is in such a condition as not to warrant the expenditure thereon of a sufficient mum of money to make such repairs or to do such work as is necessar to put in a safe condition, the said Inspector shall have the authority to tear down or destroy such building, structure or part thereof, and the expense cf tear- ing down and destroying any such building or structure, or part thereof, and the expense of making any repairs or doing any work thereon shall be charged to the person owning or in possession, charge or control of such building or structure, or part thereof, and the Inspector shall recover, or cause to be recovered, from such owner or person in possession, charge or control the cost to the City of doing such work by some appropriate proceeding; and said repairs, tearing down and de- stroying said building or structure shall become and remain a lien upon the lot and improvements upon which said building or structure is located. Should said owner, agent or person in possession, charge or control of any such building or structure, upon whom notice as provided for in this section has been served fail, neglect or refuse to place such building or structUre or part thereof, in a safe condition as designated in said notice, then such owner, agent, or person in possession, charge or control of said building, on whom said notice is served, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and each day said owner, agent or person in possessio'n, charge or control of said building fails to place same in a safe condition after the date named in said motice has expired, shall be consider- ed a separate offense. In case there shall be, in the opinion of the ~$uilding inspector, actual and in~nediate danger of the falling of any building, or part thereof, so as to endanger life or property, said Inspector shall cause the necessary work to be dona to render said building, or part thereof, temporarily safe until the proper proceedings be taken as in the case of an unsafe building as provided for in this Code. Authority to vacate Building. Authority to tempo- rarily close si dewalks and otreets. Authority to Enter ~uildings. nevocat i on of permit s. When and how permits are to be revoked. Penalty Time limit of Permit. Tests. Oost of Tests. and also where ~y building, or part thereof is in danger of falling or has fallen, and life is endangered by the occupation thereof, to order and require the inmates and occupants of such building, or part thereof, to vacate the same forthwith. And said Inspector may, when necessary for the public safety, tempo- rarily close the sidewalks ~nd streets adjacent to such building, or part thereof, and prohibit the same from being used, and the Police Department, when called upon by said Inspector to co-operate, shall enforce such orders or requirements. Section l§: ~'hat the Building Inspector and his assistants are hereby given authority to enter any buildir~g in the City of Roanoke in the per- formance of their duties and to order and compel the suspension of any work being done in violation of the provisions of this ordinance. No person shall continue the construction of any building, or use any material in or about any buildir~ after said Building inspector or his assistants have directed lin writing) the suspension of such construction or the use of such material. ~ection 18: That should the Building Inspector become convinced that the work under any permit is not proceeding according to the detailed state- ment, plans and specificationm upon which such permit was issued, or is proceeding in violation of the law or ordinance, it sha~l be hit duty to no~l~y ~he om~e~ or o~mers or his or their agents, in writing, that the work is being constructed in violation of the permit or ordinance, and that the sane must be i~nediately rectified to conform with the buildirg laws or ~ithin such permit. If the ~ner or owners or his or their agents neglect to comply with the said laws, or fail to make corrections within ~ch time as may be specified by the Inspector it shall be the further duty of the Inspector to revoke said permit and notice thereof shall be in~nediately served upon the ortner, agent, superintendent or contractor in charge of the work or posted on the property. Said notice shall be in writing signed by the Building Inspector, and after such revocation of permit, any architect, contractor or workman performing any work in or about the said structure, building or premises shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined not less than five dollars ~$~.00), nor more than fifty dollars, ~$~0.00), and each day any such architect, contractor or workman performs any work on or ~bout said structure or building after the revocation of said permit shall be considered a separate offense. Section l~: That every permit shall be considered~ cancelled if active work is not commenced within six (8) months of the date of its issue, and continued with due diligence to completion; and the building Inspector shall Judge if due diligence is being used and shall notify the owner or agent in case proper diligence is not being shown. Section 18: That the Building Inspector and his assistants are here- by given authority to make such tests, as may be necessary to determine the safety or the condition of any building or machinery which it is their duty under the provisions of this ordinance to inspect; such tests, if there be any expenme attached thereto, to be at the cost of the owner, same to be recovered by proper proceedings. Section ~19: That the Building Inspector shall inspect or cause to toriums, skating rinks, baseball stands or other stands occupied by large numbers of people, and all buildings used for either manufacturing or commercial purposes; also-all hotels, apartment houses and all other buildings of ~hatsoever nature for the purpose of determining the safety of s~ch buildings or structure, or any passageways, appliances or equipments thereof; the sufficiency of their doors, passageways, aisles, stairways, corridors, exits or fire escapes and generally their facilities for egress in case of fire or ct. her accident, and strength of their floors, and in case of any violation of the several provisions of this ordi- nance, to cause warrants to be issued against the offender or offenders. in Res1- : dence ;street or alley in the ,City, in any block in which one-half of the buildings on Districts both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes, or within fifty feet of any street, any building or place used for gas reservoir, packing Factories houses, rendering plant, soap factory, creamery, blacksmith shop, foundry,, clothes in Resi- dence cleaning and dyeing establishment, public garage, or machine shop or factory Districts. combined with foundry, or laundry to be run by machinery, stable or livery stable, To obtain without the written consent of 80 per cent of the property ~vners according to written consent frontage on such street or alley. Such written consent shall be obtained and o f proper~ ty owners filed with the Inspector of Buildings before a permit is issued for the construction or alteration of any building or place for any of the above purposes. Provided, that in determination whether one-half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used execlusively for residence purposes, any building fronting upon another street and located on a corner lot ~hall be considered. '~henever a provision is made in this section that fronting consent Defini- shall be obtained for the erection, construction, alteration, enlargement or main- tion of the word tainance of any building or structure in any block, the work "block" so used shall not be held to mean a square, but it shall be held to embrace only that part of the i street, bounding the square which lies between the two nearest intersecting streets,i one on either side of the point at which such building or structure is to be erec.te~, constructed, altered, enlarged or maintained, unless it shall be otherwise speci- fically provided. Must have No excavation shall be commaenced, no wall, structure, building, or permit fo~ structure part thereof, shall be built or constructed, nor shall the heating apparatus, gas fitting, automatic sprinkler equipment or elevator work of any building or structurei be constructed, installed or altered, nor shall any buildi~4~ be moved, nor any sign 'erected, except in accordance with the p~'ovisions of this Code, nor until a permit 'has been issued by the Department of Buildings. Section El: That before the Building Inspector shall iseue a permit to erect, alter or repair a building within the fire district, the owner, contractor~ ~sub-contractor or agent securing the permit shall file a bond with the Building Bond to Inspector in the amount of $5,000.00 with surety to be approved by the Building be ~iven. Inspector, expressly stipulating and agreeing to pay all damages to property or improvements on account of any excavation made in, or any obstruction placed upon any street, sidewalk, alley or other public s?ace in the City of Roanoke by anyone ~hile engaged in or about the performance of any such building operations and and hold the City of Eoanoke harmless against any and all loss or damage on account of either personal injuries or injuries to property. The aforesaid bond shall be renewed and kept in continuous force as long as said owner, contractor or agent is engaged in any such building operations or until such time as the Building Inspector may permit the cancellation of such bond. Plane and Section 2£: That application for permits to erect, alter or repair spec i fic a- tions to a building or structure shall be mccompanied by such plans and specii'ications as give full information, will give full information to the character of the buildings, its size in every Plans to ac company Applie at i on for eleva- tors, fire e SC ape s, signs, etc. Drawings to be in Ink. Permits wi thout Drawings. Ohanges in plans to be recorded. ~ust obtain Grade fro$ ~ity. mngineer. direction, arrangement of rooms, halls closets and stairways and the material to be used in construction; and the Building Inspector may require detail drawings and strain sheets of all trusses, beams, colums and i~loors, or such other drawings and specifications as he may deem necessary. Application for permits to erect elevators, fire escapes, roof tanks or to erect signs of any kind will be made on blanks furnished by the Department of Buildings and accompanied by such plans and specifications as may be required. All builders, contractors or owners erecting or constructing buildings of any kind shall post the name of the contractor and o~ner on the building or near the structure being erected. Section 2Z: That all plans must be made in ink on cloth or heavy paper or on blue print paper. They must be drawn to scale and dimension of Structual parts filled v~th figures, and must consist of plans, elevations, detail drawings and typewritten or printed specifications, giving full information of the character and construction of the building. The Building inspector may issue permits for the erection of sheds or small one-story buildings (costing less than $1,000) upon the description given in the application and not accompanied by drawings, and this shall apply also to alteration and repairs of buildings w~n in the judgment of the Building inspector, drawings are not necessary to show the full character of the work to be done. If any changes are to be made in the plans of a building after a permit has been issued, the the architect or owner shall file revised plans, or record such alterations or changes affecting structual parts of the design on the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Department of Buildings and such alterations or changes must have the approval of the ~uilding inspector indorsed the re on. Section 2~: '~'h~t upon receiving a permit, the party intending to build shall, if the street be not graded in front of the proposed building, obtain the grade from the City Engineer's office and build in confor~ity therewith. No permit shall be issued to build except when the proposed structure fronts upon a regular city street which has been duly accepted as such by the proper city author itie s. The portion of any street in ~¢nich may be occupied by the material necessary for a building in the course of construction, alteration or repair shall not e~ceed in any event the dimensions of the front of the premises being built upon, and twelve and one-half feet in addition on e~ch side and not exceeding one- on Public Way for Bui ldi ng ~late rial. Distance from tracks of Eailways ~tc. ~assage. Shed over Sidewalk Lights t o be kept o~ Street. Obstruc- tions. Space under ~idewalks Coal Ohutes. All provi- sions apply to both public and ~rivate Work. Size of All brick shall be properly stacked when removed from wagon, and a sufficient way to be left unencumbered at all times between building material and the curbstone on the side of the street opposite the building l'or the passage of vehicles. No material shall be placed within six feet of the track of any railroad or street railway, or ~ithin ten feet of any fire cistern, fire plug, pump, manhole for sewer or conduit system or crossing, or within twelve inches of any curbstone, without provision being made for the free passage of water in the gutters and a sufficient unobstructed passageway for persons and vehicles be main- tained at all times along the street; and provided, further that where it is possible to do so ti~t as soon as any building is up to the grade the sidewalk shalI be immediately constructed and a sufficient passageway be l~ept at all times over same, and, provided, further, as soon as the building reaches the height of the first story, the owner or contractor shall construct such safe and substantial shed as may be required by the Inspector or his deputies over the sidewalk for the entire width of front and side of premises being built upon, and keep same in repair until the building is completed or until the Inspector of his deputies order same removed. A passageway for foot passengers shall be maintained under said shed so as to allow free and unobstructed passage. Upon all obstructions or excavations caused by contractors or other persons in the streets and other thoroughfares there shall be placed red lights, to be kept burning from twilight in the evening until daylight in the morning so long as such obstructions or excavations remain. A passageway at least six feet wide shall be kept along the sidewalk in front of any new building in course of construction, or any building in process of repairs or altering, as far as practicable. Section 25: That in the use of space under the sidewalk, in front or side or in the alley in the rear or side of any structure, a sufficient retain- ing wall to sustain the roadway or street shall be constructed, and all end and division walls shall extend from the ~vall of the building to the retaining wall and be of sufficient strength to sustain the sidewall~ or roadway. The sidewalk in such cases to be entirely of incombustible material. All such openings in such side- walks shall be covered with illuminating tile in £ron frames, or with iron covers with rough surfaces. No plain surface of glass greater than nine square inches shall be allowed in any sidewalk. All coal chutes shall have a cast iron frame and checkered cover, the outer edge to be not more than five inch~s from curb line and said coal chute shall not be more t~ban 30 inches in diameter. Permission to use the space under the sidewalk in the front or side, or in the ally, in the rear or side of any structure will be granted at the dis- cretion of the Building Inspector, said permit to be subject to the will and pleasure of the City Council. ~he foregoing provisions and all provisions of this code shall apply with equal force to buildings, both municipal and private. Section 26: That an application for a permit to move a building shall state the location of the building to be moved, its length, width, height Demolish- ing and removing ~uildings. Location. Permit to Occupy Street. Storage on Public Ways. Dust to be laid. Height to which buildings may be E~ised. Frame buildings in ~'i re Limits. ~ay be c ondemnGe d. Eoof to be made fire- proof. ~'or what may be used~ location to which it is to be moved. In the erection of the building in its new lc~ation all the provisions of this Code applicable to a new building of the same class shall apply. No frame building shall be moved from one place to another v;ithin the fire limits , nor from without to within the fire limits. No per~tt will be issued to move a building to another location until the mover has obtained a permit from the Building Inspector to occupy the necessary public ways. Section 27: That earth taken from excavations and rubbish taken from buildings being erected, altered, repaired or demolished shall not be stored upon sidewalks, streets or alleys, but must be removed as rapidly as produced. In demolishing any building, story after story, commencing with the top story, shall be completely removed, the brick, timbers and other structural parts of each story shall be lowered to the ground immediately upon displacement. ~he material to be removed shall be properly wet down to lay the dust incident to removal. Section 28: That a f-_.~ame building not more than two stories in height may be raized for the purpose of Constructing a basement story under it. The principal floor of a two story building shall not be elevated more than two feet above the grade of the lot, and the new walls shall be of masonry, thirteen inches thick. ~ooting of foundation walls to be sixteen inches. Section 29: That no frame, veneered, or iron-clad, nor any other building, the inclosing walls or roof of which are constructed of combustible material shall be erected, moved or remodeled within the fire limits of the City of Eo~noke; nor sh~ll the same be repaired when damaged by fire if the amount of repairing is equal to as much as 50 per cent of the value of such building, ex- clusive of the value of the foundation before the damage was inflicted. Any frame, veneered or iron-clad building within the fire limits of the 0ity of ttoanoke that has been dan~ged by fire or decay to such an extent that the restoration thereof will require repair to a greater extent that fifty per cent of the value of the building before such damage, exclusive of the value of the foundation, n~., be condemned and. ordered removed within ten days by the Building ~nsp ector. The roofs of all buildings hereafter erected in the fire district shall be covered with tin, tile, slate or some other incombustible material, approved by the inspector of ~uildings. When any building ?~i thin the fire limits of the City of Eoanoke having a combustible roof should be damaged by fire or other cause, so that the cost of replacing it should be ~0 per cent of the value of said roof before the damage, it shall be removed and replaced by a metal or other thoroughly non-com- bustible roof covering. The question of the cost of replacing a roof or a structure named in this section, and the extent of the damage caused shall be determined by the building Inspector. Section 30: That sheda may be erected for the protection of workmen or animals from sun or rain, for outdoor manufacturing and for temporary purposes, subject to the restrictions imposed by the provisions of this subdivision, and 6O Not over 15 Feet High. Area of Shed. Permanent sh~ds to be fire- proof. Offices and Sheds for stor- age of material. Water Closet Facilitie~ Fireproof Buildings Slow- bul-ning ~uil~ings ~ill Con- struction, Floors. Sheds must not be over 15 feet high. 'i'hey shall not be lathed or plastered or otherwise finished for a habitation. No shed shall have an area of more than 2,500 square feet. ~nen made of combustible material a shed shall not be placed within ten feet of any other structure. Shed walls and shed roofs erected within the fire limits, except for purposes connected with the construction of a permanent building, shall be made entirely of incombustible material. Small sheds made of wood required for offices or storage of tools and mat'erials to be used in the erection of any building or other construction, may be constructed on the pre..~ses or on adjoining premises, but no such sheds shall be erected upon a public way without the approval of the Building Inspector, and such sheds shall be removed when permanent structure is .ready for occupancy. Before beginning work on any building, the contractor or builder shall provide ample water closet facilities for workmen while engaged upon the .construdtion of the building. Section 31: That the term "Fire-proof Building" shall apply to all buildings in which the principal parts are made of incombustible materials, but fi're-proofed wood shall not be considered incombustible. In all buildings the walls, floors, roofs, furring, ceilings, stairs and elevator inclusures, excepting only the finish of the' floors, shall be made entirely of incombustible material, and all structural members of metal shall be protected from fire by a covering the material of which shall be entirely incombustible, not injuriously afi'ected by water, and a slow conductor of heat. The term "Slow-burning Building" or "Composite Building" shall apply to all buildings in which the exterior walls are made entirely of brick, stone or concrete and roof coverings made of incombustible material, with door, windows, and frames of wood, but with interior walls of brick, or with columns~ and girders made of fireproofed iron or steel, and with the floor constructed of wooden beams, joints and ceilings i~rred wi th fire-proof material, and all concealed spaces fire-stopped, and all subdivisions made with incombustible partitions, or, if the floor and roof system are composed of heavy timbers and plank., with no concealed air spaces. The term "Mill Construction" shall apply to buildings without hollow or concealed spaces, having brick walls not less than 12 inches in thickness for the top story, and increasing in thickness according to Sections 52 and 55 inclusive, of this CoAe; roofs to be three-inch splined or tongue and groove planking spiked directly to heavy timbers not less than six inches in the least dimensions, covered with metal or other approved incombustible roof covering. The floors to be solid, without openings, constructed of not less than 3-inch splined or tongue and groove planking, covered with one-inch top floor laid crosswise or diagonally, properly nailed, one-inch space around all walls and columns to be provided to take care of expansion of floor surfacing. Between top flooring and the planking shall be placed not less than two thickuesses of water- proof material carefully laid to break joints, and flashed at least eight inches around all walls, posts or columns and openings with mouldings or mop boards. ~¥ater- as additional precaustions at each floor about pipes, etc., which pass through proofing. the floors. Scuppers shall be placed so that each 500 square foot floor area Scuppers. shall have at least one standard scupper. Such scuppers shall be made of cast iron, the floor opening at floor level to be four inches high by twelve inches wide pitching down to a £our-inch square with an iron flap cover at the outside wall line. Floors to be sufficiently inclined so as to be self draining. Size and spacing Of floor timbers shall be suitable for the load to be carried but the timbers shall in no case be less th~n eight inches in the least dimension, and Columns. shall rest on top of girders or on iron or steel plates in the walls. Girders shall rest on iron corbels and on iron or steel caps on columns, so arranged as to be self-releasing. All columns and posts shall rest on pintles, and the size Enclosures and spacing thereof shall be suitable for the load to be carried, but no column or for eleva- tors, stairs post shall be less than eight inches in the least dimensions. ~olun~ns, girders, etc. and ~e~ms, if o~ wood, shell be oZ~ solid material, ~nd ix iron or steel, shall 0e pro~ected as called for in sections l~, 1~8, and l&9 oi' this Oode. All elevators, stairs, sh~ftings and vents piercing floors shall be enclosed in towers or shafts having brick walls not less t~n 1S inches in thickness or reinforced concrete walls not less than eight inches in thickness, and all openings therein shall be protected by approved automatic self-closing fire doors. The term "Ordinary ~,~sonry Building~ shall apply to all buildings in which the bearing walls are made of brick, stone or concrete, and the floors and roofs are made of ordinary wood construction. ~'rame '~he term "Frame Building" shall apply to all buildings the exterior walls Bui I ding. or any p~rt of which are constructed of wood. Veneered Wood buildings with boards and covered with i'our inches of brick, stone, Buildings. concrete blocks or terra cotta and wood frames covered with metal or lathed and plastered on the outside shall be classed as frame buildings. ~rivate "Private Dwellings" shall be taken to mean and include all buildings which Dwellings. shall be intended, designed or used as a home or residence, no part of whic struc- ture is used as a store or for any busniess purpose. An "Apartment House" shall be taken to mean and include every building which shall be intended, designed or used as the home of three or more families or households living independently of each other. Buildings the first floors or basement of which are used a~ stores and the upper floors for sleeping rooms, shall be classed as apartment Houses or "Flats". The term "Tenement" shall ~pply to every house building or portion thereof which is rented, leased or hired out to be occupied, or is occupied as ti~ resi- Tenement deuce of more than two families living independently of one another and doing House. their cooking on the premises, or by more than two families on a floor so living or cooking, but having a common wight in the halls, stairways, yards, water closets, privies, or s.ne of them. The term "Hotel~' shall apply to every building or part thereof used for Hotel. supplying food or shelter to residents or .~uests, and having a public dining room or cafe, or both, and containing more than fifteen sleeping rooms. The term "Office Building" shall apply to every building which shall be divided into rooms and used for business purposes, no part of which shall be used ~rdinary Masonry Building. Apa r tree nt Hou se. Office ouilding. Ware ~OllSe Incombust~ ible i~aterial ~arage. Public ~arages. Private Garages. Club House. When Classed as Hotel or Assemb~ ly Hall. Quality o f Brick. Sand Quality. Lime Mortar component Parts. Cement ~Jortar. Quality ~ropor~ tions. Certifica- te of in- spection. The term "Ware House" shall apply to every building or part thereof used solely for the sale or storage of merchandise. "Incombustible Material" when refer~ed to as a structural material, means brick, stone, slate, terra cotta, concrete, wireglass one-quarter I~) inch thick, iron, steel, or sheet metal, and heavy asbestos and mineral wool, when used alone or in combination with each other. By the term "Garage" is meant a building or that portion of a build- ing wherein are kept vehicles charged with or containing a volatile inflamable liquid for fuel or power. Where any portion of a building is used for a garage the garage shall be deemed to embrace all the building not separated from the garage proper by fire walls. All openings in such walls shall be protected on both sides by standarA automatic fire doors constantly closed, except when neces- sarily opened for passage. "Public Garages" are garages that are let or hired for storage or repair of ~ch vehicles. "Private Garages" are garages used by individual owners of such vehicles only and need not be of fireproof construction if outside of the i'ire limits and housing not more than three ~8) vehicles. used A "Club House" is a building/or ~ntended for use by an organization or societyfor mutual entertainment or recreation. When such buildings contain fifteen Il~) or more roons for sleeping purposes, they shall be classed as hotels, and when such buildings contain assembly halls seating two hundred ~00) or more, they shall be classed as assembly halls. When the seating capacity in such auditorium exceeds five hundred (800) and has a permanent stage in excess of twenty (20) feet in depth, and having fly galleries and rigging lofts, such portions of the building containing the assembly hall shall meet the requirements for theaters. Section ~: That the brick used in all buildings shall be at least 8~ per cent good, hard, well-burnt brick. No "Salmon" brick shall be used in cellars, basements, f~re walls or in chimneys above the roof line. 'A'he sand used for mortar or concrete in all buildings shall be clean, sharp, grit sand, free from loam or dirt. Lime mortar shall be made of one part lime end not ~ore than three parts of sand; to which shall be added not less than 2~ per cent of portland cement as the mortat is retempered for use; all lime shall be thoroughly burnt, of good quality and properly slaked before it is mixed with the sand. Cement mortar shall be ~ade of Portland Cement mixed with sand, and shall be used immediately after being mixed; the proportions shall be one p~rt Portland cement and not more than three parts sand. Ten per cent lime putty will be allowed. Section ZS: ~hat all cement, whether used for mortar, concrete or concrete blocks, shall conform to the requirements and standard tests of the American Society for Testing Materials. When required by the Inspector of Buildings there shall be submitted to him certii'ied tests oI' the cement being used in any building from some establish~ ed laboratory of inspection, and the ce~nt shall con£orm to the requirements of Concrete for founda- tions. Concrete for ~ounda- tions. Gravel or Stone. Lleasure d & ~dixed. Quality of Timber. Sound and Good. Test of ~,~aterials. Structural ~,~aterial. WroUght Iron quali- ty and Strength. Steel. Cast Steel. Party ~aking Excavations to ~otify Adjoining Property Owners. Section 54: That concrete for foundations shall be made of not more th~u two and one-half (2~) parts of sand ~nd five (5) parts of broken stone by volume, to one part ol' Portland cement; the stone shall be clean and broken to such size as to pass in any way through a ring two inches in circumference; good, clean gravel may be used in the same proportion as broken stone. The ce~ent and sand are to be measured and thoroughly mixed before adding water. ~¥hen mixed by machine sa~e results will be obtained. All concrete shall be properly rammed and allowed to set bei'ore being disturbed. Section ~5: That all timber and wooden beams used in any building shall be of good, sound materiel, free from rot, large and loose knots, shakes or any imperfection whereby the strength may be impaired, and be of such size and dimensions as the purpose i'or which the building is intended requires. Section ZS: That new and untried materials of whatsoever n~ture shall be subjected to such tests to determine its character and quality as the Buildir, g Inspector shall direct. The tests shall be made under the supervision of the Inspector, or he may direct the architect or owner to file with him a certified copy of the results of tests such as he may direct to be n~de. Section ~: That all wrought iron shall be uniform in character, fibrous, tough and ductile. It sh~ll have an ultimate tensile resistance of not less than 48,000 Pounds per squ~re inch, and an elastic limit of not less than 2&,000 pounds per square inch and an elongation of 20 per cent in eight inches when tested in small specimens. All structural steel shall have an ultimate tensile strength of from 54,000 to 84,000 pounds per square inch. Its elastic limit shall be not less than Z2,000 pounds per squ~re inch and test specimens ruptured in tension must show a minimum elongation of not less than 20 per cent in eight inches. Rivet steel shall have an ultimate strength oi' from 50,000 to 58,000 pounds per square inch. Cast steel shall be made of open hearth steel containing one-quarter to one-half per cent of carbon, not over eight one-hundredths of one per cent of phosphorus, and shall be practically free from blow holes. Cast iron ahall be of good foundry mixture, producing a clean, tough, gray iron, and sample bars five feet long, one inch square, cast in sand molds placed on supports four feet six inches apart, shall bear a central load of 450 pounds before breaking. Castings shall be free of serious blow holes, cinder spots and cold shuts. Ultimate tensile strength shall be not less than 16,000 pounds per square inch when tested in small speci~.~ens. Section ~8: That whenever it is proposed to begin any excavation for any building, and there shall be walls or structures on adjoining lands, or near the intended excavations, then the party causing such excavations to be made shall notify the owner or owners of such adjoining walls or structures of such intended excavation at least 15 days before starting sa~'~-~e, and also of the de?th to which it is proposed to made m~id excavation. The owner or owners of the adjoining walls or structures shall have the right to enter upon the property of the party causing the excavations to be made, for the purpose of securing their walls, or if noti- fied that such excavations are to be made, and within 15 days after receiving such notice shall proceed to care for and make safe his or their wall or structures to In Case Adjoining ~roperty Owners ~'ail to Protect The i r Property. Protectio: Against Caving in Soil Exca. vations. Bearing Capacity of Soil. Where no Tests are made. When a Test is L~ade. ~ Borings. structure. In all cases where the walls have been extended to this depth (121 feet, then the party causing the excavations to be made shall at his own expense underpin and protect and sustain all adjoining walls that are to go down below the depth of 12 feet. Section 39: That in dase the owner or owners of the adjoining walls or structures neglect, fail or refuse to properly protect their walls, or structure then the party causing the excavations to be made shall notify the Building Inspec- tor, in writing, certifying that the first notice mentioned in the preceding sectio has been served and upon whom and how served; then the Inspector of Buildings shall in writing, notify the person or persons mentioned in the first notice and any others he may deem to be in any way interested that excavations are to be made adjoining their walls or structures, and that they are ~equired by the ordinances of the City of Roanoke to underpin, protect and support their walls or structures to the depth of 12 feet below the established grade of the street; and in case they fail or refuse for a period of three days after being so notified by the Building Inspector, the Inspector may enter upon the property, employ such labor, purchase such materials aud take such steps as in his judgment m~y be necessary to make the adjoining walls or structures safe and prevent the same from becoming unsafe or dangerous at the expense and cost of the owner or owners of such adjoin- ing walls or structures. Any party doing such work or furnishing said materials, or any ps, rt thereof, under and by direction of the Building Inspector may bring and maintain an action against said owner or owners, in the same manner as if he had been employed to do said work or furnish said materials by the owner or owners of said walls or structures. Section 40: That all excavations, other than asprovided ~or in Sections 39 and 38 of this Code shall be protected by persons making them, that adjoining soil shall not cave in and shall be properly guarded and protected so as to prevent the same from becoming dangerous to life, limb or property. The Building Ins~ector shall have' the power to cause the removal of all building materials from any public alley and close same to prevent caving, and the persons making the excavations shall put down sheet piling protection. Section 41: That where no test of the sustaining power Sf the soil is made different soils, excluding mud at the bottom of the footings, shall be deemed to safely sustain the following loads to the superficial foot, namely: Dry, hard Clay Lioderately dry clay soft, wet clay Quick sand or alluvial soild Clean, dry sand Sand, compact and well cemented Gravel, and coarse sand, well ce~.~ented Per Square Foot. tons. tons ton tons tons tons tons requirement s. The width of all footing shall be at least sufficient to meet these Where a best is made of the sustaining power of the soil, the Build- ing Inspector shall be notified So that he may'be present, either in person or by representative. The record of the test shall be filed in the Department of Build in gs. When a doubt arises as to the safe sustaining power of the earth upon which a buildim~ is to be erected the Department of Buildings may order boring~ 6,5 to be made, or direct to be tested the sustaining power of the soil by and at the Pre s sure Under foot- ing ~'ounda- tion. Warehou se s and ~ac t ori es. Stores. expense of the owner of the proposed building. Section 45: That loads exerting pressure under the footings of founda- tions in buildings more than three stories in height are to be computed as follows: For ¥;arehouses and Factories they are to be the full dead load and 75 per cent of the full live load established by Section lll of this Code. In stores and buildings for light manufacturing purposes they are to be the full dead load and 60 per cent of the live load established by Section lll of this Code. Churches Schools and Public Halls. In churches, school houses and places of public amusement or assembly they are to be the full dead load and 60 per cent of the live load established by Section lll of this Code. Office BldgS. In office buildings, hotels, apartment hotels, dwellings, apartment Hotels, I Apartr~.ent ~ houses, tenement houses, lodging houses, and stables they are to be the full dead Houses, etci load and &O per cent of the live load established by Section lll of this Code. Uni form Pre s sure. Wood Piles. Ntuub e r and Spacing. Size. Footings shall be so designed that the loads will be as nearly uniform as possible and not in excess of the safe bearing capacity of the soil, as estab- lished by Section 41 of this Code. Section ~: That piles of wood intended to sustain a wall pier or post shall be placed not more than thirty-six inches nor less than twenty inches on centers, and they shall be driven to solid bearing, if practicable to do so and the number of such piles shall be sufficient to support the superstructure proposed No wood pile sD~ll be used of less dimensions than five inches at the small end and ten inches at the butt for short piles, or piles twenty feet or less t in length, and twelve inches at the butt for long piles or piles more than twenty .~ feet in length. Formula fori When a wood pile is not driven to refusal, its safe sustaining power pile not driven ii! in pounds shall be determined by the followSng formula: to ~e fusal.I Twice the weight of the hammer in pounds multiplied by the height of i the fall in feet divided by the penetration of pile under the last blow in inches plus one. I,{aximum ~ No wood pile shall be weighted with a load exceeding ~ort~ thousand Load. The Building Inspector shall be notified of the tir. e when such test ~1 piles of wood be driven that he may be present either in person or by representa- Test piles. ~ !i tire. ~! The tops of all piles shall be cut off below the water line. ~o wood I piles shall be used unless permanently surrounded by water. ! Section ~: That piles may be made of concrete, either reinforced or Plain. Plain concrete piles nmst be molded in place by methods which are reason- I~!olded in ~ ably certain to secure perfect, full-sized piles; reinforced concrete piles, if Place. 'i~:~ properly designed to resist the shock of driving, and if driven with a cushion to '~i lessen the shock, or if put down hy a water jet, may be molded, allowed to harden, and then driven or jetted into place. ~earing~i in case concrete pile~ are used, whether reinforced er other~vise, thei~l p O we r determined bearing power shall be determined by putting ~n one or more test piles and loading by test. I them after the concrete is suffiaiant]v Concrete Piles. £~aximum Load. ~ixture for Concrete Pile Caps Foundatio~ Depths of found- ations. Founda- tion wall ~eaning of term. ~Iat e ri al. Thi c kne s s of concrel Offsets in stepped- up brick work. Projectio~ of foot- ings or base concrete. ture shall not be more than one-half of the load under which the pile begins to settle. In no case, however, shall the load on a concrete pile exceed fifty thousand pounds per square foot of cross section of concrete plus 6,000 pounds per square inch on any longitudinal steel reinforcement. Concrete piles shall always be made of mixture not leaner than one part cement, two parts sand and five parts gravel or broken stone. The gravel or broken stone must all be capable of passing a one-inch ring, and the concrete must be mixed by machinery a b~tch at a time and the concrete must be turned over completely at least twenty-five times. One complete revolution of the machine, if not too rapid will count as one turning of the concrete. All piles shall be capped with plain or reinforced concrete caps or footing, the head8 of piles being embedded in concrete not less than 6 inches. s. Section AS: That every building shall h~ve foundations not less thar~ thirty inches belo~ the curb level(or the finish grade el' lot if the building does not immediately adjoin the sidewalk) on solid ground or upon piles or ranging timbers when solid ground or rock is not found . Section 46: That foundat ion walls shall be construed to include all walls and piers built below the curb level or nearest tier of bemms to the curb, or to the average level of the ground adjoining the walls, to serve as supports for walls, piers, columns, girders, posts or beams. ~oundation walls shall be built of brick, Portland cement concrete, iron or steel. If built of brick or Portland cement concrete, they shall be at least four inches t~hicker than the wall next above them to a depth of twelve feet below curb or grade level, and for every additional ten feet or part thereof deeper, they shall be increased four inches in thickness. All trenches for footings shall be excavated to the full width of footings aud shall be inspected by the Building Inspector before footings are put in place. The footings or base course, except in frame dwellings, shall be of concrete, or of concrete and steppedup brick work, or brick work of sufficient thickness and area to safely bear the ~zeight to be im~osed thereon. ~or plain concrete footings the projection beyond the wall shall not be more than one-half the depth of the concrete course and no concrete course shall be less than 8 inches in depth and go to hard ground. All brick or stone piers or walls shall not be les~ than 18 inches in the ground, and more if solid ground is not reached. If stepped-up footings of brick are used, the offsets, if l~id in single courses, shall each not exceed one and one-half inches, or if laid in double courses, then each shall not exceed three inches, offsetting the first course of ~rick work back one-h~lf the thickuess of the concrete base so as to properly dis- tribute the load to be imposed thereon. The footing or base course, whether formed of concrete or brick, shall be at least twelve inches wider than the botton width of walls, and at least twelve inches wider on all sides than the bottom width oI~ said piers, columns or posts except in case of frame buildings, then the footings may project not less than four inches from each face of the wall. Headers in' Stone ~,'~all ~. at least one header extending through the wall in every five feet in each course, and ii' over twenty-four inches in thickness, shall have one header for every six superficial feet on both sides of the wall laid on top of each other to bond to- gether and running into the wall at least two feet. '~'~idth of t~eaders. Proporti on or Bed to Ei se. Grillage in founda- All headers shall be at least twelve inches in width and be well shaped flat st ones. No stone in a rubble wall shall have a bed less than the rise, and in no case shall the bed be less than six inches. All foundation walls shall be laid in Portland cement mortar. Section 47: That grillage beams of wrought iron or steel resting on a proper concrete bed may be used. Such beams shall be provided with separators tion con- and bolts inclosed and filled solid between ~th concrete and of such sizes and struction. ~. so arranged as to transmit with safety the superimposed loads. Materials to be used in walls. Piers or Buttresses. ~earing '~Val I s. Bearing Walls with Openings When to be increased in thicknes Brick to be ~et. Thickness of piers proportione, to height. Every sitth course a heading Course. ~onding face brick. Flemish Bond. All metal incorporated in or forming a part of a foun,.~ation shall be thoroughly imbedded in concrete. Section 48: That the walls of all buildings other than frame or wood buildings, shall be constructed of stone, brick, Portland cement concrete, iron steel or other hard incombustible material, and the several component parts of suc~ buildings shall be as herein provided. All buildir~ffs shall be inclosed on all sides with independent or party walls. In all walls of the thickness specified in this Code the same amount of material may be used in piers or buttresses. Bearing walls shall be taP~n to mean those walls on w~nich beams, girders or trusses rest. If any horizontal section through any part of any bearing wall inany building sh~vs more than thirty per cent of flues and openings, the said walls shall be increased four inches in thickness for every fifteen per centum or .fraction thereof of flue or opening area in excess of thirty percentum. The walls and piers of all buildings shall be properly and solidly bonded together with close joints filled wi th mortar. They shall be built to a line and be carried up plumb and' straight. The walls off each story shall be built up the full thickness to the top of the beam above. All brick laid in non-freezing weather shall be wet before being laid. Isolated piers shall not exceed in height ten times their least ali- mens ions. Stone posts for the support of posts or columns above shall not be used in the interior of the building. In all brick walls every sixth course shall be a headir~E course, except where walls are faced with brick in running bond, in which latter case every sixth course shall be bonded into the backing by cutting the course of the face brick and putting in diagonal headers behind the same, br by aplitting the face brick in half and backing the same with a continuous row of headers. If brick walls are laid in Flemish bond, all headers must be ffull headers, if possible. ~here this is not possible, the headers of every sixth course must be full headers. Minimum Thickness Height. ~'lush witl backing. Bonded by Depth. Bond by Anchors. Cement Mortar !~e quit e d. Mortar for A shla r. l,.~or tar for Walls. Height of Buildings To Meas- ure Height from front. Height from Side. Maximum tteight 0u~side Fire Limil ness of a wall unless it meets with the following requirements: 1st. It shall be in courses not more than fifteen inches in height. 2nd. The courses must be adjusted so that the top of the ashlar course shall come out flushed with the top of the corresponding course of brick backing. 3rd. The ashlar facing must be bonded to backing by alternate courses differing in depth four or eight inches. 4th. Each piece o£ stone ashlar shall be bonded to the brick back- ing with at least one piece of galvanized iron one-eighth inch thick by one and one-quarter inches broad and turned up or down at least one inch at each end, bearing two and one-half inches on stone ashlar and reaching at least nine inches into the brick backing. Pieces of stone ashlar more than two feet in length shall have at least two ~nchors. Stone ashlar facing without bonding courses as provide in this paragraph shall not be counted in the thickness of the wall. All foundation walls, isolated piers, parapet walls aud chimneys above roofs shall be laid in portland cement mortar. The backing up of all stone ashlars shall be laid with cement mortar. but the back of the ashlar may be pargetted with lime mortar or stainless cement, or coated with asphaltum varnish to prevent discoloration of the stone. All other walls built of brick or stone except foudation walls may be laid with lime mortar, cement mortar or lime and cement mortar mixed, all made as prescribed in Section 32. Section 60: Thnt the height oi' a building shall be maasured from the curb, or the grade level of the lot at the center of the front of the building to the top of the highest point of the roof beams, not including in such measurements of ~ieight cornices which do not extend more than five feet above the roof beams, nor enclosures for the machinery of elevators or water ta ~nks which do not exceed fifteen feet in height above the roof beams and do not exceed in united area ten per centum of the area of the roof. If the grade of the lot or adjoining street in the rear or along the side of the building falls below the grade of the front, the h~ight shall be taken in the center of the side showing the greatest fall. No non-fire-proof building or structure shall exceed 40 i'eet or three stories in height, nor the heights specified for non-fire-proof buildings of the several respective classes mentioned in Section 148 oi' this Code, but this shall not apply to spires of churches or similar buildings outside of the fire limits which m~y be constructed of ~od to h height of ?~ feet a0ove the curb level. All buildings shall be classified according to their occupancy or use under one ol' the three following g~oups: Public Buildings, ttesidence Buildings and Business Buildings. 'These groups shall be i~urther subdivided into classes, designated as A~ B, C, D, E, and F, as follows: 1. Public Buildings: Class A, Class B. 2. Residence Buildings: Class C, Class D. 3. Business Buildings: Class E, Class F. political, educational, religious, amuse~nent or transportation purposes; or in which they may be voluntarily or forcibly detained or houses for safety, punishment, observation, or care. Class A; Armories, asylums, bathhouses ~with sleeping accommodations other than those required for Janitors), city halls, colleges, courthouses, deten- tion buildings, police station, hospitals, libraries, museums, nurseries, railway passenger stations, schools, and theaters. Al. Buildings of this cla~s shall be of fireproof construction, except that schools in which no pupils are accommodated above the second story may of non-fire-proof construction, and provided that floors in moving picture theaters may be of mill construction as provided in Section Z1, Paragraph ~ A~. ~¥here armories, railway passenger stations, museums and similar buildings have large arched exposed roof construction, the fireproofing of the structural members of these roofs may be omitted if the construction of the re- mainder of the buildings would reasonably warrant such omission. Class B: and public halls. Amuse~uent halls, churches, exhibition buildings, lodge rooms,ii Buildings of this class may preferably have the floor over the cellar or basement which is nearest to grade level of fireproof construction. Provided that all rooms containing heating apparatus, inclu~ng the doors and windows thereof shall be of fireproof construction. Buildings of this class over three stories, or 40 feet high, shall be of fireproof construction throughout, except that church spires need not be fire- proof until they exceed 7~ feet in height. Every permanent structure intended for the seating or accommodation of the public, commonly knoan as grandstands, erected within the fire limits, shall be of fireproof construction, exc~ept that the seats may be of wood, and the ~ structural steel work may be unprotected. When portions of such structures are ~' enclosed, the enclosing construction shall be fireproof. ~. Residence Buildings. When required ~ireproof. Residence buildings shall be construed to mean and include all buildings in which sleeping accommoda- !'i tions (other than for janitor or watchman) are provided. Class C: ~lats, apartments, club houses, and studios with fifteen ~.! sleepir~g~ rooms, dormitories, hotels and lodging houses. (1) Buildings of this class when permitted of frame construction with veneered surface to outside walls shall not exceed two stories or 30 feet in heighti~ (2~ All buildings of this class three stories in height shall have the floor over cellar or basement which is nearest to grade level of fireproof construction. (~) Buildings of this class over three stories, or 40 feet high, shall be of fireproof construction throughout. Class D: Single dwellings of tenement houses not over two stories high and all o~her residence buildings (not specified in Class C) are to be erected only in the ~'hird Zone. (1) Buildings of this class over two stories, or ~0 feet high, shall shall be of fireproof construction throughout. (3) When the lower stories or portions thereof in non-fireproof buildings of Classes C and D are occupied I'or business purposes, the construction sh~ll be made in accordance with the requirements of Section 1~8. 5. Business Buildings. When required ~ireproof. Business buildings shall be construed to mean and include all structures used for or adapted to the transaction of business, the operation of machinery, the manufacture or storage of m~chinery or m~terials, the housing of live stock, or for any other industrial purposes. Class E. ~actories, office buildings, printing houses, restaurants, stables, stores, warehouses, and workshops, or similar structures. (1) Buildings of this class, of ordinary construction over two stories, or 30 feet high, shall have the floor over the lowest' story of fireproof construction. (2) Buildings of this class over four stories or 56 feet high, shall be of fireproof construction throughout, or of mill construction. (3) Mill construction buildings shall not exceed 65 feet in height. Class ~. Car barns, foundries, light and power plants, railroad freight stations; also special industry buildings, constructed and occupied exclu- sively for a special purpose or industry and not otherwise classified, such as coffee roasters, dry cleaning establishments, grain elevators, ice-making plants, refrigerati~ plants, laboratories, malt houses, oil houses, oil refineries, rendering plants, soap factories, slaughter houses, wharf buildings and similar structures, also garages accommodating more than three cars, or in vhich cars are stored on more than one floor. (1) Buildings of this class, such as garages (as herein defined), oil houses, oil refineries, rendering plants, etc., and buildings or portions of buildings which are used for the storage or handling of large quantities of com- bustible packing or refuse material, shall be only of fireproof construction. (2) All other buildings of Class ~ shall be of fireproof or mill construction, if within the fire limits, or if they exceed 56 feet in height. (3) Buildings of Class ~ whether of fireproof construction and within the fire limits, or of non-fireproof construction and outside the fire limit shall only be erected in such isolated localities and under such condiZions as are provided in this Code. (4) Storage of lumber shall not be permitted within the fire limits, provided that yards existing at the enactment of this ordinance may be permitted to remain. (6) When any building is not classified, or where there is any doubt as to its classification, the Supervisor shall designate under which class it shall be placed. (6) ¥~hen any building is used for the purpose of two or more classes as herein defined, that portion devoted to the occupancy or use of a par- ticular class shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of that class, unless such construction shall prove impracticable, or where there shall Heights of Stories. Walls to be increased thi ckne s s Build i ngs in Warehous~ Ola ss. Section 51: That the first story shall be taken to mean the story the floor of which is first above the basement or cellar. exceed: The Seight of stories for all given thickness of walls shall not First Story ..... 15 feet in the clear. Second Story ................ 14 feet in the clear. Third Story .................. 12 feet in the clear. Fourth and upper stories ..... ll feet in the clear. If any story exceeds the foregoing heights the walls of any such stay, BRICK WALLS ~OR LIGHT OCCUPANCY CLASS: (Minimum thickness in inches) buildings, the ends of the beams shall rest on corbeled led.~es for all 1Z-inch walls; or if the beams do not rest on corbeled ledges, then 13-inches sections of the walls shall be increased to not less than 17 inches in thickness. When used for bearing party walls in fire-proof buildings, no portion of the walls shall be less than 17 inches in thic~mess. WALLS FOE WAREHOUSE CLASS. Section 53: That the expression "Walls i'or Warehouse Class" shall be taken to mean and include walls for the follov~ing buildings: Base.uent. 1 2 3 4 5 15 13 17 1J 13 17 17 13 13 21 17 17 13 1~ 21 21 17 lV 13 13 25 21 21 '17 17 13 13 25 25 21 21 17 17 1Z 13 29 25 25 21 21 17 17 13 13 6 7 8 ¥'fhen the foregoing walls are used for party walls in non-fireproof Height One - s t or y Two - s t ory Thre e- story Four-story · ~'iv e - st cry Six-story Seven-story Eight-story and all walls below that story shall be increased four inches in thickness. Section 52: That the expressions, "Walls for buildings of Light Occupancy," shall be taken to mean and include walls for the following buildings: Apartment houses. Apartment hotels, Asylums, Club Houses, C o nv en t s, Dormi torie s, Hospitals, Hotels, Laboratorie s, Lodging Houses, Parish houses, Parish buildings, Schools, Studios, Tenement s. For buildings in the above classification the minimum thickness of all independent surrounding and dividing walls in the same, carrying the loads of floors and roofs, shall be made in accordance with the following table: 72 Span Limited to 25 ft. When in- terior Wall s may be reducec in thick- ness. Chur ohe s, Cold Storage Buildings, Cooper Shops, Factories, Foundries, Pumping Stations, Garage s, Jails, Librari es, Printing Houses, Machine Shops, Railroad Buildings, S table s, Stores, Sugar Refineries, Theaters, Warehouse s, Mercantile Buildings, For the buildings in the warehouse class twenty-five feet or less in width between walls or bearings the minimum thickness of all independent surround- ings or dividing walls in the s~me carrying the loads of floors and roofs shall be made according with the following table: Height One-story Two-story Three-story Four-story ~ive -story Six-story Seven-story Eight - st o ry Nine-story Ten-story WAREHOUSE CLASS BRICK WALLS. (Minimum Thickness in inches Basement 1 -17 13 - 17 17 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 17 17 13 21 21 17 17 13 25 25 21 21 17 29 25 25 21 21 17 29 29 25 25 21 21 1~ 13 34 29 29 25 25 21 21 17 13 34 54 29 29 25 '25 21 21 17 13 38 34 34 29 29 25 25 21 21 17 13. When the above walls are used for party walls the thirteen inch sections of the walls shall have corbelled ledges to carry the ends of the beams, or to be increased in thickness to not less than seventeen inches, and no wall shall contain more than two stories of any given wall thickness. ~nen used for bearing party walls in fire-proof buildings no portion of the wall shall be less than seventeen inches in thickness. Section SA: That if there is to be a clear span of over twenty-six feet between the bearing walls in any building, such walls shall be four inches thicker than in Section B3, specified for every twelve and a half feet or fraction thereof that said walls are more than twenty-five feet apart, or may have instead of the increased thickness such piers or buttresses as are necessary to give strength equal to walls of such increased thickness. WALLS OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Section 58: That the walls of buildings of a public character shall be not less than in this Code specified for warehouses with such pier~ or such buttresses, or supplemental column of iron or steel properly insulated as provided in Sections 1AS, lA6, and 1~7 as may be necessary to make a safe substantial buil ding. REDUCED THICKNESS OF INTERIOR WALLS. Section ~: That in case the walls of any building are less than twenty-five feet apart and less than forty feet in depth, or there ~re cross walls which intersect the walls not more than forty feet distant, or piers or buttresses built into the walls, the interior walls may be reduced in thickness in just proportion to the nu~mber of cross w~lls, piers or buttresses snd their nearness ~alls built!' for party Walls may be so used Lining Old Walls. Foundat i on for Lining. No lining less than 9 inches. 01d ¥~alls to be Cleaned. Walls t o be braced. Door and Window Openings. Timber ~intels. thick at the top and gradually increase in thickness by set-oi'i's to the bottom. PA~EL OR ENCLOSUP~ ~IALLS 20R S~LELETON CONSTRUCTION. In skelection construction the panel walls shall be supported by girders at each floor level, and if of brief, shall be not less than 1S inches thick, laid in cement mortar. When the vertical distance between supporting girders exceeds l~ feet the thickness of the wall shall be increased four inches for each l~ feet or fraction thereof that the said vertical distance exceeds l~ feet. Such walls shall~ be of brick, stone or gravel concrete, or hard burned terra cotta. EXISTING PARTY WALLS. Section ~8: That walls heretofore built for or used as party walls, whose thickness at the time of their erection was in accordance with the require- ments of the then existing laws, but which are not in accordance with the require- ments of this Code, may be used, if in good condition, for the ordinary use of party walls, provided the height ol' the same be not increased. In the case it is desired to increase the thic~n~ess of any e~isting wall in order to increase the height of a building, or to utilize a party wall in the construction of a new building, and where the thickness of the Wall is less than is required by the Code, but is otherwise a good wall, the same shall ~e done hy a lining of brickwork to i'orm a combined thickness with the old wall of not less than four inches more th~n the thickness required in the Co~e for a new wall of similar height. The said linings shall be supported on proper foundations. No linin~ shall be less than nine inches in thickness and all lining shall be laid up in cement mortar and thoroughly anchored to the old brick by cutting out the course of brick under the headers of old wall in slats oi~ seventee~ inches in length, leaving space of eight inches intact between slate and cleaning out all old mortar in portions cut out, then wetting old wall and inserting new headers joining old and new walls with joints filled ',~ith cement mortar. The old walls shall first be cleaned of plaster and other coating, and joints in old wall hacked or roughened, and space between the old and new walls grouted each course with thin cement mortar. Section ~9: ±h~t the walls of every building during the erection or alteration thereof shall be ~(~trongly braced from the beam of each story, and when required, shall also be braced fro~ the outside until the building is inclosed. ARCH~S AI~D LINTELS. Section 60: That openings for doors and windows on enclosing walls of all buildings shall have good and sufficient arches of stone, brick or terra cotta built and keyed with good and sufficient abutments, or lintels of stone, iron or steel or reinforced concrete of aufficient strength which shall have a bearing at each end oi' not le~s than five inches on the wall. On the inside of all openings in which lintels are less th~n the thickness of the wall to be supported, there shall be timber lintels which shall rest at each end not ~ore t~n three inchos on any ~all; or the inside lintel may be of cast iron or w~eught iron or steel. PARAPET WALLS. Quant i ty of materi, al. To be tied. Wall s may have in- si de face ~of Ho~ low brick. Hollow Clay Blocks no' i ~c lu de d in thick- ness of ~all. Masonry starting from ground. ~etal lat~ and plast- er above first floor. to extend above roo~ Eetal Louvres. Limiting Height and Length. To be properly Supported To be of Brick of Concrete. Arched where such walls are finished as cornices, gutters, or c,rown mouldings, excepting also the walls of detached dwellings with peaked or hipped roofs, shall be furn- ished with parapets. Parapet walls shall be the full thickness of the top story walls aud shal'l project at least three feet above the roof at all points, except that on dwellings the parapets may be reduced to two feet. All parapet walls shall be coped with approved durable material. HOLLOW WALLS. Section 62: That in all walls that are built hollow the same quantity of stone, brick or concrete shall be used in their construction as if they were built solid, as provided for in this Code. And no hollow walls shall be built unless the parts of same are con- nected by proper ties. The inside four inches of any inclusure w~ll may be built of hard- burned hollow brick properly tied and bounded by means of full header Courses everY sixth course into the walls and of the dimension of the ordinary bricks. Where hollow tile or porous terra cot'ta blocks are used as lining or furring for walls they ashall not be included in the measurement cf the thickness oi' such walls. LIGHT AND VENT SHriFTS. Section 8~; That all the walls or partitions forming interior light or vent shafts starting from the ground shall be built of brick or other clay products, or of stone, masonry or of concrete. Walls inclosing such shafts beginning at any floor above the first floor may be of studding covered on the inside with p~aster or metal lath and covered on the outside with cement plaster on metal laths or with tin or galvanized iron. All window or door openings shall have metal frames and each glazed or fireproof doors. The walls of all light or vent shafts, whether exterior or interior, shall be carried up not less than' eighteen inches above the level of t~ roof. If the walls are of brick, they shall be coped as for other parapet walls. Netal louvres shall be used for ventilating purposes in which case louvres or slate shall be riveted to the metal frames. HOLLOW TILE PARTITIONS. Section 6~: That six, four and three inch hollow tile or hard burnt clay or porous terra cotta or Portland cement tile non-bearing partition may be built not exceeding in their height a measurement of sixteen, twelve and ten feet respectively, said partitions not to exceed seventy-five feet in length unless strengthened by proper cross walls, piers or buttresses, or built in iron o~ steel framework. All such partitions shall be carried on proper foundations or on iron or steel girders, and columns properly insulated, or piers of masonry,. Reinforced concrete m~y be used in place of iron or steel girders and columns. CELLAR PARTITIONS IN ~SIDENCE BUILDINGS. Section 88: That bearing partition ~alls in the cellar or lowest story in residence buildings shall be constructed of brick not less than eight inches thick, or of concrete not less th~n eight inches thick. Or piers or brick with openings ~rched ~ver below the underside of 75 Girders and Colu~ms. Iron or ~teel Floor Beams. Partitions in base- ments. Walls of Vaults. Or girder of wood, iron or steel over openings on piers of masonry, or on iron columns may be used. No wood colur, ms will be permitted in the basement, Or if iron or steel floor beams spanning the distance between bearing walls are used of adequate strength to support the stud partitions above in addi- tion to the floor load to be sustained direct by the said iron or steel beams thez the brick partition or its equivalent may be omitted. No stud partition will be permitted to rest on the ground in the basement of any building. Such partition shall rest on either brick or concrete wall at least 8-1/2 inches thick, eztending at least l0 inches above earth or finished floor. VAULTS, AREA WAYS ~d~D CELLARS. Section 6V: That in buildings where ~e space under the sidewalks is utilized, a sufficient stone or brick or concrete wall or arches between iron or steel or reinforced concrete beams shall be build to retain the roadway of the street, and the side, and or party walls of such buildJ, ngs and shall extend uti. der Vault Roof. Location of Covers. Railings Cellar the sidewalk and to be of sufficient thickness. The roofs of all vaults shall be of incombustible material. ~penings in the roofs of vaults for the admission of coal or light or for .manholes or for any purpose, if placed outside the area line, shall be covered with glass set in iron frames, each unit of glass to measure not more t~mn sixteen square inches or with iron covers having roughened surface, and rabbeted into and made flush with the sidewalk. When any such cover is placed in any sidewalk, it shall be placed as near as practicable to the outside line of the curb. All open areaways shall be properly protected with suitable railings. The floor of the cellar or lowest story in every dwelling house, Floors to ? apartment house, tenement house, lodging house, hotel, apartment hotel, workshop, be conc~etel factory, school, church, hospital and asylum shall be concreted not less than four inches thick. Where wood floors are to be laid in such cellars or lowest stories Placing of Sleepers. ! the sleepers shall be placed on top of the concrete and the concealed spaces shall i! be filled flush with cinder concrete. Reduced Thi ckne s s of walls of!i two-story Dwellings. ~aterial. ~iust not rest, on wood. Corbelling. Walls for Dwelling Houses Class. Section 68: That in two story dwellings, cottages, private stables or other small structures the walls may be reduced to the following thickness: He i ght One-story Two-story Section 69: Basement Stories. 13 inch 1-9 inch 13 " 1-13 " 2-9 inch. CHI~,~EYS, FLUES, ~IREPLACES AND MEATING PIPES. That chimneys in all buildings shall be made of brick, concrete or metal. No chimne~ shall be built or started upon any floor or beam of wood. A chimney may be corbelled out for. wall a distance not to exceed eight inches, in which case the corbelling shall consist of at least five courses of brick When chimneys are supported by piers, the piers shall start from the foundation on the same line with the chimney breast and shall not be less than twelve inches on the Supports cut off below. Unsafe chimneys. Anchored to Roof Timbers. When to be cover- ed by neting. ~'oundry Cupolas. Thickness of Walls. Low Pres- sure boil. ~rs. Out si de ~,ie t sl Plu e s. height above roofs. When a chimney is to be cut off below in whole or in part, it shall be wholly supported by stone, brick or concrete, iron or steel. All chimneys which sh~ll be dangerous in any manner whatever shall be repaired and m~de safe or taken down. Chimneys shall be finished on top with single blocks of Stone, terra cotta or concrete or with cast iron plates, except, however, that the tops of chimneys in buildings not more than three stories in height may be topped out with brick laid in Portland cement mortar in lieu of coping. Chimneys projecting through roofs more th~n six feet shall, if the walls of the chimney are less than nine inches thick, be anchored to the roof timber by suitable iron bands and ti~ rods. If any chimney, flue or stack is liable to emit sparks, or if shavings or sawdust is used as fuel, it shall be covered with heavy netting over on top. CHICo,fEY 02 CUPOLAS. Section 70: That chimneys or stacks connected to iron cupolas in foundries and other chimneys of which a similar service is required, shall extend not less than ten feet above the highest point of any roof within a radius of leo feet. This applies to all chimneys, flues or stacks already built or to be bui It. CHI~,~E~EY WALLS. Section 71: that the thickness of all chimney walls shall be suf- ficient to meet all requirements of temperature direct loading and wind pressure. The brick work of the smoke flues of all low pressure boilers, furnaces, bakers' ovens, large cooking ranges, large laundry stoves and all flues used for a similar purpose, shall be at least nine inches in thickness and lined continuously on the inside with well-burnt clay or terra cotta pipe, and shall be capped ?rith terra cotta stone, c~st iron or concrete. The walls of all high pressure boiler flues shall be not less th~u thirteen inches t.hick and the inside four inches of such walls shall be fire brick laid in fire mortar for a distance of twenty-five feet in any direction from the source of heat. For any now existing brick building where it becomes necessary to provide a smoke flue of larger size than any flue within the building, such flue may be placed on the outside of the building, but within the lot lines of same, and be made around in shape and of galvanized sheet metal not less than one-tenth of an inch in thickness, properly riveted together at all joints, and carried up to a height not less than ten feet above roof, and be properly braced at intervals for its entire length with fl~t iron bands secured ..rith expansion bolts to the wall leaving a free air space of not less than four inches between the outside of the metal flue and the brick wall of the building, and have a cleanout door at the bottom. This metal flue shall rest on a suitable cast iron plate at the bottom, supported on a suitable foundation of masonry. CHI~.R~EY FLUES. Section 72: That chimneys shall be constructed not less than i'our i'eet above fl~t roofs and not less than two feet above the peak of pitched roofs. ~inimum size of smoke flue. To be lined. Thickne ss of brick work · Thickness of walls for chim- neys for cottages.et Pargetting Forbidden. ~'irebacks. Trimmer arches. Width. Length. Centers. Hearth Under Heater. Mantels. Summer Pieces. ~'ireboards. To be Lined. ?JOO dwo and the brick work carefully bonded and anchored together in lieu of copying. No smoke flue shall be less thom seven by seven inches, nor any furnace flue less than seven by eleven inches, exclusive of thicln~ess of lining in each case. Every smoke flue shall be lined continuously on the inside with well burnt clay or terra cotta pipe made smooth on the inside from the bottom of the flue, or from the throat of the fireplace if the flue starts from the latter, and carried continuously to extreme height of the flue. The ends of all such lining pipes shall be made to fit close together and the pipe shall be built in as the flue or flues are carried up and space between flue lining and wall made solid with cement mortar. Each flue shall be inclosed on all sides with not less than eight inches of solid brick work, properly bonded together, e~cept than the withes or brick work between lined flues on the inside of the chimney may be four inches in thickness, and ~xcept further, that chimneys for cottages and top twenty-five feet of chimneys in other residence buildings may have outside walls of four inches in thickness if properly lined, but if not lined, such chimneys walls must be eight inches thick and the joints both inside and out must be struct smooth. Pargetting mortar shall not be used in the inside of any chimney. FIPJ~ PIerCES AND F. EART~S. Section 73: That the firebacks and all four sides of all fireplaces shall be not less than eight inches in thickness of solid brick work. ~£nen a grate is set in a fireplace a linig of fire brick at least two in.~hes in thickness shall be added to the fireback, unless tile or cast iron is used and filled solidl behind ~th fireproof material. Section V4: That all fireplaces and chimney breasts where mantels are placed, whether intended for~ordinary i'ireplace uses or not shall have trimmer arches to support hearths. And the said arches shall be at least twenty inches in width measured from the i'ace of the chimney breast, and they shall be constructed o£ brick, stone~ burnt clay or concrete. The length of a trimmer arch shall be mot less ~han the width of the chimney breast. Wood centers under trimmer arches shall be removed before plastering the ceiling underneath. If a heater is placed in a fireplace then the hearth shall be the full width of the heater. All fireplaces in which heaters are placed shall have incombustible mantels. No wood mantel or other woodwork shall be exposed back of a summer piece; the iron work of the summer piece shall be placed against the brick or stone work of the fireplace. No fireplace shall be closed with a wood fireboard. NOT AIR FLUES, S~01[E PIPES AND VENT DUCTS. Section 78: That all stone or brick hot air flues and shafts shall be lined with tin, galvanized iron or burnt clay pipes. No wood casing, furring or lath shall be placed against or cover any ?$ Ploors. Di stance from Woodwork. Metal Shields. Smoke pipe through Partition Vents for Gas heat- ers stove or gas ranges. construc- ti on. How hot air reg- isters shall be set. All flues shall be Protected To be mad, thoroughl~ fireproof~ Proviso. Wood fur- ring shal~ not be placed against flues, et¢ Construc- tion. Material and thick, ness ofth~ same in No smoke pipe shall pass through any floor. No stove pipe shall be placed nearer than nine inches to any lath and plaster or board partition, ceiling or any wood work. Smoke pipes of laundry stoves, large cooking ranges and of furnaces shall be not less than fifteen inches from any wood work, unless they are properly guarded by metal shields· If so guarded, stove pipes shall be not le ss than nine inches distant. No smoke pipe shall pass through any lath and plaster partition· · Vent pipes from instantaneous gas heaters, gas stoves, or gas ranges, when necessary, must discharge into standard brick flues. Section 76: That no smoke or stove pipe shall pass through the roof. of any building or any floor or lath and plaster partition. HOT AIR PIPES. Section 77: ~hat all pipes or conductors ~o be used for the transmission of hot air, or for heating purposes in any building shall be made of two sheets of tine or other suitable metal fastened together so as to leave air space of not less than one-fourth of an inch between the sheets of metal and where they enter the walls shall be firestopped and all pipes running in slidding door partitions shall be lined with asbestos and galvanized iron. All hot air registers set in the floor of any building shall be set in register boxes to be made of sheet metal with a sheet of asbestos around wood work and extending out under register flanges on top to fit the groove in the Border, the register to rest upon the same, and there ahall also be an open space of two inches on all sides of the register box, between the joists or headers extending from the under side of the ceiling to the border of the floor, the outside of the space to be covered with a casing of metal, made tight on all sides, and to extend from the under side of the aforesaid ceiling up to and turn under the said border· No tin or metal flue or flues, pipe or pipes, or register box or boxes of a single thickness of metal, used and intended to convey heated air in any building here- after to be built, altered or repaired, shall be allowed, unless the same be built in a wall of brick or stone. In all other cases, the said flue or flues, pipe or pipes, register box or boxes, shall be made double; that is, two pipes, one inside the other, at least onehalf (~-) inch apart, or covered with wire lathing, and the studding covered with tin or other fireproof material, so as to be thoroughly fire- proof: ~rovided, that it shall not apply' to pipes leading from a heater to the hot air flue. No' wood furring or lath shall be placed against any ±'lue, metal pipe or or pipes, used to convey heated air or steam in any building. No permanent or stationary heating apparatus of any kind whatever shall be introduced in any build- 'ing now erected without a permit from the Building Inspector· DUCTS FOR VENTILATION. Section 78: That vent flues or ducts for the removal of foul or vitiated air in which the temperature of the air cannot exceed that of the rooms, may be constructed of iron or other incombustil~le material, and shall not be placed nearer than one inch to any woodwork, and no such pipe shall be used for any other purpose In buildings of fire p~oof construction, ventilating shafts passing 'ough floors shall be constructe~ of i'ireproof material not less th~n four inches in Construc- tion. Distance from Woodwork. closing fire doors or by metal louvres riveted into metal frames, and such ducts shall open to the outside o f t he building. ~£NT DUCTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Section ?9: That in the support of construction of such ducts, if placed in a public school room, no wood furring or other inflammable material shall be nearer than two inches to said flues or ducts, and shall be covered on all sides resting against brick, terra cotta or other incombustible material, other than those with metal lath plastered with at least two heavy coats of mortar and having at least one-half inch air space between the flues or ducts and the lath and plaster. STE~Ud AND HOT '~ ~ ..... ~;AT~-~-~ H~TING i~I!:ES. Section 80: That steam and hot water heating pipes shall not be placed within two inches of any timber or woodwork, unless the timber or woodwork is protected by a metal shield, then the distance shall be not less than one-half(~) inch on each side. Through Floors How Protected. Wood in- closures to be Lined. t:ipes. ?ipe Covering. Passing Thru Floors. Gas is used as fuel.. All steam and hot water heating pipes passing through floors and ceilings or lath and plastered partitions, shall be protected by a metal tube passing entirely throu~ffh floor and ceiling or partitions one inch larger in diameter than the pipe, havir& metal cap at the floor, and where they are run in a horizontal direction between a floor and ceiling a metal shield shall be placed on the under- side of the floors over them and on the sides of wood beams running parallel with said pipes. All steam and hot water pipes shall have suitable ells and coup~lings at all bends. All wood boxes or casino, s enclosing steam or hot water heatir& pipes and all wood covers to recesses in walls in which steam or hot water heating pipes are placed shall be lined with n~tal, or pipes covered with L~agnesia pipe covering. All pipes or ducts used to convey air warmed by steam or hot water shall be of metal or other fire-proof material. All steam and hot water pipe coverir~ shall consist of fireproof materials only. Cold water or other exposed plumbing pipes shall have the ~-arroundir~ air space closed o~f at the ceiling and floor line of any floor through which an,./ such pipe or pipes s~ll be carried. No natural or artificial gas shall be burna-d in any grate, furnace, water heater or range, unless said grate, furnace, water heater or range be connected with a suitable flue for carrying off the products of combustion. Dry cleaning rooms shall be equipped with steam pipes extending around the said rooms at the floor and ceiling lines. From these steam pipes there shall be Stand -~ipes]Ij openings or jets at intervals not exceeding tv~elvc inches. ~'his ~team system shall Bearing on Sup p or t s. Floor Beams to be Beveled. be controlled by a lever valve located outside.o£ said dry cleaning room. WOOD BEAI.~S, GIRDERS AI~D COLUIR~S. Section 81: That every wood beam except header beams, sb~ll rest at one end!! four inches in the wall, or upon a girder as authorized by this Code, unless the wall is properly corbelled out four inches, in which case the brick work or corbel- l~n~ shall extend to the top of the floor beams. · The end of all wood floor beams where they rest on brick walls shall be cut i! to a bevel o±~ one inch in four inches, except that in no case shall the top of the Floor Beams to be Bridged. Anchored to Walls. Girders Anchored. Anchored or lapped on girde Rear and Front Walls to be an- chored to beams. Dis tance from flue s. Distance from Boiler and fur- nace flue Distance from chimney breast. Thickness of trimme~ or Header beams. When head. er is more than l~° ft. in length. Tri~er ~eams. Section 82: with cross bridging and the distance between bridging, or between bridging and wall~ shall not exceed eight feet. ANCHORS. Section 83: That each tier of beams shall be anchored t~ the side, front, rear and party wall at intervals' of not more than eight (8) feet, with good, strong wrought iron anchors of not less than one and a half (l~) inches by one-quarter of an inch in size,~ well fastened to the side of the beams b~ two or more nails, at least one-quarter (~) of an inch in diameter. Anchors of equal efficiency and different design may be used. GIRDER ~dYD BEAI~ STRAPS. Section 84: That where the beams are supported by girders, the girders shall be anchored to the walls and to each other. The ends of wood beams, resting upon girders, shall be butted end to end and strapped by wrought iron straps of the same size and distance apart, and in the same beam as the wall anchors, and shall be fastened in the same manner as said wall anchors, or they may lap each other at least twelve (12) inches and be well spiked or bolted together where lapped· Section 85: That every pier and wall, front and rear, shall be well an- chored to the beams of each story with the same size anchors as are required for side walls, which anchors shall hook over the fomrth beam. BE~S ~£AR FLUES. Section 86: That wood beams shall be tri~med away from all flues and chimneys, whether the same be a smoke, air or any other flue or chimney. No trireme beam s?~ll be placed nearer than ten (10) inches of the inside of any flue. ~or the smoke flues of boilers and ,furnaces when the brick work is requir- ed to be more than nine (9) inches in thickness, the trimmer beam shall be not less than four inches from the outside of the brick work and the header beam shall not be less than two (2) inches from the outside of the brick work. The header beam carrying the tail beams of a floor and supporting the trimmer arch in front of a fire, place shall not be less than twenty (20) inches from the chimney breast. THIC~II£SS OF tTE?ADER AND TRII~LHR BEAI~S. Section 87: That wood and trimmer or header beams shall not be less than one inch thicker than the floor or roof beams on the same tier where the header is four feet or less in length and where the header is ~ore than four feet and not more than twelve feet in length, the trimmer and header beams shall be at least double the thickness of the floor or roof beams, or shall be made of two beams forming such thickness properly spiked or bolted together. When the header is more than twelve (12) feet in length the strength of the wood construction shall be increased in proportion to the load or span, or wrought iron or steel beams of sufficient strength may be used. All wooden trimmer beams more than twelve (12) feet in length, where the header beam is inserted more than four (4) feet from the end of the trin~ner beam shall be constructed in the same manner as header beams over twelve (1£) feet fn CROSS BRIDGING ' Timt all wood floor beams or joists shall be properly bridge~, Header and Tail Beams Spacing of Floor Joists. I~inimum size and When header beams carry more than two (2) tail beams they sha±l ce nun~ to trimmer beams by suitable stirrups and the tail beams framed into header beams, or hung thereto by stirrups. SP'~CI~m,.rG OF FLOOR JOISTS. Section 88: That floor joists in dwelling houses, stores and factories shall not be more than sixteen-inch centers, and in warehouses twelve-inch centers. STUDDII,~G. Section 89: That studding in frame buildings shall not be less than two spacing of Ii by four inches and s~all be placed not more than sixteen inch on centers. studding. All studding shall be braced by diagonal sheathing, bridging or poryer Braced. lateral bracir~. Thic kne s s of floor joists. [! thickness Bases and ;~ Section 90: caps. Vertical transmis- sion. ~Va she rs. Ducts and Pipes. Firestoppe at each floor. Fireproof Doors. All floor joists, studding and rafters shall be at least two inches in il ~ ~osts ~£nerever necessary to maintain the limit of stresses fixed by this Code. ii Loads shall be transmitted from sto~' to story through columns by means of WOOD COLU~R~S AND PLATES. That timber or iron caps and bases shall be provided for wood iron or steel, in no case should loads be transmitted by the intervenirg wood girde~ All bolts used in connection with timber framing shall be provided with washers large enough to reduce the compression in the wood under the washer to allow strees supposing the bolt to be strained to its limit. GE~ERAL CONSTRUCT iON. Section 91: That all ducts for pipes, wires and other similar purposes shall be inclosed on all sides with fireproff material. And all ope:uing through each floor shall be properly firestopped. Any door opening in such ducts shall be provided with a self-closir~ fire- proof door. If'the area el' such duct exceeds four square feet, the thickness of the fireproof inclusure ~hall be not less than four inches, and shall extend by a prope~ fireproof outlet to and through the roof. than 6 ft. ~ i gh. ]~mro j ections over i:ub!io' Ways. ii: SHEATH iN~; AND ~4~.INSCOTII~G. Wood oneat~? Section 92: That no wall or ceilin.~j in any buildi~ hereafter erected ing i-~rohi- bited in other than buildi~s or portions o~ buildings occupied exclusively ~or dwelling or certain buildings. ]/: club pu~oses shall be covered with wood sheathing or any combustible material. [ But this shall not exclude, excepting in theaters, the use of wood wain- Wainscotin~ sooting to a height not to exceed six ~6) feet when the surface of the wall or par- no t more tit ion behind ~ch wainscoti~ shall be plastered finish with the greed and down to the floor line, thereby solidly ~illing the space between thc wainscoti~ and ~u~ of the v~ll or partition with incombustible ~terial. BAY, ORIEL 5HC?i Constructi of bay and oriel win- dews. Section 93: Tk~at the face of any wall, pilaster or column of any building above the level of the first Water table shall not pro,eot be~.on:~ the property line and no bay or oriel or show window or balcony sY.~ll project beyond the property lin a The floors and walls of bay and oriel v~ndows shall not be constructed of materials not allowable in the construction o",? the adjoining floors and walls, but the walls may be constructed of iron framing covered with sheet metal. Balconies, Etc. for fireproof buildings lm,~inimum width Lieasured between handrails Winding Stai rs. Dimension of Ri sers and tread ~[inimum number of risers in a Run. Clearance Width of Landing. Side Plights connect- lng with main Stair~. Balus- trades and hand rails. Center hand r a i I s Stairs to extend from bottom to top floor Private dwellings excepted. Ladder from dellar to public way. Number of stairways regulated by occu- pancy. fireproof building sh~ll be made entirely of incombustible material. STAIRWAY S. Section 9~: That the width of the stai~vays required by this section sha~l in no case be less than three (~) feet six (6) inches in the clear between hand- rails or between the handrail and enclosed side of the stairs. The widths given herein are for stairs with straight runs or flights; when curved or winding stairs are used their width shall be no less than one and one-quarter times that on an equivalent straight run stair, and the given dimensior~s of the treads and risers shall be laid off on the center of such run. Ail such stairs shall have treads of uniform width and risers of uniform height throughout in each flight, and the risers shall be not more than eight inches in height and the treads exclusive of nosings, not less than nine and one- ~.half (9~) inches. Each flight of stairs in every story which exceed a height of eleven (11) feet in the clear shall have a proper landing introduced and said land- ing shall be placed at the central portion thereof, if the stairs be a straight rbkn. There shall not be less than three (Z) risers between any two landings, or any floor and landir~, nor shall tkere be any change in the dimensions of tre['~ds and risers in any flight between two floors, and there shall be at least seven (7) feet in the clear between the soffits of the stairs or ceilings or floors and nosings of treads at landings. If a stair landing is in the direction of its run, its depth shall not be less than the sum of two of its risers and two of its treads. Por stairways returning directly upon themselves the landings shall be th~ full v;idth of both flights and have a depth of not less than the width of the stairs over all. When two side flights connect with one main flight the width of the ~in flight shall be equal to the aggregate width of the side flights, and the depth of the landing shall not be less than three-fourths (~/~) of the main flight over all. The stairs shall be provided with proper balustrades or railings and hand- rails, and kept in good repair. Stai~vays six feet or more in width shall have a strong and well-braced hand rail in the center. Ail stairs shall extend from the ground floor to the topmost floor, and when two or more stairways are required they shall be located at as great a distance from each other as possible. This section shall apply to all buildings and otherwise provided for in this Code, except "Private Dwellings", defined in this Code. Section 95: That every building in %~kich boilers or machinery are placed in the cellar or lowest story shall have stationary iron ladders or stairs from such story leadin~ direct to a manhole. STAIRS: N~.~BER REGULATED BY OCCUP~CY. Section 96: That all public halls (not herein otherwise provided for), railroad depots, stores, warehouses, factories, workshops, club houses and other buildings of like character, hereafter built, in wkich, above the second floor, twenty to one hundred people, there ahall be at least two stairways. Inc rea se in Width. Number of stairways for Certain Class of Buildings. Increased widti~ to 6 ft. Outside Basement Stairways. ~,500 to 5,000 Sq.ft The width of stairways si~ll be increased six inches for each fifty persons over one hundred until five feet is reached. If eight hundred or more persons are employed on suct~ premises, the number of stairways shall be increased to three, each five feet in width. All hotels, school houses, tenement or apratment houses, hospitals, infirm- aries, asylumn, homes, reformatories and stores v~th sleeping apartments above the second story for ten or more persons hereafter built shall have two stairways. Stairways shall be increased in width six inches for each fifty persons in excess of one hundred for which provision is made until such provision shall have reached three hundred and fifty or more, then there shall not be less than three stai~vays of no less width t~n six feet each. Basements used for salesrooms, manufacturing purposes, packing purposes, places of assembly or resort or store room in which twenty or more persons are employed, shall have at least two stairways leading to the floor above or to the street or alley in w]~ch said cellar abuts. No outside basement stairways will be permitted to extend beyond the property line. STAIRS: NU~.IBER i~GULATLD BY ARZLi OF BUILDING. Section 97: That if any building hereafter erected to be used as an office building, store, factory, hotel, lodging house or school, covering a lot area. Exceedin~ twenty-five hundred (S500) square feet and not exceeding five thousand (5000) square feet, there shall be provided at least two (g) continuous lines of stairs remote from each other. Over 5,000 And every such building shall have at least one continuous line of stairs Sq .Pt. for each five thousand feet of lot area covered, or part thereof, in excess of that required for five thousand feet area. T~hen any such building covers an area of lot greater than fifteen thousand square feet, the number of stairs sb~ll be increased proportionately or as will i meet the approval of the Building Ins!~ctor. . ALL S.TAI?~TiAYS TO BE ENCLOSED IN STAIR Ph~LLWAYS. i Section 98: That in all stores, warehouses and factories over three storie or &O feet in height the staircase halls shall be inclosed with suitable ~,'~lls of Inclosures brick or with burnt clay blocks set in iron frames or such other fireproof to be of fireproof material. Opening to stair hall to be pro- tected. Stairways in existing ordinary cons truc ti o~ buildir~s may be bulk- headed. !il Roof con- struction. Doors and ~ materials and forms of construction as may be approved by the Building Inspector, except that the incl'osure walls in such buildings exceeding three stories in height shall be of brick or concrete. Said walls or construction shall be contin-~ uous and extend at least three feet above the roof.~ All openings to floorways in such walls to be protected with approved auto matic stair or corridor doors. In existing buildings three stories or over it is permissible to protect stairways with bulkheading constructed of two thicknesses of seven-eights (7/8) inc~ nonresinous material with self-closing doors of same construction, said doors to be braced properly to prevent sagging. The roof over the stair hall inclosure shall be covered with a metal and glass skylight at least three-eights of the area of the inclosure and constructed and glazed as required for skylights over elevator inclosures. One in- closed stair- way to extend to streo Wired glass or protected glass. Wire nettir~ or wire glass. Floor lights C OhS t ruc - tion. Boilers. Bracing Brickset Boilers. Flooring under Portable Boilers. Flooring under Hot air. furnaces. approved self-closing fire-proof doors and frames and all window openings shall be of approved wired glass metal frame construction. At least one of such inclosed stair halls in each of said buildings shall have a like connecting inclosure hallway in the first story and extend to the street, and all door or window openings in the same shall be provided with doors .and wimdows as provided for openings in the stair hall inclosures. Any hotel building requiring more than one stairway, as provided in Section 96 and 97 of this Code, shall have at least one such continuous stair in- closed in the manner described in Section 98. SKYLIGHTS AND FLOOR LIGHTS. Section 99: That the term "Skylight" sh~ll be taken to mean and include flat, hipped, lantern, monitor, turret dome, vertical or pitched saw-tooth con- struction and all other covers placed over openings on roof for the admission of light. All skylights placed on or in any building shall have the frames and sash thereof constructed of metal and glazed. All openings in roofs for the admission of light other than elsewhere provided in this Code over elevator, stair, dumb waiter shafts and theater stage roofs, shall have metal frames and sash, glazed vdth wired glass not less than one- quarter inch thick, or with glass protected above and below with wire screens of not less than No.12 galvanized ?~re, and not more than one inch mesh supported on substantial metal supports of angle iron frame construction and all screens to be moveable and not less than six ~6) inches from glass. Skylights hereafter placed in buildings of a public character over any passageway or room of public resort, shall have immediately underneath the glass thereof a wire netting, unless wired g~ass is used. All openings in floors for transmission of light to floors below shall be covered with floor lights constructed of metal, fr~mes and bars, the glass in no case to be less than three-quarters of an inch in thickness. If any glass in the same measures more than sixteen,~16) square inches, the glass shall be provided -~ith strong wire netting under the same. t!~LATING APi~Ai{ATUS A1UD DRYII~G Section 100: That a brickset boiler shall not be supported on beams or floor construction made of wood or othercombustible material. A portable boiler may be supported on beams or floor construction made of wood or other combustible material, but in any such case the floor shall be pro- tected by a covering not less than four inches thick of concrete or brick laid in cement mortar, such a covering shall be constructed upon continuous sheet metal plate not less than three-sixteenths of an inch thic~ ~, havir~w~ all joints substan- tially riveted and the edges turned up four inches on all sides. This floor cover- ing shall extend under the whole of the firebox and ash pit of the boiler and shall extend outwardly not less than two feet in front and not less than one foot on the other three sides. Hot air furnaces, ovens, coffee roasters or other appliances in which similar fires are maintained, ~hen supported on beams or other floor construction made of wood or other co~.~bustible material, shall rest on a floor covering as here- No combustible wall or partition shall be within four feet of the sides or back or six feet from the front of any boiler or other heating apparatus, unless said wall or partition shall be covered with metal to a height of at least four Di stance from Corn- feet above the floor, and this covering shall extend from the end or back of the bustible Partitions~ boiler to at least five feet in front of it, then the distance shall be not less Registers Over a furnac e. Foundati on for furn- ace. than two feet from the sides and five feet from the front of the boilers. Registers located over a brick furnace shall be supported by a brick shaft built up from the cover of the hot air chambers; said shaft shall be lined with a metal pipe and all wood beams shall be tri~c-d away not less than four inches from it. Section lOl: Asbestor Covering. WAi~.i AIR FIZP, NACES. That all furnaces shall be set on brick, stone or concrete ~ foundations. If set on brick, the joints must be slushed vrith cement mortar. Where joists or other woodwork is within twenty-four ('24) inches of the ~. furnace or other heating or drying apparatus, same s~ll be covered with one-eight Protection inch asbestos mill board and sheet metal enough to cover space above the furnace of wo od- ~ ' work. ~. and extended twelve [12) inches wider on all sides of the furnace this ~rotection ~' to follow the contour of the joists and floor so as to leave no concealed spaces. Air Space. !!~ If the air space over the furnace is celled with wood, an air s~ace shall b. left between the ceiling and the shield. All furnace tops shall have rim extending at least two [2) inches above the :~i top of casing, and shall be filled with sand. Smoke pipe connectir~; the furnace to the flue shall be made of No.2~ Gal- Smoke pi~e ,,;i vanized iron, and v~_ere same is within three feet of joists or other woodwork, said woodwork sb~ll be covered with one-eight inch asbestos mill board and ~heet metal ii~, thirty ~30) itches v~lde, this protection to follow the contour of the joists and ~iji floor so as to leave no concealed spaces. warm !;, All ~r~ air pipes in basement and register boxes shall be covered with iJ~'asbestos paper Where woodwork of any kind is within three inches of warm air pir~.es or register boxes, the same shall be covered with asbestos mill board not less than on~ eighth inch in thickness and sheet tin, and extend three inches on each side wider Double pipes with air space. Cold air pipes. Filter Room. Openings in floors. Dampters. Cellar pipes Covered. than the pipe or register box. All pipes inclosed in. stud partitions shall be double wall pipes from round connection in basement to register in room, and to have not less than one-quarter inch air space between the outer and i~ner walls of the pipe. Cold air pipe connecting farnace to filter room or window to be made of either brick or sheet metal. '(/here filter room is n~de of wood, and same is within three feet of furnace,! same shall be covered with one-eighth inch asbestom mill board and sheet metal. All warm air registers opening in floors in buildings other than dwellings shall not have valves or shutters, but register face only. All warm air pipes leading from furnace shall have regulating damper at point not more than two feet from furnace. All cellar warm air supply pipes leading from the furnace to be entirely covered with asbestos paper (not less than ten-pound paper.) Asbestos paper not to be used over furnace or smoke pipe. Kitchen Range s Near Wood Partition Metal Hoods. Laundry Stoves. Heating Stoves. G~s Stove Flexible Tube to Valve ~rohibite, Ash Recep. tacles. Departmen of ~uild- ings to be noti£i In all cases where one-eighth inch asbestos is mentioned in this section two thicknesses of ten-pound asbestos paper may be used, except over furnace and over smoke pipe. DRYING ROOMS. Section 102' That the walls, ceiling, s and partitions inclosing drying rooms when not made of incombustible m~terial, shall ~be finished with metal lath and plastered, or they shall bc covered with metal, terra cotta, fireproofing, or other hard incombustible material. Section IOZ: That ~here a kitchen range is placed twelve to six inches from a wood partition, the said partition shall be shielded with metal from the .floor to the height of not less than three feet higher than the range; if the range is within six inches of the partition, then the studs shall be cut away and framed three feet higher and one foot wider than the range, and filled in to the face of the said stud partition with brick or fireproof blocks, and plastered thereon. Ail ranges on wood or combustible floors and beams that are not snpported on legs and have ash pans three inches or more above their base shall be set on suitable brick foundations consisting of not less th~n two courses of brick well laid in mortar on galvanized sheet iron, except small ranges such as are used in apartment houses, that have ash pans placed on at least one course of brick work on galvanized sheet iron. No range shall be placed against a furred wall. Ail lath and plaster or wood ceilings over all ranges in hotels and restaurants shall be guarded by metal hoods placed at least nine inches below the ceiling. Laundry stoves on wood or combustible floors shall have a course of brick~ laid on metal on the floor under and extended twenty-four inches on all sides of them. All stoves for heating purposes shall be properly supported on iron legs resting on the floor, and placed three feet or more from all lath and plaster or woodwork. If the lath and plaster or woodwork is properly protected by a metal shield, then the distance shall be not less than eighteen inches. A metal shield shall be placed under and twelve inches in front of the ash pan of all stoves that are placed on wood flocms. All low gas stoves shall be placed on iron stands, or the burners shall be at least six inches above the base of the stoves, and me~.al guard plates placed four inches below the burners and all woodwork under them shall be covered with metal. Gas connections to such stoves shall be ~'nade by metal pipes. Where port- able stoves, heaters or irons are used flexible armored tubing may be used provid- ed that there is no valve or cock on the device. All receptacles for ashes shall be of galvanized iron, brick or other in- combustible material. I~OT ICE TO BUI .DII~G INSPECTOR. Section 104: That in cases where hot water, steam, hot air or other heating applicances or furnaces are hereafter placed or altered in any building, 8? L~ansard Roofs Con- struction. False Roofs Bul~heads, Penthouses and scut- ties. Departn~nt of Building by the persons placing tY~e said l~rnace in said building, or b~ the contractor or superintendent of said work. ROOF Section 105: That if a mansard or other roof of like character~.,~w~-'~no~ a pitch of over six degrees be placed on any building except a wood building or a dwelling house not exceedi~ three stories nor more than forty feet in height, it shall be constructed of iron rafters and lathed with iron or steel on the inside and plastered or filled in with fireproof .~terial not less than three inches thick and covered ':~ith metal, slate or tile. _Uo false mansard or other similar roof construction for increasing the aparent height of a building but having no full story behind the same, shall be placed on any building to a greater hei.~ht tlmn five feet above the cornice of the n~gnest point o~ the roof beams. Bulkheads used as inclosures for tarZ:s and elevators or for covering any other machinery or appliances required for the oleration Sf a building not more than four stories in height hereafter erected or altered, ma: be constructed of hollow fireproof blocks or of v:ood covered with fireproof material inside and out. nclosure on Roofs. Scuttles. On Fire- proof Buildings. Within Fire Limit knc her e d. Height above roof ~eams. Wall s in relation to Roof 1~' ~ : plan~n.~ il ~;lh ere cor- nice v:ro- iii ect s roe 1'. Unsafe cornice Removed. On fireproof buildi'r~gs ~,~a 0um~.~eado and inclosures on roofs shall be con- [structed of fireproof materials only. ,, No scuttle shall be less in size than two by tD-ree feet. Ii All doors and door frames in such o~:enings_ shall be ',na~e, or metal or of wood covered ?;ith metal. All exits to roof through roof houses, bulkheads and scuttles shall o'~cen outwardly. COR!,~ICLS At[D C'JZT£llS. Section 106: That on all buildi~zs hereafter erected wi td~in thc fire the exterior cornice, inclusive of those on sho-~v windows and gutters, shall be well secured to the walls with iron anchors independe~t of any woodwork. No cornices, not including pediments, shall extend more than five feet above tko highest point of the roof beams of any building. In all cases the walls shall be carried up to the planking of the roof. 7;here tb~ cornice projects above the rood, the walls shall be carried up to the top of the cornice. The party walls shall in all cases extend above the planking of the cornice and be co]~ed. Ail exterior wood cornices v;ithin the fire limits that may now be or that may hereafter become unsafe or rotten shall be taken down. And if replaced, sb-~ll be constructed of some fireproof material. On all buildings or structures in the fire limits the exterior cornice and roof projections inciudin~: those on show windows, and all gutters shall be of in- combustible ma~e~zal, Ail cornice blocks, madi!tions, ornaments weighing more than ~ of ~ ~: pound shall be riveted to cornice or otherwise securely fastened to buildir~. Ail cornices not built as a part of the :va!l s]mll be secured with metal I'raming, look outs or anchors, provided that the cornices on. all apartment houses ~d other buildings tJ~ree stories or over in height, may have a wooden cornice made of wooden rafter ends sheathed on top or a similar design and having 88 How supr ported. Bearings for Beams Discharge Pipe. Location of tanks. Covers for tanks Metal Hoops. Roof Planl lng. Dormer Windows. Incombust: ble Cover~ lng. Compositi Roofing. as above stated may have wooden cornices if located 10 feet or mc. re from the property line, and further provided that residence buildings and structures two stories or less in height may use a substantial wooden cornice with incombustible gutters, and further provided that all overhanging roofing and similar works pro- j-ecting the face line of walls shall be construed and termed as cornice~. Exterior wooden cornices or gutters on buildings or structures within the fire limits, which are unsafe or are damaged to the extend of one-half, shall be taken down; any replacement of same shall be made with incombustible materials. Outside of il[re limits where si~le residence buildings having masonry walls are placed nearer than 3 feet to a side or rear lot line, or 5 feet to another building, the cornice or overhanging eaves on the front sides and rear walls shall be oz', or covered with, incombustible material. ~'fhen such buildings are erected in rows, combustible cornices shall be fire-stopped with incombustible material between each building. TANKS. Section lOV: That tanks containing more than five hundred gallons of water or other fluid hereafter placed in any story or on the roof or above the roof of any building now or hereafter erected, shall be supported on iron or steel beams of sufficient strength to safely carry the same. And the beams shall rest at both their ends on brick walls, or on iron or steel girders or iron or steel columns, or ~iers of masonry. Underneath any s~id water tank, or on the side near ths bottom of same, there shall be a short pipe or outlet not less than four inches in diameter, fitte~ with a suitable valve having a lever or wheel handle to same to discharge the weight of the fluid contents from the tank in case of necessity, unless water tank is to supply automatic sprinklers. Such tanks shall be placed where practicable at one corner of a building and s]mll not be placed over nor near a line of stairs unless the stairs are in- closed with brick walls of sufficient strength to support the added load of the tank an d c ont ents. Covers on top of water tanks placed on roofs if of wood, sha~l be covered with tin. All wooden tanks shall be coopered with metal hoops circular in section. ROOF COVERING. - Section 108: That the planking and roofing of buildings within the fire limits shall not in any case be extended across the side or party wall thereof. Within the fire limits every building and the tops and sides of every dormer window thereon shall be of some fireproof material. INC0~?,.[BUSTIBLE ROOFING. - Section 109: That an incombustible roof is one covered with tin, iron, slate, tile, cement, asbestos shin?les, or other fire-resisting material properly applice~. A roof covering made with not less than four thicknesses o£ roofing felt n each weighing fourteen pounds to the square (100 square ft.) all cemented together and covered with a good coating of pitch or asph21t solidly mopped and finished with a gravel or sand top, will be ~lassed as an incombustible roof. LEADERS FROI,~ ROOFS. leaders for conduting water from the roofs in such manner as shall protect the Leaders not to discharge on sidewall Dead Loads, Live Loads. Loads on Floors of Existing~ Buildings. Statement to be filed Inspector to e~amine Statements. walls and foundations of said buildings from injury. In no case shall the water from said leaders be allowed to flow upon the sidewalk, but the same shall be conducted by pipe or pipes to the storm sewer or street ~*ut ter. FLOOR A!O ROOF LOADS. Section lll: That the dead load in all structures shall consist of the actual weight of walls, floors, roofs, partitions and all otiaer permanent construc- tion and fixtures. For office buildings ten pounds per square foot of floor area shall be added to the dead load of the floor for moveable partitions. The live loads in all structures shall consist of all loads other than those covered under the heading of "Dead Loads" and shall not be less than the follow ing: Dwellings, hotels, (upper floors) apartment houses, tenements, dormitories, hospitals, assylums Per-lbs. Sq. ft. 5O Office Buildings (upper floors) 6O School rooms, theater galleries, churches, stables and garages Office Buildings (ground floor~), corridors, stairs, and lobbies in all buildings of public nature 7O lO0 Assembly rooms, main floors of theaters, ballrooms, gymnasia, any rooms to be used for drilling or dancing, grandstands ~or flo or s 120 Por Co~ ~'~' ~ ~u.ln s 6O Ordinary stores for light stocks lgO Stores for heavy stock, warehouses and light manufacturing 150 to 350 Sidewalks 500 Roofs, from flat to 20 degree pitch 4O Roofs, 20 degrade pitch and steeper, on horizontal projection If heavy concentrated laods such as males armatures or other s~ecial machinery are likely to occur on floors special provision shall be made for them. o0;:o) ~er cent For structures carrying traveling or moving machinery fifty (~ '~ ~ shall be added to the strains resulting from such live loads to provide for the ef±'ects of imFact and vibration. ........ · -~ ~{I~ILG FLO0::S TO BE C:~CU~_T~D. Section llg: That vrhen required by the Building Inspector, the owners or agents of warehouses and stores where heavy materials are stored, and buildings or parts of buildings in which manufacturing is carried on, shall furnish the Inspectorj of Buildings with a statement r~de by a competent architect, engineer or builder, showing the size of the beams and floors of such buildin~s. The stat: ent shall also contain the evenly distributed load in pounds per square foot which the owner or agent desires to carry on the floors described. The Building Inspector shall examine every such statement when it has been filed, and shall determine the maximum load or loads ti~t shall be allowed on the floors described, and each maximum loads sP~ll not be greater than would be allow- ablo under the provision of this ordinance. The officers and employees of the office of the Inspector may enter any 9O Aut ho rity~ to Enter Buildings. and ma~e Examina- ti ons at cost of Owner or Agent. Deter~nine ~2aximum Allowable Loads. ~daximum Load to be posted Bearing Strength of Verti~ cal sup- ports. l~Iinimum Loads. Reduced Live Loads. Distri- buted Loads. Re ducti on of Loads. Temporary Supp or t s. Fo rb i ddin Loads on any floor in excess of safe live load, Safe Loa d; on masonr building for the purpose of verifying the statement relating thereto, or to obtain further information regarding the construction of such buildir~s, and may make measurements and remove portions of flooring or ceiling or other parts that are doemed necessary to ma~e the examination complete, cost, if any, to be at the expense of the o~'~er or agent of the building. The Inspector may enter auy such building for the purpose of such an examination, and shall determine the maximum allowable loads without the statement~ as horein provided, if such action is deer~d desirable. When tb~ maximum load or ~oads have been determined, the ~vner or agent shall be notified, and thereupon he shall post the amount of said maximum loads in a conspicuous place on each floor or l~art hereof to which it relates. VERTICAL SUPPOP~TS. Section llZ: That every column, post, or other vertical support shall be of sufficient strength to bear safely the weight of the portion of each and every floor dependin~ upon it for support, in addition to the ~w~ight required as before stated to be supported safely upon said portion of said floors. LOADS 0N COLDIINS - - REDUCTION 0F LIVE LOADS. Section ll4: That for columns the specified live and dead loads shall be used,with a minim~ total of £0,000 pounds per colunna. Columns shall be designed for the full dead loads and not less than the following live loads: (a) Por columns supporting the roof and top floor, the full live load. (b) For columns supporting each succeeding floor, a reduction of five (5%) per cent of the total live load may be made until fifty (50~) per cent is reached, ;Vnich reduced live load shall be used for the columns sut~porting all remaining floors. This reduction shall not apply to the live loads on columns of warehouses and similar buildir~s which are lilt-ely to be fully loaded on all floors at the same time. LOADS 0N FLOORS TO BE DISTRIBUTED. Section ll~: That the weight placed on any of the floors of any building shall be savely distributed thereon. The Buildir~ Inspector may require the owner or occupant of any building, or any portion thereof, to redistribute the load on any floor or to lighten such load where it is necessary for safety. STP32I~GTH 07 TE~PORARY SUPi~0RTS. Section ll6: That every temporary support under any structure, wall, girder, or beam, duri~ the erection, finishing, alteration, or repairing of any building or structure or any party thereof, shall be of sufficient strength to safely carry the load to be placed thereon. During the construction or alteration of ~n~ building or structure, no material entering into such construction or alteration, shall be placed on any floor of any greater weight than the live load that each floor is intended to safely sustain when the building or structure is completed. STRENGTH OF t~h~TERIAL. Section llT: That the '~veight of building materials used in the calculati Specifica- tions for Common and Hard-burne d Brick. i~e ight o f brick piers ~ ormula for~ High ~'.1asonr~ piers, i Brick l,lasonry, per cubic foot Rubble masonry, per cubic foot Concrete, per cubic foot Granite, per cubic foot Limestone, per cubic foot White pine, per cubic foot Yellow pine, per cubic foot Oak, per cubic foot Terra Cotta or tile, per cubic foot, solid Slating, per square foot Lath and plaster, per square foot Gravei roof per square foot ALLOWABLE SAF~ LOADS 01,~ I,~AS01?RY. Lb s. 120 150 150 170 160 24 4O 48 120 6 l0 15. Section 118: That the allowable safe loads in bearing and compression on masonry ?~ork shall not exceed the following values in pounds Der square inch: Common Brickwork, lime mortar Common brick?,,ork, Portland Cer,~ent morta~ Hard-burned brickwork, i:ortland cement mortar Rubble masonry, lime mortar First-class limestone masonry, Portland cement mortar Rubble masonry, portland cement mortar First-class granite masonry, Portland cement mortar First class sandstone masonry, Portland cement mortar-, Portl~,~mnd cement concrete, 1-2-4 mixture Portland cement concrete, 1-2-5 mixutre Lbs. Der Sq. In. 100 175 200 70 ,i00 100 600 300 400 55O Common brick, for the above values of brick work, shall show a crushing strength of not less than 1800 pounds per square inch. Hard-burned brick for the above value of brickwork shall show a crushing strength of not less than 2,300 pounds per square inch. Isolated piers o±TM concrete, brick or stone masonry shall not be higher than six times their least lateral dimensions, unless the above unit stresses are reduced according to the following formula: P- C (1.25-H) ¢ soo-SI Where P- the reduced allowable unit stress. C= the original unit stress in the above table H= the height of the pier in feet. D- the least lateral dimension of the pier in feet. No pier of concrete, brick or stone masonry sbmll exceed in height twelve times its least lateral dimension. The weight of the pier shall be added to the other loads in computing the load to be carried by the pier. ALLOWABLE SLFE STRESSES A~ID SPECIAL REQUI!~fd:,~NTS FOP. Ti~,~ER. Section 119: i'b~t the allowable safe stresses for timber shall not exceed the followir~g values in pounds per sq. in: Compre ssi on Shear 92 Extreme Fibre Stress. Defects in timber to be avoided. Long Leaf Yellow Pine Short Leaf yellow pine Oak Cypress Stress and With Across With Across tension Grain Grain Grain Grain 1£00 1~00 S50 150 1000 900 900 250 100 900 1000 1000 ~00 200 1000 O00 800 200 ....... The unit stress on ti;~ber posts shall not exceed the values resultir~ from the following formulas: For Long Leaf Pine -P= 1200-15 L For Oak P- 1000-12.5 L D For short leaf yellow pine P- 900-11.25 L D For Cypress P= 800-10 L D In which formulas- - P= the reduced allowable unit stress per square inch. L- the least unsu?ported length of column in inches. D= the least diameter in inches. The maximum length of a timber post or column shall not exceed thirty diameters. Timber used for building purposes shall be sound, well manufactured, clos~ grained, free from wind shakes, or from dead, loose, decayed, encased or pitch knots, or knots and other dei'ects that will materially impair its strength and durability. ALLOWAB~ SA~E LOADS AND W00D£N BEA~,~S. Section 120: That the allowable safe loads on wooden beams uniformly loaded shall not exceed the follmving values in pounds: For Long-leaf yellow pine - ~or Oak For Short-leaf yellow pint - - ~or ~ypress In which formulas - - Safe Load = 155 BH2 L Safe ~aod = 110 BH2 L Safe Laad = 100 BH2 L Safe Load = 65 BH2 L B= the width o£ beam in inches. H= the height of beam in inches. L-- the span of beam in feet. ALLOV;ABLE SAFE STRESSES AI~ Si~ECIAL ~QUi.O~,,.~.~Tm~ Y0i~ L~.TALS. Section 121: That the maximum allowable stresses in steel and iron s~ll not exceed the £ollowing values in pounds per square inch: $,;aximum tension on net section ~,~ximum compression on gross section Ben.rig on extreme fiber, tension Bending on extreme ~iber compression Bending on extreme fiber o~ pins Shear on shop revets and pins Shear on field rivets and ~ins Shear on bolts Shear on rolled steel shades Rolled Cast Wrought Steel Steel Iron 16,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 16,000 10,000 16,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 16,000 12,000 24,000 12,000 ...... 10,000 8,000 12,000 ....... Cast Iron 10,O00 Z,000 10,000 Shear on plate girder webs, gross sect - - 10,000 ....... for Steel a~d I ton Colu~ms. ¥_axi rflilm Length of Struts for wind bracing. Factors of safety wl~en worhing stress is not Erovid- ed. U_etals, reinforce d concrete, timber and stcne. tlorizontal f~ind it, res- sure. Bearing on shop rivets and fins Bearing on filed rivets Bearin~ on bolts 24,000 20,000 16,000 (a) The maximum allowable comyressive stresses per square inch for colur, tns shall not exceed the values determined by the followinf_~ formulas: Steel Columns Iron C olurmns Cast iror, Columns In vchich formulas - - P - L _- P = 16,00C - TO L R ? = 12,000 - 60 L B = 10,000 - 40 L R l,[aximum allowable unitootr:~os- ,o o in -Founds yer sq. inch. 'Zhe least radius si' gyration in inches. The unsupported length in ~nches. In no case shall ti~e_ compressive stress in ,~t~i~ -~,~ columns exceed 14,000 L pounds per square inch nor shall R e:~ceed 120. In rio case snail the length of c~ iron columns exceed seventy tm,,~s the least radius of ~ .... t~o~ in inches. [b) For steel colu:ms filled with and encased in concrete extendi~ at least two inches beyond the outer ed~es off the steel, v~nere the steel is calculate, to carry the entire live and dead loads, the a!lo':ab!e stress f, er square inch shall not exceed the values determined b~, the fo~nula: 2 = 18,000 - 70 L but shall not exceed 16,000 pounds :er sauare incL, nor i~ 120. (c) For steel columns filled with but not encased in concrete the steel si~!l be calculated to carry the entire live and dead loads. In this case the above formula [see paragraph b) may be used, but the maximum allo:~able stress shall not exceed 14,000 pounds fer sq. inch. [d) Stre~s,~s due to accentric loadi~ shall be provided for in all col~ns - ~e) The length of steel colur.~ms shall not exceed one bund:red and twenty ~120~ times the least radius ~' gyration in inches, but the limitil~ length off st~ts for wind bracir~, only, may be one hundred and ~ifty times the least radius of gyration i~ '~ ' . Section 122: That when the unit stress Zor any material is not prescribed in this Code the relation off allowable unit stress to ultimate strength shall be: For metal subjected to tension or transverse strains, I to 4. For rein- forced concrete, 1 to 4. For timber, I to 6. For natural or artificial stones and brick ~md stone masonry 1 to lO. WIND P~U~,~. Section 125: That all structures exposed to uind simll be designed to resist a wind pressure acti~ horizo~'~ta!ly in ar~~ direction, as fie!lows: (a) flor ffinished structures, a pressure o: twenty (20) pounds per square froot on the sides and e~s of buildings and on the vertical yrojection off rooff surffaces. (b) In pro,ecs of construction, a Fressure of thirty (30) pounds yer square foot on the vertical surffaces and the vertical projection off inclined Permissi- ble working Stress. Incasing of column Incasing of Out- side sur- face of Girders. Insi de sur fac e of gird- ers. Girders required at each story. Bases of structural iron and steel col. l/runs. Foundatiol Framing. Independ- ent walls Inspectio] Least thickness of metal. Greatest Unsupp~rt ~or wind bracing and combined strains due to wind and other loadings the permissible v~rking strains may be increased twenty-five cent, provided, the section thus found are not less than those required for the dead and live loads alone. In no case shall the overturnin~ moment due to the wind pressure exceed seventy-five per cent of the moment of stability of the dead load of the structure ~ROJ AiUD ~'~,, COI~STRUCTION, S~2ELETOI~ .CCNoTRUCT~D BUILDINGS. Section 1£~: That where columns are used to support iron or steel girders carrying inclosure walls, the said columns shall be of cast iron, wrought iron, or rolled steel, and on their exposed surface be constructed to resist fire .by having a casing of brick work not less than eight inches in thickness on the outside surfaces, not less than four inches in thickness on the inside surfaces, and all bonded into the brick work of the inclosure walls. Between the $'aid in- closing brickwork and the columns there shall be a space of not less than S" which shall be filled solidly with liquid cement grout as the courses of brick work are laid. ' The exposed mides of the wrought iron or steel girders shall be similarly covered in with brick work not less than four inches in thickness on the outer surfaces and tied and bonded, but thc extreme outer edge of the flanges of beams or plates or angles connected to the beams, may project to within two inches of th~ outside surface of the brick casiD~. The inside surfaces of girders may be similarly covered with brick work, or if projecting inside of the wall, they shall be protected by terra cotta, con- crete or other fireproof nr~terial not les~ than four inches in thickness. Girders for the support of the inclosure walls shall be placed at the floor line of each story. The skeleton steel, frame of a building shall be independent fron that of an adjoining building, and the frame of one building shall not be bolted ore riveted in any manner to the frame of any other building. Structural iron an'~l steel solumns shall rest on either cast iron or steel bases, proportioned so ~s to distribute the ~ntire load on the column safely to th~ .concrete or grillage foundation. All columns shall be properly secured to the bases. Every portion of a steel skeleton shall be strong enough to carry the superimposed load vdthout relying upon the walls inclosing the frame, and all structural members shall be connected continuously with riveted connections from the foundations to the top of the building. All metal columns, girders and beams and all portions of the structural steel of the skeleton shall be so designed where possible, that all e~onnections shmll be accessible after erection for the purposes of ins.rection, cleaning and painting. STEEL AI~D ';~ROUGHT IRON ~OLUI,.R~S. 'Section 125: That no main part of a steel or wrought iron column shall be less than five-sixteenths of an inch thick, nor less thickness than one thirty- second of its unsupported width measured transversely between rivet centers. Ho wrought iron or rolled steel columns shall have an unsupported length Section 111 of this Code. The ends of all columns shall be faced to a plane ~urface at right angles to the axis of the solu~Lus. C o~P~ne ction. And the connection between them si:all be made with splice plates. The joint may be affected by rivets of sufficient size and number to trans- Rivets. mit the entire stress, and then the splice plates shall be equal in sectional area to the area of column spliced. ?lhen the section of the columns to be spliced is such that spliced plates cannot be used, a connection formed of plates and angles may be used, designed Thiclmess of stay Plates. Number of Rivets. to properly distribute the stress. End and intermediate stay plates are to have a thickness of not less than 1-40 of the unsupported ?~dth measured transversely between rivet centers. End stay plates shall have a length not less than the greatest width of the member. Intermediate stay plates are to have not less than four [4) rivets. Lattice Bars. Lattice Bars. Thickness. Length of Columns. Shoes. Least thici:ne ss o f metal ~.~lnlm~d~ diameter. Lattice bars shall be proportioned to the size of the member. They must not be less than: Two inches in width for members nine inches or less in width. Two and one-quarter inches in width for members ni~e inches to twelve inche~ in width. ~o and one-hall' inches in width for members twelve inches to fil'teen inches in width. Single lattice bars shall have a thickness of not less than 1-~0 of the distance between rivet centers connecting them to the member. Double lattice bars. must be comaected by a rivet at the intersection and be not less in thickness than 1-60 of the distance bet~veen rivet centers connecting them to the member. Single lattice bars shall be inclined not le~s than 60 degrees to the axis of the member and double lattice bars at not less than &~ degrees to the axis of t~ member. Steel and wrought iron columns shall be ~de in one, two or three-story lengths and the material shall be rolled in one length wherever practicable to avoid intermediate splices. Where any part of the section of a column projects beyond that of the column below, tb~ difference shall be made up by filling plates secured to column by the proper number of rivets. Shoes of iron or steel, as described for cast iron columns, or built shoes of plates and shapes may be used complyir47 with same rc.~uirements. CAST IRON C 0LL~J_I~S. Section 1~6: That the thickness of metal in cast iron columns shall be not less than one-tv~elfth the greatest lateral dimensions of cross section, but never less than three-fourths of an inch. Iio cast iron column shall be less than five inches in diameter or least lateral dimensions, nor shall exceed in height thirty times its l~ast horizontal div~ension without havin~.l-.teral support. Test koles.~ All cast iron colu~mus shall be oi~ good worSmanship an~ r~terial, and shall ~ st ili be ts ed and ins?ected before being placed in ?ositior~. They shall be drilled Imperfect Castings. Fac e d at end. Connecti on. Increased thic~ess of metal. Bracket s. Shall not rest on wood. Shoes under woo tier. Shoes to be planed s~ans. Thickness Bearings. ~ualit y. Bolt s and Separator Distance between Tie Rods. Bolts and tie Straps. Secured against upper surface of the colurlu~,s as cast. Such other test holes shall be bored as the Building Inspector may deem necessary. Whever blowholes or imperfections are found in a cast iron column which reduces thc area of the cross section at that point ten per cent, such columns shall be c~ndemned. All columns shall be faced at the ends to a plane surface at right angels to the axis of the column. Columns shall be cornaected to eack otker by not less than four three- quarter inch bolts through the two flanges and the intermediate plate. If the core of a column below a connection is larger than that above, the thickness of the metal in the top of the lower colu:~mu shall be increased to make up the difference. This increased thickness shall be tapered down for a distance of not less than six itches from the end of the column. Every beam supported on the side of the cast iron colun~ shall be carried on a bracket projecting out from the surface of the colu~ua no less than three inches. The depth of the bracket shall be not less than twice its projection, and it shall be strong enough to carry the full load of the %earn. The metal in brackets, lugs and fls~uges shall be not less than one inch thick and lugs and flanges shall be strengthened by fillets and three quarter inch bracing ribs. Iron columns shall not be set on wood in any building and. in fireproof or semi-fireproof buildings they shall not be set on stone plinths where liable to be subject to fire. Iron or steel shoes or plates shall be used under the bottom tier of columns, when necessry to properly distribute the load on the foundationl ~hoes shall be planed on top. CA~T IRON LI~Y~'ELS. Section lsd: That cast iron lintels shall not be used for spans exceed- ing six (6) feet. Cast iron lentels or beams shall not be less than three quarters (-'~-~), of an inch in thickness, and shall lmve not le ss tD~n six inches bearing on walls. They shall rest upon d'ast iron or steel plates of sz~ch dimensions that the safe load on walls shall not exceed those fixed by Section ll8 of this Code . FLOOR AITD ROOF BEAIdS. Tb~t all floor and roof beams shall be full weight, straighl Section 1~8: and free from defects. ¥~hen two or more beams are used together, they shall be connected by bolts and iron separators at intervals of not more than five feet. All beams twelve inches and over in depth shall have at least two bolts to each separator. The distance between the rods in floors shall not exceed eight feet and sb~ll not exceed eight times the depth of floor beams and twelve inches and under. The tie rods shall be not less than three-quarter of an inch in diameter, and shall have nuts and washer at both endsi Beams resting on girders shall be riveted or bolted to same. %¥hen beams are jointed an a girder, the straps shall be used. The compression flange of plate girders shall be secured against buckling 97 Stiffeners. they shall be of sufficient strength as a column to carry the loads and shall be cormected with a sufficient number of rivets to transmit the stresses into the web plate. Stiffeners shall fit so as to sup. port the flan;~es of the girder. Idachine driven. Distance Section 129: That the distance from the center of a rivet hole to the edge from edge of .... ~terlaY. of the material shall not be less than one and one-half times the diameter of the ~ rivet. Wherever possible, however, the distance shall be equal to two diameters. ~ll rivets, wherever practicable, shall be machine driven, Rivets in con- neet, ohs shall be proportioned and placed to suit the stresses. ~-~tch. The pitch of rivets in structural work shall never be less than three dia- meters of the rivet nor more than six inches. Gussets. Gussets shall be provided ~erever required, of sufficient thickness and size to acco~mmdate the number off r. ivets necessary to maks the cormections. No bolts shall be used in the cornaection of riveted trusses, excepting when riveting is impracticable, then the holes shall be reamed in place and turned Des. ~n Lateral and swaY Bra~e s. Area fo r Tensi on ~'em be r. Bending Strain. Stress in Compression ~embers. Eye-bars. Pin-holes. Eye and Screw Ends. bo~ts used. All field belts carrying' shear shall be provided with wash.ors at least one- quarter of an inch thick. STLEL ~i~D WROUGHT IRON TRUSSES. Section 150: That trusses shall be of suck design that the stresses in each member can be calculated. All trusses shall be held rigidly in posi.tion by efficient systems of lateral or sway bracing Any ~' . memoer of a truss subjected to transverse stress, in addition to direct tension or compression, shall have the stresses causing such strain added to the direct combing on the member, and the total stresses thus formed shall in no case exceed the working stresses stated in Section 121 of this Code. 2or tension members, the actual net area only, after deducting rivet holes one-eight of an inch larger than the rivets, shall be considered as resisting the stress. If the axis of two adjoining web members do not intersect within the line of the chords, sufficient area shall be added to the chord to take up the bending strains, or the web members shall be connected by plates so arrar~ed tb3~t the axis of the web members prolonged will intersect on the axis of the chord. All compression members in pin-connected trusses shall be proportioned, using seventy-five per cent of the permissible working stress for columns. The heads of all eye-bars shall be ~ade by upsetting or forgoing. I~o weld will be allowed in the body of the bar, Steel eye-bars shall be annealed. Bars shall be straight before boring. All pin-holes shall be bored true, and at right angles to the axis of the members, and must fit the pin within one thirty-second of an inch. The distance of' pin-holes fror:~ center to center for corresponding members shall alike, so that when piled upon one another, pins will pass through both ends without forcing. Eyes and screw ends shall be so porportioned that upon test to destruction, fr~cture will take place in the body of the members. All pins shall b~ accurately turned. 98 Pin Plates. pins to the working stresses prescribed in Section lSl of this Code. These pin plates shall be connected to the members by rivets of sufficient size ~nd number to transmit the stresses without exceeding working stresses. Pin connected riveted tension members shall have a net section are through pin bolts of twenty-five per cent in excess of the net section of the Rivets. Pins and Bolts. Painted before body of the member. All rivets in members of pin connected trusses shall be n~achine driven. All rivets in pin plates which are necessary to transmit stress, shall be also machine driven. The main connections of members shall be made by pins. may be Fade by bolts. Section 131: Other connections PAI!~Ii~G OF L~TAL STi~UCTU~.~L That where s~rfaces in riveted work come in contact with Assembli~.each other, they shall be painted before assembling. Bedded in con- crete. C1 eaned. Cleaned and Paint ed. Inspectio before painting. I.,'[etal under water. Defini- tion of term Rein forced cone fete. Applica- tion of reinforce. concrete. Z~equire- merits for ~- e rmit to erect reinforce, concrete structure InspectOr of Build- in[is to have acce to all c omputa- tions. Record of progress of each Paint shall not be required for metal structural work which is to be thoroughly embedded in concrete or cement grout applied directly a~ainst the metal except where surfaces in riveted york come in contact with each other. All metal structural work that is to be embedded in concrete or cement grout shall be cleaned of all scales, dust, dirt smd rust, but not painted. All metal structural work that is not to be embedded in concrete or cement grout shall be cleaned of all scales, dust, dirt and rust, and thoroughly coated with at least one coat of suitable paint; after erection all suah work shall be painted at least one additional coat. Cast iron dolumns shall not be painted or covered until after inspection by the Department of Buil~r~s. All iron or steel used under water s~ll be closed with concrete. P2dI~Oi~CED CC~CRETE CO~',~TRUCTIOJ. Section 1Z2o That the ~ener~l term "reinforced concrete" in this ~ome shall be understood to mean an approved concrete reinforced by steel, so placed as to take the tensional stresses and when neoessary assist the concrete in the resistance to shear and compression. Reinforced concrete may be used for all classes of buil&ings !ro¥ided the design is in accordance vAth good engineering practice and the stresses are kept within the limits hereinafter provided. Before permission to erect any reinforced ccncrete structure is issued, complete plans and s~ecifications, sio~aed by the architect and engineer, must be filed with the Inspector o~ Buiidi~tcs and re~in on file for public inspection until the completion of the st~cture. Ail details of construct,.on must be shown, including the si~e and position o£ all reinforcing members and the composition of the concrete. The Inspector o£ Buildings shall have access to all computations, which sb?~ll give the loads assumed separately such as dead and live loads, wind and s impact, if any, and the resulti~ stresses. An exact record shall be kept of the progress of each operation where the sa.~u can be ins~-~ected by the Inspector of Buildings. znms record shall show the date of Placir~~ of all co~crete and tke date of ~e removal of the 99 Bearing Wal 1 s. .Quality of Cema nt. must be turned over to the Inspector of Buildings ~';hen the building is completed. Where reinforced concrete is used for bearing walls, the thickness may be two-thirds of that required for brick walls in this Code, and if reinforcement is omitted the thickness shall be tkree-fourths. ~.~T~I~L. Section 1ZZ: That only Portland cement shall be used in reinforced ooncret~ Neat Ce~ eh2 Test. Ce,~,.ent and sand test. ~and or fine Aggregates .~'~ Coarse Aggregates. Cinders not permit- ted for Reinforced Concrete. Reinforce- ment. construction. Portland cement shall meet Zh~ requirements of the Standard speci- fications for Portland cement of the American Society for Testirg materials, with the following minimum requirements for tensile strength: Age Neat Cement Strength. S& Hours in moist air- ZOO lbs. per sq. in. ~ days /~o~?~ in moist air, 6 days in waterl -~CO lbs. per sq. in. ~8 days (lday in moist air, m~s in water) 600 lbs. per sq. in. 1 part Cement, Z parts Standard Sand. ~ days ~1 day in moist air 6 days in water) ~00 lbs. per sq. in. £8 days ~! day in moist air £7 days in ~ater) P~75 lbs. per sq. in. Tests of cement used in buildir~.~ operations shall be made from time to time under the supervision of the Inspector of Buildings, in accordance with the preceding specifications. The fine aggregate stroll consist o±' sand, crusher stone, or gravel, screen- ings, passing when dry, a screen with one-quarter inch diameter holes and not more than 6 per cent passing a sieve of 100 meshes per lineal inch. It shall be clean, silicious material, free from loam, lignite or other injurious matter. L[ortars of one part Portland cement and three parts of the above fine aggregate by weight, made into briquettes, shall show a tensile strength of not ~,less than 70 per cent of the strength of 1 to ~ mortar of the same consistency made w'ith the same cement and standard Ottaw~ sand. Coarse aggregate sb~ll consist of graded crushed stone, or gravel, of such size as will pass a one-inch diameter ring, and be retained on a screen of one- quarter inch mesh. The particles shall be clean, hard and durable, and free from lignite, flat or elongated particles or other injurious material. No cinders nor furnace slay shall be used for reinforced concrete construc- tion, but may be used for fireproofing, in wkich case they shall composed of hard, clean vitrous clihker, free from sulphides, unbu~ned coal or ashes. Ail steel for the reinforcement of concrete shall be rolled from billets made by either the open hearth or Bessemer process, and shall conform to the re- quirements of the Standard Specifications for Concrete Reinforcement Bars, as adopted by the Association of American Steel l.[anufacturers, and shall be subject to such of the tests prescribed as .may be required by the Inspector of Buildings. ~ith special permission of the Building Inspector steel conforming to the "Standard Specifidations for Rail Steel Concrete Reinforcement Bars as adopted by the Assoeiation of American Steel L[anufactures", may be used. DETAILS 02 CC~,S~RUCTION. Section 1Z~: ~hat all concrete shall be mixed in a batch typ, e mixer until 100 t~ixing of Concrete. Measuring. and con- sistency. t{etemper- lng not -~ermit ted Placing o: Concrete. Plac lng of con- crete in water. Placing o Reinforce ment. Joints in reinforce ment. Joints of Concrete. coated with the mortar. Under express permission from the Inspector of Buildings, small quantities of concrete may be mixed by hand, in which case the mixing shall be on water- tight platforms, and special precautions shall be taken to turn the materials until they are homogeneousin color and consistency. In. all mixing the separate ingredients, including the water, shall be accu- rately measured for each batch, and shall be mixed to such a consistency as will flow into the forms and about the reinforcement, and which on the other hand, can be conveyed from the mixer to the forms without separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar. Retempering mortar or concrete--that is, remixing with water after it has partially set, will not be permitted. Care shall be taken that the forms are substantially free from all debris, and thoroughly wetted down and all the steel is firmly secured to prevent displace- ment before any concrete is placed. Immediatel::? after mixing, the concrete shall be conveyed to place and deposited and puddled by suitable tools to produce a thoroughly compact concrete of maximum density, with all reinforcement completely coated and surrounded by the required thickness of concrete. The faces of concrete exposed to premature drying shall be kept damp for a period of not less than three days. When unavildable, concrete may be placed under water, especial precaution being taken to prevent the cement from being floated away. Under the express permission from the Building Inspector concrete may be mixed and placed during~ freezing weather, in which case especial precaution shall be taken to avoid the use of materials containing frost or covered with ice crystals, and to provide means to prevent the concrete from freezing after being placed in position and until it has thoroughly hardened, no forms being removed during this period. The reinforcement shall be accurately located in the forms and thoroughly secured against displacement. Wherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement by means of lapping, the length of the lap shall be determined upon the basis of the safe bond stress and the stress in the reinforcement at the point of splice, or a positive connection shall be made of sufficient strength to carry the stress. Splices at points of maximum stress must be avoided. Large column bars, of an area equal to that of 1-~ inch rounds or larger shall be butted and their ends enclosed in a sleeve, or the ends shall be threaded into connecting sleeves capable of safely resisting the full stress in the bars. Smaller bars than l~ inch rounds may be lapped as provided above. No joint shall be allowed in reinforced concrete footings, or columns be- tween the top of one floor and the underside of the lowest projection of beams next above. No joint will be allowed between the slab and beam or girder. Construction joints in beams, girders and slabs shall be vertical and within the middle third of the span. Any concrete Which has run past the bulkhead must be cleaned up before 101 All forms shall be substantial and unyielding and sufficiently tight to Tile and joist con- struc ti on. Design. Oeneral Assumption. prevent an appreciable loss of mortar. In no case s~:~ll forms or struts be removed until the concrete has hardened! sufficiently to p~rmit their removal with perfect safety. ~ In general, column forms si~.~ll not be removed in less than four days; slabsI beams and girders not less than ten days, in ,,vhich case the shores must be re- plac~.:d immediately and not removed before the construction is three weeks old. Long span slabs, beams and girders and all work placed durln~o a temperature of below Z5 degrees Fahrenheit shall be subject to the inspection and instruction of the Inspector of Buildings before the removal of any forms. '~herever floor or roof constructions are built with a combination of tile or other fillers between joists, the fbllowing regulations shall apply: Whenever a portion of the slab above the tile is considred as acting with joists as Tee-bea:~ section, the slab portion shall be~ cast monolithic with the joist and shall have a minimum thickness of at least two inches on all spans. Whenever porous tile or other materials used which by their nature will absorb '~vater from concrete are used as fillers, care must be taken to thoroughly saturate the tile or other filler with water in~nediately before the concrete is placed. In all other respects this type of construction shall conform to these regulations covering reinforcement concrete. Section 1Z~: That calculations for the strength of reinforceed concrete construction shall be based upon the following assumptions: A plane section before bending remains plane after bending. The modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression remains constant withi~ the limits of working stresses. The stress ~train curve of concrete in compression is a straight line. The bond between the steel and concrete is sufficient to make the materials act as a homogeneous solid. No allowance ahall be made for tension in concrete. The span length for beams and slabs, figured as simple beams, shall be taker as the clear distance between su~>ports,.excluding, brackets. The length of columns shall be taken as the maximum unsupported length. The dead load shall include the weight of the structure, together with all fixed loads, the weight of reinforced concrete being taken at not less than 150 pounds per cubic z'oot. ~or interior beams and slabs uniformly loaded and continuous over two or i' shall be not less than 80 per cent of a ~'reely supported beam similarly loaded. ~::~ ~'or beams and slabs fi.,%~red as continuous or '~'ixed at one or both ends not less more supports or for beams and slabs Z~ixed at both ends, the center bending moment shall be taken at not less than WL for beams not uniformly loaded the maximum 12 center bendi~z~ moment shall be not less than 2-~ that of a freely su~?orted beam similarly loaded. For end sran beams ani slabs, uniX'ormly loaded and continuous, or fixed at one end only, the center bendin~ mo_~.~cnt shall be tal:en at not less than WL '10 · For beams not uniz'ormly loaded the maximum center bendin~ moment Reinforce ment over supports for rec- tangular slabs. Spacing of Bars for slabs For beams and slabs uniformly ,loaded and freely supported; that is, not continuous over either support, the center bending moment shall be taken at not less than WL. For rectangular slabs in which the long side does not exceed one and one- half times the short side, unii'ormly loaded, supported on all 1'our sides and rein- forced in two directions, tho center bending, mo~_~ents for the middly h~lf of the spans shall be taken at not less titan allowed by the follov~ng i'ormulas: ~l - I1 - R) WL1 R - L4,1 RWLs Cf CF L~1 = L4s ~,'~here Ms - Center bending moment for middle hal±' of short span. Idl - Center bending moment for middle half of long span. Ls - Short span. L1 - Long Span. Where W - Load on slab, live plus dead load. F - 8 for freely supported spans. F - l0 for spans continuous or fixed at one end 0nly. F - 12 for spans continuous or i'ixed at both ends. R - Proportion of total load carried by short span. ~ I - R ) - Zroportion of total load carried by long start. C - 1,25 when R - 0.5 C - 1.20 when R - 0.6 C - 1.15 when R - 0.? C - 1.10 when R - 0.8 For rectangular slabs figured as continuous or fixed, not le ss than the same area of the center reini'orcement shall be provided over the continuous sup- port, but n~y he limited to the center half of the supporting side. The reinforce- ment spanning the shorter direction shall be below that spanning the longer di recti on. The spacing of slab steel i'or slabs of one way rein£orcement and for the middle half of rectangular slabs with two way reinforcement shall not exceed 2~ times the thickness of the slab. The bar spacing for outside quarters foreach set of reinforcement in rectangular slabs may be double tb~t i'or the middle halz' o±' the span. In all cases of continuous action provision must be made for a negative bending moment that may occur in adjacent spans due to unequal loading. Where slab and beams are cast at the same time and an ei'fective metallic bond is provided betweon the slab and web of the beam and adequate transverse slab reinforcement is provided over the beams the slab may be considred as an integral part of the beam, but its ei'fective width ehall not exceed one third of the clear span of the beam nor be greater than 5 times the thickness of the slab on either side of the beam, nor exceed three-quarters the distance between beam centers in total width. In the design of Tee-beams acting as continuous beams due considera.tion shall be given to the compressive stresses at the mupport. Cement i'inish added to the top of slabs, beams or girders shall not be calcula~ted in the strength of the member unless laid integrally with the rough ~.~t~._ ~ ~r~.~.~t~r ~t stre.~s shal~ be allowed on such cement !'inish than on 103 ~engtn of Reinforced Concrete Columns. Rectangular ~anding for C o lumns. Spirally HooDed Columns. The tile or other filler in tile and joist construction shall not be cal- culated as aiding the concrete and steel in the resistance of any stresses what- ew~r, being merely a filler between joists. The working stresses in the concrete and steel s}~ll not exceed the follow- ina (in pounds per square inch): WORKING STPd~SSES 0Q COI~CRETE A~YD STEELTM~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... · ~0~ PJglN~0z~C~,~!~ CONC~T~ I,~J, XI,~IR.; C0!~C?gTE ZTRESSES Concrete Proportions. Ultimate crushing strength Radio of moduli o2 5000 2550 2250 1950 Elasticity - Es _ n Ec Compression on extreme 2iber, bending 10 ig 15 18 1000 850 750 600 Direct compression 850 750 6bO hbO Vertical shearing 150 1Z0 110 100 Diagonal tension (diagonal sheari~) 75 65 ,b5 50 Bond with plain rounds and squares 100 8b ~5 6b Bond with deformed bars 2O0 170 lOO Axial compression in columns with ~ per cent vertical steel and adequate banding 80O ?00 650 550 Axial compression in columns with I yer cent vertical steel and I per cent spiral hooping - - 1070 900 800 700 ~!aximum axial compression (average) in o_ _o ~ _u.._rL',-n s__ _s? ~ ~r~! ~__ _r e_ i_n_ ~'o_r_ e_ e_ _a ....................... l e_o~o_ .... :L-_ b','po_ .... _.!-~ ,2_©_ __ __~! _~ o_ .... Maximum Steel Stresses. Elastic IIaximum tension Grade Shape Limit Not to exceed. ......................................... ~in._lbs. _s~.in ....... ~,Iedium Plain 35,000 E. L/2 16,000 lbs. sq.in.,, Medium DeI'ormed Z5,000 E.L./2 16,000 lbs. sq.in. ~ Hard Plain 50,000 ~. L./.3 16,000 lbs. sq.in. Hard Deformed 00,000 E.L./,~ 20,000 lbs. sq.in. ~ Cold Twisted Deformed DS,000 E.L./3 20,000 lbs. sq.in~ The compressive stress in steel shall not exceed the product of the ratio of elasticity, given in the table above times the allowable compressive stress in concrete at the point at which the steel is embedded. For the above allowable compressive stresses in columns the unsupported length of columns shall not exce~'d fifteen times the last diameter. Rectangular Hooping or Banding for columns shall consist of not less than ~ inch diameter round rods spaced at intervals not greater than the least diameter of the column nor more than twelve inc!~s. Spiral hoopin~7 shall not be spaced ~.t intervals greater than one-seventh the diameter of the spiral circle. For spirally hooped columns the minimum, area of the vertical steel and hooping shall be I per cent cz' tJ~e area of the spiral circle each. The average unit stress on the spiral circle core shall not exceed the w:~lues given in the table for maximum concrete stresses for any combin~,tion of concrete and vertical and spiral reinforcement. Spirally hoG?ed column shall be computed according to a formula to be ap~proved by the Building Insy~ector, but shall not exceed the 'values ~iven hy the followir~ formula: 104 Where P - Safe working strength of column, lbs. per sq.in. Ac- Area of spiral circle core, square inch. lc- Unit stress on the concrete within the core, lbs. per square inch. p- Percentage of vertical stee. p'-Percentage of spiral steel. ~ith structural Steel Zteinforcement, when thoroughly encasing the concrete Struc turat Steel Col~ core, the allo~able compression on the concrete encased s~all not exceed the value limES ~illed with con- crete. Eccentric ally Loaded Columns. ~'ireprooi' ing Steel in Rein- forced concrete. Other types of hein£orce Concrete. allowed for axial compression with -~- per cent vertical steel and adequate banding, as given in the preceding table, and the steel stress not exceeding "n" times the concrete stress. Bending Stresses in columns, due to eccentric loads, shall be provided Z'ropor- tions. for by increasing the section until the maximum stresses do not exceed the values allowed in bending. The ,.main reinforcement in columns shall be protected by a minimum of one and one-half (l~-) inch of concrete, main reinforcement in beams and girders by one and one-half il:e~) inch on the underside and one inch on the sides and rein- i'orcement for floor slabs by one-hal*d (-~-) inch. The contractor shall be prepared to make loa, d tests on any portion of the reinforced concrete construction within a reasonable tir.~e after its erection, but not until it has attained an age of 45 days, as may be required by ~he Inspec- tor of Buildings. Such test shall be made under the direction of the Inspector of Buildings, in his presence or in the presence of his authorized represnntative, and must show that the Construction will sustain a load equal to two and one-half (2-~-) times the live load for which it was designed. Each test load shall cover two or more panels and shall remsin in place at least 24 hours, with a maximum deflection at the end of that period not to exceed 1-600 of the span, and with no sign of failure. Other types of reinforced concrete construction not capable of being cal- culated, according to the assumptions herein prescribed, may be approved, provided a test panel of bay be constructed and tested to failure, under the direction o~ the Ins~ector of Buildings. Such construction shall ~how an ultinmte strength not less than three and one-half times {3~-) the combined live load, plus dead load for eh. ich it was designed. The test may be waived by the Inspector of ~uildings if it can be satis- ±'actorily sho~.~n that the construction has elsewhere stood up to substantially the same requirements when tested to destruction under competent and impartial direction. The requirements for test load and all other provisions of this regula- tion, where applicable, shall apply to all construction allowed under the heading of other Types of Construction. CONC~LET~ Section 1Z6: That hollow concrete building blocks may be used v&ere said blocks conforn~ to the requirements of this Code; provided, however, that such blocks shall be composed of at least one part of Portland cement and not to exceed three parts, clean, sharp sand or gravel, and five pz~rts of crushed rock or other suitable aggregate. 105 Hollow spaces. Thickne ss of walls. With Brick Backing. Bond. Age of Blocks. Solid Blccks under con- centrated Loads. iiers and Buttresses Lintels. Brand of I denti fi- cation. Full tests may be re- quired. At ex!~ense o f manufac- turer. 0 the r Tests. Name s of its area dna the height shall not e~:ceed four and a hal£ times the thickness of the web. The thickness of walls for any buildi~ where hollow concrete blocks are used may be 10 per cent less than is required by law for brick walls. Where the face only is of hollow concrete building block, and the backing is of brick, the faci~ of hollow concrete blocks must be strongly bonded to the brick, either with headers projecting 4 inches into the brick worh, every fourth course be"',z~o ~ a headin~v course, or v~ith a?~roved, ties, no brick backing to be less than eight inches. Where the wails are made entirely of hollow concrete .... oloc.~.o,°- but where said blocks have not the same. width as the wall, every fifth course shal extend through the wall, feigning a eecure bond, Ail walls where blocks are used shall be laid up in Z'ortland cement mortar. Ail hollow concrete building blocks, before being used in the construction of ar~' building in the City of Rounoke shall have attained the age of at least three weeks. ~herever girders or joists rest upon walls so that there is a concentrated load on the block o~2 over one ton,~the blocks supporting the girders or joists must be :r~de solid. Where such concentrated load s~;all exceed three tons, the blocks for two courses below and for a distance extending at least eighteen inches each side o2 said girder, si~ll be made solid. ,~here the load on the wall from the girder exceeds three tons the blocks for tlzree courses beneath it shall be ~ade solid, with similar material as in the blocks. Wherever walls are decreased in thickne~:s the top course of the thicker wall to be solid. No blocks shall be used ti~.t have not an average crushing strength of 1,500 lbs. per square inch of area at the age of twenty-eight days. All piers and buttresses that support loads in excess of three (5) tons sn~ll be built of solid concrete blocks for such distance below as may be neces- sary for safe bearing strength. Concrete lintels shall be reinforced by iron or steel rods in a manner necessary for safety, and any lintels smanning over four feet s~x inches in the clear shall rest on solid concrete blocks. Provided, tb~t no hollo:v concrete buil~ting blocks shall be used in the con- struction of any building i~ the City of Rosmoke unless the brand or mark o£ ident- ification has been impressed in, or other.vise permanently attached to each block for the l~urpose of identification; sai~l brand or mark to contain the name of the manufacturer and date ttmt said block was ~de. The Building Inspector may require full tests to be made of samples selecte~ from the open market or from material actually going into construction, when in his opinion there is a doubt as to whether the product is up to the standard of these reg~lations. Such tests must be made by some laboratory of recognized standir~. Such tests shall be made at the ex?ense of the manufacturer or user of such concrete bloct:s. The Building Insi~ector may also require tests of absorption, and the per- centace 'of absor?tion (being the weight of water absorbed divided by the weight of the dry sample) must not averace higher than 15 per cent and must not exceed 22 per cent in any case. The names of the persons, firms or corporations and the responsible officer~ 106 corporations may be used in the City of Roano~e. Section 1ZIJ: 1. Signs of wood or other combustible material shall not. be erected on any building or placed above the front wall or cornice or roof of any building ~ithin the fire limits in the City of Roanoke. 2. No signs shall be erected so as to project over the sidewalk, except as hereinafter provided, Signs may be placed upon the front of buildings but shall be flat against the wall of such building, and erected so as not to extend over the sidewalk, Such signs shall be securely fastened to said building. 5. No sign shall be placed on the roof of any structure, except to be constructed of metal and such construction shall be of open mesh work, and such sign and all supports, fastenin~s and bracings shall be approved by ~he Building Inspector of the City of Roanoke. 4. No signs or bill-boards, erected on uprights or any other supports extending to the ground shall be at any point more than £0 feet above the surface of the ground and shall be properly supported and braced. All signs or bill- boards which are dangerous in any ~nner, whatsoever, sh~ll be repaired and made safe or taken dorm b~ the ov~er upon beirg notified so to do by the Building inspec-~ tot of the City of Roanoke. Nothing herein contained shall ~revent the owner or operators of any open air place of amusement or ball park wholly surrounded by streets, vacant grounds, or railroads right-of-way, from erecting or maintaining suitable screens about the same. In accordance with plans approved by the Building InsPector of the City of Roanoke, or from displaying advertising matters on such sections. ~. Electric signs n~y be erected upon permits granted, provided the applicant present drawing snd specifications indicating the locations, quality of material and workmanship, full dimensions in figures, manner of fastening the signs to the structure, approximate weight, including fixtures, ~ud the number and candle power of the lights and their location on thc sign. These representations shall be ~de ~by written applications on blar~s i~rnished by the Building Inspector 0£ the City of Roanoke. All si§ns shall be properly stayed, bolted and ~nchored with Troper supports of metal. ~etal work shall not be secured by driving the same into joints of masonry or into w~dging or wooden blocks, in the case of masonry, connections ~hall be made by expansion bolts inserted not less than four inches, or b~: bolting through the wall. Expansion bolts shall be thoroughly and properly cemented or leaded into the drilling part of the masonry. No sign shall project beyond the curb, nor shall it be ~ore t~n three feet high, ~nd shall not be less than ten ~10) feet above the established grade c~ the si dewalk. N~ sign except a vertical sign weighi~ more th~n five hundred pounds shall be erected. Vertical signs weighing more than five hundred pounds may be permitted, All vertical signs shall be so constructed that no part thereof shall e~tend more than four feet beyond the buildi~ or property line. All vertical signs weighing more than five hundred pounds shall have one through bolt to each ten feet of length, which bolt shall be one inch in diameter, ~meaning bolt through the wall) Floe rs and Roofs. ?art-; tions. L[etal Lath and plaster. be lighted until 10 o'clock P. ~,I. for not less than six nights each ?~eek. 6. ~igns shall not obstruct, or be attached to any part of a fire escape. V. /, fee of t~o dollars [~2.00) shall be ct~rged for each e~ctric sign permit issued, and a fee o~f two dollars 152.00) ~'or each bill board permit issued. 8. Any person who shall violate a~v of the provisions of tb~s ordinance shall be fined not less than five nor more tt~n one hundred dollars i'or each ~am~ viOlation is allowed to continue shall constitute a oi~Z'ense, and each d~ ~ ' ~ separate offense. Section 1~9: ~,~[arquis may be erected over the front entrar~ce o~ a store, hotel, flat or apartment house, or any public buildin~[~, and may project over the sidewalk to within one foot of the curb line at its widest t~rojecting point beyond the building line. Said marquis ~all not front the street more than one-~lf the width of any buildi~ t~t has a frontage off thirty feet or less, and ii' said i'rontage be more t~n thirty feet, then ~e marquis ~y have a frontage v~dth o~ not over one-third of ~e frontage width of the buildil~. Provided that the remainder of ~ch frontage sl'~ace may have a continuing projection of not over three [~) ~'eet beyond the wall line and placed on same line of, and be a continuance of ~he marquise proper. No marquise shall be less t~mn nine feet above the sidewali.: at the lowest point. ~amd marsuise shall be made entirely of metal framing an~ metal ornamental work well secured to the building and sh~l be rooffed in with heavy wired glass, not le~ts than three-eights inch tnmct, and not over si:~teen inches wide for each sheet, which sl~s~l be carefully embedded in a prope'~ water~?roof setting ~d ~all nave necessary valleys, ~tters, ~n~ down pipes to completely drain all the gutter, or storm drain. All marquise shall be erected with due regard for public saI'ety a~ accordin~ t~ ordinances and instructions to be ~iven by the Building Inspector or ~ch other person designated to superintend the erection of mar qui se. FIP~PR00F CONo~UCTION. Section 140: Timt foundations, retaining walls, beari~ walls mud piers in foreproof buildings shall be ~de of brick or stcne, l~d in cement mortar, or off concrete, plain or reinforced, or of iron or steel sol~s and beams enclosed in brick, tile or concrete ~sonry. ,cod ~11 not enter into their const~zction. Flc. crs and roofs shall be const~.cted of beams made of steel or of rein- forced concrete properly spaced and tied and spanned with arches or slabs made fire-resisting materials, and of suffficient strength to carry the loads for~,vhich they are designed. ]~irel:roof partitions subdividi~ the s~ace o?l the floor off a fireproof building may be built of steel or iron uprmo~.to not more than 15 inches on centers, lathed with metal lath and plastered both sides to a thickness of not ~ ss than one and three-quarters i~uches, or they may be built of hollow burnt clay or other incombustible hollow bui!di:~ blocl:s. To ~rovide foundation for ¥~ood door and ~vir~do?z trim or other ¥~cod interior fi~ia]~_ wood 105 Door and Window Trim. Wood Floors. Slee?ers in, bedded wood finish, i:artitions subdividing space on the floor of a fireproof building must be set upon the fireproof floor. The flooring may be of wood not exceeding one and one-eight inches in thickness, nailed to wood sleepers not exceeding two inches by four inches, im- bedded in concrete to the under side of flooring. in concrete. The interior finish, window frames, sash arki doors may be of wood, except Interior finish, as provided hereafter. Construe- The stairs and staircase landings sh~ll be const~cted ~f brick, stone, tion of Stairs. concrete, iron or steel or a combir~tion of these materials. In all fireproof buildings, if exceedi~g three stories or forty feet in Stair height, the stairs shall be enclosed on each story ~th fireproof n~terial same as Ha lls Enclosed. required for elevators to so form enclosuxe, the floor area of which shall not be . more than thre~e times the united area of the floor openings for elevators and stairS. In fireproof office buildings the stairway shall be entirely cut off by a fireproof wall or partition from the basement and any other part of the building not used exclusively for office purposes. WI~ED GLASS WINDO~,~S, Section 141: That every building, except private dwelling houses, churches, Openings tenements and schools, s;mll have approved wired glass ~rindows in metal frames on to be ?rotecte&.every exterior window opening, and with approved fireproof door or door openings, if any. Exc e~,~ t o~ front. Excepting on front openings of buildings fronting on streets or where no ',~;ired other openings are v~ithin fifty feet of such front openings facing same. gla ss wig- dews above Ail Windows and doors in a wall of any building built upon a party line roof of adjoining above the roof of any adjoining building shall likewise be protected. ~ui ldi ng. ELECTRICAL INSTALI~TI01~S. Section 142: 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of Electrical inspector for the City of Roanoke. £. The appointment of said Electrical Inspector shall be ~ade by the City l~anager, upon the reco~m]endation of the Underwriters k~sociation having Jurisdiction in the City of Roanoke, and shall be for an indefinite term. Z. All electrical work, and material and appliances used in connection therewith in any building in the City of i~oanoke shall conform to the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code as it is now established or shall hereafter be amended and said rules and regulations are hereby adopted and approved as a part of this ordinance, and by reference are made a part hereof. ~. No alteration shall be made in the raring of any buil~ng for light, heat or power, nor shall any building be wired for electric lights, motors or heating devices without a written permit therefor from the Electrical Inspector. ~. Upon the completion of the wiring of any buildi~ for light, heat o~ power it shall be the duty of the company, firm or individual doing the same to notify the electrical Inspector, who shall at once inspect such v~lrin~ and appli- ances and, if approved by him, he shall issue a certificate of satisfacto~ inspec- tion, but no such certificate shall be issued unless such wiriD~ and applicances !be in conformity to the rules and regulations prescribed or required by this ordiD~nce, nor shall connection for current be made to such installation until said i Floor fill- in~ of Brick or Hollow Tile. Working Stress. 6. Precedent to the issuance of the certificate required under Clause 5 section, of this ~, the person, firm or crporation applying therefor shall pay to the Electrical Inspector an inspection fee in conformity to the following table: CONCEA~D 7;0Ri[ TO 0UTLETS: 1 to 3 outlets 4 to 10 outlets 11 to 15 outlets 16 to 24 outlets 25 to 45 outlets 46 to 100 outlets lO1 outlets and over .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 10.00 1 to Z lights 4 to 10 lights 11 to 20 lights 21 to 40 lights 41 to 75 lights 76 to 150 lights 151 to 500 lights 501 lights and over .25 .50 1.00 1.50 2.50 3.50 5.00 10.00 Incandescent lights and fans - fixtures included: 1 to 3 li~.hts 4 to 10 l~ghts 11 to 20 lights 21 to 50 lights 51 to 100 lights 101 to 500 li~zhts 501 lights and over .5O 1.00 1.50 2.25 5.50 5.00 10.00 1,102'0RS. 1/4 H. i~. -and under .25 Over 2/4, to and including 1 H. Z~. .50 Over l, to and including Z H.P. 1.00 Over Z, to and including l0 H.P. 1.50 Over l0 H.P. 2.00 ~lectr~c ranges, heater, radio apparatus and other appliances requireing special wiring 1.00 o0L~.~D I:LAIY2 S Charge according to this schedule and add ~1.00 for dynamo. NOTE: Fixtures having lamps over 60 watt capacity will be based on 60 Watt e quivale nt. Electric Signs to be classed as fixtures. The Electrical Inspector 'shall report monthly to the City 12anager the amount of fees collected by him each month. 7. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section, for which no specific penalty has been provided, shall upon convic- tion, be fined not less than five dolLf~rs nor more titan fifty dollars for each offense. Section 1~4: That between the wrought iron or steel floor beams may be placed arches made of brick or of hollow tile or h~rd burnt clay, semi-porous terra cotta of uniform denisty and hardness of burn, or the space between the beams may be filled with ar~Zaes of Portland cement concrete, plain or reinforced, but in any case detail plans and strain~ sheets shall be submitted to the Building Inspec- tor shovrir4T the details o~ proposed construction, and no material in any part o£ the design shall be subjected to a greater working strees than is prescribed in this code. Actual test ?he Buildin¢. Inmmetnr m~v "r',,=,,--,'n4-,-¢ +~_~+ ~+,,~ +^~+ ~. ..... ~ 110 Authenti- cated records of ?revi- expense of the owner or contractor, and the floor construction be subjected to a fire test under a maximum floor load. Duly authenticated records of tests heretofore made of any s,ystem of fire- proof floor filling and protection of the exposed parts of the beams may be present- Yertical Dimension Zrojec- tions. Covering from Floor to Ceiling. GUS tests.ed to the Building Inspector, and if the same be satisfactory to said Buildirg Inspector it shall be accepted as conslusive. INCASING Ii~?ERIOk COL~,2~S. Section 145: That all cast iron, wrought iron or rolled steel columns including the lugs and brackets on same used for vertical supports in the interior of any fireproof building, or used to support any fireproof floor, shall be entire- ly protected with not less than four inches of hard burned brick work, terra cotta, concrete or other fireproof material, without any air space next to the metal, securely applied, but no plaster of paris or .lime mortar shall be used for this purpose, nor shall any plaster, whether or not on metal lathing, be considered as a part of the covering required. No single block or unit of insulating material used for column covering shall have a greater vertical dimension than 1~ inches when placed in position, nor sshall the shells and web of hollow tile or terra cotta blocks be less than five- eights inch in thickness, and these blocks shall Le laid up ~'Ath Portland cement mortar, and the said blocks be suitably tied or anchored together. The extreme outer edges of lugs, brackets, and similar supporting metal may project to v;ithin seven-eights of an inch of the surface of the fireproofing. The fireproof coverings shall start upon the fireproof floors and con- tinuously extend to the fireproof ceilings or underside of girders and be entirely independent of any ornamental base or capital. Conduits. No pipes, ~,~ires or conduit of any kind shall be incased in the fireproof- ing surrounding any column, girder or beam of steel or iron, but shall be placed outside o±' such fireproofing. Where the fireproof protecZion of columns is exposed to damage from the truc~.~n.a or handling of merc?~ndise, such fireproof protection shall be jacketed on the outside for a height not less than four feet fro~ the floor with sheet metal or with vertical strips of ocak or steel, and if the oak be used for such purposes the vertical strips shall be sufficiently separated from each other always to show that the woodwork of the guard has been placed entirely on the outside of the fireproof material ?~ich incases the metal column. INCASING Ei,~POSi':D SIDES ~X~D BOTT01,[ .,'J~D TOP PLATES -~2~D FLAi~ChS 07 GIRDLES AI~D Bnfd~i S. Section 146: That the exposed side of wrou£:ht iron or rolled steel girders, supportin~Z, walls, iron or steel ±'loot beams or supporting floor arches of floors shall be entirely encased ;'~ith hard burned clay, porous terra cotta, con- .crete or other fireproof material not less than four inches in thickness, and the bottom and top plates and flanges of a~ch girders shall have not less than two inches in thickness of such insulating ~terial. The bottom and top plates and flanges of all wrought iron or rolled steel ='loor and roof beams and all exposed portions of such beams below the abutments of the floor arches or fillin~ between the floor beams shall be entirely incased ~acketing AMENDED No, ,SLt. Girders. ~,iaterial and thick- ness of insulatio~ Beams, material and thick ness of insulatio~ 111 Securely attached. such incasin,7 rmterial to be not less than two inches in thic~mess. Ail incasing material to be securely attached to the girders and beams. Thickness The shells and webs of hollow tile blocks shall be not less than five- of shells and webs eights o£ an inch in thickness and shall i.>e laid up with ~ortland Cement mortar and of hollow tile 'beams. the said blocks be suitably tied or anchored together. i;ON~-FI~iQOOF BUI~DIi~GS.~I I ~ ~ Thic kne s s of insula- tion in non- i'i re - proo~' ,~ buildings. Section 147: That in all non-fireproof buildi~ags exceedi~ two stories in height where iron or steel structural members are incorporated in the construction of the building, all iron or steel colu~ms, girders and beams shall be incased as described in Sections 144 and 146 of this Code, except that the thickness of such insulating material may be not less than two inches. ~I=~ LIIIITATION AIID FI!ii;Tfi{OOF BUI!dOIiG~J. Ins ombu st i - ble material. Section 148: Tb~t unless otherwise specified in this Code, building will be considered of fireproof construction when they are built throughout of incom- bustible material, with the exce-ftion of the floor covering, interior finish and vd ndow fframes. 'Within fire Limits. Frame Buil~ngs Repaired. No frame, veneered or iron clad building shall be built within the fire limits of the City of Roanoke except temporary sheds provided for in Section ZO of this Code. No existing frame structure within.the fire limits shall be altered or prepared except as provided for in Section 29 of this Code. ? eneme nt and apart- ment house s. ldi ngs feet h. ~,~aximum All tenement or apartment houses within or without the fire limits, if more than three stories and a basement in height, slmll be of fireproof construc- tion. Every buitdir~g more than 50 feet in height shall be of fireproof construc- tion. No building, structure or ?a. rt tliereof shall b~: of a height exceeding two Height and one-half times the width of the widest street on v~ich the building or struc- Fire limits. ture stands, whether such street is a public street or place or a private way, nor exceeding one hundred amd fifty feet. The vddth of such street, place or private way shall be measured from the face of the building or structure to the line of the street on the other side, If the street is oY uneven width the ?:idth slmil be the average width of the part of the street opyosite the building or structure. In all non-fireproof stores, warehouses, lofts and factories no sir~le fire limit area between brick or concrete fire walls of a thickness corresponding to the main bearing walls mhall exceed the foilowir4~: Wi thout Sprinklers. When suc~ building is withcut an approved system of automatic sprinklers the area ~:hall not exceed V,000 square feet. Wi th Sprinklers. dhen such building is provided with an approved system of automatic sprinklers the area shall not exceed ll,200 square Z'eet. Fireproof Bui 1 ding s. Without Sprinkle r s. In all fireproof stores, warehouses, lofts and factories no single floor limit area between fire walls shall exceed the following: When such building is without an a-nproved system of automatic sprinklers the area shall not exceed 15,000 square i'eet. ',:fhen such buildin~ is provided with an approved system o£ automatic sprird:lers the area shall not exceed 22,o00 square ~'eet. The automatic sprinkler s.vste~n, includir~w the water ~ql]T~1%qi~.,q in nn~o~t.~n~ working, order by the o~mer, lessee or occupant of the premises. Prohibit- ing the removal o f '~l i s. No wall or part of a wall in any existing building nor in any building hereafter shall be removed to produce a larger area than thOse named in this Section. C ommuni - cating Areas to have automatic Sprink- ler system.factories. When two or more fireproof or non-fireproof buildings communicate, al- though protected by double standard fire doors, they shall be provided with a system of .approved automatic sprinklers when occupied as stores, warehouses and Openings in Fire '3alls. ~{aximum size for 0penin~s in the brick fire walls of buildings specified in this Section shall in no cases exceed 8 feet in width nor more than l0 feet in height, and above each such opening there shall be a curtain wall between the top of the Doors Automati- cally Self- closing. opening and the ceiling line of at least three (5) feet. The openings shall be provided with standard sutomatic, self-closing fire doors on both sides of the wall. A11 stores, warehouses, lofts and factories when exceeding four stories Sprinklers for stores in height, whether non-fireproof or fireproof, sh~ll be provided with an approved warehouses lei'ts, and system of automatic sprinklers throughout. factories. Theaters, opera houses, rooms for moving pictures shows, or other places of amusement, with a seating capacity of 500 or more, shall be constructed of fireproof material throughout except the stage proper which shall be constructed in accordance with Section 202. Theaters and other places el' amuse- ':~:ent. All smoke houses hereafter to be built shall be constructed fireproof throughout. If they open into any other buildings such openings shall have fire- proof doors. follows: Section 149: FIRE LIIfITS. That the fire limits for the City of Rosnoke shall be as All that portion of the City of Roanoke embraced in the described limits shall be known and designated as the following fire districts, viz: FIRST ZONE. First Zone. Beginning at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Elm Ave., S. W., thence West on Elm Avenue, to Dth St., S. W., thence North on 5th St. 'to Gilmer Ave., N. W., thence East on Gilmer Ave. to 8nd St., N. W., thence North on End St. to Patton Ave. N. W., thence East on Patton Ave. to Third Street, N. E., Whence South on Third Street to Shenandoah Ave., N. E., thence in a direct line from Shenandoah Ave., N. E., to intersection at uhurch Ave. and 5~- Street, S. E., thence South on 5~- ' ~ St. to Tazewell Ave., S. E., thence East on Tazewell Ave., to 4th Street, S. E., thence South on 4th Street to Elm Ave., S. E., thence West on Elm Ave., to Jefferson St. the place of beginning. SECOND ZO l~J. Second Zone. That all building hereafter erected within the boundaries between the fire district, first zone and the fire district second zone, to be used for any other purpose than for residence or dwellings, shall be erected to conform to this Code as provided for structures and buildings to be erected in the fire district, first zone. ~ Ho non-fireproof building or structure now erected in the fire district, second zone, shall be altered, remodeled or moved from outside of fire district !.~umb er o£ Standpipe s. o!ze of ~andplpe s. Exi sti r~ Buil .~ngs. ~atermal. ~DO C~.t ul O;.LS~ Arrange - men t of pipe and C o.ane c ti ohs. o l i'] e p.2'id ~ength. dwellin~ys, Private metal cl:~d garages will be permitted for three (5) cars, for a residence, and to be located as provided in Section 182 o±' this Code. Beginning at the intersection of Je±'£erson Street and Roanoke River, S. W., thence "iest on the North side of Roanoke River to ~ra:~lin Road, thence North on H~l~m~ S W thence West on Highland Ave to ~erdinand Franklin Road to --e ....... We., . ., . Avenue, S. '.¢., thence lforthwest on 2erdi~znd Avenue to 10th Street, S. W., thence Iforth on 10th Street to Norfolk Avenue, S. ','~., thence East on Norfolk Avenue S. ',~., to the 10th Street Bridge, thence Uorth on 10th Street to ~air~ax Avenue, ~. W., thence East on Fairfax Avenue to Oainsboro ;; ~ ..o~_.d, N. ?i. thence South on Oainsboro Road to Patton Avenue, ![ ?~ , thence East on l:atton Avenue to 0th Street, South 8th Ztreet, ~' ~"~ Avenue and 8ti~ Street, ~' E , . o.. thence on ~. E., to ~.z;..hland Avenue, thence 7¢estward on hi~ztand Avenue to 0th Street, S. E., thence Sou~n on 6th ~t,eet to the i;orth side off ilos~ol:e i~ivor, thence 'Jestward on the i~'orth side cz~ Roanoke idiver to Jei'ferson Street, the place of beginning. Section 150: l.~t all buildin~:~ exceedir~ a height o~ ~fty [50) feet shall be equipped with standpipes, one for each division of the building, or for each ten thousand Il0,000) square feet ground area or ~ct~on thereoff, or for each end street front. Such standpil:.es shall not be less th~ four (4) inches in diameter for buildil~s not ezceeding one hundred a~ twenty-five (125) feet in height, and six ~6) inches in diameter for buildings exceeding one hundred and twenty-five [125) feet in height, except t[m t v~.ere existi~zL' bui~n?s are now e qui]Fped with stand- pi?es, the diameter may be three [3) and four ~4) inches, respectively, but the num]~er of standpi'~ e~: ..... st conform with the above &ll stand~:i?es shall be off wrought iron or galvanized steel, and together with fittings an~ connections shall be off m~c~ strength as to sa~el~ withstand three hu:~dred ~Z00) po~mds of water pressure to the square inch ~_e ~. installed read~, for service, without lea~.zn? at the ~oints, valves or fittings, and they shall be located v&0re they are e~sil~ accessible in any public portion oi~ the building- If placed in closets or shaffts ~.e doors to the same ~hall not be loci-:ed ~d ~all be plainly n~rked "Fire Hose". HOSE C0:~CTI0i[S. Section 151: T~..~ all standpi~:cs~ shall e~_ten~' ~ from the cellar to and through the roof, with a hose co~mection located from four to six feet above each floor level, fitted with ~.~.proved~ straightway compostion valves in each story, includi~ the cellars; also a hose connection provided above the roof. Ai:proved hose sufffficient to reach to all parts off the fflcor shall be attach- ed to each outlet in t~ building, and approved hose for the roof hydrant shall be placed in the top floor' near th~ scuttle leadi:~ ~ the roof. Such hose shall be at least two and one-half inches in diameter, not lcs, s than 50 fleet nor more than 75 feet in length; and provided v~th standard couplings at each end; however, one inch con,sections and hose in addition to the above is ~oe~_~,ted.~'-~' ~- All couplin~s~ are to be the same hose thread as t~.~t'~ used hy the City Fire Depo. rt,,.e .... 114 Si ame se C o IRle o - tions. Check Valves. Drip Pipe. Water Supplies Gate Valve Under Tank. Location of pumps and boil- ers. Where Req~dred. Automatic S~rinkler Confla- gration Breeders. Pipe Sizes. ST~I~.~I C 0NNE C T I 0 NS. Section 152: That all standpipes shall be provided with a Siamese steamer cormection, located on the outside of the building and o£ easy' access to the Fire Departn~nt. The inlet pipe from the steamer connection to the standpipe shall not be less than tb~ largest ~tandpipe, in diameter. The Siamese steamer connection shall be provided with check valves in the Y and substantial brass or gun metal caps provided to protect the connection. All portions of the Siamese connection or standpipes that are in danger of freezing shall' be provided with a drip pipe and valve for the purpose of drain- ing the same. In addition to the provisions for steamer connections to standpipes the water supply shall be taken from the City Water IJains v&ere the pressure is. suf- ficient. The standpipe shall he sufficient to take care of an automatic fire pump of five hundred ~500) gallons or more per minute or an elevated tank or steel pres. sure tank of not less tb~n 10,000 gallons capacity. In all buildings coming under these regulations as to height which are occupied for sleeping purposes, such as hotels, lodging houses, hospitals and asylums, the standpipes system must have at least one o±' the automatic supplies heretofore described. Where such standpipe is connected to a tarfi: there shall be a straightway gate valve in the horizontal section oi' the pipe between the first hose outlet below the tank and the tank. Such tank must"be filled by a separate pipe, and not through the standpipe, and where such tank is used for the house the house supply shall extend into the tarfl< to such a height as will reserve not less than sixty- five hUndred gallons of water for fire purposes. Where pumps constitute a supply to standpipes, they shall be placed not less tlmn two feet above the floor level, and the boilers upon which the pumps depend shall be so arranged that the flooding of fires under the same will be impossible. ~f the pumps are opereated by 'motors, the motors shall be protected against wetting. Section 153: o~,~r~,,~S Jd{D CELLARS 02 i.~ERCANTILE AND I.~NU~ AC~.ING BUILDINGS. That in all buildir~s hereafter constructed or altered used Section 154: or occupied for mercantile purposes there shall be p, rovided, in addition to the standpipes required in Section 150to 1~2, inclusive, an approved system of auto- matic sprinklers, placed at the ceilinc of each story below the first or grade floor, and extending to the full length and breadth of the building and pro~erly supplied from the city water main Dr gravity pressure tank. Buildingso£ large area which are occupied for mercantile or manufacturing purposes, when located within the congested district, forming, in the opinion of the Inspector o£ Build- in~s or Chief of the ~'ire Department, "Conflagration Breeders , shall be protected throughout the entire building with automatic sprinklers. The pipe size and spacing of heads for said sprinkling system shall con- form to the schedule and rules recoLmm~:nded by the ~ational ~'ire Protection Associ- ation, which are hereby made a ?art of the requirements o£ this Code. lnc~.es in diameter leadir~ to the outside o£ buildi~ and there provided v~th an ap?roved Siamese steamer con~ection, latter to be installed under requirements set forth in ~ection 152 off tJlis ~ode, and to be under the control and for the use of the Fire Department. A suitable iron plate with raised letters shall be securely attached to the Direction ~late. wall near said steamer connection, reading "Cellar Sprinklers" fwhere sprinklers are installed in cellars only l and reading "Automatic ~prinklers", where the entire building is so protected. Fi?~ ~C~E~. Fire Es- Section 1~5: '~hat every building .more than two stories high, except capes to be erected residences, shall ~ve at least one fire escape, and so many more as necessary on build- ings re- for safety in the judgement of the Inspector of Building. quireing fire esca~.e~c, l~otice in writin~ s~ll be served by the Building Ins~,,ector upon the o~,~er Notice to or owners off such building or buildings, by leaving at their ?lace o£ business be served by Buildin.~, or residence a notice s?ecifyi~ the nu~ber, location a~nd construction of the Inspector. fire esca?es reqr. ired under this ordinance, and directing that the worh shall be done not later than sixty days from the filing of the notice. The location of fire escapes shall al~'.mys be subject to the ap~.~roval of Location. the buildir~g Inspector. Fire escapes to be so constructed as to follow the blank wall of the buildirg, except t]-~t in existing bui!din~s where this arrangement cannot be employed, all v~indo¥,~s and door openings exposing fire escapes to be protected by self-ciosir4T, wired ~lass metal frame windows or approved self- closing fire shutters. Connection Ail fire escapes which are not constructed on public streets and alleys with Public Way. shall connect at the bottom on the ground level to o~fen ~assa.~ev~ays connection to the streets and alleys, ~md such shall be ~.~intai~ed without doors er g~tes, as the ~uiidir~j Inspector may direct. Ail outside fire esca'fes must extend from the second story balcony to the Ground t o moor. top of ~ne buiidin~ and the second floor balcony must be cor~nected with the ground b~ swinging ste~s or some device a~,roved by the Bui!din~? ins~ector. ~ire escapes to be of approved construction of the stair and landing ty?e, Construction. with suitable hand guard rails, as defined in Section 1~9 off this Code, and also Fire escape ~,[ay be Constructed by City when ov~,~e rs fail to do ~SO. s'ined ~'er failure to c o:.~q~.ly with the order to i~a, st all fire to have a?proved standpipe attachment with hose corJ~cctions on each floor, with City Fire Department Standard attactuments there also being a standard Siamese steamer connection at the base, provided ~,~Ath ao~oke Cit~ Fire ;~+~ Standard attac~ents. If the ovmers of the buil~n?s fail to t~e ste?s loo~g to the compliance %~th the s?ecificatio~s Of the said. notice of the Duii~:5]~ lns?ector, then the City ~y perform said work at its own ex]~ense, for '?nich a lien is declared to exist on said buiidi~s a:,-~d grounds ~ad '~,'~hich may be recorded in the Clerk's office of the pro?er court after the n~nner oi' the lien of mecha~ics and material r~:en, either by said City or the firms furnishi~g the labor anl ~mteria].s in doing said work. Any ~vner, of any buildi~s violating any of the provisions o~~ these re~lat'.~ ~o-~, ..... or i'aili~ to coml~ly with t?,~ terms thereoi', shall be fined not less t~n :~5.00 nor mor~ t~ .~_OO ~'~. ~ .... ~ ,~,~ +~..~ ~,,~ ......... 116 To ~e inspected '~eriodi- cally. Supervi-. sion of fire es- ca~e s. Width of of the sixty days' notice required. It shall be the. duty of the Building Inspector to have all fire escaDes in the City periodically insl:ected, said ins-oection to be made not le ss than two times annually. The construction of all i'ire esca?es shall be done under the su?ervision of the Buildin~ Inspector. Section 156: That the balcony shall not be less than three I'eet in width. They shall not be above nor more than 9 inches below the opening. Ttmy must in all cases where practicable, cover two windows and extend not less than 9 inches o~lconieS beyond the side of any s~ch window. S~ac e to ~:e cover- ed. B rac ke t s. Cons t ruc tion of brackets Floor con? structio~. Size of o~.enings. Safe Lea d:.. Construc-. tion of Railings. Height. The landing at the head and foot cf each stairway shall not be less than twenty-four inches long; the opening in the plat- form shall be sui'ficiently long to provide clear head room. Section 157: That the plati'orm shall be supported by cantilever construc- tion or by brackets. The top chord of the brackets shall extend entirely through the wall and be turned do~'~ three inches or be ?roperly secured by nuts and four- inch square washers of at least three-eights of an inch thickness. On new buildings the brackets shall be set as the walls are being con- structed; and an old buildings holes shall be drilled through the walls to tkke the top chord. These brackets shall be not le.,~s than 5/8 inch by one and three- fourths inches wrought iron placed edgewise or 2-? x 2" angle iron 5/16" thick, well braced. They shall be not more than i'our feet apart and shall be braced by means of not less than three-fourths of an inch square wrought i~ron, and shall e:~tend three-fourths of the width of the respective balcony or bracket. The bottom end of these braces shall be fastened into the wall at a distance below the bracket of not less than eighteen inches. Section 158: That the floors of balconies shall be of wrought iron or steel checkered plates ~- inch thick and well riveted to the supports. The openings for stairways in all balconies shall be not less than twentyr four inches wide and six (6) ±'eet long, and such openings shall have no covers ofi any kind. The platforms or balconies shall be constructed and erected to safely sustain in all their parts a safe load at a ratio of i'our to one, of not less than eighty pounds per square fooZ of sur'face. Section 159: That the outside top rail shall extend around the entire length of the platform, and in all cases shall go through the wall at each end, and be properly secured by nust and four-inch square washers at least three- eights of an inch thick, and no top rail shall be connected at angles by cast iron. The toi~ rail of balconies s~.all be one and one-quarter inch angle iron one-quarter inch thick· The bottom rail shall be one and one-half inches by three-eights of an inch wrought iron or steel, or one and one-half inch angle iron one-quarter inch thick, well leaded into the wall. The standards or filling-in bars shall be not less than one-half inch round or square wrought iron or steel, well riveted to the top and bottom rails and platform frame. Such standards or filling-in bars shall be securely braced by outside brackets at suitable intervals; their height of railings shall in no case be less tb~n three feet six inches. Gale ]Load. Section 160: Ttmt the stairways shall be constructed and erected to fully sustain in all ]'arts a safe load at a ratio oi' four to one of not less than one hundred pounds per step, with the exceyt, ions od' the tread, whiah must safely sustain at said ratio a load o i' two hundred and fifty pounds. Treads and Risers. TP~e treads ' ~ sn~ll be flat, open tread not le~.~s than ? inches wide, except school houses, asylums, hosF, itals, theaters or other builf~in~.~s of public assembly, where the treads shall be not less than 10 inches wide, and with a rise of not more than nine inches. 'Ji dth. The stairs shall be not less than twenty-four inches wide. Stringer :'ast cuing s. The stringers shall be not less than five-inch cha~znels of iron or steel, or other shape equally strong and shall rest upon and be fastened to a bracket, which shall be fastened through the wall as hereinbefore p~ovided. The strinr.'ers shall be sec'arely fastened to the balcony at the top, and the steps in all cases shall be double riveted or bolted to the str~n.~:~.er~. ttandrails. The stairs shall have three-quarter inch imnd rails of w~ought iron, well braced. Inc linati on of Stairs. The incli~.tion of the ~'.tair s ~'~ . ~nall never exceed fifty three degrees DR0i~ L~D~o. Drop Ladders. Sectzo~ 161: That all drop ladders whether counter balanced or fixed snell be constructed of the same material and o£ the same ~,-ddth as the stair flights of the fixed portion o£ fire escapes. I:AIi?TING Ai~D REi:AIRING 0BSTRUCFIONS. fainting. Section 162: That all the parts of such fire escapes shall receive two coats of paint, one in the shop and one after erection. To be kept The eve%ers of the building or buildings shall keep the fire escapes in in re~:air ~ ~"~ .... free from obstruc- and ~ainted.good repair anal properly painted, and shall keep the same .... ~ tions. Section 165. Reserved for "Fire escal:¢s for Fireproof buildings. E~VA'TORS, HOI[!T'~&kYS, DN3 ,'/ALTERS. Section 164: T~t no I:erson shall erect an elevator to be used for carry- ir~ passengers or freight without first obtaining from the vJuilding Inspector a permit therefor. Place and specifica~ tion. Before the Building.. Inspector shall issue ,~uch permit for the erection cf such elevator, there shall be filed in his el'lice, as a matter od' record, plans and Certificate specifications showin5 the proposed method of installation. oi' Ins? ec- tion to be Fosted. Inspecti on ~iec or ds. It shall be the duty of every person o%rnin~, controlling, operating or using,~ as owners, lessees or agents, any passe~er or freight elevator (or !~a~ S-oen~er ..... and freight elevator) to expose in the public view in the elevator car or platform a certificate oi' inspection issued by the Elevator Ins]corer or the Duiiding Ins-~ ec tor. i:ecor ds to be ~[ept. Unlawi;al to run eleva- tors wi th out certi- ~lc~te Of The Buiidir~F Inspector ~:all cause to be kept a proper record cf all notices, ce~ ~mzmcates of insFection, etc., issued in connection with the elevators; such ins-,~ections shall be ma, de by pro!er!y authorized inspectors, under his supervision and in accordance with thc ordinance covering the pro,er installation and reYairs insnection.~ to all classes o+~' elevators as hereina±'ter mentioned 1.~'-~-~ this ~dinance. 1,~o such elevators shall b~ used or operated until certificate has been ob- 118 Every owner, lessee or agent sh~ll require the person in charge of the Penalty for opera- running of the elevator to carefully ezamine all appliances once every twenty tion with- out a cot'S four 124) hours, and upon the discovery of any dei'ects tending to endanger life, tificate. the elevator shall be shut down at once and the Building Inspector notified of the condition of' the elevator. Use of The use of any such defective elevator shall be prohibited until the Defective ~levators. necessary repairs to make it safe have been made. ~'T<~,,'~ * T ', ri1 ~ TT II~$5'ECTIOZ, I,,~_~L~,~I0t,~, ALT£RATI0ii AND 0PERATI0:~ 02 E~VATORS. Z~eriodi- cal in- s,~ection.~ kegula- ticns tel be made. Quali fi - cations for c onduc t- ors. Ne c e s sarj~ ±~e?air s to be made. if defec- tive not to be used. Certifi- cate. I no ompe - tent per- s OhS not t o run elevators Section 165: That the Duildir~g Inspector shall cause an inspection of elevators carrying passengers or employees to be made at least once every three months and freight elevators every six months. And shall make regulations for the inspection, installation, alteration and o?eration of s~ach elevators, and shall also make regulations for the instal- !~:,tion, a!zeration and c].:.eration o±' freight elevators with a view el' safety. And shall also prescribe suitable qualifications for persons ',,vho are placed in charge of thc r~n~,ing of p~tssenda'er or freight elevators. The regulations shall rock, ire any repazirs found necess~ry to any such passe.er or freight elevators to be made without dela. y by the o~;ner or lessee. In case defects are ibund to exist which endanger life or limb by the continued use of ~ch elevators, then, u.!'on notice from the Building Inspector, the use of suck elevator shall cease, and it shall not again be used until a cer- tificate shall be first obtained from said Inspector that s~ch elevator has been made safe. No person khall employ or ~ermit any person to be in charge of running any passenger elevator who does not possess the qualifications prescribed therefor No person shall r~ua any passenger or freight elevator unless he shall first register at the office of the Departnent of Buildir~s his name and residence Non-fire proof ~uiidings ~asonry ?,~alls. i.~[etal Fra~.e and T~ire Glas EL£VATOk IJCL0~U?LS Ill FIi~EP!~OOP O~PICE BUILDINGS. Section 166: That the hatchways for all elevators in fire?roof office buildings shall be guarded and protected by the arrangez]ent as shomm in Form hereafter mentioned. The entrances or door~vays shall be fitted ~.7ith sliddir~ doors, having rollers and track o~' substantial construction, and fitted locks ac arranged that they cannot be o?ened from the outside except by the use of a key. Enclosures for hatchways in buildings that are not fireproofed or fire- proof buildings, (except office buit~ngs) shall be subject to one of the three following rules of constructi ~orm 1: Eatchways to be of solid brick or concrete walls of such thick- ness as called for by the Ordinance, same to be built from the basement or ground floor to a point three feet above the roof, and the openings to the shaft to be properly protected by automatic doors of a!~proved construction. Form ~: The hatchways may be constructed of an iron frame of proper ~.strength to support' the elevator, sa:ne to extend from the basement to the proper height for the travel of the elevator. This iron frame gaall be fitted with wired!' Oloerators tc be r ,~ registere .and also the location of the buil~ing in which he is to perform m~ch service, and i~i shall first receive from the Building Inspector a certificate as to his com?etency or door to be fitted with the same wired glass construction. The entrances or doorvzays shall be fitted v;ith slidding doors b~vir4~c rollers and track of subst';~n- tial ccnstructio:'~ and fitted with locks so arranged tke~ cannot be opened from the outside except by the use of a i:ey. H a t c hway Door S or Covers. Form 5: In lieu of the above walls or iron framework, the Inspector of Buil~Hr~._~;s may per?nit the u~e o±' fusible Link Underwriter's Hatchway Doors, or Covers- a:zd the exposed sides of the h~tcn .... ~ to be properly guarded Ail loading or unloadin~ sides or entrances to the elevator must be ~rotected at least by semi-automatic hatch gates of standard construction. In fire]?roof office buildings the elevator shall be entirely cut off by a fireproof wall or ~m, rtmtion fz~om the basement ana any other £~r~ o-f' the b~.=ld~no not used e~clusively fo::' ~'~' 0 ~..~lce pui~po se s . Windows. ~ection 167- T?~at all v;indov;s in fire-resistin~ enclosures shall be made of metal ol~ed -,ith ~¥ inch wired ~laos. I~o si~,gle opening to be over 25 square feet in area. Doors. All doors into such shafts shall be of approved frames a:~d. metal doors, or doors made el' u.'ood, metal covered, fireproof design; wired glass may be used in such doors, but such doors must not excee~,~ 45 square, i'eet in area· Doors in private dwellings. Doors used for o?enings in dwelling houses intended for the occupancy of one family may be of ?;cod covered on the inner surface and edges v,ith metal, not including the openings in the cellar nor above the roof in any such shaft ',valls, idoofs to be which later doors shall be covered with metal· firep, roof. The roofs over all inclosed elevat, ors shall be r.~de of fireproof material, Sk~iights. ~vith a skylight at least three-fourths the area of the shaft, the glass to be not ¥~ired glass less than one-eight of an inch thief.' and covered above ~nd below u, ith stron~ wire windows in place of nettin~j. ;lired glass shall not be used in skylights over elevator inclosures. Wired skylights .~ glass windows with r:-~tal frames of equal area may be used in !tlace of skylight, if approved automatic opening arran§ement is provided. PEiI 'k~ HOUSES. Pent Houses. exposed dw o rk. Section 168: T?~t pent houses over uninclosed elevator shafts in existing non-fireproof buiidir~s ~y be made of the same construction as roof of main build- ing, but must be lined on both sides with metal from the top down to the ceiling line. No woodwork shall be exposed on either the inside or outside of the ~:ent Shafts through parts of Buildings. house s. Jhe~ the shaft does not extend to the bottom of the cellar or lower story, the lower end shall be inclosed in fireproof material. shaft does not extend above top floor it shall be covered v;itk fire- proof r~terial. Lighti n~. In all cases of inclosures, there must be ample facilities for lighting the shaft. u~YD~-,, ELEVAT0i{ i.[ACHI!L. How o on- struc te d. Section 169: That immediately under the sheaves at the top of the elevator shafts [except when enclosing iw~rd power elevators or dumb-waiters) there shall be placed a metal grill or grating ~ith the bars spaced net more than one and a quarter inches apart The construction and sur, port of the ~ '--~ · _ ~rlll~ to be a¥~,~roved All stairways coming in contact with an elevator shaft must have a fire- resisting partition separating the shaft from the stairs. E.a. ttery. Where there are more tb~n one elevator in a battery, the divisions be- tween them need not be fireproof. Where freight elevators are to be installed in existing buildings having Trap Doors in wood joists or floor supports, and is impracticable to erect fireproof inclosure existing Buildings.walls, than all floor openings must be provided with approved trap doors. ELEVATOR C~o. Section 170: Tb~t all passend~er elevator cars must be entirely inclosed from floor to a height o£ six (6) feet, where proper ventilation shall be provided, except only the door openings. All elevator cars travelir~ in single enclosed hatchways shall have an emergency exit in the tip of canopy arranged so that it may be removed to provide an exit for passengers should the car become lodged between landings. ~¥here cars 6}~~ 'i~:~travet in adjoining hatchways, they shall be provided with emergency exits at the ~7~) sides adjacent to each other so as to provide for the transfer of passengers from one car to the other. ~ver~ passenger elevator with more than one entrance to an exit from a car shall be provided with a sliding door on the inside of the car on each such entrance or exit, and each of such doors shall be securely closed before the ele- vator is put in motion. ~ore ?/hen the car of any passenger elevator shall have mote than one entrance than one door. or exit, all such entrances or exits except the one immediately in front of the operator shall be closed with sli~ing doors inside the car. Such doors to be the full height, and shall be closed before starting the car. No door shall be opened before the car .has come to a full stop. Openi~ or closing doors of elevators while the car is in motion shall be ~enalty. ~un~wful and shall subject the operator to the penalties o-f" this ordinance. Vehicle Carriage and automobile elevators shall be inclosed or ~arded as di~,~ecte~ Elevat°r~i'by~ the Inspector of Buildings. Latch fastening Freight Elevator Doors. S~ fe ty Devices. Automatic stops. The latch fastenings of all passenger elevators must be ~rranged to operate from the inside of shafts only, and doors open from the outside only by use of a key. The freight inclosure doors may be made to hinge or slide up and down, orI have semi-automatic gates not less than l'ive feet high; but where hinged gates are used, there must also be a hinged guard rail inside next to elevator shaft. All elevators, except plunger elevators and sidewalk lifts and vehicle elevators, mhall be provided with approved safet~- devices to the bottom platform, and so arranged that the sai'e, ty device will grip. the guide from the sides to preven~ spreading the guides in case any cable should break or become detached. Elevators shall be provided with automatic stops to bring the car to a stop without a jar or jolt at the top and bottom. mL~-.VaTO~{ DOOR LOC, I,.,,~ DEVICE. Si:ECI~ iC~'ilOL POi{" ' ..... '~ Each passer~er elevator car and each landing door is to be equipped with an adequate independent automatic locking device which will prevent any door of the hatchway beins or. cried until, the car has been brought to com~olete rest within three ~ut croat i c Switches. ~owns~ce d ~overnor. Circuit areal:er. Limitation Device. Locks. Oaooose ~-t ~aoi'.ment. Cables. liftir~ c ab 1 e s. Counter- v;e i ~ht s. clear- . He~droora for speed less than i00 feet. Headroom. inches above or below the leYel of said landing. The device must lock the sto?~ing and starti~7 mechanism before the door can be ot~ened, and keep it locked v;hiie the door is o?en and until it is closed a,cains. The locking device on each floor muZt be independent of all other floors an~ of the car, so that the forcible openi~7 of any door or da~:s, je to the locking device of s~'~ ~.~I1~ ~ not interfere v~th ~n~ -- other door nor with the ?ro~er oI:era- tion off the car. ~'his a?plies to existir~ passer&~er elevators and all passenger elevators to be installed after ado~:tion of this or~nce. · ~11 existi~ pa~senger elevators erected Drier to tn,, ado-,:tion of this ordi;~mce and are operated without a locking device shall have installed within t~,velve months a locking device to conform to this code. 2ection 171: That all magnetic controlled elevators shall be equipped w~ th electrical limit st 'f~ ' ~ ~' o,~,~ in the hatcn~,~;ay, besides the ~utom~tics mentioned in the above p~r,_~or~j,h ~hese limit switches must break the current and ayply the ' inde?endent of the operator. ._ ~"~ ..... ~ with an ,,11 passenger elevators hereafter installed shall be efficient automatic dov~ speed governor to be pro?erly set. Mll electric elevators hereafter must be equi-!:i:~ed with an e~'ficeint circuit breaker. verj. power elevator shall be provided with a limitation device to stop the car at uDDer and lower landings automat' ~ ~c~ll~ and a device to stop unwinding of cables from the drum, in case of stoppage of descendi~z~ Car from any cause. Section 172: ~nat all Z'rei~t elevators controlled by cable shall be provi~- ~i~,'.~'~s lock to hold them at floors v;ken loali~ ed with an ~, No elevator herea~ter installed ~a!l be !:ermitted to lmve ~ttacked above or below thc cars a ffreighz compartment or similar device. No yorker elevator ~ail be equipi~ed with less tb~n two main lifting cables, and iff a counterv~eight is used, there must be at least two cables used to each set of weights. -~11 cables must be in, tailed off size on the basis off :~ivi~ a ~actor off sa~etl, off at least e~on~ to one. · ~i1 counter~mi~hts~ shsfi~,:~ ~ ..... ~,~-~ tl~e~-,-,,'_ secticns strongly bolte,~ together no open weights z~y be used. '~'he~: s~mll be placed in suitable ffrsmes tc prevent any section o~ same ffrcm ffalli;~ on car. ~'izor~ shall be no less than three feet off clearance bet~,veen the telt off counterweight and the ~der side of overhead beam when the car is resting, on the bUml:,ers. This does not apylf' to hand per/er elevators. Ail passenuer elevators kaving a speed of one hundred feet or less minute shall na~e four ~eet head room betv~ee:: tko tol~ of car and. Lectern of over- heado-~'~'~''~tmho~', and two fleet si:( inches ~it room at bottom landing. For eack a,fditiona. 1 one hundred ffaet or fra~ctional part in the car speed, there shall be an additional twelve inches added to thc overkead room and pit room just ~iven above. per minute shall be equipped with an emergency brake to slow the car dovaa in case of an accident. Supp ort s for over- head macnlLer~'. ~11 overhead machinery for passenger elevators shall rest on steel or reinforced concrete beams or girders properly anchored, same to be approved by the Inspector of Buildings. Size of Sheaves. ~11 drums or overhead sheaves on all types of elevators shall be of ample size to give a factor of safety of at least six; the diameter of these sheaves must be at lea~t forty times the diameter of the cable ru~nain~ over them. Gui de s. All passenger elevators ahall have steel guides properly bolted to each floor. Headroom ~11 power freigdat elevators shall h~;ve at least three feet head room and for frei elevators, two feet pit room. The o~3.ide posts of all frei~jat elevators shall be fastened with bolts with lock nuts. Rurmers to be bolted with lag screv~s and washers counter sunk. Inclosed on three sides. Wood screws vrill not be allowed. All freight elevators shall have the car inclosed on three sides, the height to be not less than five feet. Existing all freight elevators now in use or hereafter insta_-~led in old buildings fr e i ght elevators, must have the floor openings inclosed on three sides not less than five feet high placed at each landing, and have efficient self-closi~ gates. Non-fire- proof building. S~ction 17~: That all dumb-waiter shafts in non-fire-proof buildings can be inclosed with incombustible stud partitions or fireproof p~titions with Fireproof bui 1 d ing s. approved fireproof doors., in all fireproof buildings they shall be inclosed '~;~th fireproof partitions with approved fireproof doors. Fire- stopped. All dumb-waitershafts in non-fireproof buildings shall be firestopped at the bottom and top and equipped with standard elevator traps at each floor, unless arranged as defined above. '~,Vhen to be classed as freight elevators. Bumb-waiters that extend tnrou~an four or more storeis shall be dee?~ed frei:~Jat elevators, and shall be inclosed and equipped with doors and gates accord- ingly, except that they need not e~:tend to the roof or be provided with skylights or windows at the top. Doors Closed. In dumb-waiter shafts all openings must have doors which shall be kept closed at all times when not in actual use. Section 174: That where basement or sidewalk elevators are installed, it Guards. will be necessary to furnish a guard at the first floor or street level. If at the street level, the hatch doors, when open, must be prot, ected by a collapsing gate or bars. ',~hen the elevator is inside a building the open sides of the hatchway must be protected by at least a solid inclosure or a sliding inclosure at least three feet si'x inches hi~h, or gates o£ at least semi-automatic type at the loadir~.~3 sides, L[ISCLLL:~2~IEOUB REGb~ATIOKS P0k Powers of Inspector. 5ection 175: T.hat the building Ins!.ector may cause repairs to be made upon any elevator, or he .r~y close any unsafe elevator, and ?revent the use of the same until repairs are n~de ar~t the elevator placed in charge of a competent Penalty. Auto:uati c assenger Elevators. spa c ~ ty. hiding in fro i ght elevator Any failu-,-e upon the part of the proprietor of the premises to comply with any lawful order o£' the Building Inspector or his assistant in regard to any elevator shall subject the prol?rietor of said premises to a fine of from 310.00 to ~50.00, and each day that such elevator is o?erated after recei?t o!' such order shall constitute a separate offense. ~utomatic passer, er elevators can only be used in private residences or exclusively for l'~rivate use in other buildings. Passenger elevators si~.atl be limited to carry one person to each 400 square inches of floor. i~o one shall be allowed to ride on a freight elevator other titan the prohibited, o~erator and the l?erson !~andting the freight. I.~ ~king changes or alterations to elevator shafts, guide posts, overhead machine~7 or power, such work must be made to conform with the ?resent iav¢ and re gul at ions. Section 176: Tha. t the i'oundation walls fo~,- frame buildings shall be at Depth below sur- least fifteen inches below ~Jne established grade o~' sidewalk, or ii' the house is face o£ ground, not baci.' from the street, then at least fifteen inches below the grade of the lot, and shall go to solid ground. ~ootin~s. Ail foundation walls shall be provided with footings properly pro?ortioned to carry the superim!'~osed load on the soil where they are used. The foundation walls n~ay be made of brick or concrete. ~'~oundation walls el' brick or concrete shall be at least nine 191 inches ~,~ate rials. thick. Inside Walls. '~'hi clzne s s of joists. and studding. In frame dwellin~Ts the lower sides of sills and joists shall be not less tY~,n two feet above the grade of lot. ~'rame store buildings may be built on grade level, provided, the ground is excaw:tted 19 inches below joists, with ?re?er drainage and ventilation. Z'oundations in case of veneered frame houses, the foundations '~valls shall be at least for ~' eneered buildir~.g, twelve inches thick oi' brick or 10" of concrete up to eight feet in 2,,eight, thick- ness to be increased ¥ for each additional foot in height. Cellar dalls. Cellars under frame buildings sinll be inclosed by walls on all sides not less than 9 i_nmhes thick. inside walls of I~'ortland cement concrete may be eight inches in thickness ii' not over ten feet in height, if ?rovided with pro?er lateral supports of con- crete or brick. Ventilators shall be provided in foundations, one under each: outside wall ~'enti late rs. of each room. The construction of a frame buit~n~ may be made with a timber framing of posts, girts, plates or rafters. ~lls must not be loss than 4 x $ inches for one-story buildings, 6 x 10 inches for two story buildings. In either case the floor joists and the studding and rafters shall not be less than two inches thick. A 2 x 8 inch joist shall not be longer than 14 feet; a 2 x 10 inch joist shall not be longer t)~n 18 feet, spaced 17" centers; 2 × 6 more than 20 inches, plastered ceiling 16 inches. Otuds shall be set not more than 16-inch centers, llafters for pitch rood 2 x 4 inches, not to exceed 10 feet in length, s~j, aced not exceeding 16 inches on centers; 2 x 6 inches not to exceed 18 feet in length, and mpaced not to exceed 24 inches on centers and braced with at least one v~nd brace. Yailey rafters shall not be less than 2 x 8 inches and not lo~ger than 16 feet, except in special instances vd~ere they nmy be longer and shall be of doubled 2 x 10 inches. Notches ~loor beams ~d joists shall not be notched for pi!:es, except within two for ~'ipes. feet of ti~ end and not more than two inches in depth. ~nchored. ~11 veneering ~teriat shall be safely and efficiently anchored to the wood construction. ~ate~ial The character 03 materials required in the construction of frame buildings and c on- struction.and ~eir allowable stresses, the cellars, vaults, steps and ~eas of Buch buildings, ~ ~ all heati~ as'~licances their chimneys, flues, fireplaces, pipes, ducts and sL~f~s, shall conform to the requirements of this ordnance, except that it shall not be Cellar Ueilings necessary to use metal or yarc laths for the ceiling o~' cellars of ~y frame and stairs, building, and the cellar stairs in frame buil~s ~y be placed directly under main stairs, and no brick wall ~ali be necessary to inclose the same. ~acing. Section 177: Yhat no fran~ buit~ng, except a coal house or similar out houses in the rear of a lot and not used for residence purposes shall be built nearer than four feet to any o~er building, k'he sheds mentioned herein may extend the entire width of the lot. No wooden fence exceeding 6 feet high shall be erected in city limits, and no fence over 5 feet high,shall extend beyond the bui!din~ line in the residence districts. No wall of ma;~onry ised as a fence shall exceed 6 feet in he~-,t~o~__, o~en iron cresting n~y be placed on the toi~ of walls to increase the height v~en used as a fence, same to be well bolted to the wall. Section 178: That iff more than one buJ. l~ flor dweili~%~ purposes is built in the ~rection of the depth off a lot, then a conmodious street or avenue shall ffirst be const~cted to ?ass a!on~ and in ffront od' ~id dwellimf:s, at least thirty fleet wide to be l. ro?erly drained ar~ graded; t)rovided, that this section shall not a?ply to servant or o~e r houses which are appui~tenant to or go with the ~in bui!di~ on the ffront off the lot. ~eight. ~ection 179: ~l~t frame builli~s not over ~;o stories and an attic in ~aste'a~ nexgnt ~y be veneered with ' '- . brmc~., stone or terra cotta, such veneer work must be tied to frames by means o2 wall ties driven into the studding and the veneer must =ound~ti on walls. rest solidly on the ~ ~- ~ ' · ~0,~ w~~ bUi~i~G~. ~ivi~ion Section 150: nay whenever more than two fframe buildings are built in a walls off fireprooff row, the division walls se?arati~ the diffferm~t houses must be built of brick, material. concrete or other incombustible m~.:terial, ~d such walls must extend two fleet above the roof and must be ?ro?erly col:ed. fireproof construction, not more ti'-~an one story high and without a b~..c.~t. Oe Oection 20 for restrictions as to loc~tion. lreprool do or s ~ ,~indows. ~oncrete ~'loor s. ~11 doors and v;indows in m~.ch buildir~fs shall be a":~.~roved fireproof doors and ,,:~ind ow s. :£he floors of such buildings shall be of concrete, and shall drain on all sides to a concrete ga~tter :.f twice the capacity of the amount of liquids in said bui!di ug. Such buitiing si~!l be ventilated by means of air inlets six feet or more ~'enti!ation.above the floor, such inlets to be not less than ten inches square aha not more than 6 feet apart, and by means o~ ex~.au~t ~, and floor level of sufficient size to chanTe the air in the buildin:~ every tkree minutes Ouci: ventilation shall be in o:eration vt all times drying the use of the building. heating. ~,11 ~ ~ ~ , -~ ~ ne,~ti~' shall be done by hot ':;ater steam, i~o steam boiler d~,~mo, ~ace . motor or other power device shall be closer tLan ten i'eet to such buil.iin;~s, unless ~ mreproof dr.~ ~n~ -dooms. sera. rated by standard fireprooi' wall. Dryi~g rooms must be fireproof and must be from cleanir~ room by standard fireproof walls, and both washer and dry rooms to be equir!~od with an approved arrangement of steam jets at ceilir~' &u~d floor with lever valves outside. Only incandescent Ii :juts with vapor-proof ~lobes o ~ · ~n~ keyless sockets will ~ -~"t ; , be re,.:~ ted swingi~ lights to be protected ';~ith ',-;ire guards and all controlling devices to be :lac{ad subject to the approval of the ~ty m~ectrical Inspector and to confor:'.~ to tim National ",lec~rzcai Code. De finiti on el' ~ar~ge. ~ection 18£; :~t b~ the term a:~oe is me~n~ ~ buildi~ or that portion]~;~. of a buiidin~ ~,fnerein are ~.e~t ~.ree or more automobiles or motor cars charged vdth or containing. : a volatile inflam~ble li~uid, for fuel or _~'~ower, "here any portion of a buiidir~: is usei for a gara::e, the g~:aoe s~!l be deerl~ed to embrace - ' ?' ~ u~ st~na~,d fire v;alls aa! buzla~z.~ not separated from the garage }:re]er ..... '~ . o-:e ings in such walls shall be protected on both sides by a'!'proved automatic fire doors, constantly closed, except r;hen nccess.:rily tem~:orarily o].ened for :a~:sage. Defin:.tioni :y the term vo~le infla:mna'ble liquid" is meant any liquid that will of ~olatile Znflar~able emit inilamn~ie vapor at a temperature below 100 degrees Pahrenheit when tested in Liquid. the open air. No buildinj hereai'ter constructed in the Uity cf :to~noke v:ithin the fire limits shall be used for a garage or z'or repairing automobiles or gasoline prope!le{ vehicles unless the sa:e is of fireproof construction cr of brick construction. Garage s OV er one story to i°ireproof If of brick construction the vails shall be not less than 15 inches brick or con- crete when not over 12 feet high. If over 12 feet hi~n the walls shall be not less than 18 inches. No building exceedir: one story in height shall be used as a ~o ~ o~r~oe or f ~' repairin: automobiles or gasoline l ropelied vehicles :ithiN. the 6ity of ~teanoke, constructioh. ~ ' ss un~e such buildir~.:, be of fireproof construction, and no buildi:~; used for garage ! shall lmve a basenent except one of fireprooff construction. Said l:.ase:~nt shall ~ be used only for a boiler room for thc -cure, ese of heatiml the bul-dins and shall aoe~,,ent ~o~ not be used for ret:air she? purposes or stoz~.,.e o= ~ tomo~:~les Or for storable of heating pur~ ~ Foses only. any volatile ini'l~:~:m~bic liquid ~aid basemen~ ~ail not communicate with any Dart of the buiidi~u, all entrances to be from the outside. Concrete Floors. Locations. Rule s. !ianne r in which volatile infiar:~mabl Plui d silal b e h and- led. cut off by standard firewalls and all openings properly firestopped. No buildir~3 shall be used as a garage within the City of ~oanoke, unless the floor on which automobiles containing violatile inflammable liquid are stored shall be of concrete. The provisions of this section in regard to height of building~s and absence of basement shall not apply to buildings occupied for garage purposes ~t the time of the passage of this ordinance, but no lease shall be renewed for the occupancy of a building as a garage unless said building meets the requirements prescribed in this ordir~nce. No nm jot or minor garage shall be allowed or kept within any building used for a school, place of assembly or detention, or d'~velling, nor shall any major or minor fireproof garage be allowed or kept within one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any school, place of assembly, or detention, except as noted below. ';~or shall any school, plsce of assembly, place of detention or dwelling be built within one hundred and fifty feet (l~O') of any major garage unless said garage is fireproof. ~ny building erected or remodeled as a garage and occupied in part as an office building, manufacturing establishment, Warehouse, or store, shall have such~arts entirely cut off i'rom the portion used as a o~'"' .... .... ,~.~ by unpierced ~'ire- walls at least twelve (12) inches thick, and by fireproof floors, anf~ shall be provided with adequate means of exit independent of tkat used for tbs garage. all gasoline must be drawn from the tank by means of an approved suction pump or pumps, which shall have a shut valve with ground key on the nozzle and automatic check valve between the pump and the nozzle and approved foot valve in the bottom of tank. In no case shall there %e a return or waste ])il~e to the tar5:. No gasoline p~Lmps or taffies shsAl be placed within 30 feet of a fire hydrant. No stove, forge, torch, boiler, or other furnace and no flames, fire or fire heat, shall be used or allowed in the garage, buildi~3~s already occup~ied as ar~.~es ahall comply with the followi~c rules. t~o gas candles, oils er o~er like artificial '~ ~. , li~nts or lighted stove, ~,~ grate or other open f~me devices to be allowed in ~ar~c except in office; no electric switch or cutout of any kind shall be allowed within fifteen feet of any receptacle or receptacles containi~ any of tke oils or fluids mentioned in this article. ~ll electric dynamos ~d motors not actually ~:art of the automobile shall De located ncr less tkan for feet above the floor. ~ll incandescent li~~ shall be properly encased in vapor-ti.~Tht,globes,protected by a]proved wire guards; no arc lamps shall be ai!ov~ed !!o 'j:rcvisionc contained in ~_s section shall a!.~plY to boilers or furnaces used for neatmn5 purposes when same are installed in accord' ance with the re$~ire~3~ents hereinbefore men,cued. I~o volatile infla:~,~able fluid shall be ke]~t in vessels in a .~v~:~e and no volatile inflam~blc fluid shall be drav~n excerpt -~,~ ~ ~ .... o a?!:roved safety cans of ke [! a capacity not to ca, coed five gallons each, i~d then. only for the pur?ose of i~umediately fillin.~_, tanks of automobiles contaiied in a o~'~ra?e_ . ~3hen not iu_ use for the above pu~.oses said cans must be ~laccd and kept in room hereinafter provided. In lieu of the above safety can approved portable filling ta~2s, not to e~ceed fi~'ty gallons in capacity, nny be used for transvortin~· .... vol~3~tite infla3~3nable c~.~m~.5 tke automobiles J liquids to and from the storage t~%ks for filiin~ and '~' ~' · provided with a inzbber hose a~taoz~ment not to es:coed eiffilt £eet zn length, equiy!ed at the end with ~ shuto£f valve ',=ti_ ~roun& ke~,. "igkt s on vehicles ext ingui cd ~:.c fo re garage. -~-i! fire and li(<kts on s~'..ck vehicles, or under the boilers, thereof, shall be eztinjui.t~ed upon the entry of suck vehicles '-,~ ~ ' z~o t-u c~rage w~thin tez~ feat of the threshold, and shall not 'be lighted while the sa:no is in the s'ar~,~ze until the vehicle is brought withi~ ten ~'eet o1! the thresho!r'~ of tko e:<it. Movable *..ovaole incandescent lights in the care :e shall be protected gy va-!?or- incande s- ce~t i .... '~ ,~ ~o=oous i:~c~ooea a~proved metal ca/zes,~ and ~ 11 be flitted =ith keyless in garage to be sockets, ani all electric switches and ])iugs si:all be pernmnci'itly fixed at least ~.rotected. ffcur feet above the filter. ~lectric C~: ~.~I ~111b ay? aratu s to be sey- c.c£ ,c~ L,~CL .from gara~;e b~, fireproof wail. ~here electric chargir~~ '~ ...... , ~.p~-~z~tus is installed or placed in the garage ali. sr. ci! a!'!,aratus e~:cept the wires ieadin;3 to the automobile to be ch~rge~ shall be placed wig:in ~ separate room, seI ..... ~ud greta the :m~zn garage by girc~rooff walls, v/:~Jci~ shall not be infferrior in i'ireresisui:~3~ quaiitie~ to reinfforce& concrete con- str~ction four inches in thickness, i~o co::mmnic ...... j ~:..: o!.enin~y skaii exist between cbnrgi~ roo:'.: and :2ara:ge. 1~0 ~ ' " ' '~- .~ i~o ~:orsc?, sko2~l smoke in any ?ara~o. ~ .... smo-.zno ~ ~ -~ notice in la~.~ letters, notice to and at the e~tz'ance to all gara;~es. i,~o vo!~tiie inflamn~bie liquid shall be used in a garage ibr cieaninj or for any puzy, ose whatsoever oti:er than fiilin;j the ta~zs of autor~obi]_es, i~'o such liquid si:all be al. lowed to run upon the £1oor or to fall or pass into the drainage s~:atem of a garaue,' nor shall ~._~',~y such liquid be put into or re:uovad ~rom the ' '~ oazn~Ao, and no sue,, liquid of ct velzicie whiu. e any light or fire on the same is ..... ~.~ ' Sand to it, e -,-aint clued in. reoeT- tgcles. shall be kept or carried in open vessels in any garage. On tko floor o1' any gar.u, ce there sh~l be cotlstantiy ke'!t amd maintained ~ '~ '~' ,~1.., sa~,n to tc ua~ed in abso: o~n,. waste oils on the convenient ~ecel. t~c!es filled floor. in a.~d~tio~ thereto sane ~:all be keyt on every floor in boxes or buckets of al:,i'rc, vcd constructio::, ?rovidcd wit.k i.~md seco?s, to be used for fire extin- guis}tirl,~ purttoses only Where n~.tl l)c one attcii box or buci:et for each o 000 s~ ...... rc feet of floor are;, or fraction thereof; or in lieu of su" c.~. boxes or buckets, ti:cz'c: ~.,_.~ be maintained a cart on :.'&eels, fi].lci t~ith sand, in which case there si:all be one such cart for each 5,000 square feet of floor area or fractior~ ti:crc, of. ,-ri?roved.:.. uno a'm-..roved~ one-quart extinguisher si:all be .':rovided and cc.;:~cnie~_ui~.~'- - ' "' -~ q~i'~ ~- tingv, ishers located for each © .... · . ~,000 square feet of floor area or zra, cvicn thereof, but i::~ no event shall any ~7ar:..ce i~'~ve lass thom two of these extinguishers. lnfiam~:~aL !e a~ ~e Z-aterials Deposited in self- s i o si metal ca'ns, square fe, c,t of area or fraction thereof. 5e!f-closi~:r_. r..eual~ '~" cans, set fiz,~l~--,'~ ~? on four inch metni le~s, skatl be. keDt on all floors of everUo.,~'~'a:"e~_ ,_: into wkick all infla:':m]able wa~ste- · ma uezzal~-~-" shall be deposited; ........ an~i t~:ere ~mail be 0:~ic cu'.ak can for eaci: twenty-five ~-.-,',~.~,~.ed (2~,SOOi Carbide. o~dinance to be post- ed. Calcium carbi.le shall bc ~- ~* ~_e;u in a dry ~3lace -'t least six "---7,,~ . ~ ~ =z_C.~S above the floor i~ al?roved airtight containers, provided wit;~ securely ffastened covers. · wc ] ~ue.~ aeries of so much of this or~in~.ce as relates to gar:::g'es shall be ~.ept conspicuoustU ~osted on eac;~ floor of every ...... . =enalty for =~ny person, firm or corporation who ~.~1i violate any of ub, c provisions of shall be punished by a fine of not less thsm ten dollars nor not more than fifty dollars. Definition 51'Oi~GE ~..~,D HANDLING ~£ VOLATILE AlS ~'~'"~"~:~' ~v~:~v~'° of vol.- tile in- ~ection 183: '*'hat a volatile inflammable liquid is any liquid that will fla'.~mable liquid, emit an inflammable vapor at a temperature below 100 degrees anrerd~eit when tested in the open air. Volatile No I~erson, firm or corporation shall keep or ]?ermit to be kept for sale, infla~mable liquids use or for nmnufacturir~v or other business purposes vzithi~] the ~ity of ~oan~oke, any to be kept in stor- volazile inflammable liquid, except in approved storage tanks or cans, constructed, age tanks or cans. located or raintained in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. ~er,mit to be secured for the installa- tion of stora!te tanks or cans. i~o storage tanl-~ or can shall be placed, installed or maintained within the~ City of ~ioanoke until application to do so, v~[th plans and specifications showing full detail of location, construction and connection, has been filed and al?roved by the Duilding inspector. Upon the filing of s~ch applic~:tion for the installation of storage tanks, lnsi~e o - tion fee. the applicant shall pay the building Inspector the stipulated filing· and inspection fees. mocation of stor- age tanks.tor. The location of all storage tanks must be approved by the Building Inspec- Oonstruc- tion of storage ta~s. · ~11 storage tanks shall be constructed of steel and coated on the outside with tar or other rust-resisting material; a!i~ joints must be riveted and tightly caulked or soldered. '2he thickness ar~~ capacit~-~ of tanks shall not be less tb~.n the following standards. 5 gallons and not exceeding 65 g~'~,l,s. 65 gallons and not exceeding 249 250 560 16 gauge 12 gauge 3/16 inch. Zanks forl who! e sale stocks permit ted: under certain restric- tions. · ~.e use of storage tanks in excess of 560 gallons for wholesale stocks or manufacturing purroses is permitted when shid tarE:s are of api~.roved construction and installed in accordance ':~ith provisions of tkis ordinance, and when said tard:s are loo--:ted at least 15 feet from any building and are equi?ped with approved pumping devices. '~'anks to be ~1! tanks must be so buried that no part of tko top thereof' ~all be less buried and in- than 4 feet beneath the surface of the gro'~ld at the point where the tank is cased in~ concrete, installed; all such tanks must be completely cased and surrounded with 6-inch Z-ortl~d cement concrete, well tamped in place. ~i~ e con- nections ~ ~11 pipe co~ections with the ta~k ~1 be at the top thereof. at top. This ordnance si~ll not apply to storage tanks for wholesale stock in wholesale excess of ~60 gallons heretofore erected ~d now bei~ used for storage of any of ~ an~[ s exempted, said liquids. ~ent pipes ~ll storage tanks must be provided :~dth a vent pipe, which shall be made for stor- age tanks.with 1-inch or larger wroug~f~ iron or steel pi?e galvanized; it must have malleable Ouried iron fittir~s ~d screw joi~-~ts ~de with litharge and glycerin; it must be con- tanks to ba pro- nected wi th the top of the ta~:; it must be pro~ded at the top with screenir~ off vided v~i t ]~ fiilin~ ~0 mesh bra~:s wire with a gooseneck: att~cnmen , and it must be carried up to the pi?es. outer air, well braced in ~:osition on building wall not nearer t~n three feet to any wall o_re?~im~, or exteni two feet al;eve thc roof of all buildings witi~n a ~tl buried tarG:s must be provided '?dth a filling pile -"' "~ ~a~c,~. shall be made suric d tanks t o be ?ro- vided with offta]:e of ,~ inch or larger wzou~n~ iron or steel ~i?e o~..±~zed; tke~ must have near5 malleable iron fittin~[s and screw joints made with litn~age and glycerine, and no ..... il be pe~v:~itted, the fil_~in~ ?i)e shall Lo ', ro- ~l~.n~e connections o7,~ ~ - vised ~;~th a screen of 30-mesh bz~o' wire, ,~!~:~ced just below the fillin~ cool: or valve; the fiili~'A7 pi..e shoal be clo~:ed at intai:e by a i'iilir;:j cock or valve, the oF. enirs~ of which s~iall be closed by a screw-cap wl,.en not in use. ~'t~e filling ~ipe shall b~ connected witl', the top and extend down to ,~;]tkin 5 '-~,7~ +' m~.~c.~es of ~nc bottom of tl:e tail: Rnd provided with a cylindrical screeP, o .50-mesh brass wire soldered to tl;e fill pi?e a.qcl closed at the bottom, the same to extend to the bottom o-f the tank', the intake end of the fiilin~.'~ pi'~:e. ~'_all not be v~thin ~n~ ~ b~ll~n~.~ ~ -'~ ~ and be xe-ct locked ¢;ken n~,o in vise an- mutt be ~:rovided with an iron :'~ox and cove ~" ' ....... ~3 into or level v/irk ti~e co:.L.~u~n~j witk ;casoli~e ta~s snc~ run any b.:~ sement. Suricd ~,!! buried storage t~ks si'_ail bc provid~d with an offtake uipe, v~ick shall ~an~.s to be provided connect vzith ~'r. ~ . ~ toY: of the tar~~.~ shall be so located and ~,i~:~ced that no ¥.a. rt of with o i'f- +~' ~n~:n the ~om of the ~an~. i tsel-~'' the ~:.e pipesl the piv, e outsiAe of t},e tsmk shsll be lower ~'' ....... ~.a,~. o~=ta~..e pi!;e zi~ll be provided vzith ay-proved iouble fcot valve ;at the bottom 07? the tank and to w~e outlet o~_' thc o~t~...e i::it:e si:all be ,.~.i ti:at no ratter shall be ...... device, so construe tel to esca~-e_ from sad?.. /i~.e oz' pure! , ~_ae F~unp shall have a s.uut o~-~-z valve with Jrip pan pr ohibi ~ ~ t.a no case shall the rct~m~n drif pan be attached to ~n~,',','- pipe' l~.a~.~=nG^ ~'~' back to a stor~:iie %ar~:. in no case shall a drip '!:~n o£ an~/ ck, aracter bcv. sed in con- nection wil. h these devices. ~ur b line pum? s. '¥ oiul; '1 !e flui~ ~ ~ in qum~titie s of cue -~I1 pumps for oti'_er l:ur-,:oses, ti~'~n the retailin;x_ of o~ol:~:'~-'" '"~' ..... :nrc' a:.l'roved rccel:.t:.cies shail be of the al?roved curb line type. ilo.rerson, fi~,,_., or corporation, skali witl-it~ the city limit~:,~ of Noanoke, Vir;~i. aia, sell or deliver to ~n~. person, firm or cor~or:.ttion to v:kom the same io or less ~ sold or ~elzve:_z;~%, ::rare th.an one gallon oz' !e::;s of any vo!ati]e f!'aicz unless O an]'i c t bo sold uu-~ delivered into ~u2 ap'it:roved can or receptacle; and no r erson, firm 3r coz?oration loss ,iepo- szted in shall be permitted to ~ueiv for aonsum'ption, use or sale more than one Plallon under cans. this arra~m~ement; quantities in excess of one gallon ~:al! be l:eYt as hereinbefore pr ov ideal. l..aanin c of w c r d ~ lcr ove oxC vJOrd .~-'r'rFOVe OOOlll'S ill ~";- '~ .... ' ~,~ .... ' o+ood to moan al':'froved .... t~-,e builfd~p~. ins:cuter" ~'~r . - ~ - ~ -. ~ , ~.'~ s' ccificc~tions in each case to comply ',';it the ~ .... o*' * s~:_-..,~'~:.~ ~ of li:e l~ational =card of ='ire Underwricers' and to be and tested unier the sulerviszo:: of tko Underwriters'¢ ;'aboratorics and to c.~::rrj the l~.~bol o..f '-, ', ';',? ov al of these laboratories. lie yerson, firm or corporation shall within tire fire limits of the City ~ ~o:mo~;e ce -,;ormittod to store or xlaco v~tkin anu b~dz~ or on !rem~es loose torte,:.. {cotton ='actors' sample tables only exceyted~, loose n~¢,'':~*, loose ezceisior, or ~.'=~;y si:nil~,-~ .... zn~i~" '-'~n~:ble ~":torial,;.~ nor shall !~nj .'~:erson, firm or corporation %e /er~n~co to ,.ile, store or koe~2 kindlz~]s, emptL-boxes, or wood of sram! iix}onsions a~:inst .......... ~y l,~';~ :~z~Is v~tkin the limits ~r.:ed z.~'~ ........ this l~-~b~h.'"~'r" 130 such as hotels, churches, theaters, restaurants, railroad deFota', public halls and other buildir~s used or intended to be used for purposes of public assembly, amusement or instruction, and including department stores, and other business and manufacturing buildincs where large nu~nbers of people are congregated, the doors, stairways, seats, passageways and aisles and all heati~l appliances and apparatus shall be arranged as provided in this Oode to facilitate egress in cases of fire or accident, and to afford the requisite and proper accommodation for the public protection in such cases. ~'~isle and passa~e- ways to be keyt open. Section 185: nay all aisles and passageways in said buildings shall be kept free £rom c~mp stools, chairs, sofas and other obstructions, and no i~erson other than an employee, ~uil~i~7 Inspector, or fireman shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of said aisles or passageways during any ioerformances, service, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball or any public assemblage. Oection 186: wlmt the ~uiidi~ Inspector may at any time serve a written or printed notice upon the turner, le'ssee or manager of any of said build- i~s, directing an} act or thing to be done or provided in or about the said Inspec- tors ~ene ra 1 ~ owe r. buildir~gs and the several aypliances therewith connected such as halls, doors, , ,~n~ fire e~capes, as he stairs, windows seats, aisles, fire walls, fire apparatus ~' ' may deem necessary for the safety of the occupants or the~ public. ~rovided that The Chief the Chief of the Pire Department shall also kayo the right and duty of enforcing of ~'ire Dep art- ment shall have t~he ri ght and duty to e~iforce ."ire aule s. houses, play houses, pavilions or any assembly hall having a permanent stage upon St.age wi th scenery which scenery or theatrical apparatus is employed, or having fly galleries or and rig- ~ no riggi~o~ lofts loft. such rules and reactivations regardir~ fire.prevcntion, fire protection and safety for the public as may be necessary to properly care for the public. I~_~,',:'~o ,;IT!{ STAGE. Section 187:, "'hat under this heading, is incluaed all theaters, opera Loc at ion o f the staff. Section 188. naz every mzch buii~ng shall have at least one front on a street, or on a public way, which public way shall not be less than thirty-six feet in width, and in such front there shall be suitable means of entrance and exit for the audience. The stase s~.ll be at the end of the .building opposite to the main e nt ranc e. ;'~iD2'il o_.,' !.liliI CONi'{IDON. Section 189. ..~t the width of this main entrance or corridor ~ ading from the street or public way to the r. min auditorium shall be not less at any point than fifteen feet. a±cu±azed The width om the main entrance or corridor shall be estinmted Sn a basis on basis of seat- of not less than twenty (20~ inches for each. one hundred r, ersons for whom seats ina capa- city. are provided, and who may gain access to the corridor as a means of entrunce or exit. ~a! cony included. The m~in corridor may serve as a common place or entrance and exit for the main floor of the auditorium and the balcony or first galleons, provided its -~ ·-~.~ ~ city of the outlets from said main floor and capacit~ be equal to the ao~reoate ca?a balcony or gallery as provided ~br above in this section. 131 i.~chcs for each one hundred (100) persons served by such entra~ces or exits. Inside stairways from bal-~ cony to street. In case the balcony, er first gallery, in addition to the stairway or stairways connecting it with the main auditorium floor or main corridor has an in- side stairway or stairways leading direct to the street or public way, then the capacity of this stairway may be taken into consideration in determining the width of the main corridor above the minimum ~dth of fifteen (15) feet herein provided for. GRADIENTS. Section 190: ~hat the level of all corridors, open spaces and exits shall Sidewalk Levels. be not more than one foot above the level of the sidewalk when they begin at the street or alley or outer public way, but this shall not preclude the use of steps at the entrances to the sides or rear of the building as may be necessary to over- come the difference in grade o~ Sidewalks. Gradients 1 to 10. To overcome slight differences of levels in and between any open space on the side of such theater or in and between any corridors, lobbies, passageways or aisles on the ground floor, gradients shall be employed of not myer one foot to ten feet with no perpendicular rises. SIDE COURTS. Section 191: ~hat in addition to the main entrance or exit, there shall be Open courts.an open court or space not less than 8 feet wide on the side not bordering on a street or public way, when the said building is located on a corner lot and on both sides of said building, v~en there is but one frontage on the str¢~et. Width. Courts with out do or s and without turns. The width of these open mourts shall be proportional to the seating capa- city of theater, and the general arrangen~nt of the exits for speedily emptying the building. There shall be no doors or gates in these side courts or alleys, which side courts or alleys shall lead direct to a street or public way without a turn. COURTS AND CORRIDORS FIREPROOF. ~ireproof. Section 192: ~hat all courts and corridors shall be entirely fireproof and shall be used for no other purpose than for entrance and exit to and from the theaters and stage. E~ERGENCY EXITS. Two exits Section 193: ~hat from the auditorium opening into the open courts of t he on each si de in each side street or public way, there,,shall be not less than two exits on each side tier. in each tier from and including the ground floor and each and every gallery. Width. Each exit shall be at least fiwe feet wide in the clear and provided ~ith fire doors constructed as provided in this 9ode. Doors to open out- wardly. All of said doers shall open outwardly and shall be arranged to open by a slight pressure from the inside without the unfastening of bolts or latches . Width of Balconies. Stai rs. There shall be balconies not less than four feet in width in said open ~ · courts at each level or tier above the ground floor of sufficient length to embrace the two exits, and from said balconies there shall be stairways extending to the ground level with a rise of not more than eight inches to a step, and not less than ten inches tread, exclusive of nosing. ~ireproof. All stairs and balconies shall be constructed of fireproof material. Circular ~ No circular winding stairs for the use of the public shall be permitted, stairs ~ prohibited.!either inside or outside of the building. - 1I Ti- Number of tiers, above the main floor of the auditorium. Separate place s for en- trance and exit for gal- leries. Width of passage- way. Stairs measured in the clear. Risers and Treads. ~ireproef. Distinct a~i separate places of entrance and exit shall be provided for each gallery above the balcony or first gallery by means ef inside stairways leading to the street or other public way and not through the .main auditorium or balcony. No passageway leading to any stairway communicating with an exit {not in- cluding fire escape exits) shall be less than four feet in width. The width of all stairs shall be measured in the clear between hand rails. RISERS AND TREASS. SEction 195: That in no case shall the risers of any inside stairway exceed seven and one-half {?~) inches in heights, nor shall the treads exclusive of nosings be less than ten and one-half {lO~) inches in wi'dth in straight stairs. All stairs within the building shall be constructed of fireproof material Not to lead to cellar. throughout. Stairs from balcony or galleries shall not communicate with the basement or cellar. Stair landings. No door shall open immediately upon a flight of stairs, but in all cases a landing at least the width of the door shall be provided. Open out- wardly. All ~oors shall open outwardly as hereinbefore provided in the case emergency exits. Uniform All stairs shall have treads of ~uniform width and risers of uniform treads and Risers.height throughout in each flight. WIDTH 0F INSIDE STAIRWAYS. Width of Stairs. Section 196: feet in width. 2hat no stairways from galleries shall be less than four When accommodation is provided for one hundred or more people, there shall When mo re than one be at least two stairs extend,lng to the ground arranged en opposite sides of s tai rway is requi~- gallery and for every additional seventy-five people or fraction thereof in excess ed. of the first one hundred to be accommodated,six inches shall be added te the width of the stairs divided between the two flights. Where the seating capacity of the galleries is for more ~han one thousand (1,000) people, one or more additional staircases shall be provided. STAIR LANDING IN THEATERS. Width of landings Outer line curved. No win- dows. When two~ stairways join. Section 197: 2hat when straight stairs return direct on themselves a landing of the full width of both flights without any steps shall be provided. The outer landings shall be curved to a radius of not ~ ss than two feet to avoid square angles. Stairs turning at an angle shall have a landing,without windows intro- dmced at said turn. In stairs where two side flights connect with one main i~ight, no windows shall be introduced, and the width of the main flight shall be at least ~equal to the aggregate width of the aide flights. HAND RAILS. ~ Location of hand rails. Section 198: That all inclosed staircases shall have en both sides strong hand rails firmly secured to the wall about three inches distant therefrom and about three feet above the stairs, but. said hand rails shall not run on level All staircases eight feet and over in width shall be provided with a ten- Center rails. ter hand rail of metal not less than two inches in ~iameter placed at a height of about three feet above the center of the treads and supported on wrought metal or brass standar~Ls of sufficient strength spaced not nearer than four feet nor~ more than six feet, securely bolted to the treads and risers of stairs, or both, ,and at the head of each flight of stairs, or landing, the post or standard shall be at least six feet in height, to which the rail shall be secured. PROSCENIUIf WALLS. Wi dth and height of pro scenium wall. Section 199: That a fire wall of brick or its equivalent not less than 18 inChes in any portion of same shall separate the auditorium from the stage and the same shall extend at least four feet above the stage roof or auditorium roof, if the latter be the the higher, and shall be coped. Girder ever Ope ni~. Above the proscenium opening there shall be a steel girder of sufficient strength to safely support the load above and the same shall be covered with fire- proof material not less than four inches in thickness. Orchestra Should there be constructed an orchestra over the stage above the proscen- on Audi- torium side.ium opening the said orchestra shall be placed on the auditorium side of the pros- cenium fire Wall, and shall be entered only from the auditorium side of said walls. ~rame at The molded frame around the proscenium opening shall be formed entirely of proscen- ium opening.fireproof materials; of metal be used, the metal shall be filled in solid with non-! combustible material and securely anchored to the wall with iron. OUHTAI N. Material for curtain. Construc- tion of frame. Section 200: That the proscenium opening shall be provided with a fire- proof metal curtain overlapping the proscenium wall at each side within iron grooves or channels to a depth of not less than two feet; said grooves or channels to be securely bolted to the wall and extend to a height of not less than three How hung. feet above the toP of the curtain when raised to its full limit. Said curtain to be suspended or hung by steel cables passing over wrought iron or steel sheaves supported by wrought iron bracke~s ef sufficient strength and well braced; the brackets to be securely attached to the proscenium wall by through bolts with nuts and washers on the opposite side of the walls. Exi sting curtains may be repaired. This ordinance relating to theater curtains is not retroactive, and the repair of existing curtains will be permitted providing the necessary expense of the repair does not exceed 25 per cent of the sound value of the curtain. Haising and low- ering curtal, ns. Check ropes. Said fireproof curtain and present asbestos curtains shall be raised at the commencement of each performance, lowered between each act, and lowered at the close of said performance, and be operated by approved devices. The excess weight of the curtain is to be overcome by a check rope of cotton or hemp, extending to the floor on both sides of the stage so that the cutting or burning of ~mhich will release the curtain the same will then deecen~ at its normal rate of speed. Distant from ~oot- lights. 'i'he proscenium curtain shall be placed atl the nearest point at~ least two feet distant from the footlights. Doorways in proscenium walls. No doorway or opening through the proscenium wall from the auditorium shall be allowed above the level of the first floor and such first flcor openirj~s shall have self-closing standard fire doors at each side of the wall; and openings, if 134 of the wall, and all of the said doors shall be hung so as to be opened from either side of the wall at all times. SKYLIGHTS. Area or skylight o~er stage. Section 201: That there shall be provided over the stage metal skylights of an area or combined area of at least om-tenth of the area of. the stage, fitted with rolling sash and glazed with glass not exceeding one-eights of au inch thick, Size and Thickness and each pane thereof measuring not less than three hundred square inches. of glass. The rolling sash shall be fitted with brass wheels not less than two and Sash. one-half inches in diameter and the latter shall roll on metal tracks extending the entire length of the sash. The portion of the track extending from the edges the curb of the skylight to the end of the incline may be made of iron. Tracks. These skylights shall be set on curbs so that the lowest portion of the tracks upon which they slide shall be not less than twelve inches above the roof. To open The whole of which skylight shall be so constructed as to open instantly by fusi- ble links.by fusible links, or some other equally simple approve~ automatic device for Other standard skylight construc- tion may be permit- ted. opening them may be provided. But an~j standard skylight constructed according to Underwriters' requirements may be approved provided plans and specifications are submitted to and approved by the Building Inspector. Immediately underneath the Saass of said skylights there shall.be wire netting, but,wire glass shall not be used in lieu of this requirement, V0ntila- tors over stage. VF~T I LA T~R. Section 202: That in lieu of the skylights covered with glass ~provided for in Section 201: ventilators may be used, constructed as follows: Construc- tion of ventila- tors. Area. There shall be one or more ventilators constructed of metal or other in- combustible material near the center above the highest part of the stage in every theater. This ventilator shall extend at least fifteen feet over all above the stage roof, and shall have a combined area ef at least one-tenth of ~he area within the stage walls. Dampers ~he opening in every stage ventilator shall be closed by one or more to open automati- dampers so cot~nterbalanced as to open automatio&lly, and to be held closed by a cally. hempen cord. in w~ich shall be inserted a fusible link at such a.point as to be near the bottom of the ventilator. Such cord or cords operating said dampers shall be run to stage floor and to be fastened at a point near it and shall be designated Tested from time to time. with a sign to read, "Release in case of ~ire". it is imperative that said automatic dampers and their counterbalancer be tested from time to time and kept in perfect working order, ac as to insure an au- tomatic release at all times. STAGE. Section 20~ ~hat all that portion of the stage not comprised in the Stage F~oor. working of scenery, traps and other mechanical apparatus, for the presentation of a scene usually equal to ~he width of the proscenium opening, shall be built of fireproof construction or iron or steel beams, filled in between with fireproof material, and all girders for the support of said beams shall be of wrought iron or rolled steel. · ly gal- leries and tie The fly galleries and tie galleries entire, including pin rails, shall be constructed of iron or steel, and the ~loors of said galleries shall be composed of proof. ~ Girdiron ~loors. The girdiron or rigging loft shall h~ve a lattice iron floor, and be readily accessible by iron stairways. ~IREPR00PING. Stage secenery. Section 204: ~hat all stage scenery, curtains and decorations made of combustible material, snd all woodwork on or about the stage, shall be painted with approved fire-retarding paint or saturated with some non-combustible m~terial. Roofs, ~loors and galleries fireproof. The roof over the auditorium and the entire main floor of the auditorium and 'vestibule, also the entire superstructure over the entrance, lobby and corri- dors and all galleries and supports for the same in the auditorium shall be of approved fireproof construction, not excluding the use of wood floor boards and necessary sleepers to fasten the same to, but such sleepers shall not mean the timbers of support, and the space between the sleepers, excepting the portion under the stepping in the galleries, which shall be properly fire-stopped shall be solidly filled with incombustible material up to the underside of the floor boards. The fronts of each gallery shall be entirely formed of fireproof materials, excepting the capping, which may be made of wood. Ceiling under galleries. ~he ceiling under each gallery shall be entirely formed of fireproof materials. Ceiling of Audi t o rium. Partitions and fur- rings to be fire- proof. The ceiling of the auditorium shall be formed of fireproof materials. The partitions in that portion of the building ~ich contains the auditorium, the entrance and vestibule, and every room and passage devoted to the use of the audience, shall be constructed of fireproof materials, including ~he furring of outside or other walls. Metal Laths. All lathing, whenever usedt shall be of wire or other metal on metal studding. Wood pro- hibited. None of the walls or ceilings shall be covered with wood sheathing, wood wainscoting or any combustible material. But this shall not preclude the construction of a wood sounding board over orchestra pit, when the ~same extends back of and below the overhand of t he stage, Sounding Board. provided the said wood sheathing be properly fire-stopped by a twelve-inch brick wall back of same, and also have a proper fireproof construction directly under the overhang of the stage extending from the brick wall to the apron of the stage. D~SSING ROOMS. Actor's Room. Section 20~: That all walls, floors and ceilings inclosing or dividing dressing rooms shall be fireproof. Fireproofed. All stairways, passages and doors from dressing rooms to stage, or from dressing rooms to exits, shall be fireproof. Where Loczted. Dressing rooms may ~be placed in the rear or at either side or under the stage, provided that thorough ventilation is secured for sai~ rooms and provided further-that proper exits lead to public way. Shelving. All shelving and cupboards in each and every dressing room, property room or other storage rooms shall be constructed of metal, Slate or some fireproof material. Windows. Section 206: That none of the windows in the outside walls shall have fixed sashes, fixed iron grills or bars; these may be arranged to hinge and lock, 136 Seats in AuditoriUm. Stool or seats in aisles. SEATS AND AISLES. Section 20?: That all seats in the auditorium excepting those contained in boxes shall be not less than thirty-two inches ~ZY) from back to back, measured in a horizontal direction and firmly secured to the floor. No seat in the audi- torium shall have mere than six seats intervening between it and an aisle on either side. No stool or seat shall be placed in an aisle or in the rear. Platform All platforms in galleries formed to receive the seats shall be not more in ~alle~y. than twenty-four inches in height of riser, nor less than thirty inches in width ef platform. All aisles on the respective floors in the auditorium having seats on both sides of same shall be not less ~han three feet wide where they begin and Widths of Aisle . shall be increased in width toward the exits in the ratio of one and one-half inches to five running feet. Aisles having seats on one side only shall be not less than two feet six inches wide at the beginning and increased in width the same as aisles having seats on both sides. FOYER~. S~ection 208: That the aggregate capacity of the foyers, lobbies, cerri- CapacityI tiers, passages and rooms for the use of the audience, not including aisle space of lobbies etc. for~! between seats, shall en each floor er gallery be sufficient to contain the entire use of Audience. number to be accommodated on said fllor or gallery in the ration of one hundred and fifty (1501 superficial feet of floor room for every one hundred (100) persons~ HEATING Section 209: That steam boilers may be located outside of.the buildings either under the sidewalk or in an extension, or within any portion, of the building, provided that same are placed in a fireproof room one side of which opens on an open court or public thoroughfare, the space alleted to the same shall be enclosed by walls of brick or concrete at least 12 inches thick on all sides, and the ceiling of such space shall be constructed of fireproof materials, Each doorway in said walls connaeting with the building shall have an automatic fire door. No floor register for heating, ventilating or other purpose shall be permitted in aisles,~ corridors or passageways· All blowers used to circulate air through heating or ventilating pipes with openings to the auditorium shall be provided with a device to stop the blower l automatically in case of fire. The device for this purpose shall be located rmar the blower, both inside and outside the pipe leading to ~penings in the auditorium, No coil, raAiator or pipe shall be placed so as to obstruct any aisle or passageway. Any exposed radiator or coil shall be guarded. Buildings used for theatrical purposes, and the space allotted to the same shall be inclosed by walls of masonry on all sides, and the ceiling of such ~'ire Doors· space shall be ebnstructed of fireproof materials. All doorways in waid walls, ~ connecting with the building shall have standard automatic sliding fire doors. Hadiators~ No coil or radiator shall be placed in any aisle or passageway used as to be placed in an exit and thereby reduce the san~ to less than the width required by this Code, recesses. but all said coils aud radiators shall be placed in recesses formed in wall or partition to receive same. All supply, return or exhaust pipes shall be properly incased ~ere Pipe s to STANDPIPE S . Size and location of stand- pipes. Section 210: That standpipes of not less than four inches in diameter shall be provided, same to be supplied by a main not less than six inches in diam- eter to be connected to the street main and extended to the inside of the pro- scenium wall under the stage where suitable fitting must be installed to allov~ a Hose con- necti on. four-inch lead to each side of building for standpipe service. All standpipes to be free of obstruction; said standpipes to be supplied with hose connections, as follows: One on each side of auditorium in each tier. One on each side of the stage in each tier. One within twenty feet of the door of the carpenter shop and scenery storage room. Water Standpipes shall receive their supply of water from the city mains, and in Supplie s. addition to this requirement a "Siamese" inlet connection with two and one-half inch Siame se connections.female hose connections for steamer supply shall be placed on outside of building Location approved by Chief of ~ire Det~artment. Gate Valves. in a oo~veninet place; said location to be approved by the Chief of the ~ire Departi- ment; said hose connections to have the thread used by the Roanoke Pire Department. Pipes shall be fitted with approved straightway composition gate valves at hose outlets and the thread of all connections shall be uniform with that in use by the local ~ire Department. Spanne r. One spanner to be located at each hose connection. Pipes to be kept filled. ~ipes shall be kept contantly filled with water under pressure and be ready for immediate use at all times. A sufficient quantity of approved linen, cotton rubber lined or rubber Length and size of hose. hose not less~ than two and one-half inches in diameter, in fifty foot lengths, but not less tb~n fifty feet in total length, shall be kept attached to each hose donnection with approved rack. Hose shall be fitted with washers and equipped with couplings and nozzles. Section 211: ~hat a system of automatic sprinklers shall be installed Automatic Sprinklers. Location. independent ~hroughout the entire stage section of the theater, located in the rear of the proscenium wall, this to include the under roof, under gridiron, under galleries, under stage, in all dressing rooms, in all workshops, property and all other =corns Water supplyand passageways. There shall be an independent water supply to the sprinklers, which may con- sist of gravity tank of not less than ten thousand (10,000) gallons capacity, and elevated not less than 2~ feet above the highest sprinkler. Water casks There shall be kept in readiness for immediate use one approved chemical and buckets. fire extinguisher under the stage on each fly gallery, and in property and other store rooms and in each work shop. There shall also be provided six approved chemical fire extinguishers, at Chemical least four axes, two twenty feet hooks, two fifteen feet hooks, and two ten feet fire Ex- tinguishers.hooks, on the stage, and such other appliances as may be required for fire protection. LIGHTS. Lights in Buildings and courts. Section 212: That every portion of the building devoted to the use of or accommodation of the public, also all outlets leading to the streets and in- cluding the open courts and corridors, shall be well and properly lighted during every.performance and same shall ~emain lighted until the e~t~w~ ~??~~ ~o 138 Lights over Exit s. 2here shall be one light within a red lantern burning sperm oil, placed over each ~xit opening on the audience side of the wall. .Every exit shall have over the same on the inside the word "EXIT" in legible letters net less than eight inches high. Diagram. A diagram er plan of each tier, gallery or floor, showing distinctly the exits therefrom, each occupying a space net less than twenty' (20) square inches, shall be printed in black lines in a legible manner on the program ef the performance. HALLS WITHOUT FLY GALLERY OR RIGGING LOP2. Halls wi~h small stage. Section 2155 That halls, ~lubs or assembly rooms having stage with no basement under same and having no scenery, theatrical appliances, fly galleries or rigging lefts, but simply a stage to be used for concerts and like forms of Fireproof secenery.I Stand pipes noR required.i Chemical exting- uishers required. Arrange- ment of Aisles and seat~. Halls located 50 ft. above sidewalk. No seener amusement, will not be required to have solid masonry proscenium walls as required for theaters of the first class described in this Code, but all partitions shall be of metal lath, steel stud and plaster or other fireproof construction. All curtains used in such buildings shall be fireproofed. Standpipes and other fire appliances, such as are required for theaters with proscenium wall, fly gallery and rigging loft, will not be required, but each such building shall be equipped with at least three approved chemical fire extin- guishers and such other fire-fighting apparatus as may be necessary to safeguard the building. The arrangement of exits, aisles and seats shall be the same as prescribed for theaters of the first class of like seating capacity, except that halls having no balcony or gallery and seating less than' ~§0 person, ~may have only two side exits in addition to the main entrance, these side exits to be not less than f£ve feet in width. Except for the attandants necessary for the operation of the theater no more persons shall be admitted than the stationary seating capacity of the theater can accommodate. HALLS ABOVE SIDEWA~ LEVEL. Section El~: ~hat no public hall or assembly hall seating more than ~0 people shall be located more than thirty feet above the sidewalk, unless such room is in a fireproof building made fireproof throughout, and connected with the street by fireproof stairways of such width as is ~elsewhere provided in this Cede. Such hall may have a stage, but no movable scenery. Baseball stands and all other forms of outdoor places of amusement shall conform to all the requirements of this Code for public halls, as to aisles, stair- ways, arrangement of seats, and all the construction Qf such stands shall be subject to the requirements of this Code· MOVING PICTURE THEATERS OR RO0~S. · FIL~ EXCHANGES. Section BlB: ~hat every theater or room hereinafter erected to be used for the purpose of displaying moving pictures shall be on the ground floor of the building in'which it is located and shall front on a public way. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector and the Chief of the ~ire Department, together with the Electrical Inspector , upon the passage of this ordinance, to make a thorough inspection of all existing Theaters, moving picture houses or other places of public amusement in the City of Roanoke, Va., and ascer- tain the condition.of the same, and report in writing to the Council such findings, Moving picture theaters to be on ground floor. The owners or lesses of such places of amusement shall then make such alterations and additions as may be deemed necessary by the City Council to render their premises safe for public gatherings, and as nearly as possible, under the existing conditions, to conform to the rest of this ordinance as applied to new buildings. To be isolated. Fireproof c our t. In no case shall there be a means of connection from said room to any other room, nor shall any other business be operated or conducted in such room. If the building is not on a corner there shall be a fireproof passageway or court Exits to on one side not less than eight feet in width and there shall be at least two exits court. on the side leading to the court or passageway each not less than five feet in Fireproof Door' swing- width. The doors ~on the same shall be approved fireproof doors swinging outwardly ing out- wardly, and be kept unlocked and unbolted while ~the building is open to the public. never locked. The floor of the court or passageway shall be at the same level as the ~loor to be auditorium or room. level wi th auditorium In addition to the side exits there shall be two rear exits and two ,front floor. exits of same width as side exits. Brick or Concrete Walls. Floor to be fire- proof. Exits to be unob- structed. Width of Aisle~. Arrange- ment of seating. Seats to be fasten- ed/ Approved extinguish. The walls of the building shall be of concrete or brick not less than twelve (12") inches thick ~nd properly parapeted. No room shall be used for the display of moving pictures in a frame building. The entire floor of the auditorium, foyer and exits to the ~streets shall be constructed of fireproof material throughout. The side and rear exits shall open directly into the street, alleyway or court, be free from any obstruction and with direct access therefrom to public way.! Aisles shall be not less than three feet in width,' All seats s~hall be not less than thirty-two (32") inches from back to back and not less than twenty (20") inches in width from center to center of arms. Seats must be firmly fastened to floor, no camp chair or stool or other moveable seat shall be used in such rooms, and no person other than an employee, Building Inspector, or policeman or fireman shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of said aisles or passageways during anyl performance, exhibition, service or lecture. In every moving picture show or room where moving pictures are displayed ers requiredthere shall be placed not less than three approved chemical fire extinguishers, one Exits, oil lanterns re quit e d. in the operation booth, one ne~.~r the rear and or~e ~car the front or main entrance, the remainder,if any, distributed throughout the auditorium. One red light in a lantern burning sperm oil shall be placed over each exit Height of letters on markers. No habita- tional occupancy above. Location of Booth. opening on the audience side of the wall. Every exit shall have over the same the word "EXIT" of legible letters not less than eight inches tall. The exit lights sh~ll burn continuously during the time the auditorium is open to the public and until the time it is emptied. No hotel, rooming house or sleeping rooms shall be over any building used for a mo~ing picture theater unless the building be fireproof. ~oving picture theaters having a seating capacity of more than Z~0 people shall conform to all the requirements of this Code for theaters with stage and shal~ be fireproof throughout. The booth of all moving picture theaters or shows shall be located in the rear. of the building a~d must be built of reinforced concrete or hollow tile not 140 Size of Booth. Size of Doorw. of Pireproof If only one machine is used the booth shall be not less ~han seven feet by six feet by seven feet. If for two machines it shall be not less than nine by eight by seven. Por each additional machine three feet in length are to be added. The doors of the booth shall be no larger than two feet by five feet. Construo- They shall be of approved fireproof construction and be closed automatically. tion. - The projectory epenings shall be no larger than twelve (12") inches by Size of Openings; twelve (12") inches and be provided with gravity doors constructed of fireproof Hos pro- tected. materials with fine cord so arranged that normally one of the links is suspended directly over film when in the slides of the apparatus, or arranged so as to be She lye s. Ventila- tion. Exhaust Pan. normally closed and held open by pressure of the operator's foot. All shelves used in the booth shall be of metal. The booth shall have an opening for ventilation, which opening shall be flanged to carry a standard conductor pipe for exhausting the hot air generated in operating the machine. An exhaust fan shall be placed at the outer end of the oon&uctor pipe, unless connection is made with a chimney. ~he ~oo~.h my also have an automatic pivoted wire glass metal frame window for ventilation, size of window not to exceed two (2') feet square. Rewinding Every moving picture theater shall have a rewinding booth, which shall be Booth. .~ built of the same materials as the eperating booth. If built in connection with To be cut off. the o?erating booth it shall be cut off from same by a fireproof wall with no Size. openings in same. Entrance to be from back or other side. The size of the room s Metal i shall be not less than four feet by six feet by seven feet. All shelves in same furniture. ~ shall be of metal. Ventilation rules same as for operating booths. Mac hines .. All machines must have the approval of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., and must be kept in good working condition at all times. Arc lamps used as a part of a moving..picture machine must be constructed, Arc Lamp~.so far as practicable similar to arc lam.~:s of theaters, and wiring to same must not~ i be of less capacity than No. ~ B & G gauge. ~heostat~. Rheostats, transforming devices or any substitute therefor must be of Must be approve d., Magazine to be of approve d type. No solder! ussd. Door. latch. Automat i c shutters required. Emtra Pilms. Machine OperationI. Special per~it formotor. driven types expressly designed and approved for the purpose. Their installation and location must be subject to approval as parts of the moving picture machine. The top and bottom reels must be inclosed in steel boxes or magazines, each with an opening of approved construction at bottom or top, so arranged as not 'to permit entrance of flame to magazine. No solder shall be used in the construc- tion of these magazines. The front side of each magazine must consist of a door spring-hinged and swinging.horizontally, and be provided with a substantial latch. Automatic shutters must be provided and so constructed as to shield the film-from the beam of light whenever the film is not running at operating spl~ed. Shutter must be permanently attached to the gate frame. Extra films mu&~t be kept in individual metal boxes equipped with tight- fitting covers and not more than one extra film may be kept in the operating booth, the reserve to be kept in the re~inding room. The machine operation shall be of an approved type. If driven by a motor it shall be of a type expressly desgined and approved for such Operations, and when so approved, motor driven m~chines, when in charge of a skilled operator, may be authorized under special permission in writing given in advance. Extra films to be kept in rewind- ing both and not more th~n two feet of films in operation and not more than two feet of in approv- ed ma~azine.film shall be exposed in the rewinding beth. The electric wiring shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Wiring of Booth and Code and the city electrical ordinances. All wire employed within the booth for machines. whatever purpose must have an approved slow-burning insulation and secured in place entirely on insulating supports. No portable cord will be permitted within the booth, unless the same is pertinent to a proper connection to the machine it- self and shall be a reinforced slow-burning cord. It shall be unlawful for any per~en to operate a motion picture machine License to operate, without first obtaining a license to do so, and it shall also be unlawful for any proprietor or manager of any moving picture show or theater to employ an unlicensed operator. The certificate of the operator of the motion picture machine shall be prominently displayed in the booth er compartment where the motion picture machine shall be operated, and shall be at all times subject to inspection of the City Police. A beard of examiners im hereby appointed to consist of the Building Inspec- tor, the Chief of the ~ire Department and the City Electrical Inspector, who shall hold their offioes as such examiners at the will and pleasure of the City ~anager. Examining. Said Council shall examine all applicants for license within five daym after appli-! cation for such examination is made, and shall, if the applicant is found qualified~ furnish him with a certificate showing his examination and qualification. Upon presentation of this certificate, duly signed by a majority of the examiners, together with the proper fees to the aity ~lerk, the said Clerk will issue a license to the applicant te operate a motion picture machine. Said license shall be good for one year, but may be renewed without further examination by surrender- Fee for License. lng s~me to the City Clerk and paying a fee for the renewal, provided said appli- cation shall be made within one year of the expiration of said license, and if made after one year a new examination shall be required before a license shall be issued. The fee for issuance of each license shall be three dollars per annum, said fee to be paid to the City Clerk upon the issuance of said license. The fee for each examination shall be five dollars, which shall be deposited with the chairman of the Board of Ex~miners prior to the examination, and ~hall be paid into the City Treasury as required by ordinance. Each al~plicant shall state in his ap- plication his age, previous experience, his last place of employment, and whether he has ever had any fires while operating a motion picture machine. No person shall be given license to operate a motion picture machine who Age limit, is not 18 years of age or over. Special permit nay be issued by the board to apprentices who desire to learn to operate motion picture machines. Said appren- Apprentices.tices must be 18 years of age or ever, shall work about said machines only under the direct supervision of a licensed operator and must serve a term of at least 6 months under the supervision of said licensed operator ~efore being examined by the board. No operator of motion picture machines shall smoke or permit smoking in the booth at any time, Der~dt any fire or open light in the booth while the audience is in the building, allow a door of the booth to remain open while operating a machine,~ read while operating a machine, permit an unlicensed person other than the manager Operating rules. 141 142 or remain in the booth while the audience is in the building, have any film exposed in the booth at any time other than the old film in process of transfer to or from magazine or from upper to lower magazine, allow the film to be rewound in the booth While the machine is being operated, operate a defecZivo machine or a machine of the type not approved by the 0ity Electrical Department, allow waste paper or other in- flamn~bles in the booths, over fuse the machine or make improper electrical connec- tions, latch the door on the inside or remove the handle from the outside of the door or otherwise delay the entrance of auhtorized persons, or lend a certificate to any other person to enable him to operate or exhibit motion pictures and rewind films, thread up other machines or do anything else at the time said pictures are being exhibited ~hich will draw his attention from said motion picture machines. Anyone violating the provisions of the ordinance shall be guilty of a ~enaltie~.misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than ~ nor more than $50 Films to be kept in metal Boxes. Films to be kept in vault or sep- arate Building. for each offense. ~ach reel; commonly known as one thousand feet of film, shown by an unlicensed opera, tot or in any other way in violation of the ordinance 'shall constitute a separate Offense. The board herein appointed shall further have power to revoke the license of any motion picture operator ~pon the conviction of said operator of any offense within the prOVisions of this ordinance. ~ILM E~XCHANGE S. In film exchanges each reel shall be kept in a separate metal bo~ with tight-fitting cover except when being examined or repaired. Films shall be stored in a separate building, or vault, not exposing othe~ property, where pe~nitted in a building ~ith other occupancy, to be in standard fireproof vaults constructed as hereinafter provided. In buildings of non-fireproof construction the vaults shall have self- ~ supporting brick walls not less than twelve inches thick, laid in cement, and ex- Vault s in non- fi re - ~ tending from the ground. ~op and bottom of vault to be waterproof and made of proof ~' Buildingsl. brick or concrete arches of the same thickness as walls ~arches may be sprung be- tween steel beams if l~ter have standard protecting coverings), no wood top floor- Size. lng to be used. Size of vault not to exceed ?50 cubic feet. Openings into vault Vault shall be protected on outer side of wall-with standard vault iron doors at least Door s. three sixteenths ~8/18) inch thick, and made smokeproof by closing against a rabbet Pixtures. at top, bottom and one side, hinge side of door to close into a groove; door and wall frames to be of equivalent construction to the standard iron fire door, vault Wiri ng. pattern; and on the inner side of the wall by an iron door of at least No.l~ United Sta~es guage. ~ixtures inside vaults to be of metal or incombustible m~terial. No lights other t~n stationary vapor-proof incandescent electric lamps, properly guarded, to be installed inside --swithh to be outside and provided wi~h pilot light or other indicator. No heat to be permitted i~n vault. In fireproof buildings having standard protection on the steel framework, Vaults vaults m~y be carried on the structure from floor tO floor. Walls to be of brick, in fire- proof not less than eight ~8) inches thick, or of hollow tile not less than twelve (12) Buildings ~ inches thick, laid in cement. Size of vault not to exceed 780 cubic feet. Top and Size. bottom of vault to be water-proof and made of brick, tile or concrete ~t least eight inches thick. In all other respects to comply with specifications for vaults in buildings of non-fireproof construction. 1.4o outside air. Examining ro cms. Examining purpo se,:' only. Reels to be kept in Magazines. Waste cans, Cement. Lighting. Heating of Repair and Test- ing Rooms. Smoking Prohibited Exhibition and demon- stration o~ films and machines. Numb er. Sand pai 1. Fireproof if over three stories and basement. No. 18 U. S. guage in thickness and not to expose other property; to be shielded from the weather and provided with a wire screen of not larger than ~. inch mesh. Examining and repairing ahall be done only in a room or rooms having out- side ventilation and separated from the balance of the building by tight partitions of incombustible material, with incombustible floors and ceiling and with incom- bustible self-closing doors at openings; p~rtitions and doors to contain no glass other than wired glaas. The room shall be used neither for storage nor handling of combustible materials other than films. The number of reels of films in a room under examination and repair at any one time to be limited to eight. Reels containing films under examination or in the process of rewinding, to be closed in magazines similar to those required on motion picture machines. Standard metal waste cans shall be provided Where repairing is done. All scraps or waste from the films shall be kept therein and removed from the building daily to a safe location. Such waste to be kept separate from paper waste or other rubbish. Any compound of collodion and amyl acetate or similarly iuflammable cementsi shall be limited to one quart, preferably not exceeding the quantity required each day. The lighting shall be restricted to incandescent electric lights in vapor- proof globes. Installation to be in accordance with requirements of the National $1ectrical Code and the ordinances of the City of Roanoke. '~ The examination and repair room shall be heated only by hot water or steam, and a metal shield or screen provided to prevent the films from coming in contact with radiators or heated pipes. No hot air floor registers shall be used. Smoking shall be prohibited in any room containing films, and signs posted to that effect. Exhibition and demonstration of moving picture machines and films shall be according to the rules as hereinbefore set out in the rules for motion picture theaters. Each room and vault shall be provided with approved chemical fire extingui- shers, preferably of one quart capacity. All rooms to have not less than two each and vaults to h~ve at least one each. At least one pail of water and one pail of sand shall also be provided for each vault in use. APARTmeNT HOUSES AND T~,iENT HOUSES. Section 216: That every building hereafter erected for use as an apartment or a tenement house over three stories in height, and every non-fireproof building~ hereafter altered for use as an apartment house or a tenement house over three stories in height shall be of fireproof construction. All tenements within the city limits, either brick or frame, built for rental purposes and for housing more than two families, shall be so constructed that each room or suite of rooms havirg a separate door or entrance communicating with the street, court or alley shall be divided from the rest of the building by a solid fire wall of brick or concrete at least 1J inches thick. Said wall to be without door or openings of any kind. 144 cellar stairs. or tenement house shall in all cases be inclosed with fireproof walls, and provided with selfclosing fire doors atl the bottom of said flight of stairs. HALLWAY INCLOSURES AND STAIRCASES. Hall in- closures in non- fi.reproof Houses. Section 218: ~hat in all non-fireproof apartment houses or tenement houses hereafter erected three stories and basement in height and occupied or arranged to be occupied by more than two families on any floor, the staircase halls shall be inclosed with fireproof walls, and the said hall inclosures shall have a connecting hallway in the first story and extend to the street, inclosed with suit- able walls of brick, or such other fireproof materials, including ceilings, all doors to be fireproof doors, as may be approved by the Building Inspector. Stairs and In fireproof apartment houses and tenement houses hereafter erected, the Hallways in fire- stair halls and hallways leading to street shall be inclosed in brick walls and in proof Houses. other respects be constructed as required by this Code for fireproof construction. When 8- inch in- closure walls may be used. Eight-inch brick walls not exceeding fifty feet in their vertical measurement may inclose said halls and stairs and be used as hearing walls where the distance between the outside bearing walls does net exceed thirty-three feet and the' area within said stair hall does not exceed one hundred and eighty super- ficial feet. Stairs to roof. At least one flight of stairs or ladder stairs in each of said buildings shall extend to the roof and there have exit. When sup,~ porting beams, walls to be 12- inches. Closets prohib- itedun- der stair oases. Percentag on corn- er lot. Interior Lots. Measure- ments at Ground Level. Whenever the walls inclosing the entrance hall of any apartment or tene- ment house hereafter erected, support beams or girders carrying a brick wall above, the said walls shall not be less than twelve inches thick laid in cement mortar. Section 219: That no closet shall be constructed underneath the mtair case of any story, but the space thereunder shall be left entirely open and kept free from incumbrance; but this shall not prohibit the inclosing without openings the under portion of staircases from the foot of the same to a point where the height from the floor line to the soffit of the. staircase shall not exceed five feet. PERCENTAGE 0~ LOT OCCUPIED. Section 220: That no apartment house or tenement house hereafter erected shall occupy more than 90 per centum of any corner lot. Or more than ?0 per- centum of any other lot; provided, ihat the space occupied by outside fire escapes projecting not more than four feet shall not be deemed a part of the lot occupied. ~or the purpose of this section, the measurements shall be taken at the ground level, except that where any such building has a store on the first story, and that story is or is intended to be occupied for business purposes 0nly, the When per- centage 'i measurements as to percentage of lot occupied may be taken at the level of the may be taken at second story beams. 2nd storyi Level. i YARDS. Ten feet rear spac on inside lots for four stor houses. Section 221: That behind every apartment house and tenement house four stories in height or over hereafter erected on an inside lot, there shall be'a yard ~ lot not less than ten feet in depth, extending across the entire width of the lot, and at every point open from the ground to the sky unobstructed, except that fire escapes or uninclosed outside stairs may project not over four feet from the rear line of the house. Decrease. story in height of the building, And may be decreased in depth one foot for every story in height of the building less than four stories. The depth of the yard behind every apartment house and tenement house Yards in rear of hereafter erected upon a corner lot, shall be not less than five feet in every houses on corner lot. part for the fullwidth of the lot, and such depth need not be increased when the building exceeds four stories in height nor shall it be decreased in depth when Corner lots more than 60 feet in Width. the building is less than four stories in height. Where a corner lot is more than fifty feet in width the yard for that portion in excess of f~ft~ feet shall conform to the previsions of this section for inside lots. Acute Angle s. Where an apartment house or a tenement house hereafter erected is situated on a lot formed by the intersection of two streets at an acute angle, the yard of the said house need not extend across the entire width of the lot, provided that it extends to a point in line with the middle line of the block. COURTS. Open Courts. Outer Courts. Width of Courts for 4 story building. Section 222: Thzt a court, that is, an open, unoccupied space other than a yard of an apartment house or a tenement house hereafter erected shall be at every point open from the ground to the sky, unobstructed other than by fire escape~. Where one side of an inner court, that is, a court extending to the street or yard, is sitUated on the lot line, the width of the said court measured from the lot line to the opposite wall of the building for apartment houses and tenement houses four stories and a basement in height, shall be not less than four feet in any part. Increase. Decreawe ~ And for every story of increase above four stories an basement in height of said buil~ng, such width shall be increased six inches throughout the entire height of said court. And for every story of decrease in the height of the said building below four stories and basement, such width may be decreased one foot. Where an outer court is situated between wings or parts of the same build- Width of Court be- ~ing or between different buildings on the same lot, the width of the said court tween wingS. Increase. Decrease. Inner Courts. Court on Lot Line. Increased width. Increased Length. imeasured from wall to wall for apartment houses and tenement houses and four storiesi and basement in height, shall be not ~ ss than eight feet in any part. And for every story of increase above four stories and basement in height cf the said building, such width shall be increased six inches throughout the entire height.o!' the said court. And for every story of decreas, e in the height of the said building below four s~ories and basement, such width of the said court may be decreased one foot. Where one side of an inner court, that is, a court not extending to the public way or yard, is situated on the lot line, the width of the said court measured from the lot line to the opposite wall of the building, for apartment houses and tenement houses four stories and basement in height, shall be not less than six feet in any part, nor less than seventy-two (~2) square feet in area. And for every story of increase in the height of the said building above four stories and basement such with shall be increased six inches throughout the entire height of said court and ten feet added to the area. And the other horizontal dimensions shall be increased one foot throughout 146 Decre~se~ width. And for every story of decrease in the height of the said building below four stories and basement, such width may be decreased six inches throughout the ~ntire height of the said court and ten feet may be deducted from area. Inner Where an inner court is not situated upon the lot line, but is inclosed Court on Lot line, on all sides, the least horizontal dimension of said court for apartment houses or tenement houses four stories and basement in height shall be not less than twelve feet. Increased Dimen- sions. And for every story of increase above four stories and basement in the height of said building, the said court shall be increased one foot in each hori- zontal dimension throughout the entire height of said court. Decreased Dimen- sions. And for every story of decrease in the height of said building below four stories and basement, the horizontal dimensions of the said court may be de- creased six inches in each direction. Wi dth of Recess. No window, except windows of water closet compartments, bath rooms or halls, shall open upon any offset or recess less than six feet in width. OUTER AND 1NI~F~R COURTS. Angles Section 223: That nothing contained in this section concerning outer aud with Windows. inner courts shall be construed as preventing windows at the an~les of said courts. When When an apartment house or a tenement house hereafter erected has a courts may start store on the first floor, and that story is or is intended to be occupied for at 2nd Story. business purposes only, the outer and inner court may start at the level of the second story floor beams. REAR TENEMENT HOUSES OR APARTL~E~ HOUSES. T eneme nt on Rear of lot. Section 224: That no separate tenement or apartment houses shall be erected upon the rear of any lot when there is not left a sidewalk of at least five feet in width between the fact of the building and the alley curb line. BUILDING ~N SA~ LOT WITH TE~MENT HOUSES OR APARTL~NT HOUSES. Space between. Section 225: That if any building is hereafter placed on the same lot with a tenement house or an apartment house, the space between the said buildings shall always be of such size and arranged in such manner as is prescribed for yards in rear of apartment houses and tenement houses. Court or yard space. And no building of any kind shall be hereafter placed upon the same lot with a tenement house or an apartment house so as to decrease the minimum size of courts or yards as hereinbefore prescribed. Comply with Code. And if any tenement house or apartment house is hereafter erected upon any lot upon which there is already another building, it shall comply with all the provisions of this section, and in addition the apace between the said building and the said tenement house or apartment house shall be of such size and arranged in such manner as is prescribed in this section for inner courts. ROOMS, LIGHTING AND VENTILATIDN. Window Openings. ~indow area pro-il Section 226: That in every apartment house or tenement house hereafter erected every room, except water closet compartments and bathrooms, shall have at least one window opening directly upon a public way or upon a yard or court. WINDOWS IN R00~S. Section 22~: ~hat every apartment house or tenement house hereafter bathrooms, shall be at least one-tenth of the floor area of the room. Height of top above floor. And the top of at least one window shall be not less than seven feet six inches above the floor, and the upper half of it shall be made so as to open the full width. Area of Window. No such window shall be less than twelve square feet in area between the stop heads. WI!~DOWS IN WATER CLOSET CO!LPART~:~EY~TS AND BATHR00~S. Area of windows in closets. Section 228: That in every apartment house or tenement house hereafter erected the total window area in a water closet compartment or bathroom shall be not less than three square feet in area for each. And no such window shall be less than one foot in width, measured between stop heads. R001~! SIZE Minimum Size of rooms. Section 229: That in every apartment house and tenement house hereafter erected, all rooms, except water closet compartn~ents and bathrooms, shall be of the following minimum size: Least area~ In each apartment there shall be at least one room containing not less for one room. than one hundred and twenty square feet of floor area. Least area No living or sleeping room shall contain less than seventy square feet of for other rooms, floor area. Height from floor~ to ceil- ing. Each room shall be in every part not less than nine feet high from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. Provided that an attic room need be nine feet high in but one-half of its Meaning of Hall. area. PUBLIC HALLWAYS. Section 250: That any part of a hallway which is shut off from any olher part of said hallway by a door or doors shall be deemed a separate hallway within the meaning of this section. Shall be Lighted. In every apartment house and tenement house hereafter erected all parts of the public hallways shall be properly lighted by windows opening directl~ to the outer air or by sash doors or skylight admitting adequate light. PRIVACY. Access to Rooms. Section 251: That in every apartment house of three or more rooms or a tenement house hereafter erected, access to every living room and bed room and to at least one water closet compartment shall be had without passing through any bedroom. EXISTING BUILDINGS. Percentage of lot. Section 252: ~hat no now existing apartment house or tenement house shall hereafter be enlarged, or its lot be diminished, so that the house shall occupy more than the perceutage of lot allowed by this Code for similar new houses. Yard. .~ No now emisting apartment house or tenement house shall hereafter be en- 'i larged or its lot be diminished so that the 7ard shall be less than specified in ~ this Code for similar new houses. 'l Open Space~ And such yard shall be at every point open from the ground to the sky, except that fire escapes or uninclosed outside stairs my project not over four feet from the rear line of the house. now existing apartment house or tenement house shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this Code for new houses. LIGHTS IN PUBLIC HALL',qAYS. Artifi- Section 235: ~hat in every apartment house and tenement house a proper cial Lights light shall be kept burning by the owner in the public hallways near the stairs all Night. upon the entrance floor and upon each floor of said house every night from sunset to sunrise throughout the year. CHIMNEYS AND ~'IREPLACES. Section 254: That in every apartment house and tenement house there shall be adequate chimneys running through every floor with an open fireplace or grate, or place for a stove, properly connected with one of said chimneys for every apartment, provided said building is not otherwise heated. A~A FO~ VE!~'2 SHA~TS. Section 235: That every vent shaft hereafter constructed in an apartment Area of Vents. house or a tenement house four stories and basement in height, shall be at least twelve square feet in area, and the least dimension of such shaft shall not be 'less than three feet. increase~ of Area. And if the building be above four stories and basement in height such shaft shall throughout its entire height be increased in area two square feet for each additional story in height. And for each story in height less than four stories and basement such Depth below floor level. Drainage. Damp- .i proof and ~Tater i proof, i Below Ground. Cellar Floor. Not to be used for livin or sleep- ing room. Separate Water Closet. shaft may be decreased in area one sq. ft. A vent shaft may be inclosed on all four sides, but must have ventilation at the top equal to area of shaft. BOTTOM OF SHAFTS, COURTS, AREA MID YARDS. Section 256: That in every apartment house and tenement house hereafter erected, the bottom of all shafts, courts, areas and yards which extend to the basement for light or ventilation of living rooms, shall be six inches below the floor level of the part occupied or intended to be occupied. All such shafts, courts, areas and yards shall be properly concreted, graded and drained, and shall be properly drained to the street gutter or storm drain. BASE~.~NT AND CELLARS. Section 23?: That every apartment house and tenement house hereafter erected shall have all walls below the ground level and all cellar or lower floors damp-proof and water-proof. When necessary to make such walls and floors dam~proof and water-proof, the damp-proofing and water-proofing shall run through the walls and up the same as hT~h as the ground level, and shall be continued throughout the floor. And the said cellar or lowest floor shall be properly constructed so as to prevent dampness or-water from entering. :~ No basement or cellar shall be occupied for living or sleeping rooms. ~ WATER CLOSET ACC 0~,2~t0DATI 0NS. ~i Section 2~8: ~hat in every apartment house hereafter erected there shall be a separate water closet in a separate compartment or bathroom within each apartment. Provided that where there are apartments consisting of but one or 149 Number of Closets. Every tenement house or residence used for more than one family now or hereafter erected shall be provided with no less than one water closet and sink for every three bed rooms, ~ene ral Toilet Ro om. Nothing in this section in regard to the separation of water closet com- partments from each other shall apply to a general toilet room hereafter placed in any apartment house or tenement house, provided such general toilet rooms are supplemental to the water closet acc oramodat ions required by this section. Window Openings. All water closet compartments in every apartment house or tenement house hereafter erected shall have a window opening upon the public way or yard, or upon a cour,t or vent shaft. Floors Water- proof. The floor of every water closet compartment shall be made water-proof with asphalt, tile, stone, Portland cement concrete, metal, or some other water-proof material; such water-proofing, shall extend at least six inches above the floor, so that the said ~floor can be washed or flushed without leaking. Woodwork Prohibited~ No drip trays shall be permitted. No water closet fixtures shall be inclosed with any woodwork. FIRE ESCAPES. Fire EscapSs Section 239: That in all apartment houses or tenement houses, any apart- to street i Yard or ~ ment not Containing any room fronting upon the street or yard shall have a fire Court. ~ escape in a court, projecting not more than four feet from the wall of the house, Location. Fi reproof Construc- tion. Hanging Rails and Guards. Fire Walls Above Roof Explosives not to be used with- out permit constructed in accordance with requirements of this Code. In any such building each and every apartment therein above t~ first story shall open directly to an outside fire escape from at least one room other than a bathroom or water closet compartment, and shall not include a window of a stair hall. Section 240: Section 241: Reserved for any additional section. ~hat all smoke houses shall be of fireproof construction, with brick walls, iron doors~and brick or metal roof. An iron guard shall be placed over and not l~ss than three feet above the fire an4 the hanging rails shall be of iron and an iron grating shall be placed under the first row of hanging rails, and be not less than eight feet above the floor of the fire pit. The walls of all smoke houses shall be built at least three feet higher than the roof of the building in ~'~ich they are located, and shall be not less tha~ twelve inches in thickness, and be coped with stone or its equivalent. EXPLOSIVES. Section 242: That dynamite, giant powder or other powerful explosives shall not be used inside the city limits without first obtaining permit from the Building Inspector to use such explosives, and it ~hall be the dnty of the ~- Building Inspector to investigate carefully the site where the explosives are to be used to determine the dangers arising from its use and the possibility of weak- ening buildings, rupturing sewers, rupturing boilers and causing other damages which might result in loss of life or property. If his investigation develops a possibility of these arising the permit shall not be granted. REGULATING THE LOCATION OF BUILDINGS RELATI~g£ TO THE STREET LINE. Section 243: That all buildings hereafter to be erected in the City of 156 Defini- tion of word Block. De fini- tion of word Block. When owner May fix Line. Woodwork to be Protected Hand or Movable Furnaces Defined. Inspector to re- quire pro per scaf- folds and safe- guards. Given Special Right to safeguard life and Property. Machine to be guarded. Flag- staffs. Provided, that if the buildings to be erected shall be located upon a switching track of any commercial railroad company it shall be pe~nitted to build closer to the street than the line of the existing houses. Section 244: That the line of the existing houses 8hall be the line upon which sixty per cent of the houses in the block in which the proposed build- lng is intended to be erected, have with relation to the street, and the said pro- posed buildings must be at least as far from the street as the line established by said sixty per cent of the houses. The w~rd "block" herein used does not refer to any entire city square, but shall be construed to be that portion on both sides of the street upon which the new building is proposed, bounded by the nearest intersecting streets to ~he right and left of maid proposed building, SectiOn 245: ~hat if there be not more than four houses in the block upon which said building is proposed to be erected, that the buildi~g line of said new structure may be such line as shall be fixed upon by the owner of said building; provided, however, that in no event shall the front of the proposed building be nearer than twenty~ feet from the front line of his said lot, exclusive of the sidewalk, in case his said grant shall carry him to the street line. Provided, however, that the Council within their discretion may grant or refuse permit to erect buildil~gs closer to the street than hereinbefore provided, in any block wherein there now exists buildings used for business or mercantile purposes, accordingly as their Judgment will dictate whether the proposed buildings will subserve the general welfare of the neighborhood and city, and provided, further, that they shall grant a permit whenever in their judgment in the block to contain the proposed building has a .greater value for business or mercantile purposes than for residential purposes. PROTECTION OF WOODWORK ABOUT HAND OR MOVABLE FURNACES. Section 246: 2hat all woodowrk exposed by hand or movable furnaces shall .be properly protected by asbestos and metal, except tailors' portable ironing and sleeve boards. The.term hand or movable furnaces shall include devices for heating irons, glue pots, soldering furnaces, crucibles, cupels, self-heated irons or similar devices. ~ PROTECTION OF PERSONS E~LOYED ON BUILDINGS. i~ Section 24?: That the Building Inspector be and is hereby authorized to ~ conserve and safeguard life and property. PROTECTION OF LIFE AND LIMB. Section 248: That in every factory, mill or other like place where belting gearing, shafting or other machinery are used, the same shall be guarded in such manner as will reasonably protect persons employed or passing near the same. All flagstaffs shall be of proper dimensions, taper and strength, to be secured to the building in a manner approved by the Inspector of Buildings. require such safeguards and precautions taken by contractors, sub-contractors and owners when constructing builcl~ngs as he considers necessary for the proper pro- tection against accidents to the workmen employed on the work,. He shall also have the right to reo~.uire such changes not specifically mentioned in this Code as will VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES..,~-,..,,~__ owners, agents, contractors, mechanics, or workmen, violating any of the terms or provisions of this ordinance for which violation no penalty is otherwise fixed in this Ordinance, or failing to obey any order of the Building Inspector issued in pursuance of~ this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars; and where such violation is of a continuing nature, each day such person, firm or corporation violates any such p~ovision, or fails to conform to any such provision of this Ordinance, or any such order of the Building Inspector, shall be deemed a separate offense. ORDINANCES ~PEALED, DATE ~¥I~N ORDINANCE TAilS EF~ECT. Section 250: That all former ordinances of the City of Roanoke effecting or relating to the construction, alteration or removal of buildings or other structures, and all other Ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 251: That this ordinance, to be known as the official Building Code of the City of Roanoke, shall take effect from and after its passage. IN TKE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0~~ EOANOKE, VIRGIiJIA, The £6th day of August, 1922. No. 924. RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE to the following amount s: by the Council of the City of Eoanoke that appropriations cunts be, and the same are horeby supplemented in the following City Treasurer Stationer~ & i~r Military = Tools & Equipn~ent Speci s.1 Services Market 1468.95 12.96 55.95 195.98 1';2.50 21~9.94 $ 4086.28 and the ¢it~' Clerk and Auditor is directed to such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this re )n. IN THE COUNCIL FOR TKh CITY 03~ ROAN0}2E, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of August, 1922. No. 934. A RESOLUTION to purchase a quarry site and a colored park. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that approximately twenty-seven acres of land be. purchased from Ch~s. T. Lukins at the ]xice of $600.00 per ~cre, payable one-fourth cash, balance in one, two and three years, deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum. Such 152 Solicitor is directed to examine the title to such property and when approved by him and the deeds executed, the cash payment shall be made and notes executed for the deferred payments, and BE IT ~URT~ RESOLVED that an appropriation of $5,000 be, and the same is hereby made for the purpose of paying the cash payment on such land. IN T~ COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROANO¥~E, VIRGINIA, ~he 26th day of August, 1922. No. 9~5. A RESOLUTION directing a refund to certain parties for one-half the cost of sidewalks. BE IT RESOLI~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw warrznts payable to the following parties for the following amounts: Miss r~ula B. Lower A. T .' Mowle s R. C. Williams Geo. Engleby J. A. Armstrong $ 27.60 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 $ 127.60 to refund said parties one-half the cost of sidewalk paid for by them. ~he said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of Annex Territory 1919. IN THE COUNCIL ~R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of September, 1922. No. 936. A RESOLUTION to refund an assessment amounting to $18.87, for the con- struction of a sewer, against part of Lot 9, Section 8 of the Rogers, ~airfax and Houston Addition in the name of E. D. Johnson. BE IT EESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a sewer assess- ment amounting to $18.87 levied against E. D. Johnson on part of Lot 9, Section 8, Eogers, ~airfax and Houston Addition be, and the san~ is hereby refurzled. Stre et ." IN THE COUNCIL 20T THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA , The 8th day of September, 1922. No. 937. A RESOLUTION to chau~e the name of "Mc~lanahan Place" to "Mc~lanahan BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the street known as "Mc C lanah an Place" be, and the same is hereby changed to "McClanahan Street", aD~l the said street shall hereafter be known as McClanahan Street. IN THE COUNCIL ~E)R TEE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of September, 1922. No. 938. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City GE Roanoke for the month of August, 1922, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City cf Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of August 1922 be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City manager Engineering Dept. City ~lerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes ¢ity Hall Election Stationery & Printing Counc il Coroners Alm sh ouse 0utside Poor Hospitals Organized Charities Insane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Police Dept. Pire Dept. Pire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physi ci au Quarantine & Detention Health Depti St. ~leaning Garbage Sewer ldai ntenance Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Refunds & Rebates Special Services Damages & Cost Workmen' s ~ompensation Garage Parks Library Market Interest Annex 1919 Account s Payable $ 830.28 792.55 681.25 2?2.92 241.95 291.66 1472.58 315.60 2910.27 1045.72 262.00 5.00 433.32 15.00 645.86 100.00 250.00 156.66 32.00 1552.68 647.9~ 15,236.52 13,418.75 1383.75 2016.16 304.50 80.00 100.00 185.29 14~?.13 1499.62 3823.8~ 1677.29 2885.89 786.63 1822.13 1985.75 6.0O 601.41 102.50 16.10 44.00 1034.87 1587.62 1808.65 1082.14 830.00 3342.95 693.97 $ 72,V46.72 EXTRAORDINARY Pire Dept. Sewer Construction Drain Construct ion Street Grading Macadamizing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction Schools 984.19 1555.77 5136.55 520.50 4000.99 28,497.51 5197.60 1047.79 48~ 743.08 95,683.98 168,430.70 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of September, 1922. No. 940. A RESOLUTION to award a~ contract for the audit of the 0ity's accounts fori the year 1922 and the school accounts for the year ending June 30, 1922, to E. B. ~acobs, Certified Public Accountant. BE IT PJ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the contract for the Audit of the City's accounts for the year 192S, and the school accounts for the year ending June 30, 1922, be, and the same is hereby awarded E. B. Jacobs, Certified Public Accountant, at the price of $4§0.00. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0~ ROAN0W~, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of September, 19£2. No. 941. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to A. J. Oliver to construct a frame room at his building 167 Loudon Avenue N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted A. J. Oliver to construct a frame room on his residence 167 ~oudon Avenue N. W. The construction to be in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building inspector and under his supervision. The said A. J. Oliver by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnii~y and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said room. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0P ROANOF~E, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of September, 1922. No. 942. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to Cora Smith to construct a frame room on her residence 313 Wells Avenue, N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Cora Smith to construct a frame room on her resi- donee 313 Wells Avenue, N. W. ~he construction to be in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under his supervision. The said Cora Smith by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the 0ity ef Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said room. IN THE COUNCIL }DR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 0th day of September, 1922. No. 943. A MESOLUTION ~rantin~ a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a four inch gas main in Staunton Avenue, N. W., between llth and l£th Streets. The Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, in accordance with the General ~rdinances of the City of Roanoke. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF HOANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 1922. No. 939. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT LqESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the appropriation to the following accounts be,, and the same are hereby supplemented in the follow- ing amount s: City Treasurer Stationery and Printing L!ilitary and Armories Tools & Equipment Special Services Garage 2?2.92 5.00 80.00 6.00 102.50 42.68 509.10 and the City ~lerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into ef±'ect the provisions of this resolution. IN THE COUI~CIL ~0R T~ CITY OF HOAN0tEE, VIRGIi~I.~, The 15th day of September, 1922. No. 944. A ~SOLUTION granting a permit to T. I. ~atthews to construct a five (5) foot sidewalk on Winona Avenue to extend 100 feet West of 3rd Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Eoanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted T. I. ~atthews to construct a five (5) foot sidewalk in front of his property on the South side of Winona Avenue to extend 100 feet West of 3rd Street, the walk to be constructed in accordance with the specifica- tions furnished by the City D~anager, and to his good liking and satisfaction. The cost of such walk is not to exceed twenty-five (2~) cents per square foot. The said T. I. Matthews to pay the entire cost to be reimbursed one-half such cost at such time as Council shall deem expedient. IN TH~ COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY OF itOANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 1922. No. 945. A itESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a gas main on 5th ~itreet for a distance of 500 feet No~th of nighland Avenue. BE IT KESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the ~ity of Aoanoke that a permit be, and 156 5th Street S. E. for a distance of 500 feet Nc~th of ~iighland Avenue. ~'he instal- lation to be in accordance with the good liking and'satisfaction of the ~ity ~[anager. The Eoanoke Gas Light 8ompany by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the street, where the same ~may be torn up, in accordance with the ~eneral Ordinances of the ~ity of Roanoke. IN TH~ COUNCIL ~IDE T~ CITY 0~~ t~0ANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 1922. No. 946. A ~dSSOLUTION authorizing the expenditure of ~2§0 for the purpose of treating trees. BE IT E~OLwO by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the sum of $2~0 be spent for the purpose of treating trees in the City of Roanoke, which are affected with ~the disease known as Wilt and for removing and destroying such trees as are beyond redemption. The said amount shall be charged to the account of Parks, IN THE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY OF ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 19~2. No. 947. A RESOLUTION to purchase from J. A. Hoover a tract of land containing approximately eleven acres for Park purposes~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City cf Roanoke that the proposition cd' J. A. Hoover to sell to the City of Roanoke a tract of land lying east of Ninth (9th) street Southeast, containir~ approximately eleven acres being all of the enclosure between said Hoover's house and the Taylor Reservation, except a strip one hundred (100) feet wide, fifteen (15) feet of which is an alley, immediately back of the three houses fronting on Ninth (9th; Street, between ~lontrose and Morton Avenues, t~he said Hoover agreeing that Morton and Montrose Avenues on the West and ~iunford Avenue on ths South may be opened to said tract of land. The said City of Roanoke to execute its five notes, aggregating $3~,~00.00, p~able to J. A. Hoover in one two, three, four and five years after date, bearing at the rate of six per cent interest, the interest to be payable semi-annually, with the right to the City of Roanoke to anticipate the payment of one or all of said notes at any time, The deferred payments to be secured by a vendors lien retained upon said tract of land, be, and the same is hereby accepted. Upon the execution and delivery of a good and sufficient deed conveying said tract of ]and to the City of Roanoke, the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Roanoke are hereby authorized to exacute and deliver to the said J. A. Hoover, the notes herein provided for. The ~ity Solicitor is hereby directed to examine the title to said tract of laud ~uud to report to Council his opinion thereon. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY OF ROAN0~., VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 1922. No. 948. AN ORDINANCE to amend ar~l re-enact Section 68 of an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance imposing taxes on licenses for municipal purposes." BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 68 of an ordinance adopted on the 8th day of April, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance impos- ing taxes on licenses for municipal purposes" be, and. the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "On each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of plumbing. and heating, or either blumbing or heating, the tax shall be $20; provided, however, Where the gross receipts of such person, firm or corporation exceeds $1,000 then ~Jch person, firm or corporation shall in addition to the license herein imposed secure a license as a contractor as provided in Section 91 of this ordinance. This license, however, shall not be issued except and until there shall have been delivered to the commissioner of revenue by the Clerk of the City Council a certificate to the effect that a bond in the penalty of,~l,000 with some approved surety company as surety, has been given by such person, firm of corporation, conditioned to save harmless the City of Roanoke from any and all damages arising from plumbing and making cor~uections with the public sewer, drains, and water pipes, and further conditioned to refund to the City of Roanoke the sum or sums expended by it in replacing the streets and sidewalks which may be opened or torn up by such person, firm o: corporation in the progress of their work, provided, however, where such person, firm or corporation, secures a license to conduct the heating business only, then the bond required need not be given. This license shall not be prorated. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 19~2. No. 950. A RESOLUTION directing the payment to the Treasurer of the School Fund $40,000 on account of school buildings. BE IT P~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $40,000 payable to the Treasurer of the School Fund on account of school buildings. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary account of schools. IN TkT. COIRJCIL P0R THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of September, 1922. No. 951. A RESOLUTION to release certain sewer assessments. ?~{EREAS, assessments for the construction of sewers were levied against lots 2 and S Section 5; lots 15, 16, and 17 Section 3 of the Eureka Circle Land 155 WHEREAS, the sewer was not constructed so as to accommodate the said lots, THERE~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following assessments, namely: Lot Z Section 5 $ 21.66 " 5 " 5 55.56 "15 " 5 21.66 " 16 " 5 21.66 " 17 " 5 21.66 be, and the same are hereby released, and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entires on his books as will carry into effect the provision of this res olut ion. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 22nd day of September, 1922. No. 949. AN 0RDII~LANCE to amend and re-enact Section l?0 of au ordinance adopted by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke on the 26th day of August, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate buildings in the City of Roanoke." BE IT O~DAINED by the aouncil of the City of Roanoke that Section 170 of~ an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 26th day of August, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate buildings in the Cit2 of Roamoke" be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: Section l?0: That all passenger elevator cars must be entirely inclosed with solid sides from the floor to a height of six (6) feet, (except door openings) and shall be provided with proper ventilation above this height. All elevator cars traveling in single enclosed hatchways shall have an emergency exit in the top of the canopy arranged so that it may 'be removed to provide an exit for passengers should the car become lodged between landings. Where cars travel in adjoining hatchways, they shall be provided with emergency exits at the sides adjacent to each other so as to provide for the transfer of passengers from one car to the other, and shall have a lock to opmn from either side. Every passenger elevator with more than one entrance to an exit from a car shall be provided with a sliding door on the inside of the car on each such entrance or exit, and each of such doors shall be securely closed before the elevator is put in motion. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY OF ROAN0k~, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of September, 1922. No. 955. ~ A RESOLUTION to release a sewer assessment against Lots ? and 8, Section 59 of the ~:~elrose Land Company's Addition, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an assessment against the property standing in the name of the Board of Extension of the Presby- terian Church against lots 7 and 8, Section 59, Melrose ~and Company's Addition, o~+~ ~ :~M_~M ~ ~ t~ .~m~ 4~ b~.r~.bv r~l~.a~eS_ a~d the City Clerk and 159 IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0P ROANO~2~, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of September, 1922. No. 954. A P~ESOLUTION directing the ~it~ Ean~ger to omit the asphalt top on Bullitt Avenue between 7th and llth Streets and construct curb and gutter. BE IT [<ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to omit the asphalt top on Bullitt Avenue between ~th and llth Streets, S. E., and to construct curb and gutter on said street. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of September, 1922. No. 955. A RESOLUTION to reinstate a permit ~f C. E. hylton to drive an automobile. BE IT F~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the permit of C. E. Hylton to drive an automobile in the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby reinstated. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CiTY 0F EOANOLTE, VIRGINIA, ~he 22nd day of September, 1922. No. 956. A P~SOLUTION granting a permit to D. C. ~itzgerald to make improvements at his house ~5 Day Avenue, S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~Council of the City of i~oanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted D. C. ~itzgerald to make certain improvements at his house 35 Day Av~enue, S. ~¥. The w~rk to be done according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under his supervision. The said D. ¢. ~itzgerald by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and s~ve harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the improvements herein mentioned. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THeE CITY OF EOANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of September, 1922. No. 95?. AN ORDINANCE to amend Section Seven of An Ordir~nce to define ardent spirits and to prohibit the manufacture, use, sale, offering for sale, transpor- tation, keeping for sale, of ardent spirits, and to prescribe the force and effect of certain evidence for violation of th. is ordir~nce, and providing po nalties for the violation of this ordinance, and the fees of certain officers for service in trials for violation of this ordinance. BE IT GRDAI}~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows 16© Virginia, shall be notified by the Police Justice a reasonable time before trials are to be had for violations of the Prohibition Ordinance, in order that he may attend, and a fee of ten dollars shall be taxed by the trial officer in favor of the attorney for the Commonwealth to be paid by the defendant when convicted; provided that when the defendant pleads guilty to the charge, the fee of the attorney for the Commonwealth shall be five dollars, wherever he does appear at such preliminary hearing or trial; and in every case inhere a conviction is had on the final hearing on an appeal to the acrporation Court, the attorney for the aommonwealth shall be allowed a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to be taxed wi.~h the costs and paid for by the defendant, inclusive of the fee allowed at the preliminary hearing or trial had before the Civil and Police Justice. In no case shall the fees above mentioned be recovered from or paid by the ~ity. IN THE COUNCIL FOR ltiE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of September, 1922. No. 958. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct curb and gutter on Orange Avenue between 13th and 15th Streets. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct curb and gutter on Orange Avenue between 15th and 15th Street, aud in the event the amount of money allocated to the improvement of Orange Avenue between llth and 15th Streets is insufficient to construct curb and gutter and to build the roadway as contemplated, then the curb and gutter shall be constructed an~ such balance as remain shall be used for the construction of the roadway. - IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROAN0k~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of September, 1922. NO. 9,59. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of a sidewalk on the East ~lde of Maple Avenue between Jefferson Street and Walnut Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a sidewalk be constructed on the East side of ~laple Avenue between Jefferson Street and Walnut Avenue, the total cost of such sidewalk to be paid by the Jefferson Building ~ompany, Inc., and they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at such time as Council deems it expedient. !61 IN THE COUNCIL 2~R THE CI~ O~ ROANO~2~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of Septen~er, 1922. No. 960. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Luck-Pack Tire ¢ompauy to con- struct a shed on the West side of Roanoke (Srd) Street between Campbell and Ohurch Avenue s. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Luck-Pack Tire Company to construct a shed at its place of business on the West side of (Zrd) Roanoke Street between Campbell and Church Avenues. Such construction to be in accordance with the plans and specifications hereto attached and made a part hereof. The shed shall be constructed in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector. The said Luck-Pack Tire Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify aud save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said shed. IN THE COUNCIL 2~0R THE CITY 0F ROM~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of September, 1922. No. 961. A ;%LESOLUTION to offer a reward of $200.00 for the capture of ¢has. Meyers charged with the murder of 01lie Ashwell. BE IT RESOLVhU) by the Oouncil of the ~ity of Roanoke that a reward of $200.00 be, and the ssme is hereby offered for the capture of Chas. ~ieyers who shot and killed 01lie Ashwell in the City of Roanoke on the 19th day of September, 1922. IN THE COUNCIL FO~t Tt~ CITY OF ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of September, 1922. No. 962. A .RESOLUTION authorizing the employment of eight (8) additional men in the ~'ire Department. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the ~ity of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to employ eight (8) additional men in the ~ire Department. Six (6) of such men to be assigned to the ~ire Station in Virginia Heights and two (2~ to supplement the forces in the present department. Such employment shall begin on the 1st day of October, 1922, or as soon thereafter as the men are available, and the salaries shall be as now paid the other firemen of the same class. The salaries of the six men employed for the Virginia Heights ~ire Station shall be charged to Annex Territory 1919, the other two to be charged to the ~ire Department. 162 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F P~0ANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 29th day of September, 1982. No. 96,5. A P~SOLUTION authorizing the $ity Manager to advertise for bids for the construction of paving on Walnut Avenue between Jefferson Street and V;alnut Avenue Bridge. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for paving Walnut Avenue between Jefferson Street and Walnut Avenue Bridge. Such bids to be upon specifications and proposals furnished by the City ];~anager. The advertisement shall run for a period of ten days. IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROAN0~fE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of October, 1928. No. 964. A RESOLUTION directing the payment to the Roanoke Instructive visiting Nurses Associstion and Dispensary of $1000.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby' directed to dr~w a warrant to the Roanoke Instructive Visiting Nurses Association and Dispensary for the sum of SJZS.ZS-1/Z for the months of October, November and December to take care of the expenses of the Association for the balance of the year ending Decen~ber S1, 1982. BE IT PURTPLER RESOLVED that the sum of $1000.00 be, and the same is hereby appropriated to the account of the Organized Charities to take care of such expendi ture. Iii THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 02 ROAN0;CE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of October, 192~. No. 96~. Alt ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section Z5 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the l~th day of July, 1988, entitled, an ordinance to regulate plumbing in the City of Roanoke. BE IT 0RDAI~ED by the Council of the City of Roauoke that Section 55 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 15th day of July, 19~8, entitled, and ordinance to regula.te plumbing in the City of Roanoke be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: Section ~: Ti~t no person other than a licensed plumber shall be allowed to make a connection ~'~ith any sewer, drain, soil or water pipe, or any other pipe connected therewith nor shall he make any addition or alteration (except in amou3~ts less than ten dollars, but not including repairs or renewals of traps) in the sanitary arrangement of any house without first having received a written permit from the Insyector to do so. 163 an inspection fee sb~ll be paid for all plumbir~ work or fixtures installed, replaced or moved from one place to another in any buildir~ within the City as follows: Cost of ~ 15.00 and not emceeding ~ 50.00 - ?ee $ .50 " " 51.00 " " " 100.00 " 2.50 " " 101.00 " " " 150.00 " 2.25 " " 151.00 " " " 200.00 " 2.50 " " 201.00 " " " 250.00 " 2.75 " " 251.00 " " " 300.00 " 3.00 " " 301.00 " " " 550.00 " Z.25 " " 351.00 " " " 400.00 " 3.50 " " 401.00 " " " 450.00 " 3.75 " " 451. O0 " " " 500. O0 " ~ .00 " " 501.00 " " " 600.00 " 4.25 " " 601.00 " " " 700.00 " 4.50 " " 701.00 " " " 850.00 " 4.75 " " 851.00 " " " 1000.00 " 5.00 " " 1001.00 " " " 1250.00 " 5.50 " " 1251.00 " " " 1500.00 " 6.00 " " 1501.00 " " " 1750.00 " 6.50 " " 1751.00 " " " 2000.00 " 7.00 ~or all permits and inspections over 52000.00 the sum of ten cents hundred or fractional part thereof. The Plumbing Inspector shall ma~e weekly settle:~:ents with the City Clerk and Auditor for all fees collected. No plumbings' per~.it issued to a licensed plumber to do plumbing work in the City of Roanoke shall be sold or transferred to any lmmrson or corporation unles said person or corporation is a register~,d and licensed plumber. III T~ COUI~CIL POi{ T~ CITY OF ?:O[~;OI'~, VIRGINIA, The Otb day of October, 1922. No. 966. A RESOLUTIOI~ granting a permit to Jos. W. Hodges to construct a sidewalk in front off his property on the corner of Diagonal Street and Walnut Avenue, ~ast. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Jos: W. Hodges to construct a sidewalk in front of his property at the corner of Diagonal Street and Walnut Avenue, East. The entire cost of such wal~ to be paid by the said Jos. W. nodges, he to be reimbursed one- half such cost when it is deemed expedient by Council to do so. The walk is to be constr~cted in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the City Manager and according to specifications to be furnished by him, the cost not to exceed 25 cents per square foot. The said Jos. Wi Hodges upon completion of said walk shall file with the City Auditor a statement showing the cost thereof. [64 IN THE COUIICIL P0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of October, '1922. No. 967. A RESOLUTION authorizing the installation of 250 ¢. P. Street Lights. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that the Ros~oke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install 250 C. 2. lights at the following points: (11 One 250 C. P. Light Avon Road and ~hirwood Ave., Anneal Territory 1 (2) One 250 C. P. Light Orange Ave. and 25th Street, N. W. The said lights to be maintained in accordance with the contract ex- isting between the City of i~oanoke and the Roanoke itailway and Electric Company dated the 12th day of December, 1916. 919. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0F ROANOF2~, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of October, 1922. No. 968. ~2o,000.00 to the Treasurer of A i{ESOLUTION authorizing the payment of ~ ~ the School Fund. ~ BE IT iCESOLVED by the Council of the City of i{oanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of the Treasurer of the School ~nd for $25,000.00 on account of maintenance. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the ordinary account of Schools. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY OF ROANOiZ, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of October, 1922. No. 969. A RESOLL~£ION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of September, 1922, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of September, 1922, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Ele c t i on Council Convention & Leag~e Dues Corone rs Aim shou se Outside Poor Hospitals Organized Charil~e s Insane Jai 1 Juvenile ~ourt Police De~:t. $ 776.80 781.80 665.50 190.97 220.00 589~.25 1572.58 941.78 412.35 766.13 75.20 455.82 40.00 25.00 444. lO 191.56 250.00 156.66 6O .00 1556.58 654.85 12,499.62 II Street Lighting Building Inspector ~ilitary & Armories Physi ci an Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Mai n tenance Street Repair Briclge Re!:ai r Crusher City Stables Refunds & Rebates Special Services Workmen' s Compensation Garbage Parks Library Harke t Iht e re st Anne ~. 1919 Acc ounts Payable Pensions EXTRAORDINARY Fire DeFt. Sewer Construction Drain Construction Street Improvement Street Grading Macadami zing Paving Curb & Gutter Si dewalk u on st ruc t i on Schools $2019.78 290.80 165.50 100.00 158.00 1526.13 1073.00 3063.81 552.15 4286.01 505 1755.28 1126.86 27.87 102.50 50.00 528.78 939.31 1091.78 1535.60 5585.00 2146.77 612.00 847.52 39,330.57 3129.57 2360.43 26.89 194. OO 7049.72 10,462.55 4024.96 1509.52 40~_00__0.0 o 65,520.96 108~088.21 175,609.17 · ~ CON[CIL POX YP"z~ CITY O? ] "' ¢'rq; The 13th day of October, 1922. No~ 971. AI{~.,n~Dr?T"~Tmr'_ ~Jl,.~ ~ ~ to ~end and reordain Section !3 of sm ordinance ador, tedon tLe 8th day of April 19,.,~, entitled, "An 0rdi~nce imposi:~ taxes on Licenses for L{unicipai Purposes. BE IT 0RDAI~[~]D by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, That Section ~ of tl~ 0rdi~nces. of ~is City imposi~ license taxes be ~..~ended~'-~ ~ so as to read as follows: ~1) 0n each general auctioneer, vdmther he receives any compensation for ""~ re shall be levied and collected by the Commissioner of his services or not, Revenue a license tax of 900, v/nick s~ll not be prorated. Provided, tn~t this license does not authorize said auctioneer to sell real e~,ate. (2) 0n each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of selling, diamonds, 'v-tc_~, clocks, ~ev:e!ry, silverware, oriental ru(:s, bric-.~ and ~ch like articles at public auction there shall be levied an& ~all ~aj' a license ~,,. o~ 000 00 per ~--~, - · ~m,,..,., not prorated ?md not transferrable. ~fo !icens, to be issued for loss than the ~1 t~rice for one [,~ear; same to be paid in advar~ce (~) Any rerson or t:erom~,~ conducti~%c ,~ t ..... ~less of ..... "~ ' ~ selling diamonds, ~il.er,~.~e, jewelry, orient,--!,, r~,'--o~ 2r!c-.-,~-t~.~ and such like articles who :ka!l fail to ~eo-~,.ter under_ this ~"'~-~..~nance '~-a'th, ~nd obtain a license,?- from the C~-~ ~ v ....... ,~oo~oner o= Heven~ie of z.oanolze, Vir~ini~.,_. ~:~u:~_~ .~ _v:aY hi©.~ !ice~.~c. 166 t'~?enty-five dollars (~25) nor more than one hundred (~t00), and each day that such person keeps open for business shall be a separate offense. ('4) ~o person or ?ersons conductinu thc business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, si!vervzare, oriental rugs, bric-a-brae and such like articles at public auction shall conduct such business ~:etween the hours of six ('6) p.m. and eight ('8) a.m. ('5) A ~erson, firm or corpor~t'~.o~ ~hali ~ot sell or offer to sell in the City o£ Roanoke, Virginia, by auctio~,u or otherwise, at retail a stock of merchandise which, by advertisement, sign, poster, or othe~¥iso, ~ch person, firm or ocr?oration advertises or represe~ts or states as being of, or any part of, a stoct.- of goods theretofore belo~gi:~ to or kept in the business of another i:erson, firm, or corporatio~, without havir~g first filed ii~ the 0f:?ice of the Co=~nissioner of Revenue ~of said Cit~ a swor,~. invemtory of such stock of merchandise, settir~ up the quantity, qtutlity, kind, or grade of each item thereof. To such inventory there shall be attached an affidavit that such i/~'~-enter~~ is in all respects true and correct. In the case of an individual, such affidavit shall be ~:mde by him as ~ch, in the case of a firm it shall be made i:y one of the partm, ers, ~d in ca. se of a corporatio~ it -~hall be made by the President or General '~.~anager or Secretary & Treason-er. Such i~:vez~tory and aff~,davit when so made shall be kept on file as a Dart of his !~ub!ic records by the Co~nissioner of Revenue. .,k person or a corporation and each member of such firm and ~ch corporation, its officers and directors, who or. which, fail to comply with the provisions of this section s~ll be.dee:~ed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred ('.~100) dollars nor mo-~'e than five hun~red dollars[~500). ('6) An~~ person and each member of a firm and any corporation who shall con.duct a sale by auction or otherwise at retail of a stock of merchandise specified in p~ragraph 5 above hereof, and who shall sell or offer for sale therei~ or fnerewith any merc~dise not constituting a part of such stock as so described I and without statir~z clearly ~ ~n~ distinctly to the purchaser or w~ .nout causing announcement to be ~ade by the auctioneer i~: case of an auction sale, that the merchandise or the article or articles sold or about to be sold, is not and are not a ?art of such stock shall be also deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and ]?~nished provided in Section 5 as above hereof. ("7) For a violation of the provisions of this ordinance numbers 1,2, ~, and 4, the person or persons, firm or corporation conductir~ such business and violating such provisior~s of said ordi'a~m, ce shall be deemed guilty of an offence and shall be punished by fine of not less than one hundred ('~100) dollars nor more than five hundred (~500.) dollars, and each day that such person or persons conduct such business bet'..?ee?~ the hours prohibited hereby , shall be taken as a separate offense and punished accordingly. ('8) -'.~knd it is declared that an emergency exists and that the Council of this City deems immediate action necessar~ in the premises, that this ordinance is declared by said Council as coming '~'~ithi~i~ the police power of maid City and it is therefore further enacted that this ordinance shall ta]:e effect as of its passage and shall apply to all purported licenses heretofore granted or issued and to all acts in violation thereof co:~itted after its i~assage. Ii! THE CODICIL POE TI~ CiTY C? i:~C>AiTOi~, VifGINiA, The !$th day o£ October, 1922. No. 9 7g. A P~SOLi~'ION granting a ?e~it to George HacB~n to construct a granc- lithic sidewall: on the ~ori.h side of Woods Avenue between 2nd (Commerce) Street and the Firs~ a!fey ~,Jest of 2nd (Comm~erce) Street. BE IT PgSOL~ED by the Cou;~il of the City off ~toanoi:e that a ?ermit be, and the s~e is hereby granted George l~acBain to corm'truer a five foot gr~olithic sidewali: on the North side off Woods Avenue between 2nd (Com~aerce) Street ~d the ~irst alley West off said Street. The co~mtruction to be in accordance with s~eci- Tications ~trnished by tho City ~a~.~ger and acco~-~ to his good liking and satisffactio:c. The total cost off ~ch wall: to be ~jaid b~ ti:e s~d George ![acBs~in, he to be reimbursed one-half thereof when it is deemed by Comncil expedient to do so. The said George liacBain shal2 ffi]e vdth the City Clerk mad Auditor a state- merit showi~ the ccst of said walk. - III ~r-~ ~..~ CObHICIL ?OE ~r~ CITY 02 ~OAiTOi~, ViEGIltIA, The 1Zth d~ o~ October, i9°~ No. 9 ~. ~0~f~0N granti~ a ?e~nzo to George ISacPain to pave the alley in the rear off ' '~ n~o ~ro?ert~ situated on the North West corner of Woods Avenue and 2nd ~Commerce) Street. BE IT ....... ' ~m, oOL~=~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke ~.at a permit be, li~,a' ~ to oo~istrl~ct concrete paving in the and th~ s~ae is hereby granted George ..... alley in the rear of his t~ro~erty sit~mted on the North ?/est corner of (Commerce) ~ ~treet and Woods Avenue. Such pavim~ to extend North from Woods Aven~e a distance of 150 feet. The c~:nstruction shall in accordance with the furnished ly the City !~a~i~er~ ~n,:.~ according to ..sia; good iik~?j anl o,:.,~-'+~ n~, said George !viaci~ain to ?~ the entire cost of ~duch. pavi]~g and no ~rt of such co~t to be refunded him by 'the City of aoanoke. Ill i~H~ COULCIL EOF: Trm CITY .,v .... ~.~, Vi:,~lJI..-=, The 15th da2.' of October, 19oo No. 9V4. · ~~, granting a ?e~it to J. B. Doyle to const~ct a sewer to connect proy~e rty ~*~" . ou~de of the City Limits with the City sewer .~,~ by tile Council of the Ci~- of Roanolm tn~t a !er:~it be, and the same is hereby granted J. B. Doyle to construct a sewer in the alley bet~veen Orange and Hanover Avenues to 25th Street, thence North on 25th Street to Hanover Avenue, tnen,~e along ~m~over Avenue West a??roximately 50 feet to the residence oTs~d J. B. Doyle. Such server to connect with the sewer in the City o Ro~mol~. The said J. B. Doyle before connecting with the City sewer shall pay damages which may be caused by the r,eason of the construction. IN THE COUNCIL ?OR TY~ CITY 02 ROANOIZE, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of October, 19221 No. 975. A RESOLUTION granting a ?ermit to J. W. Hairston to erect a frame addition to his residence 320 (lst) ~{enry Street N. W. BE IT I~SOLi~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted J. W. Hairston to erect a frame addition to his residence 320 (lst) Henry Street, North West. The erection of such addition to be under the supervision of the Building Inspector and according to his good liking and satisfaction. The said J. W. Hairston by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the ccnstruction and maintenance of said addi ti on. IN T~ COUNCIL 3~OR 5/qE CITY OP kO~2IO~, VIRGI!'.[IA, The 15th day of October, 1922. No. 976. A PJ~SOLUTION granting a l:ermit to the Dominion Metal ~roducts Corpora- tion to erect a sheet metal addition to its building- on the North side c~ Walnut Avenue, East of Jefferson Street. BE IT RESOL'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Dominion 5[etal ~roducts Corporation to ~rect a sheet metal addition to its building on the North side of Walnut Avenue, East of Jefferson Street. The erection of such addition to be under the supervision of the Buildir~. Inspector and according to his good liking and satisfaction. The said Dominion ~detal ?roducts Corporation by actinc under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Rosmoke from all claims for damages to person or pro!:erty by reason of t~.e construction and maintenance of aaid addition. IN THE COLqICIL FOE '~:E CI~ OF k0ANO][E, VIRGI~tIA, 'The 15th day of October, 1922. No. 977. A ffd~SOLUTiON directing the payment to the Treasurer of the Schook ~'und ~50,000.00 for school buildings. ~E I'? i~.ESOLVED by the Cotk~cil of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk ~d Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of ~50,000.00 payable to the Treas~u'er of the School ~'und on account of school 1'69 Tke 15t, k ,;lay cf OctoLer, !~o. 979. A!I 0~TT.'![C~ ...... to limit the nu:'~,e~ o.~. tice.nse to ?ay2: brokers o~ Ho'~ ~'~-~ Virginia. BE I'~ 0[-:DAi!~,D by the Council of the Citj~ of Roanoke thar no greater ,_amb~r than three ?av~ bro]:erc ~]u~l be licensed to do business R - ~, V' ' ' . Ill TEE COUNCIL P0Y, THE CITY 0P R0/J{0t~, VI},GINIA, The 27th day of October, 1922· No. 978. A :~ou,,u~0N to supplement certain appropriations B~ IT R~o0LSED by the Council of tke Ci~ of Ro~mnoke that appropriations to the following accounts be, smd the same are hereby' supplemented in the following amounts: City Treasurer llilitary and Az~nories Special Services Garage I,lark e t 190.97 165.50 102.50 528.78 95.44 Total ~ 1085.19 The City Clerk and Auditor is directed to ,mal~ such entries on his books as v~ill carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. 117 TP~ COUNCIL FOR Ti-~ CITY 02 ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 2Vth day of October, 1922. No. 980. A PJJSOLUTION granting a permit to 2erguson and ~h~nkhouser to erect a passageway over the alley so as to connect their buildings fronting on Campbell Avenue and 1st (Henry) Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City o£ Roanoke tlmt a l~ermit be, and the same is hereby granted Ferguson and Funkhouser to erect a passageway over the alley between Campbell Avenue a~d 5£irk Avenues so as to con~ct the buildings owned by Fergeson and ~h~nkhouser, one fronting on Campbell Avenue the other on 1st (Henry) Street. The said passa~eway shall be not less than 29 feet and 4 inches above the established grade of said alley, to be 6 feet wide, to the extend between/Zrd and 4th floors of sail buildings. The construction is to be entirely fire proof, fire proof doors to be placed at the entrance of said passage way from both buildir~s. The construction to be under the supervision and in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector. The said Pergn~son and .un~:nouser by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from ~ll claims for d~mages to person or property by reason o£ the const~m, cZion and ~maintenance el' said passageway, the plan of said passageway being hereto att~:ched and made a part he~,-eoi'. 170 IN T?LE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY OF ROAHOtC~, VI!~GINIA, The 2?th day of October, 1922. !lo. 981. A RESOLUTION grauting a permit to D. C. ~itzgerald to construct sleeping porches at his residence Z5 Day J~venue S. W. BE IT !LESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted D. C. Fitzgerald to construct sleeping porches at his residence Zfi ;~ay Avenue. The construction to be in accordance with the sketch attached to wnd made a part of this resolution, and shall be under the supervision and in accordance vzith the good liking and s~tisfaction of the Bulling Inspector. The said D. C. Fitz$,erald by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save hz~rmless the City of Eo~oke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction ~-~nd maintenance of said porches. IN THE COUNCIL ~ T~ CITY OF ?~OANO2LE, VIRGIi,TLi, The £Vth day of October, 192S. No. 98~. f~ ~LESOLUTION granting a peri, it to the Roanoke ~Tater Wcmks Compauy to insts~ll a 6-inch water main in Auburn Avenue 190 feet East from Carter Road. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Roamoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roano]-~e ¥,~ater Works Coml~any to install a 6-inch water ms?~in in Auburn Avenue for a distance of 190 feet East of Carter Road. The installation to be in accordance with the good liking and satisfac- tion of the City ~,~anager. The said Roanoke Water Worhs Company by ~cting under this resolution agrees to replace the street in accordance ~ith the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke. IN THE COUI~CIL FOR T~bU~ CITY 02 ROAN01LE, VIRGINL%, The S?th day of October, 19SS. No. 98Z. A i~ESOLUTION granting a permit to ],,i. S. Hudgins, L. G. Richards and J. B. Price to lay a ~-inch water line in Snd Street, South Roanoke, East of Wellington Avenue. BE IT !~ESOLV£D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the smme is hereby granted ]~,I. S. Hudgins, L. G. Richards and J. B. Price to lay a ~-inch water line in £nd Street, South Roanoke, for a distance of 610 feet East of Wellington Avenue. The said wa~ter line shall be laid according to the good liking an,~_ satisfaction of the City ~a~ger, and the said ~,,~. S. Hudgins, L. G. Richards and J. B. Price shall replace the street in accordance ?ri th the General Ordin~ances of the City of Roanoke. !_71 III TIUZ COUNCIL FOE TP~ CITY 02 i{~kN0i~, VIi~GII[LI, The 2?th day of October, 1922. No. 984. A PJ~SOLUTIOII grating a pe~it to A. W. Tinnell, P. O. Lester and W. R. IEattox to construct a five (5) foot sidewalk on the South side of Virginia Avenue in front of their respective properties. BE IT i~SOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a ?e~:;it be, and the s~e is hereby granted A. W. Til~ell, P. O. Lester and W. R. Mattox to construct a five (5) foot granolithic sidewalk on the South side of Virginia Avenue in front of their respective properties for a distance of 2V9 feet. The said applicants to pay the entire cost they to be reimbursed one-~lf such cost at some future time. The said sidewalk ~all be contacted in accordance with the sFecifications ~o be ffu~i~ed by the City I.ianager and to be constructed in accordance with his good liking ~d s~tisfaction.'~ The s~tid A. W. Ti~ell, P. G. Lester a-~d W. R. Mattox shall file vAth the City Clerk ~d Au~tor a statement showi~ the cost of said walk. IN THE COUNCIL FOE THE CITY 0F RC&!~01~, VI>~GINL~, The 2?th day of October, 1922. No. 985. A '~J~SOLUTION granting a permit to W. W. Boxley to pave the alley in the rear of his building, corner of Jefferson Street and Luck Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted W. W. Bo:.:ley to pave the alley in the rear of his building situated at the Northeast corner of Jefferson Street and Luck Avenue, the ];avin~.~ to be in accordance to specifications furnished by the City :fanager; the entire cost to be paid by the said W. W. Boxley no part thereof to be paid by the City of Roano~. Il? THE COUNCIL '~0R T~ CITY 0P i~0~0~, The 27th day of October, 1922. No. 986. A I~SOL~ION granting a permit to W. W. Bo~ley to construct g sidewalk on the North side of Luck Avenue ~butt~no his property. BE IT PgSOLVED by the Council oi~ the City of Ro~oke that m pe~it be, and the same is hereby ~%rantcd W. W. Boxley ~o construct a sidewalk on the North side of Luck Avenue East of Jefferson Street abutting his ?royerty. The said sidewalk to be constructed according to specifications and plans ~rnished by the City L~a~ger. The said W. W. Boxley to pay the entire cost of said wall: he to be reimbursed one-half such coat at some future tir~. The said W. W. Boxley s~ll file with the City Clerk and Au~tor a statement ~.~vi~ the cost of said side,vail:. Itt THE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 0F ROAN0tiB, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of October, 192~. No. 987. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electrio Company to install a 100 C. P. light on Shenandoah Avenue East of Jefferson Street. BE IT EESOLV~ED by the Council of the City of Ro~naoke that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and is hereby authorized to install a 100 C. P. light on Shenandoah' Avenue just East of Jei'ferson Street. The said light to be maintained in accordance with the contract between the City of idoanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. IN THE COUNCIL 5~OR Tt~ CITY OF ROAt~OiLE, VIRGINIA. The 27th day of October, 19P~2. No. 988. A !bESOLUTIOU to give a hearing to certain property o~aaers on the question of constructing sidewalks. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanolm that the City l,Ianager ~be, and he us hereby authorized to give a hearing to lirs. 2. Hoffett, the owner of Lot 6 Section Z7 of the !~elrose Land Company's Addition abutting on ~Ielrose Avenue between 14th and l~th Streets, and C. S. Terrill Lot 6 Section ~ of the ~,{oorman Homestead Addition abutting on I~.adison Avenue between 8th and 10th Streets on the question of the construction of sidewalk to acco~modate their respective properties. The said hearing shall be at such time as the City 1.1anager shall direct. Ii~ TI~ COLqICiL ~Y~E TP~ CITY 03 i{~%NOKE, VIRGIl[IA, The Oral day of November, 1922. lie. 989. A RESOLUTI01~ to debate the sum of ~lO0.O0 towards the expenses of celebrating Armistice Day. BE IT -~m~o,,~ by the Council of the ~t~ of Roanol:e that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in the sum of ~lO0.O0 towards the expenses of celebrating Armistice Day. The said amount when paid shall be c?=rged to the account of allowances ~mnd gifts. aut omob ile. III THE COU!ICIL 20E TP_E CITY O J_~ ROAII0tlE, VIRGIl!IA, The Srd day o~ November, 192P~. Ilo. 990. A iU~SOLUTION to reinstate a Detroit to Jobn~ I~eay to drive an John Peay to drive an automobile be, smd the sac, ne is hereby reinstated. '~_,:.~ ~u,_.,u~..~ PON The 5zA day off I[over.~er, 1922. No. 991. ' ~:~ ~T ~ .~50LY2I gr~ti~ a ~e~.~it to D 0~, . . :.~enbr~g~t to construct a metal clad addition to his bu[ldi~ IIo. 514 Salem Aven. ue ~:' IY 2~SOLVED o~ the Council of the City ofl Roanoke that a pe~nit be, and the same is hereby granted D E Argenbright to ccnctruct a tem~o~'a~v metal clad addition to his ' '~ buml~ ~,o. ~ 514 Salem Avenue, 2. W. Thc aaid constN~ction shall be in accordance with the ~ood lm~.m~aa ~d satmsfaction off the 2uild~ng Ins~:.ector. and to be :.~aintained until the 50th d~.z~- of J~me, ~9~o,° ..... after ~znm~ ti~ the same slmll be removed. Thc said D. E. Argenbri~ht '--o~ actin,~_ unde~'~ this resolution a:~recs~ to indemmifly and save n~rmle~ the City of ~,~no~.e TM .... flrom all claims ~ -~ _ ~o~ ~ma?es to ~rson or property ~y Pe~s~ n of the constN~ction en~ m~in- te~nce o/J said addition. IIT TH:' '~ ',Tn .... ~ ~ · ~ .~0E"_,~i;~ 5'01( THE CI2Y 02 NOAN0i2, The 5rd day of November, 1922. !Io. 992. A ~o0L4~iI0i} granti~ a yermit to the r:o~no.:e Gas Lmgnt Company to install a gas m~n on Ghent Boulevard for a distance off 200 fleet South of ~lestover l~venue, A~ex i'erritory 1919. 2:-2 IT !'ESOL'.,~D by the Co,cji or the City o~ 2o~o~e that a pezm~it be, and the s .... e is hereby -'~ ~ ' l,~ . ...... g~an~em the Roanoke Gas Ligd~t Com,~ny to install a cas in Ghent Boulevard for a distance of 200 fleet South off ~.lestover Avenue, A~ex ~er~to:~. 1919 The o,~ . ~_e Ro~moke ~,a~ Lin'i,t~. Company by actins~ under ~s resolu- tion a~re~.s to rer~lace the streets, where the sm:e . ~, be torn up, in accordar~ce with the provisions o-~ the General Ordinances of the Cmos. of ~oano.ke. ne 5rd da~ of T,F ![o. 995. the School Ptu~d on account or maintenance. BE IL' !~SOLVED by the Council off the 0ity of Roanoke t!mt the City Clerk and Au~tor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in the s~ of · ~]50,000.00 .a~:.ble~o -'~ to the Yreas'm'er off theocnoo'~ ' i Pund. Thc said amoztnt shall charsed to the ardinary account off schools. 174 IN THE COUNCIL POE THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of November, 1922. No. 994. A RESOLUTION to donate the sum of $550.00 to cover the deficit in the expenses of constructing floats for the Pageant Week in the City of Richmond. BE IT .RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City / Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant payable to B. P. Shelor, Secretary, or Joseph Spigel, Chairman of the Pageant Committee, for the sum of $550.00. The said amount to coy. er the deficit in the expenses of the committee for constructing floats used in the parade during Pageant Week in the City of Richmond.. The said amou_ut when paid shall be charged to the account of allowances and gifts. IN THE COUNOIL F0z~ THE CITY OF ~0AN0¥~:, VIHGINIA, The 10th day of November, 192E. No. 995. A HESOLUTION authorizing the construction of a sidewalk in front of the property of John Saunders at ~22 ¥~alker Avenue, N. E. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the 0ity Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or b~ve constructed a side- walk in front of the property of John Saunders at 82£ Walker Avenue N. E., but before proceeding with the constructior~ of saiA walk the said John Saunders shall pay into the Oity Treasury the fall cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNOIL FOR THE CITY OP ROANOk~, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of November, 19~£. No. 996. A RESOLUTION granting a pemit to the Hoge-Spalding Ce., Inc., to install a gasoline pump on the curb line in front of Nc.Z49 Campbell Avenue S. W. BE IT PJ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the san~ is hereby granted the Hoge Spalding Co., Inc., to install a gasoline pump on the curb line at No. ~49 Campbell Avenue, S.W. The pump shall be installe in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the City Manager at the location to be selected by him and ma~t be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Cou~cil or its duly authorized officer. The Said HogerSpalding Co., Inc., by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save ~the City harmless fron any claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and mainteance of said gasoline pump. 175 IN THE COUNCIL ~ THE CITY O~~ R0~21OKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of November, 1922. No.997. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of $49,000.00 on account of school buil dings. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~lerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the stun of $49,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School ~und on account of school buildings. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary account of schools. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of November, 1922. ~ NO. 998. AN 0RDINANSE to mnend and reordain Section 61 of an ordinance adopted on the 6th day of February, 19~0, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate traffic on and the use of the public streets and highways of the ~ity of Roanoke, Virginia, by horses, vehicles, ani pedestrians; providing for the penalty of a violation thereo~ and repealing all ordinances heretofore passed that are inconsistent herewith." BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Section 61 of an ordinance adopted on the 6th day of February, 1920, entitled, "Au Ordinance to regulate traffic on and the use of the public streets and highways of the Cit~y of Roanoke, Virginia, by horses, vehicles and pedestrians; providing for the penalty of a violation thereof and repealing all ordinances heretofore passed that are inconsistent herewith" be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: SECTION 61: It shall be unlawful for any person while in an intoxicated condition, to drive or operate any selfpropelled vehicle and any person so doi~~ shall be fined not less than Fifty Dollars nor more than One Hundred D~llars and the levying of said fine shall revoke~ the permit held by such person for a period of not less than three (~) months and until a new permit is issued to the person convicted. IN THE COUNCIL FOR TP~ CITY OF BOANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 10th da~~ of November, 192~. No. 999. A RESOLUTION to give a hearing to certain property owners on the question of constructi.ng sidewalks. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~[anager be, and he is hereb~,~ authorized to give a hearing to L. l~. & M. K. Richardson, the owners of lot 8, Section 59, and L. E. Webber the owner cE lot 7, Section 59, of the Melrose Land Company's Addition abutting on Staunton Avenue, N. W. between 17th and 18th Streets on the question of the construction of a sidewalk to 176 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANGKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of November, 1922. No. lO01. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of October, 1922, and directing the p~ymm~t of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and clams against th~ City for the month of October, 1922, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Mara get Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasure r Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Election Stationery & Printing 0 ounc il Convention & League Goroner Almshouse Outside Poor Hospitals Organi zed Cha tit ies I n sane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Police Dept. ·ire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detsntion~ Health Dept. Street gleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Maintenance Street Repair Bridge Repair Cruaher City Stables Special Services Damages & ~osts Workmen' s Compensation Garage Schools Park s Library Market Interest Annex 1919 Account s Payable $ ?96.69 831.37 670.75 187.58 220.00 291.66 1115.83 1309.49 431.84 1089.28 157.84 10.80 433.32 ?9.?4 25.00 446.60 120.00 250.00 489.99 48.00 1401.93 5?8.08 9560.05 8036.45 1406.31 2135.67 306.00 70.50 100.00 158.00 1611.11 1218.72 2820.48 524.07 3468.4 ? 1849.24 1214.44 2908.82 102.50 181.46 40.00 6?6.96 75,000.00 613.59 1169.45 994.67 35,002.50 1685.22 494.00 $ 164,334.47 EX TRAORD INAR Y. Fire Dept. Sewer Construction Drain Construction Street Grading MaCadamizing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction Quarry Schools 726.55 2338.68 87.75 186,50 7467.33 24,843.90 6849.51 948.69 4316.09 50,000.00 765.00 262.099.47 177 IN TP-~i COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 02 ROA}10I~E, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of November, 192E. No. 1000. A RESOLUTICN to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT ~SOL~dD by the Council of the Cit~~ of Roanoke that appropriations to the following accounts be, and the same are hcreby supplemented in the followin~ amount s: City Treasurer Collection of Taxes Elec ti on s Stationery & Printing Police Dept. I&ilitary & Armories Crusher Special Services Garage I~a rke t Interest 187.58 ~44.50 45. ?0 10.80 14£.76 ~0.50 994.56 102.50 676.96 994.67 56~5.00 9~43 Extraordinary Quarry 4516.09 559.4 The City 01erk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. IN THE COUIICIL FOP. THE CITY 0P ROANCI~, VIRGINIA , The 17th day of November, 19SS. No. 100~. A Pd~SOLUTION granting a permit to the Romaoke Water ~';orks Company to open Virginia Avenue for the p~rpose of placir4~ a water connection for the lots near the corner of Brunswick Street. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works ComI~any to open Virginia Avenue near Brunswick Street for the prupose of connecting water lines to two lots fronting Virginia Avenue at the corner of said Br~mswick Street. The connection to be made to two lots through one opening. The street shall be replaced, where the same has been torn up, in accordance with the general ordinances o2 the City of Roanoke. IN TiKE COLE;CIL F0R TIed CITY 03~ ROAN0}~, VIRGINIA , The 17th day of November, 1922. No. 100~. , A RESOLUTION to donate the sum of $400 to the State Board of Health for the prupose of assisting Roanoke County in its health work. BE IT R~OLVED by the Council of the City of Ro~o~:e ttmt the City' Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to dr~w a warrant payable to State Board of Health for the sum of $400, said amount being to assist Roanoke County in its health understood, however, tha~ the donation is an emergenc~, program. It being one and io in no way to be taken as a precedent for donations of similar character~ The said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of allowances and gifts. 1N THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANO~~,a, VIRGI1FiA, The 17th day o£' November, 1922. No. 1004. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~ianager to construct or have construct~ a sidewalk on the West side of Auburn Avenue between Carter and Bellville Roads for a distance of 50 feet in front of the property of R. C. Kraige. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit2 Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to ffonstruct a five foot sideWalk on the West side of Auburn Avenue between ~arter and Bellville Roads in front of the property of R. C. Kraige for a distance of 50 feet. The construction c~ maid sidewalk shall be in accordance with specifications furnished by the City ~nager and the cost not to exceed 25 cents per square foot. walk shall be constructed the said R. C. Kraige shall pay the he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. Before Such si de- i~ll cost thereof, IN THE COIR;CIL ~OR T~ CITY OF ROANOi~E, VIRGIIFiA, The 17th day of November, 1922. Nc.lO05. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay a S-inch gas main in Patterson Avenue for a distance of 500 feet West of 19th Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the s~me is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to construct a S-inch gas main ~n Patterson Avenue for a distance of 500 feet West of 19th Street. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company shall replace the street where the same is torn up in accordance with the provisions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke. III THE COUP~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, , ,- 'F. AL£D =~' INO...~.~ ~ The 17th day o~ November, 19ES. Date ~ o ~ ~:~ '~ No. 1006. AN O~IN~CE to repeal an ordnance adopted on the 6th day ~ May, 19~2, entitled, "An Or~n~ce to prohibit the prorating of licenses to operate jitney buses." BE IT ORDAIneD by the Co~cil of the City of Roanoke that an or~n~ce adopted on t~ 6th day of ~y, 1922, entitled, "~ Ordin~ce to prohibit the prorati~ of licenses to operate jitney buses," be, a~ ~e same is hereby rep e~le d. ~d !7.q 115 Tk~ COUNCIL ~OR Tt~E CITY 02' ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, The lSth day of November, 1922. No. 1007. A i~ESOLUTION to release a lien on Judgment Rocket Lien Book against the Bankers Loan and Investment Company for $9.94 on account of sidewalk assessment. WP~REAS, there is docketed in the Corporation Court on Judgment Lien Docket Book No.3, Page No.156, a judgment against the Bankers Loan and Investment 0ompany for the sum of $9.94 on account of the constlmction of a sidewalk on the South side of Center Avenue West of llth Street, arzl Wi~PJ~AS, tLe Bankers Loan and Invest,u'~nt Company does not now and never has owned the property for which the judgment was docketed, and the said Bankers Loan and Investment Com~ny has requested that lien cf said judgment be released. NOW, T}~0'.E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that t~e City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to mark on the margin of the page of the Judgment Lien Docket, where said judgment is recorded a release ment thereof. ~H~ CI 0~' Z02d~0i2E, VIrgiNIA, The 2~th day of November, 1922. No. 1008. A ~SOLUTIOU ~uthorizing the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Shirley Avenue in front of ~e pro?erty of J. ~. Williams. BE IT RESOLVED by the Cou~il of the City of' Roanoke thet the City L[~ager be, and he is hereby authorized to e~onstruct, or ceuse to be constructed, ~ five (6) foot grenolithic sidewalk on the South side of Shirley Avenue West Gran(~n Roed, Ampex Territory 1919, in front of the property of Dr. J. 12. Williams but before proceedi~ '~th the const~ctlon of s~id welk, the said Dr. J. Williams s~ll pay i~to the City Treesury the full cost thereof, he to be reimburse one-h~lf such cost et some leter dGte. Ill T,~ COUtICIL F01i TP~ CITY 07 ROAN0ilE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of November, 1922. No .1009. A P~SOLlfl'ION directing the City Manager to purchase a striy of land Z0 feet lo~T by 7 feet deep from V. C. Herndon at a cost of $50.00. BE IT ?~ESOLVED by the Council of the Oi~- of Roanoke that the City ...... ~. ~ud he is hereby authorized to purchase from V. C. Herndon a strip of land Z0 feet long~ by 7 feet wide at the price of ~50.00 in order to ~viden Wise Avenue at 18th ~treet. Upon the conveyance by a ~.roper deed to the land, the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to draw a warrant payable to said V. C. Herndon for the s~nn of ~50.00 which amount sb=ll be ~ , c~o~d to the account of Opening and Grading Streets. 180 Iii Tt~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF Rf~iN01£E, VIRGINIA, The £4th day of November, 1922. No. 1010. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to construct a gas main in Woods Avenue, S. W., for a distance of 200 feet. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a per, nit be, and the same is hereby grauted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to construct a ~-inch ~as main in Woods Avenue, S. W., from Commerce Street Uest to the alley, a distance of 200 feet. The said Roanoke Gas Li~t Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the street, where the same is torn up, in accordance with the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke. IN T~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOEE', VIRGINIA, The 24th day of November, 1922. No. 1011. A RESOLUTION granting a ]~ermit to lirs. Florence Graves to make a 6 foot frame extension to her residence, 209 Day Avenue S. W. BE IT P&ISOLIU£D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted !'.rs. Florence Graves to make ~ 6 foot frame extension to her residence 209 Day Avenue, S.W. The Construction of such extension shall be in accordance ~'dth the good liking and satisfaction of the ~uilding Inspector and under his supervision. The said 1Lrs. Florence Graves by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction of such extension. IN THE COUNCIL F01~ THE CI~f OF ROAN0i~, VIRGINIA, The £~th day of November, 192~. No. 1012. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to install a 250 C. P. light at the corner of Rosalind Avenue and 2nd Street, South Roanoke. BE IT ttESOL'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 250 C. P. light at the corner of Rosalind Avenue and 2nd Street South Roanoke, The said ~ight to be maintained in accordance ~with the contract existing bet:veen the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. IN ~w COUIICIL FOR THE CITY OF t{OANO~, VIRGINIJ~ The ~th day of November, 192~. Turner at the corner of 2ranklin Road amd Ist Street, S. W. ~E I T ~ '~ ' .~SOL~,ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clem and Auditor in consideration of the rigdat-of-way for sewer be, and he is hereby directed to releaa~e the sewer assessment against the property of Julia A. Turner at the corner of Franklin Road and 1st Street, v:hich assessment amounts to ~18.~0. IN TPv~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAUOKE, VL~CIJL~, The ~4th day of November, 19~2. No. 1014. A i~SOLUTION granti~ a pe~it to the Western Union Telegraph Comply to construct certain conduits. ~ou~ by the Council off the City of Roanoke tkat the Union Telegraph Comyany be, and it is hereby granted a 'permit to const~ct conduit~ in the followi~ streets: St,~rtin~ on the East side off Norffolk Avenue approxi~tely 200 feet East of the intersection off Campbell Avenue, thence West along Norffolk Avenue under the sidewah, to the intersection off Norffolk and Campbell Avenues, thence North across the intersection off Norffolk and Campbell Avenues to the North si~ .,e of Norfolk Avenue, t~nce elon~ tko North si~e of Norfolk Avenue to a point a~proximetelF 180 feet West of Jefferson Street, thence alon~ the N & W. Rai!~vay. tz~c~.s to a point approzimately ~0 feet East of Commerce Street, tl~nce across the N. & W. Railway tracks and Commerce Street to Shenando~ Avenue, thence West alo~ S~.enandoah Avenue to the East side of 10th Street, thence on the ma~t side of 10th Street to 10th Street Bridge, crossing 10th Street Bridge to ~ackson Avenue. A ~:ranch of this conduit will cross the 1[. & W. Rai!~,~r,y tracks at a point 180 feet West of Jefferson, Street and ~' · ~nenandoah Avenue to the General Office Buil,~ng of the N. & W. .~_..~"~'~=..~, ....... Com-~any.. The said conduits ona be constructed in accordance w~tn the good likin ~d satisfaction of the City l[~ager. The said Wcstezm Union Telegraph Comt~any by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify an~ save harm!e~s the Ci~Sy of Roanoke from any claius for da~ges to ?erson or property by reason of t~ opening and const~ction of safd oonduit. 181 The 1st day of Decer:~.ber, ~,qoo llo. 1015. ~- _~0LU~0~ authorizing the construction of a se;vet on the West side off Carolina Avenue, South Ro~moke, to accomr:~odate the !:roperty of W. E. Easter. ~.&~0LVED by the Con. il of the Cit.,¢ of Roano]:e t}:~ the Cit~, l[anager be, and he is hereby authorized to constm~ct or cause to be const~mcted a sewer on ~ne ~Jest side of Carolina ~,venue East of 1st otreet, South Roanoke, to acconmmlate the property of W. E. E~ster, but before co~mtructin~ tke sewer, the said W. ~. ~w~ stet shall pay into the City Treasury the ~ll cost tkereof, he to be~ ~0z~ TitE CITY 0F i~UE COUi~C I L VIRGINIA, The 1st day of December, 192~. No. 1016. A ~S0LUTION granti~ a permit to Pra~ D. Va~Iostrand to construct a water line to his residence on H~ilton Avenue, Wasena. BE IT ~SOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit bey and is hereby granted ~rank D. Va~ostrand to construct a S/4 inch water line ~rom L[ain Street, Wasena, to Hamilton Avenue, so as to accommodate his property. The said Prank D. V~[ostrand by acti~ under this resolution agrees to replace the street, where the same is torn up, under the provisions of the General 0rdinames of the City of Roanole. IN TP~Z COUNCIL F0E T~ CITY 02 ROAN01iE, VI!{GI!IIA, The 1st day of December, 1922. No. 1017. A RE~0LIfi'I01J directing the City Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant for $3~,000.00 ~ayable to the Treasurer of the School ~und. BE IT P£SOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the sum ~f $~,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School Fund for maintenance of schools for month of November. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of schools. Ill TH~ COLqICIL FOE ' .... " 2~:m CITY OF ROANOIS~, VIRGIU!A, The 1st day o% December, 1922. No. 1018. A RESOLUTION to amend and reordain resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke o~ the 24th day of November, 1992, entitled, "A Resolution granting a !~rmit to the Western Union Telegraph Corn?any to construct certain conduits." BE IT ~SOLiUZD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a resolution adopted by the CoUnCil on tl~e a4th day of N~ember, 19£~, entitled, "A Resolutio granting a permit to the Western Union Telegraph Corn?any to construct certain conduits" be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: That a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Western Union Telegraph Company to construct conduits along the following streets, viz: Starting on the East side of Norfolk Avenue approximately ~00 feet East of the intersection of Campbell Avenue, thence West along l~orfolL-Avenue under the sidewall: to the intersection oi' Norfolk and Campbell Avenues, thence North across the intersection of Norfolk and Campbell Avenues to the North side of Norfolk Avenue, thence along the North side of L~orfolk Avenue to a point al?~roxi~ mately 180 feet West of Jefferson Street, thence along ~dae N. & W. Railway track~ Z0 fcet East of Con~merce ~3treet, thence across the to a point appr oxi~m%tely 185 ,f :~xur, u,~ tn t~:e ',,'[est Sl,:ie O~ loth S~reet, t%cnce on the ',';cst side o..f 10t., ~3treet to 10th Street. BridGe, crossing 10th ~reot Br-''~i~e to ~ackson A brazicii cfr this conduit will cross t!le ~? & ",'I. ~' ' . .:azlway ti;acts at a point 190 lc. et West of Je~orson~ Street and Stienandoah Avenuc ,~. the ~eneral Office Bull Ii n, Tile samd ~oniuits~ shall be cons uracted in acco. d,..:ce' ,', ~:-~ · with the ~ood !i]:i~r and satisfaction off the CUt:? ~r~,.,.~,~.:~.. The s:?,id '/lester'n un. ic:t TolcFrai-:: Uomp~::j this resc, lt:.tion agrees to ';' ~"-~¢-, an~ cave ............. ~ ....City of' Roanol.:e from any claims foraa,.:,~oe~,'~ ....... to loerso'~__ or /~rope'r~.~'-' i:U reason of the ct-,eniii~J and co~-:stri~ction of said co:,.di~its. I!? Ti~ COV3[CIL ?0L %%£ CITY 0i~ ?DAll0t~, VI!!GII'IIA, The ~th day off December, 1922. ?fo. 1019. A P~SOLU~I0i~ gr~ti~ a pe~lit ~ the Roanoke Water Works Coral)any to install an 8-inch main in Rorer Avenue ffrom 15th to 18th Streets. BE IT EESOLi~D by the Council off the City o~ Roanoke ti~It a i)e~it be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke 'Sater ¥~orlis Com,,any to ii~tall an 8-inch ~in in Rorer Avenue between 15th ~d 18th Streets. The said R~noke Jater Works Company by actir~ under this resolution agrees to indemniffy and save h~n~ s~ the City off Ro~oke ~rom all clai~ flor d~as~es by reason off ~pening the street flor the pui~:ose o~ installing said n~in, ~d to replace tile street in accordance with the provisions o~ the General Ordinances o~ ~ie City o~ Ro~ol:e. Iii TP~ COUUCIL PO?: ~'~:' The 8th day off December, 1922. No. 1020. A P~SOLUZ[0N authori ~' ~ ~ln$ the City L[anager to construct or cause to be constructed certain sidewalks. BE IT RESOT,YED by the Council cfr the City off Roanoke tlmt the City I,Sanagez be, and he is hereby attthorized to constz~.ct or cause to be constructed 5 froot granolithic sidewalks as follows: [1) South side off Janette Avenue between Franklin Road and 4th Street, a distsmce of approximately 212-1/2 feet, so as to accommodate the troperty cfr W. ¥I. Draper. (2) On the South side of Liountain Avenue for a distar~ce of approximately 110 feet East of Jefferson Street to accor, maodate t~e property of ldrs. Blanch Crueger. Before prooeedin~ with the construction of s. aid sidewalhs, the ?ropsrty , owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future date. Ti 184 Ill THE COUNCIL D~)i{ Ti~ CI'~ O? ROAN01~E, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of December, 1922. No. lO21. A PJdSOLUTION directing the City Clerk to draw a warrant for ~500.00 payable to W. J. Henson on account of his services in the case of the Rcanoke Water Worl:s Company against the City of Roanoke before the Corporation Commission. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~.~o.anoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a war:.~ant for the sum of ,~00.00 payable to W. J. Henson for his services in the case of the Roanoke Water Works .Company against the City of Rcanoke before the State Corporation Commission in the City of Richmond. The amount v~en paid °~all be charged to the account of Special Services. IN T?~2 COUI~CIL_m".vO~.~, THE CITY Or_ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of December, 1922. No. 1022. AN ORDI~ANCE authorizing the Roanoke Rail,~ray and Electric Company to construct, maintain and operate a passing point or double track switch or turn-out on its line of Street railway in the 1919 Annex, on Orandin Road between Virginia Avenue and Westover Avenue. BE IT 02D~I~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, as fo! lo ws: That the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is, hereby permitted to construct, maintain and operate a passing poi'at or double track switch or turn-out ai:proxi~mtely 350 feet in length, on its line of street rai~vay as at present lcm~ated on Grandin Road in said Ci%~ between Virginia Avenue and :;/estover Avenue. The ?oint of clearance stroll be at least 100 feet from Virginia Avenue. ~- o ~ded, however, that said F, oanoke i~ai~;v'ay and Electric Company shall restore the portion of the street upon whic-h said trach is located to the same condition as existed before such improvement was r,~de. 1!5 TtT~ COUNCIL 20i{ THE CITY O.P ROANOke:, VIP. GII~IA, The 15th day of December, 192~. No. 1023. A RESOLUTION grsmting a permit to O. W. Vaughan, the ovmer of the Triangle Oarage corner of 3rd Street and Commonwealth ~ivenue, N. E., to construct a shed on his premises. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted G W 7aug._an, owner of the Triangle Garage to construct a shed on his property at the corner of Zrd Street and Commonwealth Avenue. The construction to be in accordance with the plans hereto attached and made a part hereof and to the good liking and satisfaction of the B~ilding Inspec- tor. The said G. W. Vaughan by attire7 under this resolution agrees to indemnify III TEU5 COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOI~, VIEGINL&, The 15th day of December, 1922. No. 1024. A ~SOLUTION exempting the Ro~nolm Hospital Association from the payment of $511.50 City taxes. BE IT RESOLIFED By the Counc il of the City of ~oanoke that the Roanoke Hospital Association be, and it is hereby relieved from the payment of ;J511.50 City taxes levied against the Hospital for the year 1~J22, and the Treasurer of the City of Roanoke is directed to mart: the tax ticket accordingly. IN TKE COUNCIL FOR Tile CITY 0F ROAN0tiE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of December, 19~2. No. 1025. A ~SOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City m' Roanoke for the month of November, 1922, and directin~ the pa~.~ent of the same. BE IT PdJSOL'~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of November, 1922 be, smd the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City L~nager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Trea sure r Legal Dept. Judge s Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Ele cti on Council Coroner Almshouse Outside Poor Ho spitals Organized C~ties Insane Jail Juvenile Cou~ Police Dept. Fire Dep t. Fire H~drant Rental Street 'Lighting Building Ins~ctor Liilitary & Armories ~'hysician Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleani~ Garbage Remo ~1 Sewer .~lnt enance Street Repairs Bridge Repairs C~she r City Stables Special Services Allowances & Gifts Damages & Cost Workmen's Compe~ation Garage Schools Parks Library Market Inter~ st Account s Payabl~ A~ex 1919 Fire Dept. Sewer Con~truc ti on EXTRA0 P~I ~ 831.78 844.19 654.95 191.66 584.38 451.66 1740.91 261.37 1085.58 992,7.5 1Z1Z. 68 &53.32 20.00 320.21 171.43 250.00 825 180.00 999.67 688.84 9575.51 8394.00 1391.25 2025.68 510.90 73.50 't00.00 160.00 1635.09 1,~- 0 7.76 3412.10 1080.66 4060.25 2056.67 1584.14 1520.27 102,50 & 50. O0 3.00 125.00 717.50 55,000. O0 706.70 1107.36 1176.94 20482.50 564.00 .5150.92 9871.51 1~£,~ ~ $ 114,805.87 Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction Quarry 9870.81 4586.01 2575.15 8.20 $ 5J,068.01 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF HOAN0tZE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of December, 1922. No. 1027. A RESOLUTION to exempt the Veterans of Foreign Wars from the payment of a license taX for entertainment. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Veterans of Foreign Wars be, and they are hereby exempt from the payment of the lis ense tax on an entertainment to be given at the Auditorium for the week beginning December 18, 1922. The said tax amounts to the sum of ~lO. IN THE COUNCIL 3~R 5%E CITY OF RO~'G~O'~Jd, VIi{GINIA, The 15th day of December, 19~2. No. 102 8. A ~mo0LUTION authorizing the carrying of R. S. Anderson, Lieutenant of Police, on the payroll at one-half pay for a period of three months. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that R. S. Ander- son, Lieutenant of Police, be carried on the Police pay-roll at one-half pay for a period of thr~e months from the 15th day of December, 1922. Ii; THE COUNCIL FO?, T~ CITY OF R02JI0t[E, VIi~GINIA, The 22nd day of December, 1922. 17o. 1026. A RESOLUTIOI~ to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City o£ Roanoke that appropriationsI to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the foilowi ng~. amounts: City Treasurer Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes Elections I ns ane Police Department LIilitary & Armories Crusher Special Services Allowances & Gifts Garage Mark et Interest Quarry Site Extraq_rdinar~~· T ct al ~ 191.66 155.75 1085.58 1513.68 127.50 9575.51 73.50 1584.16 102.50 450.00 717.50 1176.94 20,482.50 36,852.76 8.20 56,840.96 187 IN '~_~ COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0~~ ;~u~.IT0~LE, VI:~GINI~, The 22nd Day of December, 1922. No. 1029. A P~SOLUTION directi~ the payment off the Treasurer of the School Fund the sum off f~49,735.24 flor school maintenance. BE IT P~SOL]~ED by 'hhe Council of the City off Roanoke t~zt the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor off the Treasurer off the Schcol ~nd flor the s~2 off ~j49,755 o ~ . .~.4 for the maintenance o~ schools for the month of December. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the or~na~y account of schools. I1J THE COUNCIL POE T}~ CITY OF 20~i,~0iZ, VIllGINIA, The ~2nd day of December, 1922. No. 1050. A !i.ESOLUTI01? to accept the proyosition made k.y the Castle Corro~mtion granting an oltion to purchase certain property and water rights. ES IT i!ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanohe t?mt the proposition submitted by the Castle Corporation.,~r..,~ting~__ an ol:ticn to the City of Roanohe to purchase cez~a~n property and water rights at the price of 9o0,000.00, said option is hereto attached and made a part hereof, be and the same is hereby acce!ted. Ii~ THE COUIICIL FOR TI2] CITY O? i{OANOi~, VI2GINIA, The 22nd day of December, 19,~. No. 1051. A~[_ 0RDIi,i~[~'o~ to amend aug re-ordain an or~n~n~ce ~doFted~ Ma~' ~- 15, 1920, entitled, &n 0rdin~mee to provide for tbk establishment of a public library reading room for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the 0ity of i{oanoke, Virginia, and to prescribe regulations for the govermnent thereof, by amending Section 1 thereof ac as to provide for establishinE branches. BE IT 0i~DAIi~iD by the Council of the City of Ro~o]:e that Section 1 of the 0rally. nee ariel:ted l[ay 15, 1920, ?rovidin~% flor the establis~zment off a i~ublic library, etc., ~e and is hereby amended and re or d!~i ned so as to read as ffollo¥~s: Section ~: Said main library and reading rooms s~all be lock-:ted in the bui~i~z situated in Elmwood !:ark; ~md the Board of Directors of said library shall have a~t:~ority~., to e~taLlish a branch for the ..... ,~a and beneffit off the colored i~abitants off the City' off Roanohe at s~ch place and under ~ch re~!ations not inconsistent '/ith this ordin~ce, as said Eo~d slml! deem pro?er, a~'~d it ma~~ establish bra~mhes in such o~er parts off the CitD- as it may deem pro!~er, for the use ~md benefit of the inhabit~nts off this City. Thins C~dz~mnce shall be enfforced ffrom its passage. 188 .... ~'~:::~ ...... The 22nd day of December, 1922. ....................... No. 1033. AI~ 0RDIi~AI~C~ to prohibit the prorating of licenses to operators of jitney buses and automobiles for hire. BE IT 0?OAIN~ by the Co.oil of the City of Ro~oke that no license hereafter issued for ~e operation of jitney buses [~nd automobiles for hire shall be prorated, ~md the Commissioner of iqevenue is directed to levy the full tax on all licenses issued for the o?eraticn of jitney buses and automobiles fez hire. This ordinance shall be in force from its passage. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROAN0k-F~, VIRGINIA. The 29th day of December, 1922. No. 1032. AN ORDINANCE to make appropriations for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1923. BE IT 0BDAII~D by the aouncil of the City of aoanoke that all money that shall come into the ~ity Treasury for year ending December 31, 1923, [except such money as is applicable to the Annex Territory 1919), shall consti- tute a General ~und, and the same, or so. much thereof as is necessary be, a, nd the same is hereby appropriated to the following uses and purposes, to-wit: CITY MANAGER lA. Salary $ity Manager " glerk " Stenographer Stationery Postage Telephone & Telegraph Supplies for Auto Special Employees Traveling Expenses Incidentals ~'urniture & Fixtures ENGINEERING DEIOT . lB. Salary City Engineer " Assr. " " Inspector " Time Keeper " ~%odman Wages 1 Chainman Stationery Po sta~e Telephone & Telegraph Supplies for Auto Inci dent als ~pecial E~ployees ~urniture & Fixtures Maps, Purchase of CITY CLERK lC. Salary $ity $1erk " Asst. " " Stenographer Statio ne ry Postage Telephone & Telegraph Traveling Expenses Incidentals · urniture & Fixtures TREASURER ID. Salary Treasurer Stationery P os tage Tel elohone $ 6,000.00 1,740.00 1,104.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 350.00 100.00 150.00 25.00 50.00 2,460.00 2,040. O0 1,260.00 1,200. O0 1,044. O0 1,100. O0 2O0.00 25.00 5.00 300.00 ?5.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 4,500.00 1,920.00 1,200 · O0 300.00 6O. O0 25.00 150.00 50.00 2oo.oq 1,680.00 500.00 ?5.00 30.00 $ 9,969.00~ 10,009.00 8,405.00 189 TREASURER (con) · urniture & ~ixtures LE GAL DEPARTmeNT 1E. Salary ~ity Solicitor Stationery Postage Telephone & Telegraph Printing, etc. Inc i de ntals JUDGES SALARIES l~. Judge Corporation Court " Law & Chancery Court " Circuit Court Extra Judges COURT 0~ICERS & M×PENSE 1G. Salary Clerk $ourt " City Sergeant " Commonwealth Attorney " ¢ te rk " " " Civil & Police Justice " Issuing Justice Stationery & Books Telephone & Telegraph Jury & Witness Fees He,airs to Equipment Copying Records (Rebinding Books) Counsel ~ees Incidentals ~umiture & ~ixtures Law Books ASSES~!EHT OF TAX 1H. Salary Commissioner of l~evenue Commissions Stationery Telephone & Telegraph License Tags Dog Tax Inci dent al s ~urnitu re & Equipment COLLECTION OF TA× 1I. Salary of Treas. Stationery Po stage Advertising Commissions Clerk Gourt Inci dent al s CITY HALL Sa,l,a ry ~uel Light Water Supplies - Repairs & Insurance Incidentals Equipment 1J. Su~t. Buil ding 4 ~anitors $960 each I " I Elevator Operator Alterations ELECTIONS 1~£. Judges & Clerks Rent Voting Places Registration Fees Printing Tickets Stationery & Supplies ~lectoral Board Treasurer, Voting List Clerk Court, Voting List Printing Voting List Sergeant ~ees STATIONERY & PRINTING 1L. ~treet Advertising Sewer Advertising Sidewalk Advertising Printing Ordinances COUNCIL 1M. Salary I Member " 4 " $1000 Stationery Incidentals each 250.00 2,640.00 5O.O0 20.00 10.00 100.00 25.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 606.00 250.0O 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,560.00 3,960.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 lO0.00 2,300.00 100.00 1,150.00 150.00 100.O0 1,100.00 125.00 1,200.00 7,500.00 650.00 50.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 50.00 250.00 4,800.00 2,500.00 400.00 350.00 250.00 25.00 1,500.00 3,840.00 348.00 612.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 ?50.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 250.00 200.00 50.00 450.00 250.00 300.00 100.00 50.00 75.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 10.00 25.00 $ 5,165.00 2,845.00 ?,356.00 18,545.00 11,?00.00 8,325.00 13,750.00 6,675.00 1,100.00 5,235.00 CORONER 10. Coroner Service Jury & ~itness ~ees Stationery AIA{SHOUSE 2A. Sal. ary Eeeper l~tron " Nurse " Cook " ~arm Hand Labor Supplies ~uel Light Drug~ & Disinfectant s glothi ng Insurance Burial ]~aupe rs Repairs & Alterations Equipment & Live Stock OUTSIDE POOR 2B. Salary Supt. Groceries Drugs ~uel Special Attention Incidentals HOSPITALS 20. Roan6ke Hospital Burrell Memorial Association Hospital 0RG~IIZED CHARITIES 2D. Travelers Aid Society Roauoke ~ree Medical Dispensary Salvation Army Children's Home Society INSANE Justice ~ees Physician ~ees Witness Fees Stationery Transporting Lunatics JAIL 2F. Salary Matron Board Prisoners $ommittal Tees Tele phone Clothing ~or Prisoners Suppli es Repai rs ,UVE I E COURT Salary ~hief Probation Officers " Woman ~robation Officer " $olored " " " Keeper Detention Home Stationery Postage Telephone Rent Detention Homes ~uel Light & Water Laundry & Supplies Repairs Inci dentals Equipment POLICE DEPARTI~LENT 3A. I Supe rint endent I Capt. of Detectives ~ Lieutenants ~ Sergeant s I Desk Sergeant- 3 Switch ~oard Operators $1500 ea. 2 PatrolDrivers $1260 ea. 6 Motorcycle Officers 3-$1500 ea. 3-$1560 ea. 4 Detectives $1560 ea. 25 Pat,r, olmen $1560 ea 20 $1500 ea i 1 ~lerk 1 Electrician Total Sta ti one ry ~os tage Telephone & Telegraph Su~olies for Motor vehicles salaries 275.00 50.00 15.00 960.00 516.00 300.00 336.00 480.00 1,000.00 600.00 250.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 500.00 300.00 300.00 1,200.00 450.00 250.00 50.00 50.00 3,990.00 660.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 250.00 180.00 75.00 350.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 600.00 14,000. O0 800.00 48.00 900.00 800.00 500.00 '1,800.00 1,300.00 900.00 900.00 75.00 30.00 125.00 960.00 350.00 100.O0 150.00 50.00 50.00 3,600.00 2,400.00 5,220.00 4,860.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 2,520.00 9,180.00 6,240.00 39,000.00 30,00~.00 1,200.00 ?80.00 111,500.00 500.00 45.00 300.00 600.00 340.00 5, ?42.00 2,300.00 3,660.00 2,830.00 510.00 17,648.00 6,790.00 !.91. POLICE DEPT. (con.). Traveling ~xpense Incidentals Purniture & Equipment ~IRE DEPARTMENT 5B. Salary 1 Chief " I Supt. Pire Alarm " I Master Mechanic " 1 Inspector " 8 Captains " 8 Lieutenants " 6 Engineers " 26 - 3rd Year Privates " 6 - 2nd " " " 8 - 1st " " Total Salaries Stationery & Postage Telegraph & Telephone Repairs & Supplies for apparatus Gasoline & 0il ~uel, Light & Water Laundry & Supplies tnmurance & Rep. to Bldg. Maintenance of Pire Alarm Traveling ~xpense Inci dentals Hose Extending ~'ire Alarm System ~IHE HYDRANTS 3C. 371 Hydrants ~ $50 each 25 " Installed ~ ~50 each Repairs STREET LIGHTING 3D. 726 - 250 C. P. Lights 138 - 100 C. P. Lights lB0 White Way Installations BUILDING INSPECTOR 3P. Salary Building Inspector Stenographer Stationery Postage Telephone Special Employees Inci dentals Gasoline & 0il for Auto i Eord Automobile MILITARY & Ai~,IORIES 3G. Re nt Audi t ori um Light lng Equipment PHYSICIAN 4A. Salary City Physician Spe ci al " QUARANTINE & DETENTION 4B. Salary Quarantine Officer " Keeper Detention Home Drugs & Disinfectants Pood Supplies Vaccinations Special Care Patients Repairs to Buildings Incidentals Rurniture & Rixtures HEALI~t DEPAR~IhI~T 4E. Salary Health Officer " Clerk " Dairy & Pood Inspector " Sanitary Officer " Sealer Weights & Measures " Stenographer " Baby Nurse " Janitor " Sanitary Officer Total salaries Stationery P o~ t ~ge Telephone & Telegraph Supplies for Auto Laborato~ Supplies General ~upplies ~ 150.00 500.00 1,43~.00 2,400.00 1,020.00 1,800.00 1,680.00 13,440.00 12,480.00 9,720.00 39,000.00 8,640.00 11,040.00 101,220.00 195.00 300.00 2,000.00 1,600.00 2,10~.00 2,125.00 575.00 400.00 75.00 50.00 2,600.00 625.00 18,550.00 1,250.00 200.00 18,150.00 1,656.00 4,500.00 250.00 2,100.00 840.00 150.00 30.00 60.00 50.00 25.00 250,00 450.00 600.00 300.00 1,125.00 1,200.00 50.00 1,380.00 396.00 250.00 250.00 125.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 150.00 4,000.00 1,536.00 2,000.00 1,320.00 1,380.00 900.00 1,320.00 384.00 1,380,.00 14,220.00 500.00 50.00 75.00 400.00 550.00 Z00.00 115,880. O0 113,850.00 20,000.00 24,556.00 3,955.00 2,025.00 1,250.00 2,9~6.00 HEALTH DEPT. (con). ~urniture & Equipment Scavenger Service STREET CLEANING & WA~ERING SA. Labor Salary General Foreman Tools Supplies Water Supplies for Equipment 1/2 GAPJ~A GE 5B. Salary General Foreman 1/2 Salary of Inspector " " Engineer Incinerator Labor ~uel Light & Water Tools Suppli e s Hire Teams Supplies for Auto SE~ER MAINTENANCE 5C. Labor Materials Suppli e s Tools ~leaning Drains Water Equipment STREET RE~AIRS 6A. Salary Supt. Labor Tools & Supplies Materials Supplies for Auto Hi re Teams Repairs to Machinery Incidentals Equipment BRIDGE REPAIRS 6B. Labor Tools & Supplies Materials CRUS,HER ,6~. Labor Supplies Repairs Power Insurance CITY STABLES & ~ ?A. Salary Superintendent Labor Supplies Feed · uel, Light & Water Repairs & Alterations Veterinary Insurance Equipment TOOLS & EQUIPMENT ?B. Wagons Auto Trucks Harness i - 5 Ton Tractor 1 Rca d Drag 2 Trailers (Garbage) i Concrete Mixer LIVE STOCK 70. 10 Mules REFUNDS & REBATES TI). Erroneous Assessments ~ines AUto Permits Local Assessments SPECIAL SERVICES ?E. Special Audits Weather Reports Mscl. Services $ 200.00 4,0o,0..o o 18,000.00 900.00 1~0.00 500.00 300.00 ?00.00 900.00 1,560.00 1,380.00 34,000.00 200.00 150.00 SO0.00 500.00 800.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 1,200.00 300.00 400.00 2,040.00 40,000.00 1,500.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 1,000.00 300.00 200.00 ?,500.00 500.00 8,000.00 9,000.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 50.00 1,560.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 11,000.00 350.00 1,000.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 600.00 800.00 400.00 2,100.00 500.00 2,400.00 450.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 450.00 30.00 250.00 21,395.00 20,550.00 39,790.00 9,600.00 59,290.00 16,000.00 12,950.00 22,310.00 ?,250.00 2,000.00 2,110.00 ?'/30.00 DAMAGES & COSTS ?G. WORI~'IEN'S COMPNNSATION ?H. Compensation Hospital etc. Tax GARAGE ?J. Salary Mechanic Labor Materials Tools & Equipment Gas & 0il Tires Battery Repairs Repairs to ~hop Tele phone karts for Trucks & Insurance Autos SCHOOLS SA. Current Expenses PARKS BB. Sa,l, ary Keeper " Clerk Labor Suppl i e s · uel, Light Telephone & Play Ground Repai rs Incidentals Equipment & Imp. Tree Spraying Insurance Highland Park ~lmwood " Melrose " 3 mos. ~ 50.00 & Water Telegraph t~RKET 9A. Salary Glerk " Asst. Clerk " Janitor " Me oh ail ic Matron Rest Room Jani tre s s Salary Labor Stat i o ne ry · uel, Light & Water Suppli e s Repairs & Alterations Insurance Supplies for Hefrigerating Plant Incidentals Telephone Equipment INTEREST 10A. Interest on Bonded Indebtedness SINI[ING FU~D lOB. Sinking ~und 1% of Indebtedness NOTES PAYABLE. Eureka Park Note Interest on $32,500 Eureka Note Quarry, Lukens Notes Intere st Belmont Park, Hoover Notes Interest on $33,500 - 12 mos. ST~ET I~R 0V~I~ENT. Widening Campbell Ave. $ 1,O00.00 ?00.00 150.00 250.00 1,680.00 500.00 2,000.00 200.00 600.00 2,000.00 150.00 50.00 48.00 2,000.00 500.00 350,000.00 840.00 840.00 840. O0 150.00 120.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 21.78 600.00 1,800.00 50.00 1,000.00 200.00 100.00 1,800.00 1,260.00 900.00 ~20.00 1,560.00 900.00 360.00 250.00 250.00 2,500.00 600.00 1,200.00 250.00 4,000.00 100.00 60.00 250.00 207,435.00 46,510. O0 5,000. O0 1,950.00 4,165.95 249.96 6,700.00 .. 2,010.00 5,100.00 $ 1,000.00 1,100.00 9,728.00 350,000.00 16,960.00 207,435.00 46,510.00 20,075.91 5,100.00 1,318,686.69. 194 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 29th day of December, 1922. No. lOS4. A RESOLUTION to remit the City license tax on an indoor carnival to be held by the Colored Civics Betterment Club. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the 0it~ of Roanoke ti~t the license tax amounting to $10 on an indoor carnival to be held by the Colored ¢ivic~ Betterment Club be, amd the same is hereby remitted, provided, the lorooeeds from much carnival be used for the benefit of the Colored lolay grounds. IN TME COUNCIL EOR ~HE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of December, 1922. No. 1038. A R~SOLUTION directing the $ity $1erk and Auditor to draw a warrant in favor of Mrs. ~. R. Bean for the sum of $?0.00 being one-half months salary of Captain Bean deceased. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the 0ity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of Mrs. J. R. Bean for the sum of ~?0.00, on account of one-half month's salary of J. R. Bean deceased. ~he said smount when paid shall be charged to the account of ~ire Department. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he Bth day of January, 1923. No. 1056. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of certain sidewalks and pro- rating the cost between the City and the property owner. WHEREAS by resolution heretofore adopted the ¢i%y Manager was directed to give a hearing to property owners abutting on the following streets: 1. On the South side of Staunton Avenue between l?th and 18th Streets. 2. South side of Melrose Avenue between 14th and 18th Streets. 3. North side o£ Madison Avenue between 8th and 10th Str§ets. 4. South side of Staunton Avenue between l?th and 18th Streets, and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the said resolution, the ¢i%~y Manager fixed upon the 3rd day of ~anuary, 1923, as th~ time and the Council Room in the Municipa Building as the place of said hearing, and notices were duly served upon the following persons: L. E. Webber, owner of Lot ?, Section 69, Melrose Land Company; R. V. · owlkes, owner of Lot 6, Section 3?, Melrose Land Company; ¢. S. Terrill, o~er of. Lot 6, Section ~, Moorman Homestead; L. M. and M. K. l~ichardson, owr~r of Lot 8, Section 59, Melrose Land Company, and WHEREAS, at said hearing no valid o~Jections were urged to the construe- Land Co. 2. 3. 4. the 0ity Manager be, and he is hereby directed to construct, or cause to be con- structed, sidewalks as follows: In front of the property of L. E. Webber, Lot ?, Section 59, Melrose R. V. h~owlkes, owner of Lot 6, Section 37, Melrose Land ¢o. O. S. Terrill, owner of lot 6, Section 5, Moorman Homestead. L. M. & M. K. Richardson, owner of Lot 8, Section 59, Melrose Land Co. and when said sidewalks are constructed one-third of the cost thereof shall be charged against the property owners herein named. IN THE COUNCIL 20R ~HE CITY OE ROANO¥~E, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of January, 1923. No. 1037. A RESOLUTION to amend Resolution No.987 adopted on the 2?th day of October, 1922, authorizing the installation of a light at the corner of Shenandoah avenue and Jefferson Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Resolution ~987 authorizing the installation of a light at the corner of Shenandoah Avenue and Jefferson Street be amended and re-ordained so as to read as follows: That the Rosnoke Railway and Electric Company be, and is hereby authorized to inm~tall a 100 ¢. P. light on South Jefferson Street at the crossing of the Winston-Salem Division of the Norfolk & Western Railway Company between Pleasant Avenue and aoanoke River. ~he said light to be maintained in acco.~dance with the contract between the 0ity of Roanoke ~md the Roauoke Railway and Electric Company. IN THE COIR;CIL FOR THE CITY 02 EOAN0~, V2RGINIA, The 12th day of January, 192~. No. 10~8. A RESOLUTION to revoke a permit No. 15256 issued December 29, 1922, by the Building Inspector to the Allegheny ~.totor Car Gompany for a brick and concrete garage on 6th Street Southwest, Southwest corner Church extended to 6th Street. BE IT RESOL~JU~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit No. 15256 issued on December 29, 1922, by the Building Inspector of the City of Eosnoke to the Allegheny ~,iotor Car Company for the ~rection of a brick and concrete garage on 6th Street Southwest, Southwest corner Church extended to 6th Street be, and the same is hereby revoked as having been improvidently, inadvertently and mistakenly issued, and the City L.{anager is directed to have a copy of this resolution served upon said Allegheny Motor Car ~ompany. 196 IN THE COUNCIL 20R Tt~ CITY 02 ROANOLT~, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of January, 1923. No. 1039. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of December, 1922, and directing the payment cf the same. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the Oity for the month of December, 1922, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid ms follows: City Manager ~ngineering Dept. ¢i ty Clerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Gourt Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes Oity Hall Election Council Coroner . Almshouse Outside Poor Hospitals Organized Charities Insane Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept. Fire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physic lan Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Gleaning Garbage Sewer Maintenance Street z~epair Bridge ~epair C ru she r City Stables Special Services Damages & Cost Workmen ' s Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library Harket Interest Annex 1919 Pensions Account s ~ayable Pire Dept. Sewer Construction Street Grading Macadamizing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Constructi on EXTP~ 0 ~tDI NARY $ '~75.19 900.91 656.00 170.41 229.60 291.74 1354 .~7 380.03 510.30 1184.31 6.62 439.98 36.00 258.00 138.72 250.00 156.66 122.50 1171.2~ 562.76 9576.32 8378.7? 1430.75 2024.94 257.45 :::82.50 100.00 262.00 1331.83 964.25 2648.13 802.12 36~2.76 1~16 .47 1040.64 1116.81 602.50 6.50 60.71 94 7.93 49,733.24 506.54 1372.15 1108.26 8787.50 2260.20 6145.06 352.00 2540.66 176.36 48.15 5323.01 3767.47 3127.40 2682.99 $ 116,463.66 15,466.04 131,929.70 II~ TtiE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0i[E, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of January, 1925. No. lO41. A RESOLUTION to p~y Everett Perkins the sam of $60.00 for checking and verifying delinquent tax list. and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of Everett Perkins for the sum of $60.00 his fee for checking and verifying the delinquent tax list. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of Special Servio e s. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R TRE CITY 07 i{OANOi~E, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of Jam~ary, 192Z. No. 1042. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construction of a sewer on 9th Street S. E. to accommodate the property of A. C. Alberts and A. J. Wall. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer on 9th Street S. E. to accommodate the property of A. C. alberts and A. J. Wall at a cost not to exceed ~44.10, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, the said A. C. Alberts and a. J. Wall shall Pal;' into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY O? EOAI~01£E, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of January, 192Z. No. 1045. A ~SOLUTION authorizing the City I~nager to ec. nstruct a sewer on the South side of I~orris Avenue between llth and 11~- ~ ~treets to accomznodate the property of l,'h~s. R. F. Powell, H. A. ~aulconer and Dr. G. W. Hooker. DE IT RESOL'fED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sani- tary sewer on the South side of Morris Avenue between llth and ll~ Street, S. to accommodate the property of Mrs. R. ~. Powell, H. A. Paulconer and Dr. G. Hooker, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer -the said Mrs. R. P. t~owell, H. a. ~aulconer and Dr. O. W. Hooker shall pay into the Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some later date. IN'THE COUNCIL FOR TPLE CITY 0~~ R0~2~011E, VIRGINIA, The 1Sth day of January, 19~Z. No. 1044. A ?~SOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to spend $100.00 for rat poison. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of' Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to expend a sum not to exceed $100.00 for the purpose of purchasing rat poison for the exterminatio~ of rats. Said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of allowances and gifts. 115 THE COUNCIL FOR THE CI~5~ 0F HOAN012~, VIF. GINIA, The 19th day of January, 1923. No. 1040. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~oma eke that appro/~ia- tions to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the following amounts: City Treasurer Judges Salaries Court ~fficers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes Elections I ns ane Jail Police Dept. Street ~ighting Building Inspection Military & Armories Garbage Hemoval Crusher Special Services Garage Schools Public Market Interest Pensi on ~und Sewer Improvement Street Improvement Extroar~inar~ 170.41 159. 1,105.08 580.03 510.30 6.62 122.50 '~50. 10,651.10 24.53 37.V3 82.50 1,266.42 1,042 602.50 1,019.15 21,644.94 1,109.07 8, V87.50 191.04 49,664.15 10,730 188.43 49,664.15 10,919.20 10~ 919.20 Total $ 60,583.35 The City Clerk and Auditor is directed to .make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. 1N THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY O~ ROAN0}[E, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of January, 1925. No. 1045. AN ORDINANCE with reference to closing certain portions of York Avenue extended and an alley in block 16, as shown by the map of the Wasena Land Compsny Addition re, the City of Roanoke, Virginia. WHJ~REAS, prior to 1910, the Wasena Land Company acquired a large tract of land, then located in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of sub- dividing the same into building lots; and WHEREAS, said Land Corn?shy made a map or plan showing the sub-division of said tract of land into lots, with streets and alleys through said land, dated June 1910, made by Wingate and McGhee, NcGhee and .~oyer, Engrs., and had said map admitted to record in the Clerk's uffice of the Circuit Court of the County of Rosnoke, Virginia, in Map Book 1, pages 158-140, said maD or plan showing the sub- division of said land into lots, streets and alleys; and ';~HEREAS, in 1917, the Wasena Corporation purchased from the Wasena Land Company all the unsold portions of said tract of land and all right and interests of the Wasena Land Company in said land, and had a map prepared by E. H. McConnell, Engr., dated ~Iay, 1917, showing the sub-division of said land intc lots, streets and alleys, which lots, streets and alleys were indentical with the sub-division originally made by the Wasena Land Company so far as regards the 199 property hereinafter referred to and affected, which :nap was admitted to record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, ¥irgini. a, in ~,~ap Book 1, page 244; and ~¥H~AS, ~i'he Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Company, Incorporated, has purchased and acquired title to Lots ?, 8 and 9 and Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 16, of the ?tasena Addition, bei~g the eastern one-half [approximately) of Block 16, of said Addition fronting on ~asena Avenue and Hobert Aw~n~e, respectively, and ex- tend].r~ eas%vard toward the Norfolk and 'Jestern Belt Line to a twel~ty foot unnamed street, which is an extensio~ of York [~venue, as sho~ on the two maps above menti one d; and ¥~iEREAS, The Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Compar~-, Inco~porated, desires to close the said twenty foot unnamed street between its property and the Norfolk and ¥~estern Belt Line and the twelve foo~ alley extending through its property midway between ~3asena ~,lvenue and Hobert Avenue, as shown on said maps above mentioned, and of opening in lieu thereof a twenty foot street on the western edge of Lot ? and Lot 16, Block 16, ¥'[asena Addition, extending from 'f~asena Avenue and Hobert Avenue, as shown on the accompanying "Sketch showing proposed change of certain alleys, Dlocl: 16, ¥~asena Addition", which map is filed herewith, and of ope~i'ag and dedicating to the City of Roanoke the said twenty foot street on the western edge of its property; and ~JHEREAS, it appears tt~at the portion of Yort~- Avenue extended lying east of Block 16, ?~asena Addition, being said twenty foot unnamed street or alley, and the said twelve foot alley running east and west through the troperty of the Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Company, Incorporated, in Bloci: 16, of the ~3asena Additio~, trove never been actually opened and used as public thoroughfares; and WHEREAS, The Corporate limits of the City of Roanoke were extended in the year 1919, so as to include t.hat portion of the ?~asena Addition in ~hich said unnamed street, and e~tension of York Avenue, and said alley, ~hich are proposed to be closed are located. NO~,~;, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAII~D by the Co~u~cil of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, that T. I. I,~atthews, John A. ~dcGehee, ¥'~illiam Bradford, Judson Shelton, and Ellis ?'[right, be, and they hereby are, appoi~ated as viewers, any three of ;vhom may act, to view that portion of said York Avenue, extended lying east of Block 16 of the Wasena Addition, and that portion of the twelve foot alley extend- ing through the property of the Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Company, Incorporated in Bloch 16, of the ?~asena Addition, as sho~m~ on the "Sketch showing proposed cimnge of aertain alleys, Block 16, Wasena Addition, R. oanoke, Virginia," and repro~t in writing to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, whether, in their opinion, any, and if any, wirer, inconvenience and damage would result from dis-continuing sai.~ portion of said street and said alley as public highways or thoroughfares. And the said viewers shall meet and view said portions of said street and said alley on the 25th day of Jan~mry, 19~33, at ~ o'clock in the afternoon and shall hear such evidence as may be submitted to them and make their report as provided by law. And the owners of property in said Block 16, of the ';'fasena Addition shall be notified at the cost of the Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Company, Incorp- 200 and so notified of the opportunity to submit such evidence, as they may desire. The portions of said street and alley proposed to be closed have never been accepted, either expressly or impliedly, by the City of i~oanoke as public highways cr thoroughfares, and the Council, by adopting this Ordinance, does not intend to accept the same as such highways or thoroughfares. IN THUS COUNCIL ~0R Ti~ CITY 02 ~.q0ANOY~E, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of J~uuary, 192Z. No. 1046. A RESOLUTI0i~ directing the City Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant payable to J. A. Hoover for ~ZZS.00 interest on the purchase price for land bought from said J. A. Hoover for park purposes in Southeast Section of the Oity. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the (~ity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of J. A. Hoover for.the sum of ~ZZ~.00 interest from November l, 19~S, to ~anuary l, 19~Z, on the purchase price of the land bought from him in the Southeast Section of the City for park purposes. The said amount ~hen paid shall be charged to account of notes payable. IN T~ COUNCIL F0~ T~ CITY 0P ROANOLU~ VIRGINIA, ~he 19th day of ~nuary, 19~Z. No. 104~. A ~ESOLUTION to rei~nd to J. H. Anglin $£5.00 on account of a fine which has been paid twice. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roa~zoke that the Oity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of J. H. Anglin for the sum of ~5.00 to refund a fine which h~s been paid twice. The said amount when paid shall be charged to account of refunds and rebates. Ii~ TPL~ COUNCIL 2OR THE CITY 0F .ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of January, 192Z. No. 1048. A PJ~SOLUTION autho~zing the construction of a sidewalk in front of the ~r operty of W. W. Anderson 108 Luck Avenue S. W. BE IT .~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City 2~anager be, and he is hereby directed to construct, or cause to be constructed, a five foot granolithic sidewalk in front of the property of W. W. Anderson 108 Luck Avenue S. W., but before proceeding ~i th the construction of said sidew~!k, the said W. W. Anderson shall pay into the Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-h~lf such cost at some future time. 201 I!~ THE COUNCIL FOR Tt!E CITY O? ROAiIO~2Z, VIRGIIIIA, The 19th day of January, No. 1049. A RESOLU~IOI? granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay gas mains in the following streets; Sherwood Avenue from Arlington Road to Mount Vernon Road; Blenhine Road from nerwoom ~venue ~$0 feet South- ~,!ount Vernon Road from Sherwood :%venue feet South; Mount Vernon Road from Sherwood Avenue l0 feet East. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by actin~ under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the cor~struction of such mains, and further agrees to replace the streets, where the same may be torn up, in accordanc, with the ordinances of the City of ~{oanoke. IN THE COUNCIL 20R T!~ CITY OP ROANOtZE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of Jan~ry, 19~b. No. 1050. AIJ 0RDII~E to divide the ~ity of i~o~ol~ into districts for ~e purpom of re~lati~ the use of land and of buildings and o~er structures and the he~ht thereof, and ~ establish buil~ lines and to re.late and restrict the construction and location of buil~s and other st~ctures. W~REAS, it is necessary for the protecticn of health, s~.fet~,~ ~ mor~ls, comfort, prosperity and general v;~elfare of the ge.,er~l~ "public of the City of Roanoke, ti~t the City be divided into two districts, one of whi~ districts to be known as +~e "Business District" s~'~d the other as the "Residential District." THEREP0~-~, BE IT ORDAI!!~ by the Councii of the City of ~oanoke t~t thtd portion of ~e City of Roanoke within t~ following boundaries, to-wit: Jefferson Street from Gilmer i~venue N. W. to the Roano,~e ~iver, S. ~,~.; Gainsboro Head from Gilmer Avenue, N. ~,'f. to Harrison ,~venue !~. W.; 1st Street from Gilmer Avenue N. fl. to Franklin ~oad S. W.; 2nd Street from Loudcn ~'~'enue N. TI. to Franklin Road S. W., Zrd Street from Loudon Avenue N. W. to Franklin Road S. 4th Street from Loudon Avenue N. ~d. to Campbell Avenue S. bth Street from Loudon Avenue N. i~. to Campbell Avenue S. W., 6th Street from Shenandoah Avenue N W to ~amp, bell Avenue ~ ',I., 7th Straet. ~'~-rc~m Shenandoah Avenue N. ~"I. to Norfolk ~venuc S.' W., 8th Street from Shenandmh Ave~me N. W. to Norfolk Avenue 5. 9th Street · .om Shenandoah Avenue N. W. to Norfolk Avenue S. 1j., 10th ~ ~treet from Shenandoah Avenue N. W. to Norfo!h Avenue S. 1st o. o~reet from Horfolk Avenue S. E. to Elm Avenue S. ~., 2nd Street from Gilmer Avenue N. W. to Tazeweil Avenue S. ~., 3rd Street from Norfolk Avenue S. E. to Walnut ~venue S. 3~- Street from ~:~ountai~ Avenue S ~ to A!bem~le Avenue 5 202 4th Street from Rutherford ~"~venue N. E. to Lynchburg Avenue N. E., 7th Street from Patton Avenue N. E. to Lynchburg ~kvenue N. E., 9th Street from Norfolk ~venue S. E. to Lynchburg ~venue N. E., 1Zth Street from Wise Avenue to Norfolk Avenue S. E., 14th Street from Wise Avenue to Norfolk ~venue S. t~., Lynchburg [m~venue from 7th Street to 9th Street 17. E., Common~vealth 2~venue from Shenandoah Avenue to Rutherford Avenue N. E., Oilmer Y~venue fror.~, 1st Street 1~. W. to Jefferson Street, Wells 2~venue from 1st Street N. W. to 2nd Street N. E., Loudon Avenue from 5th Street N. ~J. to 1st Street N. W., Center f~,venue from 5th Street N. W. to Jefferson Street, Shenandoah Avenue from 10th Street N. ~#. to Patten ~'lvenue N. E., Jackson ~venue fro~ 6th Street S. W. to 10th Street S. W., Norfolk ~tvenue from 17th Street S. E. to 10th Street S. W., Salem Avenue from 2nd Street S. E. to 6th Street S. W., Rorer f,-venue from 4th Street S. W. to 6th Street S. '~ise Avenue from 14th Street S. E. to 12th Street S. E., Campbe[l Avenue from Norfolk Avenue S. E. to 6th Street S. ~., t[irk Avenue fror~ 2nd Street S. E. to 2nd Street S. W., Church Avenue from 2nd Street S. i~. to Zrd Street S. ~., Luck-~venue fro~ 1st Street S. E. to 5th Street S. Tazewell Avenue from Z~ Street S. E. to Jefferson Street, 2ranklin Road fron~ Jefferson Street to alley bet'~veen Elm and ~,~ountain ;lvenu~ S. W. and from Pleasant Avenue to I~,~cOlanahan Place, South Roanoke, Bullitt ~kvenue from 3rd Street S. E. to Jefferson Street, ~Iountain Avenue from 4th Street S. E. to 3rd Street S. E., Albemarle Avenue from Jefferson Street to 4th ~treet S. E., Walnut Avenue from Jefferson Street to Ro~noke l~iver, Pleasant ~,venue from Jefferson Street to ~ran~lin ~oad S. W., be, and the same is hereby designated as the "Business District" and ali the rest of the ~ity of ~oanoke be, snd the same is hereby designated as tbs "R~sidential District." IN T~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F R0~0¥E, VIRGII~IA, The 19th day of January, 192Z. No. lO51. AN OPJ)INANCE to amend and re-ordain Section 20 of an ordinance adopt ed by the Council of the City of ~oanoke on the 26th day of August, 1922, entitled "An Ordinance to regulate buildings in the ~ity of ,doanoke." BE IT ~I~DAIt~ZD by the Council of the Oity of Roanoke that Section 20 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 26th day of August, 1922, entitled, "Ah 0rdinance to regulate buildings in the City o~' Roanoke" be amended and re-ordained so as to read as follows: Section ~0: That it shall be unlawfful in the ffuture for any person, firm or corporation to locate, build, construct or maintain on any lot fronting on ar~~ street or alley in the City, in any block in which one-half of the build- ings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes, or wi..%hin fifty feet of any street, any building or place.~ used for gas reservoir, packing house, rendering plant, soap factory, creamer~?, blacksr:~ith shop, foundry, clothes cleaning and dyeing establishment, public gar~tge, or machine shop or factory combir~ed with foundry, or laundry to be run b~ machinery, stable dr livery stable, without the written consent of 80 per cent of the property o?mers accord- ing to frontage on such street or alley. Such written consent shall be obtained and filed with the Inspector of Buildings before a pe:.~nit is issued for the con- struction or alteration of any building or place for any of the above purposes. Provided, that in determining whether one-half of the buildings on both sides of the street are used exclusively for residence purposes, any building frontir& upon another street and located on accrner lot shall be considered. ,';tnenever a provision is made in this section that fronting consent shall be obtaAned for ~:he erection, construction, alteration, enlargement or maintenance of any building or structure in any block, the word "block" so used shall not be held to mean a square,but it shall be held to embrace only that part of the street. bounding the square which lies between the two nearest intersecting streets, one on either side of ti~ point at which such building or structure is to be erected, constructed, altered, enlarged or maintained, unless it shall be otherwise spec i ficially provided. No excavation ab. all be commenced, no wall, structure, building, or part thereof, shall be built or constructed, nor shall the heating appars, tus, gas fitting, automatic sprinkler equipment or elevator worl: of any building or struc- ture be constructed, in.~talled or altered, nor shall any building be moved, nor any sign erected, ~xcept in accordance with the ?~rovi~ions of this Code, nor until a perr,.:it has been issued by the Department of Buildings. Provided, however, tb~t the provisions of this Section shall not apply to that portion of the 6ity of noanoke described as the "Business District" in an ordinance adopted by the Council of' the City of ~oanoi:e on the 19th day of January 1923, and entitled, "An Ordinance to divide the City of Roanoke into districts for the purpose oi' regul~.ting the use of lazxd and of buildings and other structures and the height thereof, and to estaA~lish building lines and to regulate and re- strict the construction and location of buildings and other structures." And, provided, further that no gas reservoir, packing house, rendering plant, soa? factory, creamery, blacksmith shop, foundry, machine shop, stable or livery stable, shall be located, built, constructed or maintained within the boundaries of the "Business District," as defined by crdinance hereinbefore referred to, except by per, nit of the Council of tJ~e Oit~- of l~oano]:e first obYained IN TH~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAN0!iE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of Januar, 1925. No. 1052. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City I4anager to construct or cause' to be constructed a sewer in the alley between Orange and Hanover Avenues West o£ 15th Street, N. W., to accommodate the property of E. E. Agee. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City t4anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer in the alley between Orange and Hanover ~venues West of 1Zth Street N. ~,~ to accommodate the property of E. E. Agee, but before proceeding with the con- struction of said sewer the said E. E. Agee shall pay into the City Treasury the fall cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some fature time. IN THE COUI~CIL FOR TIrE CITY 0P ROAN011E, VIRGIl!IA, The 26th day of January, 1923. No. 1055. A RESOLUTI01,~ to grant a permit t~ the ~toanoke Gas Light Company to lay certain gas mains. BE IT ~hESOLV~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the .same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Come, any to lay the following mains: 1. A 4Linch main in Chapman Avenue from 18th Street West for a distance of 300 feet. 2. A 4-inch gas main in Elm Avenue Southeast between 5th and ~th Streets~ The Roanoke Gas Light Comt~ny by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction of said gas mains, and to replace the streets where the same are opened in accordance with the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke. Ill THE COUI[CIL F0!~ THE CITY 07 ROANOI~E, VIRGINI~, The 26th day of January, 192~. No. 1054. AN 0RDIN~CE to establish set back building ~ines on certain streets within the "Business" and "Residential" Districts as defined by ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 19th day of January, 192Z. BE IT 0P3AII~E~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke that no building hereafter erected or constructed on the streets hereinafter ~med within the "Business and Residential" Districts as established by ordin~ce adopted ~? the ~ouncil of the City of i~oanoke, on the 19th day of January, 192Z, shall be closer to the inside curb line t!~n the distance specified herein, and no permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector for any building on said streets unless said DISTRICT The Buildin5 Line o~'~ the !~orth side of Campbell 7, venue to be six feet North of the present property line as at present estaLlished from 3rd or Roanoke Street to 6th Street S. ~,;., and the building line on the South side of Campbell Avenue to be six feet South of the present property line from 3rd or Ro~oke Street to 6th Street S. W. The Buildim7 Line on the South side of Franklin i{o~. d to be ten feet South of ~e present property line ~om Jefferson Street to 2nd or Commerce Street · The Building Line on Jefferson Street to be six feet Last of the present property line on the East side, and si.x feet West of the present property line on the~¥e~ s+~ side from Tazewell Avenue and Pra~'H:tin Road~ to the Virginian ~S I, ~ITM 3TRIC ~ . DE .~IAL DI The Buildir~ Line on the o ~ of ooutt, side C~pbell Avenue to be six feet South of ~_e present property line from 6th to 7th Streets S. W. and Q~e bui!d~g line on the South side of Campbell Avenue at 7th Street to be six feet South of the present property line and m~n to the Sou~east FroDerty line of Campbell Avenue and 8th Street S ~/~ as oa~a line is now esta~:l~ned. The Building Line on the N~th side of Campbell Avenue to be ~;ix feet North of the present pr o~rty line betv~een 6th and 7th Streets S. W. 2O5 ~, ~a.. CITY OP VIHGINL~ The ~tn day of January, 1923. No. 1055. ~ 0i~DI~CE amending and re-ordaining an ordicance entitled, to prescribe the number of places ',yhere pawn-brokers may be licensed to ~o business and +o control and re~late the ~-~+ ~ ~ ..... inco& lice~se for conductiu~ such business .~ %~ the.,~yor TM IYovemher '~o, ~ 19!5, an:t des~ate.5~' ~'~ as l~o. ~849." BE IT 0EDAI!FED that an ordinance entitled, "iY= .~ 0iUOIULUCE to p?escribe numker of places .,:.e~ ?a;vn-brot:ers may be licensed to do business, and to control and re,late ~.e grantirk~ of license for conductin~ such business," be amended and re-ordained to read as follovzs:- 1. Tk~t not more than three places in the City off Ro~.nok.¢ shall be license waste ~e business o~ a pavm-broker ~y be condv, cted, and not more than one such place shall be deci~zated in thc same order, and the license for each suclq place sb~].l be numbered in re?ular order as ora.ted, an any licel~se granted or issued contrary to, and in excess of the ?revisions of this ordir~nce, sn~!l be null and void. If more ~na~ three ar~a~lications., shall bo made for ouch ~ ~ license to cover the same period of ti::;e, or ~ne ~ortion of the sa:us period of t',~ . z,.,e, then, and in that ~ ~',~' ~ne three appllcaut, s who are zecor~ended by eveut, such license shall be ~r~.,ted to *' the Ci%~..._.._~=~,'*~a~w_, tlke Superintendent. off Police and the Capt~J~i,,~, o2 Detectives o='~ thc City oS Ro~mclue, unless the Corioration Court, or the Judge t]:ereo2 iu vacation, shall have good. cause ~ reject said recomr:~endaticr~, and iff ]:e shall do so, then }~is reasons thcre~or .... onall be set 2orth at !e~:gth ~ tl~e order. lie li~.e~oe shall be .... + Roano]:r-: ..... ~-:cet:t to _::erscns v;ho are qualified voters of the City ,.:~"~ ~:,o~; ~noi:e, or to a-' 206 voters thereof, nor sl~.ll any s~ch license be granted to any such voter, concern or corporation, except u!':on a certificate of the Captain of Detectives of the City of Roanoke, approved by the Superi!-Jtendent of t~olice and Cxt~ ~na~er, which shall explicitl~ state whether the person appl~xn~ therefor is a proper person to conduct such business and whether the place where the business is i~roposed to be c~nducted is a proper and suitable place, and whether such applicant has theretofore complied with the laws governing such business, so far as the records of thc police depart- merit she;rs, if the said ?.pplicaut has theretofere engaged in such business, nor shall any s~mh license be issued to ~n~ such applicant, unless the said apr~lic~.nt shall give a bond in the penalty of Five Hundred [~o0~.00) Dollars payable to the City of Roanoke, with surety approved by the City ¥.anager and conditioned that if granted a license, the licensee '~vill make a daily report to the Superintendent of Police on a form to be prescribed by him and approved by the ~i~,.' ~danager and give all the infor_..,~+~.on called for by the said form, and that he will ma]:e use of any such "Call System" as ,may be installed ~md maintained by the City of Roanoke or under its authority, in s~ch manner and in strict accord ,~vith such rules and regu- lations as may be prescribed by the Superintendent of Police, and approved by the City ~,~anager, and con~litioned also that t~ said licensee shall and will observe and faithfully execute this and all other ordinances of the said City relating to the conduct of the said bu~ ness ~or any default in ,~~ny condition of the said bond the same shall ipso facto, and without offset be forfeited and payable to the City of Roano~.~, and the said licensee shall thereupon immediately forfeit the said license, which shall then and thereafter be null and void. It sb~ll be the duty of all persons, firms, or corporations whether now or hereafter licensed to conduct said business to make the daily report hereinbefore provided for and to close their respective places of business, and keep them closed, between tt~ hours of 8 p. m. and 7 a. m. of the succeeding day on each day from ~Ionday to B'riday, inclusive; and on each Saturday they ,_ma~.~ be open for business between the hours of V a. m. and 11 p. m., when they shall be closed and shall remain closed until ~ a.m of the succeeding Monday, with these exceptions, however, (1) on the three days of each month on which the Norfolk & Western Railway Company pays its employees they may open their respective places of business at V a. m. and re~min open for busines~ until ll p. m, and [2) from the tenth to the twenty-fifth day of December, both inclusive, of each year, they may open their respective places of business at V a. m. and remain open for business until l0 p. m. and for any violation of this provision the licensee convicted t.~e reef ab. all be liable to all the penalties prescribed for a violation of this ordin,~nce whether such licensee be now licensed or not. 2. The said license shall be granted by the Corporation Oourt of the ~i1~ of Roanoke, or by the judge thereof in vacation, and any person desiring to obtain such license shall present his written application therefor to th~ Captain of Detectives of the City of Roanoke, signed by himself, at least ten days prior to the date on which such applicant desires the said license to become effective, in which application shall be stated, if the same is made by an individual, the full name of such applicant, as well as the full name of all parties v~~o are financially interested in said application, and if by s, firm. the full name of each 2O7 agents who are to conduct the said business in the City of Roanoke, whether such applicant, or applicants, officers or a~ents are qualified voters of the City Roanoke, and the ward and precinct in ?.'hich they, Or any of them, reside, and when and ~b~ere ~ch person ~vas registered as a voter, If ~'mch application is found to be in proper fo~_~r~, the Capt~in of Detectives shall endorse thereon the word, "Referred to the Corporatio~ Court of the City of Roanoke, or the judge thereof in vacation," and shall attach thereto a certificate such ~.s is required by section one or_ t~is~_ ordin~mce, and the recommendations of the City ~[~n~.~er,~ ~ Superintendent of !~olice ard Captain of Detectives, and the applicant shall forthwith ~resent such application, together ~vith the said certificate to the Corporation Court of the City of Roanoke, or to the judge thereof in vacation, acco~.panied by a receipt from the Collector of taxes ~or the City of Roanoke for a certified check rayable to the said Collector for the amount of the license and fee assessed against pavrn-brokers under t~he ordin~ces of said Cituy, v,~hich said check shall be held by the ~aid collector until said court or judge sh~ll .hear ~ch evidence as may be introduced for or a~ainst the application, and determine vzhether such applicant is or is not a proper ~erson~ to be ~r~ .... o~ted such license and ?~hether the place where the said business is proposed to be conducted is or is not a proper an~ suitable ~lace, and whether the said license may be legally gra~ ed ~nder the ordi- nances of the City of Ro~noke and the la~'~s of the commonwealth of Virginia, and if the court or judge be of opinions that the same may be ~ranted, the court of iud. ge, as the case may be, shall recuire the applicant to execute a bond in the ]~enalty and conditioned ns prescribed in Section 1 of t~his ordin~nce, and upon the proper execration thereof shall certify to the collector oftaxe s for the Cit~· of Roanoke that said applicant will be entitled to a license to conduct the said business when such license and fee shall b~ve been paid, and the clerk of s~ d co~rt shall thereupon certify to the said collector that the said license has been granted, and t~ereuoon.. . the said check shall be at once paid into the treasury of the said Ci%?, and the Commissioner of the Revenue shall issue '~ license to the applicant to conduct such business in the place named in the application. But upon the refv~sal to grant any license by the said court or judge, that fact s~.all be certi- fied by the clerk e±' the said court to said collector, ~vho shall thereupon return the chec]~ held by him to the ap?licant by v~om it was deposited. ~. Any ?arson licensed underthis ordin~'~m~ce sh~ll be subject to the pro- visions thereof, '~nd to all ordinances now or hereafter adopted, regulating the cond~ct and !icensin~ of the said business, end for the violation of omy of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine of not less than PIETY (~80.00) DOLL~iRS, no~ more than 0~'. HU~D~D [~100.00) recoverable before the l~olice Justice of the Ci%~ of Roanoke, and shs~ll in addition forfeit his license and bond, and be incapable of bein~ licensed to cond~nt such business ~o~ within five years ~-~ ......... ~ro,. the date of such con-fiction. ~. Ail persons, firms, or corporations, v~ho shall have been licensed to conduct said business i'or t~he year endi~M ~[ay 1st, 19~ ..... , or for any lesser part t~ereof, at the time this ordinance takes ef~fect, sh~t!l be and are hereby authoriz~ and empovtered to conduct the said business te the end of the re riod for ~.vhich the said license s]~qll have been so granted, but no license shall hereafter be granted 2O8 that all persons, firms or corporations, so licensed at the time this ordinance takes effect shall, within thirty days thereafter, unless they have heretofore done so, give the bond required by Section I of this ordinance conditioned as therein required, and upon failure so to do, or for any violation of the condi- tions thereof, any such licensee shall be liable upon conviction thereof to a fine of not less than ~IPTY ($50.00) DOLLARS nor more than OI~ Hb~IDRED ($100.00) DO%L~LRS for each offense, and each day's failure to be a separate offense. Tt~ said fine sb~ll be recoverable before the Police Justice of the ~ity of i{canoke. 5. This ordinance shall be in force from its passage. IN THE COUNCIL 20R TPIL CITY 02 ROAN0t3~, VIEGINIA, The 2nd day of February, 19SZ. No. 1056. A ~SOLUTION directing the City 14anager to construct or cause to be con- structed certain sidewalks. BE IT iiESOLVED by the Council of the City of i{oanoke that the City ~Ianager be, and he is hereby directed to construct or cause to be constructed the following sidewalks: (1) On the North side of %'~ycliffe Avenue between 1st and and Streets, South Ro~auoke, to accommodate the property of G. ].I. Aldridge. (~) On the East side of 10th Street between L[cDowell and l~adison ~venues, to accommodate the property of J. W. Thrasher and Pearl Thrasher. But before proceeding with the constructi on of such sidewalks the prolmrty owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reim- bursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL 5~OE THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA~ The 2nd day of February, 192Z. No. 10~7. A ~SOLUTION directi~ the p~'ment of ~5,000.00 tot he Treasurer of ~e School ~nd for ~intenance of schools for month of January% BE IT i~SOLVED by the Co~cil of ~e City of Ro~oke, that the City Clerk and ~u~tor be, ~d he is h' reby directed to draw a wa~rant for the ~m of $~,000.00, pa~ble to the Treasurer of the School ~nd on account ~ maintenance of schools for the mon~ of Janua~, 192Z. The said amo~t w~n paid shall be charged to the account of schools. 209 III TH~ C0bqJCIL FOE ~L CITY 02 !{O~iJ01~, VIi{GIiJI~, The 9th day of :~ebruary, 19gS. I5o. 1058. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to 'J. J. Nelson to construct a granolithic cross-over at his place of business 150 Church Avenue, S. E. BE IT P2~SOLV~ by the Council of the City of Roauaoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted ~J. J. Nelson to constr'uct a cross-over at his place of business at 150 Church ~venue ~. E. The said cross-over shall be const~cted according to the good liking an.i satisfaction of the City Manager and in con- fortuity with s?ecifications furnished by him. The said W. J. Nelson by acting under this resolution a~rees to i~demnify and save karmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason cf the construction of said cross-over. IN ~]~ COUNCIL 20k TtlL CI 17 C, 2 i{0ALT01~, VI?~GIIiIA, The 9tk day of ~ebruary, 19~. No. 1059. Ail 0P~IIIAI!CE to amend and re-enact Section 97 of ~ ordinance ado]~ted by the Council o~ the City o~ ii~noke on the g6th day o~ August~ 19~g, entitled, "An Ordinance to re~l~te buildings in the City o~ i{oanoke." BE IT ~(DAIi~ED by the Council o~ the City of ]2o~oke that ~ectioh 97 of an ordinance adozted by tke Council of the City of >lopa~oko on the goth day o~ ~ ~'~' entitled, "An Ordinance to re~late bui!~ngs in t~e Cit~. be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: Tlmt any buildi~ hereafter erected to be used as an office building, store, factory, hotel, lodgi~ house or school shall ]mve at least two means of exit, regardless el~ class, occupancy or size, except ~kat two story buildir~s c~'ering lot area not over t;;o thousand ~2000) square feet ~,~y have but one means of exit from second sto~y. Buildings covering a lot area of over tv;o thousand [2000) square feet s~nd not exceedindf six thous~d (6000) square feet, sl~ll have at least t~,~o (2) con- tinuous line of exits [remote from each other), in all cases at least one of thcs. meanis of exit shall be a fire tower, ~ ' ~ omo~:e proc'~' tower or enclosed interior stair~,~ay, and every such building shall have at least one continuous line of stairv;ays ~ ~ ' ' ~o~ eac:~ five thousand [5000) feet of lot area covered, or part thereof, in excess of that required for six thousand (6000) feet area. ~Jhen any such building covers an area of lot greater than fifteen thousand ~15,000) square feet, the number of stairways shall be increased proportionately, or as will meet the approval of ~t.e Buitdin~ Insl~ector This m-dinance shall be in force from its passage. .~ VI RG IIJtk, The 9th day of February, 1925. No. 1060. Ail 01~DIIJANCE to regulate and i:rescribe the number of exits and stairways for fire proof buildings. BE IT (i~DAIIV£D by the Council of the City of ;{oauoke that all fire proof buildings of more than three [Z) stories in height, and imving a floor area not e:~ceeding seven thousand five hundred [7500) square feet shall have at least two (2) means of exit, remote from each other, not includir~~ elevators. The exits to consist of two (2) enclosed, interior stairways, fire tower or smoko proof tower, or one enclosed interior stairway and a fire escape, and for each addition- al five thousand [$000) square feet of floor area there shall be added on~Zaddition? al enclosed interior stairway, fire tower or smoke proof tower. In all cases £ire escapes, fire t~ers, etc., shall be accessible direct from hall or corridor ?:ith-i out having to pass through any room. Approved spiral fire escapes will be accep-~ table where outside fire escapes are requi~d. This ordinance s~all be in force from its passage. III TEE COUNCIL 201{ T~ CITY OF i{OAiIOtJE, Vti{GIIiL~, The 9th da~: of ~ebruary, 19215. 1~o. 1061. A PJESOLUTION to accept thc proposition of the Highland Company to turn over to the City the sewer system constructed by the !!ighland Com~ny in its addition known as Riverland Road, v~ich proposition is contained in a deed from the Highland Company to the City of ;~oanoke dated the 6th day of February, 1925. BE IT i~JSOLVED by the Com~cil of the City of Roamoke that the sewer con- structed by the Highland Company in its addition lnown as Riverland i{oad be, and the s~ne is hereby accepted upon the terms and conditions ns~md in a deed from the HigJaland Comply to the City of Roanoke dated tF~e 0th day of February, 1925. BE IT ~URT~DZR Pd~SOLV~ that the Cit~- of Roanoke pay the cost of the suit instituted by the said Highland Company against the City of iloanoke. IN T>21 COUNCIL FOil ?tie CITY 02 i{OAiJOiLE, VIkGIi~IA, The 9th day of February, 1923. IJo. 1062. AN 0?~)IiiANCE closing certain p~tions of York Avenue, extended, East of Section 16 of the Wasena Addition and a 12 foot Alley through a part of said Section 16 of said addition. W}~LREAS, The Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Company, Incorporated, has made application to the City Co~mcil for the City of lqoanoke, Virginia, to discontinue and close as public highways and thoroughfares tl~t portion of an unnamed 20 street, which is an extension o£ York Avenue, lying between the eastern boundary 2!1 portion of the 12 foot alley extending east and -;;est through Section 16 of said Addition, which as shown on the map would extend through the property of said Ice Corporation in ~ection 16 of said Addition, and of opening and dedicating to the City cf ~o~oke, Virginia, in lieu thereof a 2~ foot street or alle~~ along the western boundary off ~ot 16 and Lot 7, Eection 16, of the :,lase~-~ Corporation, run- nin~ north and south ffrom ~?asena Avenue to ~o,;bert ~vonue and intersecting at right~ angles the 12 foot alley extending east and west ffrom said street proposed to be opened westward to i,lain Street, as shown on the ~p "Sketch showir~ proposed C~nge o~ certain ~leys, Blo~k 1~ Wasena Corporation, ~-~oano~e, Virginia, and ,,~.~=~, at a meeti~ of ~e Council held January 19, 1925, a resolution was adopted appointing ~illiam Bradford, T. I. I.~atthews, Ellis ~Jright, John i[cGehee, and Judson Shelton, any three or more off v~hom may act, as viewers to view that portion off said u~amed street and ~id 12 foot alley proposed to be closed; and said 20 foot street proposed to be opened, and report whether, in their oyinion any, and iff any, what, inconvenience ~d damad:e would result from discon- tinuing same as public highways or thorougn=azes; and ,l:m~mAo, The said viewers b~ resolution off the Ci~, Council at its meeting on January 26, 1923, were continued in order to secure further evidence and report to the Council; and ,f]~2~iZ, 7[illia:~ Bradford, T. I. t,[atthews and Ellis 'dright, viewers as aforesaid, have ffiled their report in writi~ bearing date of February t, 192~, fro which it a]~pears that in the opinion of said viewers no inconvenience and no damage would re~lt from the discontinui~ of the a~:ow: ~ntioned portion o~ said unnamed street and said 12 fleet alley as public h~'h;,~ays or thoroughffares and of openi~ in lieu t~_ezeo= ~e above mentioned 2Z ~ . zoo~ st:~eet along the western boundar[: of Lot 16 anl Lot 7, ~ec~mo._ 16, o~ the ',iasena Cot?oration, but that, in the opinion off sai& vie;Ters, it ovmld be to the advantage of the people in the neighborhood for the said portions off said u~mamed street ~d said i2 foot alley to be closed, and the said aZ foot street or alley to be opened a~d dedicated to the City of z~oanoke, Virginia, in lieu thereof; and '.:I]~lo~AS, Said portio~s of said unnamed street arid sai& 12 ~oot alley proposed to be closed Lave never been accet~ted by the City of l:[oanoke, Virginia, as public high;rays or thoroughfares, and Lave never i~ce~ ac~a~.ll~: opened and used as public ~' '- -,o or ~ · ..~gn,~a~, ~ th or oughffare s, " .... -"~'~' "" BE IT td{D~I!~ED by the Council for the City of ~{o~oi:e, Virginia, that t]~t portion of said unnamed 20 foot street or alley (which is a~ " ~ ~' Sectio~a 16, of ~e ',/ase~.a Corporation Le e>:tensio~'~ of York f~ve~ue) l~mn~ east o~ - t, een-~ ' the cas:ter~-~ boundarz o~ Lot 1~ and Lot 9, Secomo~L~-' 16, of the :/asena Corpo- ration, a:~d the !~. & .~. Belt Line l~ailroad and exte~di~:g froL~ ]iowbert Lvenue on the South to ~ ..... ~ ~.venue on the north, and that portio~ ci the 1~ foot all%:' east and v/cst throu..;~ the middle of Section 16, of the ./gce~igC--ori:oratioz~, e::tend- in~ fro~ the_U. & .I. Belt Line wes+'7'--~,~.~, to wi~x~'~ ~ 20 feet el' the ~e'stcr~: of Lot 16 a~d Lot 7 of the ',Tase~ Cor]~m~aomon, sh~':n, on the mai~ of the Corporation and "ii~]~ sho~,zing the ciosi:%~z el' the Easter~ portion o2 alley i~ Block 16, also c!osin~ 20 ~oot ......... · ~ ' ~ oori]~ east o~ DlocL 16, bo~me~m:a6 on t~c ~!. & J. ]~elt Line a:~& the ovenin/~ of a 2~ foot stree~ or alley o~ the v~ester~a l~ortio~ o~ Lot s 7 ?ebruary 9, 1923, be not accepted as public highways or thoroughfares by the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and that the same be closed as public highways or thorough- fare s. Iii ?P% COUNCIL 201,[ Tlq_Z CITY 02 EO.;dfOt~J, VIRGIN~'~, The 9th day of ~ebruary, No. 1065. Ail ORDINANCE accel:ting the offer of dedication of a 23 foot street or alley extending north and south through Lot 16 and Lot 7, in Block 16, Wasena Corpo_~tion. rich, described by metes and bounds i-a said Deed; and W.u~i~kS This stri~~ of land is necessary and desirable as a public highv.~ay and thoroughfare; 1~0',¥, T.~PJEF0/~, BE IT C'f;DAIi%D by the Council for the Ci~- of Ro~oi:e, Virginia, tb~t the said 23 foot strip through Lot 7 and Lot 16, Block 16, off the ?~ase~ Corporation, which are described by metes and bom~ds in the Deed above mentioned, ~.d also set fforth on the "i[ap showing the closing of the Eastern '¢~HEREAS the Roanohe Ice and Cold Storage Company, Incorporated, has by deed dated _~ebr~mry 9, 1923, offered to convey to the City of I{o~oke, Virginia, t that certain 23 foot stri? of land through Lots 16 and 7, Bloct: 16, Wasena Corpora-i portion of alley in Block 16, also closing 20 foot stri]~ east of Block 16, border- ing on the II. & 'J. ~elt Line, and the opening of a 25 foots~ee~ or alley on the Western portion of Lots 7 and 16, Block 16, Wasena Corporation," prepared by City Engmneer, dated February 9, 1925, be and they hereby are accel~ted as public _~gh~..s or thoroughfares b~. the City el' ;loanot~, Virginia, and delivery of the afores':~id deed from the iloanoke Ice and Cold otc, r~ge Com~an~, Incorporated, to the City of Roanoke, Virginia, is hereby accepted. The said Roanoke Ice and Cold Storage Company shall pay the cost of constructi~ a four foot granolithic sidewalk and for placing gravel on the street hereby dedicated. I~,~ T]~ COUUCIL 20~ YI~ CITY 0F The 0th d~.~,, of 2eb?uar~, 1925, No. 1065. A ?2~SOLUTIOI,I to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for ?.he month of January, 1925, ~d directing the rayment of the same. BE IT !~50LVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of January, 192~, be, and the same are hereby alii?roved :~md ordered paid as follo?~s: City llanage r Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasurer Legal Dept. 777.75 652.55 642.50 2454.85 555.19 29q 2]3 Collection of Taxes City Hall Elections C ounci 1 Coroner Almshou s e Outside Ho spitals Organized C~irties Insane Jail Juvenile Court t;olice Dept. Pire Dept. Pi re Hydrant Rental Street Li i~t lng Bui i &ing Inspector L'ilitary & Armories thy s ician ~uarantine & Detention Health Dept. Stre(~t Cle~in~ Garbage Removal Sev~er L~ nte~nce Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher ~ ot~bleo City ~ ~ Tools & Eqz~Fment Live oreck Re~und,~ & Rebates Decm~l Services Special Allowances & Gifts Jorkmen' s Com~3ensati on Garage cnool~ I ar~s Library L~a rk e t Interest Annex 1919 Accounts t:ayable Dot. e~,~ t~ayable Sev~er Construction Drain Construction Opening & Grading Streets ~avi ~ Curb & Gutter Sidewalk 0onstruction Scho els :~ 452.12 940.58 54.00 453.5 2 SC,. 00 303.28 110.00 505.00 235.85 144.00 1586.89 791.67 9607.54 8487.70 1402.50 2026.06 330.75 74.5O 100.00 191.21 14 83.56 1527.27 3455.70 1965.46 5155.76 1283.79 1514.57 1548.09 500.50 1800.00 14 S5.10 62.50 250.00 50.00 1270.87 35,000.00 821.44 1317.52 1510.31 55,457.50 1450.00 528.00 6510.00 25,255. O0 442.70 166.40 1700.00 1871.11 47.72 bGZ .28 451.54 49,000. O0 137,943 77,287.55 · ;? 215,250.91 11,7 Ti[i~ ' ''~ ' ~ PON ITY ~u 9th day cf ~'ebruary, 1923. No. 1066. AN (,~I~a~tIu~ to require the payment of interest upon all unFaid say, er and sidewalk .assessments and fixin~7 the time from which such interest is to O O~l O~OO , BE IT OiOAI~D by t~.e Council oi' the City of TM ~- at .~;oano~.e th interest be charged upon a!! se,.;er and sidewalk assessments, such interest to be at the rate of 6 per cent ~er~ a~u,.~ and sl~ll co,mence~-~, on the Pirst day of ~.:arch,:~' 192S, a~ to run until such assessment is paid. IN TIlE COUNCIL POP. ~iE CI2~' 0P ilO~iN0tiE, VINGINI~, The 9th d~ - . ~ o£ Pebruary, 1925 214 adopted by the Counc il of ti~ City of Roanoke on the 26th day o£ August, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate buildir4? in the City of Roanoke." BE IT 0P, DAIiiED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Clause 1 of Section 13V of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Rcanoke, on the 26th day of August, 19'22, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate building in the City of Roanoke," be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: 1. Signs of wood, or other combustible material shall not be erected on any buildi'ng or placed above the front wall or cornice or roof of any building within the fire limits in the City of Roanoke, provided, however, that the Building Inspector may issue permits for temporary signs of canvas and wood, not. to exceed three ~3) feet in height and twenty (20) feet in length, to be erected against the building, and to remain for not exceeding fifteen days. Such signs shall bear the date of erection and shall be removed at the expiration o£ fifteen days, and shall be used only to announce the removal from or occupancy o~ buildings. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 12th day of February, 1923. No. 1068. A RESOLUTION directing the return to Mr. ~homas W. Miller all papers in connection with the option given by the Castle CorporatiOn to the City of Roanoke to purchase certain water rights in Craig County. WHEREAS, The City of Roanoke is not now in a position to close the option granted by the Castle Corporation to the City of Eoanoke for to purchase certain water rights in Craig County, and '$HEREA? S, the time limit mentioned in the option has expires, THEREEORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that all p~pers filed by Mr. Thomas W. Miller in connection with said option be returned to him. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0F ROANOF~, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of February, 192~, No. 1069. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Apple Products Company to construct a frame enclosure over its loading platform at its place of business 6th Street and Norfolk Avenue S. ¥~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby grauted t~he Roanoke Apple Products Company to construct a frame enclosure over its present loading platform at its place of business at 6th Street and Norfolk Avenue, S.W. The enclosure is to be approximately 2~ feet by 38 feet, and may be maintained for a period of eighteen months from the date of actual construction thereof. Sue~. enclosure ~.s to be constructed in accordance 2_]_5 Apple Products Co~any by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Eoa~oke from all claims for damages to person or prope:rty by reason of the construction and maintenance of said enclosure. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE 0ITY OF ROAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of ~'ebruary, 1925. No. 1070. AN 0~INi~;CE to prohibit the moving a traction engine, tractor and other vehicles equipped with corrugated, cleated or spiked tires on its wheels, or automobiles and motor trucks having sections broken from its wheels along the paved streets in the City of Hoanoke. BE IT 0RDAINE~) by the Council of the City of Roamoke, that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to roll or move on, along or across any of the paved or asphalt streets of the City of Roanoke any traction engine, tractor, roller or machine having corrugated, cleated or spiked t~res on its wheels or rollers, or any automobile or motor truck having sections broken out of its ,#heel or wheels so ~s to injure the street. Any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be fined not less than five ~$B.00) dollars nor more than twenty ($~0.001 dollars for each offense. This ordinance shall be in force from its p~ssage. IN THE COUNCIL ~X)R THE CITY 02 ROAN0}LE, VIRGINIA, The 2Srd day of February, 19~5. No. 10~l. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property on North Jefferson Street between Lynchburg Avenue and Hart Avenue. BE IT .~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property on North Jefferson Street between Lynchburg Avenue and Hart Avenue, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer the property owners abutting thereon shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25rd day of ~ebruary, 19£5. No. 1072. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of H. M. Miller situated on the East side of 8th Street between Allsion and Woods Avenues, S. ~. BE IT ~tESOLVED by the Ooun~] n~ tb~ ~ t,~ ~ ~~ ~+ +~ ~+~. ~ ..... be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of H. M. Miller situated on the East side of 5th Street between Allison and Woods Avenues, S. W., but before proceedirg with the monstruction of said sewer the said H. M. 41iller shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost, as well as the cost for replacing the street where the same is torn up. One-half of the cost for constructing the sewer shall be refunded H. M. ~iller at some future time, but H. M. I~,~iller shall not be refunded any portion of the cost for repairing the street. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOF~E, VIRGINIA, The 2Jrd day of February, 1923. No. 107~. A RESOLUTION directing the City Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant in favor of Bertha E. Lawson for the sum of $5.00 to remit a fine. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of i{oanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $5.00 in favor o~ Bertha E. Lawson, same being to remit a fine paid in the Police Court and appealed and she having been acquitted by a Jury in the Corporation Courl IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F HOA/~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 2~rd day of ~ebruary, 192Z. No. 10?~. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to ~rs. G. W. Robertson to build a frame porch addition at ~6A Day Avenue, S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Cout~cil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted ~,~rs. G. W. Robertson to build a frame po~ch addi- tion to her residence at Z6A Day Avenue, S. W., the estimated cost~ being SA0.00 The construction of said porch shall be in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector. The said Mrs. G. W. Robertson by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Hoanot~ from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of such porch. IN THE COUNCIL F0H THE CITY (F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of ~"ebruary, 1923. No. 10~6. A RESOLIY£ION granting a permit to A. J. Rankin ~o., Inc., to erect a clock on an ornamental standard on the outside curb line in front of its place of business at First ~Hen~'y) Street, S. W. BE IT ~SOLVED by the 0ouncil of the City of Roanoke that a /mrmit be and the same is hereby granted A. J. Rankin Company, Inc., to erect a clock on an No. First ~Henry) Street, S.W. The said Clock to have two dials Z0-inches in diameter, which shall be illuminateS, and the lights to burn for the same time that the whiteway lights burn. The ornamental standard not to exceed l~ feet in height and the base not to exceed 2 £eet I inch. The construction of said clock and standard to be accc~ding to the good liking and satisfaction of the City ~anager and may be maintained until the same is ordered 'removed by Council or the City Nanager. The said A. J. Rankin Company, Inc., by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless t~ City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said clock and standard. 1N THE COLEJCIL FOR THE CITY ~; R0~IN0}Si, VIRGII~IA, The 23rd day of February, 192Z. No. 1077. A RESOLUTION to release a sewer assessment against W. R. ~.Iarshall Lot 1 Section 23, Riverview and West End Land Company. ?~EREAS, on November 14, 1914, an estimate was made for the construction of a sewer to accommodate the property of W. R. ~arshall known as Lot I Section 23, Riverview and West End Land Co.'s Addition and the said assessment was paid, and WHEREAS, another assessment was levied against the above mentioned p~o~ perty amounting to $82.07, which assessment is erroneous. TEERERORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the assessment against W. R. ~rshall on Lot I Section 23, Riverview and West End Land Co.'s Addition amounting to $~2.07 for the cormtruction of a sewer be, and the same is hereby released. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE OITY 02 ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day o£' February, 1923. No. 1078. A RESOLUTION to release a sewer assessment in the name of L. W. McLain on Lot 3, Block 10, Section C, Buena Vista Land Company. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a sewer assess- ment levied against L. W. McLain on Lot Z, Block 10, Section C, Buena Vista Land Company, amounting to the sum of $28.91 be, and the same is hereby released. The same having been erroneously assessed. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOE~, VIRGIi~IA, The 2Srd day of ~ebruary, 192~. No. 1079. A RESOLUTION to reduce the assessment levied against C. M. Schweinfurt BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that the sewer assessment levied against C. M. Schweinfurt on a part of Section 87 ~Ielrose Land Company's Addition be reduced from $121.07 to $90.82. The said assessment having been levied erroneously. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of Eebruary, 1923. No. 1080. A RESOLUTION to reduce the assessment levied against D. S. Crockett on Lot ~, Section 5, ~IcDonald Addition, from $82.13 to BE IT RESOLVED by the Council ~ the City of Roanoke that the assess- ment levied against D. S. Crockett on Lot V, Section 5, ~fcDonald Addition for the construction of a sewer be reduced from $82.1~ to $37.35. The said assessment having been erroneously assessed. IN THE COUNCIL ?0R THE CITY 02 ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of l~arch, 192Z. No. 1082. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Central Roofing and Cornice Compan~ to erect a metal clad building on the hast side of South Jefferson Street, South of the ¥irginian Railway. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Gity of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Central Roofing and Co~nice Company to erect a metal clad building approximately 20 by $0 feet on its property on the East side of South Jefferson Street, South of the Virginian Railway. The said building to be used temporarily as a s~orage house. The building shall be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and may be maintained for aperiod of twelve months from the date of erection. The said Central Roofing and Cornice Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction ~nd maintenance of said building. IN TH~ COUNCIL P0R TH~ CITY OF BOAN0~, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of Li~rch, 192Z. No. 108Z. A t~ESOLUTION ~uthorizing the City Lianager to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property on !,Iorris Avenue between ll~ ~nd 12th Streets, S. E. BE IT ~SOL'~D by the Council of the City of ~toanoke that the City ~nage~ be, and he is hereby ~uthorized to construct or cause to be corstructed ~ sewer on ~orris Avenue between ll~ and 12th Streets S. E., but before proceeding with the construction of such sewer the property ov~ners shall pay into the City Treasury IN THE COUNCIL ~X)R THE CITY 02 R0f~NOKE, VIRGI!~IA, The 2nd day of Idarch, 1923. No. 1084. A RESOLUTION authoz~izing the City l,ianager to construct of cause to be constructed a five (5) foot granolithic sidewalk on the Noz'th side of Gilmer Avenue between 12th and 13~h Streets to accommodate the property of C. L. R. }~i. ~ielly. BE IT RESOL~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~ianager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a five (~) foot granolithic sidewalk ~n the Nor'th side of Gilmer ~Ivenue between 12th and 1Zth Streets to accommodate the propmrty of C. L. and R. Li. Kelly, but before proceeding v~ith the construction of such sidew~lk, the said C. L. and R. },,~. Kelly shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost t2~ereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUIICIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOI~Z, VIiqGINIA, The and day of I~Jarch, 19~. No. 1085. A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase i'rom James Patsel a strip of land approximately S~0.8 square feet at the corner of ~,[on'is Avenue and 12th Street BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~,~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase from James Patsel approximately S~0.8 square feet of land at the corner of [[orris Avenue and 1Zth Street S. E. so as to straighten the street lines at the price of $10.00. The City Solicitor is directed to prepare the proper deeds and ma~:e the proper examination of the title for said land, Any expenditure under the provision of this resolution shall be charged to the account of opening and gradir~ streets. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR TEE CITY OF ROAN0t~, VIRGIIfIA, The Snd day of I~[arch, 19~Z. No. 1086. A RESOLUTION authorizing the President to purchase at a p~ice not to exceed ~5,000.00 the property situated on the North side of Campbell Avenue ap?roximately ~0 feet West of Zrd Street, knom~ as the ~.~artin property. BE IT iQESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke theft the President be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase at a price not to exceed Sa~,000.O0 the y~operty situated on the North side of Campbell Avenue, approximately 50 feet West of ~rd Street, known as the I,,~artin property. Such property if purchased shall be used for public purposes. IN THE COUNCIL FOi{ TP~ CITY OF ROANOi£E, VIRGINI3., The 9th day of March, 1925. No. 1081. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of additional police officers for the City of Roanoke. WHEREAS, it appears that additional police officers are necessary for the proper administration of the laws and ordinances of the City of Roanoke, and WHEP£AS, certain persons, firms and corporations are willing to lm~y the compensation of such officers for policing their premises. NOW, TP25t~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke ths~ ten (lC) additional police officers are necessary for the lx oper administra- tion of the lmws and ordin~mces of the City of Roanoke, and the City Nanager is hereby authorized to appoint such officers, and report such appointment to the Council at its next meeting after such appointment, provided, however, no com- pensation to the officers so appointed sh~ll be paid by the City of Eoanoke. IN TP5~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 02 ROANO~2E, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of March, 1925. No. 1087. A RESOLUTION to carry R. S. Anderson, Lieutenant Police, on pay-roll at one-half pay for two months. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that R. S. Anderson, Lieutenant Police, who is confined to his home by sickness be carried on the pay- roll for two months beginning ~arch 15, 1922, at one-half pay. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0P ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of March, 192Z. No. 1088. A RESOLUTION to approve the mccounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of February, 1925, and directing the l~zyment of the sanm. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roauoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of 2ebruary, 1925, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering De pt. City Clerk Treasure r Legal Department Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment o f Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Election Council Coroner Almshouse Outside Poor Hospital s - 0rgani zed 0harit ies Insane Jail 785.50. 696.95' '732.00- 199,14. 235,00. 336.66, 2019.94. 166.65. 416 196V VS1.03' 433.32, 25.00' 338.60' 1V8.29 ' 505.00 · 255.83. 1;38.50 1165. Fire Department Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detention Health Department Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Maint e nanc e Street Repairs Bridge Repairs Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Live Stock Refunds & Rebates Special Services Allowances & Gifts Damages & Cost ~/¢orkmen' s Compensation Garage Parks Library Ha rI[e t Interest Annex 1919 Acc cunts payable FLiTRD.0t{DI N~hRY Sewer Construction Street Grading L~ac adami zing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction $8~69.08, 141~. 26 · 202,5.95 270.95 70.50 100.00 290.17 1776.93 926.66 2965.45. 888.54, 3154.41' 250.42. 958.96' 2692.96' 1761 · 92 · 250.68 26.19 452.50' 90.00 :55.60. 40.00, 65?.56' 621.91. 1251. 1459.40. 1657.50. 1147.98. 438.00, 141.51' 619.45 ?,35.20 22.50 1516.52 15.00 $ 5~,418.52 , 3,047.98. 60,466.50 III Tk~ COUNCIL P0R T}~ CITY 0F ROAN0;~, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of March, 1925. No. 1089. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of $10,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School Fund. BE IT _QESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $10,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~und for the.. maintenance of schools for the month of February. Such amount ,when paid shall be charged to the ordinary account of schools. IN THE COIR~CIL FOR T~ CITY OF R0kN013d, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of March, 192J. No. 1090. AlT 0RDIN.~TCE to amend and reordain Sections 1, 19, 21, 29, 41, 42, 47, 49, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59 ~nd 60 of an ordinance adopted by tlhe Council of the City of Roanoke on the 6th day of February, 1920, and entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate traffic on azzl the use of public streets and highways af the City of Roanoke, Virginia, by horses, vehicles, and pedestrians; providing penalty for a violation thereof aud repealing all ordinances heretofore passed that are inconsistent he rewi th." BE IT 0>DAINED by the Uouncil of the City of Roanoke that Sections l, 19: 222 Council of the City of Roanoke on the 8th day of February, 1920, and entitle d, "An Ordinance to regulate traffic on and the use of public streets and highways of the City o£~Roanoke, Virginia, by horses, vehicles, and pedestrians, providing penalty for a violation thereof and repealing all ordinances heretofore passed that are inconsistent herewith," be, and the same are hereby amended and reordained so as to read as follows: Section 1. The word "vehicle" includes equestrians, led horses and everything on wheels or runners, except street cars, baby carriages and invalid chai rs. The word "driver" includes the rider or driver of a horse, the rider of a vehicle and the operator or driver of a vehicle, motorcycle or street car. The word "street" includes every public avenue, boulevard, way, lane, alley, square or place used by ~r laid out for the use or'vehicles with- in the City of Roanoke. The word "curb" 'means the lateral boundary of that portion of the street designed or intended for the use of vehicles whether marked by curbing or not so ma rked. The term, "street intersection" shall apply to any street which joins another at an angle, whether or not it crosses the other street. The word "horse" includes all draft animals and beasts of burden. The term "parked" or the word "stand" shall apply to vehicle s standing rS for a length of time longer than is necessary to take on or to discharge passenge or freight. The term "person" shall include persons, firms or corporations. The term "traffic Officer" shall apply to and include any member of the Police De. partment engaged in the direction or control of traffic upon the streets of Roanoke. The term "congested district" as used in this ordinance shall include that portion of the Oity as follows: On Jefferson Street between the south side of Mountain Avenue and the nerth side of Shenandoah Avenue. On Henry Street between the south side of Tazewell Avenue and the north side of Gilmer Avenue. On Commerce Street between the south side of ~ranklin Road and ltlms north side of Shenandoah Avenue. On Nelson Street between the south side of ~tountain Avenue and the neath side o f Norfolk Avenue. On S~lem Avenue between the v~est zide of Par~- Street ~and the east si de of ~andolph Street. On Campbell ~venue between the west side of Seventh Street and tt~ east side of Randolph Street. On Church Avenue between the west mide of Park Street ~Sth) and the east side of Randolph Street. On Randolph Street betv~een the south side of Tazewell Avenue and the north side of Gilmer Avenue. On Tazewell Avenue between the east side of Randa~h Street and the West side of Jefferson. side of Mountain Avenue. On Kirk Avenue between the east side of :,andoll~,~ Street and the west side of Commerce Street. On Luck Avenue between the east side of Nelson Street and the west ~dde of Roanoke Street. On Park Street between the south aide of L~rshall Avenue and the north side of Gilme r Avenue. On Center Avenue between the east ~ide of Henry Street andthe west side of Seventh Street. On Shenandoah Avenue' and Commonwealth Avenue between the not'th side cf Cilmer Avenue and the west side of Commerce Street. On 5rd(Roanoke) Street between the north side of Norfolk Avenue and the intersection of 3rd IP, oanoke) Street and PratE:lin Road. On Elm Avenue between east side of Jefferson Street and the east side of 1st (Nelson) Street S. E. On 2ullitt Avenue between east side of Jef£erson Street and the east aide of 1st (Nelson) Street S. ~ Section 19. No vehicle shall park or stand on the north side of Tazewell Avenue L ~ t'a'c -. . ~ en the west side of 2nd [Randolph) Street 5 E and east side ef Jefferson Street, .nor on the north side of Franklin Road between the west ~ide o£' Jefferson Street and the east side of 2nd [Conm~erce) Street. No vehicle shall park or stand in front of az~/ theatre or moving picture house. No vehicle between the hours of 9 A. ~J. and 6 P. M. except on Sundays , shall be permitted to stand or park within the followi~:t~ boun~.ries of the conge~te, d. istrict for a longer period than twenty (20) minutes at any one time.. On Salem Avenue between the west aide of 2nd (ii:andolph) Street, S. E., and the east side of 5rd [Roanoke) Street, 2. On Camt~ell Avenue between the west side o£ 2nd (Randolph~ Street, S. E., and the east side of Roanoke [Srd) Street On ~[irk Avenue between the west side of 2nd (Randolph) Street, the east side of 2nd (Co=~erce) Street, S. On Church Avenue between the west side of 2nd (Randolph) Street, S. E., and the east side of 2nd ~Commerce) Street, On 1st [Her~ry) Street S. W~ between the nar'th side c~ Franklin Road and the south si de of salem Avenue. On the east side of 2nd [Commerce) Street between the south sidle of Norfolk Avenue an& the north side of 2ranklin Road. On Jefferson Street between the south side of. Norfolk .,kvenue and the north side of Elm Avenue. On 1st (Nelson) Street, S. E., between the north side of Norfolk Avenue and the south side of Tazewell Avenue ~ E On Luck Avenue between the west. side of 1st [Nelson) Street, ° ~ a~l the east side of 2nd [Commerce) Street, S. W. On Franklin Road between the west side of End [Commerce) Street and the north si de of Day Avenue, S. W. On any portion of the Market Square, while in the discharge of their professional duties, may p~rk or stand within the boundaries enumerated in this section for a period not to exceed three hours at any one time, and provided, further that this section shall not apply to delivery vehicles for the purpose of actually loading and unloading freight or merchandise, and to vehicles on the ~arket Square from which p~oduce is being sold and ~or which the regular curbage fee is charged, and to delivery vehicles of regular licensed merchants while standing in front of their respective places of busirmss. No vehicle shall park or stand within the boundaries of the congested district, outside of the boundaries enumerated in this section for a longer period than five hours at any one time. Section El. The driver of every vehicle shall stop such vehicle and remain at the rear of any street car which has stopped to toke on or to let off passengers, so as to allow passengers free passage between the street car and the curb; and the drivershall cause his vehicle to remain standing until such street car has resumed motion; provided t~at vehicles may pass such street car on its left at a rate of speed not exceeding eight (8) miles per ~our, if they can do so without interfering with pedestrians or with vehicles going in the opposite directi~a. At street intersections where traffic officers are stationer, all vehicles shall stand or move as directed by the police. Section 29. Every driver of a vehicle shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner, and no person shall run, drive or operate or permit to be run, driven or operated, any vehicle or street car on or along any street or highway, at a rate of speed faster than fifteen (15) miles per hour, between intersecting or cor~necting streets, nor at a rate o£ m~peed faster than twelve (12) miles per hour across intersecting or connecting streets, within the territory embraced within the congested district, and'outside of aaid c~gested district at a rate of speed faster than twenty (20) miles per hour. ~¥hen crossing any bridge or viaduct, except over bridges where signs indicate the speed limit, or turning any street corner, or sharp curve, or pas~irg any street car when the zame is standing still, the driver or operator of any vehicle shall not drive, conduct or operate the zame at a rate of speed faster than at the rate of eight (8) miles per hour. This section shall not apply to police and fire department vehicles and ambulances when responding to emergency calls, nor to commercial vehicle s provided for in Section Thirty. Section 41. No vehicle so laden that any material protrudes or extends more than six feet beyond the front or rear thereof shall be operated upon any street unless the same shall carry at such projecting end of such material a red flag of a size not less than nne foot square during the day time and a red light during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise. Such red light shall be in addition to any other red light required to be carried by vehicles. Section 4~. No person shall drive or permit to be driven on any of the streets or alleys of the City of Roanoke any motor vehicle unless the exhaust from the engine or motor is properly muffled; and no person shall drive or permit to be driven on any of the streets or alleys of said City any motor vehicl$ at any time ~vith the muffler cut out open, or mul'fler not in operation. Section 4~. No vehicle shall be left standing or parked in any street or !1 225 lights showing, a red light from the rear and dirmner lights from the front, or a parking light displayed on the left side of the vehicle; such light or lights must be plainly visible from the front and rear for a distm~ce of 200 feet, unless such vehicle is left standing or parked on a street at a designatedpar~.lng,' "' stand, or parked along the streets in the whiteway while said lights are burning. Section 49, All horse-drawn vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles and: velocipedes, while in use on the streets, between one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise, shall display one or more lights on the outside of such vehicles so as to be distinctly visible two hundred feet from the front and rear, provided, however, that when only one light is used the same shall be attache, to the ls ft side o~ such horse drawn vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, tricycles, and velocipedes so as to be visible two hundred feet from front and rear. Section 52. Passengers shall not be permitted to enter or leave a vehicle operated as a jitney bus except from the right side, front, or rear of the car. Section 55. No person shall drive any self-propelled vehicle on the street: of the City o£,i~oancl:o until after first having received a permit from the s~perin- tendent of police and the superintendent of police shall not issue a ?er~,~t until he is satisfied tl~t, the i~erson applying for a permit is competent to operate such vehicle. This section shall not apply to tourists or to any one passing through or remaining in the City only ten days. Section 56. The Superintendent of police shall determine by examination the ability of every person driving a self-propelled vehicle to do so without dange: to the safety of the public and shall issue said ?ermit as provided for in Section 55 of this ordinance only after being sati',~:fied of such ability. SectLoa 57. fter properly pas~i,,~ ai': examination, the superintendent of police shall, upon the pavement of the fee, issue to the applicant a permit to drive self-propelled vehicle s. an~ permit issued in accorda~ce with the provisions off this ordinance :may be transferred Without an additional £ee upon the written request nmde upon the superintendent off police by the owr~r of the vehicle, provided the ?erson to whom the permit is to be transferred is competent, in the opinion of the saperintendent of police, to operate such motor vehicle. Section ~9. The fee for a permit to drive ~ self propelled vehicle shall be .:~2.00 for each calendar year, not to be prorated, and shall be due and payable to the superintendent of police on the first day of January of each ~mar. Section 60 '~ ~- . ~n~. person who shall violate any provision of the fore~oi~ sections, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be fined not less than two and one-half {~2.~0) dollars, nor more than fifty {~0.00) dollars for each offense. The penalty for a violation of the sections of this ordinance relating to speed o£ vehicles sb~ll be as foll~s: Any person who sb~all o~rate a vehicle, within the boundaries of the con- ~ested district at a rate of speed exceeding fifteen {15) and not exceeding twenty {20) miles per hour, s~ll be fined not less than tv~o and 80~100 {~£.~0) dollars nor more t~n ten {~10.00) dollars. For the second offense, if co~nitted within twelve months from the date of due first conviction, he shall be fined not less than five ('~5.00) dollars nor more than twent.v (820.00) dollars. ~n-r' t~ v.~a ~.,~ be fined not less than five (~5.00) nor more than fifty (~50.00) dollars, and the permit of the person convicted shall be revoked for a period of not less than three [Z) months, and until an application is made by such person and a new permit, issued to him. Any person who shall operate a vehicle within the boundaries of the con- gested district at a rate of speed exceeding twenty [20) and not exceeding twenty-five ~25) miles per hour, he shall be fined not less than five ($6.00) dollars nor more than twenty-five ~$~5.00) dollars. ~'or the second offense, if committed within twelve months from the date of the first conviction, he shall be fined not less th~n ten [$10.00) dollars nor more than fifty ($50.00) dollars. ~or the third offense, if committed within twelve months from t the date of the , first conviction, he shall be fined not less than twenty [$~0.00) dollars nor more, than two hundred [$~00.00) dollars, and the permit of the person so convicted shal~ be revoked for a period of not less tha.u three months and until application is mad~ by such person and a new permit issued to him. If any person sh~ll operate a vehicle within the boundaries c~ the con- gested district at a rate of speed exceeding twenty-five [25) miles per hour he shall be fined not less than ten [$10.00) dollars nor mo~e than one hundred [$100~00) dollars. ~or the second offense, if committed ~vithin twelve Il2) months from the date of the first conviction, he shall be fined not less than twenty-five ~$25.00) dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty (~150.00) dollars. For the third offense, if committed within twelve months from the date of the first con- viction, he shall be fined not less than twenty-five [$25.00) dollars nor more thar~ two hundred and fifty [$250.00) dollars, and the permit of the person convicted shall be revoked for a period of not less than twelve months and until e. pplication is male by such person and a new permit issued to him. If any person shall operate ,a vehicle out side of the boundaries of the congested district at a rate of a~eed exceeding twenty [£0) miles per hour ~nd not exceeding thirty [ZO) miles per hour, he shall be fined not. less than ~2.00 nor more than ~lO.O0. For the second offense, if committed within twelve (12) months from the date of the first conviction, he shall be fined not less t~an five [$5.00) dollars nor more than twenty [$EO.O0) dollars. ~or the third, or any subsequent offense, if committed within twelve months from the date ef the first conviction, he shall be ~ned not less than ~5.00 nor more than fifty [~50.00) dollars, and the permit of the person convicted shall be revoked for a period of not less than three months and until application is made by such person and a new permit issued to him. , If any person shall operate a vehicle out side of the boundaries of the ~ congested district at a rate of speed exceeding thirty miles and not exceeding ~ forty /40) miles per hour, he shall be fined not less than five ~$5.00) dollars i. nor more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. 2or the second offense, if committed within twelve months from the date of the first conviction, he zhall be fined not less than ten [$10.00) dollars nor more than fifty $~50.00) dollars. ~'or the third, or any subsequent offense, if committed within twelve months from the date of the first conviction, he shall be fined not less than twenty [~0.00) nor more t~ban two hundred [~200.00) dollars, and the permit of such person shall be revoked for a period of not less than six ~6) mon'ths and until application is made by such 227 If any person shall operate a vehicle outside of the boundaries o~' the oongested district at a rate of speed exceeding forty (40) miles Der hour, he shall be ~ned not less than ten [~10.00) dollars nor more than one hundred (~100.O0) dollars. Por the second offense, if committed within twelve months from the date of the first conviction, he mhall be fined not less than twenty-five [$25.00) dollars nor more than one hundred and fifty (~150.00) dollars. For the third, or any subsequent offense, if committed Wdt~in twelve months from the date of the first conviction, he shall be fined not le.':s than twenty-five dollars nor mere than two hundred ~nd fifty [~2~0.00) dollars, and the permit of the person convicted shall be revoked i'or a period of~ not le ss than twelve months ~nd until applic~ation is made by such person ~nd a new permit issued to him. This srdi~nce shall be in effect A?ril l, 19,2Z. · H= COUNCIL F0i{ ~F.a CITY 0~~ lOAN0i~, YI.~GINI~, 'a'he 15th day of ~,[arch, 1925. No. 1091. AN ORDINANCE providing for the improvement of certain streets in the Crysta Spring Addition to South Roanoke, and the construction of a sewer system for the accommodation of certain property in said Crystal Spring Addition. ;ff~PJ~AS, the ~rystal Spring Land Compa ,ny is the o~ner of certain property located in the Crystal Spring Addition to the City of l~oanoke, Virginia, between Franklin Road 'and Avenham Avenue and located on Broadway, L'cClanahan Place and New Street; and, WHElqEAS, the said Crystal Spring Land Com-oany proposes to improve certain streets located between Frarfl~lin Road and Avenham Avenue by grading said streets and the construction of roadways and sidewalks thereon, and proposes further to construct a sewerage system for the accommodation of certain property located bet;veen Franklin Avenue and Avenham Avenue and located on Broadway, Franklin Road, New Street and McClanahan Place, all o£ ~ich improvements are to be made in accordance with plans and speci±~ications ap~roved by the City Engineer for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and at the expense oi' the said Crystal Spring Land Coml'an~., and, ~'fHEPJEAS, the said Crystal Spring Land Company proposes t o pay the expense of improving said streets and the construction of said sewer system and turn the same over to the City of Eoanoke, Virginia, upon completion, provided the City si' i~oanoke ~,ill agree not to levy any sewer assessment against the Crystal Spring Land ~ompany or purchasers from it of the lots now ovmed by that Comply wh~h will be located on and acco~o~ted by said sewerage system, and that the said City of Roanoke ~'dll further agree to levy the custo~mry sewer assess~nt applicable to property located in South -~o~oke against property l~:ated on and accommodated by Said sewerage system which is not owned b~ the said Crystal Spring Land Comply, ~and as and when said assessments are collected pay the same over to t~ Crystal ~Spring Land ~ompany as a consideration flor said sewerage system NO'i, ~ '~'~'~-'~ ' Virginia, as fellows: (1) That the said Crystal Spring Land Company be, and it is hereby authorized to proceed with the work of grading and improving the aforementioned streets and the construction of the aforementioned sewerage system in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City of ~oanoke, Virginia, the said sewerage system being shown and designated as line "A" marked in red on map of property owned by the Crystal Spring Land Company herewith filed and made a part hereof. (2) That upon the completion of the said sewerage system, the same will be accepted by the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and the said Oity will accept such transfer or conveyance of the said sewerage system from the Crystal Spring Land Company, no consideration to be paid therefor, as the City Solicitor shall approve. (Z) That upon the completion and transfer of said sewerage system to the City of Roanoke, ¥irginia, as aforesaid, the Council i'or the City of Roanoke, shall by ordinance, make a sewerage assessment against the owner of lots accommodated by said sewerage system other than lots now owned by the said Crystal Spring Land Company, and when such sewerage assessments are collected, the same sha~l be paid over to the Crystal Spring Land Company, but no sewerage assessments shall be .made against the lots now owned by the Crystal Spring Land Company~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0~~ ROA2IOlfE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of ~arch, 1923. No. 1092. A .~ESOLUTION directing the City Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant for the sum of ~160.00 to pay the railroad fare of certain delegates from t]~ William Watts Camp of ~onfederate Veterans to the ~eunion in New Orleans. BE IT RESOLVED by the Oouncil of the City o£ F. oanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draW a warrant £or the sum of ~180.00 to pay' the railroad fare o*2 the delegates oi' the '~¥illiam Watts Camp of '&e ~onfeder- ate Veterans to the ~eunion to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana. Such amount when paid shall be charged to the account of allowances and gifts. III T}IE COUNCIL POE TFdl CITY O~J RO..'JIOXE, VIRGINIA , The 16th day o£ Ltarch, 1923. No. 1095. A RESOLUTION granting permits to certain parties to lay water mains. BE IT HESOLVED by the Gouncil of the Oity oi' ~oanoke that a permit be, an the same is hereby granted as follows: United Finance Comp-may to lay a ~za2er main in Moorman Avenue, N. ~., to accommodate the property at No. 1505. Theo. Possin & Co., for L~rs. H. D. Shields, to lay a three-fourths (~/4) inch water main in 4th ~treet between ifing George and Blu££ ~venues, S. W. E. ~;.[. Punkhouser to lay a two 12) inch main in 2nd Street, South Eoanohe, The said parties by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the street where the same may be torn up in accordance with the Oity Ordinances covering such replacements. 117 TI~E COUNCIL FOR ~iHE CITY OF R0~JO[iE, VlilGINIA, The 16th day of March, 192Z. No. 1094. '/f~ditEAS, the Council of the City of ±toanoke proposes to widen Campbell Avenue on the North side thereof, from 'Zhird Street to ~'ourth Otreet; and ',~idW. EAS, the City of Roanoke, by gift and condemnation, has already acquired the land necessary to widen said Avenue between said points, with the exception six (6) feet of the property formerly owned by F. F. ;'ietzel, but recently sold at public auction, upon which said property is located a portion of a combination store and dwelling house; and 7G!EREAS, it is deemed necessary and expendient by the Council of the City of Roanoke to acquire, by condemnation or purchase, six 16) feet of said ',Vetzel property adjoining said Avenue, being an area of two hundred and twenty-eight (228 square feet. TP~22~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Gouncil of t~ City of noanoke: That ~. P. Hunter, City ~nager of said City, is hereby authorized and instructed to confer with the owners of said property and ascertain whether the said six feet of land, can be acquired by purchase and at ~nat price it may be obtained, and report to the next meeting of Council. II~ T]~ COUNCIL FOR TIEd CITY 02 ~:0ANO!~, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of ~,larch, 1925. I7o. 1095. A PJ~SOLU?ION authorizing ~he I~ayment of ~55,000.00 of bond funds to the Treasurer of the School ~h~nd. BE IT iVESOLVED by the Council of the City of t~oanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a wa'.~rant to the Treasurer of the School .~nd for the sum of ~5o,000.00 on account of buildings. Such amount to be paid from the bond funds, and when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary account of schools. 230 II! T!~ COUNCIL .?01~ '±~iE CITY 0P i~0ANOt~, VIRGINI-~-, The 23rd day of Harch, 19~3. No. 1096. A ~SOLUTIOll authorizi~ the City Manager to co~ t~ct, or cause ~ be const~cted, a sewer to accommodate the property of A. $. Beard on Church Avenue, S. E., between ~th and ~th Streets. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the Ci~~ of Ro~oke that the City ~Ianager be, and he is hereby autho~zed to const~ct or cause to be constructed a sanitary sewer to acco~o~te the property of A. 5. Beard on Church Avenue, S. E., between I~ said A. S. ~eard shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost tlmreof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. III Tt~ COUNCIL ?071 T}~ CI~iY 07 i~OANOi~, VIRGII~IA, The 23rd day of March, 1923. AN ORDINANCE to ~m~end and reordain Section 5 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City off Hoanoke on the 2Zrd day of April, 1921, entitled, "An Ordinance licensing and regulating the operation of motor buses, providing permits to owners arzt drivers thereof upon certain conditions, and imposing penaltie s." BE IT OthDAII~LD by the Council of the Cit~ of i~oanot:e that Section 5 of an ordi~m~nce adopted by the Council on the 23rd day of April, 1921, entitled, "An Ordinance licensing and regulating the operation of motor buses, !~roviding permits to ovmers and drivers thereof u?on certain conditions, ~md im]:osing penalties," be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: No motor bus shall be operated under such permit ~t$out an abbreviated desi,~mation of his route and hours said bus is to operate, which abbreviation shall be approved by the City L[anager and shall be exhibited plainly upon the motor bus, which serial numbers shall be f~zrni~hed by the Co~missioner of ~evenue. 117 THE COUIJCIL FOR lEE CITY OF ROAll~Oi~, VI?,GII~IA, The 23rd day of lJarch, 1925. No. 1098. 'A ~$0LUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to acconm~odate the property of the United ~'inance Come, any, Inc. ll08 - llth Street, S. E. BE IT RESOL'~U~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City L~anage~ be, and he is hereby authorized to constz~ct, or cause to be constructed, a se'~:?er to accommodate the property of the United Finance Company, Inc., at ll08 - llth Street, S. E., but before proceeding with the construction of such sewer, the United Finance Company, Inc., shall pay into the City Treasury the i'ull cost o2 IN Tt~ COUNCIL F0i( 2~1t1 CITY 0F ROANOi~, VI;{GINIa, The 25rd day of L~arch, 1925. No. 1099. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Solicitor to institute and prosecute to a final conclusion condemnation proceedings against the Blue Ridge Investment Company for acquiring six (6) feet of its land situated on the North side of Campbell Avenue 56.6 feet West of Zrd Street. ,'~H~.u~S by resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the: 16th day.ct' I'~[arch, 192Z, the City L~nager was directed to confer v~th the owners of that certain piece o!' land sit~mted on the North side of Campbell Avenue 36.6 feet West of Srd Street and extended along Campbell ,~venue a distance of 38 feet to ascertain whether six ~6) feet of said land could be acquired by purdhase and at what price it mi~aht be obtained and to report to the next meeting of Council,and ~,~EPJEAS, the City Manager did confer v,~th the Blue i{idge Investment Co., In~., the owners of said land, and reported that said owners would sell said six ~6) feet of said land at a ~rice of ~50.00, and WHEP. EAS, the price is unreasonable and is more than said land is reasonably worth, NOW, TB~i~01QE, BE IT iUSSOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Solicitor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to institute and prosecute to a determirm ti on condemnation proceedings against the Blue Ridge Investment Co., Inc., to acquire a strip of land approximately six [6) feet wide by thirty-eight (~8) feet long off of the property of Blue Ridge Investment Company, Inc., which property is situated on the North side or Campbell Avenue ~6.6 feet West of 5rd Street and extended alor~ Campbell Avenue 38 fleet. The strip desired by the City is that abutting on Campbell Avenue and is for' t~ purpose o £ widening said Campbell ,,venue. 117 Tt~ COUNCIL FO'.q T~ CITY OF ~,OANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 25rd day of March, 1925. No. 1100. A i{ESOLUTION directing the City Clerk and Auditor to obtain bids publishing reports for the year 1922. BE IT RESOLIfED by the Coun~cil of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to cbt&in bids for printing the reports of officers of the City of Roanoke for the year 1922, and to report such bids to C ounci I . III THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY ~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of March, i9~o. No. llO1. A i~ESOLUTION authorizing the City Idanager to employ an assistant plumbing inspector and to rix his compenmation. be, and he is hereby authorized to employ an assistant plumbing inspector at a salary not to exceed ~150.00 per month. Roanoke. Ill THE COUNCIL 20i{ 2~qE CITY OF ROA2~012~, VIRGINIA, The 2?th day of L~rch, 19aZ. No. llO2. A RESOLUTION for the eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis from the City of '~<EREAS, Tuberculosis in cattle is recognized as a contagious and com- municable disease, jeopardizing the future of the live stock industry and menacing the health of the people, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Council of the City of Roanoke desires to adopt such means as seem practicable at this time for the eradication of the disease in live stock in said county and City, and WHEiU~J?~S, The ~tate and Federal Governments have o£fered assistance in ~ completely eradicatir~ the disease under the Area Plan, and the County o£ Roanoke has requested aid of the City of Roanoke in eradicating the disease. TP~PJ~F0!%E, ~ IT RESOLVED, That the ~ity of Roanoke cooperate ~th Roanok~ County and the State and Federal Governments in establishing the City and County as a tuberculosis free area, and that the Council of the City of i~oamoke will guard and protect the City against untested cattle, by the establishment cf a quarantine line to prevent such cattle from entering the City of ~oa~oke, and issue such regulations as may be necessary pertaining to the work within the City under authority conferred upon the Council of the City o£ l~oanoke by the State Livestock Sanitary Board in accordance with Sec. 920 of the Code of Virginia. BE IT ~URTPiER P.ESOLVED, That the sum of ~1000.00 per year for not. less than two nor more than three years be appropriated as the City's share of the expense of the work for cacy year; provided the County of Roanoke will appropriate per annum for same purpose, the sum of ~1~00.00 and such other sums as may be necessary, it being understood that this sum or as much thereof as may be necessar~ is to be used to pay incidental expenses in connection with thc v~ork and the salary and traveli~g ex?enses of a Veterinary Inspector to be appointed by the State Livestock Sanitary Board to work in cooperation wi th and under the direction of the 2ederal and State autho~ities, provided, however, ti~t the appropriation hereby made shall cover all cost for making the tuberculin test of cattle in the , City of Roanoke. re solut ion. The above sum of ~1000.00 to be available for use from date of III Tt~ COUNCIL P0i~: Tt~ CI"±~f OF ROANOI~, VIi{GINIA, The 27th day of L~arch, 1925. No. 1105. OHDIN~?CE to prevent the introduction of ]~ovine Tuberculosis into and i to provide for the eradication of the disease within the City of ~oanol:e. 233 of bovine tuberculosis i~ ~ne City of [loanol:e and ~{oanokc County adopted ,y the Council of +'~.e City o~ ~toano~.e~' ~ on the 27th day of ilarch, 1925. BE I~~ 0.D~I~,~~' ~ ~ by the Council of the City oz~ ,~oa~' oho that no c~t~le', ' - shall be maintained within or imported into the City of lioanoi:e except as hereinafter provided. 1. All the cattle within the City shall be + ~uoerculin tested by the City, State of ?ederal inspectors at such intervals as deemed advisable by~e ~tate and ?ederal Live Stock Sanitary authozitics. 2. Ail oattlo imported into the City must be either accompanied by an a?l~roved tuberculin test certificate cz a ¥;rittcn permit issued Federal Ins~:ector. Ail cattle imported into the Cz~ on ~mit, shall be tuber- culin tested within ten days after date of zmpor oat ion by an ap, proved practicing veterinarian at the ex?ense of the ~ner, provided m~ch cattle shall not have been tuberculin tested within sixty ' ~ i~ediately ?receedin~F importation. 3. The only c'~ttle e:~em?t from tuberculin test are calves under thirty days of age. 4. All cattle which react to the tuberculin test shall be maintained in quarantine until slaughtered under State ~m~d ~'eder~l Ins!~ction. 5. Cattle o?aers shall give inspectors thc necessary assistance ~hile the tuberculin test is bein~u al:plied. 6. Any viol::~tion of a~- part of this ordin~nce shall be considered a .... v~oL~ zon shall, misdemeano~~_ and ~n~ ~" pe~con, firm or corForation ~ilty of any auc'~ ' ~t' upon co~viction, be punishable by fine of not ~ ss than ~5.00 or m~e ~an $25.00 for each animal involved. IN TEE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The ~Oth day of March, 1923. No. ll~4. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the ~oanoke Gas Light Company to lay certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light ~ompany to lay the following gas mains: (1) A four (4) inch gas main in Jamison Avenue to accommodate the house at 1124. (2) A four (4) inch gas main in 4th Street South ~est, for approximately 75 feet South of ~llison Avenue. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the General Ordinances of the Gity of Eoanoke providing for the restoration thereof. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 3Oth day cT ~,~r~h_ 192S. 234 constructed a sewer to accommodate the property of Dr. 2aul Davis situated on the North side of Patterson Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets. BE IT RESOLVED by the Gouncil of the City of Roanoke that the Gity Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed. a sewer to accommodate the property of Dr. Paul Davis situated on the North side of Patterson Avenue, between 19th and 20th Streets, S. W., but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, the said Dr. Paul Davis shall pay into the City Treasury the full estimated cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0r ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, · The BOth day of March, 1925. No. ll06. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of $50,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~und for the maintenance of schools for the month of March. BE IT -qESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~lerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for $50,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School ~und on account of maintenance of schools for the month of March. The said amount shall be charged to the cc dinary account of schools. IN THE COLE~CIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The J0th day of March, 1925. No. ll0?. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $1,500.00 to D. R. Hunt on account ol' assessment of real estate. BE IT RESOLVED by the gouncil of the City of Eoanoke that the City Glerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant payable to D. ~. Hunt for the sum of $1500.00 on account of assessment of real estate. Such amount when paid shall be charged to the account of assessment of taxes. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOEU~, VIRGINIA, The ~0th &ay of March, 1925. No. ll08. A .RESOLUTION authorizing the City Mauager to offer ~he Blue Ridge Investment Co., Inc., $5,000.00 for the six feet of land needed by the City for widening Campbell Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to offer the Blue Ridge Investment Company, Inc., the sum of $5,000.00 for six ~6) feet of land wanted by the City ef Roameke for widening Campbell Avenue. The said offer to be upon such terms as may be IN THE C0 ~UNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 1923. No. ll09. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas main. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Eoanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a four IA) inch gas main on Ath Street, S. W., for a distance of'120 feet ~outh of Allison Avenue. The said Roauoke Gas Light ~ompar4y by acting under this resolu- tion agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street, where the same may be torn up, in accordance with the General Ordinances of the City of Hoanoke providing for the restoration of streets. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 1923. No. lll0. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Mamager to construct a sidewalk on the North side o5 Pattermon Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a five foot granolithic sidewalk on the North side of Patterson Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, the property owners abutting thereon shall pay into the City ~'reasury the full cost thereof they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 1923. No. llll. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct or cause to be constructed a sidewalk on Melrose Avenue between 24th and 28th Streets to accommo- date the p~-operty of R. A. ~iggatt. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~oumcil o£ the City of Eoamoke that the Cil~.y Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a five foot granolithic sidewalk on Melrose Avenue N. W. between 24th and 28th Streets to accommodate the property of R~ A. ~iggatt, but bei~ore proceeding with the construction of said sidew~lk, said R. A. ~iggatt shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. 236 IN T~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROanOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 1923. No. lll2. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to install certain street lights. BE IT.RESOLVED by the Oeuncil of the City of Roanoke that the Rosmoke Railway and Electric ¢ompamy be, and it is hereby authorized ~o install the follov~.ing 250 ,C. P. lights: Il} Gllmer Avenue and 16th Street, N. W. ~E} Avemel Avenue and garter Road, Raleigh Court. ~) Auburn Avenue and Carter Road, Raleigh Court. The said lights to be maintained in accordance with the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the said Roamoke L4ailway and Electric -Company. IN THE COUNCIL POR THE C I~Y 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 192Z. No. lll6. AN 0EDINANCE licensing and regulating the operation of mot~r buses, proviaing permits to owners and drivers thereof upon certain conditions, and imposing penalties. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of ~e City of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: - Sec. l~ The term "motor bus" used herein ~cemmonly known as Jitney Bus), is dei'ined to be a motor vehicle, operated over _a_~_y of the streets of the ~ity of Roanoke, for the carrying of passengers for hire, for fifteen cents or less for each passenger. The term "street" is defined to mean any avenue, street, road, alley or public way within said City, ar~l the term "operator" shall mean a person who drives er it is p~oposed shall drive or operate any such motor bus. ~ec. ~. It shall be unlawful fcr any person, firm or corporation either as principal, agent or employee, to use or occupy any public street in the City ef!~ R~anoke with a mol~or bus, in a way as defined in Section One, without a permit and license therefor, and complying with the terms of this ordinance; and no person shall drive such mc~or bus who is under the age of eighteen years. Sec. ~. Every person desiring such permit and license shall make appli- cation to the City Manager of the City of Roanoke on printed forms to be p~escri- bed and furnished by said 0ity Manager, in which form shall be stated: la) Name and residence or office o~ applicant. lb) The number, type, state license number amd carrying capacity of each motor bus proposed to be operated. The route over which it is proposed te operate ~ach motor bus. Dusting what hours it is proposed to operate. That no driver will be employed who has not passed the examination required by ordinance. The application shall be signed by the application if an individual, if *t~-~n l~w nnmn ,mn~n'h~'~ tb~AW~nt'_ n-,nfl 'i-F' a nar~nratlen bv it.m ~resident. treasurer Sec. 4. No permit and license shall be issued until the applicant shall have given a bond, payable to the City of iioanoke, executed by some solvent guaranty or surety company having a permit to do business in the State of ¥irginia, er executed by two or more good and solvent persons, as hereinbefore provided, in the penalty ef Two Thousand and ~ive Hundred ($2,~00) Dollars. Such bond shall be conditioned that the owner or person to which the permit to operate such motor bus is issued, or any person operating the same as agent or servant for the person to whom such permit is given, will not violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or any of the traffic ordinances of this City, and if there be any such violations shall pay any ~nd all lawful claims for damage or injury to persons or ~property occasioned by the negligent operation of said motor bus or by the viola- tion of this ordinance or any of the traffic ordinances of this City. And said bond may be sued on at the instance of any person or persons or corporation so damaged er injured, and such henri shall not be void on the first recovery, but may be sued on until the full penal sum named therein shall be recovered. If said bond be executed by personal sureties, the same shall not be approved by the City Manager unless the sureties thereon shall make oath before the City Glerk that in their ova right over and above all exemptions and indebtedness, that they are worth the full amount of the bond they signed as sureties, and t~t they own in their own right in the City of Roanoke real estate free from all liens and encum- brances of the assessed value of not less than the penalty of the said bond. But 'where such applicant secures a permit and license for more than one motor bus, then his bond shall be five hundred ($500) dollars for each additional motor bus, which bonds shall be maintained at the maximum amount at all times, an& which shall be recovered by one or more bonds as t~e applicant may desire, or in lieu of the bond herein required, said applicant may file a liability insurance policy conditioned substantially as herein provided· If the application and bond is approved by the City Manager, the same shall be filed in the office of the Ci~ Clerk, and maid City C1~ rk shall the re- upon certify that said application and bond, approved by the City Manager, has been filed in his office, whereupon the Commissioner of Revenue shall issue to such applicant a license to operate such mol~or bus upon presenting to him such certifi- cate and shall furnish said applicant with a license tag containing a serial number, which shall be displayed upon said motor bus. The license fee to be paid by such applicant shall be fixed by Sec · 5. ordinance. Sec. 6. All motor buses licensed to operate under this c~dinance, shall conform to the route or routes named in the application and shall operate contin- ually for the time specified in said application (unless prevented from so doing for reasons beyond the control of the applicant) and said route shall not be departed from nor the service discontinued, and in all cases such mo~ or bus shall proceed to the terminus of such route before returning. Each motor bus shall have plainly exhibited thereon an abbreviated designation of the route and the hours said bus is to operate Lu letters and figures not less than three (3) inches in he ight. Sec. 7. No person shall operate, and mo owner shall allow or ~ermit a~v the Superintendent ef Police and passed an examination as to his ability to operate an automobile and as to his knowledge of the traffic laws of the~ State and of the City, and shall have satisfied the Superintendent of Police of his oharacter and qualifications, and shall have a certificate from the Superintendent of Police to that effect; provided, however, that the Superintendent of Police shall not approve any application for much certificate to any person who is under the age of eighteen years. Sec. 8. T. he operator ef every vehicle under this section shall comply with all of the laws of the State of Virginia and the Ordinances of the City of ' Roanoke and shall confrom to the following requirements: (a) Passengers shall not be permitted to enter or leave a vehicle except from the right side front or rear of the car. (b) Passengers shall not be permitted to sit or stand on the run~ing boards of the cars or on the doors of the cars, or smoke while a passenger on amy Such car. (c) No operator of such vehicle shall smoke while operating the same over any route. No money shall be changed and no fare or fares collected by the driver or operator while the-vehicle is in motion. (d) The persons licensed under this section may temporarily substitute one vehicle for another, provided, he has first obtained the consent and approval ef the City Manager. (e) The Superintendent of Police shall be empowered in cases of fire, parades, obstructions or breaks in or repairs to streets, or any other emergency in order to prevent the congestion of traffic, to temporarily divert the route or routes upon which such vehicles are licensed to operate to such other street as, in his opinion, will best serve the public. (f) All operators of "Jitney Buses" shall we~r, for purpose of identi- fication, numbered badges, to be designa~ed by the ~ity Manager. Sec. 9. The driver of auy automobile operated under this section shall carefully preserve any money or other property left in such automobile by a passenger. If Sot called for by the owner in twenty-four (24) hours, such propert~ shall thereupon be turned over to the Sul~erintendent of Police for safe keeping and identificatiom by the owner. When the owner calls for same, either in the hands of the driver or licensee or the Superintendent of Police and proves his ownership, same shall be promptly delivered to him. Any property, whether money or other things, which shall mot be oalled for within six months, shall, if mosey, be thereupon paid into the 0ity Treasury by the said Superintendent of Police, and all other property shall be sold by him at public .auction and the amount received therefor paid into the City Treasury in like manner. Sec. 10. No sign or device shall be painted on the glass front or wind shield, and no detached sign or device more than four inches wide and eighteen inches long shall be placed against the glass front or wind shield of any automo- bile operated under this section, and in no case shalI said sign or device be placed so as to obstruct the front view of the driver of said machine. Sec. ll. Every jitney operated upon l~he public streets of the aity of Roanoke shall at all times be neatly painted and kept in good order and repair for rendered sanitary daily. Sec. 12. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $2.50,mor more than $100.00 for each offense. Sec. 13. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall be in force on and after May l, 1923. IN THE CO~R~CIL POR THE CITY OP ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 1923. No. 1117. AN ORDINANCE to provide the manner which passenger automobiles kept or used for hire shall be granted permits and license and providin~ penalties for violation thereof. BE IT ORDAIt~D by the ¢ouryil of the Oity of Roanoke as follows: 1.. No license shall be issued to keep or operate a passenger automobile for hire except upon the written authority of the City Manager~. 2. Every person, firm or corporation desiring to operate a passenger automobile for hire over the streets of the City of Eoanoke shall make application to the City Msnager ~f the ~ity on printed forms to be prescribed and furnished by said City Manager, in which form shall be stated: (a) Name and residence or office of the applicant. The number, type, state and license number of each automobile. (c) That no driver will be employed who has not passed the examination required by ordinance. The application shall be si~ned by the applicant if an individual, if a firm, by some member thereof and if a corporation by its president, treasurer or secretaryl 3. No permit and license shall be issued until the applicant shall have given a bond, payable to the City of Rosm~oke, executed by some solvent guaranty or surety company having a permit to do business in the State o£ Virginia, or executed by two or more good and solvent persons, as hereinafter provided, in the penalty of ~'ifteen Hundred ($15001 Dollars. Such bond shall he conditioned that the owner er person to which the permit to operate such passenger automobile for hire is issued, or any person operating thesame as agent or servant for the person to whom such permit is given, will not violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or any of the traffic ordinances of this City, and if there be any such violations shall pay any and all lawful claims for damage Sr injury to persons or property occasioned by the negligent operation of said passenger automobile for hire or by the violation of this ordinance or any of the trafTic ordinances of this City. And said bond may be sued on at the instance of any person or persons or corporation so damaged or injured, and such bond shall not be void on the first recovery, but may be sued on until the i~ull penal sum named therein shall be recovered. If said bond be executed by personal sureties, the same shall not be 240 ness, that they are worth the full amount of the bond they signed as sureties, and that they own in their own right in the City of Roanoke real estate free from all liens and encumbrances of the assessed value of not less 1kan the penalty of the said bond. But where such applicant secures a permit and license for more than one automobile, then his bond shall be five hundred ($500) dollars for each additional autmm0bile, which bonds shall be maintained at the maximum amount at all times, and which shall be recovered by one or more bonds as the applicant may desire, or in lieu of the bond herein required, said applicant may file a liability lnsurancm policy conditioned substantially as herein provided. If the .application and bond &s approved by the City Manager the same ahmll be filed in the office of the City ~lerk,~ and said City $1erk shall thereupon certify that said application and bond, approved by the City Manager, has been filed in his office, whereupon the Commissioner of Revenue shall issue to such applicant a license to operate such passenger automobile for hire upon presenting tm him such certificate and shall furnish said applicant with a license tag con- taining a serial number, which shall be displayed upon said passenger automobile for hire. Sec. 4. No person shall operate, and no owner shall allow or permit any agent or employee to operate any such vehicle, until he shall have appeared before the Superintendent of Police and passed an examination as to his ability to operate an automobile and as to his knowledge of the traffic laws of the State and the 0ity, and shall have satisfied the Superintendent of Police of his character and qualifications, and shall have a certificate from the Superintendent of Police to that effect; provided, however, that the Superintendent of Police shall not approve any application for such certificate to any person who is under the age of eighteen years. Sec. 5. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $2.50, nor more than $100.00 for each ofl'ense. Sec. 6. This ordinance Shall be in force on and after Nay l, 1923. IN THE COUNCIL Y0R TFE CITY OY ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of April, 1923. No. lllS. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to cons. truct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property 0£ 0. J. Yates and others on Staunton Avenue "West of 14th Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the OiLy M~nager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property ef 0. J. ~ates and others on Staunton Avenue West of 14th Street, N. W., but before proceeding with the construction o£ said sewer, the property owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full ~ost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some fUture time. IN TEE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF EOAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of April, 1923. No. lll3. AN 0RDINAN~E to amend and reordain Sections l, 2 and 3 of an ordinance adopted by the ~ouncil off~ th~ City of Rosnoke on the 8th day of April, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance imposing taxes on persons, real estate and pmrsonal property, for the current year, for the support of the City Government, the pay- ment of interest upon the City debt, et. her municipal expenses and school purposes." BE IT 0RDAIi.[ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Sections l, 2 and 3 of an ordinance ado~ ed by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 8th day of April, 1922, entitled, "An 0rdinsmce imposing' taxes on persons, real estate and personal property, for the current year, for the support of the City Governmen~ the payment of interest upon the City debt, other municipal expenses and school purposes" be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: 1. Upon every resident of the City of itoanoke, male and female, who has attained the age of twenty-one years, not exempt from taxation by law, there shall be a tax of one dollar {$1.00) for each year. 2. Upon all real estate in this City and improvement s thereon, not exemptl from taxation by law, there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of $2.19 on every one hundred dollars assessed value thereof for City and school purposes. 3. Upon all tangible personal property, not exempt from taxation by law {except rolling stock of railroads operated by steam), there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of $2.19 on every one hundred ~ollars assessed value thereof, for city and school purposes. IN TP~ COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0P ROJR~0}2E, VIRGINIA, The 1gth day of April, 192Z. No. lll4. AH OPDII~ANCE imposing a tax on real estate and tangible personal property for the maintenance of a public library and reading room for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the City of Roanoke and for a pension for ~,nfederate soldiers, sailors and marines and their widows under the provision of Section No. 2662 of the ~ode of Virginia. BE IT 0RDAIN~ by the Council of the City of aoanoke that a tax of 6 cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed value of real estate and tangible personal property' in the City of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby levied 'for the year ending Pebruary l, 1924, for the maintenar.:ce of a public readir~g ~.~oom for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the ~ity of 4oanoke and for the payment of pensions to the confederate soldiers, sailors and marines and their widows under the provision of Section 2662 of the Code of Virginia, 1919. 4 cents of snch levy shall be used for the purpose of maintaining a public library and reading room ±~r the use and benefit of the inhabitants and shall be kept in a separate fund to be known as the Library Fund, .and 2 cents of such levy shall be used for the purpose of paying pensions to the confederate soldiers, sailors and marines and their widows as provided by S~at~m~ ~,~ ~ +~ a~ 241_ EPEALED 242 Treasurer 8f the ~ity of i{oanoke as other taxes are collected. III THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 07 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of April, 19~. No. lll§. AN 0RDIN~I~CE to amend and reordain Sections 1Z, 2?, Z0, 59, 40, 50, 52b, SS, 59, 60, ~4, 89 and 92 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City ~f' Roanoke on the 8th day of April, 192£, entitled, "An Ordinance imposing taxes on liceses for 5Iunicipal purposes." BE IT 0RDAI~ED by the Council of the ~ity of i{osnoke that Sections l~;, 27, 30, 39, 40, 50, 52b, 53, 59, 60, 64, 89 and 92 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 8th day of April, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance imposing taxes on licenses for municipal purposes" be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: 13. (1) On each general auctioneer, whether he receives an compensation for his services or not, there shall be levied and collected by the Commissioner of Revenue a license tax of $50, which shall not be prorated. Provided, that this license ~oes' not authorize said auctioneer to sell real estate. (2) On each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, Jewelry, silverware, oriental rugs, bric-a-brac and such like articles at public auction there shall be levied and shall pay a license tax of $2,000.00 per annum, not prorated and ~ot transferrable. No license to be issued for less than the full price for one year; same to be paid in advance. (3) Any person or persons conducting a business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, jewelry, oriental rugs, bric-a-brac and much like articles who shall fail to register under this ordinance with, and o~tain a license from, the Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke, Virginia, and pay his license fee or tax before beginning such sale shall be punished by a l'ine oi' not less than t~enty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred ($100), and each day that such person keeps open for business shall be a separate offense. (4) No person or persons conducting the business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, oriental rugs, bric-a-brac and such like articles at public auction shall conduct such business between the hours of six (6) p. m. and eight (8) a. m. (5) A person, firm or corporation shall not sell or offer to sell in thei Gity of Roanoke, ¥irginia, by auction or otherwise, at retail a stock of merchandise which, by advertisement, sign, poster, or otherwise, such person, firm or corpora- tion advertises or represents or states as being of, or any part of, a stock of goods theretofore belonging to or kept in the business of another person, firm, or ~ corporation, without having first filed in the oi'fice of ~he Commissioner of Revenuei of said City a sworn inventory of such stock of merchandise, setting up the quantity.. quality, kind or grade of each item thereof. To such inventory there shall be attached an affidavit that such inventory is in all respects true and correct. In the case of an individual, such affidavit shall be made by him as such,~in the case of a firm it shall be made by one of the partners, and in case of a corporation it ~ 243 inventory and affidavit when so made shall be kept on file as a part of his public records by the Commissioner of Revenue. A person or a corporation, and each member of s~ch firm and such corporation, its officers and directors, who or which, fail to comply with the provisions of this section shall be deemed g~ilty of a misde- meanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less th~n one hundred ($100) dollars nor more than five hundred dollars ($500). (61 Any person and each member of a firm and any corporation who shall conduct a sale by auction or otherwise at retail of a stock of merchandise speci- fied in paragraph 5 above hereof, and who shall sell or offer for sale therein or therewith any merchandise not constituting a part of such stock as so described and without stating clearly aud distinctly to the purchaser or w. ithout causing announcement to be made by the auctioneer in c~se of an auction sale that the merchandise orthe article or articles sold or about to be sold, is not and are not a part of such stock shall be also deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided in Section 5 as above hereof. (?) ~or a violation of the provisions of this ordinance Numbers l, 2, 5 aud 4, the person or persons, firm or corporation conducting such business and violating such provisions of said ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100) dollars nor more than five hundred ~500) dollars, and each day that such person or persons conduct such business between the hours prohibited hereby, shall be taken as a separate offense and punished accordingly. 2?. On each butcher or person dealing in fresh meats ~50.00, which shall include the privilege of selling cured meats, but not the privilege of selling canned meats, ~nd on each person ha~lling fresh meats exclusively or in connection with other general merchandise, for which a license tax has been paid, ~50.00. 50. On each persmn, firm or corporation conducting a busines~ of dealing in coal oil, kerosene, or other burning fluids by selling or delivering the same from wagons on the streets, alleys, or other public places in the City, $~50; and on each p~rson, firm or corporation dealing in gasoline, illuminating or lubricat- ing oils, for each tank lock. ted in the City h~ving a capacity of five hundred gallons or more, owned by ~ch person, firm or corporation, $125. The license provided for in this section shall not be prorated. 59. On every license to a fortune teller, palmist, clairvoyant, phrenologist, intuitional advisor, or ~strologer, ~1000.00 per year, not prorated and not transferable. 40. On every person, firm or corporation selling fresh fish within the limits of the City of Roanoke, if the amount of purchases do not exceed ~6500.00, ~50.00, ~n4 where the amount of purchases exceed ~6500.00, the tax shall be 50 cents on each ;~100.00 in addition thereto, which shall not be prorated. No license shall be granted to dc business at any place unless there is sewer connection. Any person violating the provision of this section shall be ±'ined not less than ~5.00 for each day such violation shall continue. ~0. A license is imposed on all automobiles, automobile trucks, motor- ~cycles and motor driven vehicles, ~s follows: (a) On each vehicle operated as a "jitney" ~50.00. 244 of one ton capacity or Bess, $15.00; over one ton capacity $25.00. Id) On each privately owned truck used for the transfer of freight ~ merchandise of one ton capacity or le ss 36.00, and when the capacity is over one one ton, 33.00 additional for each ton or part thereof. [e) On all automobiles, automobile trucks and other motor vehicles, not otherwise licensed by this City a tax of 25 cents per horse power is hereby imposed. If) On each motorcycle $3.00. Ig) No license issued under this section shall be prorated or trans- ferred, except licenses issued under Sub SeCtion Id) and [e) may be issued for one-half rate after January l, 192~, and the licenses issued under sub-section Id) and le) may be transferred. 52b. On each person, firm or corporation dealing in ice and using the public streets in whole or in part for the sale thereof, 3200.00. This license conferring~the privilege to use the public streets for the conduct of business is granted upon the express condition that, each and every licensee under this section is hereby required during the period from the first day of ~,Say to the first day of November to sell and deliver, each day, to any one desiring to purchase fcc cash in the City of Roanoke, ice in quantities of five cents in value or more; said quantities to be supplied at the same rate as is charged consumers taking 50 cents in value; provided, however, that no licensee hereunder shall be required to make sale or delivery on Sunday, or to make delivery in any block except upon the request of three residents therein and then only when no vehicle from which ice is then being sold has passed through that block and has offered for sale ice on that day; any licensee failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall be fined not less than one dollar and more than ten dollars for each offense, 5~. On each person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of peddling ice cream from vehicles on the streets, the tax shall be $15.00 for the first vehicle and $10.00 for each additional vehicle, provided, however, that no person licensed under this section shall sell or offer for sale ice cream unless the eame be packed as individual portions, inclosed in boxes or wrappers of tin foil or other impervious paper so as to be completely protected from contamination.~ This license shall not confer the privilege of selling on the Market Square. Any person violating the provision of this Section shall be fined not less than $5.00 for each offense. 59. On each person, retailing tobacco, cigars or ~nuff,$10.00. 60. On each person, firm or corporation operating a soda fountain and selling soft drinks therefrom, where the gross receipts are ~l,000 or less $10; where such gross receipts are over $1,000 and do not exceed 32,000, $20; where such receipts are over $2,000 and do not exceed 33,000, $~0; where such receipts are over $~,000 and do not exceed $4,000, $40; where such receipts are over 34,000 and do not exceed $5,000, $50; where such receipts are over $5,000 and do not exceed $6,000, ~60; where such receipts are over ~6,000 and do not exceed 310,000, $1 per one hundred dollars in addition thereto, and where such receipts exceed $10,0.00, 50 cents per one hundred dollars in addition thereto, and for the privilege of selling soft drinks otherwise than at soda fountain to be drunk at the place where sold, the license shall be $10.00 per annum, which shall be in 245 cream, the license for such edibles shall be $25.00 per annum. 64. On each peddler $50.00 and each individual engaged in the business peddling shall take out a separate license whether he be acting for himself or as agent of another. Such license shall not be prorated. The holder of such license shall not sell on the l~,larket Square or ~treets within four blocks thereof during market hours. Any person violating this Section shall be fined not less than $5.00 each offense. 89. On each laundry operated other than by hand equipped for the purpose of doing general laundry work, $100.00, and on each agent soliciting or taking order for laundries, not licensed by this City, $100.00, and on all other laundries, $15. 92. On each person, firm or corporation keeping a garage for the storage of automoh, iles and charging for such storage, where the number of automobiles stored does not exceed five, ~25, and $1 additional for each stall or space which may be occupied for such storage purposes over five. IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1Zth day of April, 1923. No. lllg. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to H. P. Stoke to construct a building at the intersection of Tazewell Avenue snd 1st (Nelson) Street S. E. BE IT ~SOLV. ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke tt~t a permit be, and the s~ne is hereby granted H. F. Stoke to construct a building on the property leased by him at~ the corner of Tazewell Avenue and ~st ~Nelson) Street S.E. The said building to complY with the following specifications: The foundation to be of concrete 12 inches wide to begin below the frost line, floor to be of concrete, floor drain in the battery room, walls to be of Natco Hollow tile 4 inches set on end of cells with cement mortor not ewer 12 feet high, pilaster and pillars supporting roof to be 12 by 12 of Natco Hollow Tile set on end and reinforced by bein~ filled with concrete or of brick as designated by the Building Inspector, roof to be of gravel composition. The said H. ~. Stoke is also granted a permit to construct a shed to be opened on all sides, supported on open frame work, the whole erection on a single row of 6 by 8 posts set not less than 3-1/2 feet in the ground to be covered with corrugated metal roofing. The said building and shed to be constructed under the supervision and in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Buildin~ Inspector. The said H. P. Stoke by acting under this resolution ~grees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person ~ property by reason of the construction and m~intenance of said building and shed. 246 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY (~' ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of April, 192Z. No. ll20. A RESOLUTiON authorizing the City Manager to construct or cause to be constructed certain sidewalks. BE IT RESOLVED by the Gouncil of the City of Roanoke, that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed the following s idewalks: 1. On the West side of Fifteenth Street between Patterson and Chapman Avenues to accommodate the property of J. A. Doarnberger. 2. On the South side of Winona Avenue between Third and ~ourth Streets, Wasena, to accommodate the property of T. B. Kemper and R. M. Garst. But before proceeding with the construction of aaid sidewalks the t~'oper- ty owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full costs thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such costs at some future time. IN THd~ COUNCIL 20R S~{E CITY 0F ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of April, 1925. No. ll21. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct certain sewers. BE IT RESOLVED by the Courm il of the City of Roanoke, that t he City ~ianager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed the following sewers: 1. On fifteenth Street S. E. to accommodate the property of William C. 0yler, known as lot 28 Section 2 Waverly Place. 2. On North side Orange Avenue between 17th and tSth Streets to accommodate the property of W. E. Morgan. But before proceeding with the construction of said sewers t he l~roperty owners shall pay into the Treasury of the ~ity of Roanoke the full costs thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such costs at some future time. IN TtUE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0}~, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of April, 19~. No. 1122. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to install certain street light. BE IT RESOI~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 250 candle pawer light at the corner of ~,tontrose Avenue and 62k Street S. E. ~he said light to be maintained under the contract existing between the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company and the City of Roanoke. 247 IN Tt~ COUNCIL FOR ?t~ CITY OP ROAIJOt[E, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of April. 19£5. No. 1125. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain approl~iation. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the appropriation to the account of Refunds and Rebates be, and the same is hereby supplemented in the sum of $3.87. The City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. IN THE COUNCIL F0l THE CITY OP ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of April, 1923. No., 1124. A ~SOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City o~' Roanoke for the month of ~arch, 1925, and directing the payment of the san~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Eoanoke that Uhe accounts and claims against the City for the month of March, 1925, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City ~,~nage r Engineering Dept. City Clerk Teea sure r Legal Department Judges Salari es Court Officers & Expense Assessment o£ Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Election Council Coroner Almshou se Outside Poor Hospitals Organi zed Charities Insane Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept. ~ire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Maintenance Street Repairs Bridge Repairs Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment ~efunds & Rebates Special Services Allo~ances ~ Gifts Workmen ' s Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library' ~,T~rke t Interest Annex 1919 A~count s Payable EXTRAO ~DI NARY $ 862.70 793.95 676.00 181.92 265.80 527.68 1746.83 3043.69 422.32 1289.53 1534.40 4~3.32 31.00 469.25 112.50 305.00 235.85 72.00 1432.17 591.97 9246.79 8834.55 1415.52 2026.62 702.25 80.50 100.00 500.Z~ 2031.75 1023.89 3496.74 878.94 3446.15 380.96 1076.50 1585.29 546.25 634.58 2.50 360.00 50.00 537.00 60,000. O0 1914.79 1128.46 1585.47 5322.50 1332.78 480.00 125,346.95 Sewer Construction Street Grading l~cadamiz ing 217.40 276.63 14 84.33 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of April, 1923. No. 1125. A RESOLUTION Eranting a permit to H. F. Stoke to construct a gasoline pipe line across Nelson Street. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted H. ~. Stoke to construct a gasoline pipe line from the Norfolk & Western Railway Co.'s tracks across 1st (Nelson) Street S. E. so as to connect his tanks with the cars. The said H. ~. Stoke by acting under this resolution agrees to remove said pipe line in the event the same becomes unneces- sarily hazardous, and if said pipe line is abandoned at any time the same shall be flushed with water so as to remove all gasoline in said line. The said H. ~. Stoke further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from a~y claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and main- tenance of said pipe line. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of April, 1923. No. 1126. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke ~ater W~rks Company to construct a 2-inch water main in ~airfax Avenue N. W. from the intersection of Harrison Avenue f~ a distance of 294 feet West. BE IT RESOLV ED by the Council of the City of Eoanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the t~o~noke Water Works Company to lay a 2-inch water main in ~airfax Avenue N. W. from the intersection' of Harrison Avenue a distance of 294 feet West. The sai~ Roanoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the streets in accordance with the General Ordinance of the ~ity of Roanoke providing for street restoration. IN THE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 0P ROAN0k~, VIRGINIA; The 20th day of April, 1923. No. ll2?. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light ~ompany to lay certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay the following gas mains; 1. Avon Road a 4-inCh main a distance of 200 i'eet to Shirley Avenue, Raleigh Court. 2. Arlington Road a 4-inch main for a distance of 800 feet South of Sherwood Avenue. 3. I)unmore Street a 4-inch main for a distance of Z00 feet between Westover and Hampton Avenue. 4. Hampton Avenue a 4-inch main from Dunmore Street, 300 feet East. agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up in accordance with the provisions of the General Ordinances of the City of ~{omnoke providing for street restoration. 249 III THE COUNCIL FOR TI~ CITY 0F ROANOLTE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of April, 1925. No. 1128. A RESOLUTION to authorize the City ~lanager to appoint a special officer for the City Auditorium. BE IT .~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint a special police officer for the City Auditorium. The said appointment shall not carry any compensation. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of April, 192Z. No. 1129. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~Ianager to construct certain sewers to accommodate thc property of E. J~ Wright in 12-1/2, 15th and 14th Streets, S. W., North of Salem Avenue. BE IT RESOL'fED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Lfanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct a sewer to accommoiate the property of R. J. Wright on 12-1/2, 15th and 14th Streets, North of Salem Avenue, but beI'ore proceeding with the construction of said se?zer the s&id H. J. ~Tright shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL ~0i{ THE CITY 02 ROAN0t[E, VIRGINIA, The gVth day of April, 1925. No. 1150. A RESOLUTIOI~ authorizing the ~ity ~.~anager to construct a sidewalk on the East side of 14th Street between Tazewell and Dale Avenues to accommodate the pr opsrty of L. E. Dishun and S. J. Goad. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Hanage2 be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a five foot granolithic sidewalk on the East side of 14th Street between Tazewell Dale Avenues to accommodate the property of L. E. Dishun and S. J. Goad, but befor~ proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, the said parties shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some later date. 250 IN THE COUNCIL ~'0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2?th day of April, 192Z. No. llZ1. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a curb and gutter on the East side of l£th Street S. W. between ~erdinand Avenue and Riverside Boulevard. WHEREAS the pr'operty owners residing on the East side of 12th Street between ~erdinand Avenue and Riverside Boulevard have p~titioned that curb and gutter be constructed in front of their respective properties, theyagreeing to pay the entire cos t of such curb and gutter to be reimbursed one-half ouch cost at some future time, and WHEREAS the proposition is beneficial to the City of Ro~.nokm and should be accepted. THEREFOPJ~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructe~ curb and gutter on the East side of 12th Street S. ~. between 2erdi~and Avenue and Riverside Boulevard, but before proceeding ~with the construction, the said property owners abutting on said street shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN TP~E COU~CIL FOR 'IHE CITT 02 R0;~0~LE, VIRGINIA, The 2Tth day of Apr'il, 192Z. No. ll~2. A RESOLUTION directing the City Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant for $50,000 for school mai~tens~ce. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ¢i&y Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant payable to the Treasure~ of ~he School Fund for $~0,000 on account of maintenance of schools for t~e month of April. The said amount sh~ll be charged to the account of schools. IN THE COUNCIL ~OH THE CITY 0P RO~J0$~i, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of April, 192~. No. llZ3. A RESOLb~YIOI~ directing the City Clerk and Au ,dLitor ~to draw a warrant for the sum of $3~,000 on account of school buildings. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant payable to the Treasure~ of the School Fu~d for the sum of $38,000 on account of school buildings. The said amount sh~ll be charged to the extraordir~ry account of schOols. ne ~tk of , 1D25. No. 1104. fill OlIDilLEiC~ to nme:id and reordain Section 4 of an oriiriance adoli, ed bj Council of. the City of !{o{moke o}~ the Otb dzQ',o~-'= .;t:ril, iDES, e~:ul,' ...... uz~d, "~', O~'di'na~c~ licensing ~d re~iatinS t!l~ o~eratio~ of mc. tar ruses, prov~.~i:~o permits to own. ors an l drive,cs thereof un&er certes, in conditions, and imposing ~atties." O~:~,I_~=D t,~, ti~ Council of 'd~e City o= Ro~ol.c tLat Section 4 off 1923, e~,~t!e.'t,~ "~n 0rdi~,~,mce licensi:,r~ z~ri,i regui~ting the ol:e .... ' I,u, ozOn of ~otor buses, p~u~.~.ing termits to owners alii ,]_rivers tE:crcof s, - ,~i-.e i::on, altie""~ be amended an< rec. rdai.~md so ~:~ to read a'~, fo!lay,rs: Sec 4 No parmit and license '",'~ ' . . o~,c~, until the al.l_iicant have given ~ bou.d, payable tc the Ci' ~'- f , ~. o NoanoLe executed i)j some solve:it ~a~,~ or~,~,~c,,~. company navin?_ a ~ :~;it to do busi~.ezs._ in the~.~a+~.e of v-,zrg:- .... the penalty -,~ Two ~ ..... ~' ' . ' u= ~.o~and arid Five I!ttndred (~2,300) Dollars Such bond shall oc<:iditio~md tkat the o'~ner or }e~son to ~,'~ ~ w~_i~h tiic pmm!i ~ to operate muo~i insist is iss~:e.i, or tui~:~ person Ol?oratJ. i.!g thc same as {J.~-~el'l~t OF sei'v~.~r~t for t!:~ ~ arso~i to whom such rermit is ~iven, will no~, visit te a:l$ of the provisio~m of this_ or&l " .... e -~ lie f~': O ' ~ ' + '~' ~i,2 ' ~ ...... shall pay anj qNd all lawffui claims for da~:~age or i~jur~' to perso}is or proi:erty o~oasioned b~: the negligent oper~?3ion of said m~,tor bits or by thc a'io!otion of thio or.il ,anco or anS c= the tra~ bOd;i mag ~c ordinances of this City. And said ' · be suei o?a at ~dtc inst~w':ce Of ay~~ ]'ersoti or peysoris or oorpo~tloR so d[tf~laSed or injure '~ ~, an2 sucL %and shall not be void on tko first recovery, bnt may ce unt i 1 ~,~.e full penal sum named therein sLall Le recovercE. If sa~d l~oNd be exec~.t~ed by ~}ersonal aureties, .... samc ~na~ not be approved by the Cio;, ~..anager un]ess one aurctie~ thereon snalm n~kco~:.~'~ before the City Clerl: that in their .~ ..o *:'" ~.~ ~. arc worth thc o~.w~ ri;,ht over ~md above all exemptzons and indeb~ahe~, ~..=t +} -' full amount of the bcnd they siamd~ as surer:es' , and ~'.~,~,t *:'~.~e~.,*- o,,:~: in ti:eir own ' state of Virginia real e~.~babe Of the ~ore:"',te a ..... ssed value of le:Tsq,'.,n the penalty o= ~.c said borid But "m-2"e such appiic' ~' se and 2icehse for more than one motor bus, then his bc~d shall be Pive (9500) Dollars fo~_ each additional motor bits, which bond~' shall Le nm~ntainea~"' '" the '-'~'~ ~;nich shall be covered ~,' Lands ~. all times, and "' ' ~, one or m~e as ~x_e applicant ~ .... . In lieu of the sureties upon the bond herein required, said applicant file a !i~tL:~l. ity insurance poiic$~ conditioRed subs+~ou~_~',~; ~s herein provided, fun~ish ~% cash bond conSitioned su~st~iN, tiall~ ~{s k{rein frovidecl. I'~ t}~c._ apT!icant and bond is ~.l,:~o~ed""','~,' by .... o~:c, C'zty Zanager' the same filed in the "~'~ of he .... . ,J~ice t City Clerk aaa said Cit~. Clerk sl~ail thereui:.on certify: t?:at said ap-o!ication ...... ~ bond, approved l~y the City Laban:er na~ bee~; filed ;'~', Lis office, whereunon thc Commissioner .... Revenue si~all .~,o ~ · ~ ~ - Io~h. 6 to ~ltOil app]_id:,al~t license to - * ' o}eru~e such motor bus upon presenting to him such certi~cat6=~ a~d furnish said at:,plicant .... +" -'-- ~ ~, z oo)ltainili~ a selit~l .~dm~_,oz' t, vl:~lcn shall be dispiay'e.i, ueon. said ,~ .... ~_~" 'cum. 252 IN TH~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of ],~iay, 1923. No. 1135. AN 0RDIN~2~CE to amend and reordain Section 3 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 6th day of April, 1923, entitled,"An 0rdinsnce to provide the manner which passenger automobiles kept or tm~ed fe,r hire shall be granted permits and license and providing penalties for violation thereof." BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Ro~nok.e that Section 3 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 6th day of April, 1923, entitled, "An~0rdin~nce to provide the manner which passenger automo- biles kept or used for hire shall be granted permits and license and providing penalties for violation thereof" be amended and reordained so as to read ms follows: Sec. 3. No permit and license shall be issued until the applicant shall ~ have given a bond, payable t o the City of gounoke, executed by some solvent ,. ~ulranty or surety company having a permit to do business in ~he State o~ Virginia, or executed by two or more good and solvent persons, as hereinafZer provided, in the penalty of l~ifteen Hundred ($1500) Dollars. Such bond shall be conditioned that the owner or person to which the permit to operate such ]passenger automobile for hire is issued, or any person operating the same as agent or servant for the person to whom such permit is given, will not violate any of the ]~,rovisions of thisi ordinance or any of the traffic ordinances of this City, and if there ~,e any such violations shall pay any and all lawful claims for damage or injury to persons or property occasioned b?? the negligent operation of said passenger automobile for hire or by ~the violation of this ordinance or any of the traffic ordinances of this City. And said bond rosy be sued on at the instance of any person or persons or corporation so damaged or injured, and such bond shall not be void on the first recovery, but may be sued on until the full penal sum named therein shall be recovered. If said bond be executed by personal sureties, the same shall not be approved by the City Ziauager unless the sureties thereon shall make oath before t hel City Clerk, that in their own right over and abowe all exemptions and indebtedness,~ that they are worth the i~ll amount of the bond they signe~ as sureties, and that they own in their own right in the State of Virginia real estate or,he aggregate assessed value of not less than the p®nalty of the said bond. But where such appli~ cant secures a permit and license for more than one automobile, then his bond shall, be Yive Hundred ($500) Dollars for each additional automobile, which bonds shall bei maintained at the maximum amount at all times, and which shall be covered by one or more bonds as the applicant may desire. In lieu of sureties on the bond herein required, said applicant may file a liability insurance policy conditioned substantially as herein provided, or furnish a cash bond conditioned substantially as herein provided. If the application and bond is approved by the City Manager the same shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and said ~ity Clerk shall thereupon certify that said application and bond, approved by the City ~i~nager has been filedi~ in his office, whereupon the Commissioner of Revenue shall issue to such applicant a license to operate such passenger automobile for hire upon presenting to him such~i '~ ~" TPPS IN TPJ~ COUNCIL ~0~ CITY 0F ROAN0t~d, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of Ma~-, 1923. No. 1136. A RESOLUTION suthorizing the City l.~anager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of Webber and Coulter at the N. W. corner of 18th Street and Center Avenue, 17. W. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ',~tanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of Webber and Coulter at the Northwest corner of 18th Street and Center Avenue, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, the said property o~mers shall pay into the City Treasury the m~ull cost thereof~ they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN Tt~ COUNCIL F0tt THE CITY 0F !~0.~0i£E, VIRGINIA,, The 4th day of May, 192Z. No. ll3V. A itESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property on Winona Avenue, Wasena. BE IT P~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommo~late the property on Winona Avenue, Wasena, known as Lots l, 2, 3 and 4, Section 12, and Lots 13 and 14 Section l0 of the Wasena Addition, but before proceeding with the construction of such sev.;er, the property owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some f'uture ti~e. Ill THE COUL~CIL F0:( T~ CITY 0~' i~.NO!':~, VIRGINIa, The 4th day of May, 1923. No. 11~8. A RESOLUTION granting a permit zo the Roanoke Water ',~orks Company to ]ay certain water mains. BE IT ~SOL'~ED by the Council of the City of F, oanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works Company to lay-d~e following water mains: Il) On 12th Street, S. W., from Patterson Avenue to ~hapman ~venne and intersection of Chapman and Patterson Avenues six (6) inch main. [2) On 13th Street, S. ~J'~., between Patterson and i~orer Avenues and inter- section o2' Patterson Avenue and Rorer ~;venue six (6) inch main. ~3) On Loudon Avenue between 10th and 17th Streets~ Six (6) inch main. The Roanoke Water ~'~'orks Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the provisions of the General Ordinances relative to strse$ re$~oration. 254 IN TP~E COUNCIL 20R ThUg CITY OF ROAN0tLE, VIRGINIA, The gth day of ~lay, 19£5. No. · ll~ 9. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay a g-inch main on Hanover Avenue, N. W., a distance of 75 feet East of lgth Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke,that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay a g-inch main in Hanover 'Avenue for a distance of 75 feet East of 14th Street, N. W. The said Roauoke Gas Light ~ompany by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up under the p~rovisions of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke relative to street restoration. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R TME CITY 0P ROJdIOKE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of Nay, 19£3. No. ll40. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~nager to construct a curb and gutter on Word Street in front of the prop r~y of F. E. Ellis. BE IT RJ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or caume to be constructed, a curb and gutter on ¥~ord Street in front of t;he property of F. E. Ellis, but before constructing said curb and gutter ~. E. Ellis shall pay into the City Treasury the ~ull cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future late. IN THE COLE~ICIL 20R THE CITY 0~ ROAN0~E, VIRGI, NIA, The 4th day of l~y, 1923. No. ll41. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~oanoke Railway and Electric Company to install certain street lights. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the RoanoP~ Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the following 250 C. P. street lights: . (1) Oorner of ~'ranklin Road and Edinburg Street, South Roanoke. (2) Corner of Frardclin koad and I~IcClanahan Place, South Roanoke. ~2he said lights to be maintained in accorda~-~ce with the contract eEisting betvJeen the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. 255 IN THE COUNCIL 20i{ Tt~ CITY 0P ROAN0!iE'; VIRGINIA, The 4ti: day of May, 1925. No. 1142. A t~ESOLUTION authorizin~ the City Manager ~o construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property at 217, 219, and 221 Harrison Avenue, N. E. BE IT .~SOLVED by the Co~mcil o£the City of Roanoke that the City t,~nager be, and he is he-reby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property at 217, 219 and ~21 Harrison Avenue, N. E., but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer the property owners abutting thereon shall pay into the City Treasury the i~ll cost the reof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL F~. THE CITY OF R0fJ{0t~, VltlGINIA, The 7th day of May, 192Z. No. 1143. A RESOLUTION to employ Judge W. J. Henson to assist the City Solicitor in the case of the l{oanoke Water Works Company ~nding the Court of Appeals of Virginia and fixing his compensation. BE IT RE£0LV£D by the Council o£ the City of i{oanoke that Judge W. J. Henson be employed to assist the City Solicitor in the case now p~nding before the Court of Appeals whereby the ~oan,,oke Water Works Company is endeavoring to sustain an increase in rates for water charged in the City, the fee for such services to be ~1000.00. IN Tlfii COUNCIL POP. ~H.E CITY OF [10AN0i[E, VIRGINIA, The llth day of I,Iay, 1923. No. 1144. A RESOL'~£t0N granting a permit to the National Tire and Rubber Company to donstruct a cross-over at lll and llZ West Church Avenue. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the National Tire and Rubber Com,,any to const~-act granolithic cross-overs at lll and ll3 West Church Avenue. The construction of said cross-overs to be according to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~it, y 15anager and in accordance with the specifications to be furnished by him. The said National Tire and Rubber Company by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the sidewalk to its present condition whenever such cross-overs are abaondoned or are ceased to be used, and such replacement is to be made at the expense of said National Tire and l~ubber Coml.~any. 256 III TH~ COUNC IL P0it THE CITY OP~ ROAN0tZE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of l~fay, 1925, No. 1145. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install the follo~'~i ng gas mains: (1) Hanover Avenue from 14th Street a distance of 75 feet East. (2) Avon Road frown Shirley f~venue to Sherwood Avenue, Raleigh Court. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Ro~oke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the constlmction of said gas mains, and further agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the pro- visions of the General 0rdirmnces of the City of i{oanoke governing street restora- tion. IN Tt{6 COUNCIL 20R TH}] 0ITY 0F ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The llth day of I',~ay, 1923. No. 114,6. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Wcmks Company to lay certain water n~ins. BE IT RESOL'~ by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke *later Works Company to lay the following water mains: (1) Hanover Avenue, N. ~., from a point 150 feet ~lest of 21st Street to a point 50 feet West of gOth Street. (2) 15th Street N. W. from Shenandoah Avenue to ~,Ielrose Avenue, 12-inch main. The said Roanoke Water Works Company ~; acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said mains, and to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the I~ ovisions of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke governing such restoration of stree ts. IN TPT~ COUNCIL ~[R THeE CITY O~~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of I~ay, 192~. No. ll4 7. A RESOLUTION authorizing the construm~tion of a five foot granolithic sidewalk on the South side of Highland avenue between 9th ~%nd llth Streets to accommod~ate the property of C. W. Sink. BE IT PJ~SOL; ,~ED by the Council of the City of itoanoke that the City 257 five foot granolithic sidewalk on the South side of Highland ~venue between 9th and llth Streets, S. L., to accommodate the property of C. W. Sink, but before said walk shall be censtructed, the said C. W. Sink shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN TIH~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, The llth day of May, 192Z. No. 1148. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to S. Johnson to construct a brick cased building on the North side of Day Avenne between Franklin Road and 4th Street. BE IT RES0~ED by the Council of the City of ~-4oanoke that a permit be, and the san~ is hereby granted S. Johnson to construct a brick cased building on his lot located on the North side of Day ~venue between Franklin Road and 4th Street, such construction to be in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Building Inspector. The said S. Jokuson by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and main- tenance of such building. IN TF2~ COUNCIL FOR Tk% CITY 0D~ iq0ANOI~, VIRGINIA, The llth day of Nay, 19£5. No. 1149. A ~SOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of April, 19~5, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of April, 19ES, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasure r Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Ele c ti on Stationery & Printing C ounci 1 Coroner Almshouse Outside I~oor Ho spit als 0rganized Charities Insane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Police Dept. Fire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector lIilitary & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detention '/66.65 695.70 649 .~5 846 ~20.00 891.66 14~6 .~6 2.59.4Z 601.00 1080 .~6 5.00 4g .00 4ZZ .38 35.00 ,365.16 240.15 505.00 855.85 48.00 1681.95 818.99 9544:.99 870V.54 t410.00 2027.15 402.45 78.50 100.00 Sewer Maintenance Street Repair Bridge Repair 0rushe r City Stables Refunds & Rebates Special Services Damages & Cost Workmen' s Compensation Garage Schools Parks Lib rary Market Intere st Annex 1919 Acc cunts Payable Sewer Constructi ~n Street Grading Macadamiz Lug Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Constructi on Schools EXTRAORDI NARY 395.81 3361.75 999.05 1015.8 1266.59 101.71 2.50 244.60 40.00 651.04 50,000. O0 1078 1080.82 llZ8.20 54,050.00 2055.04 566.00 196.45 171.88 2437.57 22.50 551.64 2093.45 3.5,000.00 $ 136,715.70 40,273.45 176,987.15 lit THE COUNCIL FOR TME CITY 0P ROAI{0~E, VIRGINIA, The llth day of May, 1925. No. 1150. A RESOLUTION to supplement the appropriation to the account of refundsI and rebates. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of i~oanoke that the appropri~, ation to the account of ref~mds and rebates be, and the same is hereby supplemente~ to the extent of $101.71, and the Ci~ Clerk and Auditor is directed to make sach entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. IN TFfg COUNCIL ~0R ~HE CITY 0P 14)JJJ~ u~, VIRGINIA, The llth day of May, 1923. No. ll~l. AN ORDINANCE to establish grades on certain streets. BE IT 0RDAII~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that grades shown by the profile on file in the Office of the Oity Engineer for the following streets be, and the same are hereby established as the grades of math streets: (1) ~,fontrose Avenue S. E, between llth and lgth Streets, Profile No. 575. No.585. (2) llth Street, S. E., between Hurray and tiontrose Avenues, l~rofile No. 519 and 689. (4) Profile No. 556. (5) No. 270. 1,[urray Avenue, S. E., from llth Street to 6th Street, i~rofile Sixth (6th) Street, S. ~., between Murray and Albemarle Avenues, Albemarle Avenue, S. E., from 6th Street to 5~ Street, Profile No.660. (7) [~elrose Avenue, N. W., from 13th Street to 15th Street, t~rofile (8) I,Ioorman Avenue from 5th to 15th Streets, N. W., ?rofile I[o.582. (9) ~.Ioorman ~.venue from 15th to 20th Streets, N. W., l:~rofile No.726. (10) Twentieth (20th) Street, N. W., from [ioorman Avenue to Staunton -=venue,Profile No. V52. (ll) Staunton Avenue, N. W., between 16th and 21st Street, i'rofile No.~88. (12) Sixteenth [16th) Street, N. W., between Orange and Staunton Avenues, Profile No. 56Z. I!? THE COUHCIL FOR ~i'L CITY 0F .~0ANOi~., VIRGINIA, The ll th day of May, 1925. 17o. 1152. A RESOLUTION authorizing ~he City Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer in 18th Street to accommatate the property of R. B. Carter and other s, BE IT ~SOLVZD by the Council of the City of i{oanoke that the City Idanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be cmastructed, a sewer in 18th ~treet, S. E., to accomr.~odnte the ?roperty off R. B. Carter and others, but before proceeding with the construction of ssid sewer, the ssid iQ. B. Carter and others shall pay into the City Treasury the i'ull cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. I~_ THE COUNCIL FOR T}~ CITY 0P R0Jd~0~.~-~'~, VIRGIJI.=' '~, Th~ llth day of ~[ay, 192Z. No. 1155. A RESOLUTr 0N authorizing the City Lianager to purchase a Oallion Road Roller and fixing the cost. BE IT RESOLVED by the Court:il of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase a Gallion Road Roller at the net price of ~4300.00, and to deliver to the said Gallion Iron Company the old iJonarch Road i[oller. Any amount ex~ nded reader this resolution shall be charged to the account of Tools and Equipment. II[ THE C0~CIL P011 '~iL CITY 0P ROAN0t~, VIRGIi~A, The 14th day of ~[ay, 1925. No. 1154. A RESOLUTION authorizing the l~ayment of ~[~900.00 to Hughson and Showalter, Attorneys for t,~iss ~,iaude Ford. ,~ERE~S, Hiss ~,ude ~ord sustained an injury by stepping into a hole in the sidewalk on Center Avenue, between 9th and 10th Streets, I7. W., and ',~[EREAS, the City Solicitor after investigatirag~ the circumstances 260' T~2~.~.~ORE, BE IT ~SOLV£D by the Council of the Oity of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant payable to Hughson and Showalter, Attormys for ~,,iiss Maude Ford, for the sum of $900.00, the same to be in full settlement of all claLms for damages for the injury sustained by said I,~iss l~aude Ford by stepping into the hole in the sidewalk on Center Avenue, N. W., between 9th and 10th Streets. The said injury having occured during the month of~~, 1923. IN THE COU!tCIL FOR THE CITY O? EOJRIOHE, VIRGINLQ, The 18th day of May, 19°.5. No. 1155. A RESOLUTION to supplement the appropriation for the maintenance of schools for the year 1923. BE IT i~SOLYVED by the Council of the oity of Roanoke that an appropria- tion of $30,000.00 be, and the same is hereby made on account of schools. Whe said amount being a supplement to the appropriation toschools for the fiscal year 1925. IN Tt~ COUNCIL ~DR THE CITY OF ROAI~OHE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of May, 192Z. 1~o. 1156. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Water Works Comtmny to lay certain w~ter ma. ins. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water ~ortrs Coral?any to lay the follow- lng water mains: 1.. A 2-inch main in Otterview Avenue from Grandin Road East 200 feet. 2. A 2-inch main on Penn Street, Norwich, from Russell Avenue West 400 feet. 400 feet. 3. A 2-inch main on Roanoke ~venue, No_~vich, i'rom ~ridge ~treet West Said Rcanoke Water ?~ort:s Company by actirL~ under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roan(_,ke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said water maims, ~'~nd further agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the provisions of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke governing street restoration. IN Tt~6 COUECIL POP, THE CITY OF ROANO}SE, VIRGIlllA, The 18th day of l~y, 1925. No. ll57. 261 certain ~as mains. BE IT ELSOLV£D by thc Council of the City cf Roauoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roamoke Gas Light ComD~uy to lay the following ~s n~ins: 1. A 2-inch main in alley between Campbell and Rorer _,Lvem~ s, S. ¥I., from 6th Street 125 feet East. 2. An 8-inch main in '/tasena Avenue from Zrd Street a distance of 96 feet. 3. A 4-inch m~in in 0tterview Avenue from dead end 1600 feet East. The ~oamoke Gas Li~t Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of doanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas mains, and further agrees to replace the streets, ;vhere the same are torn up, under the provisions of the General 0rdimnces of the City of Roanoke governing such rest oration. IN THE COUI~CIL ~0E T}~ CITY 07 [-[0Li[012, ViRGIUIA, The 18th day of I,~.ay, 1925, Uo. 1158. A RESOLUTION gra~ating a 3ermit to the National Tire and i~bber Company to ins tall a 12,000 gallon gasoline tank. z~.:0L,.~.D b~ t]~ Council of the City of ;~o'amot:e that a ?ermit be, and the same is hereby granted the l~ational Tire and i{ubber Company to install a gasoline tarfl: of a capacity not to exceed 12,000 gallons at its place of business on the IIorth side of Church Avenue between 1st ~ud 2nd Streets, S. :[., kn'mvn as Nos. 111 and llZ Church Avenue. The said tank shall be installed so that no portion of the top thereof shall be less than 4 feet belo~,· the murface of the ground and shall be encased '~vitk 6 inches of Portland Cement v~ell tamped i~t o place, no space being left im~ diately outside of said tanl:, and a drain trough and catch basin skall be constructed in such position as shall be satisfacto~ to the Build- ing Inspector. The installation or,aid tank ab. all be in accordance vdth the good lilting and. satisfaction of the Buildin.~ I~.pector and under his supervision, and may be m~ntair~d untilthe same is ordered removed by Council. The said National Tire and ~d~bber Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnii~y and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or pro!~rty by reason of the instatlal:ion and maintenance of said tank. IU THE COUIiCiL FOE THE CIk~' 02 i-10ANOLE, VIilGI![IA, The 18th day of I.~ay, 19£5. No. 1159. A .P~SOLUTION authorizing the payment to the Virginia League o£ l,[unici- palities ~75.00 for attorneys' fees. BE I21 RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that the City Clerk 262 Virginia l,[unicipalities for the sum of 375.00 on account of attorneys' fees in the case pending in the Court of Appeals whereby the constitutionality of an act of the Legi~.lature of Virginia permitting cities to adopt zoning ordinances is in question. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of special allowances and gifts. 117 T}~E COUNCIL 20R TPId CITY OF ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of I,fay, 192Z. No. ll60. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to R. A. Goria to consti~ct a side track across Norfolk Avenue a~proximately 125 feet East of Holliday Street. BE IT I{ESOL~ZD by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted R. A. Ooria to construct a side track across Norfolk Avenue at a point approximately 125 feet East o£ Holliday Street. The location of maid track is shown on the map hereto attached and made a part hereof The said R. A. Goria by acting under this resolution agrees to keep the space between the rails and 18-inches on the outside of each rail of said side track in as good repair as the residue of the street, and whenever said Norfolk Avenue shall be improved, the said R. A. Goria shall make like improvements with the same material upon the space which is occupied by said tracks. The said R. A. Goria shall make the tracks C'onform to the grade of street as it is now or as may hereafter be fixed by the proper authorities of the City of Roanoke. The said track may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Comacil, and said R. A. Goria shall replace the streets, opened or torn up by him for the purpose of laying said track, in as good condition as it was prior to the beginning of his operation thereon. The said R. A. Goria shall at all times indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property, which may arise from the construction and operation of said track or cars and engines thereon. For each and every violation of the provisions of this resolution, the said R. A. Goria shall be liable to a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00, which shall be recovered before the Police Justice as provided by law. THE COUNCI~ ?0:~ TH£ CITY O? ROLJO~, VI.ViGINJJ~, The 25th day of ,.[ay, 1925 Ilo. 1161. A RESOLIFfIOU grantin5 a permit to P. E. t:oontz to construct a metal clad building on his lot at +dae Southeast corner ofl,lountain ~ivenue and o:g Street, S.E. BE IT P22SOLVLD by the Council of the City of Ro~oke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted i~. E. Koontz to construct a met.al clad bu~~~_~.~,~ on his lot at the corner of I.~ountain .Avenue and O~- Street S.E. The said buiit ing to~ be of wood, storm sided and covered v,'ith 28 ~auge galvanized iron, foundation to be of concrete and if a floor is placed, suck floor s]~ll also be of concrete, the with the good liking an~ satisfaction of tke Bui!~d:~-_,g Insi, ector ~nd may be ~in- tained until the s~me is ordered zero. ed actin~ under this resolution agrees to i~de~m'~iffj ~ ~ ~ of Roanoke ffrom all c=,:ams flor damages to perscn or ~,~ .... ~, ~[ reason of ~e con- struc ~ion and mainteaance ~ ~, ~c~ further a~rees t.~ remove the same whenever he is directed to do so by tlc Cou:'~il off the Ci~% of Rca~mhe or its duly a:~tho~zed officers. 263 The 2Otb day of [~_a~, 1925. No. 1162. ~, ~oO~U~i auth~izine the Cit~ "~- ' 0~ ,~t~r to '.'iden the entrance to V~ginia Avenue Bridge from 13th Street. BE I2 :~ooL~D by the Council of the Cit~ of Ro~oke tkat the City ~un~ger be an~.~ he is he.by autho~zed to widen the entrance to Virginia ,~venue Bridge from 15th Street ~ ~ ~ . Suc~ wor~: ~all be done at the expense om ltusseil Goens and before proceedir~ with the work the sa~ 2ussell Ooens s~ll pay iii o the City Treasu~%~ the i'uil co st the reof. The 25th day of ~Iay, 1925. No. 1163. A [{ESOLUTION gr~mting a permit to certain parties to construct frame additions to their residences. BE IT ?~$0Li~]D by tke Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that a permit be, the s~me is hereby gr~zted: 1. Grover Chi!dress, ~16 Wells~ Avenue, ~[. W. 2. Cora ]f. eldrun, 515 'dells Avenue, N. to construct a frame addition to their residences. The ccnstruction of such addition to be accm'ding to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~Juilding Insl:ector. The said Orover Chii,fa-ess and Cora !Ieldrun i~y acting under this resolution ugrees to indemnify and save hair.]!ess the City of Roanoke from all claims for d~,.~es to person or pro?erty uy reason of the const~ction an! main- tenance of said frame additions. Ii,[ T]~ COLq[CIL F0i( TI~ CITY OE 2~0Al?0i~, VIXGIiIIA, The 25th da~ of ~,~ 192~. No. 1164. A ?~SOLUTIOII grantir~ a I~e~it to the Clermont Land C~poration to connect with the City' sewers in the South Ro~oke Territo~~ certain se':;ers construc:ted in the Clermont Land Corporation's addition. 264 the same is hereby granted the Clermont Land Corpor~:tion to connect sewers which have been constructed in the Clermont Land Corpor~tion's :~ddition to the outlet sewers of the City of 2oanoke at the follo~'dng points: 1. 5th Street and Richlieu Avenue. 2. Zrd Street snd Wellington Avenue. The Clermont Land Corporation by acting under this resolution agrees to surrender to the City of Roanoke the rights in the sewer constructed by it in the Clermont so Land Corporation's ~ddition ~x far as the control of opers~tion and maintenance o£ said sewers is concerned. IN THE COUNCIL 2(I°, TPJd CITY OF R0~l~0~Ed, VIRGIIII.~, The 25th day of I~y, 192Zo No. 1165. AN 0_-OII~NCE permitting and authorizing the Roanoke itail~vay & Electric Company to double track its lines of street rail;'~ay from the terr~inus of its present double track on Campbell Avenue S. E. approximately 125 feet ",~fest Randolph Street, easterly along and on Campbell f'~venue approximately ll0Z feet; on Randolph Street S. E. from Campbell ~lvenue northerly ~tppreximately 275 feet; on Holliday Street S. E. from Campbell Avenue southerly ~pproximately 654 feet; and on Jami'son /;venue S. E. from the terminus of its present double track, easterly appr emimately 526 feet. BE IT 0!{D~II~ED by the Council for the City of koanoke, Virginia, as follows: That the Roanoke ttailv~ay & Electric Company be and it is hereby permitted:, to construct, maintain and operate double tracks of its street railway along and on the following streets of said City between the points hereinafter mentioned: [l) Campbell Avenue S. E. from the terr:~inus of its present double track approximately 125 feet we'~t of Randolph Street, thence easterly approxir~mtely ll03 feet to a point on same approximately 250 feet east of the east leg of the Norfolk & Western Rail;~ay Company's "Y" track; said double track to be locs~ted on maid avenue substantially as sho,~rn on blueprint dated ~kpril 18, 1923, prepared by the Engineer of Way & Structures i'or said Railway Company which is attached to and rode a p~art of this ordi~ance. (2) Randolph (2nd) Street S. E. from its intersection with Campbell J. venue, northerly approxin~ately 2V5 feet. [3) Jamison 7~venue S. i~. fron~ the terminus of its present double track approxir~ately 125 ~eet west of 8th Street, thence easterly? ~?proxi~ately 526 feet to a point on said avenue near its intersectio~ with the west line of 9th Street. The Roanoke Railway & Electric Comp'~ny is permitted to construct, maintair~ and operate the above specified double tracks upon the same terms and conditions as is provided in the franchises heretofore granted the said Roanoke dail~ray & Electric and its predecessor, the Ro~noke Street i~atilv~ay Compare:, applic:able to its respective lines on the respective streetsmen~ioned, except as changed and modified herein. ps~.,~, the entire cost of pavir~7,_ re-paving and maintaining, with like material, and shall keep in as ~ood condition as the residue of the roadway of the street or avenue, those portions thereof occupied by such double tracks between the outer rails thereof and for a space of eighteen inches outside of each outer rail; the ~aving, re-paving and maintainin~ of said[ !~vin~ to be done to the satisfaction and g cod liking of the Ci%- tLr~nager. 265 IN THE COUNCIL F01! T}~ CITY 02 E0~N01~, VIRGINIA, The 25th day. of I~.ay, 1923. No .1166. AN 0?iDIIL, iUCE to ~:m~d and re-enact Section 349 of the General ~dimnces of the City of Roanoke relative to market hours. BE IT 0RDAI!YED by tt~ Co--il of the City of Ro~oke that Section 349 of the General 0r~rm~mes v/niah was amended by 0r~n~ce adopted A~ril 30, 1921, be ame:aded and reordai~d so ~s to read as follows: !far, mt hours for ~.e Cit%~ L~rt~t shall be from 5 A. ti. until 6 t:. M. for each day in the year except S~ays. Hours for ~rket on Satur~y shall be from 5 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ii~ Tiie COUNCIL ~t~]~ THE CITY 0~ R0fd~012d, ViECI!!IA, The 25th day of ~[a, ~,~ 1925. No. i167. A i;~SOL~'ION authorizi~ the City iTana~er to ..... ~.~ ou~ce with penetration macadam 10th Street bet'..~een Campbell and ~'erdinand Avenues and fixing ~.e cost. ~:~z,~ IT oESOLVED.~ by the Council of the Cit,,., of Roanoke that the City be, and he is hereby authoz~zed to surface 10th Strcet betv;een ?erdinand and Campbell Avenues ~th penetration ~cadam ~t a cost not to exceed ~1650.00. IN TEE COUNCIL ~IDR THE CITY 0i~ ROANOEM, VIRGINIA, · he let day of June, 1923. No. 1168. A RE~0LUTION providing f~ widening ~ranklin WHEREA~, the property o~rmrs on ~ranklin A~oad between Jefferson and Second ($ommerce~ Streets. $. W., desire that maid Street be widened ten ~10~ feet and in order ~o effect much widening have agreed to donate to the 0i~y of R~noke ten (10) feet off of their properties abutting on the Sou~h side of said · ranklin Road between points named, amd a majority of ~he l~-operty owners on the North side of said ~ranklin Eoad between points m~ntioned have agreed to contri~ bute to the expense of paving said street and replacing the walls, steps sidewalks, where the same are disturbed on account of said widening, and WHEREAS, the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke deems the wi~en~n~ ~ 266 enure to the benefit of the citizens of the City of Roanoke. NOW, THEREPOI~, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the $ity of ~oanoke that the proposition submitted by the property owners on the ~outh side of Frank- lin Road between Jefferson and Second ($ommerce) Street, S. W., to ~onate from their respective properties ten (10t feet for the purpose of widening said street between points named an~ the proposition of the property owners on the Nc~th side of said street between points named to contribute to the cost of widening said ~ranklin Road be, and the same are hereby accepted,and BE IT FURTtER RESOLVED that upon the execution and delivery of prolm:r deeds from the-p~operty owners on the South side of ~ranklin Road for the ten (10) feet of ls~d and the lm~yment of the amount agreed to be paid By the property owners on the North side of Franklin Road, that the City _~!~a_nager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to proceed to widen said Franklin Road between Jefferson and Second ~$ommerce) Streets, S, W,, ten feet and to pave said street and replace the walls, steps and sidewalks along the property donated by the said property owners. BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED that a committee of two from the Council of the City of Roanoke be appointed to carry into effect the provisions of this resolutiol IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY OP ROAN0_~F~,, VIRGINIA, · ~he 1st day of June, 192~. No. 1169. A RESOLUTION to accept the proposition of the Times-World $o rporati on to donate five and one-half (~) feet of their property situated on the Nortl~ast corner of Campbell Avenue and $rd (Roanoke) Street for the purpose of widening said street, BE IT RESOLVED by the $ouncil of the $i ty of Roanoke that the proposi- tion of the Times-World Oorporation to dor~te five and one-half [5~) feet of their property situated on the Northeast corner of Campbell Avenue and 3rd [Roa~oke) ~treet, S. W., for the purpose of widening Campbell Avenue, such proposition being contained in the letter dated ~ay 2Z, 1923, hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, be and the same is hereby accepted. The City Solicitor is ~irected to draw the necessary deed conveying to the $ity of Roanoke the land mentioned herein. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY O~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. The 1st da~ of June, 19~,8. No. 1170. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Wcrkd Company to lay the following water mains: Il) A l~-inoh main in Albemarle Avenue $. E. from ~ Street to 6th to llth Street, thence on llth Street South to Montrose Avenue, thence on Montrose Avenue to 12th Street, ~2~ Hanover Avenue West to 13th Street. ~$)' 6-inch main in Melrose Avenue from 13th to 15th Streets. (41 S-inch main in lSth Street from Lynchburg Road to Staunton ~Venue, thence on Staunton Avenue from 16th Street to 20th Street, N. W, (5) 2-inch main in Montrose Avenue from East side of 9th Btreet l~est to ?th ~treet, S. ~. [$~ 6-inch main in Riverl~nd Road from Ivy Street to Oakland Street. The said Roanoke Water Works Goml~nY by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction ant maintenance of said mains, and further agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the provisions of the General ~rdinances of the ~ity of l~oanoke providing for street restoration. 267 IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1st ~ay of June, 1923. No. 1171. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Aioanoke Gas Light Company to install gas mains, BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted to the Romoke Gas Light ~ompauy to install a 6-inch gas main on Main Street from Hubbard Avenue a distance of S25 ~eet, The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the constructim~ and maintenance of said gas mains, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up under the provision of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAN0_~fE~, VIRGINIA, ~he 1st day of June, 1923. No. ll?E. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to ~. A. Coulter and Harry ~hornton to erect a store building on the Northwest corner of Melrose Avenue and l?th Street, N. W., sixteen (16) feet from the property line. WHEREAS, $. A. Coulter and Harry ~hornton have applied for a permit to erect a store building at the Northwest corr~r of Melrose Avenue and l?th Street, S. W., which building will extend beyond the building line as established under the Building Code, and WHEREAB, all of the property owners on the square in which said building is proposed to be erected have. by l~etition filed, agreed that the store buildin~ 268 the property lile, which will place amid build, lng on the line with the perches of the residents on said square. NOW, THEREI~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the $ity of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted C. A. $oulter and Harry Thornton to erect a store building at the Northwest corner of Melrose Avenue and l?th Btreet, provided, the front of said building shall be not less than sixteen (16} feet fromi the front property line and in line with the p~rohes of the residents on the square. IN THE COUNCIL i~R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1st day of June, 192~. No. ll?~. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $62,000.00 for school mainten- ance for the month of May. BE IT RESOLVED by the 0ouneil of the ~ity of Roanoke that the City Manager l~e, and ~e is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $62,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the Bohool Pun~ ~or l~he maintenance of schools for the month of May, 192~. The said amount shall be charged to the ordinary account of schools. for hire. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, · he 1st day of June, No. ll?A. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to J. M. Berry to drive an automobile BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a Imrmit he, and the ssme is hereby granted J. M. Berry to drive an automobile for hire. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE" CITY OF ROANS, VIRGINIA, The 1st ~ay of June, 1928. No. ll~. A RESOLUTION granting a posit to R. J. Wright to construct certain sidewalks and providing for a refund of One-half the cost. BE IT RESOLVED ~y the CoUncil of the city of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted R. J. Wright to construct a sidewalk in front of his property on 12}, l~th and lath Streets, North of Salem Avenue, at a cost not to exceed $~,086.00, which shall be paid by the said E. J. Nright, one-half of whiO~ shall be refunded to him when ~ouncil deems it advisable to do so. The constructi¢~ of such sidewalk shall be in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the City Manager and under specifications fur~lshed by him. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROAN0tYE, VIRGINIA, ~he 8th day of June, 1923. No. 1176. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to A. ~. Brooks to construct a sidewalk on the West side of 4th Street, N. E., between Hart Avenue and the City limits. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted A. ~. Brooks to construct a sidewalk on the West side of 4th Street, ~. E., between Hart Avenue and the City limits. The said sidewalk shall be constructed in accordance with specifications furnished by the City Manager and under his supervision, the cost thereof not to exceed 27 cents per square foot. The said cost is to be paid by A. ~. Brooks,he to be refunded one-half thereof at some future time. IN i~IE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of June, 1923. No. 1177. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of May, 1923, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT R~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the ~ity for the month of May, 1923, be and the same are hereby approved and .erdered paid as follows: ~ity Manager Engineering Dept. City ¢1 erk Treasurer Legal Dept. Eudge s Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes~ Qi ty Hall Stationery & Printing C ounci 1 Coroner Almshouse Out side Poor Hos pi tal s Organi zed Charit les Insane Jail Juvenile Court Police Department ~ire Department ~ire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories ]~hysici an Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Maintenance Street Repair Bridge Repairs Crusher Oity Stables Tools & Equipment Special Services D~mages & $ost ~Workmen's Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library Market Interest Anne x 1919 $ ?76.50 715.95 652.20 328.55 220.00 291.66 2,115.08 4,284.38 551.24 1,678.71 308,70 433.32 l0.00 391.50 125.00 305.00 235.83 24. O0 1,419.2~ 612.67 9,590.85 8,781.96 1,435.52 2,032.01 451.00 1,098.18 100.00 240.81 1, ?63.11 1,425.20 4,4~3.45 512.80 4,871.19 1,871.14 1,990.69 1, ?0~ .45 4214.00 2.50 900.00 50.00 605 .I7 62,000. O0 1,209 · 77 1,374.43 1,433.91 22,032.50 4.155.72 270 EXTRAORDINARY Sewer gonstruction Street Grading Macadamizing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk ~onstruction $ 1,1a9.9~ 5,~16.95 980.~1 aS.85 1,1Z9.~$ 10~577.09 $ 168,788.AS IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOLG~, VIRGINIA, ~he 8th day of June, 19ES. No. 11~8. A RESOLUTION directing the payment to the Treasurer of the School ~uud $25,000.00 on account of buildings. BE IT RESOLVED by the 0ouncil of the City of Roanoke ~hat the $i%y $1erl and Auditor be, sad he is hereby directed to draw a warrant payable to the Treasure: ef the School ~und for the sum of $Z5,000.00 on account of buildinSs. The said amount shall be charged to the extra~dinary account of schools. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 8th day of June, 192.5. No. 1179. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~ity Manager to construct a sewer to accommodate the property of Thomas and Upson on the corner of Essex Avenue and l?th Street, N. ~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the $i~.y of Roanoke that the ~ity Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property of 2boreas and Upson situated at the Northwest corner of Emsex Avenue and l?th Street, N. W., known as South portion Lots 14, 1~ and 16 ef Section 56, Melrose Addition, at a cost not to exceed SA1.ES, but before proceeding with construction of said sewer, said 2homas and Upson shall pay into th~ City ~reasury the full cost thereof they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some futur · time. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAEOEE, VIRGINIA, ~he 8t~ day of June, 19~S. No. 1180. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to ~. W. Poindexter to build a metal clad garage on Gilmer Avenue A0~, N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted 0. W. Poindexter to construct a metal clad garage at his property A0A $ilmer Avenue, N.W. The construction of said garage shall be in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under his supervision. The said Poin~exter by acting under this resolution agrees tc indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, Ths 8th day of June, 1923. No. llS1. A RESOLUTION to fix the salary of the Building Inspector. BE IT RESOLVED by the ¢our~il of the City of Roanoke that the salary of the Building Inspector be, and th® same is hereby fixed at $£25.00 ]~er month effective June 1, 192~, ar~l to continue until changed by $ouncil. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of June, 19~3. No. 1182. A RESOLUTION authori zing the City Manager to improve Walnut Avenue between Jefferson Street and Walnut Avenue Bridge and fixing the cost. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, ~nd he is hereby authorized to improve Walnut Avenue between Jefferson Street an~ Walnut Avenue bridge by constructing penetration macadam thereon with curb and gutter at a cost not to exceed $6?00.00. IN THE COLE;CIL FOR '~ CITY OF ROAN0I~, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of June, 1923. No. 1185. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Marager to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the properties on Hurrell Avenue S. E. BE IT RESOLVEq) by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~Manager be, 8~d he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property on Hurrell Avenue, S. E., between _, but before proceeding ;~th the construction of said sewer, the property oysters shall pay into the $ity Treasury the full cost thereof they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future tim~. IN THE COIR~CIL FOR TB?d CITY OF R0~;0KE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of June, 1923. No. 1184. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 2-inch gas main in 12th Street N. W. from Orange Avenue 200 feet South. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cil~ of Rosnoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 2-inch gas main on 12th Street N. ~. from Orange Avenue a distance of 200 feet South. The sai~ Roanoke Gas Light Oompany by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and : save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for dam~_~ges to person or propertyl by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street, where the same is torn up, under the provisions of the 272 IN THE COUNCIL PCR THE CITy 0F ROAN0~, VIRGINIA, ~he 15th day of June, 1925. No. llS§. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Hoauoke Railway and Electric Company to install a street light. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 250 C. P.~ light at the corner of Tazewell Avenue and 18th Street S.E. Said light to be maintained under the contract existing between the Roanoke Halley and Electric Company mud the ~ity of Roanoke. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l§th day of June, 1923. No. 118'/. AN ORDINANCE to establish business district. BE IT 0RDAII~D by the Council of the City of Rosmoke that that part of Melrose Avenue lying between 25th Street and Lafayette Boulevard be, and the same is hereby established am a business district. IN TH~E COUNCIL i~0R THE CITY 0F ROANOIG~, VIRGINIA, ~he 22nd day of June, 1923. No .1186. A RESOLUTION to supplement cert,Ain appropriations. ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ou~il of the City of Roanoke that the appropria-i tions to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the following amounts: Street ~mp rovements Damages: & Cost $ 6621.58 178.20 and the City Clerk is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. IN THE COIR;CIL F(R THE CITY 0F ROANOXE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of June, 1923. No. 1188. A RESOLUTION to offer a reward of $250.00 for the capture and conviction of the person who assaulted a little eight year old girl in the Northwest section of 1he City. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a reward of $2§0.00 be, and the same is hereby offered for the capture and conviction of the person who assaulted a little eight year old girl in the Northwest section of IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of June, 1923. No. 1189. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Times-World Corporation'to excavate under the sidewalk for the full width on Campbell Avenue between the Times Building and the property of F. B. Thomas & Company. BE IT iQESOL'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke th_at a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Times-World Corporation to excavate under the full width of the sidewalk in front of its property situated on the n~ th side oi' Campbell Avenue beginning at a point sixty-six (66) feet west of Second Street, S. W., and extending one hundred (100) feet to the property of F. B. Thomas & Company. The Times-World Corporation shall place and forever maintain under such portion of ~he sidewalk as shall be excavated by it, proper and sufficient suppert of iron, steel, concrete or other material equally substantially for the support of said sidewalk. The said Times-World Corporation is per.~itted if it so desires to place prism glass or other substantial material for lighting purposes in said sidewalk. The said excavation shsi~l not be made until a written permit is first secztred from tile City !,tanager and the construction of that portion of said side- walk which may be removed shall be done in accordance with the plan approved by the City ~,lanager, and the entire work shall be constructed to his good liking and satisfaction. The said Times-World ¢orpoeation by acting under this resolution agrees that it will forever maintain and keep in a safe condition that potion of sidewalk excavated and occupied by it. The said Times-World Corporation further agrees by acting under this resolution to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from any and all claims for damages ~hich may be sustained by persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of that portion of the side~alk which under this resolution it is permitted to excavat~ and use. Ill TI~ COUNCIL FOR THUE CITY OF ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of June, 1923. No. llgO. A R£SOLUTION authorizing the Rcanoke .Railway and Electric Company to install certain street lights. BE IT HESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke R§ilway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to irmtall 250 C. P. lights at the following places: One 250 C. P. light at the corner of Denniston Avenue and Bruaswick Street, Virginia Heights. One 250 C. P. light at the corner of Denniston .~venue and Ctm sterfield Street, Virginia Heights. One 250 C. P. light at the corner of Hosalind Avenue and First Street, South Roanoke. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the Roanoke Rail~vay and Electric Gompany and the City of Roanoke. 274 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of June, 1923. No. llT1. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to improve or have improved certain streets. BE IT RESOL~ZD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City l~Iar~ger be, and he is hereby authorized to improve or have improved the i'ollowin~ streets: ;ifth Street from Campbell Avenue to Salem Avenue 13~5 Sqlyds. Penetration Macadam ~ $1.1§ $ 1,523.75 Kimball Avenue and 7th Street from Rutherford Avenue to Lynchburg Eoad, N. E. ??0~ Sq.yds. Penetration Macadam ~ $1.75 1,347.50 Rutherford Avenue from Commonwealth to Kimball Ave. N. E. 640 Sq.yds. Penetration Macadam @ 1.75 1,120.00 Loudon Avenue from 7th to 15th Street N. W. Cleaning, patching holes and applying. 1/2 Gal. asphalt per Sq.yds. and covering with stone screenings. 10,000 Sq.yds. ~ 15~ 1,500.00 Tazewell Avenue from 8th to 10th Street S. E. Cleaning, patching holes and applying 1/2 gal. asphalt per sq.yd, and coverin, g -~ith stone screenings, 2500 Sq.yds. ~ 15¢ 375.00 Ii~ Tl~ COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY OF ROAI[O~, VIRGINI~, The 29th day of June, 19,~. No. 1192. AN 0HDfNjZ~CE to close that l~ortion of Charlotte Avenue lying West of je~ ~erson Street a distance of 100 feet. '~m~D~,,.,.,~,.,~, S. A. Duerson i s the o'~er of Lots 9, 10, 1i Section 8 and Lot 1 SectiOn 14 of ~ue map of the ~leasant Yaile$- Land Company, which lots front 25 fee% each on Jefferson Street and eEtend back 100 feet, and ,Fr~.~, Ciuarlotte Avenue .~es between Lot 1i gection 8 and Lot 1 Section 14, ,~:~, tAe said Charlotte Avenue has never been opened tc the public and cannot be opened to tko public because it abuts the lands of the Virginian Railway, and W!~REAS, said S. A. Duerson has applied t¢, tke Council of the City of Rcanoke to close said. street, and ~' WHEPJ~A5, said S A. Due rson is the only person c~.cted by the closing said~,~treet, 'i1 NOW, T~?JSF0~E, P~E iT 0~©kIiJ~ bif the Council of 'the City of Rosnoke " that that portion of Charlotte Aveaue lying between Lot ll Section 8 and Lot I Section 14 of the map of the Pleasant Valley La.md Company beginnir~ on the West side of Jefferson Street ~'md extending YJestward 100 feet be, and the same is hereby closed sc far as the rights of the City of Roanoke is concerned. 275 IU T~ COUNCIL F01{ '~'~ The ggth day o% June, No. ~c0Lo~I0i~ autho~r~ the Ci~~ '~ ~'~ -t A ~r~ -~ . ,,~oe~ o const~ct a sewer in 6th Street an& Luck Avenue t c acco~z,~odate the property of the Allegheny lJotor Comply. B~ IT ~,3OL~ED ~y the Co,ell of the City of Roanoke that the Cizy be, and Le is Lereby authorized to const~ct or cause to be corztructed a sewer in 6th Street ~d Luck Avenue to accommodate the propertj of the .':n,~¥ but ~efore proceefiJng with the const~%ction of said sewer, the Allegheny I.Iot~ Company shall pay into the City Treasury the fui] cost thereof, estimated at ~$265.85, one-half of which shall be returned to the sai~ Compa~'~y at some time. IN THE COUNCIL 201~ Tt~ CITY 02 The 29th day cf June, 19~. No. llg~. ~v~u~I0~ gr~t~ a pe~it to the Ro~oke Gas Li~t Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RZSOL'~D by the Co'~il of the Cit~' of Ro~oke that a permit be, ~d the same is he]~by granted the Ro~ol:e Cas ~' '* ~g~,~ Compa~$: to install the fei]ow'lng ma in s: 1. Auburn Avenue from Carter Road a dlsta~ce of 250 feet, a 4-inch main. 2. Virginia Avenue from Pudding2 Street 72 feet West, a 4-inch main. Said Ro~ohe Cas Ligb+ ..... Company by acting under ~'z~> ...... resol,,~ion agrees to indemmify a:~d save harmle~s the City of Roanoke from a~y and ai~ cl'~ - ~.~ for damages to I~rsen or ~:ro'certy. by reason of the const~ction and maintm~ance of said mains, and further agrees to rep~ce th~ street under the provisions of General 0zd~.~,.~ccs of the City of Roanoke provi~ng for street restoration. ~he ggth day of J~e, 19gG. - Ho. 1198. A ~0Lo~!0~ to reduce the ~ ~ra~maise bond o~ the Ro~oke C.as Li~t Company. '"~:~:"~,,-~.~,~.~, there ~s been heretofore granted to the Roanoke Cas Li~_t Company the :~i~r:t to operate a gas p~nt in the City of Roano}:e Virginia, .... order to insure the completion of cert~in additions and imDrovemey;ts to said plant and the maintenance thereof, a bend in the penal sum of ~2o,000.00 was required said franchise, which bond ~ms heretofore been duly executed; and ,',~=:.~q.~, it a~.~,earing., to the Cou~mil of the City of Ao~,oLe,'~ ~ Virginia, tn'~* ..... all o~ said addition~ and i~.-~TMv ..... ~' - ...~zo c,.e~a,o~. required by said ~ra~,ch~se ~ -". ' have ~ ,een~ completed within the req~Lired time; .... ,, ~ .... :~_~-~, ~ I~ PJ;SOLYED t~ao ~ne ty ~,.ana~er be, and La is hereby authorized and directed to n~ri: said Lend iu the penal sum of :~25,000.00 as saris- 117 TI~_Z COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F R©AN0}ZE, VIRCINIA, T. he 29th da~- of June, 1923. No. 1196. A ?J~SOLUTION to widen Ferdinand Avenue between llth and 12th Streets and providing for acquiring the lsnd. the property ovmers abutting on Ferdinand Avenue between llth and 12th Streets are desirous of widening said Ferdinand Avenue and are willing to convey to the City of Roanoke a strip of land necessary to widen said street, and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke is willing to accept such conveyance and grant said parties the right to construct their retaining walls and steps so that the same may encroach on the land so conveyed, and VfEERFS~S, the City of Roanoke is willing to grant the property owners on the West side of llth Street the right to use the strip of ]and along said llth Street between Campbell and ?erdinand Avenues for their purposes, NOW, T~RE~0R~, BE IT PJdSOL'~D by the Com~cil of the City of Roanoke that Ferdinmnd Avenue between ilth and 12th Streets be widened and upon the convey~ ance by R. H. Huddleston and D. O. Chapman of the hereinafter described strip of i land, the City Manager is directed to proceed to widen said Ferdinand Avenue. The '. property to be conveyed by R. H. Huddleston is described as follows: Beginnisg at a point N VS° 37' 30" W 11.45 feet from the Northwest corner of Perdi~mnd Avenue and llth Street E. W. as shown on Map #2293 dated June 29, 192Z, thence with the North side of Ferdinand ~venue N 73° ZV' S0" W 150 feet to a corner of a lot conveyed to D. 0. Ohapman by Underwood recorded in deed Book # Page__ , thence S0% 24' 07" k--8 feet m~e or less, to a point; thence S 72o 20' E 150 feet to a point; thence N 0° 24' 07" W l0 feet more or less, the the place of boginnir~. This deed is to convey any portion of land ovmod by R. H. Huddleston to the City of Roanoke Soutfa of thc North property line of Ferdinand Avenue S. W., West of llti~ Street. The property to be conveyed by D. 0. Chapman is described as follows: Beginnir~ at a point N ?Z° ZT' Z0" W 1Gl.45 feet from the North :;;est corner of Fording%nd Avenue and llth Street S W as shown on map ~2~9Z dated June 29th, 19,~Z, corner to the Lot of R. u Huddleston; thence with the Ncr th side of Ferdinand Avenue N ?Z° 38' Z0" W 50 feet to a po_~.nt; thence S 0° 24' 0V" E V.5 feet to a point; S ?2o 20' E 50 feet to a pellet, the-r~ce N 0° 24' W ~ feet to the point of beginning. This deed is to convey any port,on of land owned by D. 0. Chapman to the Citj' of ~ ~Roano~:e~ South of the NortL propertj line o~. Perdinan~. ivenue. S W. West of llth Street. BE IT FURT~:'~ RESOL ., ~:~D that the City of i{oancke does hereby gr'um.t to said R. H. }~uddlestcn ~-~'Id D. C. Ch~p,m,:,~ the right to construct ~ud mnfnta~n a retaining wall and steps necessary to reach their respective ho~es so that the same does not encroach on the strip of ismd conveyed to said City more thsm feet, and ~ ~' ~o~=:~-~ SOLVED that the City of Ro~ot:e does hereby ~rant ~e property o~'rrmrs abutti:~ cA the We~t side of llth Street between Cam!~ell and ~ .,v,~..uc the n~h~ to use the strip of ~n:l described as follows: Begi~n'ilng at the Southwest corner of Campbell Avenue & llth Street S. W. S 0° 24' 07" E 520 85 feet, more or ~ ss to the North side of = '' and Avenue, theRoe S 75° 57' 30" E 11.45 fe(-~ to ~ ~oi~t, thenoe N 2° 20' 25" W 524.40 Ceet, ~o~e or less to the point of b¢~inni~. The above changes~.~are shown on the map prepared by the City Engineer dated June 29th, 1925, and Numbered 2295, on file in the office of the C~'*~' Enginee~. The 29th day of J~ne, i~25. No. 1197. ~u~l~i0~ t cst ..... Lui~din~~ line o~'i the ' " ac.~isn a ~ ~ .... t si:lo of iith Strc~et betw~:~e,~ Loudon ani Gi!mez Ave~mes. BE I~ ~u~oOL,~ '~-aD t~ the Co'~cil of the C~ of Ro~oke t~at., the bu~l_~m..~ li~ on t~e ..... i siSe off l~th Street ~etv:een Lou~c,n an~ Gi[mer f,ven~es ~e, and the ~ame z~ !iereh3' e~,Jlished two ~ect ~rom the inside curb l~.ne. iZ THE COUZCiL F01' 17! CI~Y 07 ilOANC~Zg, ViXGIUL., The ~9th s~'- of Ju~e, 192G 1~o. 11)~. A !!ZSOLD~iO!i a~th. oriz ir~ the City-.~--~o-w'~"~' ~'ar to ~oaotr~ut~, ~ ~ "~ ~ pei~e~ ~' tration ~-,:,ac=~ '~.~' on 8tk Street %ct~:~een Campbell and Elm Avenues. -~ - ..... 'T .... =' t~e Commll of the Cit~ o= ~-, -- ~ ..... ' ' " ~.~lc~ed penetration be, and he is he.eb~ aut;~,ormze,~ to construct or cause to bc co~'~~'~ ~ maa~d'am on 8~. Stria:et 'between Campbell auld Elm Avenues, estimated cost 2~.~e ~o The ,~gtn day of June, 1923. No. 1199. A RE ,'J OLUT i ON gra~i;i;~s a i~,eImit tc Henry Scott to ~onstruct a frame addition to his buildin~ on Giimer Avenue and 5ri Street. '~E I? EEZOL\~D b~- the Coun~Rl of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hez~by zranted Henry 2cott to constlu~ct a ~rame ad~lition to his builRi~l~ at the cor:-mr of Gilmer Av,'~nue and 5rd Street N. W. Tko said coristruction shall be in o~cordance w~.th the good liki:<g an:l satisfaction of the Building Inai~ctor. The said Henry Scott by acting under this resolution agrees to indemni- ffy and save harmless the City of Roa~.~oke £rom all claims for da~;;sces to person or proloerty by reason of the co~istruction and r~i~!tenaiice of sai,~l addition. ~ ....COb]JCIL Fyi{ Ti~ CITY OF i{OAN01[E, The 5Otb J. ay off J~e, 1925. No. 1200. A P~OLUTiO!~ ~recti~ the City Clerk and ~u~tor to dr~w certain warra~s for the payment of compromise in certain da~ge suits. ',Vi~R~S tko Cii~; Solicitor ~ms recorm:~ended that the damage suits brought by the Administrators off F. W. Wi~mer and ~'[abel ![cCune be compromised, the ~ity to !m~- tlm sum of ~500.00 to each of ~i~ Administrators. NOW, Tt~i~FOi'~Z, BE IT P~SOL~.,,~ Ly the Council of the Cit~ of Ro~oke that ' the the Cit~ Clerk a~ Auditor ~e, and lie is hereby autkorized to draw warran.s for ,.)~.O0,, each payable to the A~ini~*~+~~ ~-~ ~ ~. of ~atel __cCuzm ~Ind ~le Zamini- damages claimed by the suits now pending in tho Law and Chancery Courts wherein ~abel L~cCune's Administratrix is one of the plaintiffs and ~. W. Wimmer's Admini- strator is the other plaintiff ~mud the City of Roanoke, .V.. J. Patsel and A. ~. Eurphy are the defendants. IU T!~I COUNCIL ~.,-DP~ THE CITY 07 ROA~IOXE, ViRCII[IA, The llth day of July, 19aZ. No. la01. A P~SOLUTIC~ to appoint a co~]ittee to exa~ine the building situated at the ~outh~-~est co~er of Salem Avenue and 2nd (Com~nerce) Street, Sou~west, kuown es the Salvation Array Building. %~REA~, the Building Inspector of tLe City of Ro~oke acti~ under the provisions of Section 14 of the Building Ordinance has conde~ed a portion of that certaiu buildin~ situated at the Southwest co~er of S~em Avenue and 2nd (come, roe) Street, Southwest, kno'~'a~ as ~e Salvation Army Building, as being in such an unsafe ,~o~.d~tion ~ to e~da~ger life, ~,~REaS, ~.e Bui]!i~ Ilmpector is of ~2, e opi~-,ior~ that the portion of said buildir~ so cot, denuded cannot be repaired so as to r~mke it safe and has notified the owners to tear the sa~ down, and ~i~.S, the said c;'~-~rs h~ve failed to act u?o~: the order of said Build~ng Inspector, ~u~d ~]~i~AS, Sectic~'~ lf~ of the Duildi~g Ordinance l~rovideS that in the event of the failure of Q~e o~'~rs to comely with the order of ~;e Builfdng Inspector to tear such buildin~ do~,'~, the~ said Inspector shall have authority to tear down and destroy ~uch buitdJ, i~g and ~'~"~'~'~,,~,~,~, it is deemed ex?edient b~'~' the Council of the Cit~ of Roanoi~e to ap!:~oi~.t a committee te inspcct such b~zzdz~ and ~'e~:.ort its condition to Council in order that no injustice be do~e to the owners. N0'~, THE]IZPORE, BE IT ~0L~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that E. C. Frye, E. L~. Herringdo~:, H. ~.[. ~[i!ler, D. J. Phipps and J. F. Barbour be, and they ~e hereby appoi~-~ted a co[fm~ittee to inal:,ect said buiidiz~g and committee is requested to [~]~ a perso~at inspection and tc report to Council not ~ter than Fri~y, July 13, t923, at Z o'clock [-. ~,.~. the condition of said buil~, ar~ whether or not the s~m~e is iz~ ~mch an unsafe condition as to enda~er life ~d pro?erty and any other facts, w~H. ch ii~ their judgment, it is necessary to repo~ in order ~at Co~cil may have full information thereon. ~'or their services in ~ki~[: s~ch inspection a~i report, the said committee o~mll eadh be paid the sum of .00. IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~ CITY OF ~0At~0~, VIi{GINIA, The 1Zth day of July, 192Z. No. 120Z. A RESOLUTION to accept the report of the committee appointed to examine the buildir~, at the ~Zouthwest corner of Salem ~venue end 2nd ~Commerce) Street, and directing the Salvation Army, the ov, a~ers of said building, to make tt~ repairs specified in such reyort. BE IT RLSOL'fED by the Council of the City of Roauoke th~ the report of E. G. Prye, H. ~I. ~Iiller, J, F. Barbour, E. ~. Herringdon and D. J. Phipps, the ~ommittee appointed to examine the condition of the building situated at the Soutl~vest corner Salem ~vecue aud ~n~ ~Commerce) Street, S. W., be, ~nd the same is here0y accepted ~d the Salvation Army is directed to proceed at once to repair such building in accordance with the report of said co~nittee. The said Salvation Army shall file with the Building Inspector detailed speciZ'ications sh~ving such repairs. Such repairs shall be accor~Ling to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector. III T~2; COUNCIL ~R THE CITY 07 ROANOiiE, VIiqGII~IA, The 1,~th day of July, 19aZ. No. 120~. A ~SOLUTI0i~ authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Comparty to inst~ll certain street lights. BE IT ?JZSOL~J£D by the Council of the City of Hoanoke ~P~t the Roanoke i{ailway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install the m'ollowing s~rcet lights: (1) One 2D0 C. P. light at 8th Street and I~orehead Avenue, S. E. (~) One 280 C. P. light at ~th Street and ]~Iunford Avenue S. E. T~e said lights to be maintained under the contract existing betv~een the Roanoke Rail-~'~'~y e~nd Electric 0ompany end the City of Roanoke. IN T'F2Z COUNCIL YOP~ THE CITY OF RQA2~O]~, VIRGIIIIA, The 1Zth day of July, 1925, No. 1206. A ~SOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company? to install certain gas m~ins. BE IT RE~0I~.?/D by the Counc il of the City o f Roano~:e that the Roanoke Oas Light Compan~¢ be, and the same is hereby granted a pe~it to install a 4-irzch g~s main on lZth Street from I~,lelrose Avenue lbo feet South. The said Roa~o~e Gas Light Comr,-~ay by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harm- less ~he City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the const~ction of said gas n~in, aud further agrees to replace the street, where the sardine is torn up, under the provisions of the General Ordinances 28O Ill T~ COUNCIL .~DR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 13th day of July, 1923. No. 1208. RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of June, 192~, and directing the pa~m~ent of ~he same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of June, 1923, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering Dept. City Clerk City Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Sal~ri es Court Officers & Expense Assessment o£ Taxes Collection of Tax City Hall Election Council Convention & League Dues Co rom rs Almshouse Outside Poor Hospitals 0rg~uized Charities I ns ane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Police Dept. Fir e Dep t. ~ ~ire Hydrant ~tental Street Lighting Building Inspector Lii~itary & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer l.~iaint enance Street Repair Bridge Ret~irs Crusher city Stables Refunds & Rebates Special Services Damages & Cost Workmen' s Compe nsati on Garage Parks Lib rary DL~rke t Interest Notes Payable & Interest Account s Payable Annex 1919 EXTRA 0~iDI lIAR Y. Sewer Construction Opening & Grading Streets liacadamiz ing Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction Schools Sinking Pund ?8? .97 ?56.15 857.20 514 429.40 291.66 1505.83 1021.87 1745.98 839.33 1589.20 453.52 40.00 10.00 ~01.02 167.99 305.00 23 5.83 88.50 1169.06 630.15 9459.62 8601.68 1449.00 2035.18 476.53 271.90 100.00 262.57 1425.22 1123. 2945.35 715.58 3?23.09 1919.44 1116.23 2584.58 25.25 1002.50 5000.00 40.00 1006.47 1550.25 1250.77 1211.21 382.50 1830.00 681.52 290? .83 356.35 10.34 421.41 22.50 1826.10 126.00 25,000. O0 23,255.00 $ 68,813.71 51,017.70 llg, 831.41 281 IN T~ COUI~CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOi~, VIi~GIiJIA, The 1Zth day of July, 19SZ. No. 1209. A ~tEBOLUTION directirE the payment of $Z5,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~k~nd on account of school buildings. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ltoanoke that the City Olerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $Z5,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School Fund an account of School buildings. The said amount shall be charged to the extraordinary a~'count of schoolis. II~[ TP~ C©UNCIL FOR T~ CITY 02 HOANOLU~, VIRGII~IA, The 13th day of July, 1923. No. 1210. A P~SOLUTION authorizing the payment of ~Z53.53 on account of Tuberculaz Test o£ cattle. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City of Rosnoke ths~t the City Clert~ and Auditor be, and t~ is hereby directed to draw a v~a~'rant payable to W. G. Woods,i Chairman of the Board of Supervisors o£ Roanoke County, foz~ the sum of 4jSSZ.33, being one-third o£ the amount authorized by Council to be paid for the testing cattle. IN T]~ COUt~CIL ~0R TEE CITY OF ROANO~3Z, VIRGINIA, The l~th day o£ July, 19~Z. No. l~ll. A RESOLUTIO~_~ gr~nting a permit to Sarah ~£nite to make an addition to her residence at S~6 Gilmer ~venue, N. W. BE IT RESOLVED b~ the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Sarah White to cor~truct a two room fra~ne addition to her residence SS6 Gilmer Avenue N.W. The -said construction s~all be according to the good liking sad satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under his super- vision. The said Sarah White by acting under this resolutionagrees to inden~nify and ss~ve harmless the City o£ Roanoke from all claims for darages to person or property by reason of the constr~ction and maintenance o£ said addition. IIY THE COUNCIL P0]~ ~.ZE CITY OF ROANOiId, VIP~GIiEA, The 1Zth day of July, 19SZ. No. lalS. A i~SOL?IION granting a pe~nit to A. E. Oliver to make an s~ddition to his residence at lO? Loudon Ave., N. '~. BE IT ~SOLV~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a per~it be, residence 10T Loudon Avenue, N. W. The said construction shall be according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under his supervision. the said A. ~. Oliver by acting under this rosolution agrees to indemnify and s~ve harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said addition. IN TH~ COUNCIL ~3t~ Tile CITY OF ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 1Jth day of July, 19£J. No. 1213. A RESOLUTIO~ granting a permit to PI. W. London to construct a metal ~ clad shop on the rear of his lot on the West side of Jefferson Street approximately ?~ feet North of Pleasant Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be,. and the same is hereby granted I~. W. ~ondon to construct a metal clad shop on the rear of his lot on the West side of Jefferson Street approximately 7~ feet North of Pleasant Avenue. The said construction shall be in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Ins!~ctor and under his supervision. The said ~!. W. London by acting' under this resolution agrees to indemnify and aave harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for d~.~ages to person or property by reason of the ~ nstruction and maintenance of said building. IN THE COUNCIL ?OR THE CITY OF ROAI~O~, VIRGI~EA, The 1Zth day of July, 192Z . No. 1214. A RE SO LD~i' I ON authorizing the Oity ~nsger to construct a sewer to accommodate the property on the North side of Center Avenue ~est of 18th Street. BE IT ~SOL~D by the Council of the City of Roar~ke that the City ~lanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, se?Jer to accoK~modate the pr~operty of S. R. l~ason on the North side of Center Avenue '~est of 18th Street, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, S. R. I~Iason shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, esti~ated to be $247.~, to be rei~bursed one-hal~ such cost at seine future ti~e. IH TIE COUNCIL FOl! TP~ CITY OF ROANOI£E, VIRGINIA, The 1Sth day of July, 1923. No. 121~. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~tan~ger to construct a sewer in 18thi~ Street, S. ~., to accommodate the property of E. E. Wris~ht. BE IT RESO~~ ED by the Council of the City of ~ioanoke that the City l~,Ianager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, 283 E. E..;tright shall pay into the City Treasury the i~ll cost thereof, estimated to be $194.00, to be reimbursed one-hal±' such cost at some future time. lit THE COUNCIL F0!:', THE CITY OF P, 0ANOKE, VI>[GI!~A, The 13th day of Ju~y, 1925. No. 1216. A ~SOLUTION authorizing the 0ity !.[anager to construct a sewer in !~urray Avenue, Southeast, t.o accommodate the property of tlr. Wright, the owner of Lot 7, Section C, Block 2, Buena Vista .~,[ap. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke ttmt the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of ~ir. '.dright on I',!urray Avenue, Southeast, kno~m as Lot.~7, Section C, Block 2, Buena Vista Ldap, bu2 before proceeding ~with thei construction of said sewer, Mr. Wright shall pay into the City Treasury the cost thereof, esti:mted to be. ~97.50, to be reimbursed one-hal£ such cost at some rut u re ti .,~. lit 271E COUNCIL P0?: T]~ CITY 0P RO7H?0t2E, ¥IRGIIIIA, The 20th day of July, 1923. No. 1202. AI~ 0i~II~ANCE to establish a b~iness district. the South side BE IT 0~AllYED by the Co.c il eft the City off Roanoke that/Ahat portion of ~ielro~ Avenue, N. ~., beginning 300 feet West of 25rd Street and em:tenting alo~ Helrose Avenue te 24th Street be, and the s~e is hereby established as a business district. lit THE COUNCIL ?0R TRE CITY 0~ -~,~.a, VIP. GI~,~IA, The 20th day of July, 1925. No. 1207. A !~SOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT PJd~OLVED 'by the Council of the City o±' Roanoke that tlle appropria[ tions to the foilowiz~ accounts be suppl~iented in the following amoUnts: I Insane Street Improvement Refunds & Rebates Special Services Damages & Cos t 5.00 1782.53 25.25 795.00 5000.00 7605.58 and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to r.~ke such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. 284 Itl Tt~ COUNCIL ]~OH 2~ CITY OP I~0~'~ii01~, VIRGIIIIA, The 20th day of July, 192~. No. 1El7. A ~SOLUTIOI~ to appoint a committee to confer with the School Board on the question of transferring ~e title to ~ll school property to the City of Roan oke. ~;£~I~S a large part of the property, on w~zich is situated school buildings, was purchased fro~ the proceeds of l~he sale of bonds authorized school purposes, and which con st itu~ea general obligation of the City of Roanoke, and ~RiL&S, the title to s~id property was tahen in the name of the School Board of Roanoke City ~nd is now held by said school Board for school purposes, and ~REAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the City of Ro~z~oke that the title to said ~roperty should be in the n~me of the City of Roanoke in o~rt order that the liability for the bond issues, the ~oceeds from which said pr was purchased, should be offset, and ?~I~AS, under Section 7~7, Code of Virginia 1919, it is provided that by mutual consent of the Council ~nd School Board the title to school prope rt~ m~y vest in the City, WHE~AS, thc Council of the City of Roanoke deems it to the best interest of the City o f Roonoke and the Ochool Board of ~oanoke City that the titl~ to such property should vest in the City, I107~, TF~T~i{EY0Fd~, BE IT !~SOLVi~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a committee of three {5) members be appointed to tal:e up with the School Board of Roanoke City the question of transferring the title to all property used for school purposes to the City o f Roanoke, ~nd said committee is authorized to ~o whatever in its judgment it deems necessary to carry into effect this resolutioz III iP~E COUITCIL DDR Tt~ CITY 02 ROAN01ZE, VIRGINI~L, The £0th day of July, 1923. No. 1218. A RESOLUTIOE to supplement the appropriation to the account of p~rks. ~"ll-~t~AS an appropriation of $600.00 was made to the account of parks for the purpose of paying the empenses of operating the play grounds, and ~'FiIERi~S it is ascertained that said a~ount is not sufficient to pay the exp~nse of operating the play ground for the full period. NOW, THEPJdPOPd~, BE IT R~SOIMED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a supplemental appropriation of $42~.00 be, and the same is hereby made to the account of parks for the purpose of paying the expense of operating the play grounds. II.I TIJJS COL?ICIL POi;. TEL CW,'Y CP ROAN0t~, ¥IiiGIIJLQ, The 20th day of July, 1923. ITc. 1219. A RESOLUT IOIT authoriz Lug the City IJanager t o advertise for bids for the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of ~Ielrose Avenue and on the ~Jest side of 24th Street between ¥~elrose and Loudon Avenues. BE IT PJZSOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City }lanager be, and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of ltlelrose Avenue 5long the Horton property and on the ¥;est side of 2&th Street from Eelrose to Louden Avenues. II~ T?~2 COUi~CiL FOR T}~ CITY 02 ROAN0~iL, VIRGIIYiA, The S0th day of July, 19~5. No. 12~0. A i{ESOLUTIOI~ to give a hearing to the propert~ ow'nets on },[urray Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets and. on llth Street between Highland and ~.[urray Avenues, BE IT ?&:SOLV~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a hearing be given the prOperty o~vners on LIurray Avenue between 7th ~nd 9th Streets ~nd llth Street between Highland and ~u~ray Avenues for the constntction of ~ se~¥er to accommodate their respective properties. Such heari~ shall be given at such time as the City I,:anager shall direct and the City Engineer is directed to l~epare a map showing such sewer, together ~;ith an estimate of the cost thereof and the proportion to be !~id by the property ov~ners. IN TILE COUNCIL 3DR T~ CITY O~~ ROAN0~, VIRGIIIIA, The ~0th day of July, 19£Z. No. la21. A RLSOLUTIOI~ to award the contract for the widening of Franklin Read between Jefferson and ~nd (Conm]erce) Street. BE iT Ri~]SOLVED by the Council of the Cit~~ of Roanoke that the contract for doi~j work necessary to widen ~ranklin iXoad between Jefferson Street and ~nd (Conm]erce) Street be, and the same is hereby awarded the Tinsley Construction Conapany, Inc., at the Imice of ~1£,Z86.S6, and the City Solicitor is directed to prepare the proper contract and bond to be executed by the said Tins ~]~ey Construc- tion Conpany, Inc., before proceeding v~ith said work. 286 117 r~ .... -~,C~O~E, VIRGINIA, ~-~ CO~TCIL ~'OR TP]~ CITY O? TM ~'~ ~' ~ ~ The 27th day of July, 192Z. No. l~aS. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City !~anager to construct penetration macadam with curb and gutter on Roanoke ~vonue from Virginia Avenue to Summitt Avenue, Annex Territory 1919. BE IT P~SOLVIID by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City L~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct penetration macadam with curb and gutter on the East side of Roanoke Street between Virginia Avenue and Summitt Avenue, Annex Territory 1919, the estin~ted cost of which is $2,000.00, but before proceeding with the construction of said macadam J. ~. Bandy shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost to be reimbursed one-hal£ such cost at some £uture time. IU THE COUNCIL P0-~{ ~ CITY OP [<O~%N0t~, VIRGIUIJ~, The 27th day of July, 1923. No. 1224. A ~SOLUTION ~r~nting a permit to the Roanoke Cas Light Company to install certain gas mains, BE IT Fd~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a pem~it be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install the fo!lewis3 mains: (1) Hanover ~venue, N. U., from ~5 feet East of 1Zth Street a distance of 150 feet. (~) Rorer Avenue from the dead end ~ distance of 100 feet West of 19th Street. Campbell Avenue, S. E., from l&th Street a di~tamce of ~0 feet. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save P~armless the City of Roanoke 1'rom any claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas n~ins, and further agrees to restore the street, where the same is torn up, under the provisions of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke ~ovidin~ for street restoration. Iii T~ COUNCIL FOR i~m CITY 02 ~0~NO}~, VI~ILIJ~, The gTth day of July, 19gJ. No. 1225. A ~SOLUTI0i~ authoriz~ the 0ity 1,lana6er ~o const~ct a xewer to accommodate the ~ro?erty of Alouf Brothers on C~pbeil Av~ue, S. E. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council off the City of i{oanoke that the City ![a~ger be, and he is hereby ~rected to const~ct a sewer on Campbell ~-Venue S. E to accommodate the property of Alouf Brothers, estinmted cost off W~ich is $123.50, but before proceedi~ with the construction of ~id sewer, Alou% Brothers shall 287 ~r,~, COUNCIL P0R THE CITY The 2?th daj of July, 1925. I~o. 1226. A PJdSOLUTION authorizin~ the C~%~ Manager to construct a sewer on the South side of Harrison Avenue between 2nd and Srd Street, II. E. BE IT RESOL~PLD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Healager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct a serzer to accommodate the proFerty on the South side of Harrison Avenue between ~nd and Srd Streets, N. ~., but before proceeding with the construction of said se',.ver, the proyerty ovners shall pay into the City Treasury one-half of the cost thereof, estin~ted cost being ~504.65. III T}~ COUilCIL POP. '~[ll CITY OF i{OANOi~, VIiiGIiIL~, Tine 5rd day off _lugust, 192~. A Ph]SOLUTI0]I to establish the %ui!dinE line on the ~orth side of lise Avenue between 14th Street a~ the ~est side of l~th Street projected, S. E. BE IT i~SOL~ED by the Council of the Citj~ of Roanoke that the bui!dirg line on the llorth side of Uise -~venue between 14th Street ~d ~e f;est side ~ l~th Street projected be, and the same is hereby established five feet from d~e front vroperty line. IN i~i~ COUNCIL P0~{ TkE CI:£Y t2 161JlOi.~, VIRGINL,, The 5rd day off August, A P~SOLL%IOil granti~ a Dermit to Joseph Natera to erect a b'.~rber sign on 1st (Henry} ~'~ '~ ~reet ~. i. in front o~ ~e Anchor Luildi~. Bi'~ IT !~0LV~ by the Council of the CitU of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Joseph I!atera to erect a temporary sign on (Hen~-) Ztreet in front off the Anchor i~ui!din~. Such sign to ke set close ag~.inst~ the front /~all of the ~nchor ~ui!.~nS ~d extendind~ on to 1st (tlenry) Ztreet not more than eight inches. The ]~rmit is granted with the understa, ndins that si~. is to Le removed ':&on the ~ouncil or the Ci .... ',~ .... the said ' ~' ', ...... + ra ~' actin~ -~ ....... ' .... '~e condition~ ner~of. '[[o. 1228. ~ !?i_.~OLUTi01i authoriz~-ne' tho ho{~noke Rai!waU and Electric "~,-~,.~ .... ~.~,~'? to _B'"'~ IT l~30Li~ -~'=,.~ the Council off the City of Roanoke that the F. oanol~ Rail¥~ay and Electric Corn?any be, a~d the same is hereby ~;~thorized to in~tall li~ts as follows: [1) A 100 C. i~. street light in front of 1502 ~iedmont Street S. E. [2) A 250 C. ~. street light at the corner of Gran~n R~d ~d Carter R~d, Raleigh Court. The sa~d l~gn~s to be mainto~ned unfler the ?r~isions of the contract existing between the Romaoke 2aiiwa~ ~;d Electric Comp~ and the City of Roanoke. ~treet. IJ Tl;22 COUI~CIL 20[~ THL CI'i~~ OP R~01~, ViiiGIi~IA, The 3rd day of August, 1925. No. 1~9. ~OLUTI0h to establish buiidi~ line on the 'Jest side of ~iedmont line on the West side of ?iedmont Street from the l~orth side of Jalnut Avenue to and including Lot 11 as shown on map of a ~a~ ~ of the i~iveriand Road ~1 ti on ....... . ~'~ Lofton Smith, ...... v in l{~noke City, Va., , . o;v~d b$~ 'the i;mg~lan~ Comi~n.,, Inc , Suite Certified ~rofessional Civil ~" ~' , , ~nomneer, June i 1920 be and tke same hereb~ establisked five feet .~r~m the front proi>erty line ~,- Ii' ~0-,~D b~' tile Council of the Si ~o of Roanoke ti'mt the bui!&in The 5rd day of Auf~ust, 1925. IIo. 1250. ~ ~. 'C, T~ r,~- 1- , · :~,~0,.,U~±0~ directing the payment of ~5 000 00 to tke Treasurer of the School ~ on ~ocott~t o~ buil~ngs. ~ Il~ --~.,~,~ ~:, ~,~ouL,~D .... the Co.oil of the Cits~ o Roanoke th&t the City Clerk and ,~uditor be, emd ~,e is hereby ~rected to draw a warrant for the sum o~ .~o,000.00 p~uie to the Treasurer o~ the School ~'~d on account o~ buildings. ~he said amount shall be charged to the extraordinary account o~ schools. of fi cers. '~t=. COUiICIL FOR The ~d das~ of ~ugust 1925 No. 1231. A .~o0~U~I01~ authorizing the ai~poin~ment of five s~ecial poiic:e .,~u~_o, it is deemed necessary by the Cotu~cil of the City of Roanoke that five additional st:.ecial police officers be aPt)ointed. ~lTf"3 ~)]'' r~ ~]}~ ~ · ~.~_~.~, :~E I i~0L~ED by the Council of the Citj of Roanoke ~.at the Citl~ Lian~fer be. and he is hereby authorized to a~or~oint five ad:~itional ~_,~ '~::~ COL'I~CIL 2011 The 5rd day of August, 1~25. Do. 1252. ~ i~SOLUTi0U authorizing tim ~y i,l~er to const~mct curb ~t the corner off 4th ~treet ~m~ Je~ne~te ~venue, ~? IT ~o0~ZD '-o~ the Council of the Cit~' o= il~noke that the City ~,~ana6er be, and he is hereby authorized to const~ct curb at t..,~ corner o~. 4th Street and Jeanette Avenue at a cost not to exceed ~450.00. IIo. 1235. f-~ -DVR T ~ T, ?r~ fzi[ ~:-~_,,=.~,~ prescribing a license for conductir~ the business of hi ring "~ ~' ~ "' ~.~ renti~: cars :~ithout chauffffeur or driver. b~ the Coumcil of tko Oitj of ko.',.~ioke t,,~at all :"ersons fzr,,,~ or cor?oratio~:s engaged in tko business of hirin&' or rontir4~:" cars without a cna,~_,eur or driver shall pay $100.00 for the first ten cars and $5.00 for each additio~ai car. Said tax shall be in addition to the special tax of 25 ce~%s per korse power lll)Oll eLtc]i (;a27. Iii TEE COUllCIL FOE !/iL CITY ~ PLfHIOiiE, VIi~Gii[IA, The ~ day off August, 1920. Eo. 12~4. ~l ?~SOLUTiOll to pay }!. l.l. ]liller, &rchitect, for his services in con~leotion with the alteration of the l:itzer Transfer buit~n;j for wideniiig ?rar~:lin Road. ~E IT -~r'~nl-~m:~,~, -~% the Cotuicil of tko Cit~~ of Roanoke that ~''~i~ City Clerk and Au,~tor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant flor the ~m ~552.41, ta2able to H. i.[. Liiiier, Architect, flor his services in cor~ection with the alteration off the 2itzer Tr~msffer buildiz~ flor wideni~ Franklin Road. The said amount ~';hen p~d ska~l be charged to the account of ClOning and jrading Streets. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OP ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of August, 1923. No. 1235. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to S. A. Duerson to oonstruet a filling station, tanks and cross-overs at his property on the West side of Jefferson Street North of Pleasants Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the sam~. i~ ~,--,~,~, ~.o~+~ ~ ~ Pleasants Avenue and to construct and maintain the following tanks: 4 tanks of a capacity not to exceed 12,000 gallons; ~ tanks of a capacity not to exceed §00 gallons and one Il) tank of a capacity not to exceed 500 gallons for the storage of ]~erosene oil. The construction of the buildings for said filling station shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code and under the supervision of the Building Inspector. Said tanks and the installation thereof shall be in accordance with Section 183 of the Building ~ode. and shall be installed under the supervision and in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the ]~uilding Inspector. By acting under this resolution, the said S. A. Duerson agrees to indemnify and save harmless the gity of Roanoke from all claima for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said filling station and tanks. BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED that a permit be and the same is hereby granted said S. A. Duerson to construct two cross-overs in front of said filling station. Said cross-overs shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications of the City Manager and to his ~ood liking and satisfaction. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1Vth day of August, 1923. No. 1236. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Eoanoke Gas Light ¢ompauy to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install the following gas mains: West. NEW,, MoDowell Avenue/from 10th Street ~00 feet East. N. Alley between 2nd and 3'rd Avenues/from 15th Street 150 feet West. llth Street S. E. from Murray Avenue South 80 feet. Hanover Avenue Northwest from 14th Street a distance of 250 feet {5) ?th Street, 8outh Roanoke, from Avenham to Franklin Avenues. Winona Avenue, Wasena, from 3rd Street to dead end. {?) Wasena Avenue from 3rd Street to Westover Avenue. The said Roanoke Gas Light gompany by acting under this resolution agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, in accordance with the gemral ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration, and farther agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas mai ns. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of August, 1923. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that that street in South Roanoke which begins on the North side of Avenham Avenue approximately 500 feet West of 8th Street extending in a Northward direction immediately in front of the property of R. Lee Lynn and Kirk Lunsford to the property o~ed by the Houston Land Corporation be, and the same is hereby n~med "Wildwood Road". IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROANOI~, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of August, 19P~. No. 12~8. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $16.66 per month to Mrs. Sallie Jeffries, Woman Probation Officer. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of Mrs. Sallie Jeffries for the sum of $16.66, beginning September l, 192~, so as to make her salary $125.00 per month, the same to continue until changed by Council. IN THE COLE~CIL FOR THE CITY 0~ ROAN0~I~., VIRGINIA, The 1Vth day of Aug~st, 192~. No. 1~9. A ~ESOLUTION to accept that plot of laud lying West of 6th Street between Campbell and Marshall Avenues dedical~ed for Street purposes and which will be an extension of Church Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that that piece of~ land lying between Campbell and Marshall Avenues and extending West from 6th Street to the property of W. E. Andrews which was dedicated by the o~ers fc~ street purposes be, and the same is hereby accepted and the same shall form an extension of Church Avenue Southwest. IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~?th day of August, 19~. No. 12AO. A RESOLUTION grauting a permit to Mrs. H. C. Kincer to construct a garage on her property on the East side of 16th Street between Orange and Hanover Avenues~ N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit ~e, and the same is hereby granted Mrs. H. C. Kincer to construct a garage on her property on the East side of 16th Street between Orange and Hanover Avenues, the construction to be in accordance wi~h the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector. The said garage shall be set back five feet from the p~operty line. · 292 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of August, 1923. Ne. 1241. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of~ Roanoke for the month of July, 1925, amd directing the payment of the ~ame. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roamoke that the accounts claims against the ~ity for the month of July, 1923, be and the sa~e are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering Dept. gity CIerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes $ollections of Taxes City Hall Election Counci 1 Coroner Almshouse Out si de Poor Hospitals Organized Charit les Insane Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept. ~ire Dept. ~ire Hydrant Re nt al Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armories Physi clan Quarantine & Detention He~th Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Maintenance Street Repair Bridge Hep~i rs C~usher ~ity Stables Refunds & Rebates Special Services Allowances & Gifts Damages & Cos t Workmen' s 9ompensation Garage Parks Lib rary Market s Interest Annex 1919 Accounts Pa~le Special Acct. Jitney Badges EXTRAORDINARY $ 769.4o 782 o00 682.25 469.42 244.50 291.66 1,287.91 338.71 719 1,122.22 2,001.27 &3S .32 57.00 765.70 114.~8 ~05.00 235.8~ 48.00 960.02 580.98 9,4?4.53 8,791.69 1,516.70 455.75 99.00 100.00 134.29 1,801.24 1,643.60 3,440.49 520.65 10,09S .34 1,409.73 1,3?9.34 1,654.79 848.32 59.50 3:53 19.50 50.00 1,030.04 1,750.50 1,426.81 1,254.9? 38,862.50 S, 924.20 745.50 45.68 $ 107,110.62 Sewer Construction ' Opening & Grading Streets Macadamizing Paving ~urb &$utter Sidwwalk ~onst. Schools 786.66 19,156.20 5,149.19 23.56 1,470.19 371.52 80,000.00 106,957.S2 214,067.94 IN THE COUNCIL FOR TEE CITY 0F R0~OKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of August, 192~. No. 1243. A EESOLUTION authorizing the payment of one-half of the cost in the McOune and Wimmer cases. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City the Sergeant of the 0ity of Roanoke for $51.23, being one-half of the cost in the cases of McCune Administratrix and Wimm~r Administrator against the City of Roanoke. Said amount when paid shall be charged to ~he account of damages and cost. IN THE COUNCIL BIDR THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of August, 1925. No. 1244. A RESOLUTION to release certain sewer assessments against the property of J. P. Waggoner known as Lots ll and 12 Section 9, Belmont Addition. WHEREAS, a storm darin having been constructed through the lots owned by J. ]~. Waggoner known as Lots ll and 12 Section 9, Belmont Addition under an agree- ment that no assessments for sewers should be charged against said lots, and WHEREAS, there is an assessment amounting to $21.66 against said lots which said J. P. Waggoner has requested to be released. THEREi~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that upon the execution by the said J. P. Waggoner of ~n agreement for the right-of-way for the storm drain across lots ll and 12, Section 9, Belmont Land Company's addition the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to release the assessment amounting to $21.66 against Lots ll and 12 Section 9, Belmont Land Compauy's Addition, owr~d by J. ]~. Waggone r. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1Vth day of August, 1923. No. 1245. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~auager to construct a sewer to accommo? date the property on the North side of Greenbrier Avenue East of 14th Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Courmil of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct a sewer to accommodate the property on the South side of Greenbrier Avenue East of 14th Street, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer the property owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half s~ch cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l?th day of August, 1925. No. 1246. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $1500.00 to Adams, Payne & Gleaves for certain property along Frauklin Road West of Franklin Road Bridge. WHEREAS, under an agreement between Adams, Payne &Gleaves and the City of Roanoke the question of the value of a strip of land shown on the map hereto R. Lee Lynn, R. L. Rush and Chas. I. Lunsford, as arbitrators, and WHEREAS, the said arbitrators have filed their report fixing the value of said lsnd at the sum of $1500.00, THEREI~0RE, BE IT RESOLMED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of Adams, ~ayne and Cleaves for the sum of $1500.00, the warrant to be delivered to said Adams, ?ayne and Cleaves upon the execution an& delivery of a proper deed conveying the property described on the map hereto attached. IN THE 00UNOIL ~DR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 17th day of August, 1923. No. 1247. A EESOLUTION liming the salary of the City ~lerk and Auditor. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the aity of Roanoke that the salary of the $ity 91erk and Auditor be, and the same is hereby fixed at $6,000.00 per year to commence 9ctober 1, 1923, to be paid at the rate of $500.00 per month and the same to continue until changed by gouncil. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROANOE~, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of August. 1923. No. 1248. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Works Company to install certain water mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the $ouncil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works Company to install water mains as follows: (1~ Melrose Avenue from 13th to 15th Streets Northwest, six inch main. (2) 1Sth Street, Northwest, from Staunton Avenue north to the corpo- ration limits, six inch main. The Roanoke ~¥ater Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said mains, an~ further agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up under the provision~ of the ger~ral ordinances of the City of Roanoke governing street restoration. IN THE COUNCIL FOR T~I CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of August, 1925. No. 1249. A I~SOLUTION authorizing the City M~nager to construct a sidewalk on the south side of Grange Avenue between 22nd and 23rd Streets. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~he construction of said walk, the property ownersshall pay into the City Treasury the fUll cost thereof they to be reimbursed one-half such corot at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of August, 1923. No. 1250. A RESOLUTION to carry Joe ~rout, Police Officer, on the pay-roll at one-hal f pay. BE IT RESOLVED by the -Council of the City of Roanoke that Joe Trout, Police Officer, be carried on the pay-roll of the Police Department at one-half pay, such officer being absent on account of sickness. IN THE O0IINCIL }~DR THE CITY 0P ROANOIiE, VIRGINIA, The 29 th day of August, 19£3. No. laS1. A .RESOLUTION to widen I.~Ielrose Avenue West of 24th Street and 24th Street from the south side of Melrose Avenue to the North side of Loudon Avenue. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke to widen I,lelrose Avenue west of 24th Street along the property Belonging to W. H. Hort on, and WHEREAS, the said W. H. Horton has agreed to donate a ten foot strip ef land and the City of Roanoke has agreed to purchase for the aum of Fifteen Hundred Dollara ($ISO0.O0) an additional ten feet of land off of the property belonging to ~i{. H. Horton in order to widen said I~felrose Avenue, and WHEREAS, said W. H. Horton has agreed to donate a strip of land on 24th Street between the south side of ~Ielrose Avenue and the north side of' Loudon Avenue so as to make said a4th Street sixty feet wide, and ~q~AS, the City of Roanoke has agreed to construct a sidewalk abutting the property of said W. H. Horton an eight foot si dewalk along Helrose Avenue and a five foot sidewall,' along 24th Street, the constructior~ to be completed within ninety day~ from the date of the deed conveying the land to the City of Roanoke. THEP~EP0~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Cou~ il of the City of Roanoke that the land donated by W. H. Horton and hereinafter described be, and the same is hereby accepted and that the City of Roanoke pay to said W. H. Horton Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) for the additional strip of land ten feet wide along the south side of I',~elrose Avenue upon the co~veyance by the said W. H. Hc~ton cf the land hereinafter described, and the City Clerk and Auditor is di='ected to draw a warrant for the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) being the pur- chase price of the said land. The land proposed to be conveyed is described as follows: BEGI.~NING at a point on the south side of I,lelrose Ave., N. W. 2?2.25 feet west from the point where the east property line of 24th Street N. W. when produced intersects the south boundary line of the said I~lelrose Avenue, thence South 8 deg. 45' West 31.? feet to a 296 tangent, said point being by perpendicular measure ?0 feet southwest from the northern boundary of Melrose Avenue, thence N 43 deg. 48' W 588.0 feet to a point thence ~rith a curved lira in a northwesterly direction with a radius of 255.? 'feet consuming an angle of 42 deg. 43' for a distance of 190.64 feet to a point of tangent, thence N 86 deg. 31' W 2.°0.? feet to a point in the western line of the l~nd donveyed by W. H. Altizer, Special 0, ommissioner to Susie G. Horton, recorded in Deed Book 203, Page 165 and ~ith the s~me N 28 deg. 36' W 82.62 to a point in the line of the ~Ielrose Land Company, thence S 86 deg. 31' E 30~.0§ feet to a point, thence S 82 deg. feet to a poiut, thence S 45 deg. 09' E 331.00 feet to a point, thence S 43 deg. 48' E 154.87 feet to a point in the west property line of 2§th Street, thence with the west property line of 25th Street produced S 13 deg. 59' W 89.25 feet to a point in the line of the Lake and Driving Park Association ~see conveyance of Melrose Land ~ompany to Susie G. Horton, recorded in Deed Book 127 Page 220) thence, with the same S ~3 deg. 41' E 428.4Z feet to a point in the South property line of Melrose Avenue, thence with the South Property Line of Melrose Avenue N '76 deg. 01' 20" W 1~4.56 feet to the place of beginning, Right of Way of Roanoke Railway and Electric Company extending through and within the metes and bounds of above described property is excepted. Meridian same as that shown on Melrose Land Co. of date 1889; to correct for official survey meridian add 0 deg. ~' 02" in Northwest and Southeast and subtract 0 deg. 5~' 02" in the Northeast and Southwest. Map sho~ing property is hereto attached and made a part of this resolution. BEGINNING at a point on the south side of Melrose Ave., N. ~., E12 feet West from the point where the East Property line of 24th Street N. W. when produced intersects l~he South boundary line of the said Melrose Avenue, thence N V6 deg.01' 20" W 60.2~ feet to a point, thence South 8 deg. 45' West 540.78 feet to a point ~n the South boundary line of the ~elrose Land Company, thence ~ith the same S 89 deg. 20' E 60.6 feet to a point, thence N 8 deg. 4~' E. ~26.78 feet to the place oi~ beginning; This deed is to convey a 60 foot street between the south side of Melrose Avenue and the South boundary line of the Melrose Land Company. Meridian same as that shown on Map of Melrose Land ¢ompauy of date 1889. To correct for Official Survey Meridian add 0 deg. 55' 02" in Northwest and Southeast, and subtmact 0 deg. 55' 02" in Northeast and Southwest. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of Augumt, 1923. No. 1252~ A t~SOLUTION to purchase a strip of land ten feet wide off of the property of the Wertz heirs on the south side of Franklin Road. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of the Wertz heirs for the sum of $150.00 to be delivered to them upon the execution and delivery of a deed conveying to the City of Roanoke a ten foot strip from the property owned ~,y the said Wertz heirs. IN THE 00UNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of August, 1923. No. 1253. A RESOLUTION to award the contract for the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Melrose Avenue west of 24th Street and on the west side o~~ 24th Street between Melrose and Loudon Avenues, N.W. ,,: BE IT RESOIgED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the contract for the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Melrose Avenue west of 24th Street and the west side of 24th Street between Melrose and Loudon Avenues be, and the same is hereby awarded to Campbell and Peters at their bid of $~,062.~0, the said work to be done in accordance with the specifications i~rnishe~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0~iE, VIRGI~'~IA, The 29th day of August, 192Z. No. 1254. A iIESOLUTION authorizing the City Msmager to construct a concrete walk with cross-overs in front of the property of Lindsey Robinson & ¢o. ~n the north side of Salem Avenue east of 5th Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke ttmt the $ity ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a concrete sidewalk on the north side of Salem Avenue east of 5th Street in front of the property of Lindsey Robinson & Co., but before proceedihg with the con- struction of said sidewalk the maid Lindsey Robinson & Co. shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof less the cost of replacing the brick walk. Reunion. IN THE COUNCIL FOP, THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 29 th day of Aug ust, 1923. No. 1255. A RESOLUTION to make a contribution for entertaining the Confederate BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of ~oanoke that a contribu- tion of $500.00 and the use of the ~arket Auditorium be made to entertain the Confederate Reunion which will meet in the City of Roanoke during September 1923, and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to draw a warrant for the s~m of $500.00 payable to the Treasurer of the entertainment committee, the same to be used for entertaining the Confederate Reunion. The said amount shall be charged to the account of allowances and gifts. BE IT PURTPJrlR RESOLVED that the use of the market Auditorium be given free of cost for such purpose. IN THE, COUNCIL 07 THE CITY (~ ii0AN0t~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of August, 1923. No. 1256. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City l~anager to construct a sidewalk on the North side of Woods Avenue between Clark Avenue and ~,~aple Avenue in front of the property of Jamss ~. Lee. BE IT RESOLVEI~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~ity ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed a five foot concrete sidewalk on the north side of Woods Avenue between Clark Avenue and ~,Iaple Avenue in front of the property of James P. Lee, but before l~oceeding with the construction of a sidewalk the said James P. Lee shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of August, 1923. No. 1242. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the appropri- ations to the following accounts be and the same are hereby supplemented in the following amount s: Ins ane Refunds & Rebates Special Services Allowances & Gifts Damages & Costs 48.00~ 848.32 J 57.50x 33.33~ 19.50 $ 1,006.65 The ~ity ~lerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~qE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of August, 1923. No. 1257. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct a sewer to accommodate the property of W. L. Welborn, S. K. Bitterman and L. S. Jones. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City o£ Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer on 2nd Street S. W. between Walnut and Albemarle Avenues so as to accommo- date the property of W. L. Welborn, S. K. Bitterman and L. S. Jones, but before proceeding with the construction of such sewer, the said W. L. Welborn, S. K. Bitterman and L. S. Jones shall pay into the City Treasury tSe fUll cost thereof, no part of which shall be refunded them, provided, howsver, that in the event con- nections are made to said sewer by others than the parties herein named, then the parties making such connection shall be charged for such connection on the rental or co~nutation basis as provided by ordinance and the amounts or amout so received shall be paid said W. L. Welborn, S. ~'. Bitterman and L. S. Jones. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF BOANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 31st day of August, 1923. No. 1258. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Melrose ~illing Station to erect a gasoline storage tank of a capacity not to exceed 12,000 gallons. BE IT RESOI~.ED by the Oouncil of the City of Roanoke that a 1~ rmit be, and the same is hereby granted the Melrose ~illing Station to erect above ground a gasoline storage tank of'a c~pacity not to exceed 12,000 gallons on Cleveland Avenue West of 16th Street S. W. Such tank shall be erected in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction oil the Building Inspector of the 9ity of Roanoke and according to specifications furnished by him. The said Melrose ~illing Station by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Thc 7th ,lay'of SeI.,ter/~er, 1925. Ito. 1259. A ~ESCLUT!0~I granting a pea:it to tko Ro~oke Water flo~ca Ccmlr~.y to inata!l cartain water ~:.]ns. BE IT RESOLVED by the Cc~mii of the City of Roancke that a yerr:i~ %e, ~r~ ~ed .....th~ Roanoke Water Wor~:~:~ Cc~i'au-u. to install the fo i1 ow ing v;at e r rm~ ins: (i) '~irgi~ia Avenue from tko end cf the imp~ved street a distance 800 feet ?/est, Virginia :~.ezgj~us, ~ ~iinrton %venue, South Roanm~, from ~IcOla~mhar l~ace sou to The Roa.~c~.:e Water Wo~'.-°~.~,, Oo::.i.a.ny Z~ acti~;~ ':,-~...,~.~ this re~. +e, :i::,.:' ~,~-' ....... ~- ~ ~.~': a::-~ s~'~"~ ~rmless t;m,. C~y' . of Roanoke~,.o~;~ .... all ci..~:.i~, fcr .~,,~ ...... ...... ~,~ to person or property by reason of *l:e constr:~ul:.io~: a::'~d mai:~tc:'.;ance cf said water '~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ the maths, and f~rther a~rees to replace thc streets under ~he l~rOV]Smon~ Gone:;'~! O~ tz ....... es of +~"~ Ci~- cf Ro~,,o, .... ~_ ovidin5 fcr ~tTc~t. restor..t~.. 299 ~0 ~'~. ~,zT- . .~..' qI. ~,F ~ c..~ 0~, z ~i~. , Thc. f~,~: duy c.~ . No. la6o. ~roperty o'.amrs ~ :..:~ti;:? on the West tie s. BE Ii Ri:~'-'''v';,~-~D '~ thc Council of ~::e' Cit'~. ,,'~... 'Rca:,io~ie' t.~at' the Cit~' I.~;aser Lc, and he ~s ::em:,%, directel 3o give a ]':,:~;r:~:;~ t~ tzze i:roie:~ty o'm~ers ,:~ on ,ne West ~,,~,~:.;.', ..... , .... Territory.:' 1919, ftc the co.,~t,uctioz~ of a si&ewa!k abutting said property. Tko Cztj ..;~_z~¢.u~ zs autkorized to The ?th .!ay of September, 1923. No. 1261. the oonstructioh of corral,: se',';ers, the cos~ thereof beiag. _. i::rorated between the Cit~',- and the property,- abutti'.qg on aria benefitted ::er,:oy, and m~t]':eriz:i_u;~ the City" "~ ' ~.~a~gc:r 1-o advertise fur '3:~:~,,~,~' Ly resolhu.~oa ado~ed on e 20th day of ~,~, 1~925, the Cit~ ~ ![~ager was directed.o ~ive a n,~ari~ff tc pro?erty ov;ndrs aLutt~r~ on t~'~e.. Uorth South sides of ~Turray Avenue be ~..~uen 7tn and 9th Stree~,~, Sou+k si~e of t~o:%trose Avenue be+ ..... "~'- . an~ the Wes. t s~de of 9t'.[: ~+~"~et t. ctw~:en ~..,~n ,,~: and 9th ~;treets, S. E , ~.~ ~ and iJontrose Ave~e,~: ~, S. E., ~d Z o'clock P. TM in the Council Room in the ISunicipal Build-' ~ .~no as the time and place for said hearing, notice of which was published in the World News, a news- paper published in tile Ci~ of Roanoke, as required by law, and WHER~'n~S, on the 6th day of September, 1925, the City ~.lanager gave said hearing at which heari_,~ no valid objection was urged against the construction of said sewer, T~RESORE, BE IT Ri".~SOLVED by the Council of the City cf. aoanoke that a sewer be const~,~cted to accommolate the property on the North and South sides of .~,~urray Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, S. E., South side of ~',.Iontrose Avenue between 7th and 9th Streets, S. E., and the West sLde of 9th Street between I~'.urray and L'ontrose Avenues and when such sewer is completed the cost thereof shall be prorated between the City of Roanoke and the property o,~mer abutting on and bene- fitted by said sewer, One-third of the cost shall be charged said property owners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City L!anager be, ~d he is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the constr~mtion of the sewer herein mentioned, said advertisement to run for such time as he shall deem necessary, but the same shall not be for less than ten days. Ii~ THE CO~JCIL FCR TPUZ CITY O? R0-"~.NOi~, VIRGINIA, The ?th day of September, 192Z. No. 1262. A ?d~SOLUTION authorizing the construction of certain sewers, the cos. t thereof being prora'ted between the City and the p~operty abutting on and benefitted thereby, and authorizing the City I~Mmager to advertise for bids. %WP~EREAS, by resolution adopted on the 20th day of July, 1925, the City I',Ianager was directed to give a heari~k~ to property owners abutting on the East and West sides of llth Street between Highlmad Avenue su~.d a distance of 141.15 feet North of ~.{urray Avenue and the North and South sides of ~Mrray Avenue a distance of 184.03 feet West of llth Street and to 184.13 feet East of ilth Street, S. E., and ?~qEREAS, the City },~anager fixed the 6th day of September, 192Z, at ~ o'clock ?. 1.~.,in the Council Room in the .'.kuaicipal ~uilding as the time and. place for sai-d hearing, notice of which was published in the Wcrld News, a news- paper published in the City of Roanoke, am required by law, and WP~REAS, on the 6th day of September, 1925, the City ~,'Ianager h~ve said hearing at which hearing no valid objection was urged against the construction of said sewer, T~REPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of aoanoke t?mt a sewer be constructed to accommodate the property on the East and West sides of llth Street between Highland Avenue and a distance of 141.15 feet North of I..!urray Avenue and the North and South sides of ~,.~urray Avenue a distance of 184.0Z feet West of llth Street and to 184.1Z feet East of llth Street, ~. E., and when such sewer is completed the cost thereof shall be prorated between the City of Roanoke and the property o'¢;ner abutting on and benefitted by said sewer, one-third of the 801 BE iT FUP, T!~R F~ZOLVED that the City .Uana~er be, and he i~ hereby directed to advertise for bids for tlc construction of the sewer herein mentioned, said advertiseme'at to rm~ for such time as ke shall deem necessary', Lut the same shall, not be &or less titan ten da~. ~z,~- C .... CITY 07 i'.U~2IC'i2~, The "~ · ,o.. day of September, 1923 No. 1263. . t~.or~in~ thc pa~ment to the Treasure~ o~ I ~"]SOLE~IOU au ~ -~ _ the School Fund ~40,000.00. BE I~' ~ ..o ,,~:.~ by ti~ Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk aud Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant Ea}~ble to the Treasurer of the School Fund for ~40,000.00 on account of achoo! buiidir:gs. The said amount skil be charged to the exZraordinary account of schools. The 7th day of September, 1923. No. 1264. k..~..,u~,~"~?r~v"r'*T0l,r, ~ tO aI~f, rove the accounts and claims a~ainst the Ci~,y* ' of for the m<,nth of AuCust, I'~" 9,~¢, and ~Lirecti?~ the pa~laent of the same. 5E I? PZSOLI~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accouLts · -~ ~,~o.-. be and the s~me are and claims a.~ainst the C~j for the monti~ of August, ...... , , hereby ay?l':roved and ordered paid as zo=lo~s: City '~ "2' ~',~1 ~ ~, e i~ E.~b~rleerin~ Dept. CiTM Clerk ~reasllre r Legal Dept. Court Officers & Collection of Taxes Cz ~¢, Hall Ele orions o~..t;o)mry & Yrinti~ Counc i ! ~ 0 r olte ~ AIm~: cum e Out side Poor Ho al~i tais Organizer Cimritia s Jail Juv e~iie Court ~oiice De'ft. ~i~~e Dept. Street Li chting Build Jn~- Ina~'ector ~imi ~ ~ Armories ?hysi c i an ~'ea~ ~v Dept ~troet Cla~ Sewer'.,'~i, ¥~ t, er, an ce,, Rerun.Is & Rebtttes · :icc;al Services A!Ic,va,~ S & qi 825.50 795.92 651.25 247.52 246.00 2~i.66 1480.08 1332.°Z 411.83 930.82 580.~u 13.00 o7.50 421.06 120.77 o~u, .00 75.00 1117.50 571.65 9606.97 10,910 1462 2043.89 453.50 i00.00 ~i.10 1825. 13'I I. o 0 668.25 51o4.61 ~i59.28 1117.59 · ':~ 2. :297 "~ -- 3O2 Lit, vary I.~.arke t s Interest Annex 1919 Special Acco~nt Accounts ?~ab~e Sewer Coastruc tion Oper:i~ & Grading Sts. !~!a c a d ami z ing ~avi Curb A Cutter Sidewalk Construction $1001.99 1732.88 1275 650.00 7494.57 22.91 C16.00 D791.50 ~19~.10 1.00 968.74 111.78 56.50 9~157.55 ~77,672.65 REPEALEi / No t)atc. re la tinm t O~t S .. Iii .:-:,~.,L CObqTC!T ...... POE q,:z:' CITY 02 '~"'~:.u~.~u~L', VIRGIZIL, The Uti: day cf September, 1925. No. 1365. 'AIT ~TiTT'~'T~'~.~..~.~ to amend and reordain Section 61 of the Traffic Ordinan~ o operati]-~g self propelled vehicles vgnile under the in~ueuce of intoxi- Bi.] IS, Oi)DY',.[~ED by the Council of the Cit~' of Roanoke that Section 61 of the Traffic Ordinal:me be amended and reordained ~o as to read as follows: It ~.all be -'~ for unla~, any person to drive or run any automobile, car, truck or oS_er self propelled vehicle :i. ite under the influence of intoxicant~. If any person violates the provision of this section:., he shall be firmed not less tD~n fifty nor more that, one hunired dollars ~.d the judgment of conviction shall of itself operate to deprive him of his right to drive any such vehicle for a ~erioa of one year from the date of such judgment. If a~ i~er'son so convicted shall drive any such vehicle he shall be fi:~ed not less than fifty nor more than one hundred &ollars. IN Tt~ COUNCIL ~R THE CITY OF ROAN0tLE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of September, 1925. No. 1266. A RESOLUT~ION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Cou~il of the City o£ Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Gas Light Company to install a 4-inch gas ,main on Orange Avsnue from 16th Street ;Vest a distance of 200 feet. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property bz reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company further agrees to replace the street under the provisions of the General Ordinances of the Oity of Roanoke providing for street restoration. 3O,3 I~t Tt~ COUNCIL >13E TPr~E CITY OF ROAN0tLE, VIi~GiNIA, The 14th day of September, 1923. No. 1267. ~ RESOLUTI01~ granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Works Company to install certain water mains. BE IT RESOLY~iD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke ',ater Works Company to install the following water mains: (1) Jannette Avenue, S. ,~., frora the intersection of Franklin Road West 200 feet, a 2-inch main. (2) Roanoke Avenue, ~J~nnex 1919, from Virginia Avenue north 200 feet. The said Roanoke Water Wor~s Coal-any by ~'~cting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of itoanoke from all c~aims for damages to ?erson or property by reason of the installation and maintenance of said water mains. The saii ~oanoke Water Works Company further agrees to replace the streets, where the same are torn up, under the provisions of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. III THL COUNCIL 3~OR TF~ CITY OF ii0AN0}iE, VI!{GIL~L~, The l&tb day of September, No. 1208. ~ ~SOLU TI ON ~rantir~ a peri,it to Duffield W l,~atson to erect an eight thousand ,gallon gasoline tank ~bove t he ground. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that a permit be, and the same is !~ereby granted D{~ffield ~,V. L~atson to erect an eight thousand gallon gasoline tan~ above the ground on the south side oi' Cleveland Avenue between 16th and l?th Streets. S~id tard~ ~all be erected according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Builiin~ Inspector and in gccordance ~ith specificati,~ns to be furnished by him. The said Puffield W. ~atson by acting under this reso- lution agrees to indemnifi~ an8 save harmless the City of ~loanoke from all cl~ims ~eo to person or property by reason ~f the construction and maintenance of s~id tank,. IN Ti!~ COUNC IL ~ii~ THE CITY OF ,~tOANOt[E, VIRGIIIIA, The 14th day of September, 19SS. ~, No. 1E 69. A P~ESOLUTION authorizing the City l~$nager to construct or cause to be constructed a sidewalk along i..letrose Avenue from Forest i~ark Station approximately 4~0 feet East. 7~P~'.R£AS, W. Ii. Horton has agreed to dona~te a stri!~ of land ten feet wide abutting on the South side of 12elrose Avenue for a distance of 4~0 feet East of the Forest Park Station, provided, the City will erect along~ said strip a sidewalk 3O4 ?~R~S, it is to the best interest of the City of Eoanoke that the proposal of W. H. Horton be accepted. TP~ARLFO~E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Lianager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be con- structed, a granolithic sidewalk ~ive feet wide along the South side of Melrose Avenue from Forest Park Station east a distance approximately 450 feet, pre~ided, however, that before the constln~ction of said sidewalk shall be commenced, said W. H. Horton shall c¢.nvey to the City of Roanoke a strip of land ten feet wide off of his property abuttimg on l[elrose Avenue for a distance of approximately 450 feet east of Forest Park Stat ion. IN TP~ COUN~IL ~0R k~ih CITY 07 ~0ANOKE, VIi~GINIA, The 14th day of September, 1925. No. la ?0. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Rai~ay and Electric ~omlmny to install a 250 C. P. li?~ht at the corner of Second Street and Stanley Avenue, South ~YO~l~ ok~. BE IT PY]SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 250 C. P. street light corner Second Street and Stanley Avenue, South Roanoke. Said light to be maintained under the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Rail~ay and Electric Company. IN THE COUNCIL ~-~0R TI~6 CITY 0P i~0ANOKtd, VI!{GINIA, The l&th day of September, 19~. No. 1~1. A I~E~30LUTION to make certain supplemental appropriations. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that appropriation: to the follo;'dng accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the following Insane Rei~nds & Rebates Special Services Allowances & Gifts Damages & Cost Lxtrao rdina ry $ ~5.00 522.13 2.50 297.01 57.75 954.57 ~arks $ 56.50 and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. 3O5 IN Tt~ COUNCIL ~0i{ TP~ CITY 02 kOANOKE, VI!{OINIA, The 14th day of September, 1925. No. 12V2. A ~SOLUTION to co~ider applicatio~ for cross-overs into proposed filli~ stations. Wt~R~S, Du~field W. ~.tson ~d Fr~k Z.Iurray have filed before Qouncil applications for permits for cross-overs into fillin~z stations proposed to be erected by them, and WI~R~2, Council iz not advised off its decision in the matter. THEREF0?~, ~ IT i~E~0LV~ by the Co~cil of ~.e City of l~oanoke that the applications df Dufffield W. Matson for cross-overs at the corner of Dale Avenue a~ 4th Street, S. ~.~., and Frank lh~rray Salem ~venue and 9~ Street, S. W., be laid over for consideration at the next meeti~M of Council. IU Tt~ COUNCIL POii TtL CITY OF i{OAI~OKE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day oi' September, 1925. No. 12 73. AN ORDINANCE to ~end and reordain Section 20 of an ordi~nce adopted by the Cou~il of the City off Roanoke on the 26th day of A~ust, 192~, entitled,"An 0rdin~ce to regulate buildings in the City of Roanoke." BE IT 0RDAIN~ by the Oo~cil of the City of Ro~oke that Section 20 of an ordi~nce adopted by the Co~cil of the 0ity of Ro~oke on the 26th day off August, 1922, entitled, "An 0r~n~ce to re~l~te bui~i~s in the City of Roanoke"~ and amended by Qrdinance adopted on the 19th day of January, 1925, be ~rther amended and re-oral, ned so as to read as ~ollows: Section 20. That it shall be unlawful i'n the fut~e for any person, firm or corporation to locate, build, construct or ~intain on any lot fronting on ~y street or alley in the City, in ~y block in which one-half of the buil~ngs on both sides of the street are ~ed exclusively for residence purposes, or within fifty feet of any street, any building or pl~e used for gas reservoir, packing house, renderi~ plant, soap factory, creamery, blacksmith shop, fo~ry, clothes cleaning and dyeing establishment, pullic garage, ~asoline filling station or machine shop or facto~ combined with foundry, or laundry to be run by machinery, stable or live~ stable, without the written consent of 50 per cent of the property~ o~ers accor~ng to frontage on such street or alley. Such written ccnsent shall be obtained and filed with the I~ctor oi' Buildin~ before a pe~it is issued, for t~ construction or 2lteration off any buildi~ or place for any off ~e above purp os e s. Provided, that in determini~ whether one-half of ~e buildings on both sides of ~e street are used exclusively for residence purposes, any building frontir& upon another street and loc-ated on a cmrner lot shall be ccnsidered. Whenever a provision is made in this section t~t fronting cogent s~ll be obtained for the erection, cons t~cti on, alteration, enlargement or maintenance II 806 bounding the square which lies between the two nearest intersecting streets, one on either side of tbs point at which s~ch building or structure is to be erected, constructed, altered, enlarged or maintained, un~ess it shall be otherwise specifi- cally provided. No excavation shall be commenced, no wall, structure, building, or part therefo, shall be built or constructed, nor shall the heating apparatus, gas fitting, automatic sprinkler equipment or elevator work of any building or structur, be constructed, installed or altered, nor shall any building be moved, nor any sign erected, except in accordance wi th the provisions of this Code, nor until a permit ~s been issued by the Department of Buildings. Provided, however, that the provisions of this Section sb~ll not apply to that portion of the City of Roanoke described as the "Business District" in an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 19th day of January, 1923, and entitled "An Ordinance to divide the Ci~f of Roanoke into districts for the purpose of regulating the use of land and of buildings and other structures and the height thereof, ~md to establish building lines and to regulate and restric~ the construction and location of buildings and other structures." 3md, pro'fided, further ttmt no gas reservoir, packing house, rendering plant, soap factory, creamery, blacksmith shop, foundry, machine shop, stable or livery stable, shall be located, built, constructed or m~int~ined within the boundaries of the "Business District" as defined by ordinauce hereinbefore referred to, except by permit of the Council of the City of Roanoke first obtained. IN TPE COUi[CIL POE TPiL" CITY The f~ist daj off Ceptember, 19'25. No. 1274. A i~SOLUTI01.~ authorizing the City ~,ian'a~er to co~mtruct a sidewalk on the West side of Carolina Avenue to accommodate the l:r ~ .... y of R L. ~ush and Son. Bi:: IT RESOL'~'%D b;;' the Council of the Cit.~ of i~oamoke ti:at the City I.:a~ger be, and he is hereby, autho~zed to con~tz~tct or cause to be constzmcted aidevfa!k on the 'Jest side off Carolina ~.ve~x~e, ~outh lqo~oke, to acconm~odate the property of R. L. Rush a~d Son, known as Lots 17, 18, 19 and~0° Section 27, Cz~sta Spring Land Co. But before proceedi.~7 to constz~ct said sidewalk the said il. L. and Son shegl pay into the Cit~' Treasury the i~tll cost thereof, +',~neo-- to be reimbursed one-half of such cost at so:L~, future time. The o~st day of oep~e.~bc~, 1920 I[o. 127 5. A ~I=~J0LUTI01,~ authorizing7 tke z,oano~e ii~ilway and Electric COml~ny to install a 250 candle power street li~.t. ~EE IT PTi2OL'~iD by tke 0ouncil of thc 0ity of i~oanoke that the Roanoke o~ candle power street iic~at at the corner of Carroll Ave~ue an~ i~th Street Wl~,e said li~kt to ]m maintaineS unde~ ~_c provis~ ~,'~ the contr~ct between the City of !{oanoke a~'~ the i{oanoke :~.~i,., ~y and ~lectric ~o:.~.,~y'~-~. Ii~ T?2i COUi?CIL ?0!! Tt{£ CIiY OJ' i{OAi~Oi~, ViEGIULi, T~e 21st day of September, !9.~o. IIo. 1276. ,~ ]{LSOLUWION directinz certain pa~vaent~ to the Tree, surer o£ t]~ School ....~= IT i-d. SOLYLD '~',,~. the Council of the City of lom'xoi:e "o~,~t' the City Clerk a~2~ ~uc~tor c~ra~ warrants to the Treasurer off the School ~nd as ~oliows: o ..... occ'~ to tke ~:,:tr~o rdi-~%tr ~. gcco~o o ~ ~clqool~ (2) 050,000.00 for maintenance to be clz~r~jed to tke ordinary account of schools. The~°~,'~ d~,~.~'~' of 2e',Zember 1925 t~o. 1277. ;, ;~,~OLUTI to authorize the City Lan~e~ to commer~ee tke woy~ o~ widenir~ Campbell Avenue. ,h~:=.~, certain property lyi~ on the IIortl~ side o~ C~t~pbell Avenue between or~, a:id 4tk fitreets nas been acquired for $_e i->urn:ese cf '~.deninfj said C~iol. ell ~vcnue, and o~er property ovmers have a~jreed to deed to the City of i{canoke a striT six feet wide off of ti~ir pro?erty for ~id pure, ese, the delivery of said deeds beiz¥:: keid up on account of the delay in , ~',~ ~ -: . · :z. zu.~u~, ~L I :~.~0~,,~D bz ~zze Co~o~ i of the City of i/cc-mc, kc that delivery of tke deeds to the l:ro?erty v/nich has nor already beeli ~tcr?ired, ~e City ~.,~,:a is koz~a and directed to co~mmnce tke widenJ, n~_ of Cam~bel!, Avenue bet'~een thc first alley ~Jest of Grd Street ~md 4th [~treet S. J. om& synal! fini~ the wideni~ oetween saml ~zlej and ~rd . o~zeet when l~ossession is delivered to the piece of i. mnd acc~j~ired from the Blue [~idge I~vestment Comy~ny. · ~.~, ~ u,..z~CI~ _ ~ !':.0;2701~, Viz. ~'>~ ,:~l.,t lay ofoey° tember, lSCo. No. 1278. A ~]i~SOLUTIOU to~ra~- ~*o ~'-' ~e~it to C. ~". ]~lanl:el~shis, to construct sheds at llf~ l[iri: Avenue, S. E. ]];Z I2 ]~20LVED by the Council of tke City of zioa'loke '~at a iermit be, and the same is here .... ~ ~ . ,~g granted C. m BlarJ:enship to construct a ~ed ct:eh o~ ~I sides erected o~ posts 5 by 8 and covered b~ corrugated iron roof. ,~a~'~ shed to be 308 shall be constructed according to the good liking arid satisfaction of thc Building Inspector and ri~y be maintained until it is ordered re~'aoved by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke or its duly autho-~ized offficer. Ii! THE COUUCIL POE TP21 CITY The ~4th Ray of Se?tember, 19g5. No. 1279. A ~SOLUTION gr~ti~ a pcm.~it to Du~ield W. I,[atson to construct cross-overs on Dale Avenue and 4th Street S., BE IT RES0~5I'ZD by the Coun~l off ~e City off Ro~oke that a t:ermit be, and the sa~ is hereby granted to D~'ffield '~. l~atson to construct cross-overs on Dale Avenue 5. E. and 4th Street 2. E. into his lot at the Northeast corner off Dale Avenue and 4th Street S. E. Thc cross-overs %o be at such ~:oints'as shall be desi~,~ed by the City '~ ~'~ ~,~?e~, and ~1 be const~_cted accordi~ to his good liking a~d s at i sfacti on. The said Duffield W. ~Iatson by acti~ under this resolution agrees in~e~ify and save ]~less t]~ City o~ Ro~oke from all claimers for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction ~d maintena~ce o~ said cross-ove~ Iii TEL COULoIL F01i TIlL CITY O',~ ROAN0t~, VIRGIi~IA T~e g4th day of Septer~b~:~r, 19gO. No. 1280. A ~SOLL~I011 gr~ti~ a t~er~it to the Chesal~eake and i~oto~c Telephone Com~n~ to excavate under the alley lyi~ betwee~ its buil~r~ and the Hi~ School property. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Co~l of the City of ~o~oke that g pel~it be, and the same i©~ hereby ~r~.,ted the Che~apeai:e and i~otomac Telephone ~oml.~~~ ~' ..... to excavate a ~?ace six ~6) feet by eightee~ [18) feet six [6) i~chcs u~der the ~ley lyi~ between the buil~ of the Chesap~ke ~d Poto~,~c Telephone Co~.~l:~any and the n~gn School Buildi~. ~'he said Coml~ny si~li cover said excavation v~th a reinforced concrete s~b of sufficient strength to carry any load which may be placed thereon. ~Le said Cora?any zs pe~itted to use thc space excavated ~uutil such time as it is necessary for the purposes off the City off i~oanoke. The const~ction of the covering over the space e~cavated shall be accordin~ to the good lit:ina ~d satisfaction off the Dui!~n~ Inspector and under his suite rvis ion. IZ Ti~ COUITCI- 20i< Tii. CITY UP P. CAN01~, VI:.~ui~,L~, The o~+>. day off September, 1925 No. 1281. A P~SOLUTION grantin~ a p.e~7~it to the Noanoke Oas Light Comp~my to install ~- tn~ a pen-::it be a~i :m~OL~ED by the Co~il off the Cloy , the ~ame is hereby Sr~nteR to install certain gas r:mins as follows: [1) 0n Ro~oke ~venue, .inner 101D, for a distance off 60~ fleet, a 4-inch (2] Ja~.taette Avenue from 6th Street 100 feet ';;lest a 4-inch main. (';)~ 0ran[;e Avenue ~rcm 15th 'troet~ 200 feet ~ast ~ ~ 4-inch ~'~'~ The sail Roanoke Gas~z~z~ ~ ''= ~ ~ Company by ~cti~ under this resolution ....~rees to inde~mify ~,~ save ]x-:.rr:Aess the Cit~, of Roanok6 ~-' ~ , i ..... o~ property ~,~:' rea'son of $_0 "~ fl <,.~s,c.. s to ~ep~:ue ~c: streets un.Jar thc provisions of thc General Cz'~nce~ of th~ City of Ro~ol:e provi,lin~ for street IIi :=.~ COUI~CIL 3'0!'1 T::~, ~!= z C.~. R0;.1F01Z, rZ;'e 20~'' '.l~,l; '~ S ~:~ .. c.~ epte er, 192S ~,o. 1282. ;~ ~=.~w~u.z~vu, al,.tzlor~.:zilln the Ci~-', oonsur~utbd, ce~ua.~:q sictewa~:~ to aooo~u'.~o,%~uo ~Lo prol:ort~.' of ~ ~:~:'.. iW i-:E~0L-~D by the Council c~'° tke Cit~:' of i-{o~loko ....... :~au the City [[a]l~[~cr 1,6, .'~.~ he is hereby atttho~zed u.o construct, or cause to Lo sidewall:s to a,::co~',ut:o:i~te ~; proleru~ of D. r. Davis :~s fcilovzs: 1. 0n tho East side of Nickiieu Avenue be .... ~,een 1st .~',d ~nd Streets. o 0n tke "'~'"~ . ~'~- . .~. ~, side of Richiieu ~venue i~tween 3nd and 5r,'t ~ureets But beffove proceedin~ with the cons~,~ution off s~d. .... ~c~e,,:~l~..~~"' ...... '-~ ...... ~e s~,'id D r.~._ Davis o..~ll, paL.' into ~-' - Ci--- Truao,iz~. t~,e ~11 ........ .. zco~, he to Lc: reimb~Lrsed one- '~'~ ~ ~' ' some ~l~t l~ e z.c~i~ ~6. O~ cost ~:t ~ .... IN 1151 COUi[CIL 2Oil ~' :: T_~ (,: :~0~,i 0~.., '~ 28t ~ . ~ of Sci}toPS)or, ir No. lg55. f.T;.., 0i:DiiTAiiCE. to prehibit ¢..*'~rlzin~i automobiles or o~er vehicles on Ckurch Avenue bot;,~ocn Seoon& "': ' + ane 'Shird Streets S. ',¢. oe~ween cert~',in hoers. Bil t2 bz~i!ED by tho Co~il of the City o f o~t it shall be unlawful for any person, fin~ or corporation t,c park or stand any autonobiie or other vehicle on Oilnrch Avenue l)etween Second and Third Streets. Zou~S!'?~est, between the ......... ,' ~ ' i ~ ;~hrs of 8 o'c!oc~: ~. ~ .... ~n{~ %:~00 oloo]i 2. .. on a}~>' daN e%ce}~t SundaN. ~knN person zmrm or corporation vio!r~.~n:S ~,~e irovisions of t i'~s oriinazlce shall be fined not loss thf~l ,,a x ~ - .~a.o0 nor more tks. n 4}10.00 mop each offe~se. Ticks o~d~:~n~,e ~s~tl be in force from ~ts 310 IU 'i~HE COUUCI~ F01i TKL CITY 0F ~,v~)"~."~'~"~, VIi~GI ilIA, The Gth day of October, No. 1285. A :~,~0LL~I01~ grating a permit to ',t. C n~bg~nbotham to cormect automobile wash pit to the s~itary sewer. BE IT RESOL~ by ti~ Cou~it of the City of Ro~ol:e that a pe~it be, and the same is hereby ..... ~ . ~.an~ed W. C Higginbotham to comtect his automobile wash pit sitt~ted on Church Avenue between ist and End Streets to the sanitary sewer. The com:ection to said sewer to be n~de under the supervision and accordi~ to ~e ~oo& ~&k&~ a~8 s&~2s~c~on off ~he ~%&~n~ b~ ~o%~ u~der ~h&s reso~u%~o~ &~eo8 %o o~¢~oe~, · ~::~ COUNCIL ~l:: Tt~. CiTY OP ~-,0~,0i21, VIi::GINIA, The ot~ ga~, October, 1925 No. 1286. A !~SOLUTION authorizi~ the Ro~oke i~ailv~.y and Electric Company to install a 250 candle power street li~t. BE IT i~LSOL~fED by the Council of the uity of Ro~ol,:e t~t the R~noi:e Railway and Electric Company be, ~md it is hereby authorized to place a 250 candle power street light on the corner of Chapman Avenue and 15th Street. Said li~t to be maintained under the provisions of ~e contract existing between the Ci~- of Ro~ol:e and the Roanot:e !~ailway and Electric Coral:any. III T!~ COUUCTL :~0:? TIi~ CITY 02 '~,~r ..... The 5th day of October, 1923. No. 1287. A Y:E:~0LUTIOI[ to approve the accounts and cla~,~:m against the Cit-; of Roanoke for the month of Se?te.us, er, 192o, and directi~zg the payment of the s~me. BE IT :,~,~v,,'?ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims a~air~t the City for the month off September, 1920, be, and the s~m~e are hereby approved ~.~d ordered paid as follows: City ! ...... a~e r Eng ineeriz~ Dept. City Cie rk CRty Treasurer Legal Depar tmc nt Judges Salaries Court Officers & ~,ense Assessment of Tax Col].e etlon of Tax Ci ~- Hall Elections Stationer~? & i'rJntir~ Counc i 1 Col' Ol~O r A!mshous e ~tside ?ocr Hos?it als 0r gani z e d Char it ie s Insane Jai 1 784.21 771.90 646.55 152.67 220.00 4018.55 12 88.53 521.95 469.45 1558 .lS 6.10 25.00 455 46.00 570.27 112.50 505.00 23 5.85 122 .!8 811 Pire Dept. Fire ![ydrant Rental 2treet Ligi,.t in:? Pail ,.ii n~7 Inspe c ~on ]~ilitary L Armories %uarantine & ~eteht~on ~rcct Cieaning Garbage Removal Sevfc r Ik~intepz~nce Strcet Repairs 5ridge Crn ~ze r Oity ~tables Special Zervices Aiio"~nces [ Gifts Danm:~es L Costs ?7orkmen's Compensati Schools 2arks Library LD ~rke t Iht e :e s t ~cc cunt s i~aA'able Armex I~i9 2e',Ie r Con~: tr:~ction 0t,,,eziir~z & r .... ~_ St Sidewalk Con ~trnc ti on Schools 8 , 675.47 1,4o8.75 o 045.16 466.85 6~. O0 i00.00 21'). '-)9 1,66°.07. 1,~16.65 2,803.34 886.90 4,424.88 1,004.82 1,646.26 1,664.58 2.50 500.00 56.75 55.00 797 .!J 60,000. O0 551.08 1,483.02 n ~25.08 5,257.50 V22.00 10 ,_0.4 0 · 27 1,492.82 G, 955.95 722.42 9.25 9'55.45 60,000.00 · ~ .... ,~Z84.48 67,165.87 189,948.S0 Tke uth day of October, l~,~S. No. 1288. A i~ZOLUTI{i} to awerd the c ontr~ct for .~ . ~h,s con;3trnotiorl of a sewer to ='~" I2 RZ;:',OL'~iD by the Co'~ucil cz ~e Citj o = ~,ca:oke construct]on ~' ~o~.. on si D~ a se,'e~. to accom:~r ,.1ate. the t~ro!:c ..... Loth 'de~ ,_~,~ r~,, Avenue from 9th to 7th Streets, and on tke South si6e of ~:LrraZ'"'- :=venue for 450 fuet 'Jest of 7th Street, an& on t},c ..... I[orth side of "ontro~e =.venue from 9tX ~tre.:-t ~' ~ :/eut for 1100 feet ~nd on t~c ':/est side of ~,~1 ou iltk Street ('. i. ...... '~'-~, ' ~venue ~or ~00 feet East an:l ,~e~t of !l~a ~treet be, and %k~ s~mc is hereby a. war&ed to Cr::>uez.u an& refers ~.~ ~,660.!1, emd tke Ci~Z Solicitor is directe& to r, rei.,are tke ~c!:cr co~rac~ bo:ad to Lee..,,.u~,~d by thc Peters before ' ~ ' ' s~' I!.T ~''= ::.'=' "~O,U:'~",,I~-. ~':'C':, %'ill CI'~' ' .... ~ 0= '~ kO;iif011E, VINGIi[L~, Whe Jth ,lay off October, 192S. ~o. i,.C~. :~ ::~,,~o~,.,'.~u=~ aut]ioriziti~ tko City Ik~.ger to conutr~ict, or ca~::c to be corm~tructed, a se :or on 0tterview ~,vemie to acco~::io,A~te oerl;~i?~ !'ro]'ertCes. 3:: iT i-il:JOLVLD by the dotmcil of the "' of A. C. Hopwood, Jos. D. Dominici and ~i. L. ]~alconer, but be£ore proceedi~-~ :,:,ith the constr~mtio~ o£ the sewer, the ]~rol~erty ow~mrs shall pay i~to the C~t~ ~reas~ry one-ha!£ of the cost off said sev,'er. IN THE 00UNO IL POE THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 12th day of October, 192~. No. 1290. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the City of Roanoke that appropriations to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the following amount s: In~ ails Buildi ng Inspector ¢pe cl al Servi cos Allowances & Gifts Damages & ~osts 122.18 55.01 2.50 500.00 ,66.75 and the 0ity Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as is necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this resolution~. IN THE COUNCIL PGE THE 0ITY OP ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 12th day of October, 192~. No. 1291. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of SA0,000.00 on account of school buildi ngs. BE IT RESOLYED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that the City ¢lerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the mum of $~0,000.00 parable ~o the Treasurer of the School ~ on account of s(~hool buildings. Ssi d amount when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary accou~ o~ schools. IN THE COUNCIL POR THE CITY OP' ROAIIOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 192~. No. 129A. A RESOLUTION granting a pez~nit to the Roauoke Water Works Company to install certatn water mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works Company to install a 12-inch water main in Pranklin Road from Jefferson Street to Second Street S. W. and on Tazewell Avenue from a point ~0 feet East of Jefferson Street to the ~lest property line on Jefferson Street. The said Roanoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Cit~- of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction general ordinances providing for street restoration. IN THE COUNCIL P0R TtJ3Z CITY (MP i~ANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 1923. No. 1295. A i~ZSOLUTION directing the City Manager te. construct a sewer to accommo- date the property of B. A. Goria on the West side of 1st Street S. E. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of B. A. Goria lying on the ~est side of 1st Street S. E. between Albemarle and Marion Avenues, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, said B. A. Goria shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL POR THE C/~Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 1923. No. 1296. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk to accommodate the property of J. S. Sherertz on Sherwood Avenue, Annex 1919. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~ianager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk to accommodate the property of J. S. Sherertz on the V~est side of' Sherwood Avenue, but before proceeding with the construction of sidewalk said J. S. Sherertz shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL ~R THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 1923. No. 129~. A RESOLUTION a~tho~izing the City ~anager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a mewer to accommodate the property on Howbert Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets, Annex 1919. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be c~structed, a sewer to accommodate the property on Howbert Avenue between 2nd and 3rd Streets, Annex 1919, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, the property owners abutting thereon shall pay into the City Treasury one-half of the cost the reof. 314 IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~HE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 19S5. No. 1298. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Nanager to construct, or cause to be constructed, certain sewer. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ¢i~ Mar~ger be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed; a sewer on ?th Street between ~adi son and I.~cDowell Avenue N. W. and on I~tcDowell I Avenue for a distance of 90 feet West of ?th Street, but before proceeding with ~ the construction of said sewer, the property owners abutting thereon shall pay into the City Treasury the fall cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN THE COUNCIL POR THE CITY 0F iqflANOL., VIRGINIA The 19t$ day of October, No. 1299. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~ity ~Manager to prepare plans and an estimate of the cost for widening Jefferson Street on the East side along Elmwood Park. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council to widen Jefferson Street on the East side thereof along Elmwood Park and for such purpose to take off of the Elmwood Park property a strip of land, and WHEREAS, the ~tdening of Jefferson Street will be of material benefit to the public. TP~REPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Gity of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized te prepare plans and an estimat~ of the cost for widening Jefferson Street ten feet along the East side basing such estimate on taking off of the property of Elmwood Park a strip of land ten feet wide, end the City Manager is directed to report his findings to Council. IN THE COUNCIL F0E THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 1925. No. 15 00. A Pd~SOLUTION to award the contract for ~deniDg Campbell Avenue to Campb:ell and Peters. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Eosnoke that the contract for-widening Campbell Avenue and the constructing of concrete sidewalk, brick paving and sranite curb on the North side of said Campbell Avenue from the first alley West of 5rd Street to &th Street, S. W., be and the same is hereby awarded Campbell and Peters at the ~m of $~,~2.?~. The work to be constructed in accordance v~ith the plans a~l specifications and proposal submitted with said bid, and the City Solicitor is directed to draw the contract and bond to be sewers. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R TV~E CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 1923. No. 1301. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City l~fanager to construct certain BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct a sewer to accommodate the property of R. L. Rush and Son known as Lot 8, Section 4, Eureka,and S. T. Thrasher known as Lot ? Section 4, Eureka Land Company, but before proceeding with the construction of such sewer, the property owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. 1N THE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY OF i~0ANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 19th day of October, 1923. No. 1302. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct a sewer to accormmodate the property of S. E. Mason kno~Tn as Lot 8 Section 63 !.ielrose Land Company. BE IT ~tESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct,or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of S. R. Mason known as Lot 8 Section 63 Melrose Land Company's Map. But before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, the said S. R. Mason shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time, IN t~qE COUI~CiL FOR 'i~E CITY OP ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, T~e 19th day of October, 1923. No. 1~03. A ~ESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property on the South side of 0tterview Avenue 200 feet ~ast of Winborn Street. BE IT ~EBOLYED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that the ~ity Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accon~modate the property on the South side of Otterview Avenue 200 feet East of ¥~inborn Str(~et, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer the property owners shall pay into the Cil~y Treasury one-half of the co~t the re of. II,I THE COUNCIL B~0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIi~IA, The 19th day of October, 192S. No. 1304. A ~'qESOLUTION granting a permit to Dr. J. B. ¢laytor to construct 816 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roano~ that a permit Be, and the same is hereby granted Dr. J. B. Claytor to constract cross-overs as follows: One on Gilmer Avenue East of Gainsboro Road and the other on Gainsboro Road North of Gilmer Avenue. Such cross-~wers to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the City Manager and in accordance with specifications to be furnished by him. The said Dr. J. B. ~laytor by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the constraction and maintenance of said cross-overs. 117 TIE~ COUNCIL .~-~0R iPiE CITY OF R0~R~ot:E, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of October, 192Z. No. 1305. A ~ESOLUTION directing the Ci%~ Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant payable to the American Legion for the sum of $150.00. BE IT [4ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $150.00 payable to the American Legion to assist in defraying the expenses of the celebration of Armistice Day. The said amount when paid ~all be charged to the account of allowances and gifts. 117 T}~. COLrltC!L FOR THE CITY OF itOAI}OKE, VIRGI!IIA, The 26th day of October, 1925. No. 1SO6. A PJ~SOLUTI0I'I granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas LigJat Com~,any to install certain gas n~ins. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a pad, nit be. amxl the same is hereby' granted the Roanoke Gas Light Corn?any to install gas mains as follows: [1) Hampton Avenue and Ghent Boulevard. On Hampton Avenue a distance of ~5 feet and on Ghent Boulevard a distance o,~ 160 feet, a 4-inch main. (2) Alley between Elm and I~,iountain Avenues ¥fest of Jefferson Street for a distance of 150 feet a 2-inch main. (3) Alley between Greenwood and Arlington iioad 50 feet North of Shirley Avenue a dictar, ce of 250 feet. The Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resoluti on agrees to indenmify and save harmless the Cit~' of Roo~o~e from a~! claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the const~mctim'~ and maintenance of~ s~id gas main, and further agrees to repla.-~.ce tb.e streets where t}D same are torn up under the provisions of the general ordinarmes provi.:hing for street restoration. Ill T!2 COUITCIL F©2 Tt~ CITY C? i<0AItOi~, Vi?.]Ii?~ , The 26th da7 of October, 1925, No. 1307. .i P2~'OLUTI0i~ authcri~n~ thc, !{o~o]:e Rail~.,~ay and Electric Company to i~tall a ~o0 C. i: light at the corner of Otterview Lvenue and Dunmore Street, Ghent. BE iT ELJoL%LD by the Council of the Ci%' of Roanohe that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Co:.~ya~zy be, a~d it is hereby directed to install a 250 C. street light at the ocr?]er of Ottervie~,~; Lvenue and Du~m~ore Street, Ghent. The s~id li~ot to be raai~tained under the pro%dsions of the contract existing bct:veen the City of Roanoke and the Roanohe i{aii'.~'ay and Electric Corny. shy. 317 Ii.~ T}=~ C0u,:,,~=~ : :~ =~ CITY O? ;:~Ofd~01~, ViEGilTIA, The 26th day off October, ..... No. 1508'. ~ "~e .~s 5!, 59 ~_~ 0!zDIiiilTCE to ~. ~nd and re-ordain Sectio~ , 119, 170, 181, 182 and 24~ of an m~dirmnce adopted by the cocci! ~ ~ of ~{canoLe on ~.ne 26th day of August, 1922, entitled, "An 0rdi~nce to regulate bui!,~ngs in the City of 3E IT ~D~I:,~Dm~' ~y the Council of the City of .~io~mohe tbmt Zections ~1, 59, 149, 170, 181, 182 and 242 of an ordiz~nce ado~zted by the Codicil of t~ City of Ro .... ~ ~oo entitled "An Ordinance to re.late ~o~. on the 26th day of August, ~,~, buil~nEs in the City of Roanohe" be ame~%ded and re-ordained so as to read as .~o3 lows: Sec 51 m . . =~u the term "~ire-proof Buiidi~'~gs" shall ap~,l~:' to all buil~m~.~_~ i~.. v~aich the principal parts are made of incombustible materials, but fire-proofed wood shall not be considered incombustible. In all build~ings the walls, floors, roofs, furrir~, ceiling, stairs and elevator inclosures, excepting only the finish of the ~oors, s~m~ll be .~e entirely of incombustible material, and all structural members of metal sl~ll be protected from fire by a covering the m~.terial of ~/nich shall be entirely incombustible, not injuriously affected by water, and a slow conductor of heat. The te~ "Slow-burni~ Buil~ng" or "Composite Bui!~n~" sha~ apply to all buil?d~s in ~'%~ich the exterior walls are made entirely of brick, stone concrete and roof coverings m~e of incombustible material, v~th door, windows and frames of wood, but with the interior walls of brick, or ~vith columns and girders r~de o~' fireproofed iroa or steel, wooden beams, joints and ceilin~ furred with fire-proof material, ~d all concealed~ s]'~.ces fire stopped, t~nd all subdivisions made wi~ incombustible ?artitions, or, if the ~oor and roof system are composed of neavj timbers and pl~n~, with no concea!ed air spaces. The term "!ii!l Construction" ~aail at, ply to buildings ~;ithout hollow or concealed spaces, havi~ brick walls not less than lg inches ~:n thickness for ~e top story, sad increasing in thickness accordi~ to Sections ~ and 5~ inclusive, of this Code; roofs to be three-inch splined or tonic and Kroove planking s~iked 318 with metal or other approved incombustible roof covering. The floors to be solid, without openings, constructed of not less than 5-inch splined or tongue and groove planking, covered with one-inch top floor laid crosswise or diagonally, properly nailed, one-inch space around all walls and colunms to be provided to take care of expansion of floor surfacing. Between top flooring and the planking shall be placed not less than two thicknesses of water- proof material carefully laid to break joints, and flashed at least eight inches around all walls, posts or columns and openings with mouldir~gs or mop boards. This water-proofing to be completed after plumbers, electricians, etc., have done their v~rk. Water-tight curbs at least eight inches hi~ are required as additional precautions at each floor about pipes, etc., ':&~ich pass through the floors. Scuppers shall be rlaced ~o that each 500 square foot floor area shall have at least one sta~dard scupper. Such scuppers shall be made of cast iron, the floor opening_ at floor level to be fo~r inches high by twelve inches wide pitching down to a four-inch square opening with an iron flap cover at the outside wall line!~ Floors to be sufficiently inclined so as to be self draining, Size and spacing of floor timbers shall be suitable for the load to be carried but the timbers shall in no case be less than eight inches in the least dir~ension, and s~ll rest on top of girders or on iron or steel plates in the walls. Girders shall rest on iron corbels and on iron or steel caps on columns, so arranged as to be self-releasing. All columns and posts shall rest on pintles, and the size and spacing thereof be suitable for the load to be carried, but no column or post shall be less than eight inches in the least dimensions. Columns, girders, and beams, if o£ wood, shall be of solid material, and if ~ron or steel, shall be protected as called for in sections 14~, 148 and 149 of this Code. All elevators, stairs, shaftin~s~ and vents piercing floors shall be enclosed in towers or shafts having brick walls not less than 1~ inches in thickness or reinforced concrete walls not less than eight inches in thickness, and all openings therein shall be protected by approved auto- rustic self-closing fire doors. The term "Ord_irary '~la~onry Buildings" shall apply to all buildings which the bearing walls aremade of brick, stone or concrete, and tl~ floors and roofs are made of ordinary v~od construction. The term "Frame Building" sluill apply to all buildi~lgs the exterior walls or any part of '~'$.ich are censtructed of ',~od. Wood buildings sheathed with boards and covered vdth four inches of' brick, stone, concrete blocks or terra cotta and v~od frames covered with n~ tal or lathed and plastered on the outside shall be classed as frame buildings. "?rivate Dwellings" shall be taken to meaz~ and include all buildings which shall be intended, designed or used as a home or residence, no part of which structure is used as a store or for any business pu~:.oae. An "AD~artment House" shall be t'aken to mean and include every building which shall be intended, designed or used as the home of three or more families or households iivin~ independently of eahh other. Buildings the first floors or ii basement of wkich are used as stores and the u!?er floors for mleeping rooms, shall[ be classed as apartment houses or "Plats". {i Tho term "Tenement" shall apply to eve~: house building or portion ,[ ~ thor residence of lnore than two families !i. viaj independently o~ one ano and doing their cooking on the premises, or by more than two famil~s on a f~cor so living or cooking, but ~vi~ a common rigkt in the ~a~ts, ~+~ .... ~'- .....yards water cle~e-~, p~l~,s,-~' -~ = or some of ~m. cm. The term "Hotel" shall apply to every building or p~zt ~Zereo~ used e .... ~ or ~u. ests, and havi~ a pukiic dinir~g ~.~-~--~e ~oed or shelter to rased room or cafe, or ~oth, and containing moro than ~]fteen sleer:i~g rooms. Tko term "Office Bui!di~g" sh~il apply to every buildin~ which shall be divided into rooms an~t used for business put! oses, no part of u~ic]~ shall be used for livi~r ~urposes, except.~ onlu the room for t~c ~, ~tor aha hie The term ";/are Hmtse" shall apl)l;; to eve~ l..~ti~n~.~ or !:art thereof solely for the sale or storage ~' mercb~t~e. "Incombustible '~,'+~;,'~" ~,~'ken reffcrred to as a structv~ral materia.~ means ~riel:, stone, slate, terra cotta, con~rete, wi~e-~°. ~s one-,~.,~..+~er (~) i~:.cb tkick, iron, steel, ~= skeet n.eta~, t~nd heavy asbestos,~.~.'~-~d ..~r-;eral woe]., w>e , ..... ~sed alone or 'i~: comb.!r.,atic~n udtk each other. ~,=~ 5u~ose of t;'ia ordinance, a carad'e shall ~e cc.~,.,R~cted a ~uild:hag o s~:m portion of a building in '.,,~cn.. ~s ,_e.~t for s ~oc, rent, contai~ir~g a volatile inflammable liquid for fuel or power. iublic ~:-'~.,.a~aot~s ..... ~r~ ~pr,-.;~c~._ wLere~n' fouz-~ or more automc.i, iles or other motor vehicle~ are stored for kite, or suck vehicles are repaired or wherein space fcr +>.e ~:~et:in~z c.f '~c.. ~'~,;" ' · - - Yrivate Oara~res are~a~r~,es:~ ~ used '~:c~ .ue"~'~,-o~'~°, firms or eorporatie~ for the stora~.te of their iz~dJvi~u.al vehicles m~d vekic!es own~:d f~nd '~ ~,.~e~ in the co~d~.c~, tkeir t,usi~'ess B~,'" ~>'~e term ""~',*~~.,,~ i',,flammaLic., ii~lUid" is me~t an~, liquid that will emit inft~mmabie vapor at a temperature belova~ !00 degrees Fahrer~eit when tested in tko o>~n air. ~:.o~e ia a bui!dir~ used or ~nte~ded for use %y m-i organizatior~ or society for mutual entertainment or recreation. ',~z:er: suck l}ui. id'~.,~' contah~ ~'~ ~zztecn (15) o more rooms foF s!eepillS purl';oses, they shall be c~2ssea as hotels:, aua when suck bui!~nGs contain assembly halls ~,e~t.~e two hun.~'ed {200) or more, they si~ll be classed as as~e,.~iy halls. When the seatip~ capacity in such autli'tcrium exceeds five hundred (500) ~d has a y, e~man~.,~,- e~t ~so~c'~,-~ in e:rcess of twenty (g0) fcct in aepth, and having ~y galleries and rij:iir~g lofts, such portions of the buiiting containin~ the asser~iy hall shall meet the re,,uire~e~ts for theaters. ~ ..... ,i i.u the ~:receding Sec. 59. ~t~,~. tlm wails off every buildir~ re~e~e~ to . section during the erection or alteration tkereof sklil be strongly braced from the bea;~ o~ each story, and wken requzre,a, ~.~all alao be Zraced from the outs~de '* ' -_l~.zer roof m~,~il the buL.~din~: in -'~ ~ - . Sec. 149. T~_u~ ~e ~ire limits for the cit~, of Roanoke sh~l be as fe!_ow~. ~1! ti~t Dortion of the City of Roanoke emi;raced in the described li::.its shall Ze k~x,w~ as gesignated as the fo!!owi:~kq fire districts, viz: 319 820 thence West on Elm Ave., to 5th Street, S. ~,'I , therice North on 5th ct. to Gilmer Ave., Il. W., thence ~T'~°+ on Ci~mer Ave. to 2nd St., N. W., therme North on 2nd St. to Patton Ave., N. W., thence East on Patton Ave. to Third Street,'N. n., thencie South on Third Street to Shenandoah Ave., N. E., thenc-e in a direct line from Shenandoah Ave., N.~., ~ to intersection at Church Ave. and Z~- Street, S. E., thence South on 3~- St. to Tazewell Ave., S. Z., thence Ea~t on Tazewell Ave., to 4th Street, S. E., thence South on 4th Street to Elm Ave., S. E., thence West on Elm Ave. to Jefferson St. the place of begi?ming. SIi COI~D ZONE. T?~t all builtings hereafter ~rected '~ithin the boundaries between the fire district, first zone and the fire district second zone, to be used for any other purpose than for residence or dwellir~..s, shall be erected to conform to thim Co~[e as provide~ for str~ctures and buildings to be erected in the fire district, first zor~, No non-fire-proof building or structure now erected in the fire district, second zone, sb~ll be altered, remodeled or moved from outside of fire district into fire district, second zone, for any otb. er purpose than for residences~ or dwellir~Es. Private metal clad, stucco and brick cased garages ~dll be p~rmitted i for three (~) cars, for a residence, and to be located a's provided in Section 18£ 'ii of this Code. ~ Beginning at the intersection of Jefferson SSreet and Roanoke River, S. W., thence West on the North side of Roanoke River to Pranklin Road, thence North on ~ranklin Road to Highland Ave., S. ~'7., thence West on I!ighland Ave. to 2erdinand Avenue, 2. ~7., thence Northwest on 2erdi~mnd Avenue to 10th Street, S. ?~'.!; thence North on 10th Street to Norfolk Avenue, S. U., thence East on Norfolk Avenuei ~. W., to the lOth Street Bridge, thence North on 10th Street t'~' Pairfax Avenue, [ N. W., thence East on Pairfax Avenue to Gainsboro Read, II. ~.~., thence South on Gainsboro Road to Patton Avenue, II. W., thence East on Patton Avenue to 6th Street, N ~' thence South on 6th .~treet I1. '~' I ~ , a straight line to the intersection of Norfoth Avenue and 0th Street, S. E., thence ~outh or. 8th Street, S. ~., to Hlgh]an~ Avenue, thence Westward on tiighland Avenue to 6th Street, S. E., thence South on 6th Street to the North side of Roanoke River, thence ~.,;estwar~ on the North side of';: Roanoke River to Jefferson Street, the place of beginning. Sec. 170. T.hat all Tassenger ele'vator cars must be entirely inclo~d from floor to a height of six (6) feet, where proper venti!~.ttion shall be provided, except only thc door etchings. All elevator cars traveling in single enclosed hatchways shall have an emergency exit in the to!~ of canopy arranged so that it ~ay be removed to provide exit for passengers should the car become lodged between landings· ~'fhere cars travel in adjoining hatchways, they shall be provided with emergency exits at the sides adjacent to each other so as to provide for the transfer of passengers from car shall be provided with a sliding door on the inside of the car on each such entrance or exit, and each of such doors s~:all be securely closed before the elevator is put in motion. one car to the other. Every passer, er elevator with more th~-m one entrmqce to en exit from a Opening or closing doors of elevators while the ear is in motion shall be unlawful ~nd shall subject the o'~erator to the ~,e~_ties'~ x' of ~_is orct'ir~aneo.. Carriage and automobile eicvators sh~ll be inclosed or gn~arded as directed by the Inspector of Buildiz~s. The latch fastenings of all passenger elevators mu~t be arranged to o~e rate ~ .~rom the inside of shafts only, ~d doors open from tho outside only by ~se o f a key. The fre~bnt ~nclosure doors ~y be made to hinge or s~de ul~ and dow~-~, or have semi-automatic gates not less than five feet hi~; but where hinged gates are used, there must also be a hinced guard rail inside next to elevator shaft. Ail elevators, except !~!unger elevators end sideva%~ li~ts and vehicle elevators, shall be provided wi~ a~Dyrcved safety devices to the bottom platform, and ~ arra~ged that t~e ~ ~-' ... sa~e~, device vdll gri? the guide from the sides prevent s?readi.~: the ~ides in case any cable should Lreal: or Lecome detached. i:rovided fl~rther t~t all elevators theft are o?erate& flor not more than one story m~.y na~c m~ch safety device attached to the top thereof Elevators ~.ail be ?rovidcd vdt~ a~toma~c sto!-s to bring ~e car to a stol v~thout a jar or jolt at the to~ and bottom. Each E .......... ~ ~- '~ ,~.,.~e~r elevator ear a~,,~ eac~ landing door i~ to be equii:~:ed with an adequa~e~ ~ ~n,.~e~' ~ e~,~e~.' ~ ' ~ automatic iocki~' device which ~d!l t~rev~;,~,.", ~ m:~ door o~ the ~-~,.¢.~, being o?ned unt il ~he car ' -, ,~ ' co,.:]~cte rest vd. th~n three inches above or below ~.e level eT Thc device must !ecl: thc sto!?i~}g and starting mec,.~m,,.m before ~.,c door can be oy:ened, a:'~d ~:ee? it !oc'?ed~.. '-'~.h_~c ~e doo7 ms' ope~': and ~'.~n~il~ it is closed The locl:in~ device on each floor must be independent of t~l other floors and a~._ ~ *',.ne car, so +'~.~,~' the forcible o?e~;ir~c~ of ~t~,~,,~ door or damage *a~_ the loching device of samr~ shall not ' -~ ' - ~ ~erfere 'Tlth ,t ~-z,a' o~er door nor v~th tn.e ~o!'~r orera- lion of thc car. This aPi~lies to exis~ir~ 'fasserzffer elevators and all ]"~:~'--~:,.a,~*:'~"~'"" ~' elevators to i)e instal!ed s.~ter ado?tlon ~.~- ~ +'-~i~i~ oF~i~ioe All existing passer, er elevators erected prior to the ado~ion off thia ordiz:st~ce a~i~ are o]-~-~e~ wi~'~ ~ ....... ~:out a lookin,~ device .,~,.~,11 i-~ve in~tailed ':,~ithin t~veive months a !oci:in;: device to coi~or:: to this Code. v~htout basement. (See Sectioz~ 20 ~.~o,~ rest. ric~'~-,.o~:~s ~.s to !ocat'oz~j The floors of such buildings shall l~e of ecrzc?ote, :n~Z ~" ..... ',~ 1 ]rain ail sides to ~ concrete ~:~,,~..~ r of tv]ice % ': oa]',acit.~, off th~ a::~cq;.:':~t o~ ii~uids Such build2 ng "~ . ~.3.1 i:,e vei';tilate,1 i~ mea~s of ai~ i~lcts :~i:~ f~ct mo~e above the floor, ~;-~ inlets to be ~o+ ~ . ..... - s~ze_ to c}~,~i~e_, the air in the bui[di~t~ ever~, ti:roe "'..~h~'"'es. .... '~uc:.' " ',; ~;~t ~1,~' ' ' -' ~io~ Ali heat~}~Z s]~ll '~e done by hot ' 221 separated %L~ standard fireproof wall. Drying rooms must be fireproof and must be separated from cleaning room by sta:~dard fireproof walls, a~ml both washer and dry rooms to be equipped vAth ~m approved arrangement of ste~ jets at ceilin~ and floor with quick-acti~t ~ever valves outside. 0nly incandescent lights with vapor-~roof globes and keyless sockets willbe permitted; swi~ing li~ts to be protected with wire guards, and all con- troltin~ devices to be placed sub,eot to the ap~roval of the City lect~cal Inspector and to conform to the National Electrical Code. "Before any ~erson, firm or corpo~tion shall be pem~itted to conduct a business of dry cleaning in any buildin~w, such build~n~ sha~ be insiected by th9 Building Inspector ~d the Chief of ~e Fire De]artment and a certificate obtained that in their opinion ~mch buildi~ is a suitable place to conduct ~ch business." Sec 182. No buildin~ here . ~ a~er const~cted in the City of Roanoke withiu the ~re limits ~hall be used for a~a gasoline propelled vehicles unless the same is of fireproof ccn~truction or brick construction. If of brick cor~t~ction the walls shall be not less than i~hes brick or concrete when not. over 12 feet high; If over 12 feet hi2h the walls shall be not le~s than 18 inches. No buildi~ exceedi~ one story in height shall be used as a garage ar for repairing automobiles or gasoline propelled vehicles within the Ci~~ of Ro~oke unless such buildi~ be of fireproof construction, and no building used for gar-~ ao e shall ~ve a basement except one of fireproo~ construction. Said basement ~.all be used only for a boiler room for the p~To~e of heatin~ the buiidi~ and shall not be used for repair shop purposes or storage of automobiles or for stooge of a~ volatile inflam~ble liquid. ~id base, ut ~all not communicate with a~~ !art of the buiI~, all entrances to be from the outside. Where display or stock rooms are in connection with garages they shall be cut off by standard fire walls and all openings properly firestopped. No bui!di~ shall be used as a?ublic garage within the City of Roanoke, unless the ~oor of Yfnich automobiles containing volatile inflammable liquid are stored shall be of concrete. The provisions of this section in regard to height of buil~n~ and absence of basement si~ll not apply to buildings occupied for garage pu~os, es at the time of the passage of ti~s ordinance, but no lease ~ail be re,wed for the occupancy of a buildir~ as a public garage unless said buildi~ ~ets t~ requirements prescribed in ti~s ordi~nce. No public or private ~rage shall be allowed or kept within a~ buildir& used for school, place of assembly or detention, or dwelling, nor s~ll a~~ public or private ~arage, except a fireproof garage, be allowed or Rept within fifty [50) feet of any school, p~ce of assembly, or detention, except as noted below. Nor shall ~y school, place of assembly, place of detention or dwellin~ unless the same be fireproof be built within fifty feet (50) of any public garage unless said garage is fireproof. ~n~ buildi~ erected or remodeled as a garage and occupied in part as an office buildi~, manufacturi~ establi~_ment, warehouse, or store, shall have such parts entirely cut off from the portion used as a garage by unDierced firewalls at least twelve (12) inches thick, and by fireproof floors, and shall be provided with adequate means of exit in~tependent off that use~ for the All gasoline must be drawn from the t~-~nk, by means of an at:!roved suction pump or pumps, which shall ]mve a shut off va]Ye with grotmd key on the nozzle and automatic check valve between t.~m pump an:t the nozzle and a?]~roved foot valve iu the bottom of tank. In no case shall the re be a return or waste I:ipe to the t an)[. hy dram t. No .~..asol~ne pumps or tar~ks s. tmll be placed within 50 feet of a fire No stove, forge, torch, boiler, or other f~zrnace and no flames, fire or fire heat, sl~zll be used or allowed in the garage. Buildings already occuped as garages shall comply with the ~oliov~i~'~ ~les: 1~o gas, candles, oils or other like artificial lights or lighted stove, gas, grate or other open flame devices to be allowed in garage except i~ office; ~' ' ~i I ~.e all d v~z ~een feet of no electric s~:ztc~ or cutout or any any receztac!e or receptacles containing any of the oils or ~l{~ids mentioned in this article. Ail electric dynamos and motors not actually part of the automobile shsll be loc. areal not less tl~,?,n four lc. et above the floor. Ail i~c{mdescent li~ts . shall l}e !:ro?erly er~cased in vapor-tight. See o o. ~-. . ,.4,~ That dynamite, o~ai,t ?o:vder or other pov~erfu! e}:plosives shall not be used inside the city limits in connectio}~ with buildin~l constro~ction or buildi},~ o?era~ions without first o~taining pen.:it from the BuilUn;j Inspector to ' use such e:{y~!osives, and it shall be the duty of the Bui!:Kn~ Ins[,actor to investi- gate carefully the site where the explosives are to l:e used to dete:m:ine the dangers ~risir~ from its use ~md the possibility of weakening buildings, rupturi~ servers, ru!turlng boilers ~md causir~ other damages which ::ight result in loss of life or l'.ro!:erty. If his i~e~,t~,aation developes a possibility- of ~nese ar~sin~ the ?ermit shall ~ot be gra'~:ted. ',~ Ray off October, 1925. No. 1509. Al70RD!Uf2ICE to repeal an or~mnce ado?ted Roan,%:~ on the 9~ gay of F~Bruary, 1923, entit!eR, "An 0rdi~nce to ~..,:enR~:~ ang reorda~.~,~ Clause 1 off 2ectio!~ 1~,'~' off an or~mnce aRo?teR by the Council off the City 0ff Roanoke on ~.~e .~,~:~ ga2 o~ ,~ugust, 1~o°~, e~titi~d, ."An Or:ti~;~ce to :.u~az~ in %he City -... ~,~.~z_.~ by the Cou~:cil off the Oity o f Roanoke that an orRing~ce adopter by the Oouncil off the C -~.~ of Rcanol:e o~ the [~th day off PeLruary, 1925, e~titled, "An 0rRin~mce to ar~,end orRin~m ce ado'~ted >~ the Council ~ ~o~..e o~ t;.~e ~,t;~ day o,f Aa~ast, I:,,..~_, e~utio!ed,~'An 0rdi~mce %e the s:~me ia hereb3r :~ei:ealeR. 324 Ill T!~ CCUI!CIL 20~ THE CITY OP RO~C[OKE, VI!{GIltIA, The ~°6th day of October, 1925. No. 1ZlO. A RESOLUTIOI[ authorizing the City l[anager to construct a sewer to accommodate the property on Greenbrier Avenue from l~th '.~treet East. BE IT EESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke t.hat the City ~,lanager be, -and he is hereby authorized to constract a scv~er to accommodate the property on Greenbrier Avenue from 14th Street East a distance of approx~nately 400 feet, but before proceeding with the construction ~' said se:Ter, the trope rty owners shall pay into ~dae City Treasury one-half of the cost thereof. Ii~ Ti~ COUNCIL FOR Ii~iE CITY CD ROAI~Oi~, V!RGIiILA, The 26th day of October, 19aZ. No. 1511. k ~SOLUTIOiJ grating a ~it to the I~orfolk and ~,Testern Railway Company to construct a fence along the South side of Shenandoah Avenue from a point~ West of Jefferson Street to t~ old freight station of ~e Norfolk & ;Jestern Railroad Co. BE IT ?gSOLVED by the Co.ail of the C~o., of R~oke that a pe~it be, and $.e s~e is ~reby granted the llorfolk &nd Western Rail~ay Comply to construct a fence along ~e South side of Shenandoah Avenue from a point ',Test of Jefferson Street to tke old frei~.t station of tke N~folk ~d 'Jestern Railway Com~n$~. Tke said fence to enclose the sidewalk space ato~ the South side of Sher~ndoah Av~zue, and said Norfolk & Western Railway Company is ]m~itted to use said sidewalk space for its pu~T. oses. The said Norfolk & ~estern [~ilw~- Comp~zy by acting under th~ resolution agrees to remove ~ch fence ~d to replace the street to its original con~tion whenever the City of R~oke desires to use the sl~ce encloeed thereby, and a~rees to indenmify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all cla~s f~. daz~ges to persons or property by reason of the c onst~ction and m~tenance of said fence. IN TRV2 COLq~CIL P[P. T}~ CITY OF ROJ2IOiiE, VIRGII~IA, The 26th d~y of October, 1925 No. 1512. A RESOLUTIOn[ authorizing the City I~Ian~ger to constzumt, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property on Hanover and ~taunton Avenues between 20th and 21st Streets, S. ;7. BE IT ~0L~AD by the Council ~ the City of Roaumke that the City D~armger be and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to acconm]cdate the pro?erty on the North side of Hanover Avenue amd the South side of Staunton Avenue between gOth and 21st Street~, but before l~oeeed~'~g with the constr~ction of such sewer, the ~ropert~~ ov~ners abutting thereon shr:d. 1 payli into the City Treas,m~ry the full cost thereof they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. !To. ISLS. ,~+:~ ' .>u ~S ~ ?], ~:Od to .:..u .... 0 325 TiLe "~ ~' + ~ ~:'''' of "' twee~: 8t~i ~'.~d :~t~' 2ti'eets o ,r.-.,,~.~,~, t)o r~:i,1 llc~ is iicrel.~O' autl::c~zc~ 9... f]ti*eets, b~.~t s~ti.:]::.:~'~..,.,.':':*~*',~.,,~ si'iall not be ~;,.,.~ !;he l:. -,- ,',' ~x r~-- o;.,~ert.~ abl'~tiz~g o:':~ ,.. ~_c.:. ~' 0 "' .... TO~: tlic :3ttn~ of 4¢00,000.00. and ,l,a~itor tlc, ':~r:] l:c i[; i~oruu~ directe.:t to dra',¢ a ,a...:,t:z,~ fcr %he ~,:r:: of ~oO,O00.O0 p:~?:.blc to I':Y,c 'Pre?.su:rcr o'f t}!e School ~'und fox, sol,cci r.t:::rzter~:,.se for tl:e momtL of Oc '~ ' r, ;'~ ' ' ' 826 ' r ,- - or cause to be graded, Orange ~anage be, a~d he is hereby authorized to or~de, Avenue between 19th and 20th ZtDeets, N. W., but said gradi~y s~m~ll not be corn- - '~ '~*t ~ng on menced until said Cit~ ~.~ana~Ter t~s obtained from the t.~roperty o~mers ~,.,~ said street a statement releasi~z~ the City from all cl~i..s for damages by reason of gradi~ said street. II~ T~ COUI[CIL FOR TtlZ CITY 02 RO~i[CiiE, VIiIGIIIIA, The 2nd day of Noa~ember, 1,323. No. 13i7. A RLSOLUTI01? to establish the %uiidin~ line on Walnut Avenue at its intersection with Bellview Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED b~' the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~uildirE' line on Walnut Avenue at its intersection '~:dth Beliview Ave~uc be, and the same is hereby established three feet from the inside curb line. II[ T}~ CODICIL F01{ TiL CIi~ OF i~02J[OIiE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of November, 1923. No. 1318. A Pd~SOLUTI01~ authorizing the City ~'~[anager to construct a sewer on 13th Street S. L. betwcc~ Church and ilirk -.venues. ~' of -~ oano~,:e that the City B~, IT PJ~SOLVED by the Cou.~cil of the Cit~ ~Janager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the pro]',erty on 13th Street S. E., hnown as ~ots 16, 17 and 18 Section , Eastside Land Company, but before proceedi~ ':~ith the construction of said sewer, ~.:. W. Turner, the ow~er of the ?ro]~erty, shall pay into the Treasury the full cost thereof to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. · ~';~' ~' ...... ~ ' ~" VI! IU TI~] COL~.CIL ~C..~ '2~2:. CITY 0P ::0~.II0~-~, GINIA, The 2nd day of November, 1925. No. 1519. .~ .... v~~ autho~z~ the City ~,,az~,wer to construct a sewer in the alley between Virginia and Northumberl~tnd Averages ~Jest of Duddi~ Street, Annex 1919. B~ IT .~ov~ b~ the Council of the City oE Roano~e that the City a server in the alley between yirginia and NorthumLerland A~enues ¥lest o~ Dudding Street, ~ r ~.~x 1919 to acco~ml~ate the Froperty of G. C. Bar]:e and C. H. Buttrickf the said sewer to connect with the sewer constructed by the City of Roanohe but , before proceeding with the constr~ction of said ~e',~er, said G. C. Barker and C. h. Buttrzc:~ shall .~-~'~-~ in~ the City Treasur~ 0ne-half of the cost of said sewer~ The 2nd day of Uovembor, 1925. I!o. 1320. ' I SOLUTI0i~ authori~::?t~ the Czt..,, Lanaser to constr~ct a s~dew,:~.!k on Prnnlzlin Road °ou. th ~ TM ....... ~', west corner of PI'~fiklin i{o~d {u!~ l[ersh~ll Avenue, hRve agree& t.o co~Rre;; to the Citj o.~ Roanoke a striy of i~'uqi ',t ~" r..~.o~ ,-- '. ~ ..... ~.ect~o~"~ o ~ %roots, pro~ided, the so :~, to provide a z,~r¢~or radiuz at 'the i~',~ .... ~ ~ii C-;+'~ will co,,struct a full :.~idth ~rano!ztnio szdcwalk ~t,~tJ aio,':~ Pran.klir: Road, ,~x~,:,~=,~;. the Co~mcil ia of o?inio~ t.h~t i~ is to Cit:y of ;{c::mol.:e to accept said propo" tion m~::_..._:~.~:.-~c.=~u_~, BL IT RESOLVED by t~,e ..... Council ~f the Cit3: of ~:oano,.e~ ~' ti:at the Citj l.[ali:~el' be, ard ke is i:eret:y authorized to construct a full ',~;lt!-: grano!i~:io sidewalk along the ';/est side of Prank!in Road '~ · .~ ........ the property of 1'urn:er and Ar:.tistcai ulon tho e%ecution atu~ :ieliver3~ of a deed ~u'~'' ' ' ~ .... ' " :,~ Nca:~,.,.o tko stri', of ~,er and ,,rrn~ste,d cc.;.ey:nf; to the Cit~ .. intersection of Franklin :{o~d arid l.laraiail ~.venue for ~&e purpose of enl::,~,.~ the radius ~4~, u~e cor:!er of r Tke 2~':t daF· of NovcnLer, lpg3. IIo. 152!. ...... ~,a~ic~aer to con?truct !~:::etration ....... (.,,..1 :..m a~-t_ curb and m~tter_ c,~:. Ot tcrview ~,~.,~,' ,-~,,-.~m. l)e t,¢een Okent ~,.:~=~ ~,.~.~ .......... .~ ~nd Dun- : .............. " *' ~ 11h6 Cit.;' =" 12 ~:<eO%?'~ by the Cou~icil of the Cit;' o f '"~, .... Ze ar:] %0 is }:oreby directed to construct t:ene tko prorerty, owncrfi ~,butting_ on sail strcot pay into t'n .... Cz ..... ~ .... Trea~,,-j, , the portio::~ of '?ilo cost of said i::~]'raa~e:.',ent as fixed b2 tl.e ;_~ree;~crtt v:it]~ said , ' ~ ~.. Iii T~iE COUMCIL POX THf. CITY 0F R0:&tl01ll, VIRGI!f!iL, The 9th day of November, 1923. No. 1522. A ,,{E~0LL~fI0!? granting' permission to the executive committee of the Safety Campaign to erect a sign on the l~3m of the IMnicipal Building. BE IT NEUOLVED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the executive co:mnittee of the Safety Campaign to erect a sign "Don't Xil! i Child" on the lmm of the l[unicipal buildin¢ near the corner of Campbell ~venue and 3rd Street, S. ',7. The said sign to be maintained until the same is ordered removed bi.' the Oo~uacit. I! IU T}~ COUNCIL POX Tt~ CITY 02 ROLI~0t2~, VIRGINIA, The 9t~ day of November, 1~3. No. 13 2~. A I{ESOLUTION granting a pe~it to the First I.iethodist Episcopal Church to construct a frame addition to its building at ~07 Wazeweil Avenue, S. B. BE IT IUSSOLVED by the Co~ncil of the Ci~~ of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the First Nathodist Exps¢opal Church to erect a frame addition to its building &07 Wazewell Avenue S. E. The addition to Be approximately 18 by g~ feet and is to be maintained pending the erection of their church building. Said ~irst ifethodist Episcopal Church by acting ~nader this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and main- tenance of said frame addition to its building. III T}~ COUi~CIL I,~0R THai CITY OF R0PG~0t~, VIRGIIKiA, The 9th day of N~ember, No. 1Zg4. A PJ~SOLUTION grantin~ a peri,it to P. E. Koontz to erect a temporary storage shed at the corner of l~ountain Avenue and ~-~- Street BE IT [~]SOL'~ED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted P. ~. t£oontz to erect a temporary storage shed at the corner of ~;Iountain Avenue and ~ Street S. E. Said shed to be 20 by 100 feet to be erected on up rights, covered vAth metal roofing without side walls, the same to be erected as a temporary storage shed. Said i~. I%. ~[oontz by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save ha~uuless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reasons of the construction and main- tenance of said shed. IN TPZE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0F R0~I~0~26, VIRGtNIJ~, The 9th day of November, No .13£5. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke-Vinton Water Coml~sny to install water m~ins. BE IT ?~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke t~t a permit be, and the same is hereby granted tho Vinton-Hoanoke ~ater Company to install ~ 2-inch water main in ~1orton Avenue S. E. from l&th Street dest 12~ feet ~ud East to l~th Street ~d on l~th Street South l~O feet, total distance being approximately feet· Said Vinton-Roanoke ~ter Company by acting under this resolution agrees to inde~ify and save harmless the Cit~ of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persnns or property by reason of the construction and .~uain~enance of s~id ~ter main, and i~rther ~grees to replace the streets, where Zhe same ~re torn up, under the provisions o~ the general ordinances of the ~i~y of Roanoke providing for street restoration. Ill THE COUNCIL F0!{ THE CITY O? i{OAi~0ilE, VIP~GINIA, The 9th day of November, 19gg. No. leg6. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City I,Ians. ger to construct, or cause to be constructed, a se~ver in ~,lurray ,~venue D. E. between 6th and 7th Streets. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City i,ianager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer in ~,~urray Avenue, S. E., between 6th and 7th Streets to acc onm~o date the property abutting thereon, but before proceeding with the const~ction of said sewer, the property owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some iu~re time. Ill Tt~i COUNCIL FOR ~31E I~01Y~t{ 0~,~ ROAIi[Oiii], ViRGii~IA, The 9th day of November, 192g. No. lEgS. A Pad~0LUTI01I establishing the building line on the North side of i~atton Avenue betv~een 4th and 5th Streets, N. W. 2E Ii' I~SOLVED hy the Council of the City of Roanoke that the property line on the North side of Patton Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets be, and the same is hereby established as the building line. The :Jth day of l~ovember, 19~5. No. 1328. A [iESOLUTION to fix the salary of the probation officer. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the C,t~ of Roanoke th~t the sal~ry of the probation officer be, and the same is hereby fixed at ~lVS.00 per month beginning October 1, 1925, and to continue until changed by Council. Ii[ THE COUNCIL FOb '~ .... ~ CITY OP R0~d,~0t21, VIRGIUiO, The 9th day o£ November, 1923. No. 1329. A ELSOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke ~ilv~ay and Electric Com!~ny to instalfl certain street lights. BE IT RESOL~£ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the ~{oanoke Railway and Electric Com~oauay be, and it is hereby authorized to install ~50 C. P. street li~ts at the following points. 1. Corner Winona Avenue and &th Street, ;~asena. 2. Corner ~eilington Average and 6th Street, N. Roanoke. Co~er 5th Street and ~tanley ~venue, S. Roanol:e. 4. Corner Stanley ~venue and 4th Street, S. Roanohe. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the IN Tt~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 02 :~0fG~OIfd, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of November, 192Z. No. 1551. A owSaLTTr~0N~ ~ ~ to approve the accounts and claims a~ainst~ the City of Roanoke for the month of October, 1923, and directing the pa~vaent of the same. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roauoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of October, 19~Z, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City l~nage r Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasure r Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Tax Collection of Tax City Hall Elections C ounci 1 Coroner Almshouse Outside Poor H osp i tals Organized Charities In sane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Police Dept. ~ire Dept. Pire Hydrant kental Street lighting Buildin~ Inspector Iiilitary & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detention Health De?t. Street Cleaning. Garbage l{emoval Sewer !laintenance Street ?,e! airs Bridge llepair s Crusher City Stables Special Services Allowances & Gifts ~Jorkmen ' s C ompe neat i on Garage Schools ?arks Library L~ rke ts Interest Account s Payable Notes Payable Annex 1919 ~ 811.1~ ';99.40 762.25 168.64 220.00 291.66 11526.90 970.25 la16.55 811.71 ll9.47 455 .50 SS1.86 160.97 505.00 235.83 12.00 1428.8~ 601.99 9402.45 9540.34 1458.75 8044.92 451.00 50.00 105.00 154.40 1567.98 1668 .~5 4901.~ 1151.65 6195.74 60£5.65 2119.99 2742.54 2.50 455.55 266.80 1525.82 50,000.00 552.79 1609.85 1245.71 55,447.50 564.00 4415.91 12,672.50 169,150.72 Sewer Const~action Drain Construction Opening & Grading Streets L'acadamizi ng Paving Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construction Schools 1215.05 15 9.00 7168.59 4943.72 1.00 810.00 471.45 . .40,~000.00 54,746.59 897.51 225, III T~ cOUNCIL :?07. THE CITY OF I{0AI~0EE, VIldCINIA, The 9th day of November, 1920. No. 1352. A ~SOLUTIOI[ authoriz.~g the pajment of ~40,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~nd for buildi~ pur]~oses. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk ~d Auditor be, and he is hereby directed tn draw ~ w~-~ ~ +~, ~ Said amount vlhen paid shall be charged to the e:ctraordinary account of schools. The 9th day of llovem~er, 19~. No. 1555. A i~SOLUTIOII autho~zing the City Li~nager to const~ct certain sidewalts. BE IT ~SOLVLD by the Council o~ the City o~ i~o~ohe that the City I.lanager be, and he is hereby authorized to const~mct, or cause to be const~cted, sidewalks as ~ollows: Abuttir~ Lot 6 Section 4 of the Eureka Circle Land ~Somt)anu on ~ta~mton Avenue, N. 'J.; Lot 8 Section 4, on 14th Street, N. W.; Lot 4 Section 5, on 15th Street and Staunton ~venue, !~. ~,'~. owned by R. L. l~sh a Son, and Lot 7 Section 4 of the hureha Circle Land Compamy on Staunton Avenue ~Jned by S. T. Thrasher, but before proceeding with the construction of the sidewalhs, the sc~d owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to ~e reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. ~z~ COUIICIL 20i~ THE ~tTY OF i{O~OL~, {I..GIIIIA, , The 0th day of i~ovember, 1925. Ilo. 1554, A i~SOLUTI0!I authorizing[ the City ilanager to const~ct a granolithic side- ',vail: on the South side of Jannette Avenue in front of the property of Blair ?itzer BE IT iQESOL~D by the Council of the City of Rbanoke that the City Hanager ~t~.o~zed to construct, or cause to be constructed, a five be, nnd he is hereby .'~ '~ -' foot granolithic sidewalk on the South side of Jannette ~venue in front of the pro?erty of Blair l:itzer, but before t~roceeding '.'lith the const~n~ction of said sidewall:, said Blair l~itzer shall pay into the City ~ o , ·reaoury the full cost thereof he to be ~e~.bu~oed one-half such cost at some ikzture time. COUNCIL ~he 10th d~ of November, 192~. No. 1350. ~ ~,~.~0L~.~IO~J to supplement certain appro~priations. ~'~ IT ~V~0LVED by the Council of the City of .... Ro~no~e that the a?l~ropria- tions to the fotlowi~ accounts be, and the s~ume are hereby suy, pler. l~ented in the follm~ing amounts: Assessment of Tax Insane Building Inspection Bridge neL~m~ir s C rt~ she r S]~eciat Services Allo'~ances & Gifts 465.90 12.00 451.00 2284.26 786.00 2.50 455 $ 4454.99 and the City Cierh and Auditor is directed to male such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. III Ti~ COUI~CIL POi~ 'd~X CITY OP i~OfdYOllE, VIRGIIIIA, The 16th day of November, 1925. Ilo. 1~55. A RESOLUTIOII authorizing the City ILanager to constz~ct a sidewalk on the Oouth side of Luck Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets in front of the trot.~rty of W. H. Horton known as 114 and 116. BE IT RESOLVED by the Co~nacil of the ~ity of Roanoke that the Cit~? l'[anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be set. trusted, a sidewalk on the South side of Luck Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets, S. abutting the property of W. H. Herren arfl known as 114 and 116 Luck Avenue, but before proceedin~ with the construction of said sidewalk said ¥,~. Il. Hat ton shall pay into the City ~' · rea~.ur~,, the full cost tkereof to be rei~bursed one-half such cost at some future time. III T}~ COUIICIL ?Ci~ Ti~ CITY OF ?.OAi,~Oi~, VIiiGii[IA, The 23rd day of November, 19gO. A ~LSOLUTI0i[ grantin~ a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 4-inch gas main in I[aiden Lane a distance of 100 feet ',.;est of Chester- field Street. BE IT i%EZOLVED by the Council of the City of l~oanoke tlmt a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Ligkt Comically to install a 4-inch gas main in II, idem Lane from Chesterfield Street 'Jest a distance of 100 feet. Said Roanoke Gas Li[~t Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemni~; and save harmless the City of Roanoke ±'rom all claims for damages to l:ersons ar property by reason of the constn~ction and ,~.~tintenance of said main, and further agrees to replace the street, vD~ere the ss~,~e is torn up, under the !trovisions of the General Ordinances of tke City of Ro~ol:e providing for street restoration. · ~ CITY C~~ :~:O~i.[Oi_E, VIiiGINIA, The 25rd day of November, 1925. No. 1557. !{LSOLUTI01I authorizing the City '~ ~ ~ ..... A ~gc, r ~ ~.de 15th Street between Orange and Hanover Avenues. BE IT ~iE~J0LVED by the Council o~ ~.e City o~ Roanoke that the City lIanager be, ~d he is hereby authorized to or~,de, or cause to be oz~ded, 10th Street ]~etween Oran~e and !tanover Avenues, I[. ',i., but before ~'oceeding vmth said ~rading he shall obtain ffrom the pro?erty o~vners affffected thereby waivers of all damages v/nich ~y occur by reason off said grading. 9he ~Srft da~r Of November, No. 1558. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Cd%~ }forager to const~ct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the South side of [[elrose ~venue betv~een l~th ~nd loth [~treets in front of tlm prol~erty of C. L. Shiprec. ~'~ IT RESOLVED b~ t~:e Con. il of the City of Nosnoke ~at the City ilaNaser be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed a sidev~a!k on the South side of'~Teirose Avenue ]~e~v~ ~en !Gth an~ 10th 3treets in front of the Droperty of C. E. Shipman, but ~efore proc~eding with the construction of said sidewalh, said C. E. o~ · ..... ~nmpm~m shall pay into the City Tre~sm~ the full cost, he to Ze reimbursed one-half such cost at ~me m~ture time. Ii[ Ti'El COUiIUIL POi'. Tii CITY OP ROAiIOllE, VlilGIiTI;~, ~or~ day of November, l~o. IOSg. A N~SOLU2IOi[ authorizing the City constructed, a sidewalk on the 5'~est side of An~erst Street betv/een Denniston and Be rke ley ~ enue s. BL IY RESOL'~LD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City :,~nager be, and he is hereb[ authorized to construct, or cause to be ~,nst~.cted, a smae,:~alk on the ~Jest side of A~erst Street between Dem%iston and serkeley Avenues, and when said walk is constructed one-third of the cost shall be charsed the abuttin~l property IN T?~ COUNCIL P0R TP]~ CITY OF ROANOi~E, VIRGItJIA, The 30th day of Nove:~er, 19SS. · ..;- ~ -,' ,-., · t i ,:~ (..1~ AN ,0~II~CE to amend and reordaiu Section Z56 of ~e General 0rdin~ces, relating to the sale of fresh meat from vehicles. ~£ IT 0PJ)AIIUSD by the Council of the City of Roanoke 'that Section 356 of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: SECTION 356. No person shall sell from any wagon in the City any fresh meats mentioned in Chapter XD2X1V., or any preparation or parts thereof, except on market-squares or grounds adjacent to the public markets designated for that pur- pose; any producer who shall pay a curbage tax of twenty cents for each and every day he shall sell, shall be allowed the privilege of selling b~ef by the quarter, and pork, mutton, veal, and lamb by the ~hole carcass as well as sausage and other food products, including spare-ribs, chine, liver, etc., which are usually produce~ in butcherin~j, uFon the n~rket squares or ground adjacent to the public markets ,designated for that purpose, but at no other place in the City. Any meat products offered for sale or sold under the provisions of t}~4a .~at,~r~ shall be orotocted b_v ~rooer wra~!~ers or kept in glass covered or 334 other suitable containers so as to effectually prevent the entrance of dust, flies or other insects. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less ~han five nor more tt~n ten dollars for each and every day such violation shall continue. The word "producer" as contained in this section shall be construed to mean the person who raised the animal, or who has owned such animal for the period of not less than ninety days. ~ This ordinance shall take effect January l, 19S~. ~N THE COUNCIL ?OR THE CITY OF .~0ANOL'E, VIRGINIA, The ZOth day of November, 19~Z. No. 15~0. A Pd~SOLUTION appointing viewers in the matter of closing Nelson Street S. E. between the ~outh side of L[arion Avenue and the North side of Walnut AVenue. VETEREAS the Jefferson Land Company acquired a certain tract of land situated in the City o±' Roanoke, Virginia, in the year 1891, and laid off in said tract of land certain streets as sho~ by a map made by Dunlap and Barnett; that acccrding to said map Nelson or ~irst Street extends in a northerly direction from Spruce Street to Walnut Avenue; that ~,~arion Avenue intersects Nelson or ~irst Street at Lot ll, Section 3, according to said ,.map, but extends only from the west side of Nelson or First Street one block in a westerly direction to Jefferson Street. ?~EP~]AS the Exchange Lumber Company is the owner of Lots Nos. 5, 4, 5, 6, ? and 8, Section 2, of the Jefferson Land Company. W~REAS that part of Nelson or First Street S. E. between the south side of :Sarion Avenue and the North side of ~.¥alnut ,~venue is not used by the public as a street or road, the public preferring to use I~arion Avenue instead, as a more useful outlet, and the Exchange Lumber Company desires that the City cf Roanoke, Virginia, vacate that part of Nelson or First Street, S. E., lying and being between the south side of l.[arion Avenue and the north side of Walnut Avenue; and Yff~ER£AS the Exchange Lumber Company, after notice posted as required by Section 1984 of the Code of Virginia, of its intention of applying to the Council of the City of Roanoke, ¥irginia, to close the above mentioned portion of said Nelson Street, did on this t2~e 30th day of November, 1925, through its counsel ask said Council to close the aforesaid portion of Nelson Street and have the appointment of viewers as required by the aforesaid ~ection 1984 of the Code of Virginia of 1919. NOW, T~U~iBOP2~, BE IT .~SOLVED by the Cour~ il of Roanoke, Virginia, th~ J. H. ~rantz, E. G. Upson, Id. ~. Cleaton, R1 H. ;mgell, H. E. Obenchain be, and they are, hereby appointed viewers, any three of whom ~y act, to view the afore- said part of Nelson or ~irst Street lying and being between the south side of ~,Iarion Avenue and the north side of \¥alnut Avenue, shown by the map aforesaid, ~ +~. ~ ~o~ w~,~_ in writing, whether, ~t from the vacating and closi~ of said !~rt of Nelson or ~'irst Street, S. E., as a public highway or thoroughfare. 33.5 - II~ TI~ CCU!TOIL Y0l{ f!l.~S CITY O~' i~O/J:0ilE, VI RGIITIA, The ~Oth day o~ ITove~er, 19gg. No. lD&l. A i~SOLL~I01T authorizing the City ~{anager to co~ustruut, or cause to be constructed, a five foot granolithic sidewal]~ en the North side of Cilmer Avenue II. W. betv~'een ~th and 6th Streets. BE iT ~SOL~ZD by the Co~cil of the City of RoanoZe ~2~at the City I~{ar~ger be, and he is hereby authorized to const~ct, or cause to be const~oted a five foot ~ranolithic sidewalk on the North side of Oilmer Avenue N. W. between ~th and 6th Streets, hut before proceedi~ ¥;ith the construction of said walk, the properts~ o':~ers abutting thereo~ ~].I !~y i~to thc City Treas~ry the ~11 coco thereof, they to be reimbursed one-hal=~ such cost at some future time. IN TiS[ CO. UNCIL _~0,i{ Tt~m CI2~Y 0>' ROAII0t~, VIRGIIJIA, The 30th day o~ November, 192~. No. 1342. A PJiSOLUTIOI[ granti~ a pe~.~it to the Roanoke Water Works Comply to install certain water BE IT ~SOLi~D by the Council of the City of RoanoZe that a pe~it be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanol:e ',";ater 'Jorks Company to install water ~ins as follows:; [1) A 2-inch main on 4th Street ~. W. South from Allison Avenue a distance of 120 feet. (2) A 2-inch ~in in 9th Street U. E. from i:e~ar Avenue, South a distance of 400 feet. The s~d R~noke Water Works Company by acti~ u~der this resolution agrees to indenmify ar~l save ha~less the City of i{oanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the ccnstruction smd maintenance of said ~in, ~d further agree~~ ~ replace ~e streets where the same are torn up under the provisions of the General 0rdirmnccs of the City of Roanoke ~cvidi~~ for street restoration. IN T~ COUNCIL >~0R THE CITY OF i{0A17012~, ViI{GINIA, The ~0th day o~ November, No. 1~. A PgZOLUTION granti~ a pe~it to the Roano]~e Gas Light Core. ny to install a ~-inch gas main in Campbell Avenue ~rom Holiday Utreet a distance o~ ~00 feet East. .... { ~ " t hat ~: I~ ?2~SO~ED by the Council off the City off to~e~:.e . a pe~:it be, and the sa~ is hereb~ ~ranted the Roano~:e Gas ]~ight 886 gas main in Campbell Avenue from Holiday Street a distance of Z00 feet East. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from any claims for damages to persons or property by reasons of the construction and n~inte~mnce of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up in accordance with the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. cross-overs. IN T~ COUNC IL FOR TH~ CITY OF RODSTOKE, VIRGINIA, The Z0th day of November, 1923. No. 1544. A RF, SOLUTION granting a permit to V. Id. Ylood to construct certain BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be and the same is hereby granted V. I~'. ~Jood to install cross-overs as follows: 1. On the North side of Wells Avenue, approximately &O feet V~est of Commonwealth Avenue. 2. On Commonwealth Avenue approximately ?~ feet North of Wells ~venu~ Said cross-overs shall be constructed in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the City ~?~nager and under specifications furnished by him. Said V. Ii. Wood acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said cross-overs, and further agrees to replace the sidewalk to the condition it is at present when said cress-overs are abandoned or are cemsed to be used. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0¥E, VIRGINIA, The 30th day of November, 19£Z. No. 1345. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railv~y and Electric Company to install a 100 C. 2. street light in Jordon Alley approximately 200 feet East cf Henry Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Romuot~ that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 100 C. P, street light in Jordon Alley approximately 200 feet Eaut of ~'irst (Henry) Street. The said !igbt to be maintained in accordance with the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric ~ompany.- , IN THE COUNCIL 20R TIJfh CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 3©th day of November, 192Z. No. 1546. A RESOLUTION directing the payment to the Treasurer of the School Pund $50, 000 .00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of l{oanoke that the City 337 Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum o£ ,;~o0TM ,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the school fund for maintenance for month o£ November. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the ordinary account of schools. TILE COUNCIL FOR T}~ CITY 0P EOANOL'E, VIRGINIA, The 7th day of December, 1923. No. 134 7. R~OLUTI0~ granting a permit to W. ¥;. Draper to construct a sheet metal building on his property on the East side of 4th Street between Highland and !~ountain Avera:tes, g. E. ~.~0L~zD by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that a permit be, and the s~e is hereby granted W. W. Dra~er to construct a sheet metal bulling a~proximately 30 by 50 feet on his pro~:~erty on the ~ast side of 4th Street between Hi~hl~d and I~ountain Avenues. Such building to be mMntained until such time as Council shall order its removal, ~d the said ;l. W. Draper by aoting under ~is resolution agrees to comply with the order of Council ;'~th reference to the removal thereof. Said W. 7t. Dra~er. also ~c-~~ to in~iemnify an~t save harmless the Roano~:e from all claims for ~ama~es to ~ersons or property by reason of the construction and maintemnee o~ s~d Building. IN TI~ COUNCIL 20R THL CITY 07 EOANOt~, VIRGINIJ., The Vth day of December, 19S5. No. 1348. A RESOLUTIOII granting the use of the City !f, arket Auditorium to the Boy Scouts without pa~nent of a rental therefor. .~.~?fds~, the Boy Scouts of the C~ty of i{oanoi:e have on numerous occasior. assisted the police officers in handling traffic and in various other ways, and "~'~'~.,~:=.:u.~,~, in ap~reciation, of the services the Council deems it expedient. ' to ~rant the use of the l~.art:et Auditorium to said Boy Scouts without charge. T}UiREF0_q~, BE IT .~?SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that no charge be made the Boy Scouts of the City of Roanoke ~or the use of the '~ :~ Auditorium November 23, 1923. =h~ COUNCIL FOR 2'~ CITY ©F -~.0~.J0~.~u, VIRGI]TIA, ~he ~th day of Decem~r, 1923. A ~a~.~U~IOU granting a permit to the Roanohe Gas Light Company to install certain gas ~i~. BE IT ~a~.~,,~~..~,~,~ by the Council of the City~ cf ~{canol.:e that a permit be, and the s~m~e is hereby granted the Roanol:e Gas Light Comply to install a 4-inch gas rain ~n l!th Street S. i]. from Buili~ Avenue a di~tance~ of 58 feet No~th. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting ur~der this resolution agrees to inde~ify property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main, and £urther agrees to replace the street in accordance with the General Ordinances the City of Roanoke providing £or street restoration. 127 T~i C0~ICIL FOR THE CITY 02 ROAN0t[E, VIRGIHIA, The 7th day of December, 1925. No. 1550. A idlSOLUTI01I releasing such rig~hts as the City may have to certain streets as shown on the map of the Virginia l~ou~t Addition and to consent to opening of certain other stree't~ in lieu of those closed. WY. EREAS, The Virginia ~.~,ount Addition, the ovmers of certain tract of land in the City of Roanoke by map dated September 18, 1910, laid out a certain tract of land into lots, streets and alleys, mud Wi~EREAS, the said tract of ~.nd has been purchased by the West i~aleigh Court Land Company, Inc., who desires to revise the map o~ said Virginia ~,iount Land Company and to close certain streets and open others in lieu thereof, the revised map being dated November 28, 1925, and ?,q~REAS the streets as shown on the original map of the ¥'irginia ~,~ount Addition have never been formerly accepted by the City of Roanoke and the same have not been used as streets, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oouncil of the City of Roanoke that the City of Roanoke hereby releases such rights as it may have in the streets as shov~ on the original map of the Virginia I~,[ount Addition dated September 18, 1910, and hereby consents to the opening of the streets as shoran on the revised map of the Virginia ~f. ount Addition o'~ed by the ?~est '~aleigh Court Land Comrany, Inc. Said map beinE hereto attached and .made a part hereof. IN T~iE COUIICIL FOR Tt~ CITY 02 ROAN01£E, VIRGIIIIA, The 7th day of December, 1925. I~o. 1351. A iUdSOLUTION granting a pe~it to H. P. Stoke to erect certain ~rking sheds at the northeast corner of Salem Avenue and Second [Commerce) Street, S. W. BE IT ~SOL~ by the Council of the City of i~oanoke that a permit be and the same is hereby granted H. F. Stoke to erect a parking shed at the northeast corner of Salem Avenue and Second ~Co~erce) Street S.W. Said sheds to be con- structed in accordance ~dth the drawi~ hereto attached and made a part hereoff. The said H. ~. Stoke by acting under this resolution agrees to inde~ify and save ha~less the City of Ro~oke from a~ claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the $onstruction and mainte~nce off said shed, and ~rther agrees to removed the s~e when he is di~cted to do so by Council or its duly autho~zed officer. 1!7 THE COUNCIL P0R THE ~Ik~' 0F R0~NOKE, VIRGIIIIA, The ?th day of December, 19£~. No. 1Z52. A !~SOLU~0I~ to award the contract to '~ ~ C~aw~.ord Stull and Company for tho audit of the City's books ahd the School Board books. BE IT Pd~:SOL~YED by the Council of the City (~ Roanoke that the contract for t~e audit of the books of the City of ~toanoi:e and the School Board of said City be, and the same is hereby awarded Crawford Stull and Company at the l~ice of. 4o.oo. III THE C0b~ICIL FOR TH~ CITY OF itOAN0t[i~, VIRGINIA, The 7th day of December, 1925. No. 1355. ~ ;~,~0~U~ION d~ecti~ the ~yment to i',verett Perkins of ~70.00 for checking and verifyin~ the delinquent perso~l property list. BE IT ~SOL~D by the Council of ~.e City of Roanoke that the City Cle. r~ and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for ~.e sum of ~0.00 payable to Everett Perkins, Commissioner of Accounts, for checking and verifyin~ the delinquent personal property books a~; required by Section 2417 of th, Code of Virginia. Said amount when paid simll be char~ed to the account of Special Services. buildings. IN T~t COUi~CIL FOR ~iE CITY 02 ROANOi[E, Vii{GIi[IA, The ?th day of December, 1923. No. 1354. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of $50,000.00 on account of school BE IT Pd~SOLVED by the Council of the City of i~oanot:e that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the sum of · ~50,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School Fund on account of school buildings. The said amount when paid shall be char~ed to the extraordinary accoun~ of schools. IN THE COU~CIL ~0!~ TPZ6 CITY 02 ROAN0~iE, VIRGI!~LL, The 7th day of December, 1925. No. 1555. A RE~:0LUTI01,~ authorizing the City Hanager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of R. P. t~ete~.muan situated on 1..[alden Lane between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets. BE IT P~SOLYED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City !~ans~er be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a server to accommodate the p~operty of R. P. ?eterman on the South side of !~aiden Lane between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets, but before proceeding with the con- 340 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F t{0ANOKE, VIRGII~iA, The ?th day of December, l~2Z. No. 1356. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City llanager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of the I4elrose lfethodist Chur ch. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ~,~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accoramodate the property of the I,~elrose I,lethodist 0huroh situated at the corner of I, Ielrose Avenue and 1Zth Street, Horthwest, estimated cost being IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ?th day o£ December, 19aZ. No. 1S57. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City I.~nager to construct curb and gutter on the East side of 1Sth Street N. W. along the property of the I~elrose I~,Iethodimt Church when funds are available, BE IT HEHOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City I~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be cormtructed, curb and gutter on the East side of lZth Street N. W. abutting the property of.' the I.~elrose Hethodist Church when funds for such work are available, the estimated cost being $1VB.00. cro~s-overs. Ii~ Tt-~ COUNCIL F,',,i{ 2]iL CITY OF ROAUOI2E, VIRGII[IA, The l~th day of December, 1925. No. 1558. A RESOLUTIOI~ granting a pe~it to J. Lloyd Hale to construct certain BE IT E=,~0LV~ED by the Council of the Cit~ of l{oan~ke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted J. Eloyd Hale to construct two cross-overs into his property at the Southwest corner of Tazewell Avenue and ~th Street S. E., one of said cross-overs to be. on Tazewell Avenue and +&e other on &th Street. The said cross-overs to be con£trueted according to the good lik2ng and satisfaction of the City !~ang~ger and in a¢~.cordance with the specifications to be furnished by him. The said J. Lloyd Hale by acting under thi'~ resolution ~grees to replace the street tothe condition it is at pre~ent whenew~r said cross-overs gte g~bandoned or ceased to be used. Iii Ti~ COUNCIL FOF, i'}l" CITY 07 ~" ' ~"~ v- ,~ ~ The 14th day off December, 1925. No. 1559. A RLSOLUTI01~ accepting the proposition off J. Lloyd Hale to conveF a strip of land on the Southwest corner of Tazewell Avenue and 4th Street flor street purposes. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council off the City off Roanoke that the propositi, off J. Lloyd Hale to c~mvey a piece off land at the 5outhwest corner off Tazewell Avenue and 4th Street S. E. flor street purposes be, and the sam~ is hcre~y accepte~ and the City Solicitor is directed to draw a proper deed conveying to the City the said strip of ~::.nd. BE IT F!~?,THER RESOLVED that upon the conveyance of said strip of land, the City ~Sana~er is a.~t~e.~ed to const~ct curb and sidewalk and to place the said street at this point in condition. The i4th .'~a.- ~,~.~ of December, 1925. No. 1360. ~,~0Lc~ION granting a perr~it to the l~oanoke Gas Light " Com]~any to install ~ 4-inch ~as main on -~-~ ~ .~ ~ 0..n~e Avenue from 16th ~' ~ ~ .tz~-.c~ 750 ~et Uest. BE IT :.ESOL'¥'~D by the Council of the City of i{oano]:e that a permit be, and the ..... e is ;~e .... za,~.t Company to znstall a 4-inch ~'~.. .. reby ~ranted the Roanoke Gas ~'~"~ gas nmin on 0ra~%~e Avenue Ilortkwest from 16th~'~tr¢.et 750 feet 1.1est. ~uofl~ ' perr?.it ~, is ~ ~ + d sub~e~ to the approval of t~,.,e City" ~ Gas ~ r~m~ e '" ~ ~- ~,anager. The said i{oa. noke Comrany bj ' '' 2 Light ~ ~c~n~. under th~s resolution agrees to indenmify and save h,~rm~ the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages tc persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas ~.~in, and ~zrther agrees to replace the c. treet, where the same is torn up, ~.~nder the provisions of the ~eneral ordinances of the City of F. oanoke ~ oviding for street restoration. 341 I~'? TEl: ~' ' ~ ? The 14th day off December, 1925. No. 1561. A !'~i-:~0LL~I0~, granti~ a permit to the Roanoke ';/ater Works Comyany to · n~.~al! a 6-incl,. water main in ',/estover -venue from ~randin !~oad ,~'~'~',.a feet ?/est !~L IT RE~OL52:D by the Council of the City of :~oano;:e that a permit be, and the same is hereby ~ranted the Roanoke ~iator '.7orks Com]~any to in~tali a 6-inch water main in We,~tover~ Avenue from Orandin Road 2°5,~ feet Jest . T;.-:e~ uaid Haan: Water ~or~.s Company by acting under this; resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmle,'~s the City of iloano]:e from all claims for d~m~a~es to lter[~ons or proTerty by reason of the constru~+ion,~ and maintenance of said water main, and ~ ..... + agra to remlace, t:.~"~ -~ street where the same is torn up, under the pr~'~s~ons~ ' of the 342 Il? TI~~] C i~qICIL F02 THE CITY OF ROAII0]~, VIRGIl[IA, The 14th day of December, 192G. No. 1362. A RESOLb~TI01I authorizing the Ro~mol:e Rail':,'ay and Electric Compahy to install a 250 C. ~. street light on Y, aiden Lane in the center of the block between ~hesterfield and Pudding 'Streets. BE IT R].]SOLi~]D by the Council of the City o£ Roanoke that the Roaneke Rai ..... · · ~a~ and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to place a 250 C. P light in the center of the bloc]: on Haiden Lane between Chcster£ield and Pudding Streets. Said light to be maintained in accordance with the previsions of the contract existing ~etv~cen the City of Ro~ ?:L~; a~?: the Roanoi<e Rail?~y and Electric C ompan~'. IN ~ ~ ~tu~ COUNCIL P0R TkUd CITY 0P EOAN0tZE, VIRGINIA, The 14th day of December, 192,3. No. 1564. A !~SOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of November, 1923, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOL'~ZD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of November, 1923, be, and the same are hereby apprca-ed and ordered paid as follows: City },~anager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasurer Legal Deptl Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Tax Collection of Tax City Hall Elections C ounc il C or one r Almskouse 0utsi de Hospitals 0r~ani zed Ch,'~r i tie s I nsan e Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept, Pire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Duilding Inspector i.Iilitary & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detent ion Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer .~ Iai nt enance Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Special Services Allo;,~ances & Gifts Dama;zes & CosSs Workmen's Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library -%ar ke t s Annex 1919 Accounts Payable Tax Lewz 1921 $ 841.61 795.20 781.15 157.47 507.5O 291.66 1016.38 551.85 500.25 852.52 464.85 455.32 71.00 357.20 155.0Z 505.00 255.85 60.00 1415.50 7S5 .~8 94b~ .45 9610.78 1470.75 2050.64 445.00 111.00 100.00 525.18 1414.90 1552.52 2780.80 815.45 5064.00 5750.18 954.77 1292.60 2.50 150.00 60.87 45.00 852.41 50000.00 557.34 1701.94 1176.49 54'55.10 400.00 843 Sewer Construct ion Opening & Oradi~ Streets i,~acadamiz Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Construct ion Schools 5155.6~ 14i~ .98 888.06 870.68 40~000 .00 ~ 50~ 761.54 i61,754.55 '" t d,'.G' -' 193S. thc ~t '~ ~ - ~ ............ ,x,~.e C:~ ]_~r 7 d. 5 ~00.87 15 .O0 GU 56S .~7 1,1 [,. 00 5'; .58 750. 954.77 :::. 30 i~ 60.87 575 The 2~st day cf !)eccnil or, ,,ii: drivc:,','Rj crocs-ovcr,s :.'t thc i'r.tei':;:,ccticri c,-~. C~t;Lc!! ..vcxuc ::,,;n.. ~ ia~tersox Avenuc, :,: a':'.i the same is ]lerebj trr:~:~te~ 2 ' /{ci. ertso~t to ccz!::tr",tct t'.,'o :!i-'Lye',z::4;' cross- ~ cro, :~-ovc-5'3 ,~rc aban,h':;~cct or arc ~,. 344 Streets South Roanoke +o acc~,:~.: .... ~&u,:de'~ nd U v ',~,~ " cdate the .:,rc~,.cr~,y .... a . ..... 2o~n,,,_c that the City L,a,ia.,~e~ BE IT :~,0L:~ZD ~y thc Council off the uity of ~ ' ~'-'~"~ "~-~ ' be, and he is hereLy authorized to construct, or cause to t,e constructed, a side- ~ · ~ o~ tp_ ,,o~l~nd Avenue bet~/een Znd ant, 5rd Streets, o , walk on the ~ast s~de of ~ .... ' ' ~ _, , " ~unde~ a~d 0// P. li~tes, but before Roanoke, to ~ccemmo:]ate the l~ro~:erty of ,~. H. o,~.~ ~.,~ ~ c ~ said si dewalk, the said U Y 2aunders and ~roceeding with the o~:struction e: .... 0. ~. Estes shall pay into the City Treauury the ~i! cost thereof they to be reimbursed one-half ~mcL co~t at some future time. Association. The 2!st Ray off December, 1925. i[o. 1567. ~'~'~0LUTI0!~,~ to release the City taxes agaJ. n~t,,, the Roanoke Hospital ~ ,~,..~OLVED by the uouncil o£ the City of Roanoke thgt the Cit~, ~,~nor~zed to rele~:se the City taxes of ~.e Roano~e Treasurer be, and he is here~y ~,u*" ' ~ '~ Hospital 'ssociation amounti~ to ~1753.15 and penalty. The 21st day of Dece~Wucr, 1925. No. 1565. · ~ R~o0L~xI0!~ grantin~ a l:e~it te L Cohn ~ Son to remove ~ne si~ on ~ c~,e~on 2tr~et ~d the build-' ~ff · ~m the I!o~heast corner of Salem Avenue and erectin~ the s~e at another pi~ce on said buildir~. ~" IT ~'~:~0LT~D .... by the Codicil of ~c Cit~. of Roanoke that a permit and the same i~; hereby~ranted L. Cohn& Son to remove the the [Torthc~st corner of 5al~ Avenue and Jefferson Str(~et :md erect the same at J another place 0n said building. The !:,ermit is ~r~z:~ed howew~r ul:on thc express condition that the same shall be erected in accordance with the ?lans hereto attached and made a part of t?.iu resolution, and the said L. Cohn& Son by actin~ under this rescluticn agrees to inder:mify and save ha~m:icccs the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or ~ro]~erty by reason of tn construction maintenance of said sign. IU T}-~ COU![CIL PO~d THL CITY The 2!~t da~ of Dece~:%er, 192~. Us. 1569. A RZSOLUTI0~ authorizi~ the Ro~oLe [~il;'~ay ~t~':d Electric Com?~my to install certain street !i~ts. Bi] IT :~. 0L~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ~e Roanc!:e Railway and Electric Comyany be, and it is hereby authorized to install street lights as follows: /1) A 100 C. 1~. light on Highland ..venue Southeast i]~ the middle of the (2) A 250 C. ?. licht ~t th,~, corner of ~_,,~'~',-a~',~ ' ~vem~e and gecond Ztrcet, o 'd '~;,+ ~,,:, c~2'act existing tet',veen tko City ~ak ika s to ~e maintained under *~e Roano]:e a~d the R~no}:e Railway and Electric 345 Ti:e. fi]st.,,,~,'~'t-~.~ c,f December, I~o. 1570. PECOLUT~oZ ,.,i~ect,~.~ thc r,~,'me~,t to tLe Tre~t~:ure~ of the Scnooi .... the ~ ~ noa~o~'o tiiat the Cit~? Clerk and Auditor be, and he is kereby directed tc irt:,; a wa77ant for tlc sum of ,;~oV,439.55 i)ayal)le to thc Treasure~' of ~!e ~cnoom ~nd for sc]ioo~ ...... the month o~. De~emher. ...e sai,. ~mc, t~'i ~ ::then~..:.~'; d ..... s~:al! ~e c>,,~.~c)~..-'-~.~q to ' - 023 The~,°~_,_~ot day of Deceml:er, i., . No. !ZT1. ,i ;~::'[~07~Tr',Q0![ ........... &irec'tin~ the ~ayment of .;if0,000.00 to the Treu~.,,er .... of the, School ~n~ for school '~','u~, z'~-~,.~.,os. ~',.,-~,~u bU the Counciu~ of the City of Roan,o,:c that the tit[,' C~ rk a:!d Audi~o}'' l)c, :tnd he is hereby~,,~-*ho~zed~ to kraw a ~]arrant for the of '~') ..... ~.~urer of ~!e 5chooi ~'und o~i account off school ?0,000.00 payable t(~ +~,~ T bui/..zn;~n Said ttmount v~k~n l:aid shall %e ~"" '~ .... the schools. Tim 21st d~.,. of December, IIo. ~o . ~. z,~o ......... O ~. . 0 ~-r'¢,~~ ~:~71 ~ .Clair ~o.~ ~rnd~n~ the.U~rth~ aide of Roano]:~ Avenue, Vi~-='~'~.o~_~a IIeig.~,~. ~"~ I~' ~'~ZOL'~%D .... . ~zty of R~.a~,~.~ ~2~at tLe uzt~,. Clerk ....... ii. the Council c'f ~'c r~- ~ ......... , .,. a:'.d Aua~to:' Lc, m;~ he is hereby dir,,c1,(¢d to dra,,~ .', war ........ fo:' ~:: ...... ~,, e sum ]?aUal:]e to ~-~-~-.~,~ a.nf, °t.C!alr~ on account o~ ........ ,~,, - ~ .... ]if IX h'li~q uC (Ji,i:~:~f:r~ ~0 '~.] '~ ~: .... ~"~" ~ ' ~e'c- ' ~ :l~.orC !31!). II! THE COUNCIL ?07: THi] CITY (~? i{~f2~01~, VIi<GI?IL'., .~t day~:.~ December, lIo. ~ 7S. ,~ ~~'~'~"~0N~. autho~z~.~o'~ ~ the Ci~ ~[ana~er~ to co~'~st~a~ct certain sewers. BE IT P~SOL'fED by the Council off the Cit[~ of Roano]:e that the !~ana:~er be, and he is hereby autho~zed te cc:ast:m~ct, or cause to ~e const:~cted, a se~er i~ the alley ?/cst of 9th S*~ ~ "~ ~ u.t.:et u~ feet +o .~o.~t~o~e ..venue, thence in I:ontrose Avezme ,.~6 fe to t Eaat side of 9th otr~,~t, the~ce South alon~ the east side off 9th Street 500 fc~t. The said ue':~er to accomm~date the !royerty off J. A. Hoo~er, but before Froc~e:li~j7 ',':ith the construction off sai. d se'.ver, the said J~ A. Hoover s]~il pay into thc City Trea. s:~ry tlc ~!]. cost thereoff he to be reimbursed one-half such cost ~t some .~ure time. eve rs. IU THE COUNCIL POi{ THL CITY 0lj~ i{OANOI£E, VIt{GIUI~,~, The 27th day of December, 192Z. No. 1382. A t~50LUTION granting a permit to V. ~d. Wood to construct certain cross- BE IT RESOLV£D by the Council of the City of Roamoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted V. I~I. Wood to construct cross-overs, one on nmgnlandl Avenue West of Jefferson Street and the other on Jefferson Street South of Highlandl Avenue, said cross-eve,rs to enter a proposed filling station. Said cross-overs shall be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the City L~nager and in accordance with specifications to be furnished by him. Said V. M. Wood by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said cross-overs, and fh~rther agrees to r~place the streets where the same are torn up to the condition they are at present when said cross-overs are abandoned or ceased to be used. Iii T!~ COUIICIL P0R ~tE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of January, 19~4. Ilo. 1574. AN ORDII~'G.ICE to r~ake appropriations for the £iscal year ending December 51st, 1924. BE IT 0i~DAII¥._z~ by the Council of the Ci~= o±' Roanoke that all money · 1 t]~tt shall come into the Treasury o£ said City for the year ending Deceraber 51st, 1924 (except such money as is applicable to the Anne$: Territory 1919) shall con- sititute a general fund and the s~m~e or so mucl~ thereof as is necessary, be, and the same is hereby apDropriated to the following uses and pur!:oses, to wit: Salary City Manager " Clerk " Stenog- o ' · r,~pfle r Stationery 7,200.00 1,800.00 1,520.00 550.00 ~peciaI employee s Traveling e::p enses Inci dentals Purniture & Fixtures oalar~ City Engineer " Assr. " " ~nspe c t or " Timekeeper " ;Y o dina n " Chai mm, an " Draftsman Stat ione ry ~osta~e Telephone & Telegraph ~upplie s for ~"~utomob ile Inc identats Special employees ~h~rniture & Pixtures l~f~q~s, purchase of CITY CIZ~Pdi lC. Salary City Clerk ,, otenoc~r~i net " Bill Clerk Stati one ry Postage ?etephone & ?elegraph Traveling Ex~ ~ns e Inc i den tal s Purnit~re & fixtures ID. Salary Stati one ry ~ostage Telephone & Commissions Bondl~'remium Inci dentals J~arniture & o ,..~ er Telegraph . ~x~ure s GAL DEPARTS%lIT LE. Salary City Solicitor Stat i one ry - o~t,~e Telephone & ~elegraph ~rinting, etc. Travelin~ e:~ ense Incidentals Judge Corporation Court Judge Law & Chancery Court Judge Circuit Court Special Jud%~es Salary Clerk Court Salary City .~]ergeant Salary Commonwealth Attorney Salary Clerk " " Salary Civil & Police Justice Salary Issuin~z Justice SFationery & ]~ooks TeleFhone & Telegraph Jury & ~/itness Fees Repairs to equipment o~ ~,i:~.g Records Counsel fees Inc i dent als Law Bo oks Commissions on fine s ~%rniture & Pixtures Revenue 100.00 150.00 25.00 ZlO.O0 5,000.00 2,520.00 1,500.00 !,200.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 1,800.00 200.00 25.00 20.00 500.00 75.00 100.00 705.00 200.00 6,000.00 2,040.00 1,520.00 1,500.00 500.00 60.00 25.00 200.00 50.00 125,00 1,680.00 600.00 75.00 50.00 2,500.00 80.00 50.00 522.00 2,640.00 5O. O0 20.00 10.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 727.00 250.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,560.00 Z,960.00 5,000.00 5,260.00 100.00 2,500.00 100.00 150.00 150. O0 100.00 600.00 250.00 200.00 1,200.00 8,000.00 v 11,705.00~ 1S, 945.00 11,620.00 5,537.00 2,995.00 7,477.00 18,850.00 COLIE CTIOU 0F T~ lI. Salary Treasurer Stat ione ry Postage Advertising Commissions Clerk Inci dentals Court CITY }L:,.LL 1J. Salary SuI~,t. o£ Building " 4 J~nitors ~)960.00 ea. " 1 Janitor " 1 hle~ator 0perator Fue 1 Light Nater Supplies Repairs & Alterations Ins~lrance Inc i dent al s Equipment E~tra Labor Judges & Clerks Rent Voting ~laces balary Central liegistrar ~ri nt ing '" ~- Stationery L Supplies Electoral Board Treasurer, Votin~ list Clerk Court " " Printing " '-' ~ergeant Fees STATIO1F£RY & 2RIL~TI!IG 1L. Street advertising Sewer advertising Si dewalk " ?rinting Ordinances Printir47~.~ ~ei! errs C 0UN CI L 1H. Salary 1 member " 4 members ~tat ione ry Incidentals ~1000.00 ea. C01?VEI~2IOI~ & L~.GUE DIfES 1N. League of Va. Hunicipalities Traveling e:.~pense C0tl0i[£R 10. Coroner service Jury & Witness 2ees Stationery Salary Keeper ~iat ron ~ Nur s e " Cook " Parm l{and Labor Supplies ~h~el Light Drugs & Disinfectants Clothing Insurance Burial t~auI~e rs Repairs & Alterations Equipment & Live ~toc]: 0~J2SiDE POOR 2B. Salary f~upt Groc erie Drugs ~uel 4,800.00 2,000.00 700.00 550.00 250.00 25.00 1,500.00 5,840.00 548.00 612.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 250.00 200.00 50.00 200.00 850.00 400.00 1,125.00 275.00 100.00 75.00 t,800.00 1,200.00 3,500.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 1,000.00 Z00.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 10.00 25.00 10'~.00 250.00 275.00 50.00 15.00 960.00 516.00 500.00 556.00 540.00 600.00 700.00 560.00 66.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 150.00 700.00 200.00 500.00 1 200.00 ' 450.00 250.00 8,125.00 12,550.00 9,425.00 1,400.00 5,255.00 550.00 540.00 5,878.00 HOSi:IT,,LS 2C. Roanoke Hospital Assn. burrell ~[emorial Hospital Travelers ~id Society Roanoke i~ree Iledicat Disp. Sa!ration Army Childrens Home Societ~ of V£4. IiIS~d~E gE. Justices Pees !:hysicians Tees ~,/itnes s Pees .~ tat i one ry · · ~n ~]~o ~ t ~na~ Lun!'tt i c s Fo reign Lunaticm,~ JAIL 9P. S~l~r~ '.!at ton Board of l~risoners Cormmittal Pees Telephone Ctothi'~ for i~risoners ~u]~i~ lie s Re Fa i r s JL~,~Lt?I~ CObl{? 8G. Zalary 2robation Officer " ,'/OllaI1 " " " Colored" " " l[eeper Detention Home Stationery i~ostage Telephone Rent Detention Home ~%el, light & water Board of In~tes La~mdry L Sup]~lies i~er~a~rs Inci dental s E qu i pine nt POLICE DE?~iRTi~I~T 3A. 1 Superintendent 1 Ca!~tain of Detectives 3 Lieutenants 3 Line Sergeants 1 Desk Sergeant 3 Switch. Board Operators 2 Yatrol Chauffeurs 6 l[otor cycle Officers 5 De$ectives 45 l~at rolmen 1 Clerk 1 Electrician Stati one ry ~ostage · elep~:one & Telegrai~h Supt~lies for l.~otor Vehicles Su]~ylie s '~itne ss fees Traveling E>.~en se Incident al s ~h~rniture L Equipment Salary 1 Chief " 1 Supt. Fire ~-lamn " 1 IIaster Iiechanic " 1 Insrector " 8 Ca]otains " 8 Lieutenants " 6 Engineers " 26-5rd year privates " 6 -2nd " " " 8-1st " " ~-lst " Stationery & ~'osta~e [~epairs & Sup]~lie s for " from 7-1 Appa ra tus 4,000.00 660.00 1,500.00 3,6O0.00 250.00 lb0.00 100.00 500.00 10.00 25.OO 50.00 85.00 600.00 13,000.00 900.00 48.00 900.00 800.00 500.00 2,100.00 1,500.00 900.00 900.00 75.O0 25.00 125.00 1,020.00 350.00 1,000.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 100.00 3,600.00 2,400.00 5,580.00 5,220.00 2,100.00 4, 0o.oo 2,760.00 9,720.00 5,240.00 8,100.00 72,900.00 1,500.00 780.00 "~64.00 75.00 500.00 1,200.00 150.00 700.00 25.00 200.00 500.(;0 2,785.00 2,700.00 1,020.00 1,800.00 1,680.00 13,440.00 12,480.00 9,720.00 59,000.00 8,640.00 11,0~0.00 5,5g0.00 175.00 290.00 2,000.00 4) 4,660.00 5,530.00 710.00 16,748.00 8,595.00 128,897.00 349 35G Insurance & Repairs to Bldg. ~ 575.00 iiaintenamce of ~ire ~lal~n 400.00 Traveling Expense 225.00 Equipment, Hose 2,800.00 " Extending ~'ire Alarm 625.00 " ,later Tower i!ose 174.00 120,559.00 PIES HYD~iNTS 5C. 389 Hydrants 17,505.00 25 Hydrants installed 1,125.00 Repairs 200.00 ST~ET LIGHT lNG SD. V42 - 250 C. 2. Lights 18,550.00 140 - 100 C. P. Lights 1,680.00 15 - 250 C. ~. " installed 575.00 150 ~ite way lights 4,500.00 18,830.00 25,105.00 BUILDING INSPECTI01[ Salary Building Inspector 2,700.00 " ~ lumbing " l, 800.00 " Stenographer 840.00 Stationery 225.00 Postage 25.00 Telephone 75. O0 Spec ial ~Jmploye e~ 50. O0 Inc identals 25.00 Gasoline & Oil 250.00 Equipment 455.00 6,445.00 IIILITARY & AI~.[0i~ES 5G. Rent Audit orium 600.00 Light s 300.00 900.00 PHYSI CI.-~N 4A. Salary 0ity Physiciah 1,200.00 Spe ci al physiciem 50.00 1,250.00 QU~'~RA!ITItE~ & DETEllTIOU 4B. Salary Quarantine Officer 1,580.00 " L'eeper Detention Hospital 600.00 Drugs & Disinfectants 250.00 Food 250.00 Supplies 125.00 Vacc inat i OhS 600. O0 Special Care Patients 100.O0 Repairs to Building lO0.O0 Inci dentals 75.00 ~rniture & ~ixtures 150.00 630.00 HF, AL~i DEPART!~JJNT 4E. Salary Heal th 0fficer 4,000.00 " Clerk 1,620.00 " Dairy & ~ood Inspector 2,200.00 " Sanitary Officer 1,320.00 " Sealer of ',;eights & l.[easures 1,580.00 " ~tenogra}q~er 1,020.00 " Baby LIurse 1,~20.00 " gani tor 584.00 " Sanitary Officer 1,SS0.00 " Laboratory b'o rker 2,000.00 Stat ionery 500.00 Postage 50.00 Telephone & Telegraph VS.00 Supplies for Automobile 400.00 Laboratory Supplies 350.00 Ge ne ral Suppli e s 500. O0 Ant i toxins 1,000.00 'Traveling E~T, ense 250.00 Incidental s 150.00 Scavenger Service 2,000.00 Purniture & Equipment 200.00 21,899.00 STi~LT CLEAIIIItG & ¥'fATEP. ING 5A. Labor 16,500.00 Sa!ar~~. ~ General Poreman ~.]- time 1,000.00 Tools 150.00 Suppli es 500. O0 ','/ate r 500.00 Supplies for equipment 7OO.OO Salary General Forem~m ~- time " Inspector " Engineer Incinerator Labor Puel, Light & Water Tools Suppli e s Hire Teams Supplies for Motor vehicle Incidentals Repairs to Incinerator Lab or ',.la t e rial s Su]'.p lie s Tools Cleaning Drains ,~a ~er Rent right cf way Equipment Zal ary SurGe rint endent Labor Tools and Supplies ![ateria!s SuN)lies for Automobiles Hire Teams Repairs to !~achinery Incidentals Equipment Labor Tools saad !1ate rials ouppl~es Labor Supplies ReD ai rs Power Ins ura nc e CITY Salary Labor Supp!ie s Feed Puel, ~.~ Repairs and Veterinary Insurance Equi]~ment Telephone Su~; erint e nden t & ~late r Alterations 'Jagons Aut 0 r~--, · r,IOz:S 1 Road 1 Elgin Motor 1 Turbine Server lh~ohine 10 I;ule s Erroneous assessments Pine s :n~to 3ermit s Local .~ssessments Rent s e 1,000.00 1,560.00 1,380.00 36,000.00 20O. O0 150.00 500.00 500.00 1,600. O0 25.00 500.00 7,000.00 2,500. O0 100.00 100. O0 1,200. O0 300.00 5.00 40O .00 2,220.00 45,000.00 1,500.00 15,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 20O.0O 6,000.00 500.00 8,000.00 11,000. O0 2,000. O0 1,500.00 1,000.00 50.00 1,620.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 11,500.00 450.00 500.00 50.00 1,000.00 500.00 25.00 1,550.00 960.00 4,275.00 460.o0 6,500.00 1,800.00 2~250.00 2,500.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 43,215.00 11,605.00 66,970.00 14,500.00 15,b50.00 23,445.00 15,o45.00 2,250.00 2,600.00 ct ~lon AT?r op ri ~ ~ ' D"?"'OTM & COS. TS '70 '/H. Compensation Hospitals, otc Com]:ensati on OAih% GL 7 J. Salary !.Ieohanio " }{ e lpe r Lab or tIate rials Repairs by others Gas & 0il Tire s ?ower Repair to shop, tools, etc. Telephone l:arts ~or Trucks Insurance SCHOOLS SA. Cllrrent V---, ..... S ?APJ[S BB. Salary Keeper Highland " " ~ 1LqV! 00~ " " Iielrose " " ',lasb_ington 6 mo. " 7 l'lay Ground directors Labor Su?plie s ~uel, L,~ght & ',/stet Telephone & Telegraph Z~ay Grounds Repai rs Inci dentals Insurance Equipment & Improvement Tree spraying, flowers, etc. mO. Sala- ~? Clerk " Asst. Clerk " Janitor " lie c hah ic " Yatron Rest " Janitress " Lab o r Ro om Stationery ~el, light A water Sul~plie s i!e]~airs & .~lterations Insu rant e oupplzes for Telephone Incidentals E qu i pme nt ~efrige rating ?lant II~TE~ST IOA. Interest on bonded indebtedness NOTES PAYABLE. Eureka Park Note Interest on ~27,500.00 Lukens Notes Interest on Luliens notes Hoover notes, Belmont i~ark Interest on Hoover notes ~ 1,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 150.00 250.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 1,4t0.00 500.00 1,000.00 800.00 100.00 '2,000.00 60.00 840.00 15.00 2,O00.O0 550.00 450,000.00 1,000.00 840.00 420.00 560.00 1,050.00 4,400.00 700.00 1,100.00 25.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 50.00 100.00 5,900.00 1,000.00 ~,800.00 1,260.00 9OO.OO V20.00 1,560.00 9O0.O0 560.00 250.00 250.00 5,200.00 400.00 2,500.00 250.00 5,600.00 125.00 100.00 100.O0 20V,455.00 5,000.00 1,650.00 4,165.95 499.92 6,700.00 1,809.00 9 1,000. O0 1,000.00 5,100.00 10,675.00 450,000.00 19,145.00 18,275,00 207,455.00 19,824,87 TU2f~L, 0:~DI~,=~,l ~.-.{~-RI..IIOHS ~ 1,420,504.8V ,-~ ;T? - ,~ 1~$ of ~e~de~ indebted~e®~ ,iideni~ Campbell Avenue TOTAL ~r~r~:~' '~ ~ ~' RY ~ 46,51.0.00 2,S00.00 46,510.00 ~ 2,500.00 48,810.00 1,420,504.87 48,810.00 1,469,114.87 IN Yi~ COUi{CIL 20R T!;tl Cllt~ OP i{OAIiOi2~, VIi{GIN!~, The 4th day of January, 1924. No. 15715. ~, i~SOLUTi 01[ autncrizing the emplo~nnent of additional men in *~-.e Fire De!:artnent. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Ci~d ¢,f Roanoke tb~t eight additional men be employed in the Fire Department to begin July 1, 1924. IN Tl~ COUNCIL PON T!:~ CITY 0P NOAII0i~, VIRGIl[IA, The 4th day of January, 1924. No. 1576. A i{ESOLUTIOi[ directing the employment cf additional men for the Police Depar tree nt. BE IT RESOLV£D by the Council of the City of Noano?e that additional men be employed for the ~'olice Department as follows: Two motorcycle officers and one detective. Iii THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF 20~d~0121, VIRGIIIIA, The 4th day of January, 1924. No. 1377. A RESOLUTION to fix the salaries of thc officers and. employees of the ire ~ ~ + *~eparumen~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Noanoke tim~t the salaries of the officers and employees of the fire Department shall bc as follows: Chief Su~:erintendent of Fire Alarm Master I[e chanic Inspector Captains Lieutenants En~i neers Privates - Sr:l year " 2nd ye ~r " 1st ye ar g,700.00 pere.e~r .... 1,020.00 Per year 1,500.00 per [,'ear 1,680.00 per year i,680.00 per year 1,560.00 per year 1,620.00 per year 1,500.00 per year 1,440.00 per year 1,380.00 per year Said salaries to be ~aid in monthly installments and to continue until chan.~ed by Counc il. 354 IN THE COUNCIL )'0R THE CITY 02 ROA~O~£E, VIRGIIILi, The 4th day of January, 1924. Ilo. 1578. A RESOLUTION to fix the salaries for t~e i~olice Department. BE IT RESOL%~LD by the Co,moil of the Cit~ of Roanoke ttmt the salaries of the police officers and employees ~_all be as follows: Superintendent Captain of Detectives Lieutenants Line Sergeants Desk Sergeant Patrol Chauffeurs Clerk Electric lan Detectives, i.~o~orcycle Officers and Patrolmen, 1st year " 2nd ye ar " 3rd year & thereafter Switch Board Operators ,5,600. O0 2,~00.00 1,860.00 1, 7~0.00 £,100.00 1,580.00 1,500. O0 780.00 1, ~00. O0 1, S60.00 l, 68~0.00 1,5O0.00 per year per year per year per year per year per ~e~r per year po r ye a r per year per year per year p er year Such salaries shall be paid in monthly installments and to continue until changed by Council. III T]~ COUNCIL ~'OR Tt[E CITY 0P ROAN0t[E, VIRGINIA, The &th day of January', 192~. 1579. A RESOLUTION directing certain payments to certain organizations. BE IT PJ~SOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw his warrant each month, beginning January 1, 1924, to the follov~ing organizations for the amount opposite their names: Travelers Aid Oociety Roanoke ~ree I.:edical Dis)~ensary and Visiting Nurses Assn. Roanoke i!os~i ta! Association 125.00 per month ooo.35-1/5 per month. Ill '2P~ COUNCIL FOR TI~', CITY ~ RO~E~Oi£L, VIRGINIA, The &th day of January, No. 1SS0. A -~SOLUTI0I[ authorizing additional empl0yees. BE IT PJ~SOL~D by the Council of the $ity of Roanoke that additional persons be employed in the departments as follows: City Clerk Department, one bil Engineering De?artment, one draft sm~n; clerk; Health Department, one laboratory worker; GaraSe Department, one helper to automobile mechanic. Iii T}-21 COUI[CIL 201t t~[i:1 CITY UP ~©.2~0lE , VI?IGII~IA. Tim 4th day of January, 19,~4. No. to8_ A i{LZOLUTIOII fixir, g the salaries of certain Cit7 officers and em?loyeest BI] IT tlESOLVLD by the Council of the City of ~ ~ ~' ,,o~nol_e that be~innin~ January 1, 1924, the salaries of t2m fo!io"~ City officers and em?loyces s]m~ll '~e as follovrs: Cit[? L~ naoez Clerk to City Iianager Stenogray. her to City i~mc&er 7, 200.00 ]:er ~,.e~r 1,800.00 per year 1,520.00 !~ r year City Engineer Assistant Ci'~ Engineer Ins ye c t or F, o dina n Draftsman 5,000.00 per year 2,520.00 per year 1,500.00 ]~r year 1,200.00 p_ r ye~r 1,500.00 ?er Assistant City Clerk Steno~ra ~ner to City Clerk Bill Clerk 2,040.00 1,520.00 1,500.00 per year l~er ~ear per year Cie ri: tlealth Department Dairy and ~ood Inspector ,,a~. orat or[,- ~ Htenogra?her Health Department 1,620.00 ]~er year 2,200.00 ):er year 2,000.00 ?er year 1,020.00 ?er year General ~'oreman o-,- ,:;~reet Cleaning7 & Garbage DeF, a rtment 2,000.00 ]~er ~,e~r Su]~t. off Etreet Re]::air '~ ') er · uu t~ year "'_ Ci ~u~-t. of ty Stables ~utomo'~i ie !leckanic Hell, er to Automobile l[echanic 1,800.00 ?er ye~.r 1,410.00 ?er year l,ee're r of ...z~ .... la- nd t,OOC.O0 per [:ear Said salaries to be 'fayn, ble izl montLiy installments a~d to cor~tirme until ckanged by Counc i I. II[ T]~:i COUITCZL PCF;. ['HE CI2~f 0P i{0M[01iL, VIl{OlIfi~,., The 4th daf off January, 1924. I[o. 1353. A,,~E~OLUTIO!~ authorizin~ the City .,macocr i;o construct a sidc,~i~'~' ~ on ()~'~r~e -~venue in ~ront off ~e ?roT~ert;; o~ the ~e!rosc Ba~)ti~]t Churck ':~ken funds are avaiia~te for such ?u~oses. ]3L Ii' ](ESOLYED by the Council of the City of i~oamoke ~'~at the Ci~' !~ana.~er be, and he is kereby authorized to construct, or cause to Le const~cted, a side.~t~_ on ora~e ~venue in front of ~.e pro?erty of the l[eirose B~t.t~st Church ~t an esti:uated cost of ~ ~' ' · ~Vo.00, pro~ded, ho~.~ewr, 'said walk shall not be constructed until there is money sufficient therefor in the street im'~rovement fund. Iii ~£_;~ COULCIL ~,'0TM T!2. The 4th Ray of January, 1924. Ilo. 1584. ,%.,~:'~n~ ~T,"~.~..~ ~_ ~, granting a ])ermit to the iioano;:e Gas Light Corn?any to install a 4-inch ~%~s n~in on .~von i{oad from Zherv~ood .~vcnue a distance feet Dorth. BE IT ]~20LVED by the Council of the City o:f ' -' ~{o,:~.no~_e that a Decrepit 356 Roanoke Gas Light company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of ;{oanoL~e from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the constia~ction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street, where the sa~..~e is torn up, under the provision of the general ordirk~nces providin~ for str~et restoration. IN Tt~ COUNCIL ~0i~ ~J~iE CITY 02 iiOAI,~Oi~, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of Janual~, t9~4. No. 1585. A RESOLUTIOU granting a peri,it to the Roanoke 'Jater Works Com]:any to install a water main on Second Street, South Roanoke, from Yellow ![ountain Road llO feet '3est. DE IT RESOL'~D by the Council of the City o£ Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the !loanoke Water Works Company to install a water main on Second Street, South Roanoke, from Yellovz Ilountain Road llO feet .Jest. The said Roanoke ?~ater Works Corn?any by acting under this resolution agrees to indemni~ and save harmless the Citu of Ao~noke from all claims for damages to persons cr property by- reason of the const~ction and maintenance of said v~ater main, and further agrees to repl~ce the street, Where the s~m~e is torn up, under the provi- sions of the general ordinances providing7 flor street restoration. IN THE COUNCIL FOi{ TYZb CITY OF i{O~2JOiiL, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of January, 1924. No. 1586. k RESOLUTION requesting the City l~?anager to make an estimate and report to Council the amount of bonds necessary to be issued for certain improvement s. ~i~AS, it is necessary to obtain money for the pur]~ose of certain improvements to streets, se~:~ers, drains and bridges and an additional amount for school building and equipment purposes, and tioned purposes bond issues ~:~ill be necessary T?~i~JZFO?~, BE IT ?J~:~OLV-£D by the Council of the u~t~, of Roanoke that the City Iianager be, and he is hereby requested to nnke an estirm%te and report to Council the amount of moneU necessary for the follov~ng purposes: 1. The Constr~ction oi' brid~es. 2. ~or the extension of sewers ~md drains. 4. For the construction of a detention home. 5. The additional sum necessary to finD~h the school buildings and the equipment thereof. The City ~.~ar~ger is requested to ~ake such estimate and report as e~rly as is practicable. Y ?he !irk ~.~o<. ~ Januar[,~, 1~24. No. i~87. A~~~P~w~rm~. ~mtin~f~ ~ permit tc the Roanoke ~,~ater ffori:s Coml'~r~y to ins tall certain water m~.~in~. B!'] IT:~'~"'~x~.~..~ b-~,. the Council off ~e City off. Ro~moke ti!at a pem::it be, ' ~ _~ om]:~6,,~ to install a S-inch ar_{~ the same is hereby ;~rstntcd the 2o,:moke 'Jater ..;ork3 O · wRter main in Rosalind ~venue, South ko~moke, for a d.i~ztance of SS0 feet South of 4th Street. Said i{oanoke .rater ];orks Com?m~ by actinft unier this resolution agrees to in.ier~ify and save ha~less the Ci~- of N~notze from all claims for danw~es to persons or !m~operty by reason of e~e constia~ction and maintenance of said :vater main, and furtker agrees to re?lace the street wSere t.:~c same is torn ur~ under the ~.r, rovisions o~ the (}eneral 0rdiR~mces providing for ~t~-eet... restoration 35? The l!th daZ of January, 1924. Uo .1585. ~ 7~SOLUTION autkorizin~ the No~moke Nai!:'~y an~t Electric ~omr.~n~ to install ce~'trin streeo 1'~ .~..oL~:~D~ the Council of tLe City .. Oc~iq 0 ke ..~ ..... om.~;,, be, and it is here~y atttt':ori~ed to inst~ll ~o!!owin,,7 street lif~:~hts: (lJ A 100 C. ?. light ut tim intersection of Pirst (iIelson) Street and ~!arke t ~ ~ ~qa~re, S. ~. (~) A 100 C. -~. ligkt on Pirst (IIelson) 'Street between Xirk and Cilurck · =~a~,~ tlm intersecti,--: o:: !4th ,~treet and Jackson AverlilO , ~, ,/. Said lid:ts., to be maintained unae~ .... tke FrOvisions ~ff tke contract ~ ~ ~ity off Roanoke and tke '~ -~ ~ ~- :'~' '~'~ ~ :~o~no~e .... kl,~;, and L!ectric Com~ ~'~y. The llth day of ~ ..... '~'~' ~'~" No. 1390. .:~ ~-o~:O,~u.~I0!I to 'approve the accounts ~]~?~ el:fi, ms ~.ains:t the Ckty of Roanoke for tile month c,f DecemLor, 19S5, and direc ....... ~i:~ tlie _-"aTM~.m~xt'~' ' o-r the same the Council of tke Citj c~. No:~'ioke tN~t tke accounts and claims .?~::l:~.inst the, Ci~-'~ fo ti'lc mont~: of December, herebN at:PrOved and oif~ered i:aid :~s fol.!OVm: City Manager ilnGineeri~ DoTt. City Cie rk Tre ~ s~ re r ~e~)~l DeTa rtmc~t Jt~d.~c s Zala tie s Court Officers L lb:lense 888.06 779.92 o14. i0 291.74 1756.58 858 City Hall Election Counc il Coroner ~lmshouse Outside 3ocr Host i tals 0rganized Charities Insane Jail Juvenile Court i-'olio e De?artment Fire Department Fire Hydr:mt Rental S treet Lighting Building Inspector I.:ilitary & Armories ~uarantine & '.Detention Heal th Department Street Cleaning Garbage Remowal Sewer ~[aintenance Street Reltair Hridge Repair C rus he r City Stables Reff~mds & Nebates Special 2ezwices Damages & Cost Workmen ' s Comp ens ati on Garage Schools Library Interest Annex 1919 Acco~mt s '?ayable Jitney Badges EDTii~ 0 X)I NARY Sewer Constr~mtion Drain Const~x~ction Street Grading ILaca damiz lng Street Paving Curbing Sidewalk Construction Schools ,? 895.61 56.50 453.48 66.00 429.07 144.00 505.00 255.87 60 .O0 1210 .os 674.22 9559.62 9584.85 1554.60 2061.44 451.00 82.00 100.00 175.99 1550.60 1128.50 2648.15 515.95 4646.81 1254.68 1065 145V .59 21.88 116. 5.50 50.00 894.67 37,439.58 455.85 2550.88 1156.71 24,052.50 ,,~84.29 576.00 16.22 5005.78 215.52 7508.02 2244.51 50.97 552.47 550.28 70000.00 .¢ 117,451.17 83,.485 $ aoo,916.52 IN T]~ COUNCIL P0!: THE CITY 0F ROklf0126, VIRGINIA, The ilth daz of January, 19~4. No. 1591. A RESOLUTION direct' ~ , . ~n~ the ~a~uuent of . 900 000 O0 to the Treasurer of the School Fund for school buildings. Bii IT..,.~,~.~'m~r'T'ZiD by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and &uditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a ~.mrrant payable to the Treasurer of the school fund for the s'~ of ,,?oO,O00.00 on account of school buildings. schools Said amount when~..~,aid stroll be charged to the extraordineu-y account of' IN Till COUNCIL POi'. '~ ~ .... · ~ CITY t,P i{~d~Ot_a, VIRGIN!~, The llth day of January, 1924, No. 1592. ~'~ NESOLU2IOI[ authorizing the City i~nager te construct a sewer to accommo,e, te the !roperty on 1,lurray Avenue 'Jest of 7th Street, S. E. Bi{ IT RESOLVED by the Comacil of the City of Roanoke that the City ~? ......-,~ ~ ..... ~ :~ ~o ~,~ ,~,~}~,~-~l ±.o c~-~mat~n~:t, or cause to be ccnstnicted. 359 a sev;er to accommodate the ]TcoI~erty on ~,urray Av~:.~ue, ~. ~., Yest of 7th Street, but before preceeding with the construction o= saza sewer, the l~ro?crty ov~ners abuttin~ on ~u~ z~. Avenue and to ~e accommodated by said o e~.~er, sha~l ~ illto the ~ty ~rea~' ~ .... to be reimbursed one-half suck cost at ~. the full cost thereof, the~ some future time. II! Till COUNCIL F0i{ ~!E CISY 0~~ l-iC~.d~01[?~, VIi]GII~Ia, The llth day off Jan~ry, 1924. No. 1595. ~ i~SOLUS~!0U author ~zing the City '" ~ , ~iager to construct, or cause to ~e cons~t~cted, a sewer to acco::Fnodate the ?o!erty on Greenbrier ~,venue East of 14th Street. '~ .....' .... Hoano~.e that tke Ci~' Bi~ IT ~OL fED %,~ the Council of the City c,f -' ~- ]~Iana~er be, and he is hereby: authorized to constn-.ct, or c~?ase to be const~cted, a sewer to accommoaatc the property on Greenbrier Avenue East of 14th fitrect, 10ts to be ~.~comnod~.~ted'-~ ~ ~' to be known ~s from 20 to 32, incl,~zve,~ · "~' of the Jebt: ~ddition, but before proceedin~ with the const~mction of said se'~er, th~ ?ro?erty o',mers sba[ ]n~o the Cit~, , I~ ' ~ ~ Trea~ .... the full oo~t tkereof '~ ~ ~':'~ mz~ t~.e~ to be reimbursed o~-half such cost at some =~,~!~e time. ~" ~ ~ Tt~ 05' III TiE] C0~,'J,~I~ -~!~ CITY 110~i~0121,, VI!:GII[I~,, The ilth day o~ Januars/, 1924. No. i~94. .L .~C~I01.~ directing the City Clerk ~,nd _~_.uditor to draw a '~varrant for the sum of $150.00 for H. Zi. Pox on account of attorney's -fee in tke case of thc rule issued ,~,~.~_~o~~'~'~+ x-~'olice Officer ~or~an. BE IT iD;ZOL'Y~D b;,r the Council of the City of 2~o~moke that tix~ City Clerk ~_nd',, ~ Auiitor be, an(i kc is hereby directed to draw a '-,;~z~n~',-~'~' ~- for tke sum of ~150.00 paya%lc l:'olic e Officer ~moun~ sl:e ci :t! services. p~ations to the follo~ accounts be, and t~ s~e are hereby supplemented in IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0~' ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of January, 1924. No. 1389. A ,RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT ,RESOLVED by the Council of the City of aoanoke that the appro- the following amounts: ~ity Clerk & Auditor $ 107.S2 Treasurer 201.55 Legal Department 314.10 Judges Salaries 151.?l Assessment of Tax 4~ City Hall Ele c ti ons 56.30 0oroner 66.00 360 Military & Armories Garbage Removal Sewer Mainten_ance Street Repairs Bridge Repairs Crusher Refunds & Rebates Special Services Damages & Costs Garage Street Improvement $ 82.00 1,922.40 393.84 1,591.96 1,468.56 1,063.51 21.88 116.8:5 3.50 946.?8 65,089.48 $ 75,502.85 and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his 'books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolutions. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F R0~10EE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of January, 1924. No. 1395. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 4-inch gas main on 8th Street, S. W., from Marshall Avenue a distance of 150 feet South. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to i,nstall a 4-in( gas main on 8th Street S. W. from Marshall Avenue a distance of 150 feet South. ~he said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to in- demnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of aaid gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up under the provisions of the general ordinances of the ~ity of Roanoke providing for street restoration. IN THE COD/101L FOR THE CITY OF' ROANOZ~, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of January, 1924, No. 1396. A RESOLUTION transmitting with recommendation to the City ]~ension Board a petition of the Confederate pensioners. WHER[AS, the pensioners paid from the pension fund appropriated by the $ity of Roanoke have presented a petition asking that an increase in their pen- sions be given them ,and _~_~REAS, the Council has no Jurisdiction in tthe matter of giving an increase, said Jurisdiction being through the Pension Board with the Court, and WHEREAS, the fund now in the Treasury provided from assessment of tim real estate and personal property is sufficient to grant an increase to the pensi one rs. THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Ceur~il that the said petition be, and the same is hereby transmitted to the Pensio~ Board of the City of Roanoke with the recommendation that an increase be granted said pensioners commensurate with the levy therefor. ~h IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of January, 1924. No. 1397. A RESOLUTION gran~lz~ng a permit to the Indian Refining Company to install gasoline ~torage tanksJ above ground. BE IT RESOLVED by the 0ouncil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Indian Refining Company to install gasoline storage tanks above ground on the land leased from the Virginian Railway Company lying V~est of Jefferson Street and South of the Virginian Railway, plat of said land to be hereto attached showing the location of said tanks. The permit is granted upon the following conditions, namely: 1. Ssi& Indian Refining Company agrees to construct around said ~tanks a concrete basin of the capacity double the capacity of the tanks so as to prevent gasoline flowing outside of said basin in the event the tanks should leak or burst. Said tanks to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfac- tion of the Building Inspector. 2. Said Indian Refining Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said tanks. 3. Said Indian Refining Company i~rther agrees to remove said tanks when they are directed to do so by resolution of the Council of the City of Rcanok IN THE COUNCIL F0~R THE CITY OF ROAN0tCE, VIRGINIA, The ~Sth day of January, 192A. No. 1~98. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to H. F. Stoke to install a gasoline tank at his place of business at the Northeast corner of Salem Avenue and Commerce Street S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Ro~oke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted H. ~. Stoke to install a gasoline tank of the capacity not to exceed one thousand gallons at his place of business Northeast corner o£ Salem Avenue and ~ommerce ~Second) Street S.W. Said tank shall be installed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and un~er specifications to be furnished by him. Said H. ~. Stoke by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the installation and maintenance of said tank. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROAEOKE~ VIRGINIA, The 2Bth day of January, t92A. No. 1~99. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light ~omp~ny to install certain gas mains. be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light ¢ompamy to install gas main on 16th Street S. E. for a distance of 5~0 feet South of Kenwood Boulevard. The said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemni~y and save harmless the City of Roamoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance ef said gas main and te replace the street where the same is opened under the pro- Visions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restorat ion. IN TP~ COUNCIL FOR ~EE CITY 0~~ ROAN0;~, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of January, 1924. No. 1400. A RESOLUTION requesting the representatives in the Legislature cf Virginia to introduce and use their efforts to have passed a new charter for the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Hon. Holman Willis, Representative from Roanoke City in the Senate of ,irginia and Hon. James A. Bear and Hon. John W. ?fright, Representatives in the House of Delegates from Roanoke City be, and they are hereby requested to introduce and use their efforts to have passed a new charter for the City of Roanoke, a copy of said charter being hereto attached. IN THE COUNCIL ~'0H ~i~E CITY OF ROAN0~Yd, VIRGI}~IA, The 1st day of ?cbruary, 1924. No. 14~l. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to V. ~,{. Wood to construct cross-overs into a filling station situated at the intersection of ~erdinand Avenue, Elm Avenue and 8th Street S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of noanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted V. ~,~. Wood to construct cross-overs into a filling station situated at the intersection of ~erdinmnd Avenue, Elm Avenue and 8th Street S. W. near the entrance to Wase~ Bridge. The cross-overs shall be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the City ;~nager and under speci- fications to be furnished by him. Said V. t~. Wood by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said cross-overs. Iii THE COUNCIL FOR TKE CITY OF i[0~2[0i£E, VIRGINIA, The 1st day of February, 1924. No. 1402. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to install certain street lights. Bt] IT I~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway and ~'lectric Comp~mny be, and is hereby authorized to i~ tall street li~mhts as follows: (1),.m 100 C. P. light at the corner of Campbell Avenue and 14th Street Southeast. No rthwe st. Streets. [2) 100 C. t~. light at the corner of Hmaover Avenue and 12th Street, [Z) A 25© C. P. light ~n I,~urray Avenue half way between 9th and llth Said li~ts to be maintained under the provisions of the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. 363 IN THE COUNCIL FOR T[~E CITY 0F R0id;0tS'2, VIRGII~I3., The 1st day of February, 1924. No. 1404. A :~ZSOLUTION authorizing the payment of ~$35,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School Fund for ,,maintenance of schools. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City C~erk and Au&itor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $35,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School 3~und for maintenance of schools for the month of January, 1924. Said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of schools. I.U ~,,~r~.._ COUIYCIL F0!~ THE CITY OF ROANOiiE, VIRGIUIA, The 8th day of February, 1924. No. 1403. AN 0~I_~n~,', to regulate the installation of septic tnnk.'3 in the City of~ ,~ BE IT ORDAIi~ED by the Council for the City of Roanoke that no ~eptic tank ~h~.ll~ ~ be installed in the City of Roan, eke without a pe~it in writing from the Building and Plumbim~ In~T~ector. No more than one bui~d~na~ ~ s]mll be connected to any one septic tank and the septic t , house shall be located on the grounds of the house v~.ich it serw~s. The Building and i~luml,in& Inspector is here~)y authorized and directed to specify the 'size, location, and all details of construction of all septic tanks and their drainage fields, grease traps and other app~rtenance~: wh~c..' ~ he permits to b~ installed. Ail septic tsmks and their appurtenances installed in this City shall be subject to insr, ection by the Bui!di~%ff and ~ , ' ~ .lumb~ng Inspector as o~er plumbing ~no~allat~o~a 364 The City of Roanoke accepts no responsibility for the successful operation of any septic tank permitted under this cmdi~nnce nor any liability f~ damages due to such septic tank. No septic tank shall be permitted to be installed on or to remain on any property which can be connected with a City sewer. Yees for per, its and inspections shall be ~1.50. IN TIlE COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 02 ':~NOt~i, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of' ~ebruary, 1924. No. 1405. A RESOL~IIOI~ to permit the ~siness Extension Corpo~tion and E. Coulter to close thc alle~vay running from ~'ranklin Road to an alleyway South of said Frauklin Road ~d approximately 290 feet distant therefrom. %~IP~AS E. !~. Coulter is the ov~er in fee simple of property situated on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Franklin Road in Roanoke City, fronting app~ximately l~ feet on Yr~klin .Road and appr~:imately 150 feet on Jefferson Street, and the Bus.ess Extension Corporation is thc owner of the pro~rty fronting 91.6 feet on Franklin Road abuttinE on a former alleyway adjoin- ing said Coulter property on ~.e west and e:~tending from Franklin Road approxi~te].y 290 feet to an alley parallel with Franklin Road and south thereof, and is also the '~ner of the property fronti~ 150~feet on the west side of Jefferson Street and abutting on thc alleyway last above mentioned~,~'~d also on an alle~ay i~edi- ately sou~ of said ~oulter p~perty at ~t angles to Jefferson Street and extendi~ back along said alley to the southern portion of ~.e alley first above menti one d. 7M~AS said alleyway from Franklin Road in a s~therly direction f~ a distance of 1Z0 feet (fo~crly 140 feet) is entirely unused, has never been graded or used by the public and could be of no use to the ?ublic; and '~'~R~ the southern portion of said alle~vay extending from the ~outh line extended of the a~ley',~ay south of the Coulter propert7 to the alle~vay parallel to and appro~mately 290 feet south of Franklin !{oad serves no convenienc~ except to the property owners abutting thereon ~md to the ~tid property ~ ~id Coulter and is of no use or convenience to thc public gencra:.l~, and thc sa~d owners of the above property ~nd the said Coulter requesting the closin~ el' ~id entire alley exten~n~ from ~r~l:lin Road to the alle~c#ay ]:arallel with said Avenue ~d approxi~tely 290 feet distant therefrom, except as to tb~t portion thereof four feet wide and ten feet lon~ - being a four feet extension of the alleyway alonc the south line of the Coulter prol:erty and connecting wi+J~ Jeffcr~:on Street - and thc said abuttin~ I~.op rt., o~mers consenting hereto, therefore, BE IT :~.~oOLVZD b~~ the Council for tko Citj of t~oanokc, Virginia, that ' a, te the four feet by ten feet stri~ said alleyway be and hereby is closed, except ~"~ thereof above mentioned and that the Cit~ of ~o ,~ ~ ~ ~" ~ a~lo~e o. ct~ perl:etua!ly relinquish ~.karein, but nothing herein and forever disclaim all right, title or interest ~,~ ~ ....... + ..... a ~,,~ ~+;~,~-~ ,~,~ *.~o ~w~.,~ ~afli~ from gefferoo~ e:,:te~:de~ four =, i ~. , ~.ee ].~eL:ond the '¥'e~tern pro]:orty line o~ said Coulter prorerty into ~.~, s~acc occul-,ied by t'" ~u ~:rme:' al]eyv;ay hereby closed. III l.'?L COUiTCIL 20i~ TEE CikL' OF ~0~'G,~0i[E, VIRGI!iI~, The 5th f~ay of ~'ebruary, 1924. No. 1406. ~~it,!I to estal~i~sk a t~u.~cEng l~ne o~ the Lortn side of Salem Ave/me i~ct?~een 10th Street and ~,fea:tviev~ Avenue. ~L '. ~,~OLv~D by' the Council of the Ci:y cf ~.~.~,~o~.~ that the buildir~ line on the ~lort]: ;~de ~.~ ~alem ~venue between 19th 21;r~et and ,/es~v~ew Avenue ~' f~. ~e, ~nd the same is hereby estaLlished thre, e f~et-~Iorth of +2~e t~'operty line. ~.~ COb~CIL FOil ~'" ~' ~' - The ~ti: ia,c-off 7ut,,ruary, 1)~4. No. 1407. 1--o a t, ermit to tl:e Central !~oo~i~:~ anS~ 5or:r~ice Com??ny to erect a ~Tquise across the frcnt off the buildir~g at 108 S. Jefffferson BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council off the Oity of Roanoke that a Fermit be, and ~.e s=ame is ner.:bo granted the Ce~:t~',=~ ~ooffii~g and Cornice Compan~ to erect a ~mrquise acro:~s the front off ~e building at 105 S. Jefferson .Street. The said zmrquise ~d~a!l be erected in accordances ':ith the good liking and saiisfaction o the Bui! E.n~[ Ins?ecto7 and under s~:eciffications to be ~&rnlg, md by him. Said ~oo g and Co~ice Company by acting under this resolution a~rees ~ z,,~e.,~z.z~¢ ....... s,~ve hazm~less the City of i(oanoke from all 0%sms foT: damages to peri, ohs or property by re~-,~cn of the construction anm m%5nte:aance of said marqu: The 5th day of ~ebruary, 1924. No. 1405. . ~O~.,~IOi[ o~,~. pe ~'" ,~e~.~ to erect a six room fr~ re~:idence cn the South side of I~oorm~'~ Road a~mrcz[~ma~ely 250 feet East of Fark Street,~ N. 'f, .., on Lot 7 ~ection., l~. F. & H. ~dd_tio~. ,~z.~. ~20LVED. '~,o~ the Cour_cii of the Ci-;y of !~oanc, ke t~'at..~ a permit be and the same is hereby granted Wilson Jertz to erect a six room frame residence on the South side of ~[oo~aan Road approximately 250 feet East of ?ark Street, on Lot V Section E, R. F. & H. Addition. Said ?~ilsen Wertz b;~ ~t~:~ under this resolution agr~es to indemnify and save tm;m~less the City of Roanoke from all claims for dam~o~.~:~ to !~ersons or property by reason of ~e construction and tenar, ce of said building. ~e .me 866 I!? T}~ COUNCIL POE TPLE CIi%f O? EO.~/IOtlE, ¥IRGINIA, The 8th day of Pebruary, 1924. Ilo. 1409. A RESOLUTION tc approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of January ,1924, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT !~ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of January, 1924 be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: Gi ty Manager Engineering, Det t. City Clerk Treasurer LeEal Dep~rtment Ju~[ges Salaries Cou~t Officers & Expense Assessment of Tax Collection of Taxes City Hall Stationery & l:rinting Council Convention & League Dues Co Tone r Almshouse Outside Poor Hospitals Organized Charities Ins ane Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept. ~ire Department Fire Hydrant Rental Stre e t Light lng Building Inspector LIilitary & Armories Physi ci an Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Ga rbhge Removal Sewer Haint chance Street Repairs Bridge Repairs Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Live Stock Spec ial Se rvic e s Dama~es & Cost Workmen ' s Comp ensati on Garage Schools t:ark s Lib rary IIa rk e t s Interest Anne x 1919 Accounts Payable Pe ns i one Notes Pay able NARY S 1163.80 1401.04 829.58 2557.64 220.00 291.66 1712.68 386.80 1549.96 106.60 45.5.52 242.25 25.00 509.45 155.07 588.53 460.85 17~.50 1185.25 777.52 10,314.86 8677.60 1488.25 2064.9~ 572.29 8V .50 100. O0 159.40 1554.08 1648.0Z ~775.94 1288.14 5846.78 591.08 1218.25 2261.46 643.88 1601.97 259.50 212.30 50.00 1682.59 55,000.00 962.60 1407.96 1259.48 39,4.92.50 1355.57 1024.09 8497.70 15~ 550.00 $ 16~,154.20 Sewer Construction Opening & Grading Streets Street Paving Curbing Sidewalk Construction Schools Sinking ~und 1211.07 911.55 6.50 56.94 184.52 50,000.00 23,255.00 75,605.16 258,759.56 III TI~; C£Ut[C · ~, ~ ," CITY C',~ ~ '~' '~'0if~, The 8th day of ~ebruary, No. 1410. ~ ~'~5 000 00 to the Treasurer of ~ P~SOLUTI0I[ autho~ zing the pa~ent of ~, , . the School ~nd. ~m.~t,~'~ bF the Counmit of the City of ttoanoke tha~ the City Clerk a~d Auditor ~e,' arid he is hereby authorized to ~raw ~ warrant for the ~m of ?~,~00.00 payable to the Trea~rer of the school fund on accoun+~. ~ of school build- in?s. Said amount when paid ahall be char~ed to the extraordinary acc~ant of schools. 1.7 T~2~ C 0UITC iL FOP. TtlE CI l~f 0~, hCAiIOKE, I..GII, L~, The 8th day of Febr~ry, 1~4. Ali CRDIIU~NCE to ~nend a~ reo~ain Section ~9 of tke General Ordinances o~noke rel to l. Iarket hours. of the City of R ...... ~:~D~;IL~D b~ the Council of the C~t~ off Roanoke that Section 349 of the 0eneral Ordinances v/nich was a:~nded by o~d~..ance ado]~ted April 50, 1921, ~ ~ 10,.~, be amended ~md reordained so as a~ain amended by ordinance adopted ~Iay ~5, ~'~ to read as follows: !,[arket he~rs for the CiZ~ Iiarket shall Le from ~ A. I.I.un' '~1~ 7 I~. ~,,". for each d~., in the year except ' ~'- Sunda~s Hours fo~ market on Saturdays shall be from 367 · r-~. COUI!CIL ~ ~ ~!~'~ CI P VIRGINIA, ~ 0z; k~J C ROAN 0tE , The ~.th day of ~eb~ry, 1924. No. 1412. A RE~LUll0N requesti~ the representatives in the Legislature of Virginia from '~'~'~o~.~.~,_~ Ci'~'~ to introduce ~nd endeavor to have passed certain legislation. v~',~_~, IT TM.~,.~ar'~n,u,~ by the Co~mcil of thc Ci~- of ~camo]m ~at the representa- ' ' ~ne~ ~tre hereby tives from Roanoke City in the Legislature of Virginia be, and requested to introduce and endeavor to have passed the follov;in~ bill: A BiLL to ~rotect the hea~th of the inhabitants of cities and incorporated towns ~. requiring public service corporations enlarged in t~,~ business of furnish- ing ware~' or sewerage facilities to m~c}': cities ant + ~ .... o r~.o or 2Leir inh~bitants to p~rovi,~e an ~deq~=te supI~ly anl ervice and to make suc[~ extensions cf service as m,_~,,'~, be necessary for ~e protection of ~he ~nc~._~L~'] +~ o~ such inhabitants and to provide fan' the enforce m,~,~ of such t~uL~c duties where s~h lu~blic service corp- orations are uno, hie or shall fail or ref~se to perform the same. ~Je it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia l e ~ ' ~ ' · ;~a. it~.~"~.~ be thc dutj of cverj public service cor~orat~on en~ged in tlc bus~ueoo of ~urni-~'~,n~n~ ~ w~ter or sewerage facilitie~ to ~ny c itj or incorp- o~ ed to'vn in ~s Commonwealth or to ~he inhabitants tkoreof, (whother or not suck businesc i~: c~nducted under or by virtue of a municipal fr~ncki~e) to furnish 36S and facilities incidental to such suEply, distribution or disposal, sufficient and adequate to the protection of the health of uuch inhabitants and to the public health of the community. 2. If any such public service corporation shall fail or refuse to perform any of the duties imposed by section one of this Act, any city or incorporated town served or whose inhabitants are served by such corpo~tion may file with the State Co~oration Commission a petition setting forth the failure or refusal of such corporation to carry out and perform one or more of such duties to the detri- ment or threatened detriment of the public health of such community. The State Corporation Commission, after ~ue notice to such public service cot?oration, shall investigate ~ch compS%iht and, if upon such investigation, the Co~ission shall dete~ine tlnt the pu%lic health of Q~e community is imp[dred a threatened ~;dth im~irment by reason of tt~ failure of such t4~blic service corpo- ration to l~rform or carry out any of the duties imposed by section one of ~i~ Act, it ~al! embody ~ch finding iu an order to be entered upon its records and at the same time shall enter an order requiri~ such public se~ice corpo~.t~ on tc make such increase in itw water ~pply or such increases, cn~es modifications an~ extensions of its distriLutic'~, or di~[.o~al s~'stems and such changes, modifi- cations and e::tension~ i~?. its service and facilities as ~y be requisite tc the ~. ,~tk o the conm~uni~'~ proper protection of the public '~a.~' f ~. The 8o~nission shall fix in its order a reasonable ti~.~e within which such increases, cl~nges, modifications and e~[tensions shall be completed and ~ require repo~ ~o from such public service corporation of the progress of the work so ordered. ~m~ce corporation sLall fail or r~fuse to comply &. If any such yublic ~'-~'~ ~th any order of th~ State Corporation Cor~ission made pu~o~+~ to the ~ovisions of this Act, the State or any person authorized %y Chapter 240 of the Code to institute such proceeding may ]~roceed agai~st s~ch corporation by a writ ~ quo warranto, or infor:~tion in the ~ture of a writ of quo warranto in the circuit or corporation court having jurisdic%ion in the county or city wher~in is located the principal office of ~e corporation in this State. The l~rovisions of Chapter 240 of the Code shall be applicable to ~y such proceeding except as herein ~'~+ of dissolution, wise provided and if, in such precee~ng there s~ll be a ~o ...... the provisions of Section Z757 of the-Code shall apply. 5. This Act shall apply to public service corporations engaged in the business of fur~shing vate-~ ~d se~,~erage ~ ' ~ ~ac~lities to cities and incorporated to~r~s in this State at the ti~e that this act becomes effective as well as to such as my hereafter be inco~:orated. 6. Nothin~ herein contained shall be const~ed so as to limit or curtail the existin~ powers, of the State Corporation Commission to require of all public service corporations in all cases the rendition of adequate service to the pu%lic at reasonable rates nor the existin~ right of municipalities or individuals to apply to the State Co~o~atiou Commission for the enforcement of such dutie s, the purpose of this Act bein~ an extension and not a limitation of the ~owers of ~e Co~is sion. 869 The igth da~ of Fcbru~..ry, 1924. No. 1415. · ~., c~ ? , ~ · ~- ~ .~0LU~0U acce~ti~a, an o])..io:i for tile purchase of certain l~&, ~uild~, water rights etc. siren ~y the Sha~: BE IT ;.ac~z,~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City of Roanoke Le~eby. accepts the option o~,~"e~ by the Shat]: Ifiili~ff ComI:.any, I~'ico~orated,i for the purcha~m at thc l~rice of ~385,000.00, upon the cert~r~ .... real estate and property in the County of Roaiaokc, ;{oar~o]:e l{iver, ¥7e°~ , =~ of the town of ~alem in said County, consistif:g of about twenty acres of land, to,ether :itl all water and other ri~'~n~s now o,,z~ed.. L~-~ said Shank Y. itlin~ Company, Incorporated together with all buil,ti~'::o~s and ,nacnlner~ in sail building, an~l everythln~ in the building on said tract of land, exceDt the ~lc_ ~t the time o~ the exercise o~ ssi& stock of ~oods, wares and merchandise ':-' ~ ,~ olbtion my be therein, ~oa, et.~e_ with all unattached fixtures therein be ,~,id the same is hereby accepted. B:'. ~ ~U.-,~,.~, ]~COZVED that the City Clerk and Au&itor be, and lie ia hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of ~25.OO payable to said llilling Csm!)any, Incort~,orated, bei~,~ the cash loa~m~.ent therein me~itioned. ?,il IT P~T]~:R :~o~,~,~:3 that the I,Iayor and Cit~.' Olerl: Le ~..d they are ~ the City cf Roanoke. her. by directed to execute s~id option on behalf o, IN m~-v COUNCIL ~iR Tt~ ~,x,,v .... ~. 0F RCAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of i.'ebruary, 1924. No. 1414. A PJ~0LUTIOII granting a permit to the Norfolk & Western i{ailway Co. to make an extension to C~npbell Avenue Station situated on the Southeast corner of Campbell .-ivenue and Second (Randolph) Street S. ~. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanok. e that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Norfolk & Western Railv~y Com]}any to make an extension to its building known as the Campbell Avenue Station situated on the southeast corner of Campbell f. venue and Second (Randolph~ Street S. E. Said extension to conform to the general otyle and Architecture and m~t r~al of the ~ old buildin~ and to cost approxin~tely ~6,000.00. The buildir& shall be construct? ed according to the good lil:ir~_~ and satisfaction of the t~ui!dir~: Inspector. The said Norfolk & Western Rail'~ay Co. by acting under this resolution agrees to ~.ndemnl~.,:~. and save harmless the City of Roanoke from any claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of the extension!. IN TISE COUNCIL POi{ T}Hi CITY 02 i{Of~I01LE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of 9ebr~ary, 1924. No 14 15 A Ri~SOLUTION authorizing the City l.[~mager to const~mct a midewalk on the South side of Lielrose Avenue N. W. between 21st and ~2nd Streets abuttin~ the 37O BE IT l~dJSOL'~;D,by the Council of the City cf itoanoke that the City t~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a five foot granolithic sidewalk abutting the property of D. J. Phipps on the South side of ~,[elrose Avenue N. W. between 21st and 22nd Streets, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, said D. J. Phipps shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof he to be reimbursed one-ha, if such cost at some future time. IN TP~ COUNCIL FOR T~ CITY O~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of February, 1924. No. 1416. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City lianager to construct a sidewalk en the South side of E[m Avenue for a distance of 120 feet and on the East side of Ferdinand Avenue for a distance ~f 150 feet East of 8th Street abutting the property of S. A. Duerson. BE IT RE'.~0L' ~fED by the Council of the City of ~{oanoke that the City ~,~,~nager be, and he is hereby authorized to constr~ct or cause to be constructed a five foot granolithic sidewalk on the South side of Elm Avenue for a distance of 120 feet and on the East side of Perdin~nd ~venue for a distance of 150 feet East of 8th Street abutting the property of S. a. Duerson, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, said S. A. Duerson shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. IN Tt~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF' R0~J0!~i, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of February, 1924 No. l&20. A RE,~0LU~.iX0N accepting certain land domted by H. C. Barnes and Hrs. Virginia ~. Bar~s. ~'~AS H U Ba~es and I~,Irs Virginia ~. Barnes by deed dated ~e 14th day of February, 1924, have conveyed to the City of RoanoM certain land therein set and upon certain conditions therein specified, and ¥f~2~S the conveyance of said land to the City of Roanoke will be c~ conei~erable benefit to the Cil~. T.~2~EFO2~E, BE 12' RESOLYED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that said 1.~nd be accepted, and that this Council tender to Said H. C. Barnes and lJrs. * Vir~nia ~. Barnes its thanks for their generosity. And the Clerk is directed to certify a copy o£ this resolution to H. C. Barnes and ~Jrs. Virginia F. Barnes. III TPLE COUNCIL ~13tt TI~ CITY 0~~ ROANS, VIRGI!~IA, The 15th day of February, 1924. No. 1421. A i~SOLUTION authorizing the Cit~ Manager to construct a sewer to accommodate the property on ~iaiden Lane between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of i~oanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be cor~ tructed, a sewer to accommodate certain property on ~aiden Lane between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets. S~id property being Lot 4 Section 4 Bungalow Addition, owr~d by W. E. Goodwin; Lot 5 Section 4 Bungalow Addition, owned by B. C. Bishop, and Lot 6 Section 4 Bun~alow Lddition owned by S. A. Duerson, but before proceeding with the construction of said server, the property ~vners shall pay into the City Treasury one-half of the cost thereof. IU THE COUNC IL F01-~, TPUE CITY 0 2 itOAH 0thE, VIIIGI NIL, The 22nd day of February, 1924. No. 1422. A P,~[~,0LUTION granting a permit to Dr. A. O. ,Gill md N. ~'. ~,~uir to construct a frmme addition to be covered with sheet metal at their house No.lll East Church ~'~venue. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of i{oanot:e that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Dr. E. G. Gill and Dr. I3. F. iMir to construct a franm addition to be covered with sheet metal at thei~~ house No.lll I~ast Church ~venue. The said addition to be constructed according to the good liking and sati.' faction of the Building Inspector and may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Council. The said Dr. L. G. Gill and Dr. N. ~. I.Mir by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and main- tenance of said ad~dition. IIT T~E COUNCIL F0[~ Tt~ CITY OF ROANOI[E, VIP. GII~tA, The 22nd day of February, 1924. No. 1423. A RESOLUTI0~ directing the City L~anager to cor~t~ct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommo~te the property of Alouff Bros. at 507, Zll and ~ampbell Ave. S ~. BE IT ilESOLVED by the Council of the City of ldoanot:e that ~e City Manager be, and he is hereby autho~zed to construct, or c~use to be const~cted, a sewer to accommo~:~te ~.e pro~rty of Alouf'Bros. at 307, 311 and 515 Campbell Avenue S. E., but before proceeding with the const~ction of ~id sewer, Alouf Eros. shall pay in~ the City Trea~ry the full cost thereof to be reimbursed one- half such cost at some future time. 871 II1 TH~ COUNCIL POE THE CITY 0~' l~2dJ0t~ VIRGINIA, The ZEnd day of Pebruary, 1994. No. 1424. A t~SOLUTI©N granting a pe~it to the Standard Oil Company to con- struct certain gasoline tanks. BE IT '~{ESOLV£D by the Council of the Cit~' of Roano~-e that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Standard Oil Company to construct and maintain two twenty barrel underground gasoline t~nks at each of the following locations: 1. Whe Northwest corner of Commonwealth and Wells Avenues, N. E. 2. The Southwest corner of ~ourth Street ~ud Tazewell Avenue, ~.E.' 3. The Southeast corner of ~erdinand ~venue and 8th Street, S.~#. The said Standard 0il Comi~any shall construct said tanks in accordance with specifications to be furnished it by the Building Inspector and according to the good liking and satisfaction of said Building Inspector. Said Standard 0il Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said tanks, and further agrees to remove the same when they are directed to do so~by the Council of the City of Roanoke. IN TP~L COUNCIL FOR ?lie CITY O~' ROAIT0t~, VIHGIHIL, The 22nd day of Febr~ry, 1924. No. 14 ~. A i~SOLUTION gr~ti~ a permit to the Ro~oke Gas Li~t Comply to install a 4-inch gas main on Nelson Street for a distance of l~0 feet South of Albemarle (llth) Avenue. B~ IT ~SOLVED by the Co~cil of the City of ~oanoke t~t a pe~it be, and the ~e is hereby granted the Ro~oke G~s Li~t Company to install a 4-inch g~s main on Nelson Street S. E. for ~ distance of l~0 ~eet South of Albemarle Avenue. The said Roanoke ~as Light Compa~ by acting under this resolution~agrees to indeEify and save harmless the City of Ho~oke from all claims for d~m~ges to persons or property by reason of the con~t~ction and maintenance of said gas main and to replace the street where the s~me is torn up under ~e provisions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing ~or street restoration. ores s-eve rs. IN THE COUNCIL ~?. ~LPIE CITY OF' i{OANOI£E, VII{GINIA, The g2nd day of Pebruary, 19P~4. No. 1426. itESOLUTION granting a pe~]it to Ira ~. Walton to construct certain BE IT RESOL'~ by the Council of the City of Ro~uoke that a permit be, and the s~ne is hereby granted Ira 2. W~lton to construct two cross-overs at the corner of Pirst Street and Luck Avenue S. W., one of sai,i cross-overs to be on ~irst Street and the other on Luck Avenue. S~id cross-overs sh~ll be constructed according to the good liking a~d satisfaction of the City ~ianager ~nd under speci- 373 damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said c:ross-overs. III THE COUNCIL 'i*X)i{ THE CITY 02 R0iYN0tiE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of February, 1924. No. 141V. AN ~EDINANCE to fix the rate of rental for the L[arket Auditorium. BE IT 0RDr~Ii~t~) by the Council of the City of i{oanoke that the rate rental for the l~arket Auditorium shall be as follows: Per each day ~ For each week [ V days) Z0.00 150.00 provided, however, that for day light use only, the rental sha~l be ~20.00 per day~ otc. IN ~U)~ COUilCIL P0ii ~]/ CITY 63 l:0~If0iiE, VIRGII~I3~, The 20th day of Pebruary, 1924. No. 1415. Ali 0i~Ii~ANCE to regulate the sale of produce, vegetables, fruits, levels, ~'.,, IT 0RD~I_~IED b~ the Council o~ the Cit~.~ of Roanoke that no person, except the producer, shall sell or offer for sale, any produce, vegetables, fruits. fowls, or other like commodities on the ~ '~ . ~ m~.~r~et souare o~ within four blocks of the m?~rket souare, any ~oercon violating the provisions of this sectiom shall be £irmd not !ess than' five dollars for each of£ense, l:rovided, however, that this section s~ai! not apply to peddlers of produce hold~.ng a State license. Itt THE COLqICIL ?02 Tti£ CITY 0P i~0.,HICIiE, VIt-:OliilA, The o~+:.~ day of' February, 19')~ Ilo. 1419. AN 0RDIiL'JJCE to regulate the placing of wagons an& other vehicles from w_'nich produce or otb. er commodities is o££ered for sale on the curb at the public market' ~md providing penalties for a violation thereof. ]'~E IT 0EDAII¥£D by the Council of the City of i,~,oanohe that the ov~ers of all vehicles ~rom which, produce or other commodities is to be offered for sale on u-~..,~ , u the public ~'rhet, shall take their place in line at a point to be desi~mted by the Clerk o£ the ,.~arket or his assistants, and st. all come into the market rind be assigned a place on the curb in the order in which the line is forme~ and no owner of a vehicle shall be assigned a ~lace at ~e curb unless smch vehicl~ shaS1 be in line or arrives a~ter the vehicles in line have moved ~rom the plato ~ desit~ted by said Clerk of the Ilart:et. No person shall place on the curb at the public m~.rt:et any vehicle, table box, barrel or other like article ~o? the purpose of holding space on said curb, 374 Any person violat,ing the pro-risions of the ordinance shall be fined not less than ~5.00 nor more than ~20.00 for each offense. III TP~ COUIICIL 26i{ TEL CI2~f O? i~O~IIOtiE, VIRGIIIIA, The 29th day of ~ebruary, 19~. No. 1427. Ali OHDII[f~TCE to grant a permit to Glenn Realty Company to construct a side track across Shenandoah Avenue at the intersection of 16th Street, Northwest. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit,be, and the same is hereby granted the Clerm Realty Company t6 construct a side track across Shenandoah Avenue at the intersection of 16th Street Northwest, said track to enter the property of the Glenn ,,ealty Comoany. The pe~it is granted upon the following conditions: 1.. Said Glenn Realty Company shall m~:e the grade of aaid track to conform to the street grade, and shall at all times maintain said street vhere it is crossed by said trac][ in a good condition. 2 Said Glenn Lealt~, Company shall maintain at its ov~ expense such safety devices as n~y be necessary to protect the public in the use of said streets. 5 In ~onstruc ti on of said trac~,', the ~,,~s and water pipes shall not be interferred with. 4. Said track may be maintained until such time as Council shall order ~ it s removal. Said Glenn !{ealty Corn?any by acting under this resolutdon agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said track. IN THE COUIICIL I,~0i{ ~' = ~ ~' ' ' The 29th day of Pebruary, 1924. IIo. 1428. 21 i~SOLUTIOII establishing the building line on the West side of I'~iedmon~! Street from Riverland,~%venue to Arbutus' Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanohe that the building line on the N~st side of Piedmont Street from the South side of Riverland Avenue to the South side of Arbutus. 2:~.venue abuttir~ Lots 15 to £5 o5' the 2~iverland Road Addition be and the s~m~e is hereby established five feet from the inside curb or ?roperty line. IN THE COUI~CIL FOii TH£ CITY 03 t~ANOt[]'~, VIRGINIA, The 29th day of ~eb~mry, 1924. IIo. 1429 A 2~o0LU~IOI~ ~uthori=in~ the ygyment to thc Treasurer of the School ~una ¢50,000.00 for mintenance for month of 2ebruary. ~o0,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School 3kmd for maintenance of school for the month of February, 1924, ~aid amount when ~ai5 shall be charged to ordir~ry account of schools. 375 IN ?H£ COUI[CIL ~)!-t ~[E CITY OP kO;~fOtlh, VI?,GILrIA, The 29th day ~ February, 1924. No .1~0. AI~ OEDI~k,~CE to require .~e tuberculin testing off cattle sup?lying milk to the City of Bil IT OEDAII~ED by the Council of the City of Ro~oke as follows: 1. Ail cattle from which mil, button,ilk or cream is sold in the City of Roanoke, shall Pederal Veterinarian, or by a Veterinarian approved by the State Veterinarian and U. S. ~3ureau of ~mimat Industry. 2. All cattle reactina7 to the tuberculin test shall ~e removed immedi- ately from the premise~ on which healthy cattle are maintained and the Fremiaes shall be cleaned and disinfected accordin~ to the regulations of the State and U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. 5. Veterinarians applyi%u tuberculin tests to cattle, shall ut:on coml~le- tion of the test, furnish the ovmer of the cattle a an~ de~ oc~z],tion of the .... ,:~, , c~le tested by them ~.~.d the results of each test m~d the owner shall deliver the statement to the City Health Officer. 4. No untested cattle shall be added to any herd of cattle sui~pljing mill:, buttermilk or cream to the City of Roanoke. 5. Uhenever in his judgment is is necessary, the City Health Officer his duly qualified agents shall h~ve thc right to test or to retest or to require the te?tin~7 or retestin,u~ and to be t~re~:ent wl~en a tuberculin test is bci~ made, of any or ~!lanimals in any herd of cattle, from which mi!~, buttermilk or cream i~ sold in the City of Roanoke. 6. It shall be illegal to brinj into the City of to offer for sale therein, any milk, buttermilk or crc:tm t~roduced from cows which ~l~tve ~lot been tuberculin tested and founl to Le frec from tuberculosis within one passage, 7. Tki~ ordinance shall be effective on ,.~.~o~ si:~ty ctays ~rom its The 7tk da~ c,f I[arch, I[o. 1451. ....... ~,~,~01~ ,'tircut~n~ the ~ayment to the ~ ..... z, rer the School ~kmd .....=:~ IT [{E~:~C,L""¥aD %~:,, the Council of ~e Citj of ll~nol:e a~,. ~ ....... ........ ~:u Ci ~ Cl~ rk ,,c~ 1;c, md he is Let(:,.,. .I~:mcted to. :!.raw a :,':arr~,-~,, ~ajab!e tc tl:e Iii T}TJZ COUIICiL ;?O~d t~Z~ CITY O?' i©~2~011£, VIi!GIUIA, The 7ti~ day o£ I[arch, Ilo. 14152. A P~SOLUTION granti~ a pe~it to H. N. Dyer to construct a shed at his wagon lot on the East side o~ Grd Street IIorth o£ Tazewelt Avenue. BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke that a rermit be, and the same is hereby granted H. N. Dyer to construct sheds at his wagon lot sit~mted on the East side of Srd Etreet Soutkeast, North of Tazewelt Avenue, shed ~to be con~t~n~cted according to the ~oOd liking and satis£action e~ the Building Inspector and may be maintained until or. dered removed by Council. The said Dyer by acting under this resolution agrees to indenmify and save harmless the City of i~oaaoke £rom all claims for damages to persons or property by reason o£ the construction and ~m, intenance of said sheds. Ii! Tl=~ COUNCIL 20?, T}~ CITY 0Y ROAII©tZ~, VIEGINIA, Who 7tn .... . ' a~.~ of t~arch, 1~24 No. 14ZZ. ~ R~o0LU=IOU~u ~no~sing the City H~n~ger to conmt~ct certain sewers. BE IT ]~SOL'FED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ~e City II.namer be, and he is hereby authorised to conmtr~ct, or cm~se to be const~eted, ~ sewer on =ven~$ .... ~venue 200 feet South o~ 0th Street to ~ecoF:~nod~te lots of ~. Spindle, ~n ~s lots 28 to ZG, inclusive, of ~ection G, C~t~l Spri~' Addition, but before proceedi~ with the construction of said sewer, the staid C. S. Spindle shall p~y in~ the City Treasury the ~ll cost t~mreof, he to be reimbursed one-half such co~t ~t moms future time. The 14th day of lh:rch, 1924. No. 1454. A REBOLU~OI~ ~ran,.xng a permit to tke Ro~xo1:e Gas L~o,,t Comply to install a certaiy~ :~as main. and the same is ]zreby ~ran'ted tko Roa~iokc Oas Ligkt ~ ~oml,,:.n., to install a 4-inch ~as main in ~,Eamden Lane from a dead end VO0 feet ,[c~o to Duddin~ Street. Said Ro~oke Gas Light Co.m]~.~y by actin~ under ~is resolution agrees to indemnify and save hamless the Ci~- of l{o~ot:e from all claim~ for damages to l:ersons or property by rea~.~on off the const~-Lction and n~intez~ance off said ~as ~r. in Further agrees to replace the street, wkere the same is to:m up, under the i~rovi- sions off the general m'din~ces of the City of Ro~oke. The 14th ~y of '~ Ilo. 14~. A ~'~'I0r authorizin~ thc Ci~ Iianager to const~%ct a sidewalk to accommo,]ate tke ~roperties cf '~. ~. Davis a~.d~-~ "~. J. Clark on the II~rtk ~ide of Virginia~_ Avemm /;est of Chesterfield ~2t-'~ee~. BE IT 2ECOLVED by the Co'm~cil of the Ci%' of Roanoke that the City L~n~er e, and kc is kcreby authorized to const~ct, or cause to Le ~c~ructed, a four foot granoiitkic s~de~;~al~ on the North side Chesterfield Street t~ accor~mdate the !~roperty of T. J. Davis and C. J. C~rk, but before proceeding7 v;itk the const~ction of said s~me~¢alk said T. J. Davis and . " ~ ~ ~ L~lf of the cost tkereof. C. J. Clq_k slmll ~}a& into the City Treas~r;~ one .... ' 77 ii[ 21~ COU±[~tL i~vo ;it~ CI2Y OF ~.~,o~_z;, VIi%GINL~, Yhe 14th day of IIarch, 1924. NO. 1456, A ~;'qnT~°iL'N altthorizin~ tee i{o~olze i,,ai~~"' ........ .~ _-.~. and Electric Company to install certain stre. et li,%.ts. Hoano~e that the Roano}~ ~'~ I? ~"~'~n~,a~;.~,~ by t"~e Council of' the ~+~, cf ~ Rail',Ts.y and Electric Company be, and it is kereby a~,t..:o~::e~ to install street li.~hts as follows: [1) One 250 C. 2. light at %erk!ey ,,refine and 17th Street ~. ~o0 C i: tme,,t at 5ert:ley ,,ve:n~.Le and !6th Street o (5) One 250 C I~ light on Lawrence Avenue approximately . . ~o0 feet 'lest of 17th Street Z. E. [4) Une 250 C. Z. light at the intersection of Buena Vista Avenue and ~tk Street~. E. [5) ~ne 250 C. i:. light co,er of ]fountain View Terrace and Ckester- field Ztreet, Vir~nia Heights. · 2~ o ~",~ ~i~' the contract exis Said ll~,t,t~ to be ~intained in accor~,~.ce ~ between tke City of 2m~.noke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Tke 14tk ~a;, ef ~,a.c~',, 1924 No. 1455. for the mo't~th of Pebzmary, 1924, and directing tke pajment of the same. 13£ I 2 ."U2" q · ~U~D by the Council of the Ci%' c.f Roanoke ti:at the ac'counts and claim'~ against *'~ ~'~' ~,.nd the s,?.e are ~.,m City for the month of Febru~ry, l~s,=, L.e, hereby approved ar~l ordered paid as follows: C~ +*' llana g e r Engineering Def, t. ~it~y Clerk Tre a ~-u re-~~ Legul Dept. Jud~:~e s Sa~ries Cou~t Officer~ L E~ense ~,sse~¢sm~t of Taxes 998.55 1127.85 1006.09 264.54 220.00 291.66 2602.5Z 241.25 378 Ele c ti Counc il Convention & League D~s Coroner Almsh ouse Outside i:oor Hospitals 0rganized Charities In sane Jail Juvenile Court l:oli ce Department F. ire Department ~ire Hydrant Rental Street Li~t i ng Building Inspector ~ilitary & Armo~e s ~hysician Quarantine 2 Detention Heal~ Dept. Street C1 eanin~ Garbage Removal Sewer [~i ntenance Street Repair Bridge Re.ir C~s i~ r City Stables Tools Live Re~nds g Rebates Special Services Allowances & Gifts D~ages g Costs Wor]=aen ' s Com]~ ensation Garage Schools Lib ra ~rket s Iht e re s t A~m ex 1919 Eccount s l:ayable EXTiL,',O 2~DI iL~RY Sewer Construction 0]'~ening & Grading Streets Sidewalk Constr',~ction Schools ~ 1677.85 455.52 79.89 115.00 586.16 588.55 460.85 48.00 1649.26 695.74 10,725.55 11,468.26 1519.01 2071.40 462.65 83.00 100.00 179.51 1651.77 1555.59 2499.45 1705.75 5122.70 249.90 1574.67 1557.08 6555.05 424.25 5711.87 174.50 i0.00 55.00 696.02 50,000. O0 607.75 1197 .,54 1965.11 1865.00 264,5.66 528.O0 581.05 4.00 208.76 55,000.00 w 127,506.30 55 795.81 , · ;.~ 18Z, 100. ll IN THE COUNCIL POR THE CITY OP .R~NOI~~, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of March, 1924. No. 1457. A RESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the appropriation to the account of refunds Be, and the same is hereby supplemented to the extent of $1,051.87, and the ~ity Olerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into Sffect the provision of this' resolu~) tion. IN TI~ COUNCIL POP, THE CITY 0P ROANO~, VIRGINIA, ~he l?th day of March, 1924. No. 1459. A RESOLUTION accepting an option for the purchase of certain land an~ Buildings given by F. J. Waddell. BE IT .RESOLVED by the Ceuncil of the City of Roanoke that the City of R~anoke hereby accepts the option given By ~. J. Waddell for the purchase at the Salem, State ef Virginia, near Roanoke River and adjoining the property of the Shank Milling $ompany, consisting ef about three and one-half acres of land, to- gether with all buildings thereon, be and the same is hereby accepted. BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED ~hat the 0ity ~lerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $10,00 payable to B. J. ~ishburn, being the cash payment made by him on said option, which is to be applied on purchase price, if option is accepted. BE IT I~URTP~R RESOLVED that the Mayor and ~ity 91erk be, and they are hereby directed to execute said option on behalf of the City of Roanoke. IN THE 00UNOIL F0R THE 0ITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of March, 1924. No. 1445. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Health Officer to supply toxin-antitoxin te persons applying therefor and to employ physicians to administer the sa~ae to children in school. BE IT RE~0LVED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that the Health Officer be, and he is hereby authorized to supply toxin-antitoxin to persons applying for the same and to employ physicians to administer the same to children in the schools, provided, however, the cost thmreof shall not exceed $500.00. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0F ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of March, 1924. No. 1441. A RESOLUTION granting a permafit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a certain gas main. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a gas maint! in Wasena Avenue fro~ a dead end to 6th Street a distance of approximately 75 feet. The said Roanoke Gas ~ight $empany by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages te persons or property by reason of the constxu~ction and maintenance of said gas main and further agrees to replace the street ~ere the same is opened under the provi- sions of the general ordiaances of the ~ity of Roanoke. IN THE COUNCIL FOR k~E CITY 0F ROANOL~, VIRGINIA~ The 21st day of March, 192~. No. 1442. A EESOLUTION granting a per~.it to the Roanoke Water Works Company to install certain water mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works Company to install water 85© river. (1) A 16-inch main on Franklin Road from Pleasant Avenue South to the (2) A 2-inch main on Kerns Avenue from a point 243 feet West of 4th Street West a distance o~ 325 feet, Wasena. {3) A 2-inch main on Mc~)owell Avenue N. W. between 8th and 9th Streets. The said Roamoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolutio~ agrees te indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims fer damages te persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said mains, and further agrees to replace the street where the same ia opened under the provi- sions ,of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke. IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0.~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of March, 1924. No. 1443. ~[P[A[[D AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 19 of the Traffic 0rdi- By N0~ nanoe relative to parking. 5ate?~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that Section 19 ef the Traffic Ordinance be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: Section 19~ No vehicle shall park or stand on the north side of Tazewell Avenue between the west side of 2nd {Randolph) Street S. E. and east side of Jefferson ~treet. ]/o vehicle shall park ~r stand in front of any theatre er mevi~ picture house. No vehicle between the hours of 9 A. M. to 6 P. ~., except on Sundays, shall be permitted to stand or park within the following boundaries of the con- gested district for a l~nger period than twenty (20) minutes at any one time. ~n ~alem Avenue between the west side of 2nd {Randolph) Street, S. and the east side of 3rd (Roanoke) Street, S. W. On Campbell Avenue between the west side of 2nd (Randolph) Street and the east side of Roanoke (Srd) Street, S. W. On Kirk Avenue between the west side of 2nd (Randolph) Street, S. ~., and the east side of 2nd (Commerce) Street, $. W. On Church Avenue between the west si~e of 2nd {Randolph) Street, S. and the east side of 2nd ($ommerce) ~treet, S. W. On 1st {Henry) Street, S. W., between the north side of ~'ranklin Read and the ~outh si de of Salem Avenue. On the east side of 2nd (~ommerce) Street between the south side of Norfolk Avenue and ~orth side of Franklin Road. On Jefferson Street between the south side of Norfolk Avenue and the north si de of Elm Avenue. ~n 1st {Henry) Street, S. E., between the north side of Norfolk Avenue and the south side of Tazewell Avenue, S. On Luck Avenue between the west side of 1st {Nelson) Street, S. ~., and the east side of 2nd {Commerce) Street, S. W. On ~'ranklin A~oad between the west side of 2nd {Conmerce) Street and Street and the east side of 2nd (Commerce) Street. On any portion of the Market Square. Provided, however, that vehicles of regular licensed practicing physicians, while in the discharge of their professional duties, may park or stand within the boundaries enumerated in this section for a period not to exceed three hours at any one time, and provided, further that this section shall not apply te delivery vehicles for the purpose of actually loading and unloading freight er merchandise and to vehicles on the Market Square from which produce is being sold and for which the regular curbage fee is charged, and to delivery vehicles of regular licensed merchants while standing in front of their respective places of busines s. No vehicle shall park or stand within the boundaries of the congested district, outside of the boundaries enumerated in this section for a longer period than five hours at any one time. IN THE COUNCIL FOE THE CITY 0F lt0ANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 24th day of March, 1924. No. 1444. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~ity Manager to construct a storm drain through: the property of the i~aleigh Court Land Company lying North of Sherwood Avenue and East of Grandin l~oad. ~,gHEREAS the Raleigh $ourt Land gompahy is about to develop certain property belonging to it lying North of Sherwood ~venue and East of Grandin Road and in order that the developement be made, it is necessary that a storm drain be constructed to, take off the surface water from the territory lying West and South of said property, and WHEREAS, the Raleigh 9curt Land Company in such development proposes to construct streets, sidewalks and sewers and to lay water mains through said property at a considerable cost, and '~KEREAS, the Council is of opinion that the improvement to the property of maid Raleigh Court Land $ompany will materially add to the resources of the City of Roanoke, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the gity Manager be, and he is hereby ~uthorized to construct, or cause to be constructed a storm drain through the property of the Ealeigh Court Land ¢ompauy from Sherwood Avenue to a point on Grandin Road 200 feet, more or less, south of 0tterview Avenue and in Grandin Road North to connect with existing drain so as to take off the surface water, provided, however, that said Raleigh gourt Land ~ompany shall convey to the City of Roanoke a permanent easement through sai~ property for sanitary sewers and drains and will construct streets, sidewalks and sewers in the property to be developed by them from Arlington Head to Grandin Road and from Sherwood Avenue to ~lmington Avenue and will pay to the City of Roanoke the sum of $500.00 towards the cost of constructing such drain.and will lend to the City of Roanoke the sum of $5000.00 for one year without interest, the approximate cost of drain being $8700.00 and the City Manager is directed to take such ste~s a~ ~ ~~ +~ ~o~, ~+~ ~,~,~+ +~ ..... ~..~ __ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0i~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of March, 1924. No. 1445. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Works Company to connect certain water mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works Company to connect a 12-inch main on ~irst Street 8. E. at the intersection of Salem Avenue and Campbell Avenue, and to connect a 6-inch main on l~irst Street S. W. at the intersection of Luck Avenue. The said Roanoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said connections and further agree to replace the streets where the same are opened for the purpose of making said connections under the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. APPROVED ~ ~' Pr~s~ident. / IN THE COUNCIL ~'0R THE CITY (~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he 28th day of March, 1924. No. 1446. ._ A RESOLUTION to accept the proposition of the Roanoke Lodge No. 197, B. P. 0. Elks to donate a strip of land six feet wide off of their lxoperty for the purpose of widening Jefferson Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the proposition of the Roanoke Lodge No.19?, B. P. 0. Elks contained in resolution of said Lodge and transmitted with a letter of March 2S, 1924, which is hereto attached amd made a part hereof be, and the same is hereby accepted upon the terms and conditions therein set out. ATTEST: ~~4~~ a~ Cle rk. A SPROVED~~ - ~ ' Pre sident~. IN THE COUNCIL ~,~0H THE CITY 0P ROANOEE, VIRGINIA, The ESth day of March, 1924. No. 14~ ?. A RESOLUTION providing for the employment of a hydraulic engineer. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Mayor and ~ity Manager be, and they are hereby authoriaed and directed to employ an en~lneer or'experience and ability to make plans and estimates for a complete and modern water system to use the water supply on which the $ity now has an option. APPROVED · ~ ' President. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN0t[E, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of March, 1924. No. 1448. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $S00.00 to J. E. Tucker for legal servi ce s. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City 01erk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $S00.00 payable to J, R. Tucker on account of legal services. The said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of special services. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED ,~ ~ · President. J' 883 IN THE COUNCIL P0R TMF~ CITY 0P ~AN0~E?:, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of llarch, 1924. Ne. 1449. A t{ESOLUTION directing the payment of $55,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~h~nd. BE IT iiESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that the ~ity Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized te draw a warrant for the sum of $85,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the Sdhool ~und on account of school main- tenance for the month of ~,larch, 1924, Said amount when ~aid shall be charged to the ordinary account, of schools. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0_~ H0~NOI~, VIRGII,~IA, The 28th day of Narch, 1924. No. 1450. A RESOLUTION directing the ~ity Clerk and Auditor to draw a warrant for the sum of $4000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the school fund on account of purchase of lot for school purposes in Annex Territory 1919. BE IT HESOLlr£D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $4,000.0~ payable to the Treasurer of the School ~und on account of purchase of lot for school purposes in Annex Territory 1919. Said amount ~hen paid s~all be charged to the account of Annex Territory 1919. APPR0 ATTEST: Cle rk. President. 384 IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROANOEq~, VIRGI~IA, The 28th day of March, 1994. No. 1451. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ,M~ager to construct curb and g~tter in front of the property of D. J. Phipps on Melrose Avenue between glst and 22nd Streets. BE IT .RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the gity Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, curb and gutter on the South side of Melrose Avenue between 2lst and 2Ynd Streets abutting the property of D. J. Phipps, but before proceeding with the construction of said ~urb and gutter, said D. J. Phipps shall pay into the ~i1~ Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. APPROVED President ./ ATTEST. ~---~~ ~ Cle'rk. IN THE COUNCIL i~OR THE CITY (~ ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of April, 1924. No. 1452. A RESOLUTION to purchase the sewer belonging to the Virginia Heights ~orporation in the territory an~uexed in 1919 and fixing the cost thereof. WHEREAS, the Virginia Heights ~orporation constructed a sewer to accommodate lots belonging to said ~orporation and which have been sold to various purchasers, which sewer was constructed before the annexation of the territory to the City of Roanoke which annexation took place in the year 1919, and WHEREAS, in the operation of the said sewer it is necessary that the $ity of Roanoke control the same so as to protect the health c~_ the citizens, and WHERILAS, the Virginia Heights Corporation has agreed to sell to the $ity of Roanoke all of its right, title and interest in saidsewer for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). THEHE?0EE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil o~ the $it,y of Roanoke that all of the right, title and interest of the Virginia Heights gorporation in the sewer constructed by it in the territory annexed to the City of Roanoke in the year of 1919 be purchased at the price of Two Thousand Rollars ($2,000.00), and upon the execution and delivery of a proper deed, the City Clerk and Auditor is ~irected to draw a warrant payable t o the Virginia Heights Corporation for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), the purchase price of said sewer. Said amount when paid shall be charged to Annex Territory 1919. ATTEST: APPROVED ~ Pre s_~.d~ent. IN T~ COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of April, 1924. No. 1454. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Eanager to construct a sidewalk on the South side of River/and Road between Diagonal and Ivy Streets upon condtions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cil~y 5~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the South side of Riverland Road between Diagonal and Ivy Streets to accommodate the property of John H. Stoke, 6. R. Ayers, J. A. ~iartin and J. A. and A. P. Martin, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk the property owners shall pay into the Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. APPROVED Clerk. Pre sid~nt. IN TP~ COUNCIL P0R THE C/~Y 0P a0AN0~, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of April, 1924. No. 1455. A ~SOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light ~ompany to lay certain gas mains. BE IT HESOLVED by the Council ~' the City cf Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay a 4-inch gas main on Avenham Avenue for a distance of ~50 feet South of 8th Street and on Wildwood Road for a dis~tance of 4~0 feet West. Said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Hoanoke from all claims for da~-~ges to persons or property by reason of the con- struction and maintenance of said gas mains, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provisions of the general ~-din~ces of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. ATTEST: APPROVED Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL FOE TF~E CITY 0P ROA/~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of April ,1924. No. 1456. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~Ianager to construct penetration macadam on Roanoke Avenne Annex Territory 1919 upon condLitions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City ;!anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, penetration macadam with curb and gutter on Roanoke Avenne as follows: The full width of the street from Virginia Avenue to Summit Avenue and on the East side of s~id street from Summit Avenue a distanee of approximately 200 feet, but before proceeding with the construction of said street ~andy and 886 $§,520.00, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time, provide~, however, that the resolution shall not be effective unless said Bandy and St.~lair shall pay into the City Treasury the estimated cost of $5,520.00 on or before June 1, 1924. APPROVED ATTEST: ~~~ Clerk. President. ld~ THE COUNCIL ~(kR THE CITY 0F R0~NOKE, VIRGII~IA, The 4th day of April, 1924. No. 1457. A i~ESOLUTION authorizing the Ci~.y I,,hmager to purchase an automobile and to assign men to operate and report certain things. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cit:y Manager be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase an automobile at a cost not to exceed $450.00 to be used for inspecting and patrolling streets and other territory in the residence or outlying sections within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke. An officer or officers sh~ll be designated by the Superintendent of Police to operate the car. It shall be the duty of the officer or officers so assigned to preserve the public peace; prevent the commission of crimes nd arrest offenders; to protect the rights of persons and of property; to report dangerous places in the streets or nuisances in streets, alleys a~d other places; to enforce obedience to all ordinauces of the Council and to discharge such other duties as may be required by the 0ity 0rdinsnces. Reports concerning conditions of streets, sidewalks, and alleys shall be promptly i~rniahed the City Manager. The expenditure of $450.00 to be charged to the account of the Police Department. ATTEST: Clerk. - APPROVED Pre si derKt. IN TP~ COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0P' R0~IOKE, VIRGINIA, The 4th day of April, 1924. No. 1458. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Solicitor to employ a stenographer to take the evidence in the ease of the police officers in the Oorpor~tion Court. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Sol~Citer be, and he is hereby authorized to employ a stenographer to ta,ke the evidence in the case now pending before the Corporation Court against certain police officers. ATTEST: APPROVED Pre s dent FOtl COUNCIL ~ih CIi~f ~F i{0ANOIf~], VIRGINIA, The llth day of April, 1924. No. 14 55. Ail OiIDINANCE to vacate, discontinue and abandon a strip of land off of the alley abutting the property of ~oanoke Lodge No.197, B. 1). 0. Elks in the rear thereof as a public alley. BE IT 0RDAII~ZD by the Council of the City of Rosmoke that a strip of land off of the alley in the rear of the property of Roanoke Lodge No.197, B. P. 0. hlks described as follows: Beginning. at a point on the South side of Tazewell Avenue, said point being N.86 deg. 09' 48" E. 158.5 feet from the Southeast corner of Jefferson Street and Tazeweil Avenue said point being-corner of existing alley; thence with the South side of Tazewell Avenue N. 86 deg. 09' 48" E. 5.0 feet to a point, thence S. i deg. 07' and 55" W. 28.86 feet to a point on the West side of existing alley, thence with the line of existing alley l~. 8 Beg. 48' and 19" W. 28.86 feet to the place of beginning and containing 71.9 square feet, more or lesa~. l,Ieridian as of Official Survey of City of Roanoke, Virginia. See map no.1403 on file in office of the City Engineer. be and the same is hereby vacated, discontinued and abandoned as a public alley. A P t: ~I 0 V E D President[-' Clerk. IN T!~ COUI[CIL POi~ TY~ CITY O~~ !{0AI;0i~, VIRGINIA, The llth day of April, 1924. No. 1459. A !IEZOLU?ION granting a permit to the Ro~oke Oas Light Company to in~tall certain ~as BE IT [~SOL~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke tl~t a pemit be, and the s~e is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Li~.t Comp~my to install a 4-inch gas ~in fr~ the dead end on Second Street, South Ro~moke, to Yellow ~.{ountain Road and for a ~stance of 225 feet South of Yellow I,[ountain Road. Said R~noke Gas Light Company by acti~ under ~.is resolution ag=ees to inde~ify and save harmles~ the City of Roanoke from all clai~ for d~ages to persons ~or property by reason of the conctruction and ~inte~nce of said gas main, and further agrees to replac~ the streets where the same are opened under the provisions of the general ordinanc~ of the City of Ro~oke provi~ng for ~treet restoraticn. Ai~DR 0VED Clerk. III T}~ COUNCIL 20R THE CITY O? RO~IlO.%L, VII{GINIA, The llth day of April, 1924. No. 1460. A !~dSOLUTION granting a permit to install certain water mains. BE IT .qESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water -Works Company to install a 12-inch water main on tloorman Avenue, Northwest, from a point 20 feet ',~est of llth Street for a distance of 450 feet East. Zaid i{oanoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the git3~ of Roanoke from all ~S 888 tenance of said ~,~ater main, and further agrees to replace the ~treets where the same are opened under the provisions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. ATTEST: Clerk. AP PR 0VED ,~ ' ])re si d/ent. IN TKE COUNCIL ~vOR ~PiE CI'i~f OF HOAN0iLE, VIilGIUIA, ~he llth day of April, 1924. No. 14 61. A RESOLUTION directing the payment of ~40,000.00 to the Treasurer o£ the School ~und for buildings. BE IT iqESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City CIe rk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of ~40,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School ~h~nd on account of buil&ings. Said amount ~hen paid shall be c~rged to the extraordinary account of schools. AP P R0 'fED Cie rk. President. Itl TP~ COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 03~ ROAN0tlE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of April, 1924. No. 146Z. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts amd claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of ~,~arch 1924, and directing the payment of the ..~ame. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of ,March 1924 be, and the same are hereb~ approved and ordered paid as follov~s: City Manager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Tre a sure r Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall ~lections Stationery & Printing Counc il Almshouse Outside Poor hospitals Organized Chari ties Jail Juvenile Court t:'olic e De~:t. Fire Department Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector ~iilitary & Armories Physician Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Lighting Garbage Sewer ~,~ai nt enance Street Repair Bridge R~pairs Cru she r Cit~ Stables ~ 9~6.40 969.19 898.05 278.67 220.00 291.66 1,8V3.85 2,145.55 79~ .99 1,0~8.50 1,925.62 5.25 458.5V 512.79 111.45 588 460.83 1,481.99 V65.52 10,1Z3.19 9,072.61 1,513. 2,0 V4.64 558.41 74.50 100.00 152.40 1,553.99 955.1V 2,767.18 890.87 6,333.64 1. 062.50 2. 745.58 Special Services Allowances & Gifts Workmen' s Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library ~ rke t s Interest Annex 1919 Acc cunt s Payable Refunds for Sewers EXTRA0iOINTd{Y Sewer Construction Schools 0ppning & Grading Streets ~ ~5~.50 200.00 40.00 462 55,000. O0 445.29 1,551. ?0 1,126.41 4,75V .50 '7,889.78 904.56 299.56 6oo.ol 45t000.00 1,002.40 $ 150,579.Z1 46,658.01 ~ 177,217.52 ATTEST: Clerk. AP PR 0VED y- Presi den~. IN THE COUNCIL ~0i{ T]~ CITY Oi~ ROANOI[E, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of April, 192&. No. 146g. A PJ~SOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT RESOLV~£D by the Council of the City of Roa~.oke that appropriations to the following accounts be,and the same are hereby supplemented in the followir~o amount s: Refund and Rebates Special Services 60.00 581.50 and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. ~ ~ ' Pre si dent. / - - --C r '-le-k~ IN TI~ COUNCIL 20ti TI!k CITY O~' R©~iNOKE, VIHGINI~k, The 18th day of April, 1924. No. li64. A i~SOLUTION to grade 15th Street Northwest between Orange and Hanover Avenue s. ~;,lt~LR~'~'"~, it is deemed advisable by the Council of the City of Roanoke to grade 15th Street between Orange and Hanover Avenues, and ~..'/]IER!LIS, it is possible that damages will accrue to property onners abutti~ thereon. : z~:~0~E, BE IT RESOLV~ED by the Council of the Cmty of Roanoke that R. L. Rush, J. H. 2rant= and ~/~t. p. Hunter be, ~nd t/q~ are hereby directed t'o proceed by personal inspection of all of the premises likely to be affected by such gradin~ and to ascertain what damages, if any, will accrue to ovmers of the several pro- perties so likelF to be affected by such grading and to report his findings to the IN T}LE COUNCIL ~vOl{ THE CITY OF ;~A~OI~, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of April, 1924. No. 1468. A RESOLUTION directing the City Hanager to make a survey an~ report on the question oi passenger transportation in the City of Roanoke. WHEREAS, the question of pmssenger transportation in the City of Roanotm has reached a point where it is necessary that a survey be made in order that every section of the City may have adequate transportation service, and V~{EREAS there is a duplicity of service over a number of streets in the City of Roanoke, while others are entirely without transportation facilities, and ?fHEREAS, the growing needs of the City makes it imperative that routes be established for street car and motor bus traffic in order that the public may be adequately served. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to make a survey as speedily as possi- ble and report to Council a plan of transit routing for conveyances carrying passengers in the City of Roanoke, having regard for the convenience ami needs o~ the public in the service to be rendered by such passenger carrying conveyances. At~I~ iROVED ATTEST: ~~ Clerk. . ~" President, IN THE COUNCIL 3DR THE CITY 0~~ R0~J012E, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of April, 19~4. No. 1469. A RESOLUTION granting, a pe~it to the Eo~oke Gas Light Company to const~ct certain gas mains, BE IT PgSOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a pe~it be, and the same is hereby granted the Ro~oke Gas Light Company to install gas m~ns as follows: 1. Melrose Avenue from 200 feet West of 18th Street to 23rd Street N. Taze¥~ell Avenue from 50 feet Last of 1Zth Street to the dead end. 5. Sta~ton Avenue from 500 feet West of lgth Street to 14th Street on 1Zth Street North 400 feet to dead end. Said Roanoke Gas Li~t Company by acti~ under ~is resolution agrees to inde~ify and save harmless ~e City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main and to replace the streets where the s~e rare tom up ~der the provisions of the ~eneral o~i~nces of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. A P PR 0VED ~ 'i~resident ~ Clerk. Ill T]~ COUITCIL i,'0!l Tt~ CITY 02 R07R~01iE, Vi!~GINIA, The 18th day of April, 19£4. No. 1470. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City i.kmager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk in front of the property of Iirs. H. L. Woodson at 1314 Piedmont Avenne, S. E. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of i{oanot~ that the City i,~nager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a side- walk in front of the property of Ilrs. H. L. ',?Godson at 1514 Piedmont Avenue, S. E., but before proceedingv~ith the construction of' said sidewalk, the said L'rs. H. L. Woodson, aha!l pay into the City Treasury the full cost t~ereof, they to be reim- bursed one-troll such cost at some future time. Ai~Pi{oVED Cle rk. ' ~ ...... Pr'bsiaent. I!J THE COUNCIL FOR ~PiE CITY OF' i©~0I[E, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of April, 1924. No. 14 71. A i~SOLUi~[0N granting a pe~it to L. C. and E. C. Dew~ing to move a buil di rig. BE IT RESOL~F£D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and tk~ same is hereby granted L. C. and E. C. Do~min.~ to move the building not situate~ at the Northwest corner of First (Henry) Street ar~ Wells Avenue N. ','~. to a lot on the South side of Wells Avenue approximately 160 feet East of Pirst (Henry~ Street. Said L. C. and E. C. Do'~ming by acting under tl~is resolution agrees to irflemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims :for damages to persons ~ property by reason of the removal of said building. AIC~ R0 VED C1 ~rk. d · Pre~ide~nt' ~ "'~ ~ V Itl GI i~I A, Ill T}~ COUNCIL }~0R ~iE CITY OF .,(~1~ 0i~, The 18th day of April, 1924. ' No. 14 72. A RESOLU'~0N authorizing the Cit~. I~anager to construct a sidewall: on the West side of Franklin Road to accommodate property of C. D. Garland. BE IT RESOL~££D BY the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City LLanager be, and he is hereby directed to construct, or cause to be constructed, a full width sidewall: on the West side of Franklin Road tc, accommodate the property of C. D. Garland, but before proceeding ~ith the construction cf said sidewalk, said C. D. Garland shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-]~.lf e~ the cost of a six foot walt: at some future time. The brick removed to be the property of the City of Roanoke. ~?~ 0VED - ~! Iresident. ~' Ill THE COUIICIL ~'~ ~0R THE CITY O~" ROAN0t~, VIRGINI.~, The 81st day of April, 192~. No. 1&65. AN ORDINANCE imposing taxes on persons, real estate and personal property, for the current year, for the support ef the City *overnment, the payment of the interest upon the City debt, other municipal expenses and school purposes. BE IT OHDAINi,~ by the Council of the City of.' i(canoke that taxes shall be, and are hereby levied for the support of the City Oo~ ernment, the p.~yment of the interest upon thru City debt, for other municipal expenses, and for school purposes, for the year ending February 1st, 192~, and for each year thereafter until altered, amended, or repealed, as follo~s, to-wit: 1. Upon every resident of the City of Roanoke, male and female, who has attained the age of twenty-one years, not exempt from taxation by law, there sh~ll be a tax of one dollzr for each year, 2. Upon all real estate in this city ~Ud improvements thereon, not exempt from taxation by law, there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of .~.19 on every one hundred dollars assessed value thereof for city and school purposes. ~. Upon all t~ngible personal property, not exempt from taxation by law {except rolling stock of railroads operated by steam), there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of ~.19 on every one hundred dollars assessed value thereof, for city and school purposes. A. Upon ~ll bonds ~except bonds of the. Unite~ ~tates) notes and other evidences of debt including bonds of other states than Virginia, bonds of counties, cities and towns located outside of the State o~ Virginia, bonds of railroad snd canal companies and other corporations, bonds of individuals and all dem~uds and claims however evidenced, whether secured by mortgage, deed of trust, judgment, or otherwise, or not so secured, there r~hall be and hereby is levied a tax of twenty cents on every hundred dollars of assessed value thereof. ~. Upon all capital of persons, firms and corporations employed in a trade or business no.t'otherwise taxed t~re shall be and hereby is levied a tax of thirty cents on 'every hundred dollars of assessed value thereof. 6. Upon the principal of personal estate ~nd credits other than tangible personal property, money and the property embraced in Section ~ of this ordinance under the control of a court receiver or commissioner, in pursuance of an order, judgment or decree of any court, or in the hands, or under the control of an executor, administrator, guardian, trustee, agent or other fiduciary, and the prin- cipal estate and credits other than tangible personal property money and l~operty embraced in section ~our {4) of this ordinance deposited to the credit of any suit and not in the hands of a re6eiver or other fiduciary, there shall be ~nd hereby is levied a tax of t~rty cents on every hundred dollars of ~xssessed value thereof. ?. Upon all sh~res of stock of corporations or joint stock companies, except such corporations and joint stock companies all of whose capital is taxed by this State or which pay a franchise in this State, nnd ban~s, bardcing associa- tions, trust ~ud secutiry com?~nies ~nd insurance comp~uies, which are otherwise taxed in this State there shall be ~nd hereby is levied ~ tnx of thirty cents on '~ every hundred dollars of assessed value thereof. 8. Upon the estate of any decedent which shall pass by his will or in case of his intestacy, to any person other th~n his lineal descendants, or his per cent upon the value of the amount thereof. 9. No tax shall be assessed upon the capital of any bank or banking associ- ation organized under the authority of this State or of the United States, nor upon the capital of any trust or security company, chartered by this State, but the' stoctaholders in such banks, banking associations, trust and securit~ companies shall be assessed with and taxed on their shares of stock therein; and upon the assessed value of such stock when ascertained as is hereinafter provided, there shall be and hereby is levied a tax of eighty-five [85 cents) cents on every one hundred dollars of assessed value thereof, for city and school purposes. Each bank, banking association, trust and security company aforesaid, on the first day of February in each year, shall make up and return to the commissioner of the revenue of the city, a report, in which shall be given the names residences of all its stockholders; the number and actual value of the shares of stock held by each stockholder. Prom the total value o£ the shares of stock any such bank, banking association, trust or security comi~ny, ~'~hich shall be ascertained by adding together its capital, surplus and undivided profits, there shall be deducted the value of its real estate otherwise taxed in this City, or if the title to the buildi~ in which any such bard:, banking association, trust or security come, any does its business, and the land on which it stands, is held in the name of a separate corporation, in ~'~hich such b~nk, banking association, trust or security company owns all or a majority of the stocl:, and such real estate be other,~ise taxed in this city, then there shall be deducted from the value of tA~e shares of stock of_ such bank such proportion of the assessed value of said real estate as the stock it owns in such holding corpor~.tion, bears to the whole issue of stock in such corporation, and there may be deducted the value at par of all securities of the City of Roanoke which are non-ta:.:able on their face, and the actual value of each share shall be its proportion of the remainder. 10. It shall be the duty of said commissioner of ~the revenue, as soon as he receives such report, to assess each stockholder upon such actual value o£ the shares of stock ~v. ned by him, less the amount of bonds, dema~de, and claims, owing by him a tax of eighty-five cents on every hundred dollars value t.~ereof, and he shall make out thrse assessment lists, give one to the b~nak, banking association, trust or security company, send one to the city clerk and retain one. The assess- ment list delivered to said bank, banking association, trust or security company, shall be notice to .the bank, banking association, trust or securi%- company, of a tax assessed against its stoctzholders, and each of them, and have the legal effect and force of a summons upon suggestion formally issued and regularly served. The tax assessed upon each stockholder in said bank, bankir~g association, trust or security company shall be the first lien upon the stoch standing in his name a~d upon the dividends due and to become due thereon, no matter in vfn~se possession , ' ~ any and all liens found and have prior~t~ over , by deeds of trust, mortgages, bill~ of sale, or other assiMnment made by the owner or holder, and take priority over all liens, by execution garnishment, or attachment process sued out by creditors of the stockholders. The bank, banking association, trust or security company shall hold the dividend or other fund which belongs to the stockholders and in its custody at~ the time the assessment list is received or that thereafter shall come ~under its control, for the use o£ the City of Roanoke, and apply the same to the payment of the tax assessed, and when thus ap~lied shall be acquitted and 394 ll'. Each bank, banking association, trust ar~ securi~' compauy, on or before the first day of June in each year, shall pay to the Treasurer and collector of city taxes the taxes assessed against its stockholders. 1S. Should any bank, banking association, trust or security company fail to pay to the treasurer and collector of city taxes the tax assessed against its stockholders on or before the first day of June in each year, then as soon there- after as practicable and it shall be said treasurer and collector of city taxes duty to collect the taxes therein assessed and to this end levy upon the stock of the taxpayer or so much thereof as is necessary to pay said tax, and sell the same at public auction for cash, as other chattels and personal property are sold under He shall give to the purchaser a bill of sale made under his hand and exe cuti on. seal. 15. The bank, banking association, trust or securi:~t~ company, on presentation by a purchaser of his bill of sale cause the stock therein described to be transferred to said purchaser, and he shall take a clear and unencumbered tit to the stock purchased. Should the taxes assessed against said stockholders be not paid or collected as hereinbefore provided, the lists aforesaid shall stand and be treated and ~ve the ~egal effect of tax tickets regularly made out against each of said stockholders named in said lists and the treasurer and collectro of ~ity taxes shall proceed to collect ~the same by levy or distress ~nd possess, all and singular, the authority and power conferred upon him by law to collect other city taxes, and be governed by the law applied to the collection of taxes. l~. The bank, banking association, ~rust or security company, which shal~ fnil or neglect to oomply v~ith each and every provision of this act, for each separate offense, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, which fine sh~ll be recovered upon motion, after five days' notice, in the circuit or 8orporation Court of the City. Said motion shall be in the name of the City of Roanoke and presented by the City Attorney. The real estate of all banks, banking associations, trust and security companies s~ll be assessed on the land books of the commissioner of the revenue, with the same taxes with which other real estate is assessed. l~. No separate levy shall be made for public free school purposes; but Council shall appropriate for the maintenance of the public sbhools of the City such sums as in its jud~g~ment may be necessary for s~ch maintenance, and the same shall be se~ aside by the Oity ~o the credit of s~id fund, and paid c~er to the school board from time to ti~e as the Council sh~ll direct. Taxes on person~, real and personal property shall be due and payable on the first day of November of the current year, ~nd if not paid as aforesaid to the treasurer and collector of city taxes on or before the first d~y of December, shall thereafter be col~ cted by him according to l~w and be subject to the sa.we penalties ~s are prescribed by the City Ordinances and State law. ! ':.ATTEST: Cler~. A I:' 1~ ROVED . (~ ' ' Presid§nt. .e ATTEST: Clerk Iil 2~ COUNCIL FOR TP~ CITY 07 ii0~012~, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of April, 1924. No. 1466. AN 01OIi~NCE impo~ng a tax on real estate and tangible personal property for the ~intenance of a public library and reading room for the use and benefit of the i~abitants of the City of i%oanoke a~ for a pension for confederate soldiers, sailors and marines and their widows under the pro.sion of Section 266~ of the ~ode of Virginia. BE IT 0~AI~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a tax of 6 cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed value of real estate ~d tangible personal property in the City of Ro~oke be, and the same is hereby levied for the year ending Pebruary 1. 1925, for ~e ~intenance of a public library ~d reading room for the use and benefit of the i~abitants of the ~' ~ C~t~ of Roanoke and for payment of pensions to the confederate soldiers, sailors and marines and their widows under the provision of Section 2662 of the Code of Virginia, 1919. 4 cents of ~ch ~vy shall be used for tke purpose of maintaining a public library and reading room for the use and benefit of ~e inhabitants ~md shall be ~ept in a separate fund to be known as the Library ~und and 2 cents of such levy shall be used for ~.e purpose of paying pensio~ to the confederate soldiers, sailors and marines and their widows as provided by Section 2662 of the Code of Virginia, 1919 and shall be a special f~md t:no~n as the Pension ~nd. Such taxes s~il be collected by the Treasurer of ~e City of Roanoke as other taxes are collected. Alf?R OV~ . ~ ' ?resident". / IN T~ COUNCIL F0R THE CITY 0F H6~JI0iLL, VIRGINIA, The 2ist day of April, 1924. No. 1467. AN 0RDI1LtNCE imposing taxes on licenses for municipal purposes and pre- scribing penalties for violations. BE IT 0:[O,,~INLD by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that for the year ending April 5Oth, 19~5, and each subsequent year thereafter until further provi- sion is made, the £ollowing occupations and business transactions shall be deemed privileges, and shall not be pursued or done within the limit of the Ci~~ of Roanoke without license and payment therefor each designated occupation respective ly: 1. On each person (other than licensed attorney at law) or corporation conducting an abstract or guarantee title business $25. 2. On each agent for the renting of houses, $50. 3. On each person, firm or corporation acting as agents for the sale of real estate and doing business in this City ~50.00, which shall not be prorated, provided, however, that where more than two mm~bers of a firm or corporation are engaged in selling real estate then each member of said firm or corpc~ation in excess of two shall pay an additional tax of $25.00, which shall not be prorated, and provided further, that where a single individual is granted a license under P, EPEALED 896 one salesman withomt the payment of a license therefor. On each salesman connected with a license real estate agent ~25'00 not prorated. It shall be the duty of each person, firm or corporation who obtains a license to sell real estate to report in writing to the Conm~ieeioner of Revenue the name or names of each person advertised, employed or in any way connected with such person, finn or corporation as salesmen. 4. On each agent for the sale of hooks, periodicals, maps, pictures, or canvassers for same, other than religious works, ~lO, not prorated. 5. On each agent or person for copying or enlarging pictures, $10, not prorated and not ~ransferable; but this shall not apply to regular photographers taking out city licenses. 8. On each broker for insurance business; or persons soliciting insurance or placing same and receiving emoluments therefm~, not employed by a regular agent the whole of his time, ~o~. ~. Any person who shall sell, or offer for s~le manufactured implements or machines, by retail, or take orders therefor on commission or otherwise, other than sewing machines, unless he be the owner thereof, or a duly licensed merchant, ~t his regular place of business, who shal~l have paid a license tax amounting to as much as thirty dollars shall be deemed to be an agent for the sale of manufactur- ed articles and shall 10ay ~ license tax of ~5.00. No such person shall, under his~ license as such, sell or offer to sell such articles through the agency of another, but a separate license shall be required for any agent or employee who shall sell or effer to sell such ~rticles for another. 8. On each person selling or offerir~ for sale patent rights, OE~. 9. On each ~gent or other person engaged in the sale, on the streets or other public places, by auction or otherwise, cf any patent or quack medicines, or exhibiting the same, or of soap or other ~ike articles, ~E~ per day. ~he license shall be a personal privilege, and the commissioner of revenue shall grant such only upon the order of the City Manager. lC. On each daguerrean or photographic artist in this city, or itinerant photographer, $~0.00 not prorated. ll. Eact attorney at law, architect, conveyancer, dentist,civil engineer, physician or surgeon, veterinary surgeon, or osteopath, chiropractor, porapathy, manipulative surgery or any other practitioner of the art of healing, who has been licensed or has practiced his profession for less than five years shall pay $15, and where any such person has transacted business or practiced his profession for five years or mo re, $25. 12. On each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of.' a collecting agency, $30. N~ot prorated. This license shall not confer the privilege on the person or agent or the corporation holding the same, the right to appear as attorney before any of the courts of the Commonwealth. 13. On each real estate auctioneer, whether he receives any compensation for his services or not, the taxes shall be ~25, pay~ble at the time the license is taken out. This license covers only the right to sell real estate at auction. Not prorated. 14. ~1) On each general auctioneer, whether he receives any compensatio~ for his services or not, there shall be levied and collected by the Commissioner of license does not authorize said auctioneer to sell real estate. (~) Un each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, oriental rugs, bric-a-brac and such like articles at public auction there shall be levied and shall pay a license tax of ~2,000.00 per annum, not p~rorated and not transferrable. No license to be issued for less than the full price for one year; same to be paid in advance. (Z) Any person or persons c~ducting a business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, jewelry, oriental rugs, bric-a-brac and such like articles who shall fail to register under this ordin~ce~with, and obtain a license from, the Co~m~issioner of Revenue of Ro~oke, Virginia, and pay 5is license fee or tax be fore ' ' beg~~ such sale st~ll be punished by a fine of not less twenty-five dollars ($25 ) nor more than one hundred (~100), and each day that ~ch person keeps open for business s~m~ll be a separate offfense. ~4) No person or persons conducting the business of selling diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, oriental ~gs, bric-a-brac and ~ch like articles at public auction shall conduct such business between the hours off six ~6) p. m. and eight (8) a. m. ~5) A person, ffi~ or co.oration shall not sell or offer to sell in the City of Roanoke. Virginia, by auction or otherwise at retail a stock off merchandise which, by advertisement, s~n, poster, or otherwise, such person, firm ~ c~po- ration advertises or represents or states as bei~ of, or a~ p~t o~, a stock of goods the re t o fo re belonging to or kept in the business of another person, ffim, or co.option, without ~ving first filed in the office of. ~.e Co~issioner of Revenu$ of maid City a sworn invento~ of such stock of merchandise, setting up the quantit[, quality, kind or grade of each item thereof. To such invento~ there shall be attached an affidavit ti~.t t~ch inventory is in all respects true and correct. In the case of an individual, such affidavit shall be ~de by him as such, in the case of a firm it shall be ~de by one off the partners, and in case off a co.ora- tion it shall be ~de by the president or general ~,ger or secretary ~d treas- urer. Such invento~ and affidavit when so made sl~ll be kept on file as a part of his public records by the Commissioner of Revenue. A person or a co.oration and each member of such firm and such corporation, its offficers a~ directors, who or which, fail to comply with the pro~sions o~ this section shall be deemed guilty~ of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred (~100) dollars nor more t~n five hundred dolors ~500). · ,ny person ~d each member of a fire and any corporation who ~a~l conduct a sale by auction or other~se at retail of a stock of merc~ise speci- fied in paragraph 5 above hereof, and who sh~l sell or offer for sale therein or therewith any merchandise not constituting a part of such stock as so described and without stating c~arly and distinctly to the purchaser or without causi~ announcement to be made by the auctioneer in case of ~ auction sale that the merchandise or the article or articles sold or about ~ be sold, is not and are not a part of such stool: shall be also deemed ~ilty of a misdemeanor and puni~ed as provided in Section 5 as above hereof. (7) Por a violation of the pro~sions of ~is ordi~nce numbers 1, 2, and 4, the person or persons, fi~ or corporation conducting ~ch business and violating such provisions of said ~dinance shall be deemed ~ilty of an offense and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred ~$100) dollars nor conduct such business between the hours prohibited hereby, shall be taken as a separate offense and punished accordingly. l~. On every agent for a building ik~nd, loan or other like association, other than those with their chief office in this Clt~ the tax sh~ll be 18. On e~ch private banker, ~400. 17. On each person, firm or corporation making loans secured by orders on or assignment of the time or wages of ~ny employee, or making loans secured by chattel mortgages, or liens on personal property or household furniture, ~400. 18. On each bill-poster, ~.00. The term bill-poster shall be taken to include every person or concern who or which posts bills l~bels, or other things for compensation, or tacks or nails or paints signs on buildings, fences, sign- boards, or public places, or distributes circulars, books, or packages from house to house for compensation; provided that nothin~ herein contained shall be taken to prevent merchants from circulating hand matter advertising their o~'~ wares, or to restrict the circulation of matter advertising the auction sale of real estate or other proFs rty. 19. On each bagatelle, jenny lind, dexter t~ble, indoor baseball or similar ga~e or table, $100. This license shall be a personal privilege and shall be granted o~ly upon the order of the City ~.~anager. SO. On each person keeping a billiard saloon, or pool room, ~7~, and an additional tax of ~E5 for each table, exceeding one in such room ~apable of being used, whether used or not, not proratable. This license shall be a personal privilege and shall be gr~nted ~nd transferred only upon the order of the City ~anage r. No billiard saloon or pool room shall open for business until the license tax is paid. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provision of this section shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than ~100.00 for each offense,i ~l. On each bowling alley, ~, and ~n additional tax ot' $£5 on each alley exceeding one, kept in building, whether used or not, not proratable. This license shall be a personal privilege and shall be granted ~nd transferred only upon the order of the City D~nager. No bowling alley sh~ll open for business until the license tax is paid. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provision of this section shall be fined not less than ~0.00 nor more than Ol00.00 for e~ch offense. ~o~. On each box b~ll or skee ball alley, ~, and an additional tax of ~5 on each ~lley, exceeding one, kept in the building, whether used or not, not prorated. This license shall be a personal privilege and shall be granted and transferred only upon the written order of the City Hanager. No box ~all or skee ball alley shall open for business until the license tax is paid. Any person, firm or co rpor~ti on violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than ~50.00 nor more than ~100.00 for each offense. 25. On each person conducting t~e business of a broker, dealing in stock~!' bonds, money, notes, bills or other evidences of debt, and upon s~y incorporated company or person who sells realty bonds or any other bonds to be paid for in installments, and which s~re subject to redemption before m~,.turing, and which are liable to lapse on the failure of the purchaser to pay the installments as they be~.ome due, ~200, not prorated. 24. On each pawnbroker, OZS0. This sum shall not include the privilege authorize a person, firm, or corporation to purchase and sell other merchandise, and when a pavmbroker shall sell merchandise he sh~[1 pay in addition to the pm'~nbroker's license, a re~lar merchant's license as provided for in this ordi- 25. On each dealer in railway or steamship transportation tickets other than duly autho~zed agents of transportation com]~anies, ;~50 for each place of business conducted in this City, not prorated. 26. On each buildi~ and loan association selling stock making l~ns, or m~:ing collections in this ci~-, the tax shall be ~75; provided, the capital of such association~ or company, actually paid in, whether from paid-up steck or partially ~id stock, is not ~er ~25,000; if the capital paid in is ever ~25,000 and not more than ~50,000, the tax ~all be ~110; if the capital paid in is over ~)50,000 and not more than~100,000, the tax stroll be ~150; if the capital in is over ~100,000 and not over ~150,000, the tax shall be ~185; if the capital paid in is over ~150,000 and not more than ~200,000, the ta:: shall be ~22~; if the capital ~id in is over ~200,000 and not more tl~n ~' r ~3~0,000, the tax shall $265' if the capital paid in is over 9o~0,000 and not more ~an ;[:400,000 the tax shall be ~375; and on all capital paid in e:.:ceeding Q400,O00 the tax s~ll be 957~, and the additio~l s~ of 50 cents on each ~}1,000 for ~ch excess. 27. A license tax of ~50.00 is hereby imposed on a building and loan association which does business on a purely mutual plan an~ confines its business solely to this city and to the suburbs within a radius of three miles. 28. On each mercantile agency with an office in the Cit,y of Roanoke doing a rating lntsiness and furnishing reports as to the financial standing of persons, f~ms and ~rporatio~ s~ll pay a license tax of ~50 per a~um, not prorated. 281-. On each butcher or person deali~ in fresh m~ts ~50.00, which sh~l include the privilege of selling c~ed meats, but not ~e privilege of sellin~ canned meats, and on each p~son handiir~ fresh meats exclusively or in connection with other gears! merchandise, for 'i:ich a license tax has been paid, ~30.00. 29. On each person keeFi~ a wood yard, ~10. 50. Each person, fi~ or corporation en~ged in pedd!in~ coal on the streel from wagons or other vehicles, and selling in quantities of not more than two hundred and fifty' pounds at any one sale shall pal~ ~10 on each wagon or other vehi cl e. 51. On each person, fi~ or co~o~tion conducting a business off deali~ in coal oil, kerosene, or other burnin~ ffluids by sel].i~ or delivering the same ffrom wagons on the streets, alleys, or other public places in the City, ~250; and on each ~rson, ffirm or corporation dealing in gasoline, illuminating or lubri- cating oils, flor each tank located in the city havi~ a capacity off ffive hundred gallons or more, owned by such person, ~i~ or corpo~tion, ~125. The license provided flor in this section shall n~ be prorated. 52. ~n each cancer, eye, or throat itinerant doctor or optician, ~25, not prorated. 3~. On each person, ffi~ or corporation conducting ~e business o~ cleaning and l~essing clothes, the license tax shall be as ffollows: Ia} i:ressin~ and cleaning clothe~ and other articles by hand where no in~lamible material is used in t]~ cleani~, ~20.00 not prorated. 40O or any other infl~mible m~terial not in excess of one g~llon is used, ~Z0.00 not prorated, and such inflamible m~.terial must be in an approved metal container. (c) Pressing and cleaning clothes and other ~rticles by machinery where inflamible m~.{.terial is used, ~50.00 not prorated. No license shall be i~sued under this section until the provision of Section lB1 of the Building Ordinance has been complied with. Any person, firm or corpor~.tion violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than ~.00 nor more than ~100 for euch offense, and u]>on conviction thereof, ~he license may be revoked by the City ~,,~anager. Z~. Upon each person selling upon the streets of this City and other public places any articles or commodity of any kind or c?~racter, ~6 per week, not prorated. Any license under this section shall be a personal privilege and the Commissioner of ~qevenue shall grant the same only upon the written authority of the City ~,'[anager. Provided, in bona fide cases for religious and charitable pur- poses, this privilege may be granted by the City I,~anager ~-~ithout the payment of a li ce ns e. 35. On each person, firm or corporation not paying the regular merchant'~ license, and taking measurements or selling clothes by sample, ~50 per annum, not prorated. 56. On each person, firm or corporation conducting a dyeirg establish- ment in the City, ~5, not prorated; and on each person firm, or cerporation solic- iting or receiving business in the City of Roanoke for dyeing establishment not located in the City of Roanoke, ~2~, not prorated. Z?. On each person, firm or corporation selling water, gas, heat or electri'city for light or power in the City of Roanoke, for such privilege a sum equal to one-half of one per centum of the gross receipts derived from such business in said City; such receipts shall be ascert~ined as of the 30th day of June of each year. 58. On each person, firm or corporation giving magic lantern or moving picture shows and charging for admission thereto a sum not exceeding 50 cents the following: Where the seating capacity is ZS0 or less ~l~0 per year. Where the seating capecity if over Z~0, ~£00 i~,er year. Provided, that if such person or corporation uses a piano, phonograph or o~er like instrument on the strec~t shall pay 50 per cent increame in addition to the ~bove stipul~ted amount. No such instrument shall be placed or operated within twenty feet of the building line at any time before 6 o'clock Y. }~. No admission grater than that stipulated in the licmnse shall be charged without first notifying the Commissioner of Revenue of such change and paying additional license therefor. ~9. On each person, firm or corporation giving vaudeville with moving pictures or magic lantern shows and charging admission thereto a sum not exceeding fifty (50c) cents, ~4 per day, $20 ]~er week, ~50 per month or ~250 per ~,~ar. Pro~vided, that if such person, firm or corporation using a piano, phono- graph or other like instrument on the street such person, firm or corporation shall pay fifty per cent increase in addition to the above stipulated amount. No such instrument shall be placed or operated within twenty feet of the building line at an_v time before 6 o'clock t~. ~,. charged without first notifying the Commissioner of Revenue of such change and payin~ additional license therefor. 40. On each person, firm or cor]~oration givir~ exhibitions not otherwise classed herein ~10 per week or ~j2 per day, except such exhibitions which are imld under a tent or '~ithin any enclosure, which shall be ci~rged the rate provided for in Section 84. 41. Un every license to a fortune teller, palmist, clairvoyant, phrenolo- gist, intuitional advisor, or astrologer, ~1000.00 per year, not prorated and not transferable. 42. On every person, firm or corporation sellin~ fresh fish within the limits of the City of Roanoke, if the amount of purchase do not exceed ~6500.00, ~50.00, and where the amount of purchase exceed ~6500.00, the tax shall be 50 cents on each ~100.00 in addition thereto, which shall not be prorated. No license shall be ~zranted to do business at any place unless there is sewer connection. Any person violating the l-.rovision of this section sl~ll be fined not less than ~5.00 for each day such violation shall continue. 45. Each person, firm or corporation for the privilege of sellin~ fresh fish from wagons or ]toddling the same through the City shall pay a lic:ense tax of ~50 per annum for each vehicle operated, not pro~ted. 44. On each person keeping a feed or wagon yard, ~25, not prorated; but this license shall be granted only upob the written authority of the City Manager. 45. On each person engaged in the business as agent, or otherwise, of selling stocks, options and futures, or tad:in& orders therefor on a margin basis, ~500.00. Any broker, or his agent who shall obtain a license hereunder shall furnish any purclm~ser of stock, options and futures, on demand, the name of the party from whom such stocks, options ;md futures have been purchased, and to whom sold. Any person or corporation holding a license hereunder and violating the provisions hereof shall forfeit such license. 46. ~n each person engaged in the business, as agent or otherwise, of sellin~ outright stocks, bonds, notes and bills of exhcnage vfnere deliver~? is made at the time of sale, or at subsequent dates, ~50. 47. On the proprietor of each merry-go-round, hobby horse, thriller, or other like amusement, ~25 per month for each month or part thereof. This license shall be a personal privilege and slmil be granted only on. a]:proval of the City },~ana;<e r. 48. On ~ach person or c[o~poration ma'nufacturing and selling compressed gas for lighting railway passenger cars, ~100: Provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to any railway company which manufactures gas for its own use. 49. On each person conducting ring games, knife racks, baby racks, and games of chance not prohibited by law, ~25 per month for each month or part thereo~, or 9~,50 per year. ~0. On each person, firm or corporation keeping a hotel of ten bed rooms or less (~25, and where the number of rooms exceed ten and do not exceed thirty an additional tax of :~ for each bed room in excess of ten rooms and up to thirty rooms, and where the number of rooms exceed thirty, the tax shall be ~' 9~ for each bed room and ~1 for each bath room. This lioense does not confer the privilege of keeping a dining room or restaurant. ?'his lice'ase 'shall be a personal privileg~ 401 51. On each one-horse carriage or h~c~' kept for hire, ~5, and on each two horse carriage or hack kept for hire , ~,?.50, not prorated; and this license shall be a personal privilege and shall be granted only on the written approval of the City ~,~anager. A number plate for each carriage or hack kept for hire shall be furnished by the commissioner of revenue at the time the license is taken ani shall be placed on the said vehicle in such position as shall be prescribed b~~ the com- missioner of revenue. 52. A license is imposed on all automobiles, mutomobile trucks, motor- cycles and motor driven vehicles, as follows: On each vehicle operated as a "jitney" $50.00. On each passenger vehicle kept or used for hire ~80.00. On each vehicle for hire for the transfer of freight or merchandise, of one ton capacity or less, ~15.00; over one ton capzcity ~d) On each privately owned truck used for the transfer of freight or merchandise of one ton capacity or less ~8.00, and when the capacity is over one ton, OZ.00 additional for each ton or p~rt thereof. ~e) On all automobiles, automobile trucks s~nd other motor vehicles, not otherwise licensed by this City a tax of 25 cents per horse power is hereby impesed. ~fl On each motorcycle ~.00. ~gl No license issued under this section shall be prorated or transferr-i by the Commissioner of Revenue at the time the license is taken out and shall be conspicuously displayed on said automobile, truck or motorcycle, and in the event said tag is lost, the owner of said automobile, truck or motorcycle shall obtain fron~ the Commissioner of Revenue a duplicate of said tag and shall pay therefor the sum of ~l.00. ~or the failure to display such tag, the o~aaer or oper,~tor of said automobile, truck or motorcycle shall b~ fined not exceeing 53. On each person or company engaged in conducting an intelligence office, or labor agency, $100; and on each agent or solicitor for labor, ~100; which shall not be transferable. 54. On each person, frim or corporation engaged in the business of manu- facturing ice, ~100 for each plant operated. 54~. On each junk dealer, for the privilege of transacting business, the sum of ~250, which shall not be prorated; and for the privilege of canvassing for the purpose of buying any junk or other matters or things for an~~ such Junk dealer, or for sale to a Junk dealer, shall be one-half of the sum imposed by this section on such jun]<~ dealers: Provided, that before any license is issued hereunder, the place for conducting_ such business shall be approved by the City ~Ianager. ~5. On each person, firm or corporation dealing in ice and not selling the same on the streets, ~50.00, provided, however, that this section shall not apply tc the agent or representative of a person, firm or corporation who or ~ich has taken out the license provided for in Section 56 hereof. ~6. On each person, firm or corporation dealing in ice and using the ed, except licenses issued under Sub Section ~d) and ~e) may be issued for one- half rate after January 1st, and the license issued under Sub Section ~dl and ~e) may be transferred. A number plate for each automobile, truck or motorcycle shall be i~rnishe~ conferring the privilege to use the public streets for the conduct of business is granted upon the express condition that, each and every licensee under this section is hereby required durin~ the period from the first day of 1~ay to the first day of November to sell and deliver, each day, to any one desiring to purchase for cash in the City of Roanoke, ice in quantities of five cents in value or more; said quantities to be supplied at the sarape rate as is charged consumers takin~ ~0 cents in value; provided, however, that no licensee hereunder shall be required to make sale or delivery on ~unday, or to make delivery in any blocl~ except upon the request of three residents therein and then only when no vehicle from which lee is then being sold has passed through that block and has offered for sale ice on that day; any licensee failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offense. 57. On each person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of peddlin~ ice cream ~rom vehicles on the streets, the tax shall be ~15.00 for the first vehicle ,and :il0.00 for each additional vehicle, provided, however, that no person licensed under this section shall sell or offer for sale ice cream unless the same be pacl:e~t as individual portions, inclosed in boxes or wrappers of tin foil or other impervious paper so as to be completely protected from contamination. This license shall not confer the privilege of sellin on the ~arket Square. Any [erson violating the provision of this Section shall be fined not less t~an ~5.00 for each offense. 58. On e~ch live~, or sale stable, 4~25, and an additional tax of 50 cents for each stall therein, but this license shall not apply to hacks and carriages kept on the streets for hire, as is pmovided for in Seotion 51, and on each feed or boarding stable, not conducting a livery stable, ~10: ~:rovided, however, that no license slmll be granted until a certificate from the City I[anager has been secured statin~ that all the restrictions imposed by the City ~rdinances have been complied with. ~9. 60. On each lightning rod dealer or agent, ~100. Every person, firm or corporation engr~ged in the business of a merchant, shall pay a license tax for the privilege of doing bushiness in this city to be graduated by the amount of purchases made by him during the period for which the license is granted, and all goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by said merc]~nt and sold or offered for sale in this city as merchandise shall be cor~ider~d as purchases within the meaning of this section and a separate license for each place of business is hereby required. The tax to be paid on each such license shall be graduated as follows: If the amount of pm~chases do not exceed ~,000, ~0; where the amount of purchases exceed ~,000 and is less than ~0,000, the tax shall be ~0 cents on the ~100 in addition thereto; where the amount of purchase is in excess of ~$~0,000 and not in excess of ~100,000, the tax shall be Z0 cents on the .~lO0 in addition theretg; where the amount of purchases exceed ~)lO0,O00 the tax shall be 18 cents per ~100 in addition thereto. Dealers in dry goods, lumber, furniture, groceries, and merchants tailors, or persons engaged in any kind of mercantile business whatso- ever or whether they be of the kind or class with those em~merated or not, except where otherwise herein specified, shall be embraced in this provision. ~.~here a statement of purchase is made by any person, firm or corporation 403 404 purchase, and if he deems it advisable or necessary he shall demand of such person, firm or corporation such other proci' of his purchase as may enable him to satisfac- torily determine the same, oxid he may decline to issue any license hereunder until such proof has been furnished. This license shall not be prorated. 61. Every person, firm or corporation by the sale of any kind of mer- chandise on commission shall be deemed a commission merchant. On the business of a commission merchant or merchandise broker, ~$0, and when his connmission exceeds ~2,000, gl0 on each ~l,000 or fractional part thereof in excess of ~£,000. Gl-~-. On each transient vendor for the sgle of bankrupt, assignee, trustee, fire,w~eck stock, salvage company or person, ~£00, not prorated. 8~. On each person, retailing tobacco, cigars or snuff, ~10.00. 6Z. On each person, firm or corporation operating a sod~ fountain and selling soft drinks therefrom, where the gross receipts are ~l,000 or less ~.10; where such gross recei~3ts are over ~l,000 and do not exceed ~' 92,000, ~0; where such receipts are over ~,000 and do not excee~ Of,000, Of 0; where such receipts are over ~Z,000 and do not exceed ~,000, ~0; where such receipts are over ~4k,000 8nd do not exceed ~,000, ~0; where such receipts are ower ~,000 and do not exceed ~8,000, $80; where such receipts are over ~6,000 and do not exceed $10,000, $1 per one hundred dollars in addition thereto, and where s~ch receipts exceed ~10,000, ~0 cents per one hundred dollars in addition thereto, and ~'or the privilege of selling soft drinks otherwise than at soda fountain to be drunk at the place where sold, the license shall be ~10.00 per annum, which st~.ll be in addition to the regular merchants license. Where edibles of m2y kind or character are sold other than ices and ice cream, the license for such edibles shall be ~E~.00 per annum. 8~. On each person, firm or corporation, sample or commission merchant selling to consumers, ~100, not prorated. 65. A license is hereby imposed on each person or corporation for the privilege of selling, or redeeming trading stomps, tr~ding checks, coupons or other like things to be used as evidences of purchases made. Any person or corporation who shall sell or redeem such stems, checks or other things to be used as evidences of purchases made at any place of business in this city, shall ~? for s~ch t~rivi- lege the sum of ~$00.00, which ab. all not be prorated. ~nd a license tax of ~50 per annum is hereby imposed on gny person firm or corporation for the privilege of selling, giving away or redeeming profit sharing or other like coupons. 68. On each person engaged in the business of peddling merchandise on foot, other than merchandise and produce of a perishable hature, ~0.00. This section shall not appl~ to'the representative efa bona fide licensed merchant. 87. On each individual engaged in the business of ps ddling from vehia~ s~: !produce or merchandise of a perishable n~ture, whether the individual be acting for himself or the agent of another, ~0,00, for e~ch vehicle, which shall not be prorated. The licensee shall not be permitted to sell on the m~rket squ~re or on the streets within four blocks thereof during market hours. Provided, however, this section sh~ll not apply to one engaged in the business of securing such produce or perishable merchandise from the countyy, and offering the s~m~e for sale only on the City 1~t. akket from vehicles. 08. On every person, firm.or corporation, conducting the business of manufacturing, or bottling pop, ginger ~le, or other ~erated waters where the amotmt ~ 405 excess of OlO,O00 and does not exceed ~20,000, 860; v/~ere such capital is in excess of ,i~20,000 and does not exceed 830,000, $70; where such capital is in excess of ~30,000 and does not exceed ~0,000, 580; where such capital is in excess of ~40,000 and does not exceed ~50,000, ~90; where such capital is over ~50,000, OlO0. 69. On each person, firm or corporation nu~nufacturing cider, ciderine, cider phosphate, or any other concoction not wholly composed of pure juice of the apple, the tax shall be ~]lO0, and on the wholesale dealers of any such preparation the tax shall be ~lO0, and on every retail dealer the tax shall be ~25. VO. On each agent or person soliciting or taking orders for printing establishments or books binderies not operated in this City, ~10.00. ?1. On each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of plumb- ing and heating, or either plumbing or heating, the tax shall be ~20; provided, however, ~here the gross receipts off such person, firm or corporation e:,:ceeds ~1,000 then such person, firm or corporation shall in addition to the license herein imposed secure a license as a contractor as provided in Section 94 o£ this ordinance. This license, however, shall not be issued except and until there shall have been delivered to the commissioner of revenue by the Clerk off the City Council a certifi- cate to the e'ffect that a bond in the penalty of ;~1,000 with some approved surety corn?any as m~ety, has been given by such person, firm or corpoz~tion, conditioned to save harmless the City of Ro~moke from ~my and all damages arising from plumbing and m~ing connections with the public sewer, drains, and ~.ter pipes, and further con~i:tioned to rerun4 to the City of Eo~moke the s~m or sums expended by it in replacing the streets and sidewalks which may be opened or torn up by such person, firm or corporation in the progress of their work, provided, however, where such person, firm or corporation, secures a license to conduct the heating business only, then the bond required need not he given. This license, shall not be prorated. 72. Every person, firm or corporation engaging in the business of placing electric wires and other electrical appliances for light, heat and power in any building in the City of Ro~mot:e shall pay a license tax of ~50.00 per annum, which shall not be prorated, provided, however, where the gross receipts of such person, firm or corporation exceeds ~lO00.O0, then sa~ch person, firm or corporation shall in addition to the license herein imposed secure a license as a contractor as pro~ided in Section 94 of this ordinance. 75. On the keeper o£ each restaurant or dining room, ~25 and in addition thereto, a sum equal to five per centum of a rent or rental value of the buildings or rooms occupied and necessary for conducting such restaurant or dining room. This license does not confer the privilege of conducting a lodging house or hotel. This license shall be a personal privilege and si~ll be granted only uI~on written order of the City Lianager. 74. On each shoe-shine parlor, or place conducted for the polishing or shining of shoes, where t~ charge does not exceed five cents, and v£aere more than one person is employed, and not more than three, for the purpose of doing the work, the license shall be ~lO per annum, and where ti~ charge exceeds five cents, ~25, per annum, and for each additional person employed more than three, .~2.50 per annum. This license shall be a personal privilege and shall be granted only on the approval of the City L1anager. ?5. On every license to a barber the tax shall be ~5 and ~2.50 per chair 406 V6. On all slot machines, not prohibited by l~w, there shall be a tax of 82.50 per annum; and the regulations applicable thereto, and provided for, those licensed under the State law; which shall not be prorated. Provided, however, that this section shall not ~pply to any merchant who has paid a merchant's license and owns and uses such slot mchine simply for ~he purpose of making sales of his geods ~nd merchandise, and to be used inside of his place of business, nor shall it apply to slot machines used for the purpose of selling semitary individual drinking c~p~e, or sanitary drird~ing cups and natural water at one cent. 7~. On each person, firm, or corporation conducting the buin~ss commonly knov~n as a Penny Arcade, where is shown or exhibited slot machines for ~he purpose of i~rnishing music or exhibiting pictures, the e~m of $50.00 per annum shall be pai d. ~8. On stallion or jack keepers, for each animal let to mares, ~5.00. ?9. On each person or corporation engaged in the storage business, for each house ~50.00. 80. On each pmrson or corporation, or agent conducting the business of making or selling tombstones, monuments, etc. ~2~; which shall be in addition to their re~lar merchants' license. 81. On the proprietor of each shooting ~llery, ~5 per month for each month or part thereof. The license sh~ll be a personal privilege and s~all be granted only on the approval of the City ~,~5~uager. 82. On the proprietor of each skating rink, Ol00, or ~10 per month. 83. On each person, firm or corporation conducting a dancing hall or pavillion and charging admission thereto, $1~.00; not prorated. 84. On each circus, show, menagerie, vaudeville, ministrel or musical comedy and exhibition of similar character ~other th~n those held in a building on which the lic~ense tax hereinafter imposed has been paid$, when the entrance charge is not more than l0 cents, ~20 per day; when the entrance charge is over l0 cents and not exceeding 25 cents and not exceeding 40 cents, ~100 per day; when the entrance charge is mere than 40 cents end not exceeding 50 cents, $150 per day, and when the entrance charge is more than 50 cents, ~250 per day; and ~l~ on each side show, whether attached to said show, circus, or menagerie or not. On every runner, agent broker, or other person selling tickets at a greater price than the regular p~ice of admission, ~25. Any violation of this provision shall subject the violater to a fine of 8~. On every proprietor of a public or priv~te building kept or used exclusively for any theatrical or similar performance, panorama, or public ez~hibi- tion, variety show or other entertainment, $150 per annum which shall not be pr o rat ed. 86. On each person or corporation engaged in intrastate telephone business, $6~0. 87. On each person, firm or corporation who shall engage in the business of sending telegrams from the City of ~oanoke to a point within the State of Virginiia and of receiving telegrams in the City of i~oanot:e from Virginia, excepting, however, telegrams sent to or received by the Government of tax, if said person, firm or corporation operate or maintain in this State fifty offices or less ~100.00, amd when said person, firm or corporation maintains over fifty ahd not more than one hundred offices ~200.00 over one hundred and not more than one hundred and fifty offices $250.00 over one hundred an& fifty and not more than two hundred offices 3300.00, and over two hundred offices ~500.00, which shall not be prorated, 88. On each individual, firm or corporation engaged in the business of organizing corporations or selling for compensation the stock of a corporation about to be organized or soliciting subscriptions to the stock of a co,~poration which is subsequently to be org~uaized, ~150.00 not prorated. 89. On each undertaker doing business in this City, ~25, which shall be in addition to the regular merchants' license. 90. On each two horse wagon, cart or dray, ~5.00; and on each one-horse wagon, cart or dray, .,?~.50. i~rovided, however, that any person desiring te sur- render a license for a one-horse wagon and have issued therefor a license for a two horse ~:;agon shall be entitled to a credit for the unexpired part of the license surrendered. A number plate for each wagon, cart or dray shall be furnished by the 0ommissioner of l{evenue at the time the license is taken out and shall be conspicu~ ously displayed on such vehicle, and for failure to display such tag a fine of ~2.50 shall be imposed. t~rovided, f~rther that a livery stable p~ying the license tax provided for in this ordinance shall be exempt from the payment, of the tax provided for in this section. 91. ~n each individual, firm or corporation engaged in the ~usiness of public sale of horse~ or other live sto~t: in the City of Roanoke, $50,00 not pro rat e d. 92. On each laundry operated other than by hand equipped for the purpose~ of doing general laundry work, ~100.00, and on each agent soliciting or taking order for laundries, not licensed by this City, $100.00, and on all other laundrieS, $15. 93. Any person, firm or corporation ','~ho shall engage in the business of repairing shoes by machinery, shall pay a license ta:~: of ~25 per annum, not prorated. 94. Any person, firm or corporation accepting orders or contracts for doing any work on or in any building or structure, requiring the use of painting, stone, brick, mortor, wood, cement, structural iron or steel, sheet-iron, galvan- i::ed iron, metallic piping, tin, lead, electric %'ziring or other metal, or any other buildi,~ material; or who shall accept contracts to dc. any paving or curbing on si:tev~alks or streets public or private property, using asphalt, brick, stone, cement, weod or any composition, or who sP~ll accept an order for or contract to excavate earth, rock or other material for foundations or any other purpose, or who s)mll accept an order or contract to construct any' seizer of ~'~'tone, brick, terra cotta, or other material, shall be deemed a contractor. EYery suah oontract, r for the privilege of transacting business in this City shall pa2,' a license as follows: If the gross amounts of all orders or contracts acce]~ted aggregate ~1,000, he shall pay the sum of ~5; if the amounts of such orders or contracts are more than ~;1,000 and do not exceed ~,~5,000, ~10; if the amounts of such orders or contracts exceed ~5,000 and do not exceed ~10,000, ~20; if such orders or contracts exceed ~10,000 and do not exceed ~,~20,000, 330; iff such orders or contracts e~:ceed 520 000 and do not exceed 350,000, '~' , ~50; if such orders or contracts exceed i150,000 and do not exceed Ol00,000, ~75; if s~ch crders or contracts exceed O~100,O00 and do not exceed ~150,000, ~100. 95. On each person, firm or corporation keeping a garage for the storage of automobiles and cl~arging for such storage, where the number of automo- biles stored does not exceed five, ~25, and ~l additional for each stall or space which may be occupied for such storage purposes over five. 9~. On each corn doctor, chiropodist, manicurist, hair dresser, ~5, and ~2 for each additional employee in such office or place of business. 97. On each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of cleaning or repairing automobiles or other vehicles, ~25. 98. On each person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of painting automobiles or other vehicles, a license tax of ~25 shall be paid. 99. On every person, firm or corporation who shall operate in the ~it.y of Roanoke the business of exchanging phonograph records, where an exchange fee only is charged, shall pay a license tax of ten [OlO~ dollars per annum, which shall not be prorated. 100. A license tax is hereby imposed on every manufacturer, agent, or dealer in automobiles or otb. er self-propelled vehicles of ~15 per annum, which shall entitle such manufacturer,agent or dealer to operate not exceeding ten cars for demonstration and sale purposes in the City of Roanoke, and that the number of the State license tag held by such manufacturer, agent or dealers shall be registered with the Commissioner of Revenue and no further tag shall be necessary for the operation of such automobile or other self-propelled vehicle in the City of Roanokei~ 101. On corporations organized under the ~Iorris,or similar systems, making loans on the weekly p~yment plan, secured by endorsement or security other than assignment of wages or household property, which leans are discounted at legal rate of interest shall pay a City license of $75 where the capital and surplus is ~5,000 or less, and where such capital and surplus is in excess of $5,000, $E.50 on each thousand dollars of capital and surplus additional. 10E. On each and every w. erson acting as agent for coal companies ani having a place ~f business in this City, 0125. 105. All persons, firms or corporations licensed to do business under the Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved L~rch °~Z, 1918, entitled, an act to regulate the business of making small loans, etc., shall pay a tax of $~00, which shall not be pro rated. 104. On each person firm or corporation engaged in the business of hanging or erecting awnings the tax shall be ~75.00. This license shall not be prorated. 105. On each person, firm or corporation who shall bring into the city car loads of fish and sell the same by retail from the car a license tax of ~10.00 per car, if the contents of the car is in e]~cess of lO,O00 pounds, the tax shall be ~15.00. 106. On each person, firm or corporation who shall bring into car loads of fruits, vegetables, water melons, or other like products and the City sell the 107. On each person, firm or corporation conducting the business of window cleaning, ~25.00. 107~. On all person~, firms or corporations engaged in the business of hiring or renting cars without ~ chauffeur or driver $100.00 for the first ten cars and ~5.00 for each additional car. Said tax shall be in addition to the s]:ecial tax of 25 cents per horse power upon each car. On each person firm or corporation manufacturing vinegar ~50.00 108. not prorated. 109. License shall extend from ~'~o~ 1st to April Z0th next succeeding of each year, and the commissioner of revem~e shall receive for each license issue~ by him for each of tke privileges upon which a license is by such ordinance imposedi, a fee of 50 cents, to be lRid by the party to whom said license is issued. The commissioner of revenue ~al! be entitled to a commission of six-tenths of one per cent on the aggregate amount of license issued by him annually. 110. As to all questions in regard to the duty ~nd conduct of officers of the City in controlling and enforcing the taxes herein imposed and in regard to the questions of construction and for definition of terms used in this ordinancei, the rules and regulations applicable to putting the same in o~eration, reference is hereby made to Acts of the General Assembly of ' ' " " , ;zrg.zn~a, for the assessment levy, and collections of taxes for the current year, or so much thereof as is applicable to this ordinance and is not inconsistent with the general ordinances of the City, and for the conduct and ~idance of the officers of the City and other persons affected by this ordinance, and for fixing their powers, rights, duties and obligations, the provisions of said ~ct of the General Assembly, so far as a]~plica- ble, are hereby adopted, without being specifically herein quoted. 111. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Revenue to keep a record in which he shall classify all the branches of business and occupations upon which a license is imposed by this ordinance, and show the amount of assessment made upon each license, the name of t/~e person assessed, and the period for ~ich said license was issued. On the first day of January of each ~ar he shall deliver to the City Auditor extracts from said record, sho~ing tl~e entries therein made during the preceding twelve months, properly classified. 11~. Any person, firm or corporation conductira?~ a business, occupation or profession for the conduct o~ which a license tax is required under this ordi- nance, without first obtaining such license, shall be fined not less than ~2.60 nor more than ~10 for each day he is in default. It shall be the duty of the Com- missioner of Revenue and Treasurer and Collector of City taxes to report in writir~ to the Cit~? I~[~uas~er every case of default as soon as it comes to his knowledge and the Commissioner of Revenue shall also report to the City I.Ianager the name, location, and business of every person in default; it shall be the duty of the City, ~,L~nage r, im~di.~ - , . ~tel~ upon receipt of such report to detail a policeman and cause such delinquents to be summoned before the police justice to show cause why they should not be fined under provisions of tt~is ordinance. But the special detail of a policeman ahall not relieve the general police from tl~e ~eneral duty of enforcing!i this or any other ordin~ace; and the City ].Ianager shall es~,eciatly see that all thei~ requirements of this ordinance are enforced, and t¢ this end he shall, at least 4O9 113. The taxes on licenses accruing under the provisions of this ordinance shall be due and payable, except where otherwise herein provided, upon the first day of May of each year, and s~all be paid by the person against whom assessed to the Treasurer and tax collector of the City in his office on the first day of ~ay and the license shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the place of busi ne ss. ll~. Whenever any person, comporation or firm, who is required by the provisions of this ordinance to make report of his purchases, sales, commis- sions, fees, lists of personal property, or to do any other thing required by this ordinance shall fail to do so, he shall be fined ~lO and an additional sum of ~,00 for every day over one he shall continue in default. ll~. All licenses granted under this ordi~mnce are granted upon the condition that the person, firm or corporation conducting t~ business for which the license tax is paid will not violate any of the ordinances of the City of Roanoke or any of the laws of the State of Virginia or of the United States apper- taining to gambling or having in his possession or selling intoxicating liquors, and in the event of any such violation of said ordinances or laws, and upon con- viction thereof, the City ~.~anager s~all have power to revoke the same. Clerk. A?PROVED ATTEST: - (~' Pre side~t · IN TH~ COUNCIL 20!{ THL CITY 0P ~©~2~02~, VIRGINIA, The 21st day of April, 1924. No. 1473. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment to the Treasurer of t he School ~und ~0,000.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the sum of $80,000.00 payable t o the Treasurer of the School Fund for maintenance of schools for month of April, 19£4. The said amount ~en paid shall be charged to the ordinary account of schools. ATT~,oT: - t?re s i dent/. IN THE GOUNCIL ~OR T~ CITY OF It0ANOK~, VIRGINIA, ~he 25th day of April, 1924. No. 14V4. A ~SOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City ef Ro~noke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install 2 4-inch gas main on Virginia Avenue 100 feet West of Dudding Street to 226 feet West to dead end. Said Roanoke Gas Light ~empany by acting under this resolution agrees t( indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all~ claims for damages te persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the pro- visions of the general ordinances of the City of lto~noke providing for street restoration. AP PR 0VED ATTEST: ~_ · Clerk . ~ · President. 411 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2~th day of April, 1924. No. 14 75. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct a 4 foot grano- lithic sidewalk on the South side of Hanover Avenue between 2~th and 26th Street, N. W., to accommodate the property ~f Mrs. Kathryne E. Stiff. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a four foot granclithic sidewalk on the South side of Hanover Avenue between 28th and 26th Streets to accommodate the property of Mrs. Kathryne E. Stiff, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, Mrs. Eathryne E. Stiff shall pay into the ~ity Treasury the full cost she to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. ¢lerk. ATTEST: APPROVED ~President. ? IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2$th day of April, 1924. No. 1~76. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the West side of Rosalind Avenue between Srd am~ 4th Streets South Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed, a five foot granolithic sidewalk on the West side of Rosalind Avenue between 3rd and 412 Johnston, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, said property owners shall pay into the Treasury the fullcost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. ATTEST AP?R 0VED ~ Pre'siden~. 01erk. IN THE COUNCIL i~0R THE CITY 0~ R0~0KE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of April, 1924. No. 1477. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Luck Tire Company to construct a she& over its wash pit at its place of business on the West side of 3rd (Roamoke) Street. ~ IT RESOLVED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Luck Tire Company to construct a shed over its wash pit at its place of business on the West side of 3rd (Roanoke) Street between Campbell and Church Avenues. The said shed may be maintained Until the same is ordered, removed by the 9ouncll. good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector, and the Luck Tire Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Oity ef Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the con- struction and maintenance of maid shed. APPROVED ATTEST: Cl~rk. IN THE COUNCIL i~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of April, 1924. No. 14 78. A RESOLUTION authorizi~ the purchase of lots adjoining the Virginia Heights School from Dr. Geo. Be. Lawson at the price of $5500.00 and providing BE IT RESOLV~ED by the ~ouncil of the 0ity of Roanoke that the School ~oard be, and ie hereby authorized to purchase from Dr. Geo. B~.Lawson two let s adjoining the Virginia Heights School at the price ef $5~00.00, payable $500.00 cash and the balance December l, 1924, with 6 ;mr cent interest on the balance unti~ paid. ATTEST The deeds to said lots to be made to ~he City of Roamoke. Cle rk. APPROVED Pre~tdent. ~ IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0F ROAN0t2Z, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of April, 1924. No. 1479. A RESOLUTION to award the contract to Campbell and Peters for the con- struction of a storm drain. BE IT RESOLVED hy the Council of the City of Roanoke that the contract for the construction efa 30-inch storm drain in Gra~din Road §0 feet North ef Westower Avenue to 180 feet South of 0tterview Avenue thence through private property to Sherwood Avenue be, and the same is hereby awarded Campbell and Peters at $5367.B0 and to the City Attorney is directed to prepare a proper contract and bond to be executed by the said Campbell and Peters, the bond to be in the penalty of BO per cent of the contract price. APPROVED . ~- President. 413 IN THE COUNCIL FOR TH~ CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of April, 1924. No. 14 80. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~ity Manager to construct er cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property of Mrs. W. H. Bourne known as lots 3 and 4 Block l, Sec. l, '~'irginia Heights Addition. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cil~ Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer im Summit Avenue to accommodate the property of Mrs. W. R. Bourne known as Lots 3 and 4 Block l, Sec. l, ¥irginia Heights Addition, but before proceeding with the construction cf said sewer, said Mrs. Bourne shall pay into the City Tre.~sury the full cost thereof estimated to be $187.60, she to be reimbursed one-half such cost out of the 1924 tax levy for the Annexed Territory 1919. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk. -- d' President. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAN0~E, VIRGINIA, The 28th day of April, 1924. No. 1482. A RESOLUTION to provide for an emtension of time for the payment of licenses to operate a Jitney bus and to fix the date upon which applications are to be filed. WHEREAS, the question of the operation of jitney busses in the City of Roanoke is now before Council for the determination of routes, regulations, ere.and WHEREAS, licenses for the operation of Jitney busses now en the streets will expire on the 30th day of April, 1924, and ~tERE~S it is contemplated by the Council to limit the number of licenses the expiration of the license year, April 30, 1925, a number of jitney busses to be replaced by motor busses of approved type carrying from sixteen to twenty- $ae passeng~ers, and WHEREAS, in order t~hat gouncil may have time to consider the various regularions and ordinances, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the $ity of Roanoke that the time for the payment of licenses by the persons new operating Jitney busses in the ~ity of Roanoke be, and the same is hereby extended to ~une l, 19E&, pre- vided, such persons give the bond er file an insurance policy as required by the erdinauces of the gity of Roanoke om or before May l, 19E4, Permits to operate such busses until June 1st shall be limited to those mow operating and granted by the ~ity Manager upon a certificate that the bond required has been executed, or the applicant has filed an insurance policy required by said ordinances. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that applications for licenses to operate Jitney busses in the $ity of Roanoke for the year ending April 50, 19MB, shall be filed with the City Manager on er before May 1Bth, 19E4, Name. Such application shall state: Residence. Type of car. How long have you operated a Jitney? Over what route are you now operating? eperation. (6) Over what route do you porpose to operate? {7) ~ity tags Ne. {8) Have you been convicted of violating City ordinances er State law? Applications shall be limited to the owners of jitney busses now in Said applications shall be tabulated by the 8ity Manager and reported to Council, and $ouncil shall determine the route or routes over which such appli- cants shall operate having regard for seniority rights of said applicants on the route which is specified by him in said' application. Clerk. APP~0VED ATT~ ~T: IN THE 80UNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANCKE. VIRGINIA, The End day of May, 19SA. No. 1485. AN ORDINANCE to amend and re-ordain an ordinance adopted by the Council of the gity of Roanoke on the 6th day of A~zril. 192~. entitled, "A~ Ordinance licensing and regulating the operation of mc~cr busses, providing permits to owners and drivers thereof under certain conditions, and imposing penalties". WHEREAS, in order to preserve public safety, it is necessary that an ordinance be adopted to regulate and control the operation of motor busses over the streets of the City of Roanoke, THEREF0~E, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the $ity of A~oanoke that an ordinance adopted by the council of the City of Roanoke on the 6th day of motor busses, providing, permits to owners and drivers thereof under certain conditions, and imposing penalties" be, and the same is hereby amended and re- ordained so as to read as follows: 1. The term "Motor Bus" used herein (commonly known as Jitney ~us$ is defined to be a motor vehicle, operated over any of the streets of the ~ity of Roanoke, for the carrying of passengers for hire, for fifteen cents or less for each passenger. ~he term "Street" is derided to mean any avenue, street, road, alley or public way within 8aid City, and the term "operator" shall mean a person who driver or it is proposed shall drive or operate any such motor bus. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation either as principal, agent or employee, to use or occupy any public street in the City of Roanoke with a motor bus, in a ~y as defined in Section l, without a pe~nit a~d license therefor, and complying with the terms of this ordinance; and no person shall drive such motor bus who is under the age of eighteen years. 3. That the routes over which motor busses may operate in the City of Roanoke shall be, and the same are hereby fixed as follows: Rorer and Salem Avenues, S. W. Beginning at Rorer Avenue & 18th Street, East on Rorer Avenue to 15th Street, North on 15th Street to Salem Avenue, East on Salem Avenue to 1st Street, South on 1st Street to Church Avenue, West on Church Avenue to 2nd Street, North on 2nd Street to Salem Avenue, thence on Salem Avenue, 15th Street and Rorer Avenue to point of beginning. (2) Patterson Avenue & 18th Street, S. W. Beginning at Patterson Avenue & 18th Street, East on Patterson Avenue to Campbell Avenue, East on Caspbell Avenue to 1st Street, South on 1st Street to Church Avenue, West on Church Avenue to 5th Street, North on 5th ~treet to Campbell · Avenue, thence along Campbell Avenue m~d Patterson ~venue to the point of beginning. (3) Melrose Avenue, N. W. Beginni~j~ at ~lelrose Avenue & 14th Street, East on ~elrose Avenue to llth Street, South on llth Street to Loudon Avenue, East on Loudon Avenue to 5th StreetJi South on §th ~ to Center Avenue, East on 0enter Avenue to 2nd Street, thence on Shenandoah Avenue to Jefferson Street, South on Jefferson Street to Salem Avenue, West on Salem Avenue to 2nd Street, North on 2nd Street to Center Avenue, t~ence along Center Avenue, 5th Street, Loudon Avenue, llth Street and ~Ielrose Avenue to point of beginning. Note: It is optional to cross the II & W Railway at 2nd or 5th Streets in thim route, and the Loudon Avenue Route. if all passengers are destined for the corner of 1st (Henry) Street and Salem Avenue or West of this point, the bus may pass over 1st (Henry) Street Bridge and return West on Salem Avenue. (4) Loudon Avenue, N. W. Beginning at Loudon Avenue & l?th Street, East on Loudon Avenue to ~th Street, South on ~th Street to Center Avenue, EaSt on 0enter Avenue to 2nd Street, thence on Shenandoah Avenue to Jefferson Street, South on Jefferson Street to Salem Avenue, West on Salem Avenue to 2nd Street, North on 2nd Street to Center Avenue, thence along Center Avenue, ~th Street, Loudon Avenue to point o~! beginninE. (5) Belmont Hill S. E. Beginning at Highland Avenue & 6th Street S. E. East on Highland Avenue to 8th Street, North on 8th Street to Dale Avenue, West on Dale Avenue to 4th Street, North on 4th Street to Tazewell Avenue, West on Tazewell Avenue to Jeffer- son Street, North on Jefferson Street to Church Avenue, East on Church Avenue to 2nd Street S. E., South on 2nd Street to ~A'azewell Avenue, thence alo~ Tazewell Avenue, 4th Street, Dale Avenue, 8th Street and Highland ~venue to point of begin- ning. (6) Belmont ~oute, S. E. Beginning at Kenwood Boulevard & l~th Street S. E. North on Kenwood Boulevard and 14th Streets to Jamison Avenue, ~est on Jamison Avenue to llth Street, North on llth Street to Dale Avenue, West on Dale ~venue to 7th Street, North on 7th Street to Tazewell Avenue, West on Tazewell Avenue to Jeffer~n Street, North on Jefferson Street to Church Avenue, East on ~hurch Avenue to 2nd Street, South on 2nd Street to Tazewell Avenue, thence along Tazewell Avenue, ?th Street, Dale Avenue, llth Street Jamison Avenue, 14th Street and ~enwood Boulevard to point of beginning. Note: This route can start at Jamison Avenue & 18th Street. (?) Wasena Avenue, Wasena. 416 East on Campbell Avenue to 1st Street, South on 1st Street to Church Avenue, West on Church Avenue to End Street, thence along End Street, Franklin Road, Marshall Avenue 8th Street and Main Street to point of beginning. Colored Route. Beginning at McDowell Avenue & 8th Street N. ~., East on McDowell Avenue to Peach Road, South on Peach & Gainsboro Roads to $ilmer Avenue, West on Gilmer Avenue to 1st Street, South on 1st Street to Center Avenue, East on Center Avenue to Jefferson Street, South on Jefferson Street to Norfolk Avenue, East on Norfolk Avenue to 1st Street, S. E. South on lat Street to Salem Avenue, West on Salem Avenue to Jefferson Street, North on Jefferson Street to Center Avenue, West on Center Avenue to 1st Street, thence along 1st Street, ~ilmer Avenue and Gains- boro Road to Harrison Avenue, West on Harrison Avenue to 8th Street N. W. North on 8th Street to point· of beginning. &. The aggregate number of motor busses licensed to operate under this ordinance shall be fixed by Council by resolution and shall be assigned to the routes above designated, the number to each route shall be, fixed by resolution of C ounc i 1. as signed. No motor bus shall operate over auy other route than that to which it is §. Every person desiring such permit and license shall make applica- tion to the City Manager of the ~ity of Roanoke on printed forms to be prescribed and furnished by said City Manager, in which form shall be stated: (Il Name and residence or office of applicant. (b) Type State license serial number engine numb e r . Carrying capacity. The route over which it is proposed to operate. ~uring what hours it is proposed to operate. ~hat no driver will be employed who has not passed the examina- tion required by ordinance. The application shall be signed by the applicant if an individnal, if a firm b~- some menber thereof, and if a corporation by its president, treasurer or secretary. 6. No permit and license shall be issued until the applicant shall have given a bond, payable to the City o~ Roanoke. executed by some solvent guarant~ or surety company having a permit to do burn, ness in the State of Virginia, or executed by two or more good and solvent persons, as hereinafter provided, in the penalty of two Thousand and five ($2,~00~ ~ollars. Such bond shall be conditioned that the owner or person to which the permit to operate such motor bus is issued, or any person operating the same as agent or servant for t~he person to whom such ipermit is given, will not violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or any of the traffic ordinances of ~his City, and if there be any such violations shall pay any and all lawful claims for damage or injury to persons or property occasioned by the negligent operation of Said motor bum or by the violation of this ~=dinance or any of the traffic ordinances of this City. And said bond may be sued on at the instance of any person or persons or ~orporation so damaged or injured, and such bond shall not be void on the first recovery, but may be sued on until the full penal mum named therein shall be recovered. If said bond be executed by personal sureties, the same shall not be approved by the ~ity Clerk unless the sureties thereon shall make oath before said City Clerk that in their own right over and a~ove all exemptions and indebtedness, that they are worth the full amount of the bond they signed as sureties, and that they own in their own right real estate of the aggregate assessed value of not le~s than the penalty of ~he said bond. ~$ut where such applicant secures a permit and license for more than one motor bus, then bus, which bond shall be maintained at the maximum amount at all times, or in lieu of the bond herein required, said applicant may file a liability insurance policy conditioned substantially as herein provided. If the application is approved by the City ~anager, the same shall be filed in the office of the City Glerk and said City Clerk shall thereupon certify that maid application approved by the City Manager has been filed in his office, whereupon the Commissioner of ~evenue shall issue to such applicant a license to operate such motor bus upon presenting to him such certificate and shall furnish said applicant with a license tag containing a serial number. ?. ~ll motor busses operating over the routes herein provided for shall operate daily at least ten hours over the routes to which they h~.ve been assigned. Such o~erator sh~ll be entitled to two hours for cleaning equipment and meals. 8. All motor busses operating shall display on the rear of the vehicle the license tag furnished him ~t the time the license is taken out, which tag shall be permanently attached to said vehicle with bolts or screws. Such vehicle shall also have painted on the lower righ~ hand corner of the wind shield the number of the route on which said vehicle is licensed to operate and the word "jitney". The letters to be not less than Z-inches in height. 9. No person shall operate any vehicle under the provisions of this ordinance until he shall have appeared before the Superintendent of Police of the City of Roanoke and passed an examination as to his ability to operate such m vehicle and as to his knowledge of the traffic laws of the State and of the City and shall have obtained a certificate in writing from said Superintendent of Police to that effect, provided, however, that the Superintendent of Police shall not approve any application for such certificate from any person who is under the age of eighteen years, or unless he be ~ull~satisfied upon the hearing of evidence for and against the applicant if necessary or if desired by the applicant, that the latter is a person of good moral character and of good reputation in the community. 10. If ~or any reason the owner ceases to operate said ~otor bus, he shall immediately notify the City ~anager of the fact and deliver to said Oity Nanager his license tag. ll. The operator of every vehicle under this section shall comply with all the laws of the State of Virginia and the Ordinances of ~e City of Roanoke and shall conform to the following requirements. ~a) Passengers shall not be permitted to enter or leave a vehicle excepl from the right side, front or rear of the car. ~b) Passengers shall not be pe~uitted to sit or stand on the ru~ing boards of the cars or on the doors of the cars, or smoke while a passenger on any ~uch ear. ~c) No operator of such vehicle shall smoke while operating the mame over any route, No money s~ll be changed and no fare or fares collected by the driver or operator while the vehicle is in motion. ~d) The persons licensed under this section may temporarily substitute one vehicle for another, provided he has first obtai ned the consent and approval of the City ~anager. ~, ~e) The Superintendent of Police shall be empowered in cases of fire, 417 in order to prevent the congestion of traffic, to temporarily divert the route or routes upon which such vehicles are licensed to operate to such other street, as, in his opinion, will best serve the public. (fl All operators of "Jitney Busses" shall wear, for purpose of identification, numbered badges, to be designated by the City ~anager. (gl Motor busses will stop at street intersections only to take on or discharge passe~ers. 12. ~he driver of any motor bus operated under this ordinance shall carefully preserve any money or other property left in such motor bus by a passen- ger. If not called for by the owner in twenty-four (YA! hours, such property shall thereupon be turned over to the Superintendent of Police for safe keeping and identification by the owner. When the o~er calls for same, either in the hands of the driver or licensee or the Buperintendent of Police and proves his o~nerahip, same shall be promptly delivered to him. Any property, whether money or other things, which shall not be called for within six months, shall, if money, be thereupon paid into the ¢ity Treasury by the said Superintendent of Police, and all other property shall be sold by him at public auction and the amount received therefor paid into the ~ity Treasury in like manner. l~. No sign or device shall be painted on the glass front or wind shield, except the designation provided for in Section 8 of this ordinance, and no detached sign or device more than four inches wide and eighteen inches long shall be placed against the glass ~ front or ~vind shield of a~ny automobile operated under this ordinance, and in no case shall said sign or device be placed so as to o~struct the front view of the driver of said machine. lA. Every motor bus operated upon the public streets of the City cg Eoanoke shall at all times be neatly painted and kept in good order and repair for the carriage of passengers, and every such motor bus shall be cleaned and rendered sani tary daily. l~. Any persc~ violating the pro~isions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shallbe fined Sot less than $2.§0 nor more than $100.00 for each offense, 16. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict. l?. ~or the reason stated in the preamble to this ordinance, an emergency is declared to exist and the ordinance shall be in force from its passage ATTEST: 01erk. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of 2~ay, 1924. No. 1484. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~ity Manager to construct a sidewalk on the ~outh side of Rutherford Avenue between 5th and 8th Streets under conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Cour~il of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the South side of Rutherford Avenue between 5th and 8th Streets, but before proceeding with the ~nstruction of s~id sidewalk, the property o~ers shall pay into the ~ity Treasury the fall cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one- half such cost at some future time. APPROVED Clerk. Pre si dent~. 419 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VI~!GINIA, ~'he 2nd day of Z{ay, 1924. No. 1485. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City ~{anager to construct a sidewalk on the South side of Chapman Avenue between l?th and 18th Streets under conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct,' or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the South side of Ohapman Avenue between l?th and 18th Streets, but before proceeding ~ith the construction of said sidewalk, the property owners shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one- half such cost at some future time. APPROVED ATTEST: 'Cle rk. IN THE 00UNCIL I~R THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of May, 19EA. No. 1486. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Oity ~{anager to construct a sidewalk on Rutherford Avenue to accommodate property of Yens B. Hunter and i{. ¥. ~owlkes under condi~ions. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the ~ity of Roanoke that the City ~anaKer be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on Rutherford Avenue, N. W., to accommodate the property of Vena B. Hunter and R. V. ~owlkes known as Lots 2S, ~ and 25 Section 5, Inglesi&e Land Company's Addition, but before proceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, the property o~ers shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. APPROVED 420 " IN THE COUNCIL FOR ~HE CITY O~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of May, 1924. No. 1487. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Sompauy to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install the following mains: (1} A 1~. inch main on ?th Street S. E. North of Murray Avenue approxi~ mately 180 feet. (2) Extending the 8-inch main from Wasena Bridge to the entrance to the alley between Elm and Mountain Avenues. ~he Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the ~ity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to l~rson or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. APP ROVED ATTEST: Clerk. · d ' President IN TEL COUNCIL FOR T~E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of May, 19 24. No. 1488. A HESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct an 8-inch sewer to accommodate Lots ?, 8, 9 and lC, Section 9, Waverly Place Addition belonging to S. B. Pace. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the propertY of S. B. Pace known as lots ?, 8, 9 and Section 9, Waverly Place, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, said S. B. Pace shall pay into the ?ity ~reasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk. president. IN THE COUNCIL POR ~{E CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, T~ne 2nd day of May, 1924. No. 1489. A iiESOLUTION to award the contract to S. B. Bennington for certain imp roveme Bt S. BE IT RESOLVED by the $ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the centract be awarded to S. B. Bennington for the followin4~ improvements: 421 Avenne 525 feet West of Virginia Avenue, $5,055.50. (2) Concrete curb and gutter on Westover Avenue from Ninbourne Street to Rivermont Road, $6120.20. (3) ~oncrete curb and gutter on Ghent Boulevard from end of present curb to Westover Avenue, $1617.75. The work is to be done in accordance with plans and specifications furnished by the City ~nager, Said S. B. Bennington before proceeding with said work shall execute a bond in the penalty of one-half of the contract price. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED President. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The £nd day of May, 1924. No. 1490. A RESOLUTION to award the contract for the erection of comfort stations in the parks to ¢. H. Turner. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the contract for the erection of cemfort station in Washington Park, Jackson Park and Elmwood Park be, and the same is hereby awarded C. H. Turner at the price of $422B.00. Said work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications i~rnished by the City ~,,fanager. Said C. H. Turner before proceeding with said work shall execute a bond in the penalty of BO per cent of the contract price upon condition of the faithful performance of the work. ATTEST: Clerk, APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL ~OR THE CITY 0Y ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of May, 1924. No. 1491. A RESOLUTION authorizing the R~oanoke Railway and Electric Company to install a street light. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway ~ad Electric Com/~n~ be, and it is hereby authorized to install a I~50 C. light at the intersection of Yellow l~ountain Road and ~nd Street South Roanoke. Said light to be maintained under the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and ~lectric Company. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk. President 422 IN THE COUNCIL P0R ~HE CITY 0P ROA/IOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of May, 1924. No. 1492. A RESDLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the 0ity cf Roanoke for the month of April, 1924, and directing the ~ayment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Romoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of April, 1924, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City Manager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salari es Court 0fficers & Expenses Assessmen~ of Taxes 8ollection of Taxes ~ity Hall Elections Stationery & Printing Council ~ orone r Almshouse Outside Poor Hospitals Organized Charities Insane Jail Juvenile ~ourt Police Court ~ire Depa. ·ire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Build Lug Inspector Military & Armories Physi ci an Quarantine & Detention Heal th Dep t. Street Cleaning Garbage Removal Sewer Maintenance Street Repairs Bridge Repairs Cruahe r City Stables Tools & Equipment Special Services Workmen' s Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library La rke t Inte re s t Annex 19~9 Accounts Payable EXTRAORDINARY $ 901.06 104 '/. 23 921.72 423.52 230.50 291.66 1543.93 325.04 675.88 808.25 258.67 502.82 453.32 56.00 712.11 152.59 388.53 460.83 ?2 .fi0 1268.95 637.86, 10,373.23 8829.88 151~ .25 2082.57 452.47 ?5.50 100.00 122.55 1875.41 1291.92 36?2.5~ 119 ?. ?2 11, ?95.45 600.03 1203.31 1756.09 35?? .00 2.50 50.00 1083.92 505000.00 615.00 1894.28 5245.78 35,075.00 4524.65 999.05 $ 159,900.76 Sewer Construction Opening & Grading Streets Refunds for Sewers Schb ols 649.69 50.00 56.82 40,000.00 40,736.51 $ 200,637.27 APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk. President. IN THE COD/101L 20R THE 0ITY 0P ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of May, 19 24. No. 1493. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $25,000 to the Treasurer of' the School ~und for buildings. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Cil~y Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the stun of $£5,000 payable to the Treasurer of the School Pund on account of buildings. Said amount shall be charged to the extraordinary account of schools. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROIr£D .--J, ' Presiden . · 423 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of ~ay, 1924. No. 14 94. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Hanager to construct certain sewer. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Rcanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed a sewer to accommodate the property of the Standard 0il Company at the intersection of Perdinand Avenue and the Wasena Bridge, estimated cost being ~104.00, but before. proceeding with the construction of said sewer, ~aid Standard 0il Company shall pay into the City Treasury one-half of the cost thereof. A P i~ 0VE D ATTEST: Clerk. resident IN T~ COUNCIL ~'0i~ TP]~ CITY 0~~ R0~IOKE, VIRGINIA, The 9th day of ~&y, 1924. No. 1495. A EESOLUTION granting a permit to ~ileck ~oal Oompany to construct a temporary building at its goal yard on the East side of Holiday Street North ~f Tazewell Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a p~rmit be, and the same is hereby granted the ~leck Cokl 0ompany to construct a temporary office building at its coal yard on the East side of Holiday Street North of Taze- well Avenue. Said building to be constructed of galvanized iron on wc, oden studding and shall be according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Buildirg Inspectc and may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Council. The said Pleck ~oal Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said building. ATT}] ST: CLerk. At:' PR Pre si dent. 424 IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0'~ ROANOKE, VLRGINIA, The 16th day of May, 1924. No. 1496. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to J. J. Saker to construct a bath room and pantry in the rear of his residence at 4SO Second Avenue N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted J. J. Saker to constr~ct a bath room and pantry in the rear of his residence at 4S0 Second Avenue N. W. The said bath room and pantry to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~uild- lng Inspector and under specifications to be furnished by him. Said J. J. Saker by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Ci~.y of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the con- st~-mction and maintenance of said addition. APPROVED Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL FOR TIE CI~"f 0F ROAN012~, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of May, 1924. No. 1497. A RESOLUTION directing the Gity Glerk and Auditor to draw a warrant for $100 to pay the railroad fare of members of the William Watts Camp of Confeder- ate Veterans to the Reunion. ci. ty BE IT RESOLVE]~ by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that the/Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $100.00 payable to D. M. Armstrong to pay railroad fare of the members of the William Watts Camp to the Confederate Reunion to be held at ~m~emphis, Tenn., the first week in Said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of allowances aad June. ~i ft s. ATTEST: Cle rk. At~P R0 VED IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0P t~)AN0}LE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of May, 1924. No. 1498. A RESOLUTION granting a pe~it to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to construct certain gas mains. BE IT RESOL'WED by the Council of ~he City of' Roanoke that a permi~ be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light ~ompauy to construct an 8-inch gas main in the alley between k~ountain and Elm Avenues from Ferdinand Avenue to 6th Street S. W. Yhe Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said ~as main, and further agrees to replace the streets wi~re the same are opaned under the provisions of the General Ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for Street restoration. IN T~ COUNCIL FOR T}~ CI~ CZ lt~:~NOK~, V~GINIA, The 16th day of Z~y, 1924. No. 1499. A RESOLUTION gr~nting a permit to the Spalding Service ComparAy to remodel the filling station ~t the comer of Commonwealth Avenue ant Srd Street N.A~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Spalding Service Company to remodel its filling station at ~he intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and 5rd Street N.E. The same to be done in accordance with the plans hereto attached and made a part hereof and to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Insp~ ctor. The said Spalding Service Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or proper1 by reason of the construction and maintenance of said filling station. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED President. I~ THUE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF :R0~L~0~2E, VIRGINL~, The 16th day of May, 19~4. No. 1500. RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Appalachian Power Company to ~y change their lines entering the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of' Roanoke that a permit be, ATTEST: and the ssme is hereby gr~uted the Appalachian Power Comp~uyto change their lines and to construct the same along the alley in the rear of Carter Road on the proper~y c~ the Lee nigh Court Corporation. Sai~ Appalachian Power Compan$~ by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all clsdms for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said line. APP ROVED Clerk. ' ~ Pre si dent IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0~~ RCA~0~[E, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of ~,~ay, 1924. No. l~01. A RE~0LUTION to supplement the appropriation to Special Services. BE IT ~(ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the appropri- ation to Special Services be, ~nd the same is hereby supplemented to the amount of $£.~0, ~d the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will c~rry into effect the provisions of this resolution. ATTEST: Cie rk. Ai~PROVED ~denY. IN THE COUNCIL F0.,t 'lEE CITY (F R0fdIOL~, VlitGINIA, The 17th day of }lay, 19a4. No. 1502. A RESOLUTION to limit the number of Jitneys on routes established. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of' ttoanoke that no greater number of jitney busses shall operate over the routes established under ordinance of Council than the following: Route No. 1. Rorer and Salem Avenues, S. W.,.eight (8). Route No. 2. Patterson Avenue and 18th Street, S. W., twenty-one (21). Route No. Z. Ilelrose avenue, N. W., twenty-three (23). Route No. 4. Loudon Avenue, N. W., four (4). Route No. 5. Belmont Hill, S. E., four (4). Route No. 6. Belmont Route, S. E., thirteen (13). Houte No. ?. Wasena Avenue, Wasena, two (2). Route No. 8. Colored Route, six (6). Provided, that on Route No. ? bisses only shall operate. APPR OV"~AD ATTEST: -'~ Cle rk. IN ?t~ COUNCIL POE ~ CITY 0P R(~NOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of }lay, 1924. No. 1503. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric ~ompany to install certain street lights. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the t~oanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 250 C. P light at the following points: 1. Sherwood Avenue and Arden Road. 2. Shirley Avenue and Arden Road. 3. Carter Road and Arden Road. All in the Annex Territory 1919. Said lights to be maintained under the provisiom of the contract between the Roanoke Railway and Electric Comrany and the City of Roanoke. A R0V D ~ // · President. Clerk. III TF~. COLRICIL ~0R ~IE.E CITY 0P R0~IOKE, VIRGINIA, The 23rd day of flay, 1924. No. 1504. A REo0LU~ION authorizing the payment of $25,000 00 to the Treasurer of the school fund on account of buildings. BE IT .~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant off buildings. Said amount when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary account of schools. Clerk. Ai'?P. 0VED Pre sident ,' II! T?VE CCU!,~(:IL ~'Ol~ T!'~ CITY (F }{OANOK![, VIF. GINIA, The 26th day of ~a~, 1924. No. 1~06. A i~SOLUfIO~I to transfer jitneys from certain routes. ~E .... IT t~]SOLLq]D 'o~- .... the Co~n~cil of the Citer off R~no~e that one ~i~ey be takca from Route No.1 and t ...... sferred to Route No.6, ~nd t_::t one ~itne~ be taken from ~oute !~o.5 and transferred to Houte No.5. Clerk. IIJ ~ '~' =t_~ COUNCIL ~'0t! THL PITY OP liCANOifd, VIRGINIA, The 50th day of l~iay, 1924. No. 1507. A RESOLUTION authorizirk~ the City LIanager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of L. P. S~ithey on the East side o£ Wycli£fe Avenue 80 feet South of 8th Street known as Lots 6, V and 8, Block 24, Crystal Spring Land Gompany's map. BE IT RESOL~D by the Council o£ the City o£ Roanoke that the City Lanag~.r be amd he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of L. P. Smithey on the Last side of Wycliffe ' Avenue 50 feet South of 8th 2treet and known as Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 24, CrystaE Spring Land Company's ldap, but before proceeding ,zith. the construction of said sewer, said L. ~. Smithey ab. all obtain an easement over the property off F. C. ~ ~ , s Addition, James known as Lots 9 and 10, ~locn 24 Crystal ~pring Land Coral:any' and shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. Cle rk; . ~ - President./ ~ IN TPiH COUNCIL FOR T}5~ CITY 0~' Rfz~ll0IYi, VltlGIIIIA, The 30th day of May, 1924. No. 1508. A RESOLUTION granti~ a permit to the Roanoke Water Works Company to Install certain water mains. and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water ',~orks Company to install a £-inch water main in Wells Alley from Peach Road East a distance of 500 feet. Said Roano~.-e ~ater Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said water main, and further agrees to replace the street, where the same is opened, under the provisions of the general ordi~nces of the City o£ Roanoke providing for street restoration. A~T~ST: Clerk. ~-~ Presi~dent. IN TILE COU~i~CIL ~0t~ ~l~J_~ CITY 0P ROAN0t2E, VIi~GINIA, The 30th day of May, 1924. No. 1509. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas main. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be~ and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Come,any to install a 4-inch gas main on Chesterfield Street from Berkeley ~venue to ~,[ountain View Terrace a distance of 400 feet. Said Roanoke Gas Light Compa~iy by acting under this re solu-I tion agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of , said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is torn up under the provisions of the ~eneral ordinances of the City of koanoke providing for street restoration. ATTEET: · -) Cle ri APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL P0i~ T]~ CITY 0.~~ E0~dI0]2~, VIRGII~IA, Bhe 50th day of May, 1924. No. 1511. k RESOLUTION granting a permit to C. S. 2~cNulty to connect a sewer line to the sewer system of the City of Roanoke. WIKEi~,S, Elmore D. Heins has heretofore constructed a sewer line from the section known as Grover Park and by pezlmtssion of the Council of the City of Rcanoke connected said line with the sewer line of the City, and '~fP}LP~AS, C. S. McNulty owns certain lots on the South side of Salem Road and desires to connect the sewer line to accommodate said loZs ~ th the sewer line herebefore constructed by Elmore D. Heins and which is connected to the sewer line belonging to the City and has entered into a contract with said Heins agreeing upon the terms which said L'cNulty is to be permitted to connect with said sewer line condition upon the said C. g. McNulty obtaining permission of the Council of the City of Roanoke to make said connection. THEPLFORE, BE IT i{ESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a ~oermit be. and the same is hereby granted said C. S. l,lcNulty to connect twenty- four lots to the sewer line to accommodate his property knovm as the Charles Addition to the sewer line constructed by said hlmore D. Heins, which line is connected with the line of sewer of the City of Roanoke. Said C. S. I.,~cNulty shall pay for said lots connected with City line, the sum of $480.00 and no con- nection shall be nl'~de until the said amount is paid. A~TE2 T: Cie rk. - y · l~resident. Ii~ THE COUNCIL F01d ~IEE CITY 0~' ROAI~0i~, VIRGIIIIA, The ZOth day of L~ay, 19~4. No. l~lS. A tdiSOLUTI0~i authorizing the payment of $?0,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~\~nd. BE IT ~SOL~£D by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the sum of $70,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School Fund for maintenance of schools for the month of liay, 1924. - Cle'rk.- - IN THE COUI~CIL 20i~ THE CITY 0F ROAN01£E, VIRGINIA, The Z0th day of I,tay, 1924. No. 1~19. A t{E~,~0L~ION directi~ the pa~nent of ~gS,000.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~nd for buildings. BE IT ~SOL~D by the Council of the City o~ ilogno~e t~mt the City ~lerk an,~l ~uditor be, ~d he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for ~e ~ $2~,000.00 payable ~ the ~'rea~rer of the School ~nd on account of bulldogs. The ~id amount when Taid shall be charged tothe e~traordi~ry account o~ schools. At~Pi~0VED ATT~ET: ~ Dresident. Clerk. 430 1N TICS COUNCIL P01{ THE CITY O~~ i{0~210]~, VIF, GINIA, The 6th day of June, 1924. No. 1505. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the New Hotel Corporation to construct a solarium on the £ront of its building. The New Hotel Corporation having applied for a permit to erect a hotel building on its lot on Jefferson Street, the hotel building proper to be set back at least six feet fron the inside line of the sidewalk on Jefferson Street a~d at least fifteen feet from the north line of the alley adjacent to said property intersecting Jefferson Street, vrith the right, however, to emtend a solarium out from the Jefferson Street front of said building, not, however, at any point beyond the present inside Jefferson Street sidewall: line, and such solarium or extension not to be supported by posts, pillars or other supports from the sidewal~, it is resolved that the Building Inspector be authorized and directed to grant i such permit, the New Hotel Corporation havin~ ~--~rther declared its willingness at any time required by the City within two years from the date hereof to dedicate to i the City, for street purposes, a strip of its land fifteen feet wide for tt~e length of its property abutting on said alley on the north side of said alleyway, upon condition that *2~e City ~'rithin such time widen the residue of ~id alle~ay from Jefferson to Henry Streets fifteen feet in addition to its present ,~ridth, and improve same as a street, and likewise its willingness within said pegiod to dedicate to the City for street purposes six feet in width of the Jefferson Street front of its property upon like condition that the City ~vill Yrithin said period widen and improve Jefferson Street six feet on each side between Ta~:ewell Avenue and Elm Avenue. ATTEST :~~ Cle rk. APPR0I~D ~ 4 '- I~resident' IN THE COUNCIL ~X)R T}~ CITY 0F R0fd~0i2E, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of June, 19~4. No. lB10. A PJ~SOLUTION granting a permit to the Calvary Baptist Church to construct walls of brick and hollow tile. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, an~ the same is hereby granted the Calvary Baptist Churci~ to construct the v~lls of it~! buildin~ of brick and hollow tile with solid brick piers to rapport the steel roof!i and trusses. ATTEST: ~-~ Clerk. AP~i~0VED III Tt~! COUI~CIL P01{ TH£ CIr~' O? R0fRIOiLE, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of June, 19 24. No. 1521. A RES0L?~ION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a certain gas main. BE IT i~ESOLI~£D By the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 12-inch gas main on 8th Street S. E. from Bullitt Avenue a distance of 117 fleet South. Said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for dam~ages to I~rsons or pro- peTty by reason o£ the construction and maintenance of said ~as nmin, and further agrees to replace the street, where the same is opened, under the provisions of the general ordinances providing -['or street restoration. APt~R t, VED Cie rk. President. Ill T>UZ COUUCIL >~0!{ 'ff-ZE CISY 0i,' kOANOI£E, VIRGIJIA, The 6th day of June, 19~. No. 1522. A P2iSOLUTI01,I authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to install certain street lights. BE IT Ri]SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Rail- way and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authori,';;ed to install street lights as follows: 1. A 250 C. t~. ligjut at the corner of 16th Street and Staunton Avenue,N.~?. 2. A 250 C. P. light at the corner off 16th Street and L[ercer Avenue, Said lights to be mainta~ined under the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. Approved Clerk. President. IN TP}2 COUitCIL FOR ?~ CITY 02 ROAI~Ot~, VIRGIUIA, The 6th day of June, 1924. No. 1524. A RESOLUTIOU to approve the accounts arfl claims a~ainst the City of Roanoke fcr the month of Hay, 1924, and directing tbs payment of the same. BE IT i~SOL~q~D by the Coune~i! of the City of Roanoke tkat the accounts and claims against the City for the month of ~!lay, 1924, be, and the same are hereby approved and o~dered yaid as follows: City lIanage r Ez~i neering Deptl City Clerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense 965.91 915.18 957.V5 16~.99 220.00 457.00 1828.61 Stationery & t~rinting C oun ci 1 C orone r Almsh ou se Outside Poor Hosp it als Organized Charities Ins ane Ja il Juvenile Court Police Dept. ~ire Department 2ire Hydrant i~ental Street Lighting Bui I di ng~ Inspector Hilitary & Armories Phys ici an uarantine & Detention ealth Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Department Sewer Hainten~ rn e Street Eepair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Special Services Allowances & Gifts Workmen' s Compemmation Garage Dept. Schools Parks Library ~a rk e t s Interest Annex 1919 Jitney Badges Accounts Payable EXTRA ORDI NARY Sewer Construction Drain Construction Sidewalk Construction Schools A!~PROVED ~ 26.40 435.32 25.00 959.56 150.42 588.53 460.83 110.00 1181.78 695.06 9857.08 9634.57 1511.25 2084.80 465.50 81.00 100.00 ll9.05 2007.76 813.61 4339.07 652.38 7042.60 1110.97 960.17 1468.26 602.50 100.00 500.09 ?39.56 70, 00O .00 1464.57 1524.32 1143.68 21,765.00 10,909.55 78.85 616.00 756.28 251.14 369.79 50,000.00 0167,726.93 51,557.21 219,084.14 ATTEST: Clerk. IN TKE CCUI~IL FOR ?YE CITY OF ROAllOI2~, VIRGINIA, The 6th day of June, 1924. No. 1525. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City I~Ianager to co~truct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on Oainsboro Road and 1st {Henry) Street along the property!i of Dr. J. B. Claytor. BE IT P&;SOL;'T,D by the Council of the City of Roanoke ttmt the City l~Iamge be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewal~ along the property of J. B. Claytor on Gainsboro Road and 2irst {Henry) Street at an esti~:~ted cost oi' ~350.00, but before proceeding with the const~ction of said sidewalk, said J. D. Claytor shall pay into the City Treasury the full co st thereof to be reimbursed one-half a~ch cost at some future time. ATTLST: Clerk. A!~PROVED ~ t:re siden~ Iii TKE C~UNCIL 20R T]~ CI£Y 0F P.0JJ[0IiE, ¥IilOINIi~, The 7th day of June, 1924. No. 15 20. AN 01~ItL~ICE authorizing the ]~urchase off certain property flor ~e l~urpose off a water sul:,ply flor the City off Roanoke. BE IT 0i~AI!~D by the Council of the City of R~not:e as follows: 1. That the property of ~-e Sh~k L~iltin~ Comply, Inc., contai~ng about twenty acres of land and buildings together wi~ all water ri~.ts and other rights now ovmed by said Sha~: 1,[illing Compa~ on the Ro~oke River Jest of the town of Salem together with all buildings, ~chinery in said buildings and eve~ything in the buildings on said tract of l~md, except t~ stock of goods, wares and merc~n- dise, be purchased at ~e price of ~75,000.00, ~yable ~25,000.00 cash on the delivery of the deed and the balance of ~50,000.00 payable one and t~o years after date to be evidenced by two interest bearing negotiable notes payable to the Shank ~illing Company, Inc., in the sum of ~25,000.00 each, a lien to be retained on the property until the purc~,se money is paid. 2. T~t the ~operty of ~. J. Waddell lying in the t~n of Salem in the County of Roanoke near the Ro~oke River and adjoining M~e pro?erty of ,,~ll~n~ Company and contai~ng about three and one-half acres of land together with the improvements thereon be p~=c~sed at ~e price of ~5,000.00 payable in cash on the delivery of the proper deed. 5. T~t the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to examine the titles to said properties and certify the ~me to the Council of ~e City of Roanoke. 4. T~t the City Attorney be, ~d he is hereby directed to prepare the proper deeds conveying said property to.the City of Ro~oke and to ~,ve the same properly executed. , ~ :- President. ATTEST: 433 III ~:~:~.-- COUI[CIL F0R 'k~ CITY ~'-,~. ?.C~iOIiE, v~I,.~l~[I~~ ' ' , The 1Zth day of June, 1~24. No. 1556. A ~SOLUTIO~ to supplement the approI~riatio~ to Special Services. EL IT i'~SOL~LZ} by the Council of the City of i~oanoke that the aptrcI~ria- tion to the account of Special Services be, and the s~e is hereby supplemented in the sum of ~602.50, and the City Clerk is directed to ~ke such entries on his. books ~s will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. l're sident. 1N THE COUNCIL POJ.~ TFL CITY OP' ROANOL]~, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1526. Ail 0RDIRANCE to make an appropriation of $25,000.00 for the purchase of a water site. BE IT 0.EDAIN~-I~D by the Council of the City of' Roanoke that the Mm of $25,000.00 be, and the same is hereby appropriated for the purchase of a water site for the City of Roanoke. ATTEST: ~~b-~_~~ ~ Clerk. APPROVED IN THE COIRICIL P0R THE CITY 0P ROAN0tQ~, VIRGINIA, The 2Gth day of June, 1924. No. 1527. A RESOLUTION authorizing the ~ity Manager to purchase a strip of land ten feet wide off of the lot owned by M. F. Clearon at the corner of Highland Avenue and 12th Street S. E. for street purposes. BE IT RESOLVED by the ¢our~il of the $ity of Roanoke that the City i Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase at a price not to exceed $400.00 a strip of ]and ten feet wide off of the lot belonging to M. ~. Oleaton at the t Said land to be used for street ~orner of 12th Street and. Highland Avenue S. E. pur po se s. APPROVED ATTEST: Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 0P ROANOLT2, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1528. Ail ORDINAl;CE to provide for an issue of $~00,000.00 of bonds for publici improvements, namely; for the purchase and acquisition of laud for public school purposes, for public school buildings and the equipment thereof. %'E~ERt:AS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the City of Roanoke to raise the sum of $300,000.00 for public improvements,namely; for the purchase and acquisition of land for public sohool purposes for public school buildin~ ~dii the equipment thereof. 1. BE IT 0RDAII~_iD by the Council of ~he City of Roanoke that for the purpose above mentioned, the propor officers of this City are hereby authorized an:l!! directed to execute for, and in behalf of, and in the name of the City of Roanoke, Virg-inia, bonds to the amount of $~500,000.00 dated the first day'of[ July, 1924, p~yable thirty years after date. The said bonds are to be of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered from one to three hundred, both inclusive, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one half po r centum per annum lmyable semi-annuall~ coupon bonds. Said bonds are to be ~ gned by the L~ayor and City Treasurer of the City; and the City Clerk shall affix to such bonds, the corporate seal of the City of Roanoke, and to duly attest the same; and the coupons attached are to bear the engraved or lithographed signature of the Treasurer of said 0ity, which shall be recognized by the City as having the same legal effect as if such signature had been written upon each of said coupons by the City Treasurer. 2. Said bonds and the coupons thereof shall be in substantially the followin~ form, to-wit: UNITED STATES 0P A~RICA ST~TE OF VIi{GINIA CITY OF PUBLIC i!~[PHOV~,~T BOND Series . No. $1,000. E/~0W ALL ~U~N BY THESE i~RES~TS, that the Cit~~ of Roanoke, a municipal corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Virginia, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the su~ of One Thousand ~01,000) ~ollars, payable in curren~ money of the United ~tates thirty years from the date hereof at the office of the Treasurer of said City, wi th interest Ht the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum, payable semi- annually at the aforesaid office on the first day of January and July of each year upon the delivery af ~he proper coupons annexed thereto. This bond is issued for making public improvements, namely; for the purchase and acquisition of land for public school purposes, for public school buildings and the equipment thereof, in pursuance of an ordinance of the Cournil of the City of HoanoP~ adopted on the day of , 1924, and ratified by a vote of a majority of the freehold voters of ~he said City voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the __day of , 1924, and uz~der and in pursuance of the constitution and Statutes of the State of ¥irginia, including among others an Act of the *eneral Assembly of ¥irginia, approved on the 22nd day of I.i~rch, 19~4, entitled, "An Act to provide a new c]uarter for the City of i{oanoke and to repeal the existing charter of said City, and tho several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent ~,,~ith this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke," and shall be exempt from all municipal taxation of this City. it is hereby certified, recited and declared that the issue of this bond is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Virginia and the Charter and ordinances of the City of Roanoke authorizing the sa.me, and that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond ]~ve existed, happened aud been per- formed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that this bond, together with all the other indebtedness and obligations of said City of Roanoke, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution and statutes of said State. IN TESTI!..IONY ?;I[~i~qEOP, the said City of Roarloke has caused this bond to be signed by its I~Iayor and by its Treasurer and the official corporate seal i~p~essed hereon attested by its City Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed with 436 IdAYOR ATTEST:- TREASURER. CITY CLERK (~o~%~ o~ coupon) No. · The City of ~oanoke, Virginia, will pay to the bearer at the office of' the City Treasurer, Twenty-two and 50/100 Dollars ($22.50), on the __day of , 19 ., being the semi-annual interest then due on its public improvement bond dated the first day of July, 1924, Series , No. . '~ Treasurer, 3. These bonds when endorsed by a majority of the freehold voters, voting at an election called, held and conducted in accordance with law, shall be executed by the proper officers of the City of Roanoke and sold by the Council, and the proceeds from such sale used under its direction for the purpose for which said bond is issued. CLerk. APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL FOR TKE CITY 0F ROAN0~iE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1529. ~ A/! OEDINANCE to provide for an issue o£' $525,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for constructing bridges across Roanoke River at 13th Street, S. W., and on Walnut Avenue, S. E., over the Virginian and Norfolk over the Virginian and Norfolk and Western itailroads. 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ~or the purpose above mentioned, the proper officers of this Cil~ are hereby authorized and directed to execute for, and in behalf of, and in the name of the City of and Western Railroads. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the ~i1~ of Eoanoke to raise the sam of $525,000.00 for public improvements, namely; for constructing bridges across Roanoke River at 13th Street, S. W., and on Walnut Avenue S. E., Roanoke, Virginia, bonds to the amount of $825,000.00 dated the first day of July,~ 1924, and payable thirty years after date. The said bonds are to be of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered from one to five hundred and twenty-five, both inclusive, and te bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July, and to be o the style and form known as coupon bonds. Said bonds are to be signed by the Mayor and City Treasurer of the City; and the City Clerk shall affix to such bonds the corporate seal of the City of Roanoke, and to duly attest the same; and the il coupons attadhed are to bear the engraved or lithographed signature of the Treasurer of said City, which shall be recognized by the gity as having the same legal effect as if such signature had been written upon each of said coupons by 2. Said bonds and the coupons thereof shall be in substantially the UNITED STATES 0F ~L[ERICA ~TAT~E OF VIRGINIA CITY OF ROANO~ PUBLIC IIIP ROVi~I,DZNT B 0ND. Series . following form, to-wit: No. $1,000. KNOW ALL ~N BY THESE Pi~SENTS, that the City of Roanoke, a municipal corporation created and organized under the laws of the Et~te of Virginia, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereo~ the sum of One ~housand [$1000) Dollars, payable in current money of the United States thirty years from the date hereof at the office of the Treasurer of said City, with interest at the rate of four ~nd one-half per centum per ann~m, payable semi-annually at the aforesaid office on the first day of January and July of each year upon the delivery of the proper coupons annexed thereto. This bond is issued for making public i~provements, m~mely; for construct- ing bridges across Roanoke ~iver at 13th ~treet, S. ~,~., and on Walnut Avenue, S. ~., over the Virginian and Norfolk and Western Railroads, in pursuance of an ordinance of the Council of the City of Roanoke adopted on the ~day of , 1924, and ratified by a vote of a majority of the freehold voters of the said City voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the day of , 1924, and under and in pursuance of the Gonstitution and Statutes of the State of Virginia, including amon~ others and Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved on the 22nd day of L~rch, 1924, entitled, "An Act to provide a new charter for the City of Roanoke and to repeal the existing charter of said city, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all ot~r acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke," and shall be exempt from all municipal taxation of this City. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that the issue ~f this bond is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes oi' the orate of Virginia and the charter and ordinances of the City of Roanoke authorizing the same, and that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by ]aw, and that this bond together with all the other indebtedness and obligations of said City o£ Roanoke, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution and statutes of said State. IN TESTIMONY WHEI{EOF, the said City of Roanoke has caused this bond to be signed by its Hayor and by its Treasurer and the official corporate seal impresst- ed hereon attested by its City ~lerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be si~ned with the engraved or lithographed signature of its said Treasurer, and this bond ~,IAY 0R i to be dated the first day of July, 1924. ATTEST: TEEASUnER (~10RM OF COUPON) NO. CITY 437 of the Sity Treasurer, Tweaty-two and 50/100 Dollars ($22.50) on the day of · 19__, being the semi-annual interest then due on its public improvement bond dated the first day of July, 1924, Series , No. . Treasure r. 3. These bonds when endorsed by a majority of the freehold voters, voting at an election called, held and conducted in accordance with law, shall be executed by the proper officers of the City of Hoanoke aud sold by the Ooumcil, and the proceeds from such sale used under its direction for the purpose for which said bond is issued. ATTEST: Clerk. APPH 0VED 'President. IN THE COUNCIL ~1~R THE CITY OF ~0ANOif~,, VIRGINIA· ~he 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1530. AN O.~DI1LANCE to provide for an issue of ~350, 000 .00 of bonds for public improvements· namely; for constructing sewers and drains in the City of Roanoke. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the City ~f Roanoke to raise the s~m of $350, 000.00 for public improvements· namely; for censtructing sewers and drains in the City of Roanoke. 1. BE IT 0HDAINL~) by the Council of the City of Roanoke that for the purpose above mentioned, the proper officers of this City are hereby authorized and directed to execute for, and in behalf of, and in the n~me o~.~ the City of Roanoke, Virginia, bonds to the amount of OZB0,000.00 dated the first day of July, 192~, and payable thirty years after date. The said bonds are to be of the denomi- nation of $1,000 each, numbered from one to three hundred and fifty, both inclusiw and to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum payable semi-annually on the first day of Jsmuary and July, and to be of the style and for k~own as coupon bonds. Said bonds are to be signed by the Mayor and City Treasure~ of the Oity; and the City 01erk shall affix to such bonds, the corporate seal of the City of Roanoke, and to duly attest the same; and the coupons attached are to bear the engraved or lithographed signature of the Treasurer of said City, which shall be recognized by the City as having the same legal effect am if such signa- ture had been written upon each of said coupons by the ~ity Treasurer. 2. Said bonds and the coupons thereof shall be in substantially the following form· to-wit: UNITED STATES OF A~ERIOA STA~E 0~' VIRGINIA CITY 0F HOAN0}~ PUBL lC Id~L~R OV~iENT BO lfD. Series No. $1,000. t~N~)W ALL I~EN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Roanoke, a municipal value received, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars, payable in current money of the United States thirty years from the date hereof at the office of the Treasurer of said City, with interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the aforesaid office on the first day of January and July of each year upon the delivery of the proper coupons annexed thereto. This bon~~ is issued for making public improvements, namely; for construct- ing sewers and drains in the City of Roanoke in pursuance of an ordinance of the Council of the City of Roanoke adopted on t~e day of _, 1924, and ratified by a vote of a majority of the freehold voters of the said ¢it~' voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the __day of , 1924, and under and in pursuance of the Constitution and statutes of the State of Virginia, including among others an Act of ~he General Assembly of Virginia, approved on the 2£nd day of l~Iarch, 19£4, entitled, "An Act to provide a new charter for the City of Roanoke and to repeal the existing charter of s~id city, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts 'inconsistent with-this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke," and shall be exempt from all municipal taxation of this City. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that the issue of this bond is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the State of '~irginia and the charter and ordinances of the City of Roanoke authorizing the same, and that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, hapy. en and be perfc~med precedent to and in the issuance of this bond ~ve existed, happened ar~t been per- formed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that this bond,, together with all the other indebtedness and obligations of said Git~~ of Roanoke, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution and statutes of said State. IN TESTIMONY ~/HERE0~, the said City of Itoanoke has caused this bond to be signed by its ~,fayor and by i~s Treasurer and the official corporate seal impressed hereon attested by its City Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed with the engraved or lithographed signature of its said Treasurer, and this bond to be dated the first day of July, 1924. ATTEST: CITY CLERK TP£ASURERo (P02~ OF COUPON) No. · The Oity of Roanoke,- Virginia, will pay to the bearer at the office of- the City Treasurer, Twenty-two and 50/100 Dollars ($22.50), on the day of , 19__, being the semi-annual interest then due on its public improvement bond dated the first day of July, 1924, Series , No. . Treasurer. 3. These bonds when endorsed by a majority of the freehold voters, voting at an election called, held and conducted in accordance with law, shall be executed by the proper officers of the City of Roanoke and sold by the Council, an~ the proceeds from ,~u~ch sale used under its direction for the purpose for v~.ich 4: 9 440 IN Tim COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0F ROANOL~Z, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1531. AN ORDINANCE to provide for an issue of $300,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, nmnely; for permanently improving the streets of the City of~ Roanoke. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the City of aoanoke to raise the sum of $300,000.00 for public improvements, namely; for permanently improving the streets of the ~ity of Roanoke. 1. BE IT 0RDAINh~) by the Council of the City of Roanoke that for the purpose above mentioned, the proper officers of this City are hereby authorized and directed to execute for, and in behalf of, and in the name of the 0ity of Roanoke, Virginia, bonds to the amount of ~300,000.00 dated the first day of July, 1924, and payable as follows, to-wit: $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1926. $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1927. $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1928. $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1929. $2~,000.00 on the first day of July, 19~0. $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 19S1. $23 , 000 . <.;0 on the first day of July, 19~2. $25,000.00 on the first day of July, 1933. 2~,000.00 on the first day of July, 1934. 23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1935. $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1956. $23,000.00 on the first day of July, 1957. $24,000.00 on the first day of July, 1938. ~$e said bonds are to be of the denomination of ~1,000 each, numbered from one to three hundred, both inclusive, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one- half per centum per annum payable semi-annu~lly on the first day of January and July, and to be of the style and form tmown as coupon bonds, Said bonds are to be signed by the I.~ayor and City Treasurer of the 0ity; and the City Clerk shall affix to such bonds, the corporate seal of ~e City of Roanoke, and to duly attest the same; and the coupons attached are to bear the engraved or lithographed signature of the Treasurer of said Oity, which shall be recognized by the City as having the same legal effect as if such signature had been written upon each of said coupons b~ the City Treasurer. 2. Said bonds and the coupons thereof shall be in substantially the followi ng fo rm, to-wit: UNITED STATES OF A~,~iRICA STATE 0 ~ VI i{GINIA CI~f OF iO~IOKE Pb~LIC IIiP~0V~2~I~I' B01~D Series No. ~1,000. KY~0W ALL I,.LEN BY THESE P~SE~7~S, that the Gity of Roanoke a municipal corporation created and czrganized under the laws of the State of Virginia, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand ($1,000~ Dollars, payable in current money of the ~nited States on the day of , 19~ at the office of the Treasurer of said City, with interest at the rate of four and one-hall~ per centum per annum, payable semi-annually at the aforesaid office on the first day of January an~ July of each year upon the delivery of the proper coupons annexed thereto. 441 permanently improving the streets 0£ the City of Roanoke, in pursuance of' a~ ordin~uce of thc Council of the City of Roanoke adopted on the __day of , 1924, and ratified by a vote of a majority of the freehold voters of the said City voting at an election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the day of , 19°~4, and under and in pursuance of the Con- stitution and statutes of the State of Virginia, including among others an Act of the General Asserably of Virginia, approved on the 22nd day of L{arch, 1924, entitled, "An Act to provide a new charter for the City of itoanoke and to repeal the existing charter of said city, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or part of acts inconsistenZ with this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke," and shall be exempt from all municipal taxation of this City. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that the issue of this bond is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the S~ate of Virginia and the charter and ordinances of the City of Roanoke ~uthorizing the same, and that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been per- formed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that this bond, to~ether with'all the other indebtedness and obligations of said City of Roanoke, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution and statutes of said State. IH TESTIHONY ~'~HEPJ~0F, the s~id City of Roanoke has caused this bond to be signed by its Hayor and by its Treasurer and the official corporate seal impressed hereon attested by it~ City Clerk, and the coupons hereto attached to be signed with the engraved or lithographed signature of its said Treasurer, and this bond to be dated the first day of July, 192~. I~YOR. ATTEST: CITY CLE~£ (FOHM 0P COUPON) No. . The 0ity of Roanoke,Virginia, will pay to the bearer at the office of the City Treasurer, Twent~d-two and 50/100 Dollars ($22.50) on the day of , 19 , being the semi-annual interest then due on its public improvement bond dated the first day of July, 19£4, Series , No. Treasurer. ~. These bonds when endorsed by a majority of the freehold voters, voting at an election called, held and conducted in accordande with law, shall be executed by the proper officers of the ~ity of Roanoke and sold by the Council, and the proceeds from such sale used under its direction for the, prupose for which said bond is issued. C IT Y CLEPd£. APi~R ~ VED Pre si dent. 442 IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 021 R©AN01fE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1552. AN ORDINANCE to provide for an issue of $40,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for the erection of a detention home for juvenile offenders in the ~ity of Roanoke. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient by the Council of the City of Roanoke to raise the sum of ~40,000.00 for public improvements, namely; for the erection of a detention home for juvenile offenders in the ~ity of Roanoke. 1. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the ~i~y of Roanoke that for the purpose above mentioned, the proper officers of this City are Sereby authorized · and directed to execute for, and in behalf of, and in the name of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, bonds to the amount of $40,000.00 dated the first day of July, 1924, and payable .thirty years after date. The said bonds are to be of the denomi- nation of $1,000 each, numbered from one to forty, both inclusive, and to bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum payable semi-annualLy on the first day of January and July, and to be of the style and form known as coupon bonds. Said bonds are to be signed by the ~Iayor and City Treasurer of the 9ity; and the City ~lerk shall affix to such bonds, the co~porate seal of the City of Roanoke, and to duly attest the same; and the coupons attached are to bear the engraved or li~hographed signature of the Tree, surer of said 6ity, which shall be recognized by the City as having the same legal effect as if such signature had been written upon each of said coupons by the City Treasurer. 2. Said bonds and the coupons thereof shall be in substantially the follo'tring form, to-wit: UNITED STATES 0P A/~RICA STATE 0P VIRGINIA CITY 0P ROANOI~ PUBLIC IILPROVf&~N'2 BOND Se rie s . No. . $1,000. }2;0W ALL I~,5~N BY THESE PRESEI~i'S, that the City of Roanoke, a municipal corporation created and organized under the laws of the State of Virginia, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars, payable in current money of~ the United states thirty years from the date hereof at the office of the Treasurer of said City, with interest at the rate of four and one-half per centum per anhum, payable semi-annually at the aforesaid office on the first day of January and July of each year upon the delivery of the proper coupons annexed thereto. This bond is issued for making public improvements, namely; for the erection of a detentiom home for juvenile offenders in the City of Roanoke, in pursuance of an ordinance of the Council of the City of Roanoke adopted on the day of , 1924, and ratified by a vote of a majority of the freehold voters of the said Oity voting at au election duly and legally called, held and conducted on the day of , 1924, and under and in pursuance of the 0onstitution and statutes of the State of Virginia, including among others an act of the General Assembly of l~irginia, approved on the 2Snd day of March, repeal the existing charter of said city, and the several acts amendatory thereof, and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act so far as they relate to the City of Roanoke," and shall be exempt from all municipal taxation of this City. It is hereby certified, recited and declared that the issue of this bond is made in strict conformity with the Constitution and statutes of the State of Virginia and the charter and ordinances of the Oity of Hoanoke authorizing the same, and that all acts, conditions and things required to exist, happen and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed happened and been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by ~aw, and that this bond, together with all the other indebtedness and obligations of said City of Roanoke, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the ~onstitution and statutes of said State. Ill TESTI~:~_0I~Y YfHEFd~0F, the said 0ity of Roanoke has caused this bond to be signed by its Hayor and by its Treasurer and the official corporate seal impress- ed ~ereon attested by its City Clerk, and ~he coupons hereto attached to be signed with the engraved or lithographed signature of its said Treasurer, and this bond to be dated the first day of July, 19S4. ATTEST: CITY CLE~d2. TREASU~Ea. [~RId OF COUPON) No. --~ · The Gity of Roanoke, Virginia, will pay to the bearer at the office of the City Treasurer, Twenty-two and 50/100 Dollars ($22.50}, on the day of , 19 , being the semi-annual interest then due on its public improvement bond dated the first day of July, 19~4, Series , No. . Treasurer. ~. These bonds when endorsed by a majority of the freehold voters, voting at an election called, Seld and conducted in accordance v~ith law, slmll be executed by the proper officers of the City of Roauoke and sold by the Council, and the proceeds from such sale used under its direction for the purpose for which said bona is issued. AP~i~ OV£D ; ~ ~ ~resident. 443 IN THE COUNCIL ~01~ TPLL CiTY OF ROAN0iJ~, VI~GINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1555. AN ORDINANCE directing the holding of an election in the ~ity of noanoke to take the sense of the freehold voters on the question of endorsing certain ordinances providing for issuing certain bonds and providing for the conduct of said election. BE IT 0HDAII[ED by the Council of the City of itoanoke as fellows: (1) That an election be held in the City of Roanoke on the 12th day of 444 certain ordinances providing for issuing the following ~onds: 1. An Ordinance to provide for an issue of $300,000.00 of bonds public improvements, namely; for the purchase and acquisition of land for public school purposes, for public school buildings and the equipment thereof. 2. An ordinance to provide for an issue of $300,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, nmmely; for permanently improving the streets of the City of Roanoke. 3. An ordirznce to provide for an issue of $525,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for constructir~ bridges across noanoke River at 1Zth Street, S. ¥¥., and on Walnut Avenue, S. E., over the Virginian and Norfolk and Western Railroads. 4. An ordinance to provide for an issue of $350,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for constructing sewers and drains in the City of.' Roanoke. 5. An ordinance to provide for an issue of $40,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for the erection of a detention home for juvenile offenders in the City of Roanoke. (2) The Sergeant of the City of Roanoke and the judges of elections hereinafter named, are hereby directed to open the polls at the several voting places in the City of Roanoke on said 12th day of August, 1924, for the purpose of submitting to the freehold voters of' the City the question of endorsing the ordinances providing for the issue of the bonds hereinabove enumerated. (3) The Sergeant of the City of Roanoke is hereby directed to give public information of said election, setting forth the time and place thereof by publishing a notice of the same in one of the newspapers published in the Cit~. of Roanoke for the space of ten days, and by posting a copy thereof at each voting place in the City of Boanoke at least ten days before the date of said election. (4) The judges of election ~or the several voting precincts in the City of Rom oke (one of whom shall act as clerk) are hereby appointed to conduct said election, and in case of failure o£ any one or more of them to act, then the place or pla~es of such shall be filled in the manner provided for in the case of regular elect ions. (5) The elctroral board of the Cit, y of Roanoke shall at least ten days prior to the date of the election herein provided for, have printed proper ballots to be voted at said election, such ballots shall be in the following form: CIY~f 0F ROAI~0t[E BOND ISSUE E~CTION Of August 12, 1924. SCHOOL ISSUE ~'0R 0rd~ance. AGAINST 0rdirance. STt~dET ISSUE ~0R Ordinance. AGAINST Ordinance. BRIDGE ISSUE ~0:q Ordinance. AGAINST 0rdinance. SE',WZR Ai~D Di~A IN I S SUE ~0 R Ordinance. AGAINST Ordinance. $300,000.00 soo,oOo.oo ~525,000.00 ~350,000.00 Such ballots shall be delivered to the judges of the election within five days preceding the day of election in the same manner as ballots are delivered to the judges of election in regular elections for use at said election. (8) Such election shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for the conduct of regular elections. (?) The judges of election shall irm~ediately after closing the polls, count the ballots deposited and shall within two days thereafter make a written return of the result of said election to the City Clerk, specifying the number of votes cast for, and the number of votes cast against the said bond issues, maid return shall be presented to Gouncil at its next reg~lar meeting and sb~ll be spread upon its journal, and the said judges shall further seal up the ballots for and against said bond issues in separate packages and within two days after closing the polls transmit the same to the City Clerk to be kept among the archives of the · ouncll, and said packages shall not be opened during the space of twelve months (l~) months thereafter without the order of Council. Clerk. APPROVED ~ ~ · Preside~nt. IN THE COUNCIL ~'0R THE CITY 0F ROANOL~, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1~. A RESOLUTION to levy an assessment for the construction of certain sewer~. ?~REAS by resolution heretofore adopted a sewer to accommodate the property on ~lurray Avenue S. ~. from 7th to 9th Streets,North side of Montrose Avenue from 7th to 9th Street and West side of 9th Street from 2~iurray to Montrose Avenues, was directed to be constructed and upon completion one-third of the cost to be char~ed the property owners abutting thereon, and ~Z.RE~S the sewer was constructed and on the 4th day of June, 1924, at ~ o'clock P. 4~. & hearing was given the property owners on the question of the asse ssmer: t, and ~E~AS no one appeared and objected to said assessment, THEi~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of. noanoke that an assessment of ~747.7~ be, and the same is hereby levied against the property abutting on the sewer hereinbefore mentioned which is apportioned according to the statement of the City Engineer filed with the record. APPROVED ATTEST: ~/~ ~ ~7 Clerk. · ~ J President IN T}~ COUNCIL POR THE CITY 0]~~ ROAI~O][E, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1637. A ~SOLUTION granting a permit to V. Lt. Wood to construct cross-overs at No. 1115 S. Jefferson Street. BE IT RESOL~&D by the Council of the City of A~oanoke tt~at a p~rmit be, 445 446 Street at No.lllS. Said cross-overs to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~ity Manager and under specifications to be i~grnimhed by him. The said V. ia. Wood by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said cross-overs, and further agrees to restore the sidewalk to its present condition when said cross-overs are abandoned. APPROVED AT~,BT. ~ -. Clerk. · (~ ' _ President. IN TH~ COUNCIL FOR THE CI'l~f O~' i~0ANOEE, VIi~GINIA, '~he ~0th day of June, 19~4. No. 15~9. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke ~iater Works Company to install certain water mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of i~oanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works -Company to install a g-inch water main on 5th Street,S. ~;., South of ~lm Avenue a distance of ~00 feet. The said Roanoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to person or property by reason of the oonstruction ~f said ~ater main and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened un.ter the provi~mions of the general ordinances of ~he City of ~oanoke providing for street restoration. APPF, OV~D ~ ~ ~.~ ATT~gT: Clerk. IN Tt~ COUNCIL ~)H THE CITY 0F ROAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The gOth day of J~e, 19~. No. 1540. A ~EOL~iON granti~ a pe~it ~o the Roanoke Gas Li~t Com~ny to install certain gas ~i~. BE IT D~SOLS~D by the Co~cil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke ~as Light Conpa~ to install the following gas mains: {l) 0n 24th Street from ~,~elrose to Hanover Avenues, N. W. (2) 0n Orange Avenue from 16th to 25th Street N. W. The said Roanoke Gas Li~t Company by ~cting u~er this ~solution iagrees to inde~ify ~d save ha~less the City of Ro~oke from ~ll claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the const~ction ~d maintenance of said gas ~ins, and ~rther agrees to replace the street where the s~e is opened under the provisions of the general ordi~ncesof the City of Hoanoke providing for street restoration. Iii T~ COUNCIL F0N TPJi CIi~' 6~ RCAN0i[H, VIRGINIX, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1541. A Pd~SOLUTi0N authorizing the City Hanager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the West side of Virginia Avenue to accommodate the property of J. t~. Wood. BE IT Pd~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Eoanoke that the ~ity Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the West side of Virginia Averse, South Roanoke, to accommodate the property of J. E. Wood, but before proceeding with the~construction of said side- walk, said J. E. Wood sh~ll pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he to be reimbursed one-h,~lf of such cost ~t some future time. Clerk. APPi~0 VED ATTEST: ~ ~ ' President. IN T}~ COUNCIL FOR TIed CYPY t, 2 ROANOKE, ¥IRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1542. A t~SOLUTION authorizing the City I,Is~mger to construct a sewer to accom- modate the property of Walter Ghilman on Church Avenue S. E. Last of 17th Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City llanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommotate the property of Walter Chilman on Church Avenue S. ii. East of l?th Street, but before proceeding '~th the construction of said sewer, said Walter Chilman shall pay into the City Treasur~ the full cost thereof estimated to be $55.85 to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some i~ture date. AY?i~, OVED Clerk. President. / 1N THE COUIJCIL ~'0R TI~L CITf 0P ROAN0t.-, VIRGINIA, fhe 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1'543. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to W. H. Thornhill to construct a metal clad buildi~ on his lot at 341 - Zrd Street S. ~. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted W. H. Thornhill to construct a metal clad building 16' x 30', one story high, on his lot at No.341 - Zrd Street S. E. Said building may be maintained until the same is or tiered removed by Council. Said W. H. Thorn-. hill by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City! of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said building, and further agrees to remove the same when he is directed to do so. 447 448 IN THE COUNCIL ~13R THE CITY OF ROAN0~iE, VIRGINIA, The 20th day of June, 1924. No. 1546. . A RESOLUTION authorizLng the City Hanager to advertise for certain bids. BE IT RESOL'~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the improvements on Denniston Avenue from Virginia to Chesterfield, Windesr from Grandin head to Dudding Streets, Annex 1919, and when said bids are received the same shall be pr~s$~ed to Council. ATTEST: APPR0 VED IN TP~ COUNCIL FOR T}~ CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of June, 1924. No. 1~58. AN 0RDIN~CL to establish an additional jitney route. BE IT 0RDAINh~ by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a jitney route be, and the same is hereby established over the followi~ streets: Route No. 9 N. W. Beginning on 10th Street N. W. at the City limits South on 10th Street to Madison Avenue West on L~adison Avenue to llth Street,~South on llth Street to Simmer Avenue East on Gilmer Avenue to L~oorman Avenue, South east on Moorman Avenue to 8th Street South on 5th Street to Center Avenue East on Center Avenue to Street; thence on Shenandoah Avenue to Jefferson Street South on Jefferson Street to Salem Avenue, ~est on Salem Ave. to 2nd Street, North on 2nd Street to Center Avenue thence along Center Avenue 5th Street ;~oorman Avenue Gilmer Avenue llth Street ~adi son Avenue and 10th Street to the point of beginning. ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED IN THE COUNCIL ~0R TP~ CITY OF R0~E~012;, VIRGINIA, The 2?th day of June, 1924. No. 1544.. AN ORDINANCE to establish parking limit on the North side of Franklin Road between Jefferson and Secon~ (Commerce) Street S. V~. BE IT ORDAINED by the uouncil of the City of Roanoke that the parking the North side of limit on/Franklin ~oad between Jefferson and Second fCommerce) Street ~. ~. be, and the same is hereby established as one hour. , ATTEST:~~ Clerk. APPR0 VED IN THE COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 0~~ ROAN0~, VIkGIIIlA, The 27th day of June, 1924. No. 1545. AN 0RDIHANCE to make an appropriation to the account of special allowances and gifts amounting to ~666.66. BE IT ©RDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an appropria- tion be, and the same is hereby made of $666.66 to the account of special allow- ances and gifts to take care of the tubercular testing of cattle for the year 19 ~4. ATTEST: Cie rk. APRROVED ~ Bres'ident. 449 IN Tb~E COUNCIL ~DR THE CITY 02 k0ANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 27th day of June, 1924. No. 1547. A ~SOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Lig~nt Company to install certain gas main. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of aosz_~ oke that a pe~it be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 2-inch gas main on 18th Street from Rorer Avenue a distance of 1~5 feet South. ~he said Roanoke Gas Light ~ompany by acting under this resolution agrees to iniemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or pro- perty by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provisions of the general ordinances providing for street restoration. Ai ~ ROVED ATTEST: Clerk. ~. ~ - t resider~t. IN TP~ COUNCIL >~0H THk CITY 0P ROAN0}~, VIaGINIA, The gTth day of June, No. 1~8. A ~SOLUTIOI~ granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Works Oompany to install certain water mains. BE IT RESOL~ED by the Council of the City of noanoke, that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the aoanoke Water Works Company to irs tall the follov~lng water mains: 1. A 6-inch main on Piedmont otreet from Arbutus ~venue North 400 feet. E. A l~ and 10-inch main on 10th ~troet from Stewart tc Jamison Avenues S. E., and 14th Street from Jamison Avenue to Kenwood boulevard and Kenwood Boule- vard from 14th to l?th Street ~. ~. The said ~{oanoke ¥;ater Wmrks Company by actir~ under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save hammless the Cit~ of noanoke from all claims for damages to person or property' by reason of the construction and n~intenance of saidl 450. the provisions of the ge~eral en'dinauoes providir~ for street restoration. APP R0 VED Pre si dent. IN TH~ COUNCIL FOR THE CITT 0P' ROANOKE, VI~{GINIA, The 27th day o£ June, 19~. No. 1549. A RESOLUTION directing ~he payment to the Treasurer of the School ~hAnd for $25,000.00. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $25,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School ~und on account of school build- ings. Such amount when paid shall be charged to the extraordir~ry account of schools. ATTEST: Cie rk. APPROVED Pre sid ent. IN THE COUNCIL ~)R THE CITY 02 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2Vth day of June, 1924. No. 1550. A RESOLUTIOE directing the payment of ~10,O00.00 to the Treasurer of the School ~und. BE IT RESOLVED by the ~ouncil of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $10,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School ~nd on account of maintenance for the month of June. account of schools. Said amount when paid shall be charged to the ordinary Clerk. APi~ROVED preSident~ IN THE COUI~CIL ?0R THE CITY O~~ ROAN0~YE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of July, 1~2~. No. 1~2. A RtiSOLUTiON authorizing the City ~danager to construct, or cause to be constrUcted, a sewer to accommodate the property of Got ia BrOthers at the corner of Holiday Street and Eampbell Avenue t~ast~ under conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that the City, ~lanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of Goria Brothers at the corner of Holiday Street and Campbell Avenue S. E., but before proceeding with the construction c~ estir~ted to be ~261.50, they to be reimbursed mm-half such cost at some future time. CLJ3iS[. APPi{ 0VED Pre si dent. 451 117 Tt~J COUNCIL FOR ~ CITY O? i{)AI~0KE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of July, 1924. No. 1555. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to con- struct certain ~as main. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, a:ad the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a 4-inch gas main on Perdim~tnd Avenue to accommodate house No. 1108. The said Roanoke Gas Light Corn?any by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provisions of tZae general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. Ai~>~ROVLD ATTEST: ~J' ' Pre~.iden~4 IN T!L COUNCIL P0R TIPE CITY 0P ROAiJ01[E, VIIIGINIA, The llth day o f July, 1924. No. 1554. A i~SOLUTION authorizing the City I,lanager to construct a sewer to accommo- date the property of J. Allen ~'lora knmm as Lot 1, Section 27, Crystal Spring Addition. BE IT RLSOLVED by the Council of the City of ~ioanoke that the City 1,1anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer to accommodate the property of J. Allen Plots known as Lot l, Section 2V, Crystal Spring Addition, but before proceeding with the construction said J. Allen Flora shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, he half such cost at some future time. APPROVED ATTEST: to 'be reimbursed one- 117 Tt~ COUNCIL ~0R Ti~ CITY OF ROAN0IZ, VIRGINIA, The llth day of July, 1924. No. 1555. A i~SOLUTI01I granting a permit to O. G. ~a~me to erect a temporary of£ice 452 ATTEST: - -~ Clerk. BE IT RESOLV~ED by the Council o£ the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted 0. G. Payne to construct a temporary office building and parking shed on the East side of Jrd Street ~. E. South of Campbell Avenue. Said building shall be constructed under specifications a~zt in accordance with the good · liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and maintained until the same is ordered removed by the Council of the City of Roanoke. Said 0. G. Payne by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the con- struction and maintenance of said office building and parking shed. APPROVED President. IN THE COUNCIL ~10R THE CITY OF i{0AN0ilE, VIRGINIA, The llth day of July, 1924. No. 1557. A i~dSOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City Roanoke for the month of June, 1924, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOL~££D by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of June, 1924, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows' City L~nage r Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasurer Legal Department Judges Salaries Court Officers & E~-pense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Elections Stationery & Printing Council Coroner Almshouse Outside Poor Ho z/oitals Organized Charities Insane Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept. Fire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Hilitary & Armories Physi clan Quarantine & Detention heal th l~ept. Street Cleaning Garbage Dept. Sewer' ~.Iaintenanc e Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Refunds ~' Rebates Special Services Special Allowances & Gifts Workmen's Compensation Garbage Dept. Schools Parks Library L'arke t Inte re st Annex 1919 Acc cunts Pa.vable ~ 902.72 1067 1155.62 158.53 220.O0 291.66 1612.1~ 1~9~ .08 465.46 1278 .~6 ,5798.75 87.30 455.32 ll2.00 672.0Z 92.08 588 460.83 48.00 150 ? · 14 675.78 10,062.37 9458.71 1511.2,5 2086.59 · 82.59 73.00 100. O0 118,85 1808.38 1587.09 5O34.17 641.59 9305.69 1662.07 1046,02 1548.93 844.63 '7.85 17.50 20.O0 50.00 790.93 10~00.00 1891.63 1294.07 1292.94 337.50 8589.02 EiiT PJ~ 0RD II,~A!~Y 5ewer ~onstruction 0penir~.~ & Grading= Streets Curb & Gutter Sidewall: Construction Schools Site for Water Supply ~ird~ing ~nd Clerk. ~ 142.80 1262.08 74.56 612.50 50,000.00 1,000.00 25,255.00 ~165,925.90 ..J - President~. 453 IN TPJ~ COUNCIL FOR TIE~ CITY 0F ~t0AI[0L~, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. No. 1560. A P~SOLUTION granting a permit to the National T~ire and Rubber Company to construct a temporary shed over its wash pit at its place of business Nos. 109- lll-ll3 Church Avenue S. W. BE IT ~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that alm rmit be, and the same is hereby granted the National Tire and itubber Company to construct a temporary shed over its wash pit at its place of business Nos. 109-Il1-113 Church Avenue S. ~. The said shed shall be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector, and may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Council. The said National Tire and Rubber Company byacting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said shed, and further agrees to remove the ss~ne when ordered to do so by the Council of the City of Roanoke, or its duly authorized officer. ATTEST:~~~. ~. ~~ Presidezit. / Clerk. IN THE COUN'~L FOR THE CITY 0P ROAN0i2E, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. No. 1561. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to Ira P. Walton to install one 10,000 gallon gasoline tank on Lansdown Street West of 24th Street N. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Counc il of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Ira F. Walton to install one 10,000 gallon gasoline tank above ground on Lansdown Street West of 24th Street N. W. The said tank. to be installed according to the good liking_, and satisfaction of the Building Inspector, and may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Council. The said Ira ~. Walton by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the installation and maintenance of said tank, and further agrees to remove the same when he is directed to do so by the Council or its duly authorized officer. APPROVED ATTEST: ~z~ ~ /~ . President. ' 454 Ill THE COUNCIL POE THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day o f July, 1924. No. 156£. A RESOLUTIOH granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is he reby granted the Roanoke Oas Light 0ompany to install the following gas mains. 1. In alley between Summitt Avenue and Virginia Avenue, Annex 1919, from Oxford Avenue 240 feet. 2. On ~ourth Street S. W. from Woods Avenue South to Alley. The said Roanoke Gas Light 0ompany by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas mains, and further agrees to replace the streets where the same are opened under the provi~ sions of the general ordinances of the Oity of Roanoke providing for street restora- tion. AP P R0 VED Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROANOIfE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. N'o. 1563. A i~ESGLUTIOIT granting a permit to the RoanoPm Water Works Company to install a certain water main. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Water Works 0ompany to install a two inch water main on 4~ Street N. E. north of Wilson Street for a distance of 100 feet. The said Roanoke Water Works Company by acting under this resolution agrees toin- demnify and save harmless the Uity of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the installation and maintenance of said water main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provisions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street restoration. :~l~ ATTAinT Cie rk. Ai~PROVED .~ · Pres~ en · IN THE COUNCIL F0t{ THE CITY 0~' ROAN~0ICE, VIRGIl!IA, ~he 18th day of July, 1924. No. 1564. A HESOLUTION to establish building line on :~'hirteenth Street O. E. between~ Dale and Jamison Avenues. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Uity of Roanoke, that the building line on Thirteenth Street S. 1~. between Dale and Jamison Avenues be, and the s~ne is hereby established two feet from the inside curb line, and all buildings hereafte,r erected upon said street shall conform to said line. Iii THE COUi~CIL P0R TKE CITY 0P ROAN01~Z, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. No. 1561. AN ORDINANCE to amend ah ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 2nd day of May, 19~4, establishing jitney routes. BE IT GiDAII~£D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the ~nd day of 1,.Iay, 19~4, entitled, "An Ordinance to amend snd reordain an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 6th day of April, 19EZ, entitled, An Ordinance licensing and regulating the operation of motor busses, providing permits to owners and drivers thereof under certain conditions, and imposing penalties," be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: (V) Wasena Avenue, Wasena. Beginning at ~Sain Street and Summitt Avenue, Wasena, North on Main Street over Wasena Bridge to Ferdinand Avenue, West on Pe;-dinand Avenue to 10th Street North on 10th Street to ~:~arshall Avenue, thence East on [[arshall Avenue and ~ranklin Road to 2nd Street S. W. North on 2nd Street to Campbell Avenue East on Campbell Avenue to 1st Street, ~outh on 1st Street to Church Avenue, 'Jest on Church Avenue to 2nd Street, thence alon 2nd Street, Franklin Eoad, I.iarshall Avenue to 10th Street South on 10th Street to Ferdinand Avenue East on Ferdinand Avenue to Wasena Bridge thence to point of beginning. APPil0WED PreSident. 455 IN Tb~ COUNCIL P0R THE CITY 02 R0~0tLE, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. No. 1556. AN 0RDINAI~CE to define ardent spirits, and to prohibit the manufacture, use, sale, offering for sale, transportation, keeping for sale and giving away of ardent spirits, except as provided by an act of the General Aseembly of ¥irginia, approved March 20, 1924, to prescribe the force and effect of certain evidence and prosecution for violation of this ordinance; defining intoxication, and who is a person of intemperate habits within the meaning of this ordinance; prescribing the penalty for intoxication; to provide for the enforcement of this ordinance, and to prescribe penalties for the violation thereof, and to make it an offense to operate an automobile, engine or other motor vehicle v~hile intoxicated, or under the in- fluence of liquor, and to prescribe penalties therefor, and to repeal all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance. BE IT 0RDAII~ED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke as follows: 1. Ardent spirits defined. The words "ardent ~pirits" as used in this ordinance, shal~ be construed to embrace alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, wine, / porter, ale, beer, all malt liquors, all malt beverages, absinthe, and all compounds or mixtures or any of them; all compou~ds or mixtures of any of them with any vegetable or other substance; alcoholic bitters, bitters containing alcohol; also all liquids, mixtures or preparations, whether patented or othe~'~ise, which will produce intoxication; fruits preserved in ardent spirits, and all beverages con- taining more than one-half of one per centum of alcohol, by volume, except as provided by Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved ~rch 20, 1924. 2. Persons defined. The word "person" as used in this ordinance shall be 456 associations of every kind. 5, It shall be unlawful for any person in the 0ity of Roanoke, or within three miles of the city limits, except as provided by Section ~A of the Acts ~ the General Assembly, approved ~,~arch gOth, 19g~, to manufacture, transport, sell, keep or store for sale, offer, expose for sale, give away or dispense, or solicit in any way, or receive orders for, or aid in procuring~ ardent spirits, except as provided by an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved Harch gOth, 19g~. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to attempt to do any of the things prohibited by this ordinance, or to aid and abet another in doing or attempting to do any of the things prohibited b.v this ordinance, and on the warrant for the viole~tion of ahy of the provisions of this ordinance the court or the jury may find the defendant guilty of an attempt or of being an accessory, and the punishment sh~ll be the same as if the defendant were solely guilty of such violetion. 5. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of Section ~ or A of this ordinance, and any person except a common carrier who shall act as the agent or employee of such manufacturer or such seller, or person, in so keeping, storing, offering or exposing for sale such ardent spirits, or act as the ~gent or employee of the purchaser in purchasing such ardent, spirits, except as provided by an Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved ~.~arch gOth, 19g~, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and the burden of proof that ardent spirits purchased or held in possession by any person are for personal use shall be upon the defend- a~lt. 6. Any person who shall violate any of the p~'ovisions of this c~dinance, except as otherwise herein provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemamnor, and be fined not less than ~ifty Dollars nor more than ?ive Hundred Dollars, and be confined in jail not less thau one month nor more than six months, except that the sale of any ardent spirits, or the transportation thereof, in excess of one gallon, shall be punishable by a fine of not exceeding ~ive Hundred Dollars, and confine- ment in jail not less than three nor ~ore than twelve months. The penalty for any subsequent offense, committed after the first conviction, which is not declared a felony ~y the Act of the General Assembly approved Narch gO, 19~, shall be a fine of not exceeding ~$500.00, and imprisonment in jail for not less than three months nor more than twelve months. Wherever the violation of the prohibition l~w of this State is m~de ~ felony by the Act of the General Assembly, approved L~arch gOth, 19g~, and the punishment therefor is confinement in the penitentiary, under said Ac~, or whenever, upon a prosecution for a second or subsequent offense against this ordinance, for such act or acts as would have constituted a felony had the offense been prosecuted and conviction had by and for the Co~:~nonwealth under the terms and conditions of the prohibition l~ws of the ~tate, in such cases, such offenses shall be misdemeanors under this ordinance, ~nd sh~ll be punishable by fine of not less than $g50.00 nor m~re than $5000.00, and by confinement in jail not less than six months nor more than twenty-four months, and defendant shall be sentenced to work out the term of his confinement on the public ro~ds of this ~t~te, but where, upon the trial of any charge of violation of the provisions of this ordinsnce, other than the charge of the manufacture or sale of ardent spirits, or the transportation thereof in excess of o.~e qu~rt, or for an offense declared a felony under the Act of the General Assembly of N~rch gOth, 19~.~, it shall appear to the court or jury thereof, but an unintentional or inadvertent violation thereof, then the court or ~ur~ may, in their discretion, omit the jail sentence. 7. The possession by ~ny person of ardent spirits at any place other than his permanent, bona fide home, shs. ll be unlawful, and the possession at such home shall be unlawful unless the ardent spirits shall have been lawfully acquired by a person or persons authorized to furnish the sa~ne, or wine manuf~.ctured in the home not in violation of the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly approved ~arch 20th, 1924. Upon prosecution of a person for the unlawful po~;session of ardent spirits, such possession shall be prima facie evidence of unlawful possession by the per,'~on or persons occupying the premises, and the burden shall be upon the accused to satisfy the court or jury trying the case that he lawfully acquired possession of such ardent spirits. 8. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent one from keeping and possessing ardent spirits in a permanent, bona fide home, for the personal use of himself, his family, his servants or his guests, if such ardent spirits shall have been lawfully acquired from s~ person or persons authorized by law to furnish the sam, e. Nor shall any provision be construed to prevent such a l~wful o~mer of ardent spirits, his family or servamts, from giving, or serving such ardent spirits to a guest in said home, when the quantity give~ or served is not enough to produce intoxication, and such guest or service is in no wise a shift or device to evade the provisions of this ordinance, but the word "home" as used herein, shall be the permanent residence of the person and his family, not includirkz the curtilage or outbuildings, ~md shall not be construed to include a rooming-house, a club, a fra. ternity house, lodge ro~m or rooms, or place of co=m~on resort, or room of a guest in a hotel or boarding house, or rooming house, or apartment house. Nothing in this section or ordinance mhall be construed to mean that a person may not have a home in a tov, m or city and another in the country. 8. Giving or selling ardent spirits to a minor, or the employment or use of such minor in the selling or transportation of such ardent spirits, is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a fine of not less than ~250.00 nor more than ~5000.00, and by confinement in jail not less than six months nor more than twenty-four months, and the defendant shall be sentenced to work out the time of his confinement on the public rounds of this state. 9. Any person who shall take a drink of ardent spirits or sb~ll offer a drink to another, whether accepted or not, in any railroad station, or in any day coach or pullman car, or on an~, passenger train, or in any street car, hack, jitney, or any other public conveyance or automobile, or in any street or ~alley, highway, or in any other public place, whether of like kind or not, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than ~10.00 nor more than lOO.OO. 10. Any person who, being intoxicated, as defined in this ordinance, shall appear in any public place in the City of RoanmOke shall be fined not less than ~5.00 nor more than Ol0.O0. ll. Any person who shall lease or ront, or cause to be leased or rented to another person for the purpose of the manufacture or sa.le of ardent spirits, any land, house, apartment, or other premises, or knowingly permis such land, house, or apratment to be so used, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for the first offense shall be fined not less than Ol00.00 nor more than ~500.00, and shall be 457 second, or subsequent offense such person shall be fined not less than $250.00 nor more than ~5000.00, and confined in jail not less t~.n six months nor more than twenty-four months. 12o The keeping, storing and giving away of ardent spirits, or any shift or device whatever to evade the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed unla~vful within the provisions of the same, and shall be punished as unlawful sellinC is punished. lS. It shall be un]awful for any person to use any automobile or other vehicle for the illegal transportation of ardent spirits, without the consent of the owner, lienor, or ovrner of a reservation of title to such automobile or other vehicle, and for ~ violation of this ~ection any person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum equal to a fair cash Value of said automobile at the time of such seizure, to be ascertained by the court or jury upon proper inquiry; and in default of the p~yment of such fine, such person shall be committed to the road force of this State for a period of not less than three months nor more than six months. l~. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or run any automobile, car, truck, engine or train while under the influence of intoxicants within the City of Roanoke. If auy person violates the provisions of this section he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $100.00, nor more than $1000.00, and imprisonment for not less than thirty d~ys and not more than onei year, for the first offense; provided, however, the court in a proper case may suspend the jail sentence. Any person convicted of a second or subseqUent offensei shall be subject to imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than two years. The judgment of conviction shall of itself operate to deprive him of his right to drive any such vehicle or conveyance for ~ period of one year from the date of such judgment. If any person so convicted shall, durin$ the year, drive any such vehicle or conveyance, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. 15. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed to prevent any person from manufacturing for his domestic consumption, at his home, but not to be sold, disposed or given away, except as provided by Act of the General Assembly approved March S0th, 192~, wine or cider from fruit of his own raising; or to pr'event the manufacture from fruit of cider for the purpose of making vinegar, not used as a b~verage, and non-intoxicating cider containing not more than om per centum of alcohol, by volume, for use or sale. 18. In addition te the lm~nalties imposed by this ordinance for the vio- lation of any of its provisions, the court may, in its discretion, after convictioni is had for the first offense, and after every conviction, reqmire the defendant to execute bond, with approved security, in the penalty of not less than ~500.00 nor more than $5000.00, conditioned thnt the said defendant will not violate any of thei provisions of this ordinance for t2~e term of one year. And if said bond shall not be given, defendant shall be committed to jail until it is given or until he is discharged by the court, provided he shall not be confined for a longer period than six montsh. l?. No person shall be excused from testifying for the City of ~oanoke as to the offense committed by another under this ordinance by reason of his testimony tending to incriminate himself, but the testimony given by such person on behalf o~' the city shall in no case be used ~gainst him, nor shall he be prosecuted for the 459 offense under this ordinance to prove the go,feral reputation of the defendant as a violator of prohibition laws. 18. ~'or each person tried and convicted the conwnonwealth'.'~ attorney o.~' the ~/.:~ city, ii' he attends s~ch trial for the violation of this ordinance, and renders services therein, shall receive a fee of ten dollars, to be taxed by the trial officer in his favor, to be paid by the defendant, provided further that when the defendant pleads guilty to the charge the fee of' the attorney for the conm]onwealth shall be $5.00, wherever he attends such hearing, and in every case where a convic- tion is h~l, on appe al and on a final hearing, the attorney for the commonwealth shall be allowed a fee of ~/25.00, to be taxed with the costs and p~id by the defend- ant, inclusive of the fee allowed at the hearing by the lower court or trial officer, but in no case sha~.ll such fee, or any portion thereof, be paid out of the city treasury. For making au arrest for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, the officer making such arrest, if the defendant is convicted, shall be paid a fee of ten dollars, to be taxed as a part of the costs against the defend- ant, and if two or more officers unite in n~king such arrest, then, provided the fee for arrests for intoxication shall be five dollars, said fee shall be apportion- ed among them, but in no case shall such officer receive any costs, or any amount out of the city treasury. 19. If in any house, building, car, or other place, as is hereinbefore mentioned, the sale, offering, storing or exposing for sale of ardent spirits is carried on clandestinely, or in such manner that the person or persons engaged therein cannot be seen or identified by the officer or officers charged with the execution of a warrant under any section of this ordinance, ,any such officer may, whenever it is necessary for the arrest or identification of the person or persons offending, or for seizing such ardent spirits, break open and enter such house, building, car, or place, or any room, or part of any of them. 20. Any person who has drunk enough ardent spirits to so affect his manner, disposition, speech, muscular movement, general appearance or behavior as to be apparent to observers, shall be deemed by the provisions of this ordinance to be intoxicated, and if he shall continue to use ardent spirits as a beverage for a period of one year so ~s to produce the above results from time to time, he shall be deemed a person of iutemperate habits within the meaning of this ordinance. 21. Any bell boy, elevator boy, or employee of any hotel or. place of public entertair~nent in the City of Roanoke who shall procure or assist in procuring for, or ~ho shall give any information or direction to any guest or patron o~ a hotel or house of public or private entertainment, or other person, by which said quest or other person may secure ardent spirits, or any person in charge o~ or employed in connection with any car, hack, jitney, or other public conveyance or autSmobile who shall procure for or assist in procuring, or who shall give any information or direction by which any person may secure ardent spirits in violation of this ordinance, s?~all be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be fined not less than ~50.00, and be confined in jail, or committed to the reformatory, for not less than one nor more than six months. 22. Any proprietor of any hotel or house of public or private entertainment in the City of Roanoke who shall knowingly per:nit any bell boy, elevator boy, or other employee, or who shall himself, procure ardent spirits for, or give direction and inforr.~ation by which ardont spi'rits can be secured by any quests, patron or 460 violation of any of the provisions of this act, shall f&il at once to discharge said employee permanently, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and when convicted, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, and for any subsequent offense shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00, and be confined in jail not less than one nor more than six months. 23. If any keeper of a hotel, boarding house, pool room, billiard room, bowling alley, store or other place requiring license, whether said license was granted by the court or not, or any employee with his knowledge, consent~, conniv- ance or acquiescence shall keep, store, dispense or use contrary to the t~ovisions of this ordinance any ardent spirits, in-addition to the penalties prescribed for the violations of this ordinance, the license of such place shall be revoked for one year for the first offense, and for the second offense no such license shall be granted at the same place and to the person vonvicted for a period of two years; provided, further, that Where the place is run under a lease by a person or ps rsons other than the true ortner of the building, nothing herein shall operate to prohibit the issuanc§ of a license to a new lessee who was not in any way connected as employee or otherwise with the former business therein conducted at the time of the revocation of the license. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this o~dinance are hereby repealed. APP ROVED ATTEST:~ g~~ Clerk. IN THE. COUNCIL ~R TH!i CITY 0~~ ROANOL~E, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. No. 15 59. Ail 0RDIN~E~CE to widen Campbell Avenue On the South side thereof from Second [Commerce) Street to 4th Street .~. W. ten feet. YfHE'~QEAS the property o~ners abutting on the 5outh side of Campbell Avenue between 5rd and 4th Streets S. W. have agreed to donate ten feet off of their property for the purpose of widening Campbell Avenue, the City to take ten feet off of the grounds of the ~,[unicipal ~uilding and to condemn the properties belong- ing to the Yates heirs and the Barsa heirs, and VfPU~REAS, the widening of said Avenue is for the benefit of the public, THERE~0RE, BE IT 0!~DA~NED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That the proposition of the property owners to dormtte ten feet of their property lying on the South side of Campbell Avenue be, and the same is hereby ~ccepted. -~ 2. That ten feet be taken off of the grounds of the l~unicipal Building to widen Campbell Avenue between Second and Third Street S. W. 3. That the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to take the proper proceedings to conde~mu ten feet of the property belonging to the Yates heirs and Barsa heirs for the purpose of widening said ~venue. 4. That the City I~[anager be, and he is directed to prepare and submit to o~1 ~ ~.at~m.~.te of the cost for reoavin~ and laying, sidew~l~.~s ~uad constructing 461 walls alor~.~ said Campbell Avenue where the same is widened. Cle rk. ~ ?-~ ~e nt; Ill TH~ COUNCIL ?0H THE CITY 0P .~.l,u~=., Vli(GINIA, The 18th day of July, 1924. No. 156?. A i~$0LUTION to accept a piece of land from Luther G. 5tiff for street plitco se S. Luther G Stiff is the ovmer of a plot of land at the intersection of Hanover and Melrose Avenues and Lafayette Boulevard, and has signified his intention of dedicating for street purposes a portion thereof, provided, the ~ity of Roanoke will construct a curb, gutter and sidewalk along Hanow~r Avenue to the alley west of tJ~e intersection of saii streets, and ,,~,~,~.o, it is to the best interest of the City of Roanoke to accept said plot of land and to construct said curb, gutter and sidewalk, THEREP01{E, BE IT aESOL¥LD by the Council for the City of Ro~ol:e that the plot of land described as follows: BEGIU.UING at a point which is N. 47 deg. 56' W - 519.0 feet from an angle point on the North aide of lIelrose Avenue West of 25th otreet as sho~ on Map No.~96 on file in the 0ffide of the C~t~ Lngzneer; thence on a curved line to the right, with a radius of l0 feet - a distance of 24.68 feet; consumi~ an angle of 142 deg. 36' to a point on the South side of Hanover ;~venue; thence N. 86 deg. Zl' 'J - 28.5 feet to a point; thence ~. 47 deg. 56' E - 28.5 feet to the p~ce of beginning; being the western portion of lot conveyed to Luther C. Stiff by Susie O. Horton, recorded in D. B. o~, page 108 August l, 1919. All bearings refer to the Iioridian of ~e LIelrose Land Co. 1,Iap of 1889. See P~an 2296 in Office of City Engineer, Roanoke, Va. be and the same is hereby accepted. BE IT ~URT?i/.R ~]SOLVED that the City t. Ianager be, and he is hereby directed to construct or cause to be constructed a sidewalk, curb and gutter alor~ Hanover Avenue abutting the property of said Luther G. Stiff, the costs thereof t.o be charged to the account of opening and gradiz~ streets. Ai~?ROVED Clerk. President,`/ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGIl[lA, The 25th day o£ July, 1924. No. 1554. AN 0RDIN/~CE to amend and re-ordain Sections 2, 4, 11, 14, 15, , 18, 19, 20, 21, 2~, 29, 31, ~2, 35, ~V, Z of an ordin~ce adopted by the Council off the City of Ro~oke on the 15th day of July, 1922, entitled, "Plumbing Ordinance City of Ho anoke." BE IT 0RDAII~D by the Gouncil of the City of Roanoke ~at Sections 2, 4, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29, 51, 52, 35, 37 ~d Z8 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roa~ke on the 15th day of July, 19~2, entitled, ~lumbi~ Ordi~nce City of Roanoke" be, and the same are here~ amended ~d re- Sec. 2. That no person, firm or corporation shall engage in or work at the business of plumbing or heating, g~s fitting or pipe fitting for heating, whether hr is a ~aster Plumber or journeyman in the City of Roanoke, unless he has first received a license or certificate in accordance with the ~rovisions of this ordinance. Each master plumber or heating engineer now engaged in the business of plumbing or heating, or anyone who may apply for license each year to engage in said business, shall pay to the City of Roanoke a plumbing license or heating license, Before receiving said license the applicant shall go before a Board of Examiners composed of the plumbing inspector, a master plumber and one other member to be appointed by the City Nanager which appointments shall be reported to the Council, which board shall determine whether or not the applicant may receive a license for plumbing or heating or both. Upon receipt of such license, the person, firm or corpor~tion shall issue to each journeyman plumber and aD~ren- tice in his employ, a working card bearing the name and address of both the journe~- man and his employer, which card, after due examination by the ~Board of Examiners shall be countersigned by the Plumbing Inspector before it is valid. On examina- tion, each journeyman plumber shall p~y to the Plumbing Inspector a fee of two dollars, ~$2.00), and each apprentice shall pay a fee of one dollar, ~$1.00). Each card countersigned shall continue for one year, subject, however, to revocation by the Board for good cause shwon upon written charges subscribed and sworn to, setting forth that the holder of such card is incompetent or guilty of wilful breaoh of the laws o~ ordinances relating to sanitary plumbing, or the rule sl and regulations adopted by the Board, or for other causes satisfactory to the Board, of which charges the holder of such c~rd shall have written notice of the time and place where the Board will. proceed to he~r evidence in regard thereto. All cards may be renewed by the Board a~ the dates of their expiration. Such renewal cards shall ~e granted, without re-examin~tion, upon a written application of the card filed with the Board and showing that his purposes and conditions remain unchanged, unless it is made to appear by affidavit ~efore the Board that the applicant is no longer competent .or entitled to such renewal card, in which event the ~enewal card shall not be granted until the applicant has undergone the examination hereinbefore required. The employee sh~ll carry ~ card at all times fo his identification, should the inspector ask to see it. Sec. ~. That on and after the date of ~doption of this ordinance no plumbing or drainage work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the ~lumbing Inspector. A permit shall also be obtained in all cases in which repairs involve ~he removal of fixtures, or change in the location and arrangement of fixtures, provided that such repairs or~ changes exceed the cost of fifteen dollars ~$1~.00). ~nen completed, no part of~ s~id ~ork shall be covered or concealed in an~ way before it has been examined by the Plumbing Inspector. Any plumbing as afore- said or any house sewer or d~ain put in and covered or concealed without due notice to the Plumbing Inspector shall be uncovered for inspection by the cc~ntractor doing said work. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to sign and issue all notices, permits and certificates required for keeping the daily record of such work, and receive and file ~ll notices, applications and reports and violations of this ordinance and mf all other m~tter which may pertain thereto and make a record of same. ne shall inspect all work within one working day ~fter receiving notice tha~ same has been com~loted. If necessar~v he sh~ll make three when building has been roughed in, one vrhen sewer is ready for inspection, and one when the work in building has been completed, and if same is found satisfactory on completion of work he shall in return give the contractor of such building a written certificate of approval. Sec. ll. That all horizontal drains'within the wall of the building shall not be less than 4" in diameter, and shall be so located as to be readily access- ible for inspection. They shall be suspended from the ceiling by hangers made of not less than-~" iron rod or its equal strength and durability, or laid in a trench, the bottom of which shall be smooth, thoroughly compact and solid. said drains extra heavy cast iron pipe must be used with joints leaded and caulked. The house drain, soil or waste pipes shall have a fall of ~tt least -~-" to the foot in length and ~rovided with Y branch with iron and brass cleanout plugs every 25 feet. The base of each stack shall be made with Y branch and 1/8 bend, brass cleanout plugs to be at the base of each stack. If drain is carried in sight it must be supported by brick piers, wall hangers, or a solid foundation. All changes in direction shall be made with ~ branches with end of each branch closed with cleanout plug. If pipes run beneath concrete floor, then cleanout shall be brouF~ht up to the finish floor. All branch waste lines from main soil st~.~el~ or main drain shall be cast iron or lead to the outlet of fixtures traps. A brass nipple, galvanized or wipe joint ferrell connection can be used for basins, sinks or other fixtures, except closets which shall be extra heavy brass ferrells and lead bends. Bath traps, not less than ~" x 8", and their cormections shall be extra heavy lead. Sec. 14. That drainage system shall have at least one 4" extra heavy stack through roof. All additional bath rooms over 15 feet from main stack shall have ar~ extra 4" stack through roof. Sec. 15. That the minimum diameter of soil pipe permitted is 4". A verti- cal waste pipe line into which sinks discharge must be at least 2" in diameter with not less than l~" branches, w~ste lines to sinks and other small fixtures outside of living part of building from main vent shall be a continuous vent above roof and above windows. In no case will a 2" pipe be allowed to receive tl~ waster from more than 2 sinks and if a waste line is run horizontally, the length must not be more than 20 feet without increasing size. Vents above trap can be l~-" galvanized iron for one sink and 2" for two sinks and increased in propostion as si~cs are added. Ys ahd 45 degrees to be used with cleanouts at every turn. Sec. 16, That the terminal of all vent pipes shall be at. least two lc. et from any chimney, air shaft or window. Said te~ainal shall be at least two ~eet above any window of any house within ten feet. Where one building joins another of greater height, having windows or openings overlooking the lower building '~ithin ten feet, the terminals or vent pipe in soil line of lower building shall be at least l0 feet from said window or o?ening of the higher building or t~hey shall be carried up above the eaves or fire walls of the higher building underminished in size. Sec. 18. That all lead pipes, bends, ferrells, traps and other .lead material shall be of extra heavy lead and of the following w~ight per lineal foot: Diameter Pounds per Linl Pt. 1.~,, 2 " 4 5 " 6 Sec. 19. That all connections of lead with iron pipes shall be made with extra heavy brass ferrells or solder nipples of the same internal diameter as that of the lead pips s used, and caulked wi th oakum and lead. The lead pipe shall be attached to the ferrell or solder nipple by a wiped joint and in no case ~¢ill bit joints be allowed on waste or supply pipes. Sec. 20. That the vertical vent pipes venting water closet traps in buildings more than four ~tories in height must be at least Z" in diameter and with 2" branches for oach closet, bend or trap. One v~ste from a basin, sin_k, or bath t tub may be connected to a 2" back vent on the first floor for flushing out vent, and the same system may be used on any floor provided the back vent is taken from a set of fixtures on same floor where a wet flush connection is needed. In no event shall more than one flushing connection be used on a back vent. These pipes shall be connected with the base of soil pipe line wi~.h suitable branches from each floor and extend through the roof or connected to the revent pipe. Sec. 21. That every closet, urinal, sink, basin, wash tray, and every tubl or set of tubs and other fixtures shall be separately and effectively vented, . except bath ~raps not over five feet from stack. In no case shall the waste from the bath tub or other fixtUres be connected with the water closet trap. All bath traps shall be not less than 4 x 8 and to be of extra heavy drum pattern made of drawn lead. ~loor drains and like openings shall not be less than 4" and if more than 15 feet from main vent shall be vented. Any fixtures in living Dart of buil~-~ ing shall have a comtinuous vent through roof or connected back to revent pipe if over one story. Sec. 23. That all closets shall be vented by 2" pipes taken off the side of bend. Where there is only one water closet on the line of soil pipe no back vent is required except main soil line running through the roof, but when more than one water closet is located on the line of soil pipe, all other except the top closet shall be vented, and in all cases where closets are located more than ~ feet from main vent, it shall be vented except where the.re is a battery of closets then .same can be run with a continuing or circuit vent. 0ast iron ~ bend will be per- missible only in vents. All branch openings in horizontal line must be Ys and 1/8 bends, and must be on tappings except in vertical lines of soil pipe where sanitary Ts and Crosses will be permissible. Sec. 29. That size of soil and waste pipe must not be less than these set forth in the following tables, Horizontal Run No. of water closets. ~" I to 8 5" 8 to 20 6" 20 to 60 All bends or connections to soil stack to be extra heavy lead and extra heavy brass ferrells wi th wipe joints. Waste pipes and vents from bath tubs, pantry and kitchen sird::s, slop sinks 'and other fimtures must be made of cast iron or lead. The diameter for various waste shall be as follows: One basin l~" lead or 2" cast iron. Row of 6 or less 2" lead or 2" cast iron" One or two bath tubs l~-" inlets to trap, l~-" outlet. Row of not more than six bath tubs or less 2". One sink 2", four or less 2" on a Laundry tubs and urinals 2" pipe, l~-" traps, 4 to 6 set in batter~ horizontal line. to have Z" pipe. LENGTH. 465 3" ..................... 100 fleet. 4" ..................... 150 fleet. Where there is not more than one fixture on waste that is to be vented, the vent may be the same size as the trap. This applies to basins, sinks, and bath tubs only. All vents to be increased one size for each trap added up to 5 traps or Z" vent. No double hub fittings of any t:in~ will be allowed in waste. No vents or waste ~..lowed to be t~.eno.~ the heel of any bend, ,~,,d no jacket fittings all owe d. Sec. 31. Tt~t each ~iser line for a set of fixtures or group of fixtures shall have a separate stop and v~ste cock. No combination stop andwaste cock will be allowed. Each supply pipe to each fiy, ture shall have a separate stop cock. Sec. 52. That no floor drain from the automobile, buggy or wagon washing places or any other wash place or sim3: pit dischargir~ any matter other than sewerage or clear water shall be allowed to enter any waste pipe connected to or to be connected with the saaitary sewer cf the City of Roanoke all such drainage shall be connected to the storm water drain system. If there be no such drain near the property desiring such a connection, then the applicant must apply to the City Council for a special connection on such terms as Council may require. Sec. 55. That no person other than a licensed plumber shall be allowed to make a con~_uct~.n with any sewer, drain soil or water pil>e, or other pipe corknect- ed therewith, or shall make any addition or alteration, (except in amounts less than fifteen dollars, ~15.00) but not including repairs or renewals of traps) in the sanitary arrangement of any house without first having received a written permit from the Inspector to do so. A fee off one and one-half dollars f~t.50) shall be paid by the plumber to the Inspector for each permit issued for connecting with the City Sewer, and an inspec- ~ion fee shall be raid for all plumbing work or fixtures installed, replaced or moved from one place to another in any building within the City as follows: .50 1.75 2.25 2.50 2.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 Co~t of ~ 15.00 and not exceeding ~ 50.00 Fee " " 51.00 ~- " " 100.00 " " " i01.00 " " " 150.00 " " " 151.00 " " " 200.00 " " " 20~'. O0 " " " 250. O0 " " " 251.00 " " " , 300.00 " " " 501.00 " " " 350.00 " " " 551.00 " " " 400.00 " " " 4 O1. O0 " " " 4 50.00 " " " 451. O0 " " " 500. O0 " " " 501.00 " " " 600.00 " " " 601. O0 " " " 700. O0 " " " '~01. O0 " " " 850. O0 " " " 851.00 " " " 1000.00 " " " 1001.00 " " " 1250.00 " " " 1251.00 " " " 1500.00 " " " 1501.00 " " " 1750.00 " " " 1751.00 " " " 2000.00 " For all permits and inspections over $2000.00 the sum of ten cents per hundred or fractional part thereof. The Plumbing Inspector shall make weekly settlements with the City Clerk & Auditor for all fees collected. No plumbing perr.~t issued to a licensed plumber to do plumbing work in the City of Roanoke shall be sold or transferred to any person or corporation unless said perscn or corporation is a registered and licensed plumber. Sec. ZV. A complete system of drains and vent lines composed of extra heavy galvanized genuine wrought iron pipe and nipple and drainage recess fittings, knownl as the Durham System, may be installed in any building beginni~ said system at a point above ground or the basement floor. Ail underground drain lines ~r vents A 4ENDED By 466 Sec. 38'. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to enforce all of the Ir ovisions of this Code and where repairs or changes are to be made in old jobs installed prior to the adoption of this Code, the plumber shall call the Plumbing Inspector before contracting for or making any changes, at which tinge the Plumbing. Inspector will give written instructions as provided for in Section 25 of this Code APPROVED Clerk. ~ P re o i den-~ ~-]- Iii TIiE COUNCIL POi{ TEL CITY 0>' ROANOt£E, VIRGINIA, The 25th day of July, 192.4. No. 1558. AN 0PDII~NCE to amend and reordain Sections 1V0, 244 and 245 of an ordi- nance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 20th day of August, 1922, entitled, "An'Ordinance to regulate buildings in the City of Roanoke." BE IT 0RDAII,~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that Sections 170, ~.40 and 2,45 of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, on the 86th day of August, 1922, entitled, "An Ordinance to regulate buildings in the City of ~ Roanoke," be amended and reordained so as to read as follows: Section 170: That all passenger elevator cars must be entirely enclosed from floor to a height of six (6) feet, where proper ventilation shall be pr~ided except only the door openings. All elevator cars traveling in single enclosed h~tchways shall have an emergency exit in the top of canopy arranged so that it may be removed to provide exit for passengers should the car become lodged between landings. Y/here cars travel in adjoining hatchways, they shall be provided with emergency exits at the sides adjacent to each other so as to provide for the transfer of passengers from one car to the other.~ Every passenger elevator with more than one entrance to an exit from a car shall be provided with a sliding doo~~ on the inside of the car on each such entr~nce or exit, and each of such doors shall be securely closed before the elevator is put in motion. Opening or closing doors of elevators while the car is ir~ motion shall be unlawful and shall subject the operator to the penalties of this ordinance. C~.rriage and automobile elevators shall be inclosed or guarded as directeC~ by the Inspector of Buildings. The latch fastenings of all passenger elevators must be arranged to operate from the inside of shafts only, and doors open from the outside only by use of a key. The freight inclosure doors may be made to hinge or slide up and down, or have semi-automatic gages not less than five feet high; but where hinged gates are used, there must also be a hinged guard rail inside next to elevator shaft. All elevators, except plunger elevators and sidewalk lifts and vehicle elevators, shall be provided with approved safety devices to the bottom, platform, and so arranged theft the safety device will grip the guide from the sides to Provided, further, that all elevators that are operated for not more than one Story may have such safety device attached to the top thereof. Elevators shall be provided with automatic stops to bring the car to a stop without a jar or jolt at the top and bottom. LOC~ING DEVICE FOR[~ 1. Each passenger elevator car smd each landing door is to be equipped vfith an adequate independent automatic locL'ing device which will prevent any door cf the hatchway being opened until the car has been brought to complete rest within three inches above or below the level of said landing. The device must lock the stopping and starting mechanism before the door can be opened, and keep it locked while the door is open an~l until it is closed again. The locking device on each floor must be independent of all other floors and of the car, so that the forcible opening of any door or damage to the locking device of sa~ne shall not interfere with any other doornor with the proper opera- tion of the car. LOC~.~ING DEVICE, Each passenger elevator car and landing door shall be equipped with an adequate automatic locking device, which will prevent the door from being opened until the floor of the car is placed within three inches of said landing. The locking device must Prevent the car from leaving any landing until the door has been securely closed, and the forcible opening of any door shall stop the operation of the car. There shall be an emergency spring push button switch in parallel with the door contacts. This switch shall be installed within easy reach of tile operator, so it willbe possible to move the car to a safe landinj when i~ h~:s been stopped by the forcible opening of the door. This applies to existin~ passenger elevators and all passenger elevators to be installed after adoption of this ordinance. All existing passer4~er elevators erected prior to the adoption of this ordinance and are operated without a locking device shall have installed within twelve months a locking device to conform to this code. Section 244. That the line of the existing house shall be the line upon which sixty per cent of the houses in the block in which the proposed building is intended to be erected, have with relation to the street, and the said~proposed buildir~s must be at least as far from the street as the line established by said sixty per cent of the houses. The word "block" herein used does not refer to any entire city square, but shall be construed to be that ]~',ortion on the same side of the street upon which the new buildin~ is proposed, bounded by the nearest intersec- tin~ streets to the right and left of said proposed building. Section a45. T~at if there be not more than two houses in the block upon which said building is proposed to be erected, that the building line of said new st~mcture shall be such line as shall be an average line bet~;een said structures, provided, however, that in no event shall the front of the proposed building be nearer than twenty feet from the front line of his said lot, exclusive of the side- walk, in case his said grant shall carry him to the street line. Provided, however that the Council wi~ ' their ~n~n discretion may oran~ or refuse a permit to erect buildings closer to the street than hereinbefore provided, in any block wherein there now exists 'hl~i-~li~?, ~.~l f~-~ h~-~ ~- 467 465 general welfare of the nieghborhood and cil~, and provided, further, that they shall grant a permitwhenever in their judgment in the block to contain the pro- posed building has a greater value for business or mercantile purposes than for re sidential purpoees. APPROVED pre .:i~ent. Iii T}~ COUNCIL 20R THE CITY OF ROANOL~i, VIRGINIA, The £Sth day of July, 1924. No. 1565. AN 0~OII;ANCE to regulate the sale, or offering for sale, of produce, vegetables, fruits, fowls, or other family supplies of a perishable nature, on Market Square, or within four blocks thereof, during market hours. BE IT 0RDAII~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke, Va., that no person~ firm or corporation shall sell, or offer for sale, any produce, vegetables, fruits,i fowls, or other family supplies of a perishable n~ture on the t~rket Square, in :~ Roanoke 0ity, or within four blocks of said [,~arket Square during ~arket hours, provided, however, that ~he provisions of this ordinance shall not apply, or be construed to apply, to the producer of the products and commodities aforesaid or ' to anyone who, though not a producer, shall go into the country outside of the Cit.~ of Roanoke v~ith a vehicle and purchase such products and commodities and sell, er offer the same for sale from a vehicle on the City l.[arket durin~ t~rket hours. Any person, firm or corporation violating the pr~isions of this ordinances, shall be fined not less than $5.00, nor more than ~25.00 for each offense. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED ~d ~ Iresiden .7 IN TKE COUNCIL FOR 'ZEE CITY 0F R~N0t~, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of August, 1924. No. 1B69. A RESOLUTION to establish the building line on Rutherford Avenue between l[imball Avenue and 6th Street N. E. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the build- ing line on the South side of Rutherford Avenue between Kimbmll Avenue and 6th Street N' E. be, and the same is hereby established two feet from the inside curb line on said Hutherford ~venuo, and all houses hereafter erected on said l~utherfor Avenue bet~een ~imball Avenue and 6th Street shall conform to said building line. APPROVED ---- Clerk. Iii T!iL COUNCIL 3~0~{ TEL CITY 0J~~ ~(L~iNOISil, VI?.GINIA, The 8th day of Angst, 192&. No. 15~0. A ~0LUTION granti~ a pe~it to S. Shure to construct two cross-overs upon condition. cE IT i~ZOL~D by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that a pe~it be, and the same is hereby grated S. Shure to construct two cross-overs at the inter- section of ~utherford and Kimball A~enues. One of said cross-overs to be on ~imball Avenue and one on ~utherford Avenue. This permit is granted upon the condition that ~. Shure will convey to the City of Ro~oke five feet off of the corner of his property so as to widen the street. Ai:i~ROVED clerk. Pre ri dent IN T}~ COUNCIL ~D ~ T}~ CIY~f 0~' ~0AN0t£E, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of ~ugust, 19,~4. No. 15 71. A RESOLUTI01.~ granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains, BE IT Pd~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install the follow- ing gas mai ns: (1) On Wycliffe Avenue from 100 feet North of ?th Street to 150 feet South of Vth Street, South Ecanoke, a four inch mai n. (2) On 18th Street and Orange Avenue from Orange Avenue to Hanover ~Iven~le o (5) On Allison Avenue to accommodate House No.633. Said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemify and save harmless the City of ~oanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main~ and further agrees to replace the streets where the same are opened under the provisions of the general ordinances of the City o£ Roanoke providing for street re storation. /ED ATTEST: ~~ Clerk Pre si dent IN T~ COUNCIL FOR TI~ CITY 0P t{OAN0i[E, VIHGINI~, The 8th day of August, 1994. No. 1572. A I~SOLUTION authorizh~g the City l~anager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the ~outh side of I,~clrose Avenue for 50 feet East of 24th Street and on 24th Street 100 feet South off I[elrose Avenue under condi~_tion. BE IT !~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Hoanoke that the City L[anager be, and he is hereby authorized 'to construct or cause to be constructed a on the South side of lielrose Avenue for a distance of 50 feet East of 24th street and on 24th Street for a distance of 100 feet South of ~Ielrose Avenue, but before proceeding with the construction of said walk, said ~operty o'~nmers shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. APPROVED Pre si dent 1N Ti[E COUNCIL P0R TPiE uI~Y 0P ROAIIOKE, VIRGINIA, The 8th day of A~ust, 19~. No. 1573. A ~SOLUTION authorizi~ ~e Ro~oke Railway ~d Electric Comply to install certain s~reet lights. BE IT i~SOL~D by the Oo~cil of the City of Roanoke tLat the Roanoke Railway and ~lectric Compa~ be, ~?~nd it is hereby autho~zed to inBtall street lights as follows: ~l) One 250 C. P. light on Wasena Avenue and 6th Street, Annex 1919. ~2) One 250 C. P. li~t on Bellmo~ ~venue and ~elleview Avenue, B out h Rca noke. Said li~ts to be maintained under ~e provisions of ~e contract existi~ between the Ci~ of R~noke and the Roanoke Railway ~d Electric Comply. APPROV~D ATTEST: Clerk. President. III TP~S COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 02 ROANOKE, VLRGINIA, The 8th day of August, 1924. No. 1576. A I~SOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of July, 19~4, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT i~ZSOLVED by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of July, 19~4 be, and the s.~e &re hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City ~,~anager Engineering Dept. City Clerk Treasurer Le ga I Dep t. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Elections Stationery & Printing Counc il 8oroner Alto sh o us e Outside Poor Hos pit als Organized Charities Insane Jail Juvenile Court Police Dept. Fire Dept. Fire Hydrant Rental $ 899.2~ 1078.52 917.42 231.17 220.00 291.66 1228.24 865.89 1~2~.84 10~.52 241.50 6~0.48 4~3.B2 50.00 ~96.25 140.15 460.83 86.44 1~40.45 717.26 10,~45.82 9765.04 1511.25 471 ~iilitary & Armories Physic i an Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning ~arbage Dept. Sewer 1.!aint e nance Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Refunds & Rebates Special Services Workmen ' s Compensat ion Garbage Dept. Parks Library Market Int e re st Annex 1919 ~ccount s Payable ~u~ ~b.'~0HD II~ARY Sewer Construction Drain Constr~cti on Sewer Refunds Opening & Grading Streets Sidewalk Constructi on Schools Water Side AP is ii OVLD Cie rk. ,,, V5.50 100.00 598 1'/55.50 1151.55 408'7 944.56 8856.66 460~.V8 1181.19 1169.45 187.01 9.00 55.00 745.65 2545.54 1152.42 122~ .61 40,750.00 V?0V .80 '795.52 11'7,622.69 855.41 69.20 8.55 1429.05 700.58 56,266.35 25,546. '70 64,855.82 182,478.51 ' ,-6~ ' ' 2re si dent ..~ IN Tt~d COUNCIL -'~I{ THE CITY 0P k0AN01[E, VIRGINIA, The llth day of August, 1924. No. 1578. A RE20LUTI01I grantin..~ a permit to J. Schnurman to construct a house on 3rd ~treet, [.outh Roanoke, near Wycliffe Avenue. BE IT ~SOL'~£D by the Council of the Ci~' of Iioanoke that a ~emit be, and the same is hereby granted J. Schnurn~n to construct a house on 5rd Street near Wycliffe Avenue, said house to be at least 15 feet from the inside curb line. 'l'his pe~it is granted upon the express condil ion that said J. Schnurnmn shall in selling and conveying said house aud lot provide in his deed that no out hous~ shall be erected on said lot in the rear of said house. AP l~i! OV ED Cle ri:. resident IN TI~ COUNCIL F0i? T!~ cITY OP t~0AHOI~, VIiiGINI3~, The llth day of ~.ugust, 1924. No. 1579. k ~SOLUTION granting a permit to ~. J. ~:er to construct a bulling at the co~er of 4th Street and Gregory ~venue N. ~. ~E IT i~SOLVED by the Council of ~e City of t~oanoke that a ~rmiZ be, ~d the same is hereby granted E. J. 5aker to construct a buildi~ at the corner of 4th Street and Gregory Avenue N ~ Said building to be constructed in accord- ance with plans on file in the office of the ~ilding Inspector. IN THE OOUNOlL POE TEE CITY 0~~ HOANOI~, VIRGINIA, The 18th day of August, 1924. No. 1§?~. AN ORDINANCE to convey to W, H. Horton that piece of laud now ~own as 23rd Street N. W. lying between Essex Avenue and Moorman Head in consideration of said W. H. Herren convey~ing to the City of Roanoke a certain other piece of land~ for the extension of Moorman Head East and West of 23rd Street and for widening Lynchburg Avenue from the intersection of Moorman Avenue projected to 24th Street. WHEREAS, it is desirable that Moorman Avenue N. W. be extended West of 23rd Street to Lynchburg load and widened East of 2Brd Street, and that Lynchburg Avenue from the intersection of the extension of Moorman Avenue West to 24th Street be widened, and V~HEREAS, W. H. Horton is owner of the land abutting on the Streets above mentioned and is willing to convey to the City of Roanoke the parcels of land necessary to extend and widen Moorman Avenue and Lynchburg Avenue in consideration of the City conveying to hiN~ that part of 23rd Street N. W. lying between Essex and Moorman Avenues, and WHEREAS, it is to the best interest of the City of Roanoke that said streets be extended and widened. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the 0ity of Roanoke that upon the conveyance of the said W. H. Horton of the following parcels of land, namely; Beginning at a point on the present N. E. corner of 2Brd St. N. W. end Moorman Road (also k~own as Louisa Ave.); thence N. lB degrees 88 min. 40 sec. E. 6.48 ft. to a point on the East side of 2Zrd St.; thence leaving 23rd St. S. 68 degrees 39 min. 82 sec. E. 50.42 ft. to a point on the present North line on Moorman Eoad, thence with the p~esent North line of Louisa Ave. N. 76 degrees I min. 20 sec. E. B0 ft. to the Beginning, being a southern portion of Lot I - Block 100 of the Melrose Land Co. All bearings refer to th~ Meridian of the Melrose Land Co., M_~p of 1~89. See Plan 2881, Office of City Engineer, Roanoke, Ya. the present North ¥~est corner of 2Zrd St. N. W~ Beginning at a point on and Moorman l~oad (also known as Louisa Ave.); thence with the West side of 23rd St. N. lB degrees 88 min. 40 sec. ~'.. 12.92 ft. to a point; thence N. 68 degrees 39 min. 32 sec. W. 176.28 ft. to a point; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of l0 ft. a distance of 28.48 ft., consuming and angle 14B degrees B@ min. 33 sec. to a point on the South side of LBrachburg Ave., thence with the south side of same S - ~? degrees 19 min. I Sec. W. 108.BB ft. to a point; thence S. 68 degrees 39 min. ~2 sec. E. - 86.80 ft. to a point on the present North side of l~oorman t~oad, thence with the same -~. 76 degrees i min. 20 sec. E. 217.04 to the place of Beginning, being the souther~ portion Block. 101 of the Melrose Land Co. All bearings refer to the Meridian of the Melrose Land Co., Map of 1889. See Plan 2881, Office of Oity Engineer, Roanoke, Ya. Beginning at a point on the ~outh side of Lynchburg Ave. S. 77 degrees 19 min. I Sec. W. 201.24 ft. from the intersection of the South side of Lynchburg Ave. and the ~outh side of w. ssex ~ve. as shown on the map of the Melrose Land C°.; thence S. 88 degrees 18 min. 28 sec. W. 301.96 ft. to a point on the East side of 24th St. N. W.; thence with the East side of same N. 8 degrees 48 min. E. 12.B~ ft. to a point; thence S. 89 degrees 20 min. E. 300.01 ft. to the place of Beginning. All bearings refer to the ~Ieridian of the Melrose Land ¢o. ~ap of 1889. Se plan 2881 Office of the City Engineer, Eoanoke, Ya. That the City Uonvey to said W. H. Herren tha~ piece of land now known as 23rd Street between ~ssex Avenue and Moorman Avenue described as follows: Beginning at a point on the ~. m. corner of 2Brd St., N. W. and Essex Ave.; thence with the East side of 23rd St. S. 13 degrees §8 min. 40 Sec. W. 123.§4 feet to a point; thence N, 68 degrees 39 min. 32 Sec. W. B0.42 ft. to the West side of 23rd St.;. thence with the West side of same N. lB degrees 88 min. 40 sec. E. 117.08 ft. to the S, W. corner of Essex Awe. and 23rd St.; thence S. ?6 degrees I min. 20 eec. E. 80 ft. to the place of ]~eginni~g, being that portion of 23rd St. between the South side of Essex Ave. and the new North side of Moorman ~oad, as shown on Plan 2581, ~ffice of the City Engineer, Roanoke, Va. All bearings referred to the Meridian of the Melrose Land Co. Map of 1889. See plan 2~81, Office of City Engineer, i~oanoke, Ya. All of which is shown on map prepared by the City Engineer dated July 10, 1924 and known as plan No.2~S1, which is hereto attached and made a part of this ordi Ila rio e · IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF R0~LNOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of August, 1924. No. 1577. AN ORDINANCE to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT ORDAIIJED by the Council of the City of ~(oanoke that appropriations to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the follow. ing amounts: Coroner Refunds & Rebates Special Services Street Improvement Water Site 45.00 194.86 26.50 922.5gJ 1546. ?0 and the City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books as will carry into effect the ~ provisions of this ordinance. Clerk. APPROVED Pre si dent. 473 Il{ THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OF ROAN0k~, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of August, 19'24. No. 1580. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Rosnoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install gas mains. as follows: 1. On Brandon Road from Main Street, Wasena, to Greenbrier Avenue, Raleigh Oout, six inch main. Hanover Avenue from llth to 15th Street and from 14th to 24th Street N. N. 5. Rear of ~cOlanahan Place from Virginia Avenue to Carolina Avenue, from Carolina Avenue to Mc~lanahan Place, on Mc~lanahan Place from Carolina Avenue to ~ranklin aoad, on ~ranklin Road to the City Limits. 4. ~lelrose Avenue from E4th Street to Villa Heights Station. Said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claiss for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas mains, and further agrees to replace streets, where the same are opened, under the provisions of the general ordinances providing for street restoration. ATTEST: Cle rk. APPROVED 474 cross-overs, IN THE COUNCIL ~-~0R THE CITY 0.~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 15th day of August, 19£4. No. 1581. A .RESOLUTION granting a permit to H. Wells & Co. to construct certain BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted H. Wells & ,Co. to construct two cross-overs into the Melrose Pilling Station, one of them to be located on the South side of Melrose Avenue approximately forty feet East of 24th Street, and the other lce,.ated on the East side of 24th Street approximately forty feet South of Melrose Avenue. Said cross-overs to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the City Manager and under specifications furnished by him. Said H. Wills & Co. by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and aave harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the con- struction and maintenance of said cross-overs. APP ROVED ATTEST: Clerk. IN TME COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The lath day of August, 1924. No. 1582. A RESOLUTION authorizing the payment of $30,000.00 to the Treazurer of the School ~k~nd for building purposes. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council ef the 0ity of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant payable to the Treasurer of the ~chool ~nd for the sum of $30,000.00 on account of school build- ings. Said amount, however, shall be returned to the general fund of the City out of the proceeds of the bonds which are to be sold. APPR0 VED ATTEST: ~ ,. Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL F0R THE CITY 0!~ HOANOKE, VIRGINIA, The l~th day of August, 19~4. No. 1~83. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the A~oanoke Railway and ~lectric Company to construct a temporary building on the North side of Walnut Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Oouncil of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby gr~ated the Roanoke Railway and ~lectric Company to construct a temporary building 28 feet by ~8 feet on the North side of ~¥alnut Avenue opposite the car barns of the said Company. Said building to be used as a garage and private work shop for said Company. The building shall be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~uilding Inspector and may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by Council. The said Roanoke Railway and Electric Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property b~~ reason of the construction and maintenance of said building. ATTEST: Clerk. APP ROVED President. Ill THE COUNCIL P0}~ THE CITY OF ROANOLU~, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of August, 1924. No. 1574. AN ORDINANCE closing ~th Street fron the North line of Harrison Avenue to the Southeastern line of Kimball Avenue ms extended across said 7th Street and closing Rutherford Avenue from the Southeastern line of Kimball Avenue to the Western line of 7th Street. ~AS, the Roanoke Gas Light Comply has by its petition heretofore presented, requested t~t ~ose parts of ~th Street ~d Rutherford Avenue herein- above set out in the title to this ordin~ce, lyi~ in the North East section of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, be closed and has filed ~th its petition a plat showing said streets desired to be closed, the property by said Company o~ed abutti~ thereon, together v~th other property improved ~d unimproved in this i~ediate vicinity; ~d ~R~S, it appears that the s~id Ro~oke Gas Light Company o~s all the abutting lands on both sides of those parts of Vth Street a~ ~therford Avenue desired to be closed between the limits aforesaid ~d ~rthermore said street and avenue wit~n said limits have not for a great n~ber of years beenused to any appreciable emtent or been improved and maintained as streets so that now the s~e are practically impassible to vehi~l~r travel; and ~AS, it ~rther appears that if those parts of said 7th Street and ~therford Avenues, as hereinable described, are closed, that the rights of no other property o~ers or the public will in ~y wise be injured or impaired for there will still remain ample and adequate streets and thoroughfares adjoining all other properties in this vicinity, most of w~ch are in an improved condition and far more accessible for the ingress and egress of said property o~ers; and NOW, TH~EF0~, BE IT 0~AII~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that 7th Street from the North line of~ Harrison Avenue to the Southeastern line of Kimball Avenue, as extended across said 7th Street, ~d ~therford Avenue from the Southeastern line of Kimball Avenue to the Weste~ line of 7th Street, as shown on the plat.attached hereto and ~de a part hereof, lyi~ and bei~ in the North East Section of the City of Ro~oke, Virginia, be and the s~e are hereby declared abandoned and closed. - Cle rk. APPR OVOID Pre ident. 476 IN THE COUNCIL POR THE CITY 0P ROANOKE, VIHGINIA, The 22nd day of August, 1984. No. 1584. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the koanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Rcanoke Gas Light Company to install gas mains as follows: 1. On McClanahan Street from ¥irginia Avenue to Carolina Avenue, a six inch main. 2. On Sixteenth Street from Staunton Avenue to Carroll Avenue, N. W. a four inch main. 3. On Staunton Avenue from Sixteenth Street to Twentieth Street, N. a four inch main. 4. On Mercer Avenue from Sixteenth Street to 150 feet West of Eighteenth Street, N. W., a four inch main. 5. On Carroll Avenue from Sixteenth to Eighteenth Street, N. W., a four inch main. ~he said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said mains, and further agrees to replace the streets, where the same are opened, under the provisions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke l~oviding for street restoration. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED , ~. ' Pre Sident. IN TH~ COUNOIL F0R TEE CITY OF FOAN0~, VIRGINIA, ~he 2~nd day of August, 1984. No. 1585. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Comtmny to construct was main through Eureka Park from Eureka Circle West to 16th Street a distance of 140 feet. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light -Company to install a gas main through Eureka Park from Eureka Circle West to 16th Street, a ~istance of 140 feet. ~aid Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to construct said main so as not to interfere with the use of the park, and'to replace the excavation so as to leave the ground in the condition it is at present.! Said Company further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main. APPROVED - ' ~ ' ~re'si dent. - Ill THE COUNCIL P01{ T~ CITY 02 ROAN0~[E, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of August, 1924. No. 1586. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the i~oanoke Water Works Company to install water main at No.620 Woods Avenue S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke ¥later Works Company to install water main at No.620 Woods Avenue S. ~. Said Roanoke Water ',7orks Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and main- tenance of said main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provisions of the General Ordinances providing for street restoration. APP R0 VED Clerk. ~ President. / 477 IN TttE COUNCIL FOR ~E C1A'Y 0P .qDAN0~i, VIP, GINIA, The 22nd day of August, 1924. No. 1587. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to construct or cause to be constructed certain sidewalks. BE IT KESOLVED by the Council of the Cit~ ef l~oa~oke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, sidewalks as follows: 1. On the South side of Liaiden Lane, beginning at 824 Maiden Lane and extending a distance of 5§0 feet, more or less, 2. North side of Washington Avenue from Pranklin Road to Zrd Street,S.'#. But before p~oceeding with the construction of said sidewalk, the property owners abutting thereon shall pay into the City Treasury the full cost thereof, they to be reimbursed one-half such cost at some future time. APPROVED ~~ ATTEST: ~. Pre sident. Cie rk. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY O~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 22nd day of August, 1924. No. 1589. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to D. C. ~itzgerald to construct a frame addition to his residence at No. 35 Day ~venue, ~. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of i{o~noke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted D. C. ~itzgerald to construct a frame addition to his residence at Nc.Z5 Day Avenue, S.W. Same to be constructed in accordance with plans on file in the office of the Building Inspector and according to the good liking and satisfaction of said Building Inspector. Said D. C. h~itzgerald by ~cting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of struction and maintenance of said addition. APPROVED Clerk. ~ ~ ° President. IN THE COUNCIL POR THE CITY OP ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he S/nd day of August, 1924. No. 1590. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Cit~ Manager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sewer in the alley between High.nd and Washington Avenues S.W. from Franklin Road East, a distance of approximately ~00 feet under conditions. BE IT ~ESOLVED by the Council of the City oi~ Roanoke that the City Nanager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, sewer in the alley between Highland and Washington Avenues S. W. from Franklin Road East a distance of appr~oximately 200 feet to acccmmodate ~he lx~operty of P. T. Jamison and others, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer, the said P. T. Jamison shall pay into the City Treasury the fullcost thereo~ he to be reimbursed one-hal~ such cost ~t seme £Uture time. · C1 erk. APPROVED ATTEST: , ~ Presi dent ./ A 250 C. P. light at the interwection of Howbert Avenue and Kerns IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOt~, ¥IRGII~IA, The 2End day of August, 1924. No. 15gl. A I{ESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke i~ailway and Electric Company to install certain street ~ights. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Ci~ y of Roanoke that the Roauoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install street lights as follows: (1) A 250 C. P. light at the corner of Sherwood Avenue and Stradford Road, Annex 1919. ¢2) AVenue, Wa sena. Said lights to be maintained under the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. ~ /f · pre si dent. ? IN Tt~ COUNCIL FOR TH~ CITY 0~' H0aNOL~, VIRGINIA, The SEnd day of August, ~9E4. No. l~gE. A RESOLUTION authorizin~ the payment of $E5,000.00 to the Treasurer of the school fund for building purposes. BE IT HESOLVED by the Council of the City of ~oanoke that the City/ ATTEST :~~ Clerk. 479 ~25,000.00 payable to the Treasurer of the School fund on account of school buildings · ATTEST: Clerk. AP~ 0 VED routes. IN Tied COUNCIL 20R T~ CITY OF !~0ANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of September, 1924. No. 1593. A RESOLUTION to transfer the cars from the Salem Avenue Route to other BE IT RESOLVE]) by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to reduce the number of cars operating on the Salem Avenue Route to four and to transfer cars to the Patterson ~venue Route and to Belmont Route. The said transfers s?~ll be made according to the seniority con- sidering the length of time the persons have operated cars. Al~P~0~££D . . A TT}~S T: ~~~'pre sffd ent. Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY OP ROAN0]SE, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of September, 1924. No. 15 94. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to H. )~. Stoke to install an 8500 gallon tank for the storage of kerosene oil. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Ci~~ of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted H. ~. Stoke to install an 8500 gallon tank for the storage of kerosene. Said tank to be located on the North side of the right-of-way of the Norfolk and Western siding South of Norfolk Avenue and West of. 4th Street, S. E., said location being shown on the sketch hereto attached and made a part of this resolution. Said H. ~. Sto~e by acting under,his resolution agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said tank. Said tank shall be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the Building Inspector and under specifications to be furnished by him. A?PR 0VED ATT~:ST:~ ~. ~-.~ ,- Cle rk. pre si dent IN T~ COUNCIL ~0P, ThUn CITY O~~ P. 0ANOKL, ¥IidGINIA, The 5th day of September, 19a4. No. 1595. A KESOLUTION directing the City l,~anager to construct a sewer to accommc~.at~ the property of S. L. Gunn on Northumberland Avenue. 480 be, nnd he is hereby authorized to construct a sewer to accommodate the property of S. L. Gunn on Northumberland Avenue between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets, but before proceeding with the construction of said sewer said S. L. Gunn shall pay into the City Tre~sury one-half of the cost thereof. ATTEST: Clerk. APPROVED ~ ~ resident. IN Tt~ COUNCIL h~0R THE CITY 01~ ROANOiYL, VIRGINIA, Whe 6th day of September, 1924. No. 1§96. A R~SOLUTION authorizing the City ]~anager to construct a sidewalk on the South side of Northumberland. Avenue between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cit~ of Roanoke that the City ~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct a sidewal~.- on the South side of Northumberland Avenue between Chesterfield and Dudding Streets to accommodate the property of S.L. ~unn, J. H. Stewart and N. K. Guerrant, but before proceeding with the construction of s~id sidewalk said parties shall pay into the City Treasur~ one-h~lf of the cost thereof. APPROVED ~ Pre si~en~. A~TEST: ~~_ ~c_.~x_~ Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL PG{ T~LE CITY OP ROANO}~, VIRGI~JIA, The 5th day of September, 1924. No. 1~97. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Water Works Company to install a water main. BE IT RESOLVED by the 0ouncil of the Cit~ of Roanoke that a permit be, and the s~ne is hereby gr~nted the Roanoke Water Works Company to install a 2-inch water main on Allsion Avenue for a distance of 75 feet. Said Roanoke Water Works Company by acting under ~his resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said.main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provisions of the general ordinances providing_ for street restoration. ATTEST: Cie rk. At, PROVED Pre s id enZ. Iii T]~E COUNCIL ~OR'2~]i CItY OF iiOANOIiE, VIifGIUIL, The 5th day of September, 19~B4. No. 1598. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to J. J. jefferson to make a fra~ addition to his residence No. lg~ Gilmer Avenue, N. W. BE IT i{ESOL~dD by the Council of the City of ltoanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted J. J. Jefferson to make a frame mddition to hi'.~ residence No. 12~ gilmer avenue N. W., the construction thereoi' to be accordi~7 to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~uilding Inspector and under a.~ocifications to be furnished by him. Said J. J. Jefferson by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property bl~ reason of the construction and maintenance of said frame addition. At~l~ -Q0 VED Clerk. Presiden~ ~ IN THE COUNCIL ~DR THE CITY ~ i~All012d, VIRGIItlA, The ~th day of September, 1924. No. 1~68. AN 0RDIN~'dlCE to regulate the business of hanging or repairing awnings, imposinM tax cn such business ~d providing penalties for violations thereof. BE IT 01OAIN?~D by the Council of the City ~ ~oanoke a~ follows: Section 1. No person, fire or corporation shall engage in the ~usiness of hanging or repairi~ awnings which project ~er the public streets or highways of the Ci~- of Roanoke, Va., unless licensed as hereinafter provided. Section 2. ~2~ll applicants for license to engage in the ~usiness of hang- ing or repairin~ armings which project over the public streets a~ highways of said city shall file an application therefor with the Con~issioner of Revenue, settin~ out therein the ~me ~d residence of the applicant together wi~ such o~r information as may be required, together with a bond in the sum of ~'ive Thousand Dollars ~5,000.00) in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, in- de~ifyi~ the city against all claims, judgments or suites caused by the erection re]~ir, const~ction, existence or ~intenance of any ~;.~ing erected or construct- ed by such applicant. Section 3. Upon the compliance with the provisions of the ='~ore~o~no~ ' = sections, the license shall be iss~..d to the p~ty making a!~plication for s~e upon payment of ~V5.00. This license s~I1 not be ]>ro-rated. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Bulling inspector to inspect all such avminqs from time to time to ascertain if much aYmings are properly erected and if they comply with the ordinances of the ~ity oi~ Roanoke thereto. It shall be deemed sufficient gro~ts for the revocation or forfeiture of the license of has any peri, on licensed hereunder where it appears that a~~ such licensee/violated any of the or~n~ces of the Ci~ of Ro~oke re!ati~ to the hanging or repairi~ of av~in.~s, or who perfo~ such work in an unsafe ~nner. Section ~. Any person, fi~ or corporation vioiatin~2 any of ~ provision of this o~i~nce shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ~d upon conviction thereof imprisonment for not exceeding ninety (90) ~ays. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of ~e public peace, health and safety. Section ?. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after passage and publication. All ordinances sr~d parts of or~dinances inconsistent herewith Section 8. are hereby repealed. ATTEST: AP]~R 0VED Cle r k. - (~ ' pr~sident~ IN TH~'COUNCIL P0R THE CITY OF ~AN0]~, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of September, 1924. No. 1588. AN ORDINANCE to abandon that portion of Levy Street II. E. between the No~folk and Western right-of-way and Nicholas Street. W}~KEAS, the Virginia Bridge & Iron Company has made application to clos~ that portion of Levy Street between the Norfolk and Western right-of-way and Nicholas Street N. E. abutting the property of said Virginia Bridge & Iron Company 5nd ~,THEPddAB, all of the other property ova~ers interested or abutting on said street have agreed that the same may be closed. THEREPORE, BE IT 0RDAIN~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that thal portion of Levy Street between the Norfolk & Western itailway right-of-way _and Nicholas Street be, and the same is hereby abandoned and closed to public use. ~ Pre S'i dent~- ATTEST: ~ ~~ Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ~q~0L~, VIRGINIA, The 5th day of September, 19~4. No. 1600. ORDINANCE authorizing the sa]~ of certain property to the Virginian Railway. BE IT ORDAII~ED by the Council of'the City of Roanoke tkat the ~layor and City Clerk are hereby authorized ~nd directed to join with H. C. Barnes and Virginia P. Barnes in the conveyance by a good and sufficient deed to the Virginian Railway Company of the following described tract of land: Beginning at a point in the present Soutt~erly right-of-way boundary line of the Virginian Railway, said point being distant ~0 feet measured ra~ially from the center line of the right of way at station 18~0¥65; thence Southwestwardly radially from said center line at station 1840-65 about ~0 feet to the center of Roanoke i~iver; thence dov~ the center of Roanoke ~iver as it meanders about ll20 feet to a point radia'tly opposite station 18~2-40; thence Northeastwardly ra~ially to said center line at station 185£-40 about 40 feet to a point in the present southerly right of way boundary line; thence Northwestwardly along the present Southerly right-of-way boundary linc about 1145 feet to the begimaing; said strip or parcel of land con- taining by estim~~tion 1.61 acre, mor~ or less. tract of land of the sum of 9500.00, of which sum ~50.00 shall be paid to the City, and $450.00 to the said H. C. Barnes and Virginia P. Barnes. AND IT I'd F~,THL!~ 0HDAIIYzdD by an affirarative vote of all five members of the Council that the reading of this ordinance at two regular meetings at not less than one week apart be dispensed with. AP!~i~0VED ATTEST: Clerk. . J ' ~>re ~ident. IN TIlE COUNCIL F0E '~HE CITY 0P F. 0ANO~2E, VIEGINIA, The 5th day of September, 19£4. No. 1601. AN Oi{DIiI&NCE authorizing the exchange of certain property ,~ith the Virginian Railway ~ompany. BE IT OiqDAIN~ by the Uouncil of the City of i{oanoke that the City of Roanoke exchange with the Virginian ~ailway Company the strip of land shov~ in yellow on the blue print a%tached to this ordinance and made a part thereof, for the strip of l~3~d shown in bro~,~n upon said blue print, and that the Mayor and Oity Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Virginian Eailway Company a good and sufficient deed conveying said stip of land so sho'~m in yellow in exchange for the conveyance by the Virgini~ Railway Company to the City of Eoanoke of said strip of l~md se sho~vn in brovm. AIUD IT 'J~A~ FU?.TI~R (k DAli[ED by an affirmative vote of all five members of the Council that the reading of this ordinance at two regular meetings at not less than one week apart be dispensed with. APi'R0~ED ATTLST: ~/~_~ .~ Cle rk. IN THE COUIICIL F0k T}~ CITY t,:' ROAIIOIZd, VIi{GINIA, Yhe 5th day of September, 1924. No. 1602. A Fd~SOLUTIOIJ authorizing the purchase of a card system for personal property returns for the office of the Commissioner of l~evenue. BE IT ~$0LVED by the Council of the City of' Roanoke t2',at a card sb'stem for the purpose of recording personal pro]:erty returns for the office .of the Commissioner of Revenue be purchased, and that the City 1,ianager, Commissioner cf Revenue and the City Clerk be, fred they are hereby authorized to select a system best suited for the purpose. Al~PR OVED Clerk. IN THE COUNCIL 3~01{ T~ CITY O~~ i{0AN012E, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of September, 1994. No. 1605. A RESOLUTION offering a reward of $200.00 for the arrest and conviction of Percy Hansbrough charged with murder. BE IT RESOLVED by the CouD~il of the City of i~oanoke that a reward of $200.00 be, and the same is hereby offered for the arrest and conviction of Percy Hanabrough charged with the murder of Robah Thomas Broom. Said reward shall not be paid to any officer or person dra¥~ing a salary from the Cit~- of Roanoke. APPH0'££D .- J ' Preciden~. IN T}~ COUNCIL 3~01{ Tt~ CITY 6P i{0ANOKE, VISGINIA, The 5th day of September, 1924. No. 160~. A RESOLUTION directing the sale of eerie, in bonds authorized at an election held on the 12th day of August, 1994. BE IT R~SOL'~ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to advertise for sale on the.g6th day cf September, 1924, at ~ o'clock P. ]~I. ~he following bonds: 1. $500,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for the purct~se and acquisition of land for public school 'purposes, for public school buildings and the equit~ment thereof. ~. $Z00,000.O0 of bonds for public improvements, n~m~ely; for permanently improving the streets of the Ci~' of Roanoke· 5. $~£~,000.00 of bonds for public ir.~rovements, r~m~ely; for construct- ing bridges across Roanoke River at 1Zth Street, S. W., and on Walnut avenue, S. h., over the Virginian and Norfolk and Western ~ailroads. 4. $~50,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for construct- ing sewers and drains in the City of Roanoke. 5. $40,000.00 of bonds for public inprovercents, namely; for the erection of a detention home for juvenile offenders in the Cit~: of Roanoke, Said advertisement shall reserve the right to the City to awar& the whole or any portion of said bons, and the right to reject any and all bids. Said advertisement shall be published no~ less than twice in the Bond Buyer, a New York pub lication. Cle rk. Pre Si dent/. IN T}~ ~?UI{CIL ~DH TEL CITY 0P ROAN0i£L, VIRGINIA, The ~th day of September, 1994. No. 160~. A RESOLUTION to award the contract for the imt~rovement of Denniston Avenue and Windsor Avenue, ~nnex 1919. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Citj' of Roanoke that the contract for improvement on Denniston ~venue from Virginia Avenue te Chesterfield Street and Windsor Avenue from Grandin Road to Budding Street be, ~md the same is hereby Dennist on Averme ~18,161.50 ~indsor Avenue 19,95V .25 The work to be done in accordance ;.'gth the plans and specifications upon which the bids were based, provided, however that the City i,~nager shall not authorize the beginning of said work until at least eighty per cent of the property o'~mers on both of the above said streets shall pa;; into the ~ity Treasury one-half of the cost according to front footage of their respective properties, and provided further that no asphalt shall be poured after November l, 1924, and no greater amount of work shall be laid out tS. an can be completed before November l, 1924. Before proceeding with said work the Tinsley Construction Corot:any shall execute bond in the penalty of one-half the contract price. AP~'~i0VED ~/ ~ President. _ , Cle~rk. IN ?t~Ud COUNCIL ~OE THE CITY O? i{OAN012E, VIi~.GIUIA, The 12th day of September, 1924. No. 15 99. A llESOLUTIOII authorizing the City Attorney to institute certain condemn- ation proceeding~s. '~a~'~,,~,~_., it is deemed necessary by the Council of the City of Roanoke to widen Campbell Avenue on the South side, between Third and Fourth Streets, a distance of ten feet from the property line, for street purposes, and ',*fHE~AS the owners of all the property on the South side of said Avenue trove agreed and proposed to dedicate ten feet off of the front of t~.eir property for that purpose; except the owners of Lot ~ll, Block ~ll, on said~ treet, known as the Barsa pro~:erty, and lot ,~6, Block ~ll, known a'~ the Yates proI:erty, NO?! THERE~0Pd~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Council tha~t it i~ :necessary to acquire t'en feet off of each of the pro]~erties aforesaid, to-wit: The Barsa property and the Yatcs property, on the South side of Campbell Avenue, for street purposes, and in order to widen said Avenue, and th~~, Council doth sc declare; And it appearing to the Council that some of the ovners of the Yates pro]':erty are non-residents, and that the owners of the Barsa pro~erty are non- residents, and also infants; IT I2 FU?.TH~2i i~ESOLVED that R. C. Jackson, City Attorrsy, be and he is hereby .~irected to institute and prosecute proper conde;:mation proceedings in the proper court of the City of Roanoke, Zo acquire ten feet of the Yates and Barsa properties for the pur~'o~e aforesaid. At>I'H 0VED Cle~n. ~e sident. 486 Cie rk. IN THE COUNCIL 20R T}~ CITY CF HOANOi2L, VIRGIl;IA, The ~th day ~. September, 1924. No. 1606. A i~SOLUTION granting a pe~it to the Roanoke Gas Lig~t Corn]any to install a 4-inch gas main on Wo~s Avenue, BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of ~ie City of Roanoke t~t a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Ligh~ Com]~a~ to install a 4-inch gas main on Woods Avenue from the dead end West of 6tli Street a distance of 90 feet. Said Roanoke Gas Light Com~J by acting under' this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless tile City of Eoanoke from all claims for damages to persons or ~'operty by reason of the construction and mainte~nce of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where t~ same is opened under the !~rovisions of the general ordinances of t~ City of Roanoke providing for street resto~tion. APish OV~ ~ ~- Presiden . IN T~ COUNCIL 20~i THE CITY 03~ i{0ANOI:E, VtRGI!{IA, The 12th day of September, 19:~. No. 1607. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to prank ii. t~inkard to construct a frame addition to his residence No. 288 - 4th Avenue N. ~;. BE IT iLESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted Prank N. Pinkard to construct a frame addition to his residence No. 288 - 4th Avenue N. W. The construction thereof to be in accordance with plans and specifications to be furnished by the Building Inspector and accord- ing to his good liking and satisfaction. Said Frank N. Pint:ard by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the constx~action end maintenance cf said addition. ATTEST: Clerk. A~~2 R0V ED '~'J ' ' ?re~'ident. IN THE COUNCIL 20E TPiE CITY 0~~ ROAN0t~, VIRGINIA, The .1Eth day of September, 19E4. No. 1608. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Roanoke for the month of August, 1924, and directing the payment of the same. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of August, 1924 be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered l~id as follows: City t?.am~ ge r Engineering DeE t. City Clerk Treasurer Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Tax Collection of 951,15 1116.8V 899.6~ 157.67 220.00 291.66 1291.77 1515.76 506.60 48? Council Coroner Almshou se Outside i~oor Hospitals Organized Charities Insane Jail Juvenile Court 2olice Dept. ~ire Dept. Pire Hydrant Rental Street Lighting Building Inspector Hilitary & A~mries Physiciau Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleanin~ Garbage Dept. Sewer t,~a iht enan ce Street Repair Bridge Repair Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Refunds & Rebates Special Services Workmen's Compensation Garage 'Der, t. Park s Library ~Sa rke ts Intere st Annex 1919 Lccounts ~ayable EXT ~ 0 !~DI i'~ RY Sewer Construction Refunds for Sewers Sidewalk Constructi on Schools Water Site ApI-',~OVLD 4'55.32 59.00 415.02 181.61 588.55 460.85 84 .~0 1572.53 689.66 9938.49 9972.55 2415.25 2089.86 451.00 79.50 100.00 271.82 1955 .ZZ 11~9.19 5542.56 544.41 6176.16 1501.16 1001.57 5005.77 515.05 55.85 77.50 57,50 1217.84 6590.21 1486.72 1429.99 940.00 11,171.67 598.22 $80,422.96 859.92 131.19 978.75 55,000.00 4,802.75 61,772.61 142,195.57 president' / II~ TKE COUNCIL FOP, T}~ uITY 0F P,0~ 0tiE, VIi{GINIA, The 12th day of September, 1924. No. 1011. A,,~o~'~'0LUTIOII grantin~ a permit to r.'~ t~. tlunter to construct cross-overs and in:~l;all gasoline tanks. BE IT !~SOLVED by the Council of thc City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the s~ue is hereby granted P. P. Hunter as follov, zs: 1. To construct two cross-overs on Jefferson Street North of Bullitt Avenue in to a filling station. 2. To install three three thousand gallon ,~ ~oline tanks on the East side of Jefferson Street at the corner of Bullitt ;',venue. Said tanks t o be install ed under specifications to be furnished by the Buil~ting Inspector and according to his good likin,~ and satisfaction and may be maintained until the same are ordered removed by the Council. Said I~. P. Hunter by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of ti,,e con~':truction of said cross-overs and installation of said gasoline ta~uks. Ai:!:' ROVED i88 Ill TEE COUNCIL FOi~ Tt~ CI:~'Y O~1..~'~i[0t2~, VIi{OINI~,, The 19th day of September, 1924. No. 1612. A ~SOLUTION granti~ a permi~ to the Linde Air i~roducts Company to con- st~ct a switch track across Norfolk Avenue and Zo lay a steel t~ipe not exceedi~ six inches in diameter across said Norfolk Avenue. BE IT i~SOL~D by the Council of the City of Roanoke tl'mt a permit be, and the same is hereby ~ranted the Linde Air l~roducts ComtmnY to make the follow- lng installations: 1. To ~y a switch track across Nozfoik Avenue S. E. ~ rallel to and about ten feet East of the present Norfolk and Weste~ switch track.- 2. To construct, install and maintain a steel pipe not exceedi~ six inches in diameter, for ~e transportation of oxygen from the plant of ~.e Com[any to the property of the Norfolk and Western Railv,~ay, the l'~ipe line to cross Norfolk Avenue S ~ . m. at a point between the West line of 14th Street S. E. and the present Norfolk and Western sidi~. The said Linde Air i~roducts Company by aati~ under this resolution agrees to indemify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property o~ reason of the constuction and maintenance of said track and pipe line, and ~rther agrees to replace the streets wkere the same are cloned for the purpose of constructing track and pipe line to thc condition it is at present and to maintain the street alo~ which the track is constructed in as good condi- tion as the other portion of the street. Ai~i;ROVED Clerk. iresident IN TH2d C0~ICIL 20R Tth~ CITY OF ROLIJ01~, VIRGINIA, The 19th Ray o£ Set:tomb. r, 1924. No. 1615. k RESOLUTIOU granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas main. BE IT I~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke tlmt a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to lay a four inch gas main on 4th Street S. E. from Elm to ldountain i. venues. The said Roano)~ Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all cl~ims for damages to 1~rsons or prol~erty by reason of thc construction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the prc~isions of the general ordinsdaces providin~ for street restoration. ATTEST:~ ~~_~ Clerk. ~ Pre's~ten Ii~ T~/~d COUNCIL 20!< T!fg CITY OL,~ !{O~.N0titl, VI]IGINIA, The 19th flay of 2eptember, BE IT i~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that .~pyrol~~ J ations to the following accounts be, and ti'~e s~m~e ~.re hereby supplemented in the following amounts: ~ Ol~ one r Refunds & Rebates Special [~e rvic es 'Jar er Site Q 59.00 55.55 77.50 4,802.75 and ~e City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books will carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. Clerk. ~ ~reside~. IN T}[E COUNCIL P0R THE CIS~Y 0P i©~.N0i2~, VIRGINIA, The !'.~th day of September, 1924. No. 1610. AN O~:DIiLJ~CE to purchase ~ tract of land containing approximately 4.66 acres oF land between Rca noke River and the Norfolk and 'Jestern belt line Railway extend. ed from 15th Street Bridge Horth to Roanoke River. ~£ IT CP...~.%ilLD BY the Council of t~,..e City of Rcanoke that a tract of land containing 4.66 acres, more or less, lying on the West side of Roazloke River and bet~een said River and the Norfolk and i;estern belt line extended from lSth Street P, ridGe North to said River be purchased lffrom S. 'J. i~eck and wife, B. H. leek and wife and ~. O. Spans!er at th~; price of ~10,000.00 r, ayable cash on the delivery o£ a proi->er deed, and BE IT 2URT}~R 0!-~'~IL~ED that the City .,.ttorney be, and he is hereby directed to e:.:amine the title to said tract and report his ot',inion thereon to Council in writing. tW-- II~ ~' ~.~ ~ COUi~CIL ~0[~ '~" CITY OF ROANOi~s, ¥IRGII~IA, The !:~ ~ -' ~., ~a~ of Sel:tember, 1'324. No. 1614. 0, autk "i~; the City ' ..... ,~a~er to censt~mct ,-, re inin~: ~.z~ :_1 at the corner of 4th Street I~. '~' L. ~d Wiiiiamson Road ui~cn conditions. P~ I''~ '~'~"~'~'~ ~ ~. Ci t~- od' Hoano~-~ '~- .. ~ ~ :~o~ by the Council o~ t''~ ,.: trmt tLe City I~na~cr be, and he is hereby authorized to construct a retainin~ wall at fl~e corner of 4th Street and ,Jiiliamson Road N.~. upon condition that ~.. F. Brooks and J. T. Ja~mey will convey to tko City of Roanoke certain stril~ of land for ~ne i:urpose of widen- inF 4th Street. The land to be conveyed b~, A. F. ~o~ooks is described as follows: Beginning at a point N-1 deg. 11' 00" E-197.08 feet from tLe present N. E. con'~er of Hart Avenue and Fourth Street N. E., thence with the East side of Fourth Street II-1 deg. 11' 00" E.-4~,.O feet to a point; t-once N-87 deg. 18' 16" E-120 feet to a point' thence on a curve to the right with a radius cf 80.0 feet and consuming and angle of 31 deg. 58' 16" a distance of 45.2 feet to bearings refer to tko L'Ieridi~ of the 0ffic~'.l ~. ~ur%e~. See ~dap 1~o. 1325 on file in the office of the Ci'~-- Engineer Bc.~innin~ at ~ t~oint N-! deg. 11' 00" E-240.00 fcet fret: ~e present N. E corner of rt . ~z~ kvc!:lle ~lid ~'oz~rth Str,:et U L., thence v,,iti: 489 490 the East side of Four~ Street N-55 deg. 50 16" ~-46.5 feet to a point; thence !I-70 deg. 25' 16" E-20.0 foot to a point; thence on a curve to the right, with a radius of ~0.0 ~eet, and consuming and angle of 40 deg. 16' 00", a distance of 5~.~ f~et; thence S.-SV deg. 18' 16" W-12 feet to the beginni~:g - Ail bearings refer to the }[eridian of the Official Survey. See map No.132'J on file in 'the. o:~±'ice of t~e City Engineer. '~ C~t~, LIaa ager is and ur, on the conveyance by said ~ P Brooks and J T Janne~,' the authorized to ccnstruct aaid retainir~ wall. Cle rk. A? l: RO VED IN THE 00UNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 26th day of ~eptember, 1924. No. 1615. A RESOLUTION authorizing the sale of certain bonds to C. W. McNear & ~o. at the lxice of $1,5~0,60A.50. WHEREAS by resolution adopted on the 5th day of September, 192A, the $ity Slerk and Auditor was directed to advertise for bids for the sale of bonds as follows: 1. $300,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for the pur- chase and acquisition of land for public Jachool purposes, for public, school build- ings and the equipment thereof. 2. $300,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for permanent- ly improving the streets of the City of Roanoke. S. $525,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for e~nstruc~- · 13th Street, ~. W., and on walnut Avenue, S. E. img bridges across Romaoke River at over the Virginian and Norfolk and Western Railroads. 4. $350,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for construct, i~g sewers and drains in the City of Eoamoke. 5. $40,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, ~mmely; for the erec- tion of a detention home for Juvenile offenders in the City of Roanoke. said bids to be received by Council at its meeting on the 26th day of September, 1924, at 3 o'clock P. M., and WHEREAS bids were presented as follew~: E. H. Rollins & Sons, for $~00,000 School Bends, $~00,600; for $?00,000 Street Improvement ~onds, $~00,600; for $525,000 Bridge Bonds, $526,050, for $350,000 Sewer and Drain Bends, $~50,?00 and for $&O,000 Detention Home Bonds, $40,080, ~etal bid $1,518,0~0.00. Estabrook & go., Scott & Stringfellew & Associates, for $~00,000 School Bonds, $~00,000 Street Improvement Bonds, $525,000 Bridge Bonds, $~50,000 Sewer and Drain Bonds and $40,000 Betention Home Bonds, a sum of $1,&95,18~.80. ~irst Natiomal Bar~ ef N. Y., Redmond & ~o., Graham Parsons & Ce. and Eldredge & go., for $S00,000 School Bonds, $~00,000 Street Improvement Bonds, $525,000 Bridge ~onds, $~50,000 Sewer and Drain Bonds and $&O,O00 Detention Home Bonds, a sum of $1,&97,~95.?0. Dillon Read & Co., for $300,000 School Bends, $~00,216; for $~00,000 Street Improvement Bonds, $~00,21.6; fc~r $525,000 Bridge Bonds, $525,~78; $~50,000 Sewer a~d ])rain Bonds, $~50,252, for $&0,000 Detention Home Bonds, $&0,029, ~ctal bid $1,516,091.00. ~red E. Nolting & Go., Harris ~crbes & ~e., National $ity ~c. and W. R. Oompton & $o., for $~00,000 School Bonds, $296,45?.90; for $~00,000 Street Improvement Bonds, $296,45?.90; for $525,000 Bridge ~onds, $518,801.~; for $~50,000 Sewer and Drain Bonds, $~45,867.55; for $40,000 Detention Home Bends, $~9,527.72, Total bid Barr Bros. & Co., fer $300,000 School Bonds. $~00,000 Street improvement Bonds, $525,000 Bridge Bonds, $S50,000 Sewer and Drain Bonds and $40,000.00 Detention Home Bonds, a sum of $1,497,424.49. National National Exchange Ba~k. ~olenial/Bank, Mountain Trust Bask, Liberty Trust ¢o. and ~he First National Bank, for $300,000 ~chool ~onds, $300,630; for $500,000 Street improvement Bonds, $300,630; for $525,000 Bridge Bonds. $526,102.50; for $350,000 ewer and ~raln Bonds, $350.?35.00; for $40,000 Detention Home Bonds. $40.084.00, Total bid $1,518,181.50. 491 C. W. McNear & 0e., for $500,000 School Bonds, $505.090; for $500,000 Street Improvement Bonds, $505,090; $52§,000 Bridge Bonds, $5~0,~0~.50; for $~50,000 Sewer amd Drain Bonds, $5§5,605.00; for $~0,000 Detention Home Bonds, $&O,A12.00, Total bid $1,550,60~.50. amd WHEREAS the bid of C. W. McNear & ¢0. at $1,550,60&.50 is the highest and best bid, THERE~0RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the bid of C. W. McNear & Co. for the following bonds: 1. $300,000 of bends for public improvements, namely; for the purchase amd acquisition of land for public School purposes, for public school buildings and the equipment thereof at $305,090.00. 2. $500,000 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for permanently improving the streets of the City of Roanoke at $505,090.00, 3. $525,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for constructing bridges across Hoanoke River at 13th Street, S. w., and on ~lmut Avemue, S. ~., over the Virginian and Norfolk and Western Railroads at $550,407.~0. $. $550,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for constuoting sewers and drains in the City of Roanoke at 5. $40,000.00 of bonds for public improvements, namely; for the erection efa detention home for juvenile offenders in the City of Roanoke at $40,412.00. be, and the same is hereby accepted, and upon the payment of the sums cf money bid maid bonds shall be delivered to said C. W. McNear & Co. APPHOVED clerkj IN T~ COUNCIL ~0R THE CITY 02 ROANOK~, VIRGINIA, The 5rd day of October, 19£~. No. 1616. A PJ~SOLUTION granting a permit to the American Legion to irs tall decoration receptacles in the sidewalks along the streets of the City of Roanoke. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that ape ~nit be and the same is hereby granted the American Legion to install decoration receptacles in the sidewalks along the streets of the Cit~y of iXoanoke, such receptacles to he one and one-half inches in diameter, eight inches deep, installed four inches from the outside curb line,and when the same is not in use to be covered with metal tops flushed with the sidewalk; said receptacles to be installed under the supervision and te the good liking and satisfaction of the City ~lanager and may be maintained until the same are ordered removed by the Council. The said American Legion by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said receptacles, and in the event the same becomes obejctionable, the holes where the same are installed shall be ~~Ji:x filled and the sidewalk returned to the condition it was before installation of said receptacles. ATTEST: CL e r k. APP .~0VED IN THE COUNCIL ~0R ~LE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ~he ~rd day of October, 1924. No. 181V. A RESGhUTION granting a permit to P. P. Hunter to install a gasoline tank and to construct a two inch gasoline pipe line in the alley South of Tazewell Avenue from the Stoke ~illing Station to the filling station at the corner of Jefferson Street and ~ullitt Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a p~ rmit be, and the same is hereby granted P. P. Hunter to make the following installations: 1. To install a 600 gallon gasoline tank at the Stoke Filling Station on the Southwest corner of Tazewell Avenue and First Street S. E. 2. ~o construct a two inch gasoline pipe line from the tank at the Stoke lilling Station at the corner of ~irst Street and Tazewell Avenue S. E. through the alley South of Tazewell Avenue to the ~illing Station ~t the corner of Bullitt Avenue and Jefferson Street. The tank to be installed according to the good liking and satisfac- tion of the Building Inspector and under specifications to be i~arnished by him. ~he pi~e line to be constructed according to the good liking and satisfaction of the ~ity ~auager and may be maintained until the same is ordered removed by the Council of the City of Roanoke. Baid P. P. Hunter by acting under this resolution agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and maintenance of said tank and pipe line, and further agrees to remove the same when he is directed to do so by the Council of the City of Roanoke. Said P. P. Hunter further aSrees to replace the alley where the same is opened for the purpose of constructing the pipe line, to the condition it is at present at his ovm expense. APPROVED ATTEST: ~~/~ Clerk IN THE COUNCIL POP. THE CITY 0F ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The ~rd day of October, 19~4. No. 1618. A RESOLUTION to relieve the Belmont 'Presbyterian Church from payment of a sewer assessment on its lots 2fi and E6, Section A, Block 6, Buena ¥ista Land COo BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Cil~ of ~oanoke that the sewer assessment amounting to $~E.~6 against the property of the Belmont Presbyterian ~hurch known as Lots ~§ and ~6, Section A, Block 6, Buena Vista, he, and the same is hereby released, and the 0ity Clerk is directed to mark the same satisfied on the books in his o £fice. Clerk. APPR 0VED pre si dent IN THE COUHOIL P0R THE CIIT 0P LtDA1;0KE, VIRGINIA, The 35d day of October, 1924. No. 1619. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company to install a 250 C. P. street light at the corner of lath Street and Eureka Circle N. W. BE IT RESOLIUED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorized to install a 250 C. P. light at the corner of 15th Street and Eureka Circle N. W. Said light to be main- tained under the contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. ATTEST: APPROVED President. / 493 Cle rk. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 02 ROANOKE, ¥IRGINIA, The 3rd day of October, 1924. No. 1620. A RESOLLr~ION authorizing the ~ity Manager to give a hearing to the property owners for the construction of certain sewers. BE IT ~ESOL~;ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby directed to give a hearing to the property owners abutting on the streets hereinafter named ~ take the sense of said property owners as to construction of certain sewers, a portion of the cost thereof to'be assessed against the abutting property. Said hearing to be at such time as the City Manage~ shall direct. The sewers proposed to be constructed are as follows: 1. Annex 1919, Norwich: On Mountain Xiew Terrace from Bridge Street a distance of approximately 550 feet. On Bridge Street, Duford Street, Rolf Street, Roanoke Avenue, Penn Street, Russell Street, the property of the Twine Mills Corporation North of Russell S~reet. 2. Tazewell Avenue between 13th ani 17th Streets, South Bast; Ohurch Avenue between 13th and 17th ~treets, S. E.; Kirk Avenue between 13th and 17th Streets, S. E, and Campbell Avenue between 12th and 17th Streets S. E. ~. -hestnut Avenue between 5th Street and Per. ch Road; Cherry Avenue East o~f 5th Street; ~{cDowell Avenue from Peach Road East. APPROVED ~ 117 Tk~ COUNCIL FOR T]~ CITY OF EOANOLTZ, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of October, 1924. No. 1621. A RESOLUTION grantinga permit to P. E. Koontz to erect a temporary storage shed on ~- Street S. ~. 60 feet South of lIountain Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted P. E. Koontz to erect a temporary storage shed on 32~ Street S. E. 60 feet South of I~iountain Avenue S. E. Said shed to be ~0 by 100 feet to be erected on up rights, covered with metal roofing without side w~lls, the ~ claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the construction and main- tenance of said shed. ATTEST :~.~ ~~ Clerk. APPROVED J~ · Preoident. IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY 0P ROAI~0KE, VIRGINIA, ~he 10th day of October, 1924. No. 1622. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install certain gas mains. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a four inch gas main on Loudon Avenue, N. W., from 50 feet West of Hmnry Street ~00 feet West, and a two inch main on Henry Street from the North side of Loudon Avenue to l~0 feet South. Said Roanoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property by reason of the installation and maintenance of said g~s main, and furthe~ agrees to replace the street where the same is opened under the provi- sions of the general ordinances of the City of Roanoke providing for street resto- APPROVED ration. Clerk. IN TIlE COIR~CIL P0R THE CITY 03~ ROAN0]iE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of October, 1924. No. 162~. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to H. B, King to construct a garage on 24th Street N. W. between Orange and Hanover Avenues. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted H. B. King to construct a garage on the West side of 24th Street between Orange and Hanover Avenues, said garage to extend to the curb line. AP ATTEST' ~ Cie rk. PROVED~~, 1N THE COU1;CIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th .day of October, 1924. No. 1624. A i{ESOLI~llION directing the City ~lerk and Auditor to draw a warrant for ~certain fines imposed on certain persons, the same having been deposited for their iappearance before the Police Court, BE IT RESOLVED~ by the Council of the Cit.v of Roanoke that the Citer Clerk 495 and Auditor be, and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant for John Toolin, A. Capps, H. R. Hood and T. L. Baxter for $21.50 each, said amount being for bail bonds forfeited for non appearance before the Police Court. Said amount when paid shall be charged to the account of refunds and rebates. ATTE ST: Clerk. AP?ROVED Ir're sident~ IN THE COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAN01ZE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of October, 1924. No. 1628. A i~ESOLUTION granting a permit to the Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a four inch gas main on 4th Street S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and. th same is hereby granted thc Roanoke Gas Light Company to install a four inch gas main on 4th Street S. W. from the end of the present main at a point between Jannette Avenue and Bluff Avenue. The said Rosnoke Gas Light Company by acting under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Cil~' of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or property' by reason of the construction and maintenance of said gas main, and further agrees to replace the street, where the same is opened, under the provisions of the general ordinances providing for street restoration. APPROVED · ~J · P-'e ~'dent IN TP~Z COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The loth day of October, 1924. No. 1627. A RESOLUTION to approve the accounts and claims against the City of Rosaoke for the month of September, 1924, and directing the psyment of the same. BE IT I~SOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the accounts and claims against the City for the month of Se~,tember, 1924, be, and the same are hereby approved and ordered paid as follows: City llanager Engineering Dept. City Clerk ~rea sure r Legal Dept. Judges Salaries Court Officers & Expense Assessment of Taxes Collection of Taxes City Hall Elections Stationery & Printing G ounc i 1 Cor one r ~lm shous e Outside Poor Hospitals Organized Charities Insane Jai 1 Juvenile Court Poll ce Dept. Pire Dept. 999.88 1065.56 902.28 158.29 572.14 291.66 12~0.59 205.55 515.76 997.51 477.50 50.87 4Z3.32 41.50 344.80 93.75 388.33 460.85 63.10 1438.02 10,180.69 9748.75 496 ATTEST: Street Lighting Building Inspector Military & Armo~es Physician Quarantine & Detention Health Dept. Street Cleaning Garbage Dept. Sewer Llaint enance Street Repair Bridge Repairs Crusher City Stables Tools & Equipment Special Services Allowances & Gifts Workmen' s Compensation Garage Schools Parks Library Markets Interest Account s Payable Annex 1919 EXTRAORDI NARY Sewer Construction Drain Constructi on Refunds for Sewers Opening & Grading Sts. Curb & Gutter Si dewalk Cons t ruc t i on Schools Clerk. Ai~?ROVED 02091 · 71 508.81 V9.00 100.00 168.00 1746.6? 1253.16 5899.99 923.01 7094.14 2791.11 1711.85 1979.80 465.50 2.50 47.50 964.72 25,000.00 941.19 2140.27 1211.88 5127.50 745.15 6961.49 432.74 73.50 35.28 18.60 18.96 1448.97 50 ,.000. O0 $ 101,582.27 32,026.05 133,608.32 -~-~ ' pre siden~. III THE COUNCIL ?0R THE CITY CF ROAN0}2E, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of October, 1924. No. 1628. A ~SOLUTION directing the payment of certain money to the Treasurer of the School Pund. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Clerk and Auditor be, aud he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for the sum of $50,000.00 on account of school buildings and one for $25,000.00 on account of school maintenance payable to the Treasurer of the School ~hmd. Clerk. APPROVED ~ President~ IN THE COUNCIL ~Y)l{ TEE CITY CF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 10th day of.' October, 1924. No. 1629. A I~SOLUTION authorizing the City l~anager to improve certain streets. BE IT !{ESOLVED by the Council of the City cf.' Roanoke that the City I~!anager be, and he is hereby directed to construct penetration macadam on Commerce Street from the alley South of Mountain Avenue to Highlaud Avenue at a cost not to exceed $625.00 and on PiEst (Henry) Street from ~Iountain to iiighland Avenues at a cost not to exceed $1250.00, said construction shall be charged to the account of macadamizing. .. '~' f'~ ~=' VIRGINIA II; TI~ COUHCIL PO!{ ~I!L Dill' 0~ ~.~*.NO~--, , The 1Vth day of October, 1924. No. 1626. A ;~ESOLUTION to supplement certain appropriations. BE IT t~SOLVED by the Cmmcil of the City of Roanoke that the appropria- tions to the following accounts be, and the same are hereby supplemented in the fo!lowing~ amounts: Coroner Street Repairs Special Services 41.50 601. ?S g .50 The City Clerk and Auditor is directed to make such entries on his books to carry into effect the provisions of this resolution. Cle rk. APPROVED si dent IN THE C0bRICIL FOR THE CITY OF ROAH0I~d, VI!iGIUIA, The 17th day of October, 1924. No. 16Z0. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Hanager to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk to accommodate the property of t{rs. L. M. kkers. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the City Manager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on Richlieu Avenue in front of the property of i{rs. L. ~.I. Akers, kn~n as Lots 9 and 10, Section 62, Crystal Spring Land Co., but before proceeding~ith the construction of said sidewalk, ~&r~. L. 1~. Akers shall pay into the City Treasury one-half of the cost thereof. Al>PROVED ATTEST: Clerk. ?reSident III T!52 COUIEIL POl{ THE CITY 02 ROANOKE, VIP, GINI3., The 17th day of October, 1924. No. 165l. A ~SOLUTION authorizing the City !.Ianager to construct a sidewalk on theii East side of 10th Street from Campbell to l!arshall Avenues, S. W. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of l~oanoke that the City l~anager be, and he is hereby authorized to construct, or cause to be constructed, a sidewalk on the East side of lO~h Street between Campbell ant !,!arshall Avenues at a cost not to exceed $568.75, but befcre proceeding with the construction of sidewalk, Levin Israel shall pay into the City Treasury one-half of the cost of the walk abutting his property. Clerk. ATTEST: APPRO 'TED --. (j~ -' President. si gn. I!J Tt~: CODI~CIL P01l THE CITY 0F t:.0AN0]LE, VIRGINIA, The Z4th day of October, 1924. No. 1632.. A RESOLUTION granting a permit to ![ountain Dale Lodge 1.0.0.F to erect a BE I-T RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that a permit be, and the same is hereby granted the lIountain Dale Lodge 1.0.O.F. to erect a wooden sign weighing approximately twenty pounds on its building at ll~- Church Avenue S. W. Said I~ountain Dale Lodge 1.0.0.~. by acting under this resolution agrees to indemni- fy and save harmless the Cit~, of Roanoke from all claims for damages te persons or property by reason of the erection and maintenance of said sign, and fhrther agrees to remove same when it is directed to do so by the Council of the ~ity of Roanoke. Clerk. APPROVED ATTEST: "t~re s id en-t~ IN THE COUNCIL ~tDE TEE CIk~f OF ROANOLTZ, ¥IRGIIIIA, The 24th day of October, 1924. No. 1635. ': . A i~SOLUTIOII autho~zing ~e Ro~oke Railway and Electric 'Comp~my to install certain street lights. BE IT !~SOL~ED by the Council of the City of Ro~oke that ~e Ro~oke Railway and Electric Gomp~y be, ~d it is heEby autho~zed to install street lights as follows: (1) ~e 250 C. P. li~t at pen~r Avenue ~d llth Street S. E. (2) One 250 C. P. light at Pe~r Avenue and Wilson Street S. E. (3) One 250 C. P. light at the corner of I.Iaiden Lane and ~dding Street, Virginia Heights. S~d li~ts to be ~intained under ~e provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Ro~oke Raillery ~d Electric Comply. AP P RO ~LD ~~ent. Clerk. ATTEST: ~~ Cl~ rk. III TKE COUNCIL FOR TP32 CITY 0P ROAN0~iE, VIRGINIA, The 24th day of October, 1924. Ilo. 1656. A RESOLUTION to approve the grade of 6th Street South Roanoke as shown on Profile No. 8Z1. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of' the City of Roanoke tP~t the grade of 6th Street, South Roanoke, as shown on Profile No. 851 on file in the office of the City Engineer be, and the same is hereby established as the grade of said 6th Stree~ APPROVED President. ~ III TM COUNCIL 20R THE CITY 0F ~OAN0k~, VIRGINIA, The Gist day of October, 19£4. I7o. t6~5. .~ ?d~SOLUTION to purchase certain property from the Weaver tteights Corpo rat i on. ~M_~{L~o, the 'Weaver Heights Corporation has agreed to sell to the City of Roauoke a certain tract of land shown on the map of the Weaver ][eights Corpo- ration, subdivision known as Grandin Court Annex, made by Wm. Bradford August 1, 1925, consisting of about twelve acres not subdivided into lots upon said map a~ compriEing the Thompson house, all out buildings and springs and extending up ~urray's Run on both sides and adjoining land owned by the City of Roanoke, and in addition to said twelve acres about ~wo acres shovrn on the map of said land as Lot 12, Section o~ ~o, and Lot 1~, Section 24, and the eastern twenty feet of Lot il, , o~ of the southern and of Lots Section 24 vcith a strip of land one hundred feet 9, 10 and 11, Section 24 for the sum of ~'~ , ~,500.00, upon the terms of $2,000 cash, and the balance in five equal installments, bearing interest from the date of the execution off the deed. The Weaver Heights Corporation further agrees to have the Colonial Club dedicate for street purposes a sixty foot strip of land off of Lot 16, Section 20, to connect the land which it proposes to sell ~.with the land laid out on the map of said Corporation and designated as Woodland Park tract, and ~/~r~E~AS, the said ~t~eaver Heights Corporation has signified its intention~ to convey to the City of Roanoke that piece~ of laud laid out on the map herein- before referred to as Woodland Park, and ~.~,~REAS ~ .... , it is to the best interest of the City of Roanot-e that said lan~ be purchased at the price and upon the terms and conditions herein set out. THE~iF0.'.~], BE IT ~SOL~'ZED by the Cmmcil of the Oil- of Roanoke that the tract of land containing twelve acres, more or less, as shovrn on the map of the Weaver Heights Corporation, of subdivision known as Grandin Court Annex, made by Wm. Bradford August 1, 1923, and about two acres known as Lot 12, Section 23, Lot 12,Section 24, and the Eastern fifty feet of Lot il, Section :~4, and a strip of land one hundred feet '~ride off of the Southern end of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Section 24, a strip of land forty by two hundred and thirty lying bet;veen Lot 12, Section 23 and Lots 11 and 12 Section 24 and laid out on said map as a part of Creston Avenue of the map herein referred to be purchased at the price of ~12,500.00, payable ~2,000 cash upon the delivery of' a good and sufficient deed and the balance in five eoual installments bearing interest at the rate of si~ per cent from the date of said deed, provided said ~,'leaver Heir. hts.. Corporat~on~ ' will convey to the Cit~ of Roanoke that tract of land laid out ~pon map hereinbefore referred to and desig~ hated as "Woodland Park" and see that a sixty foot strip off of Lot 16, Section 20,I be conveyed by the Colonial Club to the City for street purposes, so as to connect the :~roperty proposed to be purchased with said tract of land designated as "Woodland Park". BE IT .U:~T~-~:R Pd~SOLVED that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby directed to examine the title to said land and report thereon in writing his opinion to the Council of the City of Roanoke. A I:'i?, 0ViLD ATTEST: ~ ~. Clerk. ~re si ,le'nt. 499 1N TI@] COUHCIL F0i.:, THL CITY ~F .ROANOKE, VIi{GIHIA, The 51st day of October. 1924. Ho. 1637. A ~SOL~i~ION granting a permit to John I,[. 0akey, Inc., to con~t~ct a marquise 21 ft. by 8 ft. on its building at 125 Kirk Avenue, S. W. BE IT ~SOL'~D by the Coun~l of the City of Ro~moke ~at a permit be, ~d the ~me is hereby granted JoDm ~. 0akey, Inc., to constm~ct a marquise 21 ft. by 8 ft. on its buil~ at 125 Kirk Avenue S. W. The same to be constructed in accordance with the good liking and satisfaction of the Buildi~ Inspector. Said John l~I. 0akey, Inc., by acti~ under this resolution agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City of Roanoke from all claims for damages to persons or pro~rty by reason of the construction and ~inte~ce of said marquise. ~ APP R0 ~D ~~ A~TES T: ~ ,~~~ ~~~ i ~e~'~ ~-- Clerk. IN THE COUNUIL P0R THE CITY ~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 51st day of October, 1924. No. 1638. A Fd~SOLUTION authorizing the Rosnoke i~ail~ay a~d Electric Company to install certain lights. BE IT RESOL-££D by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the 'l~oanoke Railway and Electric Company be, and it is hereby authorimed to install street lights as follows: Il) One 250 C. P. street light at Campbell Avenue and 18th Street, S. E. [2) One 250 C. t~. Street light at Lynchburg Avenue approximately 300 ft. West of 6th Street, N. E. [3) One 250 C. P. Street light on the corner of Cornwallace Avenue and 5rd Street, South Roanoke. [4) One 100 C. P. street light on Bellviaw -,~venue at the entrance of Roanoke Hospital. Said lights to be maintained under t~he contract existing between the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Railway and Electric Company. ~- Cle-rk. IN T}~ COUI[CIL ~3P, TP[L CITY OF i~),ANOL~,~ ' -v VIRGINIA, The 51st day of October, 1924. No. 1659. A ?22SOLUTION authorizing the payn. ent of certain sums to the Treasurer of ;he School BE I T '~'~'~"~ -"~,~-~ by the Council of tl~e City of Roanoke that the City Clerk mad Auditor be, and he is hereby authorized to draw a warrant to the Treasurer of the School ~und for the following amounts: School Buildings ~40 000.00 S ch o o 1 l~ai nt enance ' 48,000.00 Said amounts when paid shall be charged to the extraordinary and ordinary accounts respectively.