HomeMy WebLinkAboutMins. 9/20/76 - 11/15/76The first financial and planning session of the Council act-
ing as a Committee of the Whole was called to order by Mayor Noel
C. Taylor at 3:30 p.m., Monday, September 20, 1976, in the Execu-
tive Session Room of the City Council Chamber.
PRESENT: Council members Elizabeth T. Bowles, Robert A.
Garland, Lucian Y. Grove, William S. Hubard, Nicholas F. Taubman,
Hampton W. Thomas and Mayor Noel C. Taylor.
LEGISLATORS PRESENT: Senator Dudley J. Emick, Delegates
C. Richard Cranwell, Raymond R. Robrecht, A. Victor Thomas, and
Ray L. Garland.
OTHERS PRESENT: Messrs. Byron E. Haner, Sam H. McGhee, III,
A. N. Gibson, Charles S. McNulty, Ray L. Dobbins, Mrs. Mary F.
Parker and representatives of the press and news media.
As the first item of discussion, the Mayor called attention
to the need for additional revenue and the fact that the acquir-
ing of additional funds can mainly be made possible by action of
the General Assembly and, as an example, listed the possibility
of increasing the sales tax to one per cent with the additional
one cent returning to the place of origin.
The Mayor also made reference to the commuters tax and the
payroll tax which were discussed at the Virginia Municipal League
Convention during the week of September 13.
In reference to the one per cent sales tax, Delegate Cranwell
advised that this possibility is very bleak because of the diffi-
cult situation the state is in.
In lieu of the one per cent sales tax, the Mayor asked Mr.
Cranwell what he felt the General Assembly would be willing to
provide to the cities; whereupon, Mr. Cranwell advised that the
possibility of getting additional support on the local income tax
which would be a local option would possibly be tied with some sol-
ution to the annexation problem, it will probably be found that
the most palatable solution will be some kind of trade off on the
real estate tax on an areawide basis and this appears to be the
most fruitful area.
Mr. Cranwell also advised that he is a member of a nine mem-
ber subcommittee who will be trying to look at the revenue problems
of local governments and come up with some recommendations.
Mr. Cranwell stated that the major complaint he hears from
the cities about police protection is that the County Sheriff's
Department is subsidized and the City Police Department is not,
that there is nothing in state law which says the cities must have
a Police Department, that the city could revert back to a Sheriff's
system and approach the State Compensation Board for funding if
the city wants to give up its control over the Police Department.
Mr. Robrecht advised that he is most sympathetic to the problems
of the cities but he is disappointed that the Virginia Municipal
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League did not take a more definite stand on the annexation problems,
advising that there must be some way to end this procedure that
only Virginia has, that the practical aspect of this will have to
be a trade off, the city will have to give up something to get
something, that annexation has created financial problems for the
City of Roanoke this time more so than ever before, and if the
city would be willing to bend in that area he would be willing to
look toward other sources of revenue.
In reply, Councilman Thomas stated that between now and 1980
the General Assembly is in the position to give the counties and
cities advice as to what their alternatives are in the present leg-
islation, that the City of Roanoke has always felt consolidation
was a far better alternative than annexation, suggesting that the state
or those concerned with no more annexation could put some alterna-
tive or incentive in the consolidation statute so that if counties
and cities did consolidate there would be certain tax incentives,
etc., that the real estate tax is carting about, all of the load it
can carry right now so when it all comes down to one point, whether
we are talking about no more annexation or trade offs, etc., there
are just so many dollars in this Valley and we are going to have
to try to get it together as best we can and the only alternative
is consolidation and this would be an opportune time for the General
Assembly and local legislators to try to get together to do some-
thing about it.
Mr. Robrecht advised that he is willing to consider alternate
sources of revenue if he sees some indication that the cities are
willing to give up the right to annex involuntarily and would be
glad to consider some revisions in the formula for payments where
a city is told they have to pay.
Delegate Garland stated that the commuter tax would be a good
way to go about this but it will not fly in the legislature because
the northern Virginia communities are nervous about Washington, D.C.,
imposing a commuter tax on Virginia residents, that he is concerned
if the General Assembly gives the city additional taxing powers
they will become less competitive as a place to live and work and if
we are to give up the right of annexation he would like to see it
tied not to additional taxing powers but let the state impose the
additional taxes that are necessary and let them be uniform across
the State of Virginia.
As a further item of discussion, the Mayor made reference to
the need for the state to fund programs that local governments are
required to initiate, advising that the city is requesting when cer-
tain programs are mandated by the government that the state send the
necessary funds for those programs.
Mr. Cranwell stated that two out of every three dollars spent
in the state budget finds its way back to the local government in
some kind of state contribution plan based on a type of formula
through education or otherwise.
The Mayor stated that in asking for the one per cent additional
sales tax, the city would be in a position to do that which it has
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promised, viz: to reduce the utility tax by 2 ~ per cent at the
time of the next budget study and to consider decreasing the busi-
ness license tax which is to say that our tax burden would compare
more favorably with other outlying communities and we would be in
a position to invite other business and industry into the community
and receive favorable reaction.
The Mayor made reference to a problem called to his attention
by Mr. Ray Dobbins relative to consideration of the automobile owner
paying personal property tax on his car for the period of time he
has it during a given year and also made reference to a communica-
tion from the Commissioner of the Revenue pertaining to that matter,
advising that Mr. Dobbins' request is that the tax be prorated as
of the date of purchase for the remainder of that year and this
would require special legislation by the General Assembly.
Senator Emick stated that Commissioners of Revenue around the
state are opposed to this in principal because they feel that more
will be paid in collecting the tax under that method, that he was
unable during the last session to get enough information as to who
is correct, that he is still working on it and has not made any final
decision because he cannot get substantial information that would
say the amount of revenues generated would outweigh the administra-
tive costs to those officials making the collection. He added that
it would require a special Charter change and he would be inclined
to vote for it in order to see how it works in an area in which he
is familiar.
Councilman Garland made reference to consideration of the real
estate tax and assessment freeze on property owned by handicapped
or disabled persons (certified by a physician), for those persons
under 65 years of age under certain conditions, advising that this
would have to have the permission of the General Assembly before
it could be done by the localities, that he does not believe it would
cost the localities but a small amount of money and urged that the
General Assembly give the same consideration to that group as to the
elderly over 65.
Delegate Thomas stated that the city passed a Resolution of
this nature two years ago, that the Resolution was entered in the
General Assembly and was co-sponsored by Delegate Cranwell, that
for a Constitutional change it takes two sessions of the General
Assembly, this has been done and it is on the ballot for the Nov-
ember 2 election.
Mr. Hubard stated that he would be interested in knowing how
the law determines if a person is disabled or not and this is some-
thing which should be looked into.
Mr. Thomas presented a report of the Legislative Committee of
the Virginia Municipal League, advising that it was the consensus
of feeling that there is no item in the list that was more import-
ant than the fiscal responsibility of the localities and the four
things which were dwelled upon most were the following:
The League supports legislation providing an additional
1% local sales tax returned to the locality where it is
- 4 -
collected to provide revenue for the general
fund of such locality.
The League supports legislation providing for
a local surtax on the State Income Tax either
as an alternative or a means of providing rev-
enue to the locality.
The Virginia Municipal League feels that the
General Assembly should enact legislation
which would require the State to appropriate
the funds necessary for any programs initiated
by State legislation. If a curtailment in
such funds should be necessary, the State should
be required to cut back program requirements in
the mandated legislation.
The League opposes any freeze, roll-back, or elim-
ination of existing local tax sources.
Mr. Thomas went on to state that these four items were supported
by the City of Roanoke, that from the standpoint of the city, the
only two items that were not discussed in which the city has in-
terest are with reference to Property Tax Reform legislation that
would permit the Director of Real Estate Assessment to require
the submission of net income data from income producing property
owners and authority to inspect the books of the county; and, last
year House Bill 313 was carried over which provided for $25,000
as assistance for jail construction, advising that the City of
Roanoke would like to see some attention given to those matters.
Mr. Thomas further added that of particular significance to the
city and other localities in the valley are two bills which were
carried over, viz: House Bill 621 that allows written agreements
in respect to employee management relations and joint Resolution
108 that in effect contains language to rescind the state's pos-
ition against public policy of employment management matters that
have been in existence since 1946 and if there are developments
on those two bills, or if similar bills are introduced, the city
would like to be advised.
Mr. Hubard advised that the city has a problem with the as-
sessment ratio on public service company real estate and presented
written material to the legislators relative thereto. He further
explained that the city would like for it to be assessed on the
basis of the average mean assessment in the city as opposed to a
median and stated that the city would like the attention and sup-
port of the legislators to correct this problem. (Senate Bill 359)
Mr. Robrecht stated that the question of working out some type
of solution when there is annexation and a public service authority
is involved should be addressed.
Mr. Hubard moved that the Mayor be authorized to call a special
meeting of Council acting as a Committee of the Whole to discuss
proposed legislative changes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas
and unanimously adopted.
- 5 -
The Mayor stated that he would advise of the suggested date
at the Council meeting on Monday, September 27, 1976.
In reference to procedure for handling financial matters,
Mr. Hubard suggested that a method be used to consolidate amend-
ments to the budget into one Ordinance, advising that the City
Manager could come to the third Monday session with a memo which
would set out proposed amendments to the city budget and request
Council's concurrence in them and if Council concurs, the City
Attorney would prepare a measure that would incorporate all of
those changes in one Ordinance, that if a member of Council dis-
agreed with a specific item, that would be deleted from the over-
all Ordinance and would be included in a separate measure to be
considered on the following Monday, that occasionally the City
Manager will have Ordinances of an emergency nature, and he is
not suggesting that Council hold such items in abeyance until
the third Monday but they would be considered when they arise as
special circumstances. He added that by using this method, Coun-
cil would be saving time and would be getting the impact in one
memorandum and it would also show Council more meaningfully what
it is doing to the total budget.
In a discussion of the proposal, Mr. Hubard suggested that
the members of the School administration should be present at the
third Monday meeting to present proposed monetary budget changes
to the Council and these changes could also be incorporated into
the overall budget Ordinance. It was also stated that the Director
of Finance would consolidate revenue sharing monies into this over-
all budget Ordinance.
The Director of Finance advised that he is opposed to this
procedure, that the present system is working well, calling at-
tention to a vote that is 4 - 3 at the financial meeting and changes
at the Council meeting on the following week and stated that we
are trying to get an efficiency that cannot be achieved in city
Mr. Taubman stated that the purpose of these meetings is
to have financial planning in order to look a little further into
next year's budget than has been done in the past and in order to
do that we need to look at how we get the facts and how they are
presented and requested that the City Manager advise Council of his
personnel goals for 1977-78 in the following fashion: (1) to
present a table of organization for each department which is the
number of personnel authorized for each department, (2) the present
employment in each department, and (3) the projected employment
levels in each department for 1977-78. Mr. Taubman requested that
this information be available at the next financial and planning
session in October.
Mr. Taubman then requested that the Director of Finance furn-
ish Council at its next financial and planning session with the
following information: (1) a financial format explanation, (2) the
- 6 -
monthly financial report on a new format along with an explanation,
(3) presentation of the budget for the first three months of the
year, viz: July, August and September with information as to what
the progress is against the budget to date (example: if we have
$1000 for a fiscal year in a budget, have we spent $250 or $350
of it), (4) revenues and expenditures (example: what percentage
of the budget is spent thus far).
Mr. Taubman stated that he would like for Council to commu-
nicate to the School Board that it would like to have a budget
planning session with them well in advance of the usual budget time
so that we might plan in a more comprehensive manner prior to May,
Mr. Taubman further requested that the City Attorney look
into ways to change the real estate tax rate should there be any
additional revenues generated through the reassessment in excess
of the amount budgeted as per Resolution No. 23157 and that he
investigate and report to Council ways of changing the rate with-
out the 60 day notice or whatever else is involved for 1977.
In respect to the 1977 - 78 fiscal year budget, the City
Manager advised that it is his hope to finalize the total budget one
month earlier this year, that he would like to set this goal and
request the departments to submit their budgets in order to final-
ize the total budget at the end of May.
Mr. Hubard requested that on the report of the Director of
Finance, in addition to the new form, it would be very helpful if
he would advise Council of significant budgetary figures and pro-
vide a progress report at some time during the year.
The City Manager requested the concurrence of Council in bring-
ing a briefing to Council each month concerning various matters of
mutual concern and interest, advising that next month he intends to
make a presentation on the Highway Program for future years, what
it is, what the needs are, what the priorities should be and the
funding requirements, that he would like to bring to Council a total
five year capital improvements program and also keep an up-to-date
continuing capital improvements program.
Mr. Thomas stated that at one of the sessions the Council
should be briefed on what goes on in drafting bids, letting bids
and what the procedure is with the administration.
Mr. Hubard stated that he has long felt he is not as well in-
formed as he should be as to the planning process in the city partic-
ularly on rezonings, and he feels if Council knew better what the
City Planning Department and City Planning Commission do, it might
have a better appreciation of the soundness of their recommendations,
and for that reason, he would like for the City Planning Commission
and Planning Department to make a presentation on planning.
There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meet-
ing adjourned.
(Note: Cassette tapes of this meeting will be kept on £ile
in the City Clerk's Office for a period of one year following the date
of these minutes.)
Respectfully submitted
Clerk~~ ' ~--
The following actions were taken by the Council of the City
of Roanoke acting as a Committee of the Whole: at the Financial
and Planning Session on Monday, October 18, ].976, at 4~25 p.m.
PRESENT: Council members Elizabeth T. Bowle~;, Robert A.
Garland, Luoian Y. Grove, William S. Hubard, Hampton W. Thomas
and Mayor Noel C. Taylor.
OTHERS PRESENT: ~. Byron E. Haner, Mr. Sam H. McGhee, III,
~,tr. James ~-'. ~uchholtz, £4r. Thomas ~. ~rad~, itt. ~ichard
~urrows, ~r. ~. N. Gibson, ~r. John H. ~{ituhell, Ar. ~. B.
Kiser, Mr. William G. Kuthy, Mr. James W. Eavey, ~r. William
k4urray, and ~1r. L. A. ~urham.
n reference to g~neral property taxes, the ~,irector of Finance
rated tha2 when ~ouncil adopted the budget, one of t/%e methods
used to balance it was =o change from average finance value to
wholesale value for the purpose of computing t/~e valu~ off vehi-
cles for personal property tax levies, and ad.vised that the
Commissioner of Revenue would like a Resolution from th~ Council
indicating float t~kis be done.
Mr. Thomas moved that the matter be referred to the City Attoraey
for preparation of the proper measure. The ~tion was seconded
by ~. Grove and adopted.
T~e Director of Finance also made reference to the matter of the
City of Roanoke levying and assessing taxes and providing apprai-
sals for 'the real estate taxes on a fiscal year Dasis rather th~n
a calendar year basis, and that the Co~%cil ~,nould appoint a
committee or direct a committee ~at is now i.n effect ~o subm/t a
report on this matter as to any of ~e probie:ms ~lat migent b~
~=. Thomas also stated that ~er~ has been discussion about the
possibility of going to semi-annual pa~aents of the real estate
~ax rather than q~arterly payments.
14r. Hubard moved that these two matters be referred to the City
~anager's ad hoc committee for study, repor~ ~d r~co~eadation
~o the Council at its meeting on Monday, October 25, 1976. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas and adopted.
j.A request 0£ the Electoral Board for $1,000.00 for Overtime and
$1,500.00 for Extra Help was before the Council a=ting as a
Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Thomas moved that the request be referred to the City Attorney
for preparation of the proper measure appropriating the requested
funds for the Council agenda on Monday, O~tober 2$th. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Hubard and adopted.
Hubard moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare
proper measure a~pointing Mr. John tt. Mitchell as Acting
Director of Finance, effective ~ovember 1, 1976, until a permanent
Director of Finance is elected by ~e Council and that Mr. Mitchell
be paid at the rate of Step 1 of the grade that is presently in
effect at that time for ~e position of Director of Finance. The
motion was seconded by ~=. Thomas and adopted.
City 2~m~ager requested that ~85.00 be =zans£erre~ from
Gard~ City Toilet Eacility, $1,197.75 from Bobcat Pen Roof and
$92.25 from aiverland Park Improvements to Fallon Park ~aseball
Diamond and ~ignting.
:~r. ~ubard moved that Council concur in the request and that the
n~tter be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the
proi~r measure transferring the funds, said measure to be placed
on the Co~cil agenda of ~4onday, October 2$th. The motion was
seconded by ..~r. Garland and adopted.
The City ?lanager reco~=aended ~nat $940.25 be transferred from
~i%iverlan~ Park Improvement Project to the ~ill Mountain Wildflower
Garden Project to provide f~nds for ~ne installation of a booster
water p~ap and associated sprinkler system and walkways for the
i-=. Hubard moved that Council concur in tixe request and that the
matter be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of ~e
proper measure transferring the funds, said measure to be placed
on th~ Council agenda of A~onday, October 2~th. The motion was
seconded by ~. Garland and adopted.
>tr. Kiser advised of the need for additional funds to continue
~..the operation of the fuel farm at the airport and requested per-
mission to operate on a day to day basis for another month and
that Council approv~ an appropriation of $35,000.00.
~. }{ubard moved that Council authorize the appropriation of
$35,000.00 for this purpose and that ~he matter be referred to
the City Attorney for preparation of the proper measure appropria-
ting the funds, said measure to be placed on the Council agenda
of aonday, October 25~h. The motio~ was seconded by ~. Garl~%d
and adopted.
14r. Kiser also advised that in computing the budget for the
~temporary fuel ramp operation by city personnel, tax on =he fuel
was computed to be a part of the fuel cost, however, i= is neces-
sary to separate this tax from the cost of the fuel and requested
~at $10,000.00 be transferred from Motor Fuel for Resale to
Franchise Tax.
Mr. Hubardmoved that ~he City Attorney be instructed to prepare
the pro,er measure transferring the funds, said measure to be
place~ on the Cotmcil agenda of Monday, October 254. T~e motion
was se=ended by}~. ~ubard and adopted.
~.he City Manager requested that $1,000.00 be appropriated for
the Christmas Party ~or presently active city employees and retired
city employees.
Mx. Garland moved ~at the City Attorney be instructed to prepare
the proper m~asure appropriating the funds, said measure to Ue
placed on the Co~cil agenda of Monday, October 25th. The motion
was seconded by ~. ~ubard an~ adopted.
~The City ~.[anag~r requested gulaance from the Council as to when
~allowe~n will be observed in the City since officially it falls
on Sunday this year and recommenaea that iU be observe~ on
Saturday, October 30th.
~r. Garland moved ~at Com~cil concur in the recommendation of
t~e City ~anager m%d that t~e matter be referred to the City
A~torney for preparation of thc proper n~a~ure, said ~asure to
b~ ~lac~d on the Council agenda of ~onday, October 25th. The
motion was seconded by ~4rs. bowles ~d adopted.
~r. James W. Eav¢~y presented a ¢o~ication from tnu ~oanoke City
School Doard requesting that t~e following fund~ De appropriated~
The amount si %1,284.82 to be appropriated to Series
1~000, ?iork ~.xperi~nce and Career Lxplora'=ion Pro-
gra~t, for the 1976-77 budget, amending the amount
of $14,002.00 previously appropriated for the 1976-77
year, mzOting a total of $15,286.~2. One hundred per-
cent of expenditures will continue to be reir~ursed
from federal funds.
The aa~mt of $8,000.00 to be appropriated to Series
15000, ~rk-Study Program, Vocational Education Act
of 1968, for ~te 1976-77 budget. Of this amount,
$6,400.00 will be reimbursed by State Vocational
~ducati¢~ funds. The remaining twenty percent will
be tran~ferred from ASN 2470.
The amount of $86,338.00 to be appropriated to Low-
Rent ~ousing Supplement, P.L. 81-874, for the 1976-77
budget. One hundred percent of ex~enditures will be
reimbur~ed by P.L. 81-874 funds.
~=. Garland moved that Council concur in the requests and that
the City Attorney be instructed to ~repare the pro,ur a~easure
appropriating ~he funds, said measure to be placed on
agenda of Monday, October 25th. The motion was seconded by ~s.
Bowles and
Monday, November 15, 1976.
The Council met in Financial and Planning Session on Monday,
November 15, 1976, at 3:15 p.m., with Mayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
PRESENT: Council members Elizabeth T. Bowles, Robert A. Garland,
Lucian Y. Grove, W~lliam S. Hubard, Nicholas F, Taubman, Hampton
W. Thomas and Mayor Noel C. Taylor.
OFFICERS PRESENT: Mr. Byron E. Haner, City Manager; Mr. Sam
H. McGhee, ~lI, Assistant City Manager; Mr. James E. Buchholtz,
Assistant City Attorney.; Mr. John H, Mitchell, Acting Director of
Finance; and Mrs. Mary F. Parker, City clerk.
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Eugene Bowles and Mr. Frank B. Ma~orshi,
representing Peat, Mar~tick and Mitchell, Mr. Charles $. McNulty,
Mr. James w. Eavey, Mr. Bert Ely, Mr. K, B, K~ser, Mr, William
Murray, Mr. John P, Bradshaw, Mr. W. A. Hewitt, Mr. William G. Kuthy,
Chief Carl C. Holt, Mr. J. H, Johnson and Mr. ~erome S. Howard.
Mr. EUgene Bowles and Mr. Frank Mayorshi, representing the
auditing firm of Peat, Marwick and Mitchell gave a presentation
relative to cash basis accounting, modified accrual basis of accounting,
accrual basis, cash basis and mOdified accrual basis versus' full
accrual basis, encumbrance and unencumbered balance.
(For full text, see written material and cassette tape on file
in the City Clerk's Office.)
Mr. Mayorshi also presented General Fund financial highlights
for the year ended June 3Q, 1976.
~For full text, see written material as filed in the City
Clerk's Office.)
Mr. Thomas presented a verbal report relative to the Virginia
Municipal League meeting on Friday, November 12, 1976.
~or full text, see cassette tape on file in the City Clerk's
Office. l
Mr. Thomas moved that the Mayor be requested to establish a
date for a meeting with the valley, legislators and representatives
of the valleygoVernmenta on or before December 2Q, !976, at the
Roanoke Cz~vlc Center for the purpose of d~scusak'ng certain legislative
matters and budget cutback. The motion was seconded by Mr. Garland
and unanimously adopted.
Mr. ~amea' W, E~ve~ appeared before the CQuncil and presented
a comm~n!Catl°n requesting tk~t $I1'623.Qa ~e transferred from 1975-~
76 unexpended T~tle ~ funds to 1976~77 Title ~, P. 5. 89-1Q funds;
that $3~,e0a. a0 be transferred from Raleigh Court Elementary' School
Capital Improvement Account to Woodrow W~lson ~unior R~gh School
Capital Improvement Account; and that $1,0.SO. aa. b~a appropriated
to Adult Bas~c Education Program of the 1976-77 budget of the Roanoke
C±ty School Board.
(For full text, see communication as filed in the City Clerk's
Off~ce. ~
Mr. Taubman moved that Council approve the request and refer
same to the City Attorney for preparation of the proper measure trans-
ferring and appropriating the requested funds. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
The C~ty Manager submitted a w~itten report requesting funds
for an AffirmatiVe Action plan, requesting appropriation of
for a training program and.~$2,246.0.0 to promote Mr. Ellis ~olmes as
the Affirmative. ACtion Officer at Grade. 24, Step 1.
(For full text, see report as filed in the City Clerk's Office.
Mr. Thomas moved that the request be approved subject to the
City Manager finding sufficient funds to transfer w±.th~n the 1976-
77 fiscal year b~dget, The motion was seconded bT Mr. Grove and
unanimously adopted.
The City Manager submitted a written report relative to the Urban
Assistance Incentive Fund Grant ~Multi-Llngual Newaletter~, recommending
that $7,916. ~a be appropriated for this purpose.
(~or full text, see report .as filed in the C~ty Clerk's Office.
Mr. 5ubard moved that the report be referred to the City Attorney
for preparation of the proper measure appropriating the requested
funds. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas and' unanimously adopted.
The City Manager submitted a written report in connection with
a change order credit for the municipal parking garage, ~reco~mending
that Change Orde~ NO. 4 be authorized to the Contract with Pebble
Building Company which will result in a reduction of the contract
amount by $21,784.97 and an extension of 28 additional days to time
for completion.
(For full text,, see report as filed in the City Clerk's Office.
Mr. ~ubard moved that the report be referred to the City Attorney
for preparation of the proper measure. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Taubman and unanimousl~ adopted.
The City Manage~ aubm~t%ed a w~i, tten repo~ ~e~at~iye to change
Order No. 2 ,for tke Trout Run $~We~ Interceptor ~oject ~ tke amount
of $8,355.0a with Bryant's Plum~ing and ~eat~ng Corporation.~
[For full text, see report as filed ~n the Ck~cy Clerk'~s Office.)
Mr. H~hard moved that the report he received and filed. The
motion was 'seconded by, Mr. Taub~an and unanimously adopted.
Mr. ~uhard moved that the City, Attorney be ~ns~tr.ucted to prepare
the. proper measure autkorizing the change order. The motion was
seconded 5y Mr. Tauhman and Unanimously adopted.
The City' Manager submitted a w~ltten report relat±ve to Change
Order No, 2 %o the contract witk Aaron ~. Conne~ General Contractor,
for the Murray Run SeWer Interceptor, ~n the amount of $3,087.25.
[For full text, see report as filed in the City Clerk's Off~ce. ~
Mr. ~uba~d moved that tke report he received and f±led. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
Mr. ~ubard moved that .the report he referred to the City Attorney
for preparation of the proper measure authorizing the cha~e order.
The motion was seconded hy Mr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
The Cit~, Manager submitted a written report relative to request
for amendment to the jail design contract, recommending that Council
authorize the eXpenditure of an additional $9,239.94 of the jail capital
funds to reimburse ~a~es, Seay, Mattern & Matte~n for certain additional
[For full teXt, see report as filed in the City Clerk's Office. ~
Afte~ a discussion as to w~ether o~ not the city is legally, bound
to ~eimburse tkese expenses, Mr. ~u~ard moved that the matter he referred to
the City Manage~ and the.~C~ty At.torneY to ad¥ise the Council at its
next financial and planning session on Monday, December 20, 1976. The
motion was seconded 5y Mr. Thomas and unanimoualy, adopted.
As previously ~equested by the Council, the City Manager subm~'tted
a ~eport relative to [l~ should the c~ty switch from the calendar
year appraisal, asseSament and collection of real estate taxes to a
fiscal year has~is, and, [2). should the city sw±.tck from quarterly collec-
tion of real estate taxes to a semi~annua1 collection.
(For full text, see report as f~led ~n the City Clerk's Office.~
Written material from tke Acting Director of Finance and the Treasurer
was also 5efore the Council.
[For full text, see material as filed ~ the city Clerk's Off!ce.~
Mr. Thomas moved, based on the report and figures contained therein,
that the matter be .referred 5ack to the 'City Manager a_nd the City
Attorney to advise the Council of steps which need to be. taken to indi-
cate affirmative 'cona~t to move for~rd with. a ~l-annual collection
of real estate ta~es and conv~ting to a fiscal ~ar bas~s for assessment
of real ~tate, ~-~eport to tke COuncil at its n~t regular meeting
on Monday, Nov~b~ 22, 1976. The motion was seconded by ~. Grove and
unan~ously adopted.
The Acting Director of Finance s~ggested ~f the Co~cil decides
to change to the s~i-annual pa~ts, that it not t~e ~fect until
October, 1877.
Mr. Jo~ P- Bradskaw, Chairman, City planning Co~ission; Mr. William
A. Hewltt, Director, A~n~atration and Public safetY; Mr. Carl C. Holt,
Chief, Fire Departs.t; and Mr. ~lliam G. ~tky, D~ut~ Manager, City
Planning, prea~tad a thirty minute briefing on 'f~re stations within
the city.
[For full t~t, cassette tape is on file ~n the C~ty Cl~k's Office.)
The Cit~ Manag~ submitted a ~itt~ report relative to adv~tise-
m~t of public hearings by the Board of zoning Appeals and notification
of surrounding property o~ers, and advised t~t the change in procedures
necessitates appropriation of an additional $1,80a. so..
(For full t~t, see report as filed in the City C!~k's Office.)~
~r- H~ard moved that the report be refuted to the City Attorney
for preparation of the prop~ measure appropriating the requested
funds. The motion was ~conded by Mr. Taubman and ~animously adopted.
The City Manag~ su~tted a ~itten report in connection with
land acquisition for the LDA at the airport from Mr. & Mrs. J~ry H.
Garst, advising t~t ~or ~s ~ad~.t~ size of tke parcel of
and requesting tkat Ord~nan. ce No. z~ ~ ~ded to provide for
acquisition of 6.244 acres with sev~ce d~ag~ and a~r rights at a
price of $38,3~6. O0.
(~or full t~t, ~e ~'~ert a~ f~led ~n the C~y C1~k~s 'Office. l_
Mr- ~ba~d ~ed that the r~o~t ba ~afe~red to~ the C~tY Attorn~
seconded by Mr. Grove and unan~oualy adopted-
The Acting Director of P~nance ~bmitted a ~tt~ r~ort advising
of the necessity to appropriate an .additiona1 $2,5~a.aa to the Board
of Equalization of ,Real E~'ate to cov~ an ~tens~on of t~e to
Dec,er 15, 18~6, to complete tkei.r evaluat~ns..
C?.O~ ~ull te~t, s~e ~e~po~t as~ f~led ~ tk~ C~ty Cle~k'~s office.)~
Mr. ~bard moved tkat tke ~t be ~ef~d t~ tke C~ty~ Attorney
for prepa~ation of tke p~op~ me~e. appr~p~iat~g tke ~aqu~ed
funds. Tke motion ~s ~Condad by M~. Tkomas, and' un~ni~oua!M adopted.
Tke Acting D~ecto~ of F~nance submitted a f~nc~al report for
tke montk of October, 19.76. ~ al~ p~e~ted ~nfo~ation as to tke
latest f~gures p~tain~ng to tka 1977 real estate t~ le~~ as prepared
by the office of tke Real Estate A~SS~, advising tkat ~t appears
tke city's rev~ue est~ate Is unde~e~lmated 5y $32~,775.0G,.
~or full t~t, see reports as filed in tke City Cl~k's Office.~
M~. Huba~d moved tkat tke financial report be received ~d filed.
Tke motion was seconded by Mr. Tkomas and unan~ouslM adopted.
A co~ication from Mr. c~rles S. McNulty, Assessor of Real Estate,
advising of his retir~t from tka ~vice of the city on ~anuary 26,
19~, was before Council.
~or full t~t, ~e co~unication as filed in tke City Clerk's
Office. ~
Mr. Tkomaa moved t~t tke co~unicat~on he accepted witk regret.
Tke motion was seconded 5Y Mr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
Mr. ~bard moved tkat council meet in ~ecutive ~ss!on to discuss
confid~tial personnel matters. Tke motion was 'seconded by Mr, Tkomas
and adopted bM. the following vote:
AYES: Co~cil m~S Bowles, Garland, .Grove, .~ard, Taubman,
Thomas and MaWr Ta~lor- - ..... 7~.
Tk~e being no furtk~r business, tke Mawr declared tke meeting
(Note: Cassette tapes of this meeting will be kept on file in
the City Clerk's Office for a period of one year from the date of
these minutes.)
Respectfully submitted