HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Actions 05-04-92MUSSER
May 4, 1992
2:00 p.m.
Call to OrderI
Roll Call.
Council Members Bowers
and I-latvey were absent.
Mrs. Bowles arrived at
2:45 p.m.
The Invocation was be delivered by The Reverend Everett L. Kier, Jr.,
Pastor, Grace Church.
The Pledge of ALlegiance to the Flag of the Unil~i 5 ~rt~. Of America
will be led by Mayor Noel C. Taylor.
A list of items pending from July 10, 1978 through April 27, 1992.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file.
C-2 Qualification of Elizabeth S. Doughty as a member of the Economic
Development Commission, for a term ending June 30, 1994.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file.
Qualification of Lenora V. Williams and Dale C. Allen as members of
the Roanoke Neighborhood Partnership Steering Committee, for terms ending
November 11, 1992 and November 10, 1993, respectively.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file.
Qualification of James G. Harvey, Il, and Joel M. Schlanger as
Commissioners of the Hotel Roanoke Conference Center Commission, for
terms ending April 12, 1994 and April 12, 1996, respectively.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file.
Presentation by the Roanoke Valley Preg~vation ~ with
regard to Preservation Week on May 10 - 16 and;l~l~a'valion work
in the community. Mr. John Fulton, President, Ro~n~ Valley
Preservation Foundation; Dr. John Kern, Directo~ of tl~ {ZI~$
of Historic Resources Roanoke Regional Prea~vafion Office, and Mr.
Kent Chrisman, President, Old Southwest, Inc., S~.
Received and filed.
A report with regard to the proposed fiscal year 1992-1993
Community Development Block Grant Program and Budget.
Mrs. Bowles arrived at 2:45 p.m.
A report with regard to implementation of Bloodbome
Pathogens - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Adopted Budget Ordinance No. 30977-=050492. (5-0)
A report with regard to Change Order No. 1 to the contract with
Construction Services of Roanoke, Inc., in the amount of
$3,274.00, for repair and replacement of the manonty wall in the
west stands at the south end of Victory St~dlnm,
AdoIned Budget Ordinance No. 30978-050492. (5--0)
A report with regard to purchase of one new sl~et sweeper from
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00~ and. one new
five ton fork lift from Werres Corporation, in the amount of
$25,667.00; and appropriation of fund~ theoffor.
Adopted Budget Ordinance No. 30979-050492 and Re~olution
No. 30980-050492. (5-0)
A report of a committee appointed by the Mayor to tabulate bids
received for asphalt concrete overlays and pavement profiling of
various streets within the City of Roanoke. Council Member William
White, Sr., Chairperson.
Adopted Budget Ordinance No. 30981-050492 and Ordinance No.
30982-050492. (5-0)
Ordinance No. 30971, on second reading, waiving the standard rental
fee for use of certain facilities for a Spring Raiifair and granting
concession rights in conjunction with such event.
Adopted Ordinance No. 30971-050492. (4-0 Council Member
Fit~t,atrick abstained from vo~ng.)
Ordinance No. 30972, on second reading, amending Ordinance No.
30944-041392, adopted April 13, 1992, to change {~rtnin dates on
which automobile racing' may occur at Victory Stadium.
Adopted Ordinance No. 30972-050492. (5-0)
Inquiries and/or comments by the Mayor and Members of City
Vacancies on various authorities, boards, commissions and committees
appointed by Council.
Ms. Paula J. Vandegriff, 2629 Wycliffe Avenue, S. W., representing James
Madison Middle School, requested that City forces be authorized to use City
equipment to watex certain proposed new landscaping at Madison Middle School.
The ma-~ was l~fetred to the City Manager for study with regard to the
above request, as well as similar requests that may surface on behalf of othe~ City
Pending Items from July 10, 1978 through April 27, 1992
Referral Date
Referred To
City Manager
Architectural Review
City Manager
1992-93 Budget Study
City Manager
Mayor's 1978 State of the City
Recommendation No. 11
(Development of a hotel on
Mill Mountain.)
Request to review Section
36.1-345(b) of the City Code
and after conducting a public
hearing on the matter, to submit
a report and recommendation to
Council with regard to
clarification of the language
contained therein.
Request to confer with the City's
Pay Plan consultant with regard
to salaries for certain positions
which appear to be out of line
with comparable positions in
the Pay Plan.
Request to investigate the
feasibility of retaining a
consultant to review areas of
joint cooperation where the City
and the school system could
combine activities in an effort to
save money.
Pending Items from July 10, 1978 through April 27, 1992
Referral Date
Referred To
City Manager
A communication from Council
Member David A. Bowers
requesting consideration of a
proposal to allow a real estate
property tax rebate for
developers or homeowners who
build single family residences
on inner-city vacant lots.
City Manager
Mayor's 1991 State of the City
Recommendation No. 3 to
establish a committee to report
back to Council before the end
of the year as to whether the
Roanoke area has adequate
facilities and support to compete
in an even greater way in the
area of attracting amateur
sporting events to the Roanoke
City Manager
Director of Finance
1992-93 Budget Study
Mayor's 1991 State of the City
Recommendation No. 4 that the
necessary steps be taken to reduce
the real estate tax rate from
$1.25 per $100.00 of assessed
value to $1.20 per $100.00 of
assessed value during the next
five years.
Pending Items from July 10, 1978 through April 27, 1992
Referral Date
Referred To
8/12/91 City Manager Mayor's 1991 State of the City
1992-93 Budget Study Recommendation No. 5 to
City Manager
City Attorney
provide employees of Roanoke
City Government and the
Roanoke City School System
with a salary increase during
fiscal year 1992-93.
Remarks of Mr. Ted H. Key,
Director of the Northwest
Revitalization Corporation, with
regard to consideration of a
measure prohibiting the owners
of motels or other living
facilities from renting rooms to
the general public when other
portions of the same facility are
being used by prisoners on
work release, parole or half-
way house.
1992-93 Budget Study
Matter regarding holiday
seasonal outlining of City-
owned buildings.
Pending Items from July 10, 1978 through April 27, 1992
Referral Date
Referred To
City Manager
City Attorney
Roanoke City School
City Attorney
City Manager
Request of Mr. William P.
Vinyard, Jr., for relocation of
the boundary line between the
City of Roanoke, the Town of
Vinton and the County of
Roanoke, in order to allow the
City portion of a parcel of land
owned by Mr. Vinyard to be
combined with adjoining lots in
the Town of Vinton.
Matter of possession of firearms
on school property.
Request to study the matter of
regulating the sale of "look-
alike" weapons.
Remarks of William W. Jones
with regard to noise and illegal
parking activities in connection
with a race car owned by a
resident adjacent to his
residence at 2904 Bradley
Street, N. E.
Pending Items from July 10, 1978 through April 27, 1992
Referral Date
Referred To
City Manager
City Attorney
City Manager
City Attorney
William White, Sr.
William F. Clark
George C. Snead, Jr.
City Manager
Request to schedule a public
heating on the continued
inclusion of the H-2,
Neighborhood Preservation
District, in the City's Zoning
Ordinance, and how application
as to maintenance and repairs
will be restricted, if such
District is to continued.
Matter of establishing a Special
Service District for the
Williamson Road area, and
negotiating a contract to be
entered into by the City and the
Williamson Road Area Business
Association setting forth the
terms and conditions of the
Special Service District.
Bids for improvements to Huff
Lane, Thrasher and Fishbum
Parks, and Garden City Recrea-
tion Center.
Matter of endorsing the song,
"Sing America" as the new state
song, and "Cradle of the
Nation" as the logo on Virginia
State license tags.
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #15-450
Mr. Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Chairperson
Economic Development Commission
P. O. Box 13327
Roanoke, Virginia 24040
Dear Mr. Fitzpatrick:
This is to advise you that Ms. Elizabeth S. Doughty has qualified as a member of the
Economic Development Commission for a term ending June 30, 1994.
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
pc: Mr. Brian J. Wishneff, Chief, Economic Development
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Oath or Affirmation of Office
Stat~ o] Virginia, Cit~l o] Roanoke, to.u~it:
I, ELIZABETH S. DOUGHTY , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that
will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Virginia, and that
will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as
a member of the Economic Development Commission, for a term
ending June 30, 1994
according to the best of my ability. So help me Go~~
, Deputy Clerk
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #15-488
Mr. Charles W. Hancock
1016 Estates Road, S. E.
Roanoke, Virginia 24014
Dear Mr. Hancock:
This is to advise you that Ms. Lenora V. Williams and Mr. Dale C. Allen have
qualified as members of the Roanoke Neighborhood Partnership Steering Committee
for terms ending November 11, 1992 and November 10, 1993, respectively.
Sincerely, p~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
pc: Ms. Stephanie A. Cicero, Coordinator, Roanoke Neighborhood Partnership
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Oath or Affir atio f Office
8tat~ o] Virginia, Cit~ o] Roanoke, to .~vlt:
I, Lenora V. Williams
., do solemnly swear (or affiz~n) that
I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Virginia, and that
I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as
a member of the Roanoke Neighborhood Partnership Steering Committee, for a term
ending November 11, 1992.
according to the best of my ability. So help me God.
Oath or Affirma§e
St, at~ oi ltirglnia, Oit~ oi Roanoke, to
I, Dale C. Allen , do solemnly swear (or a/tlrm) that
I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Virginia, and tl~t
I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as
a member of the Roanoke Neighborhood Partnership Steering Committee, for a term
ending November 10, 1993.
according to the best of my ability. So help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before ~ne, this
Oath or Affirmation
8~a~ o] Virginia, Oit?] o] Roano]~e,
I, James G. Harve¥~ II
, do solemnly swear (or a~rm) that
I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Virginia, and that
I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as
a Commissioner to the Hotel Roanoke Conference Center Commission, for a term of
two years ending April 12, 1994.
according to the best of my ability. So help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ~ Uday of ~ ./~
.~/~4~,/-J~?' ?~'~9~/~~uty Clerk
Oath or Affirma'/io.'--af _O,f Cice
8ta~ of Virginia, Git~ of Roanoke, to .wit:
I, Joel M. Schlan~ler , do solemnly sw~r (or ~tlrm) that
I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Virginia, and that
I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as
a Commissioner to the Hotel Roanoke Conference Center Commission, for a term of
four years ending ^pti1 1~, 1996.
according to the best of my ability. So help me God
Office of the Mayor
WHEREAS, historic preservation provides Americans with a deeper
understanding of their unique and diverse heritage; and
WHEREAS, historic landmurl~ contribute to the economic, social and cultural
well-being of cities and towns across the nation; and
Preservation Week 1992 provides an opportunity for citizens of all
ages to maintain, preserve and celebrate the nation's diverse
heritage; and
"Preservation Brings History To.Life" is the theme for Preservation
Week 1992, co-sponsored by the Roanoke Valley Preservation
Foundation, Roanoke Regional Preservation Office, other local
preservation organizations in the Roanoke Valley and the National
Truzt for Historic Preservation.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Noel C. Taylor, Mayor of the City of Roanoke, Virginia,
do hereby proclaim May 10 - 16, 1992, a~
in the City of Roanoke, and call upon the citizens of Roanoke to
recognize and participate in this special observance.
Given under our hands and the Seal of the City of Roanoke this
fourth day of May in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and
City Clerk
15 April 1992
Ms. Mery Parker ~2 ~P~ 20
Roanoke City Clerk
215 Church Avenue,SW
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
P :08
Dear Ms. Parker,
National Preservation Week will be celebrated across
the country May 10-16. The Roanoke Valley Preservation
Foundation, Roanoke Regional Preservation Office and
local historical societies are looking forward to the
festivities in our community.
This year's theme ia "Preservation brings history to
life~" and certainly Roanoke hms heritage to celebrate.
There are a wealth of resources in the Roanoke Valley
which require thought and care. We not only have a
variety of historic structures, we also have
prehistoric and historic archaeological sites and rich
historic landscapes. Preservation Week helps the
community to become more aware and appreciative of
these resources.
On behalf of the Roanoke Valley Preservation
Foundation, I am writing to request the opportunity to
appear on Roanoke City Council's agenda for the May 4,
1992 meeting at 2:00 p.m. Mr. John Fulton, President
o£ the Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation will be
accompanied by Dr. John Kern, Director of the
Department of Historic Resources Roanoke Regional
Preservation Office and Mr. Kent Chrisman, President
of Old Southwest, Inc. They would like to briefly
address Council with comments on Preservation Week and
preservation work in the community.
Thank you for your assistance. If you should need to
telephone me, my number is 342-9289.
Mr. John Fulton
Dr. John R. Kern
Mr. Kent Chrisman
Roanoke, Virginia
Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Members of Council:
Briefing on the Proposed Fiscal Year 1992-1993
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
and Budget
City of Roanoke receives an annual grant of funds from
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) based on a formula which considers age of housing,
poverty levels and other "distress" factors.
The amount of this Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) is closely related to how much the U.S. Congress
appropriates nationwide, rather than anything that
Roanoke does.
Since 1974, the City of Roanoke has received
approximately $32 million in CDBG funds which have been
used on numerous projects in housing, economic
development, community services, and public
II. Current Situation:
Roanoke's CDBG entitlement will be $1,899,000 for fiscal
year beginning July 1, 1992, a $132,000 increase over FY
1992. To that will be added $538,000 in program income
generated by the grant program from previous years.
The new HUD CDBG funds, added to $461f137 unspent from
previous years, will leverage an estimated $4,882,076 in
additional monies from federal, state, local and private
sources, for a total program scope of $7,780f213.
Citizen hearings and workshops have been held January
16, and April 14, 1992 in order to obtain citizens'
recommendations and to identify revitalization needs for
the coming year.
Public hearing results were that citizens are concerned
about housing, activities for youth to combat drug abuse
and neighborhood economic development, as the primary
problems facing their neighborhoods.
63 DroDosals requesting CDBG funding totaling
$6,382,235, were received by the city and reviewed.
funding available totals $2,554,556·
III. Program Objectives:
Thirteen (13) new projects are being recommended for funding,
27 on-going projects are recommended to have funds added to
them, and five (5) projects are on-going without need for
additional funds. Twenty-six (26) projects were submitted
which are not being recommended for funding at this time.
With 45 individual projects and activities funded in whole or
in part with CDBG funds, the FY 1993 program has been
designed to accomplish the following:
A. Provide Adequate Housing:
Rehabilitate or repair 166 houses and rental units.
Assist 25 families to purchase and rehabilitate
Support new construction of 10 affordable houses.
Prevent 550 families from becoming homeless through
eviction and utility cut-off.
B. Provide adequate jobs/employment
Provide for acquisition of property for future
industrial parks ultimately to create 195 jobs.
Assist in the rehabilitation of 7 downtown store
fronts, reducing blight and creating 10 jobs.
Provide loans to 4 small businesses, creating 25
Provide approximately 400 parking spaces downtown
in support of new and expanded businesses - 75 new
Provide customized job training for 60 persons,
resulting in 41 jobs.
TOTAL JOBS; 346 (FY 1993 jobs to be created - 91)
C. Reduce instances of crime and drug abuse.
1. Youth Activities:
Provide for the acquisition of expanded
facilities to provide 150 youth with after-
school activities.
Provide operational support for 50 additional
youth for after-school activities.
Provide night-time supervised recreation for
2000 youth during the summer.
2. Provide staff for a coordinated, inter-agency
approach to fighting back against drugs in Roanoke.
Empower citizens
and neighborhood organizations
22 neighborhood organizations will be provided with
technical assistance and staff support.
10 Mini-grants will be awarded to neighborhoods.
2 Neighborhood Development Grants will be awarded
to neighborhoods.
50 families will be assisted in becoming self-
115 pregnant teens will be assisted in having
healthy babies and learning parenting skills.
Maintain and improve city infrastructure
One city recreation center and one neighborhood
center will be made handicapped accessible.
Public improvements will be provided to the
Gainsboro neighborhood to enhance the neighborhood.
Compliance with federal laws and regulations
One city recreation center and one neighborhood
center will be brought into compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Promote community pride
11 vacant structures will be demolished.
A national register historic building will be
Facades of 7 downtown buildings will be
16 houses will be painted.
200 unsafe buildings will be condemned.
Design assistance will be provided for 6 historic
3 neighborhood plans will be printed and
6 houses will be moved or rebuilt in Gainsboro.
Of the $1,650,561 in CDBG funds, from all sources, available
for projects in the FY 1993 budget, $1,283,811 or 78% are
expected to benefit low and moderate income persons.
IV. Conclusion:
The proposed CDBG budget and program is responsive to the
stated concerns of the citizens of Roanoke, as well as
meeting the regulatory requirements of HUD. It provides for
housing improvement, business development, the creation of
new job opportunities, human development, the strengthening
of our neighborhood organizations and adequate administrative
oversight for the entire program. It will allow us to build
upon the successes of the past and to meet some urgent
critical needs.
This CDBG program is submitted for Council's review. On
May 11, 1992 City Council has scheduled an evening public
hearing to receive citizens' comments. At that time, Council
will be requested to authorize the City Manager to submit the
1992-1993 Statement of Objectives to the Richmond Office of
the Department of Housing and Urban Development for their
Respectfully submitted,
W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of Finance
Director of Public Works
Director of Human Resources
Chief of Economic Development
Chief of Community Planning
Building Commissioner
City Engineer
Grants Monitoring Administrator
Office of ~:he City Manage,-
April 30, 1992
To The Honorable Noel C. Taylor, Mayor
and Members of Roanoke City Council
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
Dear Mayor Taylor and Members of Council:
Proposed Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Program and Budget for FY 92-93
This is a follow-up letter to one I sent you on April 14, transmitting the Draft
Statement of Community Development Objectives. As you may have noted in that
document, 63 proposals were submitted this year for consideration of CDBG funding.
Thirty-seven proposals received a recommendation for additional funds, 8 projects will
continue with funds from previous years, and 26 requests could not be funded. These
26 are summarized in Attachment B of the Draft Statement of Objectives. This is the
highest number of requests yet received for CDBG funding in a given budget year. In
light of that, it is understandable that this is also the highest number of un-funded
requests, so the highest number of potentially disappointed applicants.
Council will have an opportunity on May 11, 1992 to hear citizens' comments
on this proposed budget at the scheduled public hearing. Some individuals or groups
may contact council members in the meantime; therefore, I wanted to take this
opportunity to expand on some of the criteria and general philosophy that go into my
decision of which projects to recommend to you for funding.
The primary national objective of this program from HUD's standpoint is to
benefit Iow and moderate income persons -- in fact at least 70% of the overall budo~'
must be used for this OUrDO~,. Therefore, we give high marks to projects that benefit
the greatest number of Iow income persons. We also give points for how well a
project improves slum or blighting conditions; addresses one or more of citizens' top
priorities; or addresses one or more of the City's community development goals.
These factors are iml~ortant to a project being recommended, but other factors enter
into the decision-making process as well.
The City's strength in this CDBG program often lies in being the catalyst, in
being able to attract matching funds from other sources. With such a limited pool of
money, we try, wherever possible, to provide the "g~. ~,, needed to make a
Room 364 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S W Roanoke V,rg,n~a 24011 (703) 981-2333
The Honorable Noel C. Taylor, Mayor
and Members of Roanoke City Council
April 30, 1992
Page Two
project work; also to recycle the funds through loan repayments with or without
interest. Given the clientele we are trying to serve, this is not always possible with
all projects, but let me give you a recent outstanding example of where this did work.
The grocery store at 19th and Melrose stood empty for a number of years while
the people in that neighborhood had to travel outside the immediate area to buy
groceries. TAP and the City worked together to get the store re-opened. As in many
cases, the City was willing to take the first step to commit CDBG funds to the project
(in the hope this would attract other investors). As is usually our policy, the City
insisted that TAP had to obtain firm commitments for the balance of funds to renovate
the grocery store, before they could spend any of the $85,000 in CDBG funds.
Ultimately, with the help of five local banks and the Southwest Virginia Community
Development Fund, the balance of the $635,000 project was raised. The City
provided the cash grant to make the project work, but there were many other
committed players who also put their money on the line. The result: there is now a
thriving Nick's Market on that site serving a supportive neighborhood.
City staff held an administrative public hearing on the CDBG budget on
Tuesday, April 14. A review of proposals not recommended for funding include the
following (please see Attachment B):
Downtown Housing Development
Tenth Street Acquisition
Public Facilities & Imorovement.~
Caru Child Development Center
Parks - Restroom Improvements
Buena Vista Recreation Center
Highland Park Improvements
Storm Drains - Queen & Courtland
Storm Drains - Campbell Avenue
$ 8,500
$ 10,000
$ 67,276
The Honorable Noel C. Taylor, Mayor
and Members of Roanoke City Council
April 30, 1992
Page Three
Quite, Camera, Action
Roanoke School of Active Development
TAP Youth Work Project
YWCA - Together
Neighborhood Education
TAP Comprehensive Housing Assistance Counseling
We Instruct Living Diversity (VV.I.L.D.)
Housino Rehabilitation
Neighborhood Improvement - Alternative Education
Hi ri Pr rv in
Boxley House Office Building
Cultural Arts Center
Commercial/Industrial Improvements bv Grantee/Nonprofit
Northwest Business Development Project
Shaffer's Crossing Phase II
Direct Economic Development Assistance
to Private For-Profit Entit~
Small Business Development
Soecial Activities by Subrecloiem,
Habitat Home Construction
Habitat Site Preparation
GNDC - New Housing Construction
NNEO - New Houses
Architectural Design Guidelines
$ 6,600
$ 28,800
$ 11,740
$ 58,260
· $ 14,675
$ 68,650
$ 55,100
$ 35,000
$ 50,000
$ 40,000
$ 60,000
$ 21,500
The Honorable Noel C. Taylor, Mayor
and Members of Roanoke City Council
April 30, 1992
Page Four
One example of a group of people still very disappointed that they did not
receive a recommendation for funding is The Arts Place at Old First. This group is
trying to preserve and renovate the old First Baptist Church near the corner of North
Jefferson and Gilmer Avenue in Gainsboro. These citizens originally applied for CDBG
funds from the FY 91 budget. At that time there was a promise on their part to raise
a considerable sum of private money to match any CDBG funds, but other demands
on the CDBG budget outweighed the needs of that project; therefore, they did not
receive any CDBG funds. In FY 92 they applied again for CDBG funds and received
$48,500, but without any promise or requirement for a match. At that time the City
recognized that something had to be done to stabilize this historic building so that it
would not deteriorate further while money was raised for renovation. We did not
require that the balance of funds for renovation be committed before release of CDBG
funds, since this was m'ore or less an emergency situation. To date, $41,500 remains
unspent and in this account. The Arts Place at Old First applied for additional CDBG
funds this year in the amount of $68,650. I am not recommending you fund this
request. I do believe the City has a role in preserving this landmark. I do not believe
we can afford to be the sole source of funds given the other pressing needs for these
resources. With the $48,500 to stabilize the building, we can protect the building
from further deterioration and have bought some time. The Arts Place organization,
along with the Preservation Foundation and their many other supporters, should
develop a strategy to raise other funds to renovate this building. Then, if they still
have a gap in what is needed, we can again consider what the City's future role
should be.
Projects in the CDBG budget impact our neighborhoods at a very grassroots
level. As such, there is significant commitment and emotion involved with each one
of them. It is a difficult position to have to choose which of deserving projects should
be funded and which should not. I continue to maintain that the City should and does
act as facilitator or enabler, to bring together the various interests to make these
projects work. As such, our role is not just one of financing -- especially 100% gift
financing. Our staff stands ready to help citizens and staff of local agencies to locate
potential alternative funding sources and to provide technical assistance, if needed,
to plan a successful project. We will continue to offer this support, even when we
cannot offer financial assistance.
The Honorable Noel C. Taylor, Mayor
and Members of Roanoke City Council
At~ril 30, 1992
Page Five
I hope this helps to clarify my position on recommendations for the CDBG
budget. City Council will have a full briefing on the proposed budget at the Council
meeting on May 4, and a public hearing on May 11. However, as always, if you have
any questions, please call me, or contact Ms. Marie Pontius, Grants Monitoring
Administrator, at 981-2141.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Mr. J. Granger Macfarlane, President, The Arts Place at Old First
Ms. Polly Ayers, The Arts Place at Old First
~l~rs. Mary Parker, City Clerk
Mr. Wilburn C. Dibling, Jr., City Attorney
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger, Director of Finance
Ms. Marie T. Pontius, Grants Monitoring Administrator
All interested g~oul3~ end ndw;duais ~e~nvit~cl to I~lc~pat~t,~ IJublic hemtng on the 1992-1993 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for
the City of Roanoke on Monday. May 1_1, 1~)2 at 7:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, fourth floor of the Municipal Building. The CDBG public hearing is being
hMd in o~dm' to obtain citizens' views and commenta on the Draft Statement of Objectives and Proposed Use of Funds delineated below.
Funds available through Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, are estimated to be as follows:
CDBG Entitlement Grant $1,899,000
Program Income $538,000
Funds from other CDBG projects $117,556
Carry-Over grant funds $343,581
Leveraged non-CDBG funds (est) $4.882.076
TOTAL $7,780,213
CDBG funds are made available for the planning and execution of eligible projects and activites where the majority of the funds benefit h3w and moderate income
pers~. Projects may alan aid in the prevention or elimination of Mums end blight, or respond to community development needs having a particular urgency.
~ · s~,730 - (s~o,oo co~e fu.d=) A ma~w ~ p.3g~ ~y ~
~ Pl~n~l~tp to pzov~ amPI g~antl to qua~ nl~g~ oeganizations for
Copies of the 1992-1993 Dra~ Statement of Oojec~van are available for public review in the City Cisrk~ Office, 4th Floor Municipal Building, the Office of Grants
Compliance Room 362, Municipal Building, MI city libmriss, and the main offices of rite Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authartty, Salem Turnpike. Persons who
would lika to spank ai the hearing are redueated ta call the City Clerk's offico ai 981-2541 or TOD 981-1580.
GIvan under my hand this 24th day of April, 1992.
Mal~/F. Parke~, City Clod<
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger
Director of Finance
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Schlanger:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30977-050492 amending and reordaining certain
sections of the 1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, providing for the transfer of
$80,059.00 from Contingency - General Fund, to Medical - Personnel Management,
in connection with implementation of Bloodborne Pathogens - Occupational Safety and
Health Administration Standard. Ordinance No. 30977-050492 was adopted by the
Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday, May 4, 1992.
Sincerely, PO-~],~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager
Mr. James D. Ritchie, Director, Human Development
Mr. Kenneth S. Cronin, Manager, Personnel Management
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Government of the
Roanoke that certain
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30977-050492.
ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections
General Fund Appropriations, and providing
of the
for an
the usual daily operation of the Municipal
City of Roanoke, an emergency is declared to
Appropriations, be, and the same are
reordained to read as follows, in part:
ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
sections of the 1991-92 General Fund
hereby, amended and
General Government
Personnel Management (1) ...........................
Contingency - General Fund (2) .....................
$ 8,865,615
1) Medical
2) Contingency
(001-050-1261-2062) $ 80,059
(001-002-9410-2199) (80,059)
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this
Ordinance shall be in effect from its passage.
City Clerk.
Honorable Mayor and city Council
Roanoke, Virginia
May 4, 1992
Dear Members of Council:
Bloodborne pathoaens are microorganisms in human blood
that can cause disease in humans. They include the
hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.
The Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Codes Board
which is part of the Virginia Department of Labor and
Industry, has adopted a federal regulation which is
intended to reduce on-the-job risks for employees who
have occupational exposure to blood and other
potentially infectious materials.
This standard mandates specific work practices; the use
of personal protective equipment such as face shields,
goggles, gloves and pocket masks; training to reduce
on-the-job risks for all employees who have a
reasonable potential for exposure to blood or other
infectious body fluids; and medical follow-up for
employees who experience an exposure incident.
Additionally, employers must offer, at no cost to at-
risk employees, hepatitis B vaccinations.
In order to be in compliance with the Standard, the
city needs to:
Implement an infection control plan by August 1,
1992. Work is well under way to complete
departmental control plans.
Implement an information and training program to
applicable departments by September 1, 1992. This
training will emphasize reducing on-the-job risks
for employees who have exposure to body fluids.
Honorable Mayor and city Council
Page 2
Be~in to vaccinate and provide protective
~ to employees to ensure compliance with
the Standard by October 1, 1992.
Mandated requirement - enforcement will be monitored by
the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) and
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry.
Timin~ - this Standard becomes effective in Virginia on
June 1, 1992, however a phase-in approach allows
employers to develop and implement plans for
C. Cost to the City for compliance.
~ove implementation of the mandate.
1. Mandated requirement will be satisfied and prevent
citations and/or fines for noncompliance.
2. Timin~ requirements would be met.
Cost is $80,059.36 to initiate compliance. (See
Attachment 1) Costs for continued compliance will
be budgeted in affected departments' individual
budgets for FY 93.
Hepatitis B vaccine for an estimated 615
employees totals $57,397.95.
Personal protective equipment for ten city
departments who must comply with the standard
totals $21,836.41.
c. Medical waste disposal totals $825.00.
Honorable Mayor and city Council
Page 3
Council not approve implementation of the mandate.
Mandated requirement would not be met and the
city's potential liability would increase for
worker exposure, citations, fines and lawsuits by
employees and the public for failure to protect
the employees and/or the public from exposure to
infectious diseases.
2. Timin~ is not an issue.
Cost is unknown but could contain fine and
settlement expenses.
Council concur with Alternative A and approve the funds
required to implement the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
for the amount of $80,059.36. Funds are available in
Contingency Reserve Account number 001-002-9410-2199.
Transfer from Contingency Reserve Account to Personnel
Management Medical Account number 001-050-1261-2062.
W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Hepatitis B Vaccine Cost = $93.33 per person for
Series of Injections. The following departments are
mandated to receive the vaccine:
City Nursing Home = 35
Crisis Intervention = 31
Sheriff's Department = 118
Youth Haven I = 26
Emergency Services = 26
Fire = 95
Police = 254
Juvenile Detention = 30
615 x $93.33
= $ 57,397.95
2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
A. Latex Gloves
1. city Nursing Home
-8 cases x 180.00 = $ 1,440.00
Crisis Intervention - 2 boxes x 7.50 = 15.00
Youth Haven I - 2 boxes x 7.50 = 15.00
Fire & EMS -150 boxes x 7.50 = 1,125.00
Police - 24 boxes x 7.50 = 180.00
Refuse - 2 boxes x 7.50 = 15.00
Juvenile Detention - 2 boxes x 7.50 = 15.00
Grounds Maintenance - 2 boxes x 7.50 = 15.00
Total = $ 2,820.00
Washer and Dryer - Heavy Duty for (2) two EMS Stations,
Uniforms considered PPE.
EMS - (2) sites -
2 Heavy Duty Washers @
2 Heavy Duty Dryers @
489.00 each =
429.00 each =
C. Surgical Masks
1. Police - Patrol, Traffic, Dvt. and Vice
350 surgical masks
50 per box x 7 = 350 @ 13.75/box x7 =
$ 96.25
CPR - Pocket Face Mask - Laderal Mask
ea. $11.25
Sheriff - 20 vehicles x 11.25 = $225.00
Stock one-valve- 50 per box @ 29.50 per box
5 boxes @ 29.50 = $147.50
E. Res-cue Key - CPR Mask @ 6.55 each
1. Police - 254 x 6.55 = $1,663.70
2. Jail - 140 x 6.55 = 917.00
3. Youth Haven - 18 x 6.55 = 117.90
4. Crisis Interv 31 x 6.55 = 203.05
5. Juvenile Det. 30 x 6.55 = 196.50
F. Aprons
1. Youth Haven, Crisis Intervention, Juvenile
12 aprons x 8.50 each = $
G. Sharps Container for Contaminated Needles, Dressings,
1. Youth Haven I - 1 @ 29.60 each = 29.60
2. Juvenile Det. - 1 @ 29.60 each = 29.60
3. Crisis Interv. 1 @ 29.60 each = 29.60
4. Fire - 3 x 8 wks. =24 x 29.60 =710.40
5. OHN - 1 x 29.60 = 29.60
$ 828.80
H. Red Bags - For Contaminated Articles
1 case of 200 @ $49.30 a case
1. EMS - 1 case x 49.30 = 49.30
2. Fire -3 cases for 14 stations x 49.30= 147.90
3. Sheriff - 1 case x 49.30 = 49.30
4. Youth Haven I, Crisis Intervention,
and Juvenile Detention 2 cases x 49.30= 98.60
5. Occupational Health - 1 case x 49.30 = 49.30
6. city Nursing Home - 1 case x 49.30 = 49.30
7. Grounds Maintenance 1 case x 49.30 = 49.30
Isolyer and Vital I Emergency Response Kit
Used to clean up blood and body fluids
Isolyer - treats up to 3 1/2 gallons - 9.55
Emergency Response Kit each - 8.60 each
1. EMS - 9 vehicles x 18.15 =$ 163.35
2. Police - 140 x 18.15 = 2,541.00
3. Custodial 2 x 18.15 = 36.30
4. Occupational Health-1 x 18.15= 18.15
J. Disinfectant for cleaning instruments and vehicles
Wavicide - 1 gallon @ 18.90
1. EMS - 9 vehicles @ 18.90 = 170.10
2. Fire - 14 engines @ 18.98 = 264.60
$ 434.70
K. Biohazard Labels - to label equipment and contaminates
i-Roll of 500 = $ 117.40
L. Sani-Cloth to degerm counter tops and equipment
1. Commissioner of Revenue, Treasurer, Food Stamp
3 boxes @ 24.21 = 72.63
2. EMS - 9 vehicles x 24.21 = 217.89
3. Police - 100 boxes x 24.21= 2,421.00
4. Fire - 24 boxes x 24.21
(1 box for 3 stations x 8 wke)=
M. Alcare Degerm Foam Spray @ 5.00 each can.
1. Nsg. Home - 12 cans
2. Refuse - 92 cans
3. Fire & EMS-200 cans
4. Police - 140 cans
5. Sheriff - 48 cans
6. OHN - 12 cans
7. Comm.of Rev. 12 cans
8. Treasurer - 12 cans
9. Food Stamps- 12 cans
540 cans x 5.00 =
Uniforms for City Nursing Home Staff
45 employees
Rental x 4.15 a week x 45 = 186.75
186.75 x 8 weeks (to July 1, 1992) =
(alternative to rental, purchase (2)
lab. coats per employee, approx.
$30.00 each x 45 = $2,700.00)
O. Comb Face Shields for invasive procedures.
Full face shield for drawing blood, changing dressings
and doing other invasive procedures.
1. City Nsg. Home - 1 box of 10 @ 76.75 = 76.75
2. EMS & Fire - 6 box of 10 @ 76.75 = 460.50
3. OHN & Sheriff - 1 box of 10 @ 76.75 = 76.75
4. Grounds Maintenance -1 box of 10 @ 76.75 = 76.75
Total $690.75
P. Pouches for Latex Gloves @
1. Fire - 250 x 2.50 =$625.00
2. Grounds Maintenance 25 x 2.50 = 62.50
3. Custodial 10 x 2.50 = 25.00
Total $712.50
Regulated Waste Pickup - @ $25.00 per box
per site, estimated cost
Calculated from 3/20/92 - 7/3/92
City Home -Weekly x 9 weeks x $25.00 = $225.00
Other Sites- 8 x once a mo. x 3 mos.x $25.00 = $600.00
Total = $825.00
Hepatitis B Vaccine = $ 57,397.95
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) = 21,836.41
Regulated Waste
Disposal = 825.00
$ 80,059136
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #60-122
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger
Director of Finance
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Schlanger:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30978-050492 amending and reordaining certain
sections of the 1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, providing for the transfer of
$1,974.00 from Maintenance of Fixed Assets, Contingency - General Fund, to
Maintenance - Third Party, Building Maintenance, in connection with Change Order
No. 1 to the contract with Construction Services of Roanoke, Inc., for repair and
replacement of the masonry wall in the west stands at the south end of Victory
Stadium. Ordinance No. 30978-050492 was adopted by the Council of the City of
Roanoke at a regular' meeting held on Monday, May 4, 1992.
Sincerely, ~D..~a~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. Lawrence D. Johnson, Jr., President, Construction Services of Roanoke,
Inc., 3812 Bunker Hill Drive, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager
Mr. Kit B. Kiser, Director, Public Facilities
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Mr. Charles M. Huffine, City Engineer
Mr. L. Bane Coburn, Civil Engineer
Ms. Sarah E. Fitton, Construction Cost Technician
Mr. Nelson M. Jackson, Manager, Buildings and Grounds
Ms. Dolores C. Daniels, Assistant to the City Manager for Community
Mr. Barry L. Key, Manager, Office of Management and Budget
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30978-050492.
ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections
of the
1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, and providing for an
WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Municipal
Government of the
Roanoke that certain
Appropriations, be, and the
reordained to read as follows,
City of Roanoke, an emergency is
declared to
ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
sectione of the 1991-92 General Fund
same are hereby, amended and
in part=
Public Works
Building Maintenance (1) ..........................
Contingency - General Fund (2) ....................
1) Maintenance -
Third Party
2) Maintenance
of Fixed Assets
(001-052-4330-3056) $ 1,974
(001-002-9410-2201) (1,974)
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this
Ordinance shall be in effect from its passage.
City Clerk.
Roanoke, Virginia
°92~' ~,~n-' ~ . ~.~May~ 4, 1992
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Members of Council:
Change Order No. 1
Repair - Replace Masonry Wall
West Stands - South End
Victory Stadium
16 Reserve Avenue, S.W.
Roanoke, Virginia
Backqround of the project is as follows:
Contractor is Construction Services of Roanoke,
Incorporated, Roanoke, Virginia.
Construction contract amount, awarded by City
Council on March 23, 1992, is $21~200.00 and 90
consecutive calendar days.
C. Continqency amount is $1,300.00.
Current situation is as follows:
Contractor started demolition of the masonry wall
on April 13, 1992. Contract called for the
demolition of the masonry wall to the extent shown
on the contract drawings. The contractor was also
required to carefully remove and protect what was
believed to be a limestone belt at the level of
the parapet wall at the top of the stadium seating
and another belt course about halfway down the
remainder of the wall.
When demolition had progressed down to the first
belt course, it was determined that it was poured
in place concrete. Because of the large bulge in
the wall, from the wall failure, the belt course
was so broken it could not be reused. A precast
concrete belt course is recommended to replace the
broken parapet wall belt course.
Page 2
Demolition progressed downward until the press box
floor level was reached. At this point it became
very apparent why the masonry wall had failed.
The roof of the press box is a concrete slab
supported by two angles as beams about every 12'
on centers. These beams are supported by columns
made of two angles that were resting on the press
box floor. There was no bearing plate under these
angle columns nor was there any anchorage to the
slab. As the roof slab deflected with age it
simply moved the bottom of the columns outward and
pushed the wall out in the process. These columns
have to be pulled back to their original bearing
position, plumbed on both axes, provided with a
bearing surface and properly anchored to the
The lower belt course was also found to be poured
concrete but it had not been deformed by the wall
movement to the extent that it could not be
Issues in order of importance are:
A. Engineering concerns
B. Funding
C. Time of completion
Alternatives are as follows:
Approve the transfer of $1,974.00 from Maintenance
of Fixed Assets Account, number 001-002-9410-2201
to the building Maintenance Outside Contractors
Account, number 001-052-4330-3056 to be combined
with the project contingency amount.
1. Engineering concerns would be met.
Funding would be sufficient to cover the
change order amount of $3,274.00.
3. Time of completion would not change.
Page 3
Reject the transfer of $1~974.00 to cover needed
change order.
Engineerinq concerns would not be met. The
demolition portion of the project has been
completed and the corrective work to the
replacement would not be accomplished. This
needs to be done as the wall and belt courses
are replaced.
Fundinq would not be encumbered at this time
but would have to be later at additional
3. Time would not change.
Recommendation is that City Council take the following
A. Concur with the implementation of Alternative A.
Authorize the transfer of $1,974.00 from
Maintenance of Fixed Assets Account, number
001-002-9410-2201 to the Building Maintenance
Outside Contractors Account, number
001-052-4330-3056 to be combined with the project
contingency amount for the Change Order sum of
City Manager has authority to issue the required
change order pursuant to S42 of the City Charter
once funds have been appropriated.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of Finance
Director of Public Works
City Engineer
Construction Cost Technician
Manager, Building Maintenance
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Mr. W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Herbert:
I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted by
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger, Director of Finance
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Mr. James A. McClung, Manager, Fleet and Solid Waste Management
Mr. Nelson M. Jackson, Manager, Buildings and Grounds
Mr. George C. Snead, Jr., Director, Public Safety
Mr. Gary N. Fenton, Manager, Parks and Recreation
Mr. Kit B. Kiser, Director, Public Facilities
Mr. D. Darwin Roupe, Manager, General Services
Mr. Barry L. Key, Manager, Office of Management and Budget
Ms. Dolores C. Daniels, Assistant to the City Manager for Community
R~orn 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Mr. Thomas Creech
Municipal Sales
J. W. Burress, Inc.
P. O. Box 12496
Norfolk, Virginia 23502
Dear Mr. Creech:
I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted by
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
Sincerely, ~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Richmond Machinery and
Equipment Co.
P. O. Box 6588
Richmond, Virginia 23230
I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted by
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedescribed equipment.
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.w. Roanoke, Virginia 240'11 (703) 98'1-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Mr. James C. Martin
Vice President
Werres Corporation
4225 Colonial Avenue, S. W.
Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Dear Mr. Martin:
I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted by
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 486 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Mr. James Stargell
Sales Representative
Sydnor Industrial Service, Inc.
7530 Milk-A-Way Drive
Roanoke, Virginia 24019
Dear Mr. Stargell:
I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted by
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Coungil of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedeseribed equipment.
Mary F. Parker,
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Mr. T. Richard Beard, Jr.
Sales Representative
Virginia Bearings and Supply
811 Pocahontas Avenue, N. E.
Roanoke, Virginia 24012
Dear Mr. Beard:
I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted by
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedescribed equipment.
Sincerely, ~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #183-472-67
Mr. Wayne Weaver
Sales Engineer
Homestead Materials Handling
3218 Salem Turnpike, N. W.
Roanoke, Virginia 24017
Dear Mr. Weaver:
I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 30980-050492 accepting bids submitted bY
J. W. Burress, Inc., in the amount of $68,900.00, for one new street sweeper, and
Werres Corporation, in the amount of $25,667.00, for one new five ton fork lift, to
be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Resolution No. 30980-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday,
May 4, 1992.
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedescribed equipment.
Sincerely, ~~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30980-050492.
A RESOLUTION accepting bids for certain vehicular equipment
and rejecting certain other bids for such equipment.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that:
1. The bids in writing of the following named bidders to
furnish to the City the items hereinafter set out and generally
described, such items being more particularly described in the
City's specifications and any alternates and in each bidder's
proposal, and the City Manager's report dated May 4, 1992, are
hereby ACCEPTED, at the purchase prices set out with each item:
Bid Successful Purchase
Number Quantity & Description Bidder Price
92-3-131 1 - New Street Sweeper J.W. Burress, $ 68,900.00
92-3-132 1 - New Five Ton Fork Werres $ 25,667.00
Lift Corporation
2. The City's Manager of General Services is hereby
authorized to issue the requisite purchase orders for the above-
mentioned items, said purchase orders to be made and filled in
accordance with the City's specifications, the respective bids made
therefor and this measure, as more particularly set out in a report
to this Council dated May 4, 1992.
3. Any and all other bids made to the City for the aforesaid
items are hereby REJECTED; and the City Clerk is directed to so
notify each such bidder and to express to each the City's
appreciation for each bid.
City Clerk.
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #60-183-472-67
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger
Director of Finance
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Schlanger:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30979-050492 amending and reordaining certain
sections of the 1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, providing for the transfer of
$94,567.00 from Capital Maintenance and Equipment Replacement Program - City
Unappropriated, to Vehicular Equipment, Public Works - Parks and Grounds
Maintenance, in connection with purchase of one new street sweeper and one new
five ton fork lift to be used in the Parks and Grounds Department. Ordinance No.
30979-050492 was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting
held on Monday, May 4, 1992. '
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Mr. James A. McClung, Manager, Fleet and Solid Waste Management
Mr. Nelson M. Jackson, Manager, Buildings and Grounds
Mr. George C. Snead, Jr., Director, Public Safety
Mr. Gary N. Fenton, Manager, Parks and Recreation
Mr. Kit B. Kiser, Director, Public Facilities
Mr. D. Darwin Roupe, Manager, General Services
Mr. Barry L. Key, Manager, Office of Management and Budget
Ms. Dolores C. Daniels, Assistant to the City Manager for Community
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30979-050492.
AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the
1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, and providing for an
WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Municipal
Government of the City of Roanoke, an emergency is declared to
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
Roanoke that certain sections of the 1991-92 General Fund
Appropriations, be, and the same are hereby, amended and
reordained to read as follows, in part:
A ro riations
Public Works
Parks and Ground Maintenance (1) ...................
Fund Balanc_~e
Capital Maintenance and Equipment Replacement
Program - City Unappropriated (2) ..................
1) Vehicular
Equipment (001-050-4340-9010)
2) CMERP - City
Unappropriated (001-3323)
$ 38,413
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing, this
Ordinance shall be in effect from its passage.
City Clerk.
Roanoke, Virginia
May 4, 1992
Monorable Mayor and City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Members of Council:
Bids on Street
Sweeper, Bid No.
92-3-131 and Five
Ton Fork Lift, Bid
No. 92-3-132
I. Background
Capital Maintenance and Equipment Replacement
evaluations have identified the need to
replace one [1) Street Sweeper and one (1)
Five Ton Fork Lift for Parks and Grounds
Specifications were developed and, along with
request for quotations, were sent to fourteen
(14) vendors for the Street Sweeper and
twelve (12) vendors for the Fork Lift. Both
bids were publicly advertised in the Roanoke
Times and World News.
Bids were received, after due and proper
advertisement, until 2:00 p.m. on April 13,
1992, at which time all bids so received were
publicly opened and read in the Office of the
Manager of General Services. Bid tabulation
is attached.
II. Current Situation
All bids received were evaluated in a
consistent manner by the following evaluation
George C. Snead, Director,
Public Safety
James A. McClung, Manager,
D. Darwin Roupe, Manager,
Administration and
Fleet Management
General Services
B. Bid evaluations are as follows:
Bid No. 92-3-131 for one (1) New Street
Sweeper. The lowest bid submitted by
J.W. Burress, Inc. meets all required
Street Sweeper and Fork Lift
Bid No. 92-3-131 and 92-3-132
Page 2
Bid No. 92-3-132 for one (1) New Five
Ton Fork Lift. The lowest bid
submitted by Werres Corporation meets
all required specifications.
III. Issues
C. Funding
IV. Alternatives
Compliance with Specifications
Council accept the lowest bids meeting
specifications to purchase equipment as
One (1) New Street Sweeper, as submitted
by J.W. Burress, Inc. for the total cost
of $68,900.00.
One (1) New Five Ton Fork Lift as
submitted by Werres Corporation for the
total cost of $25,667.00.
Need - Requested equipment is
needed for the proper and most
efficient performance of required
duties of the Parks and Grounds
Compliance with Specifications -
The lowest bids identified in this
alternative meets all required
Funding - Funds to provide for
these purchases are available in
the Capital Maintenance and
Equipment Replacement Program.
Reject all Bids.
Need - Required duties of Parks and
Grounds Maintenance Department would not
be accomplished in the most effective
and efficient manner.
Street Sweeper and Fork Lift
Bid No. 92-3-131 and 92-3-132
Page 3
Compliance with Specifications - would
not be a factor in this alternative.
Fundinq - Designated Funds would not be
expended with this alternative.
V. Recommendation
Council concur with Alternative "A" - award
the lowest responsible bids for equipment as
One (1) New Street Sweeper from J. W.
Burress, Inc. for a cost of $68,900.00.
One (1) New Five Ton Fork Lift from
Werres Corporation for the cost of
B. Reject all other Bids.
Appropriate $94,567.00 from Capital
Maintenance and Equipment Replacement account
to Parks and Grounds Maintenance account
Respectfully Submitted,
City Manager
cc: City Attorney
Director of Finance
~) 0
· 0
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #514
Mr. W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Herbert:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30982-050492 accepting the bid of Virginia
Asphalt Paving Co., Inc., in the amount of $951,807.05, for paving and profiling of
various streets within the City of Roanoke. Ordinance No. 30982-050492 was adopted
by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday, May 4,
Sincerely, Po.~-~...__
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger, Director of Finance
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Mr. Charles M. Huffine, City Engineer
Ms. Sarah E. Fitton, Construction Cost Technician
Mr. William L. Stuart, Manager, Streets and Traffic
Mr. Robert K. Bengtson, Traffic Engineer
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #514
Mr. M. Wayne Hylton, Jr.
Vice President
S. R. Draper Company
4742 Old Rocky Mount Road
Roanoke, Virginia 24014
Dear Mr. Hylton:
I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 30982-050492 accepting the bid of Virginia
Asphalt Paving Co., Inc., in the amount of $951,807.05, for paving and profiling of
various streets within the City of Roanoke. Ordinance No. 30982-050492 was adopted
by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday, May 4,
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedescribed project.
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #514
Mr. Stanley H. Puckett
Vice President
L. H. Sawyer Paving Co., Inc.
496 GIenmore Drive
Salem, Virginia 24153
Dear Mr. Puckett:
I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 30982-050492 accepting the bid of Virginia
Asphalt Paving Co., Inc., in the amount of $951,807.05, for paving and profiling of
various streets within the City of Roanoke. Ordinance No. 30982-050492 was adopted
by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday, May 4,
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedescribed project.
Sincerely, ~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #514
Mr. Thomas R. Cunningham
Vice President
Virginia Asphalt Paving Co., Inc.
P. O. Box 8395
Roanoke, Virginia 24014
Dear Mr. Cunningham:
I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 30982-050492 accepting the bid of Virginia
Asphalt Paving Co. ,. Inc., in the amount of $951,807.05, for paving and profiling of
various streets within the City of Roanoke. Ordinance No. 30982-050492 was adopted
by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday, May 4,
Sincerely, ~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clark
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #514
Mr. Paul D. Rotenberry
Vice President
Adams Construction Co.
P. O. Box 12627
Roanoke, Virginia 24027
Dear Mr. Rotenberry:
I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 30982-050492 accepting the bid of Virginia
Asphalt Paving Co., Inc., in the amount of $951,807.05, for paving and profiling of
various streets within the City of Roanoke. Ordinance No. 30982-050492 was adopted
by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting held on Monday, May 4,
On behalf of the Mayor and Members of City Council, I would like to express
appreciation for submitting your bid on the abovedescribed project.
Sincerely, ~k.~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30982~050492.
AN ORDINANCE accepting the bid of Virginia Asphalt Paving Co.,
Incorporated, for paving and profiling of various streets, upon
certain terms and conditions, and awarding a contract therefor;
authorizing the proper City officials to execute the requisite
contract for such work; rejecting all other bids made to the City
for the work; and providing for an emergency.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as
1. The bid of Virginia Asphalt Paving Co., Incorporated,
made to the City in the total amount of $951,807.05, for paving and
profiling of various streets within the City of Roanoke, as more
particularly set forth in the report to this Council dated May 4,
1992, such bid being in full compliance with the City's plans and
specifications made therefor and as provided in the contract
documents offered said bidder, which bid is on file in the Office
of the City Clerk, be and is hereby ACCEPTED.
2. The City Manager or the Assistant City Manager and the
City Clerk are hereby authorized on behalf of the City to execute
and attest, respectively, the requisite contract with the
successful bidder, based on its proposal made therefor and the
City's specifications made therefor, said contract to be in such
form as is approved by the City Attorney, and the cost of said work
to be paid for out of funds heretofore or simultaneously
appropriated by Council.
3. Any and all other bids made to the City for the aforesaid
work are hereby REJECTED, and the City Clerk is directed to notify
each such bidder and to express to each the City's appreciation for
such bid.
4. In order to provide for the usual daily operation of the
municipal government, an emergency is deemed to exist, and this
ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage.
City Clerk.
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #60-514
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger
Director of Finance
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Schlanger:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30981-050492 amending and reordaining certain
sections of the 1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, providing for the transfer of
$15,969.00 from Salaries - Engineering, to Fees for Professional Services, Street
Paving, in connection with award of a contract to Virginia Asphalt Paving Co., Inc.,
for paving and profiling of various streets within the City of Roanoke. Ordinance
No. 30981-050492 was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular
meeting held on Monday, May 4, 1992.
Sincerely, p~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Mr. Charies M. Huffine, City Engineer
Ms. Sarah E. Fitton, Construction Cost Technician
Mr. William L. Stuart, Manager, Streets and Traffic
Mr. Robert K. Bengtson, Traffic Engineer
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30981-050492.
AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of
the 1991-92 General Fund Appropriations, and providing for an
WHEREAS, for the usual daily operation of the Municipal
Government of
the City of Roanoke, an emergency is declared to
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
Roanoke that certain sections of the 1991-92 General Fund
Appropriations, be, and the same are hereby, amended and
reordained to read as follows, in part:
Public Works
Street Paving (1) ...............................
Engineering (2) .................................
1) Fees for
Services (001-052-4120-2010) $ 15,969
2) Salaries (001-052-4310-1002) (15,969)
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, an emergency existing,
Ordinance shall be in effect from its passage.
City Clerk.
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Members of Council:
Subject: Bid Committee Report
Asphalt Concrete Overlays and
Pavement Profiling of Various Streets Within the
City of Roanoke
Roanoke, Virginia
May 4, 1992
Bid Co~ittee Report attached is for paving and profiling of various streets
within the City of Roanoke. The 41~1~5 tons of asphalt will pave 7~ lane
miles of streets.
Cit~ street pavin~ Dro~ram's seventeen-year average is shown on Attachment I.
The average number of lane miles paved during this sixteen year period is
61 which is greater than the 57 lane-miles desired each year.
Recommendation is that City Council approve the reeo~endations of the
Bid Committee Report.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of Finance
Director of Public Works
City Engineer
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
May 4, 1992
Dear Members of Council:
Bids for Asphalt Concrete Overlays and
Pavement Profiling of Various Streets Within
the City of Roanoke
I. Baek~round on the project includes:
Bids were received by City Council at its April 13, 1992
meeting. These bids were publicly opened and read aloud for
Asphalt Concrete Overlays and Pavement Profiling of Various
Streets Within the City of Roanoke. Four (4) bids were
received and referred to the bid committee for review and
report back to Council. The low bid, in the amount of
$758~2~6.15 was submitted by Virginia Asphalt Paving Co.,
Incorporated. Adding Alternate No. 1 (raising manholes), which
was bid at $46~000.00, the total bid amounts to $804,2~6.15.
City Council, at its October 1, 1979 meeting, directed the
Administration to give "every consideration" to maintaining a
20-year paving cycle on City Streets. The 20-year paving
cycle requires that 57 lane-miles be paved each year within
the City of Roanoke. (See Attachment I.)
Street condition investigation by City Engineering Department
indicates that 63 lane miles of streets are rated in the "A"
category. This category includes streets which are identified
as being in the greatest need of resurfacing. These determin-
ations are based upon professional field judgement which
examines the extent of various types of pavement deterioration
such as cracking, rutting, and raveling. These 63 lane miles
were all included in the work put out for bids.
Fundin~ sources totaling $957,000 are listed on Attachment II
and would provide a contract of $951,807.05 and a contingency
of $5~192.95 for 41,1~5 tons of asphalt. This would pave 75
lane miles of streets, at prices contained in the low bid
shown on Attachment III. One of the funding sources is the
Fiscal Year 1992-9~ Paving Program monies in the amount of
$650~000. Therefore, the proposed contract is based upon
funds included in the Fiscal Year 1992-93 budget, as proposed,
which is scheduled to be adopted on May 11, 1992. However,
contract expenditures prior to June 30, 1992, can be paid from
the currently available FY91-92 funds.
Asphalt Concrete Overlays
Page 2
Contract amount which will allow the City to pave 75 lane-
miles is $147~570.90 more than the low bid total (including
Alternate No. 1). The Engineering Department has increased
the appropriate quantities, as bid on a unit price basis.
Project specifications state that the City reserves the right
to add to or to decrease the quantities listed in the Bid Form
in an amount that would not exceed 25 percent of the total
accepted Base Bid, without renegotiations of the unit prices.
II. Issues in order of importance are:
A. Compliance of the bidders with the requirements of contract
B. Amount of the low bid.
C. Funding for construction.
D. Time of completion.
III. Alternatives are:
Award the contract to Virginia Asphalt Paving Co., Incorpo-
rated and transfer the $15~969.00 necessary to provide a
contract sum of $951,807.05 for street paving, and
establish a contingency in the amount of $5~192.95 for a total
of $957~000.00 in a form acceptable to the Director of Finance.
1. Compliance of the bidder with the requirements of the
contract documents was met.
Amount of the low bid is acceptable. The $20.23 price per
ton of asphalt is 7.15 lower than last year's price of
$21.77. The increased contract amount is proposed due to
the exceptionally low unit prices. This enables the City
to have all "A" rated streets, as well as 12 lane miles of
"A-" rated streets, paved this year.
3. Funding for the project is available in the accounts
listed in Attachment II.
4. Time of completion of the project is 180 days.
Award the contract to Virginia Asphalt Paving Co., Incorpor-
ated, in the amount of $804~2~6.15 (base bid plus alternate)
and establish a contingency in the amount of $3,763.85 for a
total of $808~000.00 in a form acceptable to the Director of
Asphalt Concrete Overlays
Page 3
Compliance of the bidder with the requirements of the
contract documents was met.
Amount of the low bid is acceptable. The $20.25 price per
ton of asphalt is 7.1~ lower than last year's price of
$21.77. Low bid enables the City to have all "A" rated
streets paved this year.
Fundin~ for the project is available in FY92 Paving Pro-
gram Account in the amount of $291~051 and in proposed
FY93 Paving Program Account of $650~000 (of which
$516~969 would be needed at this time).
4. Time of completion of the project is 180 days.
Reject all bids and do not pave the City streets this year.
1. Compliance with requirements of the contract documents
would not be an issue.
2. Amount of the bid price would probably be higher if rebid
at a later date.
3. Fundin~ would not be spent at this time.
4. Time would become a factor in the deterioration of streets
that need paving now.
IV. Recommendation is that City Council take the following action:
Approve Alternative "A" and authorize the contract to Virginia
Asphalt Paving Co., Incorporated, in the sum of $951~807.O5
and establish a contingency in the amount of $5~192.95 for a
total of $957~000.00 in a form acceptable to the Director of
Finance, subject to adoption of a FY92-93 budget by City
Council which includes $650,000 for the paving program.
Transfer $15~969.00 from the account listed in Attachment
II (Part A-l) to the Annual Paving Program Account
(No. 001-052-4120-2010).
Asphalt Concrete Overlay
Page 4
C. Reject the other bids received.
William White, Sr., Chairman
William F. Clark
17 Year Summary (Attachment I)
Funding Sources (Attachment II)
Tabulation of Bids (Attachment III)
Street Paving/Profiling List
Street Paving Map
City Attorney
Director of Finance
City Manager
1976 15 $14.97 $ 129,353.20
1977 39 19.89 432,289.10
1978 28 21.76 375,733.76
1977-78 65 21.95 809,667.79
1979 123 22.75 1,679,143.58
1980 63 21.75 805,128.29
1981 38 23.96 525,000.00
1982 58 22.44 765,000.00
1983 58 23.81 862,620.86
1984 50 28.73 980,000.00
1984' 7 29.54 126,000.00
1985 50 31.77 1,020,000.00
1985' 7 31.77 132,000.00
1986 40 28.78 794,000.00
1987 45 27.52 856,064.70
1988 57 26.77 993,618.15
1989 98 24.61 1,641,000.00
1990 57 24.61 901,532.60
1991 70 21.77 1,012,497.79
1992'* 75 20.25 951,807.05
TOTAL 1043 _ 15,792,455.07
* Change order for additional paving
** Paving Program proposed by this report
FY 1992-1993
Total Funding Required
Funding Sources:
PART A (Fiscal Year 1992)
Personnel Lapse (Engineering Dep't.)
Annual Paving Program
$ 15,969
$ 307,000
PART B (Fiscal Year 1993)
Annual Paving Program
001-052-4120-2010 650~000
$ 957,000
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #122-169
Mr. W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Herbert:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30971-050492 waiving the standard rental fee
and granting concession rights to the Virginia Museum of Transportation for use of
the Nationai Guard Armory on Saturday, May 16, 1992, for a Spring Railfair,
pursuant to Resolution No. 24982, dated January 28, 1990. Ordinance No. 30971-
050492 was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on first reading on
Monday, April 27, 19.92, aiso adopted by the Council on second reading on Monday,
May 4, 1992, and wili take effect ten days foliowing the date of its second reading.
Sincerely, ~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger, Director of Finance
Mr. George C. Snead, Jr., Director, Public Safety
Mr. Gary N. Fenton, Manager, Parks and Recreation
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Mr. Nelson M. Jackson, Manager, Bulidings and Grounds
Mr. James D. Ritchie, Director, Human Development
Mr. Kenneth S. Crenin, Personnel Manager
Ms. Lauren G. Eib, Risk Management Officer
Ms. Dolores C. Daniels, Assistant to the City Manager for Community
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 {703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #122-169
Ms. Kay Houck
Administrative Assistant
Virginia Museum of Transportation,
303 Norfolk Avenue, S. W.
Roanoke, Virginia 24016
Dear Ms. Houck:
I am enclosing three copies of Ordinance No. 30971-050492 waiving the standard
rental fee for use of the National Guard Armory on Saturday, May 16, 1992, for a
Spring Railfair, by the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., and granting
concession rights in conjunction with said event. Ordinance No. 30971-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on first reading on Monday, April 27,
1992, also adopted by the Council on second reading on Monday, May 4, 1992, and
will take effect ten days following the date of its second reading.
Please execute and i'eturn two copies of Resolution No. 30971-050492 to the City
Clerk's Office, Room 456, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roanoke,
Virginia 24011-1536, along with your General Liability Insurance Certificate no later
than Wednesday, May 13, 1992.
I am also enclosing copy of Resolution No. 24982 adopted by the Council on Monday,
January 28, 1980, establishing the policy of the City with respect to waiver of rental
fees for use of City facilities.
Pursuant to provisions contained in the abovestated resolution, you are required to
file with the undersigned, within 30 days following termination of the Spring
Railfair, a certified statement setting forth the gross receipts, program expenses,
net revenues and a statement that all net revenues will be expended in accordance
with Resolution No. 24982.
Sincerely, ~~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
pc: Ms. Sandra H. Eakin, Deputy City Clerk
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
The 4th day of May, lg92. ~2 !r'"~ '~ ~:'~:~''
No. 30971-050492.
AN ORDINANCE waiving the standard
certain facilities for a Spring Railfalr
rights in conjunction with such event.
rental fee for use of
and granting concession
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 24982, dated January 28, 1980, this
Council established a policy with respect to waiver of rental fees
for use of City facilities and property by certain organizations.
WHEREAS, Council deems it appropriate to waive rental fees for
the Spring Rallfair to be sponsored by the Virginia Museum of
Transportation, Inc. and to grant concession rights in conjunction
with such event.
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
Roanoke that:
1. The Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc. shall be
authorized use of the National Guard Armory on May 16, 1992, with
waiver of the standard rental fees.
2. Such organization or its designee shall be authorized to
operate concessions in conjunction with such event.
3. The applicant organization shall, and by execution of
this ordinance, does agree to indemnify and save harmless the City,
its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, legal
actions and Judgments advanced against the City and for expenses
the City may incur in this regard, arising out of such
organization's intentional acts or negligent acts or omissions
related to use of City facilities and property.
4. The applicant organization shall
applicable terms and conditions of Resolution
January 28, 1990.
comply with all
No. 24982, dated
City Clerk.
ACCEPTED AND EXECUTED by the undersigned this 12th
, 1992.
day of
CITY OF ..Roanoke
Title ~ ~, -
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this !.2th
day of May , 1992~ by R.E. Bucher~ Jr. and
Katherine Farmar Houck ~ on behalf of the Virginia Museum of
Transportation, Inc.
My Commission expires: August 31, 1993
Notary Public
'92 ~?~ 2°~ ~- Roanoke, Virignia
April 27, 1992
Honorable Noel C. Taylor, Mayor
and Members of City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mayor and Members of Council:
Waiver of rental fee and granting concession
rights and commission to the Virginia Museum of
Transportation, Inc. for use of the National Guard
Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc. will conduct a
Spring Railfair on Saturday, May 16, 1992 between 10 AM
and 4 PM.
B. Railfair is a show that features model railroading,rail-
roadianna and rail art.
National Guard Armory has been requested for use, by the
Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc. with a waiver of
the rental fee and the granting of concession rights and
commission. Refer to attached letter.
Concession proceeds and donations will be used by the
Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc. to offset their
annual operating expenses.
National Guard Armory is available on the date and at the
time as requested by the Virginia Museum of Transporta-
tion, Inc.
City Council authorization is required to waive rental
fees and to grant concession rights and commissions in ac-
cordance with Resolution No. 24982.
General Liability Insurance must be provided by lessee to
include bodily injury and property damage with limits to
be one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars per occurrence and
have the City named as additional insured. A certificate
of insurance, acceptable to the Risk Management Officer,
shall be deposited with the City Clerk prior to the event.
Mayor and Members of Council
April 27, 1992
Page 2
A. Availability:
B. Compliance:
C. Insurance:
D. Rental Fee:
E. Concession Rights and Commission:
Waive rental fee and grant concession rights and commis
sion to the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc. for
use of the National Guard Armory on Saturday, May 16,
1. Availability of the National Guard Armory for the
event has been confirmed.
2. Compliance of the Virginia Museum of Transportation,
Inc. as a nonprofit organization has been met.
3. Insurance required for the event has been submitted
and approved.
Rental Fee for the National Guard Armory in the
amount of $300.00 would be waived, however, the
direct expense of $75.00 for a City employee to open
and close the facility would be reimbursed.
Concession Rights and Commission for the event would
be assigned to the Virginia Museum of Transportation,
Do not waive rental fees or grant concession rights and
co~Lu~ission to the Virginia Museum of Transportation.
Availability of National Guard Armory for the event
would exist, however, the Virginia Museum of Trans-
portation, Inc. may seek an alternate location for the
Mayor and Members of Council
April 27, 1992
Page 3
Compliance of the Virginia Museum of Transportation,
Inc. as an exempt nonprofit organization would not be
3. Insurance required for the event has been submitted
and approved.
Rental Fee of $300.00 would be charged to a local
exempt nonprofit organization for the use of the
National Guard Armory.
Concession Rights and Commission would be separately
contracted with the Virginia Museum of Transportation,
Inc. receiving no concession proceeds.
~ECO~ATION: City Council concur with Alternative "A" to
waive rental fee and grant concession rights and con,mission to
the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc. for use of the
National Guard Armory on Saturday, May 16, 1992.
Respectfully submitted,
W rt Herbert
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of Finance
Director of Administration and Public Safety
Manager, Recreation/Parks and Grounds Maintenance
Citizen Request for Services
Risk Management Officer
Kay Houck, Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc.
..Virginia. Museum.Of.Transportation. Inc.,
December 18,
Roanoke City Department of Parks and Recreation
210 Reserve Ave., SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
Dear Sir:
This is to confirm our use of the National Guard Armory
basketball court for Saturday, May 16th. The Virginia Museum of
Transportation, Inc. will be sponsoring a Railf&iN, a show featuring
dealers of model railroading, railroadianna, and rail art which will
be open to the public from 10:00AM - 4:00PM. We would like to be
able to set up tables for the show sometime the day before if
possible, and we would like to be open for our dealers by 8:00AM on
Saturday morning.
Thank you for offering to send a copy of the form that must be
submitted to City Council. We will work on it directly. We
appreciate all your help in this matter and look forward to working
with you in the future.
Administrative Assistant
1 9 99L
303 NORFOLK AVENUE · ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24016 · (703) 342-5670
.mai Revenue Service
ROanoke Transportation MUseum Inc.
c/o: Charles L. Wllilams Jr.
U02 Wiley D~iveSW
Roanoke~ VA 2~015
Department of the Treasury
Person to Contact: Ta*~ayer Sez~lee
Telephone Number: (301) 962-2590
Refer Reply to: EP/EO
Date: 7-31-85
The following
OP~atlon' information regarding ~
is furo,shed
We have Searched Our files and can find no record Chat the
Or§anization is exempt from Federal Income Tax. In the
event the Organization wishes co apply for taX-exempt sCatus~
the appropriate forms and information are attached.
A fact sheet containing basic information about the Organlza~
Cion's :aX-exempt status is enclosed.
A copy of Our letter certifying the Status of the organization
is enclosed.
A copy of our letter certifying the status of the Organization
is no: ava~lakle~ however, this letter may be used to verify
yOur Cax-exempc Status.
Your change of address has been noted in Our files. Our "
records now indicate your address as:
Sincerely yours,
Form MAR-1861 15-7a~
First of Georqia Ins. Co.
Roanoke LErreR D
VA 24016 CO~ANV
,A ~ C~ERCIA[ GENERA[ LIABILITY CPP4503512 10/01/91 10/01/92 PRODUCTS-C~P/OPA68
~ CL~,~S ~AO~ ~ occur 1000000
SC.~,ULED ~UtOS ~.~ ~ (Per pe,,o.J
A ~8 4503512 10101191 10/01/92 AB6RE~TE t 2000000
0 ~ER T~N ~8RE[tA FO~
B ~ WC676904203 10/01/91 10/01/92 EACH ACCIDENT f ~00000
City Of Roanoke, Officals, Employees, Volunteers ~ Agents, As Their Interest
SDrin. Rail Fair to be held in Mir.1992
~ ~E~D~ ~E~TION
June 26, 1992
Mr. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager
Ms. Mary F. Parker, City Clerk
Certified Statement of Gross Receipts for Spring
Please be advised that I am transmitting herewith copy of a certified statement flied
by the Virginia Museum of T~ulsportation, Inc., setting forth the gross ~eceipts,
program expenses, net revenues and a statement that all net revenues were
expended in accordance with Resolution No. 24982, in connection with the
organizationts use of the National Guard Armo~ on May 16, 1992, for a Spring
MFP: se
pc: Mr. George C. Snead, J~., Director of Administration and Public Safety
June 16, 1992
Mary F. Parker, City Clerk
Room 456, Municipal Building
215 Church Ave.
Roanoke, VA 24011-1536
Dear Mrs. Parker:
In accordance with Resolution No. 24982 the Virginia Museum of
Transportation, Inc. states that all of our net revenues have been
expended in accordance with the resolution. The Resolution waived
all fees for our use of the National Guard Armory except for the $75
maintenance fee which we paid. A receipt of this fee is attached.
The Revenues and Expenses for our Spring Railfair 1992 are as
Total made from Table Sales - $1,745.00
Total made from Admissions - 1,343.00
Total - $3,088.00
Postage - $50.00
Newspaper Ad - 49.00
Reservation Fee for the Armory - $75.00
Donuts & Coffee for Dealers - 27.90
Total - $201.90
Total Revenue for the Museum - $2,886.10
Ail fees have been paid concerning the spring Railfair and our
association with the National Guard Armory.
303 Norfolk Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24016 (703) 342-5670
We appreciate the City Council's continued support of the
Virginia Museum of Transportation and our special event, Spring
Railfair '92.
Executive Director
303 Norfolk Avenue Roanoke, VirgLnia 24016 (703) 342-5670
-- Dollars
ke, VA 24016
its parks and recreation
ions, provided this use does
appropriate payment must be
Acquisition of table/chairs for use by lessee is the lessee responsibilitY.
Security must be paid by lessee.
Civic rental rate - $135
(non-tiEketed event)
Regular rental fee - $300 per day,'
plus 8% of gate, less admission tax
Charge for clean-up
between events (if rental is more
than one day) $15
8~ of gross receipts, less admission
tax; or a minimum of $~00 per event,
~hicbever is greater, as rental fee,
plus the following fees:
Day use (8 AM-5 PM) $~00/day
Day & night use (8 AM- I1 PM) $350
Electrician: Regular rate of pay c~arged
t~ 3:30 PM. After 3:30 PM, overtime
rate will be charged.
Victory Stadium Parking Lot $300/day
<land use only)
Shower and locker rooms for both facilities rent for $75 per day.
GROUP/ORGANIZATION VA Museum of Transportation~ Inc. TODAY'S DATE 3 /15 192
ADDRESS 303 Norfolk Ave.
P.o,qnoke. VA 24016
City, State, & Zip
(W) 342-5670
DATE(S) & TIMES NEEDED May 16~ as early as possible until 5:00
X National G~ard
Victory Stadium
Victory Stadium Parking Lot Only
P.A. System
Sho~ers and Locker Rooms
**Could we have
a floor plan of the Nat'l Guard Court as soon as possible,
APR 2 ~- ~992
A dl'ltlk
~has,Lunsford/ Frank B.Hall
Box 2s71 '92
Roanoke, VA 24010
The Virginia Museum Of
303 Norfolk Avenue
First of Georqia Ins. Co.
Peerless Ins. Co.
UMB 4503512
PROI1UC ! S- COMP/OP A OO 1000000
$ 2000000
EAC~ ACCIDENT $ 100000
City of Roanoke, Officals, Employees, Volunteers & Agents, As ThBir Interest
May Appear are hereby named as addt'l, insureds under coverage shown above for
Administrative Serv ces i::::~ ~ , /~'
210 Reserve Ave., '7+~'~"j_~ /"-)/" / ~ 001628000
Roanoke Va.~ 24015 :.?. ~ /~ /// / ~ ~
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #122-169
Ms. Kay Houck
Administrative Assistant
Virginia Museum of Transportation,
303 Norfolk Avenue, S. W.
Roanoke, Virginia 24016
Dear Ms. Houck:
I am enclosing three copies of Ordinance No. 30971-050492 waiving the standard
rental fee for use of the National Guard Armory on Saturday, May 16, 1992, for a
Spring Railfair, by the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., and granting
concession rights in conjunction with said event. Ordinance No. 30971-050492 was
adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on first reading on Monday, April 27,
1992, also adopted by the Council on second reading on Monday, May 4, 1992, and
will take effect ten days following the date of its second reading.
Please execute and ~eturn two copies of Resolution No. 30971-050492 to the City
Clerk's Office, Room 456, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roanoke,
Virginia 24011-1536, along with your General Liability Insurance Certificate no later
than Wednesday, May 13, 1992.
I am also enclosing copy of Resolution No. 24982 adopted by the Council on Monday,
January 28, 1980, establishing the policy of the City with respect to waiver of rental
fees for use of City facilities.
Pursuant to provisions contained in the abovestated resolution, you are required to
file with the undersigned, within 30 days following termination of the Spring
Railfair, a n~rtlt~ie~ statement setting forth the gross receipts, proa'ram expenses ~
II~evnn~n~ ~n~ ~ sL~tement that all net revenues will b_e expended in accordance
width Resolutinn No, 249~-
Sincerely, ~~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
Enc o
pc: ~is. Sandra H. Eakin, Deputy City Clerk
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #122-169
Mr. W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Herbert:
I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 30972-050492 amending Ordinance No. 30944-
041392, adopted April 13, 1992, by deleting references to May 1, 1992 and June 12,
1992 as permissible dates for automobile racing at Victory Stadium by Donald F.
Taylor, and substituting therefor July 31, 1992 and August 14, 1992. Ordinance No.
30972-050492 was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on first reading on
Monday, April 27, 1992, also adopted by the Council on second reading on Monday,
May 4, 1992, and will take effect ten days following the date of its second reading.
Sincerely, Pd~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Mr. Joel M. Schlanger, Director of Finance
Mr. George C. Snead, Jr., Director, Public Safety
Mr. Gary N. Fenton, Manager, Parks and Recreation
Mr. James D. Ritchie, Director, Human Development
Mr. Kenneth S. Cronin, Personnel Manager
Ms. Lauren G. Eib, Risk Management Officer
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Ms. Dolores C. Daniels, Assistant to the City Manager for Community
Ms. Sandra H. Eakin, Deputy City Clerk
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981.2541
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #122-169
Mr. Edward A. Natt, Attorney
Osterhoudt Ferguson Natt Aheron
and Agee
P. O. Box 20068
Roanoke, Virginia 24018
Dear Mr. Natt:
I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 30972-050492 amending Ordinance No. 30944-
041392, adopted April 13, 1992, by deleting references to May 1, 1992 and June 12,
1992 as permissible dates for automobile racing at Victory Stadium by Donald F.
Taylor, and substituting therefor July 31, 1992 and August 14, 1992. Ordinance No.
30972-050492 was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on first reading on
Monday, April 27, 1992, also adopted by the Council on second reading on Monday,
May 4, 1992, and will take effect ten days following the date of its second reading.
Sincerely, ~.~.~.~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
pc: Mr. Donald F. Taylor, F. C. S. Enterprises, Inc., 2823 Williamson Road, N. E.,
Roanoke, Virginia 24012
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
The 4th day of May, 1992.
No. 30972-050492.
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 30944-041392, adopted
April 13, 1992, to change certain dates on which automobile racing
may occur at Victory Stadium.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that
Ordinance No. 30944-141392 is hereby amended and reordained by
deleting references to May 1, 1992 and June 12, 1992 as permissible
dates for automobile racing at Victory Stadium by Donald F. Taylor,
and substituting therefor July 31, 1992 and August 14, 1992.
City Clerk.
Honorable Mayor Noel C. Taylor
and Members of City Council
Roanoke, Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
April 27, 1992
Dear Mayor and Members of Council:
Mr. Donald F. Taylor appeared before City Council on
January 13, 1992, and requested permission to conduct
racing events at Victory Stadium during 1992.
Cit Council approved eight (8) 1992 auto racing dates on
February 10, 1992.
Racin dates established for 1992 were: Fridays, May 1,
June 12, July 10, 17 and 24, and August 7 and 21, and
Monday, September 7 (Labor Day).
~ have met with the promoter in regard to the
1992 racing season.
Promoter and City Staff agree that delaying start of the
season until July 10th would be advantageous to both
Dates originally held for other events are not needed.
Revised schedule would delete May 1 and June 12, and add
July 31 and August 14, resulting in race season that
would run seven (7) consecutive Fridays, then conclude on
Monday, September 7 (Labor Day).
A. Arran ements
B. Availabilit
C. Promotions
Mayor and Members of Council
April 27, 1992
Page 2
City Council approve revised dates for racing events at
Victory Stadium.
Arrangements and set up of the stadium would be
greatly simplified, as events would run consecutive
weeks, and therefore require less breakdown,
storage and set-up effort between events.
2. Availability of the facility now exists.
Promotions of events will be enhanced as racing
schedule is simplified.
Cit_~_y__Council not approve revised dates for racing at
Victory Stadium.
1. Arranqements and set up will not be simplified.
2. Availability issue is moot.
3. Promotion of events will not be enhanced.
City Council concur with Alternative
"A", and approve
revised dates for racing events at Victory Stadium.
Respectfully submitted,
W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Mr. Donald F. Taylor
City Attorney
Director of Finance
Director of Administration and Public Safety
Director of Public Works
Manager, Parks, Recreation and Grounds
Assistant Manager, Roanoke Civic Center
Risk Management Officer
Assistant to the City Manager for Community Relations
Office of the City Clerk
May 7, 1992
File #467-67
Mr. W. Robert Herbert
City Manager
Roanoke, Virginia
Dear Mr. Herbert:
I am attaching copy of a resolution adopted by the Parent-Teacher Association of
Madison Middle School, requesting that City forces be authorized to use City
equipment to water certain proposed new landscaping at Madison Middle School.
On motion, duly seconded and adopted, the matter was referred to you for study
along with similar requests that may.surface on behalf of other City schoola.
Sincerely, fdla.~
Mary F. Parker, CMC/AAE
City Clerk
MFP: sw
Ms. Paula J. Vandegriff, 2629 Wycliffe Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia
Mr. Finn D. Pincus, Chairperson, Roanoke City School Board, 1116
Winchester Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia 24015
Dr. Frank P. Tota, Superintendent of Schools, P. O. Box
13145, Roanoke, Virginia 24031
Mr. William F. Clark, Director, Public Works
Room 456 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (703) 981-2541
WHEREAS Madison Middle School needs updated landscaping due to
the age and death of existing plantings;
WHEREAS Madison Middle School is located on the City of Roanoke's
WHEREAS the Madison Middle PTA has secured the monies and the
labor needed to put such plantings in the earth;
WHEREAS, the Madison Middle School students will water the
plantings during the school calendar;
WHEREAS the Roanoke City School Administration does not own any
water or sprayer trucks;
WHEREAS, the Roanoke City Parks and Recreation Department DOES own
such water or sprayer trucks;
The Madison Middle PTA respectfully requests that the
Roanoke City Council allow and provide manpower to have these new
plantings irrigated during the summer months, using the existing
water or sprayer trucks owned by the City.
We at Madison Middle are trying to do two things. We
want to beautify the grounds and to educate the students to
understand the importance of taking care of our environment. In
this day, where it is very difficult to teach kids self-respect
and respect for others, we are hoping that by allowing the
students to participate in the planting of these trees and shrubs,
by teaching them in the classroom why trees clean the air, and by
having the students be responsible for the watering during the
school year, we will instill in them this sought-after sense of
self-worth for a good job done. Know that the watering done by
the kids will not be that easy. In most cases, the water will
have to be carried in gallon milk jugs by hand.
Our concern is that the kids will have worked very
diligently to keep the new plantings watered until the middle of
June, only to return in September to see them dead due to lack of
watering during the summer months.
As taxpayers and volunteers, we feel that if we provide
all of tho costs of the plantings, the City should be willing to
water them, using the existing trucks. School grounds, particul-
arly during the summer months, should be considered parks. Tho
City waters new plantings in the City parks, therefore, these
plantings should be City-watered, too.
We understand that monies ar~' tight now. Know they are
not tight only in your City budg~,t. They are tight at Madison
Middle, too. W~~ arc si~ nding the bulk of our PTA budget purchas-
ing now books ['or our library. The school administration does not
have the funds to purchase water trucks; even if they did, it
should be considered double dipping and wasteful spending in that
the City already owns water and sprayer trucks. The future of our
City lies in the strength or weakness of the social and academic
education of our children. Please do not allow us to compare the
cooperation between Roanoke City and Roanoke City School Admini-
stration to the sometime lack of such cooperation between Roanoke
City and Roanoke County.
The volunteers are working hard to improve the
schools. Please pass a resolution to allow
schools to be watered during the summer months
or sprayer trucks.
conditions at your
new plantings at
by your City water
Respectfully submitted,
Madison Middle School PTA