HomeMy WebLinkAboutReel 39 (7/25/1977 - 2/12/1979)Hondsy, July 25~ 1977.
l~e Council of the City of Roanoke mint in regular meeting in the Council Ch~nber in
t~e Hunlcipal Building, City of Roanoke, on ~b~nday, July 25, 1977, at 2 p.m., the regular
meetlng hour, vith Hayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
p~ESEI~ Council members Elizabeth Y. Bovles, Robert A. Corland, Lucian Y. Grove,
Nilliam S. Hubard, Nicholas F. Taub~an, Ita~ton W. Thomas and Hayor Noel C. Taylor--~-7.
~S ~q~ Z None O.
O~ICZ~S P~Z~'f.' ~r. Byron E. Haner, City
~l~y A~o~ey~ ~. Joel ~. Schiller, Director
Pastor, ~sall~ Rills Baptist ~urch.
A~$ O~ A~~I ~e ~yor present~ a ~y to the City to Hr. J. Felix
~od~ In recognition of his ~ving cli~ed ~t Hc~lnley.
Hess~s. Josp~ L Ingr~ and ~niel E. ~ooldridie as ~ers of the ~anoke City Sch~l ~ard
6, 1976, the ~cil held a public hearing on ~ednesday, July 20, 197], at lllO p,~., to inte~le~
all ca~ldaces ~o ~d filed vritten applicatio~ vith the City Clerk; ~ereupon, the ~yor
called for n~i~tions to fill the tvo vacancies.
m~ers of the Ro~oke City Sch~l ~ard for te~ of three years each ending J~e ~0, 1980, by
~y~r Taylor
FOR ~. ~RI~E: Council m~ers Carland, Taub~n, Th~s and ~yor
dif feren~ light.
t~e details of this fo~t~ith, (2) continue on-site (backyard and other) collection, buC that
have the EarbaJe ba~s, (2) ~ether or not ~e ~ve a ~or~ble b~EeC, and (]) ~o the ney City
the fact tb~J~ ye.re in zhe process of tr~nsftio~ of le~lershlp, time ~ do ~t
bags, the ye do ~t ~ ~t ~ are Sol~ to do vith the alleys as to uintainl~
ve do not ~ ~ich alleys ~ are Sols[ into, the ~cil s~Id bu7 ~ t~ before iC enforces
the ~dl~nce or put the $450~ back into the b~ec, ~ leave the refuse
it vas.
The foll~ perso~ appeared before ~ncil and e~ressed ~posit~on to the curbside
~. h ~ckley, 1623 ~e~ Avenue, S. V., Stat~ thc he hs
lived vi~ curSiVe garb*Aa collectXon for the past five years
[arb*Aa collecti~ is a hz*rd to the' health ~ yell*re of even-
ly not dis~ntl~e purc~si~ air co~ltion~ buses. He urged
. ~. J~s H. Kl~n, 2~30 Richelieu Aven~eo S. V., stated
be In order.
keep becky*rd refuse collec~ion. He objected to ~viu~ his
successful for so ~ny years.
fr~ the ~ard of Directors of the ~erican ~soctation of Retired
op~sitiou to the cut,side refuse collection.
Hr. d~es G. Rarvey~lI~ 205& He~orisl Avenue, $. g~t presentod
four reaso~s~hy Council should ~hl~ve~ seriously ab~tthe
~tter: (1) there ~ ~ eco~c reas~ for the c~ty at this
t~ tm ~l~nt curbside Sarba~e collection, (2) the Ordi-
~nce fs discr~to~, (3) the Ord~e vis passed on a
reco~ation of a City~Aer~ohs Since resJ~eds (~)
.it l~veo the decision of ~o shll bye cu~bside collection up
to a cit7 ~lo~ee vitb ua p~l~c input, He preeented a plan
vhl~d use the c~uter tm flare out ~ bediet of the
a~t of ~neT~ich viii ~ve tw effects, (1)~ the Cit~ of
for eve~ se~lce it provides, ~d (2) i~ viii ~ive the cit7
In fl~ncl~ the Refuse ~llectioa ~partnen~, It should be done
ins of cit~ alle~s a~ the seekl~ of federal assistance in
purc~slnt ~dergro~d sorba~e containers,
Upon request by certain ee~bers of Council, the City Attorney advised as to the
objectives of Ordinance No. 23711.
Hr. Taub~an inquired of the City Attorney if August 1st passes and Council does not
proceed vith the plan as was anticipated, ~hat effect viii this bare, ~hereupon, the City Attorney
replied that the Ordinance passed by Council has an effective date of August 1, that Council has
it vithin its po~er to amend the effective date by amendment to the Ordinance, and if such action
has not been taken by August 1st, there vould exist a technical violation of the Ordinance,
Hr. Garland urged that one of the five members~ao voted in the affir~ative for Ordinance
~o. 23711 move to rescind lt. He said Hr. Crave% motion is an admission that the administration
is not prepared to make the change at this ti~e, He said the procedure has created a~ass of
confusion with recommendations and regulations that the ~eneral public does nor understand. It
has made the elderly, sick and disabled have to beg and plead for exemption. It viii only create
further animosity to~ard this City and toward City Council f~'r enforcing the Ordinance. He
begged that C~uncil reconsider its previous decision and reinstate the present system because
it has worked very good for many years and offered a valuable semite to the citizens. He said
Council is unnecessarily arousi~ the people against it at a time ~enCouncil needs their support.
Hfs, Bo~les said that Council was elected by the people to do ~hat it feels is the very
best in the interest of the citizens of this city, that in her personal opinion curbstde pickup
is one of the most expedient ways to cur back on our expenditures, that if Council does not take
a stand no~ and attempt to use the citizens~ money in what it feels is the wisest and best way,
it is going to be faced in a fe~ years with the question of again raising taxes, She said it is
a matter of placing priorities as to ~hether Council ~ill provide this service no~ or raise taxes
Hr. Hubard agreed with Hrs. ~o~les, advising that Council is trying to step back and
take another look at the precise method in which it will i~lement amendments in garbage collection.
He said the point has been raised if lit. Grave's ~otlon is passed that Council is placing the
City ~anager in a posture of not being able to co~ply with a valid Ordinance of this City and,
for that reason and ~ith the permission of Hr. Grove, t~e ~aker of the motion presently on the
floor, and Hr. Taub~an, seconder of the motion~ he moved that the City Attorney, before this
meeting is over, prepare and present to Council an Ordinance that would delay the effective date
of Ordinance Ro. 23711 until October 1, 1~77. ~he motion was seconded by Hr. Grove.
Hessrso Grove and Taubman then ~ithdra~ the original motion.
Hr. Thomas requested that the record sho~ ~hen Council addresses itself to the budget
surplus~ he ~ould like to speak in reference to reinstating the ~t~O,O00 for refuse collection.
Upon question in reference to a previous suggestion by Hr. Kincanon that it ~ould be
more appropriate to reconsider the Ordinance rather than delay its enforcement, the City Attorney
stated that the Supreme Court of Virginia has said that a local Ordinance is la~, that he kno~s
of no way to amend or repeal that Ordinance unless there is another Ordinance to do so and he
suggested that he present to Council an Ordinance to change the effective date of enforcement
or an Ordinance to repeal Ordinance go. 23711. He said he is unaware of the procedure of recon-
sideration referred to by Hr. Ktucanono
The follo~i~g vote was recorded on Hro Hubard's motion:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Grove~ Hubard, Taub~an and ~ayor Taylor ..........
~AYS: Council me~bers Garland and Thomas,
Hr. Grove moved that the City H~nager be allo~ed to discontinue alley collection where,
in his Jud~ent, there is a danger to the safety of the City's personnel and property, and that
he advise Council of the details of this as soon as possible. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Hr. Thomas spoke against the morion, advising that the City Hanager has alvays had the
inherent administrative pcn~er ~henever safety of personnel and property is concerned not to go
into a particular alley.
Hr. Hubard agreed with Hr. Thomas that the City Hanager has the right to make adjustments
~here the safety of city personnel and vehicles is concerned and that this should be stated in
tmequtvocal ter~s and ~oved that Hr. Grove*s ~otiou be amended to provide that Council confirms
that the City ~anager has the right to make adjustments in alley collection of garbage where he
feels the safety of city vehicles and employees is concerned. The amended motion ~as seconded by
Hr. Grove.
The Hayor stated that the City Hens[er has had th· right ·11 axon[ to do thisj that
Council does not have to ·ct nov to give him that authority and to do so viii uaJ~ it appear that
Co~il is Baking that process ·. part of the curhoide pickup ·nd this is not proper. He said
Council is dealing with so. thing which ia unnecessary and not · part of the issue.
I~. Grove l~quired of the City Hm~ager if he feels he has the authority to do what
Hubard% motion addresses itself to~ whereupon, the City I~a[er repXled in the
advising that the City 14~nager has authority to close streets and alleys if be deenm it appropriate.
I~r. Rubard Bade reference to the alleys in which the city has advertised that it viii not
provide alley refuse collection and asked the City Na~ager what that reco~2ndation vas based
Hr. Rubard offered the follo~ing ~ergency Ordinance ~ending Ordltmnce Ho. 23711
(~23723) A~ ORDINASCE amending Ordinate Rs. 23711, adopted July 11, 1977, by amercing
TayIor, '5-
Hr. Hubard stated that if the matter comes up again on October 1st and Hr. Thomas wishes
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 23723 delaying the effective date of
Ordinance No. 23711 until October 1, 1977.. The ~orion ~as seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted by
the following vote:
PAY pLAN-CITY E~LOyEES: Hr. Don R. Dixon appeared before Council and read a prepared
SCIi00~'-~ A co~mmlcatfon froa Dr, IL~rold B. ~opper0 President, Virgln~s ~estern ~nity
~llele~ in c~ction ~th a request for needed site preparation ~nies a~ other on-~ol~
necessi~ e~e~es at VirEinia ~este~ ~ity ~llegeo vas before ~cil.
~e ~7or ~vised th~ sfuce placlnS ~ c~tion on the ese~e, ~, Hopper
reques~ t~t co~deration be deferred ~ll the Fi~ecftl e~ Fla~f~ Session of the ~cil
on Sept~er 19, 1911.
Carl~ a~ u~n~usly adopted.
~39,1~0.19 be appropriated to 'DI~'~ t~t ~13~70~.~ be appropriated to Seco~ary He~rl~ I~aired
Frogr~, that ~25,68].~] be appropr~ted to ~uc~timl ~ultant for ~ild ~velop~n~ Clinic
a~ t~t ~20,8~7.73 be appropriated to ~ucatio~l ~nsultant for ~ild Neurology Clinic ~der
Section ~1~ of the 197]-78 budget of the ~a~ke City Sch~l B~rd, said a~unts to be partially
or ~olly r~l~ursed by state a~ f~eral f~ds, ~as before
(For full text~ see c~ica~ion on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
(~2372~) ~ O~I~CE to ~end and reordain certain s~c~ions of the 19~]-78
Ordl~ce~ a~ providing for an ~arg~rcy,
(For full tex~ of Ordl~nce, see Ordl~nce ~ok ~o.
Hr. ~rland ~ved the adoption of the Ordi~nce, The mo~lon was seco~ed by Hfs,
E~les and adopted by the foll~l~ vote:
AYe: ~uncil ~ers ~les, ~rland, Crove, Taub~n, ~ho~s and ~yor Taylor-~6.
~AYS: ~on~
(Hr. Hubard ~as out of the ~uncil ~a~er)
priation of certain unexpend~d 1976-77 funds to various pro~r~ for th~ 1977-78 fiscal y~ar,
(~23725) ~ O~I~CE to ~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Appropriation
Ordi~nce~ and providing for an emergency.
said Club in Ordl~nce go. 23511.
(For full text of Resolution~ see Resolution Book
AlS: ~cil m~ers ~les, ~rland~ Grove~ Taub~n, ~s and ~yor Taylor ~6.
NAYS: None 9.
(~. Hubard ~as out of the ~cil ~er)
Hr, Grove moved thet the report be received and filed, The uotion vas seconded by
Hrs. ~o~les a~d u~rninouely adopted.
~LAA~/F,G: A co~mnlc&tJon frou the Fifth ~lannins District Cosnlssfon requeetln~ that
a uenber of the City Flannin~ C~nission be nominated to serve on lte Land Use Fllunl~s Advisory
(For full texts see conmunic~tioa on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Mlth the concurrence of Councils the Hayer appointed the Chairman of the City Plannlni
Conmisslon as a menber of the Land Use Pl&~ninl Advisory Comnittee of the Fifth FlenninE District
STIrS'TS ~ ALLL~S: An application from Hr. J. N. Turners Jr., Attorney, representl~
Cleopa Cootie and Raeford L. Goode, requestinl that 3 1;2 Street, S. ~., and ~vo certain alleyways
(For full text, see application on file in the City Clerkte Office.)
(~23~21) A RE$OL~TI(~ providin~ for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of
ln~edl~te vicinity, ali el v~lch are note particularly described hereinafter; and referrln~ the
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution ~ook No.
(~23728) A RESOLU~IO~ providins for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of
(~23~29) A P.E$OLU~I~I providlns for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of
Hr. Thouas moved the ~doption o~ the Besolutioa. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hub&rd
and adopted by the follo~l~i ¥ote~
NAYS: None~ O.
BI~IE~oPUBLIC ~LFA~E~ 1'ne City Hanager submitted a ~ltten report requesti~ certain
app~riatl~ to Section ~lStO~ #~tle ~ Se~lc~s~~ of the 19]~-~8 bud~et~ to be ~ed In the
first q~rter of the presen~ fiscal year to pur~se certain semites r~uized by 1~ to be
available to the citizen.
(For full text, see re~ort on file In the City Clerk*s Office,)
~, trove off~r~ t~ foll~i~ ~r~ency Ordl~nce pr~iding for the requested
(~23733) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordain Section ~15iO~ 'litle ~ -Bo~ices~" of
the 19~1-]8 Appropriation Ordi~nce~ a~ pr~ldins for an ~riency.
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see Ordl~nca ~k
a~ adopted by the foll~in~ vote~
NAYS: -None 0.
to issue Change Order No. 1~ in the amount of $1,11Oo00 to the contract vith lanky Construction
Company for construction of the Roanoke City Jail~ in order to provide O~nerts Liability Ivsurance
(For full textj see report on file in the City Clerk"s Office.)
Hr. Hubard offered the following emergency Ordinance approving issuance of the change
(f2313~) A~ ORDL%~CE approving the City Hanager~s issuance of Cha~ge Order No. 1, as
hereinafter set forth, to the City*s contract vith Tandy Construction Company for constr~ction of
a ne~ Jail facility, authorized by Ordinance No. 23702, providing for the contractorSs purchasing
o~ner~s liability lnsurancel and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follc~inS vote:
NAYS: None
PERSONI/EL-CII~ EH~LOYEES: Council having previously requested a report from the City
Hanager relative to necessary funds to impl~ent the ney Affirmative Action Policyt the City
Hanager submitted a ~rritten reportadvising that an additional $19,915.00 should be appropriated
to the Personnel Hanagement budget for this purpose.
(For full textl see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard offered an emergency Ordinance appropriating the funds.
Yhe Director of Finance suggested that instead of appropriating the funds~ that Council
consider transferring the $19j915.00 from the Contingent Fund account to the Personnel ~anas~ent
Hr. ~homas offered a substitute motion that Council concur In the suggestion of the
Director of Finance and that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the
proper measure. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
In this connection, Hrs. Bo~les offered the folloving Resolution setting a public
hearing for Honday, August 8, 19~t at 7:30 p.m., on the question of approving a proposed
Affirmative Action Plan for the City of Roanoke:
(#ll~lS) A RESOLUTION setting a public hearing on the question of approving a proposed
Affirmative Action Plan for the City, and expressing the Councll*s appreciation to the Personnel
and F~ployment Practices Cc~nission for its york in.fo~lating said proposed plan.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hts. Boules moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted by the follc~inS vote:
AYES:Council members Boules, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Yaubman~ Yhomas and
~ayor Taylo~ 7.
NAYS: None. O.
to execute do~rments accepting a federal grant offer to assist in the purchase of land needed fox
the IDA and HAleR Navigational Aid Projects at Boanoke Hunicipal lirpozt~ ~oodrumField, ADAP
Project NO*
Hr. Hubard offered the follc~ins Resolution accepting the grant offer:
(~23736) A ~SOLU~I0~ acceptinS · grant offer of the United States of A~erica, Federal
Aviation Administration, providing for Federal aid pursuant to ADAP Project Ho. 6-$1-00~$~07 to
assist in the develo~nt of ~vl~atio~l aid projects for ~anoke~nicipal Ai~rt~ ~d~
f~eld, a~ authorizing the execution of said srant offer.
(For full text of Resolutton~ see Resolution ~ok
~. Hubard ~ved the adoption of the ~solution. ~e ~tion was seco~ed by ~r. Taub~n
a~ ·dopted by the foll~lu~ vote~
~yor Taylol .7.
CIlag ~IA~'~: ~he City Hanager subaitted · written ~eport te~eria~ his resi~ioa
City ~&e~ at a d~te to ~e ~t~ll7 dete~l~ vith the ~cil.
(For full text~ see re'ri on file In the C~t7 Clerk's Office.)
~. ~bard ~yed-t~t the report be rec~l~ a~ filed ~th the sug~estion tht ~cil
MAth the coucurre~e-of ~ll, the ~y~r appointed ~ssrs. ~llli~ S. H~arda
~ton ~. ~s a~ NicOlas F. ya~ as ~ers of a ~ittee to screen applicatio~ for
the position of City~m~er.
ST~I~Y~ ~ISSI~t ~e City ~Ser advised of a ~equest of the ~yor*s
Vlc~oW Stadl~ oa~st 11~
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Off,ce.)
ask~ the Youth ~lssion to clean up after the dance.
~zter be referred to the City Atto~ey for preparation of the proper ~easure. ~e ~zion
seconded by ~. Ta~n a~ ~ul~usly adopt~.
~IC~ ~ previously request~ by the ~cil, the City AtCo~ey submitted a
(~23?3]) A ~0L~ION repealing Resolution No. 20323 a~ abolishing the ~oanoke ~raffic
NAYS: None- O.
~UD~EToB.~AL ESTATE ASSLSSORt The Olrecto~ of Finance submitted a vritten re~nct requeotl~
iht $5~.~ be tr~sfett~ f~ the ~aeral ~ ~ttn&ent ~ to Section ~0~07. ~sess~nt
of ~al Estate.a of the 1977-78 b~&ets to provide f~s for ~tra Help.
(For full te~t~ see report on file In the Crt7 Clerkts Off$ce.)
~. Grove offered the foll~in8 ~rie~y Ordinate pr~idins for the requested transfer
of f~ds~
(~23~39) A~ O~I~ to ~ a~ reordain Section ~1880~ "~nttn~encies.~ and Section
JO~07s ~sessuent of ~eal Estatesu of the 1977-78 ~propriation Ordinate.
(For full text of Ordinate. see ~di~nce
a~ adopted by the roll,inS vote~
~yor Taylor.
~YS: Hone O.
occupa~io~l license fees of the city.
(For full text~ see ~eport on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
requests were ~6~810.~, reduced to $1~0.~ ~hich is the m~i~ required for pure.se of
cll~r EI~GIH~-ClTY EHYLOYF..ESZ A.report of t~ ?ers~l a~ ~nt Fractices
~lssl~ r~uesti~ appeal for the upgr~lng of t~ presently budgeted n~ ~ositi~ la the
Directorate of ~blic ~orho viz~ establis~nt of a n~ grade of ~ge 20, Step I for the
position of ~ork ~rdl~tor -ht~tor, ~ establfs~nt of a n~ gE~e of ~ge 10~ Step I for
the position of Security~t~s vas before ~cil.
(For full texts see report on file In the City ClerkOs O~fice.)
~. ~bard ~ t~t ~u~ll co.ur In th~ reception of the ~issl~ a~ tht
NAYS~ None
Z(~ilNG~ Ordinance No. 23703 amending and reordainlng The Code of the City of Roanoke,
1986, as anendod, establishing conditions under vhich hospitals, sanitaritms, rest hc~es, convalesce
ho~es, homes for orphans, and hc~es for aged ~ay locate in RS*I, RS-2, and RS-3 districts, havfns
previously been before the Council for its first readins, read and adopte~ on its first reading,
and laid over, vas again before the body, Hr. Hubard offering the following for its second
reading and final adoption:
(~23703) AN ORDIY~NCE to amend and reordain subsection 2, of Special exceptions after
public notice and heari~s by the board of zonins appeals, of SS.l, ~S-I, RS-2, and RS-3 Single-
family residential districts regulations, of Chapter &.l, Zoning, of Title XV, Construction,
Alteration and Use of Land, Buildings and Other Structures of The Code of the City of Roanoke,
(1956), as amended; establtshinS conditions under vhich hospitals, sanitariums, rest homes,
convalescent homes, homes for orphans, and homes for aged way locate in RS-I, RS-2, and ~S-3
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr, Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and ad~pted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bovles, Grove, Rubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: Council member Garland. .1.
Z~ING: Ordinance No. 23704 rezonins property fronting on Appleton Avenue identified
as Official Tax Nos. 6380106, 6380107, 6380120, 6380208, and 63802091 and the rear portions of
t~o parcels of land fronting on Peters Creek Road identified as Official Tax Nos. 6380206 and
6380202, from ~-3, Single-Family Residential District, to C-2, General Com~ercial District,
having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first
reading and laid over, vas again before the body, Hr. Nubard offering the following for its
second readi~ and final adoption:
(~23~04) AN ORDINANCE to ~end Tltle XV, Chapter 4.1, §2, of the Code of the City of
Roanoke (1956), as amended, and Sheet No. 638, Sectional 1976 Zone Hap, City of Roanoke, in
relation to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Taub~an
aM adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor YayloI ...............
NAYS: None
SALE OF p~OPERTY-CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No. 23713 authorizing conveyance of certain
city property consisting of a portion of Lot 9, Block 20, Hap of Belmont Land Company, and a
certain parcel of land located on Bullitt Avenue, S. E., for a consideration Of $600.00, upon
certain terms and conditions, to the Evangel Foursquare Church, having previously been before the
Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading and laid over, vas again
before the body, Hr. Hubard offering the following for its second reading and final adoption:
(#23~13) AN ORDINANCE authorizing conveyance of certain City property consisting of a
portion of Lot 9, Block 20, of the Hap of Belmont Land Company and a certain parcel of land
located on Bullitt Avenue, So E., for a consideration of $600o00; upon certain terms and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved tha adoption o£ the Ordinance. The ~otion ~as seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Gro~e, Hubard, Taub~n, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor ']o
Hr. Crove~ovnd tb~ adoption of the Ordinance. Ylm motion vas seconded by ! tr. Buhard
and adopted by the .following vote: . . : . . .
~7or Taylor ~7.
HATS: Hone- O.
SUEGET-SCBOOLS: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure requesting the Roanoke City School Board to direct the School Adninistr&tion to
provide the Director of Finance with a monthly report of receipts and ezpendituree for the Roanoke
(~23741) A ~SOLUTI~ requesting the Roanoke City School Board to direct the School
(For full text of Hesolution, see ~esolution Book Ho.
NAYS; None- -0.
DIRECTOR OF FI~CE-PAY FLA~-CIH EF~LOYEES-pERSON~I~: Council ~ving previously
~nges by addin~ the ~sitions of ~puty Director of Fi~nce~ ~tnistrator of City Accounting
the System two existing positions of ~nior~sistant Director of Fiance a~ Assistant Director
(S137t2) ~ O~I~CE to ~nd Ordl~nce No. 22330 and Ordi~nce ~o. ll61t, providin~
providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordi~nee~ see Ordi~nce ~k No.
~yor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None
SALE OF PROPERTY: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure accepting the offer of Hr. Co D. Fox~ IIIj to donate and convey to the city
that certain tract of land located on the east end of Norfolk Avenue~ N. E.~ bearing Official Tax
No* ~210220, upon certain terms and conditions, he presented same; ~hereupon, Hr. ~homas offered
the following emergency Ordinance:
(t23~t3) A~ ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the acceptance of a deed of conveyancl
of certain land, offered to be donated and conveyed to the City, upon certain terms and conditions;
and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. lhomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Nubard
and adopted by the follo~inS vote:
AYES:Council nembers Bo~les, Garland~ Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayer Taylo~ ?*
NAYS: None- O.
NAYS: None
IHSUi~X~E=CII~f DG'L~fKES: ~ou~cil hivLng previously L~t~cted the City Atto~ey to
Sout~este~ Yit[i~a a~ Blue Shield of ~ut~ste~ Vlr~ln~ for · te~ of 12 ~nths c~ncin~
~us~ 1, 1977~ to pr~lde ~dical a~ ~alth se~/ces for ~loyees of the city a~ ~ers of
t~/r f~il/es, he presented s~G ~er~pon, ~. Tau~ offered the roll.lng ~r~ency Ordi~nce:
(~237~) ~'O~I~ authorizin~ a certain c~tract to be entered vith Blue Cross of
Sout~ste~ Vlrgin~ a~ ~lue Shield of ~ut~este~ Virginia for a tern of 12 ~nths c~nc~n~
~st 1~ 19~]~ to provide ~lcal ~d health semites for ~ployees of the City and ~ers of
f~lies[ a~ providl~ for an
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see ~dl~nce ~k
~yor Taylor. 7.
NAYS: None
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance amending and reordaining certain
sections of the 1977-78 Sewage Treatment Fund Appropriation Ordinance:
(~237t8) A~ ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Sewage
Treatment Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordi.n~nce. The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adoptedby the follo~lnS vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les~ Garland, Grove, Nubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor
Council uenbers BO~les, Garland, Groyeo Itubards Taubuan, Thouas and Hayor
NATS~ None O. '
JAIL~ ~e ~yor presen~ed a ~lcation rec~l~ ~ht ~he Cl~y ~er, ~he
Director of F~ce ~ ~he Sheriff r~l~ ~he
the ~anoke Cl~y Jail a~ re~rt ~heir fl~i~s
(For full ~ex~0 see c~nication on file Ir the City Clerk% Office.)
vas seconded bye. Taub~n a~ ~nl~usly adopted.
C~I~ ~e ~yor mdc the foll~tng c~lttee
Comlttee Resl~ation of Assigned To
Fair Housing Board Father Hlchael Scb~eid Hr. Rubard
City Planning Commission J.D. Lavrence Nayor Taylor
Citizenss Task Force for Crime
Prevention & Social DevelopmentJoseph T. Coleman Hr. Grove
Citizens* Task Force for Crime
Prevention & Social DevelopmentL.L. Koontz Hr. Thc~s
Citizenst Task Force for Crime
Prevention & Social DevelopmentCarlton £. Saul Hr. Taubman
Revenue Study Comission ~. Vernon Hicks Hr. Hubard
CO~CIL: Hr. Hubardmoved that Council neet in Executive Session to discuss a confidential
real estate ~atter. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taub~an and adopted by. the following vote:
AYES: Cotmcil members Ik~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Tanb~an~ Thomas and ~ayor
NAYS: None- O.
Hondays August 8~
~he Council of the City of Roanoke Bet in special nee*inS in the Cotm¢il Chamber in
the Hunicipal Roilding~ City of Roanokej on Hondayj August 8~ 197]~ at 7:00 p.m., with Hayor
Noel C. Taylor presiding.
pRES~2F~: Council members Elizabeth T. Rovles, Robert A. Garland~ Lucian Y. Grove,
William S, Rubard, Nicholas F, Tamb~an, Hampton W. Thomas and Nayor Hoel C. Taylor-----7.
A~SI2fI: None- O.
OFFICERS pRES~lqT~ Hr. Byron E. Hamer, City Hanalerl Hr. San N. HcGhee, III, Assistant
Finance; and HFS. Hazy F. Parker, City Clerk.
The Hayor presented his second *'State of the City" address t/nich contained the following
ten reco~endations:
communities to provide water if the drought situation creates
a dire need for additional water.
named the Roy L. Webber Hemorial Bridge in honor of and
as a me~orial tomy immediate predecessor, the distin&uished
and honorable late Hayor Roy L. Webber. I further recommend
that a plaque suitably inscribed will be placed on each end
of the bridge.
3. ! reco~end that ~e continue the Do~mto~m Revitalization
program by participating in the establishment of a semi-
mall on Church Avenue betveen Jefferson Street and First
Business District by riving our complete cooperation and
participating in the labor and naterial to a reasonable
extent which will be determined by the members of City
I recommend that ve ask the City Hanager to explore the
feasibility of establishin& a Skateboard Center through
the use of Co~mnity Development Block Grant Funds. ~ot
only would the shatepark o~nership provide an excellent
financial returnj but also affords a high degree of
personal enjoyment and involvement to those who believe
in providing our youth a means of more safely pursuing
Cities Committee for fiscal year 1977-78. This contribution
should be made from Account 101 "Council".
being considered that ~ill require budget surplus funds,
I recommend the following additional expenditures f~om the
budget surplus:
A. ~hat $50,0OO ~ill be used to underwrite the initial
cost of establishinS a microfilm center and purchasin§
B. That ve consider a reduction of the Business and
Occupational License fees in order to be competitive
and attract more business to the City of Roanoke as
well as retain the business we already have in our
city. A substantial reduction would strengthen our
economic base in the future thus accotmtfng for the
l~medlate loss of revenue, The ne~ businesses that
come to the city will help the tax burden to be
distributed in a more equitable vayo Therefore, I
to study and ~ake recommendations concerning this
7. I reco~end that the collection year for real estate taxes
will be changed to coincide with the fiscal year, July 1
to June 30. Changing real estate assessments and the tax
rate to a fiscal year basis will benefit the taxpayer and
the city because it ~ould be easier to adjust the tax rate
to meet budget needs and the city would have amore accurate
revenue projection for its budget. In order to fulfill this
reco~endatlon the citizens would experience an eighteen
month assessment period. This would provide the citizens
with an additional six nonth period without an increase in
real estate taxes. This arrangement would also mean changes
in tax collection dates.
! recounend that we adopt · policy allo~ed by Section 58-778
of the Code of Virginia perfain~g to bie~lal general
9. I rec~ tb~ we abaton tb idea of curbside garbage
collection In ~a~ke. ~e idea vas orfgl~lly sup~rted
considered by our citizens to be a hi~ q~ll~y of garbage
collection ~ld add a heavy burden to may city residen~s.
This contin~lon of backyard collection will cos~ a
of $123,269.~0 fr~ the projected surplus w~thout the transfer
s~aCion and ~81,269.~ If ~ build ~he proposed transfer
years of age of an appraised value of ~0,~ or less
~2,~0 but less t~n ~5,~ as verified by building
six-month period.
~25,~ but less than ~50,~as verified by buildi~;
~here being no further business, the ~r declared the special meeting adloumed.
Honday, August 8, 1971.
~he Council of the City of ~oanoke ~et in tesular ~eting in the Council ~la~ber in
the ~nicipal ~lldin~ City of ~a~ke~ on ~ay~ August 8, 1977, at 7s30 p,m., vith ~yor
Noel C. Taylor presiding.
F~S~I ~uncil ~ers Elizabeth T. B~les, Ro~rt A. Garl~d, ~cian Y. Grove,
~illl~ S. Bubard, NicOlas F. ~aub~, ~ton ~. Th~s a~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor
HI~: ~ples of the ~lnutes of the regular ~etln~ held ~ ~nday, July 11,
the special ~etinS held on ~ednesday, July 20, 197~ and the zesular ~etln~ held on Honday,
July 25, 197~, ~vi~ been furnished each m~ber of ~cll, on ~ion of Hr. Grove, seconded by
approv~ as recorded.
in the ~t of
u~ni~usly adopted.
property located at 191~ loth Street, N. ~., described as 3.0~6 acres, Official Tax No. 2060531;
Interstate ~d the other is ~ithtn 60 feet of the Interstate, t~t realistically the develop-
operation under the Erandfather clause. ~lth re2ard to the ~r~er ~ebb request, ~his is a
$2~,~ per year. He said Hr. ~ebb presently operates out of his ho~e in Roanoke ~unty but he
present location since 1961 a~ they ~ve a vol~ of business be~een $350,~ to ~5~,~0 per
Planning stated tMt such rezonint ~uld adversely affect the residential area, the Ordinance
&yF.{{ C~u~ll me~era Garlaud and Thomas- 2.
MAYS{ C~un¢ll ~e~ers Bovles, Grove, I~ubard~ Taubman aud ~ayor Taylor -5.
Z0t{IMO{ ~he Couacil having set a public hearing for 7{$0 p.m., ~ouday, August 8,
the ~ayor inquired as to ~ho~ the Affirmative A~tioa Officer is responsible to~ vheteupon~
the City ~er replied t~t in respect to a~lnistrsti~ of t~ budget, he is responsible to
to the City ~er.
~he ~yor e~ressed conce~ t~ the ~fi~tive Action Officer Is responsible to the
tion by the ~fim~lve ~tion Officer, he Is ~oin~ to ~ve a probl~ lnvestl~atia~ his ~
boss. He said he felt lt~uld be far better for the Affim~ive Action Officer to be free of
the ~erso~el ~ns~er in carryins out his responsibilities.
and re~rt to ~cil as s~n as possible. ~he ~tion was second~ by Hr. Hubard and u~ni~usly
(~) ~ake no action.
STIL~TS A~D ALLEfS~ A petition sl~med by ssv~nteen residents of Harming ~osd, H. E.,
NAYS: None
Mr. Hubard moved that the application be referred to the City Planning Co~fssfon for
study, report and reco~neudatton to Council. The ~tion was seconded by Mr. Taubman and unanimnusly
STREETS ~D ALLEYS: A~ application from Hr. C. L. Kinder, Jr., Attorney, representing
K. D. H. Associates and Garden City ~aptist Church, requesting that a portion of Hillview Avenue,
$. E., extending in an easterly direction from Garden City Boulevard, S. E., 239,23 feet, be
vacated, discontinued and closed, vas before C~tmeil.
(For £ulI text, see application on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Hubard offered the following Resolution appointing viewers in connection vith the
(t23753) A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of five freeholders, any three of
whom may ace, as viewers in connection with the application of K.D.H. Associates and Garden City
l~ptist Church, to permanently vacate, discontinue and close a portion of Hillview Avenue, S.
extending in a~ easterly direction from Garden City Boulevard, S. E., 239.23 feet, and referring
the proposal to the City Planning Co~ission for study and reco~nendation.
(For full text of £esolution, see Resolution Book
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bc~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
}iayor Taylor.
NAYS: None O.
Mr. Hubardmoved that the application be referred to the City Planning Commission for
study, report and recommendation to Council. The~tion was seconded by Hr. Yaub~an and unani-
~ously adopted.
GI~AKIS-REHABILITATION CEHIERS: The City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report in connection
~ith the Crisis Inte~ention/Huna~ay House proposed to be located at 836 Campbell Avenue, S. ~.
He advised of a com~anication from HSD Eleanor V. Dye, Group Hc~e Specialist, and ~lllia= C.
~aters, Regional V Coordinator for the Department of Corrections, advising the City that they
~ere requesting the Division of Youth Services to recommend to the State Board of Corrections
that funding and support for the Crisis Intervention/Runaway Facility be withdrawn if the facility
is not operational by September 1, 19~] (this is the federal funding deadlinevhich requires the
facility to be operational ii federal funds are to be provided). He said that this deadline
places an undue burden upon the City if the site for this facility is changed, that the selection
of an alternate site ~ould require another public hearing on the ne~ site as ~ell as the probable
need for n~erous expensive modifications or repairs to comply ~ith minimum State Building Code
and Department of Correction standards. He noted that use of the former Alcoholic !talf-~ay House
at 836 Campbell Avenue as the ne~ Crisis Intervention[Runaway House eliminates these problems
since that facility already co~plies vith state requirements. He strongly recommended that
Council consider these points and make an ln~ediate decision to provide this facility as proposed
by the Juvenile Court a&ninistrators and the Juvenile Detention Facilities Study Co~mittee.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Kr. W, Heywood Fralin, Attorney, appeared before Council and read a prepared statmnt
in support of locating the facility &t 836 Ctm~bell Avenue, S. V., etatin~ that if Council desires
to use the $125,000 available funds to provide the youth of this city with a Crisis Croup Hose,
there is no question that the facility at 836 Campbell Avenue provides the best possible place
for this service. The property u~ets all zoning requirements and viii continue to be used ss a
group holms whether it ia & runav&y hone for chlldrnns a halfway house for alcoholic Mn or
ho~e for abused vc~no Ne noted that this City has a pressing need for & runaway facility and it
would be a shan~ to lose such & desirable facility for such & worthwhile program and he recommended
that Council approve the project at this
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerkts Office,)
Hr. C. A. Hubbard, property o~ler on Campbell Avenues S. ~., inclose proximity to the
property in questions appeared before Council in opposition to the proposed location of the Center
and stated that he is concerned vtth the apparent belief that in a City the size of Roanoke,
there is no other location available and he does not feel that adequate effort has been put forth
to find another such location. Re again called attention to the fact that if this facility is
allcved to locate iu the former Halfway House, it will be within approximately 320 feet of another
such facility. He urged that Council carefully consider the wishes of the residents and requested
that the facility be located elsewhere.
Hr. Grove, Chairman of the Juvenile Detention Facilities Study Comndttee, advised that
there are many points which make the facility on Campbell Avenue an appropriate place to locate
the Crisis Inte~ention/Runavay House. He £aid be could understand Hr. Hubbard% position and he
hopes that in a very short period of time any fears he m ay have will be eliminated because he
does not feel the Juvenile authorities would allow any operation other than a very efficient and
yell run shelter. He noted that there viii be fifteen Juveniles with a supervisory staff of eight
and It seems almost i~possible to think that there would be disciplinary problems under those
conditions. He said he does not feel that placing the house in this location viii he a deterrent
in any way to the neighbors and for that reason offered the following Hesolution~
(~23754) A HESOLUTI(~ authorizing the acceptance, executions and filing of the "Special
Conditions for Action Grant Awards' with the Division of Justice and Crime Prevention for an
action grant of Federal funds for ftmdiog of a Crisis Intervention/Runaway House for the Juvenile
and Domestic Relations District Courts of the 23rd Judicial District.
(For full text of Hesolution, see Resolution gook No.
Hr. Crowe moved the adoption of the Hesolution, T~e ~otion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members gowles, Garland, Crowe, Hubard, Taub~ans Thomas and
~ayor Taylor ---- 7.
Hr. Taubman offered the follos~lng emergency Ordinance appropriating ~125,~21.00 to
Crisis Intervention/Runaway House under the 19~2-~8 Grant Program Account:
(12t}~5) A~ ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain the City of Eoanoke's 192~-28 Grant Program
Account, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor. J-
NAYS: None
Hr. Taubman offered the following emergency Ordinance appropriating $2,124.3~ to Local
Cash Hatch under gection ~0705, "Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court," of the 1977-78
(~23~56) AN O~DINANCE to ~end and reordain Section ~0705, 'Juvenile and Domestic
Relations District Court,' oi the 1977-78Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook No.
Hr. Yaubman ~zed the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otinn sas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None, O.
Hr. Hubard moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper measure
authorizing the City ~anager to enter inr~ a lease agreement for the use of the property at 836
C~bell Avenue, S. W., for a Crisis Intervention/Runaway House. The ~otion was seconded by Mr.
6rove and unanimously adopted.
BUDGET-GEI/ERAL DISTRICT COURT: The City Hanager submitted a vritten report recovnnending
an appropriation of $t85.00 to Office Furniture and Equipment under Section ~0703, "General
District Court," of the 197~-78 budget, to provide funds for the purchase of two calculators
under State Grant No. ~6-A~1~5.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard offered the follovlu~ e~nergency OFdln~nce approprlsting the requested f~st
(~23~57) ~ O~CE to ~ a~ reordatn Section ~0703, "General Dtstrtc~
of the 1977-78 ~propristion ~dl~nce, ~ pr~ldi~ for an e~rsency.
(FoF full text of ~dl~nce, see O~dl~ace ~k
~. Hubard ~ved the 8~optlon of the Ordl~nce. ~e ~ti~ vas seco~ed
a~ adopt~ by the foll~inf vote~
~yor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None
CR~S-JAIL-SHERIFF: The City Manager submitted a vritten report reco~endinN authoriza-
tion for acceptance of an approved grant in the amount of $6,0OO.00 to provide funding to purchase
basic medical equipment for use of the par~edics in the City Jail and that funds be appropriated
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard offered the folloving emergency Ordinance appropriatfns $6,0~O.00 to Other
Equipment under the Jail Hedical Program, and transferring $300,00 frc~Haterials and Supplies to
Local CashMatch under Section f071l, "Sheriff," of the 1977-78 Grant Program Account and the
1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance:
(t23759) ~.~ ORDIK~CE to a~end and reordain the City of Roanoke's 1977-78 Grant
Program Account, and Section ~0714, "Sheriff," of the 19}7-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and providing
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion ~as seconded by Hrs. Boules
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and
NAYS: None.
Mr. Hubard offered the roll.inS Re~olution authorizing the acceptance, execution and
filing of the grant:
(f23760) A RESOLU~IO~ authorizing the acceptance, execution and filing of the "Special
Conditions for Action Grant Awards" ~ith the Division of Justice and Crime Prevention for an
action grant of Federal funds to prweide funding for the purchase of basic medical equipment for
use by the paramedics in the City's Jail.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les and adopted by the follc~inS vote:
AYES:Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman~ Thomas and
Hayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None
(~25761) & RESOLt~I~ expresein8 the Council's approval for the expenditure of certain
State a~ Federal grants-in-aid by the ~a~ ~bl~c L~bra~ for fiscal year 1977-1978, a~
(For full text of ~solution, see Resolution ~k ~o.
~r. ~rl~d ~ed the adoption of the Resolution. ~e mtion vas seconded by Nr.
Hubard ~d adopted by the foll~lng vote~
AYes ~=cil ~ers ~les, ~rla~, Grove, ~bard, Ta~n, ~s and
~yor Taylor. {.
NAYS~ None O.
H~e. B~I~e offered the following e~ergency Ordinance appropriating $2,421.00 to ~ks
a~ ~bll~tions ~der~terials and Supplies, and ~580.~ to Other Equl~nt ~der ~pital
~tlay of Sectiou ~1585~ ULibraries~" of the 19]]-]8
(~23~2) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordain Section ~158~. "Llbraries~~ of the 19]]-]8
Appropriat~on Ordl~nce. and providin8 for an ~rsency.
Hrs. ~les ~ed the adoption of the Ordi~nce. ~e ~tion was seconded by Hr. Grove
~yor Taylor
HAYS: Hone
execution of ~ange Order No. 1 to the contract ~ith ~nford Brothers ~any~ Inco~orated, for
Hr. ~h~s offered the roll,lng ~ergency Ordinance approving issuance of the change
and providing for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordi~nce B~k
Hr. ~ho~s offered the roll,lng ~ergency Ordinance transferring $10,~.~ fro~ S~er
(t23~6t) ~ O~I~CE to ~end and reo~dain Section t1855, '~ransfers to Other Funds,"
and adopted by the roll,inS ~te:
~yor Taylor.
NAYS~ None O.
SALE OF PROPERTY-STATE HIGHWAYS: The City Hanager submitted a written report reco~mendi~
sale of t~o certain parcels of land to the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation
needed for the 2tth Street High, ay Project, for the sum of $7,155.00.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that the follovivg Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t23765) Al/ ORDINAECE authorizing and directing the City's sale of tM parcels of land
situate in the City of Roanoke, on Helrose Avenue, N. H., and being portions of those properties
bearing Official Nos. 2t20201 and 2620202, for a consideration of $7,155.00, upon certain ter~s
and conditions.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the following vote:
A~: ~1! n~bere ~les, G~rl~, GFo?e, Huberd, Teubu~n, Tl~nae and
~ayor Taylor.
HATS: Ho~e ~'
report advising of the need to close one piece of property authorized for transfer to Evangel
FoursquayeC~spel~urc~ as It re.sins designated as street tight of vay in the vicinity of
(For full text, eec report on file in the City Clerkte Offlceo)
unanimously adopted.
an addition to the Hain Library.
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerkts Office,)
those gifts ~vi~ a ~alue in excess of ~5,~vould be eithec accepted or ~e~ectedb7 City
consult ~ith the Roanoke City Arts ~ission to dete~i~e the appropriateness of the gift.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
of the City o~ ~anoke, (1956). as amended, by adding a ~ ~apter n~ered 18, consisting of
grants, devises~ and bequests, a~d providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see Ordi~nce Book ~o.
length, froa Virginia State Route 635 across city ~ property in the Beaver D~atershed to
property presently ~ed by Hrs. Carol L. Yielder.
(For full text, see re.ri on file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. ~h~s moved that the roll.lng Ordi~nce be placed upon its first reading:
a~ easeaent over property of the City in the Blue Ridge ~gisterial District of Bedford ~nty~
requesting authorizati~ to execute a co~tract for semites by and betveen the City ad the City
Hr. Crove~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~mtionvas seconded by Hr. Nubazd
and adopted by the follo~it~ vote:
.~layor Taylor.
NAYS: None 0.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
On behalf of the Councll~ the Hayor co~nded He$$rs. Willi~ Ao Nevitt, Director of
Administration and Public Safety~ Carl C. Holt~ Chief of the Fire Depart~ntl H. David Hooper~
Hrs. Bo~les moved that the report be received and filed. The notion was seconded by
and that all funds not used be identified by the City and put back into the Consortiu~ general
possessed by the City of Roanoke.
Habard and unanimously adopted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
STRE~$ A~D ALLE~SI A report of the City Pls~nins Comission recmadinS that Council
SALE OF p~Op~I~-~)ANO~ HEMOZlAL HOSPITALS~ O~l~e No. 237~0 p~v~di~ f~r the
sale and co~vey~ce of a parcel of la~ locat~ betve~ C~stal Sprin~ Aven~ a~ Jeffers~
Street, S. ~., ~ln~ a part of the property bearln~ Official Tax No. 1~1~2, ~vl~ previ~sly
been before the ~cil for its firs~ reading, r~d a~ adopted on its first readin~ a~ laid
(~237~0) ~ O~I~CE pr~ldin~ for the sale and conveya~e of a parcel of 1~ located
Official Tsx No. 10~1~2.
(~ot full rex: o[ Otdi~uce, see Otdi~nce ~k
AYe: ~cil ~era ~les~ ~rland, Grove, ~ubara, Taub~e~
price of $185,~.~, be placed upon its ~frs~ reading:
(~237~0) ~ O~I~CE provfdin~ for the City's acquisl~ion of 10 ac~es, ~re or less,
(~237~1) ~ O~I~CE ~o ~end Ordi~nce No. 22330 end Ordl~nce No. 23644, provfdin~
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook
}irs. Bovles moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by }ir. Garland
and adopted by the folloving vote;
AYES:C~uncil uenbers ~ovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Tauh~an, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor 7.
HAYS: None
SIADItr~-YGiYFdCCI~ISSIOH~ Council having l~cted the City A~o~ey co prepare the
proper ~asure vaivi~g rental fees a~ certain other fees a~ c~rges for the use of Victory
Stadl~by the Youth ~lsslon for their~gust 11o 1977 dance, he presented sa~; ~ereu~u,
Hr. Hubard offered the foll~lng Resolution:
(J2377~) A ~O~I~ varying ren~al fees a~ certain other fees and c~rges for the
use of Victo~ S~adl~by the ~yotes Youth ~lssio~ for the Y~th ~ission*s ~st 11. 1977
(For full tex~ of Resolution, see Resolution a~k
Hr. ~bard ~ved the adoption of the ~solu~ion. The ~lon vas seconded by ~r. Th~s
and adopted by the roll.lng vote:
ltayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None O.
TALES-LICENSES: Council having instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper measure
ia connection vith the new decal issuance procedure proposed to Council on July 25, 1977, he
presented same; whereupon, Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance deleting the
provision for a Bicentennial decal, providing for new tine periods when old and new license
number plates, tags or decals may be used, providing for a new expiration date for such licenses
and a new time period for annual purchase of new licenses:
(f23775) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain S 29, Same-Issuance of plate, tag or
decal, S31, Same-Period for which plates, tags or decals may be used, and ~35, $~e-Expiration;
renewal, of Chapter 1, Traffic Code, of Title XVIII, Hotor Vehicles and Yraffic, of the Code of
the City o£ Roanoke (1956), as amended, so as to delete the provision for a Bicentennial decal;
to provide for new tine periods vhen old and new license number plates, tags or decals may be
used; to provide for a new expiration date for such licenses and a new tine period for annual
purchase of new licenses; and to provide for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion Vas seconded by Hr. Nubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Crove, Nubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None O.
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance providing a new date for the
NAYS: None
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance providing for the manner in
vhich checks and money orders tendered to the City should be made payable; and the effect of a
check's being not paid by the bank:
(~23771} AN ORDINANCE amending and reordaining Chapter 9~ The City Treasurers of Title
II, Administration, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, by adding a new section
to be numbered § 13 providing for the manner in vhich checks and money orders tendered to the
City should be made payable; the effect of a checkts being not paid by the bank; and providing
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None .0.
NUI~ET-IITf~RAI'IO~-$F.~RF-~YIOH--Cll~ ~LOYF.~S: In tefere~e to the rotter
sufficient f~s to ~l~nt the u~ Affl~tive Act/~ Plan, Hr, H~ard offered t~ foll~in~
e~rgency Ordi~nce tr~ferrin~ ~19~91~.~ fr~ Sect/~ ~1880~ "~ntingenciess" to Secti~
10~11~ 'Ferso~el ~nag~ntN~ of the 1977-78 b~get:
(~23778) ~ O~CK to ~ a~ reordain certain sections of the 19~]-78
Ordl~nce~ a~ pr~ldl~ for ~ ~r~ency.
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see Ordl~nce ~k No,
a~ adopted by the foll~ln~ vote~
A~: ~uncil m~ers ~les, 6arl~d~ ~rove~ Hu~rd~ Tau~n~ Th~s and
NAYS: None. 0.
C~UNCIL: Nr. Thomas moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a pevdini
real estate matter. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me=bets Bowles, Garland, Grove, Rubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor. -- .... 7.
CO~CIL: Hr. Thomas moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a pending
lena1 matter. The motion was seconded by Hr. Yaubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members ~owles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None O.
CC/~qI~TEES-PENSIONS: The Hayor noted that there is a vacancy on the Board of Y~Jstees,
Employees' Retirement System, due to the resignation of Hr. ~illiam I. Battle, for a term of four
years endtn§ June 30, 1981, and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Taubman placed in nomination the name of Hr. Thomas L. Robertson.
There being no further nomivations, Hr. Robertson vas elected as a member of the Board
Of Trustees, Employees~ Retirement System, for a term of four years ending dune 30, 1981, by the
follc~ing vote:
FOR HR. ROgERYSON: Council me~bers Bc~les, Carland, Grove, Rubard, Yaubman, Yho~s
and Hayor Taylor. '7.
CON~tlTTEES-CELEBRAIIONS: The Hayor noted that there is a vacancy on the Independence
Bicentennial Co=mission due to the rest~nation of Hr. ~illiam S. Poff for a term of one year
ending June 30, 1978, and called for noainations to fill the vacancy.
Hrs. Bovles placed in nomination the name of Hr. ~illiam [. Craft.
There being no further nominations, Hr. Craft vas elected as a member of the Independence
Bicentennial Commission for a tem of one year ending June 30, 1978, by the following vote:
FOR MR. CRAFT: Council members Bowles, Garland, trove, Rubard, Taubman, Thomas
and N~yor Taylor .... 7.
CO~tlT~EES-ARTS CC~/HISSION: The Hayor advised of the expiration of the one year term
of Hr. Peter ~reden as a member of the Roanoke City Arts Co~dssion on June 30, 1977, that Mr.
~reden has declined to serve another term, and he requested that Hr. Thomas be responsible for
finding someone to fill the vacancy.
C(I~III~E~S-I~JHA~ ~ZSO~tCES COI~II~EE: l~e ~yor advised t~t the one year te~ of Hiss
Be~lce F. Jones as a ~er of the
called for ~i~Cl~s to the fill the vacancy.
~sourc~ ~{ttee for a one year te~ e~ln{ June 30~ 19]8, by th~ foll~in{ vote{
FO{ HISS J~{ ~cil ~ers
a~ ~yor Taylor
endin~ June 30~ 19~8~ and called for ~tions to fill the vacancy.
a~ ~yor ~aylor~ '~*
~ '34
It appearing that Hro BeCraft does not reside in the City of Roanoke, Hr. Yaubnan moved
that the City residency requiren~nt be valved in this instance. The notion vas seconded by Hr.
Rubard and unanimously adopted.
NAYS: None- ~-
Each member of Coumcl! spoke briefly in reference to the matter of curb$1de refuse
The ~verend Leroy C. ~oberts requested that the record be set straight In regard to a
statement ~hich vai erode earlier in the ~eetin~ that the ~yor vas elected by a certain ~ctioa
of the City. He said t~ ~yoE vas elected by ~y citize~ a~ ~t Just citize~ f~one
he said the "thi~in~u persons, ~o are a ul~rity In this City, are sayin& It Is rather strange
t~t this ki~ of outc~ does not c~ ~en there is c~flict bet~en the State and the City
~er the taxiu~ question vhich is far deeper
rather strange t~t there is ~t a cry c~in~ fr~ all the citize~ a~ both ~litical parties
~en it c~s d~ to certain f~eral projects la the City of ~a~ke a~ he cited the Cai~boro
t~re is no c~ for the need of continu~ housi~ for senior citizens in this City ~lch viii be
per.ps both Parties t~k l~ in a political fr~ork.
~. ~ther Tvis~s 2~36 Mlnifred Drive, appeared before ~cil a~ read a prepared
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
(6) ~eques~ the City~er to explore the feasibility of
Co.unity Develo~ent glock Crant funds.
for fiscal year 1977-78 from Accou~t
fiscal year, J~ly 1 to June
(5) Refer'the policy all.ed by Section ~8-778
address, ~. ~aub~n m~ed that they be referred to Council at its Fi~ncial and Plannin~ Session
on ~nday, Septe~er 19, 19~, for consideration. ~e ~tion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and
~nimously adopted. ~ith reference to Reco~endation 10~ the ~yor requested that the City
N~Eer be prepared to submit his co~ents to Council.
seconded by Hr. Taub~ and adopted by the foll~in~ vote:
NA¥SI None' O.
At this point, the Hayor then declared the meeting recessed.
At 1:18 a.m., Tuesday, August 9, 1871, the Council reconvened with lfayor Taylor presiding
and all me~bers present.
TACLES: Hr. Taubman offered the follo~ing Resolution setting a public hearing for 2:00
p.m., ~onday, September 26, 1977, in the Council Chamber, pursuant to Section 58-785.1 of the
Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, relating to real estate taxes estimated to be collected
during the tax year 1971:
(t23780) A RESOLUTION setting a public hearing pursuant to § 58-785.1 of the Code of
Virginia (1950) as mended, relating to real estate taxes estimated to be collected during the
tax year 1977.
(For full text Of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. ~aubman ~oved the adoption of the ~solution. The motion vas seconded by Hr, Grove
adopted by the followtn~ vote~
I/ATSz None.
There bein~ no further business, the H~yor declared the meetl~g adjourned.
City Clerk
lto~da7 g August
ll~e ~tacil of the City of Roanoke ~et in regular ~etfnB ia the ~ouacil Ch~er la the
~nicipal ~lld~ City of ~ano~ on ~ay~ ~gust 22~ 1977~ at 2 p.m.~ the re~lar
h~r~ ~ith~yor Noel C. Taylor presidin~.
P~ ~cil ~ers Elizabeth T. ~les~ ~be~t A, ~rland~ ~cian Y. Grove~
Nicholas F. Taub~n, ~ton ~. ~h~s a~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor. 6.
OFFIC~ P~: ~. Byron E. ~ner, City ~erl Hr. S~ H. ~ee, III~ ~sistan~
H~ ~pies of the ninules of the special ~e~lut held on ~nday, ~Sus~ 8, 1977;
a~ the regular ueetin~ held on ~nday, Au~s~ 8, 19~7, havinl been furnished each ~er of
The adoption of the Ordinance ~as seconded by HFs. K~les.
J ~ S had been la ~he bid openin~ ro~ and urged city officials to delay openl~ of the bids
received should be acceptS.
In reserd to coIsmnts Bade by Hr. Ihrt, the Assistant City l/ana~er st·ted that the bid
specific·ti*ns ~ere properly advertised and copies were sent to rations firms that had ledic~tnd
· preference in biddin8, H~ said the day before bidevere set to be received, ~e received ·
letter iron · potential bidder with · set of ten or eleven questions that could not be ·ns~ernd
la tine for ell potentisl bidders to eubnit bids based upon the ansvere, ·nd that being the
case, an addendu~ vas eubu~tted to all bidders advising then that the bid openin~ date had been
postponed tv* weeks and they were fu~31sbnd with no. vets to the questions in order that they
ulHht u~re s&ttefacterll~ con, are the bids based on the questions raisedt and · ne~ tim~ was set
for 10t00 ·,u., on June 22. The cmittee waited five to ten minutes after 10;00 a.m., on June
anticipating a second bid. Ho further bids were received ·nd the ~lttee proceeded to open
the *ns bid. After they had opened the bid Of A~COA, a representative Of Allrisht Parkin~ Co.any
arrived, apologized for being late, stated he did not have a bid and left. He said the com~ttee
proceeded to revie~ the bid of A~COA, referred it to a subco~nittee, the subcc~mittee had Meting8
(2)That the City Engineering Department do construction
plans for prototype and future block~, or that the
city pay Hayes, Seay~ Hattern& Hatteru Or som~ other
architect to do the plans,
(3) ~hat the city pay for extension of the storm drains
and videnimg of the sidewalks.
(&) That the city consider assessing abutting property
or six years, or if revenue bonds can be sold locally
to lighten the load on property o~ners.
($) ~hat the city agree to consider the elimination of the
Second Street, S. H., could he used.
(For full text, see vritten material on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
concern and endorsement of the Clean-up Campaign, approximately 175 Jobs vere provided for 14 -
15 year olds.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Council by the Human Resources Coaauittee and also suggestions as to a possible process for
implementing the guidelines in an equitable and impartial manner.
(For full text~ see vrittenmaterial on file in the City Clerk~s Office.)
In this connection, the Director of Finance reported that the City of Roanoke has
anticipated in preparing the fiscal year 1977-78 budget.
scheduled for September 26~ 197~, on the 19~] real estate taxes be held at ~:30 p.m.~ on said
The Reverend Leroy C, P~berts reco~ended that a procedure be established by Council
names and addresses prior to the ~eettng and that only City of Roanoke residents viii be allowed
for political advantage.
AYES: Council members B~wles, Garland and Th~s 3.
B~I~ET-SCHOOLS: A conu~mlcatlon iron the ~oanoha City School Bo&rd requesting that
$3&$,432o00 he approprl&ted to Section ~15600, ~Enersency School Aid Act, Title VII'0 of the
1977-78 budget0 one hundred per cent of ex~eeditutes to be reimbursed by Title VII, Enersenry
School Aid Act fm~ds, vas before Council.
(For full text, see cou~nication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Tavbn~n offered the folloving emergency Ordinance sppropriatinl the requested
(~23781) AH O~DI~AHCE to &~eed and reotdain Section ~15600, ~Schools oF~nergency
School Aid Act, Title VII, u of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and pro¥1ding for an emergency.
(For full text of ordinance, see Ordinance Bo~k Ho.
Hr. Taub~n moved the adoption of the Ordin~nce. The notion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
ATES: Council n~mbers ~ovles, Garland, GroTe, Taubm~n, Thomas and Hayor
~ATS~ None O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
SHERIFF-JAIL: A co~unic~tion from Hr. Paul J. Fuckett, Sheriff, recou~endin~ that
letter be written to the Department of Corrections sup~olting a 4.8I salary increase for the paramed cs
in his office, vas before Council.
(For full text, see co~nication on file in the City Clerkss Office.)
rne Director of Finance advised that the &.8 per cent involves approving the state
supplement and it does not provide a 1.8 per cent increase to anyone since the para~edics have
already received the city across-the*board pay raise. It provides more money for the City of
Roanoke from the state supplement.
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the recommendation of the Sheriff and that a
co~nication be vritten to Hr. C. ~. Gibbs, Chief, Co~nity Facilities Section~ Hlvision
Adult Services, Department of Corrections, supporting the &.8 per cent salary increase. The
motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted.
LIBRARIES: A cc~mnlcation from HFS. Jennifer J. SlbleF, Deputy Clerk~ Roanoke County
Board of Supervisors, advising of the appointmen$ of a committee to represent Roanoke County to
negotiate vlth representatives of Roanoke City in establishing a regional library facility and
to report their recommendations back to both governing bodies, vas before Council.
(For full text, see co~anication on file in the City Clerk*s Office,)
Hr. Thomas moved that the communication be received and filed. The motion vas seconded
by ~r. Taubman and adopted.
REGIONAL JAIL: A cc~anication from Hr. ~llliam F. Clark, County Executive, advising
that the Board of County Supervisors took action authorizing architects to proceed vith preparation
of plans for constl-uction of a ne~ County Jail adjacent to the present County Courthouse in
Salem, said ne~Jail facilities to be in cooperation ~ith the City of Salem and Craig County,
~as before Council.
(For full text, see co~munication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubman stated that in the absence of Councilman Eubard~ ~ho is Chairman of the
Jail Study Committee of the City of aoanoke, he vould like to reiterate ~hat ~r. Bubard has
indicated, and Council has concurred that the city's offers ~ill remain open until such tine as
the Jail plans are completed, and the first brick is put into the grotmd~ that the city continues
to feel that its offers ~ill cost the citizens of the Valley substantially less money over the
next fifty years and moved that the co~munication be received and filed ~ith regret, The motion
~as seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and adopted.
HOUSI~C-SLUHCLEARANCE-STREE~S A~DALLEYS: A comnlcatlon from Hr. Janes H. Turner~
Jr.~ Attorney~ requesting that the public hearing scheduled for September 12~ 19~1, on the
request of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority~ that portions of Chestnut
and HcDc~aell Avenues between Fifth and Third Streets~ the portion of lhird Street between Chestnut
and~cDo~ell Avenues and portions of certain alley~als~ be vacated~ discontinued and closed~ be
postponed until further notice~ ~as before Council.
(For full text, see cor~mnication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the request. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted.
RE~USECOLLECTION: ~he Gity~anager submitted a vritten report in connection vith the
continuation of backyard refuse collection service and advising of certain necessary budget
adjustments if backyard refuse collection is continued.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas stated that he vould like further information on the adjustments prior to
s~itchinB that ~uch money around in the budget and moved that the Ordinance be referred back to
the City ~anager for additional infor~ation. The motion vas seconded by }irs. Bcnales and adopted,
Hr. Taubmanoffered the foil,ring e~ergency Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 21711
and repealing certain sections of Chapter 3, Sanitary ~egulatione, Title XllI, Health, of The
Code of the City of Roanoke, 1956, as a~ended, providing a ~ethod of collection of residential
garbage, refuse and other vnate materials vithin the City of Roanoke:
(~23782) AN O~DI~L~CE repealing Ordinance No. 23711 adopted July 11, 1977, and mnending
and reordaining Chapter 3~ Sanitary Reguletions, of Title XlIl Healtho of the Cede Of the City
Of Roanoke (1956)t as amended, by repealing certain sections thereof and by adding certain
sections thereto, providin~ for a method of collection of residential garbage, refuse and other
vaste materials vithin the City; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion Vas seconded by Hr.
Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, ~ho~as and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
B~*DGET-AIP. PO~T: The City Hanager submitted a vritten report requesting that a ney
airport fund account be established for FAA Project 6-51-OOt5-07, in the amount of $185,000,
and that certain bud&et adjustments be made in connection therevith,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. lhomas offered the follo~lng emergency Ordinance transferring $9,150.00 from "Acquire
Land - Noise Abat~ent~ to "Land Acquisition (F.A.A. Project 6-51-00&5-0~)'; and appropriatins
$115,~50.00 in ney funds to "Land Acquisition (F.A.A. Project 6-51-00t$-O~)", of the 191~-]8
Grant ProiramAccount:
(121~g3) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain the City of Roanoke*s 19~7-18 Grant Program
Account~ and providing for an e~er~ency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
A¥~5: Council ~embers to, les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and }iayor Taylor ...... 6.
AYES: Council meI~bers Bo~les~ Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and }layor Taylor
NAYS: Non~
(Hr. Nubard absent)
REGIONAL JAIL: The City Hanager submitted a written report reco~endin~ authorization
to execute Change Order No. 2 to the contract ~ith Tandy Construction Company to provide for an
open motor unit for the air conditionin~ chiller unit for the city jail.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Bo~les offered the follo~in§ emerBency Ordinance authorizin~ issuance of the
chan~e order:
(123785) AN ORDINANCE approving the City HanaBer% issuance of ChanBe Order No. 2~ to
the City*s contract with Tandy Construction Company, dated duly 6, 19}]~ for construction Of a
ne~ Jail facllity~ authorized by Ordinance No. 23?02; and providin~ for an emerBency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taub~an, Thomas and Hayor
(Hr. Hubard absent)
E~JIPN~I~f: The City Hrnage£ submitted a written report advising of a public auction
for sale of certain surplus tansible personal property, and that sealed bids were received for
the sale of one cra~ler type tractor and one pan.
(For full text. see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Taubman and adopted.
(For full text. see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the following emergency Ordinance authorizing the City of Roanoke%
the agreement heretofore entered into by and between the City of Roanoke and other gover~ental
N~npo~er Services under the Cc~prehensive E~ploy~ent and Training Act of 1973[ and providing for
(For full text of Ordin~nce, see Ordinance Nook No,
(Hr. Rubard absent)
CIVIL DEFUSE: The City Manager submitted a written report requesting that an appropriat~
Resolution be adopted requesting the locality to be declared a disaster area due to the drought,
so that farmers can receive assistance in purchasing feed for their livestock.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland offered the following Resolution~
(t23~8I) A RESOLUPION requesting the Governor of the Co~n~ealth of Virginia to
declare the City of Roanoke a drought disaster area.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Resolution. The morion was seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor-- 6.
NAYS: None- ~-
(Hr. Hubard absent)
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: The City Manager submitted a written report in connection with
proposed State and Local Hospitalization Plan A~reements ~hich provide hospitalization and outpatie~
treatment for indigent persons for the period of July 1, 19]~, to June 30, 19~8.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance authorizing the contracts
to be entered into:
(~23~85) AN ORDINANCE authorizing certain contracts to be entered into with certain
hospitals to provide hospitalization and treatment of indigent or medically indigent patients;
fixing certain rates to be paid for such services during Fiscal Year 19~-19~8; and providing for
an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None O.
(Mr. Hubard absent)
C~LAINTS-PAR~S A~D pLA, GROUnDS: The City ~ger submitted a written report
co.cotton ~th ~cil*s request t~t e~orc~nt action be stre~then~ ~ith regard to
s~teboards on public streets a~ t~t the feasibility of desi~ating ar~s
AYES: Council z0~nbers Ro~leso Garland, Groveo ya~bnan~ Thomas ~nd Phyor Taylor: ~
NAYS: Hone ,0.
(Hr. DuEard absent)
RADIO-T~EVISIO~ X'ne City Clerk submitted a written report odvising of receipt of
application of Roanoke Valley Cableviefoue Incorporateds for certificate of compliances and that
the application viii be kept on file in her office for public lnxpectiou.
(For full texts see report on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Carland and adopted.
expenditures for public ~elfare for the month ended July 30,
Hr. Taub~an and adopted.
Hrs. Bo~les offered the follovint Resolution:
(For full text of Resolutiofl~ see Resolution Book ~o.
Thomas and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
(~r. Hubard absent)
BUDGET: The Director of Finance submitted the monthly financial report for July, 1977.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~ho~as ~oved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
~rs. ~owles and adopted.
Hr. Taubman offered the following Resolution:
(~23791) A ~SOLU~IO~ supporting the application of Piedmont Avlatlou, Inco, to extend
itl service from ~oanoke to Boston.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book Hoo
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Resolution. l~e motion wa~ seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les and adopted by the follo~ins vote:
(Hr. Hubard absent)
AIRPORTs A report of the Airport Advisory Coumission advising of the election of Hr.
Jack Smith, Chairman, Hr. Warner H. Dalhouse, ¥iceChairman and Hiss Cris Beamer, Secretary,
for fiscal year 1977078, vas before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubmanmoved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
Hrs. Bovles and adopted.
(Hr. Rubard absent)
pEI~ISIONS: The Secretary-Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, Employees* Retirement
System, submitted a vritten report on behalf of the Board reco~ending that Council approve ten
year Yesting for city employees and refer the matter to the City Attorney for preparation of the
proper measure.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
~r. Teulman ~oved that Council concur in the report and that the ~atter be referred to
the City Attorney for preparation of the proper ~easure. The ~otion vas ,econded by Hr. Grove
en~ ~dopt ed.
~[S~:D ~J S IKESS t
BUDGET-SCHOOLSt A co~mnication fro~ the ~oano~ City School Board requeeting eppropr~a-
tions of $1,200~000 nod $600~000 to AS~ 2125, Teachers, of the 1977-78 budget, having pre¥iously
(Hr. Hubard absent)
SALE OF pROPERI~-$CHOOLS~ Ordinance No. 23770 providln~ for the cityts acquisition of
the su~ of $185~000.00, bein$ a part of a $~, acre, more or less, tract bearin~ Official Tax
6t60101, In the City of ~a~ke, up~ certain tern a~ co~itl~, ~vin~ prevl~sly been
before the ~uncil for its first re~din~, read a~ adopted on its first readi~ a~ laid over~
vas a~ain before t~ b~ys ~. ~s offerin~ the roll.ins for its second r~din~ and fill
(~23770) ~ O~I~CE pr~ldi~ for the City's acquisitl~ of I0 acres, ~re or less,
bearl~ Official Tax No. 6t~101, la the City of ~anoke, upon certain te~ a~ co~itions.
(For full text of Ordl~ce, see Ordi~nce ~ok
Hr. ~s ~ved the adoption of the Ordl~nce. ~e ~ion vas seconded by Nr. ~rland
a~ adopt~ by the foll~in~ vote~
A~M: ~=cil ~ers ~les, ~rland, ~s a~ ~yor Taylor
(Hr. Hubard absent) (Hr. Taub~n not voting)
for an appropria~on of ~186,~ instead o[ $185,~ in order to provide sufficien~ fund~ for
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~Joinins ~llll~ Ylenin~ S ~illi~ Ruffner Sch~ls under Section t18~, ~ransfers to Capital
~roJects Fund." of the 19~7-78 ~pital Projects Fund:
(~23793) ~ ~CE to a~e~ and reordain Section ~1855, '~ransfers to ~pital
(Hr. Hubard absent) (Hr. Taub~n not vo~in~)
(Hr. Eubard absent) (Hr. Taub~n not vo~ing)
(Hr. Rubard absent) (Hr. ~homas was out of the Council Chamber)
REHABILITATION CEnTErS: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to
prepare the proper measure authorizing the city's lease of certain property at 836 Campbell
Avenue, So W., for a Crisis Intervention/Runaway Centert upon certain ter~s and conditions~ he
presented sa~el ~hereupon, Hr. Grove offered the following emergency Ordinance:
(~23795) AN ORDI~CE authorizing the City's lease of certain property for a Crisis
Intervention/Runaway Center upon certain terms and conditions; and providing for an energency.
(F~r full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook ~o.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion v&s seconded by Hr, Taubumn
and adopted by the following vote~
ATES~ Council nonhero go. lee, Garland, Grove, T~-~, Thomas and Hayor Taylor ,-$.
HAyS~ None ~0.
(Hr. Hubard absent) (Hr. Thomas vas out of the Council Chamber)
pENSIOnS: Hr. Taubman offered the follovln8 e~ergen~y Ordinance ~ t~ City
~de so as to provide the certain ~ers of the ~loyeest ~tlr~nt $yst~ s~ll be entitled
to creditable se~lce for all t~ ~loyed by the city regardless of br~ks In se~lce:
(~23796) ~ O~I~CK ~ing a~ reordal~ ~pter 1, ~neral Frovisions of
Title III~ ~ensions a~ ~tir~nto of ~e ~de of the City of ~o~0 (1956) as ~n~eds by
addi~ a ~ subsection to be n~ered (6) to J~, Creditable se~lce, so as to provide
certain ~ers of ~he ~loyees~ Ketir~ent Syst~ s~ll be entitled to creditable so.ice for
all ti~ ~loyed by the City regardless of brea~ la se~ce; and providing for an ~Tsency.
(For full text of Ordl~ce, see Ordinance ~k
Hr. Ta~n ~ved t~ adoption of the Ordinance. ~e ~tion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the foll~in~ ~te~
AYe: ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rland, Grove, Taub~a, ~s and ~yor Taylor
(Hr. Hubard absent)
BUDGET-CIH ATIORNEYI Hr. Taub~an offered the folloving emergency Ordinance appropriatln
$19,359.00 to Other Services and Charges under Section 10301, "City Attorney," of the 1977-78
(~2379]) AN ORDINANCR to amend and reordatn Section ~0301, *'City Attorney," of the
197]-]g General Pond Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(Yor full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otton ~as seconded
by Hr. Grove a~d adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bovles, C~rland, Grove, Taubman~ Thc~s and Nayor Taylor ~6.
NAYS: None O.
(~r. Rubard absent)
CIVIC CENTER: Council havin~ previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure authorizing the Clty Hanager to enter into a new agreement vithLocal No. 55,
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and N~vir~ Picture Hachine Operators, to be
effective July 1, 1977, relative to services of such organization at the Roanoke Civic Center,
upon certain ter~s and conditions, he presented same; whereupon, Hr. Taubman offered the following
emergency Ordinance:
(123798) A~ ORDINANCE authorizing the City Hanager to enter into a new agreement with
Local No. 55. International Alliance of Theatrical Stage F~ployees and Hoving Picture Hachine
Operators, to be effective duly 1, 197]. relative to services of such organization ar the Roanoke
CiViC Center, upon certain te~n~ and conditions; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor .... 6.
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerkee Office.)
H~. Taub~ta ~ved that Council co,cur in the ~yor~s appoint~nt of the c~ittee.
~tion was seco~ed by ~. ~rland ~ adopted.
~CI~VI~IH~ ~ICIF~ ~E~ ~ ~yor presented a c~lcation recycling
t~t t~ Fluvial a~ ~l~nl~ Session of ~cil scheduled for Sept~er 19~ 19]]~ be cancelled
la vl~ of the fact t~t several ~ers of ~cil viii be in atte~ance at the a~l ~etin~
of the Vlrsinia ~niclpal L~e In ~llll~bur~ Virginia. He also reco~ed t~t Vlc~yor
Elizabeth ~. ~les ~ill ~ the Yotin~ ~lasate a~ ~cl~n ~ton ~. ~s ~lll be the
~te~te Vo~lnS ~lesate on be~lf of the City of ~o~e a~ the V~rslnia ~nic~al
by t~ reslS~lon of ~. ~. Ve~on Hic~ for a te~ e~ins June 30~ 1918~ and called for
~ere being no further halations, Hr. Strauss vas elected as a m~er of the Revenue
19~8~ by the foll~lng vo~e:
(~. ~bard absent)
Relations ~lttee created by the resig~lon of Hr. ~arles A. Davis for a rem of one year
ending June 30, 19~8~ and called for n~lna~lons to fill ~he vacancy.
(~. Rubard absent)
Honday~ August 29, 1977.
The Council of the City of Roanoke ~et in special meetin$ in the Council Chamber in
the ~tunlclpol ~uil~inB0 City of Roanoke, on I~onday, AuNust 29o 1977, at 9:00 &.u,~ ~tth Hayor
Noel C. Taylor presidinN.
FRES~qT: Council m~mbers Robert A. Garlands Lucian Y. Grove, Milltam S. Hubard,
Nicholas Fo Taubman, I~mpton W, Thomas and Hayor Noel C. Taylor
A~SEHT~ Vice Hayor Elizabeth T. Bo~les*
OFFICE~S p~FqENT: Hr, Byron E. Hamer, City PLtnaler; Hr. Sa~ N. ~Ghee, III, Assistant
City H~nager; Hr. ~ilburn C. Diblin$, Jr** City Attorney; Hr. Joel H. Schlanger, Director of Flnanc*
and Hrs. ~ry F. parker, City Clerk.
I~V(X~ATI(~: The meeting vas opened vith a prayer by Hayor Noel C. Taylor.
The H~yor advised th~e the purpose of the meeting ~as to adopt legal documents in
connection vith acceptance of E.D.A. Local Public Vozks Grants.
B~CET-CI~A~S-DE~A~T OF ~BLZCVOI~St The Clty H~naEer preseuted v~ltten reports
in connection vlth a request for authorization by resolution to execute **Offers of Grant" on
behalf of the City of Roanoke for live Economic Development Administration (E,D.A.) Local l~blic
~orks Grants.
(For full text, see reports on file in the City Clezk*s Office.)
Hr. Taubman offered the following emergency Ordinance amending and reordaining the
Tueaday, September 6, 1977.
The Council of the City of Buanoke met in regular mteting in the Covacil Cl~er in the
F~nicipal Building, City of ~oanoke, on ~e~a~ Sept~er 6~ 197~ at 2 p.m.~ the regular ~eting
h~r~ ~ith Vic~or Elizabeth ~. ~les pr~sidi~.
F. Taub~n, ~pton ~. ~s and Vice-~yor Elizabeth T. B~les~
~: ~yor Noel C. ~aylor. 1.
OFFIC~ ~ ~. Byron E. ~ner, City ~ser; Hr. $~ H, HcChee, III, ~sistan~
Fiance; and Hrs. ~ F. Parer, City Clerk.
HI~ES: ~pies of the minutes of the regular meetins held on ~nday,
a~ the special meetinS held on Honday, Ausust 29, 19~, ~vinS been fumished each ~er of
Co~cil, on mo~lon of Hr. Hubard, seconded by Hr. Ta~n and adopted, the reading ~hereof was
dispensed with and the minutes were approved as recorded.
as Valley He~ro. ~he motion was seconded by Hr. Carland and adoptS.
was a~ain before the
the bid of ~COA, Incorporated, for the parking lot concession at the Civic Cen~er and they have
Hr. Carland.
~he rules which ~ove~ ~he receipt of bids and for that reason he said he could not $uppor~ the
parkin~ fee ~ill be a nuisance, it wiI1 drive business ~o the Salem-Roanoke Valley 2ivic Center
(H~yor Taylor absent)
S~Kr-S~OOLSz Hr, H~ury L, Streuse, mmber of Zh ~ard of Vlrsl~a ~este~ ~aity
~11ese, s~pear~ before ~11 ~ requested i contribu~l~ fr~ tb Cl~y of ~b for ~eratl~
s~ capital ~ley for a n~ bulldl~ st Virsinia ~este~ ~lty ~llese, He ~ld ~he requested
contribution fr~ ~oke City ~o t~ ~llnge ROt fiscal ~ear
has already app~priated in the area of $20,~.~ - $22,~.~ t~srd this
additio~l app~priatiou of $37,~.~ ~lch viii be ~ed for site preparation ~ en[lneerl~
work necessn~ in the event the pro~sed n~ ~cupati~l-Tec~lcal Buildi~ ~s appF~ed by either
t~ ~neral ~se~ly, through direct appropriation, or ~ passage of the ~120 ~lllou ~ucatio~l
bo~ refere~ vhich fs to be voted upon this fall, He sa~d it Is felt the requested contribution
~. Strauss ~t~ ~f the bo~ refere~ is ~t passed~ t~re
t~ capital outlay ~lll be ~e by the General ~s~ly because the buildl~8 a~ Virsln~a Veste~
and WI are ve~ hish on the priority list. He said if t~
failure of the ~ referend~s the $37,~.~ ~lll be retu~ed to the city fort~ith. He said
n~er of students fr~ each lo~l~ty se~ed by the ~llege of ~lch ~anoke
that the ~37,~.~, In addtt~on to t~ $20~.~ already appropriated, vill be retu~ to the
fees for the ~cupatio~l-Tec~ical ~ildinS If f~dini from the S~a~e of Vir~inta Is ~valisble.
NAYS: None O. (Hayor
Taylor absent)
ROANOKE CIVIC C~rIER: Council having previously requested that the City Hanager submit
his co~ents in reference to continuation of the Roanoke Civic Center Commission, along with any
recommended chanBes, the matter was before the body.
In this connection, the City Hanaser submitted a written report advising that the Civic
Center management has worked well trader the current system and rec~ending that Council continue
the procedure currently in effect.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Taubman moved that Council continue the Roanoke Civic Center Commission as
present method of operation, and that the present members of the Commission be reappointe/
under the
under the
foll~iug staggered term alphabetical last ~e basis:
Name Term Endint
Hrs. Genevieve G. Dickinson I yr. 9130178
Lacy L. Edwards, Jr. I yr. 9/30/78
Lawrence H, Hamlar I yr. 9[30/78
L. CrahamHaynie 2 yrs. 9/30/79
Frank C. Nartin, Jr. 2 yrs. 9/30/79
d. Carson Quarles 2 yrs. 9/30/79
Vincent S. btneeler 3 yrs.
The notion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted.
At the last regular neetlng of Council on August 22~ 1977, Council deferred action on
the 1977 Ann~alRoport of the Roanoke Clvie Center Conn~tssion, the ~atter vas again hefote the
(For full texts see report on file in the City Cletkts Office.)
Hr, Taubman ~oved that the report be received and filed. The ~otion vas seconded by
Hr, Orove and adopted.
BUD~E~-REFUSECOLLE~IC~: Council st its last regular heeling on Hondsy, August 22,
(For full text, see report on file in the City ClerkSs Office.)
effect of that would he to add $~S~,131.~O to the budget. He said the second Ordinance would
delete the transfer station funds from the ~eneral Fund of $213,000.00 and would delete
if the ordinance is adopted of $126,131.50.
Ordinancess it viii be appropriating $126,131.~O. If Council wishes to co~e back at so~e later
adopteds Council will be appropriating $1~6,131o50 necessary to retain hackyard refuse collection.
$&20s951.50 under Section ~1669, "Refuse Collection," decreasing Capital Outlay by $33~OOO.00,
and increasing Capital Outlay by $96,~00.00 under Section ~1669, "Refuse Collections" and decreasin
Contingencies by $~20,931.50 under Section ~1850, "Contingencies," of the 1977-78 budget:
(~23802) AX ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain Section ~1669, "Refuse Collection," and
Bo~les. 6.
NAYS: None. .0.
(Nayor Taylor absent)
Hr. Grove offered the follcviug emergency Ordinance decreasing by $1t5,000.00 Capital
Outlay under Section t1669, "Refuse Collection," and decreasing by $213,000.00 Transfers to
Capital under Section t1855, "Transfers", of the 1977-~8 budget:
(t23803) AN ORDINANCE to maend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-~8 Appropriation
Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Crowe, Taubman, Tho~s and Vice-~ayor Bo~les-- 3.
NAYS: Council member Hubard ---- .1.
(Hayor Taylor absent)
Hr, Nubard said he is opposed to the Ordinance because in effect it is deleting the
transfer station which is a much zmre efficient way of collecting refuse and will result in lo,er
cost to the city and its citizens.
BUDGET-CIRCUIT COURT: The City Hanager sub~itted a written report advising that an
appropriation of $2,250.00 to Supplies and Naterials under Section ~0~01~ "Circuit Court," of the
1977-78 budget is necessary in order for the Court to purchase a set of VirBinia Reports.
report noted that Council approved a transfer of funds on June 27, 1977, in order to purchase the
item, however, bids for supplying the reports were requested but it vas impossible to receive
bids and a~ard a purchase order prior to the end of the fiscal year on 5une 30, consequently, the
funds which were previously transferred by Council were not encumbered and were not carried over.
(For full texts see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard offered the following emergency Ordinance transferring $2,250.00 from Contingenc~
Reserve under Section f1880, "Contingencies," to Haterials and Supplies under Section ~0701~
"Circuit Court~" of the 1977-78 budget:
(t2380~) AN ORDI2/ANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Appropriation
Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinances see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Bubard moved the adoptLo~ of t~ Ordinance. The ~otioa vas aaconded by Hr, Tha~as
and adopted by the follo~ln~ vote:
ATES~ Council meubere C.~rland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Vice-Hayor Bowles- :
HAYSt Hone
(Hr. Taulmanvas out of the Council Cl~nber) (H~yor Taylor absent)
BI~I~ET-CRAHTS-~F~AJ. DISTRICT CO~'~T~ The City Han~ser subnitted a~ritten report
transmittfnS a u~dified Ordin~nce reflectinS the coFrect account to whlch funds should be appropri-
ated for the purchase of tva calculators for the General District Court, ndvisin~ thee the
appropriation should have been unde to a separate grant account.
(For full texro see report on file in the City CleFkts Office.)
Hr. Rubard offered the follovl~ enersency Ordinance decrnesini Office Furniture and
F~ull~nent - Capital Outlay ~der Section f0703, ~Oeneral District Covrt,' by $483,00, lncreasin~
Local Gash PL~tch - Transfers to Other Funds under Section t0703, "General District Court0' by
$24,25 of the 1977-78 budget; and appropriating $&85.~0 to General District C~utt £quip~ent under
the 1977-78 GFant Program Account~
(J23805) AH O~DIHAHCE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Appropriation
Ordinance, and the City of Roanokets 1977-78 Grant Progr~Account, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ok Ho.
Hr. H~bard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The maclan vas seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
A~S: Council ne~bers Gsrland, Grove, Rubard, Thomas and Vice-Hayor l~le~
NAYS: None- O.
(Nr. Taub~an was out of the Council Chamber) (Nayor Taylor absent)
BUDGE~-GRAS~$-JUVEXILE R(R~E; The City~nager sub~tted a written report reeo~nending
authorization to execute appropriate for~s for acceptance of an approved grant in the ~ount of
$10.BS2.00~ich will fund a portion of the Continuation of the Outreach Detention ~rogram of the
Juvenile Eo~e~ and that funds be appropri~ted therefor.
(For full cext~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Rro Grove offered the following e~ergeney Ordinance appropriating $g3~99~.00 to Outreach
Detention of the 1977-78 Grant Progr~nAeeount;
(~2350~) AH ORDI~CE to a~end and reordain the City of Roanoke~s ~977-7g ~rant Progran
Account, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinanee~ see Ordinance Book No.
Nr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Ordin~nee. The motion was seconded by Er. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote;
AYES; Council ~e~bers Garland~ Grove~ F~abard, Thomas and Vice-~ayor Bo~les --~.
NAYS: Non~ .O.
(~r. Taub~n vas out of the Council Chamber) (Nayor Taylor absent)
Nr. Grove offered the follo~ing Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the grant and
authorizing aeceptance~ execution and filing of the 'Special Conditions for Action Grant Awards"
with DJCP:
(~23807) A RESOLUTIO~ authoriling the acceptance of L~ Enforceaent Grant Ho.
made to the City of Roanoke by the Stare Division of Justice and Crime Prevention and authorizins
the acceptance, execution and filing of the "Special Conditions for Action Grant Awards" ~ith
DJCPprogram.for an action ~rant of Federal funds for the purpose of continuing an outreach detention
(For full text of lesolution~ see Resolution Book Ho.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYe: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Vice-~ayor Bo~les
NAYS: None- 0.
(Hr. Taubman was ouc of the Council Chamber) (~ayor Taylor absent)
SU~ET-GEAN~S-POLICE DEPARTSI~NT: The City Hanager subaitted a written report recommending
authorization to execute the appropriate forms for acceptance of an approved ~rant in the amount
of $76,783.00 for a co~puterized police management information system, and that funds be appropriated
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Ituherd offered the follcvias e~ergency Ordinsnce approprlatl~ $76,783,00 to Police
Hanagement Infor~ationunder the 1977-78 Grant Prosra~Account, and $3,839,00 to Transfers to
Other Funds, Local Cash Hatch, under Section t13~5, "Police,ff of the 1977-78 budsett
(~23808) AN O~DIN~CE to a~end and reordain the City of Roanoke~s 1977-78 Grant
Account, and Section t1545, #Police," of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for
(For full text of O~dinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The~otionvas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follovin8 vote:
AYES: Council s~bers Carland~ Grove, ~ubard, ~ho~as and Vlce-}layor Bo~les
NAYS: None.
(Hr. Taubman vas out of the Council Chamber) (Hayor Taylor absent)
Avards' with DJCP:
(~23809) A P~SOLU~IO~ authorizing the acceptance of l~w Enforcement Grant NO.
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Nubard, Thomas and Vlce-~ayor Bo~les
(Hr. Taubman ~as out of the Council Chamber) (Hayor Taylor absent)
Hr. Nubard offered the follc~ing emergency Ordinance appropriating $1~,982.00 to Sheriff's
Account, and Section ~071~, "Sheriff," of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for
NAYS: None.
(Mayor Taylor absent)
Mr. Hubard offered the follc~in~ Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the ~rant and
authorizins the acceptance, execution and filing of the 'Special Conditions for Action Grant
(Mayor Taylor absent)
FIRE DEPARTHE~T: The City Manager submitted a~rrttten report recou~endtng authorization
to execute Change Order No. 5 to the contract vith Pebble Building Company for construction of the
Hunicipal Parking Garase.
In this connection, the City Mavaser verbally requested that action on the report be
deferred until the next regular meetin8 of Council on Honday~ September 12, 191~.
Hr. Taubn~n ~oved that Council concur ia the request. The motion v~Ls seconded by
Hr. Tha~s and adopted.
~UI~ET~S-DEPAR~ OF }ql~LI¢ ~ORKS~ The City Manager submitted a written report
NAYS: None
(N~yor Taylor absent)
(~ayor Taylor absent)
submitted a written report rec~ending authorization to enter into a contract with the Office of
the Secretary of Human Resources, Co~on~ealth of Virginia, for provision of transportation services
in connection with RADAR, and a contract with RADAR for provision of those services, and that
funds be appropriated therefor.
(For full textt see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Thomas offered the follc~ing e~ergency Ordinance appropriating ~36,835.00 to Unified
Human Services Transportation System (RADAR) under the 1977-78 Grant progzamAccount:
(12381t) KN ORDI~LL~CE to amend and reordain the City cf Roanoke% 1971-78 Grant Program
Account, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance I~ook No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion was seconded byHr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garlandt Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Vlce-Hayor Bc~les 6
(Nayor Taylor absent)
Hr. Thomas offered the following Resolution authorizing the City ~anager to enter into
the agre~ents with the Office of the Secretary of Human Resources of the Co=mon~ealth of Virginia,
and the Unified Human Services Transportation System:
(123815) I RESOIff~TIC~ authorizin~ the City Hanager to enter into agreements with the
Office of the Secretary of Human Resources of the Co=mon~ealth of Virginia, and the Unified Human
Se~ices Transportation System (RADAR) ~hich agreements shall provide for continuation o[ a human
services delivery syste~ for the Roanoke Valley and for the acceptance of Federal Grant funds
provided for that purpose.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Thomas ~oved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Tauh~an
and adopted by the follo~tn$ vote:
NAYS; None O.i
(Hayor Taylor absent)
INTEC~ATI~-$ECerCATIC~: Council at its last regular ~eeting on Honday, Au&nat 8,
1977, havinN requested the City Hanager to submit a report relative to the worki~ arrangement of
the relationship of the Affirmative Action Officer to the City Hanager, the City Hanaser submitted
a vritten report quoting Sections & and $ of Chapter 13.1, Title II of ~he Code of the City of
Roanoke, 1956, as a~ended, as it relates to the Office of Affirmative Action and the Affirmative
Action Officer. The report noted that the tvo sections clearly outline the relationship of the
Affimtive Action Officer to the Clty llanager and leave little or no question as to vhomhe ds
responsible for affir~tive action ~atters. It further noted that the position of Affirmative
Action Officer vas established effective July 1~ 1977~ and vas filled on July 18, 1977, vhich vas
only seven reeks ago and there is no reason to believe that the working arranse~ent viii not york;
however, if evidence to the contrary should arise, the City Hanaser% Office viii consider the
(~ayor Taylor absent)
T~LES-R~AL ESTATE ASSESSOR: As previously requested by the Council, the City Attorney
submitted a ~itten report in reference to the legality of collection of real estate taxes on a
fiscal year basis and biennial assessments, advisins that it is legally per~issible for the city
to amend the Code to provide for biennial assessment of real estate and collection of real estate
taxes on a fiscal year basis.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr, Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Carland and adopted,
CIBCUII COURT: ~he Assistant City Attorney submitted a vritten report in connection
with placing the secretaries of the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit in the city budget, advising
that it is unnecessary that any measure be adopted to acco~lish the result requested.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by ~.
Grove and adopted.
BUD~EY-SCHOOLS: ~he Director of Finance submitted a vritten report in reference to
certain $chool Board matters, transmitting the first monthly financial statement sub~itted by the
School Board for the month of July, 1977, and requesting certain changes in the format.
l~e report further requested concurrence in hie ~u~uet 22. 1977, report ze5ardl~ t~
reducti~ of the ~ez of ScSI ~ard
of a letter ~lch vas fo~rded to the ScSI a~nimtration e~laini~ the proc~ure to be effectiw
Sept~er 1, 1917, ~ re~stl~ t~t the ~tter be received a~ fil~ l~teed of referrim~ it to
t~ City Atto~ey for ~reparation of t~ proper ~sure.
~ a third it~, t~ report dealt with a July 28~ 19]] requested appropriatl~ fr~ the
ScSI ~ard of ~1,~,~ and
which t~ approxl~te $1,~ su~lus for 19]~]] was ~c~, wherein ~ rec~ed t~t
~cil l~lately f~d fr~ su~lus ~6~,~ of this debt a~ t~t t~ Sch~l ~ard in their
fiscal Tear 19]~9 budget properly request the f~ds necessa~ for ~elve ~nt~ of ealaries for
(Hr. rams vas out of the Co~cil Char) (~ayor Taylor absent)
Hr. Thc~as ~oved that the report be received and filed and that the City Clerk be authortz~
to remove the August 22t 1917 report of the Director of Finance from the list of pending ite~.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted.
CIT~ CODE-CIT~CHARTER-CO~HII~EES: The RecodificationCommittee submitted a written
report requesti~ authorization to consider the ~atter of the City Charter and ~ake recommendations
to~oun¢ll as a~hole concerning amend~ents~hich~y be ~ecessary to this document as vel1 as the
City Code.
(For full textt see report on file iu the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Hubard~oved that the report be received and concurred in. The ~otion was seconded
by Hr. Taubman and adopted.
pEnSIOnS: The Secretary-Treasurer, Doard of Trustees~ F~ployeest Retirement Systemt
submitted a ~ritten report transmitting sections of the Report of the Actuary on the Twenty-ninth
Valuation of the E~ployees* Retirement Syste~.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed, rae ~otion was seconded bT Hr.
Taubman and adopted.
CII-/HANAGE~CO~HIT~EES: rae City Hana~er Screening Committee submitted a written
report requesting that September 15~ 19]], be set as the last date upon ~hich applications for the
position of Clty~anager will be received.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~oved that Council concur in the report. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted.
JAIL-SHERIFF: As previously requested by Council, the City~anaser, the Director of
Finance and the Sheriff submitted a vritten report in connection with a per die~charse to be levied
on inmates detained in the City Jail from other localities at their request, reco~endin~ that
until such time as the ney Jail is in operation and revised cost fiEures are available, that a per
diem charge of $5.00 instead of $15.OObe levied.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~oved that the report be received and concurred in. ~he marion was seconded
by Hr. ~ho~as and adopted, Hr. Garland and Vice-Hayor ~o~les voting no.
Hr. Hubard further moved that the City Hana~er and the Director of Finance be requested
to ~lve further study to the two offers which have been extended by the City of Roanoke to the
County of Roanoke for use of the ne~ Jail, neither of which have been withdra~n, to ascertai~ if
the offers should be ~odifted to a reduced extent. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taub~an and
adopted, Hr. Garland and Vice-~ayor Bc~les votins no.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Huberd offered the following ~esolution advising the State Compensation Board
of the sense of Council not to concur in a ten per cent salary increase for the City Yreasurer
and all of hie e~ployees:
(~23817) A ~ESOLtFfI~ advising the State Compensation Board of the sense of City
Council not to concur in a I0 per cent salary increase for the City Treasurer and all of his
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution ~k No.
Hr. I~ubard ~oved the adoption of the Resolution, ~he ~tion vas seconded by }ir.
Grove and adopted by the roll.lng vote:
NAYS: None-
(Hayoz Taylor absent)
NAYS: None- ~-
(N~yor Taylor absent)
FIRE DEPARTMENt: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure amending the City Code by adding a new section authorizing City Fire Marshals
and their assistants to make arrests, to procure and se~e ~arrants of arrest, and to issue
summons in the manner authorized by general law for violation of local fire prevention and
fire safety and related Ordinances, he presented same; vhereupon, Hr. Thomas moved that the
following Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(123819) AN ORDINANCE amending and reordaining Chapter 2, Fire Prevention~ of Yitle
XIV, Fire Protection, o£ the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended~ by adding a new
section to be numbered §55.1 authorizing City Fire Marshals and their assistants to make
arrests~ to procure and serve ~arrants of arrest! and to issue su~ons in the manner authorized
by general law for violation of local fire prevention and fire safety and related Ordinances.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the followin~ vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Vice-Mayor
Bowles- 6.
NAYS: None
(Mayor Taylor absent)
COUNCIL: Hr. Hubard presented a verbal report on the recent Government Officials'
Conference which was held on August 22, 1977, in Charlottesville, Virginia.
COUNCILt Hr. l~o~as coved that Council neet ia Executive Session to discuss · lessl
l~e notion vas seconded by Hr. I~bard and adopted by the follovias vote:
NAYS: None
(Hayor Taylor absent)
Honday, September 12, 1977.
~he Council of the City of ~oaaoke ~t in regular ~eetiag in t~ ~cil ~er in the
~niclpal Bulldl~, City of ~ano~ on ~ay, Sept~er 12~ 19~, a~ ~30 p.a., with ~yor N~I
C. Taylor presiding.
F~ ~cil ~ers Elizabe~h T, ~les, ~bert A. Garlaud~ ~cian Y, Grove~
~illi~ S. ~bard~ ~ton ~. ~s and ~yor Noel C. Taylor.
~ ~uncil ~er Nicholas F, ~aub~n .1.
A~to~eyl Hr. Joel H. Schlanier, Director of Fi~e~ a~ Hrs. ~W F, Parker, City Clerk,
I~I~ ~e ~eting vas opened with a prayer by the Reverend ~lph Shober, Retired
duri~ that ~eek to our Federal ~nstitu~lon and the advantages of ~rican Citizenship.
(For full text, see Procl~ion on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
A~S OF AC~-CI~ ~: ~e ~yor advised that ~ August 20,
the City of Roanoke was ~arded a plaque by the Reader's DiEes~ F~ndati~ In reco~ttion of
plaque will be appropriately displayed In his office.
(Hr. Taub~n absent)
topooripby of the area and (&)tha ~act this type of operation vould have on preventin~ s~beequent
development of he. la8 in the &rea.
Hr, John H. r~uett, Jr,, Attorneys represeatin[ the petitfo~ers0 appeared before
~cil In su~ort of t~ request o~ ~s clients0 a~ clarified t~t ~ ~. S~tt ~r~ed the
property there vas a fo~ition of 8 bulldl~ already there, t~Z he c~t~cted a r~f over
buildi~ ~ built a garage next to it. He presented a petition 8i~ed by 37 residents of Arc. old
of the tezonln~. He said t~te is ~ ~position by ~st Cate realdata to this rezon~s a~ the
residers do not feel t~ rezon~ns viii ~ve ~y a~erse effec~ ~ them ~ ~ requested
public hearing on July 20, 1977, a~ ~* ~baTd questioned t~ ~puty ~na~eF of City
~lssfono ~ould it ~ve been a decisive factor fu their decision.
B~les and adopted.
ST~US ~ ~S: ~un~il ~vtug set a p~lic hearing for 7:30 p.m., H~day,
(For full text~ see repor~ on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
(For full text~ see repo~ on file in ~he City Clerk*s Office.)
Ordi~nce be placed upon its firs~ reading:
(Official No. 1110131), and ~ 7, Sec. 17, ~p of ~n~al~ Addition, (Official No. lttOt]O), and
(Hr. Tau~n absent)
S~f a ariS: ~cil ~ving set a p~lic hearl~ for 7:30 p.m., M~day, Sept~er
l~a viewers appointed to vie~ the street submitted a ~ritten report sdvisl~ that they
have viewed the portion of tillvi~ Aw~e proposed to be closed ~d the nei~orl~ Poopo~ty~
a~, subject to u~ interests of t~ city of ~a~ke, t~y are u~n~sly of t~ ~lnl~
t~t no inco~ealence ~ld result eit~r to any ludivid~l or to t~ public fr~ pe~n~tly
(For full text, see report oa file In t~ City Clerk*s Office.)
(Hr, Taubman absent)
STIEFrS AHD ~S: Council hiviz~ previcmsly set a I~blic hearin8 for 7:30 p.u., ~y,
Sept~er 12, 1977, on the reques~ of Cleop8 ~e ~ beford L. ~ode tht 3 1/2 Street, S.
a~ ~ certain olle~lys L~ t~ ~dhte vicLn~ty ~ vacsted, disc~iuued ~ closed, · c~l-
~unc~ a;proved the ~orou~hfare Plan ~lch deslG~ted Hershber~er Road as the n~er cue p~iority.
~u~cil r~uested that the City ~iueer correspond ~th Hr. Cr~sy ~tlinin~ his verbal
r~r~ and advise h~ of a sta~in~ date and cous~ction period. '
priorities viii be for elderly ~nd physically handicapped and renovation of ho~i~ and, as a
result, even though their proposal van submitted prior to this clMnges J~D requires that the
chan~e be approved by the City of Roanoke before they viii fund thA project. He said there
been scoa reluctance on the part of city officials to agree to this change because they feel it coul(
Jeopardlrn the cityOs position for future elderly housit~ and renovation, and to satisfy this
concern, he contacted the Area Director of the Department of Heusit~ and Urban Developuent and
obtained a letter frou him stating that the addition of family new construction viii not adversely
affect future requests for elderly or r~habilitated projects. Hr. Frnlin said the d~cision nJst
be uede prior to the end of the fiscal year which is October 1, 1977.
(For full text, see co~mJnlc&tion from Carroll A. Hesse on file in the City ClerkSs Office
In concluding, Hr. Fraltn enid this project offers the City of ~oanoke the opportunity
to satisfy ltl housing needs without Jeopardizing future goals, provide addition31 employment and
vail be redistributed through the country in the next fiscal year.
need are heftiest, southeast and old southwest and he questioned why the Salem Turnpike area has
to be the key location for this project.
Jeopardize future requests of the City of Roanoke, whereupon, Hr. Fralin read a co~munication from
that the project is under consideration for fuedinS under Section 8 Rental Assistance Program for
accordance with Part 891o205(c)(2) in the case of applications which exceed the total number of
units in the annual goal~ the application can be approved if the local government provides a
available in the area sufficient public facilities and services to serve the excess units and (3)
there is no objection to the approval of such application for housing assistance. The cor~nication
schedule and the project will not do violence to the overall stated goals of Council. he moved
(#23825) A~ O~DIHA~GE to amend and reordain §2. Far. ts, of Chapter 4, Food and Food
Establishments, of Title XIII, Healtb~ of the Code of the City of Roanoke, (1956) as amended,
for an emergency.
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AyEs: Council me=bets Bowles, Garlandj Grove, Hubard and Hayor TayloI ,5.
HAYS: None
(Hr. Taubman absent) (Hr. Thomas vas out of the Eotmcil Chamber)
of the Roanoke Valley Cablevision System, vas before Council.
(For full text~ see co~munication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the communication be received and filed. The motion vas seconded
by Hr. Garland and adopted.
R. ~ltchell in connection with the city rebating to the 'se~er serfs" the difference iu the se~er
hills paid to Roanoke County as compared to the rates charged by the city since January 1, 19~6~
vas before Council.
(For full text, see com~unicatic~ on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Slnce tha~attez is presently in litl~tion~ I~, HuhardBoved that the coummic;~loabe
received and filed. The uotion was seconded by Hro Grove and adopted.
~ureuant to the requeet of Hr. Itttchell, the ~ater Reeourcee Committee agreed to meet
vith his on Vedneed&y, Septenber 28, 1977, at ltO0 p.u.o In the Executive Session Roou of the
Roanoke City Council Ch~ber to discuss hie concerns in resard to the proposed ssreenenC with
Roanoke County on the se~er lines and the basis for cou~utin& the costs.
Hr. ltubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the following vote:
A~ES: Council members Bo~le$, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor ~6.
HATS: None-
(Hr. Taubman absent)
pA~KII~C GA~ACE: The City H~nager submitted a written re~ort reconmeeding authorization
to execute ~anse Order No, ~ to the contract with ~ebble Buildin~ ~y for co~t~cclon of the
~niclpal Farkin~ Carage~ich~uld recoiulze t~t a credit of $20224.76 r~l~ fro~ vork authoriz~
of approx~ely 1~O feet. at a cost of $2.128 a~ reduces the total contrac~ ~nt by
(For full text. see report on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Th~s offered the fail,ins ~rSency Ordl~nce authorizt~ the iss~nce
Order ~o. ~
(~23828) ~ O~I~CE approvins the City ~ser~s issuance of ~a~e Order ~o. ~. to
~unicipal parkin~ facility, authorized by Ordinance Ho. 22393; and providins for an ~er~ency.
(For full text of Ordinance. see Ordl~nce ~k No.
(Mr. Taubman absent)
AIRPORT: The City Hanager submitted a written report recommending authorization to
execute Change Order No. 1 to the contract with L. N. Broom, Sr., for several paint projects, to
provide for a 30 day time extension.
(For full text. see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Mr. ~ubard offered the following emergency Ordinance approvin~ issuance of Cha~e Ozder
No. 1 to the contract:
(~23829) AN ORDINANCE approving issuance of Change Order No. 1 to the City's contract
with L. R. Broom, Sr., for certain painting at Roanoke Municipal Airport, Woodrum Field, so as to
provide for an extension of time for completion of the york; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Mr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Mrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Mayor Taylor ---6
NAYS: None. O.
(Mr. Taub~an absent)
ZONING-FL/3ODS-HURRICA~ES: The City Manager submitted a written report requesting an
amendment to the city's Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance in order to comply with State
la~ relating to those activities which are not required to acquire land disturbing activity permits.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the following Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(~23830) AN ORDINANCE amending Sec. &. Noncontrolled Activities, of Chapter 3. Erosion
and Sediment Control Regulations, of Title XVI. Plannin~ and Subdivisions, of the Code Of the City
of Roanoke, 1936, as amended, by providing for certain situations in ~hich said chapter shall not
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles. Garland. Crave. Hubard. Thomas and Mayor Taylor---- 6.
NAYS: None- ~-
(Mr. Taubman absent)
BUSES: The City Manager submitted a written report advising that on July 14, 1977,
Pendleton Lines, Ltd., submitted its application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity to operate buses pursuant to Title 19, Transportation, of The Code of the City of Roanoke,
1956, as amended, and specifically to Chapter 1.I, Urban Mass Transit Buses, that pursuant to
Chapter 1.1, a public hearing vas held on September 1, 197~, to determine whether or not public
convenience and necessity require the operation of such vehicle or vehicles, and~hether or not
the applicant is a person of suitable character and qualifications to c~duct such a business. The
Clty Manager reco~zmended, pursuant to Chapter 1.1, that Council establish the date of September
26, 19;7, as a time to receive written comments from interested parties in connection with the
(For full text0 see report on file in the City Clerk% Office,)
~r. Huhard~ved that Council concur in the report. The marl,aves seconded by Hr.
Thcues and adopted.
E~IPHENT: The CitT Handset eulmitted · ~ltten report concurrlnS in · report of the
Bid Co~ttee recamnending that the bid of Hountcastle Ford Tr·ctor Sales, Incorporated, in the
auou~t of $19,920.0Oo for supplyins three new industrial type tractors, be accepted.
(For full text, see reports on file in the City ClerkS· Office.)
Hr, Grove offered the following energency Ordinance ·cceptinS the bid of Hountcastle
Ford Tractor Sales, Incorporated:
(~23831) AH ORDI~CE providing for the porch·se of certain vehicles for use by the
City, upon certain terms and conditions, by accepting a certain bid ~ade to the City for furnishin~
and deliverin~ such equipment; rejecting certain other bids u ed· to the City; and providing for an
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
~r. Grave moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hrs. Ik~les
end adopted by the foil,wing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, C~rlend, Grove, Hubard, Thom~s and l~3yor Taylor
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Taub~an absent)
NAYS: None
(Hr. Tauhman absent)
COUECIL: The City Hanager submitted avritcen report requesting an Executive Session to
discuss a personnel matter.
Hr. Hub·rd moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter
pursuant to th·Virginia Freedom of Inform·ti,mA ct. The motion was seconded by Hrs. Bowles and
adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hub·rd, ~ho~as and Hayer Taylor----6.
NAYS: None
(Hr. Taubman absent)
CiX~CIL-CIH GOyE~'~{ZX~: The City Attorney submitted a written report concerning the
appropriation of $1,O~O to the Roanoke Sister City Committee for fiscal year 1977-78 £rom Account
No. 101, Council, as recommended by the ~ayor in his State of the City Hess·ge, advising that the
appropriation is ~mnecessary inasmch as the $1~000 is already in the budset for fiscal year
(For full cext~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~ho~as mcr·ed that the report be received and filed. The ~ocion was seconded by
Hr. Rubard and adopted.
C~CIL: ~he City Attorney submitted a written report requesting an Executive Session
to discuss a matter of potential litisacion.
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the request. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Hub·rd and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council ~e~bers ~les, Garland, Or,ye, Eubard, ~ho~as and Hayer Taylor ---6
NAYS: None --0.
(Hr. Taubman absent)
I~$: Yhe Director of tin&ace submitted a ~'~ltten report advising that the bid of
the first Rational Rxchan~e Bank of Virginia vas lo, on the ~3,000,000 short-term loans and
that the notes were consunnated on Septenber 6, 1977.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Glerkts Office,)
Hr. Hubardmoved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
Hr, Grove and adopted.
JAIL-SHE~IFFx Council havini previously concurred in a recommendation of a comlttee
to reduce the per diem charge to other localities for innates detained in the City Jails the
Director of Finance submitted a written report transmitting a Resolution reducing the per diem
charge from $15.00 to
(For full textt see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the followinl Resolution repealing Resolution Ho, 21800:
(~23853) A RESOLUTION repealingResolution Ho. 21800s adopted N arch 22, 1976, and
authorizing and directing the Sheriff of the City of Roanoke to impose and collect a per diem
charge for each prisoner housed in the Roanoke City Jail pursuant to direction or request of any
political subdivision other than the City from and after N arch 22~ 1976.
(For full text of Resolution0 see Resolution Book Ho.
Rt. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~otlon vas seconded by Hr. Dubard
and adopted by the following vote~
AYES: Council members Groves Rubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: Council members ~o~les and Garland 2.
(Hr. Taubman absent)
BRIDGES: The City Planning Commission submitted a written report in connection vith
naming of bridges, advising that they will not make a policy at this tine of renaming existing
bridges for people or areas for the sake of changing nanest and that it is the Commission's
thinkin~ that ne~ bridges~ having a major impact on the city, should be identified in such a
fashion as to ~ke them unique ~nd should be based on cultural or historical na~es.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The ~otion vas seconded by
Hr. Thomas and adopted.
STKEEIS AXD ALLL~S~ The City Planning C~lssion submitted a ~ritten report in connectic
with the request of the City of Roanoke that a portion of the right of vay of gullitt Avenue, S.
£., be vacated, discontinued and closed, reco~ending that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Garland movnd that Council hold a public hearing on the request at 7:30 p.m.,
Honday, October 10, 197~, in the Council Chamber. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and
appropriating 9186,000 to Land Adjoining ~illiam Fleming & William Ruffner Schools under Section
~1855, "Transfers to Capital Projects Fund," of the 1977-78 budget~ to provide funds to acquire
ten acres of lands more or less, and a twenty-foot vide storm drain easement adjoining the
~lllianFlemin~ and ~illia~ Ruffner school parcels on the easterly side of said parcels from
~aury L. Strauss~ having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and
adopted on its first reading and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Yh~s offering the
following for its second readin~ and final adoption:
(;23793) AX O~DIHAXCE to a~end and reordain Section ;1855, "Transfers to Capital
Projects Fund," of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Rook
Rt. ~ho~as moved the adoption of the Ordinance, ~he motion was seconded by Hr. Rubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~less Garland, Thomas and~ayor Taylor. -i-
HAYS: Council ~e~bers Grove and ~bard 2.
(~r. Taubman absent)
FIRE DEPARTH~: Ordinance Ho, 23819 authorizing city fire marshals and their assistants
to make arrests, to proc~tre and serve warrants of arrest, and to issue sumn~cns in the manner
authorized by general la~ for violation of local fire prevention and fire safety and related
Ordinances, having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on
its first reading and laid over~ vas again before the body, Hrs. Bo~les offering the follo~ing
for its second reading and final adoption:
(~23819) AN O~DIIL~CE amending ·nd reordainin~ Chapter 2, Fire Prevention, of Title
XlV, Fire ~rotection, of the Code of the City of ~oanohe (1956), as amendedl by adding ·uew
section to be numbered ~55.1 authorizing City fire mazshels and their assistants to make arreete,
to procure and serve varrante of arrest, and to issue su~2on* in the manner authorized by general
lay for violation of local fire prevention and fire safety and related ordinances.
(For full text of Ordinancel see Ordinance Book No.
}irs. Bowles moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Corland and adopted by the following vote:
AYESI Council members Bowles, C~rland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None-
(Hr. Taubman absent)
BUSES: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure authorizing and directin~ the City Hanager to issue a certificate of public convenience
and necessity for the operation of a mass transit system by motor vehicle within the City of
~oanoke to Creater Roanoke Transit Company, doing business as Valley Hetro, he presented same~
whereupon, Hr. Hubard offered the following Resolution:
(12383~) A ~ESOLUTION authorizing and directing the City Hanager to issue a certain
certificate of public convenience and necessity for the operation of a r~ss transit system by
motor vehicle within the City of Roanoke.
(For full text of Resolution, see Nesolution Book No.
Hr. Nubard moved the adoption of the £esolution. The motion was ~econded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and N~yor Taylor--
NAYS: None
(Hr. Taub~an absent)
COUNCIL: The ~ayor requested an Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter.
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the request. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Grove and adopted by the follc~lng vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor-- -6.
NAYS: None- O.
(Hr. Taubman absent)
HEALTH DEPARIHENT: A communication from the Roanoke Area Health Council advising that
in order to have fuller representation on the Health Council, City Council might wish to appoint
another individual to replace Councilman ila~ton H. Thomas vho has been unable to attend the
meetings on a regular basis, ~as before the body.
(For full text, see co~nunication on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Yhe Hayor requested that Councilman Hubard be responsible for finding someone to replace
Hr. Thomas.
YAXES: The City Clerk reported that Hr. Haury L. Strauss has qualified as a member of
the Revenue Study Co==aission for a term of two years ending June 30, 1978.
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Thomas and adopted.
At 10:12 p.m., the Mayor declared the meeting recessed.
At 10:55 p.m.~ the meeting reconvened withliayor Taylor presiding~ and all members of
Council present with the exception of Hr. Taubman.
bUDGET-FIRE DEPARTHENT: The Hayor advised that the city~ after long and difficult
negotiation, has agreed upon a civil rights claim made by certain employees in the Fire Department.
He said the Conciliation A~reement is on file in the City Clerk*s Office and is a matter of
public record.
Hr. Hubard offered the following emergency Ordinance appropriating $13,2~1.50 to
Personal Services and $8~500.00 to Other Services & Charges under Section ~1347, "Fire Department~"
of the 19~7-78 budget:
(123835) AN ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain Section ~1317, "Fire Department,' of the
1971-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr, Nub~rd ~noved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Carland, Grove~ Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor--
NAYS: None. O.
(Hr. Taubman absent)
There bein~ no further business, the Hayor declared the ~eeting adjourned,
City Clerk
Honday, September 26, 19~].
The Council of the City of ~anoke met in regular meeting in the Council Cha~er in the
Hunicipal Bullding~ City of Roanoke, on J~onday~ September 26, 197], at 2.'OO p.m., the regular
meeting hour, vitb Hayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
pRESCOTt Council me~bers Elizabeth T. Bovles, Robert A. Garland, Lucian Y. Grove~
Nicholas F. Taub~an, H~mpton V. Thomas and Hayor Noel C. Taylor.
ABSENT: Council member William S. Hubard.
OFFICERS pn~qENT** Hr. Byron E. Hamer, City Hanager; Hr. Sam H. HrGhee, III, Assistant
City Han~ger; Hr. Nilburn C. Dlbling, Jr., City Attorney; Hr. James E. Buchholtz, Assistant City
Attorney; Hr. Joel N. $chlanger, Director of Finance; and Hrs. H~y F. Parker, City Clerk.
I~YOCATIO~: The ~eeting vas opened with a prayer by the Reverend Ronald G. Brovn,
Director of gaptist Campus Hinistries.
HIh~TES: Copies of the minutes of the regular meetings held on September 6, 1977, and
September 12, 1977. having been furnished each me~ber of Council, on ~otiou of ~r. Taubnan,
seconded by Hrs. ~o~les and adopted, the reading thereof vas dispensed vith and the minutes were
approved as recorded.
SE~S ~.~D STO~I DRAINS: Pursuant to notice of advertisement for bids for installation
of storm drain in ~hltmore Avenue, said proposals to be received by the City Clerk until 1:30
p.m., Honday, September 26~ 1977, and to he opened before Council at 2:00 p.m., on that date,
the ~or asked if anyone had any questions about the advertisement for bids; and no representa-
tive present raising any question, the ~yor instructed the Cit~ Clerk to proceed with the opening
of the bids; vhereupon, the City Clerk opened and read the follo~ing bids:
E. C. Pace & Company - $17,975.00
J. p. Turner and Drothers. Incorporated - 23,&30.00
Hr. Thomas moved that the bids he referred to a committee to be appointed by the l~ayor
for tabulation, report and recommendation to Council. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and
The Mayor appointed Hessrs. Sam R. HeGhee, Iff, Chairman, ~. F. Brady and W. G. Kuthy
as members of the committee.
AIRFOR~: Pursuant to notice of advertisement for bids for security fencing adjacent to
general aviation at Roanoke Hunicipal Airport, (Woodrma Field), ADA~ Project No.
Co~tract lV, said proposals to he received by the City Clerk until 1:30 p,m., ~onday, September
26, 1977, and to he opened at 2:00 p.~., on that date before Co,mci1, the Hayor asked ii anyone
had any questions about the advertis~ent for bids; and no representative present raising any
question, the Mayor instructed the City Clerk to proceed vlth the opening of the blds; whereupon,
the City Clerk opened and read the follo~ing bids:
Powers Fence Company, incorporated - $ 2~,963.00
Anchor Post Products, ~n¢orporated - ~1,06L20
Long Pence Company &l,SlO.00
Rt. ~aubman moved that the bids he referred to a com~ttee to be
appointed by the Mayor for tabulatiou~ report and reco~endation to Council. ~he ~otion
vas seconded by Hr. ~homa$ and adopted.
The Mayor appointed Hessrs. Kit B. Klser~ ChalTman~ Ro C. Poole and Harold
Hardy as members of the committee.
TAXES: Coun¢l! having previously set a public hearing for 2:00 p.m., Honday~ September
26, 1977, relative to 1927 real estate taxes since it appears that the total real estate taxes to
be collected during the year 19~7 shall produce more than 10~ per centum of the 1976 real estate
tax lev~ to determine whether or not the aforesaid increase above 10g per centum is deemed
necessary, the matter was before the body.
The Mayor requested that those persons desiring to address the Counct1 submit their
names and addresses to the City Clerk.
Hr. ~homas moved that five minutes be alloted to each speaker, The motion was seconded
by Hr. Taubmaa and adopted.
The Hayor then called upon the City Attorney to present a statement of purpose concerning
the public hearing; vhereupoa, the City Attorney stated that Section 58-7g~.1 of the Code
Virginia requires a public hearing whenever au annual assessment of real property resulte 1~ an
increase of eight per cent in the total amount of the real estate tax collected over that collected
in the previous tax year and it vould appear that the annual assessment of real property for
calendar year l~l~ will result in an increase of at least eight per cent iu the total amount of
real estate taxes collected over calendar year 1976. Re noted that 19?8 assessments are not at
issue ia this public hearing. ~nder the circumstances, Council has two options pursuant to State
Code, (1) it =ay reduce the real estate tax to produce no more than 108 per cent of the tax levy
for 1976, or (2) it may hold a public hearing to determine if the increase is dee~ed necessarf by
Council.Ne stated that the public hearing was advertised publicly for two consecutive weeks, 30
days prior to the hearing, that all persons will he given an opportunity to speak and will be
able to speak for a reasonable amount of time. Subsequent to the hearing, Council will make a
findin~ as tov hether it deems the 1977 real estate taxee necessary. He said if Council finds
the additional revenue is necessary, there viii be no chanse in the tax rate, and if Council
finds the additional revenue is unnecessary, it viii roll the real estate tax rate back to
produce no~orn than 108 per cent of the levy for 1976,
The follovi~ persons appeared before Council:
Hr. Charles L. Landis, 1611 Siinon~oad, H. ~., critized Co~m-
cai for not holding the public hearing at the Roanoke Civic Center
durin~ the evenini houre, advising that Council*s decision to hold
the public hearing at 2:00 p.u.s has, in effect, closed the hearing
to the vorkl~ public v ho cannot leave their Jobs to attend and
this exclusive session further illustrates Council°s lack of
concern for the average vorkinS taxpayer of Roanoke. He said
the public hearing is shout one year too late since the tax
rate has already been applied end collected faf three-fourths
of this t~x year, therefore, the sole purpose of having this
hearing at thls tine would see~ to be a feeble belated attempt
to $1ve the appearance of compliance with the Co~e of Virginia
which requires such a hearing and this entire charade appears
to be designed to forestall any legal challenge to the collec-
tion of excess real estate t~xes for the 1977 tax year. He
said the need for the increased real estate tax rate cannot he
substantiated since on June 30, 1977, the city had a budget
surplus of approximately $1.8 million and mona of this surplus
vas due to the fact that city employees received no pay
creases during the fiscal year, plus increased collection of
venue for six months for the 18 per cent real estate tax rate
increase and reassessuent of property. He said this adulated
surplus should have been at least two times that a~ount and next
yearts surplus should be even greater if p~dent spending
practices are carried out. In light of the budget situation,
plus the latest disclosure that business gross receipts taxes
are proposed to he lowered at least ten per cent, he feels the real
estate tax rate should be lo~eFed ten per cent effective
January 1, 1978o He recommended that Co~ncil take l~ediate
action to set the tax year and assessment year to coincide
with the fiscal year.
Hr. Jimy Har~ey, 2056 Hem*rial Avenue, S. W., stated that
Council has entertained the foil*ming since being elected to office:
increase in the cigarette tax, tax on restaurants, advertising taxes,
increase in sign i~surance fee from $1 to $10s increase in the water
rates, increase in the utility tax take through high utility bills,
increase in the real estate taxes through two methods (1) reassessments
and (2) increase in the tax rate, and increase in the personal
property taxes. He noted that Council has accomplished the following
in tax related areas: a proposed decrease in the real estate tax
rate of ~0.04 and a decrease of 2 1/2 per cent in the utility tax.
In summary, he said the tax situation in the City of Roanoke is a
very serious problem to the middle and lc~er income citizens and any
relief would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
Hr. Frank W. Carter, 3711 Bear Road, S. E., advised that he
is a 100 per cent disabled veteran, that his real estate taxes
have doubled and he feels Council should revert back to the
1975 or 1976 tax rate. He also called attention to a drainage problem
at his residence, advising that the city promised him some relief
by July 1, 1977; however, those promises have not been kept and if
something is not done by October 1, he intends to take further action.
Hr. E. ~. Andersen, 317 Darwin Road, S. ~., gave a history of
assessments of homes in Edgehlll Estates and the inequities ~htch
exist, advising that reassessments were raised by approximately
$20,000 and when this was questioned, residents were told that
the computer was wrong. He said his assessment was raised from
~48,000 to ~73,000, that his lot was assessed at $18,000 and the
two lots next door~nich are larger and have a more even terrain
were assessed at $16,000o After checking into the matter, his
reassessment was reduced to $64,000 for 1977. He noted for 1978,
his reassessment is ~68,000. He also voted that the house next door
to him which sold for $105,000 is assessed at ~67,000.
Hrs. Virginia Dare, 2825 Olive Road, N. ~., asked if it is
possible that such things as square footage, lot size, fire-
places, number of bathrooms, etc., are added into the computer
as a plus, and if it is also possible that such things as
im~ediate surroundings, etc. are fed into the ccrmputer as a minus.
Dr. BoberC Co Gravford, 122~ yranklln B~ad, S. V.~ laid asseesuenCs
have risen in old eovthvest even though the area ~s been b~arded
with r~bllitatlve h~ses. He oa~d ~ese ~s bye reduced
property values, bu~ the~e~s been~ decrease la real estate
NAYS: None- 0.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
Hrs. A. K. Simmons, 3106 Forest Hill Avenue, N. ~., advised that she does not like
the way in which Council provided funds for the parking garage because the matter was not
brought to the attention of the public.
Hrs. Anne Foster, 2322 Oakland Boulevard, N. ~., asked Council what it has done to
satisfy the efforts and wishes of the Roanoke Fo~ard program.
Council being of the opinion that the increase in real estate taxes collected in
1977 over 1976 is necessary, Hr. Garland moved that the City Attorney be instructed to
Taubman and adopted.
gUSES: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 23539, the City Hanager stated that at the meeting
of Pendleton Lines, Ltd., for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, and rec~n~ended
that Council establish the next meeting date as a time to receive written co~ents from
interested parties who might object to the issuance of said Certificate, the matter was
before the body.
The liayor inquired if there were persons in the Council Chmnber who would lika to
be beard in connection with the application and there being none, Hr. Taubman offered the
certificate of public convenience and necessity for the operation of a mass transit syste~ by
motor vehicle within the City of Roanoke.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
H~. Yaubman moved the adoption of the Resolution. Fhe motion was seconded by Hr.
Yho~as and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
Taylor. .6.
NAYS: None- O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
pAPaS t~D PLAYGROUEDS: Hr. Thomas ~. Skelley, President of the Roanoke Yalley
Tennis Patrons~ A~sociation, appeared before Cotmcil and read a prepared statement proposing
that necessary funds be appropriated as soon as possible for the reconditioning and resurfacing
of the six tennis courts at the Crystal Spring complex.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Skelley verbally ·dvined th-t It Ls estimated t~t approxizately $2,000 per ccmrt,
or · total of $12s000, is needed ami the Association, if necessary, is prepared to endeavor to
raise one-half of that a~ount by appealing to interested persons and groups.
(Hr. Hub·rd absent)
H~o ~arland offered the folloviug ~etgency Ordinance
(~23838) ~ 0~ to ~ a~ reordlin certain sectio~ of the 1977-78 App~opr~i~iou
~dl~nce, ~ providin~ for ~ ~rtency.
(For full text of Ordi~ce~ see Ordl~nce
Hr. G~rla~ ~ t~ adoption of the ~di~ce. ~e ~tion vas seedbed by ~. Gr~e
a~ adopt~ by the foll~lui vote~
AY~ ~cil n~ers B~les, Carlo~, Grove, Te~, ~s a~ ~yor
NAYS: None- O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
Hr. Garland offered the following e~ergency Ordinance appropriating $683,025 to Combined
Federal School Programs under Appropriations and State and Federal Programs under Nevenue, of the
1977-78 budget:
(f23819) ~.q ORDINANCE to amend and reordalu certain sections of the 1977o78 Appropriation
Ordinance, and providing for an emergencyo
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion Vas seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, yaubnan, Thomas aed Nayor
NAYS: None ~'
(Hr. Hubard absent)
HOUSINGoSLUH C~CE-PL~NINC~GRA~S: A co~munication from the City of Roanoke Redevelop-
ment and Housing Authority requesting approval of a Co=prehensive Plan for 12 dvelling units of
Section 8 Ne~ Construction for lo~ and moderate income families to be located in the Gainsboro
Subdivision, vas before Council.
(For full text, see co~nication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubman offered the follo~iug Resolution:
(1238~0) A ILESOLUTION approving a Co~prehensive Plan dated September 22, 1977, and
authorizing and approvin~ 12 units of Section 8 Ne~ Construction kno~m as Project VA. 36-OO27-O01
proposed to be erected by the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Taub~an moved the adoption cf the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and ~ayor
Taylor .6.
NAYS: Nona
(Hr. Hubard absent)
(For full text of Ordin~nce~ see Ordinance Book Noo
Hr. Ihomas~oved the adoption of the Ordinance, Tn~ motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
NATS: None
(Hr. Hubard absent)
Hr. Grove offered the follcvins ~rgency Ordinance providing for the city's acquisition
of the property:
(~238&1) AN ORDI~L~HCE providing for the City's acquisition of Lots 8, 9, 10, and 11 of
Block IF Hap of Fishburn Place, bearing Official Tax Nos. 1113210, 1113211, 1113212, and 1113213~
in the City of Roanoke; and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les~ Carlandt Grovet Taubman, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 6,
NAYS: None O.
Hubard absent)
BUDGET-GRA~S-CEIA: The City ~lanager submitted a vritten report recc~endiug that
$1~019,160 be appropriated to the Grant Progra~Account representin& an increase in CETA Grant No.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Eubard absent)
(Hr. Hubard absent)
(1238~$) AH ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section #18800 "Conti~encieo,m and Section
~13~7, ~Flre,# of the 1977-78 Approprietion Ordinance, and provldlns for an emer~oncy.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hfs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by NFo Garland
and adopted by the follo~lu~ vote~
NAYS~ None- ---0.
(Mr. H~bard absent)
HICROFILHINGI The City Han~ger submitted a written report ~ec~ndiug expe~lture of
$50,~ to f~d a~ establish a microfih center.
(For full text, see Eeport on file In the City Clerkos Office.)
T~re v~s disc~sion as to buyl~ the equipment versus rentin~ It; ~ereup~, ~. Grove
NAYS: None O.
(Mr. Hubard absent)
STATE HIGHWAYS: The City Manager submitted a vritten report requesting adoption of a
revised Nesolution requesting that the Rershberger Road I~prove~nent Project, Cove Road to Hllliam-
son Road, be progra~ned entirely as an urban project.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the follc~ing Resolution:
(f21StY) A P~SOLUTION requesting that the improvements to Hershberger Road between Cove
Road and Hilliamson Road, N. H., be programmed entirely as an urban project.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. Yhe motion ~as seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the follc~in~ vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor
Tayloz 6.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
E~JIPHE~: The City Manager submitted a ~rritten report concurring in a report of the
Bid Committee reco=mending that the bid of Fulton Trucks, Incorporated, for supplying three ne~
pickup trucks for the stun of $22,~01.55~ be accepted.
(For full text, see reports on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove questioned the ~isdo= of purchasing trucks ~ith air conditioning because they
viii be ~sed primarily in the ~lntermonths.
The Clty Manager explained that in the simmer months, these tt~¢ks~ill be used as
supervtso~yvehicles and~hen purchasing ne~ equip~ent, the city is endeavorinE to obtain
equipment vith air conditioning ~henever possible.
Hr. Garland offered an e~ergency Ordinance acceptinE the bid of Fulton Yrucks, Incorpora
for supplying three ne~ pickup trucks vith air conditioning and tinted glass.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Hr. Grove ~oved that the proposed Ordinance be ~endnd to delete aft condltfonin~ and
tlntnd 81ass, The ~otfon vas eeconded by Hr. Taubmaa and adopted by the follo~lnS vote:
NAYS: None O,
(lit. Hubard absent)
Hr. Grove then offered the follo~tn8 e~erseney Ordinance acceptlns the bid of Fulton
Trucks, Incorporated, as above amended:
(~23848) A~ O~DINANCE providl~ for the purchase of certain vehicles for use by
HAYS: None 0.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
NAYS: None 0.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
SCHOOLS: The Director of Finance submitted a written report transmitting a financial
stattment for the month of August, 1977, for the Roanoke City Public Schools.
In this connection, the Director of Finance verbally requested that the item be
withdra~n from the agenda at this time.
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the request. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted.
BUDGET: The Director of Finance submitted a financial report for the month of August,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that the report be received and filed, The motion was seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted.
DUD~ET-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: 1he Director of Finance submitted a statement of expenditures
for public welfare for the month of AuEust, 1977.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that the statement be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Taub~an and adopted.
T~ES: The Director of Finance submitted a written report transmittins an addendum to
the Tax Compendium which he furnished to Council earlier in the Fear.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubman moved that the report be received and filed. The ~otion was seconded by Hr.
Grove and adopted,
SDBDIVISI(~S: The City Planning Commission submitted a written report in connection with
extraterritorial Jurisdiction vithin~hich the city would exercise its subdivision regulations,
concurring in certain proposed boundaries for subdivision review responsibility.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. Taub~an s~ved that the report be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of
the proper ueesure. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted.
LIB~A~IES~ A report of the ~o&noke Public Library Board trans~lttin~ t~o Resolution~
for Counclle$ consideration regsrding &dditfons to the H~lu Llbrsry Boildin~ and the s&!e of
diecardnd library materials to the public st mminal prices, was before Council.
NAYS: None-
(Hr. Nubard absent)
NAYS: None- 0.
(Hr. H~bard absent)
STREEIS AND ALL. S: Ordinance No. 23822 per~nently vacating, discontinuing and closing
that portion of Nillvie~Avenue, S. Eo, extendin~ in an easterly direction from Garden City
goulevard, S. E., 239.23 feet, as is more particularly described hereinafter; providing for a ne~
street conuecting the portion of Hillview Avenue, S. E.~ remaining open~rlth Troxell Street, S.
g., having previously been before Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first
readiu~ and laid over, vas again before the body~ Hrs. go~les offering the following for its
second reading and final adoption:
({23822) AN ORDIHA~CE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing a portion of
NillvievAvenue, S. g., extending in an easterly direction from Garden City Boulevard, S. E.,
239.23 feet, as is more particularly described hereinafter; providing for a ne~ street connecting
the portion of Nillview Avenue, S. g., rewaiuing open vith lroxell Street, S. E.; and providing
the effective date of the aforesaid street closing.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hrso govles moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the folloving vote:
NAYS: None. O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
SI~E~8 AHD ALLE~Sz Ordlunce No, 25823 permanently vecatf~, discontinuing
t~ certain alle~ay exte~l~ ~r~ 14th Street to ~th 5treat ~a~ through Block 10~ according
to t~ Hyde ~rk ~ ~a~ ~ ~vi~ p~.l~sly been before ~ncil for its first readtn~o
read and adopt~ on its first reading a~ laid ~er~ v. again before t~ b~y, Hr. Grove off.inS
the foll~ln~ for its seco~ r~din~ and fi~l adopttou~
(~23823) ~ O~CE ~emnenfly vacatin~ disc~tinulaS ~ closiu~ t~ certain
alle~ay exte~i~ fr~ ltth Street to l~th Stree~ ~l~ through Block 10~
~yde Park ~ ~p~y ~p~ ~ich Is ~re particularly described hereinaf~er.
(For full text of Ordl~nce~ see Ordi~nce ~k
Hr. Grove ~v~ the adoption of t~ Ordl~nce. ~e ~ti~
a~ adopted by the foll~ln~
A~: ~cil ~ers ~les~ ~rla~, Grove~ ~aub~n. ~s and ~yor
Taylor. 6.
HAYSI None- O.
(Hr. ~ubard absent)
a portion of that certain alleyvay extending from Bra~ Avenue to ~bu~ Avenue ~ins through
(tllglt) ~ O~CE pe~neutly vacatin8~ discontiavi~t and closiut a portion of that
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance ~k No.
Taylor 6.
NAYS: None. O.
(Hr. Nubard absent)
ZONING-YLOODS-H~F. RICANES: Ordinance No. 23830 amending Sec. 4, Noncontrolled Activities
of Chapter 3, Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, of Title XVI, Planning and Subdivisions of
l'ne Code of the City of Roanoke, 1956, as amended, providing for certain situations in ~hich said
chapter shall not apply, [mving previously been before Council for its first reading, read and
adopted on its first reading and laid over, was again before the body, Hrs. Bo~les offering the
following for its second reading and final adoption:
(f23830) A~ ORDI~CE amending Sec. 4. Noncontrolled Activities, of Chapter 3. Erosion
and Sediment Control Regulations, of Tide XVI. Planning and Subdivisions, of the Code of the City
of Roanoke (1956), as amended, by providing for certain situations in mahich said chapter shall not
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taub~an
and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES:Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, ~homas and Hayor
Taylor --6.
NAYS: None. O.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
BOUSINO-SLUYl CLEAF,.~'ICE-pLANNING-GRAN'fS: Council having instructed the City Attorney to
prepare the proper measure amending Resolution No. 23586, so as to provide an exception to the
priorities for publicly assisted housing established by Resolution No. 23586, he presented same;
vhereupon, Hr. Thowas offered the folloving Resolution:
(t23850) A RESOLUTION amending £esolution No. 23586, adopted April 25, 1917, so as to
provide an exception to the priorities for publicly assisted housing established by the aforemen-
tioned resolution.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None
(Hr. Hubard absent)
BUllET-WATER DE~A~THEXT~ ~e ~yor presented a c~nicati~ reqvestt~ tht ~cil
co~ider reducLng t~ pa~at La lieu of t~es
and rec~lns t~t ~l~O,~ of t~ b~get su~lus fr~ last year be ~ed to replace the reven~
tn t~ ~neral ~ ~ich vould ~ve to c~ fr~ the ~ater ~.
(For full text~ see c~ntcation on file In the City CleaVes Office.)
(For full text~ see repor~ on file In the City Clerkes Office.)
be referr~ to the City Atto~ey for preparation of the proper~sure. The ~lon was seconded
by Hr. Grove and adopted.
vas seconded by Hr. Grove a~ adopted.
license tax be reduced by ten per cent in order to be ~ore c~etitive and at~rac~ more business
to the City of ~anoke as ~11 as retain the business ye already have in the city~ advisinS tha~ a
(For full text, see c~nl~tion on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
h~ever~ he said it ~ould be t~ppropriate for Council to srant a ten per cent reduction in that
The mo~ion died for lack of a second.
RAYS: Rome, O.
(Mr. Hubard absent)
VIRGIRIAMUNICIPALLEAGUE: Vice-Mayor Bowles presented a verbal report relative to the
Yirsinia Municipal League meeting which was held in Williamsburg, Virginia, on September 18 - 20,
1977. She gave each me~ber of Council a report of the Executive Director and copies of legislatio~
(Hr. Hub&rd absent)
there lo a vacancy on the Citizens' Task Force for Crime Prevention and Social Develolment created
by the resignation of Judge L. L. Roontz, and called for uoudnatlons to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Thomas placed in nomination the na~ of Judge Roy B. ~lllett.
(Hr. Hubardabsent~
BUILDI~GS~ Ihe Hayor noted that the five year ter~of Hr. HllliamAo So~ers as a
~er of the ~ard of ~Justments a~ Appeals, Bulldin~ ~e, expired on Sep~e~er 30, 19II, and
Hr. Taub~n placed In n~l~lon the ~ of Hr. Milli~A. S~rs,
~Justnents and Appeals, Building Code, for a rem of five ~ears endinE Septe~er 30, 1982, by the
~yor Taylor 6.
(Hr. Hubard absent)
HOflSINC~SLUH CLEARANCE: The City Clerk reported that Hr. So Le~ls Llonberser, Jr., has
qualified as a Commissioner of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority for a ter~
of four years ending August 31, 1981.
Hr. Taubman ~oved that the report be received and filed. Yhe motion vas seconded by Hr.
Grove and adopted.
October 31 1977.
l~e Council of the City of loanokeset ia resularm~eti~ in the ~il ~er la the
~icipal Buildl~, City of ~a~ oa~nday~ ~tober 3~ 1977B a~ 2 p.s.~ t~ re.lathering
h~r, vith~yor ~oel C. Taylor presidio.
~illiam S. ~bard, Nicholas F. Ta~n, ~ton ~. ~s a~ ~yor Noel C. ~aylor ~-7.
O~IC~ P~: ~. B~ron E. ~ner, City~ger; Hr. S~B. Hc~ee, III, ~sistan~
A~to~ey; Hr. Joel H. Schla~er, Director of Fiance; a~ Hrs. ~ F. Parer, City Clerk.
advising that she represented the ~yor on ~orld Peace Day a~ the Secretary of the local Spiritual
~se~ly asked her to present the b~k ~o ~yor Taylor vith the request that It be placed in the
The ~yor e~ressed appreciation for the book and advised t~ l~ v~ld be placed in
the~in Library.
In respect to Ordl~tace No. 23848, Hr. l'ho~as ~oved that it be taken tmder advisement
until such t~ as ~cil receives a re~rt relative to
~e~tiou vas seco~ed by Hr. ~a~n and u~sly adopted.
Since Ordl~nce ~o. 23~8 advisin& ~lton ~c~, Incor~ra~ed, t~ they vere the
successful bidder ~d air.dy been fo~arded to the c~aay, t~ City Atto~ey advised t~t this
is not really sl&aifican~ l~ch as t~ pure.se order ~s not been issued ~lch Is the c~cial
to the biddi~ process~ t~ the city Is neither ~cceptia~ or reJect~n~ their bid at this ~lnt~
In re~ard to obtaininS~c~l~s input ~nto the biddl~ procedure as ~t rela~es to the
openi~s un,il t~ Fi~ial and Pla~l~ Session of
participa~ion ~ill be.
S~-C~: Hr. L~ls H. Helson~ ~i~n of ~he ~oke City Sch~l Soard,
(For full tex~ see Resolu~ion on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
i~s $2~+ Title Vl~ney and $~0,~ of i~s $7~,~+ Title II ~nies to OIC either
unantm~sly adopted.
Hr. Grove offered the follo~in~ e~er~ency Ordin~nce:
(~23851) ~H O~DIgANCE to a~end and reordain the City of Eoa~keee 1977-78 Grant Program
Account~ and Section ~0703, #Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court,u of the 1977-78 Appropriation
Ordinances and providing for In e~ergency.
(For full text of Otdin~nce~ see Ordinance Book Noo
Hr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The station was seconded
by H~. Bubard and adopted by tho following vote:
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Thomas Vas out of the ~ouncil Ch~ber)
JAIL~ 1he City Hanager submitted a written report requesting authorization to enter
into a certain agreement with the County of ~oanoke for use of city Jail facilities and services
at the per diem rate of $5.00 per day.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
The Clty Hanager verbally advised that he would like authorization to enter into a
contract, but not necessarily the one in which Council vas furnishedwith a copy because there
are certain aspects of that contract in which he cannot concur.
Hr. Hubard offered the following Resolution authorizing and directing the City ~nager
to execute an agreement with the County of Roanoke in relation to the use of city Jail facilities:
(~23552) A RESOL~fI~ authorizing and directing the City H~nager to execute on behalf
of the City of Roanoke a certain agreement with the County of Roanoke providing for the use of
City Jail facilities by the County at a specified per diem charge per prisoner.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No,
Hr. Hubard ~oved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~tion ~as seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me.bors Grove, Hubard, Tauh~n, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor .... 5.
NAYS: Council me.bors Bo~les and Garland- .... .2.
LIBrArIES: Hr. Evans B. Jessee, Chairman of the Roanoke Public Library Board, appeared
before Council and presented t~o Resolutions adopted by the Board regarding additions to the ~in
library building and the sale of discarded library~aterials to the public at nominal prices.
(For full text, see report and Resolutions on file in the City Clerk~s Office.)
In a discussion of the request regarding the addition to the ~ain library, Hr. Jessee
said the Library Board is requesting $6,930 for the schematic design phase and $9,2~0.OO for the
design development phase and they would like authorization for that portion of the ~ork. He noted
that there are no funds in the library budget to accommodate the reques~ and the Board is requestin~
a special appropriation by Council.
Council questioned ~hether or not there is a priority list of capital improvement
projects; ~hereupon, the City ~nager advised that Council does not have a five year capital pro-
Jeers progr~.
The Bayor requested that the record sho~ that the City H~nager is instructed to establish
the goals for a five year capital i~provements program and that he further he instructed to add
an additional year after each year has passed in order to keep the program five years in advance,
and to use his discretion if necessary to establish priorities within the five year progr~.
Hr. Bubard moved that the matter be placed on the Financial and Planning Session agenda
for ~onday, October 17, 1977, in order that the City~anager~y furnish Council with his prelimi-
nary thoughts on the subject at ~hich rime Council ~ill provide the City F~nager ~th inpu~ as to
what they would like to be included in the five year program, and that the request of the Library
Board relative to the addition to the ~in Library building be deferred until after the Financial
and Planning Session. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and unanimously adopted.
~ith reference to the second Resolution as to the sale of discarded library~aterials,
Hr. Taubman moved thet the ~atter be referred to the City H~ager and the City Attorney for
study, report and recommendation to Council. The motion was seconded by Hr, ~ubard and unanimously
COmmITtEES: Hr. ~. Bolling Izard, Chairumn of the Citizens' Blue Ribbon Long Range
Planning and Coal Setting Co~mittee, appeared before Council and presented a report setting forth
the findings of the Co~nittee in respect to the Fire Depart~nt.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
In vie~of the fact that the report is very comprehensive, Hr. Taub~an~oved that it
be referred to the Financial and Planning Session of Council on~onday, October 17, 19~], at ~:00
p.m., for discussion and that the City Hanager he requested to study the report in order to be in
a position to respond thereto, and that ~e~ber$ of the Co~uittee who composed the report be
present to provide input as to how they arrived at their conclusions. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Huhard and unanimously adopted.
~ ~.ESOU~ES C~IITEE~ A report of the Humo ~eeources Committee listing eeveral
zec~atio~ in co~ection vith the request of the~ ~c ~lttee of City ~nded ~n
So.ices t~t ~uncil telerate from the }1.8 million surplus the ten per cent reduction In
(For full text, see report on f~le ~n the City Clerk% Office,)
~. Grove ~ved t~t the report be receiv~ a~ filed, ~ ~tl~vas seco~ed by
Hr. ~rla~ said he has been trebled vtth~s vote on reducl~ the ~ts appropriated
budsets to c~er a total appropriation of $554,~ ~ ~ny of those 8~encies based their budsets
be taken rrm t~ b~et su~lus.
of $2.77 million ~lch ~as $~,~ only ~o lea~ four to six vee~ a~o that the city is
to receive $2.6~3 ~llion, t~t based upon those fiKures, ~il ~s already overappropriated
NAYS: None O.
Mr. Thomas offered the follc~ing e~ergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of E. C.
Pace and Company:
(123854) A~ ORDINANCE providing for the construction of a ne~ storm drain on ~hitmore
Avenue in the City, upon certain terms and conditions, by accepting a certain bid ~ade to the
City; rejecting a certain other bid; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taub~an
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Ik~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Yaubman, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: None O.
ROANOKE CIVIC CENTER: Council having previously deferred action on a reco~mendation
of the Roanoke Civic Center Co. mission with reference to execution of a contract between the City
of Roanoke and APCOA, Incorporated, for operation of the parking lot at the Roanoke Civic Center,
until a full membership of Council was present, the matter was again before the body.
Hr, Thomas noted that earlier in the meeting Council referred to the Financial and
Planni~ Session on October 17, 1977, the matter of Council representation on the bid committees
and suggested that the above umtter be taken under advisement until a Council member is a part of
the bidding process.
Hr. Taubman spoke in opposition to the suggestion, advisins that the City Attorney has
said that be felt the APCOA bid vas properly received and he moved that the follo~inS Ordinance
be placed upon its first reading:
(J23855) AN OIDINA~Cl~acceptin8 certain proposals of A~COA, Inc.o for operat~of
R~no~ Civic Center tarklM ~t, upon certain tam a~ co~iti~.
T~ ~tion vas seco~ed bye. ~bard.
~. Th~s offered a substitute ~tion t~t the Ordinance rejecting the bid of
Incorporated, a~ ditectl~ t~t the ~tter ~ readvertised for bids0 ~ placed upon its first
The ~tton dl~ for lack of a seco~.
Hr. ~is Jones representl~ t~ ~anoke piddle a~ h~o CI~ appeared before ~cil
a~ advised t~t they are a n~-profit organization prating a~ keepl~ alive old-t~ and
bluegrass~sics a~ they.ve utiliz~ the ~a~ke Civic Center since~rch, 1973. He ~ted
offset the g~ill the Civic Center ~s been generating Just thr~gh their shes alone.
BUDGET-~ATEI DEYARI'HI~qT** Fursuant to a request of t~ ~yor t~t ~cil ~lder
r~uciM t~ paint la lieu of t~es of t~ ~atez ~part~nt fr~ ~10~,~ to S7~0~ and
rec~ation tht $250,~ of t~ budiet su~lus fr~ last year be used to replace the reven~
In the ~neral ~ ~ich v~ld hue to c~ fr~ the ~ater ~ Hr. Grove offered the
e~r~ency Ordi~nce decreasini Faint ~n Lieu of T~es by $250~ u~er ~ater - Ceneral
of t~ 1977-78
(~23857) ~ 0~ ~o ~ 8~ r~r~alo ~peral ~eratip8 ~e~e of the 1977-78
V~ter Fund A~pro~ri~oa O~dl~uce, a~ ~r~ld~ for afl ~er~eacy.
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see Ordi~e ~ok
a~ adopted by the foll~n~ vote~
Taylor 7.
NAYS: None- O.
T~C~: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure settin8 forth the findings of Council vith respect to a public hearing vhich vas held on
September 26, 1977, in reference to real estate taxes collected in 1977, he presented sane;
vhereupon, Hr. Garland o[iered the folloving Resolution:
(#23858) A RESOLUTI(~( setting forth the findings of this Council vith respect to the
public hearing required by Section 58-785.1, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, and expresslpg
the sense of this Council that the increase in real estate tax collected in 1977 over 1976 is
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution ~ook No.
Hr. Carland moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded By Hr.
Taubman and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES:Council members Bovles, Garland, Crove, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and
~ayor Taylor ------7.
The motion died for lack of a second.
following vote vas recorded on tim amend~nt to Ordlnaa=e go. 238~9J
A~ ~cil u~ers ~les~ ~r18~, C~ve, ~bard, Tartan, ~s ~
NAYS~ Hone
· ' Ordinance No. 238590 on first reedins, as aneeded, vas then adopted by t~ roll.us
NAYS: None, 0.
~O~DS: ~ne Mayor presented a Resolution endorsing the bond issues to be submitted to
the voters in a referendum on November 8, 1977, and encouraging the citizens of the City of
Roanoke to vote their approval of such bond issues.
Hr. Nubard offered the follO~ing Resolution:
(t23561) A RESoLUtION endorsing the bond issues to be submitted to the voters in a
referendum on November 8, 1977, and e~couraging the citizens of the City of Roanoke to vote their
approval of such bond issues.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council~e~bers Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, ~homas and Mayor 7.
NAYS: None
Octobez &, 1977~ st lO:SO a.~. (The releaJe tt~ vas J~ter chan~ed by aut~c~zat~ou of the ~yoz
(For full text~ see c~t~on fr~ ~yor Taylor and fo~ of contrac~ on file in
the City Clerk*s Office.)
There being no further business, the VJce~yor declared the ueetin~ adJou~ed.
Nomtay, O~tober lO, 1977.
~he cou~il of the city of ~o~oke net in regular ~eetlns in the ~cil ~er In the
~nlcipal ~lldin[~ City of ~oa~ on ~ays ~toher 10~ 197]~ at ~ p.n.~ with ~yor Noel
C. ~aylor presidi~.
~illiu S. ~bard, Nicholas F. Ta~u, H~ton ~. ~s ~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor
~S~ None
At~o~ey~ Hr. Joel H. Schla~er, D~zector of F~nce~ and Hrs. ~ F. Parker, City Clerk.
I~YI~: ~e ~e~ln~ ~as opened vi~h a prayer By ~he ~evere~ David A. ~ln~lSuz,
~I~: ~py of ~he minuCes of the re~lar ~eeting held on ~nday, Sept~er 26,
19~, havin~ been fur~s~ed each me.er of ~uucil ou ~lou of ~. Grove, seconded by Hrs.
P~TI~S: ~he ~yor advised t~ he has proclal~d ~ober l~ and 15, 1~77.
(For f.ll ~ex~. see procl~ion on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
pR~TI~S: ~he ~yor advised ~ he has procla[~d ~ober 10 - 15, 197~,
(For full text, see pzocl~cn ou file in ~he City Clerk*s Office.)
~T~ ~ ~H~: ~o~cil ~vin~ set a public heartu~ for 7:~0 p.m., ~nday. October
(~2~8~2) ~ O~I~CE pe~nently vacatin~, discon~inuing and closi~ ~
Ho one appeari~ in opposition to the requestt Hr. Thomas ~oved that the following
Ordl~nce ~ p~ced up~ its first xe~din~
(~23863) ~ O~CE pe~ently vacatinS, discontinuin~ ~d clos/~ · certain street
bei~ t~t certain portion of t~ ri~ht~f~a~ for ~llitt Ave~e, S. E.~ lo~ed ~t the inter-
pa~ti~lirl7 described here/~fter.
~e ~tion vas se~nded by Hr. Taub~n a~ adopted b7 t~ foll~i~s vote:
TaTlor. 7.
Z(~ING~A~EIATI(~ I c~nication
he ~s been advised by the City t~ ~t 5~ ~ ~ter ~p~ on Clara Avenue~ S. ~.~ In the City
of ~a~ke~ Is substandard and a ~use ca~t be erected on said lot a~ he requested t~t he
(For full text, see c~nica~ioa on file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
seconded by Hr. ~rland.
appeared before Council and advised t~t the ciW s~rui~led lon~ and ~rd to establish policy by
Ns. ThoMs referred to the recial problem experienced at Millisu Flea,faS Illth Sch~l
last ~eek ~ r~uested t~t the ~r*s Youth ~ssl~ ~ reactivated ~th a m~ate to revi~
rays la ~ch to increase e~ression be~een blnc~ a~ ~ites la our
SY~I~ A c~nicatiou fr~ ~. ~ ~lliutero ~ral ~Sers Head~
ba~ festival on ~ober 15, 1977, at Victory Stadl~ vas ~fore
(FoE full t~co see c~nication on file In t~ City Clerkts Office.)
Taub~n a~ ~nim~ly adopted.
pla~ as ~resented.
(For full ~ex~, see report on file in ~he Cl~y Clerk's Office,)
a~ openin~ bids for Fire S~a~ons No. 6 and No, 13 and the Curb and ~er ~A ~lic
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
C~cil for Tuesday, Nov~er 1, 19~, a~ 9 a.m.~
(~23861) A ~O~ION ftxinS ~he da~e of a Special Hee~in~ of the Council of the City
~ayor Taylor
NAYS: None.
The City Hanaser noted the pressiu& need of the Clerk of the Circuit Courts to
forward vith the ~crofil~aS progrm in hie office; whereupon, ~. Ta~n ~ Hr. ~s enlarged
up~ their ~tion to request the City ~er to advise ~cil ~t its Fl~ncial a~ Pla~ln~
Session on ~nday. ~to~r 17, 19770 as to t~ t~able for ~crof~ ~n the Clerk of ~rts
Office a~ t~ ~t of f~s ~eded t~refor ~ tht t~ report ~ve input fr~ Hr. ~al~r
the Fl~nclal and ~la~ln~ Session on ~tober 17 to a~r questl~ raised by ~cil ~ers,
The ~ti~o as enlar~ upons v~s t~u ~usly adopted.
T~IC-~ ~O~ IN~: ~e City ~er s~ttted a vrltten repor~
rec~l~ t~t the repor~ be placed on the alenda of t~ ~tober 17 Fl~ncial and
(For full texto see report on file In the City ClerkJs Office.)
included on the ~tober 17, 1977 Fl~ncial and Flannin~ Session ~senda. T~ ~tion vas
by ~. ~bard a~ ~ni~usly adopted.
three-hour ~rkin~ spaces.
~bard and u~nl~ously adopted.
(~or full text~ see repor~ on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
NAYS: None O.
BIrVCET-SCHOOLS: Ihe Director of Finance submitted a mitten report transmitting a
revised monthly statement for August, 1977. for the Roanoke City Schools.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that the statement be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
CO~r~CIL: ~he Director of Finance submitted a written report requesting an Executive
Session to discuss a legal matter.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s O//ice.)
Hr. Eubard moved that Council concur in the request. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles. Garland, Orove~ Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor. 7.
NAYS= None O.
AIRPORT; The co~=~ittee appointed to study bids received for security fencing adjacent
to C~neral Aviation at Roanoke H~nicipal Airport, ~oodrum Field, submitted a ~ritten report
recom~ending that the bid of Po~ers Fence Company in the a~ount of $2t,963.00, be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
HF. Taubu~n offered the foll~lng e~ergeocy Ordinance acceptin~ the proposal of Foyers
Fence Company0 Incorporated:
(~23866) ~ 0~ accepting a certa~ proposal and ~a~lng m contract for
i~tallation of securit~ fencing a~ control gates at ~o~ ~nicipal Al~orts ~d~ Field,
for Federal Alert Project Ho. ~ ~1~5~ C~tract IV, upon certain tern ~d
authoziz~ng the proper city officials to execute the requisite contract; a~ pr~iding for
~rge~y ·
(For full tex~ of O~di~nce. see Ordi~nce ~k ~o.
~r. Tau~ ~ed ~he adoption of the Ordinate. ~ ~lo~ was se~ed by ~r, ~ard
and adopted by ~he foll~i~g vote:
AY~I ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rla~, Grove, ~bard. Taub~n, ~s a~ ~yor
~A¥S: None O.
(#23859) AN O~DLKA~CN to amend Chapter 8, License Tax Code, Yltle VI, Vexation, of the
~de of t~ Cit~ of ~a~ (19~6)~ as ~ed~ b~ the ~dd~tion of a n~ section to be n~ered
117, a~ entitled Tax credit.
(For full t~t of Ordl~ee see Ordl~nc~ ~k No.
~. Taub~n ~v~ t~ adoption of the Ordi~nce. ~e ~lon was seconded by Hrs.
~les a~ ~dopted by the foll~l~ vote:
NAYS: Council member Garland. 1.
PI~SI(X~S: Ordinance No. 23860 providing for a vested allcvance for members of the
NAYS= None- O.
T~IES: The Hayor noted that there is a vacancy on the Revenue Study C~ission created
to fill the vacancy.
Hrs. Bc~les placed in nomination the name of £eenis E. Els~ick.
Study Commission to fill the unexpired term of Hr. James E. Cart, resigned, for a term ending
June 30, 1918, by the following vote:
INDUSTRIES: The Hayor noted that the four year ter~s of Hessrs. C. E. Hunter, Jr.,
and Horace G. Fralin as members of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Roanoke,
Hr. Taubman placed in nomination the names of Hes~rs. C. E. Hunter, Jr., and Horace O,
September 30, 1982.
Honda7 , October
1lie Cotmeil of the City of Roanoke ~t in regular ~eetinS in the Cotmcil ~m~er In the
h~r~ vith ~yor Roel C. Taylor presidi~.
~illi~ S. Hubard, NicOlas F. Ta~n~ ~ton V. ~s a~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor
At~o~ey; Hr. Joel H. Schla~er~ Director of Fl~ncel a~ Hfs, ~ F* Par~r~ City Clerk.
~I~: ~e ~ee~i~ vas opened vtth a prayer by ~yor Noel C, ~aylor.
ride and ~ enc~ra~ed all ~anoke residents to use Valley ~tro on this day to discover the ease
and convenience of p~lic transportation and ~tckel Day" specials bel~ offered by area merchants
in Valley Horrors honor.
(For full text, see Procl~tion on file in the City Clerk~s Office.)
to arranse a reduction of fares In the city on ~ov~er 1~
Hr. ~s ~ved that the bids be refet~ed to a c~ttee to be appointed by the ~yor
Project No. 01-51-26601, said proposals to be received by the City Clerk ~til 1:30 p.m.. Monday,
~tober 2t. 1977, and to be opened before the ~cil at 2:~ p.m., on that date, the ~yor asked
an7 questio~, the ~yor inst~cted the City Clerk to proceed ~th the openi~ of the bids; whereupon
~nfotd B~others Co.any, Inco~o~ated ~ 246,697.50
Inco~orated lit, 71l. 35
u~nimously adopted.
related so.ices for the ~nual Playoff G~es on H~er 13, 1977, vas before the body.
(For ful! text, see co~unicatlon on file in the City Clerk's
~r. ~a~ ~ed ~ ~cl~ coucur l~ the reques~ ~ th~c t~ ~cter be refer~ed
the ~lty ~tto~ey for prepar~l~ of t~ ~o~er ~asure. ~ ~tioa vas se~o~ed by ~s. ~les
a~ u~n~usly adopted.
~ER D~ A petition ei~ned by 26 p~oper~y ~ers a~ residents of the
(Pot full text, see report on file la the City Clerk*e Office.)
Hr. Crowe i~oved that Council concur in the reco~mendation to do the temporary york
and refer the per~anent l~rove~ete to 1978-79 budset study. Tha ~otion vas seconded b7 Hr.
C~rlaud and unanimously adopted.
IX~AYI~S-ClT~ ~O~2~-C11~ H~J~Z: The City blan~ser submitted a ~itten re~ort
co~ection with dispolitl~ of a portrait by ~. ~ke 8uc~les of t~ late ~yor ~y L. ~ebber;
a fred silk scroll ~idered with · copy of the ~clarati~ of I~epe~ence
~rea; a~ a series of 33 etchl~z of the ~a~ City ~rket a~ relat~ s~Jects by Hr.
E. Little, advisin~ t~t t~ portrait of ~yor ~ebber will be placed at the ~illimoa
Branch Llbra~, the scroll will be displaye~ In the lobby of the ~nicipll ~ildl~g~ and the
offer for 33 etchi~s of the City ~rket ~s been wirers.
(For full text, see report on file In t~ City Clerk*s Office.)
fr~ the Virginia Depar~ent of Hl~ays and Tra~portation advising of the pzogr~ns of the
Hershberger Road~ ~ve Road to ~illl~on ~oad project.
(For fvll reit, see report on [ile In the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hubard and u~a~usly adopted.
(For full text, see report on file In t~ City Clerk*s Office.)
(~23869) ~ O~I~CE providing for the City's release, quitclai~ and
NAYS: None,---- O.
NAYS: None O.
BUDGET-CII~ ~LO~F~S-PreCi~ll~Lt The City Atto~ey s~nitted a written report ruc~in
t~t the city enter into a contract ~ith ~uif~ ln~rporated~ for perfomnce of backgro~
i~estl~atl~ ~ applic~ts for resp~ible city positio~.
(For full tex~ ~e report on file In the City Cle~k~s Office.)
~S, ~les offered t~ foll~i~ ~er~ency ~di~nce appropriatl~ $2~0.~ to Investi~a*
ti~ ~er Section ~0101, ~City ~cll~~ of t~ 19]]-78 b~set~
(~238~1) ~ O~ to ~e~ a~ reordain Section ~0101, ~Clty C~ncil,~ of the
19~-~8 Appropriation Oedi~nce, a~ pr~id~ for an e~r~ency.
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see Ordinate ~ok
Hrs. B~les ~ed the adoption of t~ Ordi~nce. ~ ~tion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
a~ adopted by t~ foll~l~ vote~
AI~: ~uncil ~ers ~les, ~rla~, Crowe, Hubard, Ta~n, ~s ~d
~yor Taylor
NAYS~ None~ O.
Hr. Taubman offered the following emergency Ordinance authorizins the city to enter
into a contract with Equifax, Incorporaced:
(~23872) A~ ORDInAnCE authorizing the City to enter into a contract with Equifax,
Incorporate~, for the conduct of background investigations on applicants for responsible City
positions~ authorizing the proper city officials to execute the re~uisite contractl and providing
for an emereency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taub~an moved the adoption of the Ordinance, The motion vas seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les and adopted by the follovin~ vote~
ATESI Council me~bers ~o~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~n, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None- O*
BUDGET-CITYHA~AGER-PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS: ~he City Attorney submitted a written
report requesting that $10,6t7.00 be appropriated in full and final settlement of the Nelson v.
Haner, HcGhee and Brogan litigation,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubman moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
Hr. Garland and unanimously adopted.
(For appropriation of funds, see Ordinance No. 23881.)
BUDGE~-SCHOOLS: The Director cf Finance submitted a stacus report on the financial
condition of the city for the year ended June 30, 1977, advising that the audited surplus for
fiscal year 1976-77 as will be reported in the armual financial statement for the City of Roanoke
is $2,087,5t6, that as cf October 24, 1977, Council has either spent or obligated $1,778,805 of
that surplus, recommendin~ that $400,{300 cf the unobligated balance of $442,603 be appropriated
to the School ~oard account toward deferred teachers' salaries which ~ould mean that the balance
of the city's outstandin~ liability in the teachers' salaries underfunding would be $200,000 to
be made up prior to June 30, 19781 and urging that Council appropriate, when received, the next
check for anti-recession funds tc~ards this liability.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council receivej concur in the report and instruct the City
Attorney to prepare the proper measure appropriating $400,000 to the $chool Board account toward
the deferred teachers' salaries. The motion was seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and unanimously adopted.
Hr. l~o~ae Bored that the report be a~Aed by doletl~ the follo~in$ s~nt~e ~
first page~ "~is bid c~ttee st~cture does not ~pply to t~ bid c~ttees eppointed by
~e ~ti~ vis seco~ed by ~* Tartan a~ ~usly adopted.
bidding proc~ures ~ sta~ardizatioa of vehicles a~ t~ ep~iu~nt of ~ ~cil ~ers to
se~e as ~uncil liaison ~ers to t~ bid c~ttees. ~ ~tl~ vas seco~ed by ~. ~srd
a~ u~a~ly adopted.
~. T~s ~ved t~t ~cil ~ers Grove a~ Taubmu be eppol~ted as ~cil liaison
~ers to t~ bid comittees. ~ ~tioa vas seconded by ~. ~rland ~ u~ai~sly adoptS.
Ia re~ard to a sit~lou ~ich vas addressed by Hr. ~r~ F. ~pl~, General
~nion ~d~e, Ltd., on ~tober 3, 19]], relative to his bid for three 3[~ ton, f~r ~eel drive
with sn~ pl~ pac~se only a~ a price of ~,3]~.8~, ~e unit ~th air co~ltiouing ~ly at a
price of ~6,~8.25, a~ one unit ~th both air co~itioni~ a~ su~ pl~ at a price of
and further rec~e~i~ that ~di~uce No. 238t8 be ~ed to reflect the above c~es.
(For full t~c, see report on file iu the City Clerk*s Office.)
to prepare the proper measure ~e~luS Ordi~nce No. 238~8. ~he ~tion was seconded by
Hr. ~bard ~ved tha~ Council se~ a public hearinS for ;:30 p.m-, N~nday, Nove~er 1~,
Taylor 7.
Hr. Hubard offered the following e~ergency Ordinance deleting the requirement that all
checks drw~n on the City*s bank accounts be countersigned by the Director of Finance or his
(t2387t) A~ ORDInAnCE to a~end and reordaln Section &, Signing and countersigning of
checks, of Chapter 2, Accounts, Warrants and Interest, of Title V, Finance, of the Code of the
Oity of Roanoke (1956), as amended, deletin§ the requirement that all checks dra~n on the city*s
bank accounts be countersigned by the Director of Finance or his designee; and providing for an
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he notion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the foll~tng vote:
AYF. S: C~uncilu~nbere ~vles, Garland, Grove, Hubards Taub~n, Thorns ~
~yor Taylor --~7.
HAYS~ Hone 0,
~n ce~acd ~o lt~ 4 In t~ ninnies per~alul~ ~o a c~e requeste~ by the Civic Center
~ssl~ In acc~tl~ foe admissions t~es collected by ~e Civic ~ntero see Ordinance
~F~IS~ ~USI~S:
S~S ~ ~S: OFdi~nce Ho. 23862 ~r~idiu~ for the pe~nent vacat~nl, dlscon~inu~
a~ closinS of 3 1;2 Street S. V., a~ In ad~oinin~ nile7 portion, ~vins pFeviously been~foFe
HAY$~ None 0.
STREEISA~DALLE~S! Ordinance No. 23863 providin8 for the per~nent vacatins, discontinu:
and closin8 of a certain street bei~ that certain portion of the right of ~ay for Bullttt Avenue,
havin8 previously been~fore the ~uncil for i~s first readins, read and adopted on its firs~
({23863) ~ 0~CE pe~uen~ly vacating, disca~iuuin~, and closin8 a certain
for ~he Hl8h School ~rchiu{ ~nd Festival on ~tober 15,
NAYS: None O*
I~DUS~RIES: Council havin8 previously reelected Hessrs. Horace G. Fralin and Co Eo
Hunter, Jr., as Directors of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Roanoke for
ter~s of four years each endin~ October 20, 1981, Hr. Garland offered the following Resolution:
({23816) A RESOLDTIO~ appointing Bo (2) directors of the Industrial Development
Authority of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to fill four-year te~ms of office on its board of
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Ca£1and moved the adoption of the Resolutiono yhe motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the followiv~ vote:
AYF~ Council he. bets ~o~les, Garland. Grove~ Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and
Mayor Taylo~ 7.
NAYS: None O.
$UBDIV][SI(~SI Cotmcil havin~ previously l~t~cted the City Atto~ey to prepara t~
~ez ~svve e~zessl~ the se~e of ~ciZ thc t~ azel vit~n ~o~ ~ty ~ezela t~
City of ~a~ S~divisioa ~di~nce ~s extraterritoriel effect sh~ld be reduced a~ requestinS
offered t~ foll~l~ ~sol~tlon~
(J238~7) A ~O~I~ e~ressl~ t~ sense of this ~cil tbt t~ area within
~unty ~here~n t~ C~ty o[ ~ke Subd~[s~ou ~dl~nce hs zxtraterri~orial effect sh~ld be
(For full text of ~esolut~ons see ~solution ~k ~o.
Hr. Tau~n norad the sdoption of the Rosolution, ~e ~tl~ ~as seconded by
~bard and adopted by the foll~iM vo~e~
Taylor ....
~AT$: None- -- --
TAX~S-I;ATER DEpARI1/12~: Hr. ~bard offered the foll~l~ ~rsency ~di~nce deletini
t~ requir~ent t~t a bank be an aut~rized ~epositou of city f~ds in o~der to q~lify ~ a~
agen~ of the city for the pu~ose of collecting valet and s~er fees; providin~ for an increase
to a ~xl~ of ~en cents for each bill collected by authorized bassi and providins for an
NAYS: Nonc
the City Attorney to prepare the proper measure appropriating $29.159.00 to Hental Health Services
of the Roanoke Valley under Section t1852, "Contributions and Subsidies," of the 1977-78 budget.
(t23880) A~ O~DI~ANCE to amend and reordain Section ~1832, "Contributions and Subsidies
of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
The ~otloa vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the follovl~ vote:
AYE$~ ~ouncil s~abere ~rl~, ~bard, ~s a~ ~yor
NAYS~ ~cil ~ers ~eso Grove a~ Ya~n- ,3.
~{ ~cil ~vin~ u~fficially approved certain appropriatio~ a~ tr~sfers at
its Y~aacial a~ ~la~ia~ Session o~ ~nday~ ~tober 1~, 19]~, Hr. ~ard offered the foll~la~
e~r~ency Ordl~nce ~in~ certain sectio~ of t~ 19~-~8 Appropriation ~di~nce~ viz~
City Atto~ey ~0~1, City Treasurer ~O~05s Farks a~ ~ecreation ~137~s ~lneer~nS, Fla~in~
Bulldl~ Inspection ~12~8~ Fol~ce Depar~nt J1345s Hursins H~e ~1539, ~torized Vehicular
trance J1671, Title ~ Se~lces ~15~0~ ~ntinsencies J1880~ Transfers to O~her Funds
(~23881) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordain certain secti~ of the 1977-78 Appropriatlot
Ordl~nces~ a~ providi~ for an ~ersency.
(For full text of Ordl~nce, see Ordi~nce ~ok
a~ adopted by the foll~i~ vote~
AY~ ~uncil m~ers ~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~n, Th~s and
~yor Taylor~
HATS: Non: 0.
BUllET-SCHOOLS: Council at its Financial and Planning Session on October 17, 1977,
having referred to the Director of Finance for preparation of the proper measure, requests of the
School Board that certain funds be appropriated to Combined Fedcral School Programs of the 1977-
78 budget, he presented same along with backsround information from the School Boardl ~hereupon~
Hro Hubard offered the follca~ing emergency Ordinance:
(f13881) ~ ORDI~L~CE to ~end and reordain Section i1901, "Roanoke City School System,"
of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook No.
Hr. ~ubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYESI Council me~bers Bo~les, Carland, Grove, gubard, Taubmanj Tho~s and
Mayor Taylol .7.
NAYS: None- '0.
CO~NCIL: The City Manager requested that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss
watters of real estate.
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the City Manager's request. The motion ~as
seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
AyEs: Council members Bo~les~ Garland, Crove, Hubard, Yaubman~ Thomas and
Mayor Taylor 7.
At 3145 p,u., the Hayor declared the mee~in8 recessed,
At 5:15 p,u,, the meetiu8 reconvened, with Nayor Taylor presldin$ and all members of
NAYS: Non~ 0,
There heine no further business, t~Nayor declared the meetins adJou~ed.
Tuesday, November 1, 1977.
The Council of the City of goanoke ~et in specia! ~eeting in the Council Cha~er in
~niclpal ~ildi~, City of ~eno~e on Tuesday~ Howler 1, 1977, at 9:~ a.u., vith ~7or ~el C.
Taylor presiding.
P~: ~cil ~ers Elizabeth ~. ~les (arrived la~e), ~bert A.
~. Cr~e~ ~illiu S, ~barde Nicholas F. Taub~n (left before the
~s a~ ~yor Noel C. Tayloz
City Atto~ey~ ~. Joel H. Schlanser, Director of Fiance; a~ Hrs. ~ry F. Parkere City Clerk.
~TI~: ~e ~etl~ vas opened with a prayer by ~yor Noel C. Taylor.
by the ~uncil ~ ~nday, ~tober 10, 1977, for the pu~ose of receivl~ a~ openinS bids for two
H. S S. Const~ction ~any - $ 238,735.~
S. R. Draper Pavi~ Company - 269,788.~
Hr. Th~s ~ved that the bids be ~eferred to a co~lttee to be appointed by the ~yor
bids for const~ctton of Roanoke City Fire Stations No. 6 and No. 13~ said proposals to be received
at that h~r, the ~yor asked ii anyone had any questions about the advertisement for bids and no
representative present raisiu~ any question, the ~yo~ inst~cted the City Clezk to proceed vith
ment ~rporation ~513,~.~ $390,~.~ $ 898,~0.~
Inco~orated 539,~.~ 6~5,~.~ 982,~.~
Incorporat~ 553,~.~ 639,2~.~ 989,8~.~
porated 558,~.~ ~56~5~.~ 1,0~0,~0.~
~or, Inco~orated 570~.~ ~72,~.~ 1,038,~.~
~a~o~ly adoptS.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr, trove offered the folloving e~ergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of Adams
Coast ruct ion Company ~
(~238~) ~ O~ accepting the proposal of ~m ~t~cti~ ~any for the
of streets at varies lo~tio~ in the City of ~ano~ ~A troJect No. 01-51-26622~
authotizi~ the proper City officials to ~ecute the requisite contractl reJecti~ certain other
bids; a~ providing for an ~erge~7.
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see ~dl~nce
~. Grove ~ed t~ adoption of the 0rdi~nce. The ~tion ~ seco~ed by Hr. ~bard
and adopted by the foll~i~ votel
NA~S: Bone-
(Hr. Ta~n absent)
~-S~ ~ STO~ D~S-~BLIC ~-~~S: The c~ttee appointed
Brothers ~any, Inco~orated~ in the ~unt of ~2a&,697.~ and further ~ec~e~in8
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
1977-78 App~priation Ordi~nce:
(~23885) ~ O~CE to ~end and reordain the City of Roanoke% 1977-78 Gr~t Prograa
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see Ordinance ~ook No.
(Mr. Taubman absent)
Hr. Grove offered the following e~ergency Ordinance acceptin~ the proposal of Lanford
Brothers Company~ Incorporated:
(t23586) AN ORDINANCE accepting the proposal of Lanford Brothers Company, Ine., for
the construction of the Hershber~er Road storm drain from Carvins Creek to Hazelridge Road, N.
E., in the City, EDA Project No. 01-51-26601, authorizing the proper City officials to execute
the requisite contract; rejecting certain other bids; and providing for an e~ergency.
(For £ull text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The morion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor .6.
NAYS: None- ~'
(Hr. Taub~an absent)
~here being no further business, the Nayor declared the meetin~ adjourned.
City Clerk
Nonday, No.ember 7m 1977.
The Council of the City of Roanoke met in regular ~eeting In the Council Chamber la the
Hunlclpal Bulldlngm City of Roanoke, on Hondayj Noven~er 7, 1977, at 2 p.m., the regular meeting
hour, vith Hayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
PR~SI~: Council he.hers Elizabeth T. Bo~les, Robert A. Garland, Lucian Y. Grove,
Hlllla~ $. Hvbard, Nicholas F. Tauhnan, Nenpton H. Tholes end H~yor Noel C. Taylor .....
A~SE~T: Non~
OFFICF~S P~ESI~T: Hr. Byron E. H~ner, City ~nager; Hr. Sam g. HcGheej III, Assistant
INYOCATI(~: The u~eting vas opened With a prayer by the Reverend A. N. Nolllng~orth,
HINUTES: Copies of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Honday, October 2t, 1977;
and the special meeting held on Tuesday, November 1, 1977, having been furnished each m~ber of
thereof ~as dispensed ~ith and the minutes ~ere approved as recorded,
in the City of Roanoke, and urged all citizens to acquaint themselves vith the activities of the
(Pot full text, see Procla~ation on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
City of Roanoke and urged all citizens to reme~er~ ~ith respect and honor~ those ~ho served in
our a~ed forces.
of~aryLtnda Avenue to Berkley Road, N. E.~ said proposals to be received by the City Clerk
representative present raising any question, the ~ayor instructed the City Clerk to proceed ~ith
Bidder Base Bid + Airs. I and II
E. C. Pace & Company $262~315.00
Incorporated 299,370.00
Plecker Construction Company 330,421.50
(t2406&) ,~! O~)II~NG~ Co Ime~d &ad TeordaLn ce~tlia SeC~L~S Of t~
OrdL~nce, ~ ~r~idi~ for an
(For full t~t of Ordl~ace, see ~dl~nce ~k
~. ~s ~ved t~ adoption of the ~d~aace. ~ ~tion ~ seconded ~y
a~ ad~t~ by t~ foll~ia~ vote~
A~: ~uncil ~ers ~les, ~rla~, Grove, ~ard~ Ta~n~ ~s a~ ~yor
Taylor. 7.
NAYS~ None
Nfs. Bo~les offered the followia8 ~solution authorizing acceptance of the grant
authorizin$ the acceptance, execution and filin~ of the "Special Co~itioa$ for Action' Grant
A~ards" with DJ~:
(~2&065) A ~ESOIJ~ION authorizing the acceptance of La~ Enforce~nt Grant NO.
~de to the City of Roanoke by the State Division of Justice and Crime Prevention and authorizing
the acceptance, execution a~d filin~ of the "Special Conditions for Action Drant Avards" vith
DJCP for an action srant of Federal funds for the initial trainins of a planning and analysis
unit in the Police D~partmento
(For full text of Resolution~ see Resolution Book No.
Hrs. Bovles moved the adoption of the Resolution. Ihe =orion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follovinl vote:
AYES: Council ~e~bers Bovles~ Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an~ Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: None '0.
Hr. Thomas offered the following Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the grant and
authorizin~ the acceptance, execution and filin~ Of the "Special Conditions for Action Grant
A~ards" vithDJCP:
(t2t067) A RESOLU~IO~ authorizin~ the acceptance of Law Enforcement Grant No. ~l-Atl00
made to the City of Roanoke by the State Division of Justice and Crime Prevention and authorizing
the acceptance, execution and filing of the 'Special Conditions for Action Grant Awards" ~ith
DJCP for an action grant of Federal funds for the purpose of providing a classification progra~
in the Roanoke City Jail.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. ~homas moved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~otion ~as seconded by Hr. Tanbman
and adopted by the £ollo~ing vote:
AI~S:Council members Do~les~ Garland~ Grove, Hnbard, Taub~an, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 7.
NAYS:Nona -0.
BUDGET-AIP~ORT: The City ~ianager submitted a ~itten report requesting that an additional
$5,000 be appropriated to purchase fuel oil for airport heating requirements for the remainder of
the fiscal year.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Hubardmoved that Council concur in the report and offered the follovint emergency
Ordinance appropriating $5,000.00 to Fuel Oil under Section i20~t, "Operating Expenses", of the
1977-~8 Airport Fund:
({2t068) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reo~dain certain section 120Ot of the 19~-78
Airport Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
N~, Tlubm~n s~oved tl2t ~', l~s$ be l~lted to atte~ the n~t me~l~ of t~ Vater
Res~rce8 ~ttee on ~ednesday. ~er 16o 1977~ at 2 p.L, ~n the ~e~tive Sesst~ ~ of
Hr. Hubard offered th~ follovin~ ~rzency Ordinance appropriatin$ $1,000.00 to Ot~r
Se~ices a~ ~ar~es ~er Section 11375, "?ar~ a~ Recreation~" of the 1977-78 bud~et~
(~23889) ~ O~CE to ~e~ a~ reordain Section !1375~ "Farks a~ Recreations" of
the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordi~nce~ a~ pr~ldl~ for an ~rgency.
(For full text of ~di~t, see ~dl~nce ~k ~o.
and adopt~ by the foll~ln~ vote:
AY~: ~cil m~ers ~les, Garla~, Grove, Hubard, Taub~no Th~s and
~yor Taylor.
NAYS: None O.
SUDCET-PUSLIGASSISTANCE: l~e Ci~y~er s~uit~ed a written repor~
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Taub~n offer~ the.foll~inS ~ersency Ordl~nce amendins ~d reordainins Section
(~23890) ~ O~I~CE to ~end a~ reordain Section ~1537, "Social $e~ices~" of the
~8 tppropria~lon Ordi~nce, and pr~idi~t for an ~erEency.
~yor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None- O.
BUI~ET-ROARDOF EQUALIZATIONz The City Kanager submitted a written report requesting
that $12,900.00 be appropriated to the budget of the Board of Equalization of Real Estate in order
to handle the large ¥olume of appeals for valtmtion of real estate assessments.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas offered the followinE emerEency Ordinance transferring $32,900.60 from
Contingencies un, er Section ~1880, "Contingencies," appropriating $30,000.~O to Other Se~etces and
Charges, $1,600.00 to Personal Services and $300.00 to Haterials and Supplies under Section
NAYS: None-
~u. ~ Of ~ Cli~I! CO~IT~ 1'~ City Ha~tser eulmitted a ~it~en report tza~tting a
est of ~. ValOr R. ~rter, Jr., Clerk of t~ Ctr~lt ~zt, for ~o additi~Z Deputy Clerk,
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
~ere v~s discussl~ as to the increased ~orkload In t~ Clerk's Office, s~ the possibll~
lon~ t~ to ~roperly tzala a ~etson t~ his office ~ ~ e~essed conc~ t~t after the ~A
expe~ienc~ e~loyeas. ~il ~olated ou~ t~t ~he ~ployets could be trained ~er t~ ~A
~ro~ a~ if~ ia fact~ the C~A fu~s are discontinued~ the two ~loy~eS could b~ added to the
The City Hanager verbally requested that the report be a~onded to request an Executive
Session to discuss ~atters of real estate,
Hr, Taubman moved that Counel! concur in the requests of the Hayor and the Clty Hanager,
l~e ~otlon was seconded by I~. Grove and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None
(Hr. Nuberd vas out of the Council C~amber)
COt~CIL: The City Attorney submitted a vritten report requesting an Executive Session
to discuss personnel and legal matters.
In this connection, the Hayor requested an Executive Session to discuss a legal matter.
Hr. Taubman moved that Council concur in the requests of the Hayor and the City Attorney.
l~e motion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members ~o~les, C~rland, Crove, Taubman, l~omas and Hayor Taylor .... 6.
'NAYS; Ncne ~J
(Hr. Nubard vas out of the Council Chamber)
(Hr. Hubard vas out of the Council Chamber)
FIRE DEPARTHE~T: The Hater Resources Committee sub~itted a vritten report recommending
the purchase of.approximately 1.25 acres of land across Aerial Hay Drive from the existing
temporar~ sire of Fire Station No. &, under certain terlns and conditions, for use as a permanent
sire for said fir~ station. -
{~0r iu~tex~!_~ r_~epor~on file in the City C1erk~s Office.)
Hr. Thomas offered the follo~ing ~ergency Ordinance transferring $60,000.00 from ~ain
F~re Station to Aerial Hay Drive Fire Station, Capital Improvements Fund under Section ~1855~
"~ransfers to Other Funds,~ of the 19~-78 budget:
(123896) A~ ORDI~AECE to ~end and reordain Section #1855, *'Transfers to Other Funds,"
of the 19~-~8 Appropriation Ordinauce~ and providtng for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinauce~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Tauhman
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and F~ayor Taylor --6.
NAYS: None- ~-
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Covncil Cha~er)
Hr. Thomas offered the following e~ergency Ordinance providing for the acquisition of
the land:
(123891) AN ORDINANCE providing for the City*s acquisition of a certain parcel of
land being a portion of Official ~ax No. 520Ol11~ having 200 feet frontage on Aerial Hay Drive,
S. H., in this City~ and consisting of approximately 1,25 acres~ and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas Bowed the adoption of the Ordinance. The notion
and adopted by the foil*vies vote~
ATr~q: Council me~bers Bowles, Garl&nd, Grove, Taubnoa, Thomas and J4~yor Taylor -~6.
Oir. Hubard not votln$)
A~EXATI(~-PA~KS A~D pLATGIO~NDS: Council havtnA referred to the ~ater Resources Connitte
sun of
(For full tezt, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
(~23898) AN ORDINANCE providing for the City*s acquisition of Lots &, 5 and 6, Section
&, Hap of Southern Hills, beariu~ Official Tax Nos. 5t$010t, 5t80t05 and 5180108, in the City of
Roanoke, and provldln~ for an emerEency.
ATES: Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and .?.
alterations to the Airport ~ad - ~illimson Road - Hershber~er Road intersection.
(t23899) ~ 0~I~ ~endi=g Ordinance No. 23765, dated ~st 22, 1977~ so as to
provide t~t the co~ideration for the City% conveyance to the C~o~ealth of Virginia those
parcels of land authorized by said Ordinance ~o. 23765 be the acquisition fr~ the C~ealth
of Virginia by the City of t~t parcel of land bearing Official ~o. 2190922.
Hayor Taylor-
NAYS: None-
BUDGKI-GRA~TS-FIBEDEPARI1/~N~: A ccamittee appointed by the Hayor to tabulate bids
received for construction of Roanoke City Fire Stations No. 6 and No, 13, submitted a written
report recommending that a contract be a~arded to Creative Construction and Development Corporation
in the amount of $898~000.00, and that funds be transferred therefor.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the follo~rin8 ~ergency Ordinance amending and reordaining the 19~?-~8
(f23900) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain the 1977-78 Grant Program Fund and the
NAYS: None--
Hr. Grove offered the folloving emergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of Creative
Construction and Development Corporation:
(~23901) AN ORDINANCE accepting the proposal of Creative Construction and Development
Corporation for the construction of Fire Houses 6 and 13, in the City, EDA Project Nos. 01-51-
26696 and 01-51-26716, authorizing the proper City officials to execute the requisite contract;
rejecting certain other bids; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordivance ~ook No.
Hr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. 1'he motion vas seconded by
a~ adopt~ b7 the foll~in~ vote:
~A~S: None-
report rec~lnS t~t a contract tn the ~t of $23&~997.50 be ~arded to H & S ~st~ction
(For full text~ see report on file tn the City Clerk's 0ff$ce.)
Nr. ~a~n offered t~ roll.inS ~et&enc7 0rdi~nce acceptt~ the proposal of H S S
(~23902) ~ O~I~CE accepting the proposal of H & S ~t~ct~on ~pany foF the
l~tions In the City of ~noke~ In accordance ~lth ~A Project No, 01-S1=26669~ authoriminS
(For full tezt of Ordinance, see Ordinance Boo~ No.
NAYS: None. O.
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: The Advisory Board of Human Services submitted a written report
advising of certain amendments to Section 63.1-&3 of the Code of Virginia as it relates to the
Advisory Board of Human Services, pointing out that under the amendment, membership on the Board
bas been decreased from twelve to no feb. er than five and no ~ore than nine me~bers and transmitting
recommendations as to the nine persons to be appointed for one, t~o three and four year terms.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~oved that the ~eport be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of
the proper measure amending the City Code to confo~vith the State Code. The motion was seconded
By Hr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
Hr. Hubard further moved that the report he received and filed and that the appointment
of the Advisory Board of Human Services be deferred until the latter part of the meeting. The
motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
pENDING 1TKSlS: The City Clerk presented a list of pending items from dune 21, 1976
through Nove~ber 1, 1977.
(For full text, see list on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard questioned the status of a report of the Roanoke Highway Safety Co~mtssion
which was referred to the City~anager on June 21, 1976, relative to review of the current
policy on funeral escort service.
The Director of Administration and Fublic Safety advised that he feels the problem has
been resolved inasmuch as the city has not received any co~plaints recently from funeral directors.
He said that police escorts have been provided for large processions at unusual hours and that
escorts are provided when funeral directors request them.
The Hayor stated that he does not feel the situation has been resolved and cited an
incident where a funeral procession was recently disrupted by a school bus. He said the funeral
processivnwas split into two parts when the school bus stopped to discharge children. He also
noted that school officials have been contacted as to the possibility cf the drivers keeping
their doors closed until the funeral procession has passed.
After a discussion of the matter, Hr. Thomas moved that the City Hanager be instructed
to contact the local funeral directors relative to police escorts for funeral processions and
inquire as to ~hether or not the procedure ~hich is currently in use is acceptable and further
that the City ~anager be instructed to report back ~0 the Council sometime during the mo~th of
November. The motion was seconded By Hr. Carland and unanimously adopted.
Hr, Thomas moved that the list be received and filed. The w~tion was seconded by Mr.
Taubman and unanim~usly adopted.
~ (J23869) A~ O~DllL~C~provid~nl for the City's release, quit¢lai~a~d aba~o~nt o~
tO the Cit~ for street pu~oses svb]ect~ as co~eration fo~ said release ~nd quitcl~ to
acceptance ~ t~ Clt~ of · p~lic utilit~ e~se~t
(For full tezt of O~dl~nce~ see ~d~ace
Hr. ~ard ~ed the ~doption of the Ordnance. ~e ~tioa v~ seco~ed
~les a~ adopted b~ t~ foll~i~ vote~
NAYS~ Non: O.
BUI~T-SCliOOLS: As previously reco~ended by the Director of Finance in a report to
Council on ~ondays October 24s 1977~ relative to the financial situation of the City, Hr. Hubar~
offered the follovl~ emersency Ordinance appropriatiu{ $&O0,O00,O0 to Instruction un,er Sectlo~
Houday. November 14. 1977.
l~e Council of the City of ~oanoke net in regular meeting in the Council Chamber in
the Hunicipal Buildings City of F~anoke~ on ~y~ ~er lt, 1977, at 2 p.m., the regular
meetl~ ~r~ with ~yor Noel C. Taylor presidio.
F~ ~uncil m~ers Eliz~eth T. ~les~ ~be~t A. ~rla~ ~ciau Y. Groves
~illl~ S. ~bard~ ~ton V. ~S and ~yor Noel C. Taylox ~ 6,
~: ~uncil me. er Nicholas F. ~aub~n .1.
Dibli~, Jr., City Atto~ey{ Hr. James E. ~c~oltz. ~sistant City Atto~ey;
Schlanger~ Director of Fiance; a~ Hrs. ~ry F. Parker, City Clerk.
1977. havi~ been Iunish~ each me.er of ~uncil, on ~tion of Hr. Grove, ~econded by
Hubard and adopted by the foll~i~ vote:
~uncil me. ers B~les. Garland, Grove. Hubard, Tho~s and ~yor Taylor~-6~
this wort~hile effort.
the body.
Hr. Neville Rucker, 1114 Pechin Street, S. £., said the
League should be commended upon the type of report rendered.
me said he is in full agreement with a modified district
local Jurisdictions la a regioual planning effort ami he is
certain this is one of the mJor objections that stay be
in thaC electio~ s~ld take p~ce in H~er with ~il
Hr. Richard Hart, 1638 Stewart Avenue, S. E., said there are
many qualified residents Of southeast who could serve on Council
with distinction, citizens ~ho could serve the responsive
needs of their neighborhood. He noted that a modified ward
system would make City government more accessible to the people
of southeast by ~aking it more personal. He said he would not
support a total ward system, but would support a modified plan.
Hr. H. Carl Andre~s, 281& Cr~stal Spring Avenue, S. ~.,
Mrs. HarJorie Seymour, 2516 L~ngvie~Avenue, S. ~., urged
that if Council adopts the modified ward plan, that it adopt
the five at large members and four wards. She said that when
the people vote for a Hayor, they vote for the ~an to do
the entire Job which includes ceremonial aspects and presiding
over Council. She noted if there is a presiding officer and a
Hayor, the citizens will not know which ~ayor to deal with.
In concluding, she said this is denuding the Hayor in many
respects and therefore, she is strongly against that portion
of the report.
Hr. ~Ichael W. gldenheur, 2528 Stanley Avenue, S. E,o said that
if the yard system is approved, there viii be note confusion
in an area that is already confused enough. He said he is not
In favor of splittin~ the sro& into different pressure
grm2psj that he has con, leto confidence In tho people elected
by the citizens of Roanoke and he does not feel there is
anyone who la anti any particular section of the City. In
closing, he noted that we do not need to divide ~anoke
further, and drive out more ledivldmile and businesses that would
be willln~ to locate here if the City Mere luore unified.
H~ving heard from all the speakers both pro ami con, the H~yor advised that the
report of the League of Mo~en Voters h~s been referred to the CouncilJs Financial and Planning
Session on 14onday, November 21, 1977, for input from the u~bers of Council. He expressed
appreciation for the interest shc~n by the citizens on the uatter.
hearin~ for 7~30 p.n., Hon~ay, November l&, 1977, on~hether airspace and an easement for
support should be sold or leased to United Virginia ~ank, Incorporated, for their construc-
tion and n~intenance of a pedestrian bridge between the new parking facility and United
Virginia Bank guilding, the ~tter was before the body.
Hr. Donald ~etherington, Attorney, representin~ United Virginia Bankshares, Incorporated,
appeared before Council and said that his client vie~e the development of the bridge between
the bank building and the parking garage as a continuing progressive step in the development
of the dovmto~m business district.' Re noted that the bridgevay will obviously benefit his
client, but at the same time it vlll benefit the City ia that it will encourage increased
pedestrian traffic into the parking garage and will elininate some pedestrian congestion iron
the street belo~. He noted examples of such valkvays in Eoanoke, Riclmond, Norfolk and
Alex~ndria. He said that in considering the total benefit to be derived iron this development
for the people of Roanoke as veil as the bank, his client believes that a nominal consideration
is in order, and the City H~nagerOs Office is in a position to rec~end a rate that co~npates
with the Richmond rate vhich is $.25 per squ~re foot of floor area. He noted that his client
concurs in this proposal and requests that Council adopt the necessary enabling Ordin~nces.
The Assistant City ~ager noted thac the proposed use of the airspace is 17 · feet
above the surface of the roadway, whereas, the ninimun require~ent is 1S feet. He said the City
has reviewed the plans and finds then acceptable and pointed out that Council approved a change
order in which the hank paid to have certain modifications ~ade to the garage structure in order
to support the walkway.
Mr. ~ho~s ~oved that the foliu~ing Ordinance leasing the airspace to United Virginia
Bankshares, Incorporated, be placed upon its first reading:
(t25908) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the lease of certain airspace lying over First
Street, S. ~., between Kirk Avenue and Church Avenue to the United Viriiuia Bankshares, Incorporated!
in order to enable such Bank to construct a pedestrian walkway or bridge between the City Parking
Garage no~ under construction and the United Virginia Bank Buildiu~ and authorizing an easement
for supporc in conjunction with the lease of the aforesaid airspace.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted by the follo~in§ vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor------6o
NAYS: None- O.
(Hr. Tauhman ~as absent)
Hr. Thomas offered the following Resolution requesting the written consent of the State
Highway Commissioner to the sale or lease by the City of the airspace:
(t23909) A RESOLFII(~ requesting the ~ritten consent of the State Highway Coumtssioner
to the sale or lease by the City of Roanoke of certain airspace lying over a public street in the
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Tambman vas absent)
Hr. Grove offered the following Resolution establishing the policy of the Council
relatin~ to the use of airspace over the public streets and highways of the City:
({23910) A RESOLUTION establishing a policy of the Council of the City of Roanoke
·elating to the use of airspace OVer the public streets and highways of the City.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the following vote:
AYESz Council menbers ~ovlee, Garland~ Grove, Nu~erd, Thomas a~ ~yor Taylor -
NAYS: Non~ O,
(~. Tartan vas absent)
settl~ forth the policy of t~ gity o~ ~a~ In regard to the use of s~sur~ace areas ~1~
t~ public streets a~ ~ays of the C~ty. ~e ~tlon v~ seconded by Er. C~ve and adopted.
Z~I~C: ~e City Clerk havl~ set a p~lie hearl~ for ~z30 p.m., ~nday, N~er 1~,
Kittt~er, wl~ of J. Kverecte Klttl~er, t~t proper~y l~cazed a~ 510, 51~, 520, 516 and
(For full text, see report on file In t~ City Clerk% Office.)
(~23911) ~ O~I~CE to ~end ~ltle ~, ~apter ~.1, Section 2, of ~e ~e of the
(For full text ~f Or~l~nce, see Ordinate B~k No.
(~. TauB~n was absent)
~. E., app~red before~uncll and advised of ~rr~streets vith people parking on both sides,
~ey pointed out that ~en aultiple housing is a11~ed in an area, it devalues the single f~ily
The Batter having previously been before Council on Septenber 12. 1977. and Council
havins referred it back to the City Plannin$ Consttsafoa to cousider rezonin~ of the ~nole block
and also in light of · petition filed by Hr. John H. r~nnetts Jr., Attorney, representin~ the
petitioners, edvisin~ of the un~nJ~one support of-the surrounding East Gate residentss Hr. Eannett
asain appeared before Council and presented a eunnary of the prublm confrontin~ his clients.
He noted that Hr. Scott has approxtmately $10,000 invested in the property and it vould be &
financial disaster if he has to discontinue use. He pointed out that no one has complained about
the intended use of the property. He said that East G~te is zoned General Residential but in the
land that Is only tva blocks from a heavy m~nufacturin$ district. He also reiterated the point
The Chairman of the City Planning Commission said the Co~mission studied this matter
points: (1) apparently there vas on the part of the City not as expeditious relieving of the
constructed the building vithout a building permits(2) the Conmission did not feel that the
~roperty for any purpose other than C-2 and Council should not take a vote based upon the assu~pI
(123912) A~ ORDInAnCE to amend Title IV, Chapter ~.1, Section 2, of the Code of the
(Hr. Yaub~an ~as absent)
The City Clerk advised that Dr, Garvin could not be present at the aeeting and had
requested that the itea be deferred.
The Hayor stated test he felt the City utde a difficult and prolonged effort to help
find a suitable place for relocation of ~atinka House and after locatin8 the ~aval leserve Center0
pl.q~q~I~L~TSi l~eAssietant Clty H~n~ser submitted &~itten report of the City
~Ser rec~n~ app~val of ~se Il, ~ ~orc~nt Grants ~ 1977-78, and authorization
to execute a Star.tnt of Revl~ and Approval to be m~tced to the Fifth
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. ~ offered the roll.in8 Besolution~
(~23913) A ~o~I~ authorizi~ the City ~ger for and on behalf of the City to
enter into a Sentient of ~evi~ and ~pr~al approvin8 Fh~e II of the 197]-78 Crisi~l Justice
(For full text of ResSlution, see Resolution
AY~I ~cil m~ers ~les, Garla~, ~rove, H~ard, ~h~ a~ ~yor Taylor : ~6.
(Hr. Taub~n ~as absent)
Hr. Hubard off.red the foll~in~ ~er~ency Ord{nanc~=
(For full rex= of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ok
(Hr. Taub~n ~as absent)
Hrs. ~les moved the adoption of the Ordi~nce. The ~otion w~ seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the fo11~ln~ vote:
(Hr. Taub~n was absent)
(413916) AH OBDI~CE authorizi~g an >ee~ent to be uade betveen the City and the
(Mr. Taubman was absent)
BRIDGES-STATE HIGHI~AYS: The City Planning Commission submitted a written report
recommending that a Resolution be prepared requesting the Virginia Department of Highways and
Transportation to change the name of the Southwest Expressway, as it extends to the south from
Elm Avenue~ to Roy L. ~ebber Expressway.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
In this connection, the City Hanager submitted a written report transmittin~ copy of a
communication from the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation indicating that the
High.ay and Transportation Co~tssion or the General Assembly has the authority to name this
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Mr. Garland moved that the Clty~anagerts report be received and filed. The motion was
seconded by Hrs. Berries and adopted.
H~s. ~o~les then offered the following Resolution:
(t23918) A RE~OLU~ION requesting the State HiEh~ay and Transportation Commission to
name the Southwest Expres~ay in the City from Elm Avenue in a southerly di~ection to its terminus
in honor of the late Roanoke~ayor, Roy L. ~ebber.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hrs. ~o~les moved the adoption of the Resolution. ~he~otion was seconded by Mr.
Garland and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thc~as and ~ayor Taylor -6.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
BRIDGF~: The City Planning Co~ission submitted a written report recomendin~ tlmt
the bridge under const~uction on Jefferson Street across the Roanoke Rive~, be named the South
Roanoke Bridge.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Itubard moved that the report be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of
the proper measure, l~e ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Garland end adopted.
CO~gCIL-CII~ GOV~YJ~T-TAXESt The City Pleunin~ Commission submitted a written report
relative to the proposed rehabilitation tax rebate incentive prosra~s veco~mendin8 that such ·
~rogr~m be instituted follc~ing referral to the City Attorney for certain legal advice,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clsrkss Office.)
Hr. l'no~s moved that Council concur in the recommendation of the City plannin~ Ccmmissio~
and that the report be referred to the City Attorney for necessary legs! advice. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted.
C(I~LAINTS-ANIHALS: Council havin~ previously referred to the City Plannin~ Co~misslon
for study, report and reco~endatiou the matter of proper control of farm animals in general and
bees, the City Planning Commission submitted a ~rritten report advisin~ that its opinion is~ (1)
that such animals should be permitted within the City, (2) the City should, in event of a nuisance
being created by the keeping of such animals, have the authority to cause the nuisance to be
removed Or mitigated, and (3) there exist some measurable means or conditions for the determination
of ~hether a farm animal was being kept in & manner that resulted in & nuisance. Yhe report
further noted that the opinion should be referred to the City Attorneyts Office to: (1) determine
whether the conditions would be best incorporated as a nuisance or criminal Ordinance and comply
with the intended purpose of having an Ordinance which could be invoked and enforced on a complaint
basis, and (2) draft the proposed conditions, with such modifications as Council deems appropriate,
in the proper format for adoption as either a criminal or nuisance Ordinance as the City Attorney
may deem most appropriate.
(For full text, see repozt on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Howard Beasley, 2041 Riverdale Road, S. E.~ appeared before Council and advised
that he raises show chickens as a hobbyt that the limitations on the raising of these chickens
will be ten hens which will be of no Rood to him, that he would like ~uidelines as to what is
involved and what he can or cannot do. He said he presently owns nine hens and approxim~tely
40 roosters and under the proposed procedure, he would not be alloyed to ow~ any roosters.
Hr. Thomas moved that the report be referred to the City Attorney and the City Manager
for study, report and recommendation to Council as to the mode of procedure to be followed. The
motion was seconded by Hr. Crowe and adopted.
Hr. Ronnie K. ~illiams, 1158 Crown Point Roads S. £.t appeared before Council and made
reference to the footage for City dwellers~ advising that this is quite large~ that some of the
fencin~ requirements are unreal for people who have had property for 20 years which would mean
that their fencing would have to be rearranged. He asked that Council consider tha~ there are many
children in the City of Roanoke who own horses and if the proposed regulations are adopted~
many of these people could not remain in the City and keep their animals.
Ma. Jackie Hall requested tha~ Co~cil keep in mind tha~ any Ordinance it passes will
affec~ the animals. She advised that she ha~ t~ohorses and she cannot afford to board th~m at
$120 each per month and if she has ~o sell them~ they will go to the slaughter house. She said
if a person has existing facilities that are good and sanitary, they should be allowed ~o keep
of htman
board of
Hr. Grove eovnd the adoptioa of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follow/nj vote:
AYES~ Covncil uenbers Bo~les, Carl~nd, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Itayor Taylor
HAYS~ None O.
(H~. T&ub~n Vas absent)
addressing itself to areas of concern to the youth of the City, encouraging any other committees
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Garland and adopted.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Mayor Taylor --6.
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Hr. Taubman vas absent)
COUNCIL: Mr. Nubard presented a couununication requesting an Executive Session to
discuss a matter of personnel, viz: progress being made in obtaininB a ney City Manager.
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in his request. The~otion ~as seconded by Hrs.
Bovles and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Tho=as and Mayor Taylor ~6.
NAYS: Nons ~.
(Hr. Taubman vas absent)
Cll~ H~/A~E~: l~r. C~orse E. Franklin appeared before Ccvacll a~d read a prepared
stat~en~ with reference to the ne~ for quality In ~r public a~intstrators.
(For full text, see stat~ent on file la the City Clerk% Office.)
At 11:10 p.u., the ~yor declared the ~eting recessed,
At 11t5~ p.u** the neetl~vas ~econvened. ~e ~yor and all m~er8 of ~ncil were
present with t~exceptl~of Hr. Taub~n.
There bei~ no further business, the ~yor declared t~ meetins adjured,
City Clerk
The Council of the City of Roanoke ~et in special ~eeting in the Council ~ha~ber in the
}tunicipal Building, City of Roanoke, on Thursday, November 17, 1977t at 8:00 a.m.t with Mayor
Noel C. Taylor presiding.
pp~sE~: Council me~bers Elizabeth T. ~les, Robert A. Garland, Lucian ¥. Grove,
~illia~ S. h~bard~ ~ampton ~. Thomas (arrived late), and Mayor Noel C. Taylor 6.
ABSF~I: Councilman Nicholas F. Taubma~ 1.
OFFICERS PRES~: Hr. Byron E. Haner, City Manager; Hr. S~ H. HcGhee, III, Assistant
City Manager; Hr. ~ilburn C. Dtbling, Jr., City Attorney; Hr. James E. Buchholtz, Assistant City
Attorney; Hr. Joel H, Schlanger~ Director of Finance; and Hrs. Mary F. Parker~ City Clerk.
INVOCATION: ~he meeting vas opened vith a prayer by the Mayor.
The Mayor advised that he called the meeting pursuant to Section 10 of the City Charter
for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter.
Hr. H~bard moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a matter of personnelo
The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bovles and adopted by the follovint vote:
AYES: Council members Bovlest Garland~ Grove, Hubard, and Mayor Taylor--~--5-
NAYS: None
(Hr. Taubman vas absent) (Hr. Thomas did not arrive until after Council vent into Executive Session
At 8:05 a.m., the Hayor declared the meeting recessed.
At 9:20 a.m.~ the meetingwas reconvened, ~ith Council ~embers Bo~les, Garland, CroYe,
Thomas and Rayor Taylor present. (Hr. Taubman vas absent) (Hr. Hubard left the meeting at the
conclusion of the Executive Session).
There bein~ no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
~onday, Nove~er 28~ 1977.
l~e Council of the City of Roanoke ~et iu regular ~eeting in the Couacll Chamber in the
F~nicipal Bulldin~ City of ~e~ on ~nday~ ~ov~er 28~ 1977~ at 2 p.~.~ the re~lar
hour vith~yor ~oel C. Taylor presiding.
P~: ~cil ~ers Eliz~eth T. ~les, Robert A. Garla~ (arrived late),
~cian Y. Gt~e, ~llll~ S. Hubard (arrived late)~ NiColas F. Ta~n, ~pton ~.
a~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor
~: None
(#23922) A ~E~OLU~I(~ reqvestin~ the C, en~ral Assembly of Vlr81~a to ~ the S~t~e~t
~res~ay In t~ City fr~ E~ Ave~e in a s~therly direction to itl te~nus la honor of the
late ~y L. ~ebber, four ~yor of t~ City of
(For full text of ~esolution, see ~esolution ~k ~o.
a~ adopt~ by the foll~l~
A~ ~cil m~ers ~les, ~rla~, Orove, Ta~n, ~s a~ ~yor Taylor
(Hr. Hubard ~d not arrived at the
before ~cll.
(~or full t~t, see c~nication on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
appropriation of ~1~,2~.~ to the ~chitec~s-l~Sch~ls Progr~ of the 19]]-]8 budge~ vas
before ~uncil.
(For full text, see c~nica~ion on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
(~23923) ~ O~CE to ~end and reordain certain sectio~ of the 19~-78 ~pr~riatior
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
BUDGET-SCHOOLS: A cozmm~nication from the Roanoke City School Board expressin~ its
appreciation for the $1,000,000 appropriation tcvard deferred teachers~ salaries, vas before
by Hr. Garland and adopted.
that $1,378.02 be appropriated to reimburse D.J.C.Po in accordance with audit findings of Grant
No. 72-A799.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Garland offered the following emergency Ordinance transferring $1,366.02 from
Contingency Reserve under Section t1880, "Contingencies," to Grant Refunds under Section ~1850,
"Hlscellaneous," of the 1977-78 budget:
(t23924) AN ORDINAXCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Appropriatiol
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the following vote:
AYK~: Council members Scales, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None
(Mr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
H~.. Bo~les ~oved the adoption of the Oedi~nce. 1'he ~otfon ~as seconded by Hr. T~ubman
and adopted by the followiu~ vote:
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
WATER DEPAR1T~I~r:: The City Ranager submitted a written report requesting authority to
enter into a proposed fora of agreement with the United States Department of the Interior,
Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, for operation of stream gauges on Tinker Creek,
Catawba Creek and Back Creek.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clexk~s Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the following e~ergency Ordinance:
(~21921) AN ORDI~CE authorizing the City Hanager to enter into a Cooperative A~reement
between the City and the United States Geological Survey to maintain an investigation of certain
water resources and for the operation of gauging stations thereon for a twelve (12) month period
(Hr. Rubard had not arrived at the meeting)
LIgRARIES: The City Raaager subaltted a ~rittea report in regard to the ~atter of
disposal of old or surplus books and equt~ent at the City Library, advising of a co~nication
fromm. Donna Bro~, Fublic Library Consultant for the Commonwealth of Virginia, stating that
state and federal grants per.it the removal and sala of library books purchased with grant funds
~hen such books lose their usefulness and further that the proceeds fro~ such sales should be
used for library purposes,
(For full text, see report co file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Grove ~oved that the eeport be received and filed. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Taub~an and adopted.
HOUSI~G-SLUH C~CE-FLANNINC~GRA~S: The City Hanager submitted a written report
transmitting a co~munication from the Department of Housing and Urban Development advising of the
current status of the proposed amendments and proposed housing projects under the Cltyas Housing
Assistance Plan.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Taubma~ moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Grove and adopted.
FIRE DEPARI~-EQUIFHE~: The City Hanager submitted a ~-ritteu report concurring in a
report of the Bid Ge~lttee recommending that the bid of Fire Rquip~ent and Supply Co~pany~ in
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the O~dinance. The notion v~5 seconded by Hro Garland
adopted by the foll~ vote:
A~: ~cil ~ers ~les~ ~rlsnd~ Cr~e, Ta~n, ~8 ~nd ~yor Ta~lor ~ ~6.
(Hr. Huhaedhad not arrived at then eating)
~UBLIC~OR~EQUIPN~F~: The City Handier subnitted a vritten report concurring in
lncorporatedt for the total sun of
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkls office.)
Hr, Crove offered the following emergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of Baker
Brothers, Incorporated:
(~23929) AN ORDINANCE providing for the purchase of two (2) loaders! backhoes upon
certain terms and conditions; acceptl~ a certaln bid made to the City for furnishing and deliverl!
said equipments rejecting other bids made to the City~ a~d providing for an emergency.
Hr, Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded by Ers. Bowles
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
Eq~IPH~T-PBBLIC~ORKS: The City}tanager submitted a written report concurring in a
report of the Bid Comittee in connection with the purchase of alt compressors and air tools,
recommending that the proposals of Hcllhany Equipment Company, Incorporated, and Rish Equipment
Company, be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the following emergency Ordinance accepting the pro2osals of Hcllhany
Equipment Company, Incorporated, and Pdsh Equipment Go~any:
(f23930) AN O.~DI~A~GE providing for the purchase of certain equipment for use by the
City, upon certain terms and conditions, by accepting certain bids made to the City for furnishing
and delivering said equipment; rejectin~all other such bids; providing for the issuance of
requisite purchase orders for all such equipment~ and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and N~yor Taylor
NAYS: None-
(Mr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
AUDIT CO~tlTTEE: Hlnutes of the Audit Co~ittee meettn~ held on November 21, 19}?, ~ere
before Council.
(For full text, see minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the minutes be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
PUBLIC AS$ISTANCE-A~N~AL REPORT$: The annual report of the Advisory Board of Human
Services, was before Council.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hrs. Bo~les moved that the report be received-and filed pith appreciation. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Taub~n and adopted.
MICNOFILH-ClRCUIT COURT: A report of the Bid Committee relative to bids ~hich were
received on various items of microfilm equtpment~ noting that in reference to Item t = one - 16
mm and 35 mmHlcrofllm Processor, the committee recommends that a purchase order be issued to 3H
Business Products Sales, Incorporated; however, the Clerk of the Circuit Court takes strong
exception to the purchase Of this equipment from 3M inasmuch as the camera and printer recol~ended
for his office are manufactured by Eastman~odak Company and he feels that all items of equipment
relating to his operation should be products of the same manufacturer, was before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr, Walker R. Cazter, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court, appeared before Council and Stated
that 3H does not have any complete mlcrofll~ installations in any of the Clerk% Offices in
Viriinie. He noted that he has visited scs~ of the Clerk's Offices and has received very Need
reports as to the qudlity of equip~ent tunufactured by Esetnan Kodak Company. He said be felt
very strongly about usin~ equipment in bis office that has not been proven in other Clerkts Offices.
Representatives of the two co~anies were present to discuss their products, but before
setting into the merits of each piece of equipment, Hr. Taubnan moved that the report be referred
back to the Bid Comittee for further study with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and that the
Co~nittee be requested to submit additional report to the Council. The motion vas seconded by
Hr. Thomas and adopted.
(Hr. H~bard had not arrived at the meeting)
Ia this connection, the City Hanager submitted a written report transmitting copy of a
co~unlcation from Hr. John £. Harwood, Co~issioner of the Virginia ~epart~ent of Nig~ays and
Transportation, consenting to the lease Of airspace to United Virginia Bank, Incorporated.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Taubman moved that the report be received and filed. ~he motion was seconded by
Hr. Grove and adopted.
STREEIS A~D ALLEYS-SPECIAL pERHITS: Council havi~ previously instructed the City
Attorney to prepare the proper ~easnre establishing the policy of the City of Roanoke in relation
to the use of subsurface areas belo~ the public streets and public ways of the City, he presented
same; ~hereupon, Hr. Taub~an offered the following Resolution:
(#23931) A RE~OL~TIO~ establishing the policy of the City of Rea=eke relating to the
use of subsurface areas belo~ the public streets and public ways of the City.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Thomas and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Hayer Taylor~----6.
NAYS: None .0.
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
ZONING: Ordinance No. 23911 rezoning property located at $10, $14, 516, $20 and 50l-
~-6 Ninth Street, S. E., fro~ £G-I, General Residential District, to C-2, General Commercial
District, having previously been before the Co,moil for its first reading, read and adopted on
Its first readin~ and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Thomas offering the following for
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
Hrs. Bo~les noved the adoption of the Ordi~nce, The ~otion v~s recoaded bye. ~rla~
and adopted by the foll~i~ vo~e:
Hubard had not arrived at the ~eeting)
~UBLIC ~O~S-E~IPHI2~: The City ~ser s~mitted a vtitt~n report concu~tint in a
Incorpora~ed~ for the total s~of
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
(~23929) ~O~I~CE pr~idins for the purchase o~ t~o (2) loadersf bac~oes upon
(~or full text of Ordl~nce, see Ordl~nce ~k No.
(Hr. Hubard had nor arrived at the ~eeting)
EC/JIPHI2~-PUBLIC~ORKS: The City H~nager submitted a written report concurring in a
report of the Bid Comittee in connection with the purchase of air compressors and air tools~
recommending that the proposals of Hcllhany Equipment Company, Incorporated, and Rtsh Equipment
Company, be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the folloving emergency Ordinance accepting the proposals of Hcllhany
Equipment Co~pany, Incorporated, and Rish E~uipment Company:
(~23930) /~ ORDInAnCE providing for the purchase of certain equipment for use by the
City, upon certain ter~as and conditions, by accepting certain bids made to the City for furnishing
and delivering said equipment; reJectingall other such bids; providing for the issuance of
requisite purchase orders for all such equipment; and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinancet see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Ihe motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
(Mr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
A~IT CO~IT~EE: Hinutes of the Audit Committee meeti~held on Novtmber 21, 197]~ were
before Council.
(For full text, see minutes on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the minutes be received and filed. The ~otion was seconded by
Hr. Taub~an and unanimously adopted.
PUBLIC ASSISTA~CE-ANlflJAL P. EPOBTS: The annual report of the Advisory Board of H~nan
Services, vas before Council
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hrs. Bo~les moved that the report be received and filed ~ith appreciation. The ~otfon
vas seconded by Hr. Taub~an and adopted.
HICROFILH-CIRCUIT COURT: A report of the Bid Committee relative to bids vhich yore
received on various items of ~icrofilm equipment, noting that in reference to Item t - one - 16
mm and 35 m Hicrofiha Processor, the committee recommends that a purchase order be issued to 3H
Business Products Sales, Incorporated; hc~ever, the Clerk of the Circuit Court takes strong
exception to the purchase of this equipment from 3H imasmuch as the camera and printer reco~ended
for his office are manufactured by Eastman Eodak Co,any and he feels that all items of equipment
relating to his operation should be products of the sa~e ~anufacturer, vas before Council.
(For full texr~ see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr, Valker R. Carter, Jr., Clerk of the Circuit Court, appeared before Council ant stated
that IH does not have any complete uicrofllm installations in any of the Clerkts Offices in
Vlriintao He noted that he has visited so~ of the Clerk's Offices and has received very good
reports as to the quality of equipment ~anufactured by Eastman ~odak Company, He said he felt
very strongly about usin~ equipment in his office that has not been proven in other Clerk's Offices,
~ttee be requested to submit additional report to the Council. The ~otion was seconded by
Hr. Thc~nas and adopted.
PA~I~G GARA~E-SI~EEIS ~D ALL~fS-$~A~E HIGHWAYS: Ordinance No, 21908 authorlzin~ the
lease of the aforesaid airspace, havin~ previously been before the Council for its first reading,
(~23908) A~ C~DI~CE authorizing the lease of certain airspace lying over First
for support in conjunction with the lease of the aforesaid airspace.
(For full texc of Ordtr~nce, see Ordinance Book No.
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taub~an· Thomas and Nayor Taylor ....
(Hr. Nubard had not arrived at the meeting)
In this connection· the City Manager submitted a written report transmitting copy of a
communication from Hr. John N. Harwood· Co=~issioner of the Virginia Department of Highways and
Transportation~ consenting to the lease of airspace to United Virginia Bank· Incorporated.
(For full text· see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubman moved that the report be received and flledo The motion was seconded by
Hr. Grove and adopted.
STREETS AND ALLEY$-SPECIALpERMI~S: Council having previously instructed the City
Attorney to prepare the proper measure establishing the policy of the City of Roanoke in relation
to the use of subsurface areas below the public streets and public ~ays of the City· he presented
same; whereupon· Hr. Taubman offered the following Resolution:
(t23931) A RESOLUTION establishing the policy of the City of Roanoke relating to the
use of subsurface areas below the public streets and public ways of the City.
(For full text of Resolution· see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the ResolutiOno The motion ~as seconded by Hr.
Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles· Garland, Grove· Taubman~ Thomas and Hayor Taylor------6.
NAYS: None O.
(Mr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
ZONING: Ordinance No. 23911 rezoning property located at 510, 51~, 516, 520 and 502-
1-6 Ninth Street, S. E., from RG-1, General Residential District, to C-2· Caneral Co~aercial
District, having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on
its first readln~ and laid over, ~as again before the bo~y, Hr. Thomas offering the follo~tn~ for
its second readin§ and final adoption:
(#23911) A~ 0~DI~J~CE to amend Title ~, Chapter a.1, Section 2, of The Code of the
City of Roanoke, 1956, as amended, and Sheet No. 612, Sectional 1976 Zone Hap, City of Roanoke,
in relation to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Nook No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland· Grove· Taub~an, Thomas and Mayor Taylor-----6.
NAYS: None- O.
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
ZO~IIqO: OrdinanoeRo, 23912 rezoning property described as Lots I - 24, inclusive,
Block 37, ~s mb*wu un theHep of F~st Gate, Offlciel Tax Roe. 3220101 - 3220109, inclusive,
32201130 and 3220115 - 3220124, inclusive, from RG-I, General Residential District, to
General Colnmercisl District, kevin~ previously been before the Council for its first readinB,
read and adopted un its first reading end laid over, vas *gain before the body, Hr. Taubedn
offering the foil*wing for its second reading and final adoption:
(#23912) AN O~DIF~ANCE to ~nend Title XV, Chapter 4.1, Section 2, of the Code of the
City of Roanoke, 1956, as snended, and Sheet Rs, 322, Sectional 1976 Zone Hep, CitT of Roanoke,
in relation to Zoning,
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Rs.
Hr. Taubn~nmoved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded by Hrs.
· ovles and adop~ed by the follovinB vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Rovles, Garland, Grove, Taubnan, Thomas and Hayer
RAYS: Rone
(Hr. Rubard had not arrived at the nearing)
FUBLIC ASSISTANCE: Ordinance Rs. 23920 repealin~ Section 7.1, Advisory board of hu~en
services; responsibilities and duties, and Section 8, Advisory board of public welfare of Title
X.I, Human Services, of the Code of the City of Roanoke, 1956, as a~ended, by adding a nov section
nunbernd 7.2, entitled Advisory board of btumn services - nembership; terms, meetings end a
section no~hared 8.1, entitled ~Avisoryboard of h'~n services - ~overs and duties; and providinB
for an effective date of December 1, 1977, havin~ previously been before the Council for its
first readins, read and adopted on its first reading and laid over, was aiain before the body,
Hr. Thomas offering the foil*wing for its second reading and final adoption:
(~23920) A~ OI~DI~C£ amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, of Title X.l, Ruben
Services, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1955), as amended, by repealing Section 7.1, Adviso~
board of hUnCh services; responsibilities and duties, and Section 8, Advisory board of public
velfare, by adding to Chapter I of Title X.I, a new section numbered 7.2, entitled Advisory board
of human services - membership; terms; meetingsj and a new section numbered 8.1, entitlod Advisory
board of human services - po~ers and duties; and providing for an effective date of December
(For full text of Ordina~ce~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les~ Garland, Grove~ Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor -6.
NAYS: None.
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
CO~PLAINTS-P~HABILITATION FACILITIES: Council having previously instructed the City
Attorney to prepare the proper measure requesting the Virginia Department of Corrections, Division
of Probation and Parole Services~ to vacate ~atimka House ar 1302 Second Street, S. ~.~ at the
termination of its current lease on the facility on June 30, 19~8, he presented same; whereupon,
Hrs. Bowles offered the follc~ing Resolution:
(123932) A RESOLUTION requesting the Virginia Department of Corrections~ Division of
Probation and Parole Services~ ~o vacate a certain penal facility at the termination of the
current lease on such facllityo
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hrs. Bowles moved the adoption of the Resolution. Ihe motion was seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles~ Garland~ Grove~ Taubman~ Thomas and Hayor Taylor----6.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
The Heyor advised of a telephone call from the Department of Corrections informing the
City that ~atimkaHouse ~ill be moved at the end of the current lease on June 30, 1978.
Dr. Robert C. Crawford, 122~ Franklin Road, S. ~., appeared before Council and stated
that the City should insist upon a ~ritten co=unication from the State to the effect that it
will vacate the premises at 1302 Second Street, S. W.~ as Of June 30~ 19~8.
BRIDGES: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure desiEnating and fixing the name South Roanoke Bridge to a certain bridge in the City of
Roanoke, he presented same; ~ereupon, Hr. Taubmanmoved that the following Ordinance be placed
upon its first reading:
(t23933) AN ORDINANCE designating and fixing the name South Roanoke Bridge to a certain
bridge in the City.
(For full text Of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
The motion was seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
Ayrq*. Council ue~bere Hovles, Garland, Grove, Taubman0 Thomas and Mayor Taylor~*6.
gAYS.' Hun: 0.
(Hr, Itubard had not arrived at the meeting)
C11~ HAHAGER: ~he Hayor advised that Councll~naa Hubard had Just entered the Council
Wednesday, Hovember 23, 197Y, to the effect that the Council at Its regular meetfng on ~ondays
Hovember 28, 1977, vould elect Hr. Evert as the new City Hanager); ~ereupon, Hr. Nuband presented
l~e Mayor called for no~in~tRons for the position of City Manager of the City of Roanoke;
foll~ vote:
FOR ~. ~T; ~ncil n~ers ~le8, ~rland, GroTe, Hobard, Taub~n, ~s and
~oF Taylor 7.
Hr. Bwert expressed pleasure at being in the City of Roanoke and noted that he is
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber)
GRK~IS-LEACUE OF OLDER AMERICANS, INCORPORATED: Council having previously instructed
the City Attorney to prepare the proper measure authorizing the execution of an agreement with
the League of Older Americans, Incorporated, for a grant of federal funds for an expanded recreatiot
program for senior citizens in the City, he presented same; whereupon, Hrs. Bowles offered the
following Resolution:
{123935) A RESOLUTION authorizing the execution of an agreement vith the League of
Older Americans, Inc., for a grant of Federal funds for an expanded recreation program for senior
citizens in the City.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hrs. Bowles moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor ---6.
NAYS: None '0.
(Mr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber)
AIRPORT: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure authorizing the execution of a supplemental lease agreement between the City of Roanoke
and the United States of America for certain space in the Terminal Building at Roanoke Hunieipa!
Airport, Woodrum Yield, upon certain terms and conditions, for use of the National Weather Service,
he presented same; whereupon, Hr. Grove moved that the following Ordinance be placed upon its
first reading:
(~23936} AN ORDINANCE authorizing the execution of a supplemental lease agreement
between the City of Roanoke and the United States of America for certain space in the Terminal
guildin& at the Roanoke Hunicipal Airport, upon certain term~ and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the follo~iug vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Tanbman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor----6.
NAYS: None- ~.
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber)
BC~SING-SLUM CLEARA~CEPLL~NINC-CRAN~S: Council having previously instructed the City
Attol-ney to prepare the proper measure stating the City's support and approval of the City of
Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority becoming eligible as an administering agency in the
Housing and Urban Development Section 312 low interest Rehabilitation Loan Program in the City of
(~23937) A I~.~OLI~Z~ stating the City of ~oanoha's support ~ appr~al of the City
of ~a~ Redevelo~nt a~ ~in[ Au~hority
the ~1~ a~ Urb~ ~velo~nt Section 312 1~ interest ge~bllltation ~an Frngr~ In the
City of ~oa~ke.
(For full text of Resolu~lon~ see ~solut~oa
Hr. ~o~s ~ed the adoption of the ~solution. ~e ~t~on w~ seconded by Hr. ~a~n
a~ adopt~ by the foll~n~ vote~
RAYS: Rome aa
BONDS-TRL~qORER~ Council hevin~ previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure prescribing the amount of the bond of the Treasurer of the City of Roanoke and
approving the surety thereon, in the sun of $200,000, he presented s&ne[ whereupon, Ers. ~o~les
offered the following Resolution:
(~23938) A RESOLUTI(~ prescribing the amount of the bond of the Treasurer of the City
of Roanoke and approving the surety thereon.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution ~ook No.
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Nubard, Taubman, ~homas and .7.
~yor Taylor
NAYS: Non~ ~'
BUDGE'I: Council at its Financial and Planning Session on ~onday, November 21, 1977,
having instructed the Director of Finance to prepare a budget Ordinance appropriating and/or
tran~ferring certain funds (see minutes of November 21, 1977), he presented same; whereupon, Hr.
Garland offered the follo~ing e~ergency Ordinance:
(i23939) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 197/-18 Appropriatiod~
Ordinances, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taub~n
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, ~ho~as and
Nayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None O.
COUNCIL: It appearing that several me~bers of council would not be present at the
regular meeting of Council onM onday, December 5, 1971~ since they ~ould be in San Francisco,
California, attending the National League of Cities, Hr. Taub~an offered the following emergency
Ordinance cancelling the regular meeting of Council scheduled to be held on December 5,
(123910) AN ORDINANCE cancelling the regular meeting of the City Council scheduled to
be held December 5, 1997, and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Rook No.
Hr. Taub~an moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: council members Bo~les, Garland, Crove~ Rubard, Yaub~an, ~ho~as and
Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None 0.
ROANOKE CIVIC CRIER: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure accepting the proposal of Honeyve11, Incorporated, for providing certain
alterations to the heating and cooling system ar the Roanoke Civic Center~ upon certain te~ and
conditions, for a total price of $8,760.00, he presented sa~e; ~hereupon, Hr. Grove offered the
following emergency Ordinance:
(t239tl) AN ORDINANCE accepting a proposal for providing certain alterations to the
heating and cooling syste~ at the Roanoke Civic Center, upon certain ter~ and conditions; and
providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otton ~as seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the iollo~ing vote:
AYES:council ~e~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard~ Taub~an, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None O.
F,O~I~NS ~ HiSC[LLANEO~$ ~USI.'4m~St
NAYS~ None-
COU~CIL~ The ltayor requested that Council ~et in Exscutive Session to discuss a
personnel matter.
Hr. Eubard mo~ed that Council concur in the request of the Hayor. The motion vas
seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the following vote~
AYES~ Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubatd, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Yaylot
NAYS= None O.
¥i~TH C(I~HISSIONI The Hayor noted that there is a vacancy on the Youth Commission
created by the resignation of Nr. Charles S. Perkins, Jr., for a term ending April 30, 1979, and
requested that Hrso Bo~les be responsible for finding someone to fill the vacancy.
INDUSTRIES: The ~ayor noted that there is a vacancy on the Industrial Development
Authority created by the resignation of Hr, Robert N. Turner, Jr., for a term ending October 20,
1980, and requested that Hr. Taubman be responsible for finding someone to fill the vacancy.
CITY ~A~AGER: The City Hanagez submitted a written report advising that it is his
intention to begin to utilize his accu=ulated vacation sometime during the week of December 5,
1977, and under the provisions of Section 21.1 of the City Charter, during his absence, or until
the City Clerk s~ears in a ne~ City Hanager, the ~ssistant City Hanager, Hr. Sam HcGhee, III,
viii assume the duties and functions of his office on his behalf.
(For full text, see report on fils in the City Clerk's Office.)
Since this would be the last Council meeting that Hr. Haner would attend in his capacity
as City Hanager, he presented his farewell speech relative to his tenure as City Hanager.
(For full text, see speech on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Tau~nan and unanimously adopted.
Hr. Hubard moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper measure
expressing appreciation to Hr. Haner for the long and helpful service rendered by him to the City
of Roanoke during his tenure as City Hanager. ~he motion was seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and unani-
mously adopted.
At 3:12 p.m., the~ayor recessed the meeting.
At 4:20 p.m., the meeting reconvened vith~ayor Taylor presiding, and all me~bers of
Council present.
CITY ~AGER-CITY EH~LOyEES: Hr. Nubard offered the following Resolution appointin~
Sam H. HcGhee, III, as Acting City~anager for the City of Roanoke to be effective December 8,
19~7, until such time as the ne~ peri,anent City Hanager heretofore elected by Council is present
in the City of Roanoke and has assumed the duties and responsibilities of his office:
(~23942) A RE$OLU~IO~ appointing Sam H. HcChee, III, as Acting City Hanager for the
City Of Roanoke to be effective December 8, 1977. until such time as the ne~per~nent City
Hanager heretofore elected by Council is present in the City of Roanoke and has assumed the
duties and responsibilities of hfs Office.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members B~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
t~ayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None.
There being no further business, the lfayor declared the meeting adjourned.
Hc~day, December 12, 1977.
The Council of the City of Roanoke ~et in regular meeting in the Council Chamber in the
Hunicipal Building~ City of goanoke, on Honday, l)ece~ber 12, 197], at 7:30 p.m., vlth Hayer Noel
C. Taylor presiding.
pRESDI~: Council me~bers Elizabeth T. Eovles, Robert A. Garland, Lucian Y. Grove,
Willia~ $. Hubard, Hicholas F. Yaub~an and Hayer Noel C. Taylor 6.
AB$1~fI: Councilman Hampton W. Thews- ,1.
OFFICERS pRESEnT: Hr. Sam H. HcGhee, III, Acting City Hana~erl Hr. Wllburn C. Dibling~
Jr., City Attorney; Hr. James E. Buchholtz~ ~sistant City Attorneyl Hr. Joel H. Schlanger,
Director of Finance; and Hrs. H~ry F. parker, City Clerk.
I~YOCATI(~: The meeting vas opened vith a prayer by Hayer Hoe1 C. Tayloro
~II~JTES: Copies of the ~lnu~es of the rngular meeting held on November It, 1911, the
special meeting held on ~ovember 17, 1911, and the regular meeting held on November 28, 191~,
havi~g been fu~nished each ~ember of Council, on motion of Hr. Grove, seconded by Hr. ~arland and
adopted, the reading thereof ~as dispensed vitb and the minutes ~ete approved as recorded.
AC~S OF ACI~O~L£DG~qE~-STADIUH: Hr. J. ~- Scott appeared before Council and presented
the}layer vith a plaque in recognition of his support of the ltarching Rands Festival on October 15,
PROCLAmAtIOnS: The Hayer presented a proclamation to Hr. Robert H. Teter, Executive ¥1ce
President add General Hanager of 1;SLS-I~, declaring December 11, 19~], as ~SLS-TV SILVER A~IVI~SAR~
~E~ in the City of Roanoke and urged everyone to reflect on the contributions ~de in the public's
interest by this pioneer in the television industry.
(For full text~ see Proclamation on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
ZO~I~G: Council having set a public hearing for ~:30 p.m., ~onday, December 12,
on a proposed amendment to Section g, C-l, Office and Institutional District, of the lonl~
Ordinance, to provide that rehabilitation centers, boarding and rooming houses, sanitariums, rest
ho~e% and convalescent he.es for the abed no lonter be per~ttte~ uses and structures in the
Office and Institutional District, but be per~itted as special exceptions provided that certain
conditions are me~ after notice and public hearing before the Board of Inning Appeals, the ~atter
~as before the body.
In this connection, the City Planning Co~lssion submitted a ~ritten report setting
forth the proposed amendment.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taub~n moved that the follc~lng Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(f239~3) ~ ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 8. C-1 office and instit~tional
district, of Chapter t.1. Zoning, of Title XV. Construction, Alteration and Use of Land, Buildings
and Other Structures, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (19f6), as amended, to provide in the
City's Zoning Ordinance that certain uses and structures in said district be deleted as permitted
uses and structures and that they be permitted as special exceptions, provided certain conditions
are met.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
The motion ~as seconded by ~r. Hubard.
The~ayor asked if there ~ere persons presen~ vho vould like to speak in reference to
the proposed amen~ent; ~hereupon, Dr. Robert C. Cra~ford, 122& Franklin Road, S. ~., appeared
before Council and read a prepared statement advising that the proposed a~endment does not require
an exact definition of the te~ "rehabilitation unit~. He noted that he does not believe tha~
any state andfor city corrections rehabilitation unit or half.ay house has any right in a residen-
tial area. He said that according ~o the proposed~aendment, a puhlic heari~§ ~ould be held
before the Board of goningAppeals and this is vrong because the public hearing should be before
the City Council, the elected repre~entatives of the citizens of the City of Roanoke. Dr. Cra~ford
said the proposed provision of 'lf00 feet apart" is merely a slight dilution, not a solution to
the problem. He said that all of the current state and city correction units in Roanoke could be
located in old southwest or in the C-1 area, and still be 1~00 feet apart, thus co~plyin§ vith
the ne~ proposed a~end~ent. He suggested consideration of a t~o part solution: (1) refuse
entrance to any agency ~hich does not or cannot maintain the residential character of the C-1
area and (2) refuse Col entrance to any correctional agency (the term "correctional" unit should
be applied to that agency ~hich accepts people by court order).
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~r. Robert N. Richert, President of the Old Southwest Heighborhood Alliance, 61~ Allison
Avenue, $. ~., appeared before Council and spoke in favor of the ~end~enr, advising tha~ he
feels the amendment, although it has certain in~dequ~cies, is better than the present situation.
He said the provision of a public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals is a bit of a sh~
because the B~a£d of Zoning Appeals has consistently in the past refused to interpret the in~en~
of the 1~, but has been content to apply the letter of the la. and because the only recourse a
citizen has to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals is to the courts, rather than the City
Council, limits the ability of the citizens to appeal to the elected officials for redress ~hen
they feel they ha~e been misused. He said he felt very st£ongly that this change in the
la~ should be ~ade; however0 he urged C~vncil to chsnge the a~t~ent to all~ t~ City ~cil
to hold t~ p~lic ~arl~ a~ to all~ t~ ~cil to ~ t~ decision ~ to ~et~r or not
proposed excepti~ v~ld in fact ~lp ~ln~a/n t~ nei&~or~od e~iro~nt. Ge noted that
~ard of Zonl~ ~peals has ~o~ist~tly refused to inte~re~ t~t porti~ of the z~/n~ 1~
~i~ refers to the nei~orh~d e~iro~nt ~ ~s co~lstently appll~ the 1~ to the sradual
~rely ~ans t~ in tl~ there will be ~ nel~o~ho~ In t~ C-I ~rtion of old s~t~est~
t~t is there viii be no 2~ h~r per day residents a~ this Is very urnS.
Ordi~nce So. 239~ on its firs~ read/nS vas then adopted by the foll~ln~ vo~e:
(Nr. Thomas vas absent)
Treasurer-elect, requesting Council's concurrence in closing the City Treasurer's Office on
December 29 and 30 to audit the City and State records, vas before Council.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the request. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Attorney, representing Hr. and Hrs. Paul E. Lester, requesting a revocable permit to encroach on
the right o£ way of Yorker Drive, since one foot of their garage is on said right of way, was
before Council.
(For full text, see co~mnication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
In this connection, the Acting City ~anager submitted a written report recommending
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the recom~endation of the Acting City~anager
and offered the roll,lng emergency Ordinance:
into the right of way of Yorker Drive, S. H., and 20.O feet in length, for a garage on the souther]
side of property bearing Official Tax No. 15iO312, upon certain terms and conditions; and providinf
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an and ~ayor Taylor .--6.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Thomas was absent)
ELECTIONS: A c~nication from Hr. J. E. Dudley, Sr., Vice President, Southeast Civic
League, requesting that the Rlverdale voting precinct be moved from the Buena Vista Recreation
Center to the Stone~all Jackson Junior High School, was before Council.
(For full text, see co=nication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that the request be referred to the Electoral Board for study, report
and recammendatfon to Council. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted.
RADIO-TELEVISIO~: A communication fro~ Hr. E. K. Hattern, Executive Vice President,
Roanoke Valley Coblevision, Incorporated, submitting a C~arterly Progress Report covering construc
of the cablevision system, was before Council.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that the co~unication be received and filed. The motion was seconded
by Hrs. Bo~les and adopted.
ZONING: A communication from Hr. Frank N. perktnson, Jr., tendering his resignation
as a member of the Board of Zoning Appeals since ~ is no longer a resident o£ the City of Roanoke,
was before Council.
(For full text, see com~lnication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Bo~les mcreed that the resignation be accepted with regret. ~he ~otion was seconded
by Hr. Hubard and adopted.
SI~EE~S ~ ALL. S: An application frc~H~. C~orge l, Vosel~ II, Attorney~ represeutin~
Fletcher B. a~ ~ith ~. Altice~ te~uesti~ t~t · certain alle~ay ~pproz~tely 10 feet In
vidth, exte~i~ parallel to ~rden City ~levard, S. E.s a~ N~ 5pri~ Branch ~d, exte~lng
fr~ t~ northerly side of Deborah Ave~e, S. E., to t~ s~therly side of ~y ~ad, be vacated,
discontinued a~ closed, vas before ~cil.
~e City Clerk ~dvised t~t ~. YoSel ~d r~uest~ t~ the it~ be withdr~.
2ot~on was seco~ed by ~. Tau~n and adopted.
S~S ~ ~S~ ~ a~plication fr~ ~. ~or~e I. Vosel, II~ Atto~ey,
of 18th Street, and exte~ln~ to the westerly side of an alley 15 feet in wid~h~icb ext~s
(For full text, see appli~lon on file in the City Clerk*s Office,)
~. Hubard offered the foll~t~ ~solution appointi~ viers in co~ec~t~with the
(~239~5) A ~0~I~ pr~ldins for the appoin~en~ of fiv~ freeholders, any three of
AYe: ~uncil ~ers B~l~s, ~rlaud, Grove, Huba~d, Taub~n and~yor
NA~S: None -0.
(Hr. ~s ~as absent)
(~239~6) A R~O~ION providing for the appoin~ent of f~ve freehol~ers, 'any three of
and adopte~ by the fcll~lug vote:
(Hr. ~s ~as absent)
(Hr. ~homas vas absent)
(Hr. Thomas vas absent)
CITY HARKE~: ~he Acting City Kanager submitted a vritten report requesting authority
to execute a two year lease agreement with Hessrs. F. P. Hurray, dr., and Russell O. tLaanabass
for lease of certain interior stall space at the Clty Harket.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Bo~les moved that Council concur in the report of the Acting City Hanager and that
the followin~ Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(~23949) A~ ORDII/A~CE authorizing the City Nanager to execute leases for ter=~ of two
years, each, with the present tenants and users of certain stalls in the City F~arket, upon certain
terms and conditions.
~he motion was seconded by Hr. Taub~an and adopted by the following vote:
AYE~: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Tach.an, and ~ayor Taylor-----6.
(Hr. ~ho~as was absent)
BUDGET-DIRECTOR OF FI~L~NCE-~ICXPAL BUILDING: Council having previously deferred
action on a request of the Director of Finance for remodelin~ and reorganization of the City
Collector*s Office pending lu~ut fro~theGity~anager, the matter was again before the body.
The Acting City Hanager submitted a written report of the City Hanager recommending
that Council concur in the request and that authorization be given to have portions of the work
accomplished by contract.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
In this connection, a report of the Hunicipal Auditor with regard to interval control
aspects of the current reorganization of the Division of Billings and Collections, advising that
he is aware of no completed or proposed reorBanization actions which are contrary to his recommen-
dations or to other aspects of improving internal controls, vas before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that the report of the Hunicipal Auditor be received and filed. ~he
motion was seconded by H~. Carland and adopted.
Hr. Taubman offered the following e~ergency Ordinance providing for certai~ increases
and decreases within the Division of Billings and Collections account:
(123950) AN ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-~8 Appropriatiol
Ordinance, and providing for an e~ergency,
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
Hr. Taubman ~oved th~ adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vu seconded by Hrs.
~ovlen and ~dopted by t~ foll~i~ vote~
NAYSc Hone
(l~r. Thouas vas absent)
BU~r-R~JS~ COLI~CYIO~ The Acting City ~er s~nitted a ~ltten report requesting
that $3,8~O.~ be tra~ferred fr~ Salaries ~d ~a~es to ~tra Help in the ~fuse Collection
Depart~nt bndset in c~necti~vith backyard refuse collection.
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerktm Office.)
HFs. ~les offe~ the roll.in8 ~rgency Ordl~uce tra~ferrin8
Salaries a~ases to ~tra Help ~der Section ~1669, "Ref~e ~llection,~ of t~ 1977-78 budget:
(~23951) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordain Section J1669, ~efuse ~,llection," of the
1977-78 ~proprtation ~di~nce, and providins for an ~etgency.
(For full text of Ordl~nce, see Ordinance ~k No.
H~c. ~les m~ed the adoption of the Ordi~nce. ~e ~tion v~ 8econ~td by Hr. Hubard
and adopt~ by the foll~ini vote:
BAYS: Hone
(~. Th~s vas absent)
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
({239~2) ~ O~I~CK to ~end a~ reordain the City of Roanokees ~977-78
(~r. ~s was absent)
II~'UL~CE-C~-~A: l~e Acti~ City ~n~ger sub~ttted · written report im c~ecti~ with
life i~ur~ce for C~A ~pl~eeso requesti~ that ~ncil c~cur In the foll~im~ rec~ati~x
(1) that u~ato~ life i~urance c~eraie be r~uired of ell City ~A ~loyeesJ (2) the the
City issue t~ appropriate pur~e order to Mfe of VIF~i~a for pr~idimg the City*s ~A
~l~ees with life i~urance c~era~e id~tical to t~t pr~i~ly pr~lded thr~h YS~l
t~t C~A fun~ initially pay the total cost of the l~urance pr~ In order t~t
life l~urance c~era~e can be~ln~ ~ (&) that payroll deductio~ for ~he l~ur~ce c~era~e for
C~A ~pl~ees be rel~tituted beSl~lnS with the Feb~aW 1, 1918 pay check, ~th the
c~tributl~ at t~ ra~e of 299 ~er ~nth ~er $1,~ increment of s~l salaW prorated to
pay perils a~ C~A funds viii pay the r~lnin~ cost of the
(For full texte see report on file im the City Clerk% Office.)
(f2~95~) ~ O~I~CE ~atims life l~urance c~era~e for all C~pr~e~ive ~pl~ent
the City for such c~erase; providin~ that the en~i~e cost of such life l~urance shall initially
be paid with C~A funds, and on and after Feb~ 1, 1978, payroll deductions shall c~encel
and providin~ for an emersency.
and adopted by the foll~ln~ vote:
(Hr. Thomas vas absent)
C~CIL: The Acting City Hanager submitted a vrttten report requesting an Executive
Session to discuss tvo matters relating to personnel and two ~atters relating to real estate.
Hr. Taubman moved that Council concur in the request. The motion vas seconded by
Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland. Ctove, Hubard~ Taub~n and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Hr. ~homas vas absent)
TAXES: The City Attorney submitted a vritten report recommending that a public hearing
on assessment of real property for 1978 be held on January 23, 1978.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
The City Attorney advised that pursuant to the Code of Virginia~ the notice of public
hearing must be advertised in a local newspaper for fourteen consecutive days thirty days before
the public hearing, that the newspaper failed to advertise the public notice on Sunday. December
11 and therefore another public hearing date vi11 have to be established and advertising viii
have to start over. He suggested that the public hearing be held on Manday, February 13, 1978,
at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber.
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the suggestion of the City Attorney that the
public hearing he held on Honday, February 13, 19]8, ar l:~O p.m. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Grove and adopted.
P~.50~EL: The City Attorney submitted a vritten report requesting that an Ordinance
be adopted giving the Personnel and E~ployment Practices Co~ission po~er to administer oaths and
to take testimony thereunder.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the request and offered the roll,lng emergency
(123955) AH ORDINANCE amendin~ and reordainin~ Section 4, Same - Panel responsibilities
and duties, of Chapter 13.2, Personnel and Employment Practices Commission, of ~itle II, Administra-
tion, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, by adding a new subsection labeled
(f) to the aforesaid Section 4, authorizing the Personnel and Employment Practices Co, mission to
administer oaths and to take testimony thereunder; and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the follo~inB vote:
AYES: Council members Bc~les~ Garland~ Grove~ Hubard, Taubman and Mayor Taylor------6o
NAYS: None -0.
(Hr. ~homas was absent)
WAI~D~ARI~: Council h~vi~ referred to the City Atto~ey~ City--&er
of ~apel For~t S~dlvision for vater p~ed f~r ti~so the Clt~Atto~ey s~nitted a vritten
~epo~t addressl~ t~ legal validity of t~ additl~l
(For full t~t, see report ~ file in t~ City Clerkts Office.)
~e City Atto~ey, Director of Fiance a~ ~t~ City ~er submitted a
report ~n co~ection vlth the~ttero rec~l~ tht the City's existl~ policy of
(For full text, see Eeport on file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
~uncil one.ay, Janva~ 23, 1978s In order t~t Hr. ~III~R. ~tle, a residen~
Hubard and adopted by t~ foll~in~ vote:
(~. ~s ~as absent)
to discuss a ~tter of real property and potential litigation.
AYe: ~uncil me.ers ~les, ~rland, Grove, Hubard, ~a~n and ~yor Taylor~ .6.~]
NAYS: Hone
(Mr. l~aomas ~as absent)
(Hr. Yhc~as was absent)
Hr. Grove offered the follo~ing emergency Ordinance accepting the proposals of Eastman
Kodak Company, 3~t Business Products Sales, Incorporated, and Kalvar for certain microfilm equipment
for use by the City:
(i23957) AN ORDI~L~Cg providing for the purchase of certain microfil= equipment for
use by the City, upon certain ter~ and conditions, by accepting certain bids made to the City
for furnishing and delivering said microfilm equipment; providing for the issuance of requisite
purchase orders for such equipment; rejecting certain bids made to the City; and providing for an
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook No.
Hr. trove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. nubard
and adopted by the follovtn~ vote:
(Hr. Thomas vas absent)
HrS. BO~les uo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion v~ seconded by Hr. Garland
and edopted by the follo~ia$ vote:
AYES: C~uncil me~bers Bo~les, Garlend, Grove, Hubard, Taubuan and Hayor Taylor ........ 6,
HAYS: None-
(Hr, Th~ vas absent)
BII~ES: Ordinance No. 23933 desig~ting a~ fixing the ~e S~th ~no~ Bridie to a
certain brid~e la the Cityo havl~ pr~l~sly been before the ~cil for its firs~ readl~, read
a~ adopt~ ~ its first readin~ a~ l~id ~ers ~ asain before t~ b~ Hrs. ~les offeri~
t~ roll,inS for its seco~ readin~ a~d fi~l adoptiont
(~23933) ~ O~I~CE desls~tin~ a~ fixin~ the ~e South ~noke Bridse to a certain
bridse In the City.
(For full t~t of Ordinanceo see Ordl~nce ~k
HFS. ~les ~ed t~ adoption of the O~di~ace. ~e motion v~ seconded by Hr.
AYe: ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rlands Grove, Hubard, Ta~n ~d ~yor Taylor
(Hr. ~s was absent)
AI~ORT: Ordinance Ho. 23936 authorizin~ the execution of a suppl~ental le~e aire~ent
bergen the City of Roanoke and the United States of ~e~ica for certain space in the Te~lnal
havinS previo~ly been ~fore the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first
(123936) ~ O~I~CE authorizinE the execution of a supple~ntal lease aEreement
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~e motion ~as seconded by Hrs. B~les
NAYS: None
(Hr. Th~s was absent)
OIl'/ HANAGER: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure recognizing the services of Hr. Byron E. Hamer as City Hanager, he presented same;
vhereupon, Mr. Grove offered the follo~in§ Resolution:
(f23958) A RESOLUTION recognizing the services of BYRON E. HANER as City Hanager.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~n and Hayor Taylor .6.
(H~. Thomas was absent)
(H~. Thomas was absent)
of August I, 1977.)
~7or Taylor. ~6.
(~. ~s vas ~sen~)
Z~I~ ~e ~7or advised th~ the three year te~ of ~ssrs. Jo~ ~. ~pelear,
Jr., L. EIv~ Horris~ ~c~rd R. SaedesaF, Syd~r ~. Br~ze~lne, Jr., ~ Fra~ H. Perkiest,
Jr** ~ m~ers of t~ ~ard of Zo~n8 ~peals viii e~lre on ~c~er 3la 197~. t~t ~ssrs.
of the City of ~anoke and c~lled for ~tio~ to fill the vacancies.
Hr. ~rla~ placed In n~i~tion t~ ~ of ~. Sydnor ~. Brizendine.
n~ers of the Board of Zonin~ ~peals for tern of three years ea~ endl~ Dec.er 310 1980~ by
Ta~n and ~yor TayloI
(Hr. ~s was absent)
Perkinson and that ~. Taub~n be respo~lble for findin~ a replac~nt for Hr. Snedesar.
Director of the Industrial Develo~en~ Authority of the City of R~noke, Vir~inia, for a tern of
Priscilla A. Tarplee and Hr. Clyde C. Roland have q~lified for te~ endinE H~er 30. 1980;
1981, as m~ers of the ~viso~y Board of H~n Se~ices.
~ Year*s holidays regardless of what day ~he holiday act~lly falls on.
~ployees on Dec.er 23, 1977.
(~. ~ w~ absent)
their pla~.
COOHCXL: Hr. Bert KiT0 meJubec of the League of I~o~n Votersl appelred before ~cil
Xn re.rd to ~cXlts ~rller decision to defer ~tXl ~c~er 27, 1977, sctXon c~e~in8 t~
repozz of Z~ ~a~ relmti~ to a yard pl~ for elec~i~ of s~ or all ~ers of ~ncil.
advised of t~ tim lhitition In settinS proposed ~rter ~es to t~ ~eral ~se~ly
asked that t~ rec~atio~ of t~ ~ue be co~idered by the ~cl~ at its public hearl~
on proposed City ~a~ter ~en~ts,
~e City Atto~ey advised t~t proposed ~arter chnles mst ~ la the ha~s of t~
legislature by JAn~W 11~ 1~8, therefore, It viii be necessa~ to advertise and hold
p~lic hearl~ a~ its re~lar neeti~ on Tues~y, Dec~er 27,
~. Hubard moved t~t ~u~cil hold a ~blic ~arl~ on proposed ~rter ~e~ts
Tuesday, ~c~er 27, 19~, a~ 2:~ p.u., in t~ Co~cil ~er. T~ ~tion v~ seco~ by
Taub~n a~
~ere bel~ no furt~r businesso the ~yor declared t~ ~eti~ adJou~ed,
City ~lerk ~yor
TuesdaT, Deceuber 27, 1977.
The Council of the City of Roanoke net in resular meeting in the Couacil Chamber in the
Fa2nicipol Building, City of Roanoke, on Tuesday~ ~c~er 27~ 1917, at 2 p.a., the reEular ~eting
h~r, vith ~yor Hoel C. Taylor presidio.
P~ ~ncil u~ers Eliz~eth T. B~les, ~bert A. Garla~, ~ci~ Y.
Vlllin S. ~ardo Slchol~ F. Ta~n, ~pt~ ~. ~s a~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor .....
The fourth propoeed Charter readstar would amend Section 42 of the City Charter so ~
to raise from the current maximun of one thousand dollars the anount involved ~n a proposed
alteration or nodifinst$.on of a city contract for any work or ~n~roveme~t ~hich can be ordered
the City Hana~er without Council action. The proposal vas u~nlmously forwarded to Council with
the recom~ndation of t~ Committee.
The Hayor asked if there were persons present who ~uld like $o address the fourth
~he ~otion vas lost by the following vote~
AYES: Council ue~bers Garland and ~s-
~YS: ~uncll m~ers ~l~s Grove~ H~ard0 Tartan ~d ~yor Taylo~- --5.
~e tenth pro,ssi w~ld ~ Section 10 so as to provide tht ~cll v~ld elect
one of its ~ers to se~e as a pr~iding officer a~ to delete the p~r of the ~yor to se~e
as a presiding officer. ~e ~ttee voted u~n~sly to fo~ard this proposal to ~ncil
pr~osed m~nt~ ~ereuFon~ ~ one asked to be heard.
Hr. Hubard ~ved t~ ~cil concur la the proposal. ~ ~ion
~a~n and lost by the foll~ing vote:
~Y$~ ~uncil m~ers ~les, ~rla~ Grove~ ~aub~n and ~yor ~aylor
to co~l~ion by ~uncil. ~is proposal vas ~ni~sly fo~arded to ~cil ~ith a rec~udatl~
fr~ the Co, tree for approval.
~h~ t~elfth an~ final ~en~n~ uould ~nd and reenact Section
NAYS: None -- ~.
At 3:15 p.m., the Hayor recessed the meeting.
At &:31 p.m., the meeting reconvened vith all members of Council present and the ~layor
~heHayor advised that at a later point in the meetinB the Councilwould take action
on the matter ~hich vas discussed in Executive Session.
(~239~0) A ~.ESOLU'rI08 providin~ for the appoint~ent of five freeholders, any three
wh~ ~y acre az vipers In c~ct~ ~th the appli~ti~ of Flet~er B. Altice a~ ~th
Altice to dllconti~e 8~ close a certain all,ay, appro~tely 10 feet in vidth~ being ~rsllel
to ~rden City ~ulevard~ S. E., a~ ~l~er Street, S. E., ~te~i~ fr~ t~ s~therly side of
DanfoEth Ave~es S. K.o to the ~rt~rly side of ~rico Argues S. E.~ a~ refe~ the
to tb City ~ls~la~ ~ssiou for study a~
(FoE full text of ~esolutions see lesolution ~k Ho.
Hr. Tarn ~ved t~ a~ptlon of the ~solutiou. ~e ~tion w~ seco~ed by ~.
~rland a~ adopted by t~ foll~lu~ ~te~
AYe: ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rla~, C~ve, H~ard. Tartan ~ ~yor Taylor 6.
NAYS ~ None 0
(Hr. l'hc~ts vas out of the Co~cil Chamber)
Hr. Taub~an moved that the application be referred to the City Planning Com~ssion for
~OgZS O~
SU~GET-PAurs AHD pLAyGROUHDS: ~ Act~ City ~ger s~ltt~ a vrittea report
t~uestinS that $5~.~ be appropriated to Volle~all entw fees a~ tht $5,555.~ be appropriated
to hsketball ent~ feeso ~lsJn~ that these fu~8 have been deposited v~th the City Treasurer.
(for full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
~. ~h~s offered the foll~i~ ~ergency Ordl~nce tra~ferrin~ ~,~.~
~ntl~ency Rescue ~er Section 11880, "Continiencies~" to ~tra Help ~der Section
"Par~ a~ Recreation," a~ tra~ferrl~ ~5~.~ fr~ ~ntiniency Rescue ~der Section ~1880~
(~23962) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordain certain secti~s of the 191]-78 ~propriatio~
(For full tex~ of Ordl~nce, see ~dinance Book No.
a~ adopt~ by the foll~ins votel
~aylor- 7
NA¥St None-
NAYS: None O.
BUSES: The Acting CltyMan~ger submitted a written report advising that the Creater
19, 1977, relative to the possibility of the Board approving Valley Metro accepting tokens for
fares in the Park & Shop] Ride & Shop system being pro~ted by Do~nto~m Roanoke, Incorporated.
need for GRTC's and Councll'~ general concurrence prior to ordering the tokens and equipment
needed for the program. He noted that the GRTC Board asked for more information fro~ th~ General
Hanager and indicated that Council would also like information on the affect this token system
would have on the parking facility operation, prior to approving the concept.
Shop/Ride & Shop program and agrees with Dovrato~n Roanoke that this program can be readily
adopted to Valley Metro fares, taxi cab fares and all parking lots including the City's parking
facility. The Acting City Hanager recommended that the City approve the park and shop program
in concept and leave the latitude of the exact terms of any agreement with Dc~Qto~zl Roanoke,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Mrs. Bovles moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following Resolution:
(t23964) A RESOL~ION amending an approved schedule of fares relating only to the
base fare to be charged passengers using the urban mass transportation system operated in the
City by Creater Roanoke Transit Company.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Mrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
C. arland and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYESz Council members Bo~les~ GarlsmJ, Crove~ Hubard~ Taubman, Thomas and Hayor
NATS~ None 0.
1978, as follovs:
Each 1/2 hour $0.35
~ax~2~ hours 93.50
Lce{(3 TEI~
O - I hour - $0.50
Each additfonal 2 hours - $0.25
Naximum 25 hours - $2.00
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~oved that Council concur in the report and offered the follcving e~ergency
(t23965) AN ORDINANCE concurrinS in a requested amendment to that certain agreement
dated June 26, 1969, between the City and APCOA, Incorporated (assignee of ITI Consumer Services
Corporation) for the operation of the auto.bile parking lots at Roanoke Htmicipal Airport,
~oodr~Fleld, so as to permit increase in parking rates; establishing the rates to be charged
in such lots; and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. l~e ~tion vas seconded by Hr, Taubman
and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council ~e~bers ~o~les, Garland· Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 7.
NAYS: Non= O.
AIRPORT: The Acting City Hanager submitted a vritten report recommending authorization
to execute Change Order No. I to the contract with po~ers Fence Company, Incorporated, for
construction of security fencin~ at Roanoke Hunicipal AlrpoEt, ~oodrvm Field· to increase the
height of the fencing.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Officeo)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following emergency
(f23966) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance of Change Order No. 1 to the City%
contract with Po~ers Fence Company, Inc., for the installation of security fencing and control
gates at Roanoke Hunicipal Airport, ~oodrum Field, under ADAP Project No. 6-51-00~5-06, upon
certain tel~ and conditions; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book NO,
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordi~ance. The motion ~as seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
COHPLAIK~S-HASSACE PARLOP. S: The City Attorney submitted a ~ritten report advising of
the successful defense of a second challenge to the massage parlor ordinance~hich ~akes it
unlawful for any person to administer a massage for hire or re~ard to a person of the opposite
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taub~an mo~ed that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Grove and unanimot~sly adopted.
I~ISIATION-CITY E~LOYEES-INSURA~CE: The City Attorney submitted a~rritten report
advising of pending legislation in the United States Congress vhich requires e~ployers to treat
pregnancy like any other temporary disability in their e~ployee insurance plans.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Taubman moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper measure
expressing the City's position that if such legislation is enacted, it will have a significant
financial i~pact on the City of Roanoke. ~he moclon vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and unanimously
Mrs, ~ovles moved that the minutes be received and filed. The motion vas eeconded by
Hr. Grove and unanl=ouely adepted.
Mr. Rubard offered the follovlug emergency ~di~nce aut~rlzin~ ~lo~nt of Faine~
~rrell & ~r~ to perfo~ an a~lt of the City% ~Ioyees~ Retir~ent Syst~ for the fiscal
years e~lng June 30~ 19~8 a~ 1919s upon certain te~ a~ co~itionsl
(!11967) ~ O~CI aut~tisi~ ~lo~nt of ~aine, ~rrell i ~r~ to perfo~
an a~lt of the ~lty~s ~loyeess retir~nt syst~ for t~ flexi years ending J~e
a~ 19~9~ upon certain te~ a~ co~itio~l aM providin~ for an emerita.
(tor full text of Ordl~nce~ see Ordi~nce ~ok
a~ adopted by the foll~l~ vote~
~aylox 7.
NAYS: None O.
SE~RS AKD STOP~t DRAI~S-FASEHEKIS-FI~E DE~AR12/I~I: Ordinance No, 239~7 authorizing
and directing the proper City officials to execute and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachial
power Company to allow for installation of underground electrical service to the new fire station
No. 13 under construction at the corner of Peters Creek Road and Appleton Avenue, N. H., having
previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading
and laid over, vas again before the body, Hr. Grove offering the following for its second reading
and final adoption:
(f239~7) AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute
and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian Power Company.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Yhe motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Yaubman, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 7.
NAYS: None. O.
HARKE~: Ordinance No. 239~9 authorizing the Acting City Hanager to execute leases for
ter~s of two years, each, with the present tenants and users of certain stalls in the City
Harket (F. P. ~urray, Incorporated, and Russell O. Hannabass t/a ~asson & Hannabass), upon
certain terms and conditions, having previously been before the Council for its first reading,
read and adopted on its first reading, and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Taomas
offering the following for its second reading and final adoption:
(t239~9) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City Hanager to execute leases for terms of two
years, each, with the present tenants and users of certain stalls in the City Harket, upon
certain terms and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hrs.
Bowles and adopted by the following vote:
A~SZ Council e~bers Bo~lee, ~arland, Grove, ~tuBard, TauBmn, ~ho~aa and
NAYS: None
LICEnSES-TAXES: Council havin~ previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
(~23968) AN O~DINA~CE amending and reordaining subsection (a)o Sec. 104. Slot Hachtnes$
NAYS: None
NAYS: Non~ O.
REGIONAL JAIL: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure approving the issuance by the Acting City Manager of Change Order No. 5, to the
NAYS: None
lire ~ho~as coved th~ adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hrs.
Sovlns and adopted by the toll~i~ vote:
l~l ~cil ~ers B~les, ~rla~, Grove, H~ard, Ta~n, ~s a~ ~yor
NAYS: Hone O.
BUI~I~ Council at its Financial and Plenning Session on Honday, December 19o 19770
having requested that certain appropriations and/or transfers be made, Hr. Taubman offered the
follovfn~ e~rsencyOrdinance ~nding Section ~1537, ffSocial Se~ices", Section ilS&Os *~ltle
XXServfcee", Section ~1671, ~lotorized Vehicle Hainten~nce", Section J1605, ~ltllfty Line Facilitie
Section J16~8, #Street Haintenance"~ Section J070$, "Juvenile & D<mestic Relatio~s Court*** Section
~071Os "Co~nonvealthts Attorney", and Section Jl8$Os "Contin~encies" vithin the 1977-78 General
Fund; and Section ~7&30, "J & D Training Grant", Section ~7&36, "Comnon~ealthte Attorney Investigate
and Section #7&75, ~Non-Support Research*', vithin the 1977-78 Grant Programs Fund:
(J239~3) AH ORDIHA~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Appropriation
Ordinances, and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ho.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance, Ihe notion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowies, Garland, Grove, Hmbard, Taubman, Tn,mas and Hayer
Taylor 7.
NAYS= None .0.
C(7~NCIL: The Hayer requested an Executive Session to discuss a matter of real estate.
Hr. Taubman moved that Council concur in the Hayor*s request. The motion was seconded
by Hr. Grove and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles~ Garland, Grove, Hubard~ Taubman, Thomas and Hayer
Taylor 7.
NAYS: None O.
CO~GIL: Hr. Thomas moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a real
estate matter. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland. Grove, Hubard~ Taubman, Thomas and Mayor
NAYS: Non~ O.
INI)USIRIES: The Hayer advised that there is a vacancy on the Industrial Development
Authority created by the resignation of Hr. Robert H, Turner, Jr., for a term ending October 20,
1980~ and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Taubman placed in nomination the name of Hr. Frederic H. Phillips.
Yhere being no further nominations, Hr. Phillips ~as elected as a Director of the
Industrial Development Authority to fill the unexpired term of Hr. Robert H. ~urner, Jr.~ ending
October 20, 1980, by the following vote:
FOR~R. PHILLIPS: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, ~homas and
Mayor Taylor.--
ZONING: The Hayer advised that the three year term of Hr. L. Elwood Norris as a member
of the Board of Zoning Appeals will expire on December 31, 1977, and called for nominations to
fill the vacancy.
Hr. Garland placed in nomination the n~e of Hr. L. Elwood Norris.
There being no further nominations, Hr. Norris was reelected as a member of the Board
of Zoning Appeals for a term of three years ending December 31, 1980, by the following vote:
FOR HR. HORRIS: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman! Thebans
and Kayor Taylor 7.
AIR POLLUTION: The Hayer advised that the four year terms of Hessrs. Ruskin P. ~-nold
and John S. Lan~, Jr., as members of the Advisory and Appeal Board, Air Pollution Control, will
expire on December 31, 1977, that Hr. Lan~ has declined to serve another term and called for
Hr. Grove placed in nomination the name of Hr. Ruskin P. Arnold.
There being no further nominations, Hr. Arnold ~as reelected as a ~ember of the Advisory
and Appeal Board, Air Pollution Control, for a term of four years ending December 31, 1981, by
the following vote:
and Mayor Taylor .... 7.
The Mayor requested that Hrs. Bowles be responsible for findinB a replacement for Hr.
F~qLTH DK~A~t~2iT (H~f~AL I~AI,TH)I ~e ~yor c~lled to the ~ttention of ~cil
t~ three ye~ te~ of Hessrs. J~s A. Ford a~ Fr~cis I, ~e~s~nger ~ ~ers of
Health Semites of t~ ~a~ Vall~ viii e~ire on ~c~er 310 19770 ~ called for
to fill the va~nc~e8.
~. Th~s placed tn ~inatlou the ~s of ~ssrs. J~es A. Ford a~ Francis
of ~ntal Health Semites of the ~anoke Valley for te~ of three years e8ch ~din~ Dec.er 31,
19~, by the foll~in~ vote~
FO~ ~S. FO~ ~ F~I~ ~cil ~rs B~leso Garla~, ~roves Hubardo Taub~ns
~s a~ ~yor Taylor~
NAYS: None
Ihere beinE no furt~r business~ the P~ayor declared the meeting adjourned.
City Clerk ~ayor
Tuesday, Januar~ 3, 1978.
The Council of lhe City of Roanoke ~et in regular~eeting in the Council Chamber in the
Nunlcipal Building, City of Roanoke, on Tuesday, January 3, 1978, at 2 p.a., the regular meeting
hour, with Hayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
P~l Council members Elizabeth T, Bo~les, Robert A. Garland, Lucian ¥. Grove,
Willi=i. Hubard, Nicholas F. Taubaan, Hampton W. Thouas and Malor Noel C. Taylor
A~SE~T~ None
OFfICeS pI~SI~T~ Mr. Sam H. McChee, III, Acting City Hanager~ Mr. Wllburn C. Dtbling,
Director of pinance~ and Mrs. Hary p. Parker, Cit~ Clerk.
wlll be held outside of the capitol cit? of Richmond end the first of these events will be bald
(Per full tezt, see Pto¢lwnation on file In the Clty Clerkes Office.)
1:30 p.m., on Tuesday, ~anuary 3, 19~8, end to be opened before the Council at 2 p.m., on tbet
date, the ~ayor asked if anyone had any questions aho~t the advertisement for bids and no tepresen-
~. M. ~urphy Company, Incorporated $
Davis H. Elliot Company, Incorporated 56,312.00
Ocean ~lectric Corporation 58,200.00
Varney Electric Co~pany, Incorporated
Cross Electric Cc~npany, Incorporated 61,470,00
Mr. Thomas moved that the bids be referred to a co~ittee to be appointed by the Hayor
unanimously adopted.
at the Carvtns Cove Filter Plant, saia proposals to be received by the City Clerk until 1:30
p.m., Tuesday, January 3, 1978, and to be opened before Council at 2 p.m., on that date, the
Hayor asked if anyone had any questions about the advertisement for bids and no representative
present raising any question, the Hayor instructed the City Clerk to proceed with the opening of
the bids; whereupon, the City Clerk opened and read the following bids:
L. R. Brc~m, Sr. -
Electrical and Industrial Hain-
tenance Corporation - 17,882.22
unanimously adopted.
The Hayor appolntedHessrs. Lucian Y. Grove, Chairman, Kit B. Kiser, Harold G. Hardy
CItY PROPERTY: Pursuant to notice of advertisement for bids for alterations to the
by the City Clerk until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 3, 1978, and to be opened before the Council
bids and no representative present raising any question~ the Hayor instructed the City Clerk to
~atts and Breakell, Incorporated - $ 18,700.00
Logan~HcPeak, Incorporated
Hodges Lumber Corporation ~ 19,792.00
Blane& ~nite - 20,596.00
W. ~. Emerson, Incorporated - 21,000.00
Willim E. Reynolds Construction Co~pany
Mr. Thomas ~oved that the bids be referred to a co~dttee to be appointed by the ~ayor
for tabulation, report and recommendation to Council. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Taub~an and
unanimously adopted.
The Hayor appointed Hessrs. Lucian
Kuthy and d. D. Sink as me~bers of the committee.
OPPORI~ITIES IND~SlllALIZA~IC~ ~ Hr. ~orae E. Frl~lin~ ~ecutive Director,
~porz~itie8 I~trialization Center, s~ured ~fore ~il
requestin~ that ~cil co~ider ~ultl~ vith t~ lnc~ln~ City ~er for the pu~ose of
develo~ut of a pl~ tha~ v~Id address t~ foll~tn~:
(1) A full ~lo~ent pro&~ for ases 16 ~
incl~e a d~l~n for r~l~ the depe~ence on Social
(2) A s~ranteed health ~re pl~ that v~ld ~ncre~e
all our ~edical facilities.
(3)~ educatio~l syst~ t~t would add~ess the edvcatio~l
needs of eve~ child a~ adult ~l~ v~ld include
(l) A 1~ e~orc~ent syst~ t~t would see Blac~
(~) A Neis~orh~ ~pro~n~ Proit~ that places the res-
po~ibllity up~ the reside~ts of the individual neigh-
·fter considerable discussion of the ~atter, Hr. Thomas ~oved th&t the report be referred
back to the Atria8 City ~ser for the pu~ose of ~respo~i~ vith the residea~s to ~v~se
t~ of t~ CitySs position la the ~tter a~ to apprise t~ of ~at they can do to alleviate
t~ sit~tl~. ~e ~tion w~ seco~ed by ~. H~ard a~ ~,~s~sly ad.ted.
Z~I~S~~ ~l~St ~e Act~ City ~ger s~tted a ~itten report la co~ection
vith a ~u~t of ~. ~ ~. ~alters to zebulld~ r~ir a~ resell vac~ cleaner ~tozs at his
NAYS: None.
~. Hubard ~ve~ t~t ~cil c~cur ~n the request of the ~t~ Cit~ ~er. ~e
~tion v~ seco~ed b7 ~. Tsu~n a~ adopted ~ the foll~lnZ ~te~
~7or Ta~lor -~7.
AI~OIT: A report of t~ Al~ort ~viso~ ~ssion a~visln~ of t~ Eesl~lon of
Council ·
(For full ~ext, see repor~ on file in the City Cle~kOs Office.)
F~I~G IT~: ~e City Clerk prezent~ a lis~ of lte~ pendlnS fro~ July 19, 1976
through Dec.er 2Is lgT].
(For full text, see lis~ on file ia the City Clerk's Office.)
C~ove a~ un~ninously adopted.
(J23978) A ~0~ION ~eques~n~ the 1978 Session of ~e ~neral ~se~ly of Virginia
~yor Taylor ~ -7.
Hr. 1'he.as ~oved that Council approve the chansea to the contract as noted by the City
Attorney. l~e motion vas Seconded by Hr. Tsub~an and tmanl~ously adopted.
Ordin~nce ~o. 2597t havia~ previously been before the Council for its first reading~
read and adopted on its first rending, and l~id ever, vas again before the body, Hr. ~ho~as
offerln~ the follo~ln~ for its second readi~ and ft~l ndoption:
(~23974) ~ O~I~CE appr~ln~ a certain ~ntract prepared to be entered into between
t~ City of ~ a~ t~ ~ty of ~
co~itf~lly authorizing the ~yor a~ t~ City Clerk to execute such ~ntract for ~d ~ be~lf
of the City of ~anoke.
(For full text of Ozdl~nces see Ordf~nce ~k
and adopted by the fail,inS vote:
~yor Taylor
HAYS: Hone,
Houday, Januat-y 9~ 1978.
1'ne Council of the City of Ro~aoke uet in regular ~eetl~ ia the Council r~m~er in
t~ ~nicipsl ~ildln~ City o~ ~aoke~ Vlrginia~ on ~ay, Jan~ 9~ 1978~ at 7:30 p.~.~
~lth ~yo~ Noel C. Taylor
p~: ~ncil ~ers Elizabeth ~. ~les~ ~be~t A. ~rla~ ~cian Y. Gr~e~
~llliu S, aubard, ~mp~oa ~. ~s a~ ~yor Noel C. ~aylor 6.
Director of Fiance; ~d~s. ~U F. Parker, City Clerk.
19~], and the regular ~eetlug held ~ Tuesday, Janua~ 3, 1918, havi~g been fu~lshed each
t~reof was dispe~ed vi~h and the minutes were approved as recorded.
~e ~yor accepted the gifts on behalf of the C~ncil and the citizens of the City of
(t23979) AH O~DIHAHCE to anend and reordain Section 4.1, Special revolvinsbank
checkln~ account~ deposits to and withdravsls therefrom, of C~apter 9, Civic Center Department,
of Title ¥III, Public Bulldinss and Property, of the Code of the City of loanoke (1956), as
a~ended, so as to add the head box office cashier to those pereon~ designated to sign checks
drmm on the special revolving bank checking sccount, and providin~ for an enersency.
(For full text of Ordin~nce, see Ordinance Book
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follo~in8 vote:
AYES: Council me=bets Bo~les, Garland, Crove~ Hubaxd, Tho=as and Hayor Taylor
(Hr. Taub~an vas absent)
AI~20RT: The Acting City Handset submitted a ~rltten report requesting authority to
execute a srant agreement with the Co.non.edith of Vlrginis, State Corporation Co~lssion,
Division of Aeronautics, for an az~unt not to exceed $36,000°00, in connection with six capital
i~prov~ent lte~ at Roanoke Hunlcipal Airport, Hoodru~Fleldo
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Council concur in the request and offered the following Resolution:
(123980) A RESOLU~I(~/ accepting a grant offer from the State Corporation Co~mission
of the Co.no. edith of Virginia to assist lu financing ADAP Project No. 6-51-00~§-06, for certain
~mprove~ent of facilities at Roanoke Huniclpal Airport. Hoodrum Field; and authorizing execution
of acceptance of a grant offer of a maximu~ of $36,000.00 of such funds.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Garland ~o~ed the adoption of the Resolution. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr.
Grove and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me.hers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, ~ho~as and~ayor Taylor------6.
NAYS: Non: 0.
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
PLA~ING-GRA~TS: The Acting Glty~anager submitted a written report advising of
administrative public hearings to be held for citizen input for reco~endations for the e~penditnre
of Co~unity Development Block Grant funds during the fiscal year 1979.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
The Acting City ~nager recommended that Council hold its public hearin~ on Honday,
February 13, 1~]8.
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the reco~endation of the Actin~ City ~anager
that Council hold its public hearing on ~onday, February 13, 1918, at ]:30 p.m., in the Council
Chamber and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the notice of public heatlog and any
other necessary legal documents. The ~aotion was seconded by Hfs. So~les and adopted.
CLA]~{S-SE~RS A~D STO~ D~A]~S: The City Attorney ~ubmltted a written report citing
recurring cla~n~ of property o~ners for sewer backflo~ ~here no backflc~ preventive valves have
been installed and reco~ending adoption of an Ordinance to address this ~atter.
(For full tezt, see repor~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove offered the recc~ended e~ergency Ordinance. The ~otion ~as seconded by Hr.
Mr. Thon~ said he is in agreement with the overal! intent of the Ordinance, however,
there are certain areas of the city ~hlch pay their fair share and do not ~ave the s~e proble~
as others, that it is true these areas should b~ar their degree of the additional responsibility,
but it ds incumbent upon the city in those instances to help alleviate the situation by providing
the lnst~entality, in this case the backflo~ valve, by installing it and settlng the price.
He said he ~ondered if the city"s respo~ibillty does not go beyond the O~dlnance, that be
could appreciate the intent of the Ordinance because the motter has caused the city proble~ but
the situation could get out of hand unless the city sets the standards, provides guidance to the
citizens and indicates how to go about rectifying the situation.
In further explanation of his position, Hr. Thomas said if the Ordinance stated what
the standards are, if the city viii make the installation or whether this viii be the responsibilitl
of the individual citizen and that the citizen is f~lliar with the requirements, he would have
no difficulty with the Ordinance and for that reason he offered a substitute motion that the
matter be referred to the Acting CltyManager with the request that he elaborate on the requirements
~hich will be imposed upon city residents if the proposed Ordinance is adopted. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted.
TAXES: The Director of Finance submitted a ~itten report relative to draft legislation
to be presented to the General Assembly pertaining to the business, professional and occupational
license tax, requesting that Council urge our representatives in the General Assembly to fight
against this proposed legislation until such time as the State can provide to the localities the
difference in what ~e currently receive in relation to the State's ceilings.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
I~ro Crowe mo~ed that Cmmcil concur in the report ~ed that it be referred to the City
Attorney for preparation of the proper n~asurn. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland end
STREETS A~D ALLEYSt The City Pl&nning Commission submitted a written report reco~u~ndin~
that the request of Ns. Eleanor Hcl)o~ell Webb that a certain portion of Ganpbel! Avenue, S.
located e~st of 18th Street, and exceeding tn the vesterly side of an alley fifteen feet in width
which extends alon~ the veeterly boundary of Feline Park, be vacatedo discontinued and closed, be
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
N~s. B~les unwed that Cotmcil h~ld a public hearin~ on the r~quest at 7530 p.m.s
Honday, February 13, 1978, in the Council Ch&tuber. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and
STREETS A~DALLEY$I The City planain~ ~ounission suhnitted a vritten report teen,sending
that the reqvest of Fletcher B. and Enith K. Altice, that a certain alleyvay approx~nately ten
feet in vidths being parallel to Garden City Boulevard and Helcher Street, S. E., extending from
the southerly side of Danforth Avenue to the northerly side of Garico Avenue, S. E., be vacateds
discontinued and closed, be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Council hold a public hearing on the request at 7:30
H~ndays February 13s 1978, in the Cotm¢ll Chamber. l~e motion vas seconded by Hrs. ~o~les and
PLAX~IXG: The City Planning Co~nlssion subnitted a v~ltten report transmitting a
revised copy of the City% Population Report.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Buhard unwed that the report he received and filed. Tl~enotion was seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted.
AIRPORT: Co,nell having previously referred to the Airport Advisory Commission for
study, report and reco~endation the question of whether or not there should be vritten leases
for the four rental car agencies at the Airport, the Co~is$1on suhnitted a written report
in~ that no further action he taken on the question. The Commission also transmitted copy of a
co~unication frc~Hr. Richard F. Pence, Attorney, representin~ three of the fovr rental car
a~encies at the Air~ort also reco~ending that Council take no further action on the ~tter.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. hay Dohbins, President, l~y-Dobhins Lincoln ~ercury, Incorporated~ appeared before
Council, and said that it vould be his opinion that the rental car a~encies need some type of
protection in the way of a written lease. Be said he has repeatedly requested rental space at
the airport and as of this date he has received no Justification as to why his requests have been
denied. Be Said the Airport Advisory Co~nisston previo~sly stated that there vas trmdequate
space to acco~nodate his request, that at the present tt~e there is s~fficient space ~nd as a
taxpayinE citizens he should be allo~ed the use of that space to establish a car rental agency.
In view of the fac~ that the question of another rental car agency vas ~ot before the
Council at that times Hr. Bubard ~oved that the report be received and filed. ~he motion was
seconded by ~r. Garland and adopted.
AIRPORt: The Airport Advisory Commission subnitted a ~ritten report requestin§ that
Council send a strongly worded Resolution to the FAA recommending and requesting that the full
ILS light lane for the R]~ 33 approach at Roanoke Huuicipal Airport, Woodrum Field, be reactivated
to the full ALSF-I confi~uration.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove mo~ed that Council concur in the report and offered the following Resolution:
(t23981) A RESOLUTION strongly urging the Federal Aviation Administration to abandon
its recently initiated SSALR instrument landin~ system light lane pattern for Runway 33 at Roanoke
Hunicipal Airport, ~oodrumField, and to reinstate and maintain the ALSF-1 lightin~ configuration
for said runway previously installed and capable of operation.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hrs.
and adopted by the follovin~ vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, ~homas and Hayor Taylor--
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Taubnan was absent)
AIRPORT-ADVERTISING: The Airport Advisory Co=~fssion subnitted a written report in
connection with revised Airport advertising rates, advising that the Co==nlssion concurs vith the
reco~mendation of the Administration to lower the monthly rental rate on the poster sraphics~
dioramass and display cases so as to encourage additional local and national businesses to fully
utilize Airport advertising, transmitting a list of recommended changes in monthly rates, and
advisin~ that no changes are recommended in the pr~niumcharEe for short term rental or the
fifteen per cent gross sale commission base to any advertising agency.
(For full t~zt~ eee report ou file in the City Clerkte Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follo~ln~ Resolution:
(J23982) A KESOI/~IO~ amendin~ the rates relstive to the sale of advertlsln~ space at
Ko~noke 14unicipal Airport, 1~oodnm Fleld, heretofore established by Resolution Ho. 22799, adopted
on Hrrch 22, 1976.
(For full text of Resolutiono see Resolution Book Ho.
Hr. Hubard mo~ed the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and Adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council nembers Bowles, Garlands Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None ~.
(Hr, Taubman was absent)
(Hr. Taubman vas absent)
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
INDUSTRIES: Hr. Hubard offered the follc~tnG Resolution appointing Hr. Frederic H.
Phillips as a Director of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Roanoke, to fill
the unexpired term of Hr. Robert N. Turner, Jr., resigned, for a term ending October 20, 1980:
(t2398t) A F~ESOLU~ION appointing a director of the Industrial Development Authority of
the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to fill an unexpired term on its board of directors.
(For full text of Resolution~ see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Eovles~ Garland, Grove, H~bard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor--
(Hr. Taubman vas absent)
A ~OLl~IO~ opposin~ the enactment into law of a certain bill pendl~ ia the
United States Con~rass and cellini upon the Cityts congressman to oppose this bill.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution~ook No,
Hrs. Bovlea ~oved the ~ption of the ~esolution. ~e ~tion vas seco~ed by ~.
~ba~d a~ ~opted by t~ roll.in& vote:
AI~: ~u~il ~ers ~les~ ~rl~, Gr~e, Hubard~ T~s ~ ~yor Taylor 6.
(Hr. ~aub~n vas absent)
S~: ~uncil ~ving prevl~sly discussed ~he ~tter of pr~ldins a sala~ for
~ers of t~ Roanoke City Sch~l ~ard, ~. Hubard offered a Resolution requestl~ the 1978
Sessi~ of the ~neral ~s~ly to ~end Section 22-6~.2, of the ~e of Virginia (19~O)~ as
of the ~ano~ City Sch~l ~ard.
(Hr. Taub~n nas absent)
by Hrs. B~les and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
(Mr. Tauhman was absent)
COUNCIL: Hr. Yaubman had previously placed an item on the agenda requesting an Executive
Session to discuss a real estate matter; ~hereupon~ in view of Hr. Taubman's absence, Hr. Hubard
advised that he would present the matter to Council.
Hr. Thomas toyed that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a real estate matter.
The motion was seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
IIII~SI~IES: The City Clerk reported that Hr. Prederl¢ Ilo Phillips has qualified an a
Director of the Industrial Develol~ent Authority of the City of Roanoke Virginia, to fill the
unexpired tern of Hr. ~ohert H. Turner, Jr., resigned, ending October 20s 1980.
}ir. Thanes ~oved that the report be received and filed. The ~tion vas seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted.
Z(~IIHG: The City Clezk reported that lit. Sydnor I~. Brizendine~ Jr., has qualified as a
lesuber of the Board of Bonins Appeals for a tern of three years ending December 31, 1980.
Hr. Thom~s ~ved that the report be received and filed. The ~otfon vas seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted.
HEALTH DEPARTHE~T.* The City Clerk reported that Hr. Janes Aa Ford has qualified as a
me~nber of the Hental Health Services Board for a tern of three years endins December 31, 1980.
Hr. Thomas ~oved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted.
COUNCIL: The Actin~ City ltanager submitted a vritten report requestfnB that Council
meet in F.~ecutive Session on Wednesday, January Il, 1978, at 8:30 a.m.t to discuss a uLetter of
real estate.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the request. The notion vas seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the followins vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, l~bard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor----6.
HAYS: Nona O.
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
There bein~ no further business, the Hayor declared the ~eetini adjourned.
City Clerk Mayor
169 -
Honday, January 23, 1978.
The Council of the City of Roanoke Bet In regular meeting in the Council Chamber in the
H~nicipal Buildingl City of Roanokel on Honday~ January 2lB 1978~ at 2 p.m., the regular meeting
houri vithHayor Noel C, Taylor presiding,
pRESI2/T~ Council ne~bers Robert A, Garland, Lucian ¥, Crove, ~illia= S. Hubard, Hlcholas
F. Taubman (arrived late), Hampton V. Thomas and Hayer Reel C. Taylor 6,
A~SEST~ Vice-liayor Elizabeth T. Bo~les. .1.
OFFICERS PRLSE~T: Hr. San H. HcChee. lilt Actin~ City Hanaier; Hr. ~llburn C. Dlbling,
Pastor. Vestha~pton Christian Church.
having been furnished each member of Council. on motion of Hr. Hubard seconded by Hr. Grove and
adopted, the reading thereof ~as dispensed vith and the minutes vere approved as recorded.
said that Hiss Levesy deserves the admiration of her fello~ citizens because she stands as a
Co~lssion for study, report and reco~endation to Council. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Grove
SE~RS A~D STORN DRAINS-I~ATER D~P~RII~I~I-~TlitI: Copy of a ~nication
Curtis ~. Fitzgerald to the ~*~o~ ~nty ~blic Se~lce ~thorlty relative ~o ~s refusal to
pay to t~ ~tyf~thority his water bill. was ~fore
(For full text~ see c~nication on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~s ~ved t~t the c~lcatl~ ~ received a~ filed, ~ ~tion vas seconded
by ~, Hubard and adoptS.
~-S~ ~ S~O~ D~I~SI ~e Actl~ City ~ge~ su~ltted a written report
(For full text~ see report on file In the City Clerkts Office,)
Hr. ~s offered the foll~ing ~rSency Ordi~nce transferrl~ ~67~.~ from Fixed
12~3~ '~inte~nce~" of the 19~7-~8 budget:
(~23987) ~ O~IH~CK to ~end and reordain certain sections of t~ 1917-~8 S~a~e
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see Ordi~nce Book
Hr. Th~s ~ved the adoption of the Ordl~nce. ~he ~tion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopt~ by the foll~in~ vote:
AYe: ~uncil me. ers ~rland, Grove, Hubard, ~ho~s and ~yor Taylor
(Vice-Mayor ~wles was absent) (Hr. Taubman had not arrived at the meeting)
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance authorizin~ the Actin~ City Hanager
to engage certain engineering services:
(i23988) A~ ORDIHANCE authorizing the Acti~ City Hanager to engage certain engineering
services for the design and supervision of construction~ in t~o or more phases, of certain addition;
facilities at the City's sewage treatment plant, upon certain ter~s and provisions; and providin~
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. ~homas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor.
NAYS: None
(Vlce-Hayor Bo~les was absent) (Hr. Taubman had not arrived at the meeting)
BUDGET-CITY ENGINEER: The lctin~ City Hanager submitted a written report reco~ending
a transfer of $54,000.00 from the Contingency Fund in order co purchase an additional 1,0OO tons
of salt and for funds for wa§es, ~otor fuels and lubricants in connection with sno~ and ice
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
At this point, Hr. Taub~an entered the meeting.
After a discussion as to sno~ removal activities during the past two weeks and the
possibility of a centralized telephone number by~hich citizens could report trouble areas, .
wherein the Acting Clty Manager noted that such a telephone number is presently in existence, Hr.
Garland offered the following emergency Ordinance transferring $25~000.00 from Contingency Reserve
under Section 11880, "Contingencies," to Personal Services under Section ~16~5, "Snc~ Removal";
and transferring $29,0~O.00 from Contingency Reserve under Section t1880, "Contingencies," to
Materials and Supplies under Section t16~5, "Sno~ Re~oval," of the 1917-~8 budget:
(123989) A~ ORDI~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1917-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
'H~. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion~as seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Vice-Mayor Bowles vas abi:nt) (Hr. Taubman abstained from voting because he vas not present
during the entire discussion of the report)
BUDG£T-GRA~IIS-POLICE DEPARIHEN~: The Acting City Manager submitted a written report
recommending authorization to execute forms accepting a grant for continuation of the Police
Academy, and that funds be appropriated therefor.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ltubard offered the folloning emergency Ordin~non ~meudiug e~d reordaining certain
sections of the 1977-78 General Fund ami Grant Programs Fund of the 1977-78 budget:
(~23990) AN ORDII~NCR to amend end reordain certain eections of the 1977-78 General
Fund and Grant Programs Fund of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinances, and providi~ for an emergency
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubardmoved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Nubard, Taub~an, Tho~s and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None-
(Vice-H~yor Bovles vas absent)
Hr. Hubard offered the follo~lns Resolution authorizing the acceptance, execution and
filing of the
(t219~1) ARE SOLUTION authorizing the acceptance of La~ Enforcement Grant No.
m~de to the City of Roanoke by the State Division Of Justice and Crime prevention and authorizln~
the acceptance, execution and filing of the **Special Conditions for Action GFant A~ards~ vith I~JCP
for an action grant of Federal funds for the purpose of providing continuation of the police
(Pot full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Nubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor ..... 6.
NAYS: None- 0
(Vice-Rayor Boules was absent)
submitted a vritten report in connection vith the Hershberger Road Storm Drain, EDA Project No.
01-51-26601, so as to provide for the City Hanager~s issuance of Change Order No. I to the City's
contract ~tthLanford Brothers Company, Incorporated, dated November 1, 19~7, so as to provide for
certain changes in the york to be performed.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance a~ending and reordaining certain
sections of the 19~I-18 General Fund and Grant Programs Fund of the 19~1-78 budget:
(123992) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 19~7-78 General
Fund and Grant Programs Fund of the 19~I-78 General Fund and Grant Programs Fund Appropriation
Ordinances, and providing for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Yaub~an
and adopted by the follo~inB vote:
AYES: Council m~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, ~homas and Hayor Taylor~----6.
NAYS: None
(Vice-~ayor Bo~les vas absent)
Hr. Grove offered the following e~ergency Ordinance approving the City Hanager*s issuance
of Change Order No. I to the contract vith Lanford Brothers Company, Incorporated:
(~23993) AN ORDINANCE approving the City ~an~ger~s issuance of Change Order No. I to
the City's contract vithLanford Brothers Company, Incorporated, dated November 1, 19//, for
construction of the Hershberger Road storm drain, authorized by Ordinance ~o. 23886; and providing
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas ~econded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an, ~homa$ and Hayor Taylor ....
NAYS: None O.
(Vice-Mayor Bovle$ vas absent)
EASf~tE~TS: The Acting City Manager submitted a written report recommending acceptance
of the conveyance by Roanoke Iron & Bridge ~orks, Incorporated, of two easements across property
located between ~aluut Avenue and 3rd Street, S. E., and the Southwest Expressway, and releasing
all easements previously reserved by the city in the two alleyways.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Mr. Garland moved that Council concur in the report and that the following Ordinance be
placed upon its first reading:
(~23994) AN ORdinAnCE authorizing execution of a Deed of Easement 8ranting the City
(Vlce-ltayor Bowles was absent)
(Vice-~ayor ~ovles vas absent)
C11~ AI~OF~E~: The City Attorney submitted a written report advising of the resignation
of Hr. Charles R. Allen, Jr., Assistant City Attorney, effective February 20, 1978.
(For full text, see report on file in the City C1erkts Office.)
}ir. Garland moved that the report be received with regret. The motfon vas seconded by
Hr. Grove and adopted.
}ir. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the follovln~ vo~e:
ATES: Council ~mbers Garland, Grove, Hubaed, Tau~nan, Thomas and H~yor Taylor
NATS~ None
(Vlce*H~yor Bo~les was absent)
C~t~CIL.* ~he City Attorney submitted a written report requestins an Executive Session
to discuss a personnel matter.
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the request. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr.
Thomas and adopted by the follovl~ vote~
AYes: Council s~nbers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Tho~s and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Vlce-H~yor Bo~les vas absent)
CO~CIL: The City Attorney subsitted a written report requesti~ an Executive Session
(Vice-Hayor Bowles was absent)
STREETS ANDALLEYS: The City Plannins Co~nission submitted a written report in connectiol
with the request Of Hr. C- D. West, Jro, that a segment of an alley and an alley within Block 6,
according to the survey for Runnymeade Corporation, Incorporated, be vacated, discontinued and
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council hold a public hearin~ on the request at 7:30 p.m., Honday,
February 13, 1978, in the Council Chamber. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted.
(For full text, see reports on file in the City Clerk's office.)
Council having previously asreed to revie~ the reports of the Seal Estate Assessment
Revie~ Committee and the Real Estate Assessor as & Committee of the ~hole, Hr. Thomas moved that
of the Fiuanciml and Planning Session of Council on Tuesday, February 21, 1918. The motion vas
seco~led by Hr. ~arland and adopted.
t210221 to Roanoke Swift Homes, Incorporated, for $300.00, vpon certain terms and conditions.
(~23998) AN ORDInAnCE provldinB for the sale and conveyance of a parcel of land situate
of Norfolk Avenue at Tinker Creek, and bearing Official Tax No. 4210221.
(Vice-Hayor Roblee vas absent) (Hr. Thomas abstained from votimg)
PENSIONS: A report of the Board of Trustees, Employees' Retire~ent Syste~% submitting
certain proposed amendments to the Employees* Retire~ent System as recommended by the Internal
Revenue Service in reference to excluding from the definition of "employee" ~art-time officers or
employees; providing for vestin~ upon p~an termination; and prohibiting the diversion of any part
of the trust corpus or income for any purpose other than the exclusive benefits of the employees
and their beneficiaries, vas before Council.
(For full text. see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taubaan offered the folloving emergency Ordinance amending and reordaintnB the City
(123999) AN ORDI~ANCB amending and reordaining Chapter 1, General Provisions, of Title
III, Pensions and Retirement. of the Code of the City of Roanoke, (1956), as a~ended, by a~ending
and reordaining subsection (10) of Section 1. Definitions, so as to exclude from the definition
of "e~ployee" part-time officers or employees of the City; by adding a ne~ section 15 providing
for vesting upon plan te~ntnation; by adding a ne~ section 16, prohibiting the diversion of any
part of the trust corpus or income for any purpose other than the exclusive benefits of the
employees and their beneficiaries; providing for an effective date retroactive to January 1,
1914; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Orfinance Book ~o.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove~ Hubard~ Taub~an, Thanas and Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Vlce-Hayor Bo~les ~as absent)
ZONING: The 192} tanual Report of the Board of Zoning Appeals, vas before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that the report be received and filed. The motion ~as seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted.
TI~FFIC-CIH Ei~GI~qiER: A report of the Bid Committee recommending t~at the bid of
~illia Armstron~ Smith Company for furnishing traffic paint and reflective beads, be accepted,
vas before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clezk*s Office.)
In this connection, a report of the Acting City l~nager concurring in the report of the
Bid Co~mittee, vas also before the Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland offered the following emergency Ordinance accepting the bid of ~illia~
Armstrong Smith Company:
(t24000) A~ ORDIHA~CE a~arding a contract for furnishing traffic paint and reflective
traffic beads to the City; accepting a bid made therefor; rejecting other bids; and providing
for an emergency.
Hr, Garland ~ovnd the adoption of the Ordinance, The ~otion vu seconded by Hr.
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote~
A~ ~ncil ~ers Carl~d~ Bubard~ Yaub~ ~s a~ ~yor Taylor*
~S~ Non~
(Vlc~t ~les ~ absent) (Hr. G~ove abstained from voti~)
Hr. Ta~n ~ed that the ~tin~ City ~8er% report ~ received and filed.
~tl~as seco~ed bye. Bubard a~
~AT~ D~t A report of the City Atto~ey ~ressl~ the lesal validity of the
been before the ~ncil on ~y, ~ce~e~ 12, 19]~ a~ referred, ~ azain Before the
(For full text, see report on file fn the City Clerk's Office.)
Honday, ~c~er 12, 19]] and deferred, ~as asain before ~he
(For full text, see repor~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
to ~ Section 2~-6~.2, C~e of Virginia (19~0), as ~e~ed, so as to provide for an annul
month~ Hr. ~aub~n ~as absen: and Council deferred action in order that he could have the ptivile~e
~he City Atto~ey noted that Janua~ 30~ 1978 Is the last date for introduci~ legislation
~. Hubard offered a substitute motion that action on the m~sure be de/er~ed until the
could be brought to her attention. The ~otion ~as seco~d~ by Hr. Zh~s and adopted.
(See page 180 for r~inder of Council action on this ~tter.)
enter~ into between the City of Ro~oke and the cowry of Roanoke and Roanoke ~ty Public
Se~ice Authority and conditionally authorized the ~yor and the City CleIk to execute such
(t2t~2) ~ O~I~CE ~endi~0rdi~nce ~o. 2397i, dated Janua~ 3, 1978t ~ich
Ordinance approved a certain contract prepared to be entered into between the City of Roanoke and
the ~unty of Roanoke and Roanoke County tublic Se~ice Authority and coMitio~117 authorized
the Hayo: and City Clerk to execute such contract for a~ on behalf of the City of Roanoket so as
(Vlce-~ayor Bo~les vas absent)
In resard to the matter, the Hayor ~ade the following statement:
mThe City of Roan~ken~de aa offer to the County on DecaYer 28e 1971,
to transfer o~mership of ali water and ee~er cueto~re each ~ In the
other% Jurisdiction along vith ~ership of t~ utility lines with the
City also a~ree/ng to ~y approx~tely ~1,~,~.~ in cask and agreeing
to sell bulk ~ater at a substantial fi~ncial loss to the City. ~is loss
on the sale of water Is projected ~o be at an initial rate of
~e City Is wllll~ to pay the initial price of ~1,~.~ plus
sustain the initial loss of $190~.~er year to the rater syst~
~e v~ld also ~ve liked to ~ve been assured of the ~y*s unqualified
to vfsoro~ly oppose any legislation l~posins a ceill~ on local business, profes~lo~l and
(~2~3) A ~0~I~ ursin~ the City% representatives la the 19~8 Session of the
(Vice-Mayor ~o~les was absent)
SYADIUH: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure waiving the rental fees and incidental charges for the use of Victory Stadi~mby the
American Heart Association of Roanoke and the Star City Striders on February 25~ 1978, upon certain
term~ and conditions, he presented same; whereupon, Hr, Hubard offered the following Resolution:
(#24001) A RESOLUTION waiving the rental fees and incidental charges for the use of
Victory Stadi~by the American Heart Association of Roanoke and the Star City Striders on February
25t 1978, upon certain terms and conditions.
(For lull text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubardt Taubman, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None O.
(Vice~ayor Bovles vas absent)
ACIS OF AC~O~J~C~/~T-CITY COVERNPS~T: Council having previously instructed the
City Attorney to prepare the proper measure expressl~ appreciation to the Nayor of the City of
Klst~u, Kenya~ for certain gifts to the City of Roanoke and for the reception siren the Cltyts
representatives during their recent visit to Risumu and also expressing appreciation go ehe Peace
Corps Director for Kenya for having the gifts shipped to the City~ he presented sa~e; whereupon~
Hr. Nubard offered the following Resolution:
(121005) A ~ESOLUTI(/~ expressi~ appreciation to the Nayor of the City of Klsumu,
Kenya, for recent gifts to the City of Roanoke and for the reception given the City's representarivel
durinS their recent visit to Klsumu and expressin§ appreciation to the Peace Corps Director for
Kenya for having the said iff ts shipped go the City.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland~ Grove~ Hubard, Taub=an, ~homas and Hayor Taylor --6
NAYS: None
(¥ice-Nayor Bo~les was absent)
CIVIC CES'TERt Council I~tvin~ previously instructed the City Attorney to prep&re the
proper ne&sure astendin[ the City Code SO as to authorize check vithdravals on the specisl revolvin~
bank checkin~ account at the Civic Center to per.it deposit of excess cash over and abo~e operatins
requlr~ntsl and to provide for &$ days, instead of five days, for reaiselon of all net receipts
(~2t~6) Ali O~IIIA~CE to amend &nd reordalu Section i.1, Special revolvin~ bank checkI~
HAYS: Non~
(Vice-N~yor Bovles vas absent)
HEALTH DKPARTHEN~: Council havinl previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure acceptivg the bid of Watts and Breakell, Incorporated, for remodelint the
Division of ~otor Vehicles building in Roanoke~ Virginia, for the City's Health Department~ upon
certain terms and conditio~s~ for a total price of $18~?00.00~ he presented s~el where~pon~ Hr.
Grove offered the following e~e~e~cy O~dl~a~ce:
(~2t007) AN ORDINANCE accepti~g a certain bid and a~ardins a certain contract for
remodelins the Division of Motor Vehicles buildin~ in ~oanoke, Virginia, for the Clty*s Health
Department, upon certain terms and conditions; relectin~ other bids therefor; and providing for
an emergency-
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ho.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance, The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor-- .6,11
(Vice-Mayor Bowles ~as absent)
~ATERDEPARIME~: Council havtn~ previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure accepting the bid cf L. H. Brc~m, Sr.~ Decoratin§ Incorporated, for the interior
painting of the Cityts Carvins Cove Filter Plant, for a ltm~ sum of $1&sl13.00~ he presented
same; vhereupon, Hr. Grove offered the followin~ emergency Ordinance:
NAYS: None
(ViceoNayor Bc~les ~as absent)
haves i~t~cted the City Atto~ey to prepare t~ proper ~asure pr~idin~ for certain appropria~lm
a~or tr~fers within t~ 1977-78 b~et, ~. Hubard offered the foll~in~ emergency Ordi~ncel
(~2t010) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordain certain sections of t~ 19]]-78 ~propriation
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see Ordi~nce ~k No.
and adopt~ by the foll~ln~ votel
A~ ~uncil m~ers ~rla~ Crove~ Hubard~ Taub~n~ ~s and ~yor Taylor .... 6
NAYS= None O.
(Vice-Hayor Bovles was absent)
(See January 16, 1978 Financial and Planning Session minutes.)
CO~HCILt l~e Hayor presented a co~unication requesting an Executive Session to discuss
a legal matter.
Hr. Taubman moved that Council concur in the request of the Hayor. ~he motion was
seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the folloviug vote:
AYES.' Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and Nayor Taylor- --6.
(Vice-Hayor Bowles was absent)
COUNCIL: Hr. Thomas moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a real estate
matter. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the follovinB vote:
AYEgz Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubardt Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor------6.
NAYS: None O.
(Vice-Hayor Bowles absent)
HOA~OKE CI~Y A~TS CC~tISSION: The Hayor called to the attention of Council that there
is a vacancy on the Roanoke City Arts Commission created by the resignation of Hr. Peter ~reden
for a term of one year ending June 30, 1978, and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Thomas placed in nomination the na~e of Hr. Roy T. Hcodall.
There being no further nominatlons~ Hr. ~oodall vas elected as a member Of the Roanoke
City Arts Comission for a term of one year ending June 30, 1978, by the following vote:
FOR~R. HOODALL: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor. 6.
(Vtce-N~yor Bowles was absent)
CITY PLANNING COP//IS$ION: The~ayor called to the attention of Council that there is a
vacancy On the City Planning Commission created by the resignation of Hr. Joseph D. Lawrence, for
a term ending December 31, 1978, and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Taubman placed in nomination the name of Hr. Dennis L. Hontgomery.
There beinB no further nominations, Hr. Hontgomery ~as elected as a membe~ of the City
Planning Co~mission to fill the tmexpired term of Hr. Joseph Do Lawrence, resigned, ending December
31, 1978, by the following vote:
FOR HR. HONTGOHr~Y: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor.
(¥ice-Hayor Bowles vas absent)
Zi~ING: The Mayor called to the attention o£ Council that there is a vacancy on the
Board of Zoning Appeals for a term of three years ending December 31, 1980, created by the resigna-
tion of Hr. Richard R. SoedeBar and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Taubman placed in nomination the n~e of Hr. H. Hiles Smythers.
There being no further nominations, Hr. Smythers was elected as a member of the Board
of Zoning Appeals for a term of three years ending December 31, 1980, by the following vote:
(¥ice-Hayor Bo~les ~as absent)
At 3:25 p.m., the Hayor declared the meeting recessed.
At 6~0'~ p.s., tl~ meetiu~ re¢ouvtned ~ith Nayor Taylor preaidiag, and all Council
me~bers present vlth t~ t~ctption of ~c~yo~
v~Id req~st the 1978 Session of the ~neral ~se~ly to ~ Section 22-67.20 ~e of Yiriinia
(1950)~ as ~edj so ~ to pr~ide for an a~l salary for ~ers of the City of ~ano~
School ~ards ia an ~t not to exce~ ~lj~.~ per yeart Hr. ~b~rd offered t~ foll~in~
(~2t~1) A ~0~I~ re~uestl~ t~ 1978 Sessioa of the General ~se~ly to
Section 22-6~.2~ ~de of VlrSlnia (1950)~ as ~ed~ so as to pr~lde for an annul salary for
m~era of the City of ~aoke StOol ~ard.
(For full text of Resolutiop~ see Resolution ~k
~. Hubard ~ed the adoptl~ of the Resolution. ~e ~l~ vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the roll,in8 vote;
A~: ~cil ~e~s Grove, Hubard, ~s and ~yor Taylor-~4.
NAYS: ~uncil ~ers Oazl~d and Ta~n-~
(Vlc~r B~les ~as absent)
Honday, Febn2ar7 6, 1978.
l~e Council of the City of ~oaaoke met In resul.r leering in the Council Ch~ber in the
H~nlcipal Building, City of Roa~ke, on ~nday~ F~W 60 1978, at 2 p,m., the regular meeting
h~r~ vith ~yor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
~illin S. Hubards Nicholas F. Taub~u, ~ton ~. ~s and ~yor Hoel C. Taylor ~7.
~: None 0.
Atto~e~; Hr. Joel H. Schlanger, Director of Fi~nce~ a~ Hrs. ~ F. Parker, Clt~ Clerk.
H~: Cop~ of the ~lnu~es of the regular meeting held on.day, Jenua~ 23, 1978,
havi~ been fu~ished each ~er of ~uncll, on ~lon of ~. ~s, seconded b~ Hr. Hubard and
the City Clerk until 1:30 p.m., on Honday, Feb~a~ 6, 1978, and to be opened before c~ncil at 2
p.~., on that date, the ~yor asked If anyone ~d any questions ab~t the advertis~ent for bids
and no representative present raising any question, the ~yor lnst~ct~ the City Clerk to proceed
~lth the opening of the bids; ~ereupon, the City Clerk opened and read the roll--lng bids:
E. C. Fac~ and Company
unanl~usly adopted.
Preston ~r~oll Company - $ 1,775,82t.~
Branch and ~sociates, Inco~orated - 1,988,310.~
B~ant Electric C~pany, Inco~orated- 2,127,9t8.~
Hr. C~rlsndnoved that the bids be referred to a consttttee to be appointed by the Nayor
for tabuletlou, report end recom~ndstion to Council. ~he ~tion was eeconded by Hr. yau~man and
unanimously adopted.
~heNaTOr appoimtedNensrs. Lucian T. Crowe, Chair~ans Wllll~mA. Re.itt and Itarold G.
Hardy as men, er! of the co~n~tteeo
OPPORTUNITIES IH~JSTRIALI~A~IO~CE~I~: Hr. Ceorse E. Franklin, Executive Director,
Opportunities Industrialization Center, appeared before Council and read a prepared state.eat
sdvisin~ that he has a great feeling of depression when he sees the ~overnor of Virginia allo~lng
his public ~nage to become the bars at the windows and the guards at the doors in Virginia~e
public institutions of high education for him and other me~bers of his ethnic group. He said
me~bere of his ethnic Stoup fovght in the 1950~s and 1960~s to get through these barriers and
they do not expect the~ to be re~oved over the next century. Re said hie ethnic group expects the
governments to spearhead the re.oval, not under-gird thenl that he, as a blscknan, would like to
use his time addressin~ the problems of all Roanokers, such as e~ploymentl education, envirotmental
healtb~ including housing, bunan respect and nationalism, but he must now give time to addressing
the rejection of a quality approach to preparin~ the future for his children and the children of
his ethnic grovp. He asked for Council% assistance in this matter because Council% considered
opinion expressed to the ~overnormay prevent his having to take.ore time fronhis effort to
help revitalize the spirit of Roanokers.
Hr. Franklin further co~ented on the fact that OIC has received $65~0OO for lmple~entin$
a prosra~ in ~outhCo~mnity Conservation and I~prove~ent Projects, that 25 youths between the
ages of 16 and 19 are being e~ployed under this federal progr~and their efforts should result
in an additional ~ youths having part-time work not supported by federal funds. He noted that
these young people will be deployed in four areas that have direct benefits to the people of the
Valley: (1) neighborhood lmprove~ent~ (2) neighborhood educational services, (3) co~unity
health services and education~ and (~) data collection. He said this program should put $~,OOO.00~
via salaries, into the Roanoke Valley.
Hr. Franklin noted further that on February l, 1978~ OIC entered into a lease agreement
with the city for Stall 33 at the Clty H~rket Building and they are no~ preparing it as their
first youth and senior citizens e~ploy~ent a§ency, l~neir goal is to match the growth and
stage of youth ~ith the skill stage of senior citizens for the purpose of providing citizens of
the Valley with affordable part-ti~e employees who can do quality work on s~all Jobs fro~house
cleaning to landscaping.
In concl~dir~, Hr. Franklin asked that Council consider upgrading the Stadit~ facility.
Ne noted that OIC bas experienced locks bel~ changed without notifying them and/or providing
keys, that they recently experienced a truck fallin~ through the blacktop because the city had falle
to have it repaired an~ with a new City ~naEer, OIC would like to have Co~ncil consider upEradin~
and lncreasin~ the utilization of the stadi~ as a ~ulti-service facility. Ee said that the city
has Co~unity Development F~nds available and with OIC programs operating from the Stadium, they
think they can qualify for so~e of these funds as vel1 as others.
(For full text, see state.eat on file in the City Clerkis Office.)
Hr. Taubman said there ~ere certain items in Hr. Franklin~s state.eat that should be
referred to 1978-~9 budget study and certain lt~ that should be referred to the city a~aninistrati¢
and moved that the statement be referred to the City Hana~er for the purpose of detet-mlnin~ where
the various requests should be referred. The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland and unanimously
Chairman, Clean Valley Co~ittee~ appeared before Council and requested that Council adopt a measure
that would forwally channel Roanoke City's share of the funds provided by the State Litter Control
Act directly to the Clean Valley Co~nittee to help fund its operation in 19~8. He noted that
Hr. Frank Hunt~ Executive Coordinator of the Committee has been working closely with responsible
state officials to make this direct fundin~ possible, that he has been advised that the State
Division of Litter Control is very enth~siastic about the coordinated valley~ide program and
they consider it to be a most appropriate use of state funds.
Ihe Iiayor asked if there is any responsibility on the part of the City of Roanoke once
the funds are received to monitor in any ~ay the spendin~ of the funds~ ~nereupon, the City llanaEer
replied that in terlns of all grants there needs to be an appropriate ~onitoring program since the
city is ultimately responsible for the funds and he suggested that in terms of this ~rant and any
other grant ~hich is approved, Council should stipulate that the appropriate oversight mechanism
will be developed by the city ad~lnistration to insure that the funds are spent in accordance
with the purpose for which they were initially approved.
Hr. Grove offered the followtn~ Resolution of support for the Clean Valley Committee,
(#21011) A RESOLUTION expressing support for the Clean Valley Cowmittee, Inc.~ authorizi~
the Colnmittee to coordinate a litter control program with Roanoke County and the City of Salem;
and authorizin~ the Committee to apply for a ~rant on behalf of the City, upon certain ter~s and
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Gro~e moved the adoption of the Resolution, l~e motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follo~iug vote:
AYES:Council =tmbers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, ~homas and Nayor
Taylor -~7.
NAYS:None. ~'
Hr. Itubard moved that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper ~n~asure
provldln~ for monitoring and oversight by the adninistration of all grants approved by the
Council. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr* Thomas and unanimously adopted.
LIFE SAVII~G C~S: Hr. Robert J. Lee, Captain of the Hunton Life Saving and First Aid
disturbed about a situation concerning their territorial rights. He said that on January 16~
the City of ROanoke in~hich he presented his concerns. Re said he vas informed at the m~eting
if the boundary lines are Justified.
Hr. Lee noted that in Januarys 197bi Council asked the City N~naser to m~ke a study and
appeared before Council and said that last month the total number of ~ergency calls answered by
this sa proble~came up two years ago and it ~as referred to the ~ayor*s Office and finally to
~oody Distributors~ Collegiate Pacific Va.~ Incorporated~ and Pc~ers Fence Company, Incorporated~
at 10th Street and 1-581~ and requesting that Council do whatever is within its po~er to see that
(For full text~ see com~nlcations on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
In explanation~ the Deputy Hanager of City Planning said the plan~hich is being referred
to is the Thoroughfare Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan ~hichwas recently adopted by
Council. He noted that the interchange is still included and is still within policy discussto~ that
the interchange with Rershberser Road and Orange Avenue.
Progra~ account of the 1977-78 budBet, said funds to be used for the purchase of property located
at 2625 Rosalind Avenue, S. ~.~ was before Council.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Cle£kms Office.)
In this connection, a report of the Water Resources Committee recommending that Council
authorize the purchase of the property, the razing of the buildinss and restoration of the site
from the $37,0~0.00 and fuzther that Council dedicate the property for school purposes, was also
before the body.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Faubman questioned whether or not the $19,0OO.00vill be taken from the deferred
teachers* salariesl vhereupons the Clerk of the School Board replied in the affirmative, advising
that this is the largest account and it seemed to be the most appropriate in which to transfer
funds, that it is too early to kno~what the surplus vi11 be in the School Board budget at the
end of the fiscal years but he said he felt confident that the $37,0OO.00vill be returned to the
Hr. Taubman offered the following emergency Ordinance transferring $39,OOO.OO from
Instruction under Section t1701 "Schools", to Capital Project Fund under Section fli55s t~ransfers'~
of the 1777-~8 budget:
(12&012) AN ORDINkNCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1771-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinances and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Carland
and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bcr~less Carland, Groves Hubard! Taubman, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: Non~
Hr. Th~s moved that the report of the Water Hesources ~o~ittee be received and
filed. ~he ~otion was seconded by Hr. Taub~n and unanimously adopted.
SCHOOLS-}OJNIClPAL AUDITOR: A communication from the Clerk of the Roanoke City School
Board transmitting a Resolution of the Board requesting Council to grant~ by Ordinancet general
authorization for audits to be performed by the Hunicipal Auditor at the School Board's request
of the affairs and records of the School Board, ~as before Council.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the request be referred to the Audit Committee for studys report
and reco~endation to Council. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
Fo Clarks Clerk, Board of County Supervisorss Roanoke County~ transmittin~ an addendum to the water
and sewer contract vlth the City of Roanokes advising that the Board is of the opinion that the
follo~in~ two ter~ should be included in the contract under date of December 27,
"1. The County shall have authority to purchase the Hunting
Hills-CraiBhead ~ater systems in southvest Roanoke County
and to continuously utilize the wells presently in exis-
tence in said system to serve existing and new customels
within the present service area of said systeu~.
2. The se~-eice area of said syste~ may be expanded should
the City not have a ~ater line capable of serving said
area ~ithin 2,O~O feet of said area as set out in Para-
graph 2.8. of the December 27, 1977, contract between the
City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke.~
Hr. Hubard read · prepared statement advisi~ that when the city felt confident that
all ~aJor differences had been reconciled in negotiations with the county, it offer~ a
contrac~ to t~ c~ty contl~ent only upon it ~ln~ accepted ~y Fe~ry 1~ 1918~ t~t to the
city°s surprise a~ dimy, the c~nty c~ back with a r~u~t t~t the city ~lfy this contract
in a ~er which se~ingly w~ld pemit t~ drillin~ of n~ veils la t~ H~ti~ Hills area,
t~t this indicates t~t the three ~ers of the ~ty ~ard of Supe~isors ~lch support the
the si~nl~ of the contract ap~re~ly object to any relinquis~nt by the cowry of any of its
right to develop n~ s~rces of ~ter in areas ~ich the city can f~eely and fully supply and
(For full tex~ see stat~en~ on file In the City Clerk's Off,ce.)
Hr. ~bard then ~ved t~t the adde~ be taken under adv~se~n~. ~e ~lon was
seco~d by ~. Ta~n a~ u~ni~usly
representin~ pa~en~ ~n lieu of taxes fr~ all of its h~sin~ proJects~ ~as before ~uncll.
m~ber of the ~ard of Ad~ust~n~s and Appeals, ~lldinE ~de~ effective JanusW 30, 1918~ was
before ~uncll.
advisin~ that the ~ard ~t receive concurrence of City Co~cil before it can approve an increase
(For full text, see c~nication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
vas seconded by Hr. ~land and una~ously adopted.
(For full text, see report on file tn the City Clerk*s Office.)
(f24013) A L~SOLUTIC~t requestias State participation in the non-federal share of
Capital Grant Pro.leer Ho. VA-O~*
(For full t~t of ~esolu~ion, see ~esolutiou ~k Ho.
Hr. ~b~rd ~ed the a~ptl~ of t~ Resolution. ~ ~tlou w~ sec~ed by Hr, G~ve
and adopted by the foll~l~ vote:
A~:' ~uncil ~ers ~rla~ Grove~ Hub~rd~ Th~s a~ ~yor Taylor ~5.
(~. Ta~n v~-out of ~he ~cil ~er.)
the city, a~lsi~i ~ht prell~U fibres, still bei~ f~d~ iMi~e that the city can
provide this semite for ~i.~ - ~5.~ per container, tht tMs c~ares to t~ $6.~ bid for
c~rci~l se~ice ~ith neither approach ~lderin~ t~ $i.~ per ton disposal fee a~ the laMfi]
(~2t01t) I ~O~llO~ re]ecti~i all bids received for providiu~ fron~ loadin~ bulk
In th~s co~nection, Hr. B~ce Brenner, President, C~.cle Systems, Incorporated, appeared
before Council and presented a communication transmitting copy of the Alternate Bid they submitted,
advising that in brieft it deals vith Cycle Systems picking up 25I of the city~s present hulk
TO~ALA~'~I(~tiAt~AllfST POVERT~-{iit.~rIS-~)GL~I lhe City F~ger s~tted a written
report In c~ection with a ~rant approved by the Division of Justice ~ Cr~ ~revention for
conti~a~l~of the ~ordl~t~Y~th Semites trozr~of Total Action~al~t ~erty, In t~
total ~t of ~56~168.~ co~isti~ of ~B233.~ fr~ Block ~s, $2,~57,~
General ~n~ and $9~478.~ f~ a 1o~1 cash ~tch to be f~ded by ~otal Action Agains~ Poverty.
(For full text~ see ~eport on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~bard offered the foll~ins ~ergen~ Ordl~nce ~i~ the 1977-78 Cran~
Fund ~propriation Ordinate:
(JetO16) ~ O~I~CE to ~nd a~ reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Grant
(For full text of Ordl~nce, see ~di~ce ~ok No.
and adopted by the foll~i~ vote:
~YS: ~one
Ers. ~les offered the foll~lng ~esolu~lon authorizing the acceptance of the grant:
(~2~01~) A ~O~ION authorizi~ the acceptance of ~ ~force~nt Gran~ No. 7~A~281
Taylor ...................
(~2~018) ~ O~I~CE ~end[~ Ordinance ~o. 23~6, adopted by this ~uncil on Jan~
Mr Thomas offered the follc~iv~ emers y
(~2&019) AN ORDINANCE to amen~ and reor~ain certain sections of the 19]]-~8 Appropria-
DX~OR OF FL~A~CEt The Clty l~anager end the Director of Finance eubldttt~! a Joint
~eport In co~ction ~ithbids~tch~re received for ren~atio~ to t~ Office of Billings
a~ ~llectio~, advisl~ t~t three contractors su~itted bide on Jan~U 31, 1978, ~th Blane
a~lte~utmction~anysu~ittina t~ l~bid of $7,746.~, that on Hov~er 2lb 1977,
~cil authorized the Director of Fiance to expe~ up to $5,690.~ for these ren~ations
NAYS: None. ~o
BUI)~E~-Ei~UIPHEN~: ~he City ltanager submitted a written report concurring in a report
of the Bid Committee relative to the purchase of truck~ and related equipment, recommending
that certain bids of Berglund CheYrolet, Incorporated, Dominion Dodse, Incorporated, General
Weldi~ & Hachine, Roanoke Welding Company, and Hagic City Hotor Corporation, be accepted.
(For full text, see reports on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Taub~an offered the following e~ergency Ordinance a~endin~ certain sections of
the 1977-78 budset to provide funds for purchase of the trucks and related equipment:
(12&022) ~S ORDI~CE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providin~ for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion va~ seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None-
(Hr. Grove abstained fro~votin~o)
Hr. Hubard offered the foXlo~rinE emergency Ordinance providfn~ for the purchase of
the trucks and related equipment:
(f2~023) A~ ORDIRA~CE providing for the purchase of certain vehicles and vehicular
equip~ent for use by the City, upon certain terI~s and conditions, by accepting certain bids
made to the City for furnishin~ and delivering said vehicles and equipment; rejecting all other
such bidsl providing for the issuance of requisite purchase orders for all such equipment; and
providin~ for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~tion was seconded by
Thomas and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
AYES: Council members go~les, Garland. Rubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor
IO. YS: None O.
(Hr. Grove abstained from voting.)
COt~CIL: The Assistant City HandSet submitted a vritten report requesting an Executive
Session vith Council in accordance ~ith Section 2.1-3~l (a) (4) of the Code of Virginia.
Hr. Hubard q~estioned the subject of the Executive Session; ~hereupon, the Assistant
City ~anager stated that it pertains to the possibility of a ne~ business or industry locating
~ithin the City of Roanoke.
Hr, Hubard moved that Council ~eet in Executive Session to discuss a confidential
real estate matter. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
NAYS: None.
Z/I~ING-SPECIAL PERMITS: Ordinance No. 2399S granting revocable, non-transferable
permission to (~y N. Walters to pursue the home occupation of rebuilding and repairing vacuum
cleaners upon premises located at 123 Courtney Avenue, N. E., Official Tax No. 3090619, upon
certain terms and conditions, having previously been before the Council for its first reading,
read and adopted on its first reading and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Grove
offering the follc~ing for its second reading and final adoption:
(t23995) AN ORDINANCE granting revocable, non-transferable permission to Guy N.
Walters to pursue the home occupation of rebuilding and repairing vacnum cleaners upon premises
located at 123 Courtney Avenue, N. E., known as Official Tax No. 3090619, upon certain terms
and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
}ir. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Bubard, Taubman, Thomas and
Mayor Taylor.
NAYS: None O.
SALE OF pROpERTY-CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No. 2399g providing for the sale and
conveyance of a parcel of land situate in the city on the southerly side of Norfolk Avenue, S.
E., between 17th Street and the terminns of Norfolk Avenue at Tinker Creek, Official Tax No.
4210221 to Roanoke Swift Homes, Incorporated, for the consideration of $300.00, having previously
been before the council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading, and
laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Hubard offering the following for its second reading
and final adoption:
(t23998) AN ORDINANCE providing for the sale and co~eyance of a parcel of land
situate in this City on the southerly side of Norfolk Avenue S. B., between 17th Street and the
terminus of Norfolk Avenue and Tinker Creek, and bearing Official Tax No. 4210221.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr.
Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: council members B~wles, ~arland, Grove, Nubard, Taubman and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Hr. Thomas abstained from voting.)
$1~EE~S A~D ALI~/$: lit. ltubsrd offered the following Resolution directing viewers
heretofore appointed by the Councils any three of whom nay act, to vle~ an additional alley
area within Block 6, eccordin~ to the survey for Runn~nede Corporation, Incorporated, ss per a
request Of Hr. C. D. I~est end enlarged upon by the City Plannln~ ~missfon and set for public
hearing before the Council on Hondsy~ Februat'y 13, 1918:
(#2&02~) A RESOLUTIOIi directing vied, ers heretofore appointed, any three of ~hom may
act, to view an additional alley area within Block 6, nccordin~ to the survey for Runnynede
Corporations Inc,, more specifically described below.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution, The motion was seconded by Hr.
Grove and adopted by the follo~ing voter
AYESI Council members Bowles, Garland, Cro~e, Hubard, Taub~an, Tho~s and
H~yor Taylor,
Hr. Hubard moved that the remaining vacancies be deferred until the regular meeting
of Council on ~onday, February 27, 1978. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman and unanimously
CItY HA~ACER: ~he City Clerk reported that Hr. H. B. Ewert has qualified as City
Hanager of the Cit7 of Roanoke.
Hr. Hubard moved that the qualification be approved and received and filed. The
motion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the followin~ vote:
AYES: Council members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Rubard, Taubman, ~homas and ~ayor
Taylor. 7.
RAYS: None 0*
There being no further business, the }layor declared the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
February 13, 1978.
The Couu¢ll of the City of Roanoke~et in rngularmeetl~g in the Council O~ber in
the Hunicipal Building, City of Roanoke, on Nonday, February 131 1978, at 7~30 p.m., vithllayor
Noel C. Taylor presiding,
pur~: Ccmncil me.here Elizabeth T. Rovles, Robert A. Garland, Luci,n Y. Crove,
Vlllia~S, Nuberd, Nicholas F. Taub~an, Na~pton W. Th~as audlisyor Noel C. Tailor
~.~D~II None O.
Hr. Leroy Baireton, 326 ~utherford Avenues N. ~., rupresentlng residents on the south
aide of Rutherford Avenues in the Gainsboro area, appeared before Council and advised that
residents on the scvth side of Rutherford Avenue were told when property on the north aide was
acquired, the south aide would be next. Hr. Knit, ton requested that this area be included in
the next target area ~hieh will fulfill a cmitn~nt that wes previously made to the south side
Approximately ten residents of the south side Of Rutherford Avenue were present at the
Hr. Leon L. Fields, 321 lhrrieon Avenue, N. ~., appeared before Council in support of
the re~arks of Hr. Hair, toni and requested that Council complete Rutherford Avenue, then proceed
to HcDo~ell and Chestnut Avenues and vork back to the railroad tracks.
Hr. T. R. Holland, 227 Chestnut Avem2e~ B. ~., also appeared before Council and reiterated
the re~arks of Hr. Hairston, advising that a co~nitnent vas made by the Housing Authority to
residents on the south side Of Rutherford Avenue.
Hr. Eugene Traylor, Program Coordinator~ City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Rousing
Authority, appeared before Council and stated that at no time vas there a c~it~ent made to
residents on the south side of Rutherford Avenue or the north side of H~rrison Avenue.
In connection with the statenents which were made that the Housing Authority had
conmitted itself to proceed with the south aide of Rutherford Avenue in the 1978-79 fiscal year
of Connunlty Development Block Grant funding, Hr. R. R. Henley, Executive Director of the Housint
Authority, stated that perhaps hie re~arkswere nisunderstood or ~ere not quite clear. He said
the Housing A~thority could never commit itself to any project with uncertainties as to funding
and knowing full veil that the City Council has to approve any reco~nendations.
The Reverend Thc~s E. Cre~s, 626 Focahonta~ Avenue, N. E., and President of the
Dean~ood Concerned Citizens, appeared before Council and advised that their project ha~ been a
ten year project, that they were left o~er fro~ the old Kimball Urban Renewal FroJect and there
was not enough money for their site to he included audi therefore because of a lack of funds,
the city has only had enough noney to move a fe~ families each year. Re requested that Co~mcil
do whatever is possible to give the Dean~ood area sc~e priority.
The Reverend Kenneth ~rlght, President of the PAC Co~nittee and Fa, tot of First B~ptist
Church on north Jefferson Street, appeared before Council on behalf of the PAC Co~nittee and
urged that all consideration be given to the request of residents on the south aide of Rutherford
Aven~e. In respect to the position of the Church, Reverend Wright urged that Co,nell support
the Housin~ Authorityta proposal and that Council utilize all ueans to initiate Option C as
contained in the City~anagerts report.
After a very lengthy disc~ssion of the natter, Hr. Thc~n~as motion vas unaninously
Hr. Tauh~nuoved that the City ~nager be requested to neet in the very near future
with representatives of the south side of Rutherford Avenue, representatives of the FAC Committee
and representatives of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority for the purpose
of discussin~ the request made by south side Rutherford Avenue residents and report back to
Co,nell on the feasibility or non-feasibility of inclusion of property on the south aide of
Rutherford Avenue in the 1978-79 Congruity Development Block Grant. ~ne notion ~aa seconded by
Hr. ~ho~as and un~n~nously adopted.
ZOH~HG: Rursuant to the instructions of Council, a public hearing vas set for 7:30
p.m., Honday, February 13, 1978, on the request of Virginia Synod Lutheran Ho~ea, Incorporated,
that property located at 3~0~ Brandon Avenue, S. ~., described as ll.O1 acres, and being par~ of
the property designated by Official T~x Ho. ~1~030~, be rezoned fro~ RS-I, Single-Fa~ly Residential
District, to C-l, Office and Institutional District, the matter vas before the body.
la this connectionl a co~=uunication from Dr. Jo Luther Hauney~ President, Virginia
Synod Lntheran Ho~es~ Incorporated~ requesting pet'~lssion to withdra~ the request for rezoning,
vas before Council.
(For full text, see co~unication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in Dr. F~uney~s request to withdraw the petition
for rezoning at this time. The ~otton was seconded by lira. Bo~lea and unanimously adopted.
ZONING: Pursuant to instructions of the Council, a public hearinBvas set for 7:30
p.m., Hondayl February 13, 1978~ on the request o£ Hr. T. D. Steele that a 1.117 acre tract of
land located at the southwest corner of Herahberger Road and Grandvtc~rAvenue~ H. ~o, as shc~m on
"Hershberger ~ap", and identified as Parcel 'C", Official Tax ~o. 2270226, be rezoned from RS-3,
Single-Family Residential District, and RG-I~ General Residential District, to C-2, General
Co~wercial District, the matter vas before the body.
In this connection, the City Planning Commission submitted a written report reco~ending
that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that the follo~int Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(tZtO25) AN ORDINANCE to amend Title XV, Chapter t.1~ Section 2, of The Code of the
City of Roanoke, 1956~ as amended, and Sheet No. 227, Sectional 1976 Zone Hap, City of Roanoke~
in relation to Zoning.
The ~otion vas aeconded by Hr. Hubard.
lit. ~. L. Cecil represeetl~ his ~other vho resides da the ares, appeared before
Council a~ c~lsiued of ~ prior ~tifl~ti~ to surr~l~ residents. He furt~r ~t~ t~
uo late~g ~e for the proper~y ~s been est~lished by the pe~ltl~er,
t~ his cliea~ ~ no specific pu~ose for the pr~er~y, h~ver, ~. Steele h~ talked in te~
purpose In ~.
~e foll~i~ vote vas recorded ~ ~di~nce Ho. ~015 on its firs~ readi~:
A~ ~cil m~ers ~rland, Gr~e, ~ubard, ~aub~u, ~s and ~yor ~aylor
Z~G: ~rs~nt to i~c~io~ of the ~cil, a public heari~ v~ se~ for ll~
p.2., ~ay, Feb~ 13, 19~8, on the r~u~t of Billy H. ~rb~r tha~ approx~tely seven
acres of la~ locat~ iu the City of ~anoke~ apprcxl~tely ~IO fee~ ~r~b of U. S. ~u~e ilO
a~ lyin~ helen ~side ~ubdivision and ~berts Road, S. ~., Official ~ ~o. 5~116, be
vas before the b~y.
t~t the request be Eranted.
~di~nce be placed upon its first reading~
(Mr. Hubard abstained fro~ votius)
ZO~IEG: Pursuant to instructions of the Council, a public hearinEwas set for 7:30
p.m., ~onday, February 13, 1978, on the request of Donald G. Cuadtff and Oakley I. Stone that
property located at 503&t 5038 and 50t2 Hearthstone Roadt H. W., described as Lots ?, 8 and 9,
Block &, Airlee Court00fficiel Tax Hos. 2190507, 2190508 and 2190509, be rezoued from
Single-Foully Residential Dletrict, to C-2, Generel Gomnercial District, and property located at
lli6Haitland Avenues H. ~.. described as Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 6, Alrlee Court, Official
Tax Ho. 2190510, be rezo~nd iron C-I, Office and Institutional District, to C-2, General Co~nercial
District, the u aCtor was before the body.
In thio connection, the City Planning Commission submitted a written report reco~ending
that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Hlchael J. Aheron, Attorney, appeared before Council in support of the request of
hie clients.
No one appearing in opposition to the request for cozening, Hrs. Bo~lesmoved that the
following Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(~24028) AN O~DIHANCE to amend Title XV, Chapter &.l, Section 2. of The Code of the City
of ~oano]~. 1956. as amended, and Sheet No. 219, Sectional 1976 Zone Hap, City of Roanoke, in
relation to Zoning.
The notion was seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the relieving votez
AYES~ Council ne~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Huhard, Taubnan. Thomas and Hayer
NA¥S~ Non~ -0.
STREETS AHDALLEYS: Coun:l!~vtns Set a public hearing for 7,30 p.m., Nonday.
Feb~ry 13. 1978. on the request of Eleanor HcDovell Hebb that a certain portion of Canpbell
Avenue. S. E.. located east of lath Street. and extending to the vesterly side of an alley 15
feet in width which extends along the westerly boundary of Fallen Park. be vacated, discontinued
and closed, the~atter vas before the body.
in this connection, the City Planning Co~nfssion sub~ttted a written report recommending
that the request be granted.
(For full t~xt, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
The vievers appointed to vl~ the portion of the street submitted a vritten report
advising that they have visited and viewed the street portion and they are unanimously of the
opinion that no inconvenience would result either to any individual or to the public from vacating.
discontinuing and closing sa~e.
(For full text, see ~eport on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. George I. Yegel. II. Attorney. representing the petitioner appeared before Council
in Support of the request of his client.
No one appearing in opposition to the request. Hr. Nubard ~oved that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(#2&029) AH OADINA~cE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing that certain
ttou of C~phell Avenue. S. E.. between the easterly line of 18th Street, S. E.. and the westerly
side of an alley 15 feet in vldth which extends along the westerly boundary of Fallen Park. abutted
on the north by Lot 1. Section 5. HcDouald Addition. Official City Tax No. ~210814, and on the
so,th by Section 6, ~cDonald $~dition. Official City Tax No. 4212A01. as is ~ore particularly
described hereinafter.
The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Taub~an and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Geuncil me~bers Eowles, Garland, Grove. t~bard. Taub~an, Thomas and Hayer
Taylor ? *
NA¥S= None O.
STREETS AND ALLU~S~ Council having set a public hearing for ~:30 p.m.. ~onday. Febl-uary
13. 1978. on the request of Fletcher g. and Entth K. Altice that a certain alleyway approximately
ten feet in width, being parallel to Garden City Boulevard and Melcher Street, S. S.~ extending
from the southerly side of Danforth Avenue to the northerly side of Carico Avenue, S. E.. be
vacated, discontinued and closed, the matter was before the body.
In this connection, the City Planning Commission submitted a written report recommending
that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
The viewers appointed co view the alle~ay submitted a written report advising that
they have visited and viewed the alley and they are unanimously of the opinion that no inconvenient
would result either to any individual or to the public from vacating, discontinuing and closing
(12&030) A~ OunI~L~CE peruauentl7 vacating, diecontinuinS ~d eZost~ a ~eztala all.ay,
approx~tely 10 feet in vtdth, bei~ parallel to ~rden City ~levard, S. E., a~ Helcher Street,
S. E.~ ~te~tng fr~ the s~therly side of O~orth Av~ue, S, E,, to the northerly side of
~rtco Ave~eo S. E.o as is ~re particularly describ~ herel~fter.
~e ~ti~ vas seco~ed by ~. ~rla~ a~ adopted by t~ fo11~i~ votel
A~ ~uncil ~ero ~1e8~ ~rla~, G~veo H~ard, Ta~n, ~s and ~yor
~AYS~ Hone-
STB~ETS A~D ALLEYS: Council having set a public hearing for 7:30 p.a., Honday0 February
13, 1978, on the anended request of Hr. C. D. Westo Jr** that tvo alleys vithiu Block 6, according
to the survey for ~unnyuede Corporation, Inco~orateds be vacated0 discontinued and closeds the
matter was before the body.
In this connection0 the City Plsnnin& Commission subnitted a vritten report reco~ending
that the request be granted vith the inclusion of the re~atnder of the east-~est alley.
(For full text, see report ou file in the City Clerk"s Office.)
The vievers appointed to vie~ the alleys subsoiled a vritten report advising that they
are unanimously of the opinion that no inconvenience vould result either to any individual or to
the p~blic iron vacating, discontinuin~ and closing same.
(Fo~ full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Philip H. Lemon, Attorney, representing the petitioner, appeared before Council in
support of the request of his client.
No one appearing in opposition to the request, Hr. Thomas moved that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(#2&031) AU ORDInaNCE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing tvo alleys within
Block 6 accordinS to the survey for Runnymede Corporation, Inc.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the follo~i~i vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bovles~ Garland, Crove~ Hubard, Taub~an, ~hc~as and Eayor
Hz. ltubard ~oved that the state.eat be referl~ed to 1978-79 budget study. ~he ~otion
vas seconded by Hr. Taub~aa and u~an~sly adopted.
PEflTI~$ Alfl) CC~t~J~ICA~I~IS~
funds~ vas befoze Council.
NAYS= None ~-
Prior to filling the position, Council asked that Hr. Carter confer with the City Manager
in regard to the CETA applicants that were previously referred to him and rejected.
Hr. Hubard moved that the City Manager be requested to provide Council with a report as
to a procedure he feels would be appropriate for the Council to enact relative to screenin~ and[or
facilitation by his office in selecting and assisting in the selection of appropriate staff for
the municipal officers who are not under the Jurisdiction of the City Hanager. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
BUDGET: The City Hanager submitted a written report in connection with the proposed
format and content of his 1978-79 fiscal year budget.
(For full textj see report and attachments on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
There was considerable discussion as to the part the City Manager will play in regard to
the School ~oard budget, whereupon, it was suggested that there be some meaningful dialogue between
the city administration and the school administration prior to the City Manager presenting the
school budget to Council. It was noted that this could be accomplished without any formal direction
from Council. In essence, it was stated that prior to making any cuts in the school budgett the
City HanaBer should establish a line of communication with the Superintendent of Schools advising
him of any proposed cuts and allow the Superintendent to address the issue of whether he feels the
cuts may or may not be Justified, then a series of alternatives could be arrived at Jointly between
the city administration and the school adm/ntstration.
The Council requested that action on the proposed 1978-79 fiscal year budget format and
content be deferred until the Financial and Planning Session of Council on Tuesday, February 21,
BLq)CET-POLICE DEP~TMI~T-CRANTS: The Clty~anager submitted a written report in connectio~
with Law Enforcement Grant No. 75-A3177, Police Training Academy, recommending certain budgetary
action to reduce this account to zero.
(For full textj see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Taub~an offered the foll~ing emergency Ordinance decreasing Haterials and Supplies
by $831.00 and Refund Balance by $&1.00 under Police Training Program 75-A3177 and decreasing
Grant Receipts by $790.00 of the 1977-78 Grant Programs Fund:
(t24033) A~ ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Grant
Programs Fund of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinance, and provtdin~ for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Taub~an moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded by }ir. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
(~21030) A~ OI~DII~HC~ pertunently vacatin~j diecontinuin~ and closi~ a ~ertAfa all~ay~
mppr~tely 10 feec in width, bel~ parillel to ~rden City ~levazd, S. E., ~ Helcher Street,
S. E., exte~inl rrm t~ s~therly side of D~orth Argue, S. K., to the ~rtherly aide of
NATS~ None 0.
S1TW~TS A~D AI/~YS~ Comucil having set a public hearin8 for 7~30 p.n., ~ay, Feb~ry
13, 1978, ~ t~ ~ended request of ~. C. D. ~est, Jr., t~ ~o alleys within Block 6, accordi~
to t~ su~ey for ~nn~de ~oration, Inco~orated, be vacateds discontinued a~ cl~ed, the
NAYS: None- O.
WATER DEPA~THEKI: Cotmcil having previously deferred action on a report of the City
Attorney addressing the legal validity of the additional charge for water ~ade to residents of
the Chapel Forest Subdivision; and a report of the City Attorney, Director Of Finance and Assistant
CityHanager recommending that the city's existins policy of charSinN a hisher rate for water
pumped four rimes should continue in effect, the ~arter was asain before the body.
Ihe City Hanaser advised that he had not had an Opportunity to review the matter in
detail and requested an additional time extension in ~hich to respond; whereupon, Hr. Hubard
moved that action on the ~atter be deferred until the regular ~eeting of Council on Honday,
Hatch 13, 1978, at 7:30 p.mo The motion was seconded by Hrs: Bo~les and unanimously adopted.
Hr. WilllamR. Battle, 3419 ~est Ridge Circle, S. ~., appeared before Council and
advised that there are 29 residents in the Chapel Forest area who are affected by this 50 per
cent surcharge which has been in effect for approximately twenty years. He requested that the
surcharge be removed because it is unfair to charse higher water rates to these customers and
noted that the charge should be applied on a uniform rate. He said the cost to the city to
remove the additional eharse would be quite nominal.
pLA~/I~G: Hr. Curtis R. Jenninss, Jr., President, Blue Ridge Chapter, American I~titute
of Architects, and Dr. Cary Bickel appeared before Council in regard to the City of Roanoke
participating in a concept called "Resional-Urban DesisnAssistance Team" or '~R/UDAY" and requested
a pledge Of $2,000.00 from the city to pay for publishin~ of the study and transportation, food
and lodiinSoi the team members.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
The City Hanaser advised that he feels it is very important that whatever action is
taken in the future in terms of planninS vi11 he a step~hich~ill Brine about action and redevelop-
ment. He said we should insure that we not duplicate ou~ efforts so that when people participate
in the plan that is developed, they can be as well assured as possible that the plan will turn
into development itself and, therefore he indicated he would not be in a position to support an
independent planning effort that vas not dove-tailed and coordinated with anything that may trans-
pire downtown. He said at this time he is not in a position to recommend this process to Council
unless we can find a way to fit it in to a more detailed process vhichwould involve citizens
more completely than a four day study couldo
After a discussion of the matter, Hr. Taubman moved that the request be referred to the
City Hanaser for the purpose of meeting with representatives of the Citizens~ Envirolmental
Council and representatives of the American Institute of Architects to consider the role~ if any,
that R/UDAT could ass~e in the cityts planning scheme. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and unanimously adopted.
BUDGE~-S~IHHING POOLS: Hrs. ~illia Avery appeared before Council and read a prepared
statement requesting that Council give full consideration to including funds in the forthcoming
budget study for the operation of the Hurt Park s~iminS pool durins the sum~er of 1978~ and also
that funds be included for future operation and improvements of the pool.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Rubard ~oved that the statement be referred to 1978-79 budget study. The motion
vas eecomied by Hr. Taubnan end unanin~uely adopted.
funds, vas before Council,
NAYS: None-
Frior to filling the position, Council asked that Hr. Carter confer with the City Hanager
in regard to the CETA applicants that were previously referred to him and rejected.
Hr. Hubard moved that the City Hanager be requested to provide Council with a report as
to a procedure he feels would be appropriate for the Council to enact relative to screening and/or
facilitation by his office in selecting and assisting in the selection of appropriate staff for
the municipal officers ~ho are not under the Jurisdiction of the City Hanager. ~he motion was
seconded by Hr. Ta~bman and unanimously adopted.
BUDGET: The City Hanager submitted a written report in connection with the proposed
folmmt and content of his 1978-79 fiscal year budget.
(For full text, see report and attachments on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Yhere was considerable discussion as to the part the City NanaEer will play in regard to
the School Board budget, whereupon, it vas suggested that there be so~e meaningful dialogue between
the city administration and the school administration prior to the City Hanager presenting the
school budget to Council. It was noted that this could be acco~plished vithout any formal direction
from Council. In essence, it vas stated that prior to making any cuts in the school budget, the
City Hanager should establish a line of communication with the Superintendent of Schools advising
him of any proposed cuts and allo~ the Superintendent to address the issue of ~hether he feels the
cuts may or may not be Justified, then a series of alternatives could be arrived at jointly between
the city administration and the school administration.
The Council requested that action on the proposed 1978-79 fiscal year budget format and
content be deferred until the Financial and Planning Session of Council on Tuesday, February 21,
BLUET-POLICE DEPART}~NT-GRANTS: The City~ana~er submitted a vritten report in connectioi
with Lay Enforcement Grant No. 75-A317], Police Training Academy, recom~endins certain budgetary
action to reduce this account to zero.
(For full textt see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Yaubman offered the following emergency Ordinance decreasing Haterials and Supplies
by $831.00 and Refund Balance by $11.00 under Police Training Program 75-A3177 and decreasin~
Grant Receipts by $790.00 of the 1977-78 Grant Programs Fund:
(t2~033) AN ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Grant
Programs Fund of the 1977-78 Appropriation Ordinancet and providinz for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book
Hr. Taubman moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
ATES: Council m~bere ~o~lee~ C, arlend~ Grove~ Eubard, Taubmn~ llamas and Hayoz
NAYS: None
Hr. ~ubard offered the following Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the grant and
authorizi~ acceptance, execution and filing of the "Special conditions for Action Grant A~ards'
(f2t035) A RESOLUTIO~ authozizin~ the acceptance of La~ Enforcement Grant No. 77oAtlS&
to the City of Roanoke by the State Division of Justice and Crime Prevention and authorizl~
the acceptance, execution and filing of the "Special Conditions for Action Grant Avards" vith ~JCP
for an action grant of Federal funds for the purpose cf continuing a training program for Juvenile
and Domestic Relations Court probation officers.
(For full text of Resolution. see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. ~he motion vas seconded by ~. ~uo~as
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
NAYS: None- 0.
Hr. Thomas offered the following Resolution authorizing acceptance of the grant and
authorizing acceptance, execution and filing of the "Special Conditions for Action Grant A~ards"
(f21037) ARE SOLUTION authorizing the acceptance of Lay Enforcement Grant No. 77-A&29?E
made to the City of Roanoke by the State Division of Justice and Crime Prevention and authorizing
the acceptance, execution and filing of the "Special Conditions for Action Grant A~ards" vith DJCP
for an action grant of Federal funds for the purpose of remodeling and renovati~ the City*s
Juvenile ho~e.
(For full text of Resolution. see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Iho~as moved the adoption of the Resolution. ~ne motion vas seconded by Hr. Taub~an
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les. Garland. Grove. Eubardl Taubman. Ihomas and ~layor 7.
CO~SCILt l~e City Manager submitted a vritten report requesting an ~xecutive Session to
discuss a legal ~atter and a ~atter reletin~ to real estate.
(For full text, see r~port on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~aub~n ~ed that ~cil concur In the r~uest. ~e ~tion vas seco~ed by ~.
~rove a~ adopt~ by the foll~ing vote:
~AYS ** None~ Oo
HAYS: Hone- ~.
LEGISLATIOH-UNIOHS: ~he City Attorney submitted a vritten report advising of the pendency
in the General Assembly of House Joint Resolution 76 relatin~ to collective bargaining in the
public sector, that passage of House Joint Resolution ~o. 76 vould establish that it is the policy
of the Commonwealth to permit unregulated collective bargaining in the public sector under the
guise of discussions held voluntarily, that House Joint Hesolutton Ho. 76 is in direct conflict
vith Senate Joint Hesolution 12 vhtch states that it is contrary to the public policy of Virginia
for local governments to recognize any labor union as a representative of any public officers or
e~ployees or to negotiate with any labor union or its agents with respect to an¥~atter relating
to public employ~ent~ and it vould appear that House Joint Resolution Ho. 76 represents an erosion
of a long-standing policy of the Commonwealth tovard collective bargaining in the public sector.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office,)
Hrs. Bovles offered the £ollc~lng Resolution opposing enactment of House Joint Resolution
76 by the General Asse~bly:
(~24039) A R~SOLL~IOH opposing the enactment of House Joint Resolution 76 by the Ceneral
Assembly, such Resolution authorizing local govet-ning bodies and school boards to negotiate with
representatives of public employees avd to resort to non-binditL~ mediation and arbitration.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hrs. Bovles moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. C~rland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers go~les~ Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor
Taylor 7.
NAYS: Hone 0.
Hr. Hubard offered the foiled;ins enerzency Ordinance transferr~ $1,$00.00 frou Contin-
gencies to ~anoke Area Hlnlstries and tronsferrin~ $30~O.00 fr~ Co~tinsenciee to Hunton Life
Savin~ Cree under Section 11832, #Hunanitarien and Social Fro~rmnsu, of the 1977-78 budset~
(J2&O&O) AH OEDIHAHCE to ~mend and reordain certain sectio=s of the 1977-78 Appropriatiot
(For full text of Ordin~nce, see ordi~ce ~ook Ho.
Hr. Hubard norad the adoption of the Ordinance. 112 u~tion vas seconded by Hr. Taubnan
ami adopted by the roll.inS vote.'
Taylor. .- --7.
~AYS.' Hona 0.
of the Code of the City of Roanoke (19S6), as ;uaended,
Hcm~ay, February 27, 1978.
The Council of the City of loano~emet in regul&rmeeting in the Council Cha~er lu the
~cipal Buildl~j City of ~a~ oa~ay~ Feb~ 27, 1978, at 2 p.m., the regular~e~l~
h~r, vith~yor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
S. Hubard, Nicholas F. Tau~n, ~ton ~. ~s and ~yor ~oel C. Taylor
~S~: None O.
~. Joel H. Schla~er, Director of Fiance; a~ Hrs. ~ F. Per.r, City Clerk.
having been fu~ished each m~er of Council, on ~tion of ~s. B~les, seconded by Hr. Grove
by the City Clerk until 1:30 p.~., ~nday, Feb~ry 27~ 1978, and to be ~ened before Council at
J. H. Turner ~ ~any, Inco~orated -
City Clerk until 1:30 p.m., Honday, Feb~ 27, 1978, and to be opened before ~uncil at 2
year over 3~ ~e~le were In attendance.
The Assistant City Han~ger called attention to · problem in respect to an event immediate]
followin~ th· lnterustional Festival which requires · uaJor set*up and advised that it vii1 be
Hr. Garland said the International Festival is & very vortb~ cause and viii attract
many people to the Civic canter and mo~ed that Council valve the fee for t~bles and chairs, The
~otion vas seceded by J~s, Bo~les.
Hr. Rub·rd said ha would prefer that the city pay the fee rather than waive the chflrses
SCHOOLS.* A co~m~nication from Dr. Hilly C. Achebe, Resionai Director, Regional Purchasin
Council of Southern Virginia, Incorporated, requesting that ~CSY be ·llc~ed to use the facilities
starting September 4, 1978, and that the facilities be made available by H~y Is 1978s vas before
(For full text~ see communication on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
not been relinquished to the city.
concurrence in establishing a system for the Riverdale Conse~vation ~roJect which permits gran~s
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerkt$ Office.)
vas seconded by Hrs. Bowles and unanimously adopted,
(For full text, see communication on file in the City 'Clerk's Office.)
It ~as pointed out that the matters contained in Dr, Poindexter*s letter have all been
Carl·nd and unanimously adopted.
(For full text, see application on file ia the City Clerk*s Office.)
and Housing Authority to permanently vacate, discontinue and close that certain alleyway extendins
Grove and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
Hr, Taulman ~oved that the application be referred to the City Plaanl~ Com~eslon for
stay, re~or~ a~ rec~ation to ~cll. ~e ~tion ~ seco~ed by ~. C~ve a~ u~n~ly
S~S ~ ~St ~ appll~tion fr~ Hr. ~rtin R. ~llis, Atto~ey, representl~
BI~ Stone Block, Inco~oratede E. J. a~ Blanc~ J. ~on, ~ ~ckydale ~rries
Stree~ and Light Street, a~ t~ portion of t~t certain alle~ay ~t~en Tuck Street a~
(For full text, see ~pplication on file In t~ City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~au~n offered the foll~in~ ~esolu~lon providin~ for the appoint~ent of viewers:
(~2~042) A ~0~I~ pr~ldi~ for t~ appoint~n~ of five freeholders, any three of
~I~ CO~TI~, a~ E. J. a~ B~ J. ~ON, pemnently ~o close and vacate ~uck
~bard and adopted by the foll~in~ vo~e~
Taylor 7 ·
NAYS: Non~ O.
pLA~IEC--GRA~S: Council at its Financial and Planning Session on Tuesday, February
21, 1978, having requested that the City Hanager subait a report and recommendation in regard to
inclusion of properties on the south side of Rutherford Avenue, N. H., in the 1978-79 Co:munity
Develot~nent Block Grant, the City HanaBer presented a verbal report advising that on Thursday,
Hatch 2, 1978, he met with approximately 60 citizens of the Cainsboro area to discuss the Co~mnity
Development Block Grant Program and at that meeting he indicated if they felt inclusion of the
south side of Rutherford Avenue would more completely meet the long ret=needs of the Cainsboro
area and if they voted to that extent, he would ~ake that recommendation to Council. He noted
that a vote of It - 12 vas taken to recommend to Council Options B and C as previously presented
and therefore his reco~mendation remains the sa~e, with the endorsement of the FAC Co~ittee.
Hr. Taub~an offered the following Resolution authorizing the filing of the grant
(~2t0&3) A lt~OLIrflON authorizing the filing of an application with the United States
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Grove and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Crowe, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor --7.
NAYS: Non~ -- O.
NAYS: Non~ 0.
(For further action on the report, see page 212. )
BUD~ET-PARI~ AND pLAYGROUNDS: The City Hanager submitted a written report in connection
with the request of Hill Hountain Zoo, Incorporated, for a grant in an a~ount approximately
equal to the utility and admission taxes paid By the Zoo facilities andj that the city provide
for repair of obsetwation deck and tc~er extending over the railroad track.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~ubard ~o~ed that Council concur in the repocc ~nd offered th~ follo~l~ e~ersenc7
Ordl~nce p~ldl~ for certain bud&et~ adjusts:
(~2101i) ~ O~I~ to ~e~ ~ reor~ln certain sectto~ of t~ 1977-78 ~propriatim
(For full ~xt of Ordi~ce~ see ~di~nce ~k So.
~. ~bard ~ed t~ ad~tion of the Ordi~nce. ~ ~tion vas seco~ed by ~. ~aub~n
a~ adopted by t~ foll~inS vote~
A~i ~uncil ~ers B~les~ ~rla~ ~r~e~ ~bard~ ~aub~n~ ~s a~ ~yor
Tlylor -7 ·
HAYSt None
(424048) A~ O~IHA~CE acceptin8 t~ proposal of Preston ~rroll ~any. Inc., for
NAYS: None O.
' LIg~A~IES: A cmmittee ·ppoluted to t·bul·te bids received for · ney roof over the
~econd floor of the Hain Library Building submitted · vritten report reco~ending that the
alternate bid of Leo~rd Smith Company lnclvdin~ the flve-7e·r service vsrr&nty, in the total
anovnt of $70460.00, be eccepted,
(For full' text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Cotmcil concur in the report of the committee and offered the
follovl~ emergency Ordinance~
(~2&050) AN O~DIIL~HCE accepting an alternate bid made for a ne~ roof on the Hain
Library bulldi~ authoriziu$ the proper city officials to execute the requisite contract therefor,
and providlns for an e~ergencyo'
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ho.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The notion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the folloviu~ vote:
AYES.* Council members Boules, Garland, Grove, Hubsrd, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor
HAYS: Hone O.
BUDGE~-HUHAN RESOURCES ~I~E-H~ D~: C~ucil having previously deferred
action on a repor~ of the ~n Resources ~lttee seekl~ policy ~idance for agencies to be
considered apart fr~ ~C a~ the f~di~ ceiling for 1978-79, the ~tter v~ again before the
(For full texts see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
vould be utilized to support the s~e agencies currently considered as qualified for H~n Resources
(For full tex~ of Resolutions see Resolution Book
Hr. Grove m~ the adoption of the Resolution. ~e motion vas seconded by Hr, H~ard
and adopted by the foll~lng vote:
~YS: ~onc O~
Council having also deferred action on a request of the Hental Health So,ices Board of
Directors that $190,475,00 be allocated for continuation of Hental Health Services in the fiscal
year begivning July 1, 1978, the matter vas again before the body.
(For full text, see co~nication on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. Thomas ~oved that the request be referred to 1978-79 budget study. The motion vas
seconded by Hr. ~aubwan and unanimously adopted,
(Hr. Hubard vas ouc of the Council Chamber)
ZONING: Ordinance Ho. 2&026 rezonin8 approxinately seven acres of land located in the
City of Roanoke, approxizately 770 feet north of U. S. ~oute 220 adjacent to the easterly right
of ray line of th- Southwest Ezpressvay, also kaolin as Route 220, and lyin[ between To.aside
Subdivision and Roberts Roads S. I/.. Official Tax Ho. 5500116, frc~ R~-l~ General Hesidentinl
District, to G-2s General Commrcinl District, havin~ previously been before the Council for its
first reading, read and adopted on its first ~ending and laid overs vas asain before the bndys
Hr. C~rlend offering the following for its second reading and final adoptlont
(~24026) AN ORDI~L~CE to a~nd Title XV. Chapter 4.1. Section 2 of the Code of the
City of Roanoke, 1956, as anendedt and Sheet Ho. $50. Sectional 1976 Zone N~p, City of Roanoke,
in relation to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordinance. see O~dtnance Kook Ho.
and adopted by the followtnS vote:
~A¥S~ Hone O.
(Hr. Hubard vas out of the Council Ch~ber)
Hr. Garland uoved the adoption of the Ordinance, The notion rna seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted b7 the following vote:
AYES~ Ccmncil me~bera Garland, Grove, Hub&rd, Taubnan, Thorns and Hryor Taylor ~6.
(Hra, Bovlea vas out of the Council Chamber)
SI~EEZS A~D ALLEYS~ Ordinance No. 2&029 vacating, discontinuing and closing a certain
side of an alley 15 feet in vldth vhich extends along the vesterly boundar~ of Fellah Yarkt
having pr~l~ly been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first
reading and laid overo vas again before the bndyo Hr. Grove offering the foll~ing for its
second reading and final adoption:
(J2~029) AH ORDINANCE permanently vacating0 discontinuing and closiag a certain Fortran
the north by Lot 1, Section 50 HcDonaid Addition0 Official City Tax No. &21081~0 and on the south
by Section 6, HcDonald A~dition, Official City Tax No. &212gO1, as is more particularly described
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinate Book No.
(Hrs. Bo~les and Hr. Thomas vere out of the Council Chamber)
goulevard and Helcher Street, $. E., extending from the southerly side of Danforth Avenue to the
(~2&030) AH ORDINANCE permanently vaca n~, ...... elcher
~P . c =Y ..... aino from [he southerly side of Oanforth A .... e, S. E., to the northerly side
(Hrs. Bo~les and Hr. 1Uaomas ~ere out of the Council Chamber)
(Hrso Bc~les and Hr. ~homas ~ere out of the Council Chamber)
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove ~ved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion rna seconded, by. Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
A~z ~cil ~ers ~les~ ~rla~ Gr~e, H~ards Taub~n~ and ~yor T~ylor
~YS: None
(~. ~ w~ out of the ~cil ~er)
(J2~053) ~ O~I~CE authorlzini the ~ss~nce of ~a~e Order Ho. ~ to t~ City's
contract dated June 30, ~977, v~th Blane and ~ite ~tcuc~lon C~any authorized by Ordl~nce
Ho. 23690, for co~t~c~l~ of t~ Ho~lch ~nity Center, by provldin~ for certain additional
(For full text of Ordl~nce, see ~di~nce ~ok ~o.
NAYS: No~e
(Hr. Tho=ms uss out of the Council Chamber)
COUNCIL: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure establishing policy vith reference to the preparation of the calendar of business to be
deliberated by the Council of the City of Roanoke at its regular sessions, providinS for closing
of the docket for the calendar on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., and that the public be advised that all
requests for hearings before Council and all co~mmnications to Council shall be in w~iting and in
the City Clerk"s Office prior to 5:00 p.m., on the Wednesday prior to the meetinE at which considera
tion is desired, Hrs. Bowles offered the following Resolution:
(t2105t) A RESOLUTION establishing policy vith reference to the preparation of the
calendar of business to be deliberated by the Council of the City of Roanoke at its regular
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted by the follovinS vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Carland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman and Mayor Taylor----6.
NAYS: Nona -0.
SE~/~S AND STO~4 D~AINSt ~ou~il hav~ng pr~viou$1y ~t~cted the City Atto~ey to
prepare t~ p~er ~sute ~cceptin~ the proposal of J. P. ~er & Br0t~rs~ Inco~orat~ for
BUDGET: Council at its Financial and Planning Session ou Tuesday~ February 21, 19]8,
having informally approved certain appropriations andfor transfers vlthin the 1977-78 budget, and
the follo~in~ emergency Ordinance amending and reordaining certain sections of the 1977-78
(~21058) AN O~DINANCB to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 AppropriatioI
(Pot full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
NAYS: Non~ O.
BUI!GET-DIRECTON OF FINANCE: Council at its Financial and Planning Session on Tuesday,
February 21, 1978, having instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper measure providing
for an increase of $500.00 in Petty Cash funds and $100.00 in Change Funds tn the Office of
Billints and Collections, ~r. Grove offered the follo~ing emergency Ordinance:
(I21060) AN ORDLNA~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 19~7-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text Of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None O.
BUrET-POST OFFICE-CITY GOVE~E~I: Hr. Thomas offered the follo~in§ emergency Ordinance
transferring funds from certain Capital Project accounts to Purchase Post Office Building of the
19~7-78 Appropriation Ordinance:
(12~061) ~N ORDI~CE to ~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 C~pital
Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~n, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor. 7.
NAYS: None O.
BUI~ET-FOS! OFFICE-CITY COVE~l~l]~II Hr. Thomas offered the following energencT Ordinance
tran~ferrin8 certain funds frou Salaries and Ifages, VoS.R.S. Contributions, Sheriffs Public
Assistances Food Sta~p Authorization and Juvenile Detention Home to the Capital FroJects Fund of
the 1977-78 General Fund Appropriation Ordinance:
(fl&061) AN ORDINANCE to auend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providin~ for an emergency,
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Hoo
Hr. Thomas mo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the follovin~ vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland. Grove, Hubard. Taubuans Thomas and Hayor
Taylor. 7 ·
ORDINANCE accept!u~ · certain bid and avardin& · contract for the videning
seconded by Hfs, Bo~les and unanimously adopted.
A~ 6:10 p.m,~ the N~yor declared the meetins adjourned.
F~mday, Hatch 6, 1978.
The Council of the City of ~anoke met in regular meeting in the Council Chamber in the
F~ni¢ipa! Building, City of ~oanoke, on ~o~day~ ~rch 6, 1978, at 2 p.m., the regular meeting
hour, with Hayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
FL~SENTz Council ~bers Elizabeth T. Bo~les, Robert A. Garland, Lucian Y. Grove,
Hllliaa S. ltubard, Nicholas F. Taubman, Hampton H. Thomas and Hayor Ncel C. Taylor ............. 7.
OFFICE~S F~ESEN~: Hr. B. B. E~ert, City Hrnager; Hr. Sam H. HcChee, III, Assistant
Clty Hanager; Hr. Hilburn C. Dlbling, Jr., City Attorney; Hr. Ja~es E. guchholtz, Assistant City
Attorney; Hr. Joel H. $chlanger, Director of Finance; and Hrs. Hary Fo Parker, City Clerk.
INVOCATIONz The meeting vas opened with a prayer by the Reverend Robinson H. HcAden,
Pastor, Cave Spring United Hethndist Church.
Hr. Hubard no,ed the adoption of the Ordin~nce. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~rin~ vote:
A~S: Cooncll me~bers Bonlee~ C~rlan~0 Groves Hubard~ Taubuan, Thonae and ~yor Taylor-~l
HAYS** Ho~e
BUI~E~oBOUSIHG-SLUNCLEARA~C~oFLA~IHG-CRA~rS~ 11m City~er s~mitted a written
report req~sti~ authorization to tra~feE $150,~.~ to ~ln ~l~ntatfon of t~ acquisiti~
pros~ for t~Dea~d ~ad Project u~er the C~nity~elop~nt Block Gr~z Progr~.
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hrs. ~les offered t~ foll~t~ ~riency Ordi~nce transferrin~
(t21~9) ~ O~I~CE ~o ~end a~ reor~ln certain sections of the 191]-~8 Grant
ProEr~ Fu~ ~propriatioa Ordl~nce~ and pro~ldiat for aa ~rEency.
(For full text of Ordi~nce~ see ~di~nce B~k No.
Hrs. ~les ~ed the adoption of the Ordl~nce. ~e ~tion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and ad~ed by the foll~iat
Ordinance No. 2~O.~& au~;hor:tzinS s St'ant= ~o The
14ondsy, )(arch 13, 1978.
The Council of the City of Hoaaoke~et in regular~eetlng in the Cctmcll Chamber in
the Hunictpal Building, City of ~oanokes on Honday~ ~rch 13~ 1918~ at 7~30 p.~,~ vith~yor
Noel C. ~aylor presidio.
Nicholas F. Taub~n, ~pt~ ~. ~s and ~yor ~oel C. ~aylo~, .6.
NI~ ~pies of the minutes of the regular meetings held ~ Feb~a~ 13, 1978,
Feb~ 27, 1978, and ~rch 6, 1978, having been furnished each m~er of ~uncll, on ~otion of
the City.
such additio~l lncr~ental costs, and (3) higher fees are not alvays assessed for hig~r incre-
rate for ~ater p~ped four times.
areas ~htch ~ve a high incr~ental cost vauing fr~ $8~ to $1,3~ per million gallons depending
Roanoke (1956), as ~ended, be plac~ upon its firs~ reading:
(~2~071) ~ O~Ig~CE repealing Ordinance No. 12~50, adopted ~y 28, 19~6, ~ich
established a n~ schedule of rates for rater p~ped four times and Part B, of Section 6,
of ~anoke, (1956), as amende~.
Hr. Bubard offered the follovin$ Resolution appointin& vi~vero in con~ectio~ with the
(~21012) I ~I~ pr~ldl~g for the appolu~n~ of five (~) pels=~ ~l three of
v~ ~y acts as vipers In connection vith the applicati~ of ~lonial ~rican ~atio~l
~pbell Avenue, S. E., a~ ~k Avenue, S. E., ~lch alloy portion Is ~re particularly described
herei~fterJ and referri~ t~ pr~osal to the City Pla~l~ ~ssion for study and rec~e~atl~
(For full text of Resolution, see ~solutl~ ~k
Hr. Hubard ~ed the adoption of t~ Resolutl~. ~
Tau~n ~d ~opted by the foll~i~ votel
A~I ~ncil ~ers ~rland, flrove, ~bard, Taub~n
~YS: Hone '0
(Ylce-~or ~les vas absent) (~. ~s abstained f;~ votinS)
a~ that the 5a~ pa~ the appra;sed value of $8~.~ ;o; said port;on of alle~ and hear the
(For full text, see report on file In t~ Clt~ Clet~s
Hr. Hubard moved that the roll.in; Ordinance be placed upon its first readi~=
(t2t073) ~ O~I~CE providing for the sale a~ conveyance of a parcel of land
(~ic~yor B~les vas absent) (Hr. ~s abstained fr~ voting)
$f,250.~, in~reasi~ Other Semites ad ~arges by $2,5~.~, and increasing All~ances by
$125.~ under Section I0201, "City ~nager'; and decreasing ~ti~ency Rese~e by
(Vlc~yor B~les vas absent)
i~creasi~g ~.I.~. - Day ~re by $10,~.~ under Section ~1880, '~ntingencies'; and increasing
~blic ~sistance by $1t,~.~ unde~ $ection ~0106, "Grant -
19~7-78 budget:
Fund ~propriation Ordl~nce, and pr~idi~ for an emergency.
I~. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinaaeeo The motion vas seconded by !~. Grove
end adopted by the foXlc~ln& vote:
ATES; C~uncil ~nbers Garlands Grove, Itubard, Taubman, Thomas end Hayor Taylor ,--6,
IIA. ys t None- .0,
(Vice-Hayor Bovlee vas absent)
fiscal year.
(Vlce-~fayor l~o~les was absent)
(¥tce-ltayor Bc~les absent)
SE~RS ~qD STO~ DRAINS** The City Attorney submitted a written report advLstn8 that
(Vlce~Hayor Bo~les vas absent)
Hr, Thc~s moved that Council hold a public hearing on the amended request at 7:30
p.m., on Honday, April 10, 1978, in the Council Chamber. ~emotion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted.
ZC~I~G~ l~ne City pl~nni~ Co~ieelon submitted · mitten report rec~l~ an
tO Secti~ 5,1o 6s 7 a~ 8 Of t~ Z~ ~d~ce by deletl~ of ~y reference to 'ltOUu
t~ cls~e ~x~ ~i~ht of st~ctures~0u la order to clarify the inten~l~ of t~
re.latins contain~ In said ~d~nce.
(For full text, see report ~ file in t~ City Clerk% Office.)
~. Hubard ~ved thit t~ report ~ refe~ed to t~ City Atto~ey for preparation
all necess~ legal docents. ~e ~tion vfs seconded by Hr. Ta~a a~ adopted.
~. ~bard furt~r ~ed iht ~cil hold a p~lic ~arin8 ou the proposed ~en~nt
at 7~30 p.m.s ~ay, ~ril 10~ 1978~ in the ~ncil ~r. T~ ~tion v~ seconded by ~.
Ta~u a~ adopted.
S~E OF ~oCI~ ~: Ordnance ~o. 24070 ~zovid~n~ for the sale and convey~c~
Avenue, Official Tax ~o. ~390317~ havin~ previously been before t~ ~uncil for its first read~nS,
(~2~070) ~ O~I~CE pr~idinS for t~ sale and conveyance of a parcel of land located
AYe: ~nc~l ne.ers ~rla~, Grove, H~bard, Ta~n, ~s and ~yor Taylor ....
(Vlce-~ayor Bovles vas absent)
BUSES: Hr. Hubard offered the follo~ing Resolution generally approving an extension by
Creater P. oanoke Transit Company of a contract with ATE Hanagement and Service Company, Incorporated,
for a twenty-four month period, from and after Hatch 23~ 1978, for management services to be
provided said Co~pany:
(f2~081) A EESO1~r~lON senerally approving an extension by Greater Roanoke Transit
Company of a contract for a twenty-four month period, fr¢~ and after Hatch 23, 1978, for management
services to be provided said Co~pany.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None
(Vice-Hayor Bo~les ~as absent)
PENSIONS: ~he City Clerk reported that Hr. JMes P. Beatty has qualified as a me~ber
of the Board of ~ustees, F~ployees~ Retirement System, to fill the unexpired term of Hr. Fred H.
Hearer, resigned, ending dune 30, 1980.
Hr. Thomas moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted.
COUNCIL: The City ~anager requested that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss
a real estate matter.
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the request of the City ~anasero The motion
vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Carland~ Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor
H(~JSI~C-SI~N CLEAR. CE: A eo~municeti
as a me~ber of th~ Yair ~ousin~ Board ss of DecOr 1, 1977, v. ~fore ~cll.
(FoE ~ull t~t, see c~uicatl~ ~ file In the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. H~bard ~ed that t~ c~~ca~lon be received and filed with appreciation for
past se~lces revered to the City of ~anoke. ~e ~tion w~ secured by Hr. ~rla~ and
~sly adopted.
~-~FIC (10Pl~)l ~e City ~er s~mitted a written report requestl~
pith t~ TOPI~ pro~r~ be tra~ferred to the ~pital Projects ~nd to avoid beini carried over
(For full t~t~ see r~ort ~ file In the City Clerk's Office.)
(~2t082) ~ O~I~CE to ~e~ and reordain certain sections of the 19~1-18 General
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
~di~nce a~propriatin~ ~,~0.~ to ~te~ial~ a~ Supplies ~nde~ ~e~ti~ 11t~5, 'Par~ and
NAYS: Non~
EC~IP}fl~T: The City Hanager submitted a written report in connection with the replace-
(12&08~) ~ O~DLN~CR provldi~ for the purchase of certain vehicular equipment for
use by the City, u~on certain terms and conditions, by a¢ceptinR certain bids 2ada to the City
for furuishin~ and deliverin~ said vehicular e~ul~ent; rejecting certain bids mdc to the City;
and providing for aa e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
Hr. Tsubman moved the adoption of the Ordl~nceo The motion w~s seconded by Mr. C~rland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, ~arland, Hubsrd, Tsub~n, Tho~s and H~yor Taylor
(Hr. Crowe abstained frca voting because Of a connection wi~h one of the bidders.)
LE~ISLATIO~ The City Attorney submitted a written report advising that the Cityes
Charter amendments (House Bill ~o. 3~) were siBned by the C~vernor on Hatch 10, 1978, and have
been effective since that date.
(For full text, see report on fl!e (n the City Clerk*s Office.)
Mr. Tho~s moved that the report be referred to the City Homager for study, report and
recc~mendation on those m~tters pertaining to the ad~lnistration. The ~o~ion wes seconded by Hr.
Hubard and m~nimously adopted.
P~SIO~S: l~e Director of Finance submitted a written report advising of a
by the ~oard of Trustees, r~ployees~ Retirement System, of the portfolio suidelines for
stock investments.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Thomas ~oved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Taub~n and unanimously adopted.
BUI~ET-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: l~e Director cf Finance submitted a statement of expenditures
for public welfare for the month of Februarye
(For full text. see statement on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Mr. Carland moved that the statc~ent be received and filed. Th~ motion wa~ Seconded by
~. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
PA~KS AND PLAYGROUNDS: The City Planning Commission submitted a written report reco~end
lng that the activity field in Wasena Park be named in honor of the late Hex T. Mitchell.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Mr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the recommendation and that the report be
referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the proper measure, l~e motion was seconded by
Mrs. Bowles and unanimously adopted.
AUDIT COMMITTEE: Minutes of the Audit Co~mitteemeeting held on Monday, March 20,
19~8, were before Council.
(For full text, see mfnutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~. Hubard called specific attention to a request of the Director of Finance~ A~sistant
Superintendent of Finance for the Schools, and Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company, to prepare a
report regarding duplicated functions by the School Board and the City Finance Department.
Hr. Hubard then moved that the minutes be received and flied. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Taubman and unanimously adopted.
BUDgET-REFUSE COLLECTION: A report of the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management
Board transmitting its 1978-79 fiscal year budget, was before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
The Assistant City Manager advised that under the terms of the Regional Landfill Agreemen~
a proposed yearly budget must be presented to each of the governing bodies which is a party to said
agreement; however, mo zpeciffc action needs to be taken since the tonnage rate has been worked
into the proposed 1978-~9 fiscal year budget.
Hr. Thomas moved that the report and budget be received and filed. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
WATER B£PARTM~T: The City Attorney submitted a written report advising of an lnadvertenl
error in Ordinance No. 2~0~lwhich was adopted by Council on its first reading on March 13, 1978,
which Ordimance deleted the surcharge for water p~ped four t~m~s in the Chapel Forest area~ noting
that an effective date was omitted and transmitting a revised Ordinance to provide an effective
date of April 6, 1978.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. lhbard ~oved that the report be received and filed. The u~tlou vas eeconded by
~. Tau~n a~ u~i~ly a~pted,
Ordl~ce Ho. 2t071, havi~ previ~ly been before the ~il for its first readlM,
r~d a~ adopt~ on its first r~dl~, a~ laid ~er, vas slain before t~ b~y, Hr. Taub~
offerlM the roll.aM, as above ~, for its seco~ reading and fi~l ~op~i~
(J2~71) ~ 0~I~ re~lins ~dl~nce Ho. 127~, ~ted ~7 28, 1056, ~lch
~ of ~pter 1, ~ater ~e~rtment, or Title Xll, ~ater, of the ~e of the City of ~
(1956), as ~ed.
(For full text of Ordl~nce, see Ordi~nce ~ok Ho.
~les a~ adopted by t~ foll~i~ vote:
A~x ~cil ne.ers ~les, ~rland, TaubMn, ~s a~ ~yor Taylor ..... ~.
CO~qII~KKS: The N~yor called to the attention of ~mmcll that there are several
action ~ t~ vacancies ~ deferred until t~ re$ular Me~ln~ of ~ncil ~ ~nday, ~ril 10~
1978. The ~tion v~ seco~ed by Hr. Hubard a~ ~n~usly adopted.
F~GI ~e City Clerk repott~ t~t Hr. ~ls L. ~tg~e~ ~s q~lified ~ a
resig~d, e~l~ Dec.er 31, 1978.
Hr. ~s ~ed t~t t~ report be received a~ filed. ~ ~tlon v~ seco~ed by
Taub~n a~ unan~o~ly adopted.
E~ D~: The City Clerk repotted t~t Hr. Jere D. J~ison ~s q~lified as a
~er of t~ ~usi~ a~ Hygiene Board for a te~ of two years ending Jan~ry 31,
Ho~IST~ April 3~ 1918.
~he Co,moil of the City of ~o~noke met in regulars,rial ia the Council Clm~er
h~r, vith~yor ~oel C. Taylor presiding.
p~: ~uncil u~ers Eliz~eth T. ~les, ~bert A. ~rla~, ~ian Y. Grove,
~illl~ S. ~ba~d, Hicholas F. Ta~n, ~pt~ ~* ~s ~ ~yor Noel C. Taylor ..... 7.
~e iuvoca~lon vas foll~d by the Pledse of Allesiance to ~he FlaS of the
H~: ~py of the mnu~es of the resular ~e~i~ held on ~day, ~rch 27, 1978,
· o o
STREETS AND ALLEYS: ~he City PlanninS Commission submitted a vritten report reco~mending
that Cotmcil 8rant the request of Blue Stone Block, Incorporated, Eo J. and Blanche J. Hason,
and Rockydale Quarries Corporation that Tuck Street betveen Vallace Avenue and Orange Avenue,
the portion of Purcell Avenue between Tuck Street and Halton Street, the portion of that certain
alleyvay between Tuck Street and LiEht Street, and the portion of that certain alleyway between
Tuck Street and Halton Street, be vacated, discontinued and closed.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Cotmcil hold a public hearin& on the request at ]:30 p.m., on
Honday, Hay 8, 1978, in the Council Chamber. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and unanimously
STREETS AND ALLEYS: ~he City Plannin§ Commission submitted a written report reco~mendir~
that Council Erant the request of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority that
that certain alley extending in a northerly direction from its intersection with Rutherford
Avenue through Block 2, Northside Addition, be vacated, discontinued and closed.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Council hold a public hearing on the request at 7:30 p.m., on
Honday, Hay 8, 1978, in the Council Chamber. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and unanimously
NAYS: Non~ .0.
~S-AUDI! C(~IlTI~E-LOA~S~ Council h~ving previously instructed the City Atto~y
to prepare the p~oper ~asure adding a n~ secti~ to t~ City ~e aut~risin~ the Director of
Fiance to t~porarlly tr~fet fr~ certain ~s of the City to ~ of the city's several
ot~r F~a cextain ~nies~ ~i~ said tr~ferred ~les shall later be rei~ursed by the
requisite recipient f~d to the F~ fr~ ~l~ su~ ~es are so tr~ferred, upon certain
te~ a~ c~lt~o~s he pr~ent~ s~ ~reup~, ~. Gr~e o[fered the foll~ln~ ~r[ency
(~2~90) ~ O~I~CE ~e~lnz ~apter 8.1~ ~ltle II, of the ~de of t~ City of
~a~ (19~6)~ as ~e~ed~ by the additl~ of a ~ sectl~ to be ~ered ~d entitl~ 2.1,
~t~rity[ interf~ tra~fers - t~oraw* avt~rizl~ the Director of Flute to t~orarlly
tra~fer fr~ certain F~s of the City to any of t~ CltySs several ot~r F~s certain ~nies,
~lch said transferr~ ~es shall la,er be rel~ursed by t~ requisite F~d to t~ Y~d
~lch such ~ies are so tra~ferred~ upon certain te~ and conditi~s; and pr~ldl~ for an
(For full tex~ of ~dl~nce~ see ~dinance ~k ~o.
Hr. Crove ~ed the adop~i~ of the ~dl~nce. ~ ~tion v~ seconded by Hr. ~bard
a~ adopted by the foll~l~ vote:
l~: ~ucil ~ers ~les, ~zland, Grove, Hubard~ Ta~n, ~s and
~yor ~aylor,
HAYS: None 0,
~nere bein§ no further business, the ~ayor declared she meetinE adJout'ned at 2:35
April 10, 1978,
YI~ ~mmcil of the City of ~oanokezet in re&ular meeting in the g~uncll Chamber in the
Nunicip&l ~ulldin&j City of ~oanoke~ on Hondayj ~ril 10~ 1978~ at 7:30 p.~.~ vith~yor Noel C.
~aylor presidio.
P~ ~uncil ~ers Eliz~eth T. ~I~ ~er~ A. ~rland~ ~cian T. ~r~e~
The Clty Clerk re~orted that Hr. H. R. HavanaS, 3028 Crockett Avenue0 H, W** telephoned
earlier In the dsy to say t~t ha c~ld ~t be present st ~ p~llc hearl~ but ~ ~ld 1~
for t~ ~c~l ~o ~ tb~ ~ ~s ~posed to t~ rez~lnS~ ~re~, t~ byor requested tht
~ City Clerk no~e ~. ~1~ts oppositl~ in t~ record.
~proxiutely ten ~erso~ were pr~eu~ in ~posit~oa to tb rez~.
~. Olin R. ~l~lo~, Jr., Atto~y, re~resenflM residents ~ ~iell Ave~e 8~
Crockett Ave~e ~o are opposed to the rez~lnS, ~ppear~ before ~cll a~ ~ted tht tb ~s
fr~ 1~ - 38~. He s~id t~ residents object to t~ rerUnS ~use ~ell a~ Crockett
half t~ lensth of the street, ~ha~ c~erclal z~nS ~ld be lnc~steut with the surr~l~
a~ viii be used to su~por~ th~ la t~lr older 7ears. He ~plained t~ the proposed
and deny the Tequest for Eezonl~.
$T~S ~ ~S: ~uncil havl~ set a p~lic hearin~ for 7~30 p.n., Honday, April
(~cil ~er Taub~n vas absent)
April 10, 19~8, on the proposed use of Federal Revere ~harin~ ~unds for fiscal yea~ 19~9, the
the~ to tbs City Han~Eer% Office, Rom 354, F~micipal Bulldfa&, prior to 5:~ p.s., ou ~rsday,
~ril 13, 1978~ a~ said ~uts viii be co~ldered a part of t~s ~lic henri..
~. ~rla~ ~v~ t~t t~ rotter of 1978-79 ~ve~e Sharia~ ~s ~ referred to
197~79 b~&et study for co~/deration by the ~uncil. ~ ~tion v~ seco~ by ~s. ~les
S~A~E BI~A~S-~: ~il ~vl~ set a ~ublic hearin~ for 7:30 p.~., ~nday,
~r~l 10~ 19~8, on t~ ~anoke Yall~ ~ea 1975-1995 ~ra~portation ~lan and ~vel II ~i~
t~t the PI~ be appr~ed with t~ exception that prior proJecte requested by ~cil be included
(For full text, see repor~ ~ file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
viii be pro&r~ed; ~ereup~, ~. ~illiu C. Jeffrey~ ~ra~portation ~la~in~ ~slueer, Virginia
pro~r~ed unless it is fomlly r~uested by appropriate lesolu~ioa of the ~cil. He said
(t2~093) ~ O~I~CE to a~nd a~ reordain Secti~ 5,1, 6, ~, 8 a~ ~V.1, of ~pter
(~cil ~e~e~ ~aub~n was absent)
234 '
Hr, Thc~nas Bored that the r~cstion be referred to the City HandSet for study,
report snd recomneedstian to Council st such tl~e as he sees fit but prior to 1978-70 bndset
study. The uotiou was seconded by Hr. Grove ind edopted.
SCROOLS~ Hr·, hhnat H. Self, representiM the loinohe City Centr&l Council
appeared before Covncil and presented · cc~.mic·tion trsns~lttins nine points vhlch the Centre1
Council l~& feels vill i~rove the current selection process for School Board menberso
(For full text, see cc~v~lcition on file ia the City Clerk's Office.)
the Council by no Islet than December 31~ 1918. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Tho~s and
(Council za~nber Taub~n v~s absent)
(For full text ...... p ....file in the City Clerk', Office-)
Hr. Thomas offered the folloving e~ergency Ordinance transferring $20,000.00 from Hateria~
(Council me~ber Taubman vas absent)
BUI~ET-~.TFUSE COLLECTIOtI~ The City Hand,er submitted a vritten report recommending that
~20,000.00 be tr&nsferred vithin the gefuse Collection Dlvisio~ bad,et to provide funds for
for the re~ainder of the fiscal year.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Hfs. Bovles offered the folloving e~er~ency Ordiu&nce tr&nsferriug $20,000.00 from
1977-78 bndset:
(t24097) A~ OgDII{A~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordluance~ and providing for an e~ersency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordit~ace Book
(Council me~ber Taub~an ~as absent)
(For full text, see report on file in the City Olerk's Office.)
to E~ploy~ent, $2,~3~.&O to Fa~ly Planninl, ~3,160.80 to Services to Disabled Individuals, and
Fund Appropriation Ordinanne, and providing for an emerBency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Dook No.
(council ~ember Taubumn ~as absent)
project as recommended by the staff report, that Council approve the proper measure authorizin§
visors the City's action and intent retardlnt this se~ent of the Ore Branch Interceptor.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Project No. 6220-080-10~, C-301, and approvin~ a contract to be entered into between the City and
the ¥irginia Depar~ent of Hish~ays and Transportation relatin~ theretol and providint for an
and adopted by the following vote:
(Council member Taub~an vas absent)
Covnty Public Service Authority of the pendi~i construction of a se~ent of a Joint use interceptor
se~er in the Ore Branch ~atershed:
(tl&100) i RESOLUTION advising the County of Roanoke and/or the ~.oanoke County Public
Joint use interceptor se~er in the Ore Branch ~atershed located in the City of Roanoke, such
se~ent of such interceptor se~er line to be capable of servint areas in Roanoke County; upon
certain ter~ and conditions.
(For full text of Resolution. see Resolution Book No.
Hr. l~o~as ~oved the ~doption of t~ ~esolutiou. ~ ~tl~ v~ seco~ed by Hr. ~bard
a~ ad,ted by t~ foll~t~ vo~e~
AY~ ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rlt~, Cr~e, Hubard, ~ a~ ~yor Taylor .-6.
~YS~ Ho~a O.
(~cil ~er TA~Mn v~s absent)
S~ ~ STO~ D~I~S~ ~e City ~eF s~tred a vrlrcen re~ort rec~ndln~
for executl~ of all docents for E.F.A. 8rant pro~ects C-~10370 a~ C-510~2, S~ase Treat~nt
(Fog full text, see report on file In the Cigy Clegkts Office.)
(FOr full text, see report ~ file la the City Clegkts Office.)
(t2~101) A ~O~IOH confl~ng ~he City ~er~s appolntuen~ of S~ H. Hc~ee, II~,
(~cil ~e~er T~ub~n vas absent)
NAYS: Non~ O.
(~uncA1 ~ar Taub~n was absent)
(Council t~nber Taubnan vas absent)
PLANNING: The Hayor called to the attention of Council that there is a vacancy on the 1[
Houdey, ~ril 241 1978.
1'he Council of the City of ~oanoke met lu regular ~etl~ in the Co~mcil Chamber in t~
h~r~ vith~yor ~oel C, ~aylor
late) ~ Nl~ol~ F. Ta~n, H~ton ~. ~s and ~yor N~I C. Taylor -6.
Fin~cel ~d ~s. ~ F. Parker, City Clerk.
~e invocation ~as roll.ed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of ~he United
having been fu~lshed each me. er of ~ncll, one,ion of ~. Grove, seconded by Hr. Taub~n and
adopted, the readin~ thereof v~ dispensed ~lth and the minut~ vere approved as recorded.
high in~e~ity ~ay lighting for Ru~ay 15~33 at Ro~oke ~nicipal Al~or~, ~ Field, said
proposals to be received by the Cl~y Clerk ~til 1:30 p.m., ~nday, April 21, 19~8, and to be
and read the roll.ins bids:
Floyd S. Pike Electrical Contractors, Inc. - $ 26~910.~
19~8, vas before ~uncil.
~UI)GET-AIR~ORT-UTILITIES: The City Nanager submitted a written report requesting that
$9,500.00 be transferred within the Airport budget to provide funds for the telephone and electric
accounts for the remainder of the fiscal year.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office,)
Hr. Thca~as moved that Cotmcil concur in the request and offered the following emergency
Ordinance transferring ~9~500.00 frc~ Ney Airport Projects under Section i2&Ol~ *'Capital Outlay,"
to Utilities and Commmlcations under Section il00&, "Operating Expenses," of the 19}7-}8 budget:
(t24105) AH ORDINANCE to amend and reordafn certain sections of the 1911-78 Airport
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providint for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 6.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES.' Council members Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None. O.
(Vice-Mayor Bowles was absent) (Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
written report recomending authorization to accept a grant in the ~ount of $7,921.00 from the
Virginia Department of Conse~vation and £conomic Development, Division of Litter Control, to be
used in a coordinated program for litter control projects for the Roanoke Valley, and that funds
be appropriated therefor.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follo~ins emergency
Ordinance appropriating $7,917.00 to the Grant Programs Account:
(t2&106) AH ORDI~L~NCB to amend and reordatn certain sections of the 1977-78 Grant
Programs Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 6.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garl~.t, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor --5.
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Vice-Mayor Bowles was absent) (~r. Hubard had not arrived at the meeting)
Hr. Grove offered the following Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the grant:
(iltl0}) A RESOLUTION authorili~g the acceptance of a grant made to the City of Roanoke
by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Division of Litter Control,
and authorizing the execution and filin~ of all necessary or appropriate foras for the acceptance
of said grant for the purpose of litter control projects.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. aS~ paso 7.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Garland~ Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None 0
(Vice-Mayor Bo~les was absent) (Hr. Hubard had not arrived at the aeetinB)
BUDgET-PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: ~he Director of Finance submitted a statement of expenditures
for public welfare for the month of March!
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Thomas =owed that the statement be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Taubman and adopted.
Cl~ D~LO~F.T~-I.KGISLAT~.OHt ~e Ctty Atto~7 s~tted a ~tten ze~oz~ ~vini~ of
tha~ t~ b~ie pr~lsl~ of t~ ~nts are desl~d to preel~e tarsals to ~re b~ed
solely ~ aAe a~ lnvol~t~ retizmnt before an e~l~eeJs 70th bizt~yo t~t ~ faf ~ t~
City of ~l~ is conce~ed~ It My likely bec~ neces8i~ to revi~ ~ per,ps revise the
retJr~nt syst~ ~ vell as existiM city ~lo~nt practfc~ ~ proceduress
(For full text~ see report ~ file in t~ City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~a~n ~v~ t~t the report be received ~d filed. ~ ~tl~ vas seconded by
~. Grove a~
SZ~S ~ ~S~ ~e City ~ls~lng ~ssion submitted a written report in co~ectio
~bell Avenue a~ ~zk Avenue~ S. E.~ be vacateds discontinued a~ closed~ zec~endi~
(For full text. see report on file in the City ClerkSs Office.)
~. ~aub~n m~ed t~t ~uncll hold a public hearing on the z~uest on ~nday~ June
At this point. Hr, Hubszd entered the ueeting.
ZOHII~ Ordi~ce Ho. 2&093 ~nd~u$ and reordainin~ Sectl~
of ~apter ~.1, Z~in~ of ~itle~ ~t~ction~ ~teration a~Use
Ot~r St~ctures, of ~e ~e of the C~t7 of ~ke, 19~6~ ~ ~nded, relatin~ to height restricti
on certain 8t~ctuFes in the several residential districts ~d the ~1 district and the definitions
applicable to the ~th~ of dete~nin~ t~ hel~t of st~cturess havl~ prevl~ly been before
the ~ncil for its first re~l~s ra~ a~ ~dopted on its first re.dins a~ laid over, was a~ain
before t~ b~y, ~. ~rl8nd offerinS the foll~l~ for its sec~ readins and fi~l adoption~
(J2t~3) ~ O~I~CE to ~ and reordain Sectio~ ~.ls 6, 7, 8 and 79.1~ of ~pter
of the ~e of the City of ~no~ (1956)~ as ~nded, relatin~ to heiiht rest~lctio~ ~ certain
(For full text of Ordl~nces see Ordl~nce ~ok No. &5, pa~e ~.)
and adopted by the foll~in~ vote:
(Vlce-~yor ~les vas absent)
(~2~102) ~ O~I~CE acceptint a bid of certain concession privileEes to be exercised
(For full text of Ordin~ce, see ~dinance ~o~ ~o. ~5, pa~e ~.)
(Vice-~yor B~les ~as absent)
the C~ealth should the city later decide to abandon the proJectl r~uesttng the State Hlg~ay
(For full text of Resolution~ see Resolution ~ok ~o.~5~ page 7.)
and adopted by the fo11~tng vo~e:
(Vlce-~yor B~les ~as absent)
Plan, an update of the 1985 Roanoke Valley ~ea ~horoughfare Plan, he presented s~e; ~ereupo~,
(1211~) A ~0~I~ approving and ad~tin~ the Roanoke Valley Area 1975-1995 Transport
Plan, an update of the 1985 ~ano~ Valley ~ea Thoroughfare Plan.
(Vlce-Hayor ~ovles vas absent)
SE'~/~ ~ STOOl D~AfR~--GRA!t'IS: Councl! havia~ previously lustructed the City Attorney
(¥ice-~ayor ~o~les vas absent)
BUDGET-CITY F~PLOYEES: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to
prepare the proper measure amendi~ and reordaining ceztain sections of the 1977-78 budget, to
provide funds to cover salaries for certain employees unassigned as a result of budEeta~y changes~
Hr. Grove offered the follc~ing emergency Ordinauee;
(#2&112) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance~ and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 15, page
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he ~otion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Yhomas and ~ayor Yaylor
(Vlce-Hayor Bo~les was absent)
BUD~EToSCHOOLSt C~uncil having previously i~structed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure appropriating $26,960.00 to Inst~uction under Section t1901, "Roanoke City Schools,"
of the 1~7-~8 budget, to provide funds in connection vith funding of teacher salaries fro~ the
final quarterly allotment of Anti-recession Fiscal Assistance funds for 1977-78~ Nx. Hubard
offered the following e~e~gency Ordinance:
(t2&113) AN ORDINANCE to ~mend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book Ro. &5, page 11.)
Hr. lhbard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Yhe motion ~as seconded by Hr. Yaubman
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
(~24114) ~ O~D~C~ to ~ead sad reordalu certain sections of t~ ~977-78
(~o~ full t~t of Ord~ce~ see ~dl~ce ~ok ~o. ~ pa~e
~. Taub~u ~ed t~ a~tioa o~ the ~dl~ce. ~ ~t~on vas seconded by ~r.
adopted by the foll~J~ vo~e:
A~ ~cl~ ~ers ~rla~, Crove~ ~ubard, ~a~n, ~s a~d ~yor
~YS: None- 0 ·
(Vice-~ayor Bowles vas absent)
(Vice-Nayor Bowles vas absent)
Z~ING: Earlier in the meeting~ Council delayed action on the second reading of
Ordinance No. 24027 pending arrival of the Chairman of the City Planning Co~mission; vhereupon,
Hr. £uthy again appeared before Council and advised that Hr. Btadshav still had not arrived at
the meeting. He noted that in vie~ of Hr. Bradsha~s absence, he vo~ld t~y to present the
position of the Planning Coaission.
Hr. Kuthy then called attention to a vritten report of the Planning Comission advising
of an a~ended request of Hr. Frank N. Petkinsont Jro, Attorney, representing the Hountain
Bank, that approximately 1o5 acre instead of 3°77 acres be rezoned. He advised that the Planning
Commission also recommends denial of the amended request.
(Fo~ full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Perki~son appeared before Council in support of the a~ended request Of his clientt
advising that this matter has been before Council and the City Planning C~mission a total of
five times and there has been no opposition other than that expressed by Hr. Kuthy. Be noted
that vhen the matter vas before the Planning Commission on the last occasion~ t~o affirwative
votes and four negative votes ~ere cast~ and in order to satisfy the Planning Commission in
regard to sc~e of its obJections~ h~ reduced the area requested to be rezo~ed from 3.7} acres
do~m to 1.5 acre.
Hr. Perkinson also advised that since he appeared before the City Planning Com~ission~
his client has ~t vith the c~ner of the lovnside Apartments, Hr. E~ard E* $i~on, and Hr.
Sigmon has agreed to a11o~ his client to install a curb along the street to separate the easement
and allo~ turn-ins to the apartments. He noted that the point is~ this is not a roadway ~aich
runs through a parking lot~ but a situation of a parking lot having been built on both sides of
a roa~ay because the ~nad~ay vas created before the apartments ~ere built, and they ~ere built
with a sufficient setback of ~7 feet.
Hr. Perkinson explained that the request has been a~ended to include only the portion
of the land onvhich the building is located (1.5 acre) and, if approved by Council, he viii go
to the Board of Zoning~ppeals and request a special exception to allo~ for parking on the RG-1
sections. He further explained that he rill guarantee to the Board of Zoning Appeals that the
parking area rill be screened and if the area along the Southvest Expressway is screened, this
viii eliminate the possibility of billboards.
Hr. Kuthy appeared before Council and noted the following points in opposition to the
request for rezoning:
(1) the parcel is landlocked and the only access is through
a thirty foot vide easement through a parking lot,
(2)there viii be no street frontage and no visibility from
the parcel,
(3) the parcel is in close proximity to an apartment complex
and a commercial use rill pel~tt any use listed under
the C-2 designation.
(¥1ce-H~yor Bo~les vas absent) (Hr. ~ubard abst&l~ed f~c~ vo~inE because his son is e~ployed by
the proponent)
City Clerk l~yor
~on~ay, ~y 1, 197~.
lhe Council of the City of loanok~ =et in regular
the }hnicipal Building, City of ~ke, ~ ~uday, ~y 1, 19~8, at 2 p,~., the regular meetia~
h~r, with~yor Hoel C. ~aylor p~esidins.
~ ~c~l ~ers Elizabeth ~. ~les~
~illl~ S. ~bard~ ~mpton ~. ~s and ~yor Noel C. Taylor.~
~I ~uncil m~er Nicholas F. Taub~
a~ of ~18,~.~.
(~l~. Taub~an vas absent)
~-~S-JUYESILE AND D4~MES~IC gELAtinS DIS~I~ ~Tt ~e City ~n~ser s~tted
(For full text, see report ~ file In t~ City Clerk% Office.)
~s. ~les ~ved t~t ~cil c~r In the rec~ndatl~ a~ offered t~ foll~l~
e~rse~y ~dl~ce deappropriatin~
(12t116) ~ O~I~CE to ~ ~d reordain certain sectio~ of the 19~]-78 Grant
Proir~ ~nd ~propriatl~ ~l~nce, ~d providtn~ for ~ ~r~ency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see ~dinance ~k ~o.
~a. ~les ~ed t~ ad~tion of the ~dl~nce. ~e ~tion was seconded by Hr.
~ and adopted by the foll~i~s vote~
(Hr. ~a~n w~ absent)
(For full text, see report ~ file in the City Clerk's office.)
(~26117) ~ O~CE to ~end and reordain certain sections of the 19~-~8 General
AEC: Council m~ers ~les, ~rland, Grove, Hubard, ~s and ~yor Taylor~6.
(~r. Taub~n w~ absent)
line only If the city is to adhere to a Eeneral policy for under,round utilities in the area.
a hiEh elevati~ line vhen perhaps the line could be ~ved to the east and ~o into an a~ea ~lch
backEr~nd ~d current status of floodin~ conditi~s ~perienced on ~ril 25 and 26, 19~8.
~edne$day~ ~ril 26~ and a city flood d~e report telephone center vas established on ~ednesday
Hr. E~ert stated that citizens responded splendidly to the floodin~ conditi~
that no injuries att~ibutable to the flood ~ere reported~ that city vorkers e~ibited outstandinE
of our citizens suffered ~neta~ losses of varyins de~ree and the city ~11 bend eve~ effort
Hr. Warren E. Trent, Emersency Services Coordinator, ~ppesred before Council
· ~ised t~ on ~e~esday, ~r/l 26, 19780 at 3~30 a.u., a fish flo~ vaccb vas received, at
7~5 ~.u., a fish fl~ va~l~ vas receive, a~ 8:~ o.u., his office started ~tifyin~ businesses
~n the fl~ plain area, at 11:~ a.a., the hti~l ~rd vas activated to ~ac~te s~ool
c~ldr~, at 3~ p.u.s the river reached t~ ten f~t fled stage, at ~:~ p.u., t~ State
Offtce of ~rlen~ Se~lces vas called to declare an ~rgen~ In the City of
p.m., he r~uested t~t a~diti~X p~s ~ eent for the S~e Tre~t~nt ~l~t
tha~ ~ ~urs~y, ~rll 27, 1~8, at 1:~ a.u., t~ river rea~ed 19.O feet and crested,
to ~r citizen l~uirles re~arding flo~ ~ie.
a~ Federal fl~ Xnsurance ~nistration arrived.
248 '
Hr. I~ubard moved the adoption o! the Resolution. The notion vas seconded b7 Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~ln~ vote:
AYESz Council menbers ~o~les, Garland, Cro~e, I~Jbard, 11~nas and Hayor Taylor : ~ 6.
HAYSt Hone -- Oo
(Hr. Taubman w~s absent)
(~r. Taub~an was absent)
Hr. Grove offered the following emergency Ordinance authorizing execution of the
letter agreement with Horfolk and Western Railway Company:
(124120) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City's execution of a written letter agreement
with Norfolk and Weste~ Railway Company providing for a right to the City, its designee or
cont£actor, to enter upon said Companygs property for the purpose of the city, its designee or
contractor widening the north approach of the Hunter Viaduct; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Nook Ho.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Mayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: Hone O.
(Hr. Taubman vas absent)
PARKS A~D PLAYGROUNDS: The Water Resources Committee submitted a written report recom-
mending authorization to have the old transmitter building on Hill Mountain demolished.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the recommendation and offered the following
(i2&121) A RESOLUTIOH concurring in the recommendation of the Water Resources Committee
pertaining to demolition of the old transmitter building on Hill Mountain.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Nook
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Resolution. ~he motion was seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members ~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor Taylor 6,
NAYS: None -- O.
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
~AYAL RESEXYE AB~J~RY: The Vater Resources Counittee s~u/tted a ~ltten repozt
thc the Reval ~se~e A~ry facility vith studs ~ ~sociated *t~ctures, be
(For full text of gesolutioa, see ~esolutlon Book No.
Hfs, Bo~les ~oved the
a~ adopted by the foll~ng
(~tr. 'faulman vas absent)
CO~CIL: l~e Hayor presented a cc~munication requesting an Executive Session to discuss
a ~atter of potential litigation.
Hr. ~ubard ~oved that Council meet la Executive $esston to discuss a matter of potential
litigation. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr, l~o~s and adopted by the follo~inB vote:
AYES: Council members Bc~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: None O.
Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Crove, Hubard, Thomas and ~ayor Yaylor .... 6.
(Hr. Taubman vas absent)
(For full text, see c~nicatiou and petition on file In the City Clerkts Office.)
~. ~rla~ moved that the ~tter be referred to the City ~nager for investigation
(Hr. Taubman was absent)
PLANNING: The City Clerk reported that Hr. Robert ~. Boyd has qualified as a me~ber
of the City Plannin~ Co~nission to fill the unexpired term of Hr. Jmes E. Carpenter, resigned,
ending December 31, 1980.
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. Ihe motion was seconded by
Hr. Crowe and adopted.
C~CIL, ~
Honday, Hay 8, 1978.
Se Council of tbs City of ~oanoke mst in regular ~eeti~g in the Co~¢il Ch~ber la
t~ ~nicipal ~llding, City of ~anoke, on ~ay, ~y 8, 1978, a~ ]:~ p.u., ~th ~yor H~l C.
Taylor presiding.
Ni~ol~ F. Ta~ and ~yor Noel C. Taylor '~'
H~ ~py of the ~nutes of the resular meetinS held on Honday. ~ril 2~, 1918,
havins been fu~lshed each ~er of Co.oil, on ~tion of ~. Taub~n, seconded by Hr. Cr~e
before the b~y.
(~uncil m~ers ~bard and ~s yore absent)
(For full text, see report mi file ia the City Cltrk*s Office.)
~. Nartiu R. Willis, Attorney, representin~ the petitioners, appeared before Council
in support of the request of I~ts clients.
Ho one appearin8 la Opposition to the request, Hrs. ~o~les moved that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first readlnz:
(~2~125) AN O~DIHANCE per. neatly vacating, discontinuing and closing that portion of
Tuck Street betveen Wallace Avenue and Orange Avenue, that portion of Purcell Avenue betveen Tuck
Street and Walto~ Street, that certain alleyway betveea Tuck Street and Lisht Street, and that
certain alleyway between Tuck Street and Walton Street, ~hith are ~ore particularly described
The ~otioa vas seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the follo~lugvote~
ATE~: Council me.bets ~o~les, Garland, Crove, Taub~au and Hayor Taylor--~
NAYS: Hou~ ~)'
(Council me~bers Hubard and Thomas were absent)
ZOSIHC~ Fursuant to Resolution Ho. 21~l& adopted by the Council on~nda~, Hatch
197&, the City Clerk set a public hearin~ for Honday, H~y 8, 1978, at 7:30 pomo, on the request
of Vlrsinia Sy~o~ Lutheran Rc~s, Incorporated, that prcperty located at 380& Srandon Avenue,
described as 12.1 acres, and bein$ part of the property d~sisnated by Official Tax So.
At the time of purchase of the land the R~verend C~rl Plock
was Executive Director of the Virginia Lutheran H~es.
The property was then in Roanoke Co~mty and Hr. Plack
potted to the Board that he had conferred with County
authorities aad there vete no problems in connection rich
Hr. Pinch also repotted to the Board thet he had held a
meetiu~ with nelshboze who had expressed concern that a
hl~h-riee building might be constructed and he assured
the~ that Virginia Lutheran Homes hsd no ouch plans.
In time, Hr. Plack found itnecessary to resl~n his posi-
tion with the Home because of ill heslth.
Hore recently, the Board of T~ustees has ~oved to provide
housing and other needed services for elderly persons who
do not need nursing care, but still need some support in
doily living.
A meeting was held on Hovember 12, 1976 with Hr. and Hrs.
~. S. Russell, whose property adjoins that of the Ho~e, to
outline the plans &nd the Russellts expressed no parti-
cular objection.
On the next day, Hrs. Russell telephoned and subsequently
wrote a letter objecting to the proposed Home, stating that
Hr. Plack had promised when the property vas purchased that
the Home would never build anythin~higher than a one story
This c~e as a surprise to the Ho~e after o~ning the property
for nine years because they kne~ of no such agreement.
In an effort to resolve the problems, meetings were held
with neighbors and in seeking to cooperate with the neigh-
bors, the Home agreed to reduce the original plans from a
five story building to three stories.
Concerning the support commitment of Hr. Plack to limit con-
struction to a one stow building, no one vas present when
Hr. Plack dealt with the for~er o~ners, but he denies that he
~ade such commitments. There is no written agreement of any
kind and the only reference in writing is contained in a
letter to the Russell*s attorney, dated September 29, 1967,
in which he referred to the first unit and stated, **in all
likelihood the building would he a one floor plan and ex, and-
able horizontally rather than vertically.
Such a limitation as above stated would make it impossible to
operate economically or efficiently and the Board would never
have considered the pzc~erty with such limitations.
Dr. Htnnick pointed out that the proposed Home will be on L~e Highway, not Deyerle
Road or any of the streets in the backt that on Lee Highway there are restaurantst filling
stations, office buildings, apartments, Individual parking, and shopping centers, that the area
is not one-family residential, that one only has to look at a ~ap of the property to see ho~
far the facility will be from the neighbors tn the back, that all traffic viii be from Lee
Highway and most neighbors viii not even knew the facility ts there.
In summary, Dr. }iinnick explained that the Virginia Synod Lutheran Homes purchased
the property in all good faith that they would be free to establish a home for older people,
with the understanding that the proposed ho~e violated no zoning regulations in effect at that
time. He said they ~ade no commitments regarding one story construction. He explained that
the Home has reduced its plans fro~ five stories to three, that it is not possible to reduce
further and if this is not acceptable, they have no choice but to abandon the project.
The Reverend Robert Yellows, Administrator of the Virginia Synod Lutheran Homes, Incor-
porated, appeared before Council and advised that what is being proposed is a congregate housing
facility for the elderly, which is housing with supportive services for those 62 years of age or
oldero Re said that supportive services are those vhich help an individual remain independent
or semi-independent and is not to be confused with a health care facility such as the existing
nursing hclne. He noted that the supportive services shall include a dining room, hygiene services
as needed, housekeeping services as needed, social services, and recreational services in order
to assist the l~palred but not ill elderly to~alntain an independent or se~i-independent life
The Reverend Fellows explained that residents of the facility viii range from persons
of low income to persons of wealth~ that those residentsmith lev income viii have the availabilit
of Section 8 rent s~bsidies while those of upper income will pay through their o~n resources,
that the poor, over the life of the project, will receive rent subsidies of over ~20million and
this money mill flow into the economy of the City of Roanoke and'vii1 be in addition to the cost
of the structure which is estimated at ~3.5 million.
In closing, the Reverend Fellc~s said the present nursing home building was grandfathered
into the city upon alme~ation with a I~-1 zoning and the Synod is in need of having the land
zoning updated to per, it the continued operation of the nursing ho~e in its present location
should they ever desire to bring it to the full 100 bed capacity as vas planned before bids were
received in 1973.
The Hayor then called for re~arks f~m tl~ three speakers In ~p~itl~ to t~
~ere~, ~. Fr~ V. ~gers, Jr., Atto~ey~ app~t~ before ~cil ~ ~/sed t~t
S~ ~s petiti~ed to rezone. ~ not~ t~t his clients, ~ ~ll ~ virt~lly eveu
La the ~ig~or~ oppose the rtz~g applt~ti~ ~ ~ presented a ~titL~ sl~ed by 185
residents in op~sition thereto.
~. ~gers t~n described the b~c~ro~ of the rez~i~ petiti~ ~ call~ attenti~
to the fact t~ t~ S~ lB u~ deali~ with a f~trally ~ided apart~nt c~lex~ totally
different rrm t~ origt~l pl~ for garden t~e b~ea to fit ~ be la ~epi~ ~th t~ siMle-
f~ly residential c~racter of the neig~ozh~, tha~ the proposed c~lex viii pr~ide not
"congregate h~i~" concept ~l~h would ~ncl~e dieta~ (~ dining r~). ~alth related
and its ~ capital equ/~nt ~d, La addition to its occ~yin~ the bulldi~, t~re v~Id ~ a
h~ing concept.
Hr. Rogers noted t~ ~ the eve of t~ City ~nc~l's ~eting of Teb~ 13. 1978~
a~ which time the p~l/c hearing vas s~eduled, the S~ vit~r~ its request for C-I
tha~ the residents oppose the ~1 r~uest J~t ~ stro~ly ~ they ~osed the ~1. He said
the ~3.5 million facility v~ld chafe the c~racter of the district fr~ s/ngl~f~ily to
nelg~orhood because other requests for ~ v~ld foll~ and they, in tu~, vould be roll.ed by
requests for C-1 and
elderly ~ich ~ld ca~e for ab~ 60 persons a~ in all liktlihood the building v~ld be a one
Hrs. ~les questi~ed vhether or not the r~-l zoui~ vould pe~l~ t~ ~t~ction of
t~ c~l~ ~reup~, t~ Deputy ~ger of City ~la~lnS ~ered ~ t~ affi~t~ve, advisins
that s~ ~lfi~tl~ My hue to be ~e In t~ t~es of 8e~ces.
~. ~rl~ questl~ed tht tf t~ p~perty hd r~lned in ~o~ ~ty, ~a~ ~ld
be ~ stat~ of z~lng at this t~; ~ereup~, the ~puty ~ger of City Fl~lng stated ths~
the c~lex c~ld ~t hue been built ~er the z~g of t~ ~ty at the t~ of a~e~tl~.
In vl~ of t~ fact th~ ~o m~ers of ~cil ~re absent ~d also In vi~ of t~
co~der~12 interest displayed ~ the part of both the prop~ents ~4 the o~p~ents, ~. Grove
~ved that t~ ~lic ~ariuS be contl~ed until the resvllr Meti~ of ~cil ~ ~nday, ~y 22,
1978, at 2:~ p.u. In the ~ucil ~er. ~e ~tl~ ~ seco~ed by Hr. Ta~ a~ adopted.
Z~ ~rs~t to resolution Ho. 21t14 adopted by the ~cil on ~nd~, ~r~ 18,
19]to the City Clerk set a p~lic heariaS for 7:30 p.u.o ~nday, ~y 8, 1978~ ~ t~ reques~ of
htheri~ ~ff ~c~r ~ J~es T. ~c~r, Frances ~ff ~rr, ~ Flrs~ H~tl~l ~e hnk
of Virg~il, as sole su~ivi~ T~tee u~er the will of ~. C. ~ff, Peter Huff Rin~ a~ Elfleta
RI~, a~ Hersch ~s~lates, a ~rth ~roll~ lifted partnership of ~lch H~ J. raison and
N. V., containing 165 acreso ~re or less, Official Tax Hos. 2~90101 and 2360101, be resorted
before the body.
(For full text, see repor~ ~ file In the City Clerkes Office.)
to org&uizt orr pltnn~u~ in & Bore orderly ]md ecologicJlly sensitive fuhion in the future.
In vie~ of the fect that t~o ~nbers
t~t t~ p~lic ~arinS be continued ~zil the regular Me~i~ of ~cfl ~ ~8yo ~y 22,
197~, the City Clerk set i p~lLc hear/nS for~7, ~7 8, 1978, ~ 7:30 p.u** ~ t~ requ~
Drive, S. V,o ~ntaLGl~ 2.694 acres, ~re or less, Official T~ Hoe. 52~113 ~ 52~11~, be
l~e H~yor advised that Hr, Bullington had requested that the utter Be deferred until
the regular ~eetins of council cn Honday, Hay 22, 1978.
ABSTRACT OF VOTF~ ca~t in the ~Jt:~/Ci~ o] __ltoimake
FOR ci~ co~c~l
Ja~$ O, "Jim" Glanville
J~es O. Trout
~rles ~
~yllis A. Olin
Robert ~, ~rl~
(In ~Vrltlng) (In F~urcs ) la Tota!
Four ~s~ Hlne [~ed ( 4~ ) 0
~e ~ou~ S~en ~r~ ( l~Ug~ ) 0
- Six ~s~ Six ~dr~ ~inet~ (~) 0
~ee ~s~ 5ix ~ ~n ( 3~ .) 0
~r ~ Se~.~ (~ ) 0
~e ~s~i~r ( 1.~ ) 0
Fl~ ~us~ N~e ~r~ ( 5,~ ) 0
m~d co~rec~ Ab~n~ o] Vote~ cat at ~ e~ectlon rout ~lo thet~oe~ determine mul ded~# that th~ ~&~tn~ :e~e~red
Raber~ A. G~rland
D~nnls 'Jbr, tOcc~e~/
I~a ~-~ildress
) ~
(.~) ~
) --
We, t~¢ um~e~gned F~¢c~orvJ Board. ~ ex~m~i~ ~ f~ o~ rec~ds de.ed ~h the Clcrk o] the C~*
~ C~ o] ~e eleven ~ ~ 2 . Ig~ do h~e~ c~ify t~ the ~e ~ a t~
a~ ~ ~ ~ Voter ~ ~ ~ de~n a~ ~ ~e[~e d~i~ ~ dc~e gh~ f~ totto~ng re.ccd
~ ~e~ ~m~ oI c~es c~ ~ ~
Hr. Taub~an ~oved that the co~s~lcatio~ ~nd ahetrsct of votes be received and filed.
The motion v~ se~ed by ~s. ~les a~ ~ly ad. ted.
referred to t~ City ~er for study, report a~ re~atl~ a request of ~. ~or~e E.
~ra~lin, ~e~tive Director, ~portu~ties I~trializatl~ ~nter. for ~e of the N~al ~e~e
Yacility until OIC ~ able to res~ ~eratl~ at t~ Stadia, said facilities ~vin~ been
d~ed ~ a result of t~ recen~ fl~, t~ City ~ser s~tted a vritten report rec~lns
that t~ Nav~l ~se~e Facility be tu~ed ~er to the School ~ard ~ rec~nded by t~ ~ater
~es~rces ~ttee, to be effective ~en legal ~asures ~re ad.ted; t~t t~ Sch~l ~ard be
r~sted to retu~ to the City the facility ~ed for ~lnte~nce ~d wareh~el that ~cil
c~r in OIC use of the ~rine ~s ~acllity ~ an ~r~eucy b~is for storage dallyJ and
t~t ~cil lease the ~rine ~s Yacility to OIC up to a ~i~ of 90 days, pursuant to a
(For full text, see repor~ on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
structures, be tr~sferred to the c~rol of the ~o~oke City School ~ard for use as their
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
(Council ~embers Hubard ami Thomas vere absent)
STATE HIGHMATSz The City Hand,er submitted · vritten report recounendinS adoption of
assur~ces reserdi~ 8~an~nts fo~ reloca~l~ a~/or ~Jus~nc of utilitine ~fected b7 the
2tth Street ~y
(For full t~t, see re~ort ~ file la the City Clerkts Off,ce.)
~. ~rla~ ~ved that ~cil concu~ in t~ report a~ offered the roll.lng Resoluti~
(J24128) A ~O~IOH rehtlng to t~ relocati~ a~/o~ ~]ust~nt of utility facilit~es
(For full text of ~esolu~lon, See ~soluti~ ~k
~. ~rland ~ved the adopt~ of th* Resolu~l~. ~ ~tlon v~s seceded by ~, Grove
(~cl~ ~ers ~bazd and ~s veze absent) (~cil ~er Taub~ abstained fr~ voting)
establish a cost celli~ of $18,6~0.~ fo~ this phase of t~
(For full text, see report ~ file In the City Clerkts Office.)
(~24129) ~ O~I~CE authorizing the ~lo~eut of t~e professional ~lces of
(For full text o~ Ordinance, see Ordinate ~k
and ad.ted by t~e foll~in~ vote:
(~cil m~ers Hubard and ~s vere absent)
~din~nce transferring $12,~0.~ fr~ ~ntingency Eese~e ~der Secti~ ~1880, 'Contingencies,"
under Section J137~ "Faz~ ~d ~ecreatton,*' of the 1977-78
(~2~130) ~ O~I~CE to ~d and reo~da~u certain sections of the 1977-78
(~uncil n~ers ~bard and Th~s veze absent)
Hrs, ~les offered the foll~iuZ ~ertency ~dinance tr~sfer~inE ~16,t~.~ fr~
(t2t131) ~ O~I~CE to ~nd a~ reordain certain sectlSns of the 19}1-78 Ceneral
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hrs. Bo~les ~oved the adoption of the Ordin~nce. The ~otion vss seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote~
AW~S~ Council me~bers ~c~les, Carland, Crove, Taub~an and Hayer Taylor .....
HAYS: Non:
(Council ~embers Hubard and Thonas vere absent)
BUI~ET-GI~I~S-C~Oh~IEALTIIoS ATTO~HEY: The City H~naBer submittnd a vrltten report
recoe~endin~ authorization to accept l~v Enforcenent Grant No. 77-A4390 to provide tvo 1~ interns
for the s~er of 1978 to the Conmon~ealth's Attorney's Office and tl~t funds be appropriated
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Taabnan 10eyed th&t Council conc12r in the report and offered the relieving e~ergoncy
Ordinance ~meadinS and reordainin~ certain sections of the 1977-78 General Fund and Grant programs
Fund Appropriation Ordinance:
(~24132) AH ORDIHA~CE to a~end ~nd reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund and Grant Programs Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an cmerBency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordin~nce Book
Hr. Taub~n noved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion Vas seconded by Hr. Corland
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
AYES: Council ne~bers l~les, Garland, Crove0 Taabm~n and H~yor Taylor ....
~e D~rector of Fiance ~nd c~ C~ty ~ser 8~tted
~dl~nce~i~a $1,~*~ tFansfer to c~e~ rentil of th ~o~ Civic ~ter for t~ 50th
~niversa~ cel~ratf~of the ~a~ ~fe Saviu8 ~ ~irs~ ~d ~ Inco~zateds ~y 27,
(~oc full text~ se~ report ~ file ~n the Clt? Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. ~les offered the foll~ng ~en~ Ord~nca tr~ferr~ng ~1~.~
~ntipgenc~ ~se~e u~er Sectl~ ~1880~ ~ntingencies,~ to ~a~ Life Saving Crev, Ot~r
~enc~esB ~der Section ~1832, ~Coa~r~butio~ ~ S~sidies~
(~2~13~) ~O~I~CE to ~ teo~dain certain settles of the 1977-78 General
Fund ~propri8tion Ordi~nce, a~ pr~din~ for an
(For full text of ~d~nance, see Ordinate
~s. ~les ~ed the adoptio~ of the ~dinance. ~e
and adopt~ by t~e foll~iu~ vote:
AYe: ~ncil n~ers ~leso ~rl~,
(~cil ~ers ~bard and~s vere absent)
'ROUSING-SLUH ~CE-APPAI.A~IAN P~ ~ILIYI~ ~cil at its ~et~ on
~y le 1978e ~ defe~ed actl~ on · report of the City ~aer rec~in~ authorization
for ~palac~an P~er ~y to co~t~t · 69 ~ line ~e ~ro~ in the ~i~boro Nel~orh~
~velo~ent Pro~ect, the ~tter w~s a~ain before the
At t~ ~y I ~cil ~etina, the City ~a~er was requested to iuvestiaa~e
of relo~tin~ the line to the ~ste~ edge of the ~l~boro Develop~n~ ProJectJ ~er~. the
Director of Utilities ~ ~erat~s appeared before ~cil end ~vised that to ~elocate the
line sener~lly in its present location bu~ ~oin~ fr~ ~e side of the road to the ot~r
cost ~ge~.~; that to relo~te the line c~letely ~t of the Pro~ect alon~ OranSe Avenue
~ifth Street v~ld cos~ ~60~.~ h~ever, the line w~ld be ~re highly vfs~le
s~cept~ble ~o traffic d~Se~ tha~ to relo~te the line alo~ ~lnsboro d~ to galls Avenue and
b~k up Fifth Stree~ as ~s been envisioned by the ~i~ ~thoritye v~ld ~st ~70,~.~J and
to relocate the line al~s Iaterstate 581 ves~ alo~ ~ells Avenue ~ Hr. ~ard sus~es~ed vould
cost appr~ely
He noted t~t the recmndation of the a~luistrati~ Is ~ntained in the
(For full t~t. see report on f~le In the City Clerkes Office.)
~e ~everend ~y C. ~berts appeared before ~cil and advised that he Is no~ opposed
to ~a~ ~palachl~ is trying to doe bu~ the p~obl~ Is ia the area of ~lcatiou
c~ty ~z~ps and t~t the c~lty ~roups should ~ve been consulted prior to
Co.oil with the
Hr. Ta~n ~ved ~t ~cil concur in the fecundation of the City ~na~er and
offered the foll~n~ Resolution:
(~2~138) A ~O~ION vaivins certain provisions of Ordinance No. 22055, adopted on
Feb~ry 3~ 19]~, rela~i~ to ~dersro~d installation of telephone, ~elesraph, and electric
(~cil m~er Gr~e abs~ained fr~ votinS) (~cil ~rs Hubard and ~s were absent)
(~cil m~ers ~bard and ~s ~ere absent)
Dec.er 31,
I~AWIC~ The City Clerk reported that Dr, W. Wo S, I~tler~ III~ has qualified as ·
me~ber of the ~o&noke HlSha·y Safety ~ssl~ for · te~ of f~r years e~in~ October 31~ 1980,
~. ~a~n ~ved t~ t~ repo~ be received a~ filed, ~ ~tioa v~ seceded by
Gr~e ~ sdo~ted.
L~I~: ~e City Clerk reported t~ ~s. ~rol ~. ~lb~e h~ q~lified as
~er of t~ ~a~ ~blic Libr~ ~rd fo~ a te~ of three years e~ J~e 30~
~. ~au~n ~v~d t~ the report be received ~ filed, ~ ~tion v~ seconded by
Grove a~ adopted.
~ve no s~kl~ si~ns i~talled tn the C~cil ~er. ~e ~ioa w~ seceded by Hfs,
~wles and adopted.
~ere beins no further bvsiuess, thc ~yor declared the ~e~ins ~Jou~ed at
City Clerk Hayor
Monday, flay 22, 1978.
The Couacil of the C~ty o! ~oa~oke ~t ia gesular ~1~8 la ~e ~cil ~er la the
h~r~ vtth ~yor ~oel C, Taylor ~residieg,
~illi~ S. H~rd, ~l~olu [. ~s~, ~ton ~. ~ and ~yor ~oel C. Taylor = = 7.
O~IC~ P~: ~. B. B. ~ert, City ~uler; ~. Sm B. Hc~ee~ III~ ~slstant
Z~l~t Council at its moetln8 on thy 8, 1978~ hasi~ continued · public hasrin8 on
the request of I~atherin~ Huff Tucker ~nd Janes T, Tucker, Frances Huff Carts The First Hatio~l
Exchange Bank of ¥irsiais, as sole eurvtvin~ Trustee under the viii of P. C. Huff, Peter Huff
Bins and Elfleda A. Bins, and Huesch Associates, · North Carolina limited partnership of which
Henry J. raimon and Van L. ge&therepoon, both residents of ltecklenbur$ County, North Carolina,
are ~euer·l partners, that · portion of that certain tract of land iranians on the southerly side
of Hershberger Road, N. W,, coatalainS 165 acres, more or less, Official Tax Nos. 2490101 and
2160101, be resorted iron IDH, Iedu~trinl Develo~uent District, to C-2, General Connercfel District,
the matter vas ns&in before the body.
The Hayor advised that action on the request vas deferred until the present tine
in order that all ~n~bers of Council could cast their vote. He eusgested that the attorney
representinS the proponents be siren five ninnies in vhich to s~narine the request.
lira. Bovles moved that the follovinS Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(J24139) AH ORDIHAHCS to ~mond Title XV, Chapter &.l, Section 2 of The Code of the
City of Roanoke, 1956, as amended, and Sheet Nu~hers 236 and 2&9, Section 1976 Zone Hap, City of
~oanoke, in relation to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book
The notion vas seconded by ~ir. Grove.
lit. J~mes F. Douthat, Attorney, representfn~ the petitioners, appeared before Council
in support of the request uf his clients. He advised that the matter vas covered in detail at
the public hearinSs before City council and the City Planning Coemdssion, that those Items vhich
vere not addressed in detail at the public hearinss have been addressed in certain agreements vhiab
viii be presented to the Council and he suggested that Council reviev the agreements after vhich
time he vc~Id be pleased to ansver questions.
At this time, the City Attorney requested a brief Executive Session to discuss
matters of a lesal nature and a real property nature.
Hr. Thomas moved that the request of the City Attorney be approved. The motion vas
seconded by lit. Tauh~an and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council nenbers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and lieyor
NAYS: ~one 0.
At 2:&0 p.m., the Hayor declared a brief recess.
At 2:55 p.m., the meeting reconvened vithHayor Taylor presiding and all members of
Council present.
Hr. Taubman advised that the Conflict of Interest la~s of the State of Virginia indicate
certain parameters vithin vhich, if a Council person falls, he or she is unable to vote on certain
issues. He said he vas unable to vote on this issue due to the fact that he is a member of the
Board of Directors of the bank that holds this property in the care of Its Trust Department. He
noted that the parameter vithinvhtch he did not fall but by a very small amount vas certain fees
vhich are rendered on behalf of the bank to certain Directors; therefore, he said he mst abstain
fro~votin/ on the issue at hand.
The Hayor advised that he too is on the same Board of Directors but does not hold the
sa~e position as Hr. Taub~ano He said he had received a ruling on the matter to the effect that
he is permitted to cast his vote.
The Hayor then requested the City Clerk to call the roll on Ordinance ~o. 2&139 on
first reading; ~hereupon, the ordinance vas adopted on its first reading by the follo~lnS vote:
HFS. HcLean noted that in the past the water has been a public eye sore, it smells bad,
but more importantly, it ts an extr~e danEer to the children in the neighborhood because in sc~e
places the water is as ~uch as three feet deep.
Hrs. HcLean stated that in ti~es past the residents have been able to call upon the
Fire Department to p~mp out the water, but no~ they are advised that the Fire Department is no
longer authorized to do this, so recently, in order to get the water pimped out, residents called
numerous city officials and received no assistance until they were able to talk with Hr. He~ltt
who was then ActinE City Hanager. After sendin/ someone to the site, she emphasized that it took
16 1/2 hours to pump the water out to a belo~ dan/erous level.
in simian, Hrs. HcLean requested: (1) some type Of drain or pump to take out the
water, (2) the nme and telephone number of the person ~ho has authorization to send out a p~mp
in ttze of need, and (3) a written statement from Council as to ho~ and ~hen this problem will be
Hfs. Dorothy P. Holco~b, 2251 Denniston Avenue, S. ~., also appeared before Council and
reiterated the remarks of Hrs. HcLean.
~he Assistant City liana/er advised of a solution to the problem in terms of constructing
a storm drain. He said the sa~e problem exists in approximately 30 - 40 other locations in the
city and it viii require considerable capital investment in order to resolve, i~ditionally~ in
respect to pumpin/, he noted that a lar/e number of people have the sa~e proble~ when there are
extremely heavy rainston~s and the city simply does not have the capabilities to keep all of the
lo~ areas fr~m pending and flooding until such time as ~-e are able to make the capital investment
to provide storm drains.
After considerable discussion of the cc~plaintj Hr. Hubard moved that the matter be
referred to 1978-79 bud/et study to be considered along with other critical drainage problems.
It was also requested that the City Hanager co~ile a list of drainage problem areas in the city~
identify those areas that are the responsibility of the City of Roanoke, and provide a summary of
the total cost involved. Ihe motion vas seconded by Hr. ~ho~as and unanimously adopted.
COU~CILI The City Han~ser eulmitted a vzitten report requestia$ an ~ecutive Sessioa
to discuss · ~atter of poteatisl lltisstiou.
1'he City Nana~er also verbally requested another Executive Session to discuss · legal
Hr. Hubsrd moved that Covncil meet in Executive Session to discuss a matter of potential
litisation and a legal matter. The motion vas seconded by Hr, Grove and adopted by the following
TAY~S-ASSESSOR~ The ~eal Estate Aseessor subuitted a~ritten report requesting autho-
rization for the City Manager to execute an agreement ~th ~H0 Incorporated, to computerize
12,000 com~ercial, ludustrial ami exempt properties within the City of ioanoke.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Glerkte Office.)
Hr, Hubard moved that the Ordinance concurring in the request be placed upo~ its
first reading. The motionwae eecondudbyHr. Corland.
It vas clarified that in anticipation of an $80,~00,00 total expenditure, $13,~00.00
was appropriated in the 1977-78 budget to cover that portion of the contract for this fiscal
years ~hereupon, ~r. Thomas su~ested that Council could approve the concept of the program,
but execute the contract post June 1978, ~hich~ould mean that the $15,~00.00 presently in this
budget year would be carried over to the 1978-79 fiscal year budget and Council would not have to
appropriate the $37,500.00 until the 1979-~O fiscal year budget.
Hr. l~omas then offered a substitute ~otion that action on the request of the Assessor
be deferred ~mtil the regular meeting of Council on Honday, June 12, 1978, and that the Director
of Finance and the Real Estate Assessor be instructed to work out a payment schedule to be
included in the proposed contract with C~, Incorporated. ~he motion was seconded by Hr.
Taubman and unanimously adopted.
AL~IT C~V~ITTEE: Hinutes of the ~dlt Cmmittee zeeting held on Hay 15, 1978, were
before the Council.
(For full text, see M~nutes on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Taubm~n and unanimously adopted.
A~UAL f~OETS-FUNLIC ASSIStAnCE: The Reverend James A. Allison, Chairman, Advisory
Board of Human Services, appeared before Council and presented the annual report of the Board for
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's office.)
There was also a slide presentation of activities of the Board during the past year.
Hr. ~ubard moved that the report be received and filed with appreciation to the
Advisory ~ard of Human Services. The ~otion was seconded by Hrs. Bovles and unanimously adopted.
AIR, OAT: Hr. Grove, Chairman of the c~ittee appointed to study bids received for
sealing a portion of an area around Eulldtngs 13 - 20 at Roanoke H~nicipal Airport, goodru~
Field, with rubberized sand slurry, submitted a~ritten report recommending that a contract be
awarded to Claude Eggleston & Company, incorporated, for approxl~ately 27,777 square yards, and
that funds be transferred therefor.
(For full text, see report on file tn the City Clerk's Office.)
In this connection, the City ~nager submitted a written report concurring in the
(For full text, see report on file in the City ~lerk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove noved that Council concur in the report and offered the following ~ergency
Ordinance transferring $7,976.11 fro~ Seal Run~ay 27 and $3,000.00 from Entrance Road Lighting to
Seal Hangar Access under Section f2~01~, *'Capital Outlay Fro~Revenue," of the 1977078 budget:
(t2~la~) A~ O~OI~L~CE to amend and reordatn Section ~2&019, ~Capital Outlay fro~
Revenue," of the 1977-78Airport Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 65, page 28.) i]
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he notion ~as seconded by Hr. Rubard
and adopted by the following vote:
Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Nubard, Taub~an, Thc~as and Hayor
Taylor 7.
~A¥S: None --0. ~
and HcNeil Company, Incorporated:
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordi~nce ~ok ~o. ~5, pa~e 29.)
and adopted by the fo11~lng vote:
Taylor- 7.
NAYS: None O.
R ?o
AIF~vORT: Nr. Crowe, Ch&lr~an of the committee appointed to study bi~ receivud for
viri~ a~ c~d~t for ~ intently ~ay lighting for ~ay 15/3~ at ~o~ ~lcipal
~ort~ ~ field, s~tted a ~ltten re~t rec~la~ t~t a c~tract be ~a~ed to
Floyd S. Pi~ ~ectrical ~ntractozs, lnco~ozated, includl~ additiml ~zk, in t~ total
a~t of
(for full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
the foll~l~ ~r~ency ~di~nce:
(~2~1~6) ~ O~I~ accepti~& a certain proposal ~ ~ardin8 a c~tract for
stallatl~ of n~ ~irin~ a~ co.nit for high lnte~ity ~ay lighting at ~no~
~ort, ~o~ ~ield, ~oo certain te~ ~d co~iti~; rejecting certain ot~r bids~
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see ~di~nce B~k ~o. &5, page
~. Grove ~ved the adoFtton of the ~dinance. ~e ~tl~ vas seceded by ~. Ta~n
and adoFted by the foll~ln8 vote~
NAYS: None --
certain alley extending in a northerly direction fr~ its intersection with Rutherford Avenue
through Block 2, No~thside Mdition, having pr~iously been before the ~uncil for its first
readi~, read and adopted on its first reading and laid over, vas again before the b~y,
~s offering the fo11~in~ for its second reading and final adoption:
(Fo~ full text of Ordinance, see ~dinance ~ok No. t~, page
NAYS: None .0.
STREETS A~D ALLEYS: Ordinance No. 24125 vacating, discontinuing and closing Tuck
Street between Wallace Avenue and Orange Avenue, the portion of Purcell Avenue between Tuck
Street and Walton Street, the portion of that certain alleyway between Tuck Street and Light
Street, and the portion of that certain alle~ay between Tuck Street and Walton Street, having
previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading
and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Thomas offerinS the follo~ing for its second read-
ing and final adoption:
(124125) A~ ORDINANCE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing that portion of
Tuck Street between Wallace Avenue and Oran§e Avenue, that portion of Purcell Avenue between Tuck?
Street and Walton Street, that certain alleyway between Tuck Street and Light Street, and that
certain alle~ay between Tuck Street and Walton Street, ~dllch are more particularly described
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 25.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by }ir. Taubman:
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bowles, Carland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Hayer Taylor
NAYS: Nona O.
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
ZONING: Ordinance No. 24126 rezonins property located on the westerly side of Aerial
Way Drive, S. W., containing 2.694 acres, more or less, Official Tax Nos. 5200113 and 5200114,
from RG-I, General Residential District, to IH, Light N~nufacturing District, having previously
been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading and laid
over, was again before the body, Hr. Thomas offering the follo~rlng for its second reading and
final adoption:
(t24126) AN ORDINAECE to amend Title IV, Chapter 4.1, Sec. 2, of the Code of the City
of Roanoke (1956), as a~ended, and Sheet No. 520, Sectional 1976 Zone ~ap, City of Roanoke,
with respect to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 26.)
Hr. l~omas~oved the adoption of the Ordi~aace. The~otionvas seconded by Hfs, ~les
a~ a~pted by the roll.ins vote~
(~r. Nubard vas out of t~ Council C~a~ber.)
OPPORTU~TIES I~I~ST~IALIZA~IOH ~t ~cil havin~ previo~ly lnst~cted the City
Atto~y to prepare t~ proper~lsure authorizing and pr~idin~ for t~ lease by the city of t~
NAYS: None -0.
NAYS: Nona .0.
BU~E~-LA~ LIBBY: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure transferring $2,000.00 from Travel and Education under Section i1585, "Libraries,
to Hateriale and Suppliee un,er Section JJ~87s ffl.t~ Library,n of t~ 1977-78 b~se~s representin8
t~ tit7% shre of t~ defici~ in c~ectt~ ~th ~eritl~ of the hw
offered t~ foll~i~ ~rSea~
(t24151) ~ O~I~CE to ~ a~ reordala certain sectl~ of the 1977-78 ~neral
~ad ~pr~ziatiou ~dl~nc~, ~ pr~idins for an ~rsency.
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see ~dl~nce ~k Ho. ~5, pase
Hr. ~bard ~ved the adoptl~ o~ the ~dl~nce. ~ ~t~on ~as eeconded by Hr. Ta~n
a~ ad.ted by the roll.trig vote~
NAYS: None
BI~E"~-SCROOLS: Councl! havin~ prevl~sly i~st~cted t~ ~ity Atto~ey to pre.re the
proper ~ure ~eudl~ a~ reordaluinS certain sec~l~s of ~he 1977-78
pr~ide $11,97~.~ for the ~r~ Park ~l~en~i~ Sch~l ~nity ~uca~loa Progr~
for Title I. P. L. 8~10. Sumer, Hr. ~s offered t~ roll.lng ~rgeu~ Ordl~ce:
(~2~152) ~ O~I~CE to ~nd and reordatn certain sec~l~s of the 1977-78 ~propria~l~
Ordinance, and providing for an emergency,
(For full text of ~dl~nces see ~dl~nce ~o~ No. t5, pa~e 32,)
and ad~ted by the foll~t~8 vote:
AYES: ~uncil ~ers ~les, Garland, Crove, Hubard, Ta~n, ~o~s a~ ~yor
There bein$ no further no~inotiona~ Hr. Davis vas elected as · ~ber of the Fair
~ousl~ Board to fill t~ une~lr~ te~ of ~. ~rl B. ~llen for a tern e~luS ~rch 31, 19~,
by t~ foll~i~ votei
F~ ~. DAVIS~ ~cil ~er8 ~1~, Garla~s Gr~e, ~ard, Ta~, ~s ~d
~7or Tailor- 7.
~ ~ ~: ~e ~yor noted that t~re currently 18 a vacancy
~n Res~rces ~ttee created by the resig~tion of ~s. Je~ S. ~alter for a te~
June ~s 19~8. a~ he r~u~ted t~t Er. ~a~n ~ responsible for finding I replac~nt.
~ OF DI~O~ OF O~ ~l~Sl ~ ~yor noted t~t the ~e year
of ~. Ja~s D. litchie as t~ city representative ~ the ~ard ~f Directors~ ~a~e of Older
~rica~ ~lred on Feb~ 28~ 1918~ a~ called for ~tl~ to fill the vacancy.
~s. ~les placed ia ~tion t~ ~ of Er. J~s O. Ritchie.
~re bei~ ~ further n~tio~ ~. litchte vas reelected as the city representative
on the Board of Dlrectora~ ~l~ue o[ 01der ~rica~ fo~ a rem of one year eMlnt Feb~a~ 28,
19]9~ by the roll,lng
fOR ~. RIT~IE: ~cil n~ers ~les~ ~rland. Crove~ ~bard ~a~n. ~s
~yot ~aylot-
I~A¥S: I~one O.
Net~o~hood ~liance to speak for them or represent th~ in any ~er~ a~ere, or at any
(For full text~ ~ee petition on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
that has filed for ex~ption authority seeking t~pora~ i~diate s~stitutiou authority~ that
Allssheny A~rlines l~l filed · &O1 Application for psrmmsnt &uthOrity ~rm ~$t~abur~ ~o ~o~
se~lce with ~ r~ trips per
~. ~ard ~ted t~t Pie~t ~rliues re~ectfully r~uesta that the hyor ~ City
~il s~t an appropriate filing to the ~ alo~ t~ foll~i~ lines: If the ~ Sr~tn
hste~ ~rli~s* request to su~e~ ~ice helen ~e~b, Vlrs~i8, ~ Plttsbursb* Fe~ylvani]
then t~ City of ~e requests tbt t~ ~ sl~ltne~ly Srant t~ ~tion ~plicatl~ of
Pleat which ~ld pe~t Pleat to prairie ~i~te t~ora~ se~tce be~en those
~. Ta~n ~ed t~t the req~st ~ referr~ to t~ ~ort A~lso~ ~8sl~ for
pro,er tonsure la s~porZ of the ~tl~ ~plicati~ of ~ied~nt ~rlines. ~e ~tiou v~
seco~ed by Hr. ~s 8~ ~a~ly a~ted.
~re beins no further bvsiness, the ~7or declared the ~etins ~dJ~ed at 5:~
City Clerk
Allegheny Airlines has filed · &01 Application for pe~aen~ authority fr~ Plttsbur~
to ~rlotte ~ ~lel~h~r~ ~ P~e~ is ~ a fl~ proposal to replace the
se~ice ~lth ~ r~ trips per day.
~. ~*rd ~ted th: ~ie~t ~rll~s re~ectfully r~uest8 th: the ~yor ~ City
~cil s~t ~ appropriate filin~ to the ~ alon[ t~ foll~M lines: If the ~ [r~ts t~
~ste~ ~rllnes* request to su~end semite be~en ~a~ke~ Vlr[~la, ~ ~lttsbur~,
then t~ City of ~ requests t~t the ~ s~lt~e~ly Iran: t~ ~ption ~plicatl~
Pleat ~lch ~ld pe~t ~le~t to pr~lde i~ediate t~ora~ semite be~en those ~lnt*
~. ~a~n ~ved t~t the request ~ referred to t~ ~ort ~lso~ ~ssl~ for
proper ~as~e In support of the ~tion ~plicatl~ of ~ied~nt ~rlines. ~e ~tion
seco~ed by Hr. ~s and ~an~ly ad. ted.
~re being no further business, the ~yor declared the ~ting adjured a~ ~:~ p.~.
City Clerk ~yor
Hay 31, 1978.
T~e Council of the City of Roanoke m~t in special meetin~ in the Council Chm~et in the
~lcipal ~lldin~ City of ~ano~,
Taylor pres~dins.
F~ ~unc~l m~ers Elizabeth
~on ~, ~8 and~yo~ Noel C* Taylo~
~: ~c~l ~ers
City ~ger; ~. MJlbu~ C. D~bl~ng,
Finance; ~, Jo~ H. ~Cchell, ~oist~t Director of Flnance~ a~ ~s. ~ F. Parer, City
Hr, Tho~as moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The notion vas seconded by Hr. C~lrla~d
and adopted by the follo~in~ votet
AYES: ~ouncil~-~bere ~les, Garland, Grove, Thomas end Hayer Taylor -5.
I~ATS~ Non~--
(council s~mbers Hubard and Tau~an vere absent)
~UD~ET-SE~S A~D STO~ DKAIH$~ Hr. Thomas offered the foll~lng e~rgency Ordi~uce
adopting the annual Se~nge Treatment Fund Appropriation of the City of ~o&noke for th~ fiscal
year beginning July lj 1918, And ending June 30, 1979, in the total a~ount of
(J24156) A~ O~DIN~CE adopting the annual Semele Treat~nt Fund Appropriation of the
City of ~oanok~ for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1978~ and ending June 30s 1979; and declaring
the existence of an ~ersency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see O~dtnance Book Nee &5, paEe
H~. Tho~as~oYed the adoption of the Ordi~anceo l~e ~otion vas seconded by HFs. Bo~lns
and adopted by the follo~ins vote~
AYES~ Council ue~bers Bo~les, ~arland, CroYe, ~ho~as and H~yor Taylor--
(t21158) ANORDI~.AI~CEadopring th .... l~unicipalAirpor~ rundApproprtation~i
Hr. Th~s m~ved tim adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES~ Council m~nbera Bo~lee. Garland. Grove. Thomas and Hayer Taylor
HATS: }4on~ O.
(Council members Huberd and Taubnan vere absent.)
BXIDGE~-TAXE$: Hr. Gr~e moved that the follo~in$ Ordinance anendlug and reordaining
Section 117, Tax Credit, Chapter 8, L~cense Tax Code, Title VI, Taxation, of the Code of the City
of ~oanoke, 1936, aa a~ended, pro~tdlng for a 20Z tax credit in lieu of 10Z, and pr~viding for an
effective date of January 1, 1919, be placed upon its first feeding:
(~24161) AN O~DI~A~CE to a2end and reordain Section 11], Tax Credit, Chapter 81 License
Tax Code, ~itle VI, Taxation, Code of the City of roanoke (1936), as amended, prwiding for a 20~
tax credit in lieu of IOZ, and providing for an effective date of January 1, 1979.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book ~o.
· he ~otiou vas seconded by Hrs. go~les and adopted by the following vo£e:
A¥~S: Council me.bets l~o~les, Garland, Crave, Thomas a~d Hayer Taylor ......
~ATS: ~one-
(council me.bars ~ubard and Taubman veze absent.)
CO~CIL.' The City Hanager requested that Council ~eet in Executive Session to discuss
a personnel ~atter.
Hr. Thomas ~oved that Council ~eet in Executive Session to discuss a personnel ~atter,
The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the relieving vote:
Houday, June 120 1978.
The Council of the City of ~oanoke met in regular meeting in the Council Chmber in the
Hunlclpal Buildln$, City of ~oanokes on Head&y, June 12, 1978s at 7:30 p,u., the regular ueetin~
hour, vlth Hayer Nee! C. Taylor presiding,
pnrql~T** Co~mcll nenbern gobert A. Garland, Lucian Y. Grove, Willful S. ltubard, Nicholas
F. Taubnan, Ihapton W. TbonAs and 14ayor Noel C. Taylor.
ABSEHTc Vice Jtsyor Elizabeth T. Bovles.
City Attorney; Hr. Joel H. Schlanser, Director Of Finance; and HFS. Judith H. St. Clair, Deputy
The invocation vas followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United
HINuT~q: Copies of the minutes of the regular meeting held on HondaFs Hap 22, 1978s
and of the special neetlng held on Wednesday, ~ay 31, 1978, having been furnished each member of
PROCLAHATIONS: The Hayer presented a Proclamation declarit~ the month of June, 1978,
read the follc~ing bids:
Bidder Proposal I Proposal IIProposal II1Proposal
C. C. & T Construc-
Incorporated $390s315.00$391,125.00$619,80~.00 $~20,61&.00
Ar~co Steel
Cor~oration 507,178.00 no bid 532,266.50 no bid
Stidd Tunneling &
~oring Corporation 517,$50.00 505,700.00 512,002. OB 529,852.00
Corporation 617,750.00 560,270.00 68~,750.00 597,270.00
and adopted.
Brady as me~bers of the committee.
Treatment Plant I~prc~ements, said proposals to be received by the City Clerk until 1:30 p.m. ·
raising any question, the BaFor instructed the Deputy City Clerk to proceed vith the opening of
the bids; ~hereupons the Deputy City Clerk opened and read the follo~ing bids:
Acorn Construction Ltd. $391,000.00$780,000.00$1,170,000.00
Incorporated &26,800.00' ~o bid no bid
(iii bid is a~arded vlthln 30 days deduct
The notion vas seconded by Hr. G~rland and edopted by the follovin~ votes
AYES: Co,moil u~bere Garland, Groves Huberd, Teubmn and Nayor Yeylor~.
HAir S: N~e~ .0.
(Vice Hayer Bo~les vas a~sent) (Council stabber ~ho~me ~t voting)
ZO~l~C: l~rsuant to i~structio~e of the Go,moil, the City Clerk set a public
heerl~ for 7:30 p.m., ~onday, June 12, 1918, on the reques~ of ~lo~y 5avta~s ~d ~aa ~sociati~
that property lo.ted at 1422 and 1~ Hers~er~er ~ad~ ~. ~.~ a~ ~855 ~en Drive, N. ~.,
d~cribed as ~ts 1-A~ 2-A and 3-A, Block 6, Section 1, ~p of ~en ~ark, Official ~ ~os.
22~1 - 2~3, incisive, be rezoned fr~ ~, ~plex ~sideatial Dlstricr~ to C-I, Office
and Institutio~l Dlstrict~ the ~tter was before the b~y.
(For full text, sea report on file In t~ City Clerk's Office.)
foll~i~ ~dl~nce be plac~ on its firs~ readin~
(~2~153) ~ O~I~CE to ~and ~ltle ~, ~apter ~.1. Section 2, of ~e ~de of the
City of ~ao~ 19~, as ~nded, and Sheet ~o. 228~ Sectl~31 197~ Zone ~p, Cl~y of Roanoke.
~e ~lon vas seconded by Hr. Taub~n.
NAYS: None-
(Vice Mayor Ik~les was absent)
AIRPORT: Co,moil having received a request to discuss the application of Allegheny
Airlines filed with the Civil Aeronautics Board for authority to provide service betveen Pittsburgh-
Roanoke/Raleigh-Durha~/Charlorte, Docket 32587, from Hr. William N. Seitz, Director of Government
and Co~anity Aifairs for Ailegheny Airlines, the Hayor advised that Hr. Seitz vas not present
at the ~eeting.
A report o£ the Airport Advisory Commission in connection vith the request of Piedmont
Airlines for support of their petition to the Civil Aeronautics Board for immediate "exemption
authority" to provide service bet~eenRoanoke and Pittsburgh, vas also before the body.
(For full t~t, see report on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Hr. Jack C. S~lth, ~airman, Air. OFt ~dvisory ~si~, appeared ~ a~ised
t~ ~ssl~ c~ed Pie~t ~rlin~ for t~ excellent semite they have revered t~ city
~er t~ yaars, but it was the feelin{ of the ~ssl~ t~t they w~ld rather ~ve t~ airlines
~. ~rla~ questi~ ~. ~ith if the ~ort ~viso~ ~ismi~
{ivan c~lderatl~ to all~l~ ~le~ny Airlines to have ~a trip ~ Pl2~nt ~rlines one
trip, a~ ~ther this w~ld be eco~cally feasible{ ~ere~, ~. S~th ~ised ~ did not
~ if it v~ld be ethically feasible, ~ t~t ~ underst~ i~ v. the prero{ative of t~
~rl~es, appeared before the b~y and advis~ t~t ~le~nt ~rliues had c~cl~ed It w~ld be the
(vice ~yor ~les vas
After further diecuanion of the ~atterj Hr. Thins offered a eubstitute ~otiou cheat
the city ~sk for an early detet~i~tion fro~ the Civil A~ro~utica Bo·rd for · substitute carrier
but tak~ no position as to which carrier would be selected. Th~ ~oticm vas ancou~rd by Hr.
Garland snd adopted.
· ho City Ham·get reminded ~ovncil that it is dealing no~ with the t~sporsr~ petitfon~
and that it may want to take · position when it ¢c~es to the pernanent route chan~e.
Hr. Garland moved that the c~unlcation fro~ Er. l~lllian N. Seits~ the report of the
Airport ~dvieory ~nnission and the letter fro~ the Civil A~ronautica Board be received and
filed. The notion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted.
C(~iIEXSIV~ ~LOYNI2~ ~D ~RAI~I~G AC~.+ Er. Phyllis Hardian, Claim A~vocate for
Total Action Against Poverty in the Boanoke Valleyj appeared before ~ouncil and stated that she
is one of m~ny public service employees being faced with the l~ediate threat of forced unenploynenl
that the affected e~ployeesj their families and interested citize~ have forn~d a group called
in the }lanp~ver balance of state funds $1,000s000.00 ~hich c~Id be used for the local Consorti~
do so, that the affected e~ployees and their fandlies mst be the victims of this shortsighted
policy through no fault of their o~n~ and that they were seektn~ the city's commitment to ~oln
of Labor this past week~ that with the assistance of Congressman H. Cald~ell Butler they recommended
to the Department that they take this s~e step~ but at this point~ it had not been done~ and
City Attorney to prepare the proper state.eno endorsing the position of the ad~tnlstration that
the President of the United States permit the transfer of ~lj000~000.O0 in unallocated Federal
seconded by Nr. Uubard and adopted,
for purchase of certain video tape equipment for the Circuit Court vas inadvertently overlooked~
for purchase of said equipment, was before the body.
(For full text, see communication on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
of certain video tape equip~ent:
(~2&166) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &S, page 12.)
NAYS: ~one
(Vice Nayor Bo~les was absent)
SC~OOLS-CII~ p~OPE~I~ A cc~mmicatloa fro~ lit. Jms V. hv~ ~sist~t Svperinte~eut
for ~usiness ~ Clerk of t~ ~ard, ~ City ~blic S~lss tr~nittlnS a ~solutl~
adopted by the Sch~l ~ard on ~y 23, 1978, returns t~ Jefferson Yo~tio~l ~ex ~d the
~lnten~ce Shop to t~ c~trol and possession of the citys v~ before the
(For full texto see c~nl~tion on file in t~ City Clerkes Office.)
Hr. ~bard ~ed that the c~lcat~on ~d ~solu~lon be received and filed, ~e
~i~ vo seconded by ~. ~s a~ ~dopted,
fr~ ~onJu~ ~rea~ and ~s~ ~nya~ vas before the body.
(For full text~ see c~ic~i~ on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
Tau~n ~d adoptS.
and close~, vas before the body,
(tlt161) t ~O~ION providi~ for th~ appoint~nt of five freeholders,
(Vice ~yor ~les ~as absent)
(¥ice~ayor Bo~les was absent)
making certain rec~eMations in tolectin vith n~ electric rates proposed by Appalachian
P~er ~pany to be effective July 1, 1918.
(For full text~ see report on file ia the City Clerk's Office.)
the City Manager also requested authority to au$$eat to Appalachian power ~npa~y that
they defer any increased rate until Octohe~ 1, the effective date to remain July 1, but the city
to not be required by them to pay any additional rate until October 1.
Mao Hvbard moved that Council ¢oucvr in the report and offered the following Resolution
expressing the sense of Council not to concur in new electric rates established by Appalachian
Po~er Co.any:
(~24169) A ~SOLUTIC~ expreasl~ the sense of Co,mci! not to cuncur in ne~ electric
rates established by Appalachian po~er Company for the City effective July.l, 1978, and authorizing
the Virginia Hunicipal League to negotiate vith Appalachian Po~er ~ompany on behalf of the City.
(For full text of lesolution, see Resolution Book No. 45, page
Hr. Nubard moved the adoption of thc Resolution. ~he m~tion was seconded by
and adopted by the following vote.'
AYES: Council members Garland, Rubard, Tauhman, thomas and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None ~ '
(Vice Mayor Bo~les vas absent) (Hr. Grove abstained fro~ votinS due to a conflict of interest)
Hr. Nubard then ~oved that Council direct and authorize the City Manager to request of
A~palachian ?o~er ~p~ny its concurrence in the city continuing to pay rates at the current
level for electricity sold by that utility'to the city until a date no later than October 1,
1978. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taub~an and adopted, Hr. trove not voting.
Hr. gubard then offered the following emergency Ordinance transferring $$.225.00 fro~
Contingency leserve under Section ~1~80~ 'contingencies,~ to Other Services and Charges ~der
Section rOI01, ~Councll":
(~24170) AN ORDINANCE to a~end and reoedain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers ~arland, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Vice Mayor Bowles vas absent) (Hr. Grove abstained frc~voting due to a conflict of interest)
(Vice ~Layor Bo~les was absent) (Mr. Grove not voting)
Hr. Thomas then moved that the following Ordinance be placed vpon its first reading:
(#2~112) AN ORDINANCE authorizins and directing the proper City officials to execute
and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian ~ower Company.
the ~otion ~as seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: ~ouncil members Garland, Hubard, Taubmzn, Thomas and M~yor Taylor--
NAYS: Nonc O.
(Vice ~ayor Ro~les was absent) (Hr. Grove not voting)
Hr. Hubard moved that the following Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t241~3) AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute
and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian Pover Co~pany,
The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members ~arland, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor5.
NAYS: Non~
(Vice Mayor Bo~les vas absent) (Mr. Grove not voting)
CITY CODE-SD~F~$ A~D STOB~ DRAINS: The City ~ser s~tttd a ~itten report rec~ndl~
tht Title ~II, ~opter 7, Sectl~ 22, pirfgraph (8) of ~ ~de of t~ City of ~ano~, 19560
tO bo~ City ~ ~ty ~st~rs se~ed by t~ City,
(For full text, see repor~ ~ file la tb City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~s ~ed that ~cil concur ~n the report and offered the roll.inS e~r~ency
~din~ce ~l~ the City ~det
(J2417t) ~ O~CE ~l~ ~ reordalninS s~sectiou (a) of Sec. 22. ~ectl~
7. S~ers and s~e disposal, of T~tle ~II. Streetss Sld~al~ ~d SMrs, of the ~e of the
City of ~a~, 19~6~ ~ ~e~eds a~ pr~idini for an ~rsency.
(For full text of O~din~nce. see Ordinate ~k Ho. ~5, pa~e t~.)
a~ adopted by the roll.ins vo~e~
(For full text, eeo report on file In the City Clerkte Office.)
~r. Grove moved that Council concur In the report and offered the follwaing e~rgency
Ordinance accepting the proposal of Appalachian po~er Co, any for installation of automatic
s~itching devices at the Se~age Treat~nt Plantl
(~2417]) AN O~DINANCE accepting the proposal of Appalachian Foyer Company for lnstallatf~
of auto~mtfc s~ltching devices at the Se~age Treatment Plant and authorizing the proper City
officiale to execute the requisite contract{ and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordiunnco Book Ho. 45, page
~r. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas
and adopted by the follwaing vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard. Taubaan, Thomas and Hayor Taylor--
~AVS: Non~
(Vice Hayor Bo~ies vas absent)
(Vice Hayor Bo~les vas absent)
BUDGET-GENERAL DISTRICT COURT-GRAN~S: The City Nanager submitted a~rritten report tn
connection vith La~ Enforcement Grant No. 76-Al145, vhich provided for the purchase of tvo calculators
by the General District Court, recommending that this account be reduced to zero.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. Garland moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follcraing e~ergency
Ordinance reducing said account to zero:
(f24179) A~ ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Grant
Programs Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Eo. 45, page
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The Motion was seconded by {.fr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
(Vice Hayor Bo~les ~as absent)
Hr. Garland th~n offered the follovins Resolution authorizins acceptance of said
(~24181) A BLSOIJ~rlGt~ authorisins the accept~ce, execut$~, ~ filiaS of t~ "Special
~lt~ for ~ti~ Grant ~a~ds" vith the Div~[~ of Justice ~d
action Sr~t of Federal f~ for ~plo~t of
Atto~eye 8 Office,
(For full text of [esolutions see ~soluti~
~, ~rla~ ~ed the adoption of the ~solution. ~ ~tl~ vas seconded by ~, H~ard
a~ adopted by t~ foll~iu~ votel
(Vice ~yor ~les v~ absent)
c~di~i~, and tha~ $15,~.~ be provided for ren~ation of 3,t32 sq~re feet In the J~entle
(For full text, see report ~ file In the City Clerk's Office.)
(J2t182) ~ O~I~CE to ~eud ~d reordain cer~al~l sec~lo~ of the 19~7-78
(For full tex~ of ~dinance, see ~dlnance ~oo~ ~o.
(Vice Mayor ~les vas absent)
BUD~ET-SI3~3~S AHD STOF~ D~f'$t The City ~er s~ltted · ~itttn r~ort rec~
me~ing t~t t~ city ~e · 1.3 ~cre p~rcel of 1~ f~ the Horfol~ ~ ~este~
~ for the s~ of S17,~.~, up~ certain tern ~ c~iti~, in c~ectl~ ~th c~st~ctl~
of the ~t~Horfolk Avenue Sanita~ S~er ~te~ceptor ~plac~t ?roJect, and that funde be
tr~ferred t~refor.
(For full text, see report ~ file la the Ci~ Clerk*s Office.)
~. Gr~e ~ed tha~ ~cil concur In the Eeport ~ offered the follmini ~rsency
O~dl~ce tr~ferrinS $17~.~ fr~ S~aie ~ter~l STst~ ~pl~c~t ~der Sect~ ~0108~
~aF~e$ fo~ ~Frent Se~Jces,' of the 1977-78 ~Fal ~nds to ~t~ - Horfol~ Avenue
FroJect u~eF Secti~ ~2~01~ t'~pital ~tll~s~ of t~ 1977-78 S~a~e TreAt~nt
(~2~185) ~ O~I~CE to ~e~ ~d reordain certain sectio~ of ~e 197~-78
(~2&159) AN O~DI~¢E to ~end and reordaia certain sections of the 1978-79 Ceueral
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, ~d pr~idin~ for an ~er~ency.
(For full text of Ordin~ce~ see Ordinate ~ok No. ~ pa~e ~3.)
Hr. ~bard ~ed the adoption cf the ~dinance. ~e ~tion v~ seconded by ~. Ya~n
and adopted by the roll,inS vote:
(Vi~e F~yor B~les va~ ~Bsent)
I~I~IC-~ED C~OSS~ The C~ty Ha~ger submitted a ~ritten report
Ieee with t~ ~rican Hitiml bd ~oss for property ~ ~urch Av~e utilized for city ~pl~ee
paEkl~s ~ t~ Ieee with J & S Par~u~ for property ~ ~ur~ Avenue icross fr~ the ~y
~apel. be tek,ted on ~st 1~ 1978~ ~ t~t ~l~ees curr~tly holding sp~ces In t~ ~d
Cross lot be reassigned spaces la t~ lot presently le~ed by J & S Paring.
(For full texte see report ~ file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~rla~ ~v~ that ~=cil c~cut fn the rec~ation of the City ~ser. ~e
~ti~ v~ sec~ by ~. Grove ~d ~dopted.
~S~ ~ STO~ D~INS~ ~e City ~er s~mitted a ~itten report in
co,action ~ith t~ c~laint of ~. ~d ~s. Stephen ~. ~len ~d
drainage probl~ adjacent to their drXv~ay on ~t Ple~t ~ulevard~ S. E.e rec~endin~ that
the city~intain t~ positi~ of co~iderin~ surface w~ter ~ a c~ en~y~ and that the property
~ers be advised the city h~s ~ liability In this probl~
such t~ as similar probl~ ~n be addressed on a city, ida basis.
(For full testa see report on file in the City Cletken Office.)
~ter vt~ing pictures s~nitted by the City ~na~er. ~. Grove moved that ~uncil
concur in the rec~enda~ion of the City ~naser. ~e ~ti~w~ seconded by ~. ~rland and
BUS~: ~e City ~er submitted a written report rec~endin~ a
be~en Creater ~anoke Transit ~np~y and the city for facilities at 12~h Stree~ and ~bell
Avenue~ S. E.e under the s~e provision as existed in previous yearse aSre~n~ excepting that
CRTC will be responsible for fu~lshins all ~lnten~nce se~ice, excluding the fu~ace and facilities
needed to p~ide beat.
(For full text. see repot~ on f~le in the ~ity Cletkes Office.)
~. Taub~n ~v~ that ~cil concur in the repor~ and that the roll.lng Ordinance be
placed up~ its first re~ding:
(~2~192) ~ O~I~CE au~horiztn~ the City*s lease of certain land and improvements
thereon located at 12th S~reet and ~pbell Avenue~ S. E.. to Greater ~oke Transl~ ~pany~
upon certain te~ ~d conditions.
The ~otion was seconded by Nr. Grove and adopted by the fo11~in~ vote:
~r. Thcuas u~ved the adoption of Ordinance Ho. 2~19&, The ~tl~ v~ sec~ed by ~.
~rh~ ~ ~dopted by the foll~ln~ vote~
A~ ~cll ~eru ~rl~d, Grove, ~bard, Ta~n, ~ ~ ~yor Taylor 6.
(V~e ~yor ~les V~ absent)
~-D~ OF ~BLXC ~ ~e City ~ler s~tted a ~tten report rec~-
~t th~ $5,~.~ ha tr~ferr~ to t~ ~ert~ Accost of the Utility Line Facll~ties DrpaEtnent
b~&et, to pr~lde suffic~ent f~ds for t~ r~er of tha fiscal year.
(For full text, see report cn file In the C~ty ClerkSs Office.)
Depar~ent budget, to pr~ide sufficient f~ds for the r~luder of the fiscal year.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove m~ed that ~cil concur in the report and offered the foll~lns ~ergency
(J21196) ~ O~I~CE to ~e~d ~d reordain 5ecti~ ~1671, '~otorized Vehicle ~lntf
of the 1977-~8 General ~nd lpp~opria~ion ~dinance, and proyidin~ for an ~ertency.
(For full ~ex~ of ~din~nce, see Ordl~nce Book No. 15, pa~e ~6.)
(Vice ~ayor Bovles vas absent)
BUDGE~-AIRPORT: ~he City Hanager submitted a ~r~itten report reco~nendlng that ~90,500.00
of additional appropriations from the previous years' revenue of the Airport Fund be provided for
payment of certain Interftmd Services at Roanoke F~micipal Airport, ~oodr~m Field, for the remainder
of the fiscal year.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following ~ergency
Ordinance appropriating $90,500.~O to Interfund Services under Section ~200~, "O~erating Expenses,"
of the 1977-78 Airport Fund Appropriation Ordinance:
(i24197) ~I ORDINANCE to amend and reoedain certain sections of the 1977-78 Airport
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providl~ for an emergency.
(Pot full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Rook No. ~5, pa~e
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the loll,Yint vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Nayor Taylor ---6.
NAYS: None O.
(Vice ~ayor Bovles vas absent)
GRA~I~AIP. PONT: The City Hanager sub~itted a ~ritten report reco~endlnE authorization
accepti~ the grantl
(125198) A R~SOLU~I0~ aecept~nl a srant offer of tho Commonv~alth of Vir~n~a~ State
~rporatl~ ~ssl~, Division of ~ronautics, ~rovid!~ for state aid rolo*iai to ~roJect
~14i~41 (~l a~ ~) to ~list In t~ ~cquisiti~ ~ develops* of ~vl~iti~l aid
prelects for ~ano~ ~nicipal ~ort~ good~ [leld~ ~d authorizin~ th~ executl~ of said
(For full text of Rasolutl~, see Resoluti~ ~o~ Ho. ~5, raze 57.)
HF. Ta~n u~ed t~ ad~tl~ of the ~sol~tl~. ~ ~tl~ v~ seco~ed b7 Hr. G~e
a~ ed~t~ b7 t~ foll~u~ vote~
A~= ~cil ~eas ~rl~i, Gr~e~ ~haFd, Ta~n0 ~ a~ ~7or Ta~lor
(Vice liayor Bevies vas absent)
BGDGKf-CFAKIS-CCetPR~I~I/SIVE E~PLOT~2rf ~ ~I~ ~: ~e City ~ler s~mitted a
~ltten report ~v~ins of an increase In the buic ~np~r trot, ~A Cr~ ~o. 51-8-201-10~ TitL
I Incentive ~n~ H 1978, and tec~lng that $152,99t,~ be appropriated to the proper grant
(FoE f~l text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
(J26199) ~ O~I~CE to ~nd and reordain certain secti~s of ~he 19~7-~8
Gra~ Progr~ ~nd ~p~opria~lon Ordin~ce~ ~d providin~ fo~ an ~rgen~.
(For full ~ext of Ordinances see Ordinance ~ok No. 15, pa~e 58.)
(Vice Hayer ~o~les was absent)
BUDGET-POLICE BE~ARTHE~T-EQUII~E~T: The City FLanager submitted a~ritten report concurrin
in a report of the Bid Ccn~nittee, reco~ending that the proposal of Statum CheYrolet, Incorporated,
for supplying two ney cabs and chassis at a total cost of $12,585.68, be accepted, and that funds
be transferred therefor.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. ~ubard moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following ~ergency
Ordinance transferring $I0,O00.00 from Capital Outlay under Section f13t5, "Police*** to Capital
Outlay under Section 11671, "Hotorized Vehicle Haintenance," of the 1977-78 budget:
(124200) AN ORDI~IA~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 15, page 58.)
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the relieving vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None O.
(Vice~ayor Bo~les was absent)
Hr. Taubman offered the folloving emergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of Statum
Chevrolet, Incorporated:
(f24201) AN ORDI}L~CE'providing for the purchase of t~o ney police paddy wagon cabs
and chassis upon certain ter~s and conditions; accepting a certain bid made to the City for
furnishins and delivering said vehicular equipment; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &5~ page 59,)
Hr. Taub~an ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he ~otion ~as seconded by Hr. ~homas
and adopted by the follc~i~g vote:
AYE5: Council me~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taub~an, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: None~ O.
(Vlce PLayar Bo~les was absent)
COUNCIL: ~he City Hanager verbally requested t~o Executive Sessions to discuss a legal
~atter and a personnel matter.
Hr. Taubman ~oved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a legal ~atter and
a personnel matter. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council nembers Garland, Crowe, Itubard, Tsubnan, Tho~s and Mayor Tsylor = --6.
HA,$~ Hone- O.
(Vice Hoyor ~vles vas absent)
BUDGET-SCHOOLS: The Director of Finance eub~tted a ~itten report tzans~ttin~ the
f~ancl~l report of t~ School ~ard for the ~nth of A~ril, 1978.
(For f~l text, see report ~ file In the City ClerkOs Office.)
~. ~s ~ t~t the report be received ~d filed. ~ ~lon v~ seconded by
B~-D~ OF ~ S~IC~: ~e Director of Fl~ce s~sitted a ~itten
sta~nt of ~penditures for ~blic ~elfare for the ~nth of ~y, 19]8,
(For full text, see stat~en~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~aub~n and adopted,
within the City of ~anoke.
~. ~rland s~ated he hoped that in the future ii ~here are any sizeable increases
No. 2t202:
(Vice Hayor Ik~les was absent)
SCHOOLS: The City Clerk submitted a ~ritten report advisinR that the three year term~
of Mr. James W. Barks, Jr., and Dr. Wendell H. Butler as members of the Roanoke City School l~ard
viii expire ou June 30, 1978, and that applications for the ~o vacancies ara no~ bein8 received
in the City Clerk's Office.
Mr. Garland moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Crowe and adopted.
The Mayor advised that Council would meet as a Committee of the ~hole on Thursday, June
15, 1978, ac 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber to intervie~ all candidates ~ho have filed written
applications, and that the election of the t~o members would be before Comlcil at its meeting on
June 26, 1978.
Hr. Thomas reeved that Council concur in the report and offered the followln~ e~n~rsonc7
ordinanca providin~ for a re~llocation' of certain of the oev~e treet~nent cop*cities asol~nnd to
the various political subdivisions of the Ro~uoka Volleys
(tl&101) AH OenlNANCE providin~ for · reollocation of certain of the eewase treatment
capacities an**Shed to the vorioua politicol eubdivision~ of the Bo~noke Valley pursuant to
certain say&Se tre&tment contracts entered into by and betveen said political subdivisions and
the City of Roiuoke in 1972: by ~endin~ such contr&cte upon certain terms and conditions; and
providin& for an enersency and an effective date of said amendments,
(For full text of Ordinances see Ordinance Book Ho. &5, paso $9.)
Hr. Thomas ~oved the &doption Of the Ordinance. The ~otfon was seconded by Hr, Taubnan
and adopted by the follovinS vote:
AYESI Council ~ers ~arl&ndj Grove, Hubard, Taubnan, Thomas and Hayor Taylor .... 6.
(Vice Hayor Bovles vas absent)
In this connection, a co~x~unication from Hrs. Jennifer J. Sibley, Deputy Clerk, Roanoke
Cotmcy Board of Supervisors, transnittins copy of Resolution No. 20&t adopted by the Board on Hay
9, 1978, appro~lnS an a~end~ent to the quantity allocation specified in the Hatch 22, 1972,
Seva~e Treatment Contract, vas *leo before the body.
Hr. Thomas n~ved that the co~munication and Resolution be received and filed. The
notion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman and adopted.
DEPA~IEI~r OF PUBLIC ~Oi~S~ Hr. Luci~n Y. Grove~ ~i~ of the c~ttee ~ppoint~d
to study the bid received for i paS~ i~ r~io ~nitor~ syl~ for the ~lic ~orks Se~ice
~nter, s~ltted a ~itten re~rt rec~in~ t~t the bid of ~e C. ~rt~, in the ~t of
~11,995.~, be accepted.
(For full t~t, see report ~ f~le in the City Clerkts Office,)
Hr. Gr~e ~ed thc ~cil concur In ~e report ~ offered the foll~ing ~ergeucy
(~2~2~) ~ O~I~CE accepting a bid opened before the City ~ncil ~ ~y 22~ 1978,
fr~ ~e ~r~ & ~s Inc. s for pr~lding and i~talling a z~ed paging ~d r~lo ~itoring
syst~ In the ~blic ~orh Se~lce ~nter; authoriz~ the proper City officials to execute the
(For full text of ~di~ceo see ~di~ce ~k Ho. ~, page 61.)
a~ adopt~ by the foll~ing vote~
(Vice Nayor Bo~les vas absent)
thr~Eh ~y 22, 1918.
(For full t~, see lis~ ca file In the City Clerk% Office.)
(Vice~ayor go. les was absent) (Cotmcil member Taubman not voting)
Hr. John P. Cone, Jr., 2816 Spring Road. S.H., appeared and presented a petition
signed by fifty persons in opposition to the rezoning. He also presented a~r~itten statement
citing that the membership of the Citizenst Environmental Council oppose said rezoning and the
proposed shopping ~all and urged Council to withhold an affirmative vote until several issues
have been fully studied and all facts and figures regarding this matter have been made public,
that they doubted the need for a regional shopping~a11 at this time and urged that a study be
made of this need, that they opposed the location Of the proposed mall and the way it is being
funded by peoples~ tax dollars, that they urged Council to work toward a dynamic dc~nto~a, that
a regional shopping center as proposed vii1 divert substantial business from the do~to~a area
decreasing the property values and tax revenues nc~ generated therefrom and no approval of the
Ordinances should be given until the study of do, far--Roanoke has been co~leted and the effects
of said regional shopping mall are included as a prominent element of that study, that people
have assu~ed changing the zoning of this tract of land from Light Industrial to Commercial is
zoning to a less intense land use category but the commercial use proposed by the shopping mall
is actually more intense in cer~s of concentration of people and autemobiles than a light indus-
crial classificationvould pe~nit.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Carl C. ~hurston appeared in opposition to the rezoning, stating that the affected
residential neighborhood had no sidevalks for the children to use going to and from school and
the additional traffic created by the shopping mall vould be a safety hazard, that another
monstrous exit should not be created off of Interstate 581 at this location due to the safety
factor, and that he does not understand ~hy the city should taka the citizens~ tax dollars and
give the~ to the developer to build the shopping center.
Hr. ~ho~as J. Nolan, representing Roanoke Neighborhood Alliance. appeared and presented
a vritten state~ent citing that the Board of Directors had voted unanimously to request him to
urge Council to vote against the efforts being made to create the shopping ~all on the Huff
Farm, that the Board is opposed to the rezoning and the proposed contracts ~lth the developers
and landowners because of its concern for the future of downtown Roanoke and the neighborhoods
contingent upon it since the ne~ ~all vi11 further contribute to the deterioration thereof, and
time they urge~ ~ouncll to tr~ to find investors for · similar project for the central part of
th~ city.
(For full t~t, see stat~n~ ~ fils in the City Clerkt8 Office.)
~verend ~roy C. ~berts, 1921 ~rcer Ayres ~, ~.~ app~red ~ voic~ ~s ~e~
over t~ la~ of Jobs in t~ city, stati~ t~t he feels there c~
the people c~ce~ed ~d they c~ sit d~ ~ dis~ss t~r~ly all factors l~volved, ~d t~
la the interest of possible Job develo~nt for the ~l~ed people of the city he ts in favor
of the proposal for the ~11.
~e ~yor questi~ed If any m~er of ~cil vished to ~v~ a rec~lderatl~ of
Z~STATE HI~AYS~ ~e City ~ger presented a~ltten repor~
(For full text, see repor~ on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
(For full t~, see Resolution on file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
and 2~1~1 which obligate the city to financial support of a proposed shopping center on th~ ~ff
(For full text, se~ c~icati~ on file In the City Clerk*s Office,)
and ~ressed his conce~ ~er the way ~he road is proposed because i~ ~11 c~plete~ blo~ off
Costa involved for viden~ng Herehberger goad fr~u the present proposed
six lens road to eight lanes, to provide deceleration lanes especially
for entrance to the proposed shopping center,
2. Plans for the relocation of Aviation ~oad, and for the interchange at
Aviation goad and Craedvl~s
3.Pla~s for So viii have access to the access road for the proposed
shopping centers and
Plans for access to the Andze~s property on the northerly side of
Nershberser Road.
The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Grove.
During fuzther discussion, Council ~xpressed the desire that the City Hrnager have a
meeting vith all persons affected and concerned to discuss all questions an~ problems regarding
the videning of Hersbberger ~ad, N. H., in connection vith the construction of the proposed
shoppin~ con,ecl vhezeupou, the City Hanaser established a ~eeting for 2:00 p.m., Honday, June
19, 1978~ In the Council Chamber for this purpose.
The Hayor expressed hfs hope that when Council ~eets on J~e 26, 1978, that out of the
meetinS the City Hrnager is having on June 19, a report rill cc~e to Council giving ansvers and
explanations to the posed questions so that the ~atter can be acted upon at that time.
l~ne substitute morion vas then adopted, and the Hayor advised that this action also
takes into consideration Ordinance Nos. 2&1t0 and 2t111.
authorizl~ and providing for the lease by the City of the for~er Harine Corps Facility site to
Opportunities Industrialization Center, having previously been before the Council for its first
reading, read and adopted on its first readin~ and laid over, was again before the body,
Thomas offering the folloving for its second reading and final adoption:
(~24117) ~ ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the lease by the City of the
for~er ~arine Corps Facility site to Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC)~ upon certain
tel~s and conditions.
(For full rex, of Ordinance, see Ordinance Sook No. 15, page
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council m~nbers Garland, Grove, Hubard, yaubman~ Iiao~as and Hayor Yaylor ....
NAYS: Non~
(Vice Hayor Bowles vas absent)
CII~ CODE-TAXES: Ordinance No. 21161 amendin~ and reordaining the Code of the City of
Roanoke, 19~6, as amended, to provide for a 201 tax credit in lieu of 10~ and for an effective
date of January 1, 1979, having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read
and adopted on its first reading and laid over, ~as again before the body, Hr. Grove offering the
following for irs second reading and final adoption:
(~21161) AN O~DIHANCE to amend and reordain Section ll~, Tax Credit, Chapter 8, License
Tax Code, Title VI, Taxation~ Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, providing for a 201
rex credit in lieu of lOl, and providing for an effective date of January 1, 1979.
(For full text of Ordiuance~ see Ordinance Book No. &5~ page
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The morion ~as seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the follo~iog vote:
AYES: Council members Carland~ Grove, Rubard, Taub~an, Thomas and Mayor Taylor .... 6.
There bein~ no further uoainatious, Er. Hubbell vas reelected naa member of the ~nard
of Trustees, bployeest Retirement Syete~ for · term of four years end,nS June 30, 19820 by the
follo~in~ vote**
Fei ~. lfl/BgKLL** Council ~e~bers Garland. Groves Hubard, Taubnan, Thomas and llayor
Taylor .6.
(Vice Hayer ~les vas absent)
LIS~AIIESt The N~yor A~vised that the three year terms of Dr. Leo PlAtt and Hr. ~.
Courtney K~ng, Jr., and the tern of He. Charlotte ~. Sandy as me~bers of the ~oanohe Public
Library Board viii expire on June 30, 1978, and called for nculuatious to fill the vacancies.
Hr. ltubard placed in nomination the names of Dr. Leo Platt, Hr. W. Courtney King and
He. Charlotte W. Sandy.
There being no further nominations, Dr. Platt, Hr. King and Ns. Sandy were reelected as
members of the Roanoke Public Library Board for terms of three years each ending June 30, 1981,
by the follo~in~ vote:
FOR DH. PLATT, N~. ~ING AH~ NS. SANDY.* Council m~bers Garland, Grove, Hubard, Taubmans
Thomas and Hayer Taylor-
(Vice Hayer Bo~les vas absent)
AIRPORT: The Hayer advised that the t~o year terms of Hessrs. Sidney A. Weinstein and
Samuel Ho Stuart as ne~bers of the Airport Advisory Commission viii expire on June 30, 1978, and
called for nominations to fill the vacancies.
Hr. Hubard plsced in nomination the names of Hessrs. Sidney A. Weinstein and Samuel
H. Stuart.
There being no further nominations, He,ers. Welnstein and Stuart were reelected as
members of the Airport Advisory Commission for ter~ of two years each ending June 30, 1980, by
the following vote:
FOR H~SSES. ~HINSTBIN A~D STUART.' Council members Garland, Grove, H~bard,
Thomas and N~yor Taylor
(Vice Hayer Bo~lee vas absent)
CELEBaATIONS: The Hayer advised that the one year terms of He,ers. William K. Craft,
H. Carl Andre~s and 3a~es N. Ktncanon as members of the Independence Bicentennial Commission
expire on June 30, 1978, and called for nominations to fill the vacancies.
Hr. Hubard placed in nomination the names of He,ers. William K. Craft, H. Carl Andrevs
and James N. F~ncanon.
There being no further nominations, Hessrs. Craft, ~ndre~s and £incanon were reelected
as members of the Independence Bicentennial Cc~lssion for terms of one year each ending June 30,
1979, by the following vote:
FOR HESSRSo C~AFT, A~DEE~S A.%~D KINCANON: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard,
Taubman, Thomas and ~ayor Taylor
(Vice N~yor B~wles vas absent)
PERSONNEL D~A~THENT: The ~ayor advised that the ter~ of N~. Be~nfce D. Chea~ham and
Hessrs. Acree Hayes and Ji~mie B. Layman as me~bers of the Personnel and Employment Practices
Co~n~ssion will expire on June 30, 1978, and called for nominations to fill the vacancies.
Hr. Habard placed in nomination ~he names of He. Bernice D. C~eatham, and
Acree Hayes and Jl~le B. Laym~n.
There being no further nomi~ations, Ns. C~eatham and He,ers. Hayes and Layman were
reelected as members of the Personnel and E~ploy~ent Prac~ices Commission for terms of three
years each ending June 30, 1981, by the following vote:
FOR He. CH~ATHAH AND H~SS~S. HAVES AND LAYHA~: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard,
Taubman, Thomas and Nsyor Taylor. .6.
(Vice Hayer ~o~les vas absent)
TAXES: The Nayor advised that the ~hree year term of Hr. Lacy ~. Hanson, the t~o year
terms of Hessrs. Nsury L. Strauss, Percy T. Keeling and James H. Sprinkle, and ~he term of Hr.
Keenis £. Blsvic~ as members of the Revenue Study Commission will expire on June 30, 1978, and
called for nominations to fill the vacancies.
Hr. Hubard placed in nomination the names of Hessrs. Lacy W. Hanson, Nsury L. Strauss,
Percy T. Keeling, James R. Sprinkle and ~eenis L Elswick.
There being no further nominations, Hessrs. Hanson and El,wick were reelected for term~
of three years each ending June 30, 1981, and Hessrs. Strauss, Keeling and Sprinkle were reelected
for terms of two years each ending June 30, 1980, as me~bers of the ~evenue Study Connie,ion,
by the fo~lo~ing vote:
FOR HESS~S. HA~SON, SI?~NSS, I~EL~NG, SPHINJ~E AND ELS~ICK: Council me~bers GarLand,
Grove, Habard, Taubman, Thomas and Nsyor Taylor .6.
(Vice Nsyor Bo~les vas absent)
iOAHOII GIT1[ /lTd C(1t(I5510~1 The ~lor sdvis*d ~ the ~e ~ear ~e~ of ~. ~e
~ers of t~ b~ke City ~ts ~ssion viii e~lre ~ June ~o 1978, ~d called for
~o fill the wrangleS.
~. ~bard plac~ in ~atl~ tb ~s of h. ~e P. Yes~ and ~ssrs. J~s N.
Yeatt*~ Eric Flt~pa~rick, ~. L. ~i~ell and Jo~ ~. Crea~.
~ere helms ~ furt~r ni~tia, h. Vest a~ ~ssrf, leatts, flt~atrick, ~lt~ll
ea~ eudl~ June ~, 1979, by the roll,inS vote:
~rland, Cr~e, ~bard, Ta~, ~s a~ ~yor Taylor. 6.
(Vice ~yor ~les vas absent)
~ ~ ~I~{ ~e ~yor a~ised that the ~e year te~ of ~. Be~ice F.
Jones, Hiss ~bbie H. ~rton and Hessrs. hlel8h ~bell, ~rles ~. ValOr, Stanley R. ~le ~d
Villin A. E~ltt as m~ers of the ~n ResurGes ~lttee ~lll e~ire ~ J~e 30, 1978, and
called for n~nati~s to fill the va~ncies.
~r. ~bard pl{ced In n~tl~ the n~s of ~. Be~tce F. J~es, ~ss Rubble H.
~rton and HessFs. ~lml8h ~mpbell, ~rles ~. ~alker, St~ley R. ~le ~d Vlllim A. H~ltt.
each eudin{ June 30, 1979, by the foll~u8 vote:
(Vice ~yor ~les vas absent)
foll~n~ vote:
(Vice ~yor ~les vas absent)
to fill the ~acancfes.
(iice ~pr B~les vas absent)
~. ~bard placed in n~i~tion the ~es of ~. Helba Pirkey an~ Hessrs. Jo~ H.
~r. Hubard placed in nmluatiou the urges of Hre, J~mes 1, ~vio, Jr.0 a~ ~ssrs.
~rl ~r~, ~rles e. Fre~ ~ ~berC H, Flatus.
~exe bei~ no further n~tl~, ~s, Alvis a~ ~ssrs, ~rMs Yre~ a~ Fis~u~
vere reelected as ~ets of the ~11 ~tiin ~vel~eut ~ttee for te~ of ~e year
endln~ Ju~ 30, 1979, by ~he foll~i~ ~otet
(Vice ~lor ~les Vas absent)
JAI~IClP~ B~I~I~: ~e ~or a~lsed t~t the ~e ~ear te~ of ~ssr8. T. L.
Pl~tt, Fr~k V. ~ers, Sr., a~ the tern of ~. ~illi~ ~, hkes as Presideat, ~anoke ~r
~sociation as ~ers of t~ Rello~l ~urt~se ~lttee rill expire on J~e 30, 1978, ~d
called for n~tl~s to fill the vacancies.
~. ~bard placed in nmination the ~es of ~ssrs. T. L. Pl~ett, Fra~ ~.
Sr. and ~llbur L.
reelected as ~ers of the ~esi~l ~vtth~se ~lttee for te~ of one ~ear each endins J~e
30, 1979, by the roll.inS vote:
FOR ~5~. P~* R~ ~ ~E: ~uncil u~ers ~rland, Grove, Hubard,
(Vice ~yor ~les vas absent)
~I~ ~TION$ ~: ~e ~or advised that the ~e year te~ of H~s. O~is
(Vice tfayor Bowles was absent)
SCHOOLS~ The ~ayor advised that the four year term of Hr. ~aury L. Strauss as a
me~ber of the ¥1rginia Western Community College Board vi11 expire on June 30~ 1978, and called
for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Hubard placed in naination the na~e of Hr. ~aur~ L. Strauss.
There being no further nominations, Hr. Strauss vas reelected as a member of the
¥irginia ~estern Co~nity ColleEe Board for a term of four years ending June 30, 198~, by the
follo~in~ vote:
Ft~ HR. STRAUSS: Council ~srs Corl~n~, Crove, ltubsrd! Taubnan, Thomas and Payor
Taylor. .6 ·
(Vice Hayor Bovles vas absent)
Hr. ~h~as ~oved that all r~aintng vacancies be carried ~er ~til the ~e~lng of
J~ 26, 1978, ~e ~ti~ vis seceded by ~. ~bard a~ adopted.
~ ~C~ ~1 ~e ~yor advised that there was a vacancy ~ the ~n
(Vice Hayor Bo~les vas absent)
TAXES.* ~he Hayor advised that there vas a vacancy on the Franchise Study Co.nitres
due to the resignation of Hr. James E. Cart and called for ~c~inations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Thomas placed in nomination the name of Hr. Paul C. Buford, Jr.
There being no further nominations, Hr. Buford vas elected as a member of the Franchise
Study Colmlttee for a term beginning July !, 1978 and ending June $0, 1979, by the following
FOR HR. BUFORD: Council ~e~bers Carland, Crove, Hubard, yauBm~n, ~hc~as and Hayor
Taylor 6.
(Vice Hayor Bovles vas absent)
yOLrlHC~IISSION: The City Clerk reported that Hrs. Geneva S. Hale has qualified as a
member of the Youth Co~ission for a term of two years ending April 30, 1980.
Hr. Taubman moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
Hr. Hubard and adopted.
HOU$ING-SLUH C~KARA~CE: The City Clerk reported that Hr. Charles A. Davis has qualified
as a nether of the Fair Housing Board to fill the unexpired term of Hr. Earl B. Pullen, resigned,
endtngHarch 31, 1980.
Hro Taub~an noved tl~t the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
Hr. Rubard and adopted.
IltlYJS~RIES: The City Clerk reported that Hr. C. E. Hunter. Jr., has qualified as a
Director of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, for a term of
four years ending October 20, 1981.
Hr. Taubman moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Hubard and adopted.
HISCELLA~EOUS: Hr. A1 Severe representing the Legislative Co--tree of the Disabled
A~erican Veterans, appeared and expressed appreciation on behal£ of the DAV for the courtesy
visit Hayor Noel C. Taylor paid them at their &Tth Annual Convention un Saturday, June 10, stating
that the kindness and warmth of the velcolne given was encouraging to all present. He also
expressed appreciation for the emergency services provided the convention by agencies of the
City and the staff of llae Hotel Roanoke, and for the hospitality of the people of the City of
2. That there be a critical revfe~ of the lob bank vithin the ¥1rsinie Enplo72~nt
~UD~E~-TAXES-I.~ISLA~ICtiI ~e ~sist~t City Atto~ presented a vrttten report
re&ard to the pro~sed p~lic hearin~ ~ the b~ sto~ t~, ~vising that it
the p~lic ~arlM ~ ~sitl~ of the ~ct~l tu occur after Jan~ 1~
(For full text, see r~ort on file In the City Clerk's
~. ~bard ~ved t~t ~cil c~cur in t~ report ~ tha~ ~e ~tter be placed
the age~a of the first ~uncil ~etin& In Jan~ 1979. ~e ~ti~ vas seceded by Hr. Gr~e
and adopted.
~re bein~ no further buslness~ the ~yor declared the ~etin~ adJou~ed at 12:~0 a.m.
Deputy City Clerk ~yor
Houd&y~ June 26. 1978.
l~e Council of the City of Roanoke met in resular ~eeting in the Council Cha~er in the
~lcipal Building. City of ~anoke. ~ ~day~ June 26~ 1978~ at 2~ p.~.. the re~lar ~etin~
h~r~ with ~yor Noel C. ~aylor presiding.
Atto~ey; Hr. Joel H. Schl~ser~ Director o[ Fl~ncel and Hfs. ~ F. Par~ec~ City Clerk.
~e invoca~l~ vas roll,ed by the Pledie of ~lesi~ce to the Flas of the United
(~2t207) A ~O~I~ c~endin~ the se~lce of Elizabeth ~. ~les as Yice-~yor of the
(For full t~C o~ Resoluclon~ see Resolution ~ok ~o. 15. pa~e 68.)
t~: Co~cil m~ers ~rland~ Crowe. Hubard. ~a~b~. ~h~s ~d ~7or ~ayloc
(Vice-~7or S~les abs~ained fr~
(~2t208) A ~O~I~ c~endln~ the se~lce of ~icholas F. Taub~n as a ~ec of
The Nayor recmnded that the utility tax be reduced froa 17 If2 per cent to 15 per
Hr. Garland moved that Cotmcil concur in the request. The notion was seconded by Hr.
Grove and unanimously ad. ted.
gUD~ET-SCHOOLS~ A con~unication frc~ the Roanoke City School Board requesting certain
transfers of funds to cover projected deficits in the 6000 ~nd 8000 Series of the 1977-78 School
Board budget, and to close out capital accmmts and projects no~ coutpleted and place
fun~s in the high school and vocatio~l center accountss v&e before Council.
(For full texts see c~m~catiou on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Garland offered the following emergency O~dinance pro~iding for certain increases
and decreases in the 1977-78 School Board budget as requested~
(J2&209) A~ ORDIHA~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Appropriation
Ordinances and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinancet see Ordinance Book Ho. &$. page
Hr. Garland inoved the adoption of the O~dinanceo The notion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~ing vote~
A~ES; Council members Bowles, C~rland, Grove, Taubnan, l~s and N~yor
(Hr. Hubard vas out of the Council Chamber.)
RADIO-TELEVISI(~.' l~e City Hanager submitted a vritten report recc~mendinS adoption of
an Ordinance approving a reduction in CAtV service rates to be effective N~y l. 1978, and subject
to approval of the governing bodies of the Town of Vfnton and the County of Roanoke.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
In this connection, the City H~naSer verbally advised the Council that representatives
of Roanoke Valley Cablevision have requested that the umtter be deferred until further notice.
Hr. Taub~n no~ed that action on the request be deferred until further notice. The
notion was seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted.
Also in connection with the matter, a co~unication from ~r. Eonald H. Hiller, Town
~nager. Vintons VlrEini~. advisit~ of the approval of the To~n Co~ncil to the reduction in CAtV
rates effective ~y l~ 1978. Vas before Co~ncil.
(For full text. see com~unic~tion on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Tach,an ~oved that the cc~vnication be received and filed. The notion ~as seconded
by Ers. Bo~les and adopted.
gUDGET-GEXERAL DISTRICE C~RT-CRA~S: l~e City H~nager submitted a vritten report
concurrin~ in a request of the ~eneral District Court for an appropriation of $3,200.OO in connectic
vlth La~ Enforcement Grant Ho. ?6-A&l15 to provide for purchase of ecpyinE equipment for said
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
H~. Grove moved that Council concur in the request and offered the follo~in~ e~erEency Ordt
amendin~ the 19]?-78 Grant Protrams budget:
(12~210) AN ORDII~A~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 19?l-?S Grant
Programs Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emer/ency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 15, paEe 69.)
Hr. Grove =oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follo~lnS vote:
Hr. Grove Bored the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~mtion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote~
AW.S: Council ~mbere ~ovles, Garland, Grove, Taub~an and Hayor Taylor .$.
HAYS~ Non~ ~0.
(~essrs. I~bard and Thomas ~ere out of the Council C~anber.)
FLOOD$-HUR~ICANF-~SE~N TBY. ATHENT FLA~.' The City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report
requesting reappropriation of certain funds for flood damage repairs at the Sewage Treatment
Plants and $$0s0~O.00 for the infiltration/inflo~ study on the ~oanoke River Interceptor,
(For full texts see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hfs, Bo~les moved that Council concur in the request. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Taub~an and adopted.
BUDGET-POLICE DEFA~/~2fT: The City Hanager submitted a written report recom~endimg
that $&,O00,00 be transferred frcm Contingencies to the Police Depattn~ent budset~ to provide
funds for police officer off-duty court attendance for the remainder of the fiscal year.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hrs. Bo~les moved that Council concur In the reco~endation and offered the follcwlng
emergency ordinance transferring $&,OO0,O0 from Contingency Reserve under Section ~1880, #ContIngen-',l
ties." to Personal Services under Section il3&5, "Police0" of the 1977-78 budget:
(t2&212) AH O~DIHA~CE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Ceneral
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &Ss page
Hfs. ~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor--
NAYS: Non~
(Hr. Hubard w~ out of the Council Chamber.)
BUDGET-CRANTS-C.E.T.A.: The City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report in connection~lth
an increase of ~613,8t0.00 in the S~er Youth Program Grant, and an increase of $25,000.00 in
the Youth Co~unity Conservation and Improvement Projects Grant~ and reco~ending that fvnds be
appropriated in connection therewith.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Bovles moved that Cooncil concur in the reco~endation and offered the follo~ing
emergency Ordinance a~ending the 19~7-78 Grant Prosra~s Account:
(i2t213) AH O~DI~A~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 Grant
Programs Appropriation Ordinance~ and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. aS~ pa~e 71.)
Hrs. So~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The~otlon ~as seconded by Hr. Tau~man
and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les~ Garland, Grove~ Evbard, Taubman~ Thomas and }layor Taylor--7
NAYS: Non~
BUDGET-FIRE DEPARIHENT: The City Hanager submitted a written report recom~ending that
~5~600.00be transferred ~ithtn the Fire Department budget, for the purpose of improving operational
and training ef£1ctency by purchasing needed equipment.
(For full texts see report on file in the City Cletk*s Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the reco~mendation and offered the following
emergency Ordinance transferring $5,600.00 from Haterials and Supplies to Capital Outlay under
NAYS: None ,0.
Hr. Garland moved tJ~at Com~ci! concur ia the zec~endation and offered the foll~ing
~z~enc7 ~dl~ce tr~ferz~ $32~.~ fr~ ~terials ~d $~lies ~der Section ~1~
~tllity ~aes Facilities~~ to Ot~r Se~lces ~d ~es ~der Section ~1669~.~efus~ ~llectiou~
t~ 19~]-~8 bud~et~
(~2&21~) ~ 0~I~ to ~nd ~ reordain certain sections of the 19]]-]8 ~neral
~ad ~propriation ~dl~ac~ ~d ~r~ldin~ for ~ ~er~ency,
(For full tezt of ~dl~nce~ see ~dl~ce ~ok No. ~ paEe ]2.)
~. Garland ~ved t~ adoption of the O~din~ce. ~ ~ti~ ~ secoaded by Hr. Grove
adopted by t~ foll~ln~ vote~
AYe: ~uncil ~ers ~les, ~rla~, Grove, Hubardt Ta~no ~s and ~yor
~Jter a discussion of the ~atter~ Hr. Thomas moved that the report be taken under
a~ ~r or ~t t~re ~re other c~an~es t~t perfo~ t~s t~e of semite. ~ ~t~
seceded ~y ~, ~bard ~nd ,m~-~sly adopted,
~Ss ~e City ~ger s~tt~ a written report rec~lnS *d~tl~ of a ~soluti~
to file with the Interstate ~rce ~ssi~ requeat~n~ t~ c~tiuu~ce of ~trak*s rail
(For full text of Ordluance~ see Ordinance Book No. &~, page 75.)
Hr. Grove uoved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the folloviug vote:
BRII~S: The City Hrnager sub~tttmd & vritten report rec~ln~ approval of the
~tte~ for pruparati~ of derailed pl~ for replac~n~ of deck ~ sid~al~ on the Franklin
~ad, ~a~ River Brtdse, at a cost ceiling of
(For full t~C, see repotm on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
(~2t222) ~ O~CE authorizing the ~lo~en~
pr~idius for an ~r~ency.
(For full tex~ of Ordi~ce, see Ordinance ~k
NAYS: None '0.
A repo=t recomnending that the proposal of ~llied Chemical Corporation for fur~lshing
supplies of liquid alum for the Sewage Treatment Plant for the period beginning July 1, 1978, and
ending June 30, 1979, in the amount of 89t.20 per d~y ton, be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance:
(~2t22&) ~/ ORDINANCE authorizing the purchase of supplies of liquid alum for the
City's sewage treatment plant for the period begi~uing July 1, 1978, and ending June 30, 19791
upon certain terms and provisions, by accepting a certain bid made to the City; rejecting certain
other bids; and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. i5, page 76.)
Hr. Thc=as moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taub~an
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Corland, Crove, Hubard, Taubwan, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor-- 7.
A report recommending that the proposal of Jones Chemical, incorporated, for furnishing
supplies of liquid chlorine for the Water Department and the Sewage Treatment Plant for the
period beginning July 1, 1918, and ending June 30, 1979, be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thc~s offered the follov~n~ en~rlenc70~din~nce~
(#24225) A~ OBDIHANCE tuthoriziu~ the put.se of suppliee of liquid chlorine for
City'e Vater ~par~ent ~d for the s~aie tremor pl~t for the period besides July 1, 1978,
and e~ln8 June 30, 1979; ~ certain te~ ~ Fr~isl~s, by acceptin~ i certain bid ~de to
the City[ EeJecti~ certain other bids[ and providiuS for ~ ~tency.
(For full text of Ordimce, see ~dimce ~k Ho. t~, page 77.)
~. ~s ~ed the edition of the ~di~ce. ~ ~tion vas Seconded by
a~ a~opted by the foll~in~ vote:
A~; ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rl~, Gr~e, ~bard, Taub~n, ~s ~d ~yor
NAYS: None-
ZONING-STATE HIGHWAYS: Yhe City ltanager submitted a written report requesting that
Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a reaX estate matter.
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the request. ~he motion was seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Covncil members Bo~les~ Garland, Grove~ Hubard, Taub~an, ~nomas and Hayor
Taylor ,7.
NAYS: None
At 3:t0 p,m.s the Hayor declared the meeting recessed.
At 4:35 p.m.t the meeting reconvened with all members of Council present and the Hayor
· he Hayor advised that Council previously requested the City Hanager to hoXd a public
hearinE to answer questions pertaining to the development of the Huff Farm area~ ~hereupon, the
developed because of the questions that have been put to the city, that some of the individuals
Council are in the interest of the city and he co:~ended them to the Council.
(For full text, see report on file ia the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. Theaas moved that the report be received and filed. The notion Vas seconded by
Hr. Hubard and adopted,
At th~s points in view of the fsct that Hr. Glenn b~l used his allotted ten minutes, the
Hayor and Hr. Glenn encased in dis!o&ue as to hey ~uch more tine Hr. Glenn would need in which to
Cmtl~lete hie presentation; vhere~pnno Hr. Glenn advised that there were three more speakers in his
Stoup and he vas under the impression that they would each be allotted ten minutes in which to sake
their individual presentations.
Council me'~ers expressed the opinion that due to the l~portance of the matter, esch
speaker should be siren ten minutes in ~hlch to make his or her presentation~ ~hereupon, the
called for a sho~ of hands as to the number of persons who would like to address the Council. The
Hayor counted 13 such persons and recessed the meetin~ in order thst those persons could reBister
their names and addresses with the City Clerk.
At this point, the Hayor ret,nv,ned the ~etin~ and allo~ed Hr. Glenn to continue with
his presentstion.
Hr. Glenn said the city has a Blue libbon Comnittee that is studyin~ do~utob'a ~oanoke,
that they propose to Hat an economic Study of dovntcq-a Roanoke and that necessarily is goini to
have to include all the shoppln~ areas In Roanoke. He suggested that this proposed center could
very easily be tied into that study.
(For more detail of Hr. Clenn*s re~arke, see transcript of cassette tape
on file in the City Clerk°s Office.)
Hr. T. A. Carter, representing D~uble T Corporation, appeared before Council and read
a co~nunicatdon advising that improv~nts to Hershberger Road from 1-581 to ~illiamson Road as
presently proposed, including the proposed Huff Farm underpass, and relocation of Aviation Drive,
affects their property as follows: (1) At Crandview Village the follc~ln~ will be condemned in
whole or in part (a) ten residential lots along the vest side of Crandvie~ Avenue, (b) two pieces
of cou~rcial property along Hershberger Road adjacent to Crandvie~ Vlllage; (2) At Crossroads Hall
essentially all of the land required for Hershberger ~oad videnins is to be taken fro~ Crossroads
Hall which will result in the following: (a) it destroys a portion of the ~endy's Restaurant, (b)
it elis~inates the deYelopment site they have under contracts (c) it destroys a major portion of the
Colonial-~rican Branch B~nk and renders the Balance unuseable for its intended purpose, (d) it
destroys a r. lJor portion of the Phillips 6~ Service Station site and renders the balance unuseahle
for a drive-in bank ~hich they were planning to build, (e) it eliminates approximately five per cent
of their parking spaces; (3) It provides only one left tu~n entrance and exit for Crossroads Hall
from Hershberge£ Road, such entrance and exit is a location that is most unsatisfactory for the
internal traffic o£ Crossroads; and (&) It makes it extreuely difficult for Crossroads to proceed
with its orderly plan of e. zpansion.
Hr. Carter presented a sketch of a proposed overpass at Aviation Drive ~hich ~ould peru~t
uninterrupted fl~ of traffic through Aviation Drive, ~oanoke City Fire Station, Russell Transfer,
and other industries in the airport area, and the balance of the Andrews land. He said it would
permit adequate entrance and exit to the proposed expansion of Crossroads Hall. He noted that as
could be seen fro~ the sketch, in order to permit the overpass at Aviation Drive, more study vould
have to be given to the proposed Huff Farm tn~derpa~s, and the proposed changes at Crandvf~ Avenue.
~ro Carter said that Double T Corporation is prepared to enter into an agre~ent ~th the City of
Roanoke to pay the first ~00,O00 of any cost that might accrue to the city in connection ~ith the
construction of an overpass at Aviation Drive, provided that a complete study of Hershberger Road
is z~ade in conjunction ~ith the Department Of Hig~ays, resulting in a co~prehensive plan for the
development of ~ershber~er Road, from I-~81 to ~tlll~m~on ~oad, to best serve the general public,
the airport, the gert,ns property, Crossroads F~I1, and other properties abuttin§ or adjacent to
th~$ road, and tha~ action on the proposed contracts ~ith Hersch Associates and the First ~atioual
Exchange B~nk and others be delayed until such plans can be developed.
Hr. Carter presented and elaborated on a tabulation of costs for the access road per
revised agreement versus the access road per original agreement, advising that according to hfs
calculations, it amounts to a total of $91~,0~O for the revised access road versus ~3~,62~ that
the city is obligated to spend tmder the original agreement, vhich ~eans that the city, in
executing the agreements presently before the Council, is prepared to spend $~$t,0~O in additional
money for the access road.
(For full text, see tabulation on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
(For ~ore detail of Hr, Carter's remarks, see transcript Of cassette tape
on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Fir. David H. Pettit, Attorney, representing Anchor T Associates, appeared before Council
and advised that a communication was sent to the me~bers of Council setting forth the objections
of Anchor T Associates to the contracts, and that the objections vere based on the initial contract
as it ~as submitted and on ~vo amendments dated ffune 16 and June 19. ~e made reference to a third
amen~e~t ~hich vas delivered to him on that date and on ~htch he had not had an opportunity to
prepare a presentation.
~r. Pettit raised numerous q~estions about the co~tractS and ~mendments.
(For ~ore detail of Hr. Pettit's remark, see transcript of cassette tape
on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
lit, To D, Steele, representing Anchor · Associates, appeared before Council and presented
a tabulation denoti~ an analysis of effective buying i~cc~e of the Roanoke area and secondary
~arket, He presented information ia regard to accurate assessment of the net i~creases in retail
sales and associated tax revenues offered by the proposed shopping center -- retail sales as
reported by the U. S. Census I~reau in (1) Roanoke City (l) Roanoke County, Salem and ¥1nton
(~) Secondary Harket. Re presented information on the sales per individual in Roanoke City,
County, Salem, ¥inton and the Secondary Harket area, Ee also presented information regarding the
regular shopping center customers by address, and an estimate of projected amount of retail sales
dollars to be redistributed fro~ existi~ retailers to the proposed shopping center.
(See tabulations on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Ia co~cludtn~ 1~o Steele ~aiataiaed that the dollars the city is settin~ resdy to s~end
are completely out of line vlth any investment returns advising that he did ~ot think the city
tape on file in the City Clerkto Office,)
Hr. Clarence Faulk appeared before Co~mcil in support of the proposed ehoppin~ center,
ad~isin~ that Roanoke nee~ the Jobs and taxes that rill be senereted and Roanoke vould do yell
to have this eboppin8 center located in the northwest section of the city.
tape on file in the City ClerkOs Office,)
before Co~mcil and a~vised that he did not have the slightest idea vhy the city administration
there simply is no means of otudyin~ evet'y single facet to the limit before the Council acts is
The second point Hr. Garrison said he would like to make vas that he concurred with the
approach/departure points of aircraft landing on or taking off from Runvay 15/33. He further advise
tape on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Hn T. L. ~ltmkett, Jr., Attorney, representin8 the Andre~s heirs, owners of large tracts
of land on the ~rth side of Hers~er&er ~nd ~lch are i~olved In or viii be affected by the
pro~sed l~r~ts to Hers~erser ~ad ~ the ~trance to the Huff pro~rty, appear~ before
satisfactl~ of his clients,
tape ~ file in the City Clerk's Office. ~so~ see c~nication f~
~. Elu~ett ~ f~le In the City Clegkss Office.)
to the Jug~dle on the nogthe~ side of Hers~erger ~ad. He said It has been agreed to in the
tape ~ file In the City ClerkSs Off~ce.)
~. Hen~J, Faisou, developer, appeared before ~uncil ~d ~de reference to the 1968
than a year.
~a~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
(Mr. Taub~m abs~aimed from
(Hr. Taubman abstained from voting.)
Ordinance Ho, 24141, spprovins · certain contract prepared to be entered into between
the city of U~an~ke ~nd Hersch ~seocieteeo ~nd ~ut~rizl~ the ~yor ~d the City Clerk to ~e~te
euch c~tract on behlf of the City of ~ke, hvl~ prev/~sly been before the ~cil for ltl
first readies read ~d ~opted on its first re~i~ ~d laid ~er, vas a~ain before the b~y,
~s offerl~ t~ foll~l~ for its sec~d re~ ~ f~ adoptl~
(1241~1) ~ O~E approvins a certain c~tract prepared to be entered into beaten
the City of ~ano~ a~ Hersch ~sociatess 8 Horth ~rolina limited ~rtnership; ~d nt~rizi~
t~ ~yor a~ the City Clerk to excite such contract for ~d on behlf of the City of ~anoke.
(For full text of ~dl~ce, see ~dinance ~k Ho. ~5, p~ge 62.)
Hr. ~s ~ved the adoptl~ of t~e Ordinate. ~e ~tl~ vas second~ by Hrs. ~les
and adopted by the roll.lng
A~ ~ncil ~ers ~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, ~o~s ~d ~yor Taylor~.
HAYS: ~e O.
(~r. Tau~n abstain~ fr~ voile.)
(For full t~t, see report on file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
Er. ~s offered the roll.lng ~ergency OFdin~ce:
(~2~22~) ~ O~I~CE approvinE a certain a~re~ent dated July 6, 1978, to be entered
(For full text of ~din~nce, see ~din3nce ~ok Ho, ~5, p~e ~.)
BLS)GEI: The Director of Finance submitted the financial report for the month of Nay,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Bogles moved that the report be received and filed. The ~otionwas seconded by
Hr. H~bard and unanimously adopted.
BUDGE~-SCHOOLS: The Director of Finance submitted a written report transmittinE a
financial report of the School Board for the month of Nay, 1978.
(For full text. see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that the ~eport be received nad filed. The ~otion vas secnaded by Hr.
Tau~an and unanimously adopted.
BUDGE~-SCHOOLS; l~e Director Of Finance submitted a ~itten report race, sending that
$77,660.00 be transferred from Interest on Temporary LO~as to the School Board in connection
vith deferred teacherse salaries.
(For full text, see report on file in the City ClerkOs Office.)
Hr. Hub&rd moved that Council concur In the report and offered the follo~ing emergency
Ordinance transferrinS $77s660.00 from Interest on Tm~orar~ Loans under Section ~18~0, 'HIscellan-
eons," to Instruction under Section ~1901, mEducation,n of the 1977o78 budget:
(J24250) A~ O~D~CE to amend and reordaln certain sections of the 1977o78 Ceneral
Fund Appropriation O~dinauce. and providing for an ~ergencF.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book ~o. &5, pass $0.)
Hr. Bubard moved the &dopcton of the Ordinance. The motion Vas seconded by Nra Garland
and adopted by the following vote;
Taubman and unanimously adopted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
vas before Council,
It was clarified by the u~nbere of Council that l~plled in the motion is the tmderstandin$
that when the ~ount of the budget surplus is line. nj Hentel Health Services may sgaln present
Also in com~ectiou with the matter, Hr. Edward S. Allen, District Agent, WI & SU
Extension Service, appeared before Council and requested that Council fund ¥irslnia Polytechnic
Institute and St&tn University Extension Sel'vice at the requested a~ou~t of
(For full texto see co~nication on file in the City ClerkSs Office.)
by Hrs. Bowles and unanimously adopted.
It v~s again clarified by the menbere of Council that implied in the notion is the
of Cotmcil sa N~nday, July lOj 1978, and that the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be requested
unanimously adopted.
Hr. elias ~. Veddle, retired city e~ployee~ appeared before Council and co~ented on a
Patrolmen~ in order to equalize salaries.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
that all bids received be rejected.
(¥or full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
and lis~inl four alternatives and information for consideration in dealing with the 10th Street
drainage problem.
(t2t231) A RLSOLUTIO~ rejecting all bids received by the City for the construction of
the 10th Street Storm Drain Tunnel.
Taylor 7.
was seconded by Hr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
Hr. Grove mo~ed that Council concur in the report and offered the following emersency
O~dinance transferring $262,36t.00 from Ylxed Equipment tmder Section J24010 #Capital Outlay0"
to I~fntenance unaer Section 12003, "Operating E~penses,# and apprnprlatinl $117,656,00 to
~lntenance under Section #2003~ 'O~eratin$ Exponses,# of the 1977-78 budset;
(J24232) AH O~DIH~CE to ahead and reord&ln certain eectic~s of the 1977-78 Se~ase
Treatment Fund A~proprlatiou Ordinance, and provldiug for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ho, ~5~ page 81,)
Hr, Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the follo~in$ vote;
AYES; Council members Bo~les, ~arland, Grove, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor
NATS~ ~one
Hr. Grove off,red the follo~in$ e~ersency Ordinance accepting the proposal of Acorn
Constructioa Ltd. t
(t2&233) A~ ORDInAnCE accepting a proposal for replace~nt of aeration equl~nent in
too (2) old aeration basins with plate-type diffusers and ne~ piping at the Sewage Treatment
Plant; authorizin~ the proper City officials to execute the requisite contract for such york,
upon certain tet~ns and conditions; and providing for an emergency.
(For full te~t of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. iS. page 82.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. E~bard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES~ Council me~bers Ik~les. Garland~ Grove, F~bard. Taubm~n. Thomas and H~yor
NAYS; None ~'
S~KE~S A~D ALLEYS-SERVICE CENIER: Hr. Grove, Chairman of the committee appointe~' to
study bids received for paving of various streets, and the~ublic ~orks Service Center parking
lot, submitted a ~ritten report of the committee recc~nending that a contract be a~arded to John
A. Hall & Company. Incorporated. in the a~ount of $130~000.OO, and that funds be transferred
(~or full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following emergency
Ordinance transferring $25~0OO.00 from~aterials and Supplies to Haintenance under Section
t1658. '~Street Haintenance,' of the 19~I-~8 budget:
(t2&23~) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1977-78 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For ful! text of Ordinance, see O~dinance Book No. tS. page 82.)
Hr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the follewing vote:
AYES: Council members Bovles~ Garland, Grove~ Hubard~ Taubman~ Thomas and Hayor ~.
Hr. Grove offered the follo~in$ emergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of John A.
Hall & Co~pany, Incorporated:
(#2~23S) AN ORDINANCE accepting the proposal of John A. Hall & Company, Inc., for the
paving of streets at various locations and a portion Of the parking lot at the Public ~orks
Service Center in the City of Roanoke; authorizing the proper City officials to execute the
requisite contract; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. tS, page 83.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. ~homas
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
(#24236) A~ OeaI~IA~CE accept~n~ the proposal of A~ams Construction ~aay for perforainS
HATS: Nona O.
pA~S A~D plAyCROUKDS: Hr. Grove, Chairman of a coemitteo appointed to study bids
HAYS: None 0 ·
and~rk Avenue, S. E., adjacent to ~ts 122, 123, 12~ and 125 of ~ard 5 of the ~anoke ~nd and
having previously been before the ~mcil for its first reading, read and adopted on its first
(For full t~t of Ordi~nce, see Ordinance ~ok Ho. t5, paEe 6~.)
NAYS: Nona
(~. ~ abs~ained fid voti~.)
(~2~63) ~ 0~CE to ~end ~itle N~ ~apter ~.1, Sectia 2. of The ~de of the
(For full tex~ of ~di~ce~ see 0rdl~nce ~ok No. 65~ page 61.)
AW.S:Council m~bers Boules, ~arland, Crowe, Hubard, Taub~an, ~ and Hayor
Tsylor' .7 ·
Z,'WlNG: Ordinance No. 24164 rezonin~ property located at 2227-2229, 2231 ~ 2233
~nford Avenue~ S. V.~ described as ~ts 9 ~ 10~ Bloc~ 2~ ~lont~l Eei~hts~ Official Tax
12711~ ~ 1271110, fr~ ~ ~plez ~sident/al District, to ~1, Office ~d I~tttutL~l
Distt/ct~ havi~ 9revL~sl7 been before the ~cil for its first reading, read and adopted on
its first readi~ and latd over, vas agate before the b~7, Hr. ~batd offerta8 the
for its $eco~ readin~ a~ fi~l a~option:
(~e&16&) ~ O~I~ to ~end Title ~, C~pter a.l, Section 2, of ~ ~de of the
City of ~oke, 1956, as ~e~ed, a~ Sheet Ho. 127, Sectional 1976 Zone ~p, City of ~anoke,
in relation to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see Ordinate ~k No. ~5, page
Hr. ~ba~d ~ the adopti~ of the Ordl~nce. ~ ~tiou ~as seconded by Hr. Ta~n
and adopted by the foll~i~ vote~
NAYS: None O.
~AS~S-APpALACNIAN pO~ER COHPA~'/; Ordinance ~o. 2~171 authorizin~ a~ directing
the proper city officials to execute and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian P~r
~intain an ~erhead line or lines for the pu~ose of transmitting electric p~er through land
~ed by the city sit~te on the northeasterly side of Fe~clif[ Avenue, N. ~., ~ving prev/o~ly
(~2~1~1) ~ O~I~CE authorizing and directin~ the proper City officials to execute
and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian P~er ~any.
(~or full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ok No. ~5, page 65.)
(Hr. Grove abstained from voting.)
EASEHEKIS-APPALACHI/~ PO~ER C(~PARY: Ordinance No. 24172 authorizing and directing
the proper city officials to execute and deliver a deed of easement to the A~alachian Po~er
Con,any conveying to said Company a right of way and easement to construct, erect, operate and
maintain an overhead line or lines for the purpose of transmitting electric po~er through land
o~med by the city situate on the northerly side of Virginia Secondary Route 760, kno~m as the
City of Roanoke Watershed, located in the district of Catawba, in Roanoke County, for a nominal
sum of $1.00, having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted
on its first reading and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Hubard offering the following
for its second reading and final adoption:
(t26172) A~ OF. DIrGE authorizin~ and directing the proper City officials to execute
and deliver a deed of easoment to the Appalachian Po~er Company.
(For ful! text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 65.)
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubman
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Ik~les, Garland, Hubard, Taubman, Thomas and Hayor Taylor 6.
NAYS: Nona O.
(Hr. Grove abstained from voting.)
EA~S-APPAIACHIAH pO~R CC/~A~Y: Ordinance No. 24173 authorizing and directin§
the proper city officials to execute and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian Power
Company conveying unto said Co~pany a right of way and easement to construct, erect, operate and
maintain an underground line or lines for the purpose of transmitting electric po~er through
land o~aed by the city situate west of the City's Fire Station No. 10, on the westerly side of
Hunicipal Road, N. ~., for the noudnal sum of $1o00, having previously been before the Council
for its first reading, read and adopted on its first readin~ and laid over, was again before the
body, Hr. Taubman offering the following for its second reading and final adoption:
(t24173) A~ OI~DII/~CE authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute
and deliver a deed of easement to the Appalachian po~er Co~pany.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 66.)
Hr. Taubmanmoved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES~ Council members Bovlee, Garland. Nubard, Taabman, l~o~as and Hayer Taylor 6.
NAYS~ None- O.
(Hr. Grove abstained from voting.)
BUSES-ClT~ pROpEI~f~ Ordinance No, 24192 authorizin~ the city's lease of certain land
and improvements thereon located at llth Street and Ca.bell Avenue, So E., to Greater R~anoke
Transit ~anym upon ceztain ter~ and condltlons~ having previously been before the Council
for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading and laid o~er, vas aBain before the
body, ~r. ~ubard offerin~ the follovtn~ for its second reading and final adoptions
(~24192) ~ ORDINANCE authorizing the City's lease of certain land and l~pro~ements
thereon located at 12th Street and Campbell Avenue, S. Eom to Creater Roanoke Transit C~pany,
upon certain tells and conditions.
(For full text of Ordivance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 66.)
Hr. Bubard~ved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otionvas seconded by Hr. Taub~an
and adopted by the following vote:
AyEs: Council me~bers ~c~les, Garland, Grove, NuBard, Taubman, l~c~as and Hayer
Taylor ---- --- --7.
NAYS: None
TAXES-KEAL ESTATE A~SESSOR= Ordinance No. 24202 authorizing instaila£1onof a simplified
computer assisted mass appraisal system (SCA~AS} for the city's Real Estate Assessorts office
relating to commercial~ industrial, and tax exempt real estate in the city, and authorizing the
NAYS: None
gALE OF PROPERTY: Ordinance No. 24204 authorizing and directing the sale of a parcel
of land ourned by the Glty of Roanoke and situate in the City of Roanoke o~ Aeria! Way Drive, S.
W., and being a portion of that property bearing Official No. 5200112, as per a proposal of Hr.
Thomas N. Beasley, Jr., having previously been before the Council for its first reading, read
and adopted on its first reading and laid over, was again before the body, Hr. Hubard offering
the following for its second reading and final adoption:
(t2120t) A~ ORDINANCE authorizin~ and directing the sale of a parcel of land o~ned by
the City of Roanoke and situated in the City of Roanoke on Aerial ~ay Drive, S. H., and being a
portion of that property bearing Official No. 5200112, upon certain terms and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. ~S, page
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Taubumn
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members ~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Yaubman and Hayer Taylor----6.
NAYS: None O.
(Hr. Thomas abstained from voting.)
pAliNG GARAGE: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure authorizinB and providing for the lease by the city of certain ground floor space
in the municipal parking facility to Roland ~acher and Richard Hacher, d]b/a Spanky%, Incorporatet
upon certain terms and conditions, he presented s~; ~hereupon, Hr. Thebans moved that the
follo~ing Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(i2&238) A~ ORDInAnCE authorizinB and providing for the lease by the City of certain
ground floor space in the City's Hunicipal Parking Facility to Roland Hacher and Richard liacher,
d/b/a Spanky~s, Inc.; upon certain tel-ms and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. iS, page 84.)
The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Ihbard and adopted by the following vote:
tl~$* Council ~e~bers Bovlesj Garland, Grovej Hubard, Taub~an, Tun.as and llayor
~,YS: N~ne
NATS: Nona
the attentl~ of ~cil certain vacancies on the Citize~~ Task Force for Crl~ Prevention and
vacancy crea~ed by the resigna~io~ of the Reverend ~roy C, ~berts; that Hr. Hubard find a
he feels the c~ttee should be continued.
ending June 30, 1979.
NAYS: None
T~XES: Hr. Rubard presented a co~munication requesting that the Director of Finance
advise Council as to whether a tax reduction of $1 ~lllion would be more beneficial to an average
city resident'in the form of a utility tax reduction as opposed to a real estate tax reduction;
and further~ that the City Hanager be requested to advise Council as tO ho~ the views of the
citizens can best be determ/ned on this and perhaps other impoltant matters,
(For full text, see co~nunication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~oved that Cormcil concur in the ce~unicatton. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Garland and unanimously adopted.
BLUE RIBBON C(~/ITTEE: The Hayor advised that in August of 1976, the Blue Ribbon
Committee vas appointed by Council and vas composed of fifteen =embers with professional backEround
that over the past 22 months the comittee has been involved in studying the various operations
of the city and these studies have been in response to Council's charge to develop suggestions
that~ould bring about more effective management of the city and its resources.
The Hayor noted ~lth the passing of time it has become clear that the Committee's
responsibilities would be very time consuming and that the me~bers~ tt~e could be more effectively
used if it were concentrated in the area of their professional training. He said it has also
Council had orisl~ally re&lieed~ therefore, it is unreasonable to ask such · few m~ber of
people to a~lyze such a brosd r~e of lss~s. He said th~ the ~yor0 the City ~er ~ the
~l~n of the BI~ ~bb~ ~ttee are retrains tht t~ st~cture of the c~ttee be
slightly ~difled so thc t~ CIt7 h~er ~ld be 811~ed to appoint ~v18o~ c~ttees ~o
advise him ~ his Directors ~ procedures by ~lch t~ pr~uctivlty ~d effectiv~ess of the
city lovett c~ be ~pr~, th~ t~se s~c~ittees viii ~ c~osed of l~lvid~l citize~
~o vish to vol~eer t~lr t~ la vor~ vith the City ~ler ~ the city staff In
such susies~lo~ ~d l~r~nts. He slid It is ~ped that elch ~er of the current Blue
~bb~ ~ttee viii be vlllins to assist the city ia their area of e~ertise ~d in coaclusi~,
the ~cil t~ks each of c~ for the ~y h~rs vhich they bye do. ted to t~ir c~lty
~. ~bard ~ved tht ~cil c~r In the rmr~ of the ~lor. ~ ~ioa
secoMed by ~. Grove and u~n~ly adopted.
CI~ ~ ~e ~yor advised t~ the ~cil ~d received copies of the proposed
Honday, July 3, 1978.
11~ ~oua¢il of the City of ~oanoks held its orEanizatioual ~eeting oa Nouday~
vith~yor Noel C. Yaylo~
F~ ~uncil ~ers ~lzabeth
Milll~ S. ~bsrd, ~uptou ~, ~s and ~yoz Noel C. Taylor- - ...... 6,
~: None
O~IC~ F~: ~. Milbum C. Dibliu8, Jr., City Atto~ey{ Hr. J~es E. ~c~oltz,
~arker, City Clerk.
~e City Clerk advised tha~ Hr. ~rland and Hr. ~s have qualified for their four
year te~ c~eucin8 July 1, 19{8, and endinE J~e 30, 1982.
adJou~ed a~ 3~20
City Clerk ~ayor
Honda7, July lO~ 1978.
lhe ~ouncil of the City of ~oaaoke~et in reguinrmeetinB in the ~cil ~er in the
~lcipal Building, City of~ano~ ~dsyo July 10, 1978~ at 7:~p.u.~ vith~yor Noel C.
Taylor presiding.
A~ this point~ the ~yor called upon the City Clerk for a brief presen~a~.
~e City Clerk advised tha~ at the org~nizatl~l~eting of ~cil ~ay~ July
1918, she call~ to the ~cil~s att~lon a ~ertificate fr~ the Electoral ~rd advising
electi~held only 2, 1978, they dete~ne ~d declare t~t ~rles L. ~nd~s, ~bert A. Garland
advis~ the ~cil t~t ~. ~ls ~d q~lified for his office for a te~ of f~r years c~enci~
July 1, 1978, and e~lng J~e 30, 1982.
~llli~ S. ~bard, ~arles L. ~ndis, H~t~ ~. ~s and ~yor Noel C. Taylo~.~
~S~ Nonc
(~2~239) A~O~TI~ reco~lzing the ~ONO~ ~ L. ~XS to be a me. er of
RAYS: None
HI/COTES: Copy of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Honday, June 12, 1978,
having been furnished each member of Council, on motion of Hr. Grove, seconded by Hr. Garland and
unanimously adopted, the reading thereof vas dispensed with and the minutes were approved as
COUNClL-CIH a: The Hayor presented bis annual State of the City Address
including the following reccm~endations:
1o that we initiate a more active program for the development
and maintenance of a clean co~nity;
2. that we study the possibility of giving a one-time special
financial consideration to city workers on the twentieth
anniversary of their employment with the city;
3. tMt we urge the citizens of Roanoke to save food in order
to share with the hungry, thus making amore significant
contribution toward combating the problem of world hunger;
&. that we give strong support to the Central Downtown DeYelop-
ment Committee and the continuing efforts of the co~aittee
to revitalize the downtown areal
that the City*s Complaint Officer will also be assigned the
responsibility of serving as an Information Officer;
6. the appointment of a Personnel Committee for the purpose of
filling any vacancies that may occur in the six positions
that are filled by City Council, and that the Committee
also have the responsibility of providing leadership
in evaluating the Council appointees on their anniversary
7o a reduction in the utility tax rate from 17 1/2I to 15I;
8. a five cents reduction in the real estate tax rate frc~
$1.60 per $100.00 of assessed value to $1.551
9. that the annual notice of ~al Estate Reuesessnent rill
elude the ptoFoscd ~ssesscd value for the ~rrent year and
the last y~r to pr~lde the cltize~ vlth t~dlate t~or-
uti~ c~ce~iM ny chics that ~ve ~curred thr~gh
10. t~t the City Treasurer ~ the Director of F~ce report
back to ~c~l on the feasibility of s~-A~ual real
11. the d~elo~nt of ~11 ~talu by ~ans of a hotel ~ top
(For full texts see Sta~e of the City ~ssa~e ou file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~e moti~ vas seceded by ~. Hubard and ~usly ~o~ted.
seconded by ~s. B~les and u~nl~sly ad,ted.
motion vas seco~d by Hrs. ~les and ~i~usly adopted.
su~lus. ~e no~ioa vas seconded by Hr. ~rland ~d u~ni~o~sly adopted.
~77-~C-~1~20 and ~78-~C-~1~20, said proposals ~o be received by t~e City Clerk ~til
S. R. Draper Paving ~pany, Inco~orated ~
H & S ~nst~ction ~auy 118,935.~
Hr. ~s ~ed that the bids be referred to a cmittee to be appointed by the ~yor
an acre, more or less, Official ~= ~o. 2~t0101, be rez~ed fr~ ~-3, iintle-~ily Residential
(i21210) ~ O~I~CE to ~end Title ~, ~pter t.1, 5ection 2. of ~e ~de of the
(For full t~t of Ordinance, see ~dinance ~ok ~o. t5, pase
NAYS: None O.
B~- N~NOIlAL HOSPITALI Hr. Dennis Lo Hontsom2rys Attorney. repreeentin~ Burrel!
Hen·rial Hospitals appeared before Council and presented · eo2mmieation advising that the Board
of Tcu~teea of Burrel! Nlm·rial Hospital has ret·seceded that an "Extended Care facilityu be
added to its present ezisti~ ltedical/S~rsicul Services; end to assist in the developuent of the
IbJrre!! obtain a ~solution frc~ the Council assurins that the present plans for renovation do
not violate the conditions of an earlier U~solutiun of the Council.
(For full text, ese c_~.~tcatiun on file in the City Clerk°e Office,)
Aftet· brief discussion of the request, Hr. Hah·rd no~ed that the City Attorney be
Ho. 3718 adopted by the Council un Aulvst 29, 1930.'
"Said deed shall distinctly provides hcvever, that in the
reinburse the City for its aris!ual price paid for the sa!d
a donation of $100.00 to aid · Special Service Croup at St. GerardSs Catholic Church 3~hich viii
(For full text, see cc~munication on file in the City ClerkSs Office.)
(Ers. Bc~les vas absent.)
Hr. Eubard offered the following emergency Ordinance ~endinB and reordaluing certain
sections of the 1978-79 treat Frogra~s Fund Appropriation Ordlnance~
(~24242) AN ORDIHA~CE to amend and reordafn certain sections of the 1978-79 Grant
Programs Fund Appropriation ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &5, page 86.)
Hr. Hubard~oved the adoption of the ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
ARES: Council me~bere ~arland~ Grove~ Uubard, landisj Th~as and Hayor Taylor--
(Hrs. Boules vas absent.)
Hr. Hubard offered the followin~ Resolution acceptinB the Co~mmlty Development Block
Grant offer:
(f2&2~3) A RESOLLr~IoH accepting a certain Community Development Block Grant offer ~ade
to the City by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development under Title I of
Public law 93-383; and authorizing execution of the Cityts acceptance of the aforesaid grant
offer on behalf of the City of Roanoke and the agreement, on behalf of the Ultyj to comply with
the terms and conditions of the Brant and applicable la~s, regulations and requirements of said
Department pertafnin~ thereto.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution B oak No. ~S, paBe 86.)
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. Ihe motton was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hnbard, landis, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Hrs. Bo~les was absent.)
BUDGET-LIBRARIES: The City NanaBer having previously submitted a~ltten report
recommending that $2,000.00 be appropriated to Books and Publications tmder Section ~1587, "La~
Llbrar~et of the 1978-~9 budget, rep~esenting money donated by the Roanoke Bar Association; the
Assistant City Hanager requested that the report be withdra~rn.
Mr. Thomas ~oved that Council concur in the request of the Assistant City NanaBer, ~ne
motion was seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted.
FIP~DEPARI~2~: The Cfty Hana~er submitted a~ritten report rec~ending execution of
an aBreement with Smithey & Boynton, Architects and Engineers, in an a~ount not to exceed ~12,711.50
for certain services in connection with a renovation study Of Fire Station No. l, and that f~nds
be transferred therefor.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*$ Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the recol~endation and offered the following
emerBency Ordinance transferring $12,750.00 from Fire Station No. 1 to Administration tmder the
Co~m~nity Development Block Grant of the 1978-79 trent Programs Fund Appropriation Ordinance:
(;242&4) AN ORDI~L~NCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 Grant
Pro,rams Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and provfdinB for an emerBency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, paBe 87.)
Mr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The morionwas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follo~in~ vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Nubard, Landis, Thomas and~iayor Taylor~6.
NAYS: None
(Hrs. Bowles vas absent.)
~r. Garland offered the follo~La~ e~erBency O~dinance authorizinB the e~nplo~ment of
Smi~hey & BoTnton, Architects and En~ineers:
(~2&2&5) AN ORDII~ANCE anthoriztnB the e~plo~ent of the professional services of
certain architects to provide certain services ia connection with evaluations of Fire Station
1 upon certain terms and conditions; and providinB for an emergency,
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, pa~e
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The=otion~as seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the followiuB vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Garland, Orwee, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Phyor Taylor------6.
(Hrs. lk~les was absent.)
I~JSlSC-b'IJm CLZAIA~CE-FL~mlHG-GY~U~S~ Council ~1~ referred ~o the C~t7 ~ser
for s~y, report ~ rec~atl~ I req~st of ~. Fr~ ~. ~lll~t~, ~lrtner, F S B D~el~er*,
h~sl~ to be ~ as ~ ~r ~art~nts ~ Stratford F~rk Drive0 S. ~** the C~ty ~er
s~mitted · written report retains tht ~y ~lfl~ti~ tfl t~ Cltyes ~in~ Foll~ not be
(For full t~t, see report ~ file In the City Clerkes Office.)
~. ~111nSt~ appear~ before ~cil ~d requested tht accl~ ~ ~e repor~ be
deferred until t~ next re~lsr ~etl~ of ~cll on ~ay, July 24, 1978,
report be deferred until the reeler ~etin~ of ~cll ~ July 24, 1978. ~e ~tl~ v~s seceded
by Hr. ~ls a~ ~opted,
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
city's res~rces, includi~ people.
(For full t~ see repor~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.) .
Hr, $~eltzersppe&ted before Council La support of the rcq~ont of hie clients~ advising
that the neishbothood is in a period of transition and ia almost entirely surrounded by business
neon, yet it itself is eot business. He said that Council hal in the past issued one of these
so he took issue to the fact that in the whole life of the City of ~oanoke, the city
vlll~ot be overcome with this type of request, lie said his clients have canvassed the nei~bor-
hood and ~ade reference to a petition signed by neighbors in the aurroundin~ blocks concurrin~ in
the requested usel therefore~ he noted that it could not be said that the requested use of the
property would be prejudicial to the other property owners in the area, He requested that Council
favorably consider the petition.
After a discussion of the ~atter in vhlch the City Attorney and Hr, S~eltzer briefly
talked about the letal aspects of the request, Hr, Carland~o~ed that Council concur in the
recc~ndationof the City Hanaser that the petition be denied. The motion was seconded by Hr.
~ubard and adopted.
SPECIAL PEI~IITSI The City Haen~er submitted a written report recc~aendin~ denial of
request of Hr. Ceorse Hale, Jr., 82] Hadlson Avenue, H. H,, for a temporary revocable per, it for
the ~hc~e occupation" of repairins televisions and radios at his residence,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove offered an O~divance ~hichwould have Eranted the request. The~otion vas
seconded by Hr, Landis and lost by the follovtn~ vote:
AW. St Council me~berl~o~as. .1.
NAYS: Council members Garland, Crowe, Hubard, Landis and Hayer Taylor ....
(Hrs. Bo~les vas absent.)
AIP~ORT: ~he City Hanaser submitted a~rritten repose reco~endins concurrence in the
e~ployment of Floyd S, Pike Electrical Contractor, Incorporated, under the e~r~ency provision
provided in the City Charter, to ~ake needed repairs to the airport parkin~ lot liEhtinS.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Crowe moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follo~inE Resolution:
(~t2&6) A RESOLUYI(~approvinS certain emergency action of the City Hana~er, ~aken to
effect repairs to the parkinE let lights at the Roanoke ~unlcipal Airport, ~oodrum Field.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Rook Ho, ~5, pa~e 88.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Co,moil me~bers Garland, Crowe, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayer ~aylor----~6.
HAYS: Hone
(Hrs. Bowles was absent.)
GRA~SoHOUSI~G-SLL~4 CLEAI~CE-pARKS ~D PLAYC~OL~DS: The City ~anager subaitted a
written report reco~nnendln~ authorization to accept Hurt Park at no cost from the City of Roanoke
Redevelo~ent and Housint Authority.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~homas moved that Council concur in the report and that the follo~tnE Ordinance be
placed upon its first reading:
(~2&2&?) A~ O~DINA~CE acceptin~ the offer of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and
HousinE Authority to convey certain properties adJoinln~ Hurt Park factns Sale~ Avenue and 15th
Street, S. H., to the City of Roanoke for park purposesl and providln~ for an emerEencyo
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. t5, page 88.)
Ihs motion was seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the follo~ln~ vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, ~ho~as and Hayer Taylor-- ~6.
HAYS: Hone---- .0.
(Hrs. Bo~les was absent.)
BUDCEI-EQUIPHI~T-PUBLIC HeREs: The Clty HanaEer submitted a vritten report in connection
with an offer of settlement received from Guanine ¥trsinta, Incorporated, resardtni certain
Sundstrand transaissions, reco~endin~ that the latest offer of Cun~tns Vlr~inia, Incorporated,
for replacement with manual trans~issions be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
The City Attorney submitted a ~rrttten report recc~mendln~ that the offer of settleaent
be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
After a discussion of the matter, Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the report of
the City Hanaser and offered the followin2 emergency Ordinance transferrinE $28,600.00 fro~
Section ~1880, ~'ContinEencies,' to Section ~16~1, '~totor Vehtcle Haintenance,~ of the 19~8-~9 budget
(FoE [ul~ ~ of Ordnance, see ~diG~ce ~k Ho. ~5, pase 89.)
Hr. ~bard~ed ~he Idopt/on of t~ ~di~ce. ~i~vas sec~ed bye, ~
and adopted by the foll~ln~ ~e:
AYe: ~cll~ers~rla~, Grove, H~ard, ~is, ~s ~d~yor T~ylor-- ~6,
HAYS{ Hon~ O.
(Hrs. ~les vas absent.)
Hr. ~3rZa~ ~ed t~ ~he repor~ of the City At~o~ey ~ received ~d filed. ~e
(For ~ull ~exc~ see repoE~ ~ file in the Clt7 ClerkOs Office.)
(~212a9) ~ O~I~CE pr~idin~ for the City's acquisl~l~ of 1.139 acres~ bein~ a
(For ~ull ~ of ~dln~ce, see Ordinate B~ ~o. l~, p3~e 8~.)
Nr, Nubard e.~platned that the City C~le states in the establishment of t~e ~rd of
T~stees of the ~tir~ Syst~ t~t the syst~s~11 be res~si~le for ~r~ldin~ retir~nt
all~ces ~d death benefits, but it Is not ~tlrely clear as to the specific purpose of the
Boa~ of T~stees, He noted t~t he had 1~[ vi~ed the prl~ f~ction of the ~ard to be
st~ards of the retir~ent f~ds to see t~t they are adeq~tely invested In diversified invest*ntt
~ t~t ~n adeq~te retu~ Is pr~ded on the f~ds so that the ~ prl~ ~oses
legit~te cmp~y~ the city v~ld ~ve to pay at the presen~ time ~1 million of city fu~s, He
Hr. 6arland said t~t 37 retirees of the 69~ are receivins from $6~.~ to
~ltiplied~ it represents approxi~tely $350,~.~ per year Jus~ for those 37 ~loyees and
those s~ 37 ~ployees ~ould be rece~vinS approxl~tely $22~.~ of the proposed 6,~ increase
and give the 6.5~ increase to those ~ployees vho are ea~ln~ ~der $6~.~ per ~nth, most of
than $6~.~.
(~2~251) ~ O~I~CE vaiv~nE certain provisions c~tained tn Rule
(For full t~t of Ordi~ce, see ~din~ce Book No. ~5, pas* 90.)
NAYS: Non~
Bowles vas absent.)
(Hrs. lk~les ~as absent.)
SCHOOLS~ Council having previously appointed Hr. Haur~ L. Strauss as a me.beg of the
Local Board of Virginia HesternCogcm:nity College for a term of four years commencing July I,
1978, and ending June 30, 1982t Hr. Hubard offered the folloving Resolution:
(t26252) I RESOLUTIO~ appointing a member of the Local Board of Virginia Heste~n
Community College for a four-year terror Office on said Board, commencing July 1~ 1978.
(For full text of Resoluticm, see Resolution Book No. &5, page 90.)
Hr. Hubardmoved the adoption of the £esolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Landis and adopted by the follo~rlng vote:
AYES: Council meabers Garland, Grove, Eubard, Landis, ~ho~as and Hayor Taylor--
Bo~les vas absent.)
CITY paOP~TY-SCltOOLS: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to
prepare the proper measure accepting the possession and control of the Jefferson Blgh Gchool
Vocatio~al Annex Bolldiug and an old school waintenance building from the School Board of the
City of Roanoke, he presented same; vhareupon, Hr. Thomas offered the foiler&nS Resolutions
([l&lil) A RESOLUIION accepting the possession and control of the Jefferson Rich
School Vocational Annex Build&ns and an old school maintenance building from the School Board of
the City of Roanoke,
(For full text of gesolution, see Resolution Book No. iS, page 91.)
Hr, Thomas moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Landis and adopted by the followin~ votes
ATF-$: Council wembers ~arland, Grove, Eubard, Landis, Thomas and ltayor Taylor ---6.
NAYS: None 0.
(H~S. Bowles vas absent.)
STATE EICH~AYG: Council having previ~asly iust~ucted the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure setting forth the intent of the City of Roanoke to cooperate and work with the
o~uers of property abuttiug Hershberger Road, N. ~., in the area to be improved by the const~ction
of additional lanes in an effort to provide adequate vehicular access to these properties and
recommending and urging that the State Department of Highways and Transportation consider the
traffic access needs of these properties in its design of the aforesaid project, he presented
samel ~hereupon, Hr. Grove offered the following Resolution:
(~2&254) A RESOLUIION settin~ forth the intent of the City of Roanoke to cooperate
and work with the o~ners of property abutting Hershberger Road, N. ~., in the area to be improved
by the construction of additional lanes in an effort to provide adequate vehicular access to
these properties and recommending and urging that the State Department of Highways and Transportatim
consider the traffic access needs of these properties in its design of the aforesaid project.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. &5, page 91.)
Hr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr. ~atland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor Taylor ..... 6.
NAYS: Non~ '0.
(Hrs. Bowles was absent.)
COHHIT~EES: In vie~ of the fact that Co.ell had held its Organizational Heeting on
The motion ~as seconded by H~. Thomas and adopted.
The ~ayor appointed Hr. Hampton ~. Thomas as Chairman of the ~ater Resources Committee,
The ~ayor appointed Hrs. Elizabeth T. Bo~les as Chairman of the Personnel Co~nittee,
and Hr. Lucian Y. Grove, Hr. ~illiam S. Hubard and Hr. Robert A. Garland as members of the
Personnel Committee.
The Hayor advised that currently H~. Ha~ton ~. Thomas and Hrs. Elizabeth T. Bo~les ~ere
Co~ssion. He further advised that he also was a me~ber of the C~mission and he ~ould like to
to the Executive Co~ittee of the Fifth Planning DistrAct Cc~ission; however, since he no
longe~ vi11 be a representative of the City of R~anoke, he would like for Hrs. E~les to assume
by Hr. Grove and adopted.
There vas question ue to the continu~tiou of uert·ln committees; whereupon, the Ii·yet
requested that the ~uharm of Co~cll return their cc:~lttc= r~te~ool~ to the City Clerk in
order that they stay be updated ~nd after thet time, Cooncil vould m~et as · Counittee of the ~nole
to revie~ the current comKlttees ~ith an eye toward deletion or zu~dification of em.
C~UNCIL-CII~ NAiAdES: Hr, ~arland presented · co~munication su$sestiu~ that the
position of Complaint Officer be ~boliehed and that those duties be assigned to the ne~ Assistant
City Ha~$ero
(For full text, see c~lcatiou on file in the City Clezk*e Office.)
Hr. Carlend ~oved that the position of CompLaint Officer be abolished and that those
duties be assumed by vhc~ver the City HanaEer may desi~onte, ~he motion vas seconded by Hr.
The City Haueser gave · detailed presentation of ~hat he en~sioned would be the duties
and responsibilities of the second Assistant City Hen·set ~nd the Complaint Officer, He said if
Council elf~uates the position, it vi1! be cutting the heart out of the request for services
program~ or it vi11 be cutting the heart out of the Affirmative Action Program~ or it rill be
cuttinS the heart out of the ability of the administration to analyze social service prosrams on
vhich this cc~unity is spendinS sillions of dollars so that we can no lo~ser determine if there
is overlapping of spendin~ and whether or not our citizens are being properly served.
In response to the specific position, Hr. Evert said he vould advertise the position
but would not fill that position until Council has given hi~ official concurrence once again, as
it did at budset study. He said he could say to the Council unequivocally that it ~ould he a
drastic mistake to eliminate the position because the citizens vould not receive the services
they deserve.
l~e Reverend Leroy C. ~obezts appeared before Council and co~mended the City Ha~aser
on his zemarks.
Hr. Thomas offered · substitute motion that Hr. Carland*s communication be referred to
the City N~naser for study, report and reco~endation to Council, Se motion vas seconded by
Hr. Hub·rd and adopted, Hessrs, ~arland and Grove votinS no.
CO~CIL: Hr. Nub·rd moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a matter
of potential litigation. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the follo~lns
AYES: Council me.bets Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Th·nas and Hayer Taylor ~S.
NAYS: None ----
(Hrs. ~les vas absent,)
SCHOOLSt The Hayer called to the attention of Council that there was a vacancy on the
¥irslnia Vestern CommnityCollete Board for a term of four years endin~ June 30, 1982, and
called for nominations re fill the vacancy.
Hr. Hubard placed in nomination the name of Hr. ~illiam S. Russell.
There hein~ ~o further ~ominations, Hr. Russell vas elected as a member of the Local
Board of Yirginia ~estern Co~aunity College for a term of four years endin~ June 30, 1982, by
the following vote:
(Hrs. Bo~les was absent.)
P~SIONS: The Hayer called to the attention of Council that there vas a vacancy on
Taylor 6.
(Hrs. Novles ~as absent.)
Hr. Thomas moved that action on the rem·thinS vacancies on the Citizens* Task Force
for Crime Prevention and Social Development, the Advisory & Appeal Board, Air Pollution Control,
the Housin~ and Hygiene Board, the Roanoke City Arts Com~ission and the Co~aunity Relations Co.mit!
FlUV DE,AligHT: The City Clerk reported that Hessrs. Wilfred C. Tra~ a~ S. L.
~velace ~ ~alified as ~ers of the ~srd of Firn Appeals for tam of four years each
e~l~ June 30, 1982.
Hr. ~s ~ed t~t the repor~ be received ~d filed. ~e ~tion vas seceded by
~. Gr~e and adopted.
~u~lfied as ~ers of the ~oke ~blic Llbra~ ~ard for te~ of zhree years each ending
J~e ~0~ 1981.
~r. Grove a~d adoptS.
~ ~G$ OF CI~IZ~S:
~A~ D~-S~ ~ ~O~ D~S: ~. ~s presented a c~ica~ion
the ~thority ~d the discrepanc~ in calculatl~ is approzi~tel~ ~2~0,~.~ for the
~eers ended June ~Oe 1972 throush 1977.
City Clerk Hayor
Honday, July 24, 1978.
The Councll of the City of Roanoke ~et in relular meetlng in the Councll Chamber in
the Huniclpa! Building, City of Roanoke, on Honday, July 24, 1978, at 2 p.m., the regular ~eetlng
hovr, vitb Hayor Noel C. Taylor presidtas.
p~ESE~ Council aethers Elizabeth T. Ro~les, Robert A. Garland, Charles L. Landis,
[~mptoaH. l~o~as and Hayor Noel C. Taylor.
AESENT~ Council me,bets Htllin S. Hubard and Lucian Y. Grove
City Attorney; Hr. Joel H. Schl~nger, Director of Finance; and Hrs. Hary F. Parker, City Clerk.
I~VOCATI~: The meeting vas opened vtth a prayer by the Reverend Roy Smith, retired
and the organizational meeting held on Monday, July 3. 1978. having been furnished each me~ber
Name ~ase Bid Alternate No. 1
Thor, Incorporated $ 55,t00.00 $ 11,000.00
Hodges Lu~ber Corporation - 57,200.00 11,200.00
Watts and Breakell, Incorporated - 59,690.00 11,872.OO
H. J. Blanc - 59,981.00 11,000.00
Regional Construction Services,
Incorporated - 64,900.00 12,500.00
Industrial Contractors Corporation - 65,880.00 10,900.00
Mr. ~ho~as moved that the bids be referred to a committee to be appointed by the ~ayor
for tabulation, report and recommendation to Co,moil. The ~otion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and
The F~ayor appointed Hessrs. Hampton H. Tho=as, Chairman, Sam H. McChee, III, and L.
Bane Coburn as members of the coumittee.
Z(~I~G: After polling the ~e~bers of Council by telephone on Hednesday! July 5, 1978,
and receiving concurrence from the ~aJority of Coun¢ll~ the City Clerk set a public hearing for
Monday, July 2&, 1978~ at 2:00 p.m., on the request of Hr. Donald D. Bergltmd that property
located at 137 and ltl Noble Avenue, N. E., and the adjacent 25 foot vacant lot to the east,
more particularly described as Lots 50, 51, 52, 53 and 5t, Block D, as sho~n on the Hap of
Hillia~on Croves, Official Tax Nos. 3080809, 3080810 and 3080811, be rezoned from RD, Duplex
Residential District, to C-2, Ganeral Commercial District, the matter vas before the body.
In this connection, the City planning Co0mtssion submitted a vritten report reco~mending
that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Mr. Richard £. Vlar, Attoraey, representing the petitioner, appeared before Council in
support of the request of his client.
No one appearing in opposition to the request, Mr. Thomas moved that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first readini:
(~2t255) A~ ORDINANCE to a~end Title XV, Chapter 4.1, Section 2, of The Code of the
City of Roanoke, 1956, as a~ended, and Sheet No. 308, Sectio~al 1976 Zone Map, City of Roanoke,
in relation to Zoning.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Landis and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Bowles, Garland, La,dis, Thomas and Hayor Taylor-
NAYS: Nonc O.
(Messrs. Hubard and Grove ~ere absent.)
TAXES~ A request of Hr, Nick Lee to address Council regarding a reduction in his
business license tax for palm reedin~ at 3423 ~illiamson Roed, N, ~,, vas b~fo~e the body,
In view of the fact that neither Hro Lee or his representative vas present, Hr, Thc~ts
~oved that the ccemunication be received and filed. The notion vas secunded by Hr. Landis and
AH~EXATI(~-HAT~ DE~A~TH~ A communication frc~ Hr. Hlllia~ T. Ross expressing the
opinion that ~hern city rater mains have been installed ia the annexed area, residents should
have the option of requesting city service~ thereby voluntarily discoutinut~ service by Roanoke
County, and that application for this service be accepted and if a connection charge has been
paid to the Cotmty~ any further charges should be valved, vas before Council.
(For full text, see c~munication on file in the ~ity ¢lerk"s Office.)
Vlce-Hayor Lendis also presented a co~mnication susgesting that city rater connectiuns
be made available ~here possible in the n~ly annexed areas of the city~ and such connection
fees for these existing annexed customers vho have previously paid connection fees be valved.
(For full text, see cCm~uuication on file lu the City Clerk's Office,)
After a brief discussion of the two co~mnicatious~ Hr. l~nomas said the matter entailed
certain feral ramifications and moved that Council ~eet in Executive Session for the purpose of
discussing a legal matter. The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and adopted by the following
Hfs, ~vle$ uo~ed ~hat the reslsna~iou be accepted vi~h rester and that the co~2unice~lou
be received aud filed, ~e ~Zion ~as sec~ by ~. ~s ~d s~zed.
~TI~S~TI~ A c~ica~i~ fr~ Hr. ~rold G. hrdy advlsin8 iht
effective July 14, 19~8s he c~ no lo. er be an ex-officio ~er of the ~,uity ~elati~s
AYF~I ~.mcll u~nbers ~vles, Garlend, 12ndiss Thongs ~d ~L~yor Taylor
(~esste. Grove and Hubard vere absent.)
~-pA~r~ ~VO pLAY~B~U~DS~ The City Han~ger submitted
th~ $807,01 be reappropria~ed to Senior Citize~ Supplies, ~ $105~1.~2 be reappropriaced to
~rnics in tb 1978-79 Parks a~ hcreatl~ ~paEt~nc b~d&ec, for continui~ operables.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk% Office,)
(~2~259) ~ O~I~ to ~ and reordain Sectl~
the 19~8-79 ~neral F~d ~propristl~ Ordl~ce, ~d providin$ for an e~rsency*
(For full text of Ordi~nce, see ~di~nce ~ok ~o.
S~les and adopted by the foll~l~ votel
AY~I ~cil n~ers ~les, Garl~d, ~ndis, ~s
NAYS: None- .0.
(Hessrs. Grove and ~bard ~ere absent.)
a to~al ~unt of $53~89.80 be reappropria~ed to Section ~15t0, ~Title ~ Se~ices,' of the
(For full tex~ see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
(~2t260) ~ O~I~CE to ~end ~d reordain certain sections of the 19~8-79 General
~ ~prop~ia~i~ ~di~ce, and pr~idin~ for an e~rsency.
(For full tex~ of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
(Hessrs. Grove and Hubard vere absent.)
(Hessrs. Grove and ~bard vere absent.)
FIVE DEPARTHt~T-POLICE DEPARTH~N~: The City Hanager submitted a vritten report
approval of a re~ard in the amount of $50.00 to the citizen responsible for the conviction of a
Juvenile for transmittins false fire alarms.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Cotmcil concur in the recommendation. The motion vas seconded
by Hrs. Boules and adopted.
CO~CIL: The City Hanager sub~itted a written report requesting an Executive Session
to disct~s a legal matter.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
The Cl~y~o3~er verbally requested that Council discuss a rea! e$~&~e~oatter ia
(~ssrs. 6rove ~rd were ~sent.)
I- In vier of the fact that tvo ~e~bers of ~om~cil vere ahaent0 Hre. Bovlee ~ed
ac~i~ on t~ repor~ ~ deferred ~cil t~ n~C regular ~etiuS of ~cll on ~ay,
1978, a~ t~ the City Atto~ be request~ to prepare t~ ~ppropriate ~ure c~sins the
classification fr~ Grade 15 to Grade 17, ~e ~l~ vss seco~ed by Hr, ~o ~d adopted,
CI~ ~Y~ D~: ~e City ~ser s~tted a vritten report
advLsin8 of t~ select~ of ~. ~c~rd L, Becker~ as ~&er~ ~erations ~esear~/Syst~
~alysis~ begi~ing ~gust 7. 1978.
~e City ~ser also advised of the appointer of Hr. Clarence N. ~a~terson~
~er of ~ers~el ~e~nt~ effective ~us~ 18~ 19~8,
Hr. ~s ~ved t~t the reports be receiwd ~ filed, ~ ~t~ v~ seconded by
the city~ vh~ch Is s~eduled fo~ ~ust ~6~ ~918, be accepted.
(For full text, see repor~ ~ file in the City Clerk's Office.)
tha~ ~cil appropriate ~2~0,~.~ to Cr~t Account No. ~]823~, C~A A~nistra~lon.
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerkts Office.)
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ok No. ~5, page 96.)
Hrs. ~les ~ved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~e ~tion vas seconded by
(Hessrs. Cr~e and Hubard vere absent.)
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
be necessa~ for the beautification of ~he ~anoke Valley.
(For full t~t, see ~eport ~ file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~rs. IMt~m 8ppear~dbefore Councl! iud advised that her request vasmiecmtltrued in
that eh~vse not askin~ the city for~oney for St. Gerard's c~tholtc Church. She said
askl~$ for a donation for a co~mnity service that viii be presented to the c-~'~ltY free of
Hr. Garland moved tlmt the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by
Hrs. ~dlas ~nd adopted.
SE~S AHD STOBH DRAIHS-AHHEY. ATICt~-HATI3t DE~ARIT~r~ The City Attorney submitted a
vrittea report advisin8 that ou July IS, 1978, a ninety day i~unctfou vas Sranted aSminst the
Hater service frc~ the C~mty and/or t~blic Service Authority,
(For full text, see report o~ file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that the report be received ~md filed, l~e motion vas seconded by
Hr. Landis and sdopted,
reappropElati~ obligated ftmds fro~ the 1977-78 fiscal year Enterprise Funds to the 1978-79
(For full text, see report oa file in the City Clerkes Office.)
(J2&265) AH ORDI~CE to anend and reordain certain sections of the 1978~79 Hater,
(Pot luX! text of Ordinance, see Ordinance~ok Ho, 45, page 96.)
(~essrs. Grove and ~ubard ~ere absent.)
HUD ProJec~ ~o. I~77-~C-51-0020 and ~-~8-HC-51-OO20, reco~endinB that the low bi~ of $.
(~24266) AH ORDINANCE accepting che proposal of 5. R. Draper Paving Company, Inc.~
(For ful! text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, pa~e 98.)
Hr. ~arlsnd ~oved the ~doptlon of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les ~md adopted by the follo~l~ vote~
AYES~ Council me.hers Bo~les, Garland, Landis, l~ome and Hayor Taylor, ~$.
NAYS ~ ~on: ~'
(Hessrs. Grove and Hubard were absent.)
HOUSI~G-$L[~i CLEA~CE-FLA~glHG-~St Council at its moating on Hondayt July 10,
1978, having deferred action on a report of the City Hanager la connection with the request of
Hr, Fred P. Bullingtoa, Partner, F & B Developers, for an exception to Resolution Ho. 23585 to
permit construction of 128 units of multi-family type housln$ to be Imovu as Lee Hy H~nor Apartments
on Stratford Park Drive, S. W.t recommendl~ that any ~odificstlon to the Cityes Housing Policy
not be Sranted, the ~atter was again before the body.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Garland raised the point that t~ome~bers of Council were absent~ whereupon, the
Hayor asked Hr. Bullington if he would like to proceed with his presentation or defer the ~atter
until the next regular meeting of Counctl on~onday, August 14, 1978. Hr. gullington stated
that he had no reluctance in proceeding with the ~atter.
Hr. Bullington advised that he had received preliminary approval fro~ the Virginia
Housing Development Authority to construct 120 units of housing on Stratford Park Drive, S. ~.
He noted that t~e project would contain 80 two bedroom units and ~0 three bedroom units, and would
be a 2 1/2 story brick and frame structure. He said the land is properly zoned and there will be
city water service and county sever semite.
Hr. Bullington referred to a cor~unication from Hr. R. H. Henley, Executive Director,
City of P. oanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authoritye advisin~ that the Housing Authority has
1~28~ applications frc~ eligible people for assistance under Section 8 which substantiates
the need for the project. ~e said the 19~8 Housing Assistance Plan submitted to the Federal
Cover-~ent is the sam~ plan which was submitted in 19~ and included a project for 164 family
units. He noted that there were 138 units allocated for elderly or handicapped in the Housing
Assistance Plan, but that project was stopped by rezoning, that there was an allocation of ~8
units for rehabilitation of existing feu~ly units and that project vent into foreclosure and
there is a ne~ c~mer who does not intend to proceed through the rehabilitation program, so none
of these approximately 200 units were delivered in 1977 nor are they going to be delivered in
Hr. Bullington noted that in April 19~, Council adopted a Hesolution which said
essentially that it wanted no more family type units~ only elderly or rehabilitated units, that
in September 1977, and another tl~e since then, exceptions were granted. He said a precedent
has been set with the t~o exceptions, and that the need is proven through information~hich has
been collected. He said he was simply asking for an exception to Resolution Ho. 23586 and a
revision to the census tract map which l~ a pa~t of the Housing Assistance Plan to alloy family
type housing units.
It was established that the t~o exceptions referred to above were in the Calnsboro area
and on Old Salem Turnpike.
Hr. Thomas asked if anyone had come forth with concrete plans for housing for the elderly
in keeping with the stated plan of the Council; whereupon, the Deputy Hanager of City Planning
advised that there had been a fey requests. He said one such request was the Virginia Lutheran
Home for rezoning on Brandon Avenue, S. ~., which was denied, and representatives of the Home were
presently looking for another site. He noted that another plan had been brought to his attention,
hovever~ he was not at liberty to divulge any information.
Hr. Carland raised the question that if the need is there, he could not understand ~hy
the administration was teton=ending against the request; whereupon, the City Hanager advised
that he agreed with the policy established by the Council. As an example, he used the analogy
of a ne~ road and the construction question presently before Council, advising that if one builds
a ne~ road~ one will ult~nately fill that road vith cars, that Roanoke is the center of southwest
Virginia and every housing unit which is built in this particular category viii be gilled because
Roanoke is supplying a good portion of this type of housing for southwest Virginia.
Hr. Ewert said one of the traditions of this Co==ouwealth is to do things in mederation,
that this c=ity has nothing to be ashaaed of and this is the one place where one can go and
find~any progra=s that meet the needs of the poor and 1~ income, hut the question is, to what
extent are ye goi=g to meet the needs of the poor of southwest Virginia and that ~st have been
the issue the Council dealt with vhen it adopted the policy t~o years ago. He said there viii
always be the need, people viii always co~e to Roanoke if the housing is here, and Council =y
be assured that the housing viii continue to gro~, because ore does not have to be a resident of
Roanoke to place his or her na=e on the list for assisted housing. He said it is a very real
problem, but the question is, to what extent is Roanoke going to meet the needs of this valley
and of southwest Virginia and his suggestion vas that the City of Roanoke is ~eeting those needs
to a far greater extent than any other eom=unity in southwest Virginia. He said there are several
places such as Vinton, Roanoke County, Salem, a~d Botetourt where Hr. gullington's project could
be built. Hr. E~ert concluded bis presentation by explaining that if Roanoke City had not
shouldered as great a portion of the burden as it has, then the questton vould be clear, but
Roanoke City has shouldered its part of the responsibility and it is time for others to shoulder a
portion of the burden. He said be concurs in the Resolution of Council which is a policy of
moderation yet co=passion.
Hr. Kathy further explained the ctty*s position by advising that prior to his co~i~g
with the City of Roanoke and before the city adopted a housing program, a census was done of
actual need of lo~ income faailies and housing needs, that the census came up with a total of
1,500 units of housing need with a population of approximately 97,000 people, that the city
built 1,800 units of housing and each unit was filled, that the city additionally added 1~500
bei~ s~sidized ~d es~ of t~se ~its bye been fill~0 ~ be~e of the relmtl~ of t~
resid~ req~r~nt by tb Federal ~e~t to
on t~ vaitl~ list. He said it is not i questi~ of Mttins the need, tb need viii alvays be
t~re, people [o where t~it needs ~ be satisfied, but It Is a questi~ of ~ ~ch ~cil
wishes to ~ify tb total st~cture of the city.
~. ~. l. hzlegr~e, Atto~ey, representing ~* ~lll~t~, appeared before ~cil
a~ ~ised iht the l~ression whl~ hs been crated lo iht If ~ e~a~ ~ the ~t of
f~ly h~slnS that ~y be 3ustlfied by a ~rrent ~ed, ve are s~ letti~ ~er a q~ta or
~InS assist t~ p~losophy of ~cil ~ stated In ~solutl~ Ho. 23~86, He said he did not
read t~ ~solutl~ as saying t~t. He said the me~ure really ~hsizes the desire of t~
city to say tht h~sin~ for the elderly ~d h~lcapped ~ reh~llitati~ la existing h~in~ viii
Hr. hzlesrove said t~t Hr. ~lll~t~es proposal does not seek to pr~t f~ly
h~si~ ~lch hs ot~ise been q~lified or t~t ~cil ~s de~d fl~ to valve, He said
f~lly~lt ~ellinSs. He ~plained tha~ it is t~e the 1,2~ current applicatl~ for f~ly
lac., appeared before ~unctl and pointed ou~ tha~ the project
be const~cted to acc~odate the elderly and handicapped.
l~e ~ala ~otlon vis then adopted, Hr. Landis voting no.
~G: ~di~ce ~o. 2~240 rez~n~ property located a~ 3129 ~ardy Avenue,
d~czibed ~ thre~fourt~ of ~ acre, ~re or less~ Official ~ax ~o. 2~101, f~s
Sln~l~F~ly ~esidentlal District, to ~1, ~neral ~sident~al District, ~in~ previo~ly
been before t~ ~cil for its first rendins, read ~ adopted on its first readini and laid
over, v~ a~ain before the body, ~s. ~les offeriu8 t~ foll~lu~ for its second readins and
fill adopti~x
(~2~2~0) ~ O~I~CK to ~ Title ~ ~pter ~.1, Secti~ 2, of ~e ~e of the
City of ~auokes 19~6, as ~e~ed~ and Sheet No. 25~ Secti~al 1976 Zone ~p, City of ~ano~e,
in relatl~ to Zoning.
(For full text of Ordl~ce, see ~din~ce ~ok No. ~5, pase
Hfs. ~les ~ved t~ adoption of the Ordt~ce. ~e motion vas seconded by
~s ~d adopted by the foll~i~ vote:
A~: ~cil m~ers ~les, ~rl~d, ~ndis, ~s and ~yor Taylor
NAYS= None
(Hessrs. Grove and Hubard were absent.)
Bo~les offered the following Resolution appointins Hr. Russell as a member of said Board for a
rem of four years commencing July 1, 1978:
(#2&267) ARE SOLUTION appointing a me~ber of the Local Board of Virginia Hestern
Community College for a four-year tem of office on said Board, commencing July 1, 1978.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. aS, page 98°)
Hrs. Bovles moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
NAYS: Non~ -- O.
of Hr. H. B. Evert after his first six months of employment, and the waiter having been reviewed
by the Coun¢il"s Personnel Co~ittee, Hrs. Ik~les offered the follo~ing emergency O:dinance
(~2&268) AN ORDI~L~CE fixing the annual compensation of a certain unclassified official
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. t5, page 99.)
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Landis~ Thc~as and Nayor
NAYS: Nona O.
(Hessrs. Grove and Hubard ~ere absent.)
~3,3~O.OOvithiu the City N~nager~s 1978-79 budget:
(~2~269) AN ORDI~L~NCE to amend and reordain Section ~0201, "City Handset," of the
1978-79 Ganeral Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providins for an emergency.
(For full text o£ Ordinance, see Ordinance Boob No. ~5, page 99.)
and adopted by the following vote:
(Hessrs. Grove and Rubard yore absent.)
1979, by ti2 follo~iug votes
Co,meal m~bers Bovles, Carland. Landle~ ~ ~d ~7or Tsylor~.
(~ssrs. Gr~e ~ Hubard ~re ~bsent.)
In vier of t~ fact t~t Hr. ~ff~n is i resident of the City of Sal~,
m~ t~t t~ city residency requir~nt be valved in this ~st~ce ~ly* ~e ~ti~ v~ secoG~ed
by ~. ~ ~d adopted.
deferred ~il ~he next re&ular ~eti~ of ~cil ~ ~ay, Angst It, 1978.
seconded by ~s, ~les ~d adopted.
S~: ~e City Clerk reported t~ Hr. Vllll~ S. ~sell ~d quail[Led ~ a ~er
~rla~ and adopted-
(~24270) AN O~DIgANCE acceptiu~ the bid of Thor, lac., of ~oanoke, Vlr$1nia, for certain
alterstl~ ~ lupr~ats la the ~niclpal Buildins~ authorizl~ t~ proper City officials to
(For f~l t~ of Ordl~nce0 see ~dl~nce ~ok Ho. ~5, ~e 1~.)
Hr. ~s ~ved t~ adopti~ of the Ordinance. ~e ~ti~ vas seceded by ~. ~rla~
and ad.zed by
A~: ~cil ~ers ~les~ carla.,
~YS: N~e~ O.
H~nday, A~ust 1%, 1978.
The Council of the City of BUauoL' m~t ia regular ueetinE ia the Council Chamber in
the ~denicipal Building, City of Roanoke, on Honday, ~gust 14, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., with Hayor
Hoel C. Taylor presiding.
PRESEHT~ Council me,hers Elizabeth T. Bowles, Robert A. Garland, Lucian Y. Grove,
gllllan S. Buberd, Charles L. Landis, Campion W. Thorns and ~ayor Noel C. Taylor 7.
ABSI2~: None O.
OFFICE~S pKES~T: Hr. H. B. Eaert, City Hannger; Hr. ga~ H. McGhee, III, Assistant
City ~an~gez; Hr. gilburn C. Dibling, Jr., City Attorney; Hr. James E. Buchholtz, Assistant City
Attorney; Hr. Joel H. Schlanger, Director of Finance; and Hrs. Ha~ F. Parker, City Clerk.
INVOCATIOn: The meeting vas opened with a prayer by Hayor Noel C. Taylor.
The invocation was follc~nd by the Pledge of Allnglance to the £1eg of the United
States of A~erlca.
MI~AF~ES: C~ples of the ~tnutms of the regular meetinE held on Honday, July 10, 1978,
and the regular ~eeting held on Honday, July 2&, 1978, having been furnished each e~her of
Council, on motion o[ Hr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. Grove and unanimously adopted, the reading
thereof vas dispensed vlth and the ~tnutes vere approved as recorded.
Base Bid--
Horningside Park Tennis C~urt $ 29,900.00 $ 25,&00.OO
New Southwest Park 96,337.00 83,600.00
Highland Park 48,963.00 40,900.00
Sunrise Park 65,t32.00 55,500.00
Combined Bid 240,632.00 205,400.00
Mr. Thomas moved that the bids be referred to a co~ittee to be appointed by the Mayor
for tabulation, report and recommendation to Council. The motion vas seconded by Mr. Nubard and
unanimously adopted.
The Mayor appointed Hessrs. Lucian ¥. Grove, Chairman, Sam H. Hc~hee, III, and ~. A.
He~ltr as members of the committee.
PARKS AND pLAyGRO~9~DS: Pursuant to notice of advertisement for beds for resurfacing
tennis courts at the Crystal Spring Reser~oir, said proposals to be received by the City Clerk
until 4:30 p.m., on ~nday, August 1~, 1978, and to be opened before Council at 7:30 p.m., on
that date, the Mayor asked if anyone had any questions about the advertisement for bids and no
representative present raising any question, the Mayor instructed the City Clerk to proceed with
the opening of the bids; whereup=n, the City Clerk opened and read the one bid received from
EgElesron and McNeil Company, Incorporated, in the amount of $14,864.00.
Hr. Thomas ~oved that the bid be referred to a committee to be appointed by the Mayor
for study, report and recommendation to Council. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and
unanimously adopted.
The Mayor appointed Messrs. LucianY. Grove, Chairman, Sam H. McChee, III, and W. A.
Hewitt as members of the committee.
SEWERS AND STO~H DRALNS: Fursuant to notice of advertisement for bids for cleanfnE
and painting of various bulldln~s at the Sewage Treatment Plant, said proposals to be received
by the City Clerk until 4:30 p.m., on Honday~ August 14~ 19}8, and to be opened before the
Council at l:30 p.a., on that date, th~Mayor asked if anyone had any questions about the advertise
ment for bids and ~o representative present raising any question, the Mayor instructed the City
Clerk to proceed with the opening of the bids; ~hereupon, the City Clerk opened and read the
follc~dng beds:
Clesn Clean ~aiat Paint
Bidder Structures ~uip~ent Structures E~uip~nt
Acorn Construction Ltd. $ 50.110.00 $ 3~670.00 $ 3j700.00 $ 3.$00.00
W. J. Blanc Contractor 13j011.006~lll. OO 4~039.00 2~192.00
Hr. l~o~ae ~oved that the bids be refereed to & committee to be appointed by the Hayor
for t~ulation, report and recommendation to Council. The~otionvas seconded by Hr. Garland and
unanimously adopted.
The Hayor appointed Heserso Lucian T. Grove~ Chair~anj X. B. ~lser and H. S. timber,an
as I~mbezs of the co~ltteeo
STReEtS ~DALLE~SI Cotmcil havin$ set a public hearing for 7:30 p.m.s Honday~ August
1978s on the request of Yredezick Elvood Taylors Jr.~ et al.~ prances Buff Care and ~atherine
Huff Tucker. et vir. s that a certain portion of Vail Streets S. E-s be vacatedj discontinued and
closed~ the ~atter vas before the body.
In this connection, the City Planning Commission submitted a vzitten report recommending
that the request be granted provided that the affected property vould revert to the city if the
building is removed.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
The vlevers appointed to vier the portion of the street submitted a vritten report
advising that they had vieved the street and they vere unanimously of the opinion that no inconvenience
vould result to any individual o~ to the public from vacating, discontinuing and closing same°
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Leon N. Rytchen~ Atto~ney~ representing the petitioners, appeared before Council
in support of the request of his clients.
No one appearing in opposition to the request~ Hrs. Bo~les moved that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(~2t271) A~ ORDI~L~CE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing a certain portion
of Vail Street~ beginning at the south coruez of Let 95~ Vard 5~ ~ap of Roanoke Lend & I~prove~ent
Co.s imovn as City Official Tax No. 1010318. vhich is the south corner of C~pbell Aven~e and Vail
Streetj S. £.~ and rum~ln~ northerly vith Vall Street~ S. E.~ a distance of 87.57 ft. vith a begin-
nin~ at the South corner, above mentloneds of 0.22 ft. ~mnln~ to the north rear corner of Lot
Vard 5. to O.21 ft.. upon ceetain terms and conditions.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Cazland and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council members E~vles~ Cazland~ Crove~ Nubard. Lundiss Thomas and
Taylor '7.
NAYS: NOn~ ~0.
ZONING: Pursuant to i~structions of the Council, the City Clerk set a public hearing
for 7:30 p.m., On Monday, August lt, 1978, on the request of Hr° Aurich A, Voodson that property
located at 3841 Keagy Road, S. V., described as 3.19 acres, more or less, situate on the corner
of State Route t19 and £eagy Road, S. V., Official Tax No. 5130119, be rezoned from RS-l, Single-
Fa~/ly Residential District, to C-2~ General Co~x~ercial Oistrict, the ~atter ~as before the
In this connection~ the City Planning Co=lesion sub~itted a vritten report reco~mendin~
that the request be denied.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Thomas noted that the City Clerk had allocated 30 ~/nutes for discussion of the
matter~ and he suggested that 15 m/nutes be alloted to the proponents and that 15 minutes be
alloted to the opponents.
Prior to beginning the discussio~ the}layor inquired as to the number of persons ia
support of the rezonint; ~hereopon~ approximately 20 persons let their presence be im~,m. Also,
the Hayor inquired as to the number of per~ons in opposition to the rezonin$; ~hereupon~ approxi~at~
&O persons let their presence bemoan.
~r. Villia~R. Rokes~ Atto~ney~ representing the petitioner, appeared before Cocmcil
in support of the request of his client. Re reviewed the geographical character of the area in
question~ and noted that the purpose of the rezoning vould be to permit the construction of a R &
Hr. Rakes pointed OUt that along ~ea~ Road beyond Hr. Voodson~s property are several
residencesj across Keasy Road is a development of medically related facilities in the City of
$alem in the island on vhlch the Le~ts Gale ~ospital is located, and to the back of the Voodson
property is the ~ed~ont Lake Snbdivislon. He noted that no home in the Subdivision could see
the property vhere the proposed cafeteria is to be located because one vould obtain access to
the fubdivision off Route 419 or off ~eagy Road vhere it co~es into a cur~eo
Hr. Rakes said the K & W people are not ney to the Roanoke Valley~ that there ds a
location at Crossroads Hall and one at Tanglevood Hall. Ne said the physical appearance of the
building vould be the same as the one at Crossroads Halls a one-story structure ~lth stone and
brick facade~ 12,000 square feet interior and parking facilities for 138 automobiles. Re pointed
out that the K & V is a family t~pe restaurants v/th a fa~/ly atmosphere~ and they do not serve
alcoholic beverages. Ne said the purchasers of the property are ~illint to have a restriction
included in the deed providing that for a period of t~enty years no alcoholic beverages ~111 be
served on the premises and that the property viii be used for a cafeteria or such use as may be
a higher use such as C-1 and residential. He stated that the business hours viii be from 11:00
a.m. to 2:15 p.=. for itmch and from &100 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for dinner and he pointed out those
hours to sho~ that the cafeteria vould not be open during the ~orning peak traffic ti~e nor
~ould it be open in the late afternoon when the C~neral Electric shift changee, He further
stated that the peak of the evening ~1 is armmd 6500 p.m.s or 6530 p.m. which is believed to
be · tLte when traffic is subsiding on Route 419.
In further rezard to the ehove referred to deed restriction, Hr. Rokee said the citizens
of the Hednont Lake Subdivision would be heneficiariee of the restriction sad vonld be permitted
to enforce it in a court of la; along with residents ~dao live alone Kz&$y Road in either the
City of Sale~ or the City of ~oanoke.
Hr. ILakes said the two principal ob]ectioue to the rezouins, ~hich have nothin8 to do
with the quality of the r & W operation, have involved the questions of increasing traffic and
to rezone this parcel would set a bad precedent insofar as other parcels of land in the City of
Roanoke alou~ Kea~y Rond. He further said the traffic question could best be analyzed by considerl~
the fact that 419 is a m~Jor highway and Kla~y Road is adequate to handle Le~te C~le Hospital
~hfch is one of the largest l~stitutions in the Roanoke Valley. He added that it is important
to note that unlike an office building where all of the e~loyeee con~ to work at 8:00 8om. 0 in
the ~orning and leave at &:OO or 5:00 p.m,s in the eveninG, there would not he this rush of
vehicles coning to the £ & W, thee during the lonch hour and dinner hour, People will be
and Going which would not have the tendency to cause the ty~e of traffic chain and congestion
that ~ould be Generated fro~ an office building or the like. He said he ~ade this point because
the City Planning Co~tssion report stated that C-1 would probably not be obJectional, whereas
C-I vonld be objectionable.
Hr. Rakes noted thee Hr, ~oodsonts property is unique because it is the only piece of
property in the City of Roanoke that is on the intersection of Route 419 and RanGy Road. He
further norad tt~t it is uniqu2 because the property is fully exposed to the intersection but is not
exposed to the residential area because there is a very heavy tree line all the way up the
border between Hr. ~oodsou*s property and the neighbor next door. He added that the R &
people have con~tted publicly to retaining all of those trees and in addition to planting lo.er
nora dense shrubbery alone the baseline of the trees as previously submitted in the site plan,
Hr. Rakes referred to a petition sl~ed by approxinately 70 persons in support of the
rezoning, and presented a further petition under date of AuGust 7, 1978, signed by approximately
22 persons within walk~nG distance of Ready Road and ~oure &19 in support of the rezoning.
(For full text, see ~tirions on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. ~akes also presented a coununication fro~ Hr. F. H. Ewald, President, D~ald-Clark,
Incorporated, who resides at 3827 Lake Drive, S, ~-t advising that as a resident of the city in
the southwest section, he could envision great benefits to him and ~any others who reside in
this part of Roanoke with the convenience of a cafeteria, that Hr. ~oodsones property is an
ideal location for such a facility since presently the other three corner properties have commercial
buildinGs~ and this addition would be an asset rather than a hinderance.
(For full text, see cmication on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
In closing, Hr. Rakes asked that Council consider the petition to rezone from two
standpoints: first~ it is a logical use of the property, nor an obnoxious, ob~ectionahle use
and, secondly, because it is fair when a person o~ns 25 per cent of an intersection to have his
property treated in a similar fashion to the way properties around him have been treated and to
not let the Jurisdictional boundaries of the political subdivision put him in a position different
than what he would be in if the City of Roanoke controlled all four of the intersections.
Hr. Ross Harc~ a resident of Hedmont Lake, and Attorney representing his neiGhborhood~
appeared before Council in opposition to the request for rezoning. He said the neighbors presently
enjoy the highest zoning classification there is, RS-l, Single-Family Residential. He further
said currently there is no commercial zoning on the east side of Route &19 between United Virginia
Branch Bank at Oak Grove, and the First National Exchange Branch at Apperson Drive.
Hr. Hart reminded Cotmcil that there is no provision for conditional zoning in the
City cf Roanoke, that if for one reason or another the property would not be developed by K &
Cafeteria, anything such as a Gas station, massage parlor, etc., could be constructed. He
noted a probl~ in regard to parking proposed by K & ~ of 139 spaces~ advising that employees
~lll take up a certain number of those spaces. For ex~ple, usinG the assumption that 25 spaces
of the 139 will be taken up by employees, that will leave 11t parking spaces, and also using the
ass~ption that it ~ill take the average customer one hour to drive in, park, have their meal
and leave, that K & ~ has a projected traffic flo~ of 166 vehicles per hour which is a 52 vehicle
per hour surplus and he questioned where those 52 vehicles are going to park if there are not
sufficient spaces in the K & I~ parkin~ lot. He co~nented that they would be parking on KeaGy Road.
Hr. Hart said Hr. Rakes stated that the traffic flo~ would not be aimed during the
rush hour. He stated that he felt differently because the effect will be to extend th~ rush
Hr. Hart noted other problems in regard to se~er and water lines~ and storm water
runoff which vi11 Go do~n KeaGy Road and drain into Cravens Creek which already has severe
flooding prch 1ems.
He said they have seen the problems that have developed on l~illia~son Road, Franklin
Road and Hardy Road in Vinton through the years, they have watched Brandon Avenue deteriorate,
and they want to prevent this from happeninG on 119 and Kenny Road. He stated that the county
is watching the city for their decision ca this rezoning which will have an effect on future
county action.
Hr. Hart said it ~as illogical for this property to be rezoned because there is ample
co~mercial space available for construction of the cafeteria within a ~ile. He noted that he was
referring to the Arlans ShoppinG Store area, and there was also property approximately one mile
away which is for sale and is already zoned C-2.
~n story, Hr, Hart said tlMy would like to keep the area residential, that parking
viii be a bis proble~, the traffic flo~ viii increase because the rush hour viii be extended,
the et*tn runof~ vii1 c~e&te problens, and the doulno effect~ vhiab is the largest objection, of
encoursgin~ a strip of co~rcial use on ~oute &19 and r~asy Road, plus the fact that there is
suitable laud available which is properly zoned.
Hr. Hart called Council°s attention to a petitionelsnedby 180 residents of the
affected area in opposition to the rezoning.
Hr. Lalph Weiuberg, 1&33 Barnhart Drive, S. W., appeared before Council and eoem2ntnd on
the eh*ti*ual aspect of the rezoning, advising that the residents slnply do not vent a restaurant
in their neighborhood. He said there is no reason to construct the cafeteria in a residential
aresj that there are other alternatives available and he specifically referred to an area on Lee
HiGhvay~hich he noted vas not in the City of Roanoke and the city would not benefit by having
the property on its tax rolls, but in view of the effect that the rezonlng~ould have on the
people in the iu~edLete area, it would be a travesty to allo~ it.
A~ far as the Woods*lite interests were concerned, Hr. ~elnberg said be agreed that
Hr. ~oodson should have a right to sell bis property and in view of the fact that he perchased
it ia 1957, he should be able to make a reasonable proflt~ however, Hr. ~codson has several
alternatives, he could sell the property for residential purposes or petition for a nunber of
things, but a restaurant would be the worse kind of situation that could be ~glned. He stated
that the issue is not a matter of trying to deny Hr. ~oodsonhis rights, but shatter of weighing
the rights of property owners versus Hr. ~oodsonJs rights.
Also appearing was Hrs. D. H. Dunville, 3722 Keagy Road, S.W. She advised that she
Iives five doors fro~ the proposed location. She explained that In the area there is presently
a hospital, a psychiatric center, office buildings and a branch bank. She said that ~hen they
were in the County, Salem did not take their desires into account at all, this time, they are in
the City of ~oanoke, the city is being fez*ned and they are lool~inS to Council for protection,
She stated that Council annexed the area and the residents are expecting the city to look after it.
She added that the residents do not want the character of their neighborhood changed and urged
that Council deny the request for rezonin~.
Since the utter had been discussed in depth, the Hayor ~sked the pleasure of Council;
~hereupon, Hr. Grove mo~ed that the Ordinance ~hich would per. it the rezoning be placed upon its
first reading. ~he ~otion was seconded by Hrs. Bowles.
Hr. l'ho~s referred to a statement that Hr. Hart previously m~de regarding conditional
zoning and asked if conditional zoning were available if there would be a mutual ~round w~erein
his constituents nlEht find the rczoning ~ore palatable; ~hereupon, Hr. Hart advised in the
negative, stating that his constituents would not vent a restaurant in their neighborhood under
any circunstances.
There was a period of discussion during which time the members of Council expressed
their individual opinions on the matter.
~r. ~homas said he regretted that the ~atter of conditional zoning was not available
to the city so that Council would be in a position to at least send the matter back to the attorneyt
to ascertain if there could be sc~e mutual grounds for agreement; whereupon, Hr. ~akes said it
was his understanding that conditional zoning for the City of Roanoke was currently under study,
that the City Attorney had made a draft of an Ordinance that the Secretary of the City Planning
Co~mission had been given authority to advertise, and in view of that, he inquired of the Chair
as to whether or not it ~ould be appropriate to table the request for rezoning for a period of
30 - &5 days during which tiao the matter of conditional zoning could be explored.
Upon question, the Assistant City Attomuey advised that Council could consider the
request of Hr. Rakes in vie~ of the fact that a vote had not been recorded on the Ordinance on
its first reading.
Hrs. Dunville spoke against the request to table the matter, advising that it was an
example of interoffice shuffling of papers, thac the Council set the public hearing for August
It and should make a decision at that tiao; whereupon, the Hayer replied that Council was governed
by rules and regulations and that Hr. Rakes could legally ask thac the matter be tabled. Hrs.
Dunville then inquired if she had the legal right to ask that the matter not be tabled, and the
~ayor replied in the affir~ative; whereupon, she requested that the matter not be tabled.
Fr. Hubard inquired of Hr. Hart as to the hardships that would be incurred by his
clients if the matter were tabled for a reasonable period of time. Hr. Hart replied that it would
be an overall inconvenience for his clients to attend a second hearins. He noted that conditional
zoning would nor eliminate the major objection ~htch vas the domino effect.
After being advised that the request legally could be tabled, Hr. Rakes formally
requested that the rezoning request be tabled u~til the matter of conditional zonins has been
considered and reported to Council.
Hr. Thomas said Council had heard the disadvantages of tabling the~arrer from Hr.
Hart and in that same vein, he inquired of Hr. Rakes as to the disadvantages of withdrawing the
petition and resubmitting it at a later date. Hr. Rakes replied that the principal disadvantage
vas that the contract with the K g W people on the property would run out and as long as the
matter is still in the breast of Council, the contract is valid awaiting a vote of Council. The
second obJecrion~uld be the length of time ir would take to file another petition and proceed
through the proper cha~nels.
Hr. Thews offered a substitute motion that the request for rezouing be tabled until
such time as Hr. Rakes requests that the matter be placed on the agenda. The motion was seconded
by Hrs. Eo~les.
The l~siettut City Attorney pointed o~t that Council v~s in · public hearing0 that if
the ~tter vere tabled vithin the public hearing franevork, ~hen it van brought back off the
tables legal edvertiee~ent would have to be given once asaino The HaTor noted that there b~uld
be · coot factor involved in the additional public notice and that vould have to be the respousthil.
ity of Hr. Ra~est clieet,
The substitute n~tion Yes then ·dopteds Hr. Grove voting no.
Gemiu to the matter before the Cotmcil, Hr. Tho~ss moved that the matter of conditional
zoning be referred to the City Hanager, the City Attorneys L~d the City Flanning Co~isolon for
report to Council by its next regular meeting on Hondays August 28, 1978, encompassing the
(1) status of couslderati~n of couditio~l zonlug lot the
City of Roanoke,
(2) enabling Statute,
(3) recommendations in respect to such lesislation, and
(&) timeframe for adopting ouch legislation if it is the
desire of Council to do so.
The notion vas seconded by Hr. Landis and unanimously adopted.
At this point, the H~¥or declared a ten minute recess.
At 9:15 p.m.s the meeting reconvened.
Z(~I~GI Council having previously set a public hearing for 7:30 p.m.s on ~ondays
August l&, 19TS, on an ~d~nt to the Zoning Ordinance to alley att galleries as a
permitted use in the C-l, Office and Institutional District, the matter vas before the body.
In this connection, the City Planning Co~nission submitted a vritten report recon~ending
that the amendment be approved by Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office-)
No one appearinS in oppositiom to the proposed amen~ent~ Hr. Hubard moved that the
following Ordinance be placed vpon its first reading:
(t2&2~2) A~ ORdINAnCE to a~end and reordain Section 8, C-1 Office and Institutional
Dtstricrs~ of Chapter &.l, Zonina, of Title XV~ Construcriou~ Alteration and Use of Land~ guildints
~nnd Other Structures, of the Code of the CiTy o~ Roanoke (19~6), as a~ended, to provide in the City~
Zo=ir~ Ordinance tha'~ art Ealleries be added as permitted principal uses and structures vithi~
C-1~ Office and Institutional Districts.
({2~2{1) AN ORDINANCE to ~end and reordalu Section 1, ~__~.~, and Section 2,
Applicability of resulationss of Chapter 2.1, Land Subdivision Regulations, of Title XVI,
Plannin~ and fubdivision~, o£ the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, so as to
Hr. Carland stated that since he was em~loyedby Friendship Nanor~lch has a sinllsr
request before the State ~alth ~ssl~er, he felt It ~ould be l~ppropriate for his ~o vote
~. ~bard ~ed t~t ~cil concur In the request of ~rrell ~rial ~spital a~
offered the roll.ins ~soluti~
(~24214) A ~O~TI~ e~orsin~ ~ supporting ~rzell ~rial ~spital~s application
(~oz full text of ~esolution, see ~esolutl~ ~ok No, 45~ paSe 102,)
Hr. ~bard~ved t~ ~option of the ~esolution. ~e~tl~v~ seceded by Hrs.
~les and ads, ted by the roll.nE ~ote:
NAYS: None
(~. ~zla~ abstained fr~ votins.)
ia Jails zel~u~sed b~ the ~azd~ vas before ~cil.
(For full text, see c~nication ~ file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~rland and ~o~ly adopted.
before ~cll.
Hr, Vllbur L. Haalegrove, Att*resT* representing F & B Developers, appeared before
Co~mcll end st·ted that this pr*pert7 is presently zoned for the intended use and is & proposal
to create 120 f~ntily omit ·parts2nt8 to meet vhat the proponents consider tn he · den*matt·ted
and ·rtirulated need for ne~ publicly assisted housing. He slid it is a site that is available
to utilities and is vlthin a Census Tract in the Cityea Ho~sing Assistance plan that is desigusted
for publicly assisted housing, the only matter requiring nudification is to expand the housing
in the existing Census Tract to lnclud· ne~ family unit construction r·thar than Just construction
for t~t ~dicapped end for the elderly. Hr. Hazlegrove said this is & viable project and it is
embody · policy of this Council is an unfortunate uisanneeptiou. He noted that the IL~ Plan vhiub
the City o! Roanoke has adopte~ does ucthing u~re than ret,Susan that certain property c~ero
have · vish end desire to dedicate their property to one Sam or another cf publicly assisted
policy, it is really a stanp of approval of existing projects that simply fall into the plan
handicapped and for the elderly, but the aspirati~us of the Council are at edda ~lth the realities.
He said the only project for the elderly in a Census Tract included in the HA~ Plan has been set
a Census Tract devoted for housing for the elderly ~flen the Cc~ncil, on objection f;o~ the public,
has been defezred, consequently, ~e do not have a viable plan. He said we are not going along
handicapped in accordance vith its currently approved HAP progr~u~. He further said his clients
Co~rt Civic League, appeared before Council in opposition to the request, advtstn~ that their
(1) Conttnuin~ exodus of ~iddle and upper income taxpayers
At 10:20 p.m., the meeting recouvened.
CITf ~H~LOt~ES-FOLICE D~',A.RTI~2~*AIR~ORT~ Cot~cil ~n[ previ~ly deferred
~ a report of the City ~Str rec~lu~ t~t the cl~sificatl~ of ~ort Security O~ficer
be retained at ~sde 15~ tht City Atto~ey s~tted a written report su~estia~ thst the ~tter
of ~&in~ the cl~sificati~ ~s rec~nd~ by the Al~o~t ~viso~ ~lss/~ be referred to
t~ Fers~el and ~plo~nt ~ractices ~ssi~ ~ required by the Clty*s Ferso~el
(For full t~t~ see reports on file In the City Cl~=k% Oftice,)
rec~e~at~. ~e ~tion was seco~ed by Hr. ~rla~ ~d ~opted.
~uncil by the ~C~ ~er~pon. the City Atto~ey advised tha~ ch~es ia the class[ica~t~ plan
~y be recanted by any appropriate city official ~d shall take effect ~en ~ppr~ed by the
seceded by ~. ~rland and unfitly adopted.
~1~.~ of ~sessed value.
(For full t~. see c~nica~ion on fll~ in th~ City Clerk's Office.)
o[ the proper ~e~ures. ~e ~ion w~ seconded by Hr.
Hrs. ~les then offered a substitute ~tion that ~=cil delay acti~ on a reduction
report at that time ~ the budget surplus ~d it vas his intention to receive that report prior
urged tMt ~uncil evaluate ve~ carefully all proposals io~ the disposition of the surplus
because ~cil~s decision could and vould affect ~e City of Ro~oke for~ny years and he
allocate the surplus f~ the fo11~tnS issues need to be discussed: the operational needs
has ~y altematives for the allocation of the su~lus, the City ~nctl has to dete~lne the
Mdc ~til the audit is c~pleted ~d certified, ~d that the City ~naEer and the Director of
Fi~ce pr~ide additional ~alyses ~d zec~endations to Council.
savin~s if applied to the real estate
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
After a discussion of the reFortJ Hr. ~ard said b~ vas interested in kn~in$ if
there vas any sentiment on the Fart of ~cil ~ers t~ard ~[ln[ the ratio of ~e
villin~ to ~lve a ~reater real ~t~te t~ reducti~ ~ a lesser utility t~ reductl~.
~ere appeari~ ~o be no ~sitive sen~nt t~ ~. H~rdTM laqui~ t~ ~yor
called for · vote ~ the ~ln ~tioal ~ereup~ It v~ ~ly
~. ~bard stated t~t earlier this year~ Frinr to p~ssa~e of ~ropositl~ 1~ he sub,est
t~t ~cil ~onsider est~lishin~ as a nora the reductl~ of the real ~tate t~ rate to ~1.~
~d ~e~la to the actl~ Just taken by ~cil~ he ~ed ~it ~cil resolve that it is its
th~ ~1.~ pe~ each ~1~.~ of assessed v~lue by Ja~aw 1~ 198t. ~e ~ion vas seceded by
su~ested t~t action ~ the ~tter be delayed ~ll the Fi~c~al ~d pla~in~ Session of
~n ~ept~er.
by Hr. ~r~e ~d ~l~sly adopted.
received and filed. ~e ~ion v~ seconded by Hr. ~s and un~ously adopted.
In the ~ of $1,025,9t2.~ which vere eliain~ted durinS 1978-79 budset s~y, and
the~ su~l~e ~ds [~ fisca~ yee~ ~977-78 be ~de avall~le ~ a special f~d for one-time
Council ue~ers ~o~les. Garland, Grove, ~ubsrd, Laudis. ~hcaas a~d Rayor
.7 ·
BUD~ET-HUHAH SK~YIC~S~ The City Han~et submitted a vritten report r*c~ln8
$1,6tt.~ be oppropr~ted to Secti~ ~6208, .~ Se~lces Yol~teers~n of the 1978-79 b~set~
to pr~lde f~ to c~tinu8 t~ Vol~teer Progr~ thz~ S~t~er, 1978.
(For full t~t, see report ~ file in ~e City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. ~o ~ed that ~cil c~cur in the report ~ offered t~ roll.ins e~r~en~
(~2~2~7) ~ O~I~CE to ~e~ ~ reordaln certain 8ectl~s of the Gr~
F~d ~pr~riatio~s and pr~idins for an ~ersency*
(For full tex~ of ~dln~ce, see ~dl~ce ~ok Ho. ~, pa~e 103.)
~. ~s ~ed the adoptl~ of the ~dl~ce. ~e ~ti~ ~ seceded by
~les ~d adopted by the foll~l~ vote~
AY~ ~cll ~ers ~les. ~rland, Gr~e, H~ard, ~dis. ~s ~d ~yor
Taylor ~
Hone O.
been inc~eased by ~17t,257.~ to car~ ~he progr~ through Au~us~ 31, 1978, ~d ~ec~endl~
(For ~ull t~t, see report on file in ~e City Cle~*s Office.)
HAYS: Hone
increased by $60,783.~, ~d rec~endin~ that f~ds be appropriated therefor.
(i21280) ~ O~CE to ~end and reordain certain sectias of the Grant Progr~
NAYS~ None O.
STATE HIG~&YS~ The City Hanager subaitted a written report recommending execution of
the City-State Agreement for the 2tth Street. N. ~.. BiSCay troJect, ~ ~at f~ds be tr~ferred
(For full t~c, see report ~ file In the City Clezk*s Office.)
~s. ~les ~ed t~t ~cil c~cur in the report ~d offered the foll~tng e~r~ency
Ordiu~ce ~lng ~d reordainl~ the 19;~;9
(12t281) ~ O~I~CE to ~nd ~d reordain certsin settles of the 19]~9 ~pital
Projects ~nd ~ropr~ation ~dl~ce, ~d pr~ldin~ for ~
(For full t~t of ~din~ce, see ~din~ce ~ok ~o. ~, page 106.)
~s. ~les ~ed the adoptl~ of the ~din~ce. ~ ~lon v~ sec~ed by Hr.
~ndis a~ a~pted by the foll~iu~ vote:
A~: ~c~1 ~ers ~les, ~rl~d, Cr~e, Hubard, ~ndis, ~s ~d ~yor
Taylor ~ .... ; '
~., Bi.ay FroJect ~o. U~128-10~, ~E-101~ R~201, ~01; Federal FroJect ~128(~) and
~128(110), and certain feeder streets into 2~h S~re~, ~. ~., and ap~rovins a c~ract to be
(For full tex~ of Ordin~ce, see Ordinate ~ok ~o.
SALE OF pROpERTY: The City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report recommending that city-
o~med property at 2917 Hilliamson Road, N. W., be sold to Eugene B. ~nighton for the sum of
$28,50~.00, subject to certain deed restrictions.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the reco~aendation and that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t2128t) AN ORDINANCE authorizin~ the sale and conveyance of the City's former Signal
Shop property, located at 2917 Hillia~on Road, N. ~., Official No. 3100922, upon certain teras
and conditions.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
NAYS: None
Ei~JIPHEHT: The City ~anager sutmitted a written report concurring in a report of the
Bid Committee reco~endins that the lo~ bid of Seibel Brothers, Incorporated, for supplying one
Bean chemical sprayer for the s~ of $6,&31.25, be accepted, and that funds be transferred
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Hubard i~ved that Council coucur in the reccmnendation end offered the following
enerzency Ordiunnce **
O2~285) A~ ORDII~AHCE providing for the purchase of a certain ney chemical sprayer
upon certain terms and conditions; acceptin~ a certain bid s~de to the city for furnishing nd
delivering amid eprsyer~ reJectl~ a certain othar bidl and providtn~ for an enersency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ok Ho. 45, page 107.)
Hr. Huherd norad the adoption of the Ordinance. The notion vas seconded by }ir. Grove
and adopted by the following vote~
AYES** Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, ThceMs and Nayor
NAYS: None~ -- ~'
CITY ~ROp~TY-PA~ING CACiqUE** The City Attorney submitted a vrltten report transmitting
an Ordinance to ame~ Ordinance No. 2~238 ~hich authorized the lease of certain ground floor
space in the ~unicipal Parking Garage to ~land ~acher and ~Achard ~acher, d~b~a Span~em,
Incorporated, advising that during lease preparation, severeX matters ca~e up that necessitate
the amendment of the Ordinance. First, the ~L~chers have recently changed the name of their
(~24287) AN O~C~ authorizing conveyance of certain City property ¢onsieting of ~he
residue of ~ts ~ ~d ~ Block 22~ ~p of ~l~n~ ~d ~p~y~ for a c~lderati~ of
~e ~t~on vas seco~ed by ~, Hubard and ad. ted by the foll~ln~ vote~
Taylor ..... 7.
~r~e~c7 ~dical Semites ~cll be tr~ferred ~o Free Clinic; ~d that ~he request of
Gloria ~ regardi~ a proJec~ to pr~ide semites to children and to train parents be received
~d filed vlthout action,
(For full text~ see report ~ file i~ the City Clerkts Office.)
~rland and ~i~usly adopted.
F~IHG IT~: ~e City Clerk presented a lis~ of lte~ pending fr~ July 19, 1976,
throu~ July 2~ 1978.
(For full text, see lls~ on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
(For full ~ex~ of Ordin~ce, see Ordinance ~o~ ~o. ~5, page 1~,)
for its second reading ~d final adoption:
NAYS: None
CITY PROPERLY: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure accepting the proposal of Capital Sales and Auction C~mpany for promoting and
conducting a public auction sale of surplus tangible personal proper£y owned by the city, he
presented s~e; ~hereupon, Hr. Grove offered the folloving emergency Ordinance=
(~24288) ~ 0RDIH~CE authorizing sale at public auction of certeln surplus t~ngible
personal property ovned by the city but not needed for lny public purpose or usej direct~nS thit
such sales ~e It Auct~ be ~oolute ~ not s~ect to c~fimtf~ of price b7 18tar
of the ~cilJ ~uthorizin~ accept~ce of the pr~al for t~ se~ices of ~n ~uctioneer for ~e
(For full t~t of ~dl~ceo see ~din~ce ~k No. t~s pa~e
Hr. Gr~e ~ved the ~ptlon of the ~dl~nce. ~e ~iou ~ sec~ed by ~. ~bard
a~ adopted by the foll~in~ vote~
HAYS: None O.
CiTIZ~$~ ~qVI~0~qTAL CO~CIL: ~e ~yot presented a c~fca~l~ ~ec~ndins a
(For full text, see c~nica~on on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
televisio~ and radios at 82~ ~dison Avenue~ N. ~.~ Hr. Garland advised that since he voted vith
the ~Jotity, he vould lib to ~ve for a rec~ideratiou of the ~tter. ~e loti~ vas seceded
~rs. ~les advised tMt she had a petition si~ed by 21 persons living in the imediate
the repair of radios and televisi~s In their h~. She said the neighbors do not object to the
create ~y traffic probl~i and in s~U, she requested tMt ~cil favorably co~ider the
(~2~289) ~ 0~I~ gr~tin& revocable~ n~-tra~ferable pe~ssion to ~orse ~le,
Jr., to ~rsue the h~e occupation of repairiu~ televisi= and radios upon praises located at
rec~ending that a ney position of ~sistant to the Director of Fiance be est~lished in the
Departm~t of Pinaco to expire on the second a~iversa~ of its being filled.
that continuati~ of the position ~ill be revi~ed ~ the date of its second a~iversa~, or
~hen the position bec~es yacht if that occurs before ~e ~o year period e~ires, and that
part of ~ncil to c~tinue to f~d the position even after the two year period h~ expired.
and ~yor ~aylo~
· o~noke City Arts Counis$iou - Hrs. Elizabeth T. ~les
Jail Stay ~ttee Hr. ~t~ ~. ~
~lley Drive ~ttee Hr. ~bert A.
S~ ~e City Clerk report~ that Hr. ~ury L. $tra~s ~d q~lified
of the ~c81 ~ard of Virslula ~este~ ~lty ~llese for a te~ of f~r ~ears endin~ June
30, 1982.
~. ~rla~ ~d ~l~usly adopted.
AI~RT~ ~e City Clerk reported that Hr. S~el H. Start ~ q~llfied as a ~er
of the ~rpor~ ~v~so~ ~8sion for a te~ of t~ years e~ins June ~,
~. Garland ~d ~ly adopted.
te~ of three years endin~ June 30, 1981; and Hr, ~rles L. ~ndis had qualified to fill the
~n ha~ qualified as ~ers of the Ferso~el ~nd ~lo~cn~ Fractices ~ission for te~
of three y~ars each endins June 30, 1981.
1981, as n~ers of the Revenu~ Study ~ssion.
requested that the City ~nager~ within a reasonable peri~ of time. submit a detailed report
City Clerk ~yor
Hond&y~ August 28~ 1978.
~he Cotmcil of the Cit~ of Roanok~ Et In re~lar ~etl~ In t~ ~cil ~er
t~ ~nicipal ~ilding~ City of ~oke, ~ ~ay, ~gust 28~ 1978, at 2:~ p.s., the re~lar
~eetl~ h~r~ ~ith ~yor ~oel C. ~aylor presidins.
~illi~ S. Hub~rd, ~arles L. ~ndiss ~t~ ~. ~ ~d ~yor Hoel C. Taylor
Atto~ey; ~. Joel H. Schl~ser~ Director of Fi~ce; ~ Hrs. ~ F. Parker~ CIW Clerk.
I~I~: ~e =eetins v~ ~ened with a prayer by the ~vc~end J~s A. Allis~
~e invocation ~as foll~ed by the Pledse of Alleslance to the Flee of the United
H0~SING-SLUH CI~AIL~CE: A co~unic&tion frma ~r, R. i. Benley, ~e~tive Director,
City of ~ka ~d~elo~nt ~ ~usi~ ~thority~ advisin~ of ~ incre~e ia the ~1
~ inc~ l~ts for l~-ren~ h~sin~ pro~ects~ effective ~t~er I~ 1978~ v~ before
(For full t~c~ see c~nic~cl~ ~ file la the C~ty Clerk's Office.)
(~or full text, see report on file in th~ City Clerk's Office.)
The Secretat~ of the City ~lannin~ Comatssion advised the Council that he could not
(J24293) AH O~DIHAHCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the Grant Programs
Fund Appropriatlons~ and provldin~ for an emersency.
(For full text of Ordiuancem see Ordinauce Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the follo~th~ vote:
AYES:Council members Bowlesm ~arland, Orove, Hub&rd~ Landis~ Thomas and Hayor
Taylor, 7.
NAYS: Non~
CITY pROPERTY-SE~ERS AND STOOl DRAINS: The City Hanager submitted a written report in
connection with leasing certain property at the Sewage Treatment Plant to the Virginia National
C~ard for storage of vehicles, recommending that Ordinance No. 14158 be amended to provide for a
five-year lease with the city havin~ the right to give a six-mouth termination notice without
penalty during the initial term and further provfdin§ that the teI~nwill automatically be
extended on a month-to-month basis after the initial five-year term with either party having the
right to tex~lnate the lease upon 30 days ~ritten notice during the extended term.
(For £ull text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the reco~aendation and that the following
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t2429~) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the lease of a 1.56 acre parcel of City land~ lying
adjacent to the Sewage Treatment Plant, to the Virginia National Coard upon certain terms and
conditions, and authorizin~ and directing the City Hanager to execute a written lease on behalf
of the City.
The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council members g~les, Garland, Crowe, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor ~'
NAYS= None-
that Council concur in the reco~eml&tion and offered the follo~l~
O~I~C~ approv~nS issuance of Chanse Order Ho. 1 to the Cityee contract
PIA~ING: Co~cil having previously received a reques~ of the ~ric~ Institute of
pledge of $2,~.~ fr~ the city to pay for p~lishing of the s~udy ~d tr~sportati~, f~d
the availability of ~AT In mind for future pla~ln~ probl~.
(For full text, see report ~ file in the City Clerk's Office.)
approval for execution of three indentures Erantin~ ~palachi~ P~er ~pany pe~ission to
erect and ~in~ain electric lines or ~uy wire anchors across certain city property to pr~ide
the following rates retroactive to April 1, 1978:
Air conditioned space in the
Terminal Building
Baggage Claim Space
Departure Room Space
Activity Fee
0.20111000 lbs.
for the first
6,610 1000 lb.
units per month
and 0.18t/1000
lbs. in excess.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the reco~endation and that the folloving
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
pA~JLS A~D PLA~I~DSI l~e City H~n~er eub~ttted a written report re~ardins the
s~r play~r~ pro~z~ spo~ored by t~ ~part~n~ of P~r~ ~d ~creatl~, advising that
l~r~si~ gained fr~ a particularly talented gro~ of sensual staff~ c~ents fr~ chlldren~
~d t~ ~part~nc ~ger convince the a~nistration that thie vas a vort~hlle five vee~ for
a lot of children.
(For full text~ see report ~ file In t~ City Clerk's Office,) ·
Hrs. ~les ~ed t~ the report be received ~d filed vi~ appreciati~, ~e ~tion
v~ seconded by ~. Grove a~ ~snt~usly ad. ted,
S~-~ ~ ~I ~mcil ~ving previously referred to the City ~naser for
E.~ re~stin~ a c~nse la ~itle 1~ ~apter 2~ Sectl~ t~ of t~ ~e of the City of ~anoke~
19~6s as ~nded~ ~lch prevente s~ll children fr~ playin~ on sid~al~ the City ~ager
~e of roller skates and three ~eel~ non-~torized play t~s on sid~al~ for ~ildren of age
1~ and under.
(For full t~t, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~ved that ~=cil concur in the rec~endation and offered the roll.ins
e~r~ency ~din~ce ~
(~2~299) ~ O~CE to ~nd a~ reordain Section l~ ~nd vehiclesl drivins on
Sid~al~ and S~ers~ of the ~de of the City of ~anoke (19~6), as ~nded~ to pe~it pers~s
pr~ldlnS for an ~rien~.
(For full text of ~dtn~ce, see ~din~ce Book ~o.
NA~SI ~=cil me~e~s B~les ~d ~rland 2.
(~2t3~) ~ O~I~CE to ~end ~d reordatn certain sec~i~s of the 1978-~9 General
AYLS~ Co~cil ambers Bo~lea, G~rland, Grove, Huhard, Lm2dieo Thceas ~nd Hayor
HAYS= Hone~ O,
F~JIPI~fT-SHEIIFF= The City Ha~ser Submitted I ~itten re~r~ c~currinS In a ~eport
of the Bid ~ttee, rec~lu~ th~ the proposal of ~ic City ~tor ~orati~ fo~
three n~ eight ~seaser vi~ van t~c~, for the totll ~t of $2~,~.~, to be ~ed to
tr~port prisoners b~ the Cit~ Sheriff, be accepted.
(For full text, see report ~ file in-the Cit7 Clerkt8 Office.)
HFS. ~les ~ed that ~cil c~cur in the repor~ ~ offered the foll~in~
(J2~2) ~ O~I~CE pre,dinS fOF the purc~se of three (3) vlnd~ v~ t~c~ upon
(For full t~t of Ordiu~ce~ see ~din~ce ~ok No.
~ndis ~d adopted by the roll.ins vote:
~cil ~ers ~les, ~rland, Gr~e, Hubard, ~dis, ~s and ~yor
(~21103) ~ O~I~CE providin~ for the purc~se of ~o n~ ind~rial ~in~ tractors
(For full text of Ordinance, see ~din~ce ~o~ No.
AUDITS: The Director of Finance presenced the fin~cial report for the month of
July, 1978.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.).
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Crove and unanimously adopted.
STREET BAH'~S: The City Flannin~ Co~mission submitted a vritten report recommending
that the name of Arro~ l~ood ~ad, N. I~., be changed to Countryside Roads N.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that the report ha referred to the City Attorney for preparation of
the proper s~asure, The sm*ion was seconded by Hr. ltuberd and tman~ously adopted.
HAT[3~ DEPARI~-A~HI~ATIOe~ Co~mcil having previously referred to the Hater Resources
Committeeo the City Attorney and the City Hrnager c~tcations from Vlce-H~yor Cl~rles L.
Landis and Hr. Hlllian T, ~oss suggesting that city we*er connections be ~ade available where
Canal*tee, the City Hanager end the City Attorney submitted a Joint report advising that upon
the advice and ret*nm*nde*ion of the City Attorney, there appears to be no legal prohibition to
Council creating the class of citizens to receive water connection fees rich*ut cost should
and appropriate.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
was before Council.
(For full text, see c~unication on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Resources Co.mi*tee, the City Beringer and the City Attorney be received and filed. The motion
copy of a comnunicatioa addressed to the Health Department regarding the installation of a
backup in ho~es of that area during periods of heavy rainfall, the ~ater Resources Co~nittee,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
motion was seconded by Hrs. Bo~les and unanimously adopted.
use of the old Harine Corps facilities.
H.~. George E. Franklin, Executive Director, Opportunities Iud~trialiustion Center,
appeared before Council and presented n cou~micetion advinin$ that the deciniou of Council
viii i11o~ OIC to adjust to a l&ck of n concludin~ decision cu their request for the Jefferson
High School Au·ex areas ~hich no~ should include the old vocetioual areas of auto uethanics,
veldi~, sheet metal[air conditionin~ and storage located in that area to be fo·sd cornering on
6th Street and IJJch Avenue and attached to the main school facility by a furnace room. He said
he had hoped that the A~inistrltlon ~ould have been able to conclude vith SIC this request
before the! vacated the.old Harine Corps fecllity& ho~Yer, in the neantiw~, OIC vail begin its
move back to the stadium facility and he requested the following Of Cotmcilz
1. ieplace the garage door at the southern end of tbe e&st
stand, destroyed by the flood, vithin the next week&
2. Upgrading of the aspbelt around the east eta·dss vhich
should include markings for parking;
3. Insure that SIC rill be provided heys for all Sates
and other locked areas of this section'vhenever the
city ~orkers change the locks;
&. 11~t SIC be allc~ed to utilize the second level as
storage area in their flood contingency plans ~hich
should include minor remodeling, i.e., temporary parti-
tion of certain areas;
5.That the plumbings including the drainage, be put in top
working condition.
Hr. Franklin further requested that Council consider co~nttting itself to the concept
of providing for training facilities for OIC to the extent feasible and for the purpose of
providing manpower development training and services to its structurally unemployeds underemployed
citizens who are no longer enrolled in its public schools and/or whose enrollment and attendance
does not complement the more structured public school environment.
(For full texts see communication on file tn the City ClerkSs Office.)
Hr. ~ho~as moved that Ne. Franklin's cc~untcation be referred to the City Hanager
and the Director of Finance for study, report and recommendation to Council at its Financial
and ?lan·inS Session on Thursday, Septewber 21, 1978. The motion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and unanimously adopted.
Hr. Grove offered the following emergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of W. J.
Blane, Contractor:
(t24308) A~ ORDINANCE accepting a bid made for cleaning and painting at the Cityss
sewage treatment plant, authorizing the proper City officials to execute the requisite contract
therefor, rejecting a certain other bid made therefor; and providing for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove smved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Ers.
~les and adopted by the follo~La~ vote~ '
AYES: Cotm~l~n~nbers Bovles~ Garland~ Grove, Hubard~ Landis~ ~honas and Hayor
NATS: None
The City Hen·set submitted · written report eoncurrin~ in the report of the com~ttee.
(Yor full text, see report on file in the City Cletkls Office.)
Mr. Grove moved that the report he received and filed. The ~otion vas seconded by
Landis and unanimously ·d~pted.
NAYS: None
SUBDIVISIONS: Ordinance No. 24273 a~ending the City C~de so as to reduce the area
within which the City of Roanoke Subdivision Ordinance has extraterritorial effect to that area
reflected on the map entitled, City of Roanoke - Subdivision Jurisdiction, dated October 10,
1971, on file in the Office of the City Clerk, having previously been before the Council for
its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading and laid over, vas again before the
body, N r. Nubard offering the following for its second reading and final adoption:
(~24273) AN ORDINANCE to ~end and reordain Section 1, Purpose, and Section 2,
Applicability of regulations, of Chapter 2.1, Land Suhdivision Regulations, of Title XVI,
Planning and Subdivisions, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (19S6), as a~ended, so as to
reduce the area vlthin~htch the City of Roanoke Subdivision Ordinance has extraterritorial
effect to that area reflected on the map entitled, City of Roanoke - Subdivision Jurisdiction,
dated October 10, 1977, on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Eubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follovin~ vote:
AYES: Co=cfi members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and N~yor
Taylor- 7.
NAYS: Nonu O.
SALE OF I~OFE~Y-ClI~ p~OFZr~ft Ordinance NO. 2~28~ authorlgi~ t~ ~ale ~ c~vey~ce
of the cityts foyer sig~l sh~ property, lo~ted at 2917 ~illim~ ~ ~. ~., Official Y~
~o. 31~922, ~ certain te~ ~ c~ditl~, ~ving pre~ly been before ~e ~cil for
its first r~dl~, r~d ~d adopted ~ its first readl~ ~d laid ~er, v~ again before t~
b~y, ~. ~ms offering t~ foll~iag for its seco~ readl~ ~d final adoptiont
(~2~28~) ~ O~CE authorizl~ t~ sale ~ c~ey~c~ of the city's four
Sl~l ~ proper~y, l~ated at 2917 ~lllim~ ~sd~ ~. ~., Official So. 31~22, up~ certain
(For full text of ~di~ce~ see ~dl~ce ~k ~o.
and adopted by the roll.lng vote:
HAYS: Nou~ --0.
SALE OF P~OPE~TY: Ordinance No. 2&28] authorizing the conveyance of city property
c~isting of th~ residue of ~ts t ~ 5, Block 22, ~p of ~nt ~d ~any, Official ~
Nos. i011603 an~ lO1360~, for a considerati~ of ~910.~ to the ~anoke Inte~ati~l ~urch of
the Foursq~re~spel (Evangel Foursq~re ~urcb)~ ~vi~ previo~ly been~fore the ~uncil
for its first readl~ read and adopted on its first readin~ ~d laid over, ~ again before
(t2128~) ~ O~I~CE authorizing convey~ce of certain city property consisting of
~910.~I up~ certain te~ and conditions.
(For full text of ~dinance, see Ordi~ce ~ok No.
NAYS: None- ---0,
Council havin~ previously concurred in a report of the City Hanage£ under date of
August l&, 1978, relating to a certain classification plan for ~ployees of the City of Roanoke
submitted by the Personnel and Employment Practices Commission on July 10t 1978, Hr. Hubard
offered the follo~rln~Resolution:
(i2&310) A RESOLU~ION generally concurring in the reco~nendations of the City Hanager
relatin§ to a classification plan for e~ployees of the City o£ Roanoke.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr, Hvbardmo~ed the adoption o! the Nesolutiono The~otionvas seconded by Hrs.
Bo~les and adopted by the follo~ln~ voter
AYESt Co~mcllme~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hub&rd, Landis, Th~ma~ and H~yor
NAYSt gone
DIRECTOR OF FX~A~CEx Council havin$ previously instructed the City Attorney to
NAYSx None*
NAYS: None
VIRGINIA~NICIPAL LEAGUE: Hr. Nubard offered a Resolution designating Hayor Noel C.
Taylor as the voting delegate for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke to the Annual Heeting of
the Virginia ~tunicipal League and designatin~ H~s. Elizabeth T. Bovles as an alternate voting
delegate to act in the absence of the voting delegate:
(124313) ARE SOLUtION designating a voting delegate for and on behalf of the City of
Roanoke to the Annual Heeting of the Virginia Hunicipal League and an alternate voting delesate
to act in the absence of the votin~ delegateo
(For full text of Resolution, see Nesolutio~ Rook No.
Hr. ~ubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. The ~ntion was seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted by the follc~lng vote:
AYES: Council members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Nubard, Landis, ~ho~as and ~ayor Taylor---7.
gAYS: None '~'
~r. Garland ~oved tZ~C Council concur la the I~ayo~e reccmeudation ~ t~t the
~tter bm referred to t~ City Atto~y for preparatl~ of t~ pr~*r ~ure.
seceded by ~. ~bard ~ ~ly adoptS.
~ ~e ~7or called to t~ attencl~ of ~cil t~t t~re v~
the ~ers~el ~ ~pl~nt ~ractices ~ssl~ created by the resl~tion of ~. ~ce A.
~e~ ~or a te~ e~ln~ June 30, 1980, ~ ca11~ for n~tl~ to ~11~ the
and ~lo~nt ~ractices ~iss~on to fill the ~e~red te~ cf Er. ~ce A, ~e~
1980, by the foll~lng vote:
~yor Taylor 7.
S~T VI~XN~ ~ F~G ~CIL: ~e ~yor noted t~ the te~ of
Linda F. Steele as a ~er of the ~anGke ~ea ~ealth ~cil v~ld e~ire ~ ~t 31, 1978,
~r. ~ard pla~ed in n~inati~ t~ ~ of ~. LInda F. Steele.
PLAHNI~C~I~O~O~i t0A~0J~t The City Hanager subaltted a ~ltten report a~lsin~ that
~c~l appr~ t~ ~l~nt of ~oreo Greet & ~er ~ ~g~t l~s 1978, to perfo~ the
~t~ ~italizat~ Studyo th~ the proposed c~tract pr~ides for t~ c~ittees or groups
to be appointed by the client (city) ~ foll~
1. A steering c~ittee of approx~tel7 12 per8o~ to act ~ the City representative
~d be~ t~d vith ~7 decl8~ a~thln five vorkiug days.
proce~ ~ith~t pe~lty.to the tit7 and retreaded that ~=cll appoint t~ roll.lng pers~
Sl~d E. ~vids~, ~llli~ C. St,ct, Jr.o Hicholas F. Ta~n, SonJa B. ~alter, L. H.
~ar, ~d ~ael H. Vald~gel. Ha further reco~nded t~t the city delegate to the steering
Taylor. -- ........ 7.
Taylor. .7.
NAYS: Non~
~here being no further business, the Hayor declared the meeting adjourned at ~:00 p.m.
City Clerk ~ayor
The Co~cil o! the City of Roanoke u~t in regular meeting in the Covn¢il Chnber in the
~cl~a~ ~utldtn~ City of ~o~, ~ ~esday, Sept~er 5, 1978, at 2:~ p.u., the re~lar
meetlnl h~rs ~th Vfce~yor ~arles L. ~is ~residinS.
F~ ~cll~ers Elizabe~T. B~les, ~bert A. ~rl~d, ~ci~Y. Gr~e,
~lllim S. Hubard, ~p~* ~s ~d Wce*~yor ~rles L. ~ndis
~ ~yor ROel C. Taylor- 1.
Hr. Donald A. Hiller, 1319 Heple Ave~e, S, g., appeared before Council iud read a
prepared state,eat ~skfn& if the city a~niu~rati~ c~ld base ~ ~inl~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~r
cent re~rt~ ~lch ~ a 1~ ~th void In the ~er of calls to the ~lty Y~th ~, t~t
is, no calls re,fred with Io~1 petitl~ern ~ldin~ su~en~ ~d other doc~ted ~ta which
v~thin t~ t~fr~ of J~ly 22, 19~6, to ~tober 1~, 19~. He said the old s~t~est ~titl~rs
have offered l~o~tl~ ~d doc~ntatl~ ~t incidents t~t ~all within this 1~ ~th perl~,
but their words and go~tatl~ se~ to be In vain ~d fall ~ deaf ~rs. He noted ~ ~e
l~t five ~nt~ t~t ~cil ~ Been vaitin~ for ~e report, property ~ers ~nd t~ayers of
t~ l~d~ate nel~oth~ ~ve continued to *uffer the plight of ~lic ~ls~ce [t~ t~
In the ~ediate neig~orh~ of the ~nity Youth Ho~. feel ~ d~d t~t they sh~Id not
(For full text, see stat~en~ ~ file In the City ClerkUs Office.)
~l~el ~illl~ A. ~rtin, 1316 Sec~ S~reet. S. ~.. appeared before ~cil ~d
~rs. Frances ~l~h~. ~er of property at 1308 Sec~d Street, S. ~.. appeared before
abate, suppress and prevent all thin~s detrimental to the health, ~orals, c~fo~t~ safety, con-
venience and velfare o[ the inMbitmts cf the city.
Dr. Cr~fozd further stated that the specific topic of the ~y 20, 1978 petition fr~
month study of the unl~ful behavio~ of the residents of ~ity Youth H~e, and ~ a result of
this prolonged ~l~ful behavior, these ~6 old sout~est petitioners requested that the H~e be
chose to ex~ine the possible future develo~ent patte~s of old sout~est.
public nuisance, the City Atto~ey advised t~t the ~rter authorizes the city to provide for the
us by the General ~s~ly and adopted a nuisance Ordin~ce and vith this any citizen ~y take a
~cil~ the City.namer or anyone in the adainistration to declare anything to be a ~blic
vherein there is provisi~ that ~y pers~ ~o shall cause or pe~it the existence of ~y ~blic
nuisance shall, upon convicti~, be fined not less t~n $~ nor more than $10. He said this is a
procured by citizens ~o are c~ce~ed that there Is a nuisance. He noted that the ~tter vould
special ~rand Ju~ to investigate the~tter.
feels vi11 solve the problem. He said the ~solution is ve~ specific, that he does not support
them to give the city s~e info~tion vhich the city believes vii1 ulti~tely ca~e the H~e to
(~2&l~) A L~SOIJ~IC~ ~equesti~ thA~ the State PepaT~t of ~r~ectl~ ~vise
to t~ ~OSe Of ~lty ~outh~ · State ~acllity~ ~d t~t the facility be r~d
(For full t~t of ~solutioa~ s~e ~solutl~ ~ok
~, ~s ~ved the ~optl~ of the ~solution. ~fi ~tl~ ~ seceded by
~rla~ and a~pted by the foll~i~ vote:
(For full t~t~ s~e report on file In thc'City Clerk's Office.)
(~2~316) ~ O~I~CE to ~end a~d r~ordain certain s~c~ions of the Cran~
F~d~pxopriations~ ~d providi~ for ~
(~yor Taylor ~ absent.)
filinE of the Erant:
(12~31~) A ~O~I~ authorizins the acceptance, executi~ ~d filin~ of the
syst~ fo= the City of Roanoke.
(For full text of Resolution~ see Resolution~ok ~o.
Hr. ~s moved the adoption of the Resolution. ~e motion ~ seconded by Hrs.
B~les and adopted by the roll.iht vote:
~: ~cil m~ers ~les. ~rland, Grove, Hubard, ~s and Vice-~yor
(Hayor Taylor was absent.)
Hr. Thc~as offered the following Resolution authorizing the acceptancej execution
and filini of the grant:
(#2&319) A RESOLUTIO~ authorizing the acceptance, execucionj and filins of the
"Special Conditions for Action Grant A~ards' with the Division of Justice and Crime Prevention
for an action Erant of Federal funds for funding of a Crisis Intervention/Run.ay House for
the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts of the 23rd Judicial District.
(For full text of Resolution. see Resolution Book
Hr. Thouas uoved the adoption o! the ~esolution. The notion vas seceded by ~,
~r~e ~d adopted by the foll~l~ vote~
~YS~ H~e O,
(liayor Taylor vas absent,)
(Kayor Taylor was absent.)
(Hayor Taylor was absent.)
PARKS A~D PLAYGROU~DS: Hr. Grove, Chai1~an of a com~ittee appointed to study bids
the amot~t of $14,85~.00, be accepted.
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.) (~ayor Taylor was absent.)
FEH~IHG ITDIS~ T~e City Clerk ~reseated · list of pendins it~ fr~ July 19, 1976,
throu~ ~t 28, 1978,
(For full text, see list ~ file la the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Cr~e ~ed t~t t~ list be received ~d filed. ~e ~i~ v~ seceded by
~rlsud and adopted,
~I~ ~ ~S~K~TI~ OF O~ ~
CI~ F~F~-S~ ~ ~O~ D~S~ Ordi~ce Ho. 2~29~ authorizini the le~e
of a 1.56 acre parcel of l~do lyius ad]scen~ to the $~a~e Trea~en~ ~l~t, to the Virlinia
second readl~ and fl~l adoption:
Hr. ~S ~ed the adop~l~ of the ~dl~ce. ~e uo~ion vas seconded by
NAYS: None O.
(Mayor Taylor vas absent.)
~ p~idi~ for ~ a~re~n~ ute~imt t~ tern of the lease by the Ci~ of the four ~r~e
~s facility site to ~port~ities Ind~trializatl~ ~nter ~til ~tober 1, 1978, ~vimg
pr~i~l~ been before the ~cil for its first raadimg~ re~ ~d adopted ~ its first r~ing
~d laid ~er, v~ again b~fore the b~I~ ~. ~s offering the roll,iai for its second
reading ~ fl~l adoptl~
(~2t~) ~ O~I~CE authoriz~g ~ providing for ~ agre~nt exte~ing the te~
of t~ le~e by t~ Cit~ of t~ four ~rina ~s facilit~ site to ~port~lties Industrialization
~n~er (OIC)I upon certain tam ~ c~ditious.
(For full t~t of Ordi~ce~ see ~di~ce
~. ~s ~v~ t~ adoptl~ of the Ordi~ce.
lY~i ~cil ~ers ~les~ ~rland~ Gr~e~
NAYS: None -- ' ........
(~yo~ Taylor was absent.)
CI~ p~OP~-~ES= ~dl~nce No. 243~ authorizing and p=ovidim~ for the lease
(~21306) ~ O~I~ authorizi~ and providin~ for the lease by the City of the
yacht lot on Rorer Avenue~ S. ~.~ identified as Official Tax No. 111ll0~, to Fr~k Meador
NAYS: None
(Hayor Taylor was absent.)
ye: Ordinance No. 2&312 amending the City Code by the addition of a new section
to provide that the tax imposed and levied by the city upon purchasers of utility services on
and after Occober l, 1978, shall be fifteen per cent of the charge made by the seller against
the purchaser with respect to each utility service, having previously been before the Council
for its first reading, read and adopted on its first readlnB and laid over, was again before
the body, Hrs. Bowles offering the following for its second reading and final adoption:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Nubard, Thomas and Yice-Kayor Landis---6.
NAYS: None- O.
(Mayor Taylor vas absent.)
measure establishing ne~ rates for all real estate and improvements thereon not exempt fro~
taxation and all real estate and tangible personal property of public sezvice corporations,
effective January 1, 1979, he presented same; ~hereupon, Hr. Grove offered the follo~in§
~ergency Ordinance:
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
NAYS: None
(Mayo~ Taylor vas absent.)
FUBLI¢ ASSISTANCE: Co~mcil hav~n~ previously ~nstEucted the City Attorney to prepare
the proper ~asure chan&lnH the nam8 of the Dltectorlte of iJuman Services to the Director&re
of Huuan R~sources and that the title of Director be chauAed to Director of Ih~an ~eources,
he presented e~e; vhereupono Hre, Ik~lee offered the following e~nergenc7 Ordinances
(J2&324) AN O~DI~AHCE to an~nd ~nd rental&in Title X.I, lt~mn Services, of t~ ~e
of ~e City of ~a~ (1956), ~ ~nd~0 ~ n~ Title X.2s ~n ~rces, by pF~dins for
a ~lrectorate of ~n ~s~rces ~ ~ a~nistrative elint of the Cit7~ definiuS the f~cti~s
~lch said Directorste Is to a~nister~ pr~idins for the a~point~nt of the D~rector of
Directorite and definins his dvties and r~po~lbllitles; ~ ~r~ldins for ~
(For full text of ~dl~ce, see Ordl~nce ~o~
of the Ordl~nce. ~e ~ti~ v~ seconded by
~rland a~ adopted by the foll~lug vote:
A~: ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rl~d, Gr~ee Hubarde ~s ~ Vice-~7or
(Hayor Taylor vas absent.)
ASSESSOR-CIRCUIT CO~V~T~ Council having previously instructed the City Attorney ro
(~ayor Taylor vas absent.)
Council me~bers ~o~les, Carland, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and ViceoHayor Landis----6.'
(Mayor Taylor vas absent.)
C(I~CIL~ Council having previotmly i~structed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure changing th~ dare of the regular Fin~cial and Planning Session of the Council
from September 18, 1978, to September 21, 1978, at 2:00 p.m.~ he presented same~ vhereupon~
Hr. Hubard offered the follo~ing Resolution:
(t2&327) A RESOLUTION changing the date of the regular Financial and Planning
~ession of the Council of the City of Roanoke.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Resolution. ~ne motion vas seconded by
Grove and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Bubard, l'hms and Vice-Mayor Landis
NAYS: None O.
(Mayor Taylor was absent.)
City Clerk Vice-Mayor
· 387
Horley, Septenber 110 1978.
~he Cotmcll of the City of ~o~aoke act in resular ~eetinS in the ~cil ~er,
~e ~clpal Buildinso C~ty of ~anokes on ~sdayo Sept~er 11, 1978~ at 7~ p.u.o vith ~yor
Hoel C. Taylor presiding.
~; ~cil n~ers Elizabeth T, ~les, ~bert A, ~rl~d, ~cl~ Y. Grove,
~illi~ S. Hubard, ~arles L. ~ndis, H~t~ M. ~ ~d ~yor Noel C. Taylor
O~lC~ P~t ~. H. B. ~ert, City ~serl Hr. Sa H. ~Ghee, III, ~sist~t
Atto~ey; ~. Joel H. Schl~er, Director of Fiance; and ~s. ~ F. Parker, City Clerk.
I~TI~: ~e aeetin8 vas opened vith a prayer by ~yor Noel C. Taylor.
~e invocation vas roll,ed by the Pledse of Allesl~ce to the Flas of the United
(~2t328) A ~O~1~ ~ecosnizin~ the a~iev~ent of ~ B~, Hiss ~erica.
(For full tex~ of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. t~, pase 138.)
NAYS: None O.
HI~ES= Copy of the minutes of the regular meetfn~ held on Tuesday, September ~,
1978, having been furnished each member of Council, on motion of Hr. Thomas, seconded by Hr.
Hubard and unanimously adopted, the readin~ thereof was dispensed with and the minutes were
approved as recorded.
NAYS: None. O.
Hr. Thomas offered the following emertency Ordinance authoriztnB the financial settlement
of Cainsboro, Do~mtownEast and Kimball Urban Renewal Projects:
(#2&330) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the financial settlement of the A-6 (Cainsboro), R-
&2 (Downtown East) and R-t6 (Kimball) urban renewal projects; authorizint and providing for the
acceptance of a $?t0,000 Categorical Program Settlement Grant from the Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HoU,D,) in order to effect a closeout of the aforesaid projects; and authorizing
the City Hanaser to execute the required project closeout asreements; upon certain terms and
conditions; and providing for an emersencyo
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, pase 139.)
Hr. Thomas mo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
.&YES: Council u~t~bers Bovle$, Gazl~nd, GzoYe, G~l~, ~LI~ ~ ~ ~yoz
~ ~ F~ ~ ~: A c~icati~ fr~ ~. ~orse E. Franklin,
~e~tive Dlrectoro ~port~ities lndust~lallzati~ ~nter, r~u~tin& that ~cil t~e a
p~itl~ in resard to the opplicition of the ~esapeake & Fotmc Teleph~e ~y
(For full ~t0 see c~lcation ~ file in the Cl~y ClerkJs Office.)
(FoE full t~t, see repor~ ~ file in the City Clerkto Office.)
motion v~ second~ by ~. ~rl~d ~ ~sly adopted.
(For full t~, see report ~ file in the City ClerkOs Office.)
(~2&331) ~ O~I~CE ~din$ and reordaininE Sec~ 3. R~tal ~arEes for use
(19~6), as ~ended; and providins for ~ euergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 65, page
(~2~332) A ~0~I~ fixin~ ~nd establishiu~ rat~ ~d ~ar~es for the rental of
(~s, B~les abstained fr~ votinE for the reason above
(For full ~ext, see report ~ file in ~he City Clerk*s Office,)
(~2~333) A ~O~TIOH r~lns ~he ~sist~ City ~naSer fr~ ceEtain boards and
AYES:' Council u~enbere Bovlee, Garlsnd, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Tho2~s and Ha7or
Taylor ~7.
HAYS z Nou~ ~.
CITY p~OP~TY~ The City ~analer subnittcd a ~l~en re~or~ ~lsin~ of the res~lCs
of the I~al sale of su~l~ property coached by p~lic luc~l~ on ~s~ 26, 1978, noti~
total receipts la the ~C of $390038.51.
(For full r~r, see report ~ f~le In the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Hubard a~ ~usly adopted.
FI~ D~-CI~ ~ ~e Pers~el ~d ~pl~nt Practices
fir,fighters for holi~ys be revl~ed on a no.budS, tn~ basis, using ~e ~isti~
(For full t~to see report ~ file In the City ClerkOs Office.)
(For full ~ of Ordl~nce, see ~dinance ~ok No. ~, pete
~aylor ...... ~-
NAYS: None 0
fill the vac~cies.
1980, by the roll.lng vote:
Hygiene Board created by the resignation of Hr. ~rl B. ~llen for a rem of tvo years endin~
~yor Taylor 7.
BUILDINGS: The ~ayor called to the attention of Council that the term of Hr. Ly~nD.
Avis as a me~ber of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, Building Code, viii expire on September
30, 1978, and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Garland placed in nomination the name of Hr. Lynn D. Avis.
TCACA bein~ us further uo~la~tioas. Hr. Avis vu xeelec~ed ~ a ~er of the ~ard
of ~J~nts ~ ~peal8, ~lldiug ~e, for 8 tern of five years e~l~ Septet 30, 19830
by t~ foll~nS ~tet
FO~ ~. AVIS~ ~cil ~ers ~lca, ~rl~d, Cr~e, ~ard, ~dis, ~ ~d
~yor Taylor.
~O~E CIVIC CEKI~: The llayor called to the attention of Council that the one year
ter~s Of Hrs. Genevieve G. Dlckinsous Hr. Lav~ence H. Ha~IaE and Hr. Lacy L. Edvards a~ ~e~bers
of the Roanoke Civic Center Comission viii expire on September 30, 1978, that Hr. Edvards h~s
declined to serve another ter~, end called for no~ications to fill the vacancies.
Hr. Hubard placed in nc~lnation the ne=es of Hrs. Genevieve G. Dickinson and Hr.
Lavrence H. Ha~laro
There being no further nominations, Hrs. Dickinson and Hr. ~lar vere reelected as
members of the Roanoke Civic Center Co~aission for ter~s of one year each co~encin$ October 1,
1978, and ending September 30, 1979, by the follcving vote:
FOR HRS. DIC~I~$O~ A~D ~. IL~iLAR: Council members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard,
Landis, Thomas and Hayor Taylor-
Hr. Grove moved that action on the vacancies on the Advisory and Appeal Board, Air
Pollution Control, Roanoke City Arts Commission, Citizens*Tash Force for Crime Prevention and
Social Development, and Community Relations Committee be deferred until the regular meeting of
Council on October 2, 1978. The motion vas seconded by Hr- Hubard and unanimously adopted.
The Hayor requested that Hr. Grove be responsible for finding a replacement for Hr.
Edvards on the Roanoke Civic Center Commission.
HOUSING-SLL~ CLEAFA~CE; The City CleEk reported that Hr. S. Levis Lionberger has
qualified as a Co~nissioner of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority for
te~ of four years ending August 31, 1982.
Hr. Thomas moved that the report be received and filed. The motion v~S seconded By
Hr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
NAYS: None O.
CO~CIL: Hr. Hubard~oved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss t~o
matters of potential litigation. The motion Vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the
following vote:
AYES:Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Nubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor -~'
NAYS:None O.
CO~CIL: Hr. Richard ~. Crush, 2532 Berkley Avenue, S.~., appeared before Council in
regard to the no smoking signs which are in the Council Chamber. Ne said he did not feel that
Council should dictate to coumittee members or citizens ~hether or not they should smoke in the
Council Chamber.
Hr. Garland moved that the statement be received and filed. The motion was seconded
by Hr. Thomas and unanimously adopted.
INVITATIONS: Hr. Robert N. Richert, President, Old Southwest Neighborhood Alliance,
appeared before Council and invited the Hayor and members of Council to attend the annual
~Fling in Nighland Park" vhich viii be held on Saturday, September 16, 19~8, fro~ 11~00 a.m.,
until ~:00 p.m.
Ca~LAIS~Sz Hr. Edvln L. Lonsbreke, ~923 Woodnar Drive, S. ~., ~ppelred before
~ll ~ presented a ~etitiou sl~ed b7 four res~d~s of ~o~F Drive, S, ~** relative to
certain c~ditl~ at the Sout~est ~lazs, as they relate to the incinerator, c~pressors or
bl~rs ~ t~ of the stores, and broken sless ~d debris in b~ck of the
(For full text, see petitl~ ~ file ~n the City Clerkts Office.)
~. ~bard ~ed th~ the petiti~ be referred to the City ~er
a~ repor~ to ~uncll. ~e ~tion vas seco~ed by ~. ~rlsnd ~d u~i~ly adopted.
~l~Sz Hr. ~n L. ~n8brakeo ~923 Voo~r Drive, S. M.o appeared before
~ncil ~d presented a petitl~ si~ned by 22 city residents relative to the condition of a
A~T: ~
Houday, Septeaber 25, 1978.
1'he Council o! the City of Roanoke act in regular meetinZ in the Cotmcil Chamber in the
~aiclpal ~ildinz, City of ~a~ke~ ~ ~ay. Septet 25. 19~8, at 2:~ p.a.~ the re.far
a~ti~ hour~ with~yor Noel C. Taylor presidin$.
~: ~cil u~ers Eliz~eth T, ~les, ~bert A. ~rlands ~ci~ Y. Cr~e,
~arles L. ~ls, h~t~. ~s ~d ~yor Hoel C. Toylor
~: ~cil m~er ~llll~ S. Hubard~ 1.
to address the Council as an Individual. ~he ~otlou vas seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted.
Hr. Jobe advised that he would like to be heard in his capacity as an individual,
Hr, Jobe then requested that he be furnished vith & ~ritten commnieatRon saltine forth
the City Attorney*s re~arh; ~hereupon, the City Clerk vas instructed to furnish Hr. Jobe with a
copy of Hesolutlon Hoo 23598, a copy of the minutes adoptin~ said F~solutlon and a copy of the
City Attorney ts report as referred to above,
STAT~ HIGI~ATS: J'~r. ~bert E. Gle~n, Attorney, represent/n& Anchor T Associates,
appeared before Co~mcll and presented · petition s/~ed by 33 property cruets, business operators
and other part/es vitally Interested La proposed l~prove~n~s to Hershber~er F~ad, reques~ln~
that Council rec~aad and urse the State Department of Bl~vays and Transportation to include
vithin the proposed Hershberler Ro&d i~provenents aa lnterch&uge and overpass of Hershberter Road
at Aviation Drive.
(For full text, see petitions on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Llniel C. Gregory, Jr., Vice President, Traffic and Co~nerce, Russell Transfer,
Incorporated, appeared before C~uncil and read a prepared statement in support of the petitions.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
}ir° James G. Stout, ~na~er, J. C. Pemley Company, also appeared before Council and
spoke in support of the petitions.
Hr. Garland m~ved that the reques~ be referred to the City ~ana~er for study, report
and recc~endation to Council. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted.
AIESs Council ne~bere Bowles, Garland, Grove, Landis, Thouae sad ~yor Taylo~ - 6.
(~. Hubard v~ absent)
~I~T~ISI~ A c~lcation fr~ ~. E. E. ~tte~, ~ecuflve Vice Fres~den~,
~ano~ Valley ~bl~lsl~, Inco~oraced, s~ttin~ a q~r~erly proiress report c~erinS cou~ctic
of the ~o~ Va~ley ~lev~s~ Sys~ v~ before ~c~.
(~or full t~xt~ see c~icaciou ~ file l~ c~e C~cy Clerk's Office.)
Hr. ~laad ~ed t~t ~he c~lcati~ be received ~d filed, ~e ~tt~ v~ seceded
by ~r. ~dis ~d adopted,
~ C~I~EE~ A c~lcation fr~ ~. Ja~e ~ tenderin~ her resi~tl~
before ~uncil.
(For full tex~s see c~nicati~ ~ file In t~ City Clerkts Office,)
(For full texts see report on file In the City Clerk*s Office,)
~nd ~propriatio~, and providin~ for an ~erEency.
(Hr. Ii. bard was absent)
HOU$IgG-SLUH CLEARAH(~t The City Hanager sulmitted a ~itten report In co~ecti~ vith
a r~u~t o~ t~ City of ~ ~develop~nt ~ ~in~ ~t~rity for authorizatl~ to c~t~ct
14 ~elll~ units for the elderly ~d ~ units for t~ ~i~pped ~der the ~r~e~lve
for Sectl~ 8 Housing, rec~e~ins appr~al of the ~rehe~lve FI~ ~ ~lfled ~ dated
Septe~er 15, 1978, and tht ~cil aut~rize ~d approve c~t~ctl~ by the ~thority of the
16 ~lling ~lt8 up~ receipt of the necessa~ federal appr~als.
(For full texts see report ~ file In the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. ~s ~ed tht ~uncil cou~r in the report ~d offered the foll~lng Resoluti~
(~2~339) A ~O~I~ approving a ~r~e~lve FI~ dated ~g~t 29, 1978 as ~nded
Septe~er 15, 1978~ and authorizing ~d appr~lng 16 units of Section 8 N~ ~t~ctl~
FroJect Ho. VA 360~23~3 proposed to be erected by the City of ~anoke Redevelo~nt ~d Ho~ius
(For full text of Resolution, see Resoluti~ ~ok
and adopted by the foll~tng vote:
(Hr. liubard vas absent)
IHI~$TII~S~ The City Jba~ger s~bn~.tted · witten re~ort recO~ue~ling c~curFence to
enter ~nto a fo~ ~sre~nC vith t~ SouC~est Virsinle ~ty ~ve~en~ Fu~ relative to
~ She~d~h ~lty Eedevel~
(Fo~ full ~extt see r~or~ ~ file la th C~ty Cle~k*s Office,)
Hr. Grove ~ed ~ ~cil concur in the re~r~ ~d offered t~e foll~in~
(~2~3~2) A ~0~I~ avthorizin~ ~ d~ectl~ the City ~er, ~ behal~ of the
City of ~ke, to enter into a certain aSre~n~ vith the S~t~est Vlrsiuil ~nlty Devel~n~
~ Grove ~ea the aaopttoa of the ~soluti~ ~e ~tton vas seceded
~a a&optea b~ t~ foll~t~ rot ~
(~. ~bard v~ absent)
(1) Net increase (AD~210191201) -- $595,100.00
(2) Net decrease (A0t210191801) --- 29,755.00
NAYS: None
(Hr. Hubard was absent)
Hr. Thomas offered the follo~ing Kesolution accepting the grant offers:
2. That H. B. Evert. City HA~alero or in his absence San H. HcChee, IIl,
City ~Ker, Is heEaby su~rized ~d directed ~o exe~te ~ 8cce~ said sran~
~d~or I~ offers In ~he f~ropr~a~e ~er of ~ples ~ behalf of the Cl~y
tht ~ F. Far. F, Cl~y Clerk. oF la her absence, Judith H. S~.Clair, Deputy
hereby lu~orized m~ directed ~o ~ress ~e offlc~8~ seo~ of t~ Ctty of ~noke ~ each of
Hr. ~ ~ed t~ adop~l~ of the ~solutl~. ~e ~i~ vo seceded
~les ~d adopted by the roll.inS vote:
AYe: ~cil ~ers ~les, Garl~, Gr~e, ~dis, Th~ ~d ~yor Taylor----~6.
NAYS~ N~ ~
(~. ~bard ~ absent)
metrical device directly on ~ p~lic s~ree~s ~d places ~o ~he ~ance of ~he ~blic or
peFs~ In nei~borin~ areas.
(For fu~ ~ex~, see repor~ ~ file in ~he City CleEk*s Office.)
(~2~3~5) ~ O~CE ~ndin~ ~d reordainin~ Section 10, ~dio and sound-~kin8
devices in buildin~s, of ~apter ~s Offenses ~al~t the Peace, of Title ~III, Hlsdemeanors and
Offe~es, of ~he ~de of the City of Roanoke (1956), as ~ended, and providint for an e~rEency.
(Hr. Hubard vas absent)
(Hr, Hubard was absent)
FERSi~EL CC~ilT/EE--C~/gCIL: O~uncil havin& previ~ly i~t~cte~ the City Atto~ey
to prepare t~ proper ~ure est~lis~n~ a pers~el c~ttee to ~ c~osed of three ~ers
of ~cil ~ shll hue the resp~lb{lity of scre~iM, in~e~i~n~ ~ rec~lns to the
full ~ncil t~ pers~ beet q~lified to fill ~y v~c~cy the ~y occur In the six positio~
that are appointed or elected by City ~c~ll ~d also ~ve ~e re~ibllity of pr~idin~
le~e~hlp i~tl~tive In evaluatinS the c~cil appointees ~ ~eir ~ive~a~ datee, he presented
s~[ ~ereup~o ~. Gr~e offered the foll~ing ~r~ency Ordtn~ce~
(~2~3~7) ~ O~CE to ~ ~pter
~anoke (1956)s as ~nded, by t~ addition of a
Fers~el ~ttee, relati~ to authoritiess b~s, c~lssi~s nd c~ttees est~lished or
appointed by the ~vncllJ ~d providin~ for an
(For full text of Ord~ceo see Ordinate ~k ~o.
~. Gt~e ~ved the a~opti~ of t~ Ordl~ce. ~e ~ion v~ seco~ed by Hr. Garland
and adopted by t~ foll~lnS
AY~ ~cil ~ers ~les, Garl~, Gr~e, ~ndis, ~s ~d ~yor Taylor~ 6.
HAYS~ Non~ O.
(Hr. Hubard vas absent)
BUDGET-HUHAN R~SOUNCES C/~tlTIEE: Cotmcil at its Financial and Planning Session on
Thursday, September 21, 1978, h&ving tentatively agreed to appropriate an additional s~of
$5,150.00 to VPI & SU Extension So.ice, and having also instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure, Hr* Grove offered the foll~iuB emergency Ordinance:
(~2&1t8) AN ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain certain sections of tho 1978-79 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and pro¥iding for an emergency°
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion vas seconded by Hfs, Bowles
and adopted by the following vote:
AYESI Council me~bers Boules, Garland, Crove~ Landist and Hayor Taylor.
NAYS: Council member Thomas
(Mr. Nubard vas absent)
BUI~E~-SCHOOLS-ELLCIORALBOARD-GRAKI$: ~ouncil at its Financial and Planning Session
on ~hursdayj September 21~ 1918, having instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure relative to the followins:
a request of the Roanoke City School Board for appropriations
of $12,200.00 to Artist-in-Residence proRrwa, $t66,170,01 to
Vocational Center Funds~ Vocational Center-North and Voca-
tional Center-South, and $51~500.00 to Adult Basic Education
and DIAL, of the 19~8-79 budRet;
a reques~ of the Secretary of the Electoral Board for an
appropriation of $1,200,00 for the purchase of certain fold-
iht tablest chairs and chair caddies for use in various votin~
precincts; and
a reco~nendation of the City HanaSer that $13,288.50 be
transferred fro~ the City Hanaser~s budRet to the Human
Resources budget to provide funds for the salary of a
Human Resources Coordinator for the remainder of this
fiscal year;
Hr. rno~as offered the follo~ins emersency Ordinance:
(#2tlt9) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 19~8-~9 General
Fund and Capital Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinances, and providin~ for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the follo~ln$ vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Bovles~ Carlandj Grove, Landis~ lhomas and Mayor Taylor
NAYS: None
(Hr. Hubard ~as absent)
HOUSIHG-$LI~ CLEAIAHCE; The City Clerk reported that }(rs. Itallie B, ~ber~otti ~s
q~lified ~ a ~ssl~r o~ ~ City of ~no~ ~edevelo~at ~ ~usins ~thor~ty for a
te~ of four years ending ~gus~ 31~ 1982.
~s. ~les ~v~ tha~ the report be received ~d filed. ~e ~tion ~as seceded by
Grove a~ adopted.
City Clerk ~yor
COUNCIL, ~ I~E~l~a,
ltonda7, October 2, 1978.
~he Council of tho City of ~oanolce set in regular ~eetius in the Council Chamber ia
the ~iclpal ~ullding, City of ~o~, ~ ~Y, ~tobtr 2, 1978, at 2~ p.m., the re~lar
meeting h~r, vith ~yoz Noel C. Taylor preaiding.
F~: ~cil ~ers Eliz~eth T. B~I~, ~bert A. ~rt~d, ~cian Y. Cr~e,
O~I~ P~: ~. H. B, ~ert, City ~ser$ Hr. S~ H. ~ee, III, ~sist~t
Atto~eyl ~. Joel N. Schiller, Director of Fiance; and ~rs. ~ F. Parer, City
States of ~erica.
1978, havin8 been fu~lshed each m~er of ~cil, on ~tton of ~. ~s, seconded by ~r.
Hr, 6'rove ~ovnd that Council concur da the report and offered the following e~ergency
(12&351) A~ ORDII~ICE to amend and reovdain certain sectious of the 1978-79 Grant
Programs Fund Approprletions~ and provldin~ for an e~ergencyo
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Gro~e moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the folloviag votes
AYESICouncil me~bere Bcwles, Garlands Grove, Hubard, Landis, ~homas and Hayor
Taylo! .7.
NAYS: None-
square feet of office space la the C~stal T~er8 ~ildins, for ~e by Job Orientati~ and
~tivatim Project,
(For full t~t~ see report ~ file In the City Clerk's Office.)
~ O~I~CE authorizins and pr~ldin~ for a Ieee by the City of office
Taylor. ' .........
(For full text, see report on file in ~he City Clerk's Office.)
of the ~o~Vslley~i~l Solid Vas~e~n~ ~ard, in relard to the 197~-78
(For full text~ see report ~ file ~n ~e City Clerkts
~. H~rd ~ed thtt t~ report be received ~d filed ~ that ~e B~rd be c~;ratulate~
on a ve~ successful year. ~e ~tl~ w~ seceded by ~. Grove ~d ~ly adopted.
F~T~H~SIN~S~ ~CE: ~e City ~ger s~uitted a ~ltten report
rec~ln& appr~al of sn ~n~stration ~re~nt ~th ~e City of ~oke ~develo~nt ~d
Ho~l~ ~thority In c~ectl~ ~ith the a~nistrati~ of certain potties of the 1978-79
~velo~nt Block Crant
(For full text~ see report ~ file la the City Clerkss office.)
(~2t3~) A~ O~I~CK authoriziu; execution of a written a&te~nt ~ith City of
Develop~nt prosr~activities undertaken by the City In its ~plicatl~/Crant No.
under the ~unity Develo~ent Act; and p~ovidins for an ~erEency.
(For full text of Ordin~ce, see Ordinance ~ok
and adopted by the roll.inS vote:
(Schools - ~20,~.00)
(Neig~orhood Conse~ation/E~sinE Revitalizati~-
(Equipment Ee~lace~nt -
F~d and ~pital Projects Fund Appropriati~ Otdin~ces, ~d providinE
(Hershber~e~ ~ad - Access -
e. ~ O~dinance to a~end ~nd reordain Sectioa J1325e "~lanage~nt Information
Semites,~ of the 197~79 ~neral ~d~proprl~tl~Ordin~ce, ~d
pr~ldi~ for an ~r~ency.
(Park l~rovemen~s
Hr, Hubard offered the following emergency Ordinance appropriating $125,000.00 to
Fringe Benefits (Retirement Contributions) under Non-Departmental of the 1978-19 Ceneral Fund
Appropriation Ordinance, to provide for a 6 1/2 per cent cost o£ living increase for retired
city employees:
(t2~356) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section #1800, '~on-Departmental,' of
the 1978-79 Coneral Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an ~ergency.
(For ful! text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance, ~he =orion vas seconded by Hrs.
Bo~le$ and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bovles, Garland~ Grove, Hubard, Landis · Thomas and Hayor
la reBerd to th~ 6 1/l per ce~t coeg of living increase for retirees, ~ro
~ed, If legally pe~ssible, t~t the Cl~ Atto~ey ~ l~t~cted to prepare ~ pro~r ~u~e
pr~ld~ that ~e 6 1~2 per c~t lncre~e rill apply ~y to those retirees recelvln~
of $8~.~ per ~th or less. ~e ~ti~ v~ seceded by ~. Cr~e ~d ~ly ~opted.
referred to the City ~ze~, the City Atto~ey ~d the Director of Y~ce vith the
that t~y prepare the appropriate ~asure or ~uEes ~at w~Id place the f~8 In ~re
one ~ntl~en~ ~, one of ~lch v~ld be desi~ted ~ a c~pltal f~d ~d the o~er v~ld be
desisted as a n~-capital f~d. ~e ~ti~ v~ seconded by ~. ~ndis a~ ~ly adopted.
~. ~ndls ~ed t~t ~ of th~s date, the ~cil approve no ~re th~ ~half the
a~t of ea~ of the ~ 1978 su~l~ a~propriatl~ for contract or e~enditu~e0 prior to July
1, 1979~ excl~lng it~ ll.a. ($~20,~ for Sch~l ~of ~eplac~n~ School Buses and ~uipmen~
aeplac~nt) a~ 11.1. ($125,~ for a 6 1/2 per cen~ c~t of living increase for retirees).
~e ~tion v~ seceded by ~.
~ntingency Funds.
~ended ~ u~n~sly adopted.
~A~S: ~cil ~ers Garland and ~ndis 2.
J~es D. Rltchte, Director of Hu~n Resources.
to the ~ard of Directors of Total Action ~aiut Poverty to fill the ~expired te~ of
H~n Resources.
perso~el on payroll as of ~tober ~, 1978~ or the date applicable to other city ~pl~ees.
(~2&357) A KKSOLU~lC~ authorizing employees of the Ro*noke Consortima for Hanpc~er
Semites to be lncl~ed In the City's pers~el system for pu~oses of pay ~ classiflcati~,
~ pr~ldinS for ~ effective date for the lncl~loa of such ~l~ees In such syst~ as afor~aid,
(For full text of Resolutl~ see ~esoluti~ ~ok No.
~. ~bard ~ed the adoptl~ of the Resoluti~. ~e ~i~vas seconded by
~ls a~ adopted by the foll~l~ vote~
~homas vas out of the Council Chamber)
There being no further business, the Bayor declared the meeting adjourned at &:lO p.m.
City Clerk PLayor
COt~CILj ~ ~IllG,
Honday, October 9, 1978.
l~e Council of the City of Roanoke met in regular meeting in the Cot~cil Cha~ar in the
Hunicipal Building, City of Rosnokej on Honday, October 9~ 1978, at 7:30 p.~., vith Hayor ~oel C.
Taylor presiding.
I~.S~I~: Council m~bers Elizabeth T. Bo~les, g~bert A. Garlaed~ Lucian Y. Grove,
Willia~ S. ltubaed, Charles L. Laedis, lta~pton W. Thomas and ltayor No~l C. Tsylot 7.
NAYS: ~one
Z~I~G: Pursuant to instructions of the Council, the Git7 Clerk having previously
set a public hearing for~fonday, October 9, 1978, on the request of C~n~ercial Distributors,
Incorporated, that property located on Chatham Street near its intersection vith Williamson Road,
N. W., described as Lots 3 and 1, gc~an La~n Subdivision, Official Tax ~os. 2070103 and 2070t01~
be rezoned fro~ ~D, Duplex Residential District, to C-2, General Co~ercial District, the matter
was before the body.
In this co~nection, the City Pla~ning Commission submitted a vritten report recommending
that the request be denied,
(~or full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
No one appearing in opposition to the request for rezoaing, ~r. Grove moved that the
Ordinance be placed upon its first ~eading. ~he motion vas seconded by }ir. H~bard.
~tr. ~illia~ ~. Alexander, II, Attorney, representing the petitioner, appeared before
Council and a~ended the petition to include only LOt 3, Official Tax ~o. 2070103, Bc~man La~m
After a discussion of the ~atter, }ir. Hubard moved that the Ordinance rezo~lng the
property be amended by deleting LOt t, Official lax No. 2070101, Bowman La~m Su~divisicm. The
motion~as seconded by}ir.
After a further discussion of the matter ia vhich certain members of Council expressed
concern relative to the intrusion of a co~ercial use into a residential area, Hr. Grove offered
a substitute motion that the a~ended request be referred to the City Planning Co~mission for
study~ report and ~ecc~neMation to Council. The motion~as seconded byH~s. Bo~les and tmani~ousl
Council ex, teased a preference, if at all possible, that the ~atter be aec for pvblic
hearl~ at its re~lar ~eti~ ~ ~n~y, N~er 13, 19780 a~ 7:30
Z~Gt ~cil hvini prevl~ly set a ~lic heari~ for 7:~ p.u., ~ay, ~tober 9,
1~18~ on a propos~ ~nt to the ~ni~ ~di~ce to peml~ c~ditl~l z~ln[~ the ~tter
v~ before the
~e City Atto~ey a~lsed t~t certain advertising r~uir~ts ~d ~t been ~t, that
the legal advertis~nt was required to be ~ltshed for ~ c~e~tive vee~ prior to the
p~lic hearing, t~t the n~spe~er ~blished the ad ~ Sept~er 25, 1978, but failed to do so
~ ~tober 2, 1918, as sti~latedg therefore, the public heari~ could not be held,
~. Hubard ~ed tha~ the public hearing be rescheduled for ~ay, ~v~er
at 7~30 p.m., ia the ~cil ~er. ~e ~l~ vas sec~ed by ~. Gr~e
ad. ted.
~ V~ ~I~: ~, Cla~e ~rico, President, Cle~ Valley ~lttee, appeared
before ~cil ~d advised of certain acc~plls~nts of the ~ittee during the past year
pla~ for t~ 1979 prosr~. He also presented copy of an applicatl~ for a grant ~er the
Virginia Litter ~utrol ~t and a proposed gran~ agre~n~ c~tract baleen the localities
~anoke ~unty, the T~ of Vint~, the City of Sal~, a~ the City of ~anoke.
(For full t~t, see fo~ of application ~d grant agre~n~ ~ file
the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. ~rland offered the foll~ing Resolution ~pressing c~tinued support for the Clean
(~2~3~9) A ~O~I~ expressing con~i~ed suppor~ for the Clean Valley ~ittee,
Inc.; authorizing the ~lttee to c~rdina~e a litter c~trol Frogr~ with Roanoke ~ty, the
City of Sal~, and the T~ of wanton; ~d authorizing the C~lttee to apply for a gran~ on
behalf of the City upon certain te~s ~d conditions.
(For full text of Resolution, see ~esolu~ion Book ~o. ~5, page
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of ~he Resolution. ~e ~tion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the roll.lng vote:
AYe: ~uncil n~ers B~les, ~rland, Grove, Hubard, ~ndis, Th~s and ~yor Taylor~
(~2&360) A~ ORDIIIASCE to ~ad and reord~ln certain sectl~ of the 197~79 ~aer~l
~ ~d ~pitsl Projects F~d ~propriation ~dl~ces~ ~d pr~ldiug for ~ ~rgeacy.
(For full t~ of Ordi~ce, see ~dl~ce Book So. i~, pagn 1~6.)
~. ~s ~ed the adopti~ of the ~di~ce. ~e ~ti~ v~ socked by ~. ~ard
and adopted by the foll~in~ vote:
AY~ ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rl~d, CFTC, ~bard, ~dis, ~ ~ ~yor
BATS: No~e
Hr. l~cd~s offered the folloving emergency Ordl~nce appropriating ~1,503m800.00 to
Surplus Contingency Reserve under Section ~1880, "Contingencies.' of the 1978-79 budget:
(~2t561) AN ORDI1L~CE to m~nd and reordain certain sections of tho 1978-79 Cohere!
Fund Appropriation Ordinance. and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see O~dinance Book No. t5, page 156.)
Hr. ~homas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the following vote;
AYES: Council members Bovles, Garland, Crove. Nubard, Landis, Thc~as and Hayor
NAYS; None- ~'
BUD~ET-P~BLIC ASSISTANCE; The City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report recommending a
total appropriation of ~23,9~&.65 to Section ~15~0, "~itle XX Services~~ of the 19~8-79 budget, to
provide funds in connection ~lth the purchase of certain services essential for the citizens of
the city.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
~r. Grove moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following emergency
(fd&~2) AN O~DIHANCB to amend and reordaiu certain sections of the 19~8-79 General
Fund A~propriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &5, page 157.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council ~e~bers Bowles, Oarland, Grove~ Hubard, La. dis, T~omas and N~yor
Taylor---- 7.
NAYS: None 0.
BUI~E~-AKNEXA~ION; The City Hanager sub~itted a ~ritten report requesting that a tota!
of $310~0~O.0Obe appropriated to an account designated by the Director of Finance to fund certain
annexation ~andated se~er projects.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Ihc~as moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follc~ing emergency
(f2&363) A~ ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 Gapital
Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinance~ and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. ~5, page 157.)
Hr. Thc~as moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hrs. Bc~les
and adopted by the follo~img vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland~ Grove, Hubard, Landis~ Thomas and Hayer
Taylor-- --7.
~AyS; None --0.
BUSES: The Clty Hanager submitted a written report advising that the Augnst 13, 1976s
ORTC Assistance Grant Contract~ UHTA Project No. VA-Od-1005, needs to be amended to provide for a
starting date of November 26, 197t, in lieu of }larch 23, 1975.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following Resolution:
(12&36t) A RESOLIITION authorizing and approving execution of an a~endment to Operating
Assistance Grant Contract for Project No. VA-05-tO05 between the United States of A~erica, the
Commonwealth of ¥irginia~ Department of Highways and Transportation and the City of Roanoke, to
provide for a grant of operating assistance funds under the Urban Hdss Transportation Act, for
the time period of November 2&, 19Yt, through June 30, 1975, in Fiscal Year 1971-1975.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. ~5, page 158.)
Hr. Garland moved the adoption of the Nesolution. ~he motion ~as seconded by Hr.
Nubard and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AW.S! Cotmcil ne~bere Bo~les, Garland0 Grove, Huberd, Lm~diso Thoua8 and I~yor
HAYSt Hone ~'
BI~0GEToHOOSIH~*SLUH CLEARA,'qCE: ~e CI~7 ~ter s~ed · ~fccen repoE~ rec~dfn~
accept~ce of p~lic are~ ~d ~r~ts in the ~l~ial Plaza fr~ the City of huo~ ~devel-
o~a~ a~ ~sius ~thogity, and th~ the mind--ce thereof be acc~lished by private con~racr.
(For full text, see report ~ file la the City Clerk% Office.)
NAYS: None O.
COUNCIL: The City Hanager verbally requested that Council meet in Executive Session
to discuss a personnel matter.
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the request° The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Thomas and adopted by the following votel
AYESICouncil members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor .... 7.
NAYS:Non~ '0.
CIVIC CEN~E~ COmmISSION: The City Attorney submitted a vritten report advising that ir has
been discovered that the Civic Center Commission vas established by Council on September 15,
1916, through adoption of Ordinance No. 23340, and vas created for the period of one year and has
never been constituted as a continuing body by the Council. He noted that the members have not
been elected or appointed as provided by law, the Council having simply installed the members of
the Commission and created staggered terms therefor by motion adopted on September 6, 1972.
Hr. Dibling presented a City Code amendment whichwould constitute the Civic Center
Commission as a continuing body and provide for terms of the members on a staggered basis, advising
that after adoption of the code amendment, the C~mission members should be appointed on vote of
the Council as provided in the Ordinance.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Bowles moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following emergency
({2&367) AN ORDINANCE amending Section 8, Civic Center Co=~ission; appoin~ent; duties,
of Chapter 9, Civic Center Department, of Title VIII, Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as
amended, by the addition of a new subsection to be designated (d) providing for the establishment
of a Civic Center Commission as a continuing body and providing for the ter~m of the members o£
said Cou~tssiou; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 159.)
Hrs. Bowles moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 7.
NAYS: Nonc O.
~ursu~nt to tha above Ordinance. Hr. ~ubard placed ln'ao~inatiou the ~s of
~n~leve G. Dlc~, ~* b~ence H. ~ir ~ ~. ~c7 L. ~ar~, Jr., for tern of ~e
7ear ~, e~i~ Sept~eE 30, 1979~ ~. J* ~rs~ ~lrles for 8 tern of ~o years e~inS Sept~er
30, 1980~ ~ ~. L. Gr~ h~ie, ~. Fr~ C. ~rtin, Jr** ~ ~, Vincent S, ~eler
te~ of three 7ears e~ch, e~g Sept~er ~, 1981.
~ere beins no further u~tl~, ~s. Dicki~ou, ~. ~sr, ~. ~ards, ~. ~8rles,
~. ~ynie, ~* ~rtiu ~ ~* ~eeler ~re e~oiuted ~ ~ers of the Civic ~nter ~ssl~
~or te~ ~ able set forth b7 the foll~lM
agricultural l~d, advisl~ t~t the Atto~ey ~neral of Virginia in an ~luiou dated J~e
1978, to t~ ~nor~le SenJ~in L. Pinchrd, ~ssi~er of ~ve~e for FF~lln ~ty,
of a $5.00 fee for ~nual revalids~l~ of special use assessing.
(~2&368) ~ O~I~CE to ~end ~d reordain Sec~l~ 2, ~pllca~lons, of ~pter 12,
VI, Taxation, o~ the ~de of the City of EoanoLu (1956), as ~e~ed, dele~in~ ~he requir~enC
(For full tex~ of Ordinate, see OFdin~ce ~ok No. AS, ~eae 160.)
A~: Co~cil ~ers ~les, Garland, Grove, H~ard, ~ndls, ~ and ~or
NAYS: None, O.
STADIa4: The committee appointed to study bids received for remodeling tmder the east
side stands at Victory Stadium submitted a written report reco~uending that the 1~ bid of Hodges
Lumber Company, in the Mount of $10,900,00, be accepted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follo~ing emergency
(t2&369) AN ORDINANCE accepting a certain bid and a~ardin§ a certain contract for
remodeling of portions of the east side stands at Victory Stadium, upon certain terms and conditions
rejecting certain other b~ds made to the Cityl and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &5, page 160.)
Hr, Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hrs.
Bc~les and adopted by the folloving vote:
NAYS= Nona O.
AI~O~Xz A report of the Al~ort ~dvisory Co~uissio~ requestln8 approval of a
three year Ieee aare~nt vith tree. tier Valley Aviatl~ lnco~orated~ at ~110.~ per
~nth~ for operatl~ of ~ ~r Yaxi Se~lce a~ ~oke ~nicipal ~or~ ~d~ Field~ In
lieu of certain ~ly pa~nts~ v~ before ~cll.
(For full t~t~ see report ~ f~le In the City ClerkSs Office.)
~. ~rla~ ~ved that ~cil c~t In the report ~d ~t ~e roll.inS Ordinate
be placed up~ its first reading:
(J2~371) ~ O~I~ authorizing and directin~ the proper City officials to enter into
~e ~ion v~ seconded by ~. Cr~e ~d adopted by the foll~i~ vo~e:
A~: ~cil m~ers B~I~. ~rland, Gr~e. ~bard, ~dis, ~ ~d ~yor
Taylor~ .7.
HAYS:Hone. O.
BC~DSt Hs. Ann S. Bichel, President, L~e~ue of ~n Voters of ~e ~oke
series of vell-p~lished ~lic hearings prior to a decisi~ of issula~ bo~s.
(For full text, see c~lcatl~ ~ file la the City Clerk's Office.)
At this point, (sp~roxl~tely 9~ p.a.) ~o. ~les left the
seconded by ~. ~s ~d ~i~ly
H~SlS~S~ ~ ~e ~verend ~r~ C. ~erts appeared before ~cil
possible fundl~ a~ h~ the prosr~ viii fit in with the cityss c~prehe~ve pl~.
City Clerk Hayor
Houday, October 231 1978.
The Council of the City of Roanoke met in regular ~eetins in the Council Chamber in the
J~2nicipal Bulldinsl City of ~anokeo ~ ~ay, ~tober 238 1978~ a~ 2z~ p.u.o the re~lar
~etin~ h~r, ~th Vice-~yor ~rles L. ~ls presldin~.
F~: ~cil u~ers Eliz~eth T. ~les, ~bert A. ~rl~d, ~ci~ V. Cr~e,
~illi~ S. ~bard, H~tou ~. ~ ~ Vlce-~yor ~arles L. ~ndis 6.
~ ~yor Hoel C. Taylor,
Fin~ce; ~d ~s. ~ F. Parker, City Clerk.
~e inv~ation vas roll.ed by the Pledie of AlleEl~ce to the FlaE of the United States.
havins been fu~ished each m~er of ~cil~ on ~ti~ of Hfs. B~les, seceded by Hr. ~rl~d
to park a h~e trailer ~ ~eir property st 3997 9elc~ Valley hd, v~ before ~cil,
(For full t~t, see c~'micatlou ~ file in the City Clerk% office.)
~ter 8 brief dls~ssl~ of the ~tters ~, ~l~d ~ed the ~e City Atto~ey be
zequest~ to corresp~d wi~ ~. ~d ~s. ~ck ~ a~ise th~ of the City ~dl~ce
~hich ~z~tbtt the a~ov~l of their ~equ~t. ~e ~ti~ v~ seceded by ~. Gr~e ~ ~opted.
S~S ~ ~S~ ~ applicati~ fr~ ~. C. ~rshall ~y~ Atto~ey~ repr~ent~ng
~indshield Class Distributors ~any, lnco~orated, requesting that a certain 15-foot alley
located behind its office facility ~ Tsz~ll Av~e, S. E.. ~in8 in a generally e~t~st
directi~, be vacated, disconti~ed ~d closed, ~d that a 15-f~t alley be relo~ted ~ d~i~ted
(for full text, see applicati~ on file In t~e City Kltxk*s
~. ~ offered the roll.ins Resolution ~r~idina for the appoin~ent of vipers
(12~372) A~O~I~ pr~idins fo~ the appointment of five (5) fre~olders,
(3) of ~h~y act. as viers In co~ecti~with the application of ~indshield Glass Distributors
(For full text of Resolutio~, see Resolution ~ook So. 4~, pa~e 163.)
AY~ ~uncil m~ers ~les. ~rland. Grove, Hubzrd, ~ and Vice-~yot ~ndis~6
(~yo~ Yaylof was absent)
C~-~ILITAII~ C~: ~acilMvi~ previously adopted Resolution ~o.
"1. ~nds - offeri~ of an $8 million bond to fin~ce the
lied pay as you Eo, econ~c policy ~d further reco~tzes
the report dated Sept~er 21, 19~8, $6.579 ~llion
authorization to ~ecute ~ange Order No. 4 to the contract ~th B~t~s Pl~inE and HeatinE
ext~sion of ~lt calendar days.
(fit3]3) A~ ORDIIOXCE approving the City Hanager% issuance of Ch~ge Order
hereinafter set forth0 to the City% c~tract vith BW~tfs Pl~lng ~d Heating ~rporati~, for
the c~t~ctl~ of the Trot ~ Interceptor S~er ~ne, Project ~. ~51~93~1g pEovidlng for
notificatl~ of the las~nce of said c~e order to be giv~ to the Virginia State ~ater ~utrol
~ard a~ to the ~viro~tal Frotecti~ ~s ~d that s~sequent foml appr~ll of said
c~e order be s~t fr~ the y~rginia State ~ater ~trol ~ard ~ ~e ~v~r~ntal Frotectl~
~enc7~ all as ~e ~ prodded by ~len, regulation ~d guidelines of sa~d agencies; ~d
pr~td~n& for ~ ~rgen~.
(For full text of Ordl~ces see ~dt~ce ~k No. t~, page 16~.)
and adopted by the roll,lng voter
~YS [ Non~
(~yor Ta71or ~ absent.)
that ~2~0.~ be appropriated to the Depar~en~ of ta~ ~d ~creatl~ b~get, representing a
(For full t~t~ see report on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
~din~ce transferring $2~0,~ fr~ Section ~1880~ '~n~lngencies," to Sect~ ~1375, "~ar~ and
(~24374) ~ O~IN~CE to ~nd and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 ~neral
Fund ~propr~a~lon ~dinance, and pr~lding for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ok ~o.
(Hayor Taylor was absent.)
(Nayor Taylor vas absent,)
PENSIONS: Council haydnS previously requested that the City Attorney prepare certain
measures In connection with a cost of living increase for certain city retirees, the ~atter vas
again before the body.
The City Attorney submitted a written report transmitting three Ordinances
consideration by Council:
(1) a 6~% cost of livtnS increase for all retirees,
(2) a 6~Z cost of living increase for those persons vho retired
at the age of 60 or over and/or completed 30 years of service,
(3)a 6~1 cost of living increase for those employees who retired
under any disability.
(For full text, see report and Ordinances on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
After a brief discussion of the matter and in vier of the fact that Nayor Taylor vas
absent, Hr. Thomas moved that action on the ~atter be deferred until the next regular meeting of
Council on Honday, November 6, 1978. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted,
BUDGET-ANTI~ECESSION FUNDS: The Directo~ of Finance submitted a ~ritten report in
regard to changes in the Antirecession Program.
(For £ull text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Itt, l'hoaas ~oved tha~ the report be received aud filed, The notion vas sec~ed by
~bard a~ adopted,
Z~G: ~e City Fl~in~ ~ssi~ s~tted a ~itten report ~visi~ t~t the
~ssl~ do~ ~t feel the plsclu~ of n ~r~tori~ ~ devel~t al~ ~ute ~19 ~ld be
appropriates b~ed on ~ opinion of t~ City Atto~ey tht a ~tatori~ i8 not legally defe~ible.
(For full t~ts see report ~ file In the City Clerkts Office.)
~. ~s ~ed tht ~cil c~cur In the opinion of the City Atto~ey ~d the
of the City ~la~ln~ ~ssi~ a~ tht the report be received a~ filed. ~e ~t~on ~ seceded
by ~. ~r~e ~ adopted.
~IT ~l~ ~. ~bard, ~al~ of the ~it ~ttee, presented ~nutes of the
meetins of the ~ttee held on ~tober 18~
(For full t~ts see m~nutes ~ file In the City Cletkes Office.)
~. H~ard ~ved that the mitres be receiv~ ~d filed. ~e ~tion ~ seceded by
Z~IHG: ~di~nce So. 2~3~8 rezonin~ property locat~ on the e~terly side of the
block of 13th Street, S. E., approx~tely 130 feet south of J~son Ave~e, S. E., Official
~os. ~220307 - ~220312, inclusive, fr~ ~, ~pl~ ~s~dential Dis~rict, to C-2, ~neral ~rcial
first r~din~ and laid over, was a~ain before the b~y, Hr. ~rland offerinS the foll~ln~
(~2~358) ~ O~I~CE to ~en~ Title ~, ~pter ~.1, Section 2, of ~e C~e of the
(For full text of Ordin~nce, see ~din~nce ~ok ~o. ~, pa~e 161.)
PAY PLA~-CITf EHPII~IEESs Council I~via8 previously instructed ~e City Atto~ey to
prepare the p~er ~ure ~adin~ a~ ~ifyia~ ~dl~ce ~o. 2~9 to pr~lde that the lob
cl~sifl~tion ~ vs~e r~tes for those four city ~loyees ~o te~ttd helen July I ~d
~tober i~ 1918~ be ~d~ted in ~ccord~ce vith th~ u~ ~ay PI~ ~ presznted s~ vhereup~
~. ~s offered t~ foll~i~ ~r~ency ~di~ce~
(~2~3~6) ~ 0~I~ to repeal ~dl~ce ~o. 2i3~ adopt~ ~S~t 28~ 19/8~ ~d to
adapt a~ p~ide a fl~ Pay Pisa for the ~loyens of the City o~ ~noke e~fectlve
19781 ~laS and ~difyin8 0rate.ce ~o. 21t59 to the extent ~rela provtdedl ~d providl~ for
(For full t~t of Ordin~ce. see ~dinance ~ok No. i5~ paEe 165.)
Hr. ~ ~ the ~op~l~ of the ~dl~ce. ~e ~tl~ v~ seconded by ~. Grove
a~ adopted by the foll~in~ vote;
AY~I co'oil ~ers ~les, ~rland, Gr~e, ~s and Vlce-~yor ~ndis
~S~ Hone 0.
Hr. ~s offered the roll.lng Resolutfon:
(~26377) A ~0~ approvln~ c~ttain ~rgenc~ actl~ of the Clt~ ~nager. taken to
AYe: ~uncil ~ers B~les, ~rland, Gr~e, ~s ~d Vic~yor ~ndis
(~yor Taylor ~as absent.) (Hr. Hubard v~ ~t of the Council ~er.)
~. ~o~y as Directors of the Industrial ~velo~ent Authority of the City o[ Roanoke, Virginia,
(~2~8) A ~O~I~ appol=ttng t~ (2) ~lrectors of the Industrial Develo~e~
~thority of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, to fill four-year te~ of office ~ its board of
(For full t~t of ~esolutiou, see Resolution Book No. ~5, page 168.)
and adopted by the roll.Jut vote:
(~yor Taylor ~ absent.) (~. Huba~ v~ ~t of the ~cil ~er.)
Fund ~d ~pttal Projects Fund Appropriatl~ Ordinances, ~d providing for ~ ~ergency.
(For full t~t of Ordinance, see ~di~nce Book No. t5, page 168.)
and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
(~yor Taylor vas absent.) (Hr. Hubard ~as ~t of the ~cil ~er.)
4-:i. 7
A~S CCt~XSSICtqt l~a ¥1ce-H~yor called to the atttntlou of ~il t~t there ~ a
vac~ ~ the ~anoke City ~ts ~sstou ~ called for n~Mti~ to fill ~e vacancy.
~s. ~les placed In n~ti~ ~ ~ of ~s. Nettle L. ~t~en,
~ere bei~ ~ further ~tl~o Hrs. ~t~en ~ elected ~ a ~er of the ~o~
City ~ts ~sst~ for a te~ e~ J~e 30, 1979, by the foll~i~ votez
F~ ~. lI~ ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rland, Cr~es ~ ~ Vic~hyor
~is '~*
(Hayor Taylor vas absent.) (Hr, Hubard vas out of th~ Council C~a~er.)
CITIZENS* TASI~ FORCE FOR C~I~E p~lOt~ ~ S~ D~: ~e Vic~yor ~lled
to the attention of ~uncil that there vere ~ vacancies ~ the Citizen* T~k Force for CF~
Frevention ~ Social ~velo~nt ~d called for n~tl~ to fill the vat.ties.
Hr. Grove noted that Hr. Fhipps vas not a city resident but in vl~ of the fact that
Hr. ~bard placed in n~natton the ~ of Hr. Sh~eed ~r.
1979, by the roll.ins vote:
FOR ~S~.
(Mayor Taylor was absent.)
to fill the vacancy.
(Mayor Taylor was absent.)
CIVIC CEKIER: The City Clerk reported that Hrs. Cenevieve G. Dickinson and Hr. La~rence
H. Hamlar have qualified as members of the Civic Center Commission for terms of one year each
ending September 30, 1979.
H~. Thomas moved that the report be received and filed. ~he motionwas seconded by
Garland and adopted.
~onday, November 6, 1978.
The Council of the City of F~aaoke net lu regular ueetiu~ in the Council O3anber in the
F~nlcipal Building, City of ~oanoke. ou~ay, S~er 6, 1978, a~ 2:~ p.u,, the resist
~e~ng h~rs Vi~ ~yor Noel C, Taylor presidin~.
~illim S. H~ard, ~arles L. ~ndis, ~t~ ~. ~ms ~d ~yot Noel C. Taylor. 7.
~ ~oa~ ~ O.
~9~8, as The GEeat ~eric~
(For fu~l t~t, see ~rocl~tioa ~ file la the City Clerkts Office.)
the pr~ti~ of ~. D, C. ~s~ to the r~ of Serse~t, effective ~t~er
incre~ln8 his sala~ to $11,~4.~, w~ before ~cil.
(For full t~t, see ~m~ti~ ~ file in ~e City Clerkts Office.)
~e ~ststaat City ~er ~vised that the C~ItA~ Board acti~ appr~ed t~
pr~tion of ~. ~pson to fill · ~t~t*m positio~ ~tch v~ vacated ~e to a
t~t the ~euten~t position ls balm replaced by · Serpent ~sition ~ ~e City ~gez zec~nd
that ~cil toner In the ~ctl~ of ~e ~e~atl~
~. ~rla~ ~ed that ~ctl coast In the acti~ of ~e ~e~ation B~rd, ~e
~tioa v~ seco~ed by ~. ~ndis a~ ~ly adopted.
S~S ~ ~Sz ~ application f~ Hr. ~orse I. VoEel, II, Atto~ey, representtn8
~r~iett H. Valdrop, requesting that a certain alle~ay appr~tely 12.5 feet In ~dth, bain8
mately l~.03 feet to the northerly side of · public alley, be vacate, disc~tinued ~d closed,
v~ before ~cil.
(Fo~ full text, see appl~cati~ ~ file in the City Clezk*s Office.)
Hr. H~ard offered the foll~lu~ Resoluti~ pz~idina for the appoin~ent of vipers in
(~2~380) A ~O~IOH providins for the appoinment of five free-holders, any three
(For full text of Resolution, see Resoluti~ B~ ~o. ~5, paEe 1~9.)
Taylor. 7.
NAYS: None- 0 ·
Mr. Hubard moved that the application be referred to the City Planning Camission for
study, report and rec~endation to C~uncil. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and unanimously
BUILDING-C~RTHOUSE: Council at its regular meetinB on Honday, October
23, 19?8, having deferred action on a report of the City Banager in resard to capital needs,
reco~nendin~ the follo~ln~ approach:
"I.Bonds - offering of an $8 million bond to finance the
construction of a courthouse.
This approach continues a fiscally conservative,
modified oay as you go, economic policy and further
recognizes the real and eroding affects of inflation.
2. F~ 1918 surplus - spend in a fashion consistent with
the report dated September 21, 1978, $6.579 =illlon
The report was again before the body.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
After a discussion of the report, the Hayor presented a co~mtmication in regard to the
matter of a bond issue, advising that throush a newspaper opinion poll or a mailing from some
convenient department, the citizens can help the City to determine co~unity needs, explore all
alternatives and rec~end priorities for identifying vhat they consider to be key priorities
and what they consider to be a reasonable amount for the bond issue, trith the resultant reco~nenda-
tions to be reviewed by the City Hanager and his staff and forwarded to City Council for action.
(For full text, see co~munication on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
After a discussion of the matter, Hr. Hubard moved that the cca~unication be referred
to the City Hanaser, excluding the courthouse matters with the request that the City Hanaser
advise Council as to ho~ and over what period of time the City could accomplish a program to
receive citizen input as to capital needs of the City of Roanoke and the funding of same. The
motion was seconded by Hr. Thomas.
Hr. Landis offered · eubstltute ~otion that the Hayore' entire co~unicatiouj including
the courthouse ~atter, be referred to the City Hanager for i~ple~entetioa. The ~otion vas seconded
by Hr. Garland and lost by the follo~i~ vote:
AYES: Council ~embere C4rl~nd~ Landis and Hayor Tayloz 3,
NAYS: Council me.berm Bo~les, Grove, Itubsrd and Thomas.
The original motion vas then adopted by the follow,tug vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Bo~les, Grove, Hubard, Thomas and Msyor Taylor,
NAYS: Council me~bers Garland and Landis. .2.
Hr. Hubard ~o~ed that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the appropriate lega!
documents for action hy Council to issue $8 million in bonds to provide adequate court facilities
for the Courts of the City of ~oanoke, said bonds to be issued by ~ovncil under the Virginia
Finance Act without a referendum. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove.
Hr. Ja~es C. Harvey~ II, President, Concerned Property O~ners and Taxpayers of Roanoke~
2056 He,oriel Avenue, So ~., appeared before Council and advised that there were a number of con-
earned citizens in the audience who ca~e to the meeting to specifically tell Council that they feel
they should be allo~ed to vote on the bond issue, reEardless of the a~ount.
After further discussion, the ~otion was adopted By the following vote.'
AYES.' Council me,bars Bo~les, Crowe, Hubard, Tho~.~ and Hayor Taylor ........
NAYS: Council me~bers Oarland and Landis. .2.
At 3:4~ pomoj the ~yor declared a brief recess.
At 3:5~ p.mo, the meetinE reconvened ~ith H~yor Taylor presiding and all ~nbers of
Council present.
PAF~ING CA~ACE-DO~YO~ ROAnOkE: The City ~naNer submitted a written report requesting
concurrence in lnitiatinE a certain procedure with A~COA, Incorporated, to provide free transient
park~n~ in the ParkinN Garage fro~ 6:00 p.m., until 12:00 midnight.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
The City F.'~nage~ verbally requested that his report be a~ended to provide for a
~onth duration instead of 12 ~onths.
Hr. ~ho~as ~oved that the report be amended to provide for a trial period of 14 month~
heginnin~ November 8, 19~8~ and endinS January 8, 1950. The ~otfon wa~ seconded by Hr. Landis
and unanimously adopted.
Hr. Tho~s then offered the following ~mergency Ordinance:
(~2~381) ~ O~DDL~CE authorizinB m~endment to a certain contract baleen the City and
A~COA, Inco, dated Hatch 31, 19~8, to authorize a change in hours of operation for the ~untcipal
Parking Garage and the fees charEed for parking therein; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 4~, page 1~9.)
~r. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion was seconded By ~ro Grove
and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES:Council m~nbers Bo~les, Garland, Crowe, ~ubard, Landis, Thomas and ~ayor
Taylor 7.
NAYS: None
NAYS: None, O.
RADAR-CIIY PROPERLY: ~he City Nanager submitted a vritten report recommending approval
of a lease agreement vith RADAR for use of a portion of the previous school maintenance shop
property at 306 6th Street, S. W., upon certain ter~s and conditions.
(For full text, see ~eport on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Grove ~oved that Council concur in th~ report and offered th~ folloninS ~rgency
(J2~383) ~ 0~I~ au~onizi~ ~d pr~ldin~ for Ieee by ~e City of a porri~ of
a certain buildi~ located at 6th Street~ S, M.~ ia ~e CIU of ~oke~ to ~ to be ~ed ~
office ~d operatl~l facilities for pr~ldi~ tr~portatl~ for elderly pers~s of ~e City,
upon certain te~ ~d c~ditio~l ~d pr~ldt~ for ~ ~r[ency.
(For full text of Ordin~ce~ see ~dl~ce B~k No. t5~ pale 171.)
~. Crove ~ved the adoptl~ of the ~dl~ce.~ ~tl~ v~ seceded by Hr, ~
and adopted by the roll.lng vote~
Taylor,~ ~
~Si None-
p~ ~ p~y~S-S~: ~e City ~ser s~nltted a v~ltten report la resp~e
s~ool days only,
(For full text, see report ~ file In the City Clerk% Office.)
(~2t38t) A ~o~I~ delesatiuS control ~er and use of certain City property lying
A~ ~cil m~ers B~les~ ~land, Gr~e, Hubard~ ~ndls, ~o~s ~d
NAYS: Non~
NAYS: None
Hr° Hubard offered the following emergency Ordinance accepting the proposal of the
getterley Consulting Croup:
(t2t386) A~ ORDINANCE accepting a certain proposal and avarding a contract for the
services of an insurance consultant~ upon certain terms and condittonsl rejecting certain other
bids; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the requisite contractl and providing
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. t5, page 171.)
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The~otion~as seconded byHr. Garland
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES~ Council me.bars Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubards Landis, Thomas and Hayor
HAYSt None
Hr. ~arl~nd ~oved that the City ~naser be requested to consider the feasibility of
· he City ~nager subaitted a vritten report recom~ending
Projects Fund ~ropria~lou Ordinate, and pr~idin~ for an ~ergency.
NAYS: None
Hr. Thomas offered the follc~ing emergency Ordinance approving the issuance of Change
Order No. 1:
(~2&390) AN ORDINANCE approving the City Hanager~s issuance of Change Order No. 1, as
hereinafter set forth, to the City's contract vlth Plecker Construction C~pany, for the constructio~
Of the Fairland Lake sanitary sever system project; and providing for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordina=ce Book No. lS, page 173.)
Hr. ~homas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion ~as seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follo~ins vote:
ATLSz Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard0 Landis, Th~is and Hayer
BUD~ET-ROAH(~LE CIVIC CEH~E~: The City--get s~uitted a~Ltten report rec~dLaA
f~ds be appropr~sted therefor.
(for fu~l t~t, see repor~ ~ f~e ~u the C~ty
emergency ~dl~nce pr~ldlng for f~ds In the total ~t of
(J2&391) ~ ~I~CE to ~ ~d reorda~n certain sectio~ of the 1978-79 ~neral
HAYS: None. O.
receipt of fiscal year 1979 allocations, the U. S. Department of Labor is authorizinN an interim
allocation of ~108,&89.00 to the Roanoke Consortlu~ for Hanpo~er Services ~aich~lll a11c~ for
the continuation of C~A services to residents of the City of Roanoke, the City of Covington, the
mending that Covncil appropriate the total amount of ~208,&89.00 to certain CETA Grant Accounts.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Fund Appropriations, and providl~ for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ho. &5, page 175.)
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council ne~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and ~ayor
PENSIONS: The City Attorney submitted a vritten report transmittinB five draft Ordinances
which would provide for a cost of living increase to certain city retirees and their beneficiaries,
all said Ordinances be effective December 31, 1978, retroactive to July 1, 1978.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Boules offered the follo~ing emergency Ordinance providing for a six and one-half
per cent cost of living increase to all retirees and beneficiaries, except those eligible for
deferred vested benefits, for a one year period only, retroactive to July 1, 1978 and terminating
June 30, 1979:
(~2&393) ~ OP. DI~CE providing for certain supplemental benefits tmder the E~ployees*
Retirement System for a period of one year to certain persons receiving benefits prior to July
1978, and assuring certatn mlnimtmbenefits to members of such Byste~mbo, on and after July
1978, are eligible for retire~ent; providing for an effective date; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 15, page 175.)
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The~tion was seconded by Hr. Grove.
After a discussion of the ~trer, and as a substitute motion, Hr+ Thomas offered the
Ordinance providing for a six and one-half per cent cost of living increase to all retirees and
beneficiaries, except those eligible for deferred vested benefits. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Landis and lost by the follo~inN vote:
AYES: Co~cil ~e~bers Landis, Thomas and Hayor Taylor.
NAYS: Council ~embers Bo~les, Garland, Cro~e and Hubard '=--~-
The original motion, Ordinance No. 2t393, was then adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and ~ayor
Taylor -7.
NAYS: Hone
I~, J. H. Johnson, retired City Treesurer, appeared before Council sad spoke in support
J~aneger end the Director of Finance seek proposals frou quelifiad persons in the pension field
for a thorcvAh revi~ of ~e city pe~i~ p~ ~ su~esti~ for ~prov~t thereof.
(For full t~t, see c~aicatl~ ~ file im the City ClerkOs Office,)
~. Hubard ~ved that the City ~er ~d the Dlrecto~ of Flute be authorized to
seek proposals fr~ q~liffed ~ers~ In ~e pe~lon field for a ~or~gh revl~ of the Cltyts
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerkts Office.)
(J2&394) ~ O~I~CE to ~end ~d reordain subsection (c), ~plic~tl~ for exe~ti~,
City of roanoke (L9~6), ~s ~ended, so as to authorize the C~sslonet of Revenue to pe~it the
Hr. Thomas moved that the City Attorney be requested to transmit a copy of his report
to the City of Roanoke representatives to the General Assembly, together vith such other pertinent
infor~ation as he cares to inpart, advising them of Council's opinion regarding this matter and
requesting their assistance tovard improving the state statute. The motion was seconded by Hrs.
Bovles and unanimously adopted.
LEGISLATION-CITg COVe: The City Attorney sub=itted a vritten report in regard to
Rouse Bill 63, reco~endiug that Council oppose the bill absent substantial revisions.
(For full text, see report On file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the City Attorney and the City ~anager be authorized to seek
modifications as suggested in the report and if said modifications are not made, that they be
authorized to oppose passage of the bill. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and unanimously
CITY A~'~OP~EY.' The City Attorney submitted a vritten report announcing the resignation
of Hr. Ja~es E. Buchholtz as ~ssistant City Attorney, effective December 31, 1978.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
H~. Hubard moved that the resignation be accepted vith regret. The =orion vas seconded
by Hr. Thomas and unanimously adopted.
STREETS AND ALL~S: Council having referred to the City Planning Co~:ission for study,
report and recommendation a request of the City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority
that certain alleyways located adjacent to Hurt Park be vacated, discontinued and closed, the
City Plaoning Coumdssion submitted a vritten report recoumending that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Cotmcil hold a public hearing on the request on Honday, November
13, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the request ~ay be heard, in the Council C~amber.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
SUBDIVISIiLNS: The City Planning Co~nission submitted a ~itten report recom~ending
that the request of guilder~s Investment Croup to vacate a portion of the plat of Arrc~ Wood
Subdivision be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council hold a public hearing on the request on Honday, November
13, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the request ~ay be heard, in the Council Chamber.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
COURlI~USE: Council brims refe~ed to a c~ttee for t~at~, report ~
the bids vhl~ vere received for repair to ~e ~im ~tr~ce sta~z8 st ~e ~rth~e Bulldims,
the c~ttee s~tted a ~ltten report rec~e~imS that the 1~ bid of V. J. BI,ne, im the
~ of $44,870.~ be accepted.
(FoE full t~to see report ~ file In the C~ty Clerk% Office.)
~. Gr~e ~ved thl~ ~cil c~r in ~e recmeudation ~d offered ~e
(f2~39~) ~ O~I~ accepti~ a bid opened before ~e City ~cil ~ ~t~er
1978~ rrm ~. J. Bl~nes for ~n~ re~its to the steps of the ~pbell Avenue ~t~ce to the
(For full text of OFdl~ce, see ~dl~ce B~k No. ~5~ page 176.)
NAYS: None
RADIO-TELEYISIONI The Regional Cable Television Committee submitted a vritten report
recommending a certain adjustment ia the rates permitted to be charged subscribers to CATV service.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Garland mo~ed that Council hold a public hearing on the proposed rate adjustment on
Honday, December 110 1978~ at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the
Council Chamber. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and unanimously adopted.
PENDING ITEMS: The City Clerk presented a list of pending items from July 19, 1976,
through October 21, 1978.
(For full text, see list on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the list be received and filed. The notion was seconded by Hr.
Landis and unanimously adopted.
NAYS: None
B~LL ~iO~IAL HOSPITAL: Council havint instructed the City Attorney to prepare the
proper measure authorizing execution of a deed of release deleting certain provisions pertaining
to land conveyed to ~he Butte11 Hemorial Hospital Association, he presented same; ~hereupon, Hr.
Hubard mo~ed that the follo~ing Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t24397) A~ ORDINANCE authorizing execution of a deed of release deleting certain
provisions pertaining to land conveyed to The BurrellHemorial Hospital Association.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 178.)
The notion va~ seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: None
City Clerk Hayor
The Council of the City of Roanoke ~et in re~uler I~etl~ In ~he C~mcil Chamber in
~arles L. ~ndis presidio,
p~: ~cil ~ers Elizabeth T. ~lese ~bert A. ~rland, ~ci~ Y.
Diblin~, Jr., City Atto~eyl Hr. J~s E. ~c~oltz, ~sistan~ City Atto~eyl Hr. Joel H. Schl~er~
Director of Fi~ce~ ~d Hrs. ~ F. Pa~ker~ City Clerk.
Flrs~ ~urch of the Brethren.
The invocati~ w~ roll,ed by the Pledge of Allegi~ce to the Flag of the United States
of ~erica.
having been fu~lshed ea~ m~er of ~cll, ~ ~ti~ of Hr. Gr~e, seconded by ~. Hubard and
p~I~S: ~e Vice-~yor presented a Procl~ti~ ~lch ha~ been issued by
~yor declaring Nov~er 16, 19~8 ~ ~lckel Day" on Valley ~tro Transit.
(For full text, see Procl~ti~ ~ file in the City Clerkes Office.)
se~ a p~lic hearing for ~nday, Hove~er 13, 1978, a~ 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter ~ the
N. ~., bein~ a po:~icn of Official Tax Nos. 2660102 ~d 2660103, be rez~ed fr~ C-l, Office and
(For full text, see report on file In the Cl~y Clerkes Office.)
(~2t398) ~ O~I~CE to ~end Title ~, ~pcer ~.1, Section 2, of the C~e of the
NAYS: None.
(NLayor Taylor was absent.)
SUBDIVISIONS: Council having set a public hearing for Honday, November 13, 1978, at
7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter could be heard, on the request of Builder's Investmenl
Group to vacate a portion of the plat of Arrc~ Wood Subdivision, the matter vas before the body.
In this connection, the City Planning Co=mission submitted a written report recommending
that the request be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Rt. Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney, appeared before Council in support of the request
of his client.
No one appearing iu opposition to the request, Hr. Thomas moved that the follo~rlng
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t21399) AN O~DINA~GE pe~ently vacating the plat of subdivision of L~ts 1-5, Block 16,
Lots 1-5, Block 17j and Lots 7 and 8, Block 22, Hap of Arrc~Wood, as more particularly described
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the follo~i~g vote:
AYe: Council mmbers Bovles, Garland0 Grove, Hubard,
(~yor Taylor v~ absent.)
S~S ~ ~S~ ~cil having set a p~lic hearing for ~nd8y, N~er 13, 1978,
~a~ ~d~el~n~ ~ H~ln~ ~horl~y ~hs~ certain alle~y~ located adJacen~ to Hur~ Park
(For full text, see repo~ ~ file In ~e Cl~y Clerkts Office.)
no lnc~venlence v~ld result either to any i~lvidual or to the ~lic fr~ vacating, dtscontinuin]
(For full text, see repor~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~dinance be placed upon Its first reading:
(J2~) ~ O~I~CE pe~nently vacating, dlscon~lnui~ and closin~ certain alle~ays
(Bayor Taylor vas absent.)
p.m., or as soon thereafter as the ~atter could be heard, on a proposed ~e~d~en~ to the Zoning
tha~ the proposed ~en~ent be approved.
(For full ~ex~, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
(~2tt01) ~ O~I~CE ~ending and reordaluin~ ~apter t.l, Zoning, of ~itle ~,
of Roanoke, 1956, as ~ended, by adding a n~ Article VII.l, ~nditi~al l~ins, providing for
~. ~chard ~. C~h, 2532 Berkley Avenue, S. ~., appeared before ~acil and raised
of cassette ~ape on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
N~. Thc~nae moved that the coumnicetion be received and filed and that N~. Cartledge be
advised of the Cltyte appreciation of the donation. The notion vas eeco~ded by Hr. Hubard
DO~'fO~ REVITALI~ATIO~t Hr. Oaad Floyd repreeentinS the firm of Hoore Gro~er & Harper
appeared Before Council and preeented 8 elide presentation relative to the etatue to date of the
d~mto~n study.
HEALTH DEPARTH~f: The Assietant City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report of the City
Hrnaeer recomnending adoption of the By-LS~ for Hental Health Servicee of the Roanoke Valley
anended and adopted at their meeting on Harch 16, 1978.
(For f~ll text, see report on file in the City Clerkus Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Council concur in the reco~endacion and offered the follo~in~
(f24~02) A RESOLUllO~ approvlns a~end~ente to th~ Ry-l~-~$ o[ Hental Health Services of
the Roanoke Valley reco~nended by the Board of Directors of Hental Health Services on Hatch 16,
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. 65, pale 178o)
Nr. Garland moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion vas seconded hy
Bowles and adopted by the follo~ln~ vote:
AYES: Council me,bors Bcvles, Garland, Cro~e, Hubard, Thomas and ¥1ce-~yor Landis---6
(Hayer Taylor vas absent.)
Bt~GL~-TRAFFIC-STATE HIGh'~A¥$-BRIDCES: The A~sist~nt City NanaSer submitted a vritten
report of the City H~n~er reco~ending that the Norfolk and ~estern Railway Company be reimbursed
~.~d a~d Ga~ic,1 ~o~ects ~,=d ~prop~i.tion O~di ........ d pro,idi~ f ........
(ltayor Taylor vas absent.)
Hr. Hubard uoved the adoption of the O~dinoace. The B~tio~ v&s seceded by
~d adopted by the foll~in~ vote:
AI~{ ~cil ~ers ~le*, ~rland, Cr~e, ~bard, ~ and Vice-~yor
(~yor Taylor V~ absent.)
~. Gr~e offered the foll~ln~ ~gency ~d~ce ~uthot~zlng the City
(~2~6) ~ O~CE relttinS co a ~lyroll/~ers~e~ tnfo~t~ systen for the City
(Hayor Taylor vas absent.)
BUDGET-pOLICE D~A~2~-Gi~HTSt ~lm Director of Finance eubidtted · ~ltten report
advisiu~ tht · tr~fer of $1,962.~ is uecess~ In c~ection with t~ clos~ of Police
(For full text, see repor~ on file In the City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~bard offered ~e
(~2tt08) ~ O~I~ to ~nd ~ reordain certain lecti~s of the 197~79 Grant
Prosr~ ~ ~pr~riatl~s~ and providins for an ~er&ency.
(For full text of Ordl~ce~ see ~di~ce ~k Ho. 15B pase 181.)
~. ~b~rd ~ed ~e ad~tl~ of ~e Ordin~ce. ~e ~tl~ v~ seceded by ~s. ~les
NAYS: None.
(Hayor Taylor vas absent.)
SCHOOLS: At the regular ~eetinN of Council on Hondly, tpril ii, 1978 the Hayor appointed
Hrs. Elizabeth T. ~ovles, Hrs. Dorothea D. Pike, Hrs. Katherine O. Cochran, Hr. Robert Ao youns
and }irs. Carol A, Harchal as me~bers of a co~dttee to study certain reco=~endations made by the
Central Council FIA relardins the selection process for Roanoke City School Board ~nbers.
In this connection~ the co~=lttee submitted a vritten report transmittint a recommended procedure
and also a revised application for School Board appointment.
(For full text, see report, application and recceunendattons contained in Ordinance
No. 2&t09 on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hfs, Bo~les moved that the follc~lnB Ordinance be placed upon its first readinE:
(till09) AN ORDI~CE amendins and reordaininB Chapter 1, Ceneral Provisions, of Title
¥II, Public Schools~ of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, by addinB ne~ sections
numbered 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 establishint a ney procedure for the election of School
Board trustees; repealing Section 3.1, establishing the for~er procedure for election of School
Board trustees.
~he motion ~as seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council m~bers Bovles~ Garland, Grove~ Hubard~ ~ho~as and Vlce-Hayor Landis--6.
NAYS: None- 0
(Nayor Taylor vas absent.)
(Hayor Taylor vas absent.)
(Hayor Taylor was absent.)
COUHCIL: Due to the fact that five nenbere of Council vould be atteadin$ the NRlo~el
Le&gue of Cities on ~er 25 - 29~ 1978~ ~ · q~ v~ld no~ be present for ~e ~cil
~etl~ ~ ~ay, ~er 27, 1978, ~. ~bard offered t~ felling ~solutl~ ~ncelllng the
(J2~ll) A ~0~I~ caucell~s the resular neetiuS of the City ~cil s~duled to
be held Herder 27, 1978.
(For full t~ of Resoluti~, see ~solutl~ ~k Ho, ~5, pase 182,)
~. ~bard ~ed the ad~tl~ of the ~solutl~, ~e ~lon ~ seceded by ~s. ~les
and adopted by the foll~ln~
~AYS~ Hon~ O.
(Hayer Tailor vas absent.)
City Clerk
~ondey, November 20, 1978.
The Cotmcil of th~ City of Rouoke~et in special~eeting in the Civil Defense Roo~of
~illi~ S. ~bard~ ~arles L. ~dls~ ~t~. ~s ~ ~yor ~oel C. Taylor 7.
HAYS: None
Hr. Thomas offered the foll~ing Resolution requestin§ the local governing bodies oF the
several Jurisdictions ef the Roanoke Valley causing sewate to be delivered to the City's Sewage
Treataent Plant for treatment; viz: the City of Salem, Roanoke County, Botetourr County and the
Town of Vinton to advise the City, as their interests may dictate, ~hether or not they vish to
Join the City in certain Joint-use sewer interceptor construction projects and that said response
be received on or before January 2, 1979:
(tZ4il3) A RESoLDIION requesting the local governing bodies of the several Jurisdictions
of the Roanoke Valley causi~ sewage to be delivered to the City's Sewage Treatment Plant for
NAYS: Non~
Hr. Thomas offered the foll~vtag Resolution authorizing and directing the City }ianager
to request the County of R~anoke and/or the Roanoke Ceunty Public Service Authority to reimburse
the City for a proportionate pa~t of the cost of construction of a certain Joint-use sewer lnterceptc
being constructed for the benefit of both the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke~ upon
certain terms and conditions:
Honday, Dec~mber 4~ 1978.
The Council of the City of Roanoke ~et in regular ~eetiu$ in the Council Chamber in the
Fmntcipal Buildings City of ~okeo ~ ~y, ~c~er t, 1978, at 2:~ p.u., the re~lar
meeting h~r, vith ~yor ~oel C. Taylor presidin~,
~I ~ncil ~ers Elizabeth T. B~les, ~bert A. ~rla~, ~cian
~illim S. ~bard, ~arles L. ~ndis, ~pt~ V. ~s ~d ~yor Noel C. Taylor
I~TI~: ~e meetinS was o~ened ~ith a prayer by ~yor ~1 C. Taylor.
~e invocation vas roll.ed by the Pledge of ~legiance to the Flag of the Un,ted
1978, the reEuler meeting held ~ ~nday~ N~er 13, 1978, and the special ~ee~ins held
~day, ~er 20, 19~8~ ~ving been fu~lshed each ~er of ~ncil, on ~i~ of ~. H~ard,
appr~ed as recorded. (~. ~s ~d no~ arrived at the
E. C. ~ace and ~pany ~
~r~ore ~nst~ction ~., Inc. IA~,881.~
~ron J. ~nner ~neral Contractor, Inc. 201,3t2.38
before ~uncil.
one can ea~ to $12,~.~ and to increase the ~l~ of net worth to ~0,~.~ tn order to
1978, ~as before the body.
Grove moved that Covn¢il co~ur in the rec~nnendation and offered the follovinS
(I2t&l$) AN ORDI~J,.NCE to anend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 General
COURTS FACILITY: The City Hanager submitted a vrltten report recc~ending authorization
to spend up to $10,000.00 for professional services to evaluate the potential use of the existing
courthouse and the old post office bulldiug in providiug adequate and secure facilities for the
NAYS: Non~ O.
Hrs. Bovles Bored the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he ~otiou vas seconded by ~. ~rl~d
and adopted by the foll~ia~ vo~e~
AY~{ ~cil ~etm B~les, ~rland, cr~e, B~ard, ~is, ~s and ~yor
Taylor ,-7.
BUD~E~fS-C(I~rg~SIVE ~LO~H~f ~D I~AIRING AC~: ~he City Hanager submitted a
HAYS: Ronc
BUDGET-SHERIFF-CRA~S: ~he City ~anager submitted a written report recca~ending authori-
zation to accept Law Enforcement Grant Ro. 79-A&792 for continuation of the City gheriff*s Training
Program, and that funds be appropriated therefor.
(For full text, see report on file ia the City C1erk~s Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the recc~endation and offered the following
emergency Ordinance:
(t21t20) ~/ ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1975-79 Grant
Progra~ Fund ~propriations, and providin§ for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ro.
Hr. Thomas ~oved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, ~arland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and ~ayor
Hr. Landis offered the following Resolution authorizing acceptance of the grant:
(~2t121) A RESOLUTION authorizing the acceptance of Lay Enforcement Grant No. 79-A5792
~ade to the City of Roanoke by the State Division cf Justice and Crime Prevention and authorizing
the acceptance, execution and fillng of the "Special Conditions for Action Grant Awards"vith
D2CP for an action grant of Federal funds for the purpose of providing an on-going training
program for the Roanoke City Sheriff*s department.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Landis moved the adoption of the Nesolution. The motion was seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Cotmcil members ~owles, ~arland, Crove~ Hubard, Landis, Thomas and }layor
RAYS: Rone
JUVESILEDETEN~IOR Rl~/~: The City Hanager submitted a written report in connection
with seeking approval, participation and reimbursement from the State Board of Corrections for
proposed alterations and additions to the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follo~inB Resolution:
(~2~22) A RE~OLb~I(~ stating the intention of the City Council to proceed with the
necessary alterations and additions to the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home to meet minim~n State
standards, upon certain ter~ and coudittons~ and authorizing the City Hanager to communicate
such intention to the State Department of Corrections seeking a commitment of said department to
reimburse the City fifty percent (50%) of all expenditures relating to such alterations and
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No.
Hr. Crowe moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by ~'. Hubard
and adopted by the foll~ing vote:
NAYS: None- O.
Hr. ~arland moved that Council concur in plan D as stated in the Director of Flnance'a
report and offered th~ foll~in~ e~r~en~ ~din~ce:
(~2t~26) ~ 0~I~ to ~ a~ reordain certain section of the 197~79 General
~nd ~propriation Ordl~ce, a~ pr~iding for ~ ~r~ency.
(For full text of ~dl~ce, see ~di~ce ~ok
~. ~rland ~ved the adoption of the ~dl~nce. ~e ~tion v~ seconded by Hr. G~ve.
At this point, ~yor ~aylor called for obse~atl~s rrm those ~ers of ~uncil
attended the recent Natio~l ~aiue of Cities ~etin~ to brin~ ~t the value of the cityts partici-
ia this particular p~oJec~l whereupon, ~. Hubard, Hr. ~s~ Hrs. B~les and ~, Grove
offered their verbal c~ents,
~he ~di~nce v~ then adopted by t~e foll~in~
AYe: ~uncil m~ers ~les, ~rland, Grove, H~ard~ ~ndis, ~s and ~yor
~AYS: None
SCHOOLS: The Director of Finance submitted a written report in connection with Items
2, 3, 4 and 5 of a request of the Roanoke City School Board for various appropriations.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Cloth's Office.)
In this connection, the City Hanager submitted a ~ritten report concurring in the above
Hr. George E. Franklin, Executive Director, Opportunities Industrialization Center,
appeared and presented a written statement advising that while he is in favor of an alternative
educational program, he is requesting that Council deny the request for funds for this progra~
until further co~petent planning and accountability can be accomplished.
(For full text, see statement on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Landis moved that Items 2, 3 and & of the School Board request be received and filed.
The motion was seconded by Hr. Garland.
During a discussion of the matter, Council expressed the opinion that while they are in
favor of an alternative education program, they feel it should be Included in the budget at the
beginniu~ of the year an~ should not be rushed into without proper planning~ and that once a budget
is adopted we should attempt to live within that budget.
Hr. Lewis H. Nelson, Jr., Chairman, Roanoke City School Board, appeared in support of
the requests, and explained that the $8,O00.O0 for Teacher Aide Salaries is needed to give a
small raise to these teachers as this matter vas inadvertently c~itted fro~ their budget, and the
$25,000.00 for Classified Salary Scale is needed to conduct a study of the School system positions
as they were not included in the recent study performed for the city. He further explained there
was no contingency fund in the School budget from which these funds could be appropriated.
After further discussion, Council expressing the opinion that possibly the School Board
could find funds for these requests within their budget, Hr. Landism motion was unanimously
Hr. Grove offered the following emergency Ordinance dealing with Item 5 of the request
of the Roanoke City School Board:
(i2~&27) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 General
Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council members B~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: None.
CItY CODB-TAXES-P~AL ESTATE ASSESSOR: The Real Estate Assessor submitted a written
report recommending adoption of an Ordinance authorizing a late filing fee for revalidationsand
applications for taxation on the basis of use assessment, and establishing a late filing fee of
$25.00 per application.
(For full text, see report on file iu the City Clerkms Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Geun¢il concur in the reco~endation and offered the follo~ing
emergency Ordinance:
(f2tt28) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain Section 2, Applications, of Chapter 12,
Special Use Assessment and Taxation for Certain Real Estate Devoted to A~ricultural Use~ of
Title VI, Taxation, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as ~mended, providing for late
filing of the applications required by this section under certain circu~tances upon payment of a
late filing fee and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Garland noved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the follovlaS vote:
AYES: Council s~e~bera Bo~lea, Ga~landj orovej Hubard, Landfs~ Thomas and Eayor
Yaylor 7.
N&VS: Hone
SUBDIVISI(I~$Z T~e City Planning ~ss~ submitted a ~ltten report rec~ending
t~t the Subdivisl~ ~din~ce be ~dified to require a fee of ~.~ ~ pe~tted ~der the
State ~de for vacation of a s~divisi~ plat.
(For lull tel~ see repor~ ~ file In the City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~bard ~ed
ZO~ING-pLA~INGI l~e City plsnninN Comiselon submitted a~titten repor~ c~rrin~
a staff ~eport rec~endin~ a c~perative ~lysts of develo~nt alte~tives for the area
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerk~s Office,)
~. ~ln L. ~br~e appeared in support of the ~tter ~d reiterated his c~ce~ for
NAYS: None---
STREETS AND ALLEY$-NOUSING-SLU~CE: Ordinance No. 2~0~ permanently vacating,
NAYS: None
ZCtilIiG** O~dinance So. 24&01 a~endlos and reordal~ns ~pter ~.1, Z~lnl, of Title
~t~ct~o ~teratl~ and Use of ~d, Butldln~ ~ Other St~ctures, of ~e ~e of t~ City
of ~oke (19~6)0 is ~ed~ by Idd~n~ a u~ Article VIL~ ~ltlml ~lnS, ~r~din~ for
been before the ~uncil for ~ts firs~ readluso read sad ~op~ on los flrs~ re~ln~ a~ laid
over, v~ atsin before the bodyo ~. ~dis offerin~ the foll~lnS for ~s second read~n~ ~d
fill adoptl~
~erazion a~ Use of ~ds Buildin~s and Other St~czures, of the ~e of the City of ~noke
(For full text of Ordin~ce, see Ordi~ce B~k Ho,
~. ~ndis ~ved the ~dopzlon of the ~di~nce. ~e ~zl~ v~ seceded by
C11"/ CODE-SCHOOLS: Ordinance No. 21&09 amending and reordaining Chapter 1, General
Provisions, of Title VII, Public Schools, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended,
by adding ne~ sections numbered 3.2, 3.3, l.&, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 establishing a ne~procedure for
the election of School ~oard trustees; repealing Section 3.1, establishing the former procedure
for election of School Board trustees, having previously been before the Council for its first
reading, read and adopted on Its first reading and laid over, vas again before the body, Hr.
Hubard offering the following for its second reading and finil adoption:
(~21t09) AN ORDINANCE amending and reordaining Chapter 1, General Provisions, of Title
¥II, Public Schools, of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, by adding ne~ sections
numbered 3.2, 3.3, 3.t, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 establishing a ne~ procedure for the election of School
Board trustees; repealing Section 3.1, establishing the former procedure for election of School
Board trustees.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Mr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES I Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Nubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor J'
AIRPORT: Ordinance No. 2&&lO authorizing and providing for the lease by the City of
Airport Building IlO and approximately 89,100 square feet of adjacent general aviation ramp space
to Piedmont Aviation, Inc. upon certain terms and conditions, having previously been before the
Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading and laid over, was again
before the body, Mr. Thomas offering the following for its second reading and final adoption:
(~24410) AN ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the lease by the City of Airport
B~ilding Il0 and approximately 89,100 square feet of adjacent general aviation ramp space to
Piedmont Aviation, Inc., upon certain terms and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mubard
and adopted by the following vote:
NAYS: None
NAYS: None
~ATER DEPANTMtl~T: Council having instructed the City Attorney to prepare the proper
measure establishing a schedule of rates and charges for special rater services, he presented
same; whereupon, Mr. Grove offered the following Resolution:
(~24~$0) A ~.ENOI~r~10~ eetabltshi~ a schedule of r~tes ~d ch~z~es for special water
(For full text of resolution, see ~solutl~ ~k ~o.
~, cr~e ~ed the ~doptlon of the ~soluti~,~e ~ti~ ~ seconded by ~. ~
adopted by ~e foll~ln~ vote:
(Mayor Taylor not voting.)
Attorney to prepare the proper measure amending and reordaining certain sections of the 1978-79
budget, he presented same; whereupon Hr. Eubard offered the following Ordinance:
(~2~32) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 General
Fund and Capital Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinances, and providinB for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No.
Hr. t~bard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Eubard, Landis, Thomas and Mayor
NAYS: None
Hr. Landis noted that there was another vacancy on the Community Relations Committee and
placed in nomination the name of Hrs. Shirley B. Ingra~.
Ihere being no further nominations, Hrs. Ingramwas elected as a member of the C~munity
Relations Committee to fill the unexpired term of Hr. Robert C. Churchill, Jr., resigned, ending
June 30, 1979, by the following vote:
FOR HRS. INGRAM: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, ~homas and
Mayor Taylor. 7.
the attention of Co~acil that there were t~o vacancies on the Citizens' Task Force for Crime
Prevention and Social Development and called for nmainations to fill the vacancies.
Hr. Garland placed in nc~ination the na~e of Hr. John S. Voit.
Hr. Thomas placed in nomination the name of Hr. Joseph To Coleman,
The NAyor requested that Hr. Thomas be responsible for iinding a replacement for the
vacancy brought about by the end of service of H~. HcClunE.
The Hayor requested that Hr. Garland be responsible for findinE a replacement for the
vacancy brought a~o~t by the end of se~lce of Hiss Glbboneyo
pLANNING: ~he Hayor called to the attention of Council that there is a vacancy on the
City PlanninE Co~lssivndue to the decline of Hr. L. A. Durham~ Jr.. to sei~e another term~ and
requested that Hr. Hubard be responsible for finding a replacemento
AYES.'Council members B~wleso Garland, Grove, ltubards Landis, Thomas ~nd I~yor
Taylor -7.
NAYS t None-
There belns no further business, the Hayor declared the zeetfng adjourned at 4542
Deputy City Clerk Hayor
Nonday, December 11, 1978.
~he Council of the City of Ro&uoke met In regular meeting in the Com~cil Chamber in the
H~lclpal Building, Cl~y of ~noke, on ~ay, Dec.er 11, 1978, a~ 7~ p.~., vtth ~yor Hoel
C. Taylor presiding.
F~: ~cil a~ers Elizabe~ T. B~les~ ~ber~ A. Garland, ~lan Y. Grove,
~llll~ S, ~bard, ~arles L. ~nd~a, ~pton ~. ~s ~d ~yor Hoel C. Taylor
I~DIO-T~'~I$1ON: Council having set a public hearing for 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafte
as the matter could be heard on H~nday, December 11, 1978, on a proposed a~endment to the cable
television rate schedule, the matter was before the body.
The City Attorney advised that the public hearing was being held pursuant to a request
of Roanoke Valley Cable to reduce certain fees, that the Ordinance before the Council establishes
a range Of rates, that the public hearing was duly advertised and has the concurrence of Roanoke
County and the Torn of Vinton.
Hr. ~arland, C~alrman of the Regional Cable Television Committee, advised that he had
reviewed the Ordinance, that it vas prepared in exact accordance with the recc~mendation of the
Cable Television Committee, and that all three Jurisdictions were unanimous in their recommendation
to Council.
Hr. Garland then moved that the follo~rlng Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t2tt3t) AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 22025, adopted January 20, 1975, granting
to Roanoke Valley Cablevision, Inc., the right, for the term and upon the conditions therein stated,
to use the streets, alleys and public rays to erect, construct, operate and maintain a community
antenna television (CA~V) system in the City, heretofore ~mended by Ordinance No. 21112, adopted
July 26, 1976, by a~ending and reo£dainiug Section 10. Rates and Charges, subsection e. Subscriber
Services, parts A, S, and C., Reside=rial Rates, Cou~ercial Rates (single unit at one location),
and Co~mercial Rates (multiple units at one location), cf Ordinance No. 22025, as a~ended by
Ordinance No. 23112, aforesaid.
The ~otfonvas seconded by HFS. go, lee and adopted by the relieving votez
AYES: Council ,2~bers Rovles. Garland. Grove. Nuberd. Landis. l'nomas and Hayer
LIB~I~St A request of the ~oanoke Bar Association to discuss funding of the
Library. vas before Council.
In this connection, the City Clerk advised that Hr. Wilbur L. ~elegrove. President of
the Roanoke Bar Association, had requested that the ~atter be deferred until the Financial and
Planning Session of the Council on ~londay, December 18, 1978.
~ and unaninously adopted.
FI~E DF~A~I~f: Council having previo~sly referred to the City H~nager for study and
Chapter 3. Subsection Il(b). of the Roanoke City Code ~hich exempts the Fire Department from
(For full text. see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
in the City Clerk's Office.)
NAYS: None-
(For full tezt, see report on file ia the City Clerkts Office,)
NAYS: Non= O.
NAYS: Nona O.
Hr, Tho~s ~oved that Council toner in the reports and offered the follc~in~ e~ergency
Ordinance ~ending a~ reordal~n~ certain secti~ of the 191~79
(~2~4~) ~ O~I~ to ~ ~ ~eordain certain sec~l~ of the 197~79 ~neral
~ ~propriation ~dl~ce, a~ pr~ldin~ for an ~er~ency.
(For full tex~ of ~dl~nce, see ~dl~nce ~k No. ~5, pa~e
Hr. ~ ~ved the adoption of ~he ~din~ce. ~e ~tion v~ seconded by
and adopted by the foll~ln~ vo~et
AYe: ~cil ~ers ~les, ~rland, H~ard, ~ndis, ~ and ~yor Taylor~ .-6,
NAYS: None
Appearing before Council were the following persons:
Hr. ~md A. Damns, 1920 Oayerle ~oed, S. Vo, expressed
opposition to that portion Of the Ordinance which pro-
hibits the construction of a horse barn within 300 feet
of any elistinj h~ae. He suggested wording to the effect
thet anyone wishing to build aetable or barn ~ust first
build his hc~e and live in it, that the stable or barn
not be less then 300 feet frc~ the closest property line of any
neighbor, and that no land he sold out of that subdivision
tmless it is the barn or stable, otherwise the barn or
stable ~ust be destroyed.
Hr. C. P. C~uldin, 1619 Stewart Avenue, S. E., advised that
he raises bantam chickens as a hobby, that he does not
have five acres of land as required in the O~dinance and
requested thet Co~mcil not enact the proposed Ordinance
which would require him to dispose of his chickens and
Hrs. Cary R. Duetk, 2709 Crystal Sprin~ Avenues S. W.~ spoke
in opposition to that portion of the Ordinance dealing with
beehives, advising that inner city lots are too s~all for
the restrictions set forth in the Ordinance.
Hr. Howard Beasley, 20~1 Niverdale Road, S. E., advised that
he raises game chickens, approxim~tely ~0 in number, and if
the proposed O~dinance is adopted, he would have to dispose
of all his chickens.
Hr. Nonnie K. Williams, 1155 Cro~n Point Road, So E., spoke
in support of that portion of the O~dinance dealln~ with
Hr. Otey ~o Dillon, 1135 Tayloe Avenue, S. E., opposed that
portion of the Ordinancn banntnE crowinE roosters, advisinZ
th3t if roosters are banned, then hc~lin~ does should also
be banned.
Hr. Cordon E. Peters, ~3& Oakland Noulevard, Ho ~., spoke
Hr. Eben N. France, 2628 Labut-num Avenue+ S. ]d., complained
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. ~5, pane 21~.)
NAYS: None O.
BLiGht-SChOOLS: The Director of Finance submitted a written report transmitting copy of
a cc~unication frc~Hr. J~es ~. ~vey clarifying that the ~8,~.~hich~ r~uested by the
School ~ard on Nov~er 15th for tea~er aide salaries ts to be 100 per cent re~bursed fr~
additi~al unappropriated State Special ~ucati~ f~ds ~ not the questioned State f~ds - sales
t~, a~d since this is the case) he recorded that acil ap~ropriate ~8)~.~ ~ requested by
the School ~ard.
(For full text, see report and communication on file in the
City Clerk*s Office.)
lit. landis ~oved ~,hat Cotmcll concur in the ~epo~ ~ offered the foll~ln~ ~r~eGcy
(~2&~4&) ~ ~ to ~nd ~ reordala certain sectio~ of the 1978-79 ~neral
~d ~pr~riatl~ ~dl~nce, and pr~ldl~ for ~ ~rsency.
(~or full t~C of Ordin~ce, see ~din~ce ~ok ~o. &5, p~e 217.)
~. ~die ~ed the adoptl~ of the ~din~ce. ~e ~Cl~ v~ seceded by ~* ~
and ~d~Ced by ~he foll~n~ vote;
NAYSz None-
NAYS: None
BUDGET~CIICUIT COURT-GRANTS: The Director of Finance submitted a wrltte~ report recommend.
ins a certain deappropriation of D.~.C.P- funds and transfer of local cash match in order to close
NAYS~ None,
C(~CILI ~r, Hub&rd moved that Council ~eet in Executive Session to discuss matters of
potential litiBatio~o The motion vas seconded by Hr. ~ha~as and adopted by the following vote;
H~SING-$LUHCI~A~gCE~ The~everend ~ro~ C. ~be~t~ appeared before ~ncil a~
in their subdivisl~.
(For full text. see petiti~ on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~. ~ndis ~ed that the ~tter be referred to the Ctty~naser for study, report and
rec~endation to ~uncil and that the City ~na~er be requested to fu~ish ~cil vith a status
and unanl~ly adopted.
Tuesday, December 26~ 1978.
The Council of the City of ~oanoke met in regular~eetlng in t~e Council (~er in the
~icipal ~lding, City of Ro~oke, o~ Tuesday, ~c~er 26, 1978~ at 2~ p.a,, the re~lar
meeting h~r~ vith~yor Noel C, ~aylor presiding,
F~ ~uncil ~ers Elizabeth L ~les~ ~obert A. ~rl~d~ ~ci~ Y, Grove,
~: ~one.
deferz~ pe~din~ ~u~ther stud~. ~
(For full t~t, see application on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Gr~e offered the foll~ln~ Resolution providinE for the appoin~ent of vipers:
(tlitt~) I ~0~I0~ p~o~idin~ for the appoin~ent of fi~e vipers, ay three of ~
Hr. ~rland inquired as to~ether or not It v~ld be appropriate for him to vote ~
replied that It v~ld be appropriate for him to vote unless he has five pe~ cent or more interest
Hr. Grove ~oved the adoption of the ~esolutiou. ~he ~otion yes seconded by Hr. Bubard
and adopted by the follcqinB vote~
AYES: Council me~bere Bo~les~ Grove, Bubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor ~aylor
HAYSt None
(H~. ~arland abstained from voting.)
Hr. Garland abstained from wtius.'
the establis[~ent of & ue~ employee position vithin the City N~nagerts Office to deal vith public
accordance vith the personnel code of the city follo~in~ the completion of a Job description and
placement of the position in the ~aze and Classification Plan.
referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the proper measure. The motion vas seconded by
Hrs. Bo~les and unanimously adopted.
residents of ~onterey Bills resulted in a purchase order beln~ issued for the installation of
street lights at three intersections in the subdivision and those street lights should be installed
in the subdivision vill be placed on the purchase order issued in February following the city's
occur vithin the three-month period follo~lnB the issuance of.the purchase order. Be further
street liBbting at (1) intersections, (2) dead-end streets and (3) mid-block lights, and also
recommendinB execution of t~o indentures for Appalachian Po~er Company to cross city property
lift pump station.
tvo parcels of land o~ned by the city.
HAYS: None. O.
POLICE DEPARIW~NT-CIT/ EH~LOYEES: The City HanaEer submitted a vritten report reco~nendin
approval of educational lea~e for Alan J. Prater~ a member of the Police Department, cca~encinE
January 1~ 1919, for a period not to exceed ~elve consecutive months for the purpose of pursuin~
a J.D. de~ree at ~ashin~ton and Lae University.
(For full text~ see report on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Landis moved that Council concur in the recc~endation and offered the follo~ing
(t2ll50) A RESOLUTION approving the grantinB of a leave of absence for educational
purposes to Alan 5. Prater~ member of the Polic~ Department.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. ~5, page 222.)
Hr. Landis moved the adoption Of the Resolution. The motlonvas seconded by Hr.
Nubard and adopted by the follo~inE vote:
A~[Fq~ C~ncll ~mbers ~c~les. Garland. Croye. Hub~rd, Landis, Tl~aas and N~yor Taylor--7.
NAYS: None ~ '
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerktl Office.)
NAYS: None. --0.
lYES: Council members Garland and Crovz
AYES: Council members Garland, Crove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and liayor Taylor
NAYS: None
BODG~-~II~T: l~e City H~nager eulmitted a vritten report coa~rrin~ In a report
of the Bid ~ttee relative to the pur~e of 30 police ~nd a~lnistrative v~lcles for t~e
total s~ of
(For full ~ex~ see re~orts on file la the City Clerk% Office.)
~s. ~les offer~ the foll~la~ mrgency Ordi~ce ~ending ~d reordaininS the
197~79 b~AeC to pr~lde sufficient funds for the equipment~
(~24454) ~ O~I~CE to ~ ~ reordain certain sections of the 1978-79 ~aeral
~d ~propriatlon ~dl~ce, and ~rovldin~ for an ~ergency.
(For full text of ~din~ce, see ~din~ce B~k No. t~, page
~s. ~les ~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. ~e ~ti~ v~ seconded by Hr. Cr~e
and adopted by the roll.lng vote:
(f2t455) A~ ORDINANCE providing fo~ the put,asr of certain ~ehicular ~uip~ent for
for fumishins and delivering said vehicular equipment; rejecting certain bids ~de to the City~
and pr~lding for an ~erSency.
(For full text of ~dinance~ see Ordinance Book ~o. ~5~ page 225.)
JUViNILEDEYE~II(IIHil/E: Ihe City Attorney submitted a written report advising of an
uncertainty in Resolution No. 24424, dealing with the use by certain other Jurisdictions of the
outreach detention services through the Roanoke Juvenile Detention Ho~e, advising that certain
portions of the ~esolution appear, at first glance, to ~ake reference to the use of the detention
home ltself~ a matter which is covered in separate agreements with the other contracting Jurisdictions.
He noted that the intent of the Resolution was clear and the City~anager has been advised that
he may proceed to carry out that intent. Hr. Dlbling further noted, however, that the uncertainty
should be cleared up and recommended the adoption of a Resolution whichwould repeal Resolution
No. 21424 and deals exclusively with the outreach detention program.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follc~inB Resolution:
(f21156) A RESOLIJ~ION repealing Resolution No. 21124, adopted December t, 1978, and
authorizing agreements to be entered into ~ith other political subdivisions relating to said
others* use of Outreach Detention Services.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. 15, page 226.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Carland, Orove~ Bubardt Landis, Thomas and Hayor Taylor--7
AYES: Council smab~rs Bo~les, Corlsnd, Grove, Itub&rd, Landis, Thomas and Hayor Yaylor~7
NAYS: None .0,
gUi~E~.Ca~Oh~AL~S A~O~IE~-CRAKIS~ l~e Director of Fiance 8ulmitted & vrttten
Trainin~ Gr~t Ho.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkes Office.)
Hr. ~ndis ~ed tha~ ~cil concur In the report ~d offered the roll.ins ~rgen~
(J2~58) ~ O~l~ ~o ~e~ ~d reordain certain settles of the 197~79
Fro~r~ Fund ~p~oprla~s, and pr~ldin~ for ~ ~rlency.
(For full ~ex~ of Ordin~ce~ see ~di~nce ~ok Ho. ~Ss pa~e 227.)
and adopted by the foll~ln~ vo~e:
NAYS: Non~ O
Hr. Grove offered the following ~nergency Ordinance accepting the bid of E. C. Pace and
(#2&461) A~ ORDINANCE accepting a bid opened before the City Council on December 4,
1978, fro~ E. C. Pace and Company~ for constr~ction of the Forest Park Boulevard Replacement
Se~er Project; rejecting certain other bids therefor; authorizing the proper city officials to
execute the requisite contract; and pro~iding for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see ~dinance Book No, ~5, page 228.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he ~otion was seconded by Hrs. Bovles
and adopted by the foll~tng vote:
tIES: Council mimbers B~les~ Garland, Gro~e, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and ~ayor Iaylor--7
NAYS: Nona ~0,
~ATER: The Water Resources Coumittee submitted a written report requesting tithe to
discuss rates for water service to the To~n of Vinton.
for a ter~ of Janu~r~ 1, 1979 through H~rch 31, 1979, vith a ~onthly payment to the City of
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
~c. ~ho~as ~o~ed that Council concur in the report and that the following Ordinance be
(~1t162) A~ ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the City to sublease the premises
located at &308 Appleton Avenue, N. ~., in the City of Roanoke, to ~este~n Branch Diesel, Inc.,
upon certain tel~s and conditions.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &5, page 233.)
~he motion vas seconded by Hro Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thc~nas and Hayor Taylor--~
CIT~ PBOP/iH-CI¥IC C~TII: ~he ~ater Resources C~ittee sub~itted a vrltten report
recommending authorization to execute an agreement vith a realtor to rent, on behalf of the city,
tvo residential properties recently acquired adjacent to the Civic Center property.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the recommendation and offered the following
emergency Ordinance:
(124t63) A~ ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the City Hanager to enter into an
agreement vith a realtor for rental of tvo residential properties bearing Official Tax Nos.
3014003 and 3014005, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 229.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hrs. Bo~les
and adopted by the following vote:
ATES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, ~homas and Bayor Taylor--~
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordin~ce ~ok No. ~S, page 233.)
The moti~as seconded by Hr. Garland ~d adopted by the roll,lng vote:
NAYS: Nona
gTI~IS ~ AI. LU/S: The City Planning Cam:ss:on submitted a vritten report recommending
that the request of Harriet H. ~aldrop, that a ce~taln alleyway approximately 12.5 feet in vidth,
being parallel to ~hird Street, S. ~., extending from the southerly side of £1m Avenue, S. ~.,
approximately 150.03 feet to the northerly side cf a public alley be vacated, discontinued and
closed, be granted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
N~o Thc~nas mo~ed that the Hayor be authorized to set a public hearing on the request.
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and unanflnously adopted.
The Nayor set the public hearing for Honday, January 8, 1979, at 7:30 p.m., or as soon
thereafter as the matter could be heard, in the Council Chamber.
Z~ ~di~ce No. 21133 rez~i~ pr~erty located in the lt~ blo~ of Clevel~
Avenue, S, V,, described ~ ~ts 9 ~d 10, Block 22, ~p of ~est ~ ~ver Vi~o ~fic~al Tax
12204220 rrm ~2, ~neral ~rcial District, to ~, Ll~t ~facturins District, havi~
~r~l~ly be~ before the ~cil [oz its first reading, reed ~d ~ted ~ its first re~ln~
and laid over, v~ aEain before the body~ ~. ~ls offerin~ the foll~in~ for its sec~d readin~
and fl~l ad~tion~
(~2~33) ~ O~I~CE to ~ ~itle ~, ~apter ~,1, Sectl~ 2 of the ~e of
City of ~a~ke~ 19~6, as ~ed, and Sheet No. 122, Sectio~l 19~6 Z~e ~p, City of ~ke,
(For full text of Ordin~ce, see ~din~ce ~ok Ho. t~, pa~e 218,)
NAYS~ Nons ~ O
RADIO-TELEVISIO~ Ordinance No. 2&~34 ~endtn$ Ordinance No. 22025, adopted Januat~y
20, 1915, Brantins to ~oanoke Valley Cablevisionj Incorporated, the right, for the term and upon
the conditions therein stated, to use the streets, alleys and public ways to erect, construct,
operate and maintain a co~nunity antenna television syst~ in the City, heretofore amended by
Ordinance No. 23112, adopted July 26, 1976, by amendinB and reordaintnB Section 10. Rates and
C~arges, subsection a. Subscriber Services, parts A, Bs and O., Residential Rates, Commercial
Rates (sinBle unit at one location), and Co~aercial Rates (mltiple units at one location), of
Ordinance No. 22025, as amended by Ordinance No. 21112, aforesaid, havlns previously been before
the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first reading and laid o~er, vas again
before the body, Hr. Garland offerinB the follo~tvS for its second reading and final adoptionl
(12113t) A~ ORDInAnCE a~endlnB Ordinance No. 22025, adopted January 20, 1975, Branting
to Roanoke Valley Cablevision, Inc., the right, for the corm and upon the conditions therein
stated, to use the streets, alleys and public rays to erect, construct, operate and maintain a
coramnity antenna television (CA~V) system in the City, heretofore amended by Ordinance No.
23112, adopted July 26, 1976, by amendinB and reordalninB Section 10. Rates and CharBes, subsection
a. Subscriber Services, parts A, B, and C., Residential Rates, Commercial Rates (single unit at
one location), and Co~erclalRates (~ultipleunits at one location), of Ordinance No. 22025, a~
amended by Ordinance No. 23112, aforesaid.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, paso 219.)
~r. Carland moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by Hr. l~ndis
and adopted by the follo~ins vote:
AYES: Council ne~bers Mles, Garland, Grove, Eubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor Taylor---7
fo~ its first reading, read and adopted ~ its first readin~ and laid over, ~ a~ain before the
(i24165) ~ O~l~ providint the ~e for the City's n~ park be~en llth and 12th
(Hr. Hubard vas out of the Council Chamber.)
SI~tI~Y }~ZS~ Ordia~nce No. 24467 cheng~ the na~ of I porti~ of a certain street
within t~ co.orate l~ts of the City of ~inoke fr~ ~twside ~ad, H. ~., to Hl~la~ Fa~
~ad, H. ~., in order to pr~ide · ~lfied street ~ syst~e hulas previo~ly been before
~cil for its first readl~, read a~ adopted ~ its first re~l~ ~d laid ~er, vas again
before the b~y, ~. ~ offerinl the roll.ins for its second readlns a~ fill
(f2~t67) ~ 0~I~ c~n~iu~ the ~ of a portion of a certain street vithln the
co.orate ll~ts of the C~ty of ~a~ke fr~ ~twside ~ad, N. ~., to Hi,bled Fa~ ~ad, H.
M., la order to prairie a ~ified street ~ syst~.
(For full text of Ordl~ce, see ~di~ce ~k Ho. ~5. pa~e
Hr. ~s ~ed the adoption of the Ordi~ce. ~e ~ti~ v~ seconded by
a~ adopted by the foll~lni vote:
A~: ~cil m~ers ~les, ~rland, Grove, ~ndiss ~ ~ ~yor
~YS: ~e ' ' ' O.
(Hr. Nubard vas out of the Council Chamber.)
GRANTS-SDJE~ AND SyO~4 DRAINS: ' Co~ncil having previously instructed the City Attorney
to prepare the proper measure authorizing the City Hanager or. in his absence, the Assistant City
Hanager to execute on behalf of the City of Roanoke, certain doctv~ents relatin~ to Environmental
Protection A~ency grants, and authorizing either of the aforementioned persons to execute Grant
A~endment No. I to the E.P.A. Grant C-510-510-01, he presented same; whereupon, Hr. Landis offered
the following Resolution:
(t24&68) A RESOI/ITIikN authorizing the City Hanager or, in his absence~ the Assistant
City ~anager to execute on behalf of the City of Roanoke, certain docunents relating to Environmen-
tal Protection A~ency grantsj and authorizing either of the aforementioned persons to execute
Grant ~mendment No. I to the £.P.A. Grant C-510-510-01.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. 45, page 229,)
Hr. Landis moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motionwas seconded by Hr. Grove
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES~ Council ~e=bers Bowlesj Garland~ Crepe, Landis, Thomas and Mayor Taylor .... 6.
NAYS: None. 0o
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council 'chamber.)
SEI~RS AND STOI~H DRAINS: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to
prepare the proper measure authorizing execution of an amendment of a contract~ dated April 19,
1978, with Preston Carroll Company, Inc., for the construction of the Downtown-Norfolk Avenue sewer
replacement project, so as to provide for £ive per cent retainage after completion of fifty per
cent of construction, he presented same; whereupon, Hr. Crepe offered the following emergency
(t2~69) AN ORDINANCE authorizing execution of an amendment of a contract, dated April 19:
~9}8, with Preston Carroll Company, Inc., so as to provide for five percent retainage after comple-
tion of fifty percent of construction; and pro~iding for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 230.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Hubard
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council ~e~bers Bo~les, Garland~ Grove~ Hubard, Landis. ~homas and Mayor Taylor---~
NAYS: None
SALE OF PROPERTY-SCHOOLS: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to
prepare the proper measure providing for the city% acquisition of Lot 14 and a portion of Lot
15, Block 35, Map of Crystal Spring Land Company, bearing Official Tax No. I061307, in the City
o£ Roanoke~ from Hr. and Hrs. Richard J. Key, for the cash sum of $t7,500.00, he presented same;
vhereupon, Hr. Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance:
(t24t70) AN ORDINANCE providing for the City's acquisition of Lot 14 and a portion of
LOt 15~ Block 35~ Map of Crystal Spring Land Company~ bearing Official Tax No. 1061307, in the
City of Roanoke, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance~ see Ordinance Book No. 45j page 230.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr. Landis
and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles~ Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and Mayor Taylor--7
BUDSET-SE~EP~ AND STOPJ4 DRAINS: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney
to prepare the proper measure amending and reordaining certain sections of the 1978-79 Sewage
Treatment Fund and Capital Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinances so as to consolidate all Sewage
Treatment Plant flood accounts into a single account in order to pay an outstandinN debt~ Hr.
Thomas offered the following emergency Ordinance:
(#2&47~) ~ O~DII/~/CE to ,~ead and zeo~dala certain seetl~ of the ~978-7~ ~ase
Trea~ent F~d ~ ~pltal Projects ~nd ~r~r~atiou ~dl~ces~ ~ ~r~din~ for ~ ~ersency.
(For full text of OTdin~ce, see ~dl~ce ~ok ~o. 45, paSe 231.)
~. ~s ~ed the ~opti~ of the Ordt~ce. ~e ~t~ v~ seceded by ~. H~ard
and ad. ted by the foll~i~ vote~
~e ~ti~ vas seco~ed by ~. ~ ~d ~ted by the foll~n~ vote:
CO.elL: Hrs. ~les moved that Council meet in Executive Session to discuss a personnel
The motion vas seconded by Hr. Grove and adopted by the followin& vote:
AYES: Council members Bowlesj Garland, Grovej Hubard, Landisj Thomas and Hayor Taylor---7,
~IA¥S: None:
BGII$IN~I The ~ayor called to the attention of Council that there vas a vacancy on
the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, Bufldin$ Code~ to fill the unexpired term of Hr. J. H.
Yeatts, resigned, ending September 30, 1980, and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Grcwe placed in nomination the name of Hr. James H. Tabor~ Sr.
There being no further ~o~inations, Hr. Tabor vas elected as a member of the Board of
Adjustments and Appeals~ Building Codej to fill the unexpired term of Hr. J. H, Yeatts, resi~ned,
ending September 30, 1980~ by the folloving vote:
¥Og HR. TABOR: Council members Bo~les~ Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
~ayor Taylor
PLANNING: The Hayor called to the attention of Council that there vas a vacancy on the
~ity Plaunin~ Con~lssion for a term of four years ending December 31, 1982, an~ called for no~tna-
tions to fill the vacancy.
~ro Hubard placed in nomination the name of tit. Paul C. Buford, Jr.
There being no further nominations~ Hr. Buford vas elected as a ~ember of the City
Planning Co=mission for a term of four years ending December 31, 1982, by the folloving vote:
IK~STRIES: The City Clerk reported that Hr. ~. Bolling Izard has qualified as a
Director of the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Roanoke for a rem of four years
ending October 20, 1982.
Hr. Thomas mw~ed that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seccnded by Hr.
Grove and unani~ously adopted.
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE: The City Clerk reported that Hr. Payton H. Hoore has qualified as a
m/~ber of the Advisory Board of Hm~an Services for a term of four years ending November 30, 1~82.
Hr. Thomas moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded by Hr.
Grove and unanimously adopted.
Hr. Th~as offered the folloving ~solution~
(f24472) A ~ESOLU~ICtl establishing a lo--la ~ procedure for ~lculltin~ the rates
c~r~ed other incorporated ~nicipllities pure. ins su~l~, bulk rater rrm the City of ~o~
repeall~ Subparagraph B~ ~le 39~ Sectiou 5, ~les and ~ulati~, ~pter 1~ ~ater ~part~nts
~itle Xlls ~ater~ ~de of the City of ~oke (19~6)~ ~ ~ended; ~d ptovidin8 for ~ effective
(For full text of Resolution~ see Resolutl~ ~k No. ~ page 231.)
and adopted by the roll.inS vote~ '
AY~ ~=cil m~ets ~les, ~rland~ Cr~e, H~ard, ~ndls~ ~s and ~yor ~aylor~-7
There being no further business~ the ltayor declared the meeting adjourned at 3:52 p.m.
City Clerk ltay or
Tuesday, Januar~ 2, 1979.
The ~ovncil o! the City of Roanoke ~et ia relular ueeting ia the Covncil Chamber
the Hunlcipal Building, City of Roanoke, on Tuesday~ January 2, 1979, at 2:00 p.a., the
regular ~eetin~ hour, ~tthHayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
FKESEHT: C~uncil me.bets Elizabeth T, ~ovles (arrived late), Robert A. Garland,
Lucian T. Grove, WilliamS. Nubardo Charles L. Landis, Ra~ptonW. Thc~as and Hayor Noel
C. Taylor- .7.
SCHOOLS: A co~unication from Nr. Hax A. Berman tendering his resignation as i!,
moved that the resignation be accepted vtth regret and that Hr. !i
(f24tT4) Za ORDI~GE to a~nd a~l reordain certain sections of the 1978-7g
General Fund Appropriation Ordinances and provldlnS for an e~rgency,
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &Si page
Hr. Landls mo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he ~otlon vas seconded by
Hr. ~ubard and adopted by the following vote:
NA¥S~ None- 0.
(Hrs. Bo~les had not arrived at the meeting.)
~UI~ET-PUSLIC ASSISTANCE: The City HanaNer submitted a written report recc~aend-
inn that $200,000.00 be appropriated to the Aid to Dependent Children Program administered
by the Social Services Depart~ent~ all funds being 100 per cent reimbursable by the
State Department of Helfare.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. Crowe moved that Council concur in the reco=~endatiou and offered the
following emergency Ordinance:
(121475) A~ ORDINANCE to a~end and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79
General Fund A~propriation Ordinance~ and providing for an e~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45~ page 236,)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Crove~ Bubard, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 6.
RATS: None O.
(Nfs, Bowles had not arrived at the meeting.)
HATER: The City Hanager submitted a written report recommending execution of
a proposed cooperative agreement with the U. S. Geological Survey for operation of
stream gauges on Tinker Creek· Catawba Creek and ILack Creek,
(for full text, see report on file in the City C!erk% Office.)
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur in the reco~endation and offered the
foll~ing emergency Ordinance:
(~21476) AN ORDII~NCE authorizing the City ~tanager to enter into a Cooperative
A~reement between the City and the United States Geological Survey to lcaintain an investi-
gation of certain ~ater resources and for the operation of gauging stations thereon from
October 1, 1978 to September 30j 1979, and providing for an ~ergency.
(For full text of Ordinance· see Ordinance Book No. ad· page 236.)
Hr. ~hc~as moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion wa~ seconded by
Hr. Rubard and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis~ Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Hrso Bo~les had not arrived at the meeting.)
At this polnt, Hrs. Bo~les arrived at the meeting.
STREETS AND ALLEYS: The City Clerk submitted a ~ritten report ia regard to a
public hearingvhich had been set for~onday, January 8, 1979 on the request of Harriet
H. Haldrop that a certain alleyway approximately 12.5 feet in width, being parallel to
Third Street, S. H, · extending from the southerly side of Elm Avenue~ So ~,, approximately
150.03 feet to the northerly side of a public alley, be vacated~ discontinued and closed,
advising that legal requirements for advertising cannot be met if the public hearinS is
held on January 8, and requesting that Council set the public heating for Honday, February
12, 1979, at 7:30 p.m,, in the Council Chamber.
(For full text· see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Garland moved that Council concur in the recommendation and that the
public hearinS be held on Honday, February 12, 197~ at 7:30 p,m., or as soon thereafter
as the matter may be heard~ in the Council Chamber. The ~otion ~as seconded by Hr.
Hubard and unanimously adopted,
LIBRARIES: Hr. Evans B. Jessee~ Chairman of the Roanoke Public Library Board,
appeared before Council and presented a report of the Board transmitting a Resolution
adopted by the Board on December 14, 1978, regarding development of plans to alleviate
space problems at the main library and requesting that Council tour the main library
facility and meet with the Board in Executive Session to discuss the entire subject on a
broad basis.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
After a disctmsiou of the request, Council asreed to tour the mia library
facility on Honday, Januar~ 150 1979, frc~ 12~30 p.mo, until approximately 1~0
Council also agreed to meet with the Library Board at the Financial and planning Session
on Honday, January 15, 1979, said meeting to begin at approxl~ttely 2t30 pomo, in the
Civil Defense Boom of the Hunlcipal Building,
~SI(~S: A report of the Board of Trustees, ~plo~ees~ ~etite~ent Syste=
transmitting actio~ of the Board regarding the ne~ly l=ple=ented Ave Dtscci=lnation in
F~aploy~ent Act, effective January 1, 197~, advising that the Board voted m~ant~ously to
no disability benefits for aethers between a&es 6~ and 70 years old and that
benefits re=sin the sa~e as a regular ~e~ber, ~as before Council,
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Trustees and that the report be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the
19, 1976, to Dece~e~ 26, 1918.
(Pot full te~t, see list on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
side of F~nicipal Road, N. W., and o~ned by Sidney A. and Ann L. Wel~steis, for the
NAYS: None -- ~'
FI~E DEPAR~oAXNEXATION: Ordinance No, 2~&62 authorizing the City ManaEer
to enter into a vritten sublease a~re~ent on beMlf of the city providin~ for the
s~le~e of the t~pora~ Fire Station ~13 property located at &308 Appleton Avenue, N.
~.~ to Vestem Branch Diesel~ Incorporated~ for the period c~encing Janua~ 1~ 19~9,
and re.hating ~rch 31. 1979, at a ~nthly rental of $8~0.~ and p~lding fog pa~ent
by the City of Roanoke of a realty fee of $85.~per month to National Realtors~ Inco~-
(~24464) ~X ORDIH~2/CE changing the na~e of a certain street within the corporate
limits of the City of Roanoke In the Cainsboro Neighborhood Development Project area.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance ~ook Ho. 45, page 233.)
Hr, Hubardmoved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motionwas seconded by
Hr. Grove and adopted by the following votes
AYe-q{ Council s~bers Bo~les, Garlands Cro~e, Hubard, La~dl~, Thomas and
Nayor Taylor
NATS~ None-- 0.
PARKS ANDpLA¥CRO~ND~ Ordinance No, 2446~ providing the name 0fPer~y Park
for the City's ney park between llth ~d llth Streets, S. W., havin~ previ~ly been
before the ~cil for its first readins, read and ad~ed on its first readins ~d laid
over, vas asain before the body, Hr. ~ndis offerin~ the foll~i~s for its sec~d readinS
and final adoptl~: . . .
(~2lt65) ~ O~providins the n~e for the City's n~park be~een llth
and 12th Stree~s~ S. ~.
(For full tex~ of Ordi~nce, see Ordi~ce Book ~o. t~, pale 233.)
Hr. ~ndis moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~e ~i~ v~ seconded by
~. ~rland and adopZed by the roll.in
AYe: ~uncil m~ers ~les, Carland, Cr~e, Hubard, ~dis, ~ and
~yor Taylor.
NAYS~ Non~ O.
STREEIC NA}~S-SCHOOLS= Ordinance No. 24466 n~ming a certain road leading from
Route 419 to Hidden Valley Junior High School, in the City of Roanoke, Hidden Valley
School P~ad, in order to provide a unified street name system, having previca~sly been
before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted o~ its first reading and laid
over, was again before the body, Hr. Grove offering the following for its second reading
and final adoption:
({24466) AN ORDINANCE naming a certain road leading froa Route 419 to Hidden
Valley Junior High School, in the City of Roanoke, Hidden Valley School Road, iu order
to proviae a unified street name system.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book Ho. 45, page 234.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance, The motion vas seconded by
Hrs. Bowles and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council ~embers Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
liayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None O.
S~ H~[ES: Ordinance Ho. 24467 changing the name of a portion of a certain
street within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke fro~ Countryside Road, N. ~.,
to Highland Fa~ Road, N. Wo, in order tO provide a unified street na~e system, having
previously been before the Council for its first reading, read and adopted on its first
reading and laid over, was again before the body, Hrs. Bowles offering the following for
its second reading and final adoption:
(#2446]) AN ORDINANCE changing the name of a portion of a certain street
within the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke fro~ Countryside Road, N. W., to
Highland Farm Road, N. ~., tn order to provide a unified street name system.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Rook No. 4~, page 234.)
Hrs. ~owles moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion~as seconded by
}ir. Garland and adopted by the following vote=
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
H~yor Taylor.
HAYS: gone O.
AYES: C~mcll neubers ~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landies Thcm,u ~d
~yor T871or 7.
' HAYS~ Hon~
NAYS: Hone O.
AYES: Council mead:rs Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thc~as and
Hayor Taylor-
meeting of the Roanoke City Council and the Roanoke City School Board on Thursday,
called to the attention of Council that there is a vacancy on the Citizens~ Task Force
would be responsible for finding a replac~ent.
2:32 p.m.
City Clerk
Honday, January g, 1979.
The Council of the City of ~oanoke met in regular neeting in the Council
Chamber in the ~dAnicipal Building, City of Eoanoke, on Nonday, January 8, 1979, at 7:30
p.m., with Hayor Noel C. Taylor presiding.
pRESENT: Council members Elizabeth T. ~les, F;mbert A. Garland, Lucian
Grove, William S. Hubard (arrived late), Charles L. Landis, ~Lampton W. Thc~aa$ and Hayor
Noel C. Taylor -7.
ABSENt: None
OFFICER~ PR~EYUfl Mr. N. B. Ewert, City Manager.' Mr. Sam E. McChee, III,
Assistant City Manager; Hr. Wilbu~n C. Dibling, Jr., City Attorney; Mr. Joel M. Schlanger,
Director of Financel and Mrs. Mary F. Parker, City Clerk.
INVOCATION: The meeting was opened with a prayer by the Reverend
Markham, Jr., Greene Memorial United Hethodist Church.
The invocation was follcraed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the
United States of America.
MINUTES: Mrs. Bowles moved that the minutes of the regular meeting held on
Monday, December 11, 1928, be approved as written. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Grove and adopted.
SEI~.ES ~ STO~.¼ DRAINS: Pursuant to notice of advertisement for bids for
construction of stom drains at Yentnor Road and Eanes Road, S. E., and at Blbb Street,
N. E., said bids to he received by the City Clerk until &ti0 p.m., and to be opened
before Council at 7:30 p.m., on that date, the Mayor asked if anyone had any questions
about the advertisement for bids and no representative present raising any question,
the Hayor instructed the City Clerk to proceed with the opening of the bids; whereupon,
the City Clerk opened and read the following bids:
~enJamin S. ~(naman, t/a Castle
Construction Company $ 97,350.00
Dixon Contracting, Incorporated 99,516.00
E. C. Pace & Company
Aaron J. Conner General
Contractor 127,711.OO
At 2:10 p.m., Mr. Hubard entered the meeting.
Mr. Thomas moved that the bids be referred to a
to be appointed by the Mayor for tabulation, re~ort and recom=~endation to
Council. The motion %~as seconded by Mr. Garland and unanimously adopted.
The Mayor appointed Messrs. Lucian Y. Grove, Chairman, Ki~ B. Kiser and
T. F. Brady as members of the committee.
5UBDI¥IBI(~NS: Council having previously set a public hearing for Monday,
January 8, 1979, at ~:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter could be heard, on a
proposed amendment to the Subdivision O~dinance to pernit [he city to charge a fee of
$50.00 for the review and approval of applications to vacate a subdivision plat. the
matter was before the body.
In this connection, th~ City Planning Commission submitted a ~rritten report
recommending collection of such a fee.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
No one appearin~ in opposition to the proposed amendment, Mr. Thomas moved
that the followinB Ordinance be placed upon its first readins:
(~24&78) AN ORDINANCE to amend Sections tl and ~1.1 of Chapter 2.1, Land
Subdivision Regulations, of Title XVI, PlanninB and Subdivisions, of the Code of the
City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, to provide for a charge o£ $50.00 for the review
and approval of an application to vacate a subdivision plat.
(For full tex~ of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 242.)
The motion was seconded by Mr. Landis and adopted by the follo~inB vote:
AYES:Council me~bers Bowles, Garland, Crowe, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
Mayor Tayloz -7.
REFUSE COLI~C~IO~ A c~mication from Hr. Paul Co Buford, Jr., tenderin~
hie resignation as a me~ber of the Roanoke Valley~esional Solid Haste N~nage~ent
Board, effective December 31, 19780 vas before Council.
(For full text, see co~munfcationou file in the City ClerkOs Office.)
Hr. Hubard~oved that the resignation be accepted and that the City Clerk
express the appreciation of the Council to Hr. Suford for the services he has revered
to the City of Roanoke. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr. Garland and unanisxmsly adopted.
TP~ESt A co~0~nication from Hr. Cordon g. Peters, Treasurer, reco~ending
that he be given the discretion to accept late tax payments without a penalty upon a
notarized affidavit by the taxpayer st&tins payment had been ~alled on or before a
penalty dates vas before Council.
(For full text, see co~munication on file in the City Clerk's Office,)
Hr. l~ndismoved that the com~micattonbe referred to the City Attorney for
study and report to Council. 1'ne motion vas seconded by Hr, Carland and unanimously
TAXES: Hr, Th~ advised that on December 18, 1978 hen adc a motion that the
City Hanager, the Director of Pinnace and the City Attorney be requested to study the
matter of se~l-annual real estate tax payments, that he did not include the City Treasurer
or the Comiseioner of Revenue in that referral~ however, he suggested that the Co~nissionet
of Revenue and the City Treasurer should have input into any rec~endations that will
be forthcoming to the Council.
RUDCET-EC~IFN~NT-~UBLIC HOEKS: ~he City Hrnager submitted a vritten report
advising that the 1978-79 budget approved $5,200.00 in Billings and Collections to purchase
an automobile, that Council approved a transfer of $26,0OO.00 ou December &, 1978 to the
Engineering budget fro~ the surplus contingency to purchase five automobiles, that the
Rid Co~mittme report of December 26, 1978, reconnnended that the vehicles be purchased and
that all $31,200.0Obe transferred from the En$ineerlng budget to the Vehicle Haintenance
Department budget, that the current situation is that Engineering is being charged for a
vehicle budgeted In the Billings and Collections budget and this leaves funds in the
Billings and Collections budget and prevents Engineering from purchasing other needed
items approved by the December &, 1978 fund transfer. Hr. Ewert reco~nended that Council
approve the transfer of $5,200.00 from Billings and Collections to Engineering.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
IM. Crove moved that Co,moil concur in the recc~mendation and offered the
following emergency Ordinance;
(~2~79) AN O~DINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79
Ceneral Fund ~propriatfon Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No, &5, page 237.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~otion ~as seconded by Hr.
Garland and adopted By the following vote:
NAYS; None- O.
BUDCET-CIH HANAGER: The City ltanager submitted a ~rritten report reco~ending
that the limit of appropriation]transfer of funds between departments be increased to
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the recc~mendation and offered the
follo~inN emergency Ordinance:
(t2tt80) AN ORDINANCE to amend and reordain subparagraph (j) of Section 2,
Po~ers and duties generally, of Chapter 5, The City Hanager, of Title II, A&ninistration,
of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as a~ended, raising to $5,0OO.00 the maximum
amount of money the City ~anager may transfer ~ithin or between the several departments
and divisions set forth in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, rather than the current
ceilin~ of $1,000.00; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 238,)
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr.
Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
in the ~mount of $1.000.00 per month, effective Dec,er 31. 1978. and terminating December
31· 1979.
(For full text, see report on file fn the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that Council co.cur in the recc~endation and offered the
fo110~ing emersency Ordinance:
(~2&482) A~ ORDINANCE authorizing and providing for the lease by the City of a
certain parcel of land and building located at 3112 Aerial Hay Drive, S. W., from the
o~ner of said property· to be used as a fire station and living quarters for on-duty fire
fighters, upon certain ter~s and conditions~ and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 65, page 239.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he ~otion ~as seconded by Hr.
~homas and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES zCouncil me~bers Bovles~ Garland, Crove, Hubard~ Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor. 1.
NAYS: Non~ O.
SE~ERS AND STOR~4 DRAINS: The City }lane§er submitted a ~rttten report recommendin
authorization to execute a License for Pipe Line Facility ~tth the Norfolk and ~estern
Railway Company in connection ~ith the Do~nto~rn-Norfolk Avenue se~er replacement project.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Orove moved that Council concur in the recc~m~endation and offered the
following emerEency Ordinance:
(#24483) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City's execution of a vrttten license
agreement ~lth Norfolk and Hestern Railway Company providinE a right to the City to
construct, maintain and operate an underground sanitary se~er carrier pipe line under and
across said Company's property, in com~ection ~lth the City's Do~ntc~m-Norfolk Avenue,
Sanitary Interceptor Se~er Replacement Project, alone the south side of the Lick Run
Channel, upon certain terms and conditions; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance· see Ordinance Book No. ad, pale 239.)
Hr. Crove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. ~he motion vas seconded by Hr.
Landis and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council ~e~bers Bc~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
~ayor Taylor
NAYS: None
SEI~2~ ~ STORH DRAINS: The City Hanager submitted a vrttten report in regard
tO Resolution No. 26613 vhich requested the local governments party to the 1972 Se~ase
Treatment Contracts to indicate by January 2· 1979 their interest in participating in the
sanitary se~er interceptor projects the city is embarkfnE upon and requested that they
indicate the capacity reserve they desired; and Resolution No. 2441& vhlch requested
Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Public Service Authority to formally aEree to pay
their proportionate part of the local cost of the construction Of the Ore Branch Interceptol
· under construction as a result of the Hebber Expressway construction, advising of correspon-
dence received fro~ the governing bodies and recommending that the correspondence be
referred to the Hater Resources Committee for further study ~ith the city staff.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the correspondence be referred to the Hater Resources
Committee for further study ~lth the city staff. The motion ~as seconded by Hr. Landis
and unanimously adopted.
m m
~. Thc~a~ advised that he h~d no objection to referring the correspondence to
the ~ater ~e$ources Comtittee but he ~Id like for the ~tter to be lnc~ded ~ the City
~ncil agenda of ~nday, Ja~a~ 22, 1979 in vl~ of the fact t~t there vere cltize~
oho v~ld like to adgr~s the ~cil.
S~ ~ STO~ D~I~S: ~e City ~ger su~ltted a vritten report c~pazlng
plants su~eyed nationally.
(For full t~t, see report on file in the City Clerk*s office.)
by Hr. H~ard and ~anl~ly adopted.
AYe: ~cil n~ers B~les, Garland, CFtc, H~ard, ~ndis, ~ ~d ~yor
NAYS: None-
TRAFFIC: The City Attorney submitted a written report transmitting a Resolution
redesignating the City of Roanoke Highway Safety Co~ission as the City of Roanoke
Transportation Safety Comission.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Landis moved that Council concur in the report and offered the following
(~26&8l) I RE~OLUIION redesignating the City of Roanoke Highway Safety Coumission
as the City of Roanoke Transportation Safety Co~mission; providing for the membership
thereof; and prescribing the duties of such Co~ission.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. 45, page 240.)
Hr. Landis moved the adoption of the Resolution.
Hr. Hubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYF~: Council members Bowles, Carland, Crove, Hubard, Landis, ~houms and
~ayor Taylor
written report recom~ending that Ordinance No. 24431, which approved the purchase of
certain properties in the C~mmormealth Redevelopment Project, be ~ended to provide that
the properties be conveyed by deeds containing appropriate warranty and covenants on
behalf of the grantors.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Thomas moYed that Council concur in the rec~endation and offered the
following emergency Ordinance:
(#24i85) A~ ORDIN~CE amending Ordinance No. 24431 heretofore adopted on
December 4, 1978, which provided for the City's acquisition of Parcels 20-A and
Commonwealth Redevelopment Project VA. 7-1, bearing Official Tax Nos. 3014003 and 3014005,
respectively, so that said deeds of conveyance shall contain appropriate ~arranties and
covenants rather than general varranty and modern English covenants, and providing for an
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 2~O.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motiouwas seconded by Hr.
Hubard and adopted by the follc~lng vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Ben, les, Garland, Grove, Hubard~ Landis, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor
NAYS: None --O.
CODICIL: The City Attorney submitted a written report requesting an Executive
Session to discuss two matters of pending litigation,
Hr. Thomas moved that Council concur ia the request. The motion ~as seconded
by Hr. Landis and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Gro~e, Hubard, La,dis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor .7.
NAYS: Non~ O.
Elizabeth T. Bowles remain the Chairperson of the committee.
AYES: Council me=bets B~wles, Carland, Orove, Hubard, Landis, Th~nas and Mayor
NAYS: Non=
pLANNING: The Mayor called to the attention of Council that the two year ter~s
of Hessrs. Eugene Traylor and Crady P. Gregory, Jr., as members of the Housing and Hygiene
Board vi11 expire on January 31, 1979, and called for nominations to fill the vacancies.
[ir. Hubard placed in uc~lu~tion the ~es of Hesers. Eugene Traylor and Grmdy
P, GreRory.
~here bei~ no furt~r u~ti~ ~ssra. ~raylor ~ ~re~o~ vere reelected
as ~ers of the B~iM a~ Bygiene Board fo~ tam of tVo years ea~ e~iug J~ua~
31, 1981~ by the roll.inS vote=
Hubard~ ~ndis~ ~s ~d ~yor Taylor 7.
31, 1978, a~ called for nmi~ti~ to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Hubard placed lu n~ti~ the ~ of Hr. ~bert A. ~rland.
Fifth pla~iu~ ~istrict ~lssion for a tea of three ~ears eudins ~c~er Ilo 1981, by
Bier Taylor. 6.
(~. Garland abstained fr~ voting.)
SCHOOLS.* ~he Hayer called to the attention of Council that there ~ould be a
vacancy on the Roanoke City School Board effective February 1, 1979, due to the resignation
until after the Executive Session of Council. The motion vas seconded by Hr. Landis and
unanimously adopted.
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE.* The City Clerk reported that Hrs. Charles S. Perkins, Jr.,
has qualified as a me~ber of the ~dvisory Board of Human Services for a term of four
years ending November 30, 1982.
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded
by Hr, Grove and unanimously adopted.
pLANNING: ~he City Clerk reported that Hrs. Susan S. Coode, Hr, Dennis Lo
}Hnt~o~ery and Hr. Paul C. Buford, Jr., have qualified a~ me~bers of the Gity Plannin~
Co=mission for ter~ of four years each ending Dece=ber 31, 1982.
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion vas seconded
by Hr. Grove and unanimously adopted.
At 8:10 p.m., the Hayer declared the ~eeting recessed.
At 8:25 p.m., the meeting reconvened with Hayer Taylor presiding and all
SCHOOLS: The ~ayor having previously advised of an upcoming vacancy on the
Roanoke City School Board created by the resignation of Hr. Hex A. Berman, effective
February 1, 1979, he called for nominations to fl11 the vacancy.
Hr. Garland placed in no~lnation the name of The Reverend Ja~es A. Allison, Jr.
There being no further nominations, The Reverend Allison vas elected as a
me~ber of the Roanoke City School Board to fill the unexpired tam of Hr. Hex A. Barman,
resigned, ending June 30, 1979, effective February 1, 1979, by the following vote:
FOR THE REVEREND ALLISON: Council me~bers B~les~ Garland, Grove, Hubard,
Landis, Thomas and Payor Taylor. 7.
City Clerk Hayer
Houday, J~ary 1~ 1979.
· he Council of the City of Roanoke net in special ~eeting in the Civil Defense
Room of the l~micipal Bullding~ City of ~oke~ Vi~ginis~ on ~nday, ~a~uary 15, 197~
· t ~:~ p,s.~ w~th Vlce-~yor ~rles L, ~ls presiding,
F~: ~cil n~ers Eliz~eth T. B~les, ~ert A. ~rland, ~cian Y.
Sir. Grove offered the following Resolution expressing the disapproval of the
Corn:il of the proposed ~ulti-fa~ily residential development kno~m as Lee-Hy Hanor
(12~t87) ARE SOLUTION, pursuant to Section 36-55.39B, Code of Virginia (1950),
as amended, expressin~ to the Virginia Housing Development Authority the disapproval of
the Council of the City of Roanoke of the proposed ~ulti-fa~ily residential develot~nent
known as Lee-Ry~anor Apartments.
(For full text of Resolution, see Resolution Book No. ~5, page 2tl.)
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Resolution. The notion was seconded by
Hr. Garland.
Hr. Thomas noted that there vere a number of citizens who would like to he
heard on the matter, that the City Attorney had reviewed the factual background and in
order that there could be an equal debate on both sides, he moved that the debate be
limited to three speakers pro and three speakers con with a limit of five minutes per
speaker. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hubard and adopted.
The Vice-Hayor called upon the City ~anager for re~arks; whereupon, the City
Hanager reviewed his August 14, 1978, report to the Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
The City Hanager submitted a vritten report under date of January 15, 1979,
setting forth background infor~ation and rec~ending that Council, by adoption of the
proper measure in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, pursuant to Section 36-55.59B of
the Code of Virginia (1950), as a~ended, notify the Virginia Housing Oevelo~nent Authority
that the City Council disapproves of the proposed 10~ unit multi-family residential
development kno~a as Lee-HyHanorApartments to be located in the City of Roanoke off
Brandon Avenue, S. ~., and Lee High~ay.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Alton B. Prillaman, Attorney, representing F & B Developers, appeared
before Council and presented petitions signed by 628 residents of the City of Roanoke
approving of decent and adequate housing for all of the citizens of the city and requestint
that the Lee-RyHanor Project be approved.
(For full text, see petitions on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
At t:25 p.m., the Vice-Hayor declared a three minute recess in order for the
proponents and the opponents to decide upon their speakers.
At 4:28 p.m.~ the meeting reconvened.
City Clerk
Honday, January 22, 1979.
l~e Council of the City of ~oanoke met ia regular meeting ia the Council
Chamber in the Municipal Building, City of Roanoke, on Monday, January 22, 1919, at
p.m., the regular meeting hour, vith lt~yor Hoel C. Taylor presiding.
Bid Item No. 5:
A. B. Dick Products of Roanoke,
Hr. Thomas moved that the bids be referred to a cc~nittee to be appointed by
the N~yor for tabulation, report and recommendation to Council. The~otion vas seconded
by Hr. Hubard and unanimously adopted.
The Nayor appointed Hessrso Lucian ¥. Grove, a~airman, Sam H. HcChee, III,
William t. He,itt and W. A. Hudson as members of the committee.
HEALTH O~ARTI~FZ A coumtmicltiou frca ~r. Janes A. Ford, ~0
Health Se~lces ~erd of Directors, recm~lu8 tht ~ssrs. J~o R.
Buckley, Jr** ~ FFa~ G. Selbe, III0 be appointed ~ it l~rie ~ers of said B~rd,
s~Ject to the con~rrence of the I~e~lut b~les of the Cities of ~anoke ~d Salm
(For full t~t, see c~icatl~ ~ file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. ~rl~ ~ed that ~cil c~r In the appointment of ~ssrs. J~s R.
~stin, ~o F. ~ckleyo Jr** and FROG. Selbe, Ills as at larse ~ers of ~ntal Health
SaI~. ~e~tion vas seconded bye* ~1s and uno--sly ~opted.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
(~2~8) ~ O~I~CE to ~end and reordaln certain sections of the 1978-79
(For full text of ~din~ce, see ~dl~nce ~ok No. ~5, paso 2~3.)
AYe: ~cil n~ers B~les, ~rland, Grove, ~ndis, ~s and~yor
Taylor -6.
NAYS: None
(Mr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
BUDCET-GRANTS-CETA: The City Hanager submitted a written report reco~ending
that $557,615.00 be appropriated to the Title II unobligated account for continuation of
CETA Title II services through March 31, 1979.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hrs. Ik~les moved that Council concur in the reco~mendation and offered the
following e~ergency Ordinance amending certain sections of the 1978-79 Grant Programs
Fund A~propriations:
(t24~90) ~N ORDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections Of the 1978-79
Grant Programs Fund Appropriations, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. t5, pase 2lt.)
}irs. tk~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by
Hr. Landis and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Landis, Thomas and Mayor
Taylor 6.
NAYS: None
(Mr. Nubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
BUDCET-GF~d~fS-CETA: The City F~nager su~tltted a vritten report recc~endin$
that $754.1&0.00 be appropriated to Title VI unobli~ated accost for continuatl~ of
C~A ~ltle VI semites thr~gh~rch 31, 1979.
(For full text, see report on file In Che City Clerk% Office.)
foll~ing ~ergen~ ~di~nce ~ing ~d reordatning certain sections of the 197~79
Grant Progr~ Fund
(tlilgl) ~ O~I~ ~o ~ a~ reordain certain sections of the
Cr~t ProEr~ Fund ~propriatl~s~ a~ pr~ldins for an ~riency.
(For full text of Ordin~ce~ see ~di~ce ~k No. 15. paEe
Garland and adopt~ by the foll~ln~ vote:
Taylor .6.
NAYS: None 0.
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
(F~ssrs. Nubard and Thomas were out of the Council Chamber.)
(~24492) ~ ORDINANCE ~nending and reordaining Section 2, Rules of Procedure,
NAYS: Non~
(Mr. Hubard vas out of the ~ounoil Chamber.)
SE~RS A~D STO~24 DRAINSz Hr. Thc~m8 havlu8 pr~l~ly requested ~t a utter
Join~ ~e sanita~ oMr c~t~ctl~ projects be placed ~ t~ ~Z~a, he
the priu report (C~ty ~uger'8 r~or~ ~er date of J~a~ 8, 1979)
Hrs. Bo~les moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The ~tion vas seconded by
Hr. Grove and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council ~embers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
C(I~IT~£ES-PERS(~N£L: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney
to prepare the proper measure a~ending the City Code so as to provide that the City
Personnel Committee shall be composed of all members of the City Council, he presented
same; whereupon, hr. Landis offered the folloviug e~nergeney Ordinance:
(I2t193) AN OEDI~A~CE to amend Section 4(g)(6), Personnel Committee, of
Chapter & of Title II of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), as amended, so as to
provide that the City Personnel Committee shall be co~posed of all me.bets of City
Council; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. ~5, page 246.)
Hr. Landis moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by
Hrs. Bc~les and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Landis, Tho=ms and Hayor
NAYS: Nou~ ,O.
(Hr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
GRA~S: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure authorizing the hiring of David H. Griffith and Associates, Ltd., to
develop for the city a cost allocation plan for determining the administrative costs to
the City cf operating various federal programs, upon certain ter~ and conditions,
he presented same; whereupon, Hr. Thomas offered the follovin§ ~ergency Ordinance:
(~24494) AN ORDINANCE authorizing the hiring of David H. Griffith and Associates,
Ltd., to develop for the City a cost allocation plan for dete~ining the ad~inistrative
costs to the City of operating various federal programs, upon certain terws and conditions;
authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the requisite contract; and providing
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. ~§, page 246°)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The notion vas seconded by
Hr. Landis and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bovles, ~arland, Grove, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
Taylor 6.
NAYS: None-
(Hr. ~bard vas out of the Council Chamber.)
BUDCET-SCBOOLS-PA~S AHDPLATGR~PS~ Council having previously instructed
the City Attorney to prepare the ptoper~assure appropriating $&&,697.00 to Title IV-B,
Librney ~laterials of the 1978-79 school budget, 100 per cent of expenditures to be
reimbursed by P, L. 93-$80, Title IV, Pert B fmcs upon receipt and palment of =aterlals;
that $100,000,00 be approprleted to Vocatioual Centere of the 1978-79 school budget,
vich the understanding that vhen reimbursement Is receive~ frcm VlrginimVocational
Educational Funds, it will be considered as revenue to the City of ~oanoke end not
earmarked for educetionJ and that $1,O22,50 be transferred from Contingencies under
Section ~1880 to Park~ and ~ecreetion under Section ~1375 of the 1978-79 budget, Hr,
Thomas offered the followi~8 e~ergency Ordinance~
(~24~9~) AN OEDINANCE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79
General Fund and Capital Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinances, and pr~viding for an
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &~, page 2~7.)
Hr, ~homas mo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance, ~e motion was seconded by
Hr. Landis and adopted by the following vote:
AYES~ ~ouncil ~embers Bowles, Carland, Crove, Landis, Thomas and Mayor
NAYS: None. ~)-
(Mr. Hubard was out of the Council (~amber.)
SEI/~L~ J~D STOI~ D~AI~St Hr. Thomas ~ln~ ~r~l~ly ~equested t~t a ~tter
in rega~ to Joint ~e eanita~ s~r c~st~cti~ projects be placed ~ t~ agenda, he
a~ised tht the pri~ report (city ~gerts r~ort ~er date of Ja~a~ 8, 1979)
by ~. Cr~e ~ adopted,
~IVISI~S~ ~dl~ce ~, 2~78 ~i~ the Clt~ ~e ~o provide for a
charge of $~0.~ for the revl~ and appr~al of ~ application to vacate a s~divlsion
(~21t78) ~ O~I~CE to ~end Sectio~ tl ~d IL1 of ~pter 2.1,
Clt7 of ~anoke (19~6), as ~endedo to provide for a c~r~e of $50.~ for the revi~ and
(For full text of Ordinance, see ~dinance ~ok ~o. t5, pate 2~2.)
Hrs. Bo~les move~ the adoptiOn of the Ordinance. ~he motion was seconded by
Nr. Grove and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Corland, Crowe, Landis, Thomas and Hayor
NAYS: Non~ O.
(Mr. Hubard was out of the Council Chamber.)
C~ITIEES-PERSO~N£L: Council having previously instructed the City Attomey
to prepare the proper measure amending the City Code so as to provide that the City
Personnel Committee shall be composed of all members of the City Council, he presented
same; vhereupon, hr. Landis offered the following e~ergency Ordinance:
(t2t493) AN OF. DINANCE to mnend Section 4(g)(6), Personnel Committee, of
Chapter 4 of Title II of the Code of the City of Roanoke (1956), ~s amended, so as to
provide that the City Personnel Committee shall be composed of all members of City
Council; and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Rook No. 45, page 246.)
Hr. Landis moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by
Hrs. Bo~les and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Crowe, Landis, Thomas and ttayor
NAYS: Non~ '0.
(Mr. Hubard vas out of the Council Chamber.)
GRAN~S: Council having previously instructed the City Attorney to prepare
the proper measure authorizing the hiring of David H. Oriffith and Associates, Ltd., to
develop for the city a cost allocation plan for determining the ad~inistrative costs to
the City of operating various federal programs, upon certain ter~ and conditions,
he presented same; whereupon, hr. Thomas offered the follc~ing emergency Ordinance:
(~24491) .a~ ORDINANCE authorizing the hiring of David H. Criffith and Associates
Ltd., to develop for the City a cost allocation plan for deter~inin~ the administrative
costs to the City of operating various federal programs, upon certain terms and conditions;
authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the requisite contract; and providing
for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Rook No. 45, page 216.)
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by
l.k'. Landis and adopted by the follc~ing vote:
Taylor 6.
NAYS: None-
(Hr. Hubard vas out of the Council Chamber.)
B~I~E~-S(~OOLq-F~I~ ~q~ PL~T~I~S: Co,moil having previously instructed
the City Attorney to prepare the proper me~sure appropriating $tg,697.00 to Title IV-B,
Library Haterials of the 1978-79 school budget, I00 per cent of expenditures to be
reimbursed by P. L. 93-3g0, Title IV, Part B fm~ds upon receipt and pa~ent of materials;
that $100,0OO,00 be appropriated to Vocational Centers of th~ 1978-79 school budget,
with the understanding that when reimbursement is received frc~ Virginia Vocational
F~ucational Funds, it will be considered as revenue to the City of ~oanoke and not
earmarked for educationt and that $1,022o~O be transferred frc~ Contingencies tmder
Section ~1880 to Parha and Recreation under Section ~1375 of the 1978-79 budget, Hr.
Tho~s offered the following emergency Ordinance:
(~2&&9~) ~ O~DINANCE to ~aend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79
Ceneral Fund and Capital Projects Fund Appropriation Ordinances, and pro~ldlng for an
(For full text of Ordin~nce, see Ordinance Book No. &5, page 247.)
Hr. Thoms mo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion wa~ seconded by
Hr. Landis and adopted by the following vote.'
Council m~ers ~o~les, Garland, Grove, Landis, Thomas and ~ayor
Taylog 6 ·
]4oT~dlT0 Feb~a~ 5, 1979
~e ~c~l of the Cloy of ~o~ ~C In re~lar ~etlu~ ~n the ~cil ~er in the
h~r, v~th ~r Noel C,
~S~t Nona O.
AYES:Council members Bowles, Garland, GrOVe, Hubard, Landis, Th~a8 and
Mayor Taylor. 7.
NAYS: None.
LIBRARIES: A report of the City Nanager advistns of ney or ~pr~ se~ices
of the City ~braw Syst~, was before ~cll.
(For full ~t, s~e report ~ file In the City Clerk's Office.)
by ~. ~bard and adopted by the foll~i~ vote:
~yor Taylor
HAYS: None O.
Pi~DING ITEHS*. A list of pendinl items from July 19, 1976, to January 22,
1979, vas before Council.
(For full text, see list on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. GrOVe moved that the list be received and ftledo The ~otion vas seconded
by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the follo~ins vote.'
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Gro~e, Nubard, Landis, Thomas and
Hayer Taylor ....
NAYS: None-
TRAFFIC: ~ualification of Mr. Richard P. Via as a member of the City
Roanoke Transportation Safety Co~issioa for a te~n of four years ending October 31,
1982, Vas before Council.
Hr. Grove moved that the qualification be received and filed. The motion vas
seconded by Hr. Nubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Bubard, Landis, Thomas and
Hayer Taylor. 7.
NAYS: None O.
AIR POLLUTIOn: C~alification of Hr. Robert F. Canova as a member of the
Advisory and Appeal Board, Air Pollution Control, for a ten of four years ending
December 31, 1982, was before Council.
Hr. Grove moved that the qualification be received and filed. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Nubard and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, ~ho~as and
~ayor Taylor
NAYS: None- 0.]
CIVIC C~ZR: Qualification of Hr. Vincent S. ~heeler as a nember of the
Roanoke Civic Center Co~ission for a ter~ o£ three years ending September 30, 1981,
~as before Cotmcil.
Hr. Grove moved that the qualification be received and filed. The motion ~as
seconded by Hr. Hubard and adopted by the follo~in& vote:
AYES: Council me~bers Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
I~yor Taylor
NAYS: None. 0.
Ih'TE~ATI/~/-$ECI~GATIC~olIO~SI~G-SLUNCLEAI~C~z Tee ~ver~d ~r~ C. ~berts
appeared before ~cil ~ r~ a prepared stat~t r~ueotins tht ~cil direct
~e Clty~e~ to call fo~ a series of ~eti~s to he.Id to foliate ~d ors~lze
an lnter~ ~cil relative to c~rdl~tl~ ~ pl~l~ of federally f~ed
(For full text, see' stat~ent ~ file In t~ City ClerkOs Office,)
~ter a len~thydls~ssl~ ~. ~bard~ed t~t the~tter be referred to
t~ City ~ler in c~ectl~vi~ his efforts to c~rdlnate c~ goals and obJective~
a~ tha~ he be request~ to c~tiuue to pr~ide ~c11 ~ detailed reports ~ a~
VA~ D~oP~G: A c~nicati~ fr~ ~. ~arles L. Hae~sler.
(For full text, see c~icati~ ~ file In the City Clerk*s Office.)
to Sec~l~ 36-~5.39(b), ~e of Virslnia, Is c~ideElns ~e financins of a proposed
mlti-f~ly residen~ial h~sin$ develop~nt frontin~ ~ Sal~ Tu~pike dia~onally
across ~estvo~ ~ulevard in the City, Official T~ Ho. 2650106, ~ before ~cil.
(For full text, see c~unicatl~ on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
~endin~ that an additi~al $~3,519.~ be appropriated ~o ~ental ~ealth Se~ices for
S~sidies,' of the 19~8-79 budget:
(~21196) ~ O~CE to ~end ~d reordain certain sectl~s of the 1978-79
(For full t~ of Ordi~ce, see Ordin~ce Book ~o. ~5, pa~e 218.)
B 1 ~rland Ct,Ye Hubard ~ndis ~s and
~yor Taylor ............... 7'i
~ stated t~t he concurred in ado ti~ of the ~ove Ordin~ce but
the money Is In the ~nting~cy F~d ~d that he does not have other pM for ~e
to have a procedure, the ground ~les sh~ld be ~tablished ~d foll~ed and the s~e
Hr. Landis moved that Council concur in the recommendation and offered the
follo~in~ e~ergency Ordinance transferring $990.00 fro~ Section ~1880, #Contingencies,"
to Section !1375, #Par~ & lecreation," of the 1978-79 budset:
(J2t497) AH ORDINANCE to a~cud and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79
General Fund Appropriation Ordinance. and providing for an energency.
(For full te~t of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, pase 248.)
Hr. Landis no.ed the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by
Hrs. Bovles and adopted by the following vote**
AW.S: Council members Bovles, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis. Thomas and
PL3yor Taylor,
HAYS: None O.
NAYS: None- O.
NAYS: None.
Hr. ~nomas offered the follv~ing Resolution authorizing the acceptance,
execution and filing of the grant:
(~24500) A RESOLU]I(~{ authorizinS the acceptance, execution and filing of
the "Special Conditions for Action Grant A~ards" with the Division of Justice and Crime
Prevention for an action grant of Federal funds for i~plementation of a co~prehensive
prosramby OA~ of Roanoke, lnco, of providinS certain volunteer ccmnselinS services to
delinquent Juveniles.
(For full text of Resolution. see Resolution Boob No. &5, page
Hr. Thomas moved the adoption of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Nubard and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bowles, Garland, Crove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
Mmyor Taylor
Hr. Huberd moved that Council cuncur in the report ~nd that the follo~i~
Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(~2&~01) ~ O~DIHANCE authorizing and directieg the proper city officials
execute end deliver a deed of e~se2ent to the Appalachian po~er Company.
(For full text of Ordinate, see Ordinance Book No. &$, page 261.)
Yhe ~otion vas seconded by Hr. Thomas and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Council members Bo~les, Carlandt Grove, Hubard, Landist ~hom~s and
Nayor Taylor
HATS: None O.
HUN~ ~SOURCES Ca~IT~EE-~trBLIC ASSISTANCE: ~e City ~na~er s~tted a
NAYS: None- 0 ·
BUI~ET-SHI~RIFF-JAIL: The City Hanager submitted a vritten report recommendin
authorization for an additional lO staff positions for the ne~ Jail, that the Statems [
share of the costs be requested, and that ~83,700.00 be appropriated and/or transferred
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follc~ing
emergency Ordinance a~ending and reordaining certain sections of the 1978-79 budHet:
(i2&50l) AN OI~IN~CN to amend and reordain certain sections of the 1978-79
General Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providing for an emergency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. 45, page 251.)
Hr. Hubard moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The Notion vas seconded by
Hrs. Bo~les and adopted by the following vote:
AYES:Council ~e~bers Bo~les, Garland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
~ayor Taylor 7.
NAYS: None O.
Hrs. Ik~les offered the follo~ing emergency Ordinance relative to the ney
(12lSOt) A R~OLUTI(~ approving the e~ploy~ent of t~enty (20) additional
employees in the Office of the Sheriff of the City of Roanoke for the purpose of staf-
fing the ne~City Jail adequately, conditioned upon the approval and appropriate fundin
by the appropriate agencies of the Commonwealth of ¥irNlnia of such positions; and
requestinN said agencies to approve and appropriately fund the e~ploy~ent of another
twenty (20) additional Jail staff positions previousl~ authorized by the Council.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &$, pase 252°)
H~s. Bo~les mo~ed the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion vas seconded by
Hr. Hubard and adopted by the follo~ing vote:
AYES: Council me.hers Bo~les, Garland, Crove~ Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
Hayer Taylor ........... 7.
NAYS: None 0,
BUDGET-CITY ~W~S-FAY FLAH~ The City ~ser subnltted a vritton report
recce~endlnS the addition of longevity pay in the amount of a five per cent pay increase
to e~loyeex with fifteen years of total service.
(For full text, see report on file In the City Clerkee office,)
Hr. Hubard uo~ed that Council concur In the report and offered the follonfns
(~24505) AH O~DI~IAHON to ~nend and reordain Ordinance No. 24376, adopted
e~ployees with fifteen or m~re years of total service with the City; and provtdin$ for
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. &5, paEe 252.)
Hr. Kuhard~ed the adoptlouof the Ordlu~uoe. The ~otiouwas seconded by
Hr. Landis a~d adopted by the followin~ vote~
AYES: Co,moil me~bers Sowles, CarlAnd, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
Hayor Taylor
HATS: Non: ----0.
(Hr. Thomas was out of the Council Chamber.)
EUDGET~EC~JIFHEK~ The City ~anaEer submitted a written report relativec~t~
surplt~ continEenCy funds - equipment replacement, recom~endin~ th~t.C~.unci} appr
the transfer of funds for the purchase of replacement equipment, aav~sl~g that purchase
of the replacement equipment viii improve the efficiency and/or dependability of operati,
that sufficient funds are available in Contin~ency Reserve - Equipment Replacement and
accounts and a b~lance Of $9~20.22 will re~ain in the Surplus ContinEency - Equipment
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. ~r~ve moved that Council concur in the report and offered the follo~int
(12t507) AH ORDINP~CE to amend and reordain certain sections of the 19~8-]9
General Fund Appropriation Ordinance, and providin~ for an emerEency.
(For full text of Ordinance, see Ordinance Book No. t5, paEe
AYES: Geuncil ~ember$ Bo~les, Garland · Grove, Hubard~ Landis, Thomas and
AW.S: Cotmcil mmbers Bowles, Garland, Crowe, Rvberd, Landis, ~ and
Hayor Taylor,
(#24509) A ~ESOLUTI(~ authorizing the City H~nager to take appropriate
NAYS: None O.
A. ~lis~, Jr., as m~ers of ~e R~noke City School ~ard on J~e 30, 1979, and
a~isingthat appli~tions for the positio~vill be accepted in~e City Clerk's
Office ~til 5:00 p.m., ~nday, ~r~ 12, 197~, since ~e specified deadline of Hatch
10, 1979, falls on a Saturday and city offices ~ill be closed on that day.
(For full t~t, see report ~ file in the City Clerk's Office.)
In this co~ecti~, the City Clerk o~ally advised that ~e City Atto~ey had
p.m., Friday, ~rch 9, 1979, in the City Clerk's Office.
At 3:25 p.m., the Hayor declared the ~eeting recessed.
At 4:00 p.m., the meeting reconvened with Hayor Taylor presiding and ell
~embers of Cmmcil present.
~l~t~ rec~dt~ t~t ~cil c~r in ~te~iive A By the full,in& acti~l
A. ~r~fer $3~.~ rrm ~e S~er ~teral ~plac~t ~c~t to a n~ capital
acc~t to be est~lished by the Director of Piece In the S~a&e F~d; B. ~orize
the City ~tet ~t the City Atto~ey to (1) solicit proposals as ~y be need~ for a
detailed legibility study, e~iro~ntal st~y~ ~d c~st~ctt~pl~s ~d specifica-
tion, (2) ne&otiate ~lth other perso~, rim ~]or co~otatt~ ~ neede~ for riiht
of ~ay fo~ c~el ~pt~nts, (3) advise the ~s of ~8tneers, ~e Federal Insut~ ·
of the City% proEt~ for the S~age Trea~ent Plant ~pr~nts for fl~ relie[~
and (~) t~t application be ~de for ~y necessa~ pe~ts and authorizations ~ ~y be~
needed fr~ State ~d ~ederal asencies.
(For full text, see re~ort ~ fiie tn the City Clerk*s Office.)
emerEency Ordin~ce ~endinE and reordaintn8 certain secti~ of the 197~79 bud&et:
(t2~508) ~ O~I~ to ~end ~d reordain certain sectio~ of the 1978-29
and pr~ldtnE for an ~ercency.
(For full t~t of Ordin~ce, see ~din~ce ~ok No. &5, pa~e 256.)
~yor Taylor.
i~FO~TS OP ~Ilq~ES~
· I~I~AL JAILs Council having prevfously referred to a coemittee for
latioas report ~ recm~tion all bids received for fu~lshinss for the ~o~
~ln~ t~t the pr~os~l of ~n~ ~iness lnteriorse Inco~orated, for ~11 ~vable
f~lture a~ accessoriese in ~e ~t of $~le231.99e be accepted~ that t~ prop~a
~t of $3~eA~.~ be accepted; t~t the proposal of ~e ~r~n & ~ for all
tel~lsl~ sets ~lth wall bra~ets ~talled c~pletee In t~ ~t of $~,817.~, be
one copy ~chine. ~n the ~t of $3,4t8.15. be accepted.
(For full text. see report ~ file In the City Clerkes Office.)
roll.ins emersency ~di~ce:
(~2~510) ~ O~I~CE pr~idin~ for t~ pur~e of certain lt~ of
(For full text of ~din~ce, see Ordl~nce Book No. ~5, pase
and ~yor Taylor ...............
H~, l'h0~u ~oved that the report be referred to th~ Financial ~n~
Pla~ Sessi~ of ~cil ~ ~u~y~ Feb~u 20, 1919, for cmider~ti~ at that
t~e. ~e ~ti~ v~ sec~ed by ~. ~ls ~d ~ly adopted,
F~SI~S~ ~cil hvl~ prevl~ly l~t~cted ~e City Atto~ey to
for ~l~ent semite bey~ the abe
(~2~512) ~ O~I~ m~ing ~d reordainin~ ~apter 1~ ~neral
~a~ (1956), as ~ed~ by addins a n~ sectl~ n~red ~,ll ~d ~nding
s~sectio~ (5) a~ (8) of Section
Creditable se~lce~ s~p~rasraph (b) of suBsect~ (1) of $ecti~ ?, Benefits~ and
subsecti~ (3) and (5) of Section ?, Benefits~ the ~ded ~d ~ended provisl~
a~ pr~idin~ for ~ effective date retroactive to J~ua~ 1~ 19]9, ~d for an
(For full text of ~din~ce, see ~di~ce ~ok No, 65, page 2~8.)
seconded by Hr. Hubazd ~d adopted by the foll~ing vote~
the City Atto~ey to prepare the proper ~ure authorizing the iss~nce of ~anse
offered the roll.inS ~ergency Ozd~n~ce:
(~2~13) ~ O~IH~ au~orizin~ the issuance of cha~ge ~der
(For full text of Ordin~ce, see Ordl~nce Book ~o. ~5, pa~e 261.)
~YS: None 0.
four years each ending ~tober 31, 1982, by the foll~i~ vote:
and ~yor Taylor
(Hr. Garland abstained from votins)
CO~ITTEES-LEAGUE OF OLDER AHERICANS: The Hayor called to the attention
of Council that the one year term of H~. Ja~es D. Rltchie as the city representative
to the Board of Directors of the LeaEue of 01der Americans would expire on February
28, 1979, and called for nominations to fill the vacancy.
Hr. Hubard placed in nomination the name of Hr. James D. Rltchie.
Yhere being no further nominations, H~. Ritchte vas reelected as the city
representative to the Board of Directors of the League of Older Americans for a
term of one year ending February 28, 19~0, by the follc~inB vote:
FOR HR. RITCHIE~ Council tnenbers Bowles, Garland, Crn~e, Hubard0 Landis,
T~cmas and Eayor Taylor
LF~ISLATIGflt The City Attorney presented an oral report on the status of
t~ city's legislative progr~ for 1979.
(For full text, see Kxhibit No. 7 on file in the City Clerk*s Office.)
There bein~ no further business, the Hayer declared the meeting adjourned
at $:00 p.m.
City Clerk
February 12, 1979
7~30 p.u,
The Council of the City of Boanoke met in regular ueetLui ia the Council Chanber in the
F~nicip81 Bulldin$, City of Roanoke, on Honday, Februa~ 12, 19790 at
C. Taylor presidin~.
FurqENT~ Council me~bers Elizabeth T. Bo~les (Hrs. Ho~le$ left the meetin~ at approxi-
mately 9~10 p.m.), Robert A. Carland (arrived at 7~$$ p.m.), Lucian Yo Crove, William S. Hubard0
Charles L. Landis, Hampton ~. Thomas (arrived at 7:35 p.u.) and~ayor Noel C. Taylor-- ..7.
AME~f~ Hone
presentation and before cowcil votes on the matter he vonld like to Beet vith Gainsboro
residents end talk about vhere ye ere trying to go and ho~ ~e can most effectively
get there vith the limited an,nut of money ay&liable, He said he ¥ouldmeet vith
Gainaboro residents on Wednesday, February 21 and Thursday, February 22, 19790 at 7z30
p,n.. in the Council Ch~ber to discuss the matter iua more informal setting.
Hr. A. L. Holland, President, R.A.A.C.P., appeared before Council and read
a prepared statement advising that the N.A.A.C.P. is in agreement 9ith the City
Hanager*s basic direction, i.e., neighborhood stabilization; hoverer, Hr. Ewert*s
views on this cc~mon objective can be limited and therefor his recmeod&tions do not
address successfully their needs and desires. For this reason, he requested that the
Reverend Alfred D. Jones, the Reverend ~enneth L. wright and Hr. George R. Franklin
be permitted to present iuformtion and recommendations to Council for deliberation
on ho~ to best utilize the present funds available through the ~mity Development
Block Grant and the need to match these funds with others the city may have or will
(For full text of Hr. Holland*s re-arks, see statement on file in the City Clerk's
The Reverend Alfred D. Jones, 2203 Hontauk Road, appeared before council
and stated that the Gainsboro Project should be completed as originally planned with
the original definition of rehabilitation and a comprehensive plan nd approach should
be made to rehabilitation and revitalization. He said there should be a comprehensive
plan based on a definition of rehabilitation which includes the land as well as the
business, buildings correction, or structures thereon, and an equity of that implemen-
tation as it relates to the business, d~ellings and people because it is ridiculous
to talk about constructing buildings without talking about reconstruction of people.
(For full text of Reverend Jones* statement, see Exhibit No. 8 on file in the
City Clerk*s Office.)
The Reverend Renneth B. Wright, Pastor, First ~aptist Church, Jefferson Street
and Gilmer Avenue, N. E., appeared before council and stated that it is imperative
that we not look over lightly the most vital factor contained within the Geinsboro
history which is the basis of the ~oral co,migent ~de by city government at the
beginning of the Geinsboro ~evelop~ent Project. He presented a request of the citizens
for activity area expenditures under the Co~unity Development Block Grant funds.
(For full text of Reverend Wright*s statement, see F~hibit No. 9 on file in the
City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. George E. Franklin, Jr., 1719 Loudon Avenue, N. W., appeared before
Council and stated that the Galnshoro area offers us an opportunity to initiate the
human rehabilitatfon and habilitation aspect of the city's urban revitalization
program and provides us with a developing prototype for the effective allocation of
public resources coupled with the selective utilization of private resources and
that every aspect of the City I~nager*s stated plan and approaches can he tested,
tried, evaluated Md vorked out in Gainsboro, plus such an approach will allc~ for
the completion of this sections* total redevelopment much sooner than, if ever it
could or ~ould, by the traditional approach.
(For full text of Hr. FranRlin's statement, see Exhibit No. 10 on file in the
City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. Willie Dillon, 301 Gilder Avenue, N. W., ~ppeared before Council and
spoke in connecti~nwith the concern of the Oain~boro resfdents because of the
change in plans for that area.
(For full text of ~r. Dillon*s re~rks, see Exhibit No. 11 on file in the City
Clerk's Office.)
Ha. Juanita B. Taylor, 32~ Orange Avenue, ~. W., appeared before Council
and stated that the Gainshoro area was promf~ed top priority until it was completed
and if they do not receive the proper consideration, they will go to the federal
government and ask thee to stop all funds coming into the City of RoanoRe.
(For full text of ~. Taylor~s re, rko, see Exhibit Bo. 12 on file in the City
Clerk~s Office.)
Hr. Harry S. l~odes, Chair~n of the Housing Co~ittee for the Old $outl~est
Neighborhood Alliance, ~36 Allison Avenue, S. ~o, appeared before Council and spoke
in support of Alter~ative C vhich relies on rehabilitation to i~prove the quality of
housing in the City of Roanoke.
(For full text of Hr. Rhodes~ remarks, see Exhibit No. 13 on file in the City
Clerk's Office.)
Father Ceorge J. Gor~ley, St. Andre~s Catholic Church, 631 North Jefferson
Street~ appeared before Council and stated that a feasibility study should be conducted
before any attempts are made to stop the Cainsboro Project.
(For full text of Pather Cor~ley~s re~arks, see Exhibit ~o. Il on file in the
City Clerk*s Office.)
Hr. A. Byron Smith~ 311 ath Street~ N. ~., appeared before Council and
presented certain Information in regard to the Rode1 Cities Program in 1966 ~hlchwas
to have included the Cafnsboro Project as a part of the Program.
(For full text of Hr. Smith's re~arks, see Exhibit ~o. 19 on file in the City
Clerk's Office.)
The Hayor ~dvised that oa February 21 and 22, 1979, at 7230 p.u., In the City
Council Chambers the City ~er vould be meeting vlth interested C~lnsboro residente.
He further advised that no formal vote vould be taken on the ~atter until the regular
meeting of Council on Hondsy, February 26, 1979.
At 9207 p.u., the Hayor declared a brief recess.
At 9210 p.m.. H~s. Bo~lee left the ~eetinS.
At 9~20 p.m., the meeting reconvened vtth Hayor 'Taylor presiding and Council
NAYS2 None
(Hfs, So. les vas absent.)
s~g A~D ALL.g: Council having set a public hearing for 7:30 p.m., or
as soon thereafter as the ~atter could be heard, mi Honday, February 12, 1979, on the
request of Harriet Ho ~aldrop that a certain alleyway approxi~ately 12.5 feet in
vidth, being parallel to ~hird gtreet, S. ~., extending frc~ the southerly side of EI~
Avenue, S. ~. · approximately 150o03 feet to the northerly side si a public alley, be
vacated, discontinued and closed, the matter vas before the body.
A report of the City planning Com:ission recc~ending that the request be
granted, vas also before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
The viewers appointed to vie~ the alleyway submitted a vritten report advising
that they have vieved the alley ~nd they are unanimously of the opinion that no inconveni
vo~ld result either to any individual or to the publtc frc~ vacating, discontinuing
and closing same.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. C~orge I. Vogel, II, Attorney, representing the petitioner, appeared
before Council in support of the request of his client.
No one appearing in opposition to the request, Hr. ~homas moved that the
folloving Ordinance be placed upon its first reading:
(t2t515) /~/ ORDInAnCE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing a
certain alleyvay, approxi~ately 12.5 feet in vidth, being parallel to Third Street,
g. ~., extending from the sonthe£1y side o£ Elm Avenue, S. ~., approximately
feet to the northerly side of a public alley, as is more particularly described
The motion vas seconded by Hr, Grove and adopted by the folloving vote:
AYES: Council me~bers C. arland, Grove, Hubard, Landis, Thomas and
Taylor 6.
NAYS: None- 0.
(Hrs. Bo~les vas absent.)
gildErS A~D ALL. g: Council having previously set a public hearing for 7:30
p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter could be heard, on Honday, February 12,
1979, on the request of Windshield Class Distributors, Incorporated, that a certain
15-foot alley located behind its office facility on Tazeve11 Avenue, S. E., running in
a generally east-vest direction, be vacated, discontinued and closed, and that a 15-
foot alley be relocated, the matter vas before the body.
A report of the City Planning Commission rec~ending that the request be
granted, vas also before Council.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
The vievers appointed to vier the alley submitted a vritten report
advising that they have vieved the alley and they are unanimously of the opinion that
no inconveniencevould result to any individual or the public fr~ permanently vacating,
discontinuing and closing sa~e.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerkts Office.)
Hr. O. F~rshall H~mdy, Attorney, representing the petitioner, appeared
before Council in support of the request of his client.
No one appearing in opposition to the request, Hr. Landis =oved that the
following Ordinance be placed upon its first reading2
(J21Sl6) AN ORDIRMtCE permanently vacating, discontinuing and closing
that certain IS-foot alley located behind the office facility of ~indshield Glass
Distributors, InCo, on Tazevell Avenue, S. E., which alley runs in a senerally east-
vest directiouj and relocatin~ a 15-foot alley es sho~n on the certain plat prepared
by Buford T. ~den E ~sociates, P. C., dated ~c~er 26~ 1978.
~e ~tion vas sec~ed by ~. ~rland ~ adopted by the foll~ln~ ~te:
HAYSz Hone
(HFS. Bo~les vas absent.)
The ~yor advised that all smtters listed under the Consent A~enda were considered to be
NAYS: None-
(Hrs. Bowles vas absent.)
TAXES: Hr. Butch Lee appeared before Council and requested that the city
license for palm reading be reduced.
The Director of Finance advised that the Revenue Study Commission would be
reporting to Council within the next three reeks on a reco~ended fee schedule and
Council requested that Hr. Lee confer vith the Director of Finance on the matter.
NAYS: None,
(Hrs. Bo~les vas absent.)
Hr. Rubard offered the following Resolution:
(~2&518) A L~$OLUTIGei 8uthorielus tim mcceptance, executic~, and filing of
tb USpeci~l ~itl~ for ~tl~ Gr~t ~ardsu with the Divisl~ of Justice ~d
~ Pr~eutl~ for ~ actl~ ~r~ of Federal f~ds for c~tinua~i~ of the irate
cl~81fic~tl~ proSr~ in the City Jail.
(For full t~t of bsolutl~, see ~soluti~ Book No. ~5~ pa~e 262.)
~. Hubord ~ed the ~pti~ of the Resolution.~e ~tiou v~ seconded b7
~. ~ndis ~ ad, ted by the foll~lui vote:
NAYS** None O.
(Hrs. Ro~les vas absent.)
SCltOOLS-CITY FRO~ERTY: ~e City ~er su~ittad a written report recked-
ins t~t three p~operties lo.ted at 2621, 2625 ~d 2629 ~salind Avenue. S.
Official Tax Nos. 1061307, 1061308 ~d 1~13~, be dedicated for School Board use in
co~ection ~ith the C~stal Spring School.
(~2~519) A ~o~I~ dedicating properties consisting of ~ts 11~ 12. 13.
Sch~l ~ard of the City of ~anoke to be used for school pu~oses.
Taylor .6.
(Mrs. ~o~les vas absent.)
Realty) for 1567.25 square feet on the fifth floor of the Crystal To,ers Building, for
the CE~AAd~lnistrative Office.
Hr. Grove moved that Council concur in the recommendation and offered the
follc~ing e~erEency Ordinance:
(12&520) AN ORDINAECE authorizing and providing for a lease by the City of
office space in the Cr~stal To~e£s Buildins located at 1&5 West Caapbell Avenue, in
the City of Roanoke, fro~Dt& Third Avenue Realty Corporation, to be used as office
Hr. Grove moved the adoption of the Ordinance. The motion was seconded by
NAYS: None- --0.
(Mrs. I~r~les was absent.)
SCHOOLS: The City Clerk presented a written report announcing the expiration
of the terms of Hi~s Leila A. Stalker, Hr. Le~ls H. Nelson, Jr., and the Reverend
James A. A11ison~ Jr., as Members of the Roanoke City School Board on June 30, 19}9,
and advising that applications for the positions will be accepted in the City Clerkts
Office until 5:00 p.m., Friday, Hatch 9, 1979.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk% Office.)
Hr. Hubard moved that the report be received and filed. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Garland and adopted.
BUDGET: The Director cf Finance subaitted a written report on the status of
contingency funds.
(For full text, see report on file in the City Clerk's Office.)
Hr. Grove moved that the report be received a~d filed. The motion was
seconded by Hr. Landis and adopted.
BUD~ET-HOUSING-SLUIt CLEA~CE-GIh~YSs 1~ Director of Fiance s~tted a
written report rec~endl~ t~t ~nc~ derived fr~ p~rkfn~ lots in the ~t~ ~st
~ea be sppropriated ~ a part of the total ~lty ~vel~ut Block Gr~t f~diu~.
(For full t~t. see report ~ file la the City Clerkos Office.)
Hr. Hubard ~ed t~t ~cil c~r lu the rec~ation ~d offered t~
roll,ins ~r~ Ordimce ~diu8 ~d reorda~ln~ the 1978-79 Grant Prolr~ F~d~
(~2t521) ~ ~I~ to ~ ~ reordain certain sections of t~ 197~79
Cran~ Pro~r~ ~nd ~proprlati~s a~ pr~idin8 for ~ ~riency.
(For full text of Ordl~ce. see ~di~ce ~ok No. ~0 page 263.)
Hr. H~ard ~ed the 8dopti~ of the Ordl~nce. ~e ~tion vas seceded by
Taylox 6.
NAYS: None --0.
(Mrs. ~les vas absent.)
~S-~P~ P~ ~: Ordi~nce No. 2~1 authorizinE and
Fred P. Bullingtou and ~e~nder P. Fek~ located on the westerly side of ~rial ~ay
Drive, havinE pre~i~sly been before the acil for its first reading, read and adopted
on its first reading and laid ~er, v~ aEain before the b~y, ~. Hubard offering the
roll,ins for its second readin~ ~d final adoption:
(t2~01) ~I~I authorizing and i/rec~f~f the proper city
(For full t~t of Ordiuance~ see Ordinance Book No. &5~ page 261.)
NAYS: Non~
(Mrs. Bowles vas absent.)
NAYS: None-
(Mrs. ~o~les vas absent.)
REGIONAL JAIL: The ~yor called to the attention of ~cil that the four
1983, by the foll~iug vote:
~yor Taylor 6.
(Mrs. Bo~les was absent.)
SE~E~S ~D S~0EN DI~IH$: ~e' Cit7 ~er s~tted a vritten re~ort in
~c/l ~thozize ~ astern: vith the T~ of VLnt~ p~vidin~ for ~e City of
NAYS: None~
(Hrs. Bo~les was absent.)