HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Actions 04-16-07Fitzpatrick 37727-047607 0a � a ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION APRIL 16, 2007 2:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA 1. Call to Order - -Roll Call. (Council Member Wishneff was not present. Council Members Dowe and Fitzpatrick arrived late.) The Invocation was delivered by Council Member Sherman P. Lea. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Mayor C. Nelson Harris. Welcome. Mayor Harris. NOTICE: Meetings of Roanoke City Council are televised live on RVTV Channel 3. Today's Council meeting will be replayed on Channel 3 on Thursday, April 19, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., and Saturday, April 21, 2007, at 4:00 p.m. Council meetings are offered with closed captioning for the hearing impaired. ANNOUNCEMENTS: THE PUBLIC IS ADVISED THAT MEMBERS OF COUNCIL RECEIVE THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AND RELATED COMMUNICATIONS, REPORTS, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, ETC., ON THE THURSDAY PRIOR TO THE COUNCIL MEETING TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT TIME FOR REVIEW OF INFORMATION. CITIZENS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN OBTAINING A COPY OF ANY ITEM LISTED ON THE AGENDA MAY CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, ROOM 456, NOEL C. TAYLOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 215 CHURCH AVENUE, S. W., OR CALL 853-2541. THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PROVIDES THE MAJORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ON THE INTERNET FOR VIEWING AND RESEARCH PURPOSES. TO ACCESS AGENDA MATERIAL, GO TO THE CITY'S HOMEPAGE AT WWW.ROANOKEVA.GOV, CLICK ON THE SERVICE ICON, CLICK ON COUNCIL AGENDAS TO ACCESS THE APPROPRIATE AGENDA AND COUNCIL MEETING. IF ADOBE ACROBAT IS NOT AVAILABLE, A PROMPT WILL APPEAR TO DOWNLOAD PRIOR TO VIEWING AGENDA INFORMATION. NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. SPECIAL ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR DISABLED PERSONS ADDRESSING CITY COUNCIL. EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO PROVIDE ADAPTATIONS OR ACCOMMODATIONS BASED ON INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES, PROVIDED THAT REASONABLE ADVANCE NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. ALL PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS COUNCIL WILL BE REQUIRED TO CALL THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PRIOR TO THE MONDAY COUNCIL MEETING, OR REGISTER WITH THE STAFF ASSISTANTAT THE ENTRANCE TO THE COUNCIL CHAMBER PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE COUNCIL MEETING. ONCE THE COUNCIL MEETING HAS CONVENED, THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER REGISTRATION OF SPEAKERS, EXCEPT FOR PUBLIC HEARING MATTERS. ON THE SAME AGENDA ITEM, ONE TO FOUR SPEAKERS WILL BE ALLOTTED FIVE MINUTES EACH; HOWEVER, IF THERE ARE MORE THAN FOUR SPEAKERS, EACH SPEAKER WILL BE ALLOTTED THREE MINUTES. ANY PERSON WHO IS INTERESTED IN SERVING ON A CITY COUNCIL APPOINTED AUTHORITY, BOARD, COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE IS REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE AT 853 -2541, OR ACCESS THE CITY'S HOMEPAGE AT WWW.ROANOKEVA.GOV, TO OBTAIN AN APPLICATION. 2 At this point, Council Member Dowe entered the meeting. 2. PRESENTATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Proclamation declaring April 29 - May 5, 2007 as Municipal Clerks Week. File #38 -80 3. CONSENT AGENDA Approved (5 -0, Council Member Fitzpatrick had not entered the meeting; and Council Member Lea recused himself from any discussion pertaining to the selection of candidates to be accorded the public interview to fill two vacancies on the Roanoke City School Board, commencing July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2010; and an unexpired term of William H. Lindsey, commencing July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008.) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THE ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. C -1 A communication from Mayor C. Nelson Harris requesting that Council convene in a Closed Meeting to discuss vacancies on certain authorities, boards, commissions and committees appointed by Council, and to interview applicants for a vacancy on the Architectural Review Board, pursuant to Section 2.2 -371 1(A)(1), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Concurred in the request. File #110-132 C -2 A communication from the City Manager requesting that Council convene in a Closed Meeting to discuss disposition of publicly -owned property, where discussion in open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body, pursuant to Section 2.2-3711 (A)(3), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Concurred in the request. File #132 3 C -3 A communication from the Director of Finance requesting that Council schedule a public hearing for Monday, May 21, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, authorizing the City to contract a debt and to issue general obligation public improvement bonds of the City, in the principal amount of $48,750,000.00, for the purpose of providing the balance of the funding for reconstruction of William Fleming and Patrick Henry High Schools. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Concurred in the request. File #53- 132 -467 C -4 A report of qualification of James M. Turner, Jr., as a City representative to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, for a term ending March 9, 2011. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Received and filed. File #9-15-110 REGULAR AGENDA 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NONE. 5. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: a. Request of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission to present the proposed 2007 -2008 Operating Budget and Proposed Capital Expenditures. Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director, Roanoke Regional Airport, Spokesperson. (Sponsored by the City Manager.) Adopted Resolution No. 37727 - 041607. (5 -0) File #9 -60 b. Request of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority to present the proposed 2007 -2008 Annual Budget. John R. Hubbard, P.E., Chief Executive Officer, Spokesperson. (Sponsored by the City Manager.) Adopted Resolution No. 37728 - 041607. (5 -0) File #60 -253 C. Request of the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Board of Directors, to discuss the donation of Nickel Plate Locomotive 763. Tom Cox, President, Spokesperson. (Sponsored by the City Manager.) Adopted Resolution No. 37729 - 041607. (5 -0) File #68 -229 6. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: a. CITY MANAGER: BRIEFINGS: • Fiscal Year 2008 Recommended Budget - 30 minutes At this point, Council Member Fitzpatrick entered the meeting. ITEMS RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION: 1 . Acceptance of an Optim Freedomview fiber optic scope from the Department of Homeland Security for use in the Roanoke Police Department to increase safety to police officers and the public. Adopted Resolution No. 37730 - 041607. (6 -0) File #5- 236 -472 2. Acceptance of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One -Time Special Funding Program from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services; and appropriation of funds. Adopted Resolution No. 37731 - 041607 and Budget Ordinance No. 37732 - 041607. (5 -0, Council Member Dowe recused himself from voting since he currently serves as member of the Criminal Justice Services Board.) File #60 -72- 236 - 304 -305 3. Acceptance of Innovative Community Services Program funds from the Virginia Office of Comprehensive Services; and appropriation of funds. Adopted Resolution No. 37733 - 041607 and Budget Ordinance No. 37734 - 041607. (6 -0) File #60- 236- 304 -314 4. Authorization to file an application to amend the MXPUD development plan as it pertains to City -owned property located on Robyn Road, S. W., in connection with the Colonial Green development. Adopted Resolution No. 37735 - 041607. (6 -0) File #2 -51 5 5. Execution of Amendment No. 3 to the 2004 -2005 CDBG /Home Agreement with the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and amendments to the City's HUD Consolidated Plan regarding the Harrison Museum of African - American Culture facility needs, Cherry Avenue N. W. property acquisition, New Horizons Healthcare services (formerly Kuumba Community Health and Wellness Center), Mountain View Recreation Center and Hurt Park infrastructure improvements activities. Adopted Resolution No. 37736 - 041607. (6 -0) File #67- 178 -200- 236- 319- 514 -559 6. Transfer of funds in connection with the Library Facilities Project. Adopted Budget Ordinance No. 37737-041607. (6 -0) File #53 -60 -323 7. Acceptance of a Brownfield Job Training Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency; and appropriation of funds. Adopted Resolution No. 37738 - 041607 and Budget Ordinance No. 37739 - 041607. (6 -0) File #60 -529 b. CITY CLERK: 1. A report requesting the concurrence of Council in the appointment of Cecelia R. Tyree as Assistant Deputy City Clerk. Adopted Resolution No. 37740 - 041607. (6 -0) File *38-184 7. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES: a. Request of the Roanoke City School Board for appropriation of funds to various grant programs; and a report of the Director of Finance recommending that Council concur in the request. Kenneth F. Mundy, Executive Director of Fiscal Services, Spokesperson. Adopted Budget Ordinance No. 37741- 041607. (6 -0) File #60 -467 2 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NONE. 9. INTRODUCTION AND CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: NONE. 10. MOTIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: a. Inquiries and /or comments by the Mayor and Members of City Council. Council Member Fitzpatrick complimented the firefighters on their efforts to save the Trinity Methodist Church which caught fire this afternoon. He stated that the community is truly grateful. File #70 -80 b. Vacancies on certain authorities, boards, commissions and committees appointed by Council. 1 1 . HEARING OF CITIZENS UPON PUBLIC MATTERS: CITY COUNCIL SETS THIS TIME AS A PRIORITY FOR CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. MATTERS REQUIRING REFERRAL TO THE CITY MANAGER WILL BE REFERRED IMMEDIATELY FOR RESPONSE, RECOMMENDATION OR REPORT TO COUNCIL. The following individuals appeared before Council: John Graybill, 2443 Tillett Road, S. W., regarding saving the existing gyms at Patrick Henry High School. Dick Kepley, 559 Kepplewood Road, S. E., saving the existing gym at Patrick Henry High School. Stuart Barbour, 727 Riverland Road, S. E., save the existing gym at Patrick Henry High School. Robert Gravely, 727 29th Street, N. W. The Mayor referred the matter with regard to saving the existing gym to the City Manager for study and report to Council. Council Member Fitzpatrick requested information with regard to cost amounts for repairs, if needed; loss of parking spaces, etc. File #467 7 12. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: The City Manager announced that the Annual Citizens Appreciation Day will be held on May 19, 2007, at Valley View Mall. File #184-455 CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION. (5 -0, Council Member Lea left the meeting during the Closed Session.) The following persons were nominated to the Virginia Municipal League Policy Committees: Gwen Mason - Environmental Quality Policy Committee William M. Hackworth - General Laws Alfred T. Dowe, Jr. - Human Development and Education Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr. - Transportation Policy Committee Jesse A. Hall - Finance File #17-110 The following individuals were accorded the public interview on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 4:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, for consideration to serve as Trustees on the Roanoke City School Board to fill two vacancies for terms of three years, commencing July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2010; and an unexpired term of William H. Lindsey commencing July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008: V. Mignon Chubb -Hale Melissa W. Friedman Dolores Y. Johns Patrick J. Kenney Mark S. Lucas File #467 Suzanne P. Moore Courtney A. Penn Court G. Rosen Vivian Y. Sanchez -Jones The City Clerk was instructed to have a letter drafted to Dr. Charles W. Steger, President of Virginia Tech, expressing the City's condolences in connection with the shootings at Virginia Tech, as well as a resolution of sympathy for adoption at the May 7 Council meeting. 80- 258 -367 THE COUNCIL MEETING WAS DECLARED IN RECESSED TO BE RECONVENED AT 7:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, ROOM 450, FOURTH FLOOR, NOEL C. TAYLOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING. M ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION APRIL 16, 2007 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA Call to Order -- Roll Call. (Council Member Wishneff was absent and Council Member Fitzpatrick arrived late.) A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of the shootings at Virginia Tech earlier during the day. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Tiger Cub Scouts, Den 5 of Pack 2. Welcome. Mayor C. Nelson Harris. NOTICE: Meetings of Roanoke City Council are televised live on RVTV Channel 3. Tonight's Council meeting will be replayed on Channel 3 on Thursday, April 19, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., and Saturday, April 21, 2007, at 4:00 p.m. Council meetings are offered with closed captioning for the hearing impaired. IN A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Request of Freeway Partners, LLC, to amend a proffered condition presently binding upon property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N. W., to reflect that the site will be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan. Edward A. Natt, Attorney. Adopted Ordinance No. 37742 - 041607. (5 -1, Council Member Lea voting no.) File #51 (Council Member Fitzpatrick arrived during public hearing on Item A.1.) 2. Request of Alan L. Amos, Inc., that four tracts of land located on Pocahontas Avenue, N. E., be rezoned from RM -1 , Residential Mixed Density District, to 1 -1 , Industrial District, to construct a motor vehicle repair /service establishment to maintain trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney. Adopted Ordinance No. 37743 - 041607. (6 -0) File #51 3. Proposal of the City of Roanoke to consider an adjustment to the City's Fiscal Year 2006 -2007 General Fund Budget for an additional appropriation for certain social service /human service programs and the Comprehensive Services Act program. Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager. Adopted Budget Ordinance No. 37744 - 041607. (6 -0) File #60 -72 -236 B. HEARING OF CITIZENS UPON PUBLIC MATTERS: CITY COUNCIL SETS THIS TIME AS A PRIORITY FOR CITIZENS TO BE HEARD. MATTERS REQUIRING REFERRAL TO THE CITY MANAGER WILL BE REFERRED IMMEDIATELY FOR RESPONSE, RECOMMENDATION OR REPORT TO COUNCIL. Mike Higgins, 2267 Countryside Drive, N. W. Valerie L. Garner, 2264 Mattaponi Drive, N. W. Daniel M. Hale, Jr., 4425 Oleva Street, N. W. Nancy A. Maurelli, 3306 Dogwood Hill Road, N. E. Gail Burruss, 2519 Creston Avenue, S. W. 10 The City Manager commented on the status of the Countryside Estate property and the RFP for developers in connection with the development of an inn and /or restaurant on Mill Mountain. THE COUNCIL MEETING WAS DECLARED IN RECESS UNTIL THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2007, AT 4:00 P.M., IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, ROOM 450, NOEL C. TAYLOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING, AT WHICH TIME THE COUNCIL WILL CONDUCT PUBLIC INTERVIEWS FOR APPOINTMENT OF TWO TRUSTEES TO THE ROANOKE CITY SCHOOL BOARD FOR TERMS OF THREE YEARS, COMMENCING JULY 1, 2007 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2010, AND AN UNEXPIRED TERM OF WILLIAM H. LINDSEY COMMENCING JULY 1, 2007 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2008; AND AT 7:00 P.M., CONTINUATION OF THE RECESSED MEETING IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, ROOM 450, AT WHICH TIME THE COUNCIL WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED 2008 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND REAL ESTATE PROPERTY TAX RATE. 11 Office of the Mayor CITY OF ' ROANOKE raclamatian RFA.S, the Office of the Alanic•ipal Clerk, a tine honored and vital part of local government, exists throughout the world; and RF.AS, the Q(jice of the Municipal Clerk is the oldest among public servants and provides the professional link between the citizens, the local government bodies and agencies of government of other levels: and WHEREAS, Municipal Clerks have pleg ed to be mindful of their neutrality and impartialih; rendering equal. service to all; and WHEREAS, the Municipal Clerk serves as the it formation center on fimetions ojlocal government and community; and li'HFRFAS, Municipal Clerks strive to improve the administration of the af» rs of the Qfce of the Municipal Clerk through participation in education programs. seminars. workshops and the annual meetings of their state, province, county and international professional organizations. .'Vow, THEREFORE, 1, C. Nelson Harris, A9avor of the City of Roanoke. Virginia, extend appreciation to all Municipal Clerks for the vital services dreg perjbrm and their exemplary dedication to the communities the), represent, and do hereby proclaim : ipril 19 - .4lay 5, 2007, throughout this great All - America City, ar MU.NiCiP•11. CLFRKS WEEK. Given under our hands and the Seal ofihe City of Roanoke this thirteenth day of April in the year two thousand and seven. .9TIEST A_m( :Stephanie h1. Ah City Clerk C. Nelson Harris Alavor CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR. 21if, I It 1011A%FNI I �S.W._R0()Nf 1�2 R(ANOKI VIRGINIA 21011 -1 il)-1 I I I I I'M )NI fit' I 1 114 \X. ,40) Nc ; 1145 C. NELSON HARRIS April 16, 2007 The Honorable Vice-Mayor and Members of the Roanoke City Council Roanoke, Virginia Dear Members of Council: This is to request a Closed Meeting to discuss vacancies on certain authorities, boards, commissions and committees appointed by Council, and to interview applicants for a vacancy on the Architectural Review Board, pursuant to Section 2.2- 3711(A)(1), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. pursuant to Section 2.2-3711 (A)(1), Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. Sincerely. CM 'RUSk4b.4" C. Nelson Harris Mayor CNH:snh CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER N001 C. To\•lor Municipal Building '_I; Church A%enue, S.W., Room 3t,4 Roanoke, Virginia _4011 -1 ;91 April 16, 2007 The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Roanoke, Virginia Re: Request for closed meeting Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: This is to request that City Council convene a closed meeting to discuss the disposition of publicly -owned property, where discussion in open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body, pursuant to §2.2 -371 1 .A.3, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended. i Darlene L. Burcham City Manager DLB /f cc: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk JESSE A. HALL Director of Finance email:jcssc h:deiiciavanokccans April 16, 2007 CITY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 215 Church Avenue. S.W., Room 461 P.O. Box 1230 Roanoke, Virginia 24006 -1220 Telephone: (540) 853 -2821 Fax: (540) 85.33-6143 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice -Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian.j. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Authorization of Public Hearing Background: ANN H. SHAWVER Deputy Director email: an shaw%ernei roanokc..a iu The Roanoke City Public School's estimate for the construction of the William Fleming High School is $57 million. Funding of the project is planned as follows: Source of Funding Amount Cash (FY08) $750,000 Series 20048 General Obli ation Bonds ei R -it ? Y• -«.� JESSE A. HALL Director of Finance email:jcssc h:deiiciavanokccans April 16, 2007 CITY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 215 Church Avenue. S.W., Room 461 P.O. Box 1230 Roanoke, Virginia 24006 -1220 Telephone: (540) 853 -2821 Fax: (540) 85.33-6143 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice -Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian.j. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Authorization of Public Hearing Background: ANN H. SHAWVER Deputy Director email: an shaw%ernei roanokc..a iu The Roanoke City Public School's estimate for the construction of the William Fleming High School is $57 million. Funding of the project is planned as follows: Source of Funding Amount Cash (FY08) $750,000 Series 20048 General Obli ation Bonds ei 400,000 Literary Fund Loan � 7,500,000 General Obligation Bonds to be Issued 48,350,000 Total $ 57,000,000 v - represents funding previously authorized and appropriated to the project. General Obligation bond funding of $400,000 is also needed to replenish the amount of Series 2004B bonds allocated to the William Fleming Project when the Patrick Henry High School Project commenced. When the Series 20048 bonds were issued, those funds were transferred to the William Fleming project to allow for initial planning and design expenditures. As a result, the total of general obligation bonds to be requested for high school projects is $48,750,000. The Schools intend to present bids for approval to award contracts at the June 12, 2007, School Board meeting. According to school representatives, since only a minor portion of the William Fleming project will be phased, the vast majority of contracts for Honorable Mayor and Members of Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 the project must be awarded at the project's commencement in June. In order to award a contract for the construction of the contracts, funds must be appropriated. Prior to appropriation of the anticipated bond proceeds, City Council approval is needed of a resolution to authorize issuance of the general obligation public improvement bonds. This will require a public hearing. Recommendation: In accordance with Section 15.2- 2606.A of the Code of Virginia, 1950, City Council authorize a public hearing on the issuance of $48,750,000 general obligation public improvement bonds to be held on May 21, 2007. A notice of public hearing will be properly advertised in the Roanoke Times on May 7, 2007, and May 14, 2007. Respectfully submitted, c: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk Marvin T. Thompson, Superintendent, Roanoke City Public Schools Richard W. Layman, Chief Academic Officer William C. Wingfield, Associate Superintendent for Management Jesse A. Hall Director of Finance c: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk Marvin T. Thompson, Superintendent, Roanoke City Public Schools Richard W. Layman, Chief Academic Officer William C. Wingfield, Associate Superintendent for Management CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: (540) 853 -2541 Fax: (540) 853 -1145 STEPHANIE M. MOON, CMC E -mail: clerk @roanokeva.gov City Clerk April 16, 2007 File #9-15-110 Cathy S. Pendleton, Secretary, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 5202 Aviation Drive, N. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 -1148 Dear Ms. Pendleton: SHEILA N. HARTMAN Deputy City Clerk This is to advise you that ,James M. Turner, Jr., has qualified as a Commissioner of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, for a term ending March 9, 2011. Sincerely, �44� Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew pc: Sheila N. Hartman, Deputy City Clerk K: \oath and leaving sewice\Airport Comm ission\James M Turner, Jr qualif.doc Oath or Affirmation of Office Commonwealth of Virginia, City of Roanoke, to -wit: I, JAMES M. TURNER, JR., do solemnly affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as a City representative to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission for a term ending March 9, 2011, according to the best of my ability (So help me God). Subscribed and sworn to before me this42?/kday of 2007. BRENDA S. HAMILTON, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BY /. 1/ l ERK K:Ionh.wd lan'in scn'icc"Aignni CclnmusioAhnxs AI Timm Ii oaih'WP.doc File #9-60 Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 5202 Aviation Drive, N. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24012-1148 Dear Ms. Shuck: 5111:11.A N. II.\R MAN O:Putp C ily Clerk I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 37727 - 041607 approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission's 2007 -2008 proposed operating and capital budget, upon certain terms and conditions. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, m01 Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure PC: Diane S. Childers, CIVIC, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Brenda J. Holton, CMC, Deputy Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 15 Church Avenue, S. W.. Room T56 Roanoke, Vir =inia 24011 -1536 Telephone: 1540 i .S51 -15.11 Fax. 0401853 1145 STEPHANIE %I AIOUN. C ?IC E maul: rlerk(dwanokoa.pry Clt) Clerk April 17, 2007 File #9-60 Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 5202 Aviation Drive, N. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24012-1148 Dear Ms. Shuck: 5111:11.A N. II.\R MAN O:Putp C ily Clerk I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 37727 - 041607 approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission's 2007 -2008 proposed operating and capital budget, upon certain terms and conditions. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, m01 Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure PC: Diane S. Childers, CIVIC, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Brenda J. Holton, CMC, Deputy Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget V# IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37727 - 041607. A RESOLUTION approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission's 2007 -2008 proposed operating and capital budget upon certain temis and conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that in accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Act, as amended by the General Assembly of Virginia, Chapter 385, 1996 Acts of Assembly, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Contract dated January 28, 1987, as amended by First Amendment, dated December 6, 1996, the City of Roanoke hereby approves the Airport Commission's 2007 -2008 proposed operating and capital budget, as well as a separate listing of certain proposed capital expenditures, as more particularly set forth in a report from the Commission to this Council, dated March 23, 2007. x: \Measures \Airport commission Annual Budget 2007.doc ATTEST: *LCwIty"Ce-', er ryt1� CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Noe] C. Taylor ML111iL ipA B1.111dilIg r., 215 Church A%V.111.1e, SAV., Room 3t,4 Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1591 Fa., i ;40) S7,-, 1118 April 16, 2007 The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: I would like to sponsor a request from Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport, for City Council to approve its Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Operating Budget. Respectfully submitted, 74 112L. t4arlene L. Bur amp City Manager DLB:jb c: City Attorney Director of Finance City Clerk tX 5202 AvlaHon Drive Roanoke, VA 24012 -1148 (540) 362 -1999 FAX (540) 563 -4838 www.ro(iriokeoirporl.com Honorable Mayor and Members Roanoke City Council 215 Church Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24011 March 23, 2007 Re: Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Fiscal Year 2007- 2008 Budget and Proposed Capital Expenditures Dear Mayor Harris and Members of Council: In accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Regional .Airport Commission Contract dated January 28, 1987, as amended, the Roanoke Regional .Airport Commission is hereby submitting its Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Operating Budget (Attachment i) for approval. This Budget was adopted by the Commission at its meeting on March 23, 2007. We are also providing a separate listing of Capital Expenditures which are expected to exceed 5100.000 in cost and are intended to benefit five or more future accounting periods (Attachment 11). You will note that no deficit is anticipated in either the Operating Budget or for the listed Capital Expenditures: therefore, no additional appropriations are being requested or anticipated from the City or the County of Roanoke. Formal approval of the Operating Budget and the Capital Expenditure List by resolution of each of the participating political subdivisions would be appreciated. I would be pleased to respond to any questions or comments that you may have with regard to this matter. On behalf of the Commission, thank you very much for your assistance and cooperation. Very truly yyouurs�,, G��i'�Gr�Q�CwG,E'uGeEj Jacqueline L. Shuck Executive Director Enclosures cc: Chairman and Members, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Mark Allan Williams, General Counsel, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission William Hackworth, Roanoke City Attorney Stephanie Moon. Clerk, Roanoke City Council eyb)]311% Attachment 1 ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION FOR YEAR 2007 -2008 BUDGET 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Budget Budget Percentage EXPENSE BUDGET Expenditures Expenditures Change 1 Operations and Maintenance Expenses A. Salaries, Wages and Benefits $ 3.674,676 $3,941,668 7.30% B. Operating Expenditures 2,875,974 3:152,845 9.6 0,0 C. Other Maintenance & Improvement Projects 125,600 95.468 - 24.0% Total Operations and Maintenance 6.676,250 7,189.981 7.701:, 2 Non - Operating Expenses A. Interest 254,012 234,375 -7.7% B. Debt Service 466,103 484.325 3.9% Total Non - Operating 720,115 718,700 -0.2% 3 Capital Expenses A. Capital Projects and Purchases 131:782 244,650 55.6% Total Capital Expenses 131,782 244,650 85.6°, Total Budgeted Expenditures S 7,528.147 $ 8.153,331 8.3% 2006 -2007 2007 -2008 Projected Projected REVENUE PROJECTIONS Revenues Revenues Change 1 Operating Revenues A. Airfield $1,370,247 $1,542,856 12.60,, B. General Aviation 387,792 402,695 3.8% C. Terminal Related 4,723.668 4.979.1601 5.4`% D. Other Revenues 392.001 353.852 - 9.7 °f, Total Projected Operating Revenues 6.873,708 7,278,564 5.9% 2 Non - Operating Revenues A. Interest from Debt Service 30:000 36,000 20.040 B. Interest on Investments 609.500 759,081 24.5% C. State Funds 232,820 311,008 33.6% D. Gain.'(Loss) on sale of assets 0 0 Total Projected Non - Operating Revenues 872,320 1.!06.089 26.8%, Total Projected Revenue S 7,746.028 $ 8,384.653 8.2% ATTACHMENT II Proposed Capital Expenditures (For projects expected to exceed $100,000 in cost and intended to benefit five or more accounting periods) Projects A. Phase 1: Rehabilitation of Public Parkini-, Lots : 1. Description: ON erlay and remark the 1000 space Short. Lon y term parking lots located in front of the terminal. '_. Justification: Both parking lots are showing increasing wear, tear and cracking after more than .SCVCnteen years of use. Later Phases of the Parking Lot Rehabilitation are espCCtCd to include improved access Iron the lots to the terminal, nuulifications to the center walk av and possible reorganization of the rental car lot. Estintatcd Cost for PhaSC I: S50(1000 B. C'onSUnct .ARFF training Pad and .Access Road: Description: Construct a concrete pad, propane source and access I:ix the location ol'the aircrall incident simulator. 2. Justification: At least twice a year the Aircraft RCSene and Firclighting (AR.FF) crC%\ arnunges for the state's aircraft simulator to be brou"lit to Roanoke Regional Airport for training related to aircraft fire and rescue. The simulator has been located on r:unp space 11MICd and used by aircraft for parking. In order to serve the needs ofaircraft operators and the ARI F crews. a Part is planned liu eonstntction on the norlh\eest yuadraut of the airport. TI. Anticipated Funding, Sources: State Aviation Grant FunilS Commission Capital Funds Cih' and COantV I'ttn(IS Estimated Total Projects Funding Hs�O-Ca;;.Pro,.Cily Co.inty Estintatcd Cost: S2()(),Ota7 $1(il moo 40,()i A ) i $ I00 C)i w RESOLUTION OF THE ROANOKE RFGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Adopted this 23rd Clay of March 2007 No. 01- 032307 A RESOLUTION approving and adopting the Commission's Operating and Capital Purchase Budact For fiscal year 2007 -2008. BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission that the fiscal year 2007 -2008 Operating and Capital PUCIMSC Bud,e•t for the Conmussion as set forth in the report and accompanying attachment by the Executive Director dated March 23, 2007, is hereby approved; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Executive Director is authorized on behalf of the Commission to submit the fiscal year 2007 -2008 Operating and Capital Purchase Budget, as well as a list of Proposed Capital Expenditures, to the Roanoke City Council and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors for approval pursuant to the contract between the Commission, Roanoke City and Roanoke County dated January 28, 1987, as amended. ATTEST: c Sec arS \'O I'I :\Y I:s: 1):nol::v. \1 :!J'.irhnv. tii,;u:i ri, 'I'uru.r \: \5's: Non, :\BSEN I: \tu;ni., File #60 -253 John R. Hubbard, P. E. Chief Executive Officer Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 1020 Hollins Road, N. E. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 -8011 Dear Mr. Hubbard: SHEILA N. HARTMAN Deputy Cit., Clerk I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 37728 - 041607 approving the annual budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008, upon certain terms and conditions. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, �n Stephanie M. Moon, C C City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure pc: Diane S. Childers, CMC, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Brenda J. Holton, CMC, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church ANenue. S. W.. Room -{56 Roanoke. Vireinia '1011 -1536 ` 6P I'cIophone: u.101 tii3._i -tl Fax: (5.10) S? 3 1 1415 S I EPHANIE N1 PI00N. CMC E mail: drrkfe`ru;nutkcra. uc City Clerk April 17, 2007 File #60 -253 John R. Hubbard, P. E. Chief Executive Officer Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 1020 Hollins Road, N. E. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 -8011 Dear Mr. Hubbard: SHEILA N. HARTMAN Deputy Cit., Clerk I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 37728 - 041607 approving the annual budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008, upon certain terms and conditions. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, �n Stephanie M. Moon, C C City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure pc: Diane S. Childers, CMC, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Brenda J. Holton, CMC, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 -0798 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of April., 2007. No. 37728- 041607. A RESOLiJT'ION approving the annual budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008, upon certain terms and conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the annual budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for Fiscal Year 2007 -2008, in the amount of $9,353,719 is hereby approved, all as more particularly set forth in a letter to the City Clerk, dated March 28, 2007, from John R. Hubbard, P.E., Chief Executive Officer of Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, copies of which have been provided to Council. K: \M easures ',rvrabudget.200S.doe ATTEST: lwx.4suu+v City Clerk. CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER `. Noel C. I'aVlor %lunicipal Building 2):1 Church AVO)Iue, S.M. ROOM 364 Roanoke, Virginia 2 -1011 -15+91 April 16, 2007 The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: I would like to sponsor a request from John R. Hubbard, Chief Executive Officer of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, for City Council to approve its Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 Operating Budget. Respectfully submitted, arlene L. Bu cham City Manager DLB:jb c: City Attorney Director of Finance City Clerk ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY March 28, 2007 Stephanie M. Moon City Clerk, City of Roanoke Municipal Building Room 456 215 Church Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011-1536 Dcar Ms. Moon: In accordance with the Member Use Agreement, the Resource Authority is submitting its 2007 -2008 annual budget to the City Council for approval. Enclosed are copies of the 2007 -2008 budget for each member of the City Council. A copy of the budget, along with the attached letter, have been sent to Ms. Burcham, requesting that she initiate action for approval of the budget by the City Council. If you have any questions or if you need additional copies of the budget, please let me know. Your help with this matter is appreciated. John R.J4ubbard, P.E. Chief ..Yecutive Officer cc: Bob Bengtson 1020 Hollins Road Roanoke, Virginia 24012 154111857 -5050 Fax 154111 857 -5056 Web tide: www.rvra.net h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE .AUTHORITY M TINKER CREEK TRANSFER STATION Rnanoke Valley Resource Authority I Budget Summary Revenues Expenses * Per * QP + Cad * Res * DO Bond/ Budget Coi Tipping Fees Brea Rutrough Road U Appendix Res Roanoke Valley Resource Authority $ Y SUMMARY Operating REVENUE 3,581,9115 2007 -2008 Disposal Fees $ 7,821,500 Interest Income $ 557,720 Transfer from General Surplus $ 926,499 Sale of Recyclable Material $ 22,tkk1 Miscellaneous $ 26,000 Transfer - Rutrough Road $ - Per Ton $655 Total 59,353,719 EXPENSES Persormel $ 1,601,810 Operating $ 3,581,9115 Capital $ 4,500 Transfer to Reserves 5 1,410,000 Debt Service $ 2,755,504 Total $9,353,719 nISPn SA L FEEL' Munidpa] Per Ton 515 Private Per Ton $655 20T 2(X)8 RUI.K:F: I' 1 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority REV LNI U'I. SUMMARY BU DGE I'S 2002 -03 2003 -04 2004 -05 2005 -06 200607 2007 -08 Disposal Fees $ 6,727425 S 6,719,800 S - ,2N),2(X) S 7,255,240 S 7,4111,71)1) $ 7,821,5(X) Interest Income S 700,0W S 446,140 S 371,340 $ 371,340 S 482,720 $ 557,720 Transfer from General $ 800,000 S 876,329 S 875,310 $ 860,885 S 783,555 $ 926,499 Surplus $ 2,774,244 S 2,767,526 S 21771,125 S 2,757,319 5 2,755,5161 TOTAI. $ 8,269,925 $ 8,091,969 $ 8,628,515 $ 8,6(X,1170 Sae of Recyclable S 24,0(X) $ 30,(X)0 $ 31,(XX) $ 24,0(X) $ 26,000 $ 22,0(X1 Material Miscellaneous $ 18,()tk) S 19,50(1 S 28,00(1 S 28,000 S 28,000 $ 26,000 Transfer - Rutrourb Road $ - S - $ 621665 $ 67,205 S 68,065 $ - TOTAL S 8,269,925 S 8,091,969 S 8,628,515 5 8,6(X6,670 $ 8,790,(610 1; 9,353,719 EXPENSES Personnel S 1,378,030 S 1,390,008 S 1,516,632 S 1.,581,987 $ 1,618,535 $ 1,601,810 Operating; S 2,758,413 $ 2,747,717 $ 2,871,757 S 3,1178,558 S 3,251,181+ S 3,581,9115 Capital S 193,500 S 20,(X)(1 S 312,61X1 $ 15,0(X) $ 3,000 S 4,500 Transfer to Reserves $ 1,160,000 S 1,160,(XX) S 1,160,000 $ 1,160,000 .$ 1,160,(1(X1 $ 1,410,1100 Debt Service S 21779,982 $ 2,774,244 S 2,767,526 S 21771,125 S 2,757,319 5 2,755,5161 TOTAI. $ 8,269,925 $ 8,091,969 $ 8,628,515 $ 8,6(X,1170 $ 8,790,1}10 $ 9,353,719 ilTClyf1C A 1 1 �T'1 +C Municipal S per ton 51 51 42 42 45 45 Private $ per ton 55 55 55 55 55 55 �() INCREASE - 0.6 °. -2.2o 6.6 0u 6.4% in expenses 2f 101-1 -2008 hU1-)Gt'P 2 _.1.1,__.11-- - - - - -- 11__1.. ITI'I E zICAXTON e:Oipt. of: 164,5411 45 $ 4,252,500 Le 55 S 2,770,000 45 S 279,()(10 35 S 479,500 2 S 22,00) 5 G 24,51X1 r„s,�D S1 (w S 13,000 Total $ 7,821,5(1) Fund S 1321720 eserve S 425,000 General Surplus fund rap us S fiscal Year 21'0' 2000 BUI k:ET I'l P P I N G FEES 3a IRCATION 45 $ 2,227,5(X) 35 5 140,000 2 $ 8,000 5 $ 7,5(x) $ 2,383,000 45 $1,845,(XM) 35 $ 147,(MMI 2 $ 2,600 5 S 15,(10(1 d $ 2,009,600 45 $ 180AX) 35 S 3,500 2 5 800 5 $ $ 184,300 55 $ 1,485,(X)) 35 S 21,(XM) 2 S - 5 $ LOW $1,507,000 2txr -2(x)8 BUDG z TIPPING FEES CODE DESC1iII'ITON NY 06-07 FY 07 -08 JUSTIFICATION 459 Private $1, 222,800 $1,387,600 Private Waste 23,(X1() tons @ 55 $1,265,000 Wood Waste 2,8(X) tons 0 35 $ 98,0(X) Tires 4,800 whole ( 2 $ 9,60) 200 mixed (n) 5 $ 1,1XK) 140 split C 100 S 14,(X)O Private Total $1,387,600 463 Residential $367,51X1 $ 350,(X)) Residential Waste 6,200 tons v!) 45 $ 279,(XX) Wood Waste 2,(XX) tons 0 35 S 70,(XX) Tires 5(X) whole w1 2 $ 1,000 - IniXed ln1 5 $ - Residential Total $ 350,000 TOTAI.77PPING FIiE $ 7,401,700 $ 7,821,500 2(Kr M)gRUrx:t --r 311 LJ I o___._,._ 11_11..., V--- A..H.,.Aiw f T iD Cf-,)% 1 IT J , :)N olidays art time ,ploy"Is $9:18,921 iployc" $102,717 iployLvs LIl Lh th S 811,9'.97 S 87,849 $ 3,211 3% iplovF .-s W18,021 iplc,ycx?s 5102,747 Iplovcos Ivy 50% Iplova•s 2007- 2(,X)8 SUI iA-7 1 1 1 1 1 1 Honnukc Valley Revuwn'<• Authurily PERSONNEL EL POSITION # GRADE CURRENT PAY RANGE CEO l U UDClaSSifie.d Administrative Assistant U 24 S 33,99() to $ 50,507 Operations Manager 1 35 S 60,484 to $ 59,876 Superintendent tl 28 $ 42,985 to $ 63,873 Operations 5upervisor 2 24 A 35,W to $ 52,549 Administrative Secretary 2 17 $ 25,132 to $ 37,345 Secretary (1 13 $ 20,676 to $ 30,723 Motor Equipment Operator it 13 19 5 27,708 to S 41,173 Building Maintenan(:e Mechanic: I 19 S 27,708 to S 41,173 Motor Equipment Mechanic 1 19 S 27,708 to S 41,173 Scale Operator 1 16 S 23,935 to S 35,566 Scale Operator /Office Assistant i 76 S 23,935 to S 35,566 Account Clerk 1 0 15 S 21,480 to S 31,918 ioborer /Operator 2 13 S 20,676 to S 30,723 Accountant 1 24 $ 35,3M to S 521549 Soruor FAluipmenl Operator 2 21 $ 30,548 to S 45,393 TOTAL SALARIES Adjustments: Markel Performance TOTAL. ADJUSTED SALARIES •q P(NTV ,N'S VACANT 28 2.0 2.0 nud -point $ 1,123,756 i.atss 2 Merit to Vacant positions Total 5 $ 1,001,568 6/30/2007 S 20,(I.il S 1,021,599 $ 22,475 S 1406 $ 40,11111 S 1,041,668 '_(X)- • - 2009 BUDGET C,DIF-,A�r TI ATC 6 ATIUN w employees; loin testing Progrmr ovccs $ 465 ring LmplinY, $ 11;760 it s 36,0(X) s 1,(XX) $ 500 2,600 $ 45,(XX) ras Qa ;c S 76,51X) s 13,500 ies $ 18,214 804 720 s 6,800 $ 12,000 S 44,:-w $ 5,000 s 5,675 s d,(XX) $ 1,5(X) '(X) Roducod 3 tons /car 2.8'10 increase (rail) $ 1,3. 10,40) $ 44U,6M S 1,760,M) 2(X)7-2008 nutx;rT 7 ATION $ 106,,970 e(ted + increase in fee) ;562 S 8,430 c maintenance irs to office equipment irs to all road vehicles us Lo (ipment irs to all buildings ations, sepLic links. din + & carpet repair) nt $ 115,(X)0 S 20,0(X) S 5,(XX) ent $ 20.0(X) r, etc. cards, scale tickets ng forms sel ,u hlic hearings, etc. $ 450 1,7(x1 r 300 ti 65() S 500 '_'(tlr '(X)S BUI?(:L:i' I 1 CATION pens, is items mrLions& ion Da (rs, anoke inp, ncous $ 19,500 S 311,500 S 6,100 19,780 infer lap $ 12,500 igs and .age general both ins & MCC les )hones F nPFR ATING A,TION ings, ( onlents, vehicles IL or V ACID pools ies & property, is Equipment lent es for r.VRA and Members e lodgm}i SWAN A, s, including meals ns; SWANA, VMI., gs, dinners and with RVR:A iazardous materials, eous to: S MOAK) $ 100,0(X) S 2,000 2007 -208 rutx;er ' r— Roanoke Valley Resource Authority OPERATING 1 1 1 CODE DESCRIPTION FY06 -07 FY07 -08 JUSTIFICATION 5801 Dues $ 1,500 $ 1,51X1 Professional k Association dues: SW ANA, SWVSWMA, Rotary, IAAP Returned check fees and misc. fees 5815 Warrants and Fees $ 16,850 $ 19,200 DEQ annual fee - S16,022 ITS 52,11(X1, SG S.14,0Z2, AiR - $1,000 5823 Employee Recognition $ 5,500 $ 6,0(1(1 Awards and. Certificates 5850 Miscellaneous Operating $ S No programs planned 6010 Office Supplies S 6,01X1 S 6,1x10 Office paper, pens, pencils, folders, etc. 6011 Photocopies $ 4M S 41X) Miscellaneous Photocopies 6013 Small Equipment 8r $ 13,01X1 $ 1(1,000 Small items of office and shop equipment Supplies and supplies, tools, miscellaneous 6040 Medical Supplies $ 1,11(1(1 $ 1,(X1(1 First aid kits and va(:anations 6050 Janitorial Supplies $ 1,5(X) S 1,500 Supplies for general cleaning 8c sanitation 61171 Radio Parts $ 3,600 $ 3,6)0 Miscellaneous radio part%, annual use and maintenance fee 6080 Gas, Oil, Crease S 260,0W S 260,0(X) Fuel for all equipment and vehicles, includes oil, lubricants 6091. Tires, Tubes, Parts $ 411,1100 $ 511,11011 Replacement and maintenance parts and supplies for all equipment and v(,W(le.s 6130 Uniform and Wearing $ "14,000 $ 14,000 Safely Shoes - 23 employees S 2,31X) Apparel pain gear, shirts, hats, misc. $ 1,5(X) Rental of uniforms - 2; $ 10,000 mats, towels S 2011 200 -2WS BUDGE] I I O W O 10 0 11 U ION s and manuals nd manuals do hooks zers, salt for muds, )ads, seed, mulch seeding slopes, fill III iscellanoous hers replacements & Lions for both facilili(:s oO .md books urnts 3.0% 20(l^- 2(Yl,$ HU DG.F.T I 1 u CAPITA? 12 ATION 20n; ?1x1.5 hUixlF:T 1 R FI TTR v IOC, 13 JUSTITTCATION s required by Bond denture and State & ,deral regulations to nsc Smith Gap landfill. cpenditure for instruction. it replat enuinL of luipment per juipmenL replacement hed u Ie. roundwater oleo tion fund per cal permit. per local permit. sere are no planned penditures. per local permit. irrenl fund is equdte based on ticipated sales. instruction of lase 5 and ojert Management iditionat funding; will required from moral Surplus r development of used portions of »th Gap properly recreation. 2ee'-:0()4 BIJUGL•:T 14 .7SO N 2007 '008 BI1DI7f:T FY2007 -08 BUDGET 0 100,700 0 50,(xx) u o o u 0 15o,700 0 5 7,821,50) D S 557,720 D $ 48,000 5 $ 926,499 5 $ 0 S 9,333,719 6 $ 2,912,815 5 S 1,875,400 1 $ 4,788,215 9 $ 4,565,504 9 $ 2,755,504 J 500,000 ) 400,000 10,0(0 0 $ 410,1x0 S 401 AX) 0.1815 500,000 ) S 500,01111 $ 45.00 S 55.o0 2007 '008 BI1DI7f:T Roanoke Valley Resoume Aulhority NOTES: TIPPING FEE BREAKDOWN CATEGORY LANDFILL TRANSFER TRANSPORT TOTAL PERCENT OPERATIONS 12.34 6.08 10.69 29.10 51 Of DEBT SERVICE 7.37 3.85 5.52 16.75 29" DEPOSITS AND RESERVFS 9.79 1.21 0.00 11.(1(1 19 0 TOI'A1, 29.50 '1114 16.21 56.85 '100 o PERCENTAGE 52 "M 20 w 28% 100% Operations rods are estimated to he 67' landfill and 33 "1 transfer station. $4,788,215.(X) Debt service based on construction costs: 44' landfill, 23 ", transfer, 33% rail. S2,755,504.(X) Deposits allocated as 89' landfill, :I'1 "; transfer (includ(,s host fees). $1,810,M0.00 Based on receiving a total of 164,540 tons *Additional revenue other than tipping, fees allows total to he reduced to the. proposed rates of: Municipal $ 45.(.X) per ton Conunercial $ 55.(X) per ton 2007-2008 BUDGET 1 F— Roanoke Valley Resource Aulhority .R V TR(DJ U G H RO AD LAN DrTLL CODE DESCRIPTION FY06 -07 FY07 -08 JUSTIFICATION Beginning Balance July 1, 2006 $ 4,987,856 S4,669,181 Antidrated Balam e Expenditures - Budgeted $ 418,675 S 411 „300 All Post Closure Care Activities InteresL $ 100,0(X) $ 120,000 Estimated InterctiL Income from Investments ESTIMATFD BALANC $ 4,669,181 $ 4,37/,881 '200-1-2(X)8 r.UIX ET I Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 321 FI RMTC,FT ROAD 17 LL ATION rinf; Ls $ 35,(1(1(1 crly $ 3,800 ( $ 12,000 S 3ll,1k10 care me $ 10,000 Oil S - Jve S 50,000 ig MAX.) lent S 10,0011 S 10,1100 S lo,1N)(1 S 21A AX) ewer /Flare Swim rvi(es tled gas. tion and Associated ul charged this FY su rd nc:c l'ah ula Lions JIIP '(A(K RL DC;F.T ' r— Rwnuke Valley Pe ourcc Authority 1 I LJ 1 1 Roanoke Valley Resource _RISO LUT RESOLU-rION OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY Adopted this 28th day of March, 2007 No. RA2007 -472 A RESOLUTION approving the Authority's annual budget for fiscal year 2007 -2008 and authorizing submittal of such budget to the governing bodies of the Charter Member Users for approval. BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority that: 1. The fiscal vear 2007 -2008 Annual Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority as set forth in the report and accompanying attachments by the Operations Manager dated ivlarch 28, 2007, and submitted to this Board is hereby approved; 2. The Authority Chairman is authorized on behalf of the Authority to submit the fiscal year 2007 -2008 annual budget and related documents to the governing bodies of the Charter Member Users, being the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, for approval in accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement, dated October 23, 1991, as amended. On the motion of Ads. Hvatt to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT YIr. Bengtson, Mr. Boggess, Ms. Green, Ms. Hyatt, NIs. Snvder, Mr. Tensen Mr. Porterfield ATTEST: A�n Il L)ebora� Charles RVRA Board Secretary �r. r• �iL A P STEPHANIE AI. 9100\, CTIC C:ay Cletk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue. S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: (540)85', 1541 Paz: [540185? -1145 E -wail: cicik Cr.roanokeca.av April 17, 2007 File #68- 223 -229 SHEILA N. HART9I.kN Deputy City Clerk I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 37729-041607 authorizing the donation to the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., of the Nickel Plate Locomotive No. 763. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure pc: Tom Cox, Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., Board of Directors, 303 Norfolk Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia 24016 Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Executive Director, Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., 303 Norfolk Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia 24016 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance William M. Hackworth, City Attorney fist IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 1.6th day of April, 2007. No. 37729- 041607. A RESOLUTION authorizing the donation to the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., of the Nickel Plate Locomotive No. 763. WHEREAS, the Virginia Musctun of Transportation, Inc., ("Museum".) has requested that the City donate to it the Nickel Plate Locomotive No. 763, subject to the condition that Norfolk Southern Railway Company transport the locomotive to Ohio, and City Council desires to effect this donation. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that: The City hereby donates to the Museum whatever interest that it has in Nickel Plate Locomotive No. 763, subject to the condition that Norfolk Southern Railway Company transport the locomotive to Ohio 2. The City Manager is authorized to execute an acknowledgment of such donation, in such form as may be approved by the City Attorney. ATTEST: )8�v X� yYl. i1'�atM, City Clerk. CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER * Noel C.'Iavlor iNhhnicipal Building, o h:L 215 Church .AV011LIc, SAV., Room 364 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1 591 Fay: (:;.lil) ti51 11 14 Ctic MA, «n;;.r'annn..rd.4in April 16, 2007 The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mayor and Members of City Council: I would like to sponsor a request from Tom Cox, President, Board of Directors of the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., to appear before City Council to make a request to authorize the donation to the Virginia Museum of Transportation, Inc., of the Nickel Plate Locomotive No. 763. Respectfully submitted, Darlene L. Burcham City Manager DLB:jb c: City Attorney Director of Finance City Clerk 04/10/2007 10:02 5403426098 VMT p Virginia Museum of Transportation, r c 6 April 2007 Ms. Stephanie Moon City Clerk City of Roanoke, Virginia 215 W. Church Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Ms. Moon, PAGE 01 I would like to request time on the Council agenda on 16 April 2007 during the Petitions and Communication Section to discuss the donation of Nickel Plate locomotive 763 to the Virginia presentation the tTrransportation. Ms. Burcham has agreed to sponsor my p Thank you very much for your help. If you need to reach me, please call me at 362.0300 or 819.5850. Sincerely, Tom Cox President, Board of Directors 303 Norolk Avenue- Rcx�ry-4ke. VA 2401 6- 540.342 6670 -540 342.6898 fax- �.v I org R� n� STE=.PI LAME A MOON, (. : %I(' Cm Clerk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 456 Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: (540(653 -2541 Fax: (540).853 -1115 E mail: deck mroanokrva.go% April 17, 2007 File #5 -236 -472 SHEILA N. 11AR'l MAN Deputy City Clerk I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 37730 - 041607 accepting the Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program grant made to the City from the Department of Homeland Security, and authorizing execution of any required documentation on behalf of the City. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development A. L. Gaskins, Chief of Police �j O I1 THE COUNCIL Ol" f E CIFY Ol RO.ANOK.1% VIRGINIA The 16th day of April., 2007. No. 37730 7041607. A RESOLUTION accepting the Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP) grant made to the City from the Department of Homeland Security, and authorizing* execution of any required documentation on behalf of the City. i3E IT RESOi.,VED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. The City of Roanoke does hereby accept the Comtncrcial Equipment Direct _'Assistance Program (CEDAP) grant offered by the Department of Homeland Security in the amount of S6,495.00 upon all the tenns, provisions and conditions relating to the receipt of such funds. The grant, which requires no match by the City, is more particularly described in the letter of the City Manager to Council, dated April 16, 2007. 2. The Citv - Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, seal. and attest, respectively, any grant agreement and all necessary documents required to obtain, accept. implement, administer, and use the grant, all such documents to be approved as to form by the City Attornev. 3. The City Manager is further directed to furnish such additional inforntation as may be required in connection with the City's acceptance of this grant. ATTEST: ..City Clerk. CITY OF ROANOKE • :�; OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Noel C. Taclor Nlunitipal Building, 215 Church Avejuie, S.W., Room ih$ .__ Roanoke. Virginia 24111 1 -1 591 'rclephanr: .�-Nh .ti_,l -', ., I:a': f.5-10' Sr ; IIS.v April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: CEDAP Grant Program Background: The Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program ( CEDAP) is a Department of Homeland Security initiative designed to provide homeland security equipment to qualifying law enforcement agencies. The police department applied, through the 2007 CEDAP solicitation, for an Optim Freedomview fiber optic scope. The equipment will be used for search and rescue, hidden compartment searches including gas tanks, contraband location, and pre -entry intelligence. The scope will allow officers to see inside containers, under doors and around corners which will provide increased safety to officers and the public. The CEDAP program provides all awarded equipment at no charge to the agency and there is no local funding match requirement. On March 27, 2007 the CEDAP notified the police department that it had been awarded the above described fiber optic scope valued at $6,495. Recommended Action: Accept the donated equipment described above and authorize the City Manager to execute any grant agreement or related documents, in such form as is approved by the City Attorney. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 17, 2007 Page 2 Respectfully submitted, Darlene L. Burc am City Manager DLB:gws c: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance R. Brian Townsend, Acting Asst. City Manager for Community Dev. A. L. Gaskins, Chief of Police CM07 -00043 k 1 S 1-TI IANIE \1. MOON. C \IC City Clerk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANO.KE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Axenue, S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke. Vireinia 24011-1536 Te lcplione: 1540)853-2541 Fax (540) 03 -11.15 Email: :l,,rk(a ioan,,ke %a ,u% April 1 7, 2007 File #60 -72 -236- 304 -305 SHE 11 -A N. HARI MAN Dcpury City Clerk I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 37731- 041607 authorizing acceptance of a Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One -Time Special Funding Initiative from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services on behalf of the City, and authorizing execution of any and all necessary documents to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant and applicable laws, regulations, and requirements pertaining thereto. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, y� Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services OF-, IN THE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th clay of April., 2007. No. 37731- 041607. A RESOLUTTON authorizing acceptance of a Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One -Time Special Funding Initiative from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice. Services on behal f of the City, and authorizing execution of any and all necessary documents to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant and applicable laws, regulations. and requirements pertaining thereto. BE I f RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that: The Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One -Time Special Funding Initiative funds from the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, in the amount of $7,847.00, as set forth in the City Manager's letter, dated April 16, 2007, to this C:'ouncil are hereby ACCEPTED. 2. The City ✓tanager, or her designee, is hereby authorized to execute any and all requisite documents pertaining to the City's acceptance of these grant funds, and to furnish such additional information as may be required in connection with the City's acceptance of these grant fonds. All documents shall be approved by the City Attorney. ATTEST: City Clerk. 1: "M..Fy i1,61101IlN U IUVAC'QO =:oc] 110C Cnp Clerk Jesse A. Hall Director of Finance Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Hall: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church AVerILIC, S. W.. Runm % Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -14;36 Telephone. 0401355= 2541 Fax: (540) 855 1145 E -mail dcrA�'ruanokr%n.uoa April 17, 2007 File #60 -72- 236 - 304 -305 SI IF:ILA N. IIAR I MAN Drpury Cil} Clerk I am attaching copy of Budget Ordinance No. 37732 - 041607 appropriating funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One -Time Special Funding Program, and amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37732 - 041607. AN ORDINANCE to appropriate funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One - Time Special Funding Program, amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006- 2007 Grant Fund Appropriations, and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read and provide as follows: Appropriations Expendable Equipment Program Supplies Revenues JABG One Time Special Funding — Cultural Competency 35 -630 -5081 -2035 $ 750 35- 630 - 5081 -2066 7,097 35- 630 - 5081 -5081 7,847 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: City Clerk. J ^ CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER `'. Aoc•I C. l'aelorr Municipal Building '•t,�. ;.�'�.:: 21; Church Avenue, SAV., Room 3(A - - Roanoke, Virginia 2401 I -I?`>I hav ( ;4ui. ,i -Ilia„ C ih lCrh: v: ,, ,c r,,e un A,•c.i v: , April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council Subject: Acceptance of grant award from the Juvenile Accountability Block Grant One -Time Special Funding Initiative Background: The City of Roanoke has received notification that a grant application it submitted to the Commonwealth for funding under the JABG One -Time Special Funding program has been reviewed and approved. This funding will be used to establish and implement Cultural Competency Workshops to enhance the cultural awareness of employees including Law Enforcement and Court Personnel. The City of Roanoke Department of Human Services will collaborate with the Department of Human Resources to provide lectures, activities discussion and Web -based resources in order to provide participants with an overview and a personal assessment of Cultural Competency. Considerations: The approved amount of funding from the JABG One -Time Special Funding program is $7,847. No local match is required for this grant funding. The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 award period is from April 1, 2007, through June 30, 2007. Expenses that occur before April 1, 2007 and after June 30, 2007, will not be allowed. Recommended Action(s) Adopt a resolution accepting the $7,847 in JABG One -Time Special Funding program funds, for the City of Roanoke's Cultural Competency Workshops grant program. Authorize the City Manager to execute the required Grant Acceptance, and any other forms required in order to accept these funds. Appropriate $7,847 in state funds to expenditure accounts to be established by the Director of Finance in the Grant Fund, as detailed in Attachment A. Establish a revenue estimate in the same amount. Respectfully submitted, `/ arlene LBurba" City Manager DLB:joh Attachment c: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance R. Brian Townsend, Acting Asst. City Manager for Community Dev. Jane Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services CM07 -00044 Attachment A: JABG One -Time Special Funding — Cultural Competency Workshops 2007 Account Set -up Transactions Account No. Description Amount Revenue: 35- 630 -5081 Revenue JABG One- Time Special Fundin $7,847.00 Total Revenue $7,847.00 Expenditures: 35- 630 - 5081 -2035 Expendable Equipment $ 750.00 35- 630 - 5081 -2066 Program Activities _ $7,097.00 Total Expenditures $7,847.00 S1 F.P11 ME M. N100\. C \IC Cite Clerk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' -15 Church Avenue. S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia _'4011 -1536 Te1cphone: ti --M Yi} 2i 41 Fax: 154U t Si i- I I .5 fsmail: drrk1?ru;mokrca.[oc April 17, 2007 File #60 -76 -236- 304 -314 SHEILA \' H.ARTMAN Deputy City Clcrk I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 3 773 3 - 041 607 authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the Virginia Office of Comprehensive Services in collaboration with Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare to provide transition services to youth currently in residential treatment in order to foster successful and timely discharges from such services with a reduced risk of recidivism, and authorizing the execution of the necessary documents, upon certain terms and conditions. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, / 1 J .'' IIOyY1J Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services 0 iN THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGLNIA, The 16th day of April., 2007. No. 37733- 041607. A RESOLUTION authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the Virginia Office of Comprehensive Services in collaboration with Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare to provide transition services to youth currently in residential treatment in order to foster successful and timely discharges from such services with a reduced risk of recidivism, and authorizing the csccution of the necessary documents, upon certain temis and conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that: The City of Roanoke hereby accepts the Virginia Office of' Comprehensive Services Grant, in the amount of $79,893.00, to provide transition services to youth Currently in residential treatment in order to foster successful and timely discharges from such services with a reduced risk of recidivists, and as more particularly set forth in the .April 16, 2007, letter of the City Manager to this Council. 2. The City of Roanoke will serve as fiscal agent for the grant and be responsible for distributing such amounts to Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare. 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute any and all requisite documents, upon form approved by the City Attorney, and to furnish such additional information as may be required in connection with the City's acceptance of this grant. ATTEST: 4j�- M,/rj City Clerk. R. -BR Be.m Health - Comp Sen• 4 -16 -07 IL Qty, STEPHANIE Al. N100N. CMC City C Icrk Jesse A. Hall Director of Finance Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Hall: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church A%enue. S. W., Room 4�6 Roanoke. Virginia 245111 -1 ?36 Tclghunv: 0401 IZ9- 25.11 Fn.c ($41.1) 85: -11:; E -mail: clrrk&'rc,anukc%;tx(n April 17, 2007 File #60-236- 304 -305 SHEILA N. HARI'\I:AN DoPuq'Ciq Ocrk I am attaching copy of Budget Ordinance No. 37734 - 041607 appropriating funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia Office of Comprehensive Services for the Innovative Community Services Program, and amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services V*kS IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37734 - 041607. AN ORDINANCE to appropriate funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia Office of Comprehensive Services for the Innovative Community Services Program, amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations, and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read and provide as follows: Appropriations Fees for Professional Services Revenues Comprehensive Services Grant FY07 35- 630 -5098 -2010 $ 79,893 35- 630 - 5098 -5098 79,893 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: City Clerk. ^ CITY OF ROANOKE I4 ` ";) OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER N00 C. LIN -101' \4u11ic1pa1 Building .. .d••nF= '_'IS Church Aecnuc, SAN., Kuum 364 Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1591 April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Office of Comprehensive Services Innovative Community Services Grant Background: The Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) Programs of the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt have been awarded an allocation of funds from the Virginia Office of Comprehensive Services (OCS) in the amount of $79,893 for the period January 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. The primary purpose of the grant is to develop new community -based services that will prevent and provide local alternatives to costly residential treatment currently funded through the CSA. Considerations: The Cities of Roanoke and Salem and the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt are required to provide in -kind support for the grant and have identified $14,100 of in -kind support through administrative and overhead costs such as rent and program supervision. No local cash match is required. The Cities of Roanoke and Salem and the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt, in collaboration with Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, will provide transition Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 services to youth currently in residential treatment in order to foster successful and timely discharges from such services with a reduced risk of recidivism. Eligible youth will be identified by the multi - locality, multi- agency grant management team. Youth from each locality will receive services in proportion to their current CSA population and according to individual youth and family needs. Services to youth will be provided through a Transition Care Specialist position under the supervision of Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare and the grant management team. The three main focus areas of the grant services are increased family involvement, improved discharge planning, and improved aftercare services. Estimated outcomes of the grant for each locality include reduced lengths of stay in costly residential treatment programs and reduced recidivism of residential treatment. This will most likely result in lower costs for the local CSA programs. The City of Roanoke will serve as the fiscal agent for the funds. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager or her designee to accept the $79,893 OCS grant and to execute the grant agreement and other documents from the Office of Comprehensive Services necessary to accept such funds. Adopt the accompanying budget ordinance to establish revenue estimates totaling $79,893 in the Grant Fund and appropriate funding in the same amount to the professional services expenditure account (35- 630 - 5098 - 2010). Respectfully submitted, M<� Darlene L. Burcham City Manager DLB:tem c: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance R. Brian Townsend, Acting Asst. City Manager for Community Dev. Sherman M. Stovall, Director of Management and Budget Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services CM07 -00045 m� o �4i5C STEPHANIE M A100N. CHIC 01y 0OTk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 315 Chunh Avenue, S. W., Room 456 Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: (540)55 -1541 Fax (540)85: -1145 L -maid- ;:IcrA @•roannAa�n.en. April 17, 2007 File #2 -S 1 SHEILA N. HAR ITI:LV Deputy City Oak I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 37735- 041607 authorizing the filing of an application to rezone property owned by the City of Roanoke, relating to the next phase of the Colonial Green development located on Robyn Road, S. W., and designated as Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1 5701 53, and 1 5701 54. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney R. Brian Townsend, Agent, City Planning Commission Martha P. Franklin, Secretary, City Planning Commission - , 1AI IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37735- 041607. A .RESOLUTION authorizing the .filing of an application to rezone property owned by the City of Roanoke, relating to the next phase of the Colonial Green development located on Rob--n Road, S.W., and designated as Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1570153, and 1570151. WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke owns certain property designated as Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1570153, and 1570154, located on Robyn Road, S. V., and zoned \4XPUD, Mixed Use Development District; and WHEREAS. the City of Roanoke desires to rezone Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1570153, and 1570154, to MXPUD, Mixed Use Development District, by amending the development plan which pertains to those parcels in order to permit the addition of a twelve (12) foot pared alley to serve the "row houses" proposed along the southeastern boundary of the district, and to accommodate five (5) additional row house units on the subject properties. THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLV ED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. That public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice require the filing of a petition to rezone the subject property to MYPUD, Mixed Use Development District, by amending the development plan which pertains to Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1570153, and 1570154, to permit the addition of a twelve (12) foot paved alley to serve the `row houses" proposed along the southeastern boundary of the district, and to accommodate five (5) additional row house units on the subject properties. '_. That the City Manager is authorized to file a petition, similar in firm and content to the petition attached to the letter dated April 16, 2007, to this Council, approved as to farm by the City Attorney, to rezone the subject property to MXPUD, Mixed Use Development District, by amending the development plan which pertains to Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1570153, and 1570154, to permit the addition of it twelve (12) foot paved alley to serve the `row houses" proposed alone (lie southeastern boundary of the district, and to accommodate five (5) additional row house units on the subject properties. ATTEST: Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk. CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church AVcnuc, ti.W., Room 31, -4 Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -I:;9I April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Mayor Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Request to file a rezoning of Official Tax No. 1570134 on Robyn Road, S.W. - Colonial Green The City of Roanoke owns a parcel that is part of the Colonial Green development located on Robyn Road, S.W. and identified as Official Tax No. 1570134. It is zoned MXPUD, Mixed Use Development District. An amendment of the development plan as it pertains to Official Tax Nos. 1570134, 1 5701 53, and 1570154 is necessary to permit the addition of a twelve (12) foot paved alley to serve the row houses proposed along the southeastern boundary of the district. A twenty (20) foot private right -of -way, along with a public access and utility easement, would accommodate the alley, solid waste pick -up, utility maintenance, and rear garage access to the row houses. This amendment would also accommodate five (5) additional row house units on the subject properties. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to file an application; and any necessary amended applications, to amend an MXPUD development plan for the above - referenced properties, as reflected in the attached application. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 Respectfully submitted, Darlene L. Burcham City Manager c: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk R. Brian Townsend, Agent, City Planning Commission CM07 -00048 APPLICATION AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED ROANOKE CONDITIONS Date: April 6, 2007 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166. Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building xx Original Application 215 Church Avenue, S.W. r_ Amended Application Roanoke, VA 24011 No. Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 All submittals must be typed, include all required documentation and a check for the filing fee. Application is hereby submitted for amendment of proffered conditions for the property located at: Property Address(es): Robyn Road, Colonial Green Circle, Greenway Drive, S.W. Official Tax No(s): 1570134, 15701.53, :1nd 1570154 Existing Zoning: Mm?uo. Ordinance Number of Conditional Rezoninq: 36998 - 032105 Name of Applicant /Contact Person: Gay and Neel', Inc., Michael ca 345 Mountain Avenue, S.W.. Roancke, VA' 24016 Mailing Address: - Telephone:( 540 345 - -1110 - _ Fax: (54)) 345 -5560 E -mail: l,cc: Applicant's signature: Property Owner's Name: City of Roanoke c/o Darlene 1.. Burcham Mailing Address: Room 364, Noel C. Ta.yLor 21uiicipnl Building, Roanoke; VA 24011 Telephone: ( 549 853 - 2333 Property Owner's signature: Fax: ( ): E-mail- Property Owners Name: _ Colonial Green, L.C., Joyce Grahan, Manager. Mailing Address: P 0 Box 10296,. Blacks bur g, VA 2406,_ Telephone: ( 540 "0 5215 Fax: (546) 44,1 -9314 E -mail: j l hrah;mnen.� f r. nrr Property Owner's signature: Colonial Green: Amendment to Planned Unit Development District The following Applicant's Report is provided to explain the requested change to the existing Planned Unit Development called Colonial Green located along Colonial Avenue in the City of Roanoke. The area affected by tite amendment is along the Southeastern boundary of the District, on the southeastern side of Greenway Drive, and contains rowhouses. All other areas of the PUD are to remain unaflected. As the project has moved forward, a change to the Storrnwaler management facilities has provided an opportunity to revisit the concept and re- introduce a planning strategy that was removed in the early stages of Master Planning this project. As is incorporated in other areas of the project, residences are provided with alley access for vehicles whenever possible, the incorporation of alleys riot only improves the project's streetscape, but also provides the opportunity for more on- street parking within the project. As previously approved, the Master Plan calls lbr rowhouse lots along the southeastern boundary of the project to be accessed with driveways from the public street. This access allowed the rear yards to be used for stormwater management purposes in the torn of infiltration ponds and swales. The use of the swales and ponds precluded the use of the rear yards 1br an alley. Although the alley was desirable, the need for a stonnwater management area in the lower portion of the site presented a conflict. During the final design stages and early construction stages of Phase I, it became apparent that the stonnwater management facility to be installed would best serve the site if developed as totally subsurface in nature. The required storage volume was provided by large diameter underground chambers. These chambers were placed deep to provide adequate storage and address hydraulic constraints. With the placement of the chambers underground, file rear yards of the rowhouse lots are once again available for placement of an alley. The proposed alley will utilize the same geometry and function of the other alleys within the District. Alleys will be 12 -feet of pavement in a 20 -feet wide private right-of-way. The alleys, although privately maintained, will have public access and utility casements over them to allow solid waste pick -up, utility maintenance, and emergency response access. Another change precipitated as a result of experience on phase I and the addition of an alley is the size of the Rowhouses. Footprints as shown on the previously approved Development Plan are being reduced. With approval of this proposed Amendment to the PUD, the number of rowhouse dwellings will be increased from 37 to 42 within the District. The impact of the additional units is being minimized with the reduced footprints, and the increase in on- street parking opportunities. The width of the units is being reduced loom 30 -1eet to 24 -feet. The original 30 -feet wide unit was driven by the need for the street level garage entry to have an extra stair and hallway access to the basement area. -I he reduced width will make these units more consistent with the size units on the opposite side of the street. As mentioned above, the placement of an alley will allow the streetscape to he cleaned up with the reduction in the number of driveways, the relocation of the garage doors to the rear of the buildings will improve the aesthetics of the rowhouses, and with the elimination of the driveway entrances, additional on- street parking opportunities will be realizaf. AX# 1570134 ITY OF ROANOKEI fAX# 1570154 OLONIAL GREEN, ILC. VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=1000' EXHIBIT 1 GAY AND NEEL, INC : DLSIGNED: AL ENGINMUNC Colonial Green Zoning Amendment CIIECKED: LA!ND CAPF ARCIIIM.LMJP.r DRAWN: AMC sc 1260 Radford Street . ..... SCALE;' = ICOO' Christiansburg, DATE: 03130107 Virginia 240 RE 'I Id'-6"; 4 1 5.j) - Vicinity Map JOB NO. 1380.7 C.;Iy of Rowiake. Vrqrnin SHEFT I OF I ..... ....... �ld jugwdojj�aCj 02210 rVfUOIOD r: if Lil aoexs n mn'oolzWlIID mma MK "Hs W. as., . WEL, . on,so—nJ%;j EXHIBIT 2 Colonial Green Zoning Amendment Adjoining Property Owners Tax Map No. Name of Property Owner Mailing Address 3502 Robyn Road, SW • 1570103 Gregory E. & Vicky L. Roseberry Roanoke, VA 24015 2750 Creston Avenue, SW • 1570112 Verity Jane Callender Roanoke, VA 24015 Trustee Southwest Congregation of 1315 Hamilton Terrace SF. 1570113 Jehovah's Witnesses Roanoke, VA 24014 3349 Colonial Avenue, SW • 1570115 Berlin C. & Grace Marie Flora Roanoke, VA 24018 3508 Robyn Road, SW 1570117 James Lee & Carolyn M. Duncan Roanoke, VA 24015 5844 Lakemont Drive 1570118 James K. & Yvonne R. (TRS) Metz Roanoke, VA 24018 3517 Robyn Road, SW 1570126 P.W. & India I. Moore Roanoke, VA 24015 P.O. Box 12385 -Tax Dept. 1570132 CHS, Inc. Roanoke, VA 24025 2012 S. Jefferson Street 1570133 Western Virginia Water Authority Roanoke, VA 24014 P.O. Box 985 • 1570145 Progress Street Builders, Inc. Blacksburg, VA 24063 P.O. Box 985 1570146 Progress Street Builders, Inc. Blacksburg, VA 24063 P.O. Box 985 1570147 Progress Street Builders, Inc. Blacksburg, VA 24063 P.O. Box 985 1570148 Progress Street Builders, Inc. Blacksburg, VA 24063 9u i9� P.O. Box 10296 1570149 Colonial Green, LC Blacksburg, VA 24062 P.O. Box 10296 1570150 JColonial Green, LC Blacksburg, VA 24062 EXHIBIT 2 Colonial Green Zoning Amendment Adjoining Property Owners Tax Map No. Name of Property Owner Mailing Address 1 f ? 41 P.O. Box 10296 1570151 Colonial Green, LC Blacksburg, VA 24062 P.O. Box 985 1570152 Progress Street Builders, Inc. Blacksburg, VA 24063 P.O. Box 10296 1570155 Colonial Green, LC Blacksburg, VA 24062 3719 Strother Road, SW 1650924 Walter S. Frazier Roanoke, VA 24015 1 GS•i ;ZUy John K-E-fk 44nv- .7 -7,wreteskh41c a c/a /g- a6CCe STEPHANIE DI. MOON. CNIC Coe Clerk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _' 1? Chm'ch Avenue. S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke. Virginia ]4011 -1536 Telephone: ti41A ti53 ?541 Fax: t541tt'n531145 E -mail: clerk �cruannkcra.Fo% April 17, 2007 File #67-178-236-319-514-559 SIIFILA N. I IAR NAN Dcputy City Clerk I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 37736- 041607 authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 3 to the 2004 -2005 CDBG /HOME Agreement with the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, and the necessary amendments to the City's HUD Consolidated Plan regarding the Harrison Museum of African - American Culture, Cherry Avenue, N. W., New Horizons Healthcare, Mountain View Recreation Center and Hurt Park infrastructure improvements activities, upon certain terms and conditions. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, *4_iAvv' 0) Stephanie M. Moon, CM City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Besse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development W. Dan Webb, Acting Director, Housing and Neighborhood Services Frank E. Baratta, Budget Team Leader IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of April, 2007. Mo. 37736- 041607. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 3 to the 2004 -200 CDBGi"HOME Agreement with the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, upon certain terms and conditions. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. The City Manager and the City Clerk are hereby authorized on behalf of the City to execute and attest, respectively, Amendment No. 3 to the 2004 -20015 CDBG; HOME Agreement with the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority ( "RRIIA "), and the necessary amendments to the City's HUD Consolidated Plan regarding the Harrison Museum, Cherry Avenue, New Horizons Healthcare, Mt. View Recreation Center and Hurt Park infrastructure improvements activities, upon such terms and conditions as are more particularly set forth in the City Manager's letter dated April 16, 2007, to City Council. 2. The form of such Amendment No. 3, and any necessary amendments thereto, shall be approved by the City Attorney. 4'.- nm.r-nc �3 Consol elan cueG -iohc HUr 5 -16 07 ATTEST: #k A y Clerk. ^ CITY OF ROANOKE ` 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Ni!i•l C. T.i_\•lor Municipal 13uililing 215 Church AV011LIC, "'.W. Room ;64 - Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1301 April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Consolidated Plan Amendments Regarding Funding for Mt. View Recreation Center, Hurt Park Infrastructure and New Horizons Healthcare Background: Each fiscal year, the City allocates its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds to two dozen or more activities conducted by local nonprofit agencies as well as City departments. In most cases, funds are implemented in a timely manner and provide the benefits intended. In some cases, however, changing circumstances delay implementation of planned activities, resulting in designated funds remaining on hold for extended periods. This can expose the City to the possible recouping of excess unexpended funds by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Moreover, while on hold, funds remain unavailable to assist other important community needs. This Council letter addresses three activities for which funds have been on hold for extended periods. • In July 2004, the City allocated $100,000 of its CDBG funding to assist the Harrison Museum of African - American Culture with its facilities needs. Changes in the sites being considered by the Museum have resulted in these funds being on hold since that time. • In July 2005, the City allocated $608,500 in CDBG funds to a contract with the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) for acquisition of Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 a 15-unit apartment building and five parcels on Cherry:Avenue, NW. Four of the five parcels have been acquired: however, the apartment building has not been available at a reasonable price. Consequently, at least $550,000 of this funding is continuing on hold. • For the 2006 -2007 period, the City allocated $41,875 for expansion of the New Horizons Healthcare (formerly Kuumba Community Health and Wellness Center) facility. Since allocating the funds, New Horizons Healthcare has moved to a new location at Valley View Mall and has requested use of the funds for exam room equipment and client management software needed to enhance and increase its services to the community. Regarding the Harrison Museum and Cherry Avenue activities, while these remain on hold there are needs for approximately $350,000 to assist the repair of the roof at the Mt. View Recreation Center and $1 million for infrastructure improvements in public rights -of -way associated with the Hurt Park public housing project. Since both are CDBG - eligible activities, the City desires to obtain much of the needed financing from the CDBG funds currently on hold for the Harrison Museum and Cherry Avenue. An additional $700,000 for the Hurt Park infrastructure needs is tentatively included among the CDBG activities to be funded as part of the City's 2007 -2008 Consolidated Plan Annual Update, which is scheduled to come before Council for approval at the May 14, 2007, meeting. Regarding the New Horizons Healthcare funding, the City supports the requested change in the use from facilities development to direct provision of services and believes this would benefit New Horizon Healthcare, its clients and the community. Considerations: The Mt. View Recreation Center, Hurt Park infrastructure improvements and New Horizons Healthcare activities are ready to proceed: therefore, these uses address important community needs while helping to avoid compliance issues regarding underexpenditures. However, though the City desires to reallocate the funds on hold for the Harrison Museum and Cherry Avenue activities, it is not abandoning its commitment to these activities. Both will remain open in the City's Consolidated Plan, retaining the ability to receive funding in the future, when activity is possible, and both have been listed as tentative funding commitments against future CDBG funds. In the case of New Horizons Healthcare, the existing funds are remaining in place and only the use is changing. In order to effect the necessary funding transfers, add the Mt. View Recreation Center and Hurt Park infrastructure activities, and change the funding use for New Horizons Healthcare, the City's HUD Consolidated Plan must be amended. This requires a 30 -day public review and Council action before the amendments can be implemented. A legal notice appeared in the Roanoke Times on March 16, 2007, Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 3 to begin the public comment period, which is to end today. No objections to these actions have been received to date. In the event that no compelling objections are received, the actions recommended in this Council letter will be implemented upon the expiration of the comment period. Since the Cherry Avenue acquisition funding is obligated to a contract with the RRHA funded with CDBG and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) funds, this contract must also be amended as part of the actions being undertaken through this report. However, authorization for the City Manager to enter into a new contract with the RRHA for the Hurt Park infrastructure funds will be submitted to Council under a separate letter planned for the May 7, 2007, meeting. Recommended Actions: Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 3 to the 2004 -2005 CDBG /HOME Agreement with the RRHA, similar in form and content to the draft attached to this report, and approved as to form by the City Attorney. Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary amendments to the City's HUD Consolidated Plan regarding the Harrison Museum, Cherry Avenue, New Horizons Healthcare, Mt. View Recreation Center and Hurt Park infrastructure improvements activities. Respectfully submitted, f t�.l.�l err✓ Darlene L. Bur am City Manager Attachments: 1 c: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance R. Brian Townsend, Acting Asst. City Manager for Community Development W. Dan Webb, Acting Director of Housing and Neighborhood Services Frank E. Baratta, Budget Team Leader CM07 -00039 AMENDMENT No. 3 This Amendment No. 3 is made and entered into This first day of April 2007 by and hety een the City of Roanoke. Virginia. (-Grantee") and City of Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority (" Subgrantec -). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 36838- 090704, the Council of the Citv of Roanoke, Virginia, ( "COUncil ") approved the execution of a subgrant agreement between the Grantee and the Sub_ *ranlce ( "Agreement "): and WHEREAS. by ReSOlulion No. 37137-080105. COL11161 approved the execution of Anlendnlent No. I to the Agrcenhent. extending the time of performance, increasing the finding, and revising goals and other technical provisions: and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 37479-071706, Council approved the execution of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement, extending the lime of Pcrfo manse, increasing the funding, and revising goals and other technical prov isions: and WHEREAS. by Resolution No. - 041607. Council approval the execution of this Amendment No. 3 to the agreennent, decreasing the funding for certain activities: NOW. THEREFORE. the Grantee and the Subgrantee do mutualiv agree to this Amendment NO. 3. to effect the following changes: The Community Development Block Grant (" CDBG ") funding made available by the Grantee under this Agreement for the "Project GOLD — Cherry hill Acquisition' activities shall be decreased by 5550.000. reducing the total funding for the Agreement front S3,619,175 to S3,069,175. in accordance with the revised Attachment A. "200413005 RRHA CDBG and HOME Agreement Financial Accounts.- included with this Amendment No. 3. The Agreement, dated July 1, 2004, Amendment No. l. dated July 1. 2005. and Amendment No. ? dated July I. 2006, shall remain unchanged in all other terns and provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto hang executed this Amendment No. 3 as of the day and year hereinahme written: ATTEST: FOR 'I I IE GRANTEE: By Stephanie M. Moon. City Clerk WITNESS: By Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager FOR THE St1BGRANTI:E: By By Joyce R. Williams. Executive Assistant ( Note: Executive Director is the Boma Secretary) Page I of 3 Ellis I lenry. Executive Director APPROVED AS TO CDBG /IIOME ELIGIBILITY Dept. of blousing and Neighborhood Services APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION Assistant City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistant Cite .attorney APPROPRIATION AND FUNDS REQUIRED FOR THIS CONTRAC f CERTIFIED Director of Finance Date Account # (See Attachment Al (This spare intentionally left blank.) Page 2 of 3 Attachment A 2004/2005 RRHA CDBG and I-IUME Agreement Financial Accounts Source Account # Description Project Support Admin Total CDBG 35 -0n5- 05110-543'- special Need, Proennn 11').1)74 0 0 119!174 CDBG 3i-(;0i-052(,-5433 Special Nand, Program 0 38.1119 0 38.I2S CDBG 35- 611.5- 0520 -5434 Special Nee(k I'ros;ml u 0 8,694 8.6 0-I CDBG 35- 6.06 -0,2(1 -5.131 Speri:l Nccd, Progrnn 82_1145 0 0 K2145 CDRG 35 -6(10 -0(,20 -5133 Specia Needti Progri n m 11.01_4 m 21.02.1 CDLsG 35- G0(,- 06_20 -5434 Special Nced, Progr;nn u U 5.435 5,435 CDBG 35 G(17- 0720 -5432 Special Nced, I'rogr,im 175.100 (1 11 175.000 C -Uli(3 35 -017- 11720 54.13 SpCCi.l Noed, Program II 75.(1!1(1 (1 15,0110 Suhlo6l 377011) 134.752 14.121) 525,91111 CDBG 35 -G(I5 -0520 -5454 Pn,Jecl GOLD 220.321 m 0 22(1.321 CDBG 35- (.3115- 05 2 0 -5 4 311 Project GOLD a 172.4(,4 0 171.464 CDBG 35- (3115.115211 -1453 Pll,jecl GOLD 11 0 38,2119 38.22\ CDBG 3i- (311,-10211 -5454 I'rojca GOLD 258.,11 II 0 251.611 CDBG 354;06 -0010 -5430 I'rojec( GOLD (1 238.870 0 238.870 C'DTJG 35 -G06 -116 -111 -5453 I'rujecl GOLD 11 11 811,6118 80.wis CDR(.'. 35- 607 - 0720 -5 -iiI I'rl,jccl GOI,D 2 "11.178 11 (1 271.178 CDBG 35- 6117 - (1720- 5430 Project GOLD o 182,11111 0 182.101 CDBG 35- Gm5 - 115211.5404 Pl OiOd (.OLD -Chem Hill .AC4LII,itin11 44.91111 0 0 44.000 CDBG 35- 605 - 05211 -54X9 I'mycl GOLD Chcrq Hill Acquisition m 11.(100 m 1211(10 CDIiU 35 -0115 -11520 -549(1 Project GOLD- Cherry Ilill ALIJI M011 11 0 I .4111 1.601 CDBG 35 -G06 -0620. i409 ProjCct GOLD- ('halo II111 ACquisilion m 0 0 (1 S1111101:11 745.)111 6115,4411 1211,4-36 1,5211.880 CD13C., 35-604- 1)421) -5347 DCl'CIi CI SMICIII1CS PI'u_I'alll 115.54(, 0 0 215,546 CDBG 354304-0420-1411", Del'CIICI SII'11Cllll'es ho"l'ain 11 ,5.1110 0 65/11111 CDBG. 35 -G04 (420-55,17 D0I'0110 SITUCIIIleS P1'IILRU11 11 0 4.1110 40111 CDBG ;5 -U09-0520-5435 DCI'CIlel Sm'urlm'C, 1?111or:un - N011- 1.11u/Mod 11111,111111 0 0 100.01111 CDBG 3 5-017-071 DO Cl ICI SI ILICIm'C, NO2MI11- N011- 1.0 " /Nil ,d 175,0011 11 m 175.)(10 CDBG 35-Cif )7-07120-5407 DerelicL SULICIInYS Prugl'a111 75.0(11) 11 75.000 Sllhwl;d 5111041, 1411,000 4,11110 644,54, Total CDBE Funds 1,672,575 8811.192 138,565 2,691,332 H(1ML 35 4)(J11 - 5312 -5154 1'rajeLi GOLD 111.710 N:\ 0 111.709 II('):ME 35 -0110 -5312 -5453 1'111jeo COLD 0 NA 12.412 12.412 HOME 35 -190- 5364 -5454 Pmiecl COLD 123.722 NA 1) 1234,722 I[Mil'l. 35 -1140- 5364 -5453 Proji CI GOLD 0 NA 30.000 10.0011 HOME 35 -,1.5- ,114.5507 Project GOLD (Local HONG %mch fund,) 100.(101 NA a 100.000 suhlolal 335.431 NA 42.412 371.843 Total HONIL Funds 335.4131 NA 42,412 377,833 TOTAL CDBG AND HOME. 2,11118,006 8811,192 180.977 3.169,175 Nose: BudgCLed limds shomi are lion, Iha MCCplion (It 01C agreement and do not represent halances a%ailahie as 01 July I. 2()06. Pal_c 3 of 3 ^ °4'iCFCCI � S I EI'IMNIF A MOON, C MC. City Clerk Jesse A. Hall Director of Finance Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Hall: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _' 15 Church Avenue. S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -15?6 Telephone: 04f,11 8i3 25-21 rax: f540?Snl 1145 E -mail: dcrkQio;mokeea.guc April 17, 2007 File #53 -60 -323 SHEILA N. H.ARTMAN Deputy City C'lel k I am attaching copy of Budget Ordinance No. 37737 - 041607 transferring Series 2002 General Obligation Bond funding from the Capital Projects Fund Library Facilities Project to various new Library Projects, and amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Capital Projects Fund Appropriations. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, S44� �. / Ja) Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment PC: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Sheila S. Umberger, Director of Libraries Philip C. Schirmer, PE, LS, City Engineer Charles M. Anderson, Architect II, Engineering Department IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007-.- No. 37737- 041607. AN ORDINANCE to transfer Series 2002 General Obligation Bond funding from the Capital Projects Fund Library Facilities Project to various new Library Projects, amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Capital Projects Fund Appropriations and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following sections of the 2006 -2007 Capital Projects Fund Appropriations be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read and provide as follows: Appropriations Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08 -650- 9747 -9076 $ 1,296,000 Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08 -650- 9748 -9076 1,080,400 Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08- 650 - 9749 -9076 1,036,300 Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08- 650 - 9750 -9076 1,634,000 Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08- 650 - 9751 -9076 57,400 Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08 -650- 9752 -9076 49,900 Appropriated from 2002 Bond Funds 08- 650 - 9746 -9076 ( 5,154,000 ) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: *xf Z�- VV City Clerk. CITY OF ROANOKE M.e,11 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Noel C. I'a\•lorMuniCihal Building '15 Church AVenur, tiIAN , Room 3t,4 Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1501 I ., \: : ; 111, An.!-] I IN CHI, k\, I,: April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice -Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Library Facilities Project Implementation of Individual Projects Background: Improvements to the Library system were identified in the Comprehensive Library Study that was adopted into the City of Roanoke's Comprehensive Plan and approved by City Council on December 19, 2005. On April 17, 2006, Council authorized by Ordinance 3 73 74 - 041 706 the appropriation of $5.59 million for Library Facilities Project. Approximately $436,000 has been expended, or will shortly be encumbered, for architectural- engineering fees, surveys, and other miscellaneous work to include pre- design, programming and preparation of "as- built" drawings. Considerations: The Library's planning consultant, working in concert with the project steering committee, has developed a strategy to implement the first phase of the Library Facilities Project. That strategy, which-proposes .a series of smaller projects, has been presented to and approved by the Library Advisory Board. A brief synopsis of those individual projects follows: • Renovate and expand the existing Jackson Park Branch Library. • Renovate and expand the existing Gainsboro Branch Library. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 of 2 • Identify a location for a new full services ( "super ") branch library, develop the conceptual plans for that facility, and purchase the land required for the new branch. • Identify a location for a new a "storefront" type facility, renovate that facility, and relocate an existing branch into the new storefront facility. • Develop the design for a free - standing electronic "kiosk" unit that would incorporate a computer console, printer, and telephone, along with a book return and book lockers, and locate one unit in a retail shopping facility, a second unit in the Garden City community. Recommended Action: Transfer funding from Account #08- 650 -9746, titled Library Facilities Project, to the following new project accounts to be established by the Director of Finance: • $1,296,000 to Capital Project Account entitled "Renovation and Expansion of Jackson Park Branch Library." • $1,080,400 to Capital Project Account entitled "Renovation and Expansion of Gainsboro Branch Library." • $1,036,300 to Capital Project Account entitled "New Full Services Branch Library." • $1,634,000 to Capital Project Account entitled "New 'Storefront' Branch Library." • $57,400 to Capital Project Account entitled "New Multi- Services Electronic Kiosks." • $49,900 to Capital Project Account untitled "New Multi- Services Electronic Kiosks, Garden City." Funding for design and construction of the proposed full services branch library is to be allocated as part of the next phase of Library improvements. Respectfully submitted, Darlene L. rcham City Manager c: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk Sherman M. Stovall, Director of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Asst. City Manager for Community Dev. Sheila S. Umberger, Director of Libraries Philip C. Schirmer, PE, LS, City Engineer Charles M. Anderson, Architect II CM07 -00042 1'� L STEPHANIE NI A100K. CHIC C11\ Clerk Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 ChUlCh i\ernue, S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke. Virginia 24011-15',6 Telephone: 15407.353 -,541 Pax: (540) 953 -1145 E mail: rlerACi•roanoArca.to� April 17, 2007 File #60 -529 I am attaching copy of Resolution No. 37738 - 041607 acceptance of an EPA Brownfield job Training Grant from th Protection Agency to fund a job training program to tr environmental technicians; authorizing the City Manager necessary documents or agreements to receive, implement, such grant; and authorizing the City Manager to execute Subgrant agreements to implement such job training program. SHEILA N. HARTAIAN Deputy City Clerk authorizing the e Environmental ain persons as to execute any and administer any necessary The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, f h?, Stephanie M. Moon, CM' C City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment pc: Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Ian Shaw, Senior Planner / 11 1N THE COUNC IL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37738- 041607. A RESOLUTION authorizing the acceptance of an EPA Brownfield Job Training Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to fund a job training program to train persons as enviromnental technicians, authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents or agrcements to receive, implement, and administer such grant; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary subgrant agreements to implement suchjob training program. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. The City of Roanoke hereby accepts the .EPA Brownfield Job Training Grant from the Environmental Protection ,Agency, in the amount of $173,263.00, to fund a job training program to train persons as environmental technicians, all as more particularly set forth in the letter dated April 16, 2007, from the City Manager to this Council. 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute any and all requisite agreements and /or documents, approved as to form by the City .Attorney, and to funtish such additional information as may be required in connection with the City's acceptance of this grant. 3. 'I he City Manager is authorized to take any necessary action to receive, implement, and administer such grant and the job training program. d. The City Manager is further authorized to execute subgrant agreements, approved as to fonn by the City Attorney, with Virginia Western Community College, Total Action Against Poverty in Roanoke Valley, and any other entity as may be needed to develop and implement suchjob training program. ATTEST: Cny Clerk. i Nei STEPHANIE 11. >1001N. CHIC Cif% Clerk Jesse A. Hall Director of Finance Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Hall: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. N., Rohm 456 Roanoke. Virginia 13011 -15 16 T.Irphone: 154UI$5+ -1541 Fns: 154I10 85; -1145 E mad: rlcrk(,Pruanokcea ('V April 17, 2007 File #60 -529 SHEILA N. 11AR I MAN Drpuly Cil� Clrrk I am attaching copy of Budget Ordinance No. 37739 - 041607 appropriating funds from the federal government for the Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield Redevelopment Job Training Program Grant, and amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, *jLx"t-� �;? - �q� Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment PC: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Ian Shaw, Senior Planner IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37739- 041607. AN ORDINANCE to. appropriate funding from the federal government for the Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield Redevelopment Job Training Program Grant, amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations, and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following sections of the 2006 -2007 Grant Fund Appropriations be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read and provide as follows: Appropriations Professional Services Revenues Brownfield Redevelopment - Job Training 35 -615- 8107 -2010 35 -615- 8107 -8107 $ 173,263 173.263 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: ' —J I`�l�"�"" . City Clehl ^ CITY OF ROANOKE J OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER " Kocl C. Tax ]or \1unicipal Building; 215 Church Avenue, SJV., Room 364 Roanoke, Virginia 2(1111 -1591 10:1 Olt lit.': 1110)8�11111 I.I %. '51111.<;} -Ills bile l \ob: i„".. r, anokv a.g „v April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: EPA Brownfield Job Training Grant Acceptance Background: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers a Brownfield Redevelopment Program that annually awards grants to states, tribal authorities, and local governments. EPA has announced an award to the City of Roanoke for a grant in the amount of $173,263 to fund a job training program. The program will target potential workers in neighborhoods impacted by brownfield sites for training as environmental technicians. If there is an insufficient response from potential workers in the targeted areas, the program may be expanded to seek potential workers outside the targeted areas. The City plans to administer the grant while passing through funding by a subgrant agreement with Virginia Western Community College (anticipated amount of $143,000) and one with Total Action Against Poverty (anticipated amount of $30,236) to develop and implement the program. This grant does not require a local match and builds on the City's brownfield program work that has been previously funded by EPA Brownfield Assessment Grants. The grant will fund the program for a two -year period. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 .Page 2 Considerations: City Council action is needed to formally accept and appropriate this grant to fund a job training program and to allow the City to establish subgrant agreements with Virginia Western Community College and Total Action Against Poverty, as noted above, or other entities as may be required for the program. Based on demand, Virginia Western may continue this course offering past the two -year grant period. Recommended Action: Accept the grant as described above and authorize the City Manager to execute any required grant agreements or documents, such to be approved as to form by the City Attorney, and to take any necessary actions to receive, implement, and administer such grant. Authorize the City Manager to execute subgrant agreements, approved to form by the City attorney, with Virginia Western Community College, Total Action Against Poverty, and any other entity as may be needed to develop and implement the job training program. Adopt the accompanying budget ordinance to establish a revenue estimate in the amount of $173,263 and to appropriate funding of the same to accounts to be established by the Director of Finance in the Grant Fund. Respectfully submitted, Darlene L. Burcham City Manager c: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk Ian Shaw, Senior Planner Sherman M. Stovall, Director of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Com. Dev. CM07 -00047 April 17, 2007 File #32 -184 Ms. Cecelia R. Tyree 2524 Marr Street, N. W. Apartment No. 15 -G Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Dear Ms. Tyree SHEILA N. HARTMAN Assislanl Cilr Clerk At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Roanoke which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, you were appointed as the Assistant Deputy City Clerk for the City of Roanoke, Virginia. Enclosed you will find a Certificate of your appointment and an Oath or Affirmation of Office which may be administered by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke. Please return one copy of the Oath of Office to the undersigned no later than April 25, 2007. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CM City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosures CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK ?IS Church Avenue, S. R'., Room 456 ,,.., .• Roanoke. Virginia 34011 -1536 vLb. 'telephone: (540) 853 -2541 Fax: 1540) 853 -1145 STEPHANIE \1. MOON, CHIC E-mail: derkF4roanokeva.gov Acting City Clerk April 17, 2007 File #32 -184 Ms. Cecelia R. Tyree 2524 Marr Street, N. W. Apartment No. 15 -G Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Dear Ms. Tyree SHEILA N. HARTMAN Assislanl Cilr Clerk At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Roanoke which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, you were appointed as the Assistant Deputy City Clerk for the City of Roanoke, Virginia. Enclosed you will find a Certificate of your appointment and an Oath or Affirmation of Office which may be administered by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke. Please return one copy of the Oath of Office to the undersigned no later than April 25, 2007. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CM City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosures Ms. Cecelia R. Tyree April 17, 2007 Page 2 pc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Troy A. Harmon, Municipal Auditor James Grigsby, Assistant City Manager for Operations R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Keli Greer, Director, Human Resources COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ) To -wit: CITY OF ROANOKE ) I, Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk, and as such City Clerk of the City of Roanoke and keeper of the records thereof, do hereby certify that at a regular meeting of Council which was held on the sixteenth day of April, 2007, CECELIA R. TYREE was appointed as the Assistant Deputy City Clerk for the City of Roanoke, Virginia. Given under my hand and the Seal of the City of Roanoke this seventeenth day of April, 2007. City Clerk ��L p 1!; K S'I EI'HANIE: M. MOON. UNIC Cite Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue. S. W.. Ruum 456 Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -IS16 '1'Aphune: (54O)S53 . 2541 Pi.5: (540) S53 -1145 E-mail: e[cikl ?manoke,a.que April 17, 2007 File #38-184 Ms. Cecelia R. Tyree 2524 Marr Street, N. W. Apartment No. 1 5 -G Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Dear Ms. Tyree: SHEILA N. H.-kRTMAIN Dqun' City Cork I am enclosing copy of Resolution No. 37740 - 041607 confirming your appointment as the Assistant Deputy City Clerk for the City of Roanoke, effective April 16, 2007. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure Pc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Troy A. Harmon, Municipal Auditor James Grigsby, Assistant City Manager for Operations R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Keli Greer, Director, Human Resources W 01 IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37740 - 041607. A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Cecelia R. Tyree as the Assistant Deputy City Clerk effective April 16. 2007. Wi-iEREAS, the City Clerk desires to appoint Cecelia R. Tyree as Assistant Deputy City Clerk of the City of Roanoke effective April 16, 2007. to which appointment this Council desires to express its consent"as required by §24 of the Roanoke City Charter of 19 52. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the appointment effective April 16, 2007, by the City Clerk of Cecelia R. Tyree as Assistant Deputy City (.'Jerk- of the City of Roanoke is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed. ATTEST: *��- 1 - r� ? , City. Clerk. ,? CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roorn 456 Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: 154111 853 -2541 Fax: 154111 853 -1145 N I EP1A \ :nu : derk(N roanokera.eo, h\ I C'ilr Clerk April 16, 2007 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Roanoke City Council Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mayor Harris and Members of Council: UII:II.A N. IIAR'1' \IA\ Depth C11y Clerk On March 19, 2007, Council concurred in the appointment of Sheila N. Hartman as Deputy City Clerk, which left the Assistant Deputy City Clerk position vacant. Section 24 of the Roanoke City Charter provides for the concurrence of Council in the appointment of a Deputy City Clerk and such number of assistants. Therefore, it is respectfully requested that Council concur in the appointment of Cecelia R. Tyree as Assistant Deputy City Clerk, effective April 16, 2007. Sincerely, aj �' Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:snh Attachment m ° CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke. Vireinia 2401 1-15 16 Telephone: U to] g5; 7541 Far: 15401353 1145 STEPHANIE \I. MOON. CHIC E-mail: clerk( manokeca.mc Cm Clerk April 17, 2007 File #60- 236 -467 Cindy H. Poulton, Clerk Roanoke City School Board P. O. Box 13145 Roanoke, Virginia 24031 Dear Ms. Poulton: SIIEIL.AN HARTMAN Deputy C,n• Clerk I am enclosing copy of Budget Ordinance 37741 - 041607 appropriating funding from the Federal and Commonwealth governments as well as local match to support various school grants and programs, and amending and ordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 School Fund Appropriations. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, *ztv� Stephanie M. Moon CMC p , City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure pc: Marvin T. Thompson, Superintendent, Roanoke City Public Schools, P. O. Box 13145, Roanoke, Virginia 24031 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37741 - 041607. AN ORDINANCE to appropriate funding from the Federal and Commonwealth governments as well as local match, to support various school grants and programs, amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 School Fund Appropriations, and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following sections of the 2006 -2007 School Fund Appropriations be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read and provide as follows: Appropriations Teacher Social Security Instructional Supplies Curriculum Development Social Security Testing Fee Tuition Travel Visiting Teachers Social Security Contracted Professional Development Revenues Federal Grant Receipts Federal Grant Receipts Federal Grant Receipts State Grant Receipts Local Match 30- 062 - 6794 - 0121 -6450 $ 2,250 30- 062 - 6794 -0201 -6450 172 30- 062 - 6794 - 0614 -6450 7,661 30- 062 - 6706 -0129 -6550 2,787 30- 062 - 6706 -0201 -6550 213 30- 062 - 6706 - 0821 -6550 1,050 30- 062- 6706 - 0822 -6550 20,950 30- 062 - 6276 - 0129 -6231 7,431 30- 062 - 6276 - 0201 -6231 569 30- 061 - 6141 - 0313 -6000 155,000 30- 062 - 6794 -1102 $ 10,083 30- 062 - 6276 -1102 8,000 30- 061 - 6141 -1102 155,000 30- 062 - 6706 -1100 20,000 30- 062 - 6706 -1101 5.000 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: Y�! }'�� *got,,-'U - qo� City Clerk. City of Roanoke School Board P.O. Box 13145, Roanoke VA 24031 ■ 540 - 853 -2381 ■ FAX 540 - 853 -2951 April 16, 2007 David B. Carson, Chair Alvin L. Nash, The Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor uiceChda and Members of Roanoke City Council Jason E. Bingham Roanoke, VA 24011 Mae G. Huff William H. Lindsey Dear Members of Council: Courtney A. Penn Todd A. Putney As the result of official School Board action at its meeting on April 3, the Marvin T. Thompson, Board respectfully requests City Council to appropriate monies to the following Superintendent grant programs: Cindy H. Poulton, • $10,083.00 for the Adult Basic Education program to provide funds for the Clerk of the Board education of adults who have not completed high school. This continuing program will be reimbursed by federal funds. • $25,000.00 for the Workforce Development Project —Auto Body /Repair to upgrade the Auto Body Repair lab at the Gibboney Campus of the Roanoke Technical Education Center. The funds will be used to replace the overhead doors in the lab, replace inoperative light fixtures, purchase a paint spray gun cleaning device, and fund curriculum development for the industry standard I -Car curriculum that fits the training need of both high school students and apprentices. This new program will be reimbursed by State funds with a local match in the amount of $5,000.00. • $8,000.00 for Reading Instruction in Middle School English to provide funds for a 13 -week education course for middle school English and Special Education teachers. The course will focus on comprehension strategies, fluency and vocabulary development and the gathering of data to inform instruction of readers who struggle. This new program is reimbursed one hundred percent by federal funds. • $155,000.00 for the Title I School Improvement Program to provide federal funds to aid the division in its effort to provide strategies to increase student learning at seven low- performing schools. This continuing program is one hundred percent reimbursed by federal funds. The Board thanks you for your approval of the above requests. re cc: Mr. David B. Carson Mr. Marvin T. Thompson Mr. William C. Wingfield Mr. Kenneth F. Mundy Ms. Darlene L. Burcham Sincerely, Cindy H. Iton, Clerk Mr. William M. Hackworth Mr. Jesse A. Hall Mrs. Ann H. Shawver Ms. Lori Van Curen (with accounting details) .JESSE. A. HALL Dh ectur or finance emai!: iesv halbii'.i oa.mkc.ca iu April 16, 2007 CITY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 215 Church Avenue. S. W'.. Room 4o 1 P.O. Box 1320 Roanoke. Virginia 34006 -1230 1'elcphonc: 010) 853 -2831 Pax: (`40) 85+ -6142 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice -Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: School Board Appropriation Request ANN 11. SHAWVER DepulY Director email'ann shmstierriiai.u•.i wke.%j ns As the result of official School Board action at its meeting on April 3, the Board has respectfully requested that City Council appropriate the following grants: • $10,083 for the Adult Basic Education program to provide funds for the education of adults who have not completed high school. This continuing program will be reimbursed by federal funds. • $25,000 for the Workforce Development Project —Auto Body /Repair to upgrade the Auto Body Repair lab at the Gibboney Campus of the Roanoke Technical Education Center. The funds will be used to replace the overhead doors in the lab, replace inoperative light fixtures, purchase a paint spray gun cleaning device, and fund curriculum development for the industry standard I -Car curriculum that fits the training need of both high school students and apprentices. This new program will be reimbursed by State funds with a local match in the amount of $5,000. • $8,000 for Reading Instruction in Middle School English to provide funds for a 13 -week education course for middle school English and Special Education teachers. The course will focus on comprehension strategies, fluency and vocabulary development and the gathering of data to inform instruction of readers who struggle. This new program is reimbursed one hundred percent by federal funds. Honorable Mayor and Members of Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 $155,000 for the Title I School Improvement Program to provide federal funds to aid the division in its effort to provide strategies to increase student learning at seven low- performing schools. This continuing program is one hundred percent reimbursed by federal funds. We recommend that you concur with this report of the School Board and adopt the attached budget ordinance to appropriate funding as outlined above. Sincerely, qalt�4, Besse A. Hall Director of Finance c: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk Sherman M. Stovall, Director of Management and Budget Marvin T. Thompson, Superintendent of City Schools City of Roanoke School Board P.O. Box 13145, Roanoke VA 24031 ■ 540 - 853 -2381 ■ FAX 540 - 853 -2951 David B. Carson, Chair Alvin L. Nash, Vice Chair Jason E. Bingham Mae G. Huff William H. Lindsey Courtney A. Penn Todd A. Putney Marvin T. '1 hompson, Suprri7tenden[ Cindy H. Poulton, Clark of the Board April 16, 2007 Ms. Stephanie Moon, CIVIC City Clerk City of Roanoke Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Ms. Moon: The attached requests approved at the April 3 School Board meeting should be included on City Council's April 16 agenda. re Enc. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, � C� Cindy . P ulton, Clerk 21 -5 Church A%enue. S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke. V'ir,inia 24011 -1536 'relcphnne: 1)1(118J3 2541 Fax: (5411) 851 -1 I.ti .S I ENIANIF A MOON. CMC E-mail: clerk RJ nrtutukeya.u(., Citc Cletk April 17, 2007 File #17-132 R. Michael Amyx Executive Director Virginia Municipal League P. O. Box 12164 Richmond, Virginia 23241 Dear Mr. Amyx: SHEILA N. HAR'1MAN UeputY City Clerk At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Roanoke which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, Council Member Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., was nominated as a member of the VML Transportation Policy Committee; Council Member Gwen W. Mason was nominated as a member of the VML Environmental Quality Policy Committee; Council Member Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., was nominated as a member of the VML Human Development and Education Committee; William M. Hackworth was nominated as a member of the VML General Laws Committee; and Jesse A. Hall was nominated as a member of the VML Finance Committee. Sincerely, "Ow ' 17 0d-s Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure pc: The Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member The Honorable Gwen W. Mason, Council Member The Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK File #17-132 R. Michael Amyx Executive Director Virginia Municipal League P. O. Box 12164 Richmond, Virginia 23241 Dear Mr. Amyx: SHEILA N. HAR'1MAN UeputY City Clerk At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Roanoke which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, Council Member Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., was nominated as a member of the VML Transportation Policy Committee; Council Member Gwen W. Mason was nominated as a member of the VML Environmental Quality Policy Committee; Council Member Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., was nominated as a member of the VML Human Development and Education Committee; William M. Hackworth was nominated as a member of the VML General Laws Committee; and Jesse A. Hall was nominated as a member of the VML Finance Committee. Sincerely, "Ow ' 17 0d-s Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure pc: The Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member The Honorable Gwen W. Mason, Council Member The Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance VIRGINIA MUNICIPAL LEAGUE 2007 Policy Coninihlee Nominations FP-11ase return IIt is form by May 4 to.loni Tern L. P.O. Box 1216.1; Riclunund. VA 23241: 1'ax SO4 %343 -3 7�S Environmental OualitY Name & Title: Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 1'rel''erred, \iailingAddress :215 Church Avenue, —S. W., Suite 456, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Nautc & Title: Preferred Mailing Address: Finance Narne &Title:— Jesse..A. .Hall, Director of Finance _ Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building Preferred Mailing,\ddress:215 !'hutchAv-c�,.S ly., Sutie 465, Roanoke, Vir&inia 24011 Name & Title: Preferred Mailing Address: General Laws Name,S,Title: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Noel C. Taylor Municipal Bui.cfTing " Prrfern•d Mailing Address:215 Church Avenue, S. W., Suite 464, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Name & Title: Preferred Mailing Addre:;s: Human Derelopme nt & Education Name &.'I it It,. Alfred T. Dowe, Jr. , Council Member Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building F'relbned \iailin,: Addn•s: X15 Church Avenue, S. W. , - Suite 456, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Name & Title: Preferred \lailing Address: Transportation Name & Title: Beverly_ T. Fitzpatrick, Jr. , Council Member :Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building Preferred Mailing Addres.s: - -215 Chu�h Avenues ". S __W ,_ Sutie 45� Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Name &Title: Preferred \sailing Address S' 1e ocality: City of Roanoke, Virginia — — — — J 0 File #51 Edward A. Natt, Attorney Osterhoudt, Prillaman, Natt, Helscher, Yost, Maxwell and Ferguson P. O. Box 20487 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Natt: SHEILA IN. HAR I'M AN Depug Ciq' Clerk I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 37742- 041607 amending a proffered condition presently binding upon property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N. W., identified as Official Tax No. 6450101, reflecting that the site be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan showing a 55,000 square foot building, parking spaces not to exceed 125, and a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Aar M. rk)a" Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - . 21 S Church Avenue. S. W.. Room 156 1�. ROW10ke. Virginia 14011 -1516 fClzpltinl:': IS1U15. 3 2541 F:lv:5-i0) 951 -1145 STP.F'II4VII? kl. \t(IOK. CHIC -mail: clerk(a.n,mukcs,eo, Cil} Clerk April 17, 2007 File #51 Edward A. Natt, Attorney Osterhoudt, Prillaman, Natt, Helscher, Yost, Maxwell and Ferguson P. O. Box 20487 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Natt: SHEILA IN. HAR I'M AN Depug Ciq' Clerk I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 37742- 041607 amending a proffered condition presently binding upon property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N. W., identified as Official Tax No. 6450101, reflecting that the site be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan showing a 55,000 square foot building, parking spaces not to exceed 125, and a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, Aar M. rk)a" Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure Edward A. Natt April 17, 2007 Page 2 pc: Home Depot USA, Inc., P. 0. Box 105842, Atlanta, Georgia 30348 Doris D. Scott, Trustee, 1 146 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Ferncliff South Housing Management, 601 S. Belvidere Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220 CDA Hershberger, LLC, 500 Volvo Parkway, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Marvin T. Thompson, Superintendent, Roanoke City Public Schools, P. 0. Box 13145, Roanoke, Virginia 24031 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Martha P. Franklin, Secretary, City Planning Commission Susan S. Lower, Director of Real Estate and Valuation William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney 5a�wq IN T1IE COL -NCII_ OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE. VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37742- 041607. AN ORDINANCE to amend §36.2 -100, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and the Official Zoning Map, City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated December 5, 2005, as amended, by repealing Ordinance No. 31658-120197. to the extent that it placed certain conditions on Official Tax No. 6450101, located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N.W., . and placing new proffers on the subject property; and dispensing with the second reading of this ordinance by title. WIIEREAS, Donna S. Clark, Manager, Freeway Partners, LLC, has filed ;m application to the Council of the City of Roanoke to repeal Ordinance No. 33653 - 120197, adopted December 1, 1997, to the extent such ordinance placed certain conditions upon property bearing Official Tax No. 6450101, located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N.W., and to place new conditions proffered by the applicant on the property bearing Official Tax No. 6450101; WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission, which after giving proper notice to all concerned as required by §36.2 -540, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and after conducting a public hearing on the matter, has made its recommendation to City Council; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by City Council on such application at its meeting on April 16, 2007, after due and timely notice thereof as required by §36.2 -54it, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, at which hearing all parties in interest and citizens were given an opportunity to be heard, both for and against the proposed amendment; and U-Prceway Parme,a, LLC— repeal & amend prnffm 41607 WHEREAS, City Council, after considering the aforesaid application, the recommendation made to City Council by the Planting Commission; the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the matters presented at the public hearing, finds that the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice, require the repeal of Ordinance No. 33658- 120197, adopted December 1, 1997, to the extent such ordinance placed certain conditions upon property bearing Official tax No. 64511101, located at 3550 Femcliff Avenue, N.W., and the adoption of the proffers pertaining to the subject property as set forth herein, and for those reasons, is of the opinion that the subject property should be rezoned as herein provided. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that: 1. Ordinance No. 33655 - 120197, adopted by the City Council oil December 1, 1997, to the extent that it placed certain conditions on Official Tax No. 6450101, located at 3350 Ferncliff Avenue, N.W., is hereby REI'F,ALED, and that the Official Zoning Map, City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated December 5, 2005, as amended, be amended to reflect such action. 2. That proffers set forth in the Application for Amendment of Proffered Conditions of Freeway Partners, LI,C, Amended Application No. 3, filed in the Department of Planning, Building and Economic Development, oft March 20, 2007, are accepted and placed on the property bearing Official Tax No. 6450101, so that such property will be zoned CLS, Commercial Large Site District, with conditions proffered by the applicant, and that §36.2 -100, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and the Official Zoning Map, City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated December 5, 2005, as amended, be amended to reflect such action. O- Fieeuay Pznners. LLC — repeal & amend prof fm 41607 3. Pursuant to the provisions of §12 of the City Charter, the second readine of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: DOW Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk. O- Freeway Partners, L.LCC — repeal & amend pmilia:s 41607 - curi, OF ROANOKE PLANNING BUILDING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 215 Church Menue, S." , Room 166 ra y Roanoke. Virghda 24011 Telephone: (540) 857 -1730 Fax: (540)853-1231) n E-mail: plrnninglu-rom(oke%a.gov U'chilccloral Re0,c RnarA Planninc (- nnuniuinn Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: April 16, 2007 Subject: Request from Donna S. Clark, Manager, Freeway Partners, LLC, represented by Edward A. Natt, Esq., to amend a proffered condition on the property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N.W., Official Tax No. 6450101, to proffer that the site will be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan showing a 55,000 s.f. building, parking spaces not to exceed 125 and a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet. Planning Commission Action: Planning Commission public hearing was held on Thursday, February 15, 2007. By a vote of 0 -6 (Mr. Rife absent), the motion to amend the proffered conditions failed. Subsequent to the Commission's vote, the applicant, through its attorney, filed Amended Application No. 3 on March 20, 2007. Background: On December 1, 1997, at the request of Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., City Council amended conditions on properties identified as Official Tax Nos. 6450101, 6450118 and 6450117 and zoned C -2, General Commercial District, with conditions (Ordinance 33659- 120197). This amendment was in conjunction with the rezoning of Official Tax Nos. 6440117, 6440118 and 6440119, also by Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., from RM -2, Residential Multifamily District, to C -2, General Commercial District, with conditions (Ordinance No. 33658 - 120197) for the construction of a building supplies and materials store. All parcels, whether proffers were amended or the zoning designations were changed, in 1997 were made subject to the same proffered conditions. As part of the comprehensive rezoning adopted by City Council on December 5, 2005, the subject properties were rezoned from C -2, General Commercial District, with conditions to CLS, Commercial Large Site District, with conditions. One of the conditions adopted with the proffer amendment was a development plan which would require the current applicant to construct a 24,000 square foot building with a 206 space parking lot on an out - parcel of Home Depot. The applicant is requesting that the proffers as they apply to Official Tax No. 6450101 be amended to permit the construction of a 55,000 square foot building with a 200 space parking lot to accommodate a large showroom and product storage area for a furniture and appliance store. At staff's request, conditions originally proffered by the applicant, which are now regulated by the City's Zoning Ordinance, have been removed or amended. The application was filed on December 28, 2006. A first amended application was filed on January 30, 2007, and a second amended application was filed on February 9, 2007, to address specific staff comments. Considerations: Proffered Conditions to be Repealed and Adopted The applicant requests that all proffers as they relate to Official Tax No. 6450101 be repealed as enacted by Ordinance No. 33659 - 120197 and set forth in Ordinance No. 33658- 120197. In their place, the applicant requests that the following proffers be adopted as they relate to Official Tax No. 6450101. 1. The site will be developed in substantial conformity with the Development Plan entitled, "Schewels Furniture Store, Hershberger Site" dated December 28, 2006, and prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., attached as "Exhibit'A'." 2. The exterior treatment of all buildings on the property shall have consistent use of architectural detail and materials on all four sides of the building. 3. The following shall be the only permitted uses on Official Tax No. 6450101: a. Retail sales establishment. b. Eating establishment. c. Eating and drinking establishment. d. Entertainment establishment. e. Financial institution. f. General or professional office. 4. There will be no more than a total of two (2) ingress /egress points on Ferncliff Avenue for the subject property. Each point of ingress /egress shall be separated by at least 440 feet from other points of ingress /egress. 5. Development of the Schewels Furniture Store and Future Development as identified on the Development Plan attached as Exhibit B, in addition to Retail Building A and the 0.98 Out - Parcel as identified on the Development Plan adopted by Ordinance No. 33658- 120197 entitled 'The Home Depot Roanoke, VA, Hershberger Road and Ferncliff Ave.', last revised November 7, 1997 and prepared by Greenberg Farrow Architecture Incorporated attached as Exhibit B, shall be permitted from a traffic standpoint provided the total square footage of development of the property does not exceed 135, 500 square feet. In the event development of the Property exceeds 135,500 square feet, no such additional development shall be permitted until such time as the Petitioner, its successors and assigns, have satisfied the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer and the Virginia Department of Transportation for all road improvements required by such additional development. Surrounding Zoning Districts and Land Uses The subject property is located in the Miller Court/Arrow Wood Neighborhood at the intersection of Ferncliff Avenue N.W. and Ferndale Drive N.W. The subject property is currently zoned CLS(c) and is vacant. Immediately surrounding zoning and land use is as follows: • CLS & CG, Commercial -Large Site District and General- Commercial District with conditions, extends to the south of the subject property and contains the Home Depot and associated out - parcels. These properties were a part of the original rezoning (Ordinance Nos. 33659- 120197 and 33658- 120197) and are still subject to the proffered conditions. • CLS, Commercial -Large Site District, is located across Ferncliff Avenue to the north of the subject property and contains retail establishments such as the Burlington Coat Factory. • INPUD, Institutional Planned Unit Development District, is located across Ferncliff Avenue to the north of the subject property and contains William Fleming High School and William Ruffner Middle School. • RMF, Residential Multifamily District, is located to the west of the subject property and contains an apartment complex. ComDliance with the Zonina Ordinance While the proposed development plan meets the applicable dimensional and parking regulations for the CLS District and 'Retail Sales Establishments' set forth in the City's Zoning Ordinance, many components far exceed the established minimum standards. For example, the minimum parking requirement for the retail sales of large items is forty (40) spaces. The applicant is proposing a total of 200 spaces, a number that surpasses the minimum standard by 500 percent. Maximum off - street parking requirements are not applicable for this use type. The proposed development plan will be subject to all landscaping requirements as set forth in Sections 36.2 -640 through 36.2 -649 of the City's Zoning Ordinance during the comprehensive plan review process. Compatibility with the Comprehensive and Neighborhood Plans The original development plan associated with Ordinance No. 33659 - 120197 was prior to the adoption of the current Comprehensive Plan and the Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan. Many components of the development plan that were permitted in 1997 are not in conformity with the City's current planning documents. Vision 2001- 2020, the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan do encourage commercial development on this site, but in manner that improves the aesthetics of the neighborhood. The proposed development plan is consistent with the typical form of regional commercial centers — big sites, deep setbacks and large surface lots. However, design principles specified in the Vision 2001 -2020 and the Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan focus on maximizing the development of commercial sites through reduced parking located to the side or rear of structures, increased lot coverage, and parcels developed along and oriented toward street frontages. The following policies from Vision 2001 -2020 and the Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan are relevant in the consideration of the current application. • Vision 2001 -2020: • EC P4: Environmental Quality. Roanoke will protect the environment and ensure quality air and water for citizens of the region. Storm water management will be addressed on a regional as well as a local level. (Note: EC Al 3. Limit the amount of impervious surfaces to reduce runoff & EC A15. Ensure integrity of the storm and wastewater systems.) • ED P6. Commercial Development. Roanoke will encourage commercial development in appropriate areas (i.e. key intersections and centers) of Roanoke to serve the needs to citizens and visitors. • IN P4. Parking. Roanoke will encourage on- street parking wherever possible and discourage excessive surface parking lots. Maximum parking standards for development outside of downtown will be established. Off - street parking will be encouraged to the side or rear of buildings. • Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan: • Economic Development Policies • Encourage redevelopment of vacant and underused commercial property before allowing new commercial zoning. • Encourage good relationships between commercial and residential development through thoughtful site and building design, landscaping, and transitional uses. • Orient new commercial development to the street and use shared parking whenever possible. • Policies Specific to the Ferncliff Avenue (Burlington Coat Factory /Home Depot) area • Creative use of shared parking and public transportation access should be incorporated into projects. • New retail establishments should be street and pedestrian- oriented. • Parking should be provided on street and in the rear of structures. The Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan identified future land use of the subject property as a regional commercial center. 4 Planning Commission Discussion The discussion at the City Planning Commission public hearing primarily centered on the number of proposed parking spaces in relation to deed restrictions imposed by Home Depot: • The Planning Commission asked why Home Depot had placed restrictions on the property in regards to finished floor elevation and parking. The applicant responded that Home Depot did not want any other building obstructing their visibility and that they did not want customers of other stores using their parking lot. • When asked by the Commission, the applicant stated that the company would normally have approximately 75 parking spaces for a facility of this size. • The Planning Commission asked for the number of parking spaces at the proposed Home Depot on Franklin Road and the existing Home Depot on Hershberger Road. Staff said that the new location on Franklin Road contains approximately 427 spaces while the Hershberger Road site contains approximately 612 spaces. The Planning Commission questioned why Home Depot was concerned about overflow parking from surrounding businesses into a 612 space parking lot, but was building another store with only 427 spaces. • The Planning Commission asked what the grade of the site was and if the site was currently paved. The applicant responded that Ferncliff Avenue was 12 feet higher than the center of the site. Staff responded that it was not paved. • The Planning Commission asked if any other paving material besides asphalt was considered. The applicant responded that it had been considered and there was concern over the maintenance of such material. They said that if an alternative material was used that they would prefer porous asphalt, but that it would ultimately be determined by Home Depot. • The Planning Commission asked the applicant if they would like a continuance to allow them to renegotiate with the Home Depot. The applicant said they felt it would not make a difference. • The Planning Commission stated that they had a strong concern about the precedence that the Commission would be setting if they voted on something because of what was contained in deed restrictions. They stated that the Planning Commission should not acquiesce to that sort of thinking. There were no comments from the audience during the public hearing. Recommendation of the Planning Commission: By a vote of 0 -6, the Planning Commission did not recommend approval of the request as set forth in Amended Application No. 2. While the retail related uses are appropriate, the development plan did not take advantage of minimum parking standards that would improve the design of the site and bring it into compliance with the policies and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and the Peters Creek North Neighborhood Plan. The applicant needs to consider incorporating the following into their development plan: • Creating a relationship between the building and Ferncliff Avenue or Ferndale Drive through orientation, setback, and the placement of parking in appropriate locations, and • Scaling back parking by reducing the number of spaces provided to a number more in keeping with the likely demand for such a use and which more closely relate to parking minimums and maximums as provided under the Zoning Ordinance. Subsequent Amended Application: In response to the Commission's recommendations at the February 15, 2007, public hearing, Freeway Partners, LLC, filed Amended Application No. 3, on March 20, 2007. In the third amended application, a significant number of parking spaces (75) has been removed from the proffered site plan and the use of a pervious pavement system has been identified for a section of the remaining parking lot. In addition, the location and orientation of proposed parking has been modified to de- emphasize the amount of parking located adjacent to Ferncliff Avenue and Ferndale Drive. These proffered modifications directly address staff comments made to the applicant prior to the City Planning Commission public hearing and comments of the Commission at their February 15`h public hearing. On this basis, the City Council should approve this request for amendment of proffered conditions as contained in Amended Application No. 3. Respectfully submitted, R. Brian Townsend, Agent Roanoke City Planning Commission cc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Edward A. Natt, Attorney for the applicant 6 APPLICATION AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED ROANOKE CONDITIONS Date: March 20, 2007 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building o:::.Ori9inal�: -! ,cation.: 215 Church Avenue, S.W. ::r( =: Roanoke, VA 24011 3ti •'Agien. ed Application . Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 All submittals must be typed, include all required documentation and a check for the filing fee. Application is hereby submitted for amendment of proffered conditions for the property located at: 3550 Ferncliff Avenue Property Address(es): Official Tax No(s): 6450101 Existing Zoning: CLS Conditional Ordinance Number of Conditional Rezoning: 33659- 120197, Referencing 33658- 120197 Name of Applicant/Contact Person: Edward A. natt Mailing Address: P.O. Box 279, Roanoke, VA 24018 Telephone: (x'40) 725 -8180 Applicant's signature: Fax: ( Property Owner's Name: Freeway Partners, LU E-mail : enact @opnlaw.rom Mailing Address: _P.O. Box 6120, Lynchburg, VA 24505 Telephone:(434)s, -0 00 Fax: (434)5.2 -01W_— E -mail: — dclark @scl;ewel.com Property Owner's signature: !- .; /� ✓ C H� �.,,, _ .j C (� LLIMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. LNG I NEE RS- S11RVi YOM- PLANNERS V. KIRK LUMSDE.N. L.S. H. LEE HENDERSON, JR., P.E., L.S. I I10MAS C. DALE, P.E. 'I IMlrl 111' HOELZLE, L.S. EAISAL Z. MINHAS. P.E. LARRY T. OUT, JR., L.S. HOWARD P. BOGGE.SS. IL CLA JAMES I.. JE.NKINS. L.S. KEVIN I. BARNES, CLA 4ri64 BRAMBLE 1'ON AVENUE. SW -P.O. BOX 70669. ROANOKE. VA 24018 - PHONE (?40) 774 4411 -FAX (540) 772-9445 - EMA1l. %1A1L(c LOMSDENPC.CON SCiiEWEL FURNITURE COMPANY AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED CONDITIONS APPLICATION CITY OF ROANOKE TAX PARCEL #6450101 APPLICANT'S REPORT The Petitioner proposes the development of a retail sales store specializing in furniture, appliances and similar home furnishings on a portion of the above references tax parcel, located to the west of the existing access drive to the Home Depot parking area. This portion of the Petitioner's property is subject to the proffered Development Plan, referenced as "Exhibil 2" in City of Roanoke Ordinance No. 33659- 120197 and entitled "The Home Depot Roanoke, VA, I lershberger Road and Ferncliff Ave.,- and with the latest revision date being November 7, 1997. The proffered Development Plan includes a 24,000 square lint building, labeled as "Retail '13'," with a 206 -space parking lot adjacent to the access drive. The Petitioner requests that this portion of the proffered Development Plan he amended as shown on the attached Development Plan, referenced as "Exhibil'A"'. The amended Development Plan includes a 55.000 square tbot building, with a Finished Floor Elevation (FPE) of 1092.0' and includes 117 new parking spaces, 41 of which are to be constructed with pervious pavement. 771e Petitioner's Engineer will verify the adequacy of the existing stormwater management facility with the City Engineer, due to the increase in impervious roof area. and the Petitioner A ill be responsible for any necessary improvements to the storriw'ater management facility. The Petitioner requests the amendment due to the size and nature of products to he offered for retail sale and the enclosed storage of product inventory, thereby requiring a larger floorplate. and modification of the parking layout to better accommodate the operational nature of the store. Additionally. the lowered FFE will result in the floorplate being 12' to 13' below Femeliff Avenue, reducing the visual impact of the structure. AMENDMENT OF .A.,..- T RO :Z1. E PROFFERED CONDITIONS Date. March 20, 2007 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax. (540) 853 -1230 Ordinance No. 33659- 120197, Referencing 33658- 120197 (attach copies of Ordinance and existing proffered conditions proposed to be amended) Name of Applicant/Contact Person: Edward A. watt Applicant's signature: Property Owner's Name: Freeway Partners, LLC Property Owner's signature. h «<.,.. /1, ,-<-' ( ' c H7 !�• -,.. ) Pursuant to the Section 36.2- 541(c)(1), the owner(s) or duly authorized agent hereby voluntarily proffers the following conditions which shall be applicable to the property, if rezoned: Proffers to be repealed and proffers to be adopted are attached. (attach additional sheets as necessary) 0STI- AMOCDT, PJ:1J.LA.AI:tN, NTT) HI' ;J.,scJ11'Rr (:11.11t1.1:: H. C)` 'I'I':RHIi:1.IT AI:IYC<u. rR11.1.:1N.1] IOST, MAXWELL & Fr. ;RGUSONt PLC D.% n) G. Hrl..,,. url: 314f1 GII:�P:ViRIL DRIVE, Sul 1+.: '_'O(I-(-, ti.ALL ?I. VIRGINIA .alst MICIInEL S. IERCF1SQN A. --n L. HANIF:; fi0:1KOKE. %IRGINIA - tnl7i -$!7n o, 1, In' K. 00.,411" Sl o-rcT MARK I). IVDD KRISTEN 111.11,\) •1(1HNSTnNE fun1989 -noon '5401;;,' -=:4:) IAA 0411, 3+v!rnn ❑o%wiw; M. ffimm.1. 1'AX (540) 772 -0126 Vicom L.. \ \IEKI': SEEP HUN AI. }i,.'T t)AI+'11'. 1. F. 1-3.1RNr5 11.1.1:\ ?1 C. MAXI I:1.1. SCIIEWEL FURNITURE COMPANY AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED CONDITIONS APPLICATION CITY OF ROANOKE TAX PARCEL #6450101 Proffers to be repealed: All proffers shall be repealed as enacted by Ordinance No. 33659 - 120197 and set firth in Ordinance No. 33658- 120197, and listed as follows. That subsequent to the adoption of said Ordinance. the Petitioner has concluded that the proffered conditions need to be deleted and new proffers related to the I lome Depot rezoning on adjacent land should be incorporated for this property. Accordingly, the Petitioner wished to amend the present proffered conditions to delete the same and substitute in their place all conditions proffered with the I lone Depot rezoning oft the adjacent prop"-, the said proffered conditions being set out in the Home Depot's Third Amended Petition to Rezone attached hereto as "Exhibit B ". The Petitioner proffers that the zoning will be subject to, and the Petitioner will abide by. said conditions. Proffered conditions to be repealed from Ordinance No. 33658 - 120197: That the property will be developed in substantial conformity with the Development Plan entitled The Home Depot Roanoke, VA. Ilershberger Road and FemcliffAve., dated June 26, 1997. revised Jul' I, 1997, October 10, 1997. and November 7, 1997, prepared by Greenberg. Farrow Architecture Incorporated, a copy of which is attached hereto to "Exhibit -2". subject to any changes required by the City during Development Plan review. 2. Storm Water Management. la) Storm water shall be managed on the properly in accordance with City Standards and as agreed upon by the City Engineer. and the City Development Review Coordinator. At a minimum, the proposed development shall include a storm Neater detention basin for the proposed development that is designed to handle a 100 -year storm with a 10 -year release rate and with a 10% reduction in flow capacity of the main storm drain conveying water through the Site for debris blockage. In addition, the current storm water that is draining to the property shall be conveyed through the proposed development with no increase in the 100 -year flood elevation at the adjacent upstream properties. The Petitioner shall provide all hydrologic and hydraulic studies and documentation satisfactory to the City Engineer to verify the impact of the proposed development on future flood depths. (b) The Petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the design and construction of the required on -site and off site storm water management improvements. Acknowledging that the City of Roanoke has established a general drainage improvement program for the area which includes the subject property and which includes common drainage conditions, the developer shall pay the cost of necessary engineering and related studies and of providing storm water drainage facilities required to serve adequately the common drainage area, assuming that the common drainage area is fully developed in accordance with the comprehensive plan, said facilities being located outside the property limits of the subject property, and said facilities being necessitated or required, in part. by the construction or development of the subject property. The determination of the adequacy of said facilities, the engineering and related studies. and the developer's share of costs for the facilities shall be within the sole discretion of the City Engineer and shall be based upon the increased volume and velocity of storm water runoff caused by the development and the volume and velocity of storm water runoff from the common drainage area in its fully developed state. taking into account the effect of all on -site storm water facilities or best management practices constructed by the developer. (c) Upon issuance of a building permit for the subject property, the developer shall provide payment, or post a personal, corporate or property bond, cash escrow, or other method of performance guarantee satisfactory to the Agent to the Planning Commission. 3. Development Standards. The following development standards shall be used: A. All lighting on the property shall consist of lighting fixtures designed with shields that direct illumination away from adjoining residential neighborhoods and adjacent schools. B. All duntpsters, loading clocks, and heating /air conditioning and handling units located on the propem-, including roof mounted equipment, shall be screened from view front adjacent properties by landscaping, masonry or metal screen walls, or fencing. C. A six -Rot high vinyl coated. black chain link fence shall be constructed as shown on the development plan. D. Landscaping along Cove Road shall be installed and maintained that consists of three rows of evergreen and deciduous trees which shall be a minimum of 8 feet in height at the time of planting and placed on 15 fowl centers. E. Landscaping along die entire length of the property line extending from Cove Road to Ferncliff Avenue shall be installed and maintained that consists of two rows of evergreen and deciduous trees a minimum of 8 feet in height at the time of planting and placed on 15 foot center. The exterior treatment of all buildings on the property shall have consistent use of architectural detail and materials on all four sides of the building. 4. Uses. A. The following uses shall not be permitted on tracts or out parcels fronting on Ferncliff Avenue, including Official Tax Nos. 6450118, 6450101, and the easterly 500 feet of Tax No. 64401 17. Fast -foot restaurants. Neighborhood or highway convenience stores. B. The following use shall not be permitted on the entire property subject to the rezoning: outdoor advertising. Road Svstem. A. The Hershberger Road access at Hershberger Park Circle shall be designed and constructed at the Petitioner's cost so as to prohibit Icft tarn egress from the property as shown on the proffered site plan (Exhibit 2). B. The second I lershherger Road access shall be limited at Petitioner's cost to right turn -in and right turn -out, as shown on the proffered site plan (Exhibit 2). C. There shall be no additional curb cuts on Hershberger Road other than those shown on the proffered site plan (Exhibit 2). D. The Petitioner shall construct a 5 -foot wide sidewalk the entire length of the subject property on the west side of Ferncliff Avenue. The Petitioner shall construct a 5 -foot wide sidewalk along the westerly side of the 4.73 acre tract designated as future development form Ferncliff Avenue to the parking area. The Petitioner shall further construct a 5 -foot wide sidewalk from Hershberger Road to the parking area on either the north or south side of the southern most entrance to the property fonn the southern most Hershberger Road entrance to the property. In addition. the Petitioner shall mark pedestrian crosswalks in the parking area at appropriate locations. See the proffered site plan. (Exhibit 2). E. 'there will be no more than a total of three ingress /egress points on Femcliff Avenue for the subject property. Each point of ingress /egress shall be separated by at least 200 feet from other points of ingress /egress. F. Development of Retail Building A & B, the property designated as future development (4.73 acres) and the 0.98 acre out parcel (the `Property ") shall be permitted from a traffic standpoint provided the total square footage of development of the Property shall not exceed 135,500 square feet. In the event development of the Property exceeds 135,500 square feet, no such additional development shall be permitted until such time as the Petitioner, its successors and assigns, shall have satisfied the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer and the Virginia Department of Transportation for all road improvements required by such additional development. G. A 5 -foot sidewalk will be installed the length of the property of Cove Road in accord with the City Engineer's specifications for construction of sidewalks. 11. The road improvements including land acquisition and land transfer as shown proffered on Plan T-2. dated November 6, 1997, attached as Exhibit `4" shall be designed. constructed and paid for by the Petitioner. In addition, other adjustments to the improvements shown on T -2 as may be required by the City Traffic Engineer and the Virginia Department of Transportation, including the taper on Cove Road shall be designed and constructed and paid for by the Petitioner. Said improvements shall be completed within two (2) years of City Council's adopting an Ordinance rezoning this property. Prior to obtaining a zoning permit, the Petitioner, its successors and assigns, shall post a bond in a firm and amount satisfactory to the agent for any road improvements required pursuant to this subsection. Proffers to be adopted: 1. The site will be developed in substantial conformity with the Development Plan entitled. "Schewels Furniture Store, Amended Site Development Plan" dated March 14, 2007, and prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., attached as "Exhibit W." 2. The exterior treatment of all buildings on the properly shall have consistent use of architectural detail and materials on all four sides of the building. The following shall be the only permitted uses on Official Tax No. 6450101: Retail sales establishment. Eating establishment. Eating and drinking establishment. Entertainment establishment. Financial institution General or professional office 4. There will be no more than a total of two (2) ingress /egress points on Femcliff Avenue for the subject property. Each point of ingress /egress shall be separated by at least 440 feet from other points of ingress /egress. 5. The parking for the proposed 55,000 square foot building— referred to as the Schewel Furniture Store — shall not exceed 125 parking spaces. Such parking shall be constructed as set forth in the Development Plan and be comprised of the following: 76 new asphalt spaces, 8 existing asphalt spaces and 41 new pervious pavement spaces. 6. Development of the Schewels Furniture Store and Future Development as identified on the Development Plan attached as Exhibit A, in addition to Retail Building A and the 0.98 Out - Parcel as identified on the Development Plan adopted by Ordinance No. 33658- 120 197 entitled 'The Home Depot Roanoke, VA, Hershberger Road K I-erncliff Ave.', last revised November 7, 1997 and prepared by Greenberg Farrow Architecture Incorporated attached as "Exhibit 'B "', shall be permitted from a traf7ic standpoint provided the total square footage of development of the property does not exceed 135,500 square feet. In the event development of the Property exceeds 135,500 square feet, no such additional development shall be permitted until such time as the Petitioner, its successors and assigns. have satisfied the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer and the Virginia Department of Transportation lbr all road improvements required by such additional development. DATE: SCALE: COMM. No, SCHEWELS FURNITURE STORE LOCATION MAP .'1 LS, 1) I co-mber 26. 2000 LUNISDEN" ASSOCI C. LN't 1XI-IRS-S' NO SCALE MROOKE. V1 RGI N'l A - .:.::. x I j G&C,34 I ' f 3':I. .. . I --'n I P p O. Noy. ;7:-9415 t jl'^,)KE. 'M E MAiL I�M!ra 1d q�iV Ir iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv r. -9- itl — — — — — — — — — — — — — . Lt .1 tj .. . ....... . .. .... Aio . . . . . ... ....... The Roanoke Times Roanoke, Virginia Affidavit of Publication The Roanoke Times ------------------------------- - - - - -- - ------- - - - ..- OSTERHOUDT, PRILLAMAN, NATT P.O. BOX 20487 ROANOKE VA 24018 REFERENCE: 80029174 10186618 State of Virginia City of Roanoke NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA I I, (the undersigned) an authorized representative of the 'Times -World Corporation, which corporation is publisher of the Roanoke Times, a daily newspaper published in Roanoke, in the State of I Virginia, do certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspapers on the following dates: City /County of Roanoke, Commonwealth /State of Vi, nia. Sworn and subscribed before me this _ __day of April 2007. Witness my hand and official sea-1. ��� Not ry �Pyu�bsa.Tl�ic c fission ex 're rTw7 I PURLISHED ON 03/30 04/06 TOTAL COST: 363.32 FILED ON: 04/06/07 Authorized Signature:_ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the Citv of Roanoke will hold a public hearing an Monday. April 16,: 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the .matter may be heard, in the Council Chamber fourth floor. in the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Roanoke. Virginia. to Request from Donna 5. Clark. Manager. Freeway Partners. LLC, to amend .proffered conditions on the ,properly located at 3550 'Ferncliff Avenue. N.Vi Official Tai No. 6450101. to Proffer that the site will be Ideveloped in substantial Ico nformity with a development plan showing a toetceed 125 parking spaces. with a finished floor elevation of 1.092 feet and certain ingress and egress locations. and limited to certain commercial and retail uses. A copy of the application is available for review m the Office of the City Clerk, Room 456. Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S.W.. Roanoke. Virginia. All parties in interest and citizens may appear on Inc above date and be heard on the matter. If you are a' person with a disability who needs accommodations for l:his hearing, please contact. the City Clerk's Office, at 853 -2541, before noon on the Thursday before the date of the hearing listed above. GIVEN under my hand this 27th day of March. 2007. Stephanie M. Moon. CMC City Clerk. (10386618) ' - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Billing Services Representative r r a s N I� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING the Council of the Citv of Roanoke will hold a public hearing on Monday, April 16, '1107, at 7:00 p.m.. or as soon thereafler as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chamber, fourth floor, in the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 315 Church Avenue. S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, to consider the Following: Request from Domra S. Clark, Manager, Freeway Partners, LLC, to amend proffered conditions on the properly located at 5550 Ferncliff Avenue, N.V., Official Tax No. 6450101, to proffer that the site will be developed in substantial conformity with a development plan showing a 55,000 s.f. building and not to exceed 125 parking spaces, with a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet and certain ingress and egress locations, and limited to certain commercial and retail uses. A copy of the application is available for review in the Office of the City Clerk. Room 456, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 315 Church Avenue. S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. All parties in interest and citizens may appear on the above dale and be heard on the matter. If you are a person with a disability who needs accommodations for this hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office. at 853 -2541, bel'ore noon on the Thursday before the date of the hearing listed above. GIVEN under my hand this 27tWay of' March 2007. N- hcc\c;p I'mincrs. LL' - ancnd pro0'cT5 4 -10 -07 Stephanie M. Moon, CHIC City Clerk. Notice to Publisher: Publish in the Roanoke Times once on Friday, March 30, 2007 and April 6, 2007. Send allidw it lo: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk 215 Church AVCIILIC, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (540) 353 -254 Send hill to: Eduard A. Natt. Attorney OsterhOLldt. Prillaman, et al, PLC P. O. Box 20 437 Roanokc. Virginia 24013 =0049 939 -0000 s i�ir... STEPHANIE N1. N100N. CHIC City Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: (5(l)853 -:541 Fax: (540) 853-1145 E-mail: clerk@ ?roanokeva.gov April 6, 2007 File #51 Edward A. Natt, Attorney Glenn, Feldmann, Darby and Goodlatte P. O. Box 2887 Roanoke, Virginia 24001 -2887 Dear Mr. Natt: SHEILA N. HARTMAN Deputy City Clerk Pursuant to provisions of Resolution No. 25523 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on Monday, April 6, 1981, 1 have advertised a public hearing for Monday, April 16, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the City Council Chamber, Room 450, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., on the request of Freeway Partners, LLC., to amend a proffered condition on the property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N. W., identified as Official Tax No. 6450101, to proffer that the site will be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan showing a 55,000 square foot building, parking spaces not to exceed 125 and a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet. For your information, I am enclosing copy of a notice of public hearing. Please review the document and if you have questions, you may contact Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney, at 540-853-2431. It will be necessary for you, or your representative, to be present at the April 16 public hearing. Failure to appear could result in a deferral of the matter until a later date. Sincerely, Sheila N. Hartman Deputy City Clerk SNH:ew Enclosure CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK !y 215 Church Avenue, S. w., Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: 64M853-2541 Isar: (540) 853 -1145 STEPHANIE pl. \100\, C91C7 E -mail: clerk@roanokeva.Rov City Clerk April 6, 2007 Home Depot USA, Inc. P. O. Box 105842 Atlanta, Georgia 30348 Ferncliff South Housing Management 601 S. Belvidere Street Richmond, Virginia 23220 Marvin T. Thompson, Superintendent Roanoke City Schools 40 Douglas Avenue, N. E. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Ladies and Gentlemen: File #51 SIIRII.A N. HARTMAN Deputy City Clerk Doris D. Scott, Trustees 1 146 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 CDA Hershberger, LLC 500 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 Pursuant to provisions of Resolution No. 25523 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on Monday, April 6, 1981, 1 have advertised a public hearing for Monday, April 16, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the City Council Chamber, Room 450, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., on the request of Freeway Partners, LLC., represented by Edward A. Natt, Attorney, to amend a proffered condition on the property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N. W., identified as Official Tax No. 6450101 , to proffer that the site will be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan showing a 55,000 square foot building, parking spaces not to exceed 125 and a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet. This letter is provided for your information as an interested property owner and /or adjoining property owner. If you have questions with regard to the matter, please call the Department of Planning, Building and Economic Development at 540 - 853 -1 730. Interested Property Owners and /or Adjoining Property Owners April 6, 2007 Page 2 The City Planning Commission is recommending that Council approve the request to amend a proffered condition contained in Amended Application No. 3. If you would like to receive a copy of the report of the City Planning Commission, please call the City Clerk's Office at 540 - 853 -2541. Sincerely, QL—" -;), . L n� ' Sheila N. Hartman Deputy City Clerk SNH:ew i�.. CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .`.-� 315 Church Avenue, S. IV., Room 456 p' Roanoke, Virginia 34011 -1536 Telephone: (540) 85 3- -2541 EHx: (540) 857 -1145 S'I EPH ANIE M..N100N, C \IC E-mail: clerk6broan0kesa.gor City Clerk February 26, 2007 File #51 Edward A. Natt, Esquire Osterhoudt. Prillaman, Natt, Helscher, Yost, Maxwell & Ferguson, PLC P. O. Box 20487 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Natt: SHEILA N. HARTMAN Assistant City Clerk This is to acknowledge receipt of your communication dated February 22, 2007, with regard to a request of Freeway Partners, LLC, to amend a proffered condition on property located at 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, N. W., which site will be developed in substantial conformity with the development plan showing a 55,000 square foot building and 200 parking spaces, with a finished floor elevation of 1,092 feet. Furthermore, as requested, this matter will not be scheduled for public hearing before City Council on Monday, March 19, 2007, but will be carried over to the April 16, 2007 7:00 p.m. session of City Council. Sincerely, '44- .li OIry Stephanie M. Moon, CMCI� City Clerk SMM:snh PC: Henry Scholz, Chair, Roanoke City Planning Commission, 213 South Jefferson Street, Suite 1007, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Susan S. Lower, Director, Real Estate Valuation William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney Philip C. Schirmer, City Engineer Martha P. Franklin, Secretary, City Planning Commission I 0I a 1111 ()(11)'I', 1'121LL:,.NIA_N, N: r,r, KL;i,SC11EI:9 Edward A. Natt J140 ( ILMANN:V. DUTXI;. SITl I:: 2011' Please reply to: P. O. Box 20487 F�, �.��ola•:. \'n <cl N l.\24018 4370 Ell ! r .�rl p, y; N, ;.�Irl il, �'_'1 Roanoke, VA 24018 Direct: (540) 725 -8180 (540) Q89- 11000 • 1 {ks (5401772-0 120 Fax: (540) 774 -0961 E -mail: enatt@opnlaw.com February 22, 2007 HAND - DELIVERED Stephanie M. Moon, Acting City Clerk City of Roanoke 456 Municipal Bldg. 215 Church Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 Re: Zoning Request to amend proffered conditions Freeway Partners, LLC Dear Ms. Moon: Our firm has been retained by Freeway Partners, LLC to assist them in the above zoning request. It is my understanding that the matter was heard by the Planning Commission at its meeting held on February 15, 2007. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request and the matter has been forwarded to your office for advertisement of a public hearing before City Council. My client respectfully requests that the matter not be advertised for public hearing before City Council in March but, rather, that it be carried over until the April meeting of City Council. We are attempting to have further discussions with Home Depot relative to the parking situation and would, before advertising for City Council's April meeting, be in a position to request that the matter be either (i) advertised for public hearing, (ii) withdrawn, or (iii) referred back to the Planning Commission. Please confirm to me that the matter will not be advertised for City Council's March agenda. Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter, I am Very truly yours, OSTERHOUDT, PRILLAMAN, NATT, HELSCHER, YOST. MAXWELL & FERGUSON. P.L.C. y�r/!P!RSl=M' Edward A. Natt EAN /csb PC: William M. Hackworth, Esq. City Attorney, City Of Roanoke Room 464, Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Roanoke City Planning Department 166 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 Frank G. Davidson, III, Esq. Davidson & Sakolosky 916 Main Street, Suite 200 P. O. Box 798 Lynchburg, VA 24505 Ms. Donna Clark Schewel Furniture 1301 Main Street Lynchburg, VA 24505 Architectural Restew Board Board of 7.oniag Appeals Planning Commission DATE: APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUEST: CITY OF ROANOKE PLANNING BUILDING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Room 166 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Telephone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 E-mail: planning (a.roanokeya:gov= :-.`'`,':_ REQUEST FOR COMMENT REZONING STREET /ALLEY CLOSURE X OTHER January 4, 2007 Freeway Partners, LLC 3550 Ferncliff Avenue, NW, Tax No. 6450101 Amendment of Proffered Conditions Your review and comment on the above - referenced item are requested. Please provide written comment by January 22, 2007. Public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for February 15, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. Please return all comments to me. Thank you. copies to: Bob Bengtson, Director of Public Works Brian Brown, Economic Development Director Darlene Burcham, City Manager Bob Clement, NH Coordinator Bill Hackworth, City Attorney _ Mark Jamison, Manager, Transportation Stephanie Moon, Acting City Clerk Jamie Morris, WVWA Phil Schirmer, City Engineer Steve Talevi, Assistant City Attorney Dan Webb, Acting Director, HNS City Planning Commission Members President, Neighborhood Organization (if applicable): N/A Adjoining Locality (if applicable) Internal Staff: Director, Planning Building and Economic Development Building Commissioner Development Engineer Martha P. Franklin, Secretary City of Roanoke Planning Commission Development Review Coordinator Planning Administrator Planners (IS, FG, BF, AB, CF, MB) Zoning Administrator Street/Alley Only: _ Fire Marshal _ Communications EMS American Electric Power _ Verizon _ Roanoke Gas For determination of value: _ Real Estate Valuation Phil Schirmer, City Engineer APPLICATION AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED CONDITIONS Date: 12/28/06 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 All submittals must be typed, include all required documentation and a check for the filing fee. Application is hereby submitted for amendment of proffered conditions for the property located at: Property Address(es): 3550 Ferncliff Avenue Official Tax No(s): 6450101 Existing Zoning: CLS Conditional Ordinance Number of Conditional Rezoni 33659 - 120197 33658- 120197 Name of Applicant/Contact Person: Howard Boggess Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 20669, Roanoke, VA 24018 Telephone: f 40) 774 -4411 Fax:549 772 -9445 Applicant's signature: E- mail:HBoggess @LUMSDENPC.com Property Owner's Name: Freeway.Partnarr­l _i_ =c_ Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 6120, Lynchburg, VA 24505 Telephone: (434)522 -0279 Fax: (434) 522 -0207 E -mail: dclark @schewel.com Property Owner's signature: LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS- PLANNERS V. KIRK LIJMSDEN, L.S. B. LEF HENDERSON, JR., P.E-., L.S. 'I 'I IOMAS C. DALE. P.E. 14MOTHY HOEL'ZLE. L.S. FAISAL Z. MINIMS, P.E. LARRY T. OGLE, JR., L.S. HOWARD P. BOGGISS, lI, CLA JAMES L. JENKINS, L.S. KEVIN T. BARNES, CLA 4664 BRAMBLF.TON AVENUE, SW -P.0. B(Jx20669 - ROANOKE, VA '- -4013 - PHONE (540)774-4-411 -FAX (540)772-9445- EMAIL MAIL @•LUMSDF.NPC.COM SCHEWEL FURNITURE COMPANY AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED CONDITIONS APPLICATION CITY OF ROANOKE TAX PARCEL #6450101 APPLICAN'T'S REPORT The Petitioner proposes the development of a retail sales store specializing in furniture, appliances and similar home furnishings on a portion of the above references tax parcel, located to the west of the existing access drive to the I Lome Depot parking area. This portion of the Petitioner's property is subject to the proffered Development Plan, referenced as "Exhibit 2" in City of Roanoke Ordinance No. 33659- 120197 and entitled "The Home Depot Roanoke, VA, Hershberger Road and Ferncliff Ave.," and with the latest revision date being November 7, 1997. The proffered Development Plan includes a 24,000 square foot building, labeled as "Retail 'B'," with a 206 -space parking lot adjacent to the access drive. The Petitioner requests that this portion of the proffered Development Plan be amended as shown on the attached Development Plan, to include a 55,000 square foot building, with a Finished Floor Elevation (FFE) of 1092.0' and including 200 parking spaces, attached to this Application as "Exhibit `A'." The Petitioner requests the amendment due to the size and nature of products to be offered for retail sale and the enclosed storage of product inventory. thereby requiring a larger floorplate, and modification of the parking layout to better accommodate the operational nature of the store. Additionally, the lowered FFE will result in the floorplate being 12' to 18' below Femcliff Avenue, reducing the visual impact of the structure. Date: 12/28/06 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 Ordinance No. 33658 - 120197 & 33659 - 120197 (attach copies of Ordinance and existing proffered conditions proposed to be amended) Name of Applicant/Contact Person- Applicant's signature: Howard Boggess Property Owner's Name: Freeway Partners, L.L.C. Property Owner's signature: By �� S P� ✓�� '^GZ r- Donna S. Clark Pursuant to the Section 36.2- 541(c)(1), the owner(s) or duly authorized agent hereby voluntarily proffers the following conditions which shall be applicable to the property, if rezoned: 1. That the site will be developed in substantial conformity with the Development Plan entitled, "Schewels Furniture Store, Hershberger Site" dated December 28, 2006, and prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., attached as "Exhibit 'A'." (attach additional sheets as necessary) rxv x.ws "mane,. uws v,nn "..m..'ssa+rcm VINIJHI - "33 NYON u oa 5'N' {.VNY'IA SNOV1141 1HIA ] 3 OO'd .- ..::;�.; J'd'S3.1 VIJOSSV N34SWfl -I : a Ir is J@ � F sg.aa5 q9• .,y • "� R ! W —J '5 ¢ W a v a�s'a! @Q piR�i L sp • S =)m f 1.�� i?4 �H.111lTPip1 }si —i Ali Q DwiQi .il ss.czc.s i .y �mW w6 a Lam_ I WwW ; w =o d��a :1:s5F:.l' '� V in fir � � I � I ' •� I &;i; !jyl Yj� 1� yl�i��� Ile REl I1 41 : _ ..---- `-- -�-- - - - - -- -tom —= n Li� � Y Y �4�� � -. I� 14 e9 ,' �'��I'� � � •I ,r?.�5 I I , ' I {I i a II'. — 111 � �Il� ..:__.. � I � ✓� _ I 3 I It i'.I 1. I I i I I DATE: SCALE: COMM. NO.: SCHEWELS FURNITURE STORE LOCATION MAP December 28, 2006 = =- _ LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. NO SCALE - ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS - PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 06 -034 4664 BRAMBLETON AVENUE PHONE: (540) 774 -4411 P.O. BOX 20669 FAX: (540) 772 -944.5 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 E -MAIL: MAIL@LUMSDENPC.COM ME LLIMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS - PLANNERS V. KIRK LUMSDEN, L.S. B. LEE HENDERSON, JR., P.E., L.S. 'I HOMAS C. DALE, P.E. TIMOTHY HOELZLE, L.S. FAISAL Z. MINHAS, P.E. LARRY T. OGLE, JR., L.S. IIOWARD P. BOGGESS, H, CLA JAMES L. JENKINS, L.S. KEVIN T. BARNES, CLA 4664 BRAMBLETON AVENUE, SW -P.O. BOX 20669 -ROANOKE. VA 24018 - PIIONE (540)774-4411 -FAX (540)772 -9445 -EMAIL MAIL aLUMSDENPC.COM SCHENVEL FURNITURE COMPANY AMENDMENT OF PROFFERED CONDITIONS APPLICATION CITY OF ROANOKE TAX PARCEL #6450101 LIST OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TAX PARCEL #6440117 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3217 HERSHBERGER ROAD, NW OWNER: HOME DEPOT USA, INC. P.O. BOX 105842 ATLANTA, QA 30348 TAX PARCEL #6440120 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3666 FERNCLIFF AVENUE, NW OWNER: FERNCLIFF SOUTH HOUSING MANAGEMENT 601 S. BELVIDERE STREET RICHMOND, VA 23220 TAX PARCEL #6450104 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2845 HERSHBERGER ROAD, NW OWNER: DORIS D. SCOTT, ETAL, TRUSTEES 1146 FREEPORT ROAD PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 TAX PARCEL #6450118 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3300 FERNCLIFF AVENUE, NW OWNER: CDA HERSHBERGER, L.L.C. 500 VOLVO PARKWAY CHESAPEAKE, VA 23320 TAX PARCEL #6460102 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3601 FERNCLIFF AVENUE, NW OWNER: CITY OF ROANOKE SCHOOL BOARD 215 CHURCH AVENUE, SW ROOM 250 ROANOKE, VA 24011 IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1st day of December, 1997. No. 33659 - 120197. AN ORDINANCE to amend § §36.1 -3 and 36.1 -4, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and Sheet No. 645, Sectional 1976 Zone Map, City of Roanoke, in order to amend certain conditions presently binding upon certain property previously conditionally zoned C -2, General Commercial District. WHEREAS, Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., filed an application to the Council of the City of Roanoke to amend certain conditions presently binding upon a tract of land located on the north side of Hershberger Road, N.W., and designated as Official Tax Nos. 6450101, 6450118 and 6450117 (formerly Official Tax Nos. 6450101 and 6450102), which property was previously conditionally rezoned by the adoption of Ordinance No. 25204, adopted July 28, 1980; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission, which after giving proper notice to all concerned as required by §36.1 -693, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and after conducting a public hearing on the matter, has made its recommendation to Council; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by City Council on said application at its meeting on November 17, 1997, after due and timely notice thereof as required by §36.1 -693, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, at which hearing all parties in interest and citizens were given an opportunity to be heard, both for and against the proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, this Council, after considering the aforesaid application, the recommendation made to the Council by the Planning Commission, the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the matters presented at the public hearing, is of the opinion that the conditions now binding on that certain tract of land located on the north side of Hershberger Road, N.W., and designated as Official Tax Nos. 6450101, 6450118 and 6450117 (formerly Official Tax Nos. 6450101 and 6450102), and the matters presented at the public hearing, should be amended as requested. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that 5536.1 -3 and 36.1 -4, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and Sheet No. 645 of the Sectional 1976 Zone Map, City of Roanoke, be. amended to reflect the changes in proffered conditions as shown in the Amended Petition to Change Proffered Conditions filed in the City Clerk's Office on November 13, 1997, and as set forth in tIiH report of the Planning Commission dated November 17, 1997. ATTEST: A41 ��-- City Clerk. N ?ORDREDOAP-NOME.IA 05T ERHO'J GT. GE AGus ON. NATT. ANE40N 6 AGEE ATTO'TNETS -AT -LAW ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2A]:a-IG99 VIRGINIA: IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE IN RE: ) AMENDED Amended Petition to change proffered ) PETITION TO conditions for a tract of land ) CHANGE PROFFERED containing 13.261 acres, more or less, ) CONDITIONS located on the north side of Hershberger) Road (Official Tax Nos.: ) 6450101, 6450118 and 6450117 (formerly ) 6450101 and 6450102) ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE: 1. By Ordinance No. 25204, adopted by this Council on July 28, 1980, the property which is the subject of this Petition (identified as Official Tax Nos. 6450101, 6450118 and 6450117 (formerly 6450101 and 6450102) was rezoned from RG -1 General Residential District, to C -2, General Commercial District, subject to certain conditions proffered by the Petitioner. A copy of said Ordinance with the Amendment to Petition is attached 'hereto as Exhibit "A ". 2. That subsequent to the adoption of said Ordinance, the Petitioner has concluded that the proffered conditions need to be deleted and new proffers related to the Home Depot rezonina on adjacent land should be incorporated for this property. Accordingly, the Petitioner dishes to amend the present prof fered conditions to delete the same and substitute in thei- place a:_ conditions proffered with the Home Depot rezoning cn the adjacent property, the said proffered conditions being set cut 1- =cme Depct's Third amended Petition to Rezone attached he -etc as Exhibit B ". The Petitioner proffers that the zoning will be i subject to, and the Petitioner will abide by, said conditions. 3. Attached as Exhibit IIC" are the names and addresses of the owner or owners of all property immediately adjacent to or immediately across a street or road from the property which is the subject of this Petition. WHEREFORE, the Petitioner requests that the conditions proffered in connection with and made a part of Ordinance No. 25204 this Council be changed and amended as set forth above, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Roanoke. Dated: November 13, 1997. Edward A. Natt, Esq. OSTERHOUDT, FERGUSON, NATT, AHERON & AGEE 1919 Electric Road, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Z: \WP50 \LISA \HOME2.PET:taf11 /13/97 OSTERHOJOT, FERGUSON. NATT. AMERON 6 AGEE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ROANO <E, VIRGINIA 2A31d-:699 Respectfully submitted, THE HOME DEPOT� /� BYD�CiL�IJ' Of Counsel a M 1, ,4 O C �1 U W 0 d O w v 010 M It. boo O a O C C -T gy 6 10 Z X t F L � fq Y it rl Q, V d .y H � w a. u u . w w co 0 644 If 1. -941 At �Nr V w n� a Ir i \ 1 }1 1 AW (vim 11 syye a i II 1 11 1 • 1 I � � e0ie/ie ,qOAD 0 248 SQ4 I M u N I IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 1st day of December, 1997. No. 33658- 120197. AN ORDINANCE to amend §36.1 -31 Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and Sheet No. 644, Sectional 1976 Zone Map, City of Roanoke, to rezone certain property within the City, subject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant. WHEREAS, Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., has made application to the Council of the City of Roanoke to have the hereinafter described property rezoned from RM -2, Residential Multifamily, Medium Density District, RS-3, Residential Single Family District, and C -2, General Commercial District, to C -2, General Commercial District, subject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission, which after giving proper notice to all concerned as required by 536.1 -693, Code of the.City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and after conducting a public hearing on the matter, has made its recommendation to Council; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by City Council on said application at its meeting on November 17, 1997, after due and timely notice thereof as required by 536.1 -693, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, at which hearing all parties in interest and citizens were given an opportunity to be heard, both for and against the proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS, this Council, after considering the aforesaid application, the recommendation wade to the Council by the Planning Commission, the City's Comprahensive Plan, and the matters presented at the public hearing, is of the opinion that the hereinafter described property should be rezoned as herein provided. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that 536.1 -3, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and Sheet No. 644 of the Sectional 1976 Zone Map, City of Roanoke, be amended in the following particular and no other: That certain 32.68 -acre tract of land, designated on Sheet No. 644 of the Sectional 1976 Zone Map, City of Roanoke, as Official Tax Nos. 6440117, 6440118 and 6440119, be, and is hereby rezoned from RM -2, Residential Multifamily, Medium Density District, RS-3, Residential Single Family District, and C -2, General Commercial District, to C -2, General Commercial District, subject to the proffers contained in the Third Amended Petition filed in the Office of the City Clerk on November 13, 1997, subject to any changes required by the City during site plan review, and that Sheet No. 644 of the Zone Map be changed in this respect. ATTEST: /'\ a,,.,a �, City Clerk. �STCRHOdOT. iEi ^u J30H. NATT. AHERON a ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW ! ROANOKE. VIRC141A THIRD AMENDED PETITION TO REZONE IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA IN RE: Third Amended Request of The Home Depot to rezone property identified as Official Tax Nos. 6440117, 6440118 and 6440119, containing 32.68 acres, more or less, Roanoke City, Virginia, subject to certain conditions proffered by the Petitioner. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE: The Petitioner, Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., a Delaware corporation, is the contract purchaser of land in the City of Roanoke containing 32.68 acres, more or less, located in the City of Roanoke, identified as Official Tax Numbers 6440117, 6440118 and 6440119; Tax Number 6440117 currently zoned RM -2 and RS -3, Tax Number 6440118 currently zoned C -2 and Tax Number 6440119 currently zoned RM -2. A map of the property to be rezoned is attached as Exhibit 111 ". Pursuant to Section 36.1 -690, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979) , as amended, the Petitioner requests that the property identified as Official Tax numbers 5440117, 6440 =18 and 64:01:9 be rezoned from RIM-2 and RS -3, C -2 and RM -2, respectively, to C -2, General Commercial District, subject to certain conditions set forth below, for the purpose of cc ^structirg retail stores w_J:h a related outparcel, said property to be described as follows: PARCEL 1: BEGINNING at an iron on the ncrth side of Va. Sec. .,._-te No. 625 (Hershberger Road) corner to the E. R. Ccnner property; thence with the lire of Conner N4', -50W to an iron; thence with a new line thrcuc: the _. Ramsey property S42 -10W 145.36' to an iron; thence wA-- another new line S47 -50E 230.93' to an iron on the ncrth side of Va. Sec. Route No. 62 thence with t: ^.e :i-:e same N72-32E 168.47' to the =_EG:%N:NG and co..ta :.— 0.91 acres, more or less. I PARCEL 2: BEGINNING at the intersection of Cove Road and Hershberger Road; thence along Cove Road N. 53° 40' .W. 908.8 feet to a point; thence continuing along said road N. 490 W. 170.8 feet to George Stoutmeyer's line fence; thence along that line N. 400 E. 159.5 feet to the original Burhong's line fence; thence along that line S. 53° E. (called 550 in the original line) 563.79 feet to a point; thence S. 450 10' W. 551 feet to a point; thence with a wire fence passing 25 feet W. of a house S. 48 1/20 E. 1006.21 feet to a point in Hershberger Road; thence along the Hershberger Road S. 71 1/2 ° W. 275 feet S. 80 1/40 W. 426 feet to the place of beginning continuing approximately 25.4 acres. LESS AND EXCEPT any portion of the hereinabove described property heretofore acquired by the Commonwealth of Virginia for highway purposes. The Petitioner believes the rezoning of the said tract of land will further the intent and purposes of the City's Zoning Ordinance and its comprehensive plan, in that it will provide a quality retail development for the City of Roanoke. The Petitioner hereby proffers and agrees that if the said tract is rezoned as requested, that the rezoning will be sub;ect to, and that the Petitioner will abide by, the followinc conditions identified, by Official Tax Nos. 6440117, 6440118 and 6440119. 1. That the property will be developed in substantial conformity with the Development Plan entit-led The :tome Depot I Roancke, VA, Hershberger Road & Ferncllff A-re., dated June 26, I 1997, revised July 1, 1997, October 30, 1997, and November 7, 7-'i40.CT, FERaUiON. II 1997, prepared by Greenberg, Farrow Archi :ems t r e Incorporated, a .CAM0 "'S R "" �I copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit- "2" .: AM OnF. ' /IA u: YI• , subject tO any :i c:^.ances requ4red by the City during Deve_ccr.e-- Plan review. I i �i it II 2. Storm water Management (a) Storm water shall be r„anaced on the property in accordance with City Standards and as agreed upon by the City Engineer, and the City Development Review �I Coordinator. At a minimum, the proposed development shall include a storm water detention basin for the proposed development that is designed to handle a 100 -year storm with a 10 -year release rate and with a 109& reduction in flow capacity of the main storm drain conveying storm water through the site for debris blockage. In addition, the current storm water that is draining to the property shall be conveyed through the proposed development with no I increase in the 100 -year flood elevation at the adjacent upstream properties. The Petitioner shall provide all hydrologic and I hydraulic studies and documentation satisfactory to the City Engineer to verify the impact of the proposed development on future flood depths. ,i (b) The Petitioner shall be responsible for all costs associated with the design and construction of the required on- si a and off -site storm water management improvements. Acknowledging that the City of Roanoke has established a general drainage improvement program for the area which includes the !I j subject property and which includes common drainage conditions, I the developer shall pay the cost of necessary engineering and related studies and of providing storm water drainage facilities I - reauired to serve adequately the common drainage area, assuming = ='E= N000T. iEii iUN. . that the common drainage area is fully developed in accordance V• ", .4NCaCN i A;Ef Ai0"NE.11-I`"" wi.h the comprehensive plan, said facilities being located cutsi -4e aC�N CS E. � / : =iI NIA I 1• :.3 5 t.-e property -imits cf the subs ect proper: y, and said facil' -ties - :7F9nOJOT. FsRsisON. j T..%N -ION S AGH ATTO i NE YS-AT- LAN IDANO91. /ia GINIA ]A ,;9 -:69' ;I being necessitated or required, in part, by the construction or development of the subject property. The determination of the adequacy of said facilities, the engineering and related studies, and the developer's share of costs for the faci'l'ities shall be within the sole discretion of the City Engineer and shall be based upon the increased volume and velocity of storm water runoff caused by the development and the volume and velocity of storm water runoff from the common drainage area in its fully developed state, taking into account the effect of all on -site storm water facilities or best management practices constructed by the developer. (c) Upon issuance of a building permit for the subject property, the developer shall provide payment, or post a personal, corporate or property bond, cash escrow, or other method of performance guarantee satisfactory to the Agent to the Planning Commission. 3. Development Standards. The following development standards shall be used: A. All lighting on the property sha:: consist of lighting fixtures designed with shields that direct illumination. away from adjoining residential neighborhoods and adjacent schools. B. All dumpsters, loading docks, an.. heating /air conditioning and handling units located on the prcc=_rty, _..chiding roof mounted equipment, shall be screened from view from adjacent properties by landscaping, masonry or petal screen walls, or fencing. .i:ERMO'.OT. FEJG:ISON. AATT, AMEi G.N S AGEE ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW ROANOKE. /IAG:NIA :J G:S•;y 3+ C. A six -foot high vinyl coated, black chain link fence shall be constructed as shown the development plan. D. Landscaping along Cove Road shall be installed and maintained that consists of three rows of evergreen and deciduous trees which shall be a minimum of 8 feet in height at to time of planting and placed on 15 foot centers. E. Landscaping along the entire length of the property line extending from Cove Road to Ferncliff Avenue shall be installed and maintained that consists of two rows of evergreen and deciduous trees a minimum of 8 feet in height at the time of planting and placed on 15 foot centers. F. The exterior treatment of all buildings on the property shall have consistent use of architectural detail and materials on all four sides of the building. 4. Uses. A. .The following uses shall not be permitted on tracts or out parcels fronting on Ferncliff Avenue, including Official City Tax Nos. 6450118, 6450101, and the easterly 500 feet cf Tax No. 6440117: 1. Fast -food restaurants. 2. Neighborhood or highway convenience stores. B. The following use shall not be permitted on the entire property subject to the rezoning: outdcor advertising 5. Road System. A. The Hershberger Road access at Hers;.: erger Park Circle shall be designed and cc st_ucted _ t. 2etit4_c::__ s _ ,-� a- ;e �_� cut �i I ISTENN0007. FEi5�5ON. .!AT'. AMERON a AGEE ATTO N r EYS-Af-IA'M i0ANOKE. '1Ia GINIA uO :a. 599 so as to prohibit left turn egress from the property as shown on the proffered site plan (Exhibit 2) . B. The second Hershberger Road access shall be limited at Petitioner's cost to right turn -in and right turn -out, as shown on the proffered site plan (Exhibit 2) . C. There shall be no additional curb cuts on Hershberger Road other than those shown on the proffered site plan (Exhibit 2). D. The Petitioner shall construct a 5 -foot wide sidewalk the entire length of the subject property on the west side of Ferncliff Avenue. The Petitioner shall construct a 5 -foot wide sidewalk along the westerly side of the 4.73 acre tract i designated as future development from Ferncliff Avenue to the parking area. The Petitioner shall further construct a 5 -foot wide sidewalk from Hershberger Road to the parking area on either I the north or south side of the southern most entrance to the property from the southern most Hershberger Road entrance to the property. In addition, the Petitioner shall mark pedestrian crosswalks in the parking area at appropriate locations. See the proffered site plan. (Exhibit 2). E. There will be no more than a total of three ingress /egress points on Ferncliff Avenue for the subject property. Each point of ingress /egress shall be separated by a= =east 200 feet - °rom other points of iroress /egress. F. Development of Retail Building A & B, the proper_: designated as future development (4.73 acres) and the 0.92 acre out parcel (the "Property ") shall be permitted frcm a traff ic 7i EEi MO :]T. FEi:'JSJN. NAM .AAZION S AGiE ATTO 4.Y CIS -A T -_�'N 43A.M3<E.'114GWA R::B- :5]: standpoint provided the total square footage of development of the Property shall not exceed 135,500 square feet. In the event development of the Property exceeds 135,500 square feet, no such additional development shall be permitted until such time as the Petitioner, its successors and assigns, shall have satisfied the requirements of the City Traffic Engineer and the Virginia Department of Transportation for all road improvements required by such additional development. G. A 5 -foot sidewalk will be installed the length of the property on Cove Road in accord with the City Engineer's specifications for construction of sidewalks. H. The road improvements including land acquisition and land transfer as shown proffered on Plan T -2, dated November 6, 1997, attached as Exhibit 114" shall be designed, constructed and paid for by the Petitioner. In addition, other adjustments to the improvements shown on T -2 as may be required by the City Traffic Engineer and the Virginia Department of Transportation, including the taper on Cove Road shall be designed and constructed and paid for by the Petitioner. Said improvements shall be completed within two (2) years of City Council's adopting an Ordinance rezoning this property. Prior to obtaining a zoning permic, the Petitioner, its successors and assigns, shall post a bond in a form and amount satisfactory to the agent for a ^y road improvements required pursuant to this subsection. Attached as Exhibit 113" are the names, addresses and tax numbers of the owner or owners of all lots or property immediately a& acert to or immediately across a street_ or road `rcm the r ]STER4 :. OT. -E3:JS7n. U—. A•Ei:v a A'.EE ATTw4%Er5-4T-LAM NOAV:<E. VIA.-MA :A= ld-'633 property to be rezoned. WHEREFORE, the Petitioner requests that the above described tract be rezoned as requested _a accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Roanoke. l' Respectfully submitted th:s 13 day of niCuE^rticr 1997. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, rAtml nnw- Of counsel <l,.lti m STEPHANIE M. MOON, CIVIC City Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: (540) 853 -2541 Fax: (540) 853 -1145 E -mail: clerk @romokeva.gov SHEILA N. HARTMAN Deputy City Clerk (INASMUCH AS ORDINANCE NO. 37743 WAS ADOPTED WITHOUT A DISPENSING WITH THE SECOND READING PROVISION, THE ORDINANCE WAS READ ON ITS SECOND AND FINAL READING ON AUGUST 6. 2007:) April 17, 2007 File #51 Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney Woods Rogers PLC P. O. Box 14125 Roanoke, Virginia 24038 -4125 Dear Mr. Layman: I am enclosing copy of Ordinance No. 37743 - 041607 rezoning four . tracts of property located on Pocahontas Avenue, N. E., identified as Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, from RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District, to 1 -1, Industrial District, subject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant, as set forth in the Amended Application No. 1 filed in the Office of Planning Building and Economic Development on February 22, 2007. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting, which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, �OOyv Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Enclosure Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney April 17, 2007 Page 2 pc: Ms. May Bopha, 6022 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 24041 Southern Classic Auto Wash of Roanoke, LLC, 950 Orange Avenue, N. E., Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Mr. Kynn J. Deadrick, 631 Spreading Spring Road, Buchanan, Virginia 24066 Mr. Donald L. King, 1014 Pocahontas Avenue, N. E., Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Doug Trout, President, Williamson Road Action Forum, P. 0. Box 5064, Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Jay Moran, Williamson Road Action Forum, P. 0. Box 5064, Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Linda Plunkett, Executive Director, Williamson Road Area Business Association, P.O. Box 5892, Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Susan S. Lower, Director, Real Estate Valuation Martha P. Franklin, Secretary, City Planning Commission Philip C. Schirmer, City Engineer William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37743- 041607. AN ORDINANCE to amend §36.2 -100, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and the Official Zoning Map, City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated December 5, 21105, as amended, to rezone certain property within the City, subject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant. WHEREAS, Alan L. Amos, inc., represented by Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Esquire, have made application to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia ( "City Council'). to have the hereinafter described property rezoned from RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District, to I -1, Industrial District, subject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant; WHEREAS, the City Planning Conunission, after giving proper notice to all concerned as required by §36.2 -540, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended. and after conducting a public hearing on the matter, has made its recommendation to City Council; WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by City Council on such application at its meeting on April 16, 2007, after due and timely notice thereof as required by §36.2 -540, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, at which hearing all parties in interest and citizens were given an opportunity to be heard, both for and against the proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS, City Council, after considering the aforesaid application, the recommendation made to City Council by the Planning Commission, the City's Comprehensive Plan, and the matters presented at the public hearing, finds that the public O -Alan L. Amos, Inc. — 4- 16 -t1i Rezone with proifer necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice require the rezoning of the subject property, and for those reasons, is of the opinion that the hereinafter described property should be rezoned as herein provided. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of .Roanoke that §36.2 -100, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, and the Official Zoning Map, City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated December 5, 2005, as amended, be amended to reflect that four (4) tracts of property located on Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., hearing Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, be, and are hereby rezoned from RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District, to 1 -1, Industrial District, subject to certain conditions proffered by the applicant, as set forth in the Amended Application No. 1 of Alan L. Antis. inc., represented by Daniel F. Layman, Jr.. (Esquire, filed in the Office of the Department of Planning Building and Economic Development on February 22.'007. ATTEST: W\r - Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk. 0-Alan L. Amos, Inc. — 4 -16-07 Rezone with proffer - CITY OF ROANOKE • PLANNING BUILDING R ECONOMIC DEN'ELOPMENT ,1 215 Church Avenue. ti.N'., Rouen 166 Roanoke, \'ir-inia '_JOl I Telephone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 � -=-- E -mail: planningfia roanokeva.go% \rcliin o Ural Ro irx an:vd Ilomd n1 L.min-'Appral. 1-1: um i n 4 l'n nun i,. i.. n Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: April 16, 2007 Subject: Request from Alan L. Amos, Inc., represented by Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Esq., that four tracts of land located on Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., identified as Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, be rezoned from RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District, to 1 -1, Industrial District, for the purpose of constructing a maintenance shop to serve trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. Planning Commission Action: Planning Commission public hearing was held on Thursday, March 15, 2007. The Commission, by a vote of 6 -0 (Mr. Williams absent), recommended that City Council approve the requested rezoning. Background: The applicant, Alan L. Amos, Inc., is requesting a rezoning of property identified Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3052116 and 3042117, located at the intersection of Pocahontas Avenue N.E., and 11`i' Street N.E., in the Hollins Neighborhood. The 0.78 acre property is currently zoned RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District and is vacant of structures. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to 1 -1, Light Industrial District with conditions, to combine five lots (Official Tax Nos. 3042114 through 3042118) to construct a motor vehicle repair /service establishment to maintain trucks and heavy equipment used in his demolition /grading business located at 915 Pocahontas Avenue, N.E. Official Tax No. 3042118 is already zoned 1 -1, Light Industrial District. The building 1 would be located below the grade of Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., oriented towards and accessed from 11th Street, N.E. Parking would be located to the rear of the building and vegetative buffers would be planted along the rear property line and Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., to provide screening for neighboring residents. The Application to Rezone was filed on January 30, 2007, with a first amended application filed on February 22, 2007 to address specific staff comment. Considerations Surrounding Zoning Districts and Land Uses The subject properties are located in the Hollins Neighborhood and are zoned RM -1. The properties are surrounded by a mix of residential, commercial and industrial development as follows: RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District: Single family residential dwellings lie to the north of the subject property. To the west are two single family dwellings (one vacant) interspersed with vacant lots (all are owned by the applicant). 1 -1, Light Industrial District: Two vacant lots and restaurant lie to the south of the subject properties. A vacant garage lies to the east and is part of the development plan proffered with this application. Across 11 th Street, N.E., to the east is a trucking business. Conditions Proffered by the Applicant Pursuant to Section 36.2- 541(c)(1), Alan L. Amos, Inc. hereby voluntarily proffers the following conditions which shall be applicable to the property, if rezoned: 1) The property shall be used only as a motor vehicle repair or service establishment. 2) The parcels which comprise the property, identified by City of Roanoke Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116, and 3042117, together with the lot adjoining them on the east, bearing Official Tax No. 3042118, shall, prior to development of the property, be combined into a single parcel by plat of combination submitted to and approved by the City of Roanoke. 3) The property will be developed in accordance with the concept plan prepared by Caldwell White Associates, dated February 21, 2007, and filed with this application, including specifically, but without limitation, the location of the building, access point and parking spaces, and the design of the 8 -foot wide buffer yard along Pocahontas Avenue, subject to such 2 changes as may be required by the City of Roanoke during the Comprehensive Plan review. Compliance with the Zoning Ordinance The proffered conditions associated with the request further the intent of this District's regulations to protect neighboring residential districts and uses. The development of this parcel will be required to meet the regulations of the City's Zoning Ordinance, including district requirements, supplemental regulations for motor vehicle repair /service establishments and all development standards for lighting, landscaping, parking and signage. Furthermore, the applicant has gone beyond the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance by providing an eight (8) foot landscaped buffer yard along Pocahontas Avenue, N.E. , which will include one evergreen tree per fifteen (15) feet and one evergreen shrub per five (5) feet to screen the repair shop from nearby residents. Staff is concerned that the spacing proposed between the evergreen trees may not provide sufficient screening in a reasonable timeframe. Compatibility with the City's Comprehensive and Neighborhood Plans The City's Comprehensive Plan, Vision 2001 -2020, and the Hollins/Wildwood Area Plan emphasize the need to utilize vacant sites within the City while protecting adjoining properties from encroachment by unsympathetic growth. While these parcels are identified for future residential development, their location and topography have made it difficult for this land use to be realized. This particular section of the Hollins neighborhood is boxed in between numerous industrial uses including warehouse and trucking establishments, in addition to the applicant's grading /demolition business. As stated before, to minimize disruption of surrounding residents, the applicant is proposing to reduce the grade below Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., plant a buffer yard along property lines abutting residential zoning districts, provide access from 11th Street, N.E., and use the property to service the applicant's vehicles and equipment only. Staff is concerned that traffic along Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., will increase due to the applicant's trucks and equipment accessing the maintenance shop from the primary business located at the corner of Pocahontas Avenue, N.E., and Hollins Road, N.E. The following policies and recommendations from Vision 2001 -2020 and the Hollins/Wildwood Area Plan are relevant in the consideration of this application. Vision 2001 -2020: • ED P5. Industrial Development. Underutilized and vacant industrial sites will be evaluated and redevelopment encouraged. (Note ED A18 and ED A33 which state that underutilized industrial sites should be identified and redeveloped especially in the Plantation and Hollins Road area.) Hollins/Wildwood Area Plan: • Economic Development Recommendation 3 • Industrial uses should have sufficient land to operate, and have minimal impact on adjoining properties. • Commercial and residential districts should be clearly delineated with the intensity of uses minimized in some areas. The following design principles specified in the Vision 2001 -2020 are relevant in the consideration of the current application. Parking is located to the rear of the building and spaces have been kept to the minimum required by the Zoning Ordinance. The building is oriented towards 11`h Street, N.E., creating a feeling of enclosure. The future land use plan identified the subject property's use as single /two family residential. Planning Commission Discussion The discussion at the City Planning Commission public hearing was as follows: The applicant's representative, Mr. Dan Layman, responded to staff's concern in regards to increased truck traffic on Pocahontas Avenue N.E. He stated that the street configuration would not allow trucks with equipment trailers to access the site from Pocahontas Avenue N.E., requiring his client to access his site from Orange Avenue N.E. The Planning Commission asked if the applicant was intending on vacating the ten (10) foot alley shown on the development plan. Mr. Layman stated that his client had no plans to close the alley, unless something with the site work required an additional five feet. The Planning Commission questioned if the concrete pad shown on the development plan was intended to be used for outdoor storage. Mr. Layman said that the concrete pads were to support entry ramps into the shop. Staff responded that outdoor storage was not permitted for motor vehicle repair in the district. There were no comments from the audience during the public hearing. Recommendation By a vote of 6 -0, the Commission recommended that City Council approve the request. Given the location and topographical context of the subject properties, the Commission found the application to rezone the subject property from RM -1 District to 1 -1 District with conditions to be a reasonable request. While the future land use plan of the Hollins/Wildwood Area Plan identifies these parcels for residential development, the application provides proffered conditions sufficient to protect residential uses to the north from adverse impacts. 51 Respectfully submitted, Henry Scholz, Chairman City Planning Commission cc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney Daniel F. Layman, Attorney for the applicant 06111 3061120 06112 30611 2 061' JRM -2 306 123 c[o RG',a CJ O 1?�oi—E'. ^ M 3061213 306122 3061 91 II II ddddddnc 3061401 (c) IN RM -1 N w O O ch M O O (a r O th O �p "J :+l (C) 1 -1 N M M C R N M � O O 4� (C) CG ' 30q•Z142X ovzf" '� Pocahontas Avenue, N.W. . Official Tax Nos. 3042114,E 3042115, 3042116, 3042117 3050315 ' 3050103 h CN nJ�O - '0gp6 C O O 1 -1 J� O^ ��7 5 l7 V ^J 1111V� ® APPLICATION CONDITIONAL REZONING ROANOKE Date: 2/22107 To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council c/o Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 All submittals must be typed, include all required documentation and a check for the tiling fee. Application is hereby submitted for conditional rezoning for the property located at: Property Address(es): Pocahontas Avenue, NE (no street numbers) Official Tax No(s): 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117 Existing Zoning: RM -1 Requested Conditional Zoning: 1 -1(c) Proposed Land Use: Truck and equipment maintenance shop to serve petitioners business located at 915 Pocahontas Avenue, NE. Name of Applicant/Contact Person: Alan L. Amos, Inc. (Alan L. Amos, President) Mailing Address: 915 Pocahontas Avenue, NE, Roanoke, VA 14VI1 Telephone: (54c) Applicant's signature: Property Owner's Name: Alan L. Amos, Inc. Mailing Address: 915 PwahWas Avenue, NE. Roanoke, VA 24012 Telephone: (54c) 345 -1000 Fax: Property Owner's signature: E -mail: E -mail: Alan L. Amos, Inc. Application for Rezoning Amendment Number One Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114-3042117) List of Attachments Applicant's Report Written Proffers Form Location Map (Exhibit 1) List of Adjoining Property Owners (Exhibit 2) Concept Plan RKE# 1007860.WPD -1, 010510 -00005-01 Alan L. Amos, Inc. First Amended Application for Rezoning Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114-3042117) Applicant's Report (1) Applicant Alan L. Amos, Inc. operates a demolition/grading business, headquartered at the western end of Pocahontas Avenue, NE, near its intersection with Hollins Road. Applicant in fact owns the entire Pocahontas Avenue frontage between Hollins Road and 11`h Street, NE, including the four (4) lots located near the southwestern intersection of Pocahontas Avenue, and 11'h Street, bearing City of Roanoke Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, which are the subject of this application to rezone, and also the lot immediately to their east, Tax No. 3042118, which faces I I 1 Street and is zoned 1 -1. Applicant wishes to combine these five lots and construct on them a maintenance shop to serve the trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. (2) The properties to the west, south and cast are presently zoned 1 -1 and are in active use for commercial purposes, while the property to the north is residential. The subject lots are vacant, sloping and rocky, and are now essentially waste land. The site will be graded so that the shop is situated well below the grade of Pocahontas Avenue, thus allowing development that is consistent with the type of development found on most nearby properties while being sited so as to intrude minimally, if at all, on the residential area across Pocahontas Avenue. Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney for Petitioner Woods Rogers, PLC 10 South Jefferson Street, Suite 1400 Roanoke, VA 24011 Telephone 540- 983 - 7653_. - Email layman @woodsrogers.com RKE# 1005856.WPD -1, 010510 -00005-01 PROFFERS' .CONDITIONAL REZONING ROANOKE Date: 2122107 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 Original: x Amended: (must attach a copy of existing proffers) Name of Applicant/C4 Applicant's signature: Property Owner's Name: Property Owner's signature Pursuant to the Section 36.2- 541(c)(1), the owner(s) or duly authorized agent hereby voluntarily proffers the following conditions which shall be applicable to the property, if rezoned: SEE ATTACHED SHEET (attach additional sheets as necessary) Alan L. Amos, Inc. First Amended Application for Rezoning Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114-3042117) Written Proffers Pursuant to Section 36.2- 541(c)(1), Alan L. Amos, Inc. hereby voluntarily proffers the following conditions which shall be applicable to the property, if rezoned: (1) The property shall be used only as a motor vehicle repair or service establishment. (2) The parcels which comprise the property, identified by City of Roanoke Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, together with the lot adjoining them on the east, bearing Official Tax No. 3042118, shall, prior to development of the property, be combined into a single parcel by plat of combination submitted to and approved by the City of Roanoke. (3) The property will be developed in accordance with the concept plan prepared by Caldwell White Associates, dated February 21, 2007, and filed with this application, including specifically, but without limitation, the location of the building, access point and parking spaces, and the design of the 8 -foot wide.buffer yard along Pocahontas Avenue, subject to such changes as may be required by the City of Roanoke during the Comprehensive Development Plan review. Signature of Applicant/Property Owner: ALAN INC. By L. eslden Date: February 22, 2007 RKE# 1011800.WPD -1, 010510-00005-01 Map Output L -A4i644 1 Page I of 1 http:// gis. roanokeva .gov /servleticom.esri.esrimap. Esrimap? ServiceName= rnke &ClientVersion =3.1 &Form =... 1/30/2007 EXHIBIT 2 Alan L. Amos, Inc. Application for Rezoning Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114-3042117) Adjacent Property Owners Tax Number Owner 3042118 Alan L. Amos, Inc. 3042112 Alan L. Amos, Inc. 3042133 May Bopha 6022 Columbia Pike Falls Church, VA 24041 3042134 May Bopha 3042137 May Bopha 3042143 Southern Classic Auto Wash of Roanoke, LLC 950 Orange Avenue, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 3061409 Kynn J. Deadrick 631 Spreading Spring Road Buchanan, VA 24066 3061411 Kynn J. Deadrick Kynn J. Deadrick 3061412 Donald L. King 1014 Pocahontas Avenue, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 RKE# 1007872 WPD -1, 010510-00005-01 z 0 O0 z 'd. 0 a, Ni ( a \ § ■� / § I | WE; ■ � /� /§ / / � ���| �� 2� ] M a | � \ ■ 17J , I I � 1w ■ /\ i -i \ ` RR it -i RR \ \�no / AM 9 The Roanoke Times Roanoke, Virginia Affidavit of Publication T hic Ro -tno ke Times -- - -- ----------------- ------------ ----------- - - - - -+ -- - - - - -- ---------------- WOODS ROGERS, PLC SUITE 1400 10 S JEFFERSON ST ROANOKE VA 24011 REFERENCE: 80149976 10186665 State of Virginia City of Roanoke NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEA I, (the undersigned) an authorized representative . of the Times -World Corporation, which corporation is publisher of the Roanoke Times, a daily . newspaper 'oublished in Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, do certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspapers on the following dates: I City /County of Roanoke, Commonwealth /State of Vi nia. Sworn and subscribed before me this ___day of April 2007. Witness my hand antl official seal.. I Notary public My y co fission exp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Council of the City of Roanoke will hold a public hearing on Monday. April 16, 2007. at 7:00 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the. Council Chamber, fourth! floor. in the Noel C. Taylor'. Municipal Building. 2151 Roanoke, Virginia. tol consider the lollowing: Request from Alan L. Amos. Inc., represented by Daniel F. Layman. Jr., Esquire. that lour tracts of land located on Pocahontas Avenue. N.E.. identified as Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, be rezoned from RM -1. Residential Mixed Density District. to 1 -1. Industrial District, for the purpose of constructing a maintenance shop to serve trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. A copy of the application is available for review in the Office of the City Clerk, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue. S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. All parties in interest and citizens may appear on the above date and be heard on the matter. If you are a person with a disability who needs accommodations for this hearing. please contact the City Clerk's Office. at of the hearing listed M. w wan. ?UB y LISHED CN:'03/30 04/06 (10186665) TOTAL COST: 351.60 FILED ON: 04/06/07 --------- ------- ----- ------------------- ----+ ---------- ------- t Authorized /•� { Signature: _ _ Billing Services Reesentative l/T r r k-+ f.. 9 /31a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE.ARiNG The Council of the City of Roanokc will hold a public hearing on Monday. April 16, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chamber, fburth door, in the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S.W.. Roanoke, Virginia, to consider the following: Request from Alan L. Amos, inc.. represented by Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Esquire, that four tracts o1' land located on Pocahontas Avenue, N.C., identified as Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and '3042117, be rezoned from RM -1, Residential Mixed Density District, to i -1, Industrial District, for the purpose of constructing a maintenance shop to scrvr trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. A copy of the application is available for review in the Office of the City Clerk. Room 456. Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Roanoke. Virginia. All parties in interest and citizens may appear on the above date and be heard on the matter. I I'you are a person with a disability who needs accommodations for this hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office, at 853 -2541, before noon on the Thursday before the date of the hearin.- listed above. GIVEN tinder my hand this 27thday of March -- 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk. !!- La_neo, W4- t:am 2., Jr. - rezone wiLh Fre` -fur Publish in the Roanoke Times once on Friday, March 30. 2007 and April 6, 2007. Send affidavit to: Stephanie M. Moon. City Clerk 215 Church Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (540) 853 -2541 Send bill to: Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney Woods Rogers, PLC 10 South Jefferson Street, Suite 1400 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 983 -7653 STEPHANIE M. MOON, CMC Cilr Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 '1'elephone: (5401853-2541 Fax: (5411) 853 -1145 E-mail: clerk @ruannkeva.gov April 6, 2007 File #51 Daniel F. Layman, Jr., Attorney Woods Rogers PLC P.O. Box 14125 Roanoke, Virginia 24038 -4125 Dear Mr. Layman: SHEILA N. IIAR'I:MAN Deputy Cil' Clerk Pursuant to provisions of Resolution No. 25523 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on Monday, April 6, 1981, 1 have advertised a public hearing for Monday, April 16, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the City Council Chamber, Room 450, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 21 S Church Avenue, S. W., on the request of Alan L. Amos, Inc., that four tracts of land located on Pocahontas Avenue, N. E., identified as Official Tax Nos. 30421 14, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, be rezoned from RM -1 , Residential Mixed Density District, to 1-1, Industrial District, for the purpose of constructing a maintenance shop to serve trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. For your information, I am enclosing copy of a notice of public hearing. Please review the document and if you have questions, you may contact Steven J. Talevi, Assistant City Attorney, at 540-853-2431. It will be necessary for you, or your representative, to be present at the April 16 public hearing. Failure to appear could result in a deferral of the matter until a later date. I� �1y /.�.: Sheila N. Hartman Deputy City Clerk SNH:ew Enclosure CITY OF ROANOKE r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :t 215 Church Avenue, S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 -1536 Telephone: 15 4111 853-2541 Fax: (540) 853 -1145 STEPHANIE M. MOON. CHIC E -mail: clerkCraanukeva.gm• City Clerk April 6, 2007 May Bopha 6022 Columbia Pike Falls Church, Virginia 24041 Southern Classic Auto Wash of Roanoke, LLC 950 Orange Avenue, N. E. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Kynn J. Deadrick 631 Spreading Spring Road Buchanan, Virginia 24066 Donald L. King 1014 Pocahontas Avenue, N. E Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Ladies and Gentlemen: File #51 SHEILA N. HARTMAN Deputy City Clerk Doug Trout, President Williamson Road Action Forum P. 0. Box 5064 Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Jay Moran Williamson Road Action Forum P. 0. Box 5064 Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Linda Plunkett, Executive Director Williamson Road Area Business Association P. 0. Box 5892 Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Pursuant to provisions of Resolution No. 25523 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on Monday, April 6, 1981, 1 have advertised a public hearing for Monday, April 16, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the City Council Chamber, Room 450, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., on the request of Alan L. Amos, Inc., represented by Daniel F. Layman, Attorney, that four tracts of land located on Pocahontas Avenue, N. E., identified as Official Tax Nos. 30421 14, 30421 15, 3042116 and 3042117, be rezoned from RM -1 , Residential Mixed Density District, to 1-1, Industrial District, for the purpose of constructing a maintenance shop to serve trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. This letter is provided for your information as an interested property owner and /or adjoining property owner. If you have questions with regard to the matter, please call the Department of Planning, Building and Economic Development at 540 - 853 -1730. Interested Property Owners and /or Adjoining Property Owners April 6, 2007 Page 2 The City Planning Commission is recommending that Council approve the rezoning. If you would like to receive a copy of the report of the City Planning Commission, please call the City Clerk's Office at 540 - 853 -2541. S i n c�e re ly', Sheila N. Hartman Deputy City Clerk SNH:ew -4 CITY OF ROANOKE PLANNING BUILDING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 215 Church Avenue, SAN., Room 166 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Telephone: (540) 853 -1730 Fax: (540) 853 -1230 E -mail: pl-.inning@roanokeva.gov - Cv Arch itecmrul Re\'lew Board Board of inFAppeals REQUEST FOR COMMENT PlanningPlanning ing Cummisaion REZONING STREET /ALLEY CLOSURE OTHER DATE: February 1, 2007 APPLICANT: Alan L. Amos LOCATION: Pocahontas Avenue, N.W., Tax Nos. 3042114, 2115, 2116 and 2117 REQUEST: Rezoning from RM -1 to 1 -1 Your review and comment on the above - referenced item are requested. Please provide written comment by February 20, 2007. Public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for March 15, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. Please return all comments to me. Thank you. copies to: David Barnhart, WVWA Bob Bengtson, Director of Public Works Brian Brown, Economic Development Director Darlene Burcham, City Manager Bob Clement, NH Coordinator Bill Hackworth, City Attorney _ Mark Jamison, Manager, Transportation 4nmmSte­ph—a—nie Moon, City Clerk Phil Schirmer, City Engineer Steve Talevi, Assistant City Attorney Dan Webb, Acting Director, HNS City Planning Commission Members President, Neighborhood Organization (if applicable): Linda Plunkett, WRABA; Doug Trout, WRAF, Rick Williams, WRAF, Jay Moran, WRAF, Sandra Kelly, RNP Rep Adjoining Locality:N /A Internal Staff: Director, Planning Building and Economic Development Martha P. Franklin, Secretary City of Roanoke Planning Commission Building Commissioner Development Engineer Development Review Coordinator Planning Administrator Planners (IS, FG, BF, AB, CF, MB) Zoning Administrator Street/Alley Only: _ Fire Marshal _ Communications _ EMS _ American Electric Power _ Verizon _ Roanoke Gas For determination of value: _ Real Estate Valuation Phil Schirmer, City Engineer I d RECEIVED FEB 0 12007 Date: 1/30/07 To: Department of Planning Building and Economic Development je 00 - 0 Room 166, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke; VA 24011 Phone: (540) 853-1730 Fax: (540) 853-1230 %.A s0iidtO. N . miw Application is hereby submitted for rezoning for the property located at: Property Add ress(es): Pocahontas Avenue, NE (no street numbers) Official Tax No(s): 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117 Existing Zoning: RM-1 Requested Zoning: 1-1 Proposed land use: Truck and equopment maintenance shop to serve pelitionees bligin.cc In .at ed at 915 Pocahontas Avenue, NE. �-X Mailing j'Address::-::' 6 1 P. 6 ca h' 0-ht:a' s AV u el; NEI Rob Telephone: (54C)_145-1000 Fax, J: signature party j 0 w9bir's'h"atu're': i:Pro ........... q Alan L. Amos, Inc. Application for Rezoning Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114 - 3042117) List of Attachments Applicant's Report Location Map (Exhibit 1) List of Adjoining Property Owners (Exhibit 2) Concept Plan Grading Diagram RKE# 1007880.WPD•1. 010510 -0ODOS-01 Alan L. Amos, Inc. Application for Rezoning Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114- 3042117) Applicant's Report (1) Applicant Alan L. Amos, Inc. operates a demolition/grading business, headquartered at the western end of Pocahontas Avenue, NE, near its intersection with Hollins Road. Applicant in fact owns the entire Pocahontas Avenue frontage between Hollins Road and 11'" Street, NE, including the four (4) lots located near the southwestern intersection of Pocahontas Avenue, and 11'" Street, bearing City of Roanoke Official Tax Nos. 3042114, 3042115, 3042116 and 3042117, which are the subject of this application to rezone, and also the lot immediately to their east, Tax No. 3042118, which faces I I' Street and is zoned I -1. Applicant wishes to combine these five lots and construct on them a maintenance shop to serve the trucks and heavy equipment used in its business. (2) The properties to the west, south and cast are presently zoned I -1 and are in active use for commercial purposes, while the property to the north is residential. The subject lots are vacant, sloping and rocky, and are now essentially waste land. The site will be cut down, pursuant to the attached grading plan, so that the shop is situated well below the grade of Pocahontas Avenue, thus allowing development that is both consistent with the type of development found on most nearby properties while being sited so as to intrude minimally, if at all, on the residential area across Pocahontas Avenue. RKE# 1005856.WPD•1. 010510-00005-01 �_ #� 1, :::.:, �. � .� c.. 4 � �� ;�V� . ���ilrF a� �,',1 ,i<<�� ' P •' N� i �° s 1. f � s ;;,. � \ f �� , s' ,� � ; . J i " `t t a �. �� �� 0; ®bOfl 'i EXHIBIT 2 Alan L. Amos, Inc. Application for Rezoning Property on Pocahontas Avenue, NE (Tax Parcels 3042114 - 3042117) Adjacent Property Owners Tax Number Owner 3042118 Alan L. Amos, Inc. 3042112 - - - — - Alan L. Amos, Inc. 3042133 May Bopha 6022 Columbia Pike Falls Church, VA 24041 3042134 May Bopha 3042137 May Bopha 3042143 Southcrn Classic Auto Wash of Roanoke, LLC 950 Orange Avenue, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 3061409 Kynn J. Deadrick 631 Spreading Spring Road Buchanan, VA 24066 3061410 Kynn J. Deadrick 3061411 Kynn J. Deadrick 3061412 Donald L. King 1014 Pocahontas Avenue, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 RKEH 1007872.WPD -1, 010510-00005-01 I J � O i O ' O I I O Sabre � �y�!�ArJ�stt `? ,No- 0 µ� �� eo ti: / / I , .1,11 ' 7'�btJ q(gOpER lZn Q M7 e TIC f� M ?J or lz J II I � ' � I I a, d 2 \J 0 - K rz v)Ng! tia IWa� 000 .00000 IO 11`40, 5 RANI) N,l E ' I g Z Z A _ 1 S P9 � Z F- M n 30.0 1. �j r s z a I 1 � o LlL7. A b J wNl 0 ui D v N d ) N Z � 1 I° l r\ W �I �� ll V) O YI'. tic O O w N 'C I I I LLN O � w i W o W Q o m R ri> z U I I I N J 4 F O CL d 2 \J 0 - K rz v)Ng! tia IWa� 000 .00000 IO 11`40, 5 RANI) N,l E ' I g Z Z A _ 1 S P9 � Z F- M n 30.0 1. �j r s z a I 1 �„? 0 w Q LlL7. A b J wNl ppp r J d ) N H O � io I I° l .w N1 Y �I �� ll b a� ' I I I a I 1 b F b J wNl J d ) N H O � io I I° l .w N1 Y b N �p I o� 'C I I I LLN O � w i W o W o m R ri> z I I I N J 4 F / �OOOOO / 00000 0 00000 - �Vla j ZN 3 �iRm W < m J Z K d < ` N a� Ow aH<r I a N6 I O�m0O d � N a s I � ��3ng Ho*w I aR H Ld V) z O irg rn S I FI`II LAME N1 MOON.(. MC City Clerk Jesse A. Hall Director of Finance Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mr. Hall: CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF ME CITY CLERK I S Church Avenue. S. W.. Room 456 Roanoke. Virginia 24011 -1536 felephunc (540) 853-2541 Fax 040)851-1115 E -mail clrrktnu:nuke,a.yoc April 17, 2007 File #60 -72 -236 SHEILA N. H.ARTMAN Deput;' City Clerk I am attaching copy of Budget Ordinance No. 37744 - 041607 appropriating funding from the Commonwealth and from local revenue to the Department of Social Services and Comprehensive Services Act, and amending and reordaining certain. sections of the 2006 -2007 General Fund Appropriations. The abovereferenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, April 16, 2007, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, *4 ��0. ` 6rv� Stephanie M. Moon, CMC City Clerk SMM:ew Attachment Pc: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager Sherman M. Stovall, Director, Office of Management and Budget R. Brian Townsend, Acting Assistant City Manager for Community Development Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services �k�) IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA The 16th day of April, 2007. No. 37744 - 041607. AN ORDINANCE to appropriate funding from the Commonwealth and from local revenues to the Department of Social Services and Comprehensive Services Act, amending and reordaining certain sections of the 2006 -2007 General Fund Appropriations, and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke that the following sections of the 2006 -2007 General Fund Appropriations be, and the same are hereby, amended and reordained to read and provide as follows, in part: Appropriations 01- 110 - 1234 -0201 $ 400,000 Salary Lapse 01- 300 - 9410 -1090 ($266,924) Health Department Civic Mall Rent 01- 630 - 5110 -3071 ( 41,796) Fraud Free Program 01- 630 - 5313 -3195 3,000 ADC Foster Care 01- 630 - 5314 -3115 880,000 Special Needs Adoption 01- 630 - 5314 -3130 300,000 Purchased Services 01- 630 - 5316 -3160 95,000 Foster Care - Therapeutic & Other 01- 630 - 5410 -3181 2,600,000 Revenues Sales Tax 01- 110 - 1234 -0201 $ 400,000 Foster Care 01 -110- 1234 -0675 1,180,000 General Administration 01- 110 - 1234 -0676 3,000 Employment Services 01- 110 - 1234 -0681 95,000 CSA -State 01- 110 -1234 -0692 1,801,280 Purchasing Card Rebate 01- 110 - 1234 -0900 90,000 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of the City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: City Clerk. ^ CITY OF ROANOKE �q OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER '. Noel C. Ia\ for Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, SAN.. Room 364 Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1591 lily l \cl: �v: t..rnanoki•va.�,w April 16, 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Additional funding for the Department of Social Services and Comprehensive Services Act Background: The Department of Social Services has experienced an increase in demand for the following services over the past year: Fraud Free, Foster Care, Special Needs Adoption, and Purchased Services. The AFDC Foster Care and Special Needs Adoption programs are mandated by the state and provide financial assistance to foster and adoptive parents on behalf of their children. The services provided by these programs include therapeutic treatments, medical services, speech and physical therapy, and equipment purchases for children with special needs. The Comprehensive Services Act (CSA), which was established in 1993, provides out -of -home services to troubled and at -risk youth and their families through a collaborative system of state and local agencies, parents, and private sector providers. These services include mandated foster care, certain special education services, and foster care prevention. CSA also provides services to certain targeted non - mandated populations. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 2 Considerations: The Department of Social Services expenditures are projected at 55,443,733 for the following programs: Fraud Free, Foster Care, Special Needs Adoption, and Purchased Services. Based on this projection, these expenditures will exceed the FY 2007 appropriation of $4,165,733 by $1,278,000. Within the category of Social Services expenditures, the Foster Care and Special Needs Adoption programs are expected to total $4,920,731 and will require no local match. Total funding is anticipated from the Commonwealth for all of these programs. The number of families requiring assistance and the cost of providing these services continues to increase. CSA expenditures are projected at $11,662,733 for FY 2007. Based on this projection, these expenditures will exceed the CSA FY 2007 appropriation of $9,062,733 by $2,600,000 and will require additional local funds in the amount of $798,720. The funding anticipated from the Commonwealth for CSA is $1,801,280. The additional funds are for mandated services for at -risk youth. CSA has experienced an increase in the number of youths requiring higher cost services. Also, because of the 2005 Federal Deficit Reduction Act, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services reduced Medicaid reimbursement rates for treatment Foster Care case management services, effectively making localities responsible for the additional costs. To cover the local funding required for these Social Services programs, adjustments to two revenues estimates as well as several expenditure transfers are recommended. The revenue estimate for sales tax may be increased due to the fact that this local tax is experiencing strong growth in the current year and is projected to exceed the adopted estimate. A revenue estimate for the purchasing card rebate may be established in an amount approximate to the rebate received by the City in March. Recommended Action: Adopt the accompanying budget ordinance and take the following actions: Increase the revenue estimate from the Commonwealth of Virginia in the amount of $3,079,280 for Social Services programs and the Comprehensive Services Act program. Increase the revenue estimate for Sales Tax in the amount of $400,000 and establish a revenue estimate for Purchasing Card Rebate in the amount of $90,000 to cover a portion of the local share cost for the Comprehensive Services Act program. Transfer funding in the amount of $41,796 from Health Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council April 16, 2007 Page 3 Department Civic Mall Rental and $266,924 from Salary Lapse to provide the remaining local funding for the Comprehensive Services Act Program. Appropriate funding in the amount of $1,278,000 for Social Services program and $2,600,000 for the Comprehensive Services Act as detailed in Attachments A and B. Respectfully sub itted, Darlene L. Bu cham City Manager I1113111103IFETii1 c: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance R. Brian Townsend, Acting Asst. City Manager for Community Dev. Sherman M. Stovall, Director of Management and Budget Jane R. Conlin, Director of Human /Social Services CM07 -00046 Department of Social Services April 16, 2007 Council Meeting Attachment A: Appropriate funding in the amount of $1,278,000 to the following accounts: 01-630-5313-3195 (Fraud Free) 3,000 01- 630 - 5314 -3115 (ADC Foster Care) 880,000 01- 630 - 5314 -3130 (Special Needs Adoption) 300,000 01- 630 - 5316 -3160 (Purchased Services) 95,000 Increase General Fund Revenue estimate by $1,278,000 in the following accounts: 01- 110 - 1234 -0675 (Foster Care) 1,180,000 01- 110 - 1234 -0676 (General Administration) 3,000 01- 110 - 1234 -0681 (Employment Services) 95,000 Comprehensive Services Act April 16, 2007 Council Meeting Attachment B: Appropriate funding in the amount of $2,600,000 to the following account: 01- 630 - 5410 -3181 (Foster Care - Therapeutic & Other) 2,600,000 Transfer funding in the amount of $308,720 from the following accounts: 01- 630 - 5110 -3071 (Health Department Civic Mall Rent) 41,796 01- 300 - 9410 -1090 (Salary Lapse) 266,924 Increase General Fund Revenue estimate by $2,291,280 in the following revenue accounts: 01- 110 - 1234 -0692 (CSA- State) 1,801,280 01- 110 - 1234 -0201 (Sales Tax) 400,000 01- 110 - 1234 -0900 (Purchasing Card Rebate) 90,000 _ The Roanoke Times Roanoke, Virginia Affidavit of Publication The Roanoke Times -------------------------------------- -- __________ +__- _..______.- ----------- FRANK BARATTA CITY OF ROANOKE MGMT & BUDCET 215 CHURCH AVE ROOM 354 ROANOKE VA 24011 REFERENCE: 10162983 10201197 Notice of Public Hea State of Virginia City of Roanoke I, !the undersigned? an authorized representative of the Times -World Corporation, whir,h corporation is publisher of the Roanoke Times, a daily newspaper published in Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, do certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspapers on the following dates: City /County of Roanoke, Commonwealth /State of Vi r inia. Sworn and subscribed before me this _Jt7-1_day of April 2007. Witness my hand and'o ficial seal. ` uu /�� _ . �ot/a�ry Public M com i.,sion a PUBLISHED ON: 04/06. TOTAL COST.: 223.53 FILED ON: 04/06/07 ---------------------------------------------- Authorized /�• .1 1� Signature: •':t,N..,..y:'._.....J) �..� _ CITY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF HUMAN SERVICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING'`'. ' •' The Council of the Cty of Roanoke w.11 cons.der a proposal to adjust the aggre9aie —The of ;is FY 2006 -2G07 Genomi Fund budget in 'he follon•'ng respect, in connector w ;:h aDpmpriation of funds for its Soc :al Serd.e.'Human Service Drograms. which include General Relief, Fraud Free. Fes,er Care. Sxcial .Needs Adoc:ion. Purchased Services and .Comprehensive Sery ces Act: - FUND ADOPTED RECOMMENDED j:• BUDGET INCREASE General Fund $239.607000 $3.878,000 Pursuant to the requirements of 15.2 -2507. Code of Virgin (1950). as amended. notice is hereby giver that :he Council of the City of Roanoke wi.l hold a Dublic hearing on the above matter on Morday. ADM 16.2007 at 7 p.m.. or as soon'hereaf:e, as the matter may be heard. i6 the Council Chamber. Room 450. Noel C. Taylor MurudPal Building. 215 Church Avenue. . Sw, Roanoke. Virginia. For further information on these matters, you may contact the Office -of the City Clark at 15401853.2541. Ali parties and interested cdimns mayappearon Me above date andoe heard on :he matter. if ,.you area person who reeds accommodations for this hewing. please contact me C.y Clerk's 0`hce at (54.0.) 853 -2541 before 12:00 roon on Thursday, April 12, 2007 G+VEN undo, my raid :his fith day ofApr.l. 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, CMC. City Clerk Billing Services Representative CITY OF ROANOKE Department of Human Services Notice of Public Hearing The Council of the City of Roanoke will consider a proposal to adjust the aggregate amount of its FY 2006 -2007 General. Fund budget,in the following respect, in connection with appropriation of funds for ; its Social Service %Human Service programs, which include General Relief, Fraud Free, Foster Care, Special Needs Adoption, Purchased Services and Comprehensive Services Act: FUND ADOPTED RECOMMENDED BUDGET INCREASE General Fund $239,607,000 $3,878,000 Pursuant to the requirements of 15.2 -2507, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Roanoke will hold a public hearing on the above matter on Monday, April 16, 2007 at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chamber, Room 450, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. For further information on these matters, you may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (540) 853 -2541. All parties and interested citizens may appear on the above date and be heard on the matter. If you are a person who needs accommodations for this hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (540) 853 -2541 before 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 12, 2007. GIVEN under my hand this 6th day of April, 2007 Stephanie M. Moon, CMC, City Clerk Please run the above as a non -legal display ad in the Roanoke Times Virginia section so as to appear on Friday, April 6, 2007. Please call with an estimate of the cost. Thank you! Bill to: Department of Management and Budget Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue S. W., Room 354 Roanoke, VA 24011 Send Affidavit to: City Clerk's Office Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue S. W., Room 456 Roanoke, VA 24011 Inquiries: Paul Workman (voice) 853 -6803 (fax) 853 -2773 (e -mail) paul.workman @roanokeva.gov O�c CITY OF ROANOKE Department of Human Services Notice of Public Hearing The Council of the City of Roanoke will consider a proposal to adjust the aggregate amount of its FY 2006 -2007 General Fund budget in the following respect, in connection with appropriation of -funds'%T' its Social Service /Human Service programs, which include General Relief, Fraud Free, Foster Care, Special Needs Adoption, Purchased Services and Comprehensive Services Act: FUND ADOPTED RECOMMENDED BUDGET INCREASE General Fund $239,607,000 $3,878,000 Pursuant to the requirements of 15.2 -2507, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, notice is hereby given that the Council of the City of Roanoke will hold a public hearing on the above matter on Monday, April 16, 2007 at 7 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the Council Chamber, Room 450, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. For further information on these matters, you may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (540) 853 -2541. All parties and interested citizens may appear on the above date and be heard on the matter. If you are a person who needs accommodations for this hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (540) 853 -2541 before 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 12, 2007. GIVEN under my hand this 6th day of April, 2007 Stephanie M. Moon, CIVIC, City Clerk Please run the above ad in the Roanoke Tribune so as to appear on Thursday, April 5, 2007. Please call with an estimate of the cost. Thank you! Bill to: Department of Management and Budget Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue S. W., Room 354 Roanoke, VA 24011 Send Affidavit to: City Clerk's Office Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue S. W., Room 456 Roanoke, VA 24011 Inquiries: Paul Workman (voice) 853 -6803 (fax) 853 -2773 (e -mail) paul.workman @roanokeva.gov :;. CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER lari C. Tat or Municipal Building 215 Church Awmw, ",AV.. Ka,m 64 Fax. .D.i:'. ii`i May l , 2007 Honorable C. Nelson Harris, Mayor Honorable David B. Trinkle, Vice Mayor Honorable Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., Council Member Honorable Alfred T. Dowe, Jr., Council Member Honorable Sherman P. Lea, Council Member Honorable Gwendolyn W. Mason, Council Member Honorable Brian J. Wishneff, Council Member Dear Mayor Harris and Members of City Council: Subject: Patrick Henry High School Gymnasium During its meeting on April 16, 2001, City Council was asked by several citizens to consider not demolishing the existing gym at Patrick Henry High School so that it could be utilized for future recreation activities of the City. Staff was asked to review this request and report back to City Council. As indicated on the attached site plan (which was part of the approved Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning for the high school site in July, 2004 and as amended for the stadium in February, 2006), the location of the existing gym (shown in dashed lines) sits on a portion of the site for the new auxiliary gym which is to be constructed for the high school, and also sits in the middle of a proposed parking and circulation system on that part of the site immediately adjacent to the new high school football facility. Without demolishing the existing gym, over 75 surface parking spaces would be lost and vehicular / emergency access to the handicapped parking for the new football stadium would be compromised as well as adversely affecting overall pedestrian access to the football facility from other parking areas on the site. A review of the existing gym facility with school facilities personnel identified a portion of the building contains the 40+ year old utility / heating system plant utilized for the former campus buildings (far more capacity than what would be needed for the gymnasium alone): and that the building's roof is in need of significant repair and /or replacement if the facility was to be continued to be Mayor Harris and Members of City Council May 1, 2007 Page 2 used. The gym floor cannot be refinished again, and would have to be replaced. The current construction schedule calls for pre - demolition activities (asbestos removal) in the gym to commence by the middle of June, 2007 so that needed site improvements may be in place for opening of the football stadium in late August. In order for the gymnasium to remain in place, the PUD that had been previously approved, as amended, would have to again be amended through a public hearing process involving the City Planning Commission and City Council. In addition, the lost parking spaces, critical to supporting the capacity of the football stadium would have to be identified and created elsewhere on the site. The provision of sufficient parking and traffic management in support of the football stadium were key areas of concern for the adjoining neighborhood. Significant changes to the site at this point in the overall development sequence could have ramifications on the ability of all aspects of the facility to come online as previously contemplated. Respectfully submitted, Darlene L. Burcham City Manager DLB:rbt Attachment c: William M. Hackworth, City Attorney Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk John Graybill, 2443 Tillett Road, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015 Dick Kepley, 2909 Morrison Street, SE, Roanoke, VA 24014 Stuart Barbour, 727 Riverland Road, SE, Roanoke, VA 24014 ",C770Af OF PIC1,11 BLFA.CHEA•S AND' AEZ/ hESrl?0o?l,,,s PRESSBOY BUILL-WIGS Far? 57ACIUM. ENSURE PUIVU ALu, r 77 77 r snow. t I 4LP L I TIT it It k r-- GYMNA I L it It LH GYM SCHOOL AA ORY HI JVJCTION ------- PATRICK HE PHASE Rr. I f lo" jJC 0 :1_01V 1 JMTCM/RCPS %_.... FIELD OFFICES 'VP-. STADIUM SITEWORK CONSTRUCTION - STAGE 3 ,'PHASE 2 BUILDING OCCUPIED) PUBLIC INTERVIEWS OF SCHOOL BOARD APPLICANTS THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2007 - 4:00 P.M. ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA 1 . Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. (Council Member Wishneff was not present.) 3. Invocation. Mayor C. Nelson Harris 4. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was led by Mayor Harris. NOTICE: The Public Interviews this evening will be taped by RVTV Channel and replayed on Friday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, April 29 at 4:00 p.m. Council meetings are offered with closed captioning for the hearing impaired. S. Statement of Purpose and Procedure. Mayor Harris. 6. Interviews: 4:00 p.m. 4:20 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 5:40 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 8:05 P.M. Court Rosen Courtney Penn Dolores Johns Mignon Chubb -Hale Mark Lucas Vivian Sanchez -Jones Patrick Kenney Suzanne Moore Michelle Friedman 7. Adjournment. THE COUNCIL MEETING WAS DECLARED IN RECESS UNTIL 7:00 P.M., AT WHICH TIME THE COUNCIL CONDUCTED PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE RECOMMENDED 2007 -2008 HUD FUNDING BUDGET, RECOMMENDED FISCAL YEAR 2007 -2008 CITY OF ROANOKE BUDGET, AND THE PROPOSED REAL ESTATE PROPERTY TAX LEVIES. THEREAFTER, THE COUNCIL RECONVENED FOR CONTINUATION OF THE REMAINING PUBLIC INTERVIEWS. C. Nelson Harris \la%or CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 21 i Church AXrnLIC, R. W. Noel C. TaNh-r Vunicipal Building. R,wm 45' Ro.In AC, Viwmia 24011 -li'h Telephone: ii4u1 Xi3 -2i41 F;rx: u4ui 103 -1141 April 23, 2007 Ms. Michelle Friedman Ms. Dolores Johns Mr. Patrick Kenney Ms. Suzanne Moore Mr. Court Rosen Ladies and Gentlemen: Ms. Mignon Chubb -Hale Ms. Vivian Sanchez -Jones Mr. Mark Lucas Mr. Courtney Penn On behalf of Roanoke City Council, thank you for your application to the City's School Board. We look forward to your interviews on Thursday, April 26, 2007, commencing at 4:00 p.m., in the Council Chamber, fourth floor, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W. Please realize that because we are interviewing several candidates, we will need to keep to our schedule meticulously. As such, you will have twenty minutes to appear before Council. The City Clerk will monitor the time. You are welcome to answer each question on the attached, or summarize a response to the several questions that are listed by category. Council Members will not ask you questions from the dais, but will be reviewing your statement against these attached questions. School Board Candidates April 23, 2007 Page 2 Please contact Stephanie Moon, our City Clerk, if you have any questions.Again, thank you for expressing an interest in serving as a Trustee on the Roanoke City School Board. Sincerely, . --)1'Z"j t C. Nelson Harris Mayor CNH:sm APPLICANT QUESTIONS ROANOKE CITY SCHOOL BOARD INTERVIEWS Serving as a School Board Member 1 , Describe the steps and action you will take to gain first hand knowledge about the Roanoke City Public School System. 2. What are three actions you will do as a member of the Roanoke City School Board to support all of our schools? 3. If selected to serve on the School Board, what are the issues you feel most passionate about? 4. As a school board member how would you describe and handle the relationship between the school board and school administration and between the school board and city council? Council Relations 1 . What are the challenges facing Roanoke City Schools? How do you plan to work with the Board and City Council to address those challenges? Management of the Superintendent 1 . What is your opinion of the job performance of the Superintendent? If appointed, would you support retaining him as the leader of Roanoke City Public Schools? 2. What is the most important measure of a Superintendent? Which is more important as an indicator of successful performance, in your mind: test scores or employee morale? Community Relations 1 . How can we improve graduation rates in Roanoke City Schools? 2. With immigration increasing throughout the country and in our city, what is your view on diversity and how the Roanoke City Public Schools system should address it. 3. As a school board member, how would you be an ambassador of our school system to our community on a daily basis? Operations 1 . Identify five things you think the Roanoke City Public School System does well and explain your answer. 2. There are better ways for the Roanoke City Schools and the City of Roanoke to work together on issues ranging from transportation, human resources, medical benefits that would allow significant savings to our overall costs. If that can be shown, how do you feel about combining functions and using those new funds to execute new and better programs in the schools? C. NELSON HARRIS Mayor CITY OF ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, Room 456 Roanoke. Vin,,inia 24011 -1 536 Telephone: 15401 553 -2531 Fax: (540)R53-1145 April 26, 2007 The Honorable Mayor and Members of Roanoke City Council Roanoke, Virginia Dear Mayor Harris and Members of Council: Council Members: Alfred T. Dowe. Jr. Beverly 1. Fitzpatrick—Ir. Sherman P. Lea Gwen W. Mason David B. Trinkle Brian J. Wishneff This is to advise you that I will not be in attendance for the interviews for appointment of School Board Trustees or the public hearings. With best regards, Sri J. neff Council Member BJW:snh PC: Darlene L. Burcham, City Manager William M. Hackworth. City Attorney Jesse A. Hall. Director of Finance Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk The Roanoke Times Roanoke, Virginia Affidavit of Publication The Roanoke Times ----------------------------------------------- - - - +.. -------------- - - - - -- -- STEHANIE M. MOON CITY OF ROANOKE - CITY CLERK MUNICIPAL BLDG RM 456 ROANOKE VA 24011 REFERENCE: 10154151 10199895 Vacancy Notice State of Virginia City of Roanoke I 7. (the undersigned) an zi uc:to sized •. - ive of the Times -World `..ur,,,r.0 9:i]' -:._ corp..rat3.on is publisher of the Roanoke Times, a daily newspaper published in Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, do certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspapers on the following dates: C'41ty /County of ROan,)Re, Commonwealth /State of Vir ia. Sworn and subscribed before me chic J}3ay of April 2007. Witness my hand a d of icial seal. n. myf(a/1. � .��- �INOtary Public commission x it s fC3i_r20I1 - - -- PUBLISHED ON: 04/f:•6 TOTAL COST: 149.02 FILED ON: 04/06/07 ROANOKE CITY SCHOOL BOARD VACANCY NOTICE 'Ifie City ol'Roanokc invites applic; +lions li,r ;ytpoimment to the Roanoke City School Board to fill the umpired term ul kk'illian1 11. Lindsey' ending June ?Il. 2008. Application and inlbnnation describing the Julies and responsibilities of'Im. tees of t]te Roanoke City School Board arc alailable nn the Cite of Roanoke's tceb page m wwd•.ntanokecu.goc. nr mac ie oht�ined by contacting ,the Cite Clerk "s Office. Runm die. Noel C. Taylor Dlunidpal Buildine. 21, 't'hurch Annue. S. N'., henrecnthc hours of S:UO a.m. and i:00 p.m.. ndav .through Friday. Apphc:nions trill be accepted until ;:u0 p.m.. Wednesday, I :April 11, 200 Stephame M. mpnn. ('A1('. (,ity Clerk . ....----------------..---------------..,------------ +....-------------- - - - - -. Authorized Signature: Billing Services Representative ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 26, 2007 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA 1. Call to Order -- Roll Call. (Council Member Wishneff was not present.) 2. Invocation. Mayor C. Nelson Harris. 3. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America will be led by Mayor Harris. NOTICE: Our public hearings this evening will be taped by RVTV Channel 3 and replayed on Friday, April 27 at 7:00 p.m., and Sunday, April 29 at 4:00 p.m. Council meetings are offered with closed captioning for the hearing impaired. 4. Statement of Purpose. Mayor Harris. 5. Public Hearings: a. Recommended 2007 -2008 HUD Funding Budget. b. Recommended Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 City of Roanoke Budget. 6. Recess. The Roar.okc rimes Roanoke, Virginia Affidavit of P-- blication the Roanoke limes BOB CLEME -7T CITY OF RKE HOUSING: & NEIGHBOR j 215 CHURCH AVE ROOM 162 j ROANOKE VA 24011 REFERENCE: 10872451 1009102 State of Virginia City of Roanoke Notice of Public He a T, (the undersigned) an authorized _en resen'.-ative of the Times -World Corporation, which corporation .j is publisher of the Roanoke Times, a daily j newspaper published in Roanoke, in the State of j Virginia, do certify that the annexed notice was j published in said newspapers on the following j dates: City /C :.-:Linty of Roanoke, Commonwealth /State of Vir aria. Sworn and subscribed before me this _� day of April 2007. witness my hand ano •r icial seal. - I A _� ls Notary Public Mcomio xp res _lt?.'� PUBILI FIED ON: 04116 leer --� TOTAL COS_': 558.83 j :'ILED ON: 0.1/16/07 j ----...- -- --------------- ------------------ ------- -- - - -- Authorized Signature: Billing Services Representative NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ROANOKE RECOMMENDED 2007 -2008 HUD BUDGET Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 7:00 p.m„ or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Council of the City of Roanoke will meet in the Council Chambers, fourth floor of the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of hold -' ing a public hearing on the City's proposed 2007 -2008 HUD Budget. All persons shall be afforded an opportunity to speak and state their views concerning all aspects of the budget within such,reasonable time limits as shall be established by Council. Written comments of interested persons will be received by the City Clerk at any time prior to the hearing. Complete copies of the Draft Annual Update to the Consolidated Plan, which includes the recommended 2007 -2008 HUD Budget and Draft Hurt Park Neigh- borhood Revitalization Strategy Area Plan, were made available for public inspection beginning Tuesday, April 3, 2007, at the City Clerk's Office, Room 456, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue; the Department of Management and Budget, Room 354, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue; all City Library locations, including the Law Library; and the main office of the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, 2624 Salem Turnpike, N.W. Comments must be received in wrifing.no later than Wednesday, May 2, 2007, and should be addressed to Frank Baratta, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, Room 354 Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24011, by postal mail or e-mail to frank.baratta @roanokeva.gov or fax to 853 -2773. The recommended HUD Budget is as follows: REVENUE ESTIMATES: CDBG 2007- 08.Entitlement .Grant,.- _,,:�..._ -1.1:; ,— ._.n�s� CDBG 2007 -08 Program Income xs CDBG Prior Year Carry-over and Excess Prograr iicome HOME 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant HOME 2007 -08 Program Income HOME 2007 -08 Local Match Funds HOME Prior Year Carry-over and Excess Program Income ESG 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant TOTAL HUD REVENUE RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES: Housing Development Neighborhood, Community and Economic Development Human Services (including Homeless assistance) TOTAL RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES r. $ 1,898,755 ._.. 436,173 240,628 675,282 25,000 75,000 47,339 , 82,123 $ 3,480,300 r $ 1,878,707 1,250,914 350,679 $ 3,480,300 y Citizens who desire to speak at the meeting should contact the City Clerk's office at 853 -2541. Individuals with a disability needing an accommodation should contact the City Clerk's office by April 23, 2007, For further information about the meeting or to comment on or inquire about the plan, contact the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services at 853 -6405. Given under my hand this 16th day of April 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk. OT:P-T cod 8T &-J rJO- :1M Iklia The Roanoke Times Roanoke, Virginia Affidavit of Piihlication The Roanoke Timers BOB CI:F.MENT .. CITY OF..RKE.- HOUSING & NEIGHBOR 215 CHURCH AVE ROOM 162 ROANOKE VA 24011 REFERENCE:.10872451 10209102 Notice of Public :Hea State of Virginia City of Roanoke I,.(the undersigned) an authorized zeprescntative of the Times -World Corl,o.ratiou, ;.ic:i Cc,)raorazion is publisher of the Roanoke Times,'a'daiiy � newspaper published in Roanok' .., in of j Virginia, do certify that the annexed notice was published in 'said'newspapers on the "following I City /County of Roanoke, Commonwealth /State of V,/j ii a. Sworn and subscribed before me this —Q`. day of April 2037. Witness :;;Y hand a d official seal. N a•- Pu 1.1 C My com 'ssl e. F - -' PUBLISIIOD 012:'04116 TOTAL COST: 558.83 FILED ON: 04/19/07 ----------------------------------------------- CITY CLERK gyp'; APR 25 AN 11:35 Authorized Signature: - - ��J/% /� r - - -- Billing Services Representative — DvT/°T t 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ROANOKE RECOMMENDED 2007 -2008 HUD BUDGET Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Council of the City of Roanoke will meet in the Council Chambers, fourth floor of the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of hold- ing a public hearing on the City's proposed 2007 -2008 HUD Budget, All persons shall be afforded an opportunity to speak and state their views concerning all aspects of the budget within such reasonable time limits as shall be 'established by Council. Written comments of interested persons will be received by the City Clerk at any time prior to the hearing. i Complete copies of the.DraitAnnual Update to the Consolidated. Plan, which includes the recommended 2007 -2008 HUD Budget and Draft Hurt Park Neigh- borhood Revitalization Strategy Area Plan, were made available for public, inspection beginning Tuesday, April 3;2007; at the City Clerk's Office, Room 456, _Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue; the Department of Management and Budget; Room 354, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue all City - Library- -, locations, including the Law Library; and the main office of the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, 2624 Salem Turnpike, N.W. Comments must be received iawriting no later than Wednesday, May 2, 2007, and should be addressed to Frank Baratta, Department of, Housing and Neighborhood Services, Room 354.Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24011, by postal mail or e-mail to frank.baratta @roanokeva.gov or fax.to 853 - 2773. The recommended HUD Budget is as follows: REVENUE ESTIMATES: CDBG 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant,_. __- > $ 1,898,755..._. CDBG 2007 -08 Program Income F'. ' 436,173 l CDBG Prior Year Carry-over and Excess Program Income 240,628 HOME 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant 675,282 HOME 2007 -08 Program Income 25,000 HOME 2007 -08 Local Match Funds 75,000 HOME Prior Year Carry-over and Excess Program Income 47,339 ESG 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant .82,123 TOTAL HUD REVENUE $ 3,480,300 RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES: Housing Development $ 1,878,707 Neighborhood,"Community and Economic Development 1,250,914 Human Services'(including Homeless assistance) 350,679 TOTAL RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES $ 3,480,300 Citizens who desire to speak at the meeting should contact the City Clerk's office at 853 -2541. Individuals with a disability needing an accommodation should contact. the City Clerk's office by April 23, 2007. For further information about the meeting or to comment on or inquire about the plan, contact the Department of Housing- and,Neighborhood Services at 853 -6405. Given under my hand this 16th day of April 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk. �a' 4f �\ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ROANOKE RECOMMENDED 2007 -2008 HUD BUDGET Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Council of the City of Roanoke will meet in the Council Chambers, fourth floor of the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the City's proposed 2007 -2008 HUD Budget. All persons shall be afforded an opportunity to speak and state their views concerning all aspects of the budget within such reasonable time limits as shall be established by Council. Written comments of interested persons will be received by the City Clerk at any time prior to the hearing. Complete copies of the Draft Annual Update to the Consolidated Plan, which includes the recommended 2007 -2008 HUD Budget and Draft Hurt Park Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area Plan, were made available for public inspection beginning Tuesday, April 3, 2007, at the City Clerk's Office, Room 456, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue: the Department of Management and Budget, Room 354, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue; all City Library locations, including the Law Library; and the main office of the Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority, 2624 Salem Turnpike, N.W. Comments must be received in writing no later than Wednesday, May 2, 2007, and should be addressed to Frank Baratta, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services, Room 354 Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24011, by postal mail or e-mail to frank.baratta@roanokeva.gov or fax to 853 -2773. The recommended HUD Budget is as follows: REVENUE ESTIMATES: CDBG 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant 51,898,755 CDBG 2007 -08 Program Income 436,173 CDBG Prior Year Carry -over and Excess Program Income 240,628 HOME 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant 675,282 HOME 2007 -08 Program Income 25,000 HOME 2007 -08 Local Match Funds 75,000 HOME Prior Year Carry-over and Excess Program Income 47,339 ESG 2007 -08 Entitlement Grant 82.123 TOTAL HUD REVENUE $3,480,300 ; �L0 ILLI�.11 1* 24,11111010 *5 Housing Development $1,878,707 Neighborhood, Community and Economic Development 1,250,914 Human Services (including Homeless assistance) 350,679 TOTAL RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES $3,480,300 Citizens who desire to speak at the meeting should contact the City Clerk's office at 853- 2541. Individuals with a disability needing an accommodation should contact the City Clerk's office by April 23, 2007. For further information about the meeting or to comment on or inquire about the plan, contact the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services at 853 -6405. Given under my hand this 16th day of April 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk. NOTE TO ROANOKE TIMES: Please publish this notice in the Roanoke Times for one day, Monday, April 16, 2007, in the Virginia Section. Publish in full, block style. This notice may not appear in that portion of the newspaper reserved for legal notices and classified advertisements. For questions regarding this notice contact Frank Baratta, Department of Management and Budget, 853 -6405. Send publisher's affidavit to: Stephanie M. Moon, City Clerk Room 456, Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 -1536 Send bill to: Dept. of Housing and Neighborhood Services Room 354, Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 -1536 STEHAN.LE M. MOON CITY C)I- RrOANOKE MUN-CIPAL B7.DG =M ROAN . 0 FF V.,, 24011 The Poariol7e Times, F. oa no 1:C, ',. : r q i n i &. Aff i dav' -,. (.,f -uh I icr.t ion I b E! R C- -11 L 'D ." e. .1 i. M C F' CITY C! L 1 D6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I �.Jj.j f:L F. Inc -h n J L v c d 1 an ailthor-7,c-cl llta-:4 11 C: T .1 d C. , I U -, I 1A r.iun. .•t:1 c._ 11 _she­ c::c the Rcannv_- Ti•r'l.E�s, a neo.-snauel: -1 pui)islied In Poanol:o, in "--;-.e S,.a,--- rf � �_v the t -.he anrie.:.-ec; -otic, was . ..I i . I . U pLlblisned in s .1 d n e. ws .) a p - r s on L. '- e f L' 11 i 11 Cj d a t e. s : (• 4 is Swol:n -ind me t� is 0�1 �.. I of Apr�.� 2007. Witness (ii-.: hand F d - 1 1. N t c.l T7, c M ?c .1 e loll PTJBT,_l=:HED ON: 04/:,-,, TO-A:, COS' 2: 50' FILED ('11: 04/2bl/•7 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Authori zed S-griature : Biiiing Services k_ . es=nza-.ive Clt NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING i CITY OF ROANOKE' RECOMMENDED 2007-08 BUDGET Pursuant to Section 15.2 -2506, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, notice is hereby given that on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 7:05 p.m., Or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Roanoke City Council.will hold a special meeting in City Council Chamber, Noel C: Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW. Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the recommended 2007 -08 City Budget. All persons shall be afforded an opportunity to speak and state their views concerning all aspects of the budget within such reasonable time limits as shall be established by City Council. Written comments of interested citizens I will also be received by the City Clerk at . any time prior to the hearing... . If you are a person with a disability who needs accommodations for this public hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office, 853 -2541, by 10:00 Monday, April 23, 2007. Complete copies of the recommended budget will be available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, Room 456, and the City Manager's Office, Room 364. located in the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue. I SW and the Main Public Ubmi located at 706 S. Jefferson Street, Roanoke. The recommended budget is summarized as follows: REVENUE ESTIMATES: r General Fund• �•r General Property Taxes 1 96,801,000 Omer Local Taxes 74210.000 Permits, Fees & Licenses 1,224,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,367.000 1 Revenue from Use/Money &Property 872,000 . Intergovernmental Revenue - StatefFederal 66,262,000 Charges for Current Services 11.048,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 731,000 TOTAL - GENERAL FUND $25151m Proprietary Funds: • Enterprise Funds: Civic Facilities Fund 2$5 06.815 j Parking Fund '' 2 8$ 16.690 r Market Building Fund Funtls: 32$.. 1 500 .I . mremal Service Fleet Management Fund 69$ 83.593 Risk Management Fund 14 7$ 14,702 Technology Fund 9$G. 67 805 School Fund: 60.014.961 School Fund $144,009.873 RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES Gen eral Fund: Community Development $6,143.080 General Government 12,996,872 Health and Welfare 35,282,085 j Judicial Administration 7,704,670 i Non - Departmental 93.024.560 Parks, Recreation& Cultural 11,456,429 Public Safety 60.014.961 Public Works 25,892,343 TOTAL - GENERAL FUND $2575..515,4 Proorietary Funds: • Enterprise Funds: Civic Facilities Funtl 5 5S 206.815 Parking Fund $ $2816,690 Market Building Funtl 3 3j 21,500 -Internal Service Funds: Fleet Management Fund $6,983,593 6S 961.885 School Fund: School Fund � 1 $144.009.873 ; i Given under my hand this 17th day of April. 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, CMC, City Clerk J' O-F% NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ROANOKE DED 2007 -08 BUDGET Pursuant to Section 15.2 -2506, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, notice is hereby given that on Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 7:05 p.m:, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, Roanoke City Council will hold a special meeting in City Council Chamber, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building. 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the recommended 2007 -08 City Budget. All persons shall be afforded an opportunity to speak and state their views concerning all aspects of the budget within such reasonable time limits as shall be established by City Council. Written comments of interested citizens also will be received by the City Clerk at any time prior to the hearing. If you are a person with a disability who needs accommodations for this public hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office, 853 -2541, by 10:00 a.m., Monday, April 23. 2007. Complete copies of the recommended budget will be available for public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, Room 456, and the City Manager's Office, Room 364, located in the Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue. SW, and the Main Public Library located at 706 S. Jefferson Street, Roanoke. The recommended budget is summarized as follows: REVENUE ESTIMATES: General Fund: General Property Taxes 96,801,000 Other Local Taxes 74,210.000 Permits, Fees & Licenses 1,224,000 Fines and Forfeitures 1,367,000 Revenue from Use /Money & Property 872.000 Intergovernmental Revenue — State /Federal 66,262,000 Charges for Current Services 11,0481000 Miscellaneous Revenue 731.000 TOTAL - GENERAL FUND $252.515.000 Proprietary Funds: Enterprise Funds: Civic Facilities Fund $ 5.2-06 >815 Parking Fund L 2 816 }690 Market Building Fund 321.500 • Internal Service Funds: Fleet Management Fund L-6 .983.593 Risk Management Fund $ 14.714.702 Technology Fund L 6 961,885 School Fund: School Fund S144 009.873 RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES: General Fund: Community Development General Government Health and Welfare Judicial Administration Non - Departmental Parks, Recreation & Cultural Public Safety Public Works TOTAL- GENERALFUND Proprietary Funds: Enterprise Funds: Civic Facilities Fund Parking Fund Market Building Fund Internal Service Funds: Fleet Management Fund Risk Management Fund Technology Fund School Fund: School Fund Given under my hand this 17th day of April, 2007. $ 6,143,080 12,996.872 35,282.085 7,704,670 93,024,560 11,456,429 60,014,961 25,892,343 $252.515.000 $ 5.206.815 L-2,81 6.690 S 321.500 LJ,983�593 $14 .874.811 L626 144 009.873 Stephanie M. Moon, CIVIC, City Clerk NOTE TO PUBLISHER: Please publish in full once on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 in The Roanoke Times. Proof copy requested. Send to: Lesha VanBuren Executive Secretary 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 354 Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone 853 -6800 FAX 853 -2773 Please place this notice on the same page as the Notice of Proposed Real Property Tax Increase. The ad size should be 1 column x 13.5 ". Please send publisher's affidavit to: Please send bill to: Stephanie M. Moon, CIVIC, City Clerk Room 456, Municipal Building Roanoke, VA 24011 Lesha VanBuren Executive Secretary 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Room 354 Roanoke, VA 24011 JOHNS EDWARDS = 1? =E ":A I e.Ni I I -: II<Ii.T Pni •CI `.1:.111 :Y 1::'RT. "J_`.= F.'... _�5 .. COMi\IONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA •(.i�-1' •,:D r�:: iii tiENATE April 26. 2007 The Honorable ]Mayor and Members of City Council: 5.b. CI?V...V.ITT -F ASS ', %l E'.IS COILI-0_RCE AI.0 L.,00R CJI'RIti[FJL C— FI]l: C: I1:: 'J AFC 'iEALTH i am writing to you in my capacity as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Roanoke Higher Education Authority. which operates the Roanoke I ligher Education Center, regarding the proposed increase in parking fees at the Roanoke Higher Education Center lot, the Gainsboro Garagc, and the lower Gainsboro lot and adding a fee for parking at these locations after 4PM on weekdays. Parking in the vicinity of the Roanoke Higher Education Center was an important issue when the facility was opened and remains an important issue. Member colleges and universities early on insisted that t}ee parking for students be available near the facility. As a result, the City agreed to build the Gainsboro Parking Garage and provide a surface parking lot in front of the Roanoke Higher Education Center. In addition. the Cith agreed that parking would be $.50 per hour, with a maximum of $4 per day, from 7AM to 4PM and would be free alter 4PN4 on weekdays and on weekends, when most classes are held. Free parking for students is so important that the Center has also leased parking space in other nearby lots for use by students during the day without charge. Member institutions consider free parking extremely important in attracting students to the facility. Nlany students work full time and have other responsibilities and parking fees would be 'a burden to them. The commitment to Irce parking during hours of instruction remains an important part of the relationship among the Center, its member institutions and students. Accordingly. oil behalf of the Roanoke Higher Education Authority and the member institutions, faculty. administrators and students, I would urge you not to increase parking fees and not to impose any fees after 4PM and on weekends for parking at the Gainsboro Garage, lower Gainsboro lot and the Roanoke Higher Education Center lot. Mayor C. Nelson Harris and Council Page 2 April 26. 2007 ijoin in the continents you have received from Dr. Tom McKeon, Executive Director of the Roanoke Higher Education Center. Thank you for your kind consideration of this important issue. Sincerely. 6 John S. Edwards JSE:arb CC: Darlene Burcham, City Manager N N W O Ui O U1 O U7 O (7 � c p 0 w w CL O M< c o a w c o A T p{ 'a A .Ci O N 9e k a o a o .c. o rn %* E .c. o a � .c» o V T O j o p V .C. O ID w a X CD N (D CL D a M. N N O O V n O c o moC A � O. mn CD U) Q2) ^ C M CD N O. Q D CD Ma ml O y Q C n 0• 3 n O c o moC A � O. a H m N D? C 6 A A 3 N H N S n � ti o CL : A N 3 N a N H ?+ Lq o 3 A m ul c -o CL d CD n D a N N N O O v N O m N N CD CD D C N � � n M N OrF N 3 M. N CL CO -0 3 � CD n 0" m �y CD =0 (7 D N N rt CD 0 3 0 m Cr 0 o W m C a CL W v o_ CD CD D O N W A N O O V DO -V rc) L C �i m(n CD —1 y n m �)<cn (D Q' �� 0<N3ztn�W 001 a X a� OZ �. W 0tn0 w N S CD x0 0 N v O W ' W CD �` .5.. ^ J Q n m D N_ Dag O m O m O c CD m J O 0�_ W W l 0 Q< CD 0 —n CD : N CD Cn N CD (7 0 0 (D N ���xmm�?3 W CD 1 4 S N CD j�otno3'a�OO�N��mDJ C J 3 J m- n G W a O r p 0 'm �+ (mn .� .N+ _. m .N-. . 0 Z° -. a CD m° 4j m D-'- (D < m W Q CD m 0 0 o 0 3 0 D J (n 0^ D^ m CD 'y L N m° Ca F T W J 3. J c N ��uc = (n W c c N n 0 0 �<_ W -m xxpW �_ F '°m _3� 0^ C COD o- 00 N W (D < i W m C m CD- W 0 0 vi (a 3 '° J ^ O Oi 9l (D O F T W CD N ZJ <_ C) C l N CT m QD C W J O N 2 N m O N J 0' m m W T CD N CD ° 3 J N J N T m T. m N (,CC� N cu Q N m CD N W _ S C3 ... < N CD o cn m ° W N W G CD W ^. 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N o d W N W J m` m J Jp� W -O J J T W W W W N W W N y W W N W W W m W N W x x x x W F x W S x F W N x F 3 F W F (D J W J N a m 0 N CD N CD W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O N p � O) O O � � N A p p O) p O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O V t O O 0 O 0� O O O O O O 00 O O 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 O O O O O CD O O W W - N 01 Lri N L y 0 a1 CD (p (D rt o C -h CD 0 cD 3 0 0 0 CD 0 CD ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 26, 2007 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING 7:00 P.M. SESSION OF COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER AGENDA Call to Order -- Roll Call. 2. Statement of Purpose. Mayor C. Nelson Harris. 3. Public hearing on the proposed real estate property tax levies. 4. Recess. THE COUNCIL MEETING WAS DECLARED IN RECESS FOR CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC INTERVIEWS FOR SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEES IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER. -lie Roanoke Times P oa ri o 1 :o, 'Vi r q i r. ia AEf.da-riz of Pub1iraz:-;o:: 11 --D 110 IZ e Ti. ITIe S - - - - - - - - - - - - -- M. MOO',. OF KOATK) - C.ITY CT.F.R-,: MU11ICIPAL RT,-:(., P.M 4S6 ROANOKE VA -2 1011 REFE?FMCF: !:)lIlSl 1 9 21 11 S -. I t e. cl f V I --: g .4 17 i a C 4 L',' of P -D F. TI 0 '- F- i , 1:. he LI n d -e -. : NOTICE OF PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE Pursuant to Section 58.1 -3321, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, notice is hereby given that the City of Roanoke proposes to increase property tax levies. 1. Assessment Increase: The total assessed value of real property. excluding additional assessments due to new construction or improvements to property, exceeds last year's total assessed Value of real property by 5.23 percent. 2. Low'cred•Ratc Necessary to Offset Increased Assessment: The tax rate which would Icx•y the same amount of real estate nu as last year. when multiplied by the new total assessed Value of real estate with the exclusions mentioned above, would be 51.13 per S100 of assessed value. This rate will be known as the 1owcred tax rate." . 3. Effective Rate lncrcasc: The City of Roanoke proposes to adopt a lax rate of $ 1.19 per $100 ot'assessed value. The difference between the lowered tax rate an([ the proposed tax rate would be $A6 per $100, or 5.23 percent. This difference will be known as the "effective tax rate increase" Individual property taxes may, how ever, increase at a percentage greater than or less than the above percentage.. 4., Proposed Total Budget Incrras Based on the proposed real property tax rate and changes in other revenues, the total budget of the City of Roanokc will exceed last year's by 5.4 percent. . A public hearing oil the "effective lax rate increase' will be held on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 7:10 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may he heard, in City Council Chambers. Noel C•. T ylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue. SW Roanoke, Virginia. All persons desiring to he heard shall be accorded an opportunity to present oral testimony within such reasonable time limits as shall be determined by City Council. ' If you area person with a disability• who needs accommodations for this public hearing. please contact the City C•Icrk's Office, 853 -2541: by 10:00 a.m., Monday. April 23, 2007. Given under my hand this 17th day ol'April. 2007. Stephanie M. Moon. CT1C. City Clerk NOTICE OF PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE Pursuant to Section 58.1 -3321, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, notice is hereby given that the City of Roanoke proposes to increase property tax levies. 1. Assessment Increase: The total assessed value of real property, excluding additional assessments due to new construction or improvements to property, exceeds last year's total assessed value of real property by 5.23 percent. 2. Lowered Rate Necessary to Offset Increased Assessment: The tax rate which would levy the same amount of real estate tax as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of real estate with the exclusions mentioned above, would be $1.13 per $100 of assessed value. This rate will be known as the "lowered tax rate." 3. Effective Rate Increase: The City of Roanoke proposes to adopt a tax rate of $1.19 per $100 of assessed value. The difference between the lowered tax rate and the proposed tax rate would be $.06 per $100, or 5.23 percent. This difference will be known as the "effective tax rate increase." Individual property taxes may, however, increase at a percentage greater than or less than the above percentage. 4. Proposed Total Budget Increase: Based on the proposed real property tax rate and changes in other revenues, the total budget of the City of Roanoke will exceed last year's by 5.4 percent. A public hearing on the "effective tax rate increase" will be held on Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 7:10 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in City Council Chambers, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. All persons desiring to be heard shall be accorded an opportunity to present oral testimony within such reasonable time limits as shall be determined by City Council. If you are a person with a disability who needs accommodations for this public hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office, 853 -2541, by 10:00 a.m., Monday, April 23, 2007. Given under my hand this 17th day of April, 2007. Stephanie M. Moon, CMC, City Clerk NOTE TO PUBLISHER: Please publish in full once on Tuesday, April 17, 2007, in The Roanoke Times. Proof copy requested. Send to: Lesha VanBuren Executive Secretary 215 Church Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24011 Phone 853 -6800 FAX 853 -2773 S. W., Room 354 Please ensure that this notice is at least the size of one - eighth page of a standard size or a tabloid size newspaper, and that the headline appears in a type no smaller than 18- point. Please place this notice on the same page as the City of Roanoke Notice of Public Hearing Recommended 2007 -08 Budget. This notice must not be placed in the portion of the newspaper reserved for legal notices and classified advertisements. Please send publisher's affidavit to Please send bill to: Stephanie M. Moon, CIVIC, City Clerk Room 456, Municipal Building Roanoke, VA 24011 Lesha VanBuren Executive Secretary 215 Church Avenue, S Roanoke, VA 24011 W., Room 354